So Irystocrats are seething and dropping their oshi because she is now collabing with Nerissa? Kek
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>77354736Nerissa unironically got the cooties
aqua's so fucking bad at acting when she's impostorshe just runs around in circles next to people the entire time
pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat
Wamy dead. Crewmates have a chance this round.
>>77354736Nobody wants to watch your whore Jailbird
>Okayu tryharding againJesus fucking christ it's just a fucking game
>>77354774It's funny because it's true.
>>77354806this is a really weird angle you're forcing
Gura is back for nowNow all we need is Ame...
Aqua should've killed the crewmates using a shoryuken.
>>77354736What is wrong with irystocrats?
Ultimately, the strongest imposter is Paradise
Fuck I wish miko was in this…
>>77354736If you drop your oshi over a collab partner she was never really your oshi.
>>77354736No way this is real. Proof?
>>OPcute feet
>>77354900that's a lot more likes than I expected for somebody who's career is this dead
>>77354736So what's up with post like this who just make bait but expect you to know whatever fanfiction they made beforehand for context?Niggas literally post expecting me to know whatever falseflag they cooked before as default.
I love how even the RNG seems determined not to let Korone play imposter.
>>77354736'crats can't stop taking Ls
>>77354736I can't believe it either sis, so cringe, like omg
Dear Amogus devs, may you rot in hell. please make a henry stickmin sequel. fuck you, also let paradise and danchou be imposterthank you amen
why is the amogus meta just fucking staying at the emergency meeting table forever, this is boring
>>77354736No wonder we call them irystocraps kekekek
>>77354736lmao this is why they are worse than KFP
https://x.com/pavoliareine/status/1797968809703453185Reine's cats are kind of...
a lot of sus people in this thread
>>77354736>Irys mention doing short NPC stream tooOof sorry to hear that.
>>77355013because amogus is just mafia/werewolf with extra steps
>>77355040Yeah, we should be careful.
>>77355013It sucks but that's the meta, since killing has a CD so spamming emergency meetings is never punished. There should be a max emergency meeting number, or make it reset some crew tasks
>>77354736IRyStocucks seethe all they want
I know Lethal Company became a bit overplayed due to all the collabs but i vastly prefer it over this slop.
>>77354736So is Irys going to start collaborating with Niji homos now too?
Polka sits in your face
https://x.com/Kaito9575/status/1714220331400073396Holos with this feel?
aqua stood over watame corpse to gloat
>>77355052why? that's hot
what's wrong with associating with Nerissa?
>>77355116>in your face>inThat sounds extremely painful.
>>77354938It makes sense considering that she was always famous in the community for that reason alone
>>77354736I hope this makes IRyS open up, and start collabing more at the very least. Nerissa is a good girl and Irys could learn a lot from her.
is aqua you know...
Bunny Garden VODs are being taken down
>>77355144>Inb4 10 samefag replies
>>77355179Adorable? yes
>>77355121>私Woman? Cuckqueening is hot.
>>77355154She's so bau bau. She's so beeboo tax.
>>77355179Hairy down there? Yep.
>>77355040sus = suspicious
Autists and retards love
>>77354736IrystoKEKS KEK
>>77355121And twitter tards are clappingBut you want your oshi to be pure idol and they have a meltdownHypocrites
what Wawa mean by this?https://www.youtube.com/live/6CtU5c1jvj4?si=zZ-5IzASGqi_AQGl&t=3506
>>77355144Nothing, just Neah's tranny anti-Irys discord brigade. They cannot stand that Nerissa is associating with Irys so they falseflag as Crats to make them look bad. Splits have already been warned. Just ignore em
>>77355214That's fucked up.....
>>77355211Don't know. I just checked and Korone's are privated and she's not the only one.
>>77355181Which ones?
>>77354736Why does this post have so many replies?
>>77355121Miko's maternity leave...
>>77355209What did he mean by this?
>>77355214>I bit off the chocolate layer and then seperate each wafer layer, scrape off the filling, and then eat the wafeNerissa is a psychopat
>>77355249why does that faggot hate irys
Thank you to whoever is shitting up the thread. I've been putting off doing my dishes and now I'm gonna do them.
If Kiara actually join the drunk amoung us JP are gonna do, as the only sober one, its gonna be kino.
>gura, Mubae and biboo overlapIts gonna be a primetime bloodbath
>>77355268Use your brain bro
>>77355116that trembling, just how weak one can be
>>77355181anya and kronii one down, IRyS one still up
>>77355181wait what
>>77355233she's referencing dr disrespect
>>77354736I probably would too. Nerissa is unironically the one person in EN who objectively doesn't belong in Hololive.
>>77355282I replied to the wrong post and decided the joke wasn't good enough to do over.....
>>77355297But primetime is now
>>77355286>why does schizo do schizo stuff?No idea, genuinely
>>77355181>>77355314People watch VODs??
>>77355181Can confirm, Okayu and Korone's are gone as well.
i think i sprained my neck with bad sleep position. How do i remedy this
>>77355304Too big but having that loose shirt show her nipples during fights would be hot.
>>77355211>>77355181Probably because youtube striked a certain vtuber for sexual content recently over an Asmr. Better to be safe
kek polka...
