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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 541 KB, 1600x2603, koahri1 1787951473227125122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77615806 No.77615806 [Reply] [Original]

Tailless Edition
Previous Thread: >>77604951

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.77615828
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77615847


>> No.77615851
File: 2.11 MB, 1536x1536, fwmc kissing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77615866


>> No.77615889

They annoy me on a level I cannot describe, its like watching a bunch of grade school kids, which would be nice or even cute till your realize these are mostly adult men.

>> No.77615892
File: 507 KB, 1322x1600, 1703725896033603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tail
not my fuwawa

>> No.77615900


>> No.77615912

>Whats wrong with Ruffians?
Nothing until you get them behind anonymity

>> No.77615935
Quoted by: >>77616032

They're just having fun Maggle

>> No.77615946


>> No.77615962

>ruffian hating schizos are crossposters

>> No.77615969
Quoted by: >>77616511

Know where you're from just by that comment alone, I hope she does more without it to piss you off.

>> No.77615982
Quoted by: >>77616075

sex with wuffians!!

>> No.77615998
Quoted by: >>77616511

Kill yourself Gabe/Anan

>> No.77616017
File: 1.57 MB, 789x1200, 119414333_p0_master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77616078

honeymoon sex with my wives

>> No.77616032
Quoted by: >>77616147

Its deeply cringeworthy, and not even the funny kind, they're just generally retarded and annoying. Though with how many faggots from that one place are here, I'm just screaming into the void anyway.

>> No.77616039

No shit it's Prerecorded. Do you think cover would ever allow Shiori on the main channel live?

>> No.77616041

Not everyone is like that. I don't like most of them but I've still found some Ruffians I like interacting with.

>> No.77616050

2d live bikinis like every holo summer

>> No.77616075
File: 653 KB, 2352x3438, GGa8Z-JakAA8RUy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77616108


>> No.77616078
File: 85 KB, 335x375, 1712333167652442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77616199


>> No.77616093

Never found one I liked really, might exist but the typical suspects make me wanna stick a gun in my mouth by association.

>> No.77616108

I want to eat her hair

>> No.77616121
File: 2.57 MB, 512x512, Shiori_512_B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77616122

Freecat was cool and chill.

>> No.77616147
File: 327 KB, 1371x1096, 1717714034948252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77616257

>hates ruffians
>still posts on /baubau/ with other ruffians
You're here forever

>> No.77616192

Only chill and cool chat yes. All the others fucking suck and annoy the shit out of me.

>> No.77616199

it's what happens on pixiv when you donwload the image without expanding it

>> No.77616240
File: 300 KB, 720x1080, koahri1 1799208862920159635.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77616300

>> No.77616257

Went here initially to hopefully get away from the typical faces, only to find out that most of them are here too. So you're right, I can't escape.

>> No.77616275

If you could date only one of the twins who would it be and why is it Mococo?

>> No.77616283


>> No.77616300
File: 347 KB, 2006x2048, @JK_illustr8t0r_-1798900280551207053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with this mocotan

>> No.77616328
Quoted by: >>77616415

>till your realize these are mostly adult men.
your schizo reps...

>> No.77616359
File: 57 KB, 819x769, GPUU272bcAAElBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77616396
Quoted by: >>77616523

>I hate ruffians REEEEEE poster is not only a crossposter but a newfag

>> No.77616400

Fuwawa the fluffy nightmare...

>> No.77616403

You're amongst ojisans and zoomers barely getting out of college

>> No.77616415

>Typical suspects
Aside a few exceptions.

>> No.77616430
Quoted by: >>77616459

anyone who willingly namedrops should not be trusted and killed on sight

>> No.77616442

Why couldn't cover do several simultaneous showings of the concert? Especially if it's going to be mostly prerecorded slop like ctw1

>> No.77616456
File: 242 KB, 408x424, displeasedfuwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked spending time with people in freecat, I kinda miss it

>> No.77616459


>> No.77616511
File: 91 KB, 800x800, fuwawa fisheye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, what. she's missing her tail

>> No.77616523

Not as new as you think, and ruffians are really asking for it, not my fault tons of them are insufferable.

>> No.77616560

I was too shy to talk that much in freechat but it was nice to have a controlled environment for Ruffians to chat and give FWMC headpats

>> No.77616585

Isn't MC segments live?

>> No.77616587

The more places, the more potential for tech issues. Simultaneous seems insane for Cover, especially their infant US branch.
Two performances in two days though isn't a bad idea.

>> No.77616594
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1696756924367193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 304: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.

>> No.77616643
Quoted by: >>77616927

Aside from the menhera bitching people did when they missed them showing up and talking a bit. Because we can't just have a good thing without some faggot shitting in the garden.

>> No.77616662

I don't miss it. Do you know how much coffee I had to drink to stay up at ungodly hours just for the slight chance that FuwaMoco would appear? Never again.

>> No.77616687

I miss entering free chat and being immediately greeted by Mike Wazowski

>> No.77616704
Quoted by: >>77616827

i didnt bother with freechat, i dont bother with prechat, and i also largely lurk /here/, but i'm glad to hear about the good experiences a few of you had in freechat
i'm just accustomed/used to being a kind of shadow fan, i like it this way - somehow i get namedropped though

>> No.77616746


>> No.77616763

Fix your shit Elon

>> No.77616774

I just liked giving them headpats and telling them goodnight before I went to bed.

>> No.77616804
File: 43 KB, 600x188, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77616810

Free chat is a myth, folklore

>> No.77616811

Huge W Koahri

>> No.77616814
Quoted by: >>77616961

I getcha. However, some here been chill at certain hours when we had some good discussion. And of course, the one or two anons who I sometimes play fighters with.

>> No.77616827

Everyone does eventually if you're even slightly active, I got used in a loop myself and I'm a fuckin nobody. Any excuse sisters will take my guy.

>> No.77616843
File: 617 KB, 748x626, Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 20-46-38 Posts _ X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77616858


>> No.77616927

Some of those people unironically have claimed to be somewhere on the rainbow spectrum so make your own conclusions

>> No.77616934

Jesus christ Kiara is such an attention whore she puts posters here to shame

>> No.77616939

I didn't get them at first but now I get them. acrylove

>> No.77616959

is the quiz only 30 minutes or are they gonna overlap?

>> No.77616961
Quoted by: >>77617257

I liked halo night, some of those guys are alright, but the loudest voices are the most insufferable in this case. I hate sharing a space with a lot of them, which is why I really don't get active outside of here, cause at least here I don't have to see names.

>> No.77617008
Quoted by: >>77617937

Precorded shows are always around 1hr.

>> No.77617025

Important to note that it is her job, however

>> No.77617033

oh wait I'm retarded

>> No.77617034


>> No.77617038
Quoted by: >>77617175

She really can't just fucking shut her mouth, and any genuine criticism she gets just makes her break down and whine like a child.

>> No.77617044
File: 319 KB, 2000x2000, 1698666116979268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tapping out and going to sleep. I'll miss the announcement and the chatting stream, but 5 hours of sleep over the past 48 hours has fucked me up and is making me feel mentally unwell. Enjoy the streams.

>> No.77617093
File: 513 KB, 960x779, 1717435505137798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take care Ruffian

>> No.77617097
File: 148 KB, 348x359, goodnightfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77617131

Goodnight, hope you can come back refreshed

>> No.77617105
Quoted by: >>77617229

I like randomly joining things ruffians are doing and then almost never saying anything because I'm too nervous

>> No.77617118

Is this quiz on hololive knowledge again? Poor Shiori isn't even going to get to speak

>> No.77617128

Nothing wrong with that, goodnight ruffian. You cute little scamp you.

