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File: 439 KB, 2048x2048, GNsqBY5aIAA6LJS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77439452 No.77439452 [Reply] [Original]

mocopan Edition
Previous Thread >>77419026

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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.77439472

My Mocopan

>> No.77439486

My Mocopan

>> No.77439505


>> No.77439518
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, pledge_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute Mocopan

>> No.77439530
File: 230 KB, 500x500, 1717606600276328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77439557


>> No.77439594
File: 231 KB, 500x500, 1717606600276328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77439599


>> No.77439613

uɐdoɔoW ʎW

>> No.77439627
File: 2.97 MB, 576x1024, Idvhvxwgov2p150 .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live look at Ruffians training to carry the ball and chain for the rest of their lives

>> No.77439672
File: 814 KB, 574x600, Mococo Wuv ya. I wuv you.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9vc66j.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77439695


>> No.77439752
File: 642 KB, 835x1067, 1708088870029715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77439770


>> No.77439783
File: 236 KB, 539x468, Screenshot 2024-06-05 100250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they tell me I can't touch the ears or tails

>> No.77439786

Look at her go! Will she complete the roll?

>> No.77439790
File: 432 KB, 782x675, 1717332898206625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77439800

Does Fuwawa really want a man like this?

>> No.77439814

wtf KEK

>> No.77439821

stop roleplaying as me

>> No.77439888

I hope we get plenty of mocopi streams in the future

>> No.77439891
File: 8 KB, 199x300, 199px-02UM_Chang_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77440044

isn't that Chang from KOF?

>> No.77439898

I remember when I was that thin.

>> No.77439902
File: 1.14 MB, 500x500, mocopan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77439933
Quoted by: >>77440056

Based KOFchad. That's Chang right there.

>> No.77439949

Is that real?

>> No.77439983
File: 88 KB, 599x519, mocopann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77440033
File: 31 KB, 480x401, Watamelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77440221


>> No.77440036


>> No.77440044

Yes it's a cosplay

>> No.77440056

they should play KoF after the last stream happened and main him

>> No.77440112

Look at her go!!!!

>> No.77440118
Quoted by: >>77440190

One of them would just spam projectiles or a move and the other would increasingly rage.

>> No.77440190

And we know who is which.
both would spam. see: smash bros with mori

>> No.77440221
File: 1.45 MB, 3060x1980, 170128234982394823(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need this with Fuwawa and my head as the melon

>> No.77440293
File: 1.79 MB, 1353x1941, GPO2P91aYAAJopg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77440743

groping my wife's floofies whenever I want

>> No.77440303
File: 105 KB, 800x675, ioribc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77441607

my main has always been Iori. I've been wearing the collar this whole time it seems.

>> No.77440343
Quoted by: >>77440677

This dude is a fucking Dynasty Warriors character

>> No.77440677

yes there is one close to him there too

>> No.77440714


>> No.77440743

Gorilla should go all out and ask if the ears and tails are no go even when married what about the floofies

>> No.77440875
Quoted by: >>77441018

The bride voicepack seemed a bit forced. It didn't really feel like they were super into it.

>> No.77441018
Quoted by: >>77441255

Fuwawa literally stuttered because of how nervous she was and it still made it to the final version, which probably means it was one of the best takes they had
They were probably dropping spaghetti left and right while recording it trying to hold back their happiness and blushing at the thought of the scenario

>> No.77441024
File: 392 KB, 2048x1706, LunalieneRay 1798404168824307976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77441183

This would be perfect if Mococo's small hills were left intact

>> No.77441057
File: 288 KB, 435x573, Screenshot 2024-06-01 153214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77441075
File: 34 KB, 791x791, 1716759670518147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77441145


>> No.77441084
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, Your dog friends Fuwamoco [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmpbr5q.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77441223

>> No.77441116
Quoted by: >>77441293

Is Gorilla the dedicated scape goat?

>> No.77441145

The loli one

>> No.77441183

Why draw two bodies when you draw one and mirror it?

>> No.77441223

>Mococo has antlers
>Only male deer have antlers

>> No.77441255

I could tell they were actually kind of nervous in some parts, and you cannot tell me Mococo saying "to make up with me when we have an argument the next day" Is not the most real raw shit in that entire VP, she MEANT that.

>> No.77441293
Quoted by: >>77441497

This thread is full of people who want to send anti SCs but are too poor for it. They will latch on to anyone who wants to be a thread celebrity.

>> No.77441298

Laying low for a while sorry unless I have something good to say. I'm not a fucking chimp and don't want Fuwawa to also hate me.

>> No.77441341

Ask for the tummies instead of floofies then

>> No.77441352
Quoted by: >>77441386

you're using an alt though

>> No.77441355

Would be fun to mess around in the game. If only to see some of the kino pre-battle intros in KOF but CvS too. We're long overdue for another CvS. Also, just an idea on how dangerous Chang can be in old KOF. Along with Brian Battler https://x.com/Zujou_Barai/status/1786587974949646389
I liked playing him. His supers looked cool as fuck.

>> No.77441362

Send more tongue twisters

>> No.77441386

Yes but I still have some standards christ. I don't want to become an automatic skip that they dread seeing like 2schizos was for the first few months

>> No.77441442

Gorilla makes them think less of all the Ruffians, not just him.

>> No.77441448
File: 285 KB, 3840x3840, 1712548520949739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still have some standards

>> No.77441457
Quoted by: >>77441607

>Ralf, Daimon, Chang
unga bunga ass team

>> No.77441466

Huh, gained at least a smidgen of respect for you honestly, don't play the joke out too much and you'll be fine.

>> No.77441471
Quoted by: >>77441562

I was sitting in my car and started to think about the superchat I wanted to send tonight, then I forgot where I was even going, and now I forgot what the superchat was too. Should I see a doctor? I'm scared.

>> No.77441478
Quoted by: >>77441580

Speaking of, did he send an SC too late to be read last night?

>> No.77441497

Ah that makes sense. I do feel bad for him, yesterday he got raked over the coals pretty bad.

>> No.77441507
Quoted by: >>77441590


>> No.77441534
Quoted by: >>77441583

wheres the jude bride pack torrent? i want to hear mococo.

>> No.77441554

I don't blame you Gorilla you've done gods work before so I'd lay low too.

>> No.77441562

Ok I remember where I wanted to go, it's good it's good

>> No.77441580

they read the supa he sent at the very end of the stream.

>> No.77441583
Quoted by: >>77441772


>> No.77441585
Quoted by: >>77442311

The weird part is there's still a SC I sent as Gorilla saying I was a shy ruffian. But since that time gorilla has sent multiple borderline sex SCs

>> No.77441590


>> No.77441607
File: 159 KB, 517x478, 1687252444378629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to include >>77440303 on playing Iori.

>> No.77441772
Quoted by: >>77441814


bless you. Are there more or is this all of them?

>> No.77441773
File: 53 KB, 506x1024, 1715615138601280m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77441851

>> No.77441814

That's all. The other two are the same thing but Japanese.

>> No.77441851

Looks like Mococo is touching herself.

>> No.77441869

you think they would play the jp or en version of 98?

>> No.77442142
Quoted by: >>77442187

Wouldn't you?

>> No.77442187

If I was her, or would I in general? Not sure which one you mean but the answer is yes.

>> No.77442202
Quoted by: >>77442313

Mococo is built for rape. And that includes by her own hand.

>> No.77442311

It'll be funny to hear them react to that after everything, though.

>> No.77442313
File: 124 KB, 640x640, 1629315801419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We may have to put Moco-chan in this..

>> No.77442368

Yeah so I can tease her until she literally begs me for it.

>> No.77442396

Well that's one way of using it

>> No.77442445
Quoted by: >>77442666

Yeah? She's rubbing her hand on her thigh

>> No.77442466

god that's hot

>> No.77442544
File: 2.27 MB, 482x856, Lifetime Showtime [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9djmaw.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77442566
File: 158 KB, 850x1438, __fuwawa_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_oridays__sample-a48b077936604d0c23a46a131eabf0ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77442595

mococo cross...

>> No.77442664

Newissa is even spending time offline with Koyori...

>> No.77442666

Looked more like she was masturbating or at least putting a hand on herself to me but eh.

>> No.77442740

Do not the moco cross

>> No.77442752


>> No.77442776

Mococo died for our sins...kinoeh...

>> No.77442781
Quoted by: >>77442847

Fuwawa's child bearing hips in 3D, Mococo's child bearing hips in 3D.

>> No.77442817
Quoted by: >>77442903

Is there a clip or something?

