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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, 1706658851558616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77146134 No.77146134 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous thread: >>77114681

>> No.77146275

No longer gumping my jorts.

>> No.77146475
File: 105 KB, 1082x111, 734564537456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.77146622

cute digbot

>> No.77146634

sex with old men

>> No.77146635
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77162435


>> No.77146947

One guy I didn't like was in the collab so I didn't watch
jk I was busy with life earlier today so I missed every damn fucking stream sadge.........

>> No.77147297
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Quoted by: >>77162435


>> No.77147940

Is it worth saying good job to Rinna through Discord or will she not read it at this point?
Will you be listening to her plapping audios?

>> No.77148168

I barely cared about rinna when she was an /asp/ie and now I care even less about her

>> No.77148210

If you were already close to her in some capacity, I don't see why not
I'm not sure that I could, I don't want to risk my mental image of her being corrupted by coom

>> No.77148228

Why this ship comes with German Empire flag color?

>> No.77148559

is it rlly rinna?

>> No.77148580

good morning

>> No.77148633

no its denpa she is live and streaming on two accounts at the same time. one is pre recorded

>> No.77148667

it's actually gumpai

>> No.77148770

Is it just me or do male vtubers just get into the game straightup while female vtubers just talk nonstop for a few hours and barely touch the game.

>> No.77148791

its kuku who decided to be a girl again

>> No.77148837
Quoted by: >>77153442

my favorite male streamer yaps for an hour first before playing the game but i hate it when women do that

>> No.77148836

I do a short talk at the beginning but try to get into the game immediately.

>> No.77149187

Hi guyss! .w. offkai has been a blast

>> No.77149267
Quoted by: >>77149432

>goes to offkai
it's so fucking over...
Have you networked with other chuubas from /here/? have you met them?

>> No.77149432

I met a few frens in the main area for a moment but I've been mostly wandering for fun or playing card games .w.

>> No.77149545

I do a bit of yammering for about half an hour before I roll into the game

>> No.77149583

Name a chubba who loves pizza and what kind of pizza

>> No.77149780
Quoted by: >>77150162

Did you plap anyone yet?

>> No.77149879

Based Patchey cucking the tranny and getting more pussy for his harem

>> No.77150162
Quoted by: >>77150379

I don't got a pp sorry anon.

>> No.77150379
Quoted by: >>77150559

So you got plapped yourself then?

>> No.77150559

Pff.. I can barely talk to people irl Frick no. I just awkwardly hung with friends

>> No.77150574

What happened to that furry dilf who used to post here

>> No.77150703

haru likes cheese pizza with extra cheese

>> No.77150876


>> No.77150975
Quoted by: >>77151529

How to translate mesudanshi to English?
I'm too old to be a femboy

>> No.77151244
Quoted by: >>77156831

Haru explicitly asked for a barbecue chicken pizza during his stream.

>> No.77151529

It'd be Osu. You'd be an osugaki

>> No.77152078
File: 508 KB, 614x483, cute boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asp for this feel

>> No.77152697

literally nobody

>> No.77152754

Post an asp and I will draw them You have to promise to praise my art though ok?

>> No.77152795
Quoted by: >>77171026


>> No.77152815

how come a male and female chuuba could have the same number of following but the female chuuba will have the higher ccv?

>> No.77152844


>> No.77152939

Sterling (Sterling G. Brickman, for those who don't know)

>> No.77152992

how come you're such a bitchass baiting loser?

>> No.77153036

Because males only watch other males when there's no females to watch.

>> No.77153132
File: 1.55 MB, 2425x2591, IMG_7897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77153442
Quoted by: >>77153699

You’re a Momomo fan, aren’t you?

>> No.77153699


>> No.77154087

I think I cut too deep this time. I'm sorry. It hurts.

>> No.77154456


>> No.77154503
File: 40 KB, 640x640, 1611108443379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i had a cute voice like gura

>> No.77154867


>> No.77154939


>> No.77155684

Getting closer to affiliate. The only requirement I'm missing now is 3 ccv average (rn it's like 2.78 I think? And it's being carried heavily by my debut average). I'm so close to getting cute emojis! I can't believe I've only been streaming for a bit over 3 months and I'm really close to affiliate! It's crazy I've made it so far with this fun hobby I started spontaneously!

>> No.77156086

What house did the online sorting hat quizzes place you in?

