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File: 183 KB, 1200x900, _hinatahirune 1776228701426126880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77841388 No.77841388 [Reply] [Original]

Morning (JST) Edition
Previous Thread: >>77823309

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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

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>> No.77841404
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77841483


>> No.77841604


>> No.77841643
Quoted by: >>77841743

Don't forget to take out the trash ruffians, it's a homework day.

>> No.77841743

I don't get it

>> No.77841884
File: 159 KB, 848x1200, GJxJYYcW0AAXXZ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine waking up beside this beauty every morning. Mogotyan is so lucky

>> No.77841898
Quoted by: >>77843787

uuooohhh mococo cute and funny

>> No.77841955
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 【 #朝こよ 】季節の変わり目にも負けないために!火曜日の朝は朝こよ~っ☀ #184 【博衣こより_hololive】 49-18 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77842129

My wives apart of Koyori's FF party!

>> No.77841984

Mococo's tits should be smaller

>> No.77841991


>> No.77842097


>> No.77842129

Skeevy coyote expression there

>> No.77842156


>> No.77842172
Quoted by: >>77842406

bros... i'm a married couple with koyori now...

>> No.77842199
Quoted by: >>77842406

Wait w-
>service for joshukun

>> No.77842406

I once again move further up the list by doing nothing

>> No.77842715
File: 118 KB, 1200x1300, GPsasRYbgAAFFQF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77842917

>> No.77842917

Sex with Mai Fuwawa

>> No.77843223
File: 925 KB, 1602x1864, SOSCR Fuwawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to do it. Now I just have to work on Mococo and the rest of Advent.

>> No.77843303
File: 683 KB, 2490x3510, 1695886230251703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77843412

it's illegal to be this much of a temptress, requires immediate correction

>> No.77843412
File: 3.91 MB, 2500x4045, c723bf6bc87c02f38b91b666f5d2627c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need succubus Mococo in my life

>> No.77843507
File: 304 KB, 1664x2293, GPlo56PbsAA35Zh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77843678
File: 412 KB, 2048x1401, GPf84bSWQAA9LxK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ Maru how many times are you going to retweet it?

>> No.77843787

Cute and fuzzy*

>> No.77843896
File: 2.04 MB, 1605x893, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77844411

I added Disgaea characters last time I played

>> No.77844005

Interesting, https://youtu.be/cl471lG9DC0

>> No.77844192
Quoted by: >>77844662

also the protagonist can't perma-die so you can set their age to 999 or whatever for more stat points

>> No.77844304

This post is advertising or begging

>> No.77844411

That's pretty cool.
I'm trying to get all of Advent in first, making sure they're all consistent in size, but the hardest part is after that when I need to figure out how to make the selection glow effect properly so it actually displays in battle.

>> No.77844456
File: 1.56 MB, 1378x1273, 1716811174132142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their tails wag for me all the time

>> No.77844478
Quoted by: >>77844886

Incredible. Forgot all about that game. Keep them all in the stock debut render, it's funny.

>> No.77844589
File: 937 KB, 776x820, firefox_LkvDoTN5kk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching some Kaela right now, I guess I missed this.

>> No.77844641

Cute handwriting

>> No.77844662

Oh I'm not gonna make any of Advent the protag. I was just testing if I got it right by seeing if Fuwawa showed up in character creation.
I still have to decide what age I'll set them to, since for example, you can't set age to 2000 yrs old. I might just set them all to 18 years old so they can just have normal parameters regarding age.

>> No.77844886

it'll look really neat once they're all together in the party

>> No.77844986
File: 2.01 MB, 2082x3002, 1714193685641326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ideal mococo outfit

>> No.77845035
File: 665 KB, 687x706, 1697493497083027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no insanely long SC reading for the foreseeable future

>> No.77845114

>one month of freecat supas still left
better turn that smile upside-down, mio.

>> No.77845122
File: 108 KB, 242x242, isreal [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5ixpno.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77845196

I now know what to try and listen to before bed to simulate laying down with my wife Moco-chan and her sister.

>> No.77845190
File: 254 KB, 889x1344, 1716864751461063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77845196


>> No.77845215
File: 16 KB, 312x312, 1717612269699208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until the 3D debuts

>> No.77845297
File: 2.90 MB, 1500x2229, nanart_19 1800309469538074744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77845366

out of 10

>> No.77845389

Sex with this Mococo

>> No.77845450
File: 115 KB, 600x400, strikeeaglesbombing042317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77845484
File: 337 KB, 766x958, 1702427268272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... what about Mococo...

>> No.77845545
File: 57 KB, 183x132, jabbaruffian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77845575

I look like this

>> No.77845694


>> No.77845991
File: 98 KB, 755x1200, GPt4Rdua0AAGCtN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77846069

>> No.77846069

Made for sex.

>> No.77846625
File: 200 KB, 1280x1000, livingthedream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me with Fuwamoco

>> No.77846781
File: 3.66 MB, 1280x720, fuwamoco your dog friends[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fe86r97.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77849055

>> No.77846939

Nerissa is having fun with them right now.

>> No.77847311
Quoted by: >>77848200

They love Nerissa so much

>> No.77847331
File: 1.06 MB, 498x278, 1654620912633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fun?

>> No.77847341
Quoted by: >>77848392


>> No.77847374

I wonder if she goes to their place often.

>> No.77847528

Probably more fun than hanging out in the hotel room

>> No.77847620


>> No.77847738

Fuwamocos doghouse is like Jerrys apartment in Seinfeld. Shiori slides in like Kramer

>> No.77847916

>Shiori slides in like Kramer
fucking kek

>> No.77848189
Quoted by: >>77849226

Man, Kaela is making me sad and thinking about my dogs...
She's talking about when to give up, what time is the right time, about squandering years and years and years of your life to try to do something but having nothing to show for it.

>> No.77848200
Quoted by: >>77848475

She loves them. They can fix each other.

>> No.77848392

I'm just guessing.

>> No.77848475
Quoted by: >>77848611

FuwaMoco are perfect enough as people as they are, they don't need to change

>> No.77848611
Quoted by: >>77848682

Fuwamoco themselves would disagree with that statement.

>> No.77848682

yeah, that's why I said "enough" and "as people"

>> No.77849003

In Minecraft, are Nether chunks pre determined by the overworld, even if you haven't gone to the Nether in that spot? I recently updated my Minecraft and there was no Netherite in my usual Nether spot, which was expected since people said it will only happen in new chunks. I went to another spot in the overworld I had been to but not made a nether gate there yet and went and I still can't find Netherite.

>> No.77849055

>fuwamoco fuwamoco bau bau bau
>fuwamoco fuwamoco bau bau bau

>> No.77849156

It always makes me laugh that a lot of Holo's can get all introspective when their birthdays or anni's roll around. The first is always really celebratory, but I feel like every one past the first becomes talks of what is and what will be, personal drive, goals, etc. So what their second battle plan was.

>> No.77849180

How long have you been trying? Could just be very unlucky
I know that overworld chunks generate completely new as you explore, so I assume the same for the nether

>> No.77849212
Quoted by: >>77849271

Just ate 2 hamburgers. You know what that means.

>> No.77849226

Sometimes you really need that lucky break, especially in the entertainment industry.

>> No.77849271

fat fuck

>> No.77849317

that new french JRPG looks amazing, reminds me of Lost Odyssey

>> No.77849355
Quoted by: >>77849388


>> No.77849388


>> No.77849790

I hope they're able to enjoy their day """"off"""" a little bit and it's not ALL homework/practice

>> No.77849890

Suzu is raping them with homework right now

>> No.77849951
Quoted by: >>77850607

There's a chance they are celebrating Newissa's birthday

>> No.77850003

Oh boy I can't wait for the stream in 10 minutes, this is going to be KINO

>> No.77850014
Quoted by: >>77850256

Yea, I saw the trailer too and it looks really fucking slick and stylish.
But the most interesting thing about it is the story. I hope whoever they have writing it doesn't drop the ball,

>> No.77850052

I hope nobody suggests them to play the new assassin's creed because it looks fucking AWFUL, they should stick with the rise of the ronin plan

>> No.77850119
Quoted by: >>77850172

They should play Ghost of Tsushima which is the best AC game anyways.