>> No.77617131

Don't refresh

>> No.77617144

Bedtime for bonzo more kisses for me!

>> No.77617165
File: 126 KB, 1280x1280, 1714009787304466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a good rest Ruffian!

>> No.77617175
Quoted by: >>77617306

She spent half her stream earlier talking about how shitty Hololive's in-house tech is, she's probably gonna graduate soon (involuntarily)

>> No.77617200


>> No.77617213
File: 67 KB, 839x613, GPZFZALaEAA_hCV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was wondering what you're talking about and was greeted by this in their likes

>> No.77617220


>> No.77617229

I'm not nervous, I just get this weird feeling of being the adult in the room most of the time. I have a really measured and calm personality and I just don't click with any of it.

>> No.77617257
File: 104 KB, 850x978, Mocothumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely can agree on that.

>> No.77617277
Quoted by: >>77617433

Kek what the fuck was man on about?

>> No.77617282
File: 1.18 MB, 3713x3959, GPG2z_vWkAACzFy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look this art is cute but Christ I can't get over Biboo's anorexic arm

>> No.77617306
Quoted by: >>77617492

Doubt it, don't want that for her, I just think she's just insufferable sometimes.

>> No.77617356
Quoted by: >>77617437

Kind of looks like Fuwawa's arm is really long here

>> No.77617406

I think she's been doing her homework though, so she should at least get a few more answers in. Unlike me whos entirely disinterested in the rest of EN

>> No.77617409

Its a likespree I think, I haven't posted on twitter for a while, but I guess you ruffians get yours while you can. Least it seems like a spree.

>> No.77617420
File: 202 KB, 1280x1280, 1705851388698120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your sleep anon.

>> No.77617426

The format is going to be that Shiori is going to get cummed inside for each wrong answer the others get

>> No.77617433

That man is insufferable

>> No.77617437

>Fuwawa's arm is actually going down Biboo's chest
Skeevy dog...

>> No.77617456

likes being flooded right now. I think we get the bridal pack likes tonight or never too

>> No.77617471
File: 1.26 MB, 545x280, loading.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77617492
Quoted by: >>77617576

if it only were sometimes people would be a bit more patient with her

>> No.77617507

I'll get skipped, but I hope you bros grow that cloak a little more, rootin for ya.

>> No.77617522

would be even cozier if they all had futa cocks in this pic

>> No.77617536
Quoted by: >>77617605

Wouldn't it have made more sense to feature Fuwamoco for a hololive quiz?

>> No.77617576

Fair point, Man, en is a cluster fuck.

>> No.77617595

>There's like only 4-5 tweets they liked aren't art or random nip tourists

>> No.77617597

seems to be, someone go and check whats at the bottom of the like spree

>> No.77617605

just got some insufferable deja vu

>> No.77617619

>shitposting about who will win
I love them

>> No.77617652

>like schizo is being a schizo again

>> No.77617735

I said I think, I haven't really been on twitter for a few hours and I check again and they got a ton of new likes on their page

>> No.77617738


>> No.77617751

Goofy ahh intro song

>> No.77617762

So will you all bet on Shiori?

>> No.77617764

I hope everyone who really wants one can get one. I'm still pretty happy with the few I've got I am a little sad though that the one I kept open in my notifications got wiped

>> No.77617767

I have my pizza and milk ready just in time

>> No.77617815

They're split apart...

>> No.77617832
Quoted by: >>77617952

Likeschizos and namedropschizos should be hunted down and killed.

>> No.77617843


>> No.77617849

I want Nerissa and Shiori to do well since they're our Advent reps

>> No.77617854

The stream is at 7...

>> No.77617878

Mococo 8, Fuwawa 14, rrats?

>> No.77617937

Guess it's not pre-recorded since they just delayed it. Will FMWC match the delay?

>> No.77617942

Shiorin is being extra cute right now

>> No.77617952


>> No.77617962
File: 25 KB, 680x383, 1690365952692704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77618239

>wigger voice is the first thing i hear
this is gonna be rough

>> No.77618015

The official hololive channel is the only channel that doesn't have DVR working I don't get it

>> No.77618045

I want Mococo to play Hitman.

>> No.77618084


>> No.77618111


>> No.77618171

Oh this is gonna be embarrassing for them

>> No.77618173

Shiori is so fucking cute right now

>> No.77618239

I clicked out, someone tell me what happens.

>> No.77618273
Quoted by: >>77618477

ina has the smallest chest in this collab its so tasty

>> No.77618295

they just started having sex wtf

>> No.77618314

Someone post subscribe to fuwamoco in chat kekkkkkkkk

>> No.77618366

I refuse. Watch it and suffer with me.

>> No.77618389

Look at how fucking flat Ina is

>> No.77618446


>> No.77618477

control yourself

>> No.77618494

>no Council

>> No.77618520
File: 117 KB, 1267x892, Sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77620896


>> No.77618526

R L D 2

>> No.77618645


>> No.77618647

It's over

>> No.77618676

Wennect The World

>> No.77618723


>> No.77618789

>Huge W
Mori is the likeschizo...

>> No.77618799

Holy shit I completely forgot Amelia existed

>> No.77618916


>> No.77618933


>> No.77618941

what did he mean by this

>> No.77618981
File: 9 KB, 452x58, Screenshot 2024-06-07 180955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77618984


>> No.77619067

Skeevy dogs...

>> No.77619146


>> No.77619178

Why does Mori talk like that?

>> No.77619211


>> No.77619267

>we huge hole

>> No.77619283

Why is irys hosting

>> No.77619311

The top part is just going to be "We have a huge announcement"

>> No.77619375

1st Moon
2nd Gura

>> No.77619385
Quoted by: >>77619611

Not just the top part, that's the entire message.

>> No.77619394

everyone else sucks at it, she's doing fine

>> No.77619490

I want to break Mococo's walls

>> No.77619611

The bottom is hololive+connect/summer/concert/whatever event

>> No.77619618
Quoted by: >>77619649

Are they dragging this shit out for an hour

>> No.77619649

of course

>> No.77619706

Every time Shiori says "there, there" I feel like everything will be alright

>> No.77619713


>> No.77619714

We have a huge announcement

>> No.77619744


>> No.77619761

Welp, you're right

>> No.77619783

We Have
Huge Breasts

Holo Boobers!

>> No.77619801

I thought it was GMG, not MGM lol

>> No.77619817

I know it was very likely but it's so fucking stupid this is right

>> No.77619838
Quoted by: >>77619927

Pick a middle one get this over with

>> No.77619917
Quoted by: >>77620168

It's going to be "We have a huge announcement regarding Hololive"

>> No.77619927
Quoted by: >>77620033

They could just do the Fuwawa or Kronii ones and this would be done

>> No.77620019

>they really went for "we have a huge announcement"
>it was made in less than 2 fucking minutes
>didnt even bother to make the font a bit more stylish
jesus christ

>> No.77620020
Quoted by: >>77620108

Reminder that once they get to questions regarding Fuwamoco, Fuwamoco will monitor the chat to see if you answered right

>> No.77620024

site is up https://breakingdimensions.hololivepro.com/

>> No.77620025

stop being party poopers

>> No.77620033

The Fuwawa one is just hiding "ololive"

>> No.77620108

I was born for this

>> No.77620113
Quoted by: >>77620892

lmao it was real

>> No.77620116
File: 285 KB, 3840x3840, 1692506765422728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77620156

oh shit restricted access for now

>> No.77620168

"We have a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! Hololive EN 4"

>> No.77620177


>> No.77620186
Quoted by: >>77620264

>username: hololive
>password: hololive
>username: hololive
>password: password
out of ideas

>> No.77620234

>ina 3d debut

>> No.77620264

Have you tried

>> No.77620297

We have a huge announcement holoEN dev_is

>> No.77620350

at least is just mori and not bae too, that would be worse and not even fuwamoco could savage it

>> No.77620365

fucking kek

>> No.77620402

they're never going to pick shiori again...

