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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 176 KB, 1722x1110, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77498989 No.77498989 [Reply] [Original]


RxRxR: https://youtu.be/7WXVFl-N6-o
PAKU PAKU SEIBAI: https://youtu.be/zAFA8SCKpXk
Colour MV: https://youtu.be/u9alGJE9ZXA
EIEN MV: https://youtu.be/xGgKKwc-jWg
LOS LOS LOS: https://youtu.be/oCOGTtxq24k



>Previous Stream:
Warioware: https://youtu.be/jTHvvjFsgUk
>Next Stream:
Watame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcFwvfav6mQ
>Free chat/Vspacer chat:

>Merch (Limited)
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
Promise swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter

>Art Tags
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png

Previous: >>77388494

>> No.77499216

Thanks for the bread!

>> No.77499245

Thanks for za bread!

>> No.77499345


>> No.77499437


>> No.77499490
File: 35 KB, 221x86, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77499645

>> No.77499540

That’s pretty cool

>> No.77499645

Starting off with a bang

>> No.77499651


>> No.77499680

Sheeps got pipes as always

>> No.77499850

First time hearing this song but she's killing it

>> No.77500001
Quoted by: >>77500062

Just realized Bae retweeted the members only encore and not the actual live lmao

>> No.77500062
Quoted by: >>77500229

B-But they are the same person

>> No.77500194


>> No.77500215

Does that classify as a beam clash?

>> No.77500219

Sheep in 3D is very erotic

>> No.77500229

It's prerecorded, like the double Kanata from that one bday live

>> No.77500390

Didn't Ina do this song too

>> No.77500545


>> No.77500573

Oh shit mumei with Mumei

>> No.77500592

Owl on telly!

>> No.77500684

>hates the ASMR thing where people repeat the first part of a sentence a bunch of times
>has an orisong doing exactly that

>> No.77500852


>> No.77500876
Quoted by: >>77500928

Busting out the anisongs tonight

>> No.77500928

I'm lovin' this live setlist so far

>> No.77500968

Botan has improved so much since debut singing wise, I'm very impressed

>> No.77500996
Quoted by: >>77501050

Probably COLOUR tonight right? Would be a missed opportunity

>> No.77501050

I will be surprised if it isn't colour

>> No.77501058

She really hates mouth sounds

>> No.77501150


>> No.77501174


>> No.77501234
File: 224 KB, 944x1365, Rrat Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77501325

>> No.77501240

I hope she's doing well..

>> No.77501325

I really hope they do more of these shorts this summer.

>> No.77501355

The foot step dance is so cool...

>> No.77501387

Get well soon Mion...

>> No.77501406

No fucken way

>> No.77501431


>> No.77501462


>> No.77501480


>> No.77501600

Goddamn psycho does not get enough play these days and its so good

>> No.77501605

That was fucking epic, I wasn't expecting Psycho but their harmonization was on point

>> No.77501671

Back to back bangers
That harmony at the final PSYCHO SAIKO was heavenly

>> No.77501684
Quoted by: >>77501736

That was so good...
I'm positive Watame wanted to keep up the chuuni rock vibe and Psycho is perfect for that

>> No.77501736
Quoted by: >>77501830

I’m really surprised Mumei did Mumei, every other song has matched the vibe really well

>> No.77501801

Why is Watame in Nier lmao

>> No.77501811

Watame has chosen all bangers so far.

>> No.77501830

Hey as long as more jp bros get introduced to it for the first time im all for it

>> No.77501849


>> No.77501857


>> No.77501911

Epic, it's been a while since I've heard a holo sing this

>> No.77502016

Such a cool song
Suisei's cover was amazing too

>> No.77502182
Quoted by: >>77502275

Watame’s best song

>> No.77502275

I agree

>> No.77502426

This sounds epic

>> No.77502448

Kakkoi sheep

>> No.77502467
Quoted by: >>77502564

I hope Bae does a song like this/Overkill/Anemone at some point

>> No.77502554

This part is really good

>> No.77502564

Psycho is pretty close but the instrumentals are electronic instead of metal/rock

>> No.77502601


>> No.77502809


>> No.77502876

Surprise PSYCHO/10
Banger setlist/10
Kakkoi sheep/10
Watame’s karaokes and musical events are always a great time
I’m liking the new orisong too

>> No.77502895

They fucking killed that PSYCHO, the entire live in general was kakkoi as fuck

>> No.77502915

Watame is a great stage performer/10
Really liked the set-list, pleasantly surprised by Psycho appearing with Bae, thoroughly enjoyed it.