>> No.77850172
Quoted by: >>77854779

Never ever

>> No.77850256
Quoted by: >>77850391

Yeah, but I'm honestly ready to forgive just because they're going with JRPG style turn based, it's just confident as fuck. I checked some reaction videos, and it's always the same way, people see the style, they immediately assume soulslike, gameplay comes, they're blown away. Not always positively, some people write it off right there, but even that is a good sign. Fucking finally a noteworthy game doing its own thing in this shitty ass derivative industry.

>> No.77850333

Mogojyan should eat more banana

>> No.77850339

No, Nether chunks are completely separated from the overworld chunks. Netherite is also very rare, it can spawn at any height in the nether and can't spawn more than one vein per chunk

>> No.77850391
Quoted by: >>77850656

You mean forgive it if it turns out the story is crappy?

>> No.77850471

I'm sure they'll find time to have fun here and there, they always do, but those 7 hours of supa reading are 7 hours of homework not done too.
I wish they'd tell us a little more about the fun times, not even because of details, I'm not entitled to them, just because the fact that they only tell us about work makes a lot of people assume it was nothing but work. Would we even know about them spending a shitload of time with Newissa if not for the blood tweet? Probably not. And, again, none of my business, I don't have to know, but they should at least find a way to let us know that it's not as doom and gloom as it may seem.
The day they went to a concert with Shiori and Matsuri we were all probably assuming they were working late night again and feeling sorry for them.

>> No.77850569

Roninkino needs to happen

>> No.77850590
Quoted by: >>77850676

Hey guys
the opening movie for SMT V Vengeance dropped yesterday

This is the english version without the age sign in if you were to watch it on the official Atlus channel

>> No.77850607
Quoted by: >>77850701

oh yeah 100%

>> No.77850656
Quoted by: >>77850910

Not necessarily crappy, but I'm not gonna hold it to the highest standards.

>> No.77850676
Quoted by: >>77850814


>> No.77850701

The only thing is they talked so much about what they did with her last night so maybe they celebrated early and today is a work day or something.

>> No.77850814

>talking about games
>on /v/

>> No.77850910
Quoted by: >>77851142

oh sure, that's fine
The main thing I'm predicting is it's gonna turn out the paintress isn't actually killing or erasing people, but saving them by bringing them to a different world or erasing/killing people to save their souls somehow and that the real big bad is something else.

>> No.77851083

Fuwawa will love this game.

>> No.77851142
Quoted by: >>77851320

Oh yeah, it's a western game, I'm expecting that. Best we can hope for is the full nihilistic ending where they fail and the final shot is the 33 becoming 32.

>> No.77851231

are you aware of nether scaling? 1 chunk in the nether is 8 chunks in the overworld so it's possible you didn't go far enough away to create new chunks

>> No.77851280

It's crazy how much better this game looks compared to the new AC. It doesn't have a shitty hip hop beat + japanese instruments as the combat music

>> No.77851287
Quoted by: >>77851314

Do we know what chair or mattress they use? Other than your face.

>> No.77851295

Problem with this game for streaming is that too much of it is just holding forward between repetitive tasks like these bandit camps. Open world games in general are really boring to watch. Too long as well, and it's a fairly contained game in terms of content for an open world. Greatly recommend it to other people, not to streamers.

>> No.77851314
Quoted by: >>77851620

My dick

>> No.77851320

There will probably be a game over or bad ending showing that.

>> No.77851410


>> No.77851536

Just had a funny thought
There should be a game called "Plapform 8"

>> No.77851585

it would be funny if you never posted again

>> No.77851620

I knew you'd say that

>> No.77851646


>> No.77851699


>> No.77851770
File: 1.39 MB, 1303x819, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the distorted era is over

>> No.77851832

pero era when

>> No.77852016
Quoted by: >>77852384

>Game keeps looping until you can recognize that bulge

>> No.77852127
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x720, Mokoko Glitch[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv2dnym.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes ded

>> No.77852384

I think it should be about a sexy woman figuring out how to get plapped in the different scenarios/anomalies in the train cars so it doesn't loop.
If you don't get plapped or if you get plapped the wrong way = loop back

>> No.77852823
Quoted by: >>77853371


>> No.77853133
Quoted by: >>77853379

Bros I wanna fuck Fuwawa after a hard day of work.

>> No.77853296

it looks like the mogojan caught on

>> No.77853371


>> No.77853379


>> No.77853629
Quoted by: >>77854026

mogo rapper

>> No.77853911
File: 820 KB, 918x1014, 1697209894439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77854105

fuwa raper

>> No.77853965
Quoted by: >>77854174

I slept through FWMC Morning and still felt like shit all day because I stayed up for SC reading. Was it good?

>> No.77854026

>Fuwawa eheheing in the background
All is right with the world

>> No.77854105

t-that's a typo, right?

>> No.77854166
File: 881 KB, 918x1014, 1709727926999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77854165

Shit, Fuwawa & Moco-chan and Shiori could not be more diametrically opposed. Watching Shiori's vlog right now with her pushing the mane-chan boundaries constantly, showing pictures non-stop, and talking about each and every little thing in detail vs. we'll tell you later, cutting each other off to stop themselves from tangenting, and their inability to just enjoy themselves a little outside of streaming/work.

>> No.77854174
Quoted by: >>77854629

i forgot what even happened in it

>> No.77854323

Shiori has a different way of rambling, but I like it. I do wish FuwaMoco would be less insecure about talking about the things they do outside of HW

>> No.77854324

No she is a sexual predator and will drain your balls

>> No.77854390
Quoted by: >>77854500

At least FuwaMoco are not like Nerissa where she gives 0 of her activities

>> No.77854500

>where she gives 0 of her activities
Gura is the same way, desu. You literally NEVER know what's going on with her. I see FuwaMoco as a sort of middle ground between saying too much, and saying nothing at all.

>> No.77854629
Quoted by: >>77854806

>Welcome back!
>Pero siting
>Tuff stuff trying to bring back FWMC Morning
>1m song hit
>850k sub hit
>Shill June bridal package
>Reannounce the pre-announcement website for the roadmap of announcements
>Shill Omocat
>Remind 3d coming
>Remind EN concert
>Natto regurgitation
>Cute dog
>Draft tweets exist somewhere
>Friends on a walk
So other than Fuwawa eating Moco-chan's spittle riddled natto bean as is tradition, not much.

>> No.77854689

How do you get into a mindspace where your parasocial affection feels reciprocated? I just feel worse the more I fall in love with them.

>> No.77854779

does Sony never give perms? The game is at least available on steam

>> No.77854786

I just bought the wedding voice packs and I'm listening to them right now

>> No.77854806

it was funny when they kept saying apparel collab because it sounds like a pero collab

>> No.77854900
File: 409 KB, 1376x2048, GPuPGb5a8AA1KIq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77855033

to know how okayu and gura date went you need to watch kiara
yappers are powerful and you will be thankful for shiori existing during their hang outs

>> No.77854933

>parasocial affection feels reciprocated?
That's where you'll never understand

>> No.77854989
File: 2.07 MB, 2000x1500, PXL_20240611_015740011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual seat is taken, but made the journey.