>> No.77620437

Shiori has no filter and that's what I love about her but also why I don't like her sometimes.

>> No.77620439

hololive BRAZIL

>> No.77620488

I know they have to make this last an hour but jesus

>> No.77620506

She's so autistic...

>> No.77620592
Quoted by: >>77620815

>so boring even fwmc are still egosa twitter

>> No.77620677

ruffians using prechat as their own groupchat to watchalong the stream

>> No.77620687

We have a huge announcement

Hololive LGBT

>> No.77620791
File: 1016 KB, 1373x2340, Check Shiori General at 444am jst next friday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't see instant dismay, hope those interested don't forget.

>> No.77620811

They should do 16 next and have it just be an exclamation mark

>> No.77620815


>> No.77620865

>we have a huge hold on something
yeah, my dick

>> No.77620892

>it was real
When was it leaked?

>> No.77620896
Quoted by: >>77621318

Oh a new one dropped?

>> No.77620914


>> No.77620911


>> No.77620945

the worst mori chose mogojyan
it is requesting her to be cute

>> No.77620980

Disgusting fat wigger can never be like my princess.

>> No.77620995

what the FUCK was that

>> No.77621002
File: 154 KB, 675x1200, GJMcgVLWoAAhIzQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77621011


>> No.77621022

also god that was an awful impression

They registered the trademark a bit ago

>> No.77621042
File: 6 KB, 454x60, Screenshot 2024-06-07 182645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77621135


>> No.77621049

Stupid bitch

>> No.77621135

Sneeze Counter++?

>> No.77621136

They're really going to breaking dimensions

>> No.77621137

d-does a prerecorded sneeze taxable

>> No.77621147

I love those skeevy dogs

>> No.77621153
File: 770 KB, 1000x1000, Moco sneeze [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffqmkze.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77621166

I heard about it on may 31 >>77076329

>> No.77621178

My cute Mococo

>> No.77621206
Quoted by: >>77621338


>> No.77621245

I fucking hate Cover so much.

>> No.77621251
Quoted by: >>77621488

>we have a huge announcement
only 15 and 16 matter.

>> No.77621256
Quoted by: >>77621331

>we have a huge announcement
jesus fuck why

>> No.77621276

breaking dimensions is holoearth

>> No.77621318

Yeah with Advent but I only saved that crop kek

>> No.77621327
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, F6k3OnobMAEoXxf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77621331

hololive korea

>> No.77621338

Is that you Anal. Only he's autistic enough to identify hololive fonts.

>> No.77621339
File: 18 KB, 242x111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77621780


>> No.77621397

The font was obvious from the first panel, so not sure why say it now. Also impact is a meme font.

>> No.77621469

holoEnglish 4

>> No.77621481

Just open 16 and it's over

>> No.77621488
Quoted by: >>77621966

judging by the font size, it seems not even 15 mattress lmao

>> No.77621517

oh 16 is just gonna be the logo for the concert

>> No.77621592

I had a tough time telling irys and shiori apart for a sec there

>> No.77621600

Yeah, it's obvious. Glad I am not really watching

>> No.77621606

Either that or it just says "concert".

>> No.77621607

>Site is already live

>> No.77621701
File: 7 KB, 1052x114, top_main_date.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77621746
File: 333 KB, 546x494, Screenshot 2024-06-07 213309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77622396

Oh hey

>> No.77621752


>> No.77621769


>> No.77621780
File: 76 KB, 228x234, fuwawad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77621787

I'm happy for them but I can't get too excited about it

>> No.77621795


>> No.77621835


>> No.77621906

NYC nice

>> No.77621917
File: 439 KB, 1568x2252, F_2Us36akAAy_ZV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime NYC bros, we are FUCKING in

>> No.77621928
File: 70 KB, 1024x424, 1702364359403424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally the font almost every meme use

>> No.77621936

look on the bright side, when EN4 debuts all the antis will go somewhere else and leave us alone

>> No.77621962

>2 days

>> No.77621966

I expected it to say HoloLive, not HoloEnglish. They really managed to squeeze it into 16.

>> No.77622000

They could have done this with 9 panels, half of them are white space.

>> No.77622045
Quoted by: >>77622285


>> No.77622104

ayooo it's gonna be in NY fuck yea

>> No.77622135


>> No.77622139
File: 696 KB, 1083x582, 1693766329046287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had money and wasn't in a shitty situation I could go, next year is probably going to be west coast and be completely impossible

>> No.77622183
Quoted by: >>77623308


>> No.77622266
File: 298 KB, 558x613, 1710058527770862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be a Jerseyffian right now. See you at NYC lads

>> No.77622273
Quoted by: >>77622446

>no lottery for tickets
welp I'm fucked
>streaming available
nevermind, thank god I don't have to go the 2nd shittiest state in the union

>> No.77622285
Quoted by: >>77622398

wait it won't actually be tied to anyc right? it's not even the same place

>> No.77622369
Quoted by: >>77622557

I'm poor so I wouldn't be able to go, but that give me time to save for some merch

>> No.77622396

Holy fuck
I hate how tempted I am. I might just get streaming tickets but I'd be lying if I wasn't tempted to go in person. I wanna see the dogs dance...

>> No.77622398

Just bought Friday badge for ANYC. I'm going to do my best to get tickets too.
No, CtW wasn't tied to AX when it happened. I assume this will be the same way.

>> No.77622446

Yeah I'm glad it's streamed too. I don't feel too bad about missing it in person. I can still shoot for FES next year rather than travel to the US.

>> No.77622449
Quoted by: >>77622692

>rainbow before actual announcement
what an idiot

>> No.77622554

does anyone else do their reps on the toilet

>> No.77622557
Quoted by: >>77623097

>to save for some merch
You can see the merch in the site right now, I wouldn't get any of it

>> No.77622580

Kings Theatre is fucking tiny it's over kek

>> No.77622692
Quoted by: >>77622757

we already know what the announcement is

>> No.77622731

lmao really? I can't wait for the menhera meltdowns. EU Ruffians still eating well since we still get the live stream, and don't have to menhera over tickets.

>> No.77622742

It's barely bigger than the fucking suisei concert last year. Why the fuck is it in a tiny theater again.

>> No.77622757

There's more people that don't

>> No.77622773

>3000 seats
good luck bros

>> No.77622853

>3k capacity
Fucking hell. Why on earth did they pick something so small?

>> No.77622856
File: 100 KB, 236x241, fuwawastare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp I'd love to go but I doubt I'll be able to beat the people that are faster. Guess I'll just watch from home

>> No.77622871

Are management afraid it wouldn't sell out at a larger venue?