>> No.77503106
File: 66 KB, 680x667, 169565454631130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77503141

That was a killer live/10
I enjoyed every second of it
Psycho was a great choice here and their harmonization was pure kino
I am kinda eepy now though so I'm off to bed, night brats

>> No.77503141


>> No.77503526
File: 3.44 MB, 1200x675, watabaeSAIKO[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1oab3w.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77503867

That kick move seemed really hard
Looked cool

>> No.77503867
Quoted by: >>77504027

Anyways yeah that kick move is a part of the original choreo, I'm glad Watame learnt it and the best part is their kicks were perfectly synced

>> No.77504027
File: 3.76 MB, 1200x675, watabaepsycho[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fblr5q7.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77504509

Bae loves kicks as part of her choreo huh
I noticed most of the moves were from the CTW performance (all?), it's a nice callback

>> No.77504158
File: 3.28 MB, 1200x675, i'llfuckingshowyou[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flm1vqy.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

volume warning lmao

>> No.77504328
File: 1.71 MB, 1200x675, doyouwantcandy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Focrtxn.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77504384
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x675, shutthefuckup[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F65xsgh.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77504448
File: 3.88 MB, 1200x675, animolasmr[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpdurbw.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suspicious animol sounds

>> No.77504509
Quoted by: >>77504568

The kick and the part before the breakdown are from the choreo but the rest is neutered psychotic freestyling, it's unreasonable to have Watame learn the entire psycho choreo but the parts she did added a lot to it. Also this performance was more vocal centric as opposed to dance centric and their harmonization was excellent because of that

>> No.77504568

Makes sense yeah, they sounded great

>> No.77504623
File: 3.91 MB, 1200x675, baebark[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcfb88h.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77504671

>> No.77504671

Alternative names include mubaepetplay

>> No.77504683

Thanks for the sounds as always anon

>> No.77504754
File: 2.80 MB, 1200x675, TELLHERYOULIKEIT[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwu0o4x.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also sound warning

>> No.77504880
File: 2.80 MB, 1200x675, squeakmeow[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgdblc0.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was so cute

>> No.77505001
File: 3.79 MB, 1200x675, ratgurgle[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F948y4a.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This too was very cute

>> No.77505209
File: 2.23 MB, 1200x675, shutthefuckup2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgbdwbd.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one

>> No.77505279
File: 392 KB, 2208x1296, GPZPhRaawAAJOgX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77505316

Animol drool on our heads...

>> No.77505397

Bless onecolo for all their MuBae art

>> No.77506244

RxRxR gives it a run for its money but Psycho is still saikou
Crazy good song with equally crazy choreo

>> No.77507868
File: 501 KB, 1304x2048, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77508052
Quoted by: >>77508168

I dont know about those hands

>> No.77508168

Ill take PASSION hands over whatever a prompt spits out

>> No.77508926

Make take ur face out of mumeis muff and make the frame pleasw

>> No.77509509

wait isn't the ollie watchalong this saturday but it will be like 3 am for bae? i dont know if she's gonna join after all, considering that she could be traveling back to japan this weekend

>> No.77509586
Quoted by: >>77509660

There was a watchalong? First I heard of it, what for?

>> No.77509613

Its probably still up in the air considering shes not even acknowledged it existing as a future stream yet

>> No.77509660
Quoted by: >>77510178

Shes watching the holostars jp anniversary concert with the id girls, she does it every year with them

>> No.77510178

Ah, guess we’ll see then
Time zone is looking tricky like you said

>> No.77512511


>> No.77513057

tehre is a debate for bae and mumei's chest size and who is bigger but there is no doubt mumei got the biggest butt

>> No.77513479
Quoted by: >>77513523

Is there a reason why Kanade is using Baes outro music? and why is it causing such a brainrot?