>Polukapolukapolukapolukapolukapoluka POL KAAAAAHlmao korosan
>Bijou trying to snipe viewers by starting an hour before Guralmao
>>77355364I'm doing that right now
>>77355372Another one just got privates
>>77355335now say that again without sounding like a jealous 2view who didn't get in
>>77355181this is literally holocaust 2.0
Guys I think it might be Polka.
post holos you could bench press
owari da
>>77355181this kinda sad but i can see why
>>77355436Imagine fucking her while she sleeps with this on.
>>77355436How can Fuwawa be real if our eyes aren't real?
>>77355459Send the catbox
>>77355437Leech rock... She's gonna get mogged regardless
>>77355378stretches, and ironically going back to bed
>>77355388Looks like it
>Korone's defense is "I'm not good enough as imposter to make it this far">It actually works
>>77355388>youtube striked a certain vtuber for sexual content recently over an AsmrThis happens every 2 weeks, doesn't mean anything
paradise's bloodlust almost caused her to become sus lol
>>77355493Why else would they be doing it? It's not music
>>77355526That's a genius defence.
>>77355469hakosu should sit on my face instead
>>77354736We love Nerissa here fag go seethe about your oshi in your split
last round
>>77355403>only sea know when primetime isWhat did he mean by this?
>>77355539it means something for Cover, they're overly paranoid like that
>>77355268>user was banned for replying to himself about 30 times
>>77355526How could this thing be a killer? She's just a little guy.
Nerissa's bunny girl vod gone. Save em while you can
>>77355388More likely that the perms in regards to that game changed due to the asmr section
>>77355477>>77355583You don't have to samefag, you know what I meant
>>77355566>Pol PotOh my fucking god, I'm using that from now on.
>>77355570get in line fag
>>77355566>744fuck that's good lol
>>77354806>member of hololive gamers>is a gamer who gamesSasuga, Yagoo does it again...
>>77355566>744kino wordplay
Bunny girl perms lost before Gura could play it...
>>77355693why is shiori oreo?
uso Peko desho
polka's bunny garden vods gone...downloading nenepol's vod
>>77355626>projectingYou literally replied with one word to the fact that primetime is now. I directly responded to that word.
>>77355708Because she's not a jammy dodger.
>>77355705Meh, none of them were lolisSomeone needs to make a bunnygirl game clone that's hololive girls the way Holocure did to vampire survivors
>Biboo/Gura overlapCan they not do this to me? Me, specifically?also RIP Bunny Garden
mr paradise...
>>77355654Messatsu the child
>>77355766This except it also has a CabaClub mode ala Yakuza.
Paradise lost...
>>77354806The absolute irony of this post using a fauna avatar
>>77355768This but Mubae/guraBiboo is slop you can save for later anyway
Do you guys prefer proximity chat enabled for among us collabs?
>>77355372More vods taken down. It's so over
>>77355872Yes, it's more fun
>>77355872Yeah. It gives us some fun interactions.
>>77355872Wamy has it on her stream but isn't enabled for some reason.
>>77355872proximity chat is always funny
why did Aqua get ejected?
Aqua got sus'd by spinning around again lmaoHer imposter run before, she got sus by the thing she didnt do eventho she was the imposter.
>>77355915probably didn't have time for all members to set it up
>>77355708Because it sounds funny to say "shioreo" huhaha
>>77355932chloe saw her spinning around in circles doing nothing on the cameras like she does every time she's impostor and aqua was too dumb to say that she was trying to watch pekora
>>77355915Everyone needs to have it for it to work
the cow and the orca did it
Let's reward Chloe and Noel for winning by motorboating their wonderful boobies.
Did Watame even got to kill someone
>>77355705Who gives a fuck when she got a brand new Miku game?
>>77354736IRys gonna start showing her titties on stream now too. And doing more paypig streams
>>77355872would have to disable shapeshifter
So this is what the ID girls are building, eh.
Was Okayu always this much of a killjoy in amogus? Genuinely left a bad taste in my mouth.
lovey dovey perochu sex with fubuki
>>77356040Watame is a gentle soul
>>77356070not now selenfag
>>77356051but the Miko shapeshifting kino
>>77356082What is perochu sex?
>>77356085Blessed be he who cums in the sheep.
All I'm saying is, I said months ago that Irys was Nerissa's 3rd favorite EN and some doubted me. Good knowing I'm right, don't really care beyond that.
>>77356085Only in self defense
>>77356115Watamelon is a different creature. It's like the difference between gura and gawr.
>Grey woman JP (Noeru + Sakamata) = Blue woman EN (Kronii + Rissa)>One Lesbian, one Horny>Big tits>One Menhera, one insecure>One smart, one dumb
https://youtu.be/Iu_W8_VAukSubaru is potentially 1 match away from D5
>>77355388meanwhile there are cocks and pussies masturbation for all ages in the education section
Watching the Worms collab is making me think about the old 3D Worms game and how fun they were. Do you think Hololive has perms for Worms Forts?
>>77356195>both have big tits>not one oppai one pettanLame and gay pairings
Diamond 5!