>> No.77855007
Quoted by: >>77856521

You watch streams, you interact with them there and on twitter, and you listen to their words and pay attention to the countless times they proved them to be true.
This sounds dismissive, but even the oldest of fags have trouble with this.
You have to pretty much not be paying attention to not see it as a two way street. They were brought to tears by the thought of people leaving them and trying to put on a brave face saying "we understand, it's ok". They cried over missing us on the first stream after the move, and so on. Not to try to start shit with other fanbases, but the impression I get from for example Gura is that she leaves and comes back after months as if only a day has passed and it's business as usual. Anyone in love with her must be painfully aware of how one-sided it is.

>> No.77855033

I know, I listened to that whole story. I wish Fuwawa and Moco-chan would talk more about themselves. I know they aren't doing much right now which makes it worse because they don't really have much to talk about because it's all work.

>> No.77855045

Overthinking but it's a little sad they genuinely believed that the sub counter could have been accurate to have not gone up for 30 minutes. Not sure they will ever fully get away from those self doubts but I guess it's what makes them who they are

>> No.77855055
File: 3.87 MB, 2500x3000, GPIxi7IW4AAflMR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAU at the nip to assert dominance

>> No.77855107
Quoted by: >>77855720

Real? Nice, congrats. Now look for Advent thin books and show us.

>> No.77855115
Quoted by: >>77855241

I'm genuinely surprised so many people would sub to an SC reading

>> No.77855224

Now time to search for that one inconspicuous advent thin book that's apparently only available when you buy a set

>> No.77855241
Quoted by: >>77855749

Me too but it's a guaranteed faucet of subs bring pumped in with the algorithm especially for a bigish channel like them. There's no scenario they'd ever not gain a sub every minute bare minimum

>> No.77855382

I'd love to suck on those nips

>> No.77855392

Just be me

>> No.77855409

I fucking hated that game.

>> No.77855410

Would that one be on shelves? Sounds like con stuff to me.

>> No.77855443

I've never felt it more reciprocated. Just trust their words that when they day ruffian(s) they're talking about you

>> No.77855482
Quoted by: >>77855720

>The actual seat is taken
Say hi, shyFUCK

>> No.77855484
File: 2.29 MB, 1280x720, Mococo train rap[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsxdzl7.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77855680

>> No.77855575
File: 828 KB, 1280x720, Mococo video retention strategy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgobs2j.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77855661
File: 54 KB, 680x850, bc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shiori slides in like Kramer
shiori edit when

>> No.77855680
File: 311 KB, 640x360, 1630222998878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77855720
Quoted by: >>77862569

Too autismo for social interaction. Looks like someone actually being productive, and not a ruffian.

Might do a quick browse at some stores, but have to leave for the airport in a few hours.

>> No.77855749

I honestly thought with the amount of time they were streaming at that point, that they got dropped by youtube for doing #shorts for such a length of time. I could see it barely climbing, maybe 1 every couple of minutes, if it weren't being pushed at all.

>> No.77855772

FuwaMoco have the potential to do the funniest thing ever at their anniversary streams

>> No.77855859

I want this but for my penis


>> No.77855886

Which holo was it that put on a multi year subscriber only mode so that only day 1 or earlier subs could chat for a bit as a joke? I want that.

>> No.77855908

Imagine if you could set it to something like this
>Subbed more than 5 minutes
>Subbed less than 1 month
How many new accounts would be created and subs would they get?

>> No.77855958
Quoted by: >>77856020

Cover should put an ad for Advent's 3D debut and Breaking Dimensions on some of the windows across the street

>> No.77855963

Not enough to be worth the trouble, only the readschizos would bother, the rest would just wait for the joke to be over and then spam FREEDOM

>> No.77855967

Holy shit I'd love that for them. Every shorts

>> No.77856020


>> No.77856055

They were probably labelled as failures for a good part of their adult lives. Hell there are “ruffians” here who wished failure upon them. It will take years for them to shed their sense of inferiority and insecurity.

>> No.77856116

I just saw that as a grim joke

>> No.77856164
Quoted by: >>77856508

The greatest success stories come from those who were the closest to failure. Everyone loves an underdog who doesn't give up their dream.

>> No.77856181
Quoted by: >>77856334

Wasn’t it ui mama?

>> No.77856309
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 1709610390782993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori did that then she set it up so nobody could chat but it was just for a few minutes during her meme stream

>> No.77856334

Oh yeah I think I you're right. I also was reminded now that it doesn't stop superchats from being sent so people would spam superchats to get messages across.

>> No.77856352

I only rember ui did that and then everyone send supa instead

>> No.77856356

I consider every stream where I don't make them both smile and laugh out loud failures.
I've failed so many times.

>> No.77856436

Kinda based. Keep trying comedian

>> No.77856508
Quoted by: >>77857144

The dogs are so real an example of "there was a point we should have turned back" you would never believe it if it was written

>> No.77856521
Quoted by: >>77856726

I don't think anyone gachi's gura

>> No.77856659
File: 349 KB, 968x1024, 1706941479316649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I consider every stream where I don't make them both smile and laugh out loud failures.

>> No.77856726

Every Holo has gachis. Suisei has gachis. Fucking Rushia still has gachis.

>> No.77856786

does Yagoo have gachis

>> No.77856853
Quoted by: >>77856946

suzu is gachikoi for yagoo

>> No.77856862

Probably more than half the ID girls

>> No.77856870

Yagoo's dog has gachis

>> No.77856946
Quoted by: >>77857102

But what about Yagoo's wife? Such a scandalous love...

>> No.77857009
File: 439 KB, 700x1100, Inugami-Korone_pr-img_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77857031


>> No.77857035


>> No.77857102
File: 465 KB, 1676x1676, GG3QR9yaAAAKuQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77857103
File: 152 KB, 960x540, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77858074


>> No.77857144

Them watching fes 4 not knowing if they got in but still writing down in their notebook what they wana do if they got in …

>> No.77857145
Quoted by: >>77857256

You think Korone doesn't have gachis?

>> No.77857256

Yes. On the girlfriend/comedian axis she's far right

>> No.77857303

That story was really beautiful. And that unreasonable hunger they have that go completely against what they always say of not believing until it's happening is also great, like Moco-chan being frustrated that they weren't there on stage during CTW. Even if they had already debuted they obvioulsy still wouldn't have 3D, there's no world in which they would make it into that concert, even if debut was a day after signing the contracts, but she still felt frustrated. I really love that passion.

>> No.77857315

i mean the truth of the matter is this will never be a true, real two-way relationship, its a mutual "relationship" with a massive difference in availability & power. there is no back-to-back communication like texting them anytime you want, there is no physical component, and there is hundred thousand other people amongst you that share the same feelings and only one (two) of the vtuber
you just have to learn to accept and be content with that, if you're feeling worse i think your problem is you want more but you feel bad that you can't get more, because fuwamoco do show reciprocration very clearly, but there is an absolute limit and line to how a streamer:fan relationship is like
tl;dr accept the power imbalance, fuwamoco are clearly reciprocrating

>> No.77857342
Quoted by: >>77857417

sieg heil korone

>> No.77857375
Quoted by: >>77857462

Fuwawa talked about taking videos on her phone of the advent reveal at CTW last year as being one of the most important things they look at on their phone when they wanna feel better. That confirmed the suspected idea that they were at CTW last year, right?

>> No.77857409
Quoted by: >>77857508

Comedians have insane amounts of gachis. Pekora has so many fucking gachis.

>> No.77857417
Quoted by: >>77857564

You know that's not what I meant but uh, that pic is somewhat unfortunate in retrospect >>77857009

>> No.77857435

Love the Radahn fight

>> No.77857462
Quoted by: >>77857509

Not really, they said they downloaded them from twitter. They could still be there, but they didn't take the videos themselves. I don't think filming is even allowed, right? Not that this would stop a lot of people, but it would definitely stop them.

>> No.77857485

So am I

>> No.77857498


>> No.77857508

Korone is my most watched JP and I just have zero lewd thoughts or romantic attraction to her whatsoever

>> No.77857509

I must have missed the 'from twitter' thing.