>> No.77513523

Bae doesn't have a claim to that BGM

>> No.77513700
Quoted by: >>77514901

Maybe not but I rarely hear other holos using the same BGMs.

>> No.77513824

Counterpoint: yes she does

>> No.77514884
Quoted by: >>77515573

Bae wake up Bae wake up Bae wake up Bae wake up

>> No.77514901

Then you must not watch many holos cuz it's not uncommon for them to share BGMs. It's hard not to when they all use the same place to get them.

>> No.77515270

I think festival always had the best nova syndrome choice
That one super japanese kind of rock song she always used is awesome

>> No.77515573
File: 12 KB, 585x101, ghghklññ{ñl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it worked

>> No.77515728
File: 279 KB, 900x900, 8e7dffa47aad3c83b8171b656512abd9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77517820

I think I overslept for the watame live...

>> No.77517645
File: 784 KB, 646x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77517902

I kinda miss baerys

>> No.77517820

It was great
I wish psychos instrumental was a lil louder

>> No.77517902
File: 947 KB, 2508x3541, GPTzfVIbkAA2fss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77518139

What's (You)r favorite bae orisong /rrat/?

Mine is easy, PSYCHO

>> No.77518445

That's like asking what's my favorite Inuyasha song. They're all great in their own way and it really depends on what I feel like listening to.

>> No.77520003
File: 949 KB, 2741x3777, GPUOBNxbEAAtNcS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77526757

So cool...

>> No.77520704

B-bae? The stream?

>> No.77520843

>Bae and I are on an adventure today! We don’t know when we will be back or if we will ever return! :D

>> No.77521130

Mumei consumed the rat... we will never see her again.

>> No.77521543

you silly just say that you both are having a date today

>> No.77521683

Finally got to sit down and watch watame's live and i kinda didnt like psycho there.
Dont get me wrong, the performance was good and they synced perfectly but i feel like watame's soft voice completely killed that unhinged vibe of the song.

I would have liked any zodiac song over it if im being honest

>> No.77522077

Is this also sex

>> No.77523046
File: 61 KB, 1079x614, bae butthole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord of the board is open. are we participating? can we put Kiryu's suit on mr squeaks?

>> No.77524479

is the fatfuck going to fit that?

>> No.77524956

Maybe bae and mumei are filming a vlog for a vod content piece for fun

>> No.77525083

>filming a blog
i doubt it anon, but i want to believe

>> No.77525151

oh thanks for reminding me, I'll get it done.

I think the suit could look cool, any other suggestion?

>> No.77525174
Quoted by: >>77526766

they should film a threesome with animol

>> No.77525235
Quoted by: >>77531975

if he can get a comb for his pompadour it would be cool but i dont know the limitations of WWE

>> No.77526711
Quoted by: >>77531975

Give him a kodachi just for the heck of it if it's possible

>> No.77526757


>> No.77526766

Animol is a she

>> No.77529114

It changes all the time for me, lately it's been Gozaimaster

>> No.77531542
Quoted by: >>77533648

No stream today? unless they pull a surprise Guerilla

>> No.77531975
File: 1.48 MB, 1232x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to refresh your memory, this is how he looked like before, I'm writing the aes now so speak now if you wanna see another change

will ask for those

>> No.77533648
Quoted by: >>77534699

i would have wished they told us that there would be no stream instead of vagueposting but yeah.

Mumei i love you but you are a fucking bitch regarding schedules

>> No.77533859

>Week of fun streams.
>No stream.

>> No.77534162
Quoted by: >>77534540

What's his finisher going to be?

>> No.77534540

not decided yet, any ideas? I don't know a lot about wrestling so I usually pick whatever is cooler, but quoting what I put in the document "Make him do cool and stupid shit as chuuni as you can"

>> No.77534699
Quoted by: >>77534945

Maybe they realized their time together is almost over and tdecided to make the most of it. Honeslty i dont blame them, even if its a whole week they longer bae stays there, the longer she's gonna miss moom.

>> No.77534945

im fine with that, but please just say "hey guys we are not streaming today"

hell, im fine with them not streaming at all over a week while they hang out, but just tell us

>> No.77535200

well you don't have to autistic about it either, maybe they are going to visit someone, fauna? is kronii back home?