>> No.77156312
Quoted by: >>77156405

Why is self-harm so fucking prevalent around here?

>> No.77156405
Quoted by: >>77157406

its like 2-3 mentally ill people who wont shut the fuck up (because they are mentally ill)

>> No.77156553

Yes now is the time to talk to her I'm sure she can lose nothing by giving you the time of day.

>> No.77156732

I make pizza... My fave is chicken bacon. marinara sauce

t.Poly Pizzaroli

>> No.77156831

And I made it and the greedy dog asked for ANOTHER baka. I would have made another but it was closing time

>> No.77157193

i miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

>> No.77157223
File: 26 KB, 484x461, 1716613139848850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77157870


>> No.77157325

I think I'm losing my cutesy voice...I need to tone it down with the screaming

>> No.77157406

I feel it's a lot more common than that.

>> No.77157475
Quoted by: >>77158290

I've been trying to stop by more chuubas streams and talk! I'm starting to realize I haven't been doing as much networking as I've thought.

>> No.77157562

I really wish I didn't sound like a femboy, I wish I had a good manly voice.

>> No.77157870
Quoted by: >>77158044

I need a cute boy to vomit on me so I can eat his vomit

>> No.77157879

Finally the art stream where people who tune in can look at my terrible art and laugh. Will take some requests for anything(be prepared) Also making some assets

>> No.77158044

i would do that but it would cost you $500

>> No.77158177
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Quoted by: >>77158559

how do you help someone who's having / been suffering from panic attacks? asking for a friend

>> No.77158290
Quoted by: >>77158501

I'm bad because I lurk a lot since I feel shy a lot of the time but in my head it feels like I've networked since I've watched them.

>> No.77158337

There's a certain person I'd like to talk to more but we can't watch each others streams due to timezone differences and I'm terrible at breaking the ice

>> No.77158414
Quoted by: >>77158584


>> No.77158474

tell them without prior ice breaking!

>> No.77158501

Anon, you and I are the same person in different fonts. Because I do the same thing, forgetting that VTubing networking requires actually interacting with people and not just being there.

>> No.77158514

I have that problem with several people

>> No.77158559
Quoted by: >>77159578

Give them something to think about to distract their brain. Not some weak shit like "how are you feeling", an actual question that they'll have to think about in order to answer, like a memory or a random fact. Or suggest a task like the alphabet backwards, or count backwards from 100 by 7s.
Something that also helps me sometimes is reassuring myself that its happened before and it passed, so I'll be able to get through it again.

>> No.77158584


>> No.77158657
Quoted by: >>77159572

Same. It's kinda frustrating. Especially since we're adults. Getting close to people as adults shouldn't have to be so hard.

>> No.77158732
File: 170 KB, 582x533, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was he hacked? Or is this in character?

>> No.77158802
Quoted by: >>77158869

he LOVES human dick!

>> No.77158869

Anon, don't fuel the feral furry artists. There's probably none here, but don't fuel them.

>> No.77158893
Quoted by: >>77158948

Consider who he hangs out with and then ask that again

>> No.77158926

in character. but you can cancel him if you hate it :3

>> No.77158948
Quoted by: >>77160272

I don't watch Cody, so I wouldn't know.

>> No.77159061

didnt people say he was black from the handcam stream he did? pretty based ngl

>> No.77159192

If this is true, based

>> No.77159504

https://www.twitch.tv/zenyahima - ASMR
https://www.twitch.tv/chakimoji - Dreadout
https://www.twitch.tv/kaignikkivt - Mario Party 2
https://www.twitch.tv/sirshabby - Fortnite
https://www.twitch.tv/daiyadiamandis - Stardew Valley

>> No.77159572

>Especially since we're adults.
You sure about that, some of you act more like angsty and horny teens. The good thing about being an adult is that you have a good idea about what kind of people you want to socialize with and are more confident, and so less afraid to shut out people that you don't see any benefits in socializing with outside of work.

>> No.77159578
Quoted by: >>77159824

Might streaming actually be good for that then? Playing a difficult game or drawing.

>> No.77159715

its cool when a nigga does it

>> No.77159733
Quoted by: >>77159822

hiyo, just wanted to say thanks to the people who followed my channel after posting yesterday!

>> No.77159754

Yume anons, what's you preffered pet name? Little sis? Baby? Darling? Etc?

>> No.77159822


>> No.77159824

Sometimes. That's certainly why I do it, to distract myself from letting my brain rot in all those bad thoughts all day.