>> No.77442847

Mococo would die during childbirth are you really so cruel that you'd fill her womb even knowing the consequences?

>> No.77442903

FuwaMoco aren't even spending time with Advent. I wonder what the hell they're doing on their own

>> No.77442921

This is why my cum goes straight into her anus. Because of love. Also so she can't see my veiny cock.

>> No.77442975

speaking of death you guys ever notice they like to bring up death a lot?

>> No.77443059

she is not giving Nerissa the mayo so we are winning

>> No.77443063

We're all dying right now

>> No.77443068

Koyori is going to molest Nerissa....

>> No.77443101

Yea they seem to be non adverse to talking about it. Which is odd but I don't having a deep conversation with them about it is a good idea.

>> No.77443122
Quoted by: >>77443209

Yes, my wives (especially Mococo) clearly believe that everything they've ever done will amount to nothing and return to the dust where it came from, and that despite all their dreams and hopes, It may not matter in the end. Or something like that. They're hyper realists I guess?

>> No.77443133

Yes, I think it's why they go 200% every second because they think they could die at any moment. I don't know if they had a past trauma, have some diagnosis or are just stubbornly autistic

>> No.77443157
Quoted by: >>77443368

Was anyone else running into a problem with the last 2 streams where it would freeze for a few seconds every couple minutes?

>> No.77443180

Mococo's constant migranes are...grim

>> No.77443197

I couldn't resist and I would make sure to fuck her as much as I could once the pregnancy timer started because I know she'd never abort.

>> No.77443209
Quoted by: >>77443288

>verything they've ever done will amount to nothing and return to the dust where it came from, and that despite all their dreams and hopes, It may not matter in the end
This is true for everything. So you should do what you enjoy. That's why they stubbornly do things they enjoy instead of wageslaving.

>> No.77443270
Quoted by: >>77443354

>they were still awake

>> No.77443288
Quoted by: >>77443556

True, but its clear they have a very negative outlook on life in certain aspects, which I mean so do I but I'm a miserable cunt, not a beautiful sweethearted woman. Makes me a little sad.

>> No.77443292

can you schedule threads or are they actually awake?

>> No.77443345

I don't think they schedule tweets, they're not consistent enough for that.

>> No.77443353
Quoted by: >>77447183

Maybe it's Suzu, FWMC wrote the tweet and she posted it

>> No.77443354
Quoted by: >>77447183

Suzu tweet

>> No.77443368

The last stream had awful stuttering. I don't remember any issues with the one before it

>> No.77443390
Quoted by: >>77443436

>awake past 3am
>good night tweet probably in another hour
>4 hours of sleep maximum tonight
Are they going to live to their first anniversary?

>> No.77443436
Quoted by: >>77443453

>Are they going to live to their first anniversary?
Only if they make to 1 million subs before then.

>> No.77443440

>stream tweet yesterday at 12:24 PM EST
>stream tweet today at 2:12 PM EST
they're no way it's suzu or scheduled

>> No.77443453

They made a deal with the devil...

>> No.77443506
File: 2.66 MB, 484x550, FuwaMoco The only person I'm going to bodyslam is Mocochan[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxikjyl.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a nice thread. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

>> No.77443539

That was literally the day Advent arrived at Japan and they were streaming at the studio so Koyori ran into them
It's not like they're going out of their way to meet and hang out

>> No.77443547
File: 73 KB, 193x244, 1708109201143008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my oshis have horrible sleep schedules
>I have horrible sleep schedules
WE ARE gonna die young

>> No.77443556
Quoted by: >>77443721

I think they can be negative but they were also prepared to spend the rest of their lives trying to be idols and I doubt they had any savings to retire on so I'd consider that stupidly optimistic.

>> No.77443615
File: 619 KB, 340x764, Mococo RUFFIAAAAAANNNNNSSS[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5lb5ur.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77443690


>> No.77443720

Odds Mococo goes too hard and fucks up her throat screaming?

>> No.77443721
Quoted by: >>77443873

Currently still seems like that. I don't thi k they could survive retirement not doing anything so they will probably work until they die.

>> No.77443750
File: 302 KB, 1213x1807, GPT6tngbMAAI8X8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77443819
File: 3.76 MB, 1920x1080, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7iftnl.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77443827
File: 119 KB, 500x500, 1698019249175145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77443886

>moving to Japan will be better for our sleep schedule

>> No.77443846
File: 63 KB, 500x700, 1709428074211581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the way she screams...

>> No.77443873
Quoted by: >>77443944

Bro they are in Hololive now making more money a month than they did all their years prior. They are set. They seem like the type to save a lot, just before there was nothing to save.

>> No.77443886

I didn't think it could have gotten any worse but it somehow did. Praying they don't fuck up their big 3D debut with this horrible sleep schedule

>> No.77443920


>> No.77443944

I don't mean in terms of money. People like them that are hungry never are satisfied with stopping and usually end up working or doing something that is work until they die. Can you really imagine a scenario where they just stop it all and sit at home with cats for 20 years?

>> No.77443962

Goddamn I think that's the most intense scream she's done, almost forgot about it.

>> No.77443975
File: 2.47 MB, 644x704, Mococo Sneeze scream[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fswypx4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77443987

Eventually the Gura arc will come around. It always does.

>> No.77444001
Quoted by: >>77444057

It's not worse at all, they were staying up this late all the time before.

>> No.77444028

We'll see, I trust them for now but if there's another situation like what happened in the future they need to be assigned some tard wranglers to make sure they don't keep killing themselves.

>> No.77444057
Quoted by: >>77444164

They were at least staying awake to talk with mane chan and do HW. There's no one besides koyori awake at these hours in JP and all of Advent is sleeping too so they're just off doing God knows what

>> No.77444098

No matter what your drive (and people do change as they get older) eventually your body will reality check you hard. Before they were planning on doing con circuits and working until they couldn't at which point they would have to fall back on their nonexistant savings. Now they are planning on working until they can't but at least they will still have savings.

>> No.77444164

So they're either up this late doing work or not, how is that worse than before?

>> No.77444220
File: 16 KB, 312x312, 1697496557152446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77445717


>> No.77444227
File: 164 KB, 272x533, 1716905478063905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retweets some more

>> No.77444287

Okay nevermind, they're still fucking awake kek

>> No.77444293
File: 399 KB, 562x585, 1706498684456372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna make you both mothers one day

>> No.77444294
Quoted by: >>77444363

Go to sleep you stupid mutts

>> No.77444344

I have the same mentality about death but instead of working 200% it makes me want to take it easy

>> No.77444363
File: 592 KB, 4093x4093, GGbR1sHbcAAVIWU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77444406
File: 227 KB, 483x604, 1697502905129583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're still awake...ay carumba...

>> No.77444410
Quoted by: >>77444478

Man I hope they really meant what they said about taking it a little easier, this kinda stuff isn't a joke.

>> No.77444478
Quoted by: >>77444572

They meant it but they also aren't going to do it. Their first two streams back are scream farm horror slop, they're sleeping less than 4 hours a night on top of daily lengthy dance and vocal practice. I'm expecting another break after this week if we're being honest

>> No.77444492

Wait Don't Scream is really short as fuck?

>> No.77444551

For anyone but them yes. It's sub 20 minutes but if you scream or cross a volume threshold the time resets. So this could be a 2 hour game

>> No.77444559

it's technically 18 minutes, but I think most Holos have tapped out after an hour or two of trying to beat it.

>> No.77444572

We'll see, not gonna jump the shark yet, though I'm gonna keep a close eye, and If it genuinely starts happening again, I hope people will say something. Kindly and with compassion of course.

>> No.77444604

Concernfags are going to kill themselves with unnecessary stress faster than FuwaMococo will kill themselves with having a bad sleep schedule

>> No.77444647

how do we know how much they sleep? Maybe they're doing that whole triphasic sleep schedule.

>> No.77444665


>> No.77444698


>> No.77444699

Sex with this mocochan

>> No.77444787
File: 29 KB, 592x282, Screenshot 2024-06-05 114134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little more homework...ueh

>> No.77444821
File: 131 KB, 356x458, 1716767085327382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77445800

>Time for a little bit more homework

>> No.77444839
Quoted by: >>77445800

>even more homework

>> No.77444849

>home at 3:40AM
What the fuck are they doing?

>> No.77444855

Most holos take 1-2hrs to clear.

>> No.77444895

playing mahjong

>> No.77444900
File: 866 KB, 1566x1080, My Mocopan[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fakke39.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77444931

jong is shit

>> No.77444935

>doing more work at almost 4 in the morning

>> No.77444944
Quoted by: >>77445003

Answers my question about them learning unfortunately. First week 'back' and we're already going through this. Damn.