>> No.77857535

You guys know what came before gachis?

>> No.77857552

It's cute, wish it was way harder. I like the setpiece of rallying all the retards to take on the mighty Radan, but he's a bitch, he can't put on a fight against you solo, NPCs just become overkill. From should have leaned hard into the gimmick and made him borderline impossible solo. Or at least with an annoying side-gimmick to make him doable solo, like Vendrick with the giant souls in DS2.

>> No.77857562
Quoted by: >>77857788

Cool, you're one out of millions.

>> No.77857564

lel I didn't even notice that when I made that post

>> No.77857610

Fuwamoco watching Fes 4, hoping for one last shot at their dreams, imagining what they'd if their wish came true, writing down ideas and talking excitedly with each other "Mocochan if we get in we should do this!"

>> No.77857620

both the egg and the chicken

>> No.77857657

Wrong thread kek just a ruffian, Biboo is keeping me company while I wait for my wives

>> No.77857723

Which Ruffian has the most gachis? I'm thinking it's pudding rat.

>> No.77857764

Fuwawa and Mococo are gachikoi for me

>> No.77857788
Quoted by: >>77857859

It's a pretty common sentiment /here/ at least. I am spent quite a lot of time discussing the relative attractiveness of the Holos because I am a loser with nothing better to do

>> No.77857796

Me. Also kys

>> No.77857832
File: 218 KB, 465x483, 1713617427878710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77857859

/vt/ is filled to the brim with ironic weebs amd entertainmentfags

>> No.77857868

fuwa fuwa means fluffy in japanese but where did they come up with moco moco meaning fuzzy?

>> No.77857920

I'm an intel/nvidia entertainmentfag

>> No.77857931

It's me but I can almost never send money and my brain no work no good so I can't properly put my feelings into words

>> No.77858026

Well if you look in >>77570188 right now there isn't a single lewd picture of her in her own general (maybe one is questionable). Compare that to /baubau/.

>> No.77858029
Quoted by: >>77858128

Do I even deserve their love

>> No.77858074

post more

>> No.77858128


>> No.77858148
File: 26 KB, 864x452, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit we've been had!

>> No.77858157


>> No.77858264
Quoted by: >>77858364

>that pitch accent
so mococo pronounces her own name wrong then?

>> No.77858281
File: 783 KB, 2000x1200, 1717704984810074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Korone is very fit, possessive, funny, and makes a lot of money while also being a sexy hag.
That's just because fatto catto has way more raw sexual energy.

>> No.77858285

fuwa means rich and moco means poor in chinese

>> No.77858302

Mococo is Fuwawa's split personality confirmed

>> No.77858304
Quoted by: >>77858871

Posting porn doesn't mean you're in love with someone, I post lewds of other girls all the time

>> No.77858364

Well, she pronounces everything else wrong so...?

>> No.77858379

No wonder Mococo is such a poorfag...

>> No.77858478

To explain the joke, gachis = gacheese

>> No.77858494
File: 507 KB, 822x1186, 110715614_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats because I stopped posting her there and everywhere after the retarded grammar nazi oniggeryaa and the obnoxious korone newfag, who hates korone due the SF6 arc, started shitting on her all the time

>> No.77858539
File: 453 KB, 1081x1080, 1716627561809262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77858565
Quoted by: >>77859152

weak, if you let antis keep you from posting women you love we wouldn't even have a /baubau/

>> No.77858589

Moco also means booger in spanish

>> No.77858624
Quoted by: >>77858781

If you have to explain the joke, it's not very good. In fact, if you have to explain it, it's not a joke at all.

>> No.77858638
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, 1712094700836126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77858644

That joke was fucking terrible but this pic made me straight guffaw

>> No.77858676

The SF6 arc sucked dick to be fair

>> No.77858689

I thought it was a joke about chichis (breasts) making milk

>> No.77858735
File: 131 KB, 356x458, 1704568314710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77858738
Quoted by: >>77859159

I'm bored out of my fucking mind and I miss them

>> No.77858781


>> No.77858871
Quoted by: >>77859061

Lewds aren't porn

>> No.77858886
File: 327 KB, 1371x1096, 1717522239425869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77859006

>> No.77858933

sex with this korone in particular

>> No.77858959

You'd think there'd be more of them fucking at least

>> No.77859006
File: 719 KB, 955x892, ehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop looking at me like that, you succubus.

>> No.77859061

wait you expect people to shit up a cross general spamming porn

>> No.77859066

I want her to crush my head with her thighs, but like, in a nonsexual way

>> No.77859093
File: 103 KB, 386x259, fuwarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77859152
File: 597 KB, 1639x1600, fuwamoconoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes it's necessary to retreat to avoid bigger annoyances

>> No.77859159

Thank you Mococo, I love you

>> No.77859177

nice, cute interaction, now I can sleep, good night

>> No.77859218


>> No.77859259
File: 469 KB, 1259x1565, 7266f1ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, there.

>> No.77859266

True, I'm seeing a lot of AkuPeko sex but not a lot of OkaKoro sex

>> No.77859429

It's cute how Shiori's flavor of autism makes her do that

>> No.77859439

Their collab should be strip batsu where once the tangent ends you take off an article of clothing. Once they have nothing left they start servicing my cock

>> No.77859473
Quoted by: >>77859565


>> No.77859500

Is it possible Fuwawa is getting dumber? She didn't seem so fluff brained at debut.

>> No.77859536
File: 161 KB, 850x1275, 1612324002561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77859611


>> No.77859552

Japan fluoridates their water

>> No.77859565


>> No.77859579

EOP Queen back at it again

>> No.77859611

what's wrong with me that I think the sexiest part of that picture is the look on Korone's face?

>> No.77859639
Quoted by: >>77859668

Wait are they streaming?

>> No.77859668
Quoted by: >>77859811

Yeah but only for me

>> No.77859715

Trying too hard to be human maybe...

>> No.77859754
File: 84 KB, 470x632, Screenshot 2024-06-10 140854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you know korone wants you to fuck her not ogayu

>> No.77859811
Quoted by: >>77860010

Bro, break me off a slice?

>> No.77859822
Quoted by: >>77860013

She did say she warned management during their interviews that she can say wild shit. Do remember the twitter draft talk, and how a simple "I dreamt we had shirts sold in supermarkets" tweet was vetoed once upon a time. It may be just them being more and more willing to share these episodes rather than those happening more often.

>> No.77859944
File: 256 KB, 380x353, angykorosan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abuse victim

>> No.77859968
File: 199 KB, 1200x1037, GPW_aE6asAAcHEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77861509

So I was listening to Okayu's cover of CINDERELLA and thinking it would be nice if Mococo sang that
Then I listened to Kiara's version and gave up on the idea
I hope someday fwmc learn how to sing like they are having sex all the time

>> No.77860010 [SPOILER] 
File: 12 KB, 100x100, Spoiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine... here you go

>> No.77860013

They should parody Big Dogs brand merch. That gets fast-tracked and they have hyaku man subs EZ

>> No.77860074


>> No.77860108

I can't believe the gur*killer came from inside the house

>> No.77860257

10 man shrimp cried out in anguish only to fall silent in the same instance

>> No.77860300
File: 133 KB, 900x1200, Mococo love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit I accidentally came on Moco-chans ass and Fuwawa is scolding me for making a mess and wasting good nutrients...

>> No.77860316
File: 3.33 MB, 1703x1472, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77860520

the reports of her death have been greatly exaggerated

>> No.77860416

where's the egosa
No streams today I was promised likes and tweets

>> No.77860492
File: 1.15 MB, 1676x794, 1717746568104468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they like this?