>> No.77622879
Quoted by: >>77623044

>half the capacity of Youtube Theater
Didn't CtW2 sell out instantly? What the fuck lol

>> No.77622897
File: 170 KB, 335x389, 1717124319227863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>penlight says world tour
come to brazil

>> No.77622916
Quoted by: >>77623087

>Google it
>Just 3k seats
Gonna be a massacre for tickets and resellers will have a field day
At least the place looks fancy

>> No.77622971

Why does it matter? It's graphics on a screen.
Go to any other venue that's rebroadcasting.

>> No.77622977
File: 123 KB, 853x1280, 1716788739044729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how many of you are going? Are we really doing that meetup?

>> No.77623011
File: 90 KB, 388x446, 1686295057485916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when I give up on the idea of going it still hurts

>> No.77623044

CtW1* whoops

>> No.77623087
Quoted by: >>77623283

Maybe they just want to be 100% sure they can say it sold out.

>> No.77623097

Hopefully the penlight is like $20-$30 dollars or something

>> No.77623109

It's okay Ruffian, we still get to see them live via the stream, and we don't have to go to a living hell hole live NYC.

>> No.77623129
Quoted by: >>77623320

I'm close enough to go but these things are really better when you stream them. In person it's just a flat screen, streaming you see them in 3D and shit.

>> No.77623160

You'd be even more disappointed if you could go but missed the tickets

>> No.77623166

I'm going of course, but I'm probably not gonna speak to any other Ruffian there

>> No.77623223

okay I’m streaming this for you guys

>> No.77623243

>*Venue tickets are not drawn by lottery unlike with many Japanese concerts, and will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
>3000 seats
it has never been this over

>> No.77623283

That'd fucking suck if so.
I half want them to pull a chronoir and put it somewhere else, too. This is sad. I wanted to see the dogs dance but there's no way my internet would let me get one...

>> No.77623308
File: 82 KB, 854x480, 1714030633696238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't laugh

>> No.77623320

Honestly it's cool that it's their first 3D live performance, but I feel like it's not worth the hassle unless it was for something like FES, since you get the concert, expo, and Holo community all together.

>> No.77623328

scalpers are going to get so fucking rich

>> No.77623336
Quoted by: >>77623474

Any PA Ruffians?

>> No.77623340

I have hope I can grab tickets.

>> No.77623338
File: 106 KB, 256x269, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my lovely wives' silhouettes...

>> No.77623371

Is there a limit per purchase or is someone going to get 1000 tickets the second it opens

>> No.77623385

My limit for a ticket I'll pay is 1k

>> No.77623410

I'm gonna be the one making them rich.

>> No.77623409

Yeah me

>> No.77623420
Quoted by: >>77623574

Would it even be worth it to go in person though? What's the merit compared to just streaming it?

>> No.77623457

>3k seats
the scalping is gonna be fucking brutal

>> No.77623459

Is two days.

>> No.77623466

>Kronii is so boring nobody gives a fuck

>> No.77623474
File: 2.63 MB, 642x600, 1717359831142909.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77623584


>> No.77623503
File: 350 KB, 606x584, 1705814729134654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boat will always be there

>> No.77623518

hopefully ruffians who gift out voicepacks will gift out tickets

>> No.77623531

If I actually get tickets I probably would, but I'm not about to pay a scalper 10x the price

>> No.77623558

why the fluff is it only 3k tickets ahhhh I'm so gonna miss this

>> No.77623574

Atmosphere for lives are always different. And if FWMC does an MC segment, you get to participate.

>> No.77623584
Quoted by: >>77623818

Wanna do a watchalong? We should set up a projector and screen and then go shooting afterwards.

>> No.77623665

Is 3000 that bad? There can't be that much hololive fans in NYC

>> No.77623699

if this isn't about the concert then Fuwawa will get fired

>> No.77623773

>placed gura so she'd be the last to be removed

>> No.77623777
Quoted by: >>77623845

It's all Holo EN fans in NA, at least.

>> No.77623815
File: 193 KB, 800x800, mococo huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait so if it's a 2 day event does that mean that there's gonna be 2 concerts and the cast will be split?

>> No.77623818

I'm too autistic to meet people but shooting would be fun

>> No.77623845

Okay that's bad.

>> No.77623844

pissfags why...

>> No.77623861
File: 3.75 MB, 720x1280, mococo hips.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I come NYC

>> No.77623870

Not going but I'll buy a ticket to make some quick cash

>> No.77623921

Yes that's bad. The Suisei solo last year was comparable and that was basically a solo concert and sold out. This is the entirety of holoEN and Advents 3D debut

>> No.77623941

CTW sold out in seconds and it was a 6k seats venue

>> No.77623949

Probably yeah, like they do with FES.

>> No.77623981

I mean, even indie like Ui dares herself to put 5k seats at least

>> No.77623983

Theres more than 3000 FWMC fans alone, and then there's all the other fanbases. I can't see many ruffians getting in

>> No.77624034
Quoted by: >>77624272

he is american, he means shooting you and others

>> No.77624036

either that, or they all perform twice ;)

>> No.77624043

>There can't be that much hololive fans in NYC
Fans from East Coast can fly in within 5 hours.

>> No.77624048

>not even a logo
>literally just LIVE
jesus christ Cover

>> No.77624098



>> No.77624125
File: 21 KB, 250x250, 1705290204026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77624172

Understandable, I don't really want to meet anyone either but it would make Fuwamoco happy.

>> No.77624231


>> No.77624253

become fire fire light the fire punch

>> No.77624272

He's also American you ESL retard.

>> No.77624285

Kek so fucking retarded

>> No.77624310

>hololive live

>> No.77624316
File: 167 KB, 500x500, 1710426220133069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77624371


>> No.77624449

1 hour of women yapping

>> No.77624455
File: 8 KB, 325x450, 1696459246858402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77624657


>> No.77624456


>> No.77624486

So this isn't going to be live right? Just prerecorded like CTW?

>> No.77624510

I kneel Japsama...

>> No.77624583
Quoted by: >>77624723

are ruffians gonna hang out at animenyc even if you don't get into the concert?

>> No.77624657

duck swim

>> No.77624666
File: 10 KB, 418x64, Screenshot 2024-06-07 185724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77624993

>> No.77624682

Man, I really really want to go but I can't take off even more in August. Gencon's eating up my PTO requests for August...

>> No.77624723

I wouldn't be caught dead in NY if not for the concert

>> No.77624724

Will EN ever have an event in a civilized part of the country or will I always have to risk getting shot just to see my oshi dance on stage?

>> No.77624737

FUCK those prices. Who do you think you are? Suisei performing live?

>> No.77624811

mococo pirate... ToT

>> No.77624831


>> No.77624844

>half burgerland
>half SEA

>> No.77624914
Quoted by: >>77625232


>> No.77624925
Quoted by: >>77625271

So, who else is going to write a webscrapping script to buy the tickets as fast as possible?

>> No.77624928


>> No.77624941
File: 364 KB, 606x584, 1708209767346306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77625322

>> No.77624993

The never left NYC

>> No.77625025

EU bros...

>> No.77625143

Nobody is going to eat good besides scalpers

>> No.77625154

fuck offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff you are delaying the fuwamoco stream.

>> No.77625179

I'm retarded and I never cared about watching hololive concerts before, can someone explain what the "migoboat" thing is?