>>77356166dont compare watame to a grifter
>>77356263>>77356270>>77356272Is that good
Subaru's getting too cocky... she's setting herself up for some karma now.
>>77356268>retards misusing new buzzwordsName a more iconic duo
>>77356285that's 1 rank below the highest possible rank (master)
>>77356273Noel is one of the smartest girls. She just acts like a caveman because that what you do when you are burdened with intellectual capacity
>>77356245>3D WormsI wretched irl
NuJP seems like he'd struggle in this matchup
>>77356309glasses ina and shit posts
>>773563052004 was 20 years ago anon.
>>77356295Blessed rare coco reaction imageI miss this bitch
>>77356315Well, it's 2 ranks below now since the new highest rank is Legend.
>>77355766it is small wonder there are not known holoporn games
>>77354736Worst fan bases for a reason
>>77356305Worms 3D is 21 years old
>>77356356This seemed like one of those joke posts that gets the math wildly wrong to make you freak out for a second before you realizeBut it's actually real wtf
>>77356315What are the chances Subaru actually reaches master though at her current trajectory and skill level?
>>77356356>>77356392Make it stop
Fauna should play more WitcherKiara should play more horror gamesAme should lactate on stream
>>77356417>Kiara should play more horror gamesI agreeKiara please play Don't scream
Going to work friends, please watch my daughter until I get back, she's practicing for her big baseball game next month
>>77356356>>77356392>Worms 3D is old enough to be called a retro game now
Kanata is laughing at en...
https://x.com/minatoaqua/status/1797998423301599518Aqua tweeting literal akupeko bondage fanart
>>77356417Gura stop posting here
>>77356417>Kiara should play more horror gamesYeah with Gooba.
>>77356405Honestly? She needs to keep getting lucky and only fight shitters. Kimberly, let alone one with a debuff like modern controls has a real tough time in the upper ranks.
>>77356417Now what would that third one accomplish for an audio bit
Shuba walked right into that Gouki's LV3 super...
>Sloper Mario: The Thousand Year Slop>Slop Boxing feat. Hatsune Slopu>WarioSlop: Slop It!>Slop 8What a sloptastic day
9mc moom
I wanna snuggle with amanekanatach
check out this sister’s tits>>77355035>>77355460why can’t we ever get our femanons to post pits let alone tits…
>>77356554not now selenfag
>>77356556I want to eat it
Why is the Kiaraschizo trying IRyS vs Nerissa?
>>77356546C'mon Mori, that what you can't give up is like saying your weakness is working too hard at a job interview
>>77356585our females aren't as retarded as nijisissies
>>77356546My Mori
I really appreciate Okayu staying to talk to chat after the collab and not ending immediately
>>77356585They have more girls because of all the fujos and himejoshis
HAH, nice scream, Suba.
>>77356546Kaela is a pussy magnet
Can I get qrd on Mori?
>>77356600It's Neah's trannycord falseflagging as crats.
>>77356546is there a collection of all these wafer card profiles that I could view?
>>77356600Why do you think Kiaraschizo cares about seething about someone else other than Kiara and whoever he's putting against her?It's someone else
>>77356585check /soc/, most /pcg/ tits were trolls stealing posts from /soc/
>you get to have sex with your oshiBUT>she gets pregnant and wants an abortionWould you?
>>77356585Our femanons aren’t whores
>>77356694Why would someone in /soc/ write "Hi /NijiEN/" on her tits?
Lapsama my friend
>>77356694it's real this time because the second link has nijisis titmark
>>77356660Cute dork, works hard, loves music, big tits, pink
>>77356736ever heard of the infinite monkey theorem?
>>77356585Female holofans have much more dignity.
Kanatan is very cute today
>>77356585>armpit hair stubbleI'M HARD
>>77356694She wrote /NijiEN/ on her boobs, so it’s legit.
Subaru's watching a replay of her getting fucked by a mountain hermit.
Uh guys, IDs are playing MC too.....
/hlgg/ femanons have bigger tits so we win again
>>77356783t. tohru furuya
why are SEA hours always such shit
>>77356069only outer layer
uuoooohhh more Gura streams uuuuoooohhhh
>>77356805Which means they're speaking ID. Otherwise I'd watch Risu.
>>77356810Titcows? In MY /hlgg/?
Even mine are bigger than those sad excuses for breasts
>>77356585Femanons /here/ arent retarded enough to post a tiddie. So most we can get is pits
>>77356867you want attention so bad just post them puppies
>>77356862Kanata LOVES cow tits
>>77356867not now selenfag
>>77356867Man-boobs dont count
>Watching Kiara's vod>the reason why she doesn't normally stream with home 3D is the 2nd hatI hate that fucking stupid hat so much
>>77356848You mean yuro hours?
Who took a bite out of this tree?
>>77356805Nobody speaks ID. And I think most of the IDs are forgetting how to speak English except for Ollie because she keeps in practice by harassing the other girls for nudes.
isnt a trip from Japan to America expensive? Did Bae really fly out just to hang out with Mumei for a week?