>> No.77860520

She's spent all this time founding a sex cult in the Philippines. Duterte got too close so he had to be onboarded

>> No.77860530


>> No.77860544

>8 hour superchat reading to catch up with
DAMN, anything important taht was said there? I wont have time to catch up untill the weekend

>> No.77860581

Timestamps nigga

>> No.77860609

just look through the time stamps

>> No.77860622

The URL to tomorrow's chaturbate stream but I'm not spoonfeeding you

>> No.77860625

just watch it in the background while you do other stuff. There are random things like Fuwawa holding back her giggles and stuff

>> No.77860634

Play it while you sleep and then while you wake up

>> No.77860644

Yeah, every time they read me.

>> No.77860648

wtf? there's going to be another concert at ANYC right before breaking dimensions

>> No.77860685

>ehehe mogopaaaan

>> No.77860725

Ojisan your memory... they announced it the same time as breaking dimensions

>> No.77860753

yes, extremely shitty of them to announce it after passes were already sold out

>> No.77860759

If you really don't have time, you can watch the clips.

>> No.77860841

Mocopan WOULD be essential spectrum panties BUT Fuwa-nee ensures she is always wearing clean, cute pantsu only slightly inappropriate for a demon guard dog of her age

>> No.77860935

They said they were thinking about me specifically when they did the June bride voice packd

>> No.77861135

thought they would be going to NYC at a different date

>> No.77861142

I nearly erupted to koyori but quickly pulled up fuwamoco's twitter off the notification on my phone and came to their banner so it wasn't cheating but holy that was too close.

>> No.77861164
File: 487 KB, 10000x5625, mocopan3600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77861201

as barely a footnote

>> No.77861284
File: 1.10 MB, 1350x2200, 1716829888113827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77861871

It's a shame that Hololive pausing new gens means we'll probably never get a K9 unit why are all the best holos canines, anyways?

>> No.77861456

well at least we don't have to worry about FWMC being guests in the NY one, I guess

>> No.77861509

I am hoping they cover this one day.

>> No.77861545
File: 3.61 MB, 2654x4093, GNhIinnbcAERerP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Fuwawa

>> No.77861587
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1706773327933269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been awake since their last stream I can't fall asleep

>> No.77861612
File: 284 KB, 1259x2048, 202458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with fuwawa
Sex with fuwawa

>> No.77861626

go the fluff to sleep, dummy

>> No.77861811
Quoted by: >>77862045

Isn't that a normal day? Wake up in the morning and still be awake around now?

>> No.77861871

I was thinking about who would be the center of an all dog unit and it occurred to me that FuwaMoco can never be the center of anything they're in, because they would never put one of them over the other. Which is kind of a shame

>> No.77861872
Quoted by: >>77861962

I haven’t masturbated to either the fluffy or fuzzy in like 5 months now… How do I get the lust back for them?

>> No.77861938
Quoted by: >>77861974

Oh it's also not streamed. I guess it's a smaller thing than the name would lead you to believe.

>> No.77861962
File: 56 KB, 474x684, OIP(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77862040

lots of sex has been uploaded to the mega

>> No.77861974

isn't it just viv:id

>> No.77862040
File: 831 KB, 2835x4096, F_yKDR2aMAAxN1m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77862042

Being ace and posting here is weird sometimes. I can appreciate a good set of floofies or ass yet but damn it seems like it's the only thing some of you think about, ever.

>> No.77862045

>wake up
Who the fuzz would want to do that

>> No.77862123

I know Biboo feels more comfortable back home but I still hope she does more off collabs with them.

>> No.77862127
Quoted by: >>77862198

Stfu dude no one cares. Half the point of being ace is not caring
t. ace

>> No.77862140

Wtf is ace

>> No.77862154

You need to be 18 to post on this website

>> No.77862158


>> No.77862171

RPG Maker VX ACE he's a chibi

>> No.77862192

Tranny spectrum

>> No.77862198

How does it feel to not have any sexual attraction to either princess?

>> No.77862220

Pet Detective

>> No.77862250
File: 100 KB, 236x241, fuwawastare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up not sleeping much at all and I'm just waiting to collapse now

>> No.77862282

It feels exactly like "whatever", which is to say not Good, but it can't be helped. Love is however unaffected

>> No.77862288

Do you ever think about your past relationships or crushes before FuwaMoco?

>> No.77862316


>> No.77862319

how long until we get a post from them like what 'kiara' posted a couple hours ago?

>> No.77862359
Quoted by: >>77862493

zoomer tranny way of saying asexual

>> No.77862368
Quoted by: >>77862427

I never have felt it so I guess I don't miss whatever it is? I think they are really cute and fun to hang out with so that is enough for me.

>> No.77862377

How long until you hang yourself

>> No.77862380


>> No.77862424
Quoted by: >>77862508

Well only 50% of my dreams now are about my ex-wife, replacing the previous 100% with 50% vtubers. So that's an improvement at least

>> No.77862427

That makes me ANGERY I... HATE YOU!!

>> No.77862448

Sometimes, my ex sent me a message a few days ago and I haven't replied yet

>> No.77862465 [DELETED] 

UHM OKAY I unfortunately have to make a statement
If you have come to see me in the past at conventions but I have since then blocked you everywhere because you fucked up on several occasions (stop making AI porn of me do I have to remind you of the horny fapping diaries that

I saw?) Then that obviously means I am not tolerating you anymore and would not be open to seeing you again!
Just because time passed, doesn't mean I forgive you!
I've been healing and happy without you in my community and I don't want that to change!
I know I can never make you

Understand no matter how many times I made it clear in DMs or tweets
You are not welcome, please move on, find other hobbies or girls to support, please open your eyes to the reality.
Don't try to gaslight me or even yourself anymore
If I have you blocked = don't talk to me IRL

Btw, you can't just assume I'm ok with whatever you do because of a one-sided conversation you think you are having with me by sending a letter that I never read. Lol...

>> No.77862493

Its sad the chuuni phase in the west is making up mental illnesses you have instead of cool powers

>> No.77862508

Sick, once you get to zero she will come back again but it'll be pretty easy comparatively

>> No.77862510

>past relationships
Just one in high school, and I very rarely if ever think of her, though if I do, I mostly only think about how embarrassing I was.

>> No.77862522


>> No.77862523

she's dead now

>> No.77862530

how is it possible to listen to fuwawa's giggles and not get a raging boner?

>> No.77862566

>Btw, you can't just assume I'm ok with whatever you do because of a one-sided conversation you think you are having with me by sending a letter that I never read. Lol...
Ruffians would kill themselves in mass if fwmc ever said this even if it's true

>> No.77862568

I feel it in my heart and my smile muscles more than my dick

>> No.77862569

Unfortunately, nothing in the few places I had time to look at.

>> No.77862575

Cool Power Check you have 10 minutes

>> No.77862604


>> No.77862611

I have separate boner for heart and dick

>> No.77862628

stop replying to yourself, tranny

>> No.77862631

someone post one of the "Fuwawa enters your room" greentexts with that sexy chibi fanart, onegai

>> No.77862652
Quoted by: >>77862991

Once I hit my mid thirties I basically just stopped having a sex drive

>> No.77862712
Quoted by: >>77863744

I rejected most of my feelings of love after my 1st grade teacher gave me back a valentines day gift I gave a girl and said "You can't do stuff like that"

>> No.77862724
File: 153 KB, 800x1382, Fuwawa-Abyssgard_pr-img_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77862752

I'm going to love her so hard.

>> No.77862754

i hate how the art in the boorus never captures how eroi sailor jupiter and mercury were in my mind

>> No.77862757

>they egosa their individual names too, including nicknames
damn, I thought those were safe. or, rather, at least thought they'd never acknowledge that they see it.

>> No.77862786

I think about how I'm giving them more money than I gave any of my previous girlfriends

>> No.77862794


>> No.77862803
Quoted by: >>77862975

They also said that only Mococo can see QRT. Use that knowledge as you see fit.