>> No.77159878

My pet, sweetie, or baby

>> No.77160019

walk with me here
alien dog chubster, voice modifier to sound like them stupid alien videos and there is no english just lots of glob? glurp? botos binted?
and every stream he streams from a different corner so when people watching find him dangling dfrom the top like he is on the damn ceiling people can redeem points to get him off and on the ground
am i gmi

>> No.77160148

princess, sweetie, sweetheart and baby

>> No.77160259

How many times does Zenya do ASMR a month? It seems to do well for her.

>> No.77160272
Quoted by: >>77160798

Nobody but patchery pafu pantsu ineda or sukadrii does

>> No.77160592

Depends whos saying it and how natural it sounds out of their mouth. Baby is probably the safest one.

>> No.77160627
Quoted by: >>77160770

the only streams her ccv aren't poop are the asmr ones so she does them frequently

>> No.77160666
Quoted by: >>77161012

um, what are you going to do during your streams other than make glob sounds?

>> No.77160733
Quoted by: >>77161055


>> No.77160770
Quoted by: >>77162555

She's a 3 view playing doom, wtf are you talking about nigger?

>> No.77160792

asp for this feel *dead body on the side of the road*

>> No.77160798

That’s for the name drop baby

>> No.77160922
Quoted by: >>77161041

me this week probably

>> No.77161012
Quoted by: >>77164814

play games and do stupid content that will make you pee your panties
funny asmr? You Adopt A Dog But It Turns Out To Be A Funky Little Alien Dog

>> No.77161041
Quoted by: >>77161230

this is the 9th time you've said this sheen

>> No.77161055
File: 2 KB, 214x33, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77161256


>> No.77161230

im not cheenis

>> No.77161256

fland loves his GFE

>> No.77161401

Me soon

>> No.77162029


>> No.77162143

Why is he not a black cat then? Or at least brown.

>> No.77162332
File: 345 KB, 1000x1000, 2024.04.254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77163027

why did that sigh sound so sensual at the end?

>> No.77162339
Quoted by: >>77162987

Brown is just dark orange

>> No.77162357

I'll be smeared across the freeway

>> No.77162435
Quoted by: >>77162531


>> No.77162438

Orange is the new black

>> No.77162508

Not me, I live forever and I love to live.

>> No.77162531

I would fuck garax

>> No.77162555

i've been trying to get a better of idea of what zenya did to become more successful recently. seeing these blatantly incorrect posts makes me think it's other chuubas like myself trying to do things like zenya but they want to mislead other people. she doesn't stream asmr that much but people talk about spamming asmr. i checked her schedules and she only does it twice a month. i don't really want to do extreme gfe like zenya does so i got turned off from trying to copy her success when i saw posts about her here but twice a month isn't really going to make me go insane. there was another post talking about zenya's ccv tanking when she does gaming streams and that she only gets boosted by "whoring herself out". like you said, zenya is a 3 view playing DOOM or whatever retro game she plays when i checked her stats here https://sullygnome.com/channel/zenyahima.. 120 ccv average is her floor.. if that is tanking then where do i even place.. this place is such a crab bucket why can't we just help each other instead of trying to mislead each other like this?

>> No.77162640

Darling, sweetheart, princess(rare). If I want it to sound more tender/affectionate and less flirty/sexual, then I'll consider 'my heart', 'my love', 'my treasure'.

>> No.77162679
File: 311 KB, 600x800, my damn eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77173221


We're playing some neat indie demos tonight before settling in with more Pokemon TCGGBC!

Startin' with sunset devils because I saw haru play some of it and it looks COOL AS HELL

Now, let's party!

>> No.77162987

Orange is just neon brown

>> No.77163027

Sounds like the poor boy is exhausted.

>> No.77163558


>> No.77163610

>i've been trying to get a better of idea of what zenya did to become more successful recently
New model.
Hard pivot to incest loli GFE.
> but twice a month isn't really going to make me go insane
ASMR is best when it is spaced out. It's kind of like going out on a date, you don't do it everyday because who really wants to go out on a date every single day? Dates are there to keep the fire going same with ASMR. It's a way to reaffirm your community's commitment to you and your commitment to them. Once a week I think is a good rhythm, twice a week if you really have something special or you just like doing ASMR.
> and that she only gets boosted by "whoring herself out".
Doing GFE will make people turn up for streams which are not GFE because people feel parasocial towards you, obviously they won't be as popular as the GFE streams since some people are just coomers and gooners who just want to hear you moan into a microphone but those people who do show up for every stream will become the backbone of your community.