>> No.77445003
Quoted by: >>77445037

Yeah they aren't ever going to change unless management basically locks them out of doing HW and streaming which ain't happening. They're gonna burn out harder than Gura but I hope we can at least get a good year in

>> No.77445037
Quoted by: >>77445124

>management ever locking them out of HW when that's what they want them to do 24/7

>> No.77445052

Jesus Christ. Overnight dance practice and singing lessons?

>> No.77445054

Sounds like they're just trying to burn as much homework as possible so management doesn't bother them about the streams...

>> No.77445071

I don't even know how to reply to this tweet because I don't have anything positive to say about them working themselves to an early retirement. I guess just headpat emoji and hearts it is

>> No.77445115
Quoted by: >>77445203

I dunno, wish them a good night's rest I guess? If they were working til 4am, then Cover's 100% aware of that and completely okay with it

>> No.77445122
Quoted by: >>77445248

oh I forgot to headpat

>> No.77445124

Yeah, which is why I said it isn't happening. The only one that can save them is themselves but they are the source of the issue and ruffians aren't going to tell them to stop. They also won't ever listen to ruffians that ask them to take it a little easier because that's not the FUWAMOCO WAY

>> No.77445133

Just say that you hope the homework can get done real soon so they can sleep.

>> No.77445203
Quoted by: >>77445283

Well of course cover is OK with it because their work = more money for thr company. They're better than most other corpos but in the end it's still a financial game and they don't care if they burn the talents out in 2 years or 10 as long as they keep making them money when active.

>> No.77445248
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, Fuwamoco Faster BAU BAU[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftpxug3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've denied the dogs their headpats and now you must pay

>> No.77445283

cover will warn the managers about it but its ultimately up to the talent unless its really bad

>> No.77445288
File: 698 KB, 1280x1280, 1700429606743798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77445292

Most of the replies are not really positive just thinly veiled concern about their health and wishing them good night. I don't think they care about ruffians being worried so there's no point being dramatic about it.

>> No.77445383

ok now I know how it feels when burgers have to wake up at 3:00am to reply to tweets. I apologize for calling you whiny and spoiled.

>> No.77445395

Anon, if you haven't found a way to cope with this by now I don't know what to tell ya
This isn't a new thing

>> No.77445432
Quoted by: >>77445489

Pretty much, but I will say this, we start having a repeat of what happened with GW I'm going to tell them how I feel and stop watching until they fix themselves, I cannot bear to see them work themselves half to death, even If it's for me or other ruffians.

>> No.77445457
File: 3.48 MB, 528x622, Fuwawa Ruffians, I'm gonna tell you something scary right now_ you're dying at this moment.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh5myt0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. They are the types to make the most of all and any opportunity they got to the fullest. Hardworking to bone as ever, but fucking a sometimes kek. I guess that's why I love them.
Well, wished them a good night. Now to wait til the stream.
kek is mocopan plus or minus on block?

>> No.77445467

no one is forcing anyone to reply to tweets though so its valid to call em whiny

>> No.77445474
File: 285 KB, 1920x1080, GJwiAAyaoAAsrqu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sleep deprived wives...

>> No.77445489

Fuck off Daniel

>> No.77445508
File: 46 KB, 465x659, IMG_9087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they took that to heart

>> No.77445544

>now they are starting egosa
Lovely HW, girls

>> No.77445552

It's hard for me to concernfag anymore, even here. This is just how they are. I will say that listening back to the Mocofrog era FWMCmornings was painful to listen to. They should be doing everything possible to make that never happen again.

>> No.77445556
File: 116 KB, 327x346, 1713070098651039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77445865

>kek is mocopan plus or minus on block?
I don't play fighting games so I don't know what that means

>> No.77445559

I happily wake up to reply to their 3-6AM tweets even if it completely ruins the dream I'm having.

>> No.77445561

Not him, but I do mean what I said, and hopefully It's more than just me that want them to relax.

>> No.77445564

Motocross Mococross

>> No.77445580

M-maybe it's Suzu...

>> No.77445630

Fuck off. Crucify all gorillas and have Mococo set fire to them

>> No.77445638

The fuck you talking about? Their last like was 3 hours ago.

>> No.77445643

Suzu's liking porn again

>> No.77445678

>self-raping child

>> No.77445683

Fuwawa's farts must smell heavenly

>> No.77445705

the tweet was posted 3 hours ago

>> No.77445714

They just liked that one. I refresh their likes page on my second monitor every 5 minutes.

>> No.77445717

Very kek

>> No.77445800
File: 423 KB, 687x706, 1713520635006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, if it's alright...
>I'd like you to do a little more homework

>> No.77445823


>> No.77445824


>> No.77445842

good one

>> No.77445850

>It was a nip tweet basically saying they won't ever clear tonight's game
They really love people being mean

>> No.77445854

Goddamnit...I laughed.

>> No.77445865
File: 401 KB, 1024x1024, fuwapat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you good. It's cute. Hope to see more stuff like it.

>> No.77445875


>> No.77445928

Fuck I just found a lump on my lower shaft by the right ball. This might be the end boys. The final cum

>> No.77445931
Quoted by: >>77446162

Picturing this Mio redrawn as FWMC

>> No.77445966

It's funny, cause it's true.....

>> No.77446034

>kek is mocopan plus or minus on block?
If you spend meter for the EX wet sneeze version then it's +5 on block, normal is -2

>> No.77446071

They should have given her that sweaty hug...

>> No.77446141

Is there even anyone besides themselves happy to see them pushing so hard? There's being hungry and then there's just being reckless. I know that only their opinion matters but cheese

>> No.77446162

Zeik get to it

>> No.77446185

To an extent I respect it, depends on how hard. GW was too hard, a single night of late homework (Assuming it is just a single night) Is fine.

>> No.77446193
File: 37 KB, 557x551, god37jml4h4d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to understand that people that work harder just get more work and that work doesn't necessarily apply to career advancement. And I'm talking about western corporate culture, to say nothing of the slave drive that is Japanese corpo life.

>> No.77446209

Yes, I am.

>> No.77446230
Quoted by: >>77446421

>Is there even anyone besides themselves happy to see them pushing so hard?
Yeah, the yesfags will keep saying that FWMC are not doing anything wrong as they overwork themselves to death

>> No.77446250
Quoted by: >>77446527

>say they would overwork themselves with a stream every single day
>get called a retard
well well well looks like i was right yet again
another 3 weeks off when their voices die again

>> No.77446276

Fuck off sis

>> No.77446301

Eh, it was just one tweet.

>> No.77446343
Quoted by: >>77446639

I pray they learn it sometime but so far it's just gotten worse. Even as recently as the last chatting stream they talked about being swamped and almost came close to the answer of it being overwork but instead said it was because they weren't working hard enough and were letting other people down. It sounded like half or more of what they're doing is to make management happy rather than themselves in the hopes it rewards them later. Which is partially true but not to the extent they think. They are just getting the reputation as the dogs that will do everything even at the cost of their health. And when they start slipping because they burn out like golden week then management will Crack the whip and punish them regardless of what "good will" they build up. Not sure how much worse it has to get for them to realize it. Literally missing a 3D live because their voices and energy is gone?

>> No.77446374

Jesus I got hit with a like from one of the oshi mark collectors, ugliest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.77446387
Quoted by: >>77446639

>people that work harder just get more work
THIS. The managers don't give a fuck about FWMC's dream, they'll just keep giving them more homework to make more money out of them, even if they end up burning themselves with all the homework.

>> No.77446408

I respect the grind.

>> No.77446421

YesDADs know their daughters will take care of themselves, they do take short breaks to relax

>> No.77446433

Going from 1 stream a week to 6 is just them ignoring their limits as usual. I'm ready for another break but just getting 1 or 2 every week is way better.

>> No.77446439

The rrat was right.

>> No.77446516

That dumb bitch just had to open her trap and cause them to prove her wrong.

>> No.77446517

It's mildly frustrating but its reality, only gonna get concerned if It really starts having an effect on them again.

>> No.77446520
Quoted by: >>77446621

Calli also said the same thing. I would have hoped hearing it from those two who are the most like what fwmc aspire to be would have gotten through to them. But if Mori and the rrat could learn then I guess eventually fuwamoco will too even if it takes some awful forced hiatus

>> No.77446527

Shut the suck up, retard.
The streams are not keeping them awake at 4am, you stupid faggot. The reason they are still working at 4am is because of their stupid homework. They just need to take less homework and they'll be okay.