>> No.77535419

yeah that's fair I suppose unless they really do have a surprise planned and they can't reveal it

>> No.77535631

Doesnt Fauna live in who-knows-whereville and that's why a faumei offcollab is always a hassle and not posible?

>> No.77535984
Quoted by: >>77536309

i just find the "something perhaps or not or is definitely happening but not really but yes!" shpiel annoying. Its why bae is my oshi.

>> No.77536112
Quoted by: >>77561752

Either the Worm because Bae would totally do the Worm as a finishing move, or Styles Clash because it's the most chuuni move I can think of.

>> No.77536240
Quoted by: >>77561752

i think he needs to be acrobatic and "air based" since he's always on top of bae's head

>> No.77536309
Quoted by: >>77536800

you know? bae also does the same, in fact she did it recently, saying that she didn't wanted to travel again this year just to have an offcollab in america with mumei just a few weeks later. Same happened in 2022 when she "wasnt sure if she was going to japan soon" just to be ther for new year a month later.

>> No.77536430
Quoted by: >>77536613

If they decided to drive to meet another member thatd be pretty neat

>> No.77536613
Quoted by: >>77536878

do you know if kronii back home or she's in an hotel right now?

>> No.77536800

NTA but bro are you really comparing ambiguity regarding something as hectic as travelling versus ambiguity regarding streams

>> No.77536878

she was home last stream

>> No.77536974
Quoted by: >>77537055

What did Bae yell out in the Psycho performance today?

>> No.77537055
Quoted by: >>77537190

The original lyric was
and she changed it to

>> No.77537190
Quoted by: >>77537962

It's the last frontier of vtuber duets.

>> No.77537962

Last Frontier is also a duet lmao

>> No.77539220
Quoted by: >>77539381

We're gonna get the Mumei 2 am special aren't we

>> No.77539381

They did say the times for streams weren’t confirmed this week so I had a feeling

>> No.77540327
Quoted by: >>77540709

dunno if we are getting a stream tomorrow.
is happening tomorrow and at Mubae's timeslot

>> No.77540411
File: 39 KB, 601x253, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over...

>> No.77540414
File: 27 KB, 599x311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well there goes the confirmation

>> No.77540466

Stream cancelled lol!

>> No.77540468

I hope they have fun whatever they’re up to

>> No.77540644

I bet they went to disney world or some shit

>> No.77540709

They can just move it to Mumei's usual time slot if they need to. The quiz stream will be between 1-2 hours probably.

>> No.77540749

Damn they literally just eloped

>> No.77540822

I guess the owl pussy was that good

>> No.77541995
File: 40 KB, 300x300, I MISS MY RAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77542019

They are...
Seriously though, the confirmation soothes my soul and now I can sleep later. I hope they have fun

>> No.77542165

Bunny garden is private now btw

>> No.77542358

Fuck, it was only a matter of time huh?
I hope anon who said he was archiving it did do it

>> No.77542441
Quoted by: >>77542800

Mumei is 100% driving right now since it was Bae that had to tweet the cancelation of the stream

>> No.77542670
Quoted by: >>77542963

I did yeah, just need to upload it

>> No.77542706

those are the last surviving ones. Seems like its getting struck at random

>> No.77542756

Tired of off collab stream promises being broken. Just say you're gonna fuck off for a week and then do a long zatsu when you come back where you show pictures and talk about it instead of 60 minutes of scuff and canceled streams.

>> No.77542800
Quoted by: >>77543814

Bae's probably opting not to drive in general since it would be annoying to get used to driving on the opposite side of the road that she's been used to all her life

>> No.77542883

I think this is a terrible take. This stream was always uncertain and I have no problem with them taking a day or two off to hang out and have fun while also mixing in streams here and there, so long as there's no surprise guerilla which always scare me

>> No.77542963

Bless you anon

>> No.77542968

I think it's fair to be disappointed, the uncertainty was only ever in the content of the stream and they waited until the very last second to confirm for sure it suddenly wasn't happening

>> No.77543256

i mean.. yeah that's what they're literally trained to do in part so they dont have some weird stalker show up to kill them

>> No.77543369
Quoted by: >>77543482

My rrat: Bae took Mumei bouldering for the first time

>> No.77543392

I am more dissapointed that they were secretive about todays stream but then opted not to do it. Fingers crossed for double streams tomorrow or combined with the karaoke, unless they cancel it too.