>> No.77163657

denpa out here girding even after she just finished stream. I respect the hustle

>> No.77163698

zenya's new model is a huuuuge contributer to her success

>> No.77163844

Yeah, me

>> No.77164056

>incest loli GFE.
What's the male equivalent?

>> No.77164099
Quoted by: >>77164154

Vox akuma

>> No.77164131

wincest shota BFE

>> No.77164154
Quoted by: >>77164211

What's the archetype?

>> No.77164211
Quoted by: >>77164359

Dom Daddy ASMR

>> No.77164249

im not sure this would work

>> No.77164255
Quoted by: >>77164888

I don't think that would get viewers like Zenya

>> No.77164319

its only for the meme damn. Males have no equivalent

>> No.77164359

Why do women like the daddy shit so much? I hate it.

>> No.77164427

extra buff ojisan with a deep voice talking about how he wants to lock you up and cut you into tiny pieces so he can eat you and get you closer to him then would ever be possible without eating you

>> No.77164466

any woman who sits at their PC all day listening to anime men speak in their ears has issues

>> No.77164500
Quoted by: >>77164573

Why do men like little sister and daughter shit so much? It's literally the same reason.

>> No.77164562
File: 116 KB, 300x300, 16546484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77165175

I was just made aware that chibiibot is the little stickman companion in her hair. The girl's name is actually Jade. She's also so fucking cute. I really want to hug her

>> No.77164573
Quoted by: >>77164717

I actually prefer big sister shit thanks

>> No.77164611
Quoted by: >>77164834

>ASMR is best when it is spaced out. It's kind of like going out on a date, you don't do it everyday because who really wants to go out on a date every single day?
i've seen other chuubas focus on asmr streams but i guess their branding would be asmr chuubas. very focused and specialized content compared to your typical aspie. as for everything else i've pretty much arrived to the same conclusion

>> No.77164717
Quoted by: >>77165066

Some women also prefer shota.

>> No.77164741
Quoted by: >>77164917

all the other girls in my circle are into big brother types. I just want cute shotas.....

>> No.77164814

please someone tell me if i cooked or not im high as balls and i want someone to validate me

>> No.77164834

I think being an ASMR chuuba that does ASMR every single stream really fucks you in long run because if you ever want to try something not ASMR, your community will just abandon you because that's not what they signed up for.

>> No.77164888
Quoted by: >>77165183

If you debuted in a corpo and straight out the gate went hard into it it could work if you did it right. Already having a lot of viewers could push past the "EWW HES SOME KIND OF CREEP" factor that would drive away most women and give you enough time to convince them to give you a chance.

You try that as a new or very small creator and basically every demo would get creeped out, even if it were done well. You need that air of popularity to kind of trick people into thinking it isn't creepy. They wouldn't give you 2 minutes before clicking away.

>> No.77164917
Quoted by: >>77165051

lucky there's a great selection of shotas here

>> No.77165051

Only shota here I know is basil and people keep telling me hes gay. Why are all the cute boys gay I hate it

>> No.77165066
Quoted by: >>77165137

If that was true more girls would watch me but I get mostly guys

>> No.77165137

The keyword is SOME

>> No.77165175

me too, she seems really squishy to hug

>> No.77165183
Quoted by: >>77165602

I think if you could actually pull of being a shota with the right voice and the right energy, they would be a star but very rarely do guys have that correct combination and then the actual desire to do it.

>> No.77165207

whats the best pngtubing software?

>> No.77165355
Quoted by: >>77165676

Is there a guide to plapping at offkai? I'm here and I'm more attractive(6ft+, not fat, not ugly) than 95% of the other men I've seen yet nothing is happening :(

>> No.77165368
Quoted by: >>77166048

If don't mind the setup, Landitube

>> No.77165602

Femboy is a more proven path to success and it is a lot easier of a voice to pull off too. Hell, babi with a girly voice is probably a more proven path to success. There are several 3-4 view babis out there on twitch, no shotas that I know of.

>> No.77165639

Veadotube: Good if you want something you can do fast and easy. Lacks a lot of motion, but you can still bounce
PNGtuberPlus: Allows you to add more motion, such as rotation and drag. It's not as expressive as L2D, but it's an upgrade. The downside is that you must cut your art to rig it.