>> No.77446562
Quoted by: >>77446607

I'm a few years older than they are and still pull all nighters for work and other things
I respect that they're also grinding and am trying to believe that they won't push themselves to the brink again like with GW

>> No.77446563

They can stay up till 4 AM if they didn't have to stream at 10 AM.

>> No.77446573

I want to FUCK that rat

>> No.77446578

If they didn't have the stream they could at least sleep in a bit. So yes it's nearly all their fault.

>> No.77446581

Marine and Koyori 100% told them the same thing during GW yet here we are again

>> No.77446594

I'll always be proud of them for working hard but there will be a point where I tell them it's okay to rest instead, we aren't at that point yet.

>> No.77446602
Quoted by: >>77446644

Cheesed to meet you?

>> No.77446607

Few all nighters is fine, not my concern, we get another GW situation I'll be fucking furious..

>> No.77446621

>Calli also said the same thing
You are retarded. Mori didn't. She said she understands how they feel because she is like that too and encourages them to go for it.

>> No.77446629
File: 150 KB, 850x1200, a5fa3e56c1d75c5fd88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77446708

Only in this outfit. She has 0 sex appeal normally but this one does it for me somehow. Also have they even talked about or to her after saying they were going to wrestle in March?

>> No.77446639
File: 242 KB, 510x346, PTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77447084

My first job in high school was at a local chain of fast food restaurants. I worked hard and used my own car. Because I had my own car, I would volunteer to help out at other locations that needed help. I thought this would show that I was a team player and a hard worker. I worked over 40 hours a week easily. When my paycheck came, it was actually 2 paychecks. Each location counted as a "separate job" so although I worked over 40 hours a week, since I didn't work over 40 hours at once place, they didn't pay me overtime. Fuwamoco need to realize that the JP management culture will just heap more work on them to no benefit. They're already big brand names. What gets people to know them, especially JP fanbase, is streams that lead to clippable moments and memes. Gura isn't working hard on a ton of projects, I'll tell you that much.

>> No.77446642

>their sleeping schedule is fucked up
>my sleeping schedule is fucked up

>> No.77446641

They shouldn't have to do homework at 4 AM in the first place.

>> No.77446644

Mating press

>> No.77446650

The stream is at 10AM for them

>> No.77446671
Quoted by: >>77446759

Fucking Pink women...swear to fucking god.

>> No.77446674

I respect their work ethic and autistic dedication to their dreams. You dont see many women(or men, for that matter) who have this level of almost self-destructive passion. If they're actually legitimately killing themselves, then im obviously not happy, but there ain't much I can do about it other than offer my support and join the crowd when they all start saying "pls rest!"
If they won't listen to their friends, their senpai, or even their own parents, then they won't listen to us.
Actually the worst scenario would be if they realize they're worrying us, and decide they don't to anymore, but instead of changing how they do things, they take step back instead and stop telling us these things entirely(sort of like Gura, who never says anything at all).

>> No.77446682
Quoted by: >>77446769

They only learn the hard way, so it's really only up to them. I can only give them the support I can and that's it, I just hope the reality check life is going to give them isn't too ugly

>> No.77446708
File: 1.38 MB, 960x1440, bae dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to breed her, but yes that outfit is very sex.

>> No.77446724

Two days after the wedding and you're already cheating with other women
Fucking WHORE

>> No.77446739

Crazy how aggressive concernfags are

>> No.77446746

They probably wouldn't be pushing themselves so hard this week if they didn't feel pressured to stream. If only we protected their smiles like they asked instead of menhera/anti posting on twitter.

>> No.77446754

Stop posting your used up rave slut here.

>> No.77446759

>Death gives them advice to bring them closer to death

>> No.77446769

They had to stop streaming for 2 weeks to go to a doctor and they're right back at it. It's not learning the hard way. They simply don't learn.

>> No.77446772
Quoted by: >>77446807

After seeing what happened, I think they got a right to at least keep an eye out.

>> No.77446784

No one should be staying up till 4am regardless of the situation

>> No.77446794
Quoted by: >>77446934

>No one should be staying up till 4am regardless of the situation

>> No.77446804

Nice try sis. This isn't our fault. This is on management. Their job is to stream. If they take on too much homework that prevents them from doing that, they need to cut back on HW. The stuff they do at the doghouse is for future projects, it's not for their upcoming 3D and shit.

>> No.77446807
Quoted by: >>77446864

Yeah sure but they're already pissed off at them the second they show a sign of working late.

>> No.77446813
Quoted by: >>77446934

B-But I do that to catch their streams live at weekends. Most times it's past 4am and like 6am.

>> No.77446817

I know you are /here/ Daniel. Just send a tweet, I'm sure you are already thinking of doing it. They need the harsh truth.

>> No.77446820

>as long as they are getting good sleep

>> No.77446827
Quoted by: >>77446866


>> No.77446829

Mogotyan, please don't disappoint with the hips.

>> No.77446842
File: 384 KB, 588x559, Screenshot 2024-04-17 195838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're working hard to complete their homework AND spend time with us. I'm just going to support them and send them headpats.
I hope you stub your toe and break the nail

>> No.77446844

I gave Fuwamoco the benefit of the doubt already. I wasn't a concernfag until GW and all that when they proved they don't know their own limits. So now I give them less leeway.

>> No.77446858

Their job is not stream, anti. If it was then Gura would be fired long ago.

>> No.77446864

I'm a concernfag but I'm not too weirded out by this, one late night is not burnout. I just have to wait and see.

>> No.77446866


>> No.77446892

>Their job is to stream.
Lol no. Look at Marine, Gura and Suisei. Their job is to grow their IP. Streaming is one avenue to do it.

>> No.77446895

They aren't streamers, they're idols.

>> No.77446902

Stop namefagging you fucking faggot.

>> No.77446903
Quoted by: >>77446958

Can't wait for the tweet in 4 hours of

>> No.77446907

Your first language is not English shitskin.

>> No.77446927

I understand why her Dad kept her locked up in a shed so she couldn't go out meet boys. Her Dad must cry himself to sleep at night since she moved to Japan.

>> No.77446934

I stand corrected, I forget doctors exists because you lose your house if you see one
I'm sorry anon

>> No.77446942

Streams are the bread and butter though, even cover sees it that way. Its the very core of what grows a talent.

>> No.77446950

why did I misread this as
>They aren't streamers, they're idiots.

>> No.77446959

the "streams > projects" guy is so easy to bait kek

>> No.77446958

Yeah and I'll reply telling them to have a good day, that they're making me really proud for working so hard, and that I'll be cheering them on.

>> No.77446965

I agree

>> No.77446978

Well didn't stop her from becoming a whore so, I guess it was wasted effort.

>> No.77447000

>if they didn't feel pressured to stream.
Hey retard, in case you haven't noticed, FuwaMoco love streaming. They aren't being forced
Though I do blame lockheart a bit though

>> No.77447005

Fuck off, Anan.

>> No.77447027

Concernfags type a lot like the people getting angry at the extremely mild criticism of them last night

>> No.77447036
Quoted by: >>77447685

Of course you agree because that's your tweet.
I don't think I agree because I would rather they get as much minecraft gameplay in as they can, they really seem to have fun with it so having to do half of the stream as a SC reading where they end Fuwawa's POV early is kinda shit.

>> No.77447050

There is photo evidence that this didn't happen. She is a used up rave whore.

>> No.77447062

I don't

>> No.77447084
Quoted by: >>77447660

>When my paycheck came, it was actually 2 paychecks. Each location counted as a "separate job" so although I worked over 40 hours a week, since I didn't work over 40 hours at once place, they didn't pay me overtime
Was the sum of both paychecks not more than what you would've gotten as overtime?

>> No.77447094

I concernfag AND I criticize them sometimes too. Checkmate.

>> No.77447097

So most zoomer women like her?

>> No.77447100

Why no retweet? https://x.com/Asura23_/status/1797681383823003933

>> No.77447114
File: 108 KB, 532x800, IMG_9078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77447409

this but FuwaMoco 3D

>> No.77447136
Quoted by: >>77447587

>Their job is not stream
If they don't stream they won't get new fans and they'll lose some of their current fans.
If they have less fans then less people will buy their merch and listen to their orisongs.
If they make less money because of that they'll get less opportunities.
They NEED to stream if they want to grow and keep their current fans happy and attached to them.

>> No.77447145

I could have sworn they retweeted this.

>> No.77447154

I wasn't there last night, I passed out from exhaustion, what even did they get criticism for?