>> No.77543402

I'm a little peeved about the cancellation but the rest of the streams have been great in spite of/because of the scuff

>> No.77543452
Quoted by: >>77543641

>I am more dissapointed that they were secretive about todays stream
Lol there was no secret, they didn't say shit because they didn't have a plan and today made it pretty clear

>> No.77543482

Wherever they went it seems to have been quite a bit of travel

>> No.77543572
Quoted by: >>77544105

They did say in the original schedule that the ??? was because they hadn't decided yet

>> No.77543594

>mumei you wanna go to this thing thursday
>lets move up the asmr so we can go do this specific thing on thursday

calm down queens, its ok, breathe, there's a stream tomorrow

>> No.77543641
Quoted by: >>77543687

watch streams

>> No.77543642
Quoted by: >>77545768

i think there never was a plan for a stream but that's just me

>> No.77543687
Quoted by: >>77543790

You watch streams faggot, the first schedule reveal they literally said the question marks meant undecided

>> No.77543790
Quoted by: >>77543856

Literal retard watch the asmr stream before you start sperging out

>> No.77543814

Driving on the other side of the road would be daunting even if you had a license so I don't blame her for opting not to drive at all.

>> No.77543856

Literal trog, watch the stream before that
Sorry you're an autistic sperg who can't read between the lines that they never had a plan to begin with. It must be tough living life taking everything so literally

>> No.77544105
Quoted by: >>77544293

But in the asmr stream Mumei told Bae not to tell what it was. I took it that they did have something planned.

>> No.77544146

Well what do you know, life is uncertain like that, stuff comes up and who knows when Bae will get to hang with mooms in America at length again. Besides we are still getting plenty of streams, I hope they have fun

>> No.77544282


>cya tomorrow... what are we streaming tomorrow?
>"don't tell them"
>"good idea"

where's the "plan"?

>> No.77544293

Could be they planned to stream after wherever they went today but ended up staying longer than expected (given the tweets)

>> No.77544407
Quoted by: >>77544470

Relax anon, you are getting way too hung up over this, drop the topic and move on

>> No.77544470
Quoted by: >>77544626

im timestamping for the downies who dont understand mumei was just being bratty

>> No.77544626
Quoted by: >>77545768

I see lol, it's pretty much confirmation that they had no plan for the day

>> No.77544664
File: 306 KB, 2048x2048, GPZ0_I5bEAApeTN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77544779

personally I wish them a happy ever after

>> No.77544779
File: 3.77 MB, 1200x675, mubae[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpajzqj.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I get the feeling one of them is gonna start crying on the final day before Bae has to leave

>> No.77544812

Probably bae

>> No.77545206

>moom leaves the airport terminal with a sweater covered in snot n boogers

>> No.77545222

Mumei probably has to go to Japan next month anyways, so they dont need to wait that long

>> No.77545324

even then, i get that, but ive been there before with a friend from work i got along with really well, and it really is the journey of that period of days even though ya gonna clock in with them the following monday

>> No.77545537
File: 591 KB, 2139x3446, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77545683

Definitely Bae lmao

>> No.77545768


>> No.77545860
Quoted by: >>77546079

Warioware is literally reskinned 1-2 switch, ain't no way in hell they need to play that

>> No.77545896
Quoted by: >>77546079

its the same game as warioware lol

>> No.77546079
File: 428 KB, 815x469, dangerously smug chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77546267

this means wario is the ideal mubae man and that means im in and you guys are out

>> No.77546126

yeah but is not gonna be the same, they will have to do holo work.

>> No.77546267
Quoted by: >>77546371

if theres women with a sumo fetish there's some random tumblr women who wanna fuck wario

>> No.77546371
File: 3 KB, 125x125, Chloe despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77547134

>some random tumblr women
oh my god..you dont know...you dont know how many people are actually horny for wario....