Those are those are the two I've used. I personally like PNGtuberPlus for the fact I can have more motion than veado, but I have had issues with it occasionally crashing and it won't let me use my microphone to sync when I talk.

>> No.77165676
Quoted by: >>77165884

Go to the cosplay area, approach the woman with the nicest ass and say "hey want some fuck?"
I slept with all the guy that did this when I used to go to cons for the cosplay contest if they were good looking

>> No.77165884

male hands wrote this fantasy

>> No.77165914
Quoted by: >>77166178

Makes them feel secure, I suppose.

>> No.77166020

More for me and the other homos

>> No.77166048

thank you friends

>> No.77166125

ricecake is straight but i dont know if the voice really fits

>> No.77166171
Quoted by: >>77166739

Does PNGTuberPlus take gifs?

>> No.77166178
Quoted by: >>77166418

Yes, many women have the natural instinct to seek protection and a provider.

>> No.77166418

I just want to protect and get destroyed tbdesu

>> No.77166692
Quoted by: >>77169740

I crave protection deeply. It may be related to past trauma but it's almost visceral how much I seek it.

>> No.77166739

Quote from the written PNGtuberPlus tutorial

>> Animation Frames:
Determines how many frames are in the sprite’s “sprite sheet”
Sprite sheets must be ordered horizontally
You can convert GIF to sprite sheet here: https://ezgif.com/gif-to-sprite

So technically yes, they just need to be converted to a sprite sheet (and the google doc tutorial of PNGtuberPlus provides a link to do that).

>> No.77166790

I wish I wasn't stuck at work all night the whole weekend. >_<;; I wish I could work remote, anons. Being stuck in a room with a normie is hurting my mental.

>> No.77167047
Quoted by: >>77167227

Then add scale to sound to simulate veado.

>> No.77167227

Also this:

>> No.77167363

Is he actually gay?

>> No.77167392

fuck no lol

>> No.77167667

Yes. He likes Haru.

>> No.77167827
Quoted by: >>77168682

Probably not, but he has redeemed my BL recommendation more than once so who knows.

>> No.77168682
Quoted by: >>77169159

that's all it takes to be perceived as gay by you? let me know when you are streaming next time, time to become the gay friend :3

>> No.77169140
Quoted by: >>77172644

as a man you should not be reading BL. you DO have friends you can cuddle and make out with anytime you want, right???

>> No.77169159

I said probably not, which means no I don't think he is, but there is a possibility he's down to clown both ways, again 'who knows'.

>> No.77169556

if he is, i’m going to groom him into being straight.

>> No.77169740

What would someone have to say to you to make them fall in love with you?

>> No.77170809


>> No.77170970

Honestly same.

>> No.77171026
File: 67 KB, 528x800, cake walk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one today. I wanted to practice animating a bit.

I had to change the model a lot. Ricecake has both a really complex and also subtle outfit/hair. Very hard to animate. I hope I got the essence of him though. Not a whole lot of detail.

>> No.77171387

Cute! Love this!
He's on his way to give me a lil kiss, I know it.

>> No.77171547

big mood yas girl slay

>> No.77171576

>Stayin' Alive playing faintly in the background

>> No.77171844

gavis bettel's 3D I'm guessing

>> No.77171849

why is cheen such a bitch?

>> No.77172008

I like it

>> No.77172054

what did he do now?

>> No.77172121

Pretty sure both examples you listed out is the schizo that says all women that do sloppy blowjob ASMR are gonna be popular no matter what and how male vtubers are worthless.

>> No.77172209
Quoted by: >>77172866

lol crabs

lmao even

>> No.77172320
Quoted by: >>77172866

Because you're a faggot

>> No.77172644
File: 99 KB, 300x300, 7c33034e-b876-4286-af4e-254acd1ffe63-profile_image-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77172773

probably because hes a cuck

>> No.77172796

schizo tierlist?

>> No.77172858
Quoted by: >>77173771

Yuki was the real one, and Archknight is the tulpa.

>> No.77172866
Quoted by: >>77180928

>1 minute apart

>> No.77173193
Quoted by: >>77173258

12:00 pm in Japan. You might be able to find Japanese viewers if you go live right now.