>> No.77625200

at least I make it to that

>> No.77625211
Quoted by: >>77625383

they're fucking late

>> No.77625232

I don’t think they’re part of the tour

>> No.77625267

Just lurk global on that day

>> No.77625271

tickets are going on sale right after the stream

>> No.77625293

Why not?

>> No.77625307


>> No.77625322

Mocopirate our hero

>> No.77625368

>not in the visual

>> No.77625380


>> No.77625383

Welcome to FUWAMOCO 2024.
We didn't even make it one year.

>> No.77625413
Quoted by: >>77625535

ok so it was the concert
Fuwawa isn't getting fired for breaking NDA

>> No.77625469
Quoted by: >>77626543

That's streaming only. The real tickets will be available on the 28th, 9PM EDT

>> No.77625497
File: 1.28 MB, 1325x798, FILE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77625590

>> No.77625496

Why would you send a SC saying "congratulations on the concert!"? They didn't win a competition, it's part of their job.

>> No.77625521

Could you look FuwaMoco in the eyes and tell them you stole their content because you didn't think they were worth your money?

>> No.77625535
Quoted by: >>77625740

what about Mococoeh?

>> No.77625537
File: 250 KB, 512x512, 1676970299513267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that holo interns lurk here asking for the restream sites so they can get them taken down

>> No.77625546
Quoted by: >>77626543

streaming tickets not in person.

>> No.77625590


>> No.77625644

>Instant thumbnail change

>> No.77625709

Are people really mad about ticket prices being $140 for the front orchestra area? Really cheap compared to your normal semi-popular band. Hell, I payed $200 for second row tickets to a cirque du soleil show and those happen like 3 times a week.

>> No.77625716
File: 1.64 MB, 640x360, boat[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fom3tcw.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77625719
Quoted by: >>77626149

I'd only go if it was live.

>> No.77625740
Quoted by: >>77626031

Mococo doesn't have loose lips. She is safe.

>> No.77625738
Quoted by: >>77625905


>> No.77625742

Are we still getting a stream or is this it?

>> No.77625778

what excuse should I give for why I'll be traveling?

>> No.77625820
File: 328 KB, 302x467, 1688569262541188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77625897

>> No.77625835 [DELETED] 

spoonfeeding is forbidden because shit gets taken down very quickly so you're on your own, pay attention and FUCKING LURK

>> No.77625843

This fucking Osvald dude

>> No.77625846

I hope the stream is fixed this time, FES had an insane fucking delay

>> No.77625868

140 is honestly cheap.

>> No.77625897


>> No.77625905

kys poorfag

>> No.77625902

I'm less concerned about price and more about availability. I know I won't be able to get a ticket even though I'm going to try my best and it just kinda hurts

>> No.77625953
Quoted by: >>77626455

KYS paypig

>> No.77625957

cry about it

>> No.77625962
Quoted by: >>77626121

Just go to Anime NYC along with that show, it'll be fun. That way you have more than just the Hololive show to go to and more reason to be in NYC.

>> No.77625983
File: 2.66 MB, 498x421, anime-clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77625999

tell them your cousin is getting married

>> No.77626019

Most vtuber fans are NEET retards with no understanding of how much things regularly cost. 140 is a steal, which makes it all the more certain that scalpers are going get them all.

>> No.77626031
File: 91 KB, 256x245, brazil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, Fuzzy streams only from now on. Though we'll get a yab if Fluffy speaks during a stream.

>> No.77626054
File: 311 KB, 603x573, 1717727699755307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77626065
Quoted by: >>77626182

where can you even see the ticket price

>> No.77626121
Quoted by: >>77626362

Admitting to going to an anime convention is only slightly less mortifying than admitting to going to a vtuber concert

>> No.77626124
File: 647 KB, 2180x3010, 0a29dad9ebc1bf7f948905c48d35852decdd648045fdf7f1a12557e6ded55e06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuzzy and fluffy time!

>> No.77626149
Quoted by: >>77626339

Yeah, we know its not live because of how busy Fuwamoco's been these last few weeks. Recording their segments for the concert

>> No.77626163
Quoted by: >>77626455

>because you didn't think they were worth your money?
The issue is I don't have money in the first place

>> No.77626174


>> No.77626182


>> No.77626202

I am going to forever seethe when I don't end up getting tickets because it's only 3 thousand people, I already know it

>> No.77626209

The website has videos of the songs they'll be performing
Rebellion will be there

>> No.77626301
File: 9 KB, 189x45, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77626339

I'll sell my soul to see their first real live. If that day comes.

>> No.77626341


>> No.77626357
File: 103 KB, 900x585, 1695862444612069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77626361
Quoted by: >>77626531


>> No.77626362
Quoted by: >>77626547

Adding to what I said earlier, I had to pay $75 for nosebleeds to see Beetlejuice the musical (went with a poorfag friend otherwise would have gotten better seats) and that has a lot more production value that what Hololive will be doing.
Just saying that you SHOULD do Anime NYC too while you're there because there'll be a decent amount of Vtuber stuff in the artist alley and dealer hall, Fuwamoco related stuffs too. Might even get lucky and Cover'll partner with Anime NYC and you'll get panels and meet and greets.

>> No.77626392

80 bucks for a streaming ticket it a bit much. Suisei's lives aren't even that high and they're actually live, and you know, Suisei.

>> No.77626395


>> No.77626455
Quoted by: >>77626590

If you don't have $85 of expendable income you have completely failed as a person.

>> No.77626512
Quoted by: >>77626879

Hololive's streaming tickets are pretty fucking crazy, I can agree to that.

>> No.77626511
File: 6 KB, 300x303, feelsgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NY wins again

>> No.77626513
Quoted by: >>77626757

Don't live with your parents

>> No.77626531

i feel ashamed about the people who cry about wanting more streams and cant see how happy they are about this

>> No.77626540
File: 133 KB, 1000x648, 1691594257569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perochads rise up

>> No.77626543

ok my bad

>> No.77626546
Quoted by: >>77626725

i dislike half of en for various reasons so im not sure if its worth it for me personally

>> No.77626547
Quoted by: >>77626747

what sucks is Saturday ANYC is already sold out. I grabbed Friday at least

>> No.77626567


>> No.77626590

I know, I'm on this website aren't I? kek

>> No.77626597

They're so happy

>> No.77626620
Quoted by: >>77626815

Don't tell Fuwawer she leaked it

>> No.77626689

its 80 because the twin idols, FuwaMoco are in it.

>> No.77626725


>> No.77626747

Oh shit, so are weekend badges. That's the nail in the coffin, I'd only try my hardest to go to the concert if I were doing Anime NYC too.

>> No.77626757

Actually the issue is the opposite, I live on the west coast and my parents live in New York. Would be hard to explain why I suddenly decided to visit and where I'm going while I'm there.

>> No.77626799

Fuwawa day 1
Mococo day 2

>> No.77626815

we've known this for the longest time

>> No.77626840
File: 547 KB, 913x941, 1717517372700512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77626862
Quoted by: >>77627064

just say you're going to a concert, what's the big deal

>> No.77626879
File: 12 KB, 869x216, suiseiticketprices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77627223

For comparison the last few streaming prices I've paid.

>> No.77626890

Guys I think Fuwawa’s excited

>> No.77626906

Couldn't you just not tell your parents?

>> No.77626953

Just do it, you literally have free lodging. You can tell them you're going to a performance if they're the type to incessantly ask.