>> No.77447183


>> No.77447188

because they put their tag right in the middle of the art and ruined it

>> No.77447195

>rare duel minecraft stream
>"I want less stream!"
Fuck off
What part of "We want to do one BIG SC reading stream when things get better" do you not understand?

>> No.77447219
Quoted by: >>77447259

they kissed each other too long and got light headed so we told them to stop that

>> No.77447217
Quoted by: >>77448728

>She is a used up rave whore.
Yeah. My whore. I'm getting her pregnant.

>> No.77447220
File: 208 KB, 1033x1395, IMG_9066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77447292

FuwaLight knight

>> No.77447240
Quoted by: >>77447310

Some were saying the new VPs felt a bit more like acting compared to their other VPs

>> No.77447259

Hot, wish I'd been there I could have had a great nut.

>> No.77447273

Seriously. It's not a bad thing to suggest but I will also be sad if they listen without at least asking others because the 2POV MC streams are the best. They already have an endurance SC stream and the past MC SCs are already out of context so it's better to lump them there instead of taking away from whatever limited time they have to play

>> No.77447284
Quoted by: >>77447338


>> No.77447291

>We want to do one BIG SC reading stream when things get better"
They don't even have much left to read. It's a lot, but nothing too crazy.

>> No.77447292
Quoted by: >>77447334

That's looking fucking cool. Got the RPG feel. Artist?

>> No.77447310
Quoted by: >>77447376

Might be, they were probably really embarrassed about the whole scenario. There definitely were genuine feelings in there however. No doubt about that.

>> No.77447317
Quoted by: >>77447338

100 red and pinks is not alot?

>> No.77447334
Quoted by: >>77447394

no idea, I got it in my For you last night, it had a nip caption to it, reverse search and you can find it

>> No.77447338

It's still there.
Not at all, no.

>> No.77447376
Quoted by: >>77447498

>There definitely were genuine feelings in there however
Yeah nobody was really denying that but there were a couple spergs getting really mad about it and over exaggerating the initial posts.

>> No.77447394
Quoted by: >>77447540

Will do. I'll post up if I find it. Wonder if they got one for Mococo too.

>> No.77447409
Quoted by: >>77447606

I want Fuwawa in R.Mika's outfit

>> No.77447413

They're streaming idols

>> No.77447421
Quoted by: >>77447573

I was saying that I liked their other VPs more than the June Bride ones because it doesn't feel cohesive enough for a straight story. It was silly like FuwaMoco but that's all I really felt from it
Definitely their real feelings still, it just doesn't feel right somehow

>> No.77447439

I want Fuwawa in her birthday suit

>> No.77447489
File: 1.07 MB, 2327x4096, 1715001774661239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77447549

>> No.77447498

Its understandable why but they can handle light criticism. Unfortunately if you try you get beaten down by a bunch of spergs who wanna be white knights for them, and I say that as someone who fucking adores them.

>> No.77447540

I doubt it, it is a reference to Palworld, I miss Advent Palworld collabs

>> No.77447549
File: 364 KB, 528x528, 1703466069392484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is asking for it.

>> No.77447558

The acting, namely from Mococo, wasn't the best. I thought Fuwawa performed fine, but yeah, even Mococo's giggles and laughter felt forced. She acted better as a loli in preschool. It's not ALL bad. The marriage was a fantasy and not the real thing. I definitely place it below the New Years and Valentine's Day voice packs. I might even place it slightly below the birthday ones.

>> No.77447564

The idea of reading the last MC superchats during the MC stream isn't the worst idea in the world, but it's coming from Anal, so it's a retarded idea and you should go down the sewer slide.

>> No.77447573

I really liked the one on NY with Mococo, I'm fucking sad I never grabbed the VT VP's I should look for a pirate somewhere.

>> No.77447574
File: 349 KB, 1829x2048, 17102834983984334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77447887

my girls

>> No.77447587

But there are talents that prove every single one of your points wrong?

>> No.77447606

post it with a FuwawaHM attached to it

>> No.77447634

Oh, and the icing on the fucking cake was the LAUGH TACK added towards the end of the bride voice pack. God that shit was funny.

>> No.77447648
Quoted by: >>77447722

They have nearly a full month of freecat SCs

>> No.77447652

I wasn't mad, I simply chimed in saying the criticism was just baffling to me cause I didn't think either of them sounded bad at all... it was a beautiful and emotional voice pack

>> No.77447660

No. They specifically sent me to the other location so I could work more than 40 hours a week and not pay me overtime.

>> No.77447661

I can understand the criticism, I did feel a bit of stiffness from Mococo, like she was uncomfortable. Noticed it after the effect wore off. Kinda sad, honestly.

>> No.77447685
Quoted by: >>77449178

Who are you and why did you post this here? So quickly too, so you must be one of those that constantly refreshes or has notifications on for everyone you follow.

Hence the cons. I think the cons outweigh the pros, but maybe their priorities are different, so I posted the idea anyway.

>> No.77447722

NTA but they read a majority of those didn't they?

>> No.77447762
Quoted by: >>77447856

>She acted better as a loli in preschool
I kind of agree, but only cause it didn't sound like she was acting at all in the bridal VPs to me. It seemed more "genuine" cause she was just being hersefl, as opposed to playing a loli character.

>> No.77447770

>LAUGH TRACK added towards the end of the voice pack
I still haven't listened to it, what is the context for that?

>> No.77447778

Not really, they didn't even get through the first week of march and freecat was open until mid April wasn't it? It probably has at least 40% of it left

>> No.77447806

Nope. They got through about a week. Nearly the whole of March and all the days in April need to be read.

>> No.77447843

I love my child GF

>> No.77447845
Quoted by: >>77447889

iirc one of them made a joke in the church and the attendees just started laughing, but it was an actual stock laugh track. I get it, but it still caught me off guard made me kek.

>> No.77447856

It did to me, she just sounded stiff and awkward, especially when trying to be more intimate and romantic like the "I love you too!" The most genuine she felt I think was the vow.

>> No.77447884
Quoted by: >>77447948

Are you autistic?

They did something silly and the fake audience at the wedding laughed at it

>> No.77447889


>> No.77447887

to have all three of them at once might be the happiest and last day of my life

>> No.77447903
Quoted by: >>77447973

After the voice packs leaked, a few anons who pirated the pack said that Mococo sounded a bit forced, or at least not as good as she sounded in previous packs.
Naturally this lead to shitflinging and shitposting.

>> No.77447943
Quoted by: >>77447985

Why is Mococo more popular despite being less talented than Fuwawa?

>> No.77447948
Quoted by: >>77447992

>Are you autistic?
Yes I am. Where the fuck do you think you are to be asking this?

>> No.77447968 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 1536x2048, GMbepfZXMAA_9l8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the last gorilla?

>> No.77447973

Yeah I heard already, sorta agree but also don't.

>> No.77447985

My Mocochan is very talented

>> No.77447992
Quoted by: >>77448036

When someone asks if you're autistic here that means you're REALLY autistic

>> No.77448020

I don't think there's a huge issue with working a late night, the real problem here is that they have to be up in a few hours to meet us. Anyone else in Advent or holoEN for that matter would have cancelled the stream with short notice in their situation. In HoloJP many don't even bother keeping a schedule and days early frames anymore. You get a stream when you get a stream.
I'm not even saying you should, I'm really happy about this week, they're just being open about the cost. Do you want them to be more open or less? Because those are the only alternatives, they will NOT slow down for anyone's sake. How many more times do they need to reply to "don't overdo it" superchats with "we'll do it"? It is what it is.
They DO show signs of learning and improving too, you could focus on praising that instead of scolding them whenever they do something you disapprove. Like for example them saying that they're scheduling days of rest, that's much better than having to hope there will be enough time. Not ideal, but an improvement over the pace that destroyed their voices. Give headpats and say "erai"

>> No.77448032

I'm in hiding, but before the crackdown I did my part brother.

>> No.77448036
File: 11 KB, 220x229, 1716807216085124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're REALLY autistic
Please, you're making me blush.

>> No.77448046

She didn't sound stiff at all to me, but she DID sound awkward and nervous, which is exactly how I assumed she'd be. I feel like people misinterpret nervousness for stiffness, which is a surprise cause she gets like this a lot..

>> No.77448054

They haven't read the supas in the 800k endurance stream right?

>> No.77448056
File: 280 KB, 1228x2048, 1704027581142231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but many did go on vacation recently

>> No.77448075


>> No.77448102 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 800x1131, 1711821213155393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still here and never going anywhere. I can't let the chimps and a couple of purityschizos ruin everything we have built.