>>77356939The future beaver Holo
>>77356925Most yuros are still at workT. Yuros that is still at work
>>77356925>t. SEAfag deflecting
>>77355249You guys really love inventing discords to blame for people here not liking the other girls
>>77354900I thought it was a joke
3D women are fucking disgusting. 3D women who browse 4chan are doubly disgusting.Fuck off females.
>>77356925why do SEAfolk always immediately point to EU
Has Kanata encountered the tree yet?
>>77356585There are no women here. We are all men.
>>77355249I honestly forgot that freak existed
I haven't watched hololive in like 2 years,only checked out the new advent girls but that's it, is there some absolute must watch KINO streams that you would recommend watching ?
https://youtu.be/6ebZmlXEphs?t=1249https://youtu.be/6ebZmlXEphs?t=1249https://youtu.be/6ebZmlXEphs?t=1249what did she mean by this
>>77356972>I swear guys, everyone in this thread hates Nerissa like I do, believe me please please
>>77356969>>77356984I'm italian
>>77356981You can't eat wood cheebs
>>77356822she was one of the classic bandwagoners hopping on a trend
Here you go, anon. This should answer all your questions.
>>77356972>inventing siscordsWe know it exists faggot.
taso found bird with autism
>>77356585I posted pits before
I'm still mad about Okayu tryharding
>>77356955Yeah, normally I'd watch any of them if they were streaming on their own but all four on VC? I'm watching Flare instead, and I don't speak Japanese.
>>77356954She has a top secret mission actually
>>77357073Mumei should play Fallout New Vegas
>>77357028I'm sorry for your existance
>>77357007Any collab that is a combination of Gura, Fauna, Mumei, and Kronii is automatically a kino stream.
>>77356954Rat loves her sisterwife.
>>77357101you should post them again, femsapling
>>77357114not now selenfag
>>77357134I don't really like Kronii
>>77357152Erm, that's Ratatoskr
>>77357161I'm the guy fighting against him by making better posts you retard
What do we rate Kanade's Magnum Opus?
>>77357114here's that (You) you begged for queen
>>77357123Everyone shouldI was hoping it would catch on more with holos like Yakuza 0 didbut i think the age of the game and the setting filters most
>>77357208Why did she do it?
>>77356955Are you honestly retarded enough to think the IDs speaking English a few hours a day is enough for them to forget the language they actually used the rest of the day? To communicate with everyone they see in person.
>>77357028WLatingods stay winning
>>77357222Doesnt't help that they're unable to get any of the fan patches to at least get a better vanilla experience.
>>77357222>it would catch on more with holos like Yakuza 0 did2 holos in EN played Yakuza 0 in +3 yearsIf you expected JPs to play Fallout NV you are delusional
Would you?
fubumiko sexhttps://x.com/shirakamifubuki/status/1798001282558603652
>>77357249That's actually me
>>77356955Who do you think Ollie's sent the most nudes to?
>>77357249Even our femanons are better than the Niji's femanons. And less retarded too. Nice tits btw
>>77356732what would happen if pulled on her stem?
>>77357249>no timestamp or anythingyeah sure nice tits, it would be cooler if they were yours tho
>>77357247Italians are Latin?
>>77357249Not now Ayamefriend, I'm trying to concentrate on more important stuff like videogames
>>77357249why is the right boober edited
>>77357208It's got soul. Also downs.
>>77357321ayamefriend isn't that big
>>77357321Ayamefriend is a flattie islander person
>>77357190Treerrat hate beavers
>>77357249>no timestamp
This means Shiori is beautiful.and is she bothered by it?
>>77357249>https://litter.catbox.moe/ihdthr.png>edited boob>no nippleogey
>>77357249do people really not reverse image search things anymore?
>>77357398>>77357313>>77357287ill post another one with timestamp later because parents still in living room, its just a quick selfie
>>77357405this might surprise you anon but you're fucking annoying when your drunk and hot girls don't want you
>>77356805No one gives a shit about IDs playing Minecraft if Kaela isn't there
>>77357451If you don't mind, would you post your pits in your next pic as well?
wait Ayamefriend wasn't actually that boy riding dildos on /trash/ that people link ITT every once in a while
>>77357483that was someone else
>>77357483Different guy
>>77357451Tell your parents I said hello
>>77355830Is she okay
>>77357483I wonder who it was
>>77357521Has she ever been okay?
can someone post the new meme?
>>77357528what does THAT mean?
>>77357405Compliments are only ever worth as much as the person giving them. And that scale does go into the negatives. That's why treating girls like shit worked for hot/smart guys but never for you.
>>77357547I liek mudkipz
>>77356732I wish they were…
KFP were white about Bae. I'm generally pro Promise unity but I can't overlook her behaviour recently.
>>77357621not now selenfag
>>77357202Nice larp selenfag
>>77357405Yeah, drunk guys are famously known for their high standards.
>>77357614nice filename dumbass lmao
I want Pekora to do a Rocky Watch along just to see her shittalk Paulie.
>>77357621nice typo Sapling
>>77357070Where is it? Show screenshots of this twitter person in it
>>77357674Wow!!!! It's all baubau
>>77357674Don't reply to this, I did it and they stole my social security number
>>77357699That would actually be hilarious.
>>77357621What does it mean to be white about something?
So selenfag is into white guys now?