>> No.77626976
Quoted by: >>77627220

The USD is strong right now. 7800 yen is only 40 bucks for burgers

>> No.77626981

>This is just going to be 1 hour of shilling

>> No.77626987

Yeah they really want you there in person. I upped my willing to pay price to 2k

>> No.77627015


>> No.77627021
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, 【HOLOEN 2ND CONCERT CHATTING】FUWAMOCO breaking dimensions in NYC🐾 【FUWAMOCO】_ 【HOLOEN 2ND CONCERT CHATTING】FUWAMOCO breaking dimensions in NYC🐾 【FUWAMOCO】-2024-6-7-221515.707-1080p-streamshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77627056

>confirming they're gonna be split at some point

>> No.77627064

>Oh wow, two days? Who are you going to see?
>So this is like, a cartoon?
>Wow their chests are kinda..
>This is what you do in your free time??

>> No.77627072

I hope they didn't split them up...

>> No.77627078

And 90 mins of SC reading

>> No.77627082

>different days

>> No.77627092

you're free to close the window and do something else

>> No.77627106
Quoted by: >>77627199

they are gonna be split...

>> No.77627123

Don't worry Fuwawa I'll be sure to watch pirate streams for both days.

>> No.77627139

fuwawa leaking again...

>> No.77627145


>> No.77627157

I hate Cover

>> No.77627161

if post ends in 4 ill buy and restream for the rufferans

>> No.77627182

you were saying

>> No.77627199


>> No.77627213

i will pirate and buy the blu ray in the future. imagine paying money for a livestream.

>> No.77627220

Oh damn it fell that much?

>> No.77627223
Quoted by: >>77627444

Honestly, I kinda get why these are a little more expensive, because this is more of a venture than FES, which is for EVERYONE and not just EN, plus it's probably more expensive for the nips to rent out somewhere like this for the show because they're doing it in NYC and Cali. I still dislike the cost of Cover's streaming tickets when they're almost as expensive as getting a ticket live.

>> No.77627256
Quoted by: >>77627286

day 2 is on my mom's birthday

>> No.77627261
Quoted by: >>77627403

I'm gonna buy the ticket then pirate it after so I can keep it forever.

>> No.77627273
Quoted by: >>77627520

It's obvious they recommend 2 days because they're gonna be performing different songs together

>> No.77627286
Quoted by: >>77627406

Take her to the concert

>> No.77627342
Quoted by: >>77627477

>imagine paying money for a livestream
members streams...

>> No.77627359

>Papa Puppy waving the penlights

>> No.77627368

Watching with my future in-laws...

>> No.77627383
File: 33 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-d10365c0d88404820cb52a5a91628b0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77627406
File: 1.38 MB, 6212x5336, 1717369478573597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77627578

every time I've shown my mom my interests she tells my sister she didn't like it and then my sister tells me

>> No.77627403
File: 13 KB, 512x512, 55b4e4cf6e23cf0c80036dc6eceba5a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77627550

I'm gonna buy the ticket and buy the blu-ray

>> No.77627421

Fuwawa is fluffier than usual today

>> No.77627427

they're treating streamers like second class citizens...

>> No.77627444

>streaming [..] almost as expensive as getting a ticket live.
Anon, the in-person ticket is also a stream. They're vtubers.

>> No.77627447

>Rear means it's in the back
Fuwawa and her wisdom again

>> No.77627464


>> No.77627477

i'm a gifted chad

>> No.77627484
File: 620 KB, 712x872, 1704591456314422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77627677

>It says rear but it means in the back don't get confused ruffians

>> No.77627520

i personally took it as
>you should experience the concert in full not just one day
like these two are very passionate and excited about stuff like this, why would you just go for one day? the entire concert is fun
like they said "if you're just going for fuwawa or mococo... well..."

>> No.77627525
File: 349 KB, 968x1024, 1711316048460385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a gifted chad

>> No.77627529

gifted scum

>> No.77627546

I hate this unnecessary shilling is not like I won't buy it when I know they will be there

>> No.77627550

I'm not waiting for the blu-ray. I'll consider it when it comes out.

>> No.77627558
Quoted by: >>77627692

should I try to not go for the best seats for a better chance?

>> No.77627578
File: 25 KB, 417x99, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77627651


>> No.77627588

guys, I'm so afraid Fuwawa is going to end up like Mel
She is too fucking retarded

>> No.77627626

gonna use the towel to slap some asses there

>> No.77627631
Quoted by: >>77627710

let them be excited, damn

>> No.77627651

kys raul

>> No.77627664

Did they imply that the concert will be before the 3D debut?

>> No.77627677

So fucking fluffy lol

>> No.77627681
File: 1.96 MB, 1684x2093, F2mRV4yagAA8yJK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy for them lads

>> No.77627692

yes be a pussy

>> No.77627696

I'm from Philly I can literally just take a train this is so cool

>> No.77627710
Quoted by: >>77627832

its genuinely sad some anons cant understand how happy they are, this is the kind of shit they've been dreaming of for years

>> No.77627720

Fuwawa will only punch Mococo in the face when she's frustrated instead of whining to random other people. She's safe.

>> No.77627728

Why are they excited?

>> No.77627756
File: 2.86 MB, 960x540, mel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is as retarded as Mel.

>> No.77627770

>unnecessary shilling
this is literally their job. they are just walking talking ips existing to sell you cheap garbage. if you can't handle blatant advertising you shouldn't be watching hololive.

>> No.77627776

why are you stupid

>> No.77627781

>Buy the merch for the concert so you can wear it there
>But you can only buy it before you secure your ticket

>> No.77627793

Ruffians the XXL size is sold out

>> No.77627795
File: 382 KB, 562x585, 1700219722712430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna need the XXL

>> No.77627805

>extra extra large size

>> No.77627807
Quoted by: >>77628129

I'm worried about their safety going to NYC. Could they have picked a less dangerous venue?

>> No.77627813

You guys aren't XXL are you?
You guys aren't morbidly obese, right?

>> No.77627811

Isn't that ending date for the merch predatory? Buy the merch before you even know if you get to go

>> No.77627832

They aren't happy, it's just acting. Cover is forcing them to shill this.

>> No.77627838

Because they get to see themselves on stage, which is something they really want. I'm happy about it and might buy a streaming ticket just because they and my other Oshi will both be extremely excited to preform for me.

>> No.77627842

Fat Fuck bros I didn't see our size

>> No.77627873

So glad it's not in California, fuck California.

>> No.77627877

cause I'll be there

>> No.77627898

Lol no. They love merchs.

>> No.77627904

I wear 7XL

>> No.77627908

>fuwawa gets fired for leaking
>mococo wants to leave with her but fuwawa convinces her to stay and continue pursuing their dream solo
>mococo eventually gets fired for leaking things to fuwawa

>> No.77627907

Reminder they don't like resellers, if you pay scalper scum you aren't a real Ruffian.

>> No.77627921


>> No.77627924
File: 850 KB, 848x1200, 118051739_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77628071

I was a but sad for myself since I can't afford the trip right now, but then I realized how excited my wives would be about it, so I'm smiling from ear-to-ear now hearing their excited shilling
love my wives

>> No.77627937

are you autistic

>> No.77628000

Oversize is cute
Imagine not being cute.

>> No.77628002

>oversize is cute

>> No.77628005

But of course, I grew out of 2X years ago at the exact second I hit 30 years old.

>> No.77628011

Fuck that venue actually looks kinda nice. The seats don't look absolutely tiny

>> No.77628032


>> No.77628041

they literally admitted to buying scalped stuff on stream

>> No.77628049

first come first served > lottery

>> No.77628071

If you can't attend the concert in person you are not a real ruffian.