>> No.77448127
File: 157 KB, 2048x1605, 70b005e8-b964-4ba9-a6ec-0f7ada295f13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm fucking sad I never grabbed the VT
Do they really stop selling voice packs after a while?

>> No.77448129

Fuwawanko or Mococoochie

>> No.77448143

I am the first and the last gorilla. When all other bandwagon gorillas fade, I shall remain.

>> No.77448144

we have a porn mega you're not really building anything

>> No.77448154 [DELETED] 
File: 1.43 MB, 3072x4348, 1712170632632328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77448227

I love Fuwawa my extra fluffy princess

>> No.77448152

Expected a zip bomb, got something nice, thanks Anon. You're alright.

>> No.77448155
Quoted by: >>77448212

Do you want them? I can share

>> No.77448162

>Do they really stop selling voice packs after a while?
Yes, after about 2 months they get taken down to pressure you into buying due to fomo

>> No.77448173

please understand there are only so many digital copies

>> No.77448183

Yes. It's why I don't feel bad sharing them.

>> No.77448202
File: 664 KB, 2383x4096, GMtrETKbMAALsmF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77448211

Yeap, standard FOMO tactics.

>> No.77448212

Another anon did already but thank you. I appreciate the thought.

>> No.77448215

Thank you anon!

>> No.77448220

To me it sounded exactly like she does on streams like for example when Fuwawa says how much White Album means to her, and that she loves it dearly. Moco-chan always interjects with ME TOO. I LOVE IT TOO, YOU KNOW? I think it's really adorable, one time she even asked why Fuwawa always does this, and Fuwawa said it's because she doesn't want to speak for Moco-chan, she knows she loves it too, but when she gives praise as high as "one of the most important", she'd rather not.
Funny that you'd bring up this specific example, because to me the "me too" was THE biggest anchor point of making it familiar and relatable to the time we spent together. And speaking of which, they even talk about "playing games together", they're not even going with an alternate reality where we share daily life and go shopping and stuff, which is what you observe in the VN streams, they're straight up referencing what we actually already do.

>> No.77448227

Am I the only one that hates seeing them have sex with other males in fanart because it feels like I'm getting cucked?

>> No.77448289
Quoted by: >>77448428

Another fucking retarded gorilla put out of its misery. When will you stupid apes learn no one wants to hear about your cum journal or whatever depraved shit you just have to talk about? Go fuck yourself in private like normal people

>> No.77448374

Guess that's fair, maybe my opinion will change as I listen to it more.

>> No.77448414

Anytime you want something that is no longer available, just ask. I'll gladly upload it too. I have no moral issues with piracy, I just refuse to help people not give my oshis money. So if it's on sale, I'll tell you to buy it. If it's not, just ask. There's the great CG wallpapers too in case you didn't grab them in time.

>> No.77448422


>> No.77448424

Are you retarded?

>> No.77448428
File: 659 KB, 956x1228, extrafluffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77448575

Why do you hate gorillas so much? I'd rather they be around than the schizos that loop about men constantly.

>> No.77448466

Interesting, I felt the opposite with the "me too" lines. They both obviously have that "acting voice" when they do VPs or read scripts in general, so when Mococo said "ME TOO!!" I expected it to drop but it didn't and it took me out of it

>> No.77448505
Quoted by: >>77449428

nta, but yeah, well said. I think that's why I was so confused with the criticism of Mococo role in that VP, cause to me she sounded just like she always does in situations like this.
In the more situational VPs, she was acting out roles in a script, but in the more romantic VPs, she's more-or-less playing out her romantic fantasies. It's why her "performance" in the bridal VP is very VERY similar to how she was in the Valentines Day VP, as opposed to the Academy VP.

>> No.77448515
File: 450 KB, 1745x2660, 1704160640258683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With how often Fuwawa talks about being "fluffy" lately, her body must look perfect.

>> No.77448526

>with other males
Anon, the first one is literally POV

>> No.77448557

not if you're a woman

>> No.77448573
Quoted by: >>77448718

Yes but not if it's POV like the first one, because that's my perspective specifically

>> No.77448575
Quoted by: >>77448622

I think gorillas are fine when they don't talk about their dicks the entire time and when they don't post porn when the thread is completely normal.

>> No.77448592

Got the CG's only thing I've missed out on was a few VP's I have no qualms with it either if its not actually available. Thank you though I appreciate it, Pirates keep content alive and available, I respect them for that.

>> No.77448593


>> No.77448622
File: 123 KB, 1200x848, 17203849283498343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that all gorillas do?

>> No.77448630

Then "other males" wouldn't apply
Be consistent sis

>> No.77448665

But I don't look like that

>> No.77448678

Mococo is Fuwawa's dedicated floofie fluffer

>> No.77448693
File: 1.38 MB, 6212x5336, 1712089410212075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77448710
Quoted by: >>77448804

Can someone share the NY voice packs?

>> No.77448718

You can imagine the 2nd one is a picture you took with your right hand

>> No.77448728

/baubau/ loves what they are

>> No.77448729
Quoted by: >>77448836

Why is Moco-chan looking at me like that?

>> No.77448775

>he isn't dark as the night sky
how do you even hope to sneak into their beds for the yobai? grim

>> No.77448792
File: 119 KB, 1920x1080, 1000002623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77448878

rabu rabu

>> No.77448804
Quoted by: >>77449004

I can in a sec. Just need some time to get them.

>> No.77448805
File: 344 KB, 653x617, 1708410901255282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77448923


>> No.77448836
File: 700 KB, 595x673, 108239482942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77448868
Quoted by: >>77449013

My Mocotyan..!!

>> No.77448878

I want to kiss her

>> No.77448923
File: 25 KB, 464x661, kinogosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77448928
Quoted by: >>77449105


I'm sorry for what I'm about to do Moco-chan but it will be over soon I promise and I will be a very happy Ruffian afterwards

>> No.77448927

>he's incapable of self inserting
Kinda cringe, senpaitachi

>> No.77448950

I think about kissing Mococo so often...

>> No.77449004
File: 151 KB, 1000x1150, 1693341496034608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77449678

Don't worry, take your time

>> No.77449013
File: 177 KB, 913x1500, mymogogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77449040

Ohh cute embarrassed Moco-chan ohhh my heart

>> No.77449105


>> No.77449115
Quoted by: >>77449161


>> No.77449118 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 112x112, 1713665383524774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77449161
File: 326 KB, 389x527, GIAHs3nXUAAA5CN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77449178

anon is kitsuneko

>> No.77449182
Quoted by: >>77449291

Mococo is not for rape

>> No.77449251
File: 535 KB, 481x513, bryan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made for rape

>> No.77449260
File: 2.07 MB, 2894x4093, 1717369089416161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77449314

Friend is for rape

>> No.77449291 [DELETED] 
File: 539 KB, 1200x1317, vIb4QCgEQHxT13UjwwKRHVMl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77449388


>> No.77449305

seeexxxxx mocotan is so cuteeeeeeee

>> No.77449314

Friend deserves to be raped for being a homocollabing SLUT

>> No.77449327

what is VT vp?

>> No.77449362
File: 104 KB, 850x589, twinbrides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twin brides!

>> No.77449366

I can see the appeal of the VT VP's now, my god. They're both so precious.

>> No.77449381

Valentines Day(VT) Voice Pack(VP)

>> No.77449388
File: 98 KB, 1024x1024, 1709964361426940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77449389

They made a voice pack for /vt/, us specifically

>> No.77449401

Rough sex is not rape, it is a deeper way of showing your passion.

>> No.77449419

can you post one with everything but the last voice packs?

>> No.77449421

Valentine's Voice Packs.

>> No.77449428

>It's why her "performance" in the bridal VP is very VERY similar to how she was in the Valentines Day VP
I don't get why people say this. I just re-listened to both and they're pretty different. If anything it shows me just how good the Valentines ones were.
I do think I'm being too harsh on the June Bride VP because it clearly took a lot of takes to get right. They worked hard for it

>> No.77449476

they haven't liked a single post on twitter about the bridal voice packs. This is the first time they've avoided liking posts on the voice pack hashtag. Its officially over, wifebros

>> No.77449484
Quoted by: >>77449635

I'm getting tired of Bryan

>> No.77449518

Yeah after just listening to the VT's one, Its clear her performance was worse in this one, for what reason I don't know but the intimacy wasn't there as much.

>> No.77449535

But they will once they wake up because you posted this

>> No.77449540

They haven't had time at all.