>> No.77546523
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Quoted by: >>77546986

Peak male performance

>> No.77546986
File: 520 KB, 1093x886, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*mogs Wario*

>> No.77547134

my eyes burn every time i remember that person who draws daisy NTR.
His or her wario is built like a goddamn bear

>> No.77548124

My Baeby is not coming back. It's over…

>> No.77548255

yeah shes trapped between mumeis legs

>> No.77550712

Owl cloaca too good…

>> No.77551418

Bunny Garden VOD here

>> No.77552657

Much appreciate anon

>> No.77555205
File: 584 KB, 2112x4096, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77555833
Quoted by: >>77555905

Mori and Kobo listening to Gekirin on Mori's radio show thing

>> No.77555876

GEKIRIN featured on Kyalli's new radio show

>> No.77555905

Very nice

>> No.77556106

Bae’s contrasting taste in covers versus orisongs is definitely something

>> No.77556132

A Million Miles Away and EIEN mention

>> No.77556897
Quoted by: >>77557498

Im surprised there isnt more art of baes lipstick leaving kissy marks

>> No.77557498

Me too, I’m still waiting for Redi to do one

>> No.77561181

wholesome mubae

>> No.77561485

>koikatsu trash
nah im fine

>> No.77561571


>> No.77561752

Phenomenal forearm and Styles Clash are both used by AJ Styles. Would be a good combo

>> No.77562016
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Quoted by: >>77562158


>> No.77562158
Quoted by: >>77562259

Let's do it in public Bae :D It will be fun Bae :D

>> No.77562259

I knew Mumei was into exhibitionism...

>> No.77562719
Quoted by: >>77562776

im gonna laugh if they really just went on a hike cause Bae said she got into going on long walks with Mumei so they just said screw it lets hike a trail

>> No.77562776
Quoted by: >>77562929

>Mubae went and freeclimbed some mountain

>> No.77562929

Imagine though
Free soloing is a mad man's affair, Alex's documentary of the same name gave me more anxiety than any horror movie I've watched

>> No.77563314

He looks pretty cool but is there any way to make him look even cooler

>> No.77564892

bae butt

>> No.77564907
Quoted by: >>77565578

I miss Baekiro

>> No.77565578
Quoted by: >>77566241

It'll be back soon enough
What I'm worried about is her completely forgetting the controls again kek

>> No.77566241

>her completely forgetting the controls again
That is a certainty, regardless of the gap between when she last played

>> No.77566481

This dementia meme is approaching "haha zoomer doesn't know anything" levels of unfunny.

>> No.77566570
Quoted by: >>77566708

The thing is, her forgetting controls isn't a meme
It literally happens every time she comes back to a game (which is not unfair though given how many different things she's juggling)

>> No.77566708

It is a meme because it always goes:
>Bae: how do I do this again?
>funniest brat: omg dementia rat......
>*back to being a parry god in less than 5 mins*
It's normal to have to warm up a bit when you play multiple games at once with entirely different controls with sometimes weeks between sessions.

>> No.77566770

I agree with you there, she always picks it up again quickly
Some people definitely get a bit worked up over it

>> No.77566782
Quoted by: >>77566832

Did the original bunny garden vod get taken down?

>> No.77566832

They've started being privated across the board, Bae's went down sometime yesterday I think yes

>> No.77566912

The difference between the dementia and the zoomer shit is the the zoomer shit went from "OMG you don't know my favorite thing!!!!!!!!" To unironically calling Bae a retard to her face because she didn't know about [pop culture reference that was a thing 30 years ago].

>> No.77567032

So they will probably do Mumei's usual 8-9 pdt karaoke time if not conflicting with the Hololive channel's anouncement is a priority,

>> No.77567066
Quoted by: >>77567285

Dementia meme doesn't exist outside of /here/
She's obviously a new gamer, it's gonna take her time to warm up (sometimes longer than you might think) but it's nothing too serious and certainly not as obnoxious as le zoomer bullshit that goes on with clippers

>> No.77567094
Quoted by: >>77567444

I'm curious if they'll delay to after if it's really something big like CTW2

>> No.77567285
Quoted by: >>77567410

>Dementia meme doesn't exist outside of /here/
It may not be as widespread but she addressed exactly this in her last solo stream, when responding to a chat or superchat.