>>77357621...KFP are white huh?
The only good thing about Bae is the color of her shirt (white)
>>77357761Better white than wong I always say
>>77357443That doesn't work anymore
>>77357771More girls, especially Asians, should be into white guys.
Cute Sheep Chats And Reads Superchats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftAPf55Ft70https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftAPf55Ft70https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftAPf55Ft70
>>77357692Isn't laplus kind of stupid?
>>77357796kill yourself selenfag seriously fuck you
>>77357845Nah he's whiteschizo
>>77357841I mean, she's constantly picking fights with Hololive's main audience so yes.
The funniest part about the fauna white posting is that any serious and non shitposting fan doesn't care because at least 95% of us are white.
>>77357771Who isn't?
>>77357845replying and giving him a nickname is literally the singular reason he still exists. No 'own' or 'dunk' will make him stop.
>>77357841lesbian zoomers aren't the brightest out there
>>77357884don't care selenfag now kill yourself
>>77357547This is Cheebs!
>>77357903>at least 95% of us are white.If only....
>>77357968fat fuck!
>>77357937You retard we literally owned him the whole day yesterday. He tried to do his usual BBC posts so a Tako turned it around on him by making pro white posts. He's been seething ever since kek
>>77357771>>77357845>>77357903It's not selenfag. It's someone doing counter shitposting to selenfag's blacked shit.Still just as annoying though.
>>77358004It was really hilarious when you guys shat up the thread
>>77357903This is a SEA board
>>77357986I'm sorry bro, but this is for the best...
>>77358024oh lets go!
>>77358011>it's not him it's someone else doing the same fanbase wars and holo anti'ing but different!
Deconstructing a kitkat is basic white girl energy There's not a lot of flavors there in the first place. You're just being quirky to be quirky.
>>77358040I'm on a SEAfood dietI sea food, I eat it
>>77357903Half of the posters here are from SEA, though
>>77358087based SEAchad
>>77358088based fat fuck
>>77357903im black tho
>>77358082Alwhite then. Don't care if you believe me or not.
>>77358103They're also half the size of a normal human
>>77358110I live in vegas though..
Kanata visiting Towa zoo, that's basically another yonkisei collab
>>77358082Anon, there's a group of posters who come here to stir shit up. It was never only one guy.
>>77358130finish in boomei
i just realized the shikanoko manga was made by amanekanatach mama
>>77358101RawSubaru until it explodes
Kanata on Fauna's tree!
>>77358120Why are you black?
Holos I watch:Fauna, Kiara, Mori, Nerissa, FWMC, Mumei, Gura, AmeYou couldn't pay me to watch the rest
Ever so often Flare makes this whiny voice that sounds cute as hell
Reine is returning to baby...
>>77358213I hope that tree catches fire. Then Fauna can stop doing Minecraft Mondays.
>>77358243not now selenfag
>>77358243I mean, that's more than half and some of them stream a lot, so asking anything more out of your day would probably be unreasonable
>>77358263Has Flare seen her tree yet? She's playing right now so it could happen.
>>77358229is cheebs ogey?
>>77358276I'm literally keeping this thread safe from him. He's scared of me.
>>77358290Sex with yammers
>>77358120Damn that sucks, I hope they find a cure
Fauna and Gura should do a race to see who beats Malenia first.
>>77358319If MJ found a way...
Shiori would cum from Nerissa touching her slightly.
>>77358004>>77358011How the fuck are you countering him when you're doing it randomly out of nowhere you retards?
>>77358341Malenia isn't even hard. She staggers to almost anything.
>>77356647Nobody can resist a sexy Indo OL.
>>77358227someone really needs to make an edit of that Sarah McLachlan song over clips of all the moco abuse .
No one I can understand is live right now...
I love my Sheepwife so fucking much bros. Did you know it's her birthday on Thursday? Did you know she's having a birthday live at 21 JST which you can watch for free on YouTube? Did you know that 8 guests from every branch bar ReGloss will be joining her to celebrate? Just thought you should know.
>>77358379Oh look! The shitposter is shitting his pants. You gonna cry?
I love how Flare's autism has no brakes even in front of Sora
>>77358429All I knew was that Mumei was going to be there. I didn't know the rest of it.
>fresh md5not even trying
>>77358447cute akupeko
>>77358335SexWith yammers
>>77358429No Kaela...
How is kimberly low tier she looks pretty good
What's up with elves?
Oh that's right, Subaru likes tan women a lot.
What are Sora and Katana talking about?
>>77358567WOULD NOT
>>77358446Ah yes I expected this genius level response from someone using retard logic
https://litter.catbox.moe/xiohwd.jpegThis is the latest twitter trend
He's fucking fuming kek.
>>77358462>I ain't no pussy-ass forest elf bitch, Sora! Am from the streets, youknowhamimsayin
>>77355469I mean probably all of them, chicks aren't that heavythe only one that I couldn't bench would be fuwamoco, because there's two of them
Sometimes it feels like you guys would rather talk about anything besides hololive
>>77358625dicks and boobs?
>>77358462I'm loving the reactionary evolution of Flare's lore as an attempt to dodge Elf stereotypes.