>> No.77173221

kill yourself

>> No.77173258

the japanese viewers are busy watching RTAinJapan for the Biohazard event they're doing right now

>> No.77173275

It disgusts me how entitled some people /here/ are that they need to punish artists or women for not being “supportive” enough.

>> No.77173450

cut him some slack he's young man.
he'll grow out of the shit but he has to find that path on his own, it can't be forced into his head.

>> No.77173771
Quoted by: >>77177785

...Arch was short for Archknight?

>> No.77173996

I could never do a subathon because I masturbate in my sleep.

>> No.77174637

beautiful, thank you

>> No.77174739

I think cheen is cool and love his work. I wish I could paint like him.

>> No.77175103

good job on the walk cycle anon.

>> No.77176268

Tonight's a blow my brains out kinda night, anyone else?

>> No.77176401
Quoted by: >>77176666


>> No.77176644

I mean yeah

>> No.77176666

why is everyone so menhera its saturday

>> No.77176749
Quoted by: >>77176933

how do I stop feeling guilty about saying no to people

>> No.77176810
Quoted by: >>77178512

bitter about offkai

>> No.77176865

No it's not there's less then 8 hours left untill monday

>> No.77176933
Quoted by: >>77177990

what did you say no to

>> No.77176965


>> No.77176973

Depression doesn't take breaks on weekends unfortunately

>> No.77177040

im drunk idk

>> No.77177189

idc if gumpai is mentally ill the emote she did for me is great and was done in like a day

>> No.77177317
Quoted by: >>77177368

I don't think being mentally ill is a bad thing, the world itself is ignorant to the insanity it enables on a daily basis.

I'm starting to think people like gumpai are the genuinely sane ones.

>> No.77177368

Hell is empty and all the devils are here after all or something like that

>> No.77177686

viewer tierlist?

>> No.77177783

she does those happys in like 15 minutes

>> No.77177785

Arch is short, yes.

>> No.77177821

with all the other random stuff she's posting, i think she's going the dempa route and spam post shit until she starts getting hit tweets

>> No.77177842

Fwofie when are you doing ASMR like Zenya?

>> No.77177990
Quoted by: >>77178239

I'm not gonna answer that in case they're here, I just feel bad letting someone down is all

>> No.77178037

Dubs chooses who I gift a sub to
>Captcha: 4PNS

>> No.77178176

cheen or zeph

>> No.77178187

why didn’t ubuume come to my stream today….

>> No.77178239

unless they menhera'd i wouldnt fret

>> No.77178512
Quoted by: >>77178545

oh im sure someone's gonna gump your jorts someday

>> No.77178545

I want to strangle gumpai

>> No.77178787
Quoted by: >>77178886

tell me more

>> No.77178886
Quoted by: >>77179962

put my hands around her throat and squeeze the life out of her neck

>> No.77178895
Quoted by: >>77178976

tell me less

>> No.77178976
Quoted by: >>77179962

strangle gumpai

>> No.77178990
Quoted by: >>77179057

Tell me a moderate amount

>> No.77179048

In this stream, Sailor Gurun will decide between our three suitors: The NCR, Mr. House, and Caesar

>> No.77179057

I want to strangle gumpai

>> No.77179083

In what stream

>> No.77179125

oops https://www.twitch.tv/gurunvt

>> No.77179226

I want to feed Arch estrogen like a petting zoo animal.

>> No.77179278
Quoted by: >>77179335

my very own rape pet

>> No.77179335


>> No.77179344

Finding out that he's questioning himself on being trans was surprising

>> No.77179516
Quoted by: >>77179815

You got dubs. Who do you want to get a gifted sub?

>> No.77179815
Quoted by: >>77180203

arch & yuki

>> No.77179833

>the guy who's mental illness manifests as a domineering woman tulpa thinks he might be a girl

You thought this was surprising?

>> No.77179840


>> No.77179930

had egg vibes, not surprising

>> No.77179945
Quoted by: >>77180003

frame a chuuba

>> No.77179962

thanks gotta change my jorts now

>> No.77179970
Quoted by: >>77180188

what the fuck is an egg

>> No.77180003

Scege has been trying to coax my skeleton out from my flesh

>> No.77180004

Mond finally posted again

>> No.77180141

She's alive

>> No.77180188
Quoted by: >>77180230

half of the "males' in this thread are eggs, that's what. eggs just WAITING to crack

>> No.77180203
Quoted by: >>77180795

Pick one. Drop their channel links cause idk who Yuki is. Arch is Archia, right?