>> No.77628108

I won't pay scalpers, I'll bring a tazer and put the tickets in the hands of fans.

>> No.77628111
File: 60 KB, 601x440, 1714869669787940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry our 3D debuts are BEFORE this

>> No.77628123

Crisis averted. That answers my question from yesterday and I was gonna be a little sad if their first time in 3d was for this.

>> No.77628129

The Hololive stage world tour is going be in Atlanta so this isn’t that bad

>> No.77628151

their 3d debut might be at their anniversary then

>> No.77628154
Quoted by: >>77628369

wait, merch only sold in sets?
well damn

>> No.77628156

I guess it's time to cross the border

>> No.77628158

They love us so much

>> No.77628185

They were pirateCHADS in the past. They understand us.

>> No.77628193
Quoted by: >>77628709

Fuwawa is really just saying random shit in the hopes that the random shit she says obfuscates the important stuff she accidently says

>> No.77628205
Quoted by: >>77628294

Stream has paused twice now, anyone else?

>> No.77628228

I've seen some chuuba where the opposite happens

>> No.77628235

Neal fix your shit

>> No.77628239
Quoted by: >>77628299

You realize that the other 2 gens didn't have their debuts until after the paid concerts they were in, right?

>> No.77628247
Quoted by: >>77628344

this goes against the wives own words, so fuck off kek

>> No.77628294

lower the resolution and pause chat

>> No.77628298


>> No.77628299

No I don't give a fuck about anyone else besides FWMC

>> No.77628306

So they have two days to lessen the impact of it being a smaller venue, then they say they want us to be there both days

>> No.77628324


>> No.77628344
Quoted by: >>77628433

KYS poorfag

>> No.77628350
File: 10 KB, 998x100, 1717813523941982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77628369

I was dumb and didn't buy the CTW stuff last year or the FES stuff this year, so I guess I'll be buying this for all the idol concerts at the cons that I go to that have been popping up. I felt bad not having a light pen when I saw so many Hololive ones at the last idol concert at a con I went to.

>> No.77628386

oh wait, that means 3d debut will happens in the middle of summer of advent

>> No.77628395

Tell us which day you'll be on.

>> No.77628401


>> No.77628408


>> No.77628425

Myth and Council 3D debuts were after Fes. Shitshow both time.

>> No.77628433
File: 336 KB, 591x591, e06f98336cdf7280086de66d67436e9b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, you first

>> No.77628467
Quoted by: >>77628578

"Live" concert.

>> No.77628474

If scalpers are my only options, I will pirate the stream and buy 15 extra copies of their voice packs to make the difference

>> No.77628499


>> No.77628507

>Only that moment.
They are really shilling the FOMO, this is why Ruffians are so mentally ill.

>> No.77628575
File: 832 KB, 1179x1144, IMG_1137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77628744

That venue is going to smell like India, but I must push through for my wives…

>> No.77628578
Quoted by: >>77628809

Am I stupid? I thought almost all of FES was recorded other than a few and all the MC bits.

>> No.77628588


>> No.77628589

Both days.
All the talents will be on both days.

>> No.77628654

>explicitly saying "your love"
i love them

>> No.77628664

fuwawa keeps shaking her tits in my face

>> No.77628694

Pretty much, they've always basically been implying that vaguely.

>> No.77628699
File: 199 KB, 1200x1037, GPW_aE6asAAcHEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77628820

>> No.77628709

Like what?

>> No.77628723


>> No.77628732
Quoted by: >>77628863

the set only has 1 penlight? kek

>> No.77628744

just wear a respirator cosplay or something

>> No.77628753

kek lmao

>> No.77628784

group watchalong, boys

>> No.77628809

I think the concerts are live, but they are lip synced.

>> No.77628820

coco byiss...

>> No.77628823

wait, is scalping even legal

>> No.77628837

But they are right though. Nothing will beat seeing them live the first time.

>> No.77628862

Is this just a fucking shill stream? Or are we going to get an actual chatting.

>> No.77628863
Quoted by: >>77629088

I bought 3 sets to get 2 penlights and a spare...

>> No.77628894

They can try to make me FOMO but I physically cannot make it, so ultimately, I don't care.

>> No.77628928

Kiss FWMC Morning goodbye, and schedules, lol.
It was good while it lasted.

>> No.77628947

they're waiting for you to leave

>> No.77628951
File: 9 KB, 300x276, firefox_gdJYZFuEFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77629031

FOMO is gay, I won't even fall for it for them.

>> No.77628959
Quoted by: >>77629043

Only if they are actually live. Which I highly doubt. CTW didn't even have live MC segments.

>> No.77628965
File: 6 KB, 158x179, 1716855291167639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love them

>> No.77628969

With how little capacity there is, I wonder how many Ruffians can even make it.

>> No.77628995

Shill, remember during FWMC morning when they shilled for almost 30 minutes. This is basically going to be the same thing.

>> No.77629020
File: 728 KB, 1158x1637, 9a9d7e8a8af3b535648d006a7bad57d6581f0a9b711bd2f0e23a600f4ed78652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

concert shinobis where you at

>> No.77629023
Quoted by: >>77629094

where have you been?

>> No.77629031

Yep, I can't make it, if they have a problem with that, then that's on them. I do what I can and if that's not enough, oh well.

>> No.77629043
Quoted by: >>77629171

It's 2 days
They better have MC segments

>> No.77629080

>Connect the World was so much fun!
It really wasn't though.

>> No.77629086
Quoted by: >>77629460

They love New York. It's their favorite American city. And they love cities in general. If you aren't from a major city you might as well just kys

>> No.77629088
Quoted by: >>77629146

I gotta pay the shipping twice because i didn't realize when i bought it

>> No.77629094

the catalog

>> No.77629102

Oh, I just connected how they kept saying "september" with BD happening at the end of august

>> No.77629103

Reminder that there's a chance they MIGHT be in the second part of that announcement, so you may have a chance at Anime Atlanta in December. I assume it'll be more than just the 6(?) girls they showed on the splash art.

>> No.77629105


>> No.77629116


>> No.77629140

I'm getting the paypigs to buy the max allowed and sell at cost to ruffians

>> No.77629146


>> No.77629171

I want LIVE MC segments, CTW had very clearly pre recorded MC segments.

>> No.77629225

over? we got confirmation of TWO EVENTS

>> No.77629239

mogogo needs to grow some balls and stop crying so much

>> No.77629275

What set off the sisters this time

>> No.77629320
Quoted by: >>77629375

nijitroons are seething

>> No.77629321

crying adds a lot of sincerity and authenticity

>> No.77629341
Quoted by: >>77629488

fuck off FUTAFAG

>> No.77629342
Quoted by: >>77629435

2nd HoloEN concert that's going to mog N*ji again

>> No.77629375

That's always the case though

>> No.77629378

she doesnt have balls idiot, shes a girl

>> No.77629382
File: 197 KB, 1297x2000, 1710095428579254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*casts a spell to fill all 3000 seats with Ruffians*

>> No.77629404

I love my emotional hag wives

>> No.77629435

>3k venue
>still bigger attendance than nijishit

>> No.77629443
File: 52 KB, 209x191, 1708403869568622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77629699

Get ready for me NY bros. The rape statistics around there are going to increase soon.