>>77358661What about Mori?
>>77358658Anya looks like she got caught
A wild bear appeared.
>>77358715What would it be like to face your face into the sora sole?
>>77358684No, the photo with the mark of ownership or something, I don't speak nihongo
>>77358625Azki sexo.
REINE LO-oh she's fine
>>77358740>Master's something something >Raw sex okay>Nakadashi okay>Something ecchi okay
>https://twitter.com/g_noa_ta/status/1689587904132386816>Flare got a 13 year old junior idol to cosplay as her for her MVElfriends explain
>>77358794saved by tobrut
>>77358688Did she ever explain why she hates elves so much?
Bros. Sora and Kanata mentioned Kaela but I dunno what the context was.
>>77358837She's racist
>>77358810>Master's personal use>>>No responsibility ecchi okay
>>77358871Minecraft probably
>>77358816Fuu-tan I kneel.
>>77358871Sora is going to show her shulker farm, aka she's going to kill her
>>77358816Flare's based.
>>77358871I will now watch Kanata
>>77358869Huh based
>>77358917Oh shit, this should be good
https://youtu.be/5BerN7Bbir4I can tame the wild squirrel.
Jwu and read Mori got suspended and UMG got angry at Cover for doing it in her album promotion period? And apparently they are going to try to take the Mori Calliope brand from Hololive? Is this true?
>>77358578>3dpd maleshitHeres the actual good recent holopornshttps://exhentai.org/g/2940627/7521537da0/https://exhentai.org/g/2938659/a6026aab24/https://exhentai.org/g/2938497/ff19038290/
>>77358917Oh, this will end poorly. You think Sora would have learned after the Zenloss.
>>77358869>Flare is the uncle Ruckus of elves
I miss Ina and I hope she's feeling better
>>77358578>all the comments are in ChineseUhh... bros?
>>77358990Yup, you got it alwhite
>>77358993The third one is goodthe rest is too vanilla
>>77358917She's really feeling it?
>>77354736this reply is all me btw
what made Reine want to play MC again
>>77358993You can't sexualize fbk
>>77358926Doesn't look 13, more like 23
Oh shit here we go
>>77359102That's not a valid legal defense.
>>77358698fair point kekfinal boss of fitness is to dual wield mori and noel
so is gura back for real this time for sure ?
>>77359102she tweeted her 13th birthday last year
>>77359100Why not? She started it.
>>77359093ID is doing another MC event.
>>77359124She is too old for me anyway, I like them tender
>>77359161Just like Ame was so back and not just shilling a backpack
>>77359010What does this mean for her relationship with Lamy?
I don't think Sora knows about Kaela shop, otherwise she would just show her that
Are Ame and Gura doing anything for the Pride Month?
>>77358429Why Mumei? Did they ever interact aside from a couple times in Minecraft?
>>77359173fubuki's perfect tits...
>>77359172>believing women>especially internet women>especially asian womenngmi
>>7735917213 (actual) or 13(Season 5)
>>77359199I think she mentioned it on the way
>>77359192this is different she seems to be really trying
>>77359208Everybody loves Mumei. She's the cutest.
>>77359192You the guy that was sure Ame would shill the backpack twice, once at the start of the stream and again at the end?
>>7735923213 (actual)Yes, Flare hired a child to cosplay as her
>>77359227>>77359232you're in denial child idols do exist
>>77359208JP loves Mumei. They all think she's super cute.
>>77359206Lesbian sex.
The risk of death increases every minute they're near that farm
>>77359301child idols exist, but she doesn't look like a child, I have seen enough japanese pornography to know who is a child and who isn't
>>77359246really triying to stay sober lmaoooo
>>77359271No, I was at work during that stream. What's your argument against what I said
>>77359349> I have seen enough japanese pornography to know who is a child???
>>77359362We're not talking about Mori tho?
>>77358816She has really cute armpits...
>Twitter is officially allowing pornWhat? It wasn't allowed before?
>>77359408She didn't shill the merch, she briefly brought it up when chat talked about it in the middle of the stream. She didn't even show it because she wasn't sure if she was allowed to.
I'm watching a gifted Jimmy member zatsu and she is very quiet and contemplative.
I only napped twice this morning!
>>77359246How is it different from the other cycles? Explain
>>77359349Oh Jesus...
>Gura's back>Fuwamoco's back>Biboo's back>Mori is having the biggest melty of her career >Kronii's goneIs Hololive finally healing?
>>77359575Don't use my oshi to shitpost, faggot
>>77359100I think you'll find that it's extremely easy to sexualize fbk, actually
>>77359575>Gura's back
>>77359426>>77359538>>77359619I mean JAVs with small (140ish cm and below) women, feds
Uhh what happened to Soda
>>77359349I remember back in 2007, I used to google so hard to look for the actual cheese pizza and what I found was from a Japanese website. Wild stuff. And calm down, I was 12 back then.
>>77359724she offered her body to Kaela shin
>>77354736>>77354764>>77354852>>77354879>>77354902>>77354958>>77355574>>77354979>>77356386>>77355012>>77355335>>77355082>jwuWow, the ennacuck who hates IRyS and Fauna is working extra hard today huh?And ofc ourse they always went a step too far, kek >>77355113
>>77359626>>77359693It doesn't work when the other person is cuter than you.