>> No.77180230

what is this supposed to mean, also make a tierlist of "eggs"

>> No.77180288
File: 249 KB, 414x390, LOOKATHIM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77180659

why did no one tell me Zeph has a chibi model?
I WANT TO SQUEEZE AND CRUSH HIM i am going to have bad dreams involving him tonight :3c

>> No.77180291
Quoted by: >>77180331

Egg is something people call people who are trannycoded but don't identify as trans

>> No.77180331
Quoted by: >>77180455

like camui?

>> No.77180352
Quoted by: >>77180795

an egg is a tranny waiting to happen, then when thy troon out they say "guess my egg finally cracked LOL" and they post to reddit

>> No.77180455

More like patchery but camui is an egg too

>> No.77180459

A guy who pulled a Zenya wouldn't be near as successful

>> No.77180560
Quoted by: >>77180634

yea no shit

>> No.77180634

Then what's the easy mode route for guys then?

>> No.77180659

he the beard gives him big ol' squishy cheeks

>> No.77180679
Quoted by: >>77180780

Having a deep voice

>> No.77180772
Quoted by: >>77181016

Beryl is doing a hard pivot into femboy and it seems to be working for him

>> No.77180780
Quoted by: >>77180869

Yeah except none of the guys here with deep voices are anywhere near 3 view

>> No.77180795
Quoted by: >>77181206

I don't like that at all.

Arch & Yuki are "Chaosfoundry". Archia is Archia Basil.

>> No.77180863
File: 461 KB, 1095x1095, artemis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77181016

you know what you must do

>> No.77180869

none of them have the 4 things needed, the hardest of all being not mentally ill

>> No.77180928
Quoted by: >>77180969

Ikr it's pretty pathetic

>> No.77180967

So it's not just deep voice at all you liar

>> No.77180969

Yeah you are

>> No.77181016
File: 1.08 MB, 2500x4416, 1690302435779579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao even

>> No.77181092
Quoted by: >>77181159

if he switched to girlvoice he'd be 3view with no raids methinks. but, yknow. not everyone on the internet wants to be a girl, right?

>> No.77181113
File: 408 KB, 1140x370, 1717244036278348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77181691

Only one who has made it is clonq but everybody in 3 is mentally stable except the obvious one

>> No.77181141
Quoted by: >>77182040

with how horny the men are here im not surprised that the "successful" males are basically women, contrary to everywhere else in vtubing and streaming

>> No.77181159

why does he want to be a babi then

>> No.77181206

Understood. Okay, Arch and Yuki got a gifted sub!

>> No.77181441
File: 1.50 MB, 850x1202, 1713311459938994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw a girl call it a boy is based

>> No.77181563

girls are cute

>> No.77181691

Now do the girls.

>> No.77181866

girls don't have to be mentally stable

>> No.77182040

Who are the actual "big" males? I'm talking people who have an audience without raids

>> No.77182387

Is she okay?

>> No.77182715
Quoted by: >>77182856

that's a man

>> No.77182856
Quoted by: >>77182915

That is a proud Latinx nonbinary thank you very much

>> No.77182883
Quoted by: >>77183791

Girls don't need to be charismatic, talented, a nice voice or mentally stable.

>> No.77182915

does xe have the latinx bunda

>> No.77182964

stop saying bunda!!!

>> No.77182986
Quoted by: >>77183063

big bunda

>> No.77183063


>> No.77183093

>in child ego - child ego interactions (playful goofing around) (I learned this from a psychology book)
dumb and gay who gives a shit

>> No.77183440
File: 364 KB, 480x537, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>77183547

men who could be groomed into dunking women into pools when they cant swim? aside from iriya

>> No.77183547


>> No.77183565

How do I get over knowing that someone I used to look up to hates me?

>> No.77183791

But who has them anyway?

>> No.77183815

Finally. I missed her so much. She is everything I want in a woman but why is she so mentally ill?

>> No.77183816
Quoted by: >>77183966

by improving your ways
spite them and keep doing what you're doing WHILE getting bigger to shove it in their face afterwards
just stop being gay

>> No.77183956

It doesn't matter, the only thing that matters for girls is being nice to men

>> No.77183966

Choosing option 3, thanks. Honestly they're kind of a piece of shit anyway now that I know them better.

>> No.77184252
Quoted by: >>77184414

it's a little simplistic and blunt, but just stup giving a shit.