>> No.77567410
Quoted by: >>77567490

Wasn't that during Monhun? when chat told her to do the demon dance and she said that she forgot? I don't think it happened during Yakuza unless I forgot

>> No.77567444

Announcement streams don't last longer than an hour anyway, they'll probably just delay the stream by that much.

>> No.77567490

I forget which stream but yeah.

>> No.77568264
Quoted by: >>77568346

maybe that's why there will be two streams, one before the anouncement (they could go longer than an hour) and then after the anouncement (with alcohol)

>> No.77568346
Quoted by: >>77568734

1 archived on Bae's channel for warmup, 1 unarchived on Mumei's channel where they go ham. I hope they do Through the FIre and Flames

>> No.77568734

Sounds about right. You get an archieved vod for whomever the karoke starts with and then a rebroadcast stream for the channel afterwards. And since this is all Mumei's set-up yo begin with, easier to do it with Bae first, Mumei second.

>> No.77569638
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Quoted by: >>77571490


>> No.77571490
Quoted by: >>77571570

they'll be back soon anon... you ahve to believe

>> No.77571570
File: 937 KB, 3174x4096, 1e1c7b556f64d50678a39b7c01711395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77572168

Hopefully as my wives and mothers of my children. Let me believe

>> No.77572168

I don’t remember posting this

>> No.77572236

Jimmy b-day in 2 hours

>> No.77572453
Quoted by: >>77574480

Is she doing call ins?

>> No.77573033
Quoted by: >>77574480

Will Bae be awake? Maybe a video

>> No.77574273
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>> No.77574480

I'm guessing no to this one due to the MuBae outing and wanting to sleep even if Bae does JP call-ins with Holomem often enough when she is in JP..

>> No.77575331
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>> No.77576236
Quoted by: >>77576484

Why can't Bae spend a week with Ririka...
Bae can teach her to cook...
Ririka can teach Bae how to be seggs...
I can imagine the threesome with them...

>> No.77576484 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>77576534

Choco should have Bae over again and Ririka instead of Iroha

>> No.77576534
Quoted by: >>77577288

God no, I don't want Choco's brainrot to infest anyone.
I Will NOT buy the Second House
I Will NOT let myself be cheated on
I Will NOT pay the alimony

>> No.77577288

Choco’s definitely got some odd standards

>> No.77577824

If Bae wants a birdwife so much she should wife Lui-nee instead

>> No.77578255

Who would Bae have to fight for Lui’s affection

>> No.77578389
Quoted by: >>77578693

Chole and Debi from NijiJP

>> No.77578693

I would definitely pay to see Chloe catfight Bae
Debi too I guess

>> No.77579363

Mumei is the only EN Lui cares for

>> No.77579374
File: 113 KB, 1262x1186, GPeFLqUaAAABfoQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77581483

>> No.77579579

We can fix that.

>> No.77580086

Baffling you say that when shes always hanging around morpi

>> No.77580617
Quoted by: >>77580693

Noel will date Bae to get back at Flare dating IRyS

>> No.77580693
Quoted by: >>77580926

Suffocation by booba, what a way to go.

>> No.77580924
Quoted by: >>77583098

Did we have this many crack shippers in here

>> No.77580926

Nah she'll use her bouldering skills to climb that mountain.

>> No.77581002

You guys are not ready for the BaeLamy arc

>> No.77581035

Double drunken Karoke

>> No.77581167

If bae eats lamy's ass she dies from alcohol poisoning

>> No.77581276

This is a wild one and one I’d like to see
Lightweight and liver face

>> No.77581483

I dont know if having moom as an alarm could be a good idea

>> No.77581715
File: 235 KB, 1286x764, wild rat fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77581988

sorry bout your balding, dude

>> No.77581851

We're definitely getting a late night karaoke and not a 5pm pst
Stay strong ojisans

>> No.77581988
Quoted by: >>77582340

That's one less brrat to worry about in the eventual battle Royale for Bae's hand in marriage

>> No.77582184
File: 121 KB, 636x900, GPdaS7ebgAAeRC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77582340
Quoted by: >>77582728

How many FemBrrats do you think will join the Battle Royale?