I love CP how about you guys?
>>77359753>2007>12Go back underage
>>77359513I can feel it
>>77357815Update your script, retard
>>77359753Anon, cp is still cp even if you're 12 yo
nice thread
Foobs has multiple personalities, one or which is sex crazed. It's really easy to find her lewd.
>>77359753The internet really was better back then
>>77359753> thinks it makes it any less illegal anon .. you are literally an elephant foot right now
>>77359013Me too...
Which VOD should I watch next?
>>77359810>>77359870Wow we have a bunch of moralfag normalfags here now?
>>77359898my girlfriend wife Fauna
>>77359898Elden Ring
>>77354736How many times did you reply to yourself
Elden Ring DLS got 10 new bosses and 30-50 hours of content IF you rush trhough it
>>77359898If you want to hear Fauna bitch about Dark Souls, watch her VOD. If you want to watch IRyS bash her head against a wall for five hours, watch her VOD.
>>77359918I only jack off to anime women
>>77359788Every holo should eat cheese pizza with a 2 liter diet coke every day.
>>77359969aren't lolis literally illegal in some shitholes such as europe?
>>77359968So the leaks were real? Nice
>>77359918no anon we're not doing this it's not 4chan culture or whatever
>>77359246She has a birthday coming up on june 20th and multiple collabs with kiara until then (although no clue if one block is still a go without mori). She also has the Dodgers stuff this week and had hairstyles so reveal.She does tend to stay around in between events like that when she has them, but beyond that? It'll just be the usual pattern of dissapearing for 2 weeks, randomly showing up in Japan, coming back home, and then randomly disssapearing for months.
>>77359767That’s just Kiaraschizo samefagging
>>77359968>only 10 new bossesdead on arrival
>>77360001You mean US and Australia
>>77359968>10 new bosses>For 50+ hours of contentSo it's even more empty open world and non-stop recycled enemies?
>>77359918 dont worry anon im with you .. you should keep posting about it just to make them really shut up
>>77360052Australia is just the UK with slightly better looking people
>>77359767I was one of those and I was just adding onto to post to funpost. I actually don't care
>>77360011>She also has the Dodgers stuff this weekIsn't that in July?
>>77360117>to funpost>Holo vs HoloFuck off sister
>>77360109I want Wamy to tie me to a bed and tearfully rape me
>>77360025>>77360058>Godrick>Radahn>Renala>Rykard>Morgott>Fire Giant>Malekith>Godfrey>RadagonLiterally more bosses than the base game, retards.
>>77359918Go back pedo
>>77359008this one is nicehttps://x.com/malcony999/status/1796844348883280247
>>77360117You know it's Nijiseethe crap when it all boils down to "Holo vs Holo" and/or "Holo fanbase vs Holo fanbase" again
>>77360117funposting isnt a thing
>>77360146>>77360214>Nerissa >Holo
>>77360214>Holo fanbase vs Holo fanbasewe genuinely hate deadbeats here
>>77360146I was shitting on a fanbase so it isn't holo vs holo
>>77360256not now selenfag
Deadbeats are having a melty again Grim
>>77360316not now, KFP
Nerissa will push IRyS to collab with Nijihomos
>>77360214You can cry niji all you want but I'm just doing it for fun. It gets free replies too. like it is right now
now I'm gonna imagine Sora stalking if someone is streaming MC so she can log in and convert them to Kaela-shin religion
>>77360336IRyS will push Nerissa to buy a gundam (real)
>>77360252Ayame should kidnap and sell me to Ayamefriend
>Mori's having a menhera breakdown >Kiara's having a menhera breakdown >Ina's "migraine"What's going on lately?
>>77360400QRD on Kiara?
>>77360400A mass outbreak of pregnancy.
>>77360400Ame is dyingthis is also why Gura is streaming, it's her way of coping
>>77360400We can probably blame Towa
KFP blaming the other fanbase again. Why are they like this? Is it because their oshi isn't streaming or just a LGBTQA+ moment?
I'm praying every day for Infinity Nikki perms. I want to watch my oshi play the pretty princess dress up game.
Sometimes, the contrast is hilarious>/HIRYS/ ARE MELTING DOWN OVER IRYS'S DATE WITH RISSA>/HiRyS/: kinda online-stalking the 13-year-old cosplayer that Flare hired to dance in her new MV
>>77360400something something Offkai something something Ame something pregnant who cares anymore
>>77360134The collab was this week I don't know when the actual match is
>>77360408 Quit Retarded Discussions ? yes
>>77360467but seriously, why did Flare get a 13 year old for her music video?
>>77360467Based.I'm going to go join them.
>>77360467Their oshi's love for lolis is rubbing on them too huh?
>>77360467But did they find any good shit?
So KFP are melting down because Nerissa dropped Kiara for Irys? Oof
>>77360343If your idea of fun is posting like a schizo or a nijifag then your posts are indistinguishable from those posters, so don't get all asshurt about how "you were just funposting" when people call you a schizo
Gura update:She followed Mittsu on Twitter today.She still has not followed Regloss
Just got black from bbc with family, anything I missed?