You cannot convince other people that you're a good person, you have to prove it through action alone, and it has to be because you want to.

>> No.77184270
File: 559 KB, 1140x463, asp girls 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77184399

I don't understand what this is about and it's prolly for the best

>> No.77184414

Yeah I'm already over it, thank you

>> No.77184600

Hi chakimoji!

>> No.77184601

Like I said, the F O U R qualities literally don't matter for women

The popularity of these girls in each tier swings wildly more or less based on how nice and appealing they are to men

>> No.77184845

Which ones do they have?

>> No.77184881

this is mond slander

>> No.77185043
Quoted by: >>77185114

What are the F O U R qualities?

>> No.77185096

I don't think anyone likes her so the assessment is correct.

>> No.77185114

1. Good voice
2. Charismatic
3. Talented
4. Mentally Stable

>> No.77185169

she should be lower

>> No.77185248

Her voice is awful, she has no charisma or talent and she is a luncatic.

>> No.77185306

her talent is farming simps

>> No.77185339
Quoted by: >>77185517

>1. Good voice
Don't got it
>2. Charismatic
Don't got it
>3. Talented
Don't got it
>4. Mentally Stable
Slowly losing this
Welp. Guess I'm NGMI

>> No.77185390
Quoted by: >>77185595

I was disappointed to find out she didn't off herself.

>> No.77185427

i dont mean this in a crabbing way but as a curious way, what talents do chaki and runoxi have?

>> No.77185499

I don't know, I didn't make that list

>> No.77185517
Quoted by: >>77185768

women don't need all of them anyway, plenty of men will settle for the gross mentally ill ethots that make up vtubing

>> No.77185573


>> No.77185595


>> No.77185685

Runoxi is a great artist and tech head.

>> No.77185768

I'm actually male...

>> No.77185936

>1. Good voice
Depends on the person I guess? but I've been told I have a nice voice by another vtuber
>2. Charismatic
Ehhhhh, no, socially awkward
>3. Talented
I'd like to think so
>4. Mentally Stable
Very much so. To the point it's boring.

>> No.77186125

Being mentally stable is a fucking debuff. You're all wrong
People want to see unique people. Normalfag ethots picking up vtubing to milk whales are diamond a dozen.
People look for the weird ones. The insane fujoshis, the sweaty gamers that aren't afraid to tell people to kill themselves, the extremely anxious neets.
That's the good shit

>> No.77186143

>1. Good voice
This is the only thing people actually like about me
>2. Charismatic
Definitely not
>3. Talented
Not in things that would be useful for streaming
>4. Mentally Stable
Absolutely not

>> No.77186162

>1. Good voice
Got it
>2. Charismatic
Hell yeah
>3. Talented
>4. Mentally stable
If I had a meter for my mental stability I would be dangerously close to 0

>> No.77186323
Quoted by: >>77186569

it's a debuff if you're constantly deleting your shit and canceling your stream and having meltdowns.
if your mental illness only manifests in your output as quirkiness. then. yeah that's not a debuff.

>> No.77186398

Counter argument:Mond.

>> No.77186436

mond has quite the following even despite reincarnating multiple times

>> No.77186569

>it's a debuff if you're constantly deleting your shit and canceling your stream and having meltdowns.
Who does this besides gumpai?

>> No.77186585

she is a schizophrenic

>> No.77186686

yes that's why I love her

>> No.77186852

Realizing now that I'm just weak to Japanese women's voices.

>> No.77187752
Quoted by: >>77187862


>> No.77187845

gn aspies, tourists, viewers, and outsiders hoping for a glimpse of something beautiful

>> No.77187862

make pregnatne ria as the op
bun in the oven

>> No.77187905

Being mentally ill is a debuff if you can't be consistent because you're constantly having mental breakdowns and you keep burning bridges

>> No.77187990
Quoted by: >>77188010

I dm'd someone hoping to network and ended up sexting on our first conversation, i hate being a whore

>> No.77188010

based whore pls sext me

>> No.77188563
Quoted by: >>77188692

Everyone I've come out to said this... I didn't give off egg vibes...idk. Even my mods said, "Fucking finally" and now exclusive use she/her around me like they were waiting really hard...

>> No.77188692

that's so cute whooooooooo?????

>> No.77188735

I'm a better viewer than a streamer

>> No.77188792

I got my first subscriber tonight : )