>> No.77629450
File: 784 KB, 1852x2048, GPdQ9PnaAAE_zDU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77629454

They seem really happy and that makes me happy, even If I'm not big on concerts and stuff. It's important to them so Its important to me in that sense. I'm glad they're realizing a dream, even if I can't make it there physically.

>> No.77629460

They only like it because of Sakura Wars

>> No.77629474

envy as usual

>> No.77629484
Quoted by: >>77629603

>grow some balls
Woman, balls?

>> No.77629488

no balls futa best tho

>> No.77629495

the announcement video is kind of shit. hope cover didn't pay the editor more than $10 for it.

>> No.77629496

don't know, doesn't take much

>> No.77629507

Fuwawa wasn't just being silly when she said every month was over

>> No.77629521
Quoted by: >>77629584

baused. glad you arent like the other fags, this shit is so important to them its going to be so much fun

>> No.77629527

Mococo is going to cry every time she watches the trailer

>> No.77629561


>> No.77629580

en4 will get announced and tons of "ruffians" will jump ship to the new shiny thing. healing starts soon.

>> No.77629579

this is similar to my take, they're happy so I'm happy.

>> No.77629584

I know what its like to dream and want something, mine are dead, but theirs can live on and that makes me happy at least.

>> No.77629582

oh now Fuwawa is gonna cry too

>> No.77629593
Quoted by: >>77629958

I might postpone my suicide for this.

>> No.77629603

Women have balls on the inside

>> No.77629636
Quoted by: >>77629685

>they've managed to fill half an hour already with one (1) new piece of information

>> No.77629680

It's gonna be hilarious.

>> No.77629683
Quoted by: >>77629746

God i'm so nervous for the ticket sales I feel like my hearts gonna burst out of my chest

>> No.77629685

They're happy, and excited.

>> No.77629690

Sigh... I don't have the heart to migoboat this. Fine, I'll buy the overpriced shitty tickets

>> No.77629699

KEK Bryan... wtf...

>> No.77629745


>> No.77629746

if you don't have a bot or script it's over

>> No.77629763

If I can't get both physical tickets, I'm just gonna sell my ticket and watch it online

>> No.77629772

I don't know how to use migoboat...

>> No.77629776
File: 1.18 MB, 2500x3500, GPLci5PasAI3Hm5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get too wet Mogotyan

>> No.77629788

That's how cover weaponizes your love for money. Just how it is.

>> No.77629827
Quoted by: >>77629928

what the fuck is fuwawa talking about

>> No.77629836
Quoted by: >>77629934

Who’s going to be the first fan to run onto the stage and why is it a ruffian?

>> No.77629864
Quoted by: >>77630035

even if i had the means, i still wouldn't want to show my ugly ass

>> No.77629909
File: 2 KB, 113x43, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77630130


>> No.77629928
Quoted by: >>77630044

At live concerts, you can see a mist above the crowd and it's not fog. It's the heat and sweat from the crowd.

>> No.77629934

You mean into the screen?

>> No.77629953

Papapuppy is just going to cringe the entire him
I should be the one watching with Mamapuppy

>> No.77629954
File: 423 KB, 687x706, 1690737441725222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77629958
Quoted by: >>77630123

based, keep postponing it until they graduate, they might even comeback and you will miss it, just to be safe, you might want to keep it postponed, imagine missing out on such a thing

>> No.77629996
File: 440 KB, 687x706, 1704169531828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77629997

I'd buy it, but I literally don't have the money. I only have 20$, and I have to survive with that for the rest of the month.

>> No.77630005

>superchat reading already

>> No.77630021

>weekly minecraft

>> No.77630035

True, I'd go If I could but I can't, sometimes life is like that, they have dreams and I care about them so.

>> No.77630044

imagine the smell....

>> No.77630077


>> No.77630085

>minecraft was supposed to be weekly
that would've been kino

>> No.77630123

I have to kill myself before I fall too far in love with them though because otherwise the pain will be too great knowing I'll never be anything to them.

>> No.77630130
File: 1.87 MB, 7200x7200, 1708051353324734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77630273

What's that?

>> No.77630129
File: 1.19 MB, 4096x4096, GNO6tNLbUAAc-Bj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv u mio

>> No.77630134
Quoted by: >>77630344

>1st time #2
just like our asmr will be

>> No.77630141
Quoted by: >>77630257

didn't hololive recently stated somewhere that they don't want to release new members until current ones retire or something?

>> No.77630200

>ruffians are patient
I don't like it when my oshi's lie to me

>> No.77630225

Imagine if you somehow die before getting to watch this and their 3D debuts

>> No.77630227

i fucking hope

>> No.77630230
Quoted by: >>77630605

I will laugh at you if you miss it, you will be known as the ruffian that missed it, couldn't be me

>> No.77630236

I'm there already, there's a bitterness in my gut, not for them. Just a general bitterness

>> No.77630257


>> No.77630274

they're talking about me because I'm the role model

>> No.77630273
File: 6 KB, 288x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77630281

I've been waiting my entire life to find them. They're right.

>> No.77630324

Yeah that's a great description of it. Like I'm missing out.

>> No.77630326
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1651451385466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77630547

we need to meme fwmc's dream into reality

>> No.77630332

they were talking about me, they forgot you exist

>> No.77630344
File: 43 KB, 440x440, 1714677390517143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77630361

YesCHADs are the most patient people in the world

>> No.77630407

does new york have any onsen?

>> No.77630415
Quoted by: >>77630605

Its more like they'll never know I exist or acknowledge me as a person, I love them but a lot of it feels empty

>> No.77630447
Quoted by: >>77630530

when you are dead and missing out, I will be watching fuwamoco, I will outlive you and watch fuwamoco, you would be a cuck, I will cuck you if you die, just sayin

>> No.77630494


just the latest example of fwmc having the best and most creative fans

other examples include Fuwamoco64 and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImXqPF7iqDU

>> No.77630519

it was a japanese pun. 入浴 (nyuyoku = bath) sounds like new york

>> No.77630530

Let the man kill himself in peace, goddamn.

>> No.77630547


>> No.77630550

She yobaid Okayu, didn't she?

>> No.77630568


>> No.77630589
Quoted by: >>77630715

dreaming about a negro....

>> No.77630592

no but you can smell sewer gas and pay for food that's marked up as much as movie theater popcorn

>> No.77630599


>> No.77630605
File: 43 KB, 300x198, 1451685877486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77630834


>> No.77630618
Quoted by: >>77630786

When will you talk more about it? Wait during FWMC morning only?

>> No.77630633

fuwawa dreamt about being kabedon'd by lammar in underwear

>> No.77630715
File: 1.70 MB, 210x155, 1429145271375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwawa is dreaming about nigs and mococo dreams of white ruffians

>> No.77630786
File: 171 KB, 1242x930, 1717454108302924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gone forever like the tight and flavorful place

>> No.77630822

Ay yoo, Fuwawa, u wan sum fuk?

>> No.77630834

Leave me alone Joe Pesci

>> No.77630839

was that a supachat?? wait holy shit that tangent wasnt even a supachat

>> No.77630847

But Drake is the Canadian...

>> No.77630850

>dog dreams about BAU BAUing at blacks
damn Fuwawa's a reincarnated police dog from the 60s

>> No.77630856

God these SCs are cringe.

>> No.77630878

>if is okay skipped
superchat rape

>> No.77630884

this idiot sent a rainbow for the VPs kek

>> No.77630899


>> No.77630900