>> No.77862810


>> No.77862844

Thank you Icomochi

>> No.77862856
Quoted by: >>77863014

I don't think there are any ruffians who would turn into this yet. Most of the ruffians who are at risk of reaching that level of obsessive menhera are too shy to do anything, and the ancientfags who have had the time to build up that level of obsession are respectful from what I've seen. Probably just a matter of our girls' personalities vs hers.

>> No.77862864

>horny fapping diaries that I saw
Gorillas... stop before you ruin it for all of us. Yes you cum journal retards.

>> No.77862876

imagine the smell inside those fucking paw boots

>> No.77862889

Why are you posting a tweet from Kiara's other account here?

>> No.77862913

She's making sure to not stream in this outfit so we don't build up a tolerance.

>> No.77862948

I can imagine fuwamoco making the same tweet in a few years

>> No.77862953

because jannies don't give a fuck unless there's a Mococo bouncing webm attached

>> No.77862975

Got a timestamp or two? I couldn't make it all the way and what I was there for is hazy

>> No.77862977

So true

>> No.77862991

Mine went wild at that point, perhaps you just haven't hit it yet

>> No.77863015
Quoted by: >>77863085

Mine wasn't about a timestamp, just their recent like. Doesn't mention both of them, only モコちゃん.

>> No.77863014

if someone did this to fwmc i would deal with him myself

>> No.77863026
Quoted by: >>77863085

You haven't tweeted things you've regretted have you? Because I haven't

>> No.77863032
File: 575 KB, 630x545, sotruetama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77863085

>>77863015 (me)
but nevermind, they follow him, it wasn't egosa

not really, only made my twitter for them, it's not like I talk about random shit hoping they won't see it

>> No.77863088
Quoted by: >>77863177

How does someone become an anime idol without ever having seen Perfect Blue? That should be part of Cover's training program

>> No.77863112
Quoted by: >>77863247

Somewhere in the first minecraft SC part. Check the timestamps in comments for the Fuwawa twitter part. It's like 5:37

>> No.77863148
Quoted by: >>77863225

because I posted this >>77862319
though I was trying to be at least a little subtle instead of pasting the entire thing here

>> No.77863177
Quoted by: >>77863510

entry-level to the point having seen it is a negative. kind of crazy but it is what it is

>> No.77863180

I'm a bit surprised they haven't collabed with Kiara more. I expected them to be best friends from debut. Always remember that KFP and Ruffians are cousin fanbases.

>> No.77863225

Kill yourself

>> No.77863247
Quoted by: >>77863380

Oh, it makes sense why I missed that then. I missed almost all of Minecraft

>> No.77863279

They hate birds and she's a phoenix
although they love nerissa so maybe it's also just jealousy of her

>> No.77863295

I'm not. They have 1 similar interest, everything else about them is completely different.

>> No.77863297

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.77863303
Quoted by: >>77863493

what options do talents have to protect themselves from homobeggars like that? do they paste a photo at the meet and greet booth: not allowed:this person?

>> No.77863324

they HATE kpop, they'll soon start hanging out with Ayame and radicalizing.

>> No.77863350
Quoted by: >>77863483

About who?

>> No.77863358

something is wrong with the orange woman

>> No.77863378

Good night, don't reply to the brown tranny too much

>> No.77863380

5 hour 27 min or a little before in the latest. They talk about how they miss a lot of ruffian tweets because the website is ass. Not sure if real or a white lie to calm menheras. Site is shit though so probably true

>> No.77863429

It's definitely true since I can barely see more than a few tweets when searching the hashtags sometimes even when I can see them on my feed normally

>> No.77863449
Quoted by: >>77863549

I do remember and always shall. Königin Gefrierte Chickens für alles u immer

>> No.77863480

Polka never collab with Tamaki after joining Hololive. Is probably something similar.

>> No.77863483

Any number of the gachi menhera they have. It takes one perceived slight and all of their obsession turns from love to forcing them to bend to their will or else. Probably after more meet and greets happen

>> No.77863493
Quoted by: >>77863638

Probably blacklist their email or something so they get rejected when they try to get tickets
>but you can get around it
Yeah, there's always a way around. But keep that up and you'll figure out just how much shit you can find yourself in before you realize it

>> No.77863500

They would've liked Pomu too, probably

>> No.77863505

my following tab isn't even in chronological order, shit gets jumbled and I see posts from people I follow in the For You because they were sent to the bottom and I'm not gonna scroll down a bunch every time I check Following. It really is a shit website.

>> No.77863510

is it? do the youths still watch Satoshi Kon?

>> No.77863549

tml gomen gomen

>> No.77863612
Quoted by: >>77863726

eh having spent a lot of time here, I think ruffian-on-ruffian violence is way more likely. Someone's tweet is gonna get an extra kissy sound or something and he will be hunted down

>> No.77863638
Quoted by: >>77864153

Hololive meets are tied to actual IDs too so it is pretty hard to get past that. I guess if it's RM stuff they can't really filter anyone unfortunately

>> No.77863648

If /baubau/ wants to sign up for Lord of the Board 3 they need to do so soon

>> No.77863651
Quoted by: >>77863829

they should be mindful towards their brazilian gachikoi in particular

>> No.77863682

I thought I was the only one

>> No.77863692

The thing I hate the most is when I open the app and see something I want to interact with right as the content loads, but then it refreshes and that tweet is gone.

>> No.77863694

Yes, part of middle school curriculum. It's a shame honestly because it becomes perma-lost on most of them. Though realistically only 0.00001% were going to come around so...

>> No.77863726

Jesus do I need to bring a bodyguard to cons. I'll pay him extra to blend in and wear fuwamoco merch. Anyone big and scary and willing to knock the fuck out of menheras or schizos if they act up?

>> No.77863744
Quoted by: >>77863846

What sorta gift was it?

>> No.77863746

>Site is shit though so probably true
Understatement. I can't see any replies to their tweets when I use twitter on my phone, and maybe like 5 tweets in their hashtags
Some of their tweets just don't show up half the time, and their homepage refuses to reload so retweets etc. don't show up
It's fucking awful

>> No.77863748

zoomies will not be able to comprehend the second half of that movie

>> No.77863787

It's actually pretty simple, even though they both love idols, Kiara likes the more 2000's era ones, while they're more fans of the 1980's idol scene. They're both very different beasts, and anyone into the j-idol scene knows that they appeal in different ways.

>> No.77863793

Ooo hoo hoo. Blood in the water...

>> No.77863829
Quoted by: >>77863893

Are any of them even considered that? They are all just extremely mentally unwell in different ways. Sexbrain, anti, whatever the fuck the commenter has

>> No.77863843
Quoted by: >>77864052

we're all newfags here, what even is that

>> No.77863846
Quoted by: >>77863953

A small stuffed bear

>> No.77863863
Quoted by: >>77863944

>Always remember that KFP and Ruffians are cousin fanbases.
Yeah, pretty much. I've noticed an autistic amount of crossover, which was surprising to me at first

>> No.77863884

They should collab with Kronii too

>> No.77863890

I'm more concerned about some schizo here taking the clique/namedrop/readschizoing shit too seriously

>> No.77863893

I'd say the coomer is as close as you're gonna get

>> No.77863900

I don't know what that is, but if it's about how fast threads go then we're already winning

>> No.77863902
Quoted by: >>77864040

I don't understand how the app is so fucking bad and getting worse. I miss so many things that the website and app may as well be different platforms

>> No.77863903

Luckily all the most unhinged fans made a clique so we can keep an eye on their schizo episodes and keep FuwaMoco safe.

>> No.77863913

Wait, does it really come down to time or the other EM waves?

>> No.77863920

I'm 6'2 and look pretty scary. Mococo hates my body but I'll protect all Ruffians.

>> No.77863944
Quoted by: >>77864053

If you're an EN idol enjoyer, your options are pretty limited. It's just FWMC, Kiara, Bae, and if you realllllly stretch, Mori.