>> No.77582728

3 at most and they will only date men who make it to the final 10 despite being the first ones out

>> No.77582763

NTA but it's a chonky piece of stream at around 22.2 GB

>> No.77582905
Quoted by: >>77583416

If it comes to the worst, just check that Brat discord if you need the archive. They keep a pretty much perfect archive of every stream Bae has ever done. I don't use that server outside of that and checking tweets without using twitter so I'm not advocating for any use outside of that

>> No.77583098

Anyone but you Mumei...
Anyone but you...

>> No.77583416

Setting up stuff for archives really isn't that hard. If in doubt there is always takobro too.

>> No.77583612
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>> No.77583813

I miss him, he was never given a real push despite always being fire in his gimmicks...

>> No.77583930
Quoted by: >>77584030

What's wrong with Mumei?

>> No.77584030

>White woman
What's right with her?

>> No.77584168
Quoted by: >>77585333

bae likes interacial you see

>> No.77584197

"I'M" the only white person "we" need.

>> No.77584376

Fei you're Chinese. And dead.

>> No.77584385
File: 1.63 MB, 1440x2037, 1660867586016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White women are sexy

>> No.77584607
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>> No.77584642
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>> No.77584754
File: 91 KB, 1202x939, F1CB6v5aAAIbF-W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77584848

ask bae

>> No.77584763

I love how you could also put Fuwamoco here but half the people have trouble fathoming it because they're such gigantic weebs

>> No.77584848

you know...minus the dick this isnt that much of a fongboy
Its hilarious
>Biboo isnt a white woman
>Shiori isnt a white woman
>but fuwamoco are
God bless the rizzler for being so aggressively american that it masks her entire gen

>> No.77585016

It really is difficult to process that Shiori is Asian sometimes, she really does have those midwest American emo/goth vibes so strongly

>> No.77585333

Which is why she should date a Japanese woman and a white man (me)

>> No.77585375

Dunno, for me it was apparent she was asian when the scissors were mentioned and her casually telling chat her dad "came back to pick her and her mom up" when she was a kid

>> No.77585428

I can tell by her voice, only asian girls i went to school with had that kind of nasally quality

>> No.77585628

What Christianity does to a mf

>> No.77585707
Quoted by: >>77585847

that one stream where biboo mentioned being thai flew under my radar so i almost shat myself when i turned into the golf stream with kaela and she started cursing in thai

>> No.77585847

Look up clips of her mum mentioned, she has a higher pitch voice than bijou

>> No.77585908
File: 462 KB, 658x714, miinokin - 1798366845038411901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BaeRissa when...i need theater, girly shit, barbie tangents and some nonsense debate over greasy food...

>> No.77585952
Quoted by: >>77586042

Only if Bae convinced Rissa onto a Gamer arc of her own. She needs it more that Bae did.

>> No.77585991
Quoted by: >>77586042

Similarly to kiara with yakuza, game of thrones, and kpop so never

>> No.77586041

Happened already with Powerwash, wasn't the best collab because Bae was very tired and Nerissa was shy, hope that didn't discourage them from ever doing it again

>> No.77586042

You wish to fix something that isnt broken? Rissa is the gamer of EN
i mean it was kind of an issue before because timezones for them were actual hell. dunno how it works nowadays

>> No.77586130
Quoted by: >>77586188

Calling them a "gamer" usually comes with an expectation of proficiency or competence, not just playing a lot of games lmao. Nerissa tries, bless her heart, and even looks up strats online, but still somehow manages to be one of the worst gamers in EN

>> No.77586188

anon...that's the joke...

>> No.77586207
Quoted by: >>77586254

I thought the dogs were hapas honestly

>> No.77586254

Their parents are Swedish/Irish on either side

>> No.77586293

>You wish to fix something that isnt broken? Rissa is the gamer of EN
Her favorite game is Stardew Valley. That's one rung above saying your favorite game is Nintendogs.

>> No.77586366
File: 570 KB, 500x281, arakune quality.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77586514

if we apply the "one drop rule" then Mori is italian

>> No.77586374
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>> No.77586514

mamma mia...

>> No.77587467
Quoted by: >>77587592

new thread when

>> No.77587592

Tonight bud, karaoke

>> No.77587814

I am the last brat, it is my duty to marry Bae.