>>77360527We all know why.
>>77360543nah, Kiara is her kamioshi, Nerissa is LITERALLY known for being the #1 KFP, that's not happening
>>77360589I'm jerking it to Necoma Karin.
>>77360571She followed Mittsu on Twitter two days ago, dumbass.
>>77360594>Nerissa>#1 KFProru rumao
>>77360550I don't really care what people think about "me" on a Chinese basket weaving forum. I was just explaining that I was one of those many posts. You take things too seriously
>>77360571She followed Mittsu yesterday and Mittsu schizoed out
>>77360571>today2 days agohttps://twitter.com/MittsumiA/status/1797246614844870860
Do you think your oshi would notice if you died?
>>77360691Oh she will when I haunt her from the afterlife.
>>77360691I hope not.
>>77360691Actual 0% chance
>>77360691She would notice me not appearing in the livechat, yes
>>77360691I wouldn't want her to notice at all
So why are we letting Fuwawa get away with punching Mococo in the face?
>>77360765She deserved it.
https://x.com/brabrabrat00/status/1797902042205393111that's a lot of bookmarks, kazamatai explain?
>>77360689>>77360639Oh well she just liked the tweet of her schizoing out today. That's how I found out because I don't follow mittsu
Why are we pretending that the break isn't more about Mori's recovery rather than whatever Phase-shit rrat people are doing?
>>77360765Because she's hot.
MJ said it doesnt matter if its black or white
>>77359968They also added more tree spirits so there's that to look forward to
>>77360691Maybe after a few streams
>>77360765They have great make up sex
>>77360691This reminds me of one gura paypig who had a brain aneurysm and died during one of Gura's hiatuses . I don't think she'll ever know
>>77359860Burinyan is a whore
>>77360789what the fuck are you talking about
What did Kanatan mean by this?
>>77360765Because I don't wanna get shot.
>>77360789Who the fuck is we
>>77360691My sister will use my death for clout and then maybe there's like a 1 percent chance the communities overlap and Fauna would see it
>>77360789Because of rm shit that deadbeats won't shut the fuck up about
>>77360860that's amanekanatach
>>77360661Who took away Smol Ina's arm perms?
>>77360837man imagine spending thousands and then desperately and being obessed with hoping for her to return to stream only to fuckin randomly die and not be a blip on her radar
>>77360691Would you guys notice if I died?
When is Shiori gonna play Dark Souls?
>>77360978How are you doing?
>>77360945I would notice the thread quality being better
>>77360945If you don't have some kind of ritual post, how could we?
>>77360945Who're you?
So Flare's cute.
>>77360860pp angel...
>>77360967after she beat AT Velkhana
>>77360838I'd still fuck a whore if she was hot.
>>77360948Rayman hasn't had a game in over a decade, he ain't in charge of any permissions
>>77360945who let the ghost in here?
>>77361000>>77361004I make regular every day normal guy posts though.
>>77360689God I want to watch Mittsu schlicking to the thought of Gura following her and stalking her tweets, and maybe watching Gura streams.
Why the fuck are there no streams all day until they all overlap at once??
>>77360945no, now shut the fuck up
>>77361040me too
>>77361036That's exactly why he took Ina's arms away.
>>77361048Don't bweh.
>>77361064Busy having sex with me
>>77361064just for that post another stream will be added to the overlap
>>77360789>>77360904very weird posts
Can someone post that pekochan akua soundpost please
>>77361064So who are you going to watch?
>>77361036Does the Sparks of Hope DLC count?
>>77357249>>77357451you gonna post again or what?
>>77361064because only north americans and asians deserve to watch streams
>>77361094Thanks Jimmy
>>77361143All three at once but probably mainly gura and Mubae
>>77360765And what exactly are you going to do about it anon?
>>77361213Ask cover to terminate Fuwawa and keep Mococo
>>77361174why is Fuwajan like this
>>77361189Advent doesn't get Smol forms because they never had to wait for their 3D.
>>77361174Mogogo should learn how to parry. I still remember them wanting to git gud at fighting games.
>>77361064I'm more surprised that the Weebaus are streaming at the same time as Mumei and Bae.
>>77361261Everyone needs a marketable chibi form
>>77361189Idk, it just doesn't feel soulful enoughI get that Sana is a professional artist and they had professional 3d modelers adapt her design, but I feel with how much money can be made off a good chibi, Cover could do alot better.
>>77361283smol* form
>>77361270they'll become good at video games once hell freezes over
>Mori suddenly does a break>some white rapper from Japan locks twitter>it's for an unannounced durationI SMELL A STEALTH SUSPENSION.
>>77361279Massive fucking pokey nipples.....
>>77361306too small
>>77361284Why are you surprised by that?
Lamy WILL pee herselfhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg9qP3iuE5Q
>>77361342Laplus should sit on my face
>>77361325 anon.. it happens more often than you think.
ID gone...
>>77361261They did thoughHoloX got 3D in 6 months
>>77361389Literally just ask. If you have a big enough twitch channel she will
>>77361346Take the shot, anon. Finish the game.
>>77361306Mom sex