>> No.77863953

huh maybe she was just retarded then

>> No.77864000
Quoted by: >>77864096

No kek. Schizos of that caliber are actually quite rare. That kiaraschizo is an actual oldfag fan of hers. If anything, it would be one of the old idolfags who would do something similar.

>> No.77864017

Is it really possible someone is so jealous of another ruffian getting read or a like that they would physically attack? Wtf... they're just having fun with their oshi

>> No.77864040

I don't know how so many people are having these problems. Maybe if I continue to make posts like this I'll experience it just like what happened with me and shadowbans.

>> No.77864052
File: 579 KB, 1120x630, 1686433895929998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77864127

A wrestling tournament between different generals/threads of /vt/, not to dissimilar to VTL/divegrass

Sign up form is here - https://forms.gle/7JN3kkLvb2u2uT866

>> No.77864053

Yeah, I assume most of the KFPffians are people who liked Kiara for the idol stuff but are mostly VODfags due to her stream times. Really hard to not become a ruffian in that case if they happen to stream at better times for you.

>> No.77864063

Men have been killing men over women since time immemorial

>> No.77864092
Quoted by: >>77864130

Why's the thread so fast? There's no stream

>> No.77864096


>> No.77864115

The only one I would actually unironically kill is the phasecuck AND the readschizo, and I'm not even joking. They're both so obnoxious that I would actually be willing to destroy my own life just to end theirs.

>> No.77864127
Quoted by: >>77864196

is it played by bots or by real people

>> No.77864130

stream? this is the men thread

>> No.77864153
Quoted by: >>77864218

What all do they ask for? Not sure how it would work if a fan only posts about hololive under a pseudonym.

>> No.77864164
Quoted by: >>77864325

Is there really a singular readschizo

>> No.77864189

I think I would hate the readschizo less if he was actually tracking stuff correctly I'd still hate him a lot though

>> No.77864196

bots, all /baubau/ needs to do is sign up and everything else will be created by the organizers

>> No.77864218

ID and a con badge that's linked to your ID. You have to show your national card or drivers license or whatever that you signed up with to enter the line and room

>> No.77864225

a like?
A like you say?
fuckers has been getting 271 likes total, averaging to a like every single fucking day, and get 74 RT
free the slot to someone else god fucking damnit

>> No.77864299
Quoted by: >>77864549

>phasecuck AND the readschizo
i am both of these people

>> No.77864325

Nope. I do it sometimes

>> No.77864339
Quoted by: >>77864529

Hmm, that sounds interesting, but I don't have any strong opinion either way, it's not like I can even watch it live due to timezone anyway

>> No.77864347

There's no shot someone is close to those numbers and if they were then clearly they're doing a lot for fuwamoco so why attack them? That would just make them sad and mad at you

>> No.77864351

I'm feeling jong

>> No.77864387

The Ruffian this anon is talking about? Icomochi.

>> No.77864403

Didn't Kiara drop j-idols for kpop?

>> No.77864415

Kong is shit

>> No.77864424

Jong is shit

>> No.77864439
Quoted by: >>77864718

Bro have you seen some of the awful shit people here say to them thinking they are "helping them improve"? Such a psycho would think they are protecting them from being tricked into giving their affection to someone unworthy

>> No.77864447

Hong is shit

>> No.77864463
Quoted by: >>77864718

>they're doing a lot for fuwamoco
they've been doing nothing except making fun of them and going menhera now

>> No.77864475
Quoted by: >>77864516

I'm eepy

>> No.77864506
Quoted by: >>77864585

I have PTSD from working on the game for years, no thank you

>> No.77864516
File: 2.15 MB, 690x704, bau bau forever, please be safe on your next journey [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6wazvm.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then sleep

>> No.77864529

If anyone who wants to see /baubau/ sign up then BE the change, /vt/ board events are fun

>> No.77864532

I've only got about seven or eight, but it makes me happy each time it happens since I didn't even expect the first one

>> No.77864547

I'm trying to think of what account could possibly fit this description. Maybe the official hololive or holoEN account?

>> No.77864549
File: 566 KB, 736x920, 1716928730559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77864650

I hope you're coming to New York for BD, anon. I'd love to meet you in person

>> No.77864567

Kiara is a narcissistic bitch. I'm glad they don't hang out with her more.

>> No.77864585

What game?

>> No.77864597

The numbers don't really matter, but I have a feeling we're going to be dealing with more than usual shitposting tomorrow on the catalog and /here/ since FuwaMoco are set to overtake Fauna in subs probably tomorrow or so

>> No.77864600
Quoted by: >>77864774


>> No.77864629

Love, Hate all the same, if you know, play the game

>> No.77864632

All vtubers are narcisstic anon, their job is being showered with attention and being paid to mete it out themselves

>> No.77864637

krill your shelf

>> No.77864650
Quoted by: >>77864879

Thanks for reminding me to bring a knife and pepper spray, Bryan.

>> No.77864657

I genuinely don't think either saplings or ruffians give a shit, so it'll likely stay in the catalog.

>> No.77864662
Quoted by: >>77864729

I'll take the narcisistic bitch over all the married homocollabing whores they currently interact with (excluding advent)

>> No.77864693
Quoted by: >>77864999


>> No.77864712

Only nijisisters, phasecucks, and tourists care about that

>> No.77864718

Fair enough. I can't understand it but that's why those people are mentally ill maybe. Scary.

They only really scroll their name and tags so as long as people don't put trash on there I think that femc appreciate all the nice messages and stuff

>> No.77864729
Quoted by: >>77864754

nothing wrong with being married if the marriage predates hololive. it's the most sacred bond.

>> No.77864752

I know a few ruffians are saplings too so bait will be bitten to prove the shitposters wrong not knowing that's exactly what they want

>> No.77864754

Yagoo is a whore

>> No.77864774
Quoted by: >>77865061

i stop you before jong is invented

>> No.77864773

All I got are boxes because I'm broke as fuck

>> No.77864781
Quoted by: >>77864825

Someone should post a congratulations on their tag and accidentally include fauna and her count below in the screenshot

>> No.77864797
Quoted by: >>77864840

>They only really scroll their name and tags
surely you know this ain't true after a certain dude got 5 RT in a row to a completely untagged tweet

>> No.77864825


>> No.77864840
Quoted by: >>77864881

Shows up in their For You page, cuck. They've already talked about this.

>> No.77864869

Anon they have liked so many random posts that don't even include any egosa. They have said and proven they randomly click profiles and dig deep when bored. Look at all the untagged art and clips of nonfollowed accounts they retweet

>> No.77864879

>knife and pepper spray
What a coincidence, I have those too

>> No.77864881
Quoted by: >>77864916

then that means they ain't just scrolling their name and tags

>> No.77864916

For You is literally the first thing you see when opening twitter, retardGOD

>> No.77864937
File: 1.63 MB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77864972
Quoted by: >>77865203

I feel bad for Fauna. She's going to feel like shit and she has fewer subs than she deserves.

>> No.77864999
Quoted by: >>77865094

oh are you the same guy who talked bout it last time

>> No.77865047
Quoted by: >>77865161

Some day I will grow up to be a strong penguin until then please bear with me....

>> No.77865061
Quoted by: >>77865154

jong will always be invented

>> No.77865074
Quoted by: >>77865211

Does it show posts of nonfollowed accounts instantly? For me it's all hours old stuff so I'm not sure how the instant RTs are explained beyond profile stalking

>> No.77865091

don't invent the jong

>> No.77865094

probably, I have mentioned it before

>> No.77865112
Quoted by: >>77865174

i'd feel bad for her but unfortunately she's not my friend

>> No.77865154
Quoted by: >>77865349

not if i invent gnoj first

>> No.77865159

If any ruffian does want /baubau/ to fight in LOTB then ask any questions you may have in /hfz/

>> No.77865161
File: 299 KB, 497x605, KAAAAAEEEELAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77865174

aight, good one

>> No.77865200

Why do we have a jongbro infestation?