>> No.77449571

And the first time I go out of my way to buy one even with the shit pay I have. Not expecting likes but I hope they read my post.

>> No.77449576

White Day...

>> No.77449595
Quoted by: >>77449888

>I don't get why people say this. I just re-listened to both and they're pretty different. If anything it shows me just how good the Valentines ones were.
I don't get why people say the reverse, imo. I also listened to the VT Day ones right after the bridal ones, and they were performed just as well here. Both were incredibly sweet and they clearly had a great time doing both.
I feel like I might be falling for shitposting, but I acknowledge that some people might feel differently

>> No.77449631

I hate those FOMO tactics of making voice packs time limited, can you post all the non-available voice packs?

>> No.77449635

Make him use a gorilla outfit so he gets shot on sight

>> No.77449678
File: 65 KB, 202x223, fuwamoco_bua_bua[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk7e23a.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Included JP as well because I was using it for listening practice. Let me know if it works.


>> No.77449789
Quoted by: >>77449807


>> No.77449806

I disagree completely, but it's whatever I guess lol Both felt very similar in terms of how they were "acted." including tone and emotion. I actually think the bridal ones felt a bit more emotional to me, especially with Mococo.
Mococo was extremely nervous and sweet in both, and felt like she was acting out a romantic fantasy of hers.
I don't understand the stiffness argument. I actually had to go back and check if I was listening to the right voice packs cause I thought everyone here was actually listening to something else...

>> No.77449807

Bibber not again...

>> No.77449853
File: 513 KB, 960x779, 1709461646928209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77450038

Thanks anon!

>> No.77449884

God dammit do I have to commission wedding dress art

>> No.77449888

>Both were incredibly sweet and they clearly had a great time doing both.
Yeah, absolutely. They worked hard on it and had fun with it, that's all that matters when it comes down to it.
But yeah, I'll drop it because at this point it IS a shitposting angle

>> No.77449959
Quoted by: >>77450030

Pretty sure they didn't mass like the tweets of the previous two either

>> No.77449997

How many times do gorillas have to be shot before they stay down for good?

>> No.77450000

How do we give all likeschizos likelobotomies?

>> No.77450030
Quoted by: >>77450266

likewhore here, they absolutely did. I got my voice pack tweets liked for every single voice pack

>> No.77450038
File: 133 KB, 500x500, GGtpxPDakAAc7Ml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77450177

>>77449678 (Me)
And for retardproofing if you want just the individual files.
No problem!

>> No.77450091

Bless you anon

>> No.77450146

男性に執着する人は要注意 . . .

>> No.77450162
File: 4 KB, 318x159, 1696663120880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrat: Suzu-chan wants them to be less attached to the ruffians and less "gfe" because it negatively affects their content output and health

>> No.77450177

thanks I am retarded and was missing the new years vp

>> No.77450216

rrat: they're busy

>> No.77450227

Would it be inappropriate to ask at a meet and greet if they got your letter? Would management try to stop you?

>> No.77450259
Quoted by: >>77450342

The names are removed.

>> No.77450266

I meant mass likes, if you're a likewhore and tweeted minute one then yeah they liked you, but the total amount of tweets they liked was way less than the previous times

>> No.77450284
Quoted by: >>77450384

My Mane-chan rrat was right the entire time
She's trying to take them away from us and monopolize them

>> No.77450288

I don't think so, but it might put them in an awkward position if they don't remember

>> No.77450291
Quoted by: >>77450494

rather than suzu, i wonder if any ruffians think this way?

>> No.77450313
Quoted by: >>77450348

If I don't get a like for this VP I'm done buying them, suzu.

>> No.77450318

rrat: they love me more than other ruffians

>> No.77450323
Quoted by: >>77450398

Putting them on the spot asking if they remember something you did is kinda autistic

>> No.77450342

I know but you could mention a phrase or something you wrote.

>> No.77450348

You didn't buy them anyway

>> No.77450365
Quoted by: >>77450458

Yes because there are no names. And if you are autistic enough to waste your precious 3 minutes asking that then you deserve to make an ass of yourself so go ahead

>> No.77450384
File: 52 KB, 600x338, White.Album.600.1074275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come home luffians

>> No.77450398
Quoted by: >>77450564

We have people who send SCs to get them to acknowledge projects and shit publicly, I think this would be more private and less on the spot.

>> No.77450405

Why would they want their wedding to be trending?

>> No.77450423

It's suzu's time to get ushered in...

>> No.77450425
Quoted by: >>77450482

They won't remember all the letters they got to begin with.

>> No.77450458

Sometimes they allow online handles, or you can write something important to you in the letter, and say it during the meet and greet.

>> No.77450469

Not necessarily inappropriate, but you're putting them on the spot asking them to remember literally every letter they wrote. They did say they would try to cross reference and find out who sent which, but that doesn't mean it'll all live fresh in their memories, they could just write it on top of the letter which ruffian they think it belongs to.

>> No.77450475

they did this for me before, it is amazing

>> No.77450483

They are numberfags

>> No.77450482
Quoted by: >>77450532

They have every letter memorized and know it by heart.

>> No.77450484
Quoted by: >>77450582

Fuwawa doesn’t like brown people.

>> No.77450485
Quoted by: >>77451024

Women like to brag about happy things that happened to them, in this case marrying (you)

>> No.77450494

I unironically do SOMETIMES and I'm extremely gachikoi. I guess I'm 50/50 on it.
I love how much they love us, but their hyper menhera reaction during the battle plan stream made me realize that they're holding themselves back from things they want to do sometimes out of fear of losing fans or alienating people... I feel like they care so much to the point that it makes them TOO impressionable to those with bad intentions.

>> No.77450520
File: 891 KB, 1242x1725, 1653535283671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they wont care enough to remember

>> No.77450529

Be realistic. They read hundreds of new comments about them every day. There is no way they remember who wrote what especially for a months old letter.

>> No.77450530

I do too, but yeah. I want them to do things they like as long as it means we don't get totally left behind.

>> No.77450532

They don't even have the lyrics to Rebellion memorized and it's their fucking group original song

>> No.77450539

i feel the same but on a slighter scale, i dont mind them being attached to us but i want them to take it down from a 10 to like a 9 or 8

>> No.77450564

How do you think an autistic fuck with enough lack of social awareness to ask that will react if they say "can't remember about it"

>> No.77450582

Meet & Greet in Brazil announced
FWMC are going to talk about Donkey Kong and bananas the entire time

>> No.77450591

They are still awake right now. They aren’t tired at all.

>t. Their boyfriend

>> No.77450597

Stay AWAY, harlot

>> No.77450601
Quoted by: >>77451024

Just a cute way of telling you to tweet about the voice packs. They even did an extra shill tweet for it other than the QRT one, to make up for the lack of FWMC Morning advertising.
At least it's how I saw it.

>> No.77450654

Moco-chan was being shallow.

>> No.77450728

They really don't deserve that. If in muttland they had retards like push up guy, I don't want to imagine what their audience here would be like.

>> No.77450730

Do we think mane chan is built like Fuwawa or Mococo?

>> No.77450736

sounds worth of my money

>> No.77450799

come on is not that bad, the worst that could happen is a alt girl showing up

>> No.77450844
Quoted by: >>77450899

>push up guy
I wasn’t here then but I’ve heard about this person more than once. Was it really that bad?

>> No.77450883

Don't remind me of push-ups guy. I swear if I see that guy again at ANYC, I'm going to seriously ask why the fuck he wasted everyone's time. Probably not going to even remember either.

>> No.77450895
Quoted by: >>77451035

Not bad in terms of poorly behaved people, I mean more their meet and greet being a bunch of people who don't really watch or care about them. Didn't one of the guys they met in Taipei answer to "what do you like about FUWAMOCO" with "I like it when Mococo says NOEH" or something like that? That's just depressing. They deserve a meet and greet where most people will actually care about them.

>> No.77450899
Quoted by: >>77450935

They had 30 minutes for questions and that retard took over 5 minutes just doing push-ups instead of asking a question

>> No.77450919
Quoted by: >>77451068

As an honorary shonenspic, I'll fly to Brazil, meet up with our resident BRbros, and ramble to FuwaMoco about DRAGON BALL Z in my bejita cosplay(which I haven't even started working on yet)

>> No.77450921

>It's not that bad
Look at the 3 Brazilians we have in the fanbase.

>> No.77450935

What the fuck kek

>> No.77450989

4 with you

>> No.77451024

I hate the social media buzz around celebrity weddings but I guess they are big celebrities themselves now.