>> No.77865203
Quoted by: >>77865330

Does or did Fauna ever numberfag like FWMC do? But yeah, there's a lot more to this than subs, but something like this happening and reminding you that you are the least subscribed in your gen and now have a kouhai more subscribed than you can't feel good.

>> No.77865211

For me, absolutely. It's based on your likes, and based on the things that THOSE accounts liked + your followed accounts. The For You page is different from the "Following" page.
If they like a shit ton of his tagged posts, and other accounts (like sobbi and OJ, who they follow) like and interact with his posts, then literally ALL of his posts will show up in their For You page. there's more to it than JUST that, this is simply the basics

>> No.77865251
Quoted by: >>77865376

I've never played it, I just thing jongposting is funny

>> No.77865257

do you know how that's even worse?
they open twitter and first thing they do is blindly retweet this specific dude?
not changing to egosa mode, but literally choose him specifically and not anyone else?

>> No.77865269

>while they're more fans of the 1980's idol scene.
That's not true. They are hardcore fans of denpagumi.

>> No.77865285

>This Post is from a suspended account. Learn more

>> No.77865314

They see a silly clip on their For You page and retweet it. It's as shrimple as that

>> No.77865320

So I should have been grooming thr artists a lot more is what I'm getting out of this. I'm new to this whole twitter game. Appreciate it.

>> No.77865330

No, and yeah, she's never really chased growth but it still has to sting to be lapped, even if you weren't really trying to win the race

>> No.77865349
File: 1.30 MB, 2362x2362, GCUD3WXakAARFlT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gnoej

>> No.77865351
Quoted by: >>77865491

I want to live on a farm with FuwaMoco, they get an entire barn of cats and I get a nice meal and twin sex after a hard day's work

>> No.77865360
Quoted by: >>77865434

yeah, not even like
just retweet immediately

>> No.77865361
Quoted by: >>77865461

they also see instant RT as a badge of honor, they'll ALWAYS RT whenever they catch art immediately in their hashtag, there are zero second 1 likes only, they're always like + RT.

>> No.77865362
Quoted by: >>77865389

Nigga they haven't retweeted him in forever. He's probably melting down as we speak. They retweet clips they find funny, sometimes the same person puts out several good clips in a short period of time.

>> No.77865376
Quoted by: >>77865412

it's not, kys

>> No.77865389

5 days in a row

>> No.77865403
File: 596 KB, 2452x4080, 1693820892712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77865410
Quoted by: >>77865477


>> No.77865412

it is

>> No.77865434
Quoted by: >>77865565

Who cares? They see a silly clip and want to retweet it.

>> No.77865461

they only RT art that's good enough quality

>> No.77865477
Quoted by: >>77865532

Who cares? The phrase "he" should never be used in this thread unless it's referring to PeroGOD

>> No.77865491

What would Fuwawa and Mococo be good at raising/growing on a farm?

>> No.77865523
Quoted by: >>77865688

Nothing, but that's okay

>> No.77865532

Pero should be referred to as "that nasty thing" or "fat fuck", so "he" should never be used ever.

>> No.77865537
File: 257 KB, 481x535, 1712548222940171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone laugh at this anon

>> No.77865556
Quoted by: >>77865592

They've retweeted plenty of garbage.

>> No.77865565
Quoted by: >>77865622

nah dude
if they see it, they usually only like it
RT is reserved for the best of the best
not even the clipper they follow got that treatment

and yet

>> No.77865584
Quoted by: >>77865644

>RTd traced slop multiple times

>> No.77865592

that just mean it still passes their bar

>> No.77865611

What kind of dumpster diving were you doing to dig this up?

>> No.77865622
File: 333 KB, 556x623, 1717996606025300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what, i genuinely don't care anymore kek

>> No.77865625

it's usually just me before I open mahjong soul

>> No.77865644

traced slop only got 1 RT

>> No.77865650
Quoted by: >>77865688

You really made this difficult by saying "be good at"
I would praise them regardless though for doing their best.

>> No.77865651
Quoted by: >>77865747

They've talked about how they think about what they tweet too much, but I think their likes and retweets aren't as calculated.

>> No.77865659

>all those nijicucks calling it a "retarded decision" and how it will fail cause all other shared twin gimmick accounts have failed
holy kek

>> No.77865688

Let me rephrase, what would be raised/grown on that fuwamoco farm?

>> No.77865737

>jongbro infestation
The real infestation is the halobros

>> No.77865747

Naturally, otherwise the like sprees would take several hours.

>> No.77865751

My kids, ducks, cows, and sheep.

>> No.77865778
Quoted by: >>77865829

Mococo would be the farmer and Fuwawa would be the cow

>> No.77865788

chickens all named kiara, Sheep all named Watame, Cows all named Shiori(Cause of the colors).

>> No.77865812
File: 170 KB, 360x311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real infestation is these damn gorillas

>> No.77865829
Quoted by: >>77865859

fuck how'd my social security number get in there

>> No.77865859


>> No.77865873
File: 317 KB, 878x936, 1693281749608465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77866034

Remember the simple times?

>> No.77865878
Quoted by: >>77866027

onion beans

>> No.77865879

The gorillas are endangered species, regularly gunned down by the jannies

>> No.77865889

OMG it's Jong Dimmahjong, creator of Mahjong

>> No.77865890
File: 625 KB, 2728x4000, 1717442049654228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77865952
File: 687 KB, 2332x3118, 1701471566773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77866230


>> No.77865960
File: 453 KB, 720x720, 1702260261913614.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77866625


>> No.77865965
File: 278 KB, 1310x2048, IMG_20240329_185426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome Pemaloe, your oshi is very sex.

>> No.77866027
File: 37 KB, 302x226, crunchyfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is an onion bean

>> No.77866034
File: 364 KB, 528x528, 1686924823730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek that image always gets me. But yeah I'll never forget that Christmas. Everything from the effort they put into that VN, their sweet and genuine words, and the music... It's always stuck with me and I rewatch this regularly. It still hits harder than Valentines Day for me...

>> No.77866049
Quoted by: >>77866388

glasses casual outfit PLEASE

>> No.77866094
File: 92 KB, 720x720, 1721135461826318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another fine Fuwawa glasses to add to my collection

>> No.77866126

Fuwawa Mechanic outfit, Moco-chan miner

>> No.77866230
File: 340 KB, 654x720, mikarilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77866234
File: 28 KB, 739x415, 1716699957463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sacred basedbeans to produce all the natto dishes

>> No.77866303
File: 95 KB, 345x324, 1715231076525049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmmmm cum beans

>> No.77866310
File: 31 KB, 163x161, fuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77866388

why would you put glasses on the dumb one?

>> No.77866524
File: 132 KB, 1060x877, 1696035749942752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77866588
File: 212 KB, 427x505, 1698498702699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77866603

kek I always laugh like a retard when I see this image.

>> No.77866625
File: 88 KB, 850x696, grindstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77866896


>> No.77866769

Dude these dogs have had more dished at them than you can possibly imagine

>> No.77866829

Ser, Fuwawa is actually the brains...

>> No.77866896
Quoted by: >>77866973

it's over ...

>> No.77866973

What happened?

>> No.77867155

Intelligence is tied to your vision, Fuwawa already confirmed this.

>> No.77867162
Quoted by: >>77867226

I learned during my reps today that that's called an Elizabethan collar (エリザベスカラー). I thought it was one of those weird loan word appropriations but apparently that's what they're called in English too. But in real life, I have only ever heard them called a cone of shame

>> No.77867184
File: 920 KB, 2761x4096, 20240514_070840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77867259

>> No.77867226

I didn't know that, new piece of trivia acquired.

>> No.77867259

nipples are too small 0/10