>> No.77451035

Kinda felt like a lot of the Taipei 'ruffians' were larping

>> No.77451038

There are at least 8 of us. 9 if you count the one gray who just said "I don't understand you because I'm brazilian :)" and never chatted again.

>> No.77451068

I would meet with you anon, I love dbz, I would even teach you ptbr "I love you" and other sweet nothings for you to say in the meet greet

>> No.77451080

I mean I did lose a little respect for MCC for wanting her fucking wedding trending everywhere instead of wanting it to be a private intimate affair, but w/e

>> No.77451085
Quoted by: >>77451117

>one gray who just said "I don't understand you because I'm brazilian :)" and never chatted again

>> No.77451110
Quoted by: >>77451235

>I hate the social media buzz around celebrity weddings
Anon even in normalfag circles of friends and family weddings are always talked about and celebrated sharing tons of pictures of the event, it's not a "celebrity wedding" thing, if anything it's normal

>> No.77451117

my countrymen are all nuts for boobs, please understand

>> No.77451120
Quoted by: >>77451157

You never understood women

>> No.77451132

They all picked Gura

>> No.77451150

You’re being autistic again anon

>> No.77451151

we should have our own group chat at this point

>> No.77451155
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1706695675023123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 302: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.

>> No.77451157

I think I understand them a little too well, its one thing to share stuff between family and friends but trending to a bunch of nobodies? I couldn't give less of a fuck about that kinda thing.

>> No.77451179

You are beyond retarded.

>> No.77451190

It's a woman thing, I don't get it either.
They wouldn't understand

>> No.77451193

>I think I understand them a little too well

>> No.77451211
Quoted by: >>77451291

They just were only there for Gura or any of the other talents and picked fuwamoco as their last backup.

>> No.77451215

I'm gonna do it

>> No.77451235

That's different from trending. Normal people will never become trending for just for marriage.

>> No.77451270

They actually make a shrine at a misodo near the venue.

>> No.77451281

>I couldn't give less of a fuck about that kinda thing.
And? Do you usually lose respect whenever you don't see yourself in someone else?

>> No.77451291

Shame, at least in smash they have a small chance of meeting an actual fan.

>> No.77451307
File: 110 KB, 336x336, 1709656060783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think I understand them a little too well
anyone who says they understand women is lying

>> No.77451346

Women are easy, think about something logically, carefully, and meticulously, and they'll do the exact opposite and then blame you for it when it goes wrong. They're not THAT hard to predict.

>> No.77451380
Quoted by: >>77451514

I think Mococo watches a lot of wedding videos and it lets her dream about beautiful weddings, so she's saying that she wants her wedding to let other people dream too. Remember this is the same girl that watches hallmark romance movies.

>> No.77451383

Yeah, that's like the first thing you learn about women is that you'll never actually understand

>> No.77451399

Predicting isn't understanding

>> No.77451419

Them loving something revolving around them trending isn’t new at all.

Remember sometime after Valentine’s Day, Ruffians began posting Marshmallow Mania without any giving context to it once FWMC vaguely talked about it during FWMC Morning, then they made a separate tweet shortly after basically egging Ruffians to get it trending by saying, “Ruffians, if you aren’t careful, you might just get Marshmallow Mania trending!” and it worked?

>> No.77451433

That's too logical, it won't work

>> No.77451477

My social media obsessed wives...though they were probably doing it for all the strangest reasons. Not all publicity is good publicity.

>> No.77451513

Wild thread btw
Lots of different topics

>> No.77451514

I can't wait to destroy that illusion the first night I enter that room

>> No.77451518

Where can you legally marry Fuwawa and Mococo at the same time?

>> No.77451582
Quoted by: >>77451736

Almost literally nowhere, governments hate freedom so they've banned polygamy in almost every fucking country.

>> No.77451635

What's funny is anyone who says this also has 0 experience with women, or people in general.
Women, men, people in general are EZ and more or less the same. The only real differences are women are a bit more neurotic at times(men are just as emotional as women, as evidenced by this thread 99% of the time it just isn't as embraced by society).
Making friends with anyone is EZ, and talking to women is just as EZ.

>> No.77451674

Any Middle Eastern country.

>> No.77451688

They already hate you.

>> No.77451701

>Making friends with anyone is EZ
no it isn't

>> No.77451719

This reads like a shit twitter post by a dumb bitch who spends all day gobbling dick.

>> No.77451736

It's over. You're going to have to pick one to marry and the other as a secret wife.

>> No.77451751

In first world nations? Nowhere. You have to go to shithole Muslim nations if you want to marry them, but if you do that, their lives will be hell and you'll probably get bombed to death by either israel or another Muslim nation.

>> No.77451807
Quoted by: >>77451888

He isn't wrong, though not being socially retarded is a must for that

>> No.77451874

I should caveat and say it's EZ if you understand how conversations work. If you know how to talk to people, you can make friends. Most human being like to talk about themselves, so if you make the conversation about THEM, you're in. Though most autists who understand this end up asking autism questions, which is a whole other can of worms. When you become an autism questioner, it's over.

>> No.77451888

Making friends is easy when playing on easy mode

>> No.77451933

Social autism is definitely hard mode kek which is why autists should unironically study how conversations work.

>> No.77451976

As a sociopath I can make friends easily but I only do so for my own benefit.

>> No.77452004
File: 148 KB, 320x240, 1660270594252724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this timestamp, Fuwawa was immediately ready to do the whole "no we love YOU more" routine, she already came with the "HAAAAH" she gives when people say they missed FWMC more.

>> No.77452023

Shouldn't have picked hard mode if you're gonna bitch about the game being hard

>> No.77452078
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, 1712094700836126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*throws cheesewawa at you*

>> No.77452079
Quoted by: >>77452284

making friends is easy but it must be a pretty surface level friendship
maintaining friendship and establishing a deeper connection is whats hard

>> No.77452100
Quoted by: >>77452238

I'm playing the version where normal is actually hard mode everywhere else.

>> No.77452114

>autists should unironically study how conversations work
That's what I did. It works well enough.

>> No.77452163

>When you become an autism questioner, it's over.
It works for Snake though...

>> No.77452238
Quoted by: >>77452266

buy DLC

>> No.77452266

There's no DLC for this.

>> No.77452275
Quoted by: >>77452364

how do i study?

>> No.77452284

True, but maintaining ANYTHING takes time and effort. That's basically all relationships tbdesu famalam. If you have an initial connection, that's cool, but time will tell if you can actually be friends for any length of time.
It's not worth mentioning, tho, because a lot of people have trouble with the INITIAL part of forming connections with human beings...

>> No.77452318

i once asked a group of friends if they prefer their food hot or cold, promptly causing them to laugh and question "cold?"
thats my level of autism

>> No.77452321

I wish I could maintain an erection.

>> No.77452364
File: 126 KB, 910x737, 1703777090971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work as a wagecuck cashier for 3 years, autistically study your normalfag coworkers, and embarrass yourself almost every single day like I did.

>> No.77452380

That's a valid question. People like eating pizza and french fries cold. I guess they're all team hot.

>> No.77452398
Quoted by: >>77452444

What was the food in question?

>> No.77452444

no food in particular i just asked the question randomly as we were all just a bit silent after a prior convo died down

>> No.77452450
Quoted by: >>77452685

Depends on the food, like who the fuck wants hot sushi
I feel like your friends are just as retarded as you

>> No.77452490

>this thread is as retarded as the small talk option in White Album

>> No.77452510

Are you fucking MC of white album?

>> No.77452585

can i have the sound file for this? lol

>> No.77452604

Is it me? Or does how food taste better recently?

>> No.77452624
Quoted by: >>77452778

I was gonna try to be social today but seeing all these autism posts is making me think too hard about how autistic I am

>> No.77452640


>> No.77452659

I didn't make the soundpost
I don't have it

>> No.77452685
Quoted by: >>77452726

Most people in civilized countries eat hot meals and hot food. Sushi is not something people eat regularly, even in Japan.

>> No.77452710

they love Twitter, is not that hard to understand

>> No.77452726
Quoted by: >>77452844

Do you eat hot salads too

>> No.77452778
Quoted by: >>77452803


>> No.77452803

too late

>> No.77452844

Most people don't eat cold salad for every meal.

>> No.77452857

are they asleep?

>> No.77452928

yeah with me

>> No.77452943


>> No.77453039

I would hope so considering the next stream is 4 hours from now.

>> No.77453079
File: 409 KB, 501x790, lust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77453111

Me with Fuwawa.

>> No.77453111

