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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.76927184

Pls understando in sea we work very hard can watch stream all time

>> No.76927226
File: 42 KB, 428x97, 471F97E1-EF3E-4522-9C4B-96E8DC98DCE4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heads up sisters it seems more will be coming for your supports

>> No.76927274


>> No.76927448

I don't know if the en manager just misclicked this but they didn't even let the new gen marinate before even planning to hire new gens LMAO

>> No.76927508

New gen was already dead in the water anon
they're hoping the next will strike gold and the next and the next

>> No.76927586

Some support lmao

>> No.76927625
Quoted by: >>76930896


>> No.76927668

yeah sisters support, only on xitter likes

>> No.76927709
File: 1.75 MB, 1920x1080, 1716219042204076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76927792

At this current trend we will witness 2view niji organs during their debut week

>> No.76927802

>us fans will be supporting you (exclusively on Twitter)

>> No.76927825
File: 2.96 MB, 485x485, Accelerate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys forgetting Nijisanji's ACCELERATE plan?

>> No.76927875
Quoted by: >>76948723

quick rundown on these two? so far, would you consider them 'based' or 'cringe' ?

>> No.76927894

It's kind of sad how everyone just collectively dumped nijiEN, they basically don't exist outside of their very tiny bubble now

>> No.76927993

Causing a suicide attempt and then attacking the victim will do that

>> No.76928006

KEK the support was so bad they switched to japanese

>> No.76928008

no remorse for bullies.

>> No.76928042

they will be two 2 view in 3 months

>> No.76928416
Quoted by: >>76928532

Maybe its not a lie, its just that the combined forces of the sisters amount to a bit more of a finana worth of viewers and I am not sure if that's a better alternative than the sisters lying

>> No.76928532
File: 213 KB, 1080x1920, how to add views lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76928751

please understand, SEAsters shitty 3rd world internet won't let them refresh for views as quickly

>> No.76928641

This company is insane

>> No.76928751

>use multiple devices
>dont skip ads
jesus christ even i wont stoop this low as to beg for streams

>> No.76928966

>at anytime
oh god when will they learn

>> No.76929143
File: 38 KB, 740x288, Screenshot 2024-05-29 205926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76929500

Kek even some of the Nijisisters have begun waking up to the fact that everyone outside their little bubble has dropped NijiEN. Both the general vtubing fanbase and vtubers themselves.

>> No.76929160

>kind of sad
No if anything this is the best thing that's happened to the industry in years

>> No.76929320

What twittards mean by "support" is "giving a twitter like" and "giving a reddit upboat".

>> No.76929473
File: 387 KB, 566x788, 1693046591385353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the most recent 3 waves besides Claude. Unfortunately they're victims of the actions of the older waves. I don't think things can ever recover.

That said, people aren't dropping them over the Selen firing. They're dropping them over the black screen stream that basically made them look incredibly evil and vindictive. Simply firing someone isn't that big of a deal. IdolCorp fired Kyoresu for fucking her manager, Holo fired Mel for leaking shit to male ecelebs, Phase fired that blue girl for scamming her viewers. Firings happen in vtubing all the time. But NijiEN coming out and trying to harass Selen after the fact is what made the entire scene turn on them.

>> No.76929500

Either sisters can't even get the meme number right, or am I missing some sort of joke?

>> No.76929673
File: 540 KB, 978x552, 1700231540852859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninisani(2234) is a joke (ironically) created by Pomu to refer to the EN branch because she mistyped [Ninisani EN] in her debut stream. They've been milking it ever since despite unpersoning her for hanging out with Doki.

>> No.76929739
Quoted by: >>76950875

>2 Branches 2 Percent 3 Views 4 Life

>> No.76929747
Quoted by: >>76929913

Correctionn: hololive fired Mel for telling Kotoka things in confidence which she then proceeded to leak to her ecelebs

>> No.76929779

i dont want to watch livestreams for hours, i only watch a stream for 2 mins and then go check out timestamps in the comments for anything interesting on the video. my vod view is support enough.

>> No.76929816

Ninisani is 2232, so no, that retard NDF officer couldn't even get that right

>> No.76929888

Fling shit at the wall until another Luxiem sticks.

>> No.76929913

That's literally not possible because when Cover collabs with Anycolor they're required to sign NDA's for both sides. IF Kotoka did indeed leak something Mel said then she would've been the one fired, not Mel. You need to stop believing rrats just because they sound convenient.

>> No.76930007
Quoted by: >>76930507

>Still thinks CCV matters
Now show those VOD views

>> No.76930111

Here's a question.
What, in your eyes, and if you had a personal stake in all of this, would need to happen at Nijisanji or within NijiEN to make you want to more actively support the EN talents?

>> No.76930118


>> No.76930234

I'm going to apply to it as a joke. With my experience and the lack of applicants, I think I have quite a high chance. Will update once I get in

>> No.76930317

They'd have to fire Enna, Luca, and possibly Elira. That's the bare minimum for me to even consider donating to NijiEN livers again. I don't want my money going towards funding projects for pieces of shit.
A public apology to Doki would also do a lot to quell people's hatred for them.
And I consider myself a lot more forgiving than most, since I was a day 1 NijiEN fan and don't like seeing them like this. But I doubt we'll even get this much.

>> No.76930507

they are doing alot better than hajime the biggest niji jp underdog liver, that much i can tell you. but, they dont seem to be able to challenge any of the top 5 niji en livers, the four luxiem members and enna is still standing strong as niji's en biggest guns.

>> No.76930896

Not like it's any different for Holo, Homos, Phase or whatever. X support is worth nothing.

>> No.76930977
Quoted by: >>76951047

>it was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.76930986
File: 80 KB, 317x263, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76931152

There's so many indies and corpos that I can watch instead, that there's really no reason to ever go back.

>> No.76931152

quick rundown on mint? Will she have a major yab sometime in the future or is it all smooth sailing into the sunset?

>> No.76931500

She wants to be a living toilet and once sang a song about taking her meds.

>> No.76931522

just like the id fans abandoned your dying id branch for abang windah and akavirtual's solstice.

>> No.76931638
File: 434 KB, 635x555, 1691216612940073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76931830

She's so uncontroversial that schizos spent 3 years trying to take her down but the only "yab" they could come up with is she worked for Nijisanji. Now that she's free of the Niji rot there's nothing holding her back.
but for real she's one of the funniest vtubers ever and genuinely so cute and wholesome.

>> No.76931661

The black screen with management, livers and sisters trying to justify it definetly killed their company. If they had less of an ego they would of seen they went the worst way to go about it even if they believed they were in the right. But they didn't want to let go of their influence till it was torn down around them. They are way too comically evil it's not even funny since certain companies / people believe that this should be the way to conduct themselves.

>> No.76931830

ok so what dirty kinks she is secretly into? futas? tentacles? infantilization?

>> No.76931896
File: 772 KB, 1286x1911, 1701327544007656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76934117

Piss and rough anal sex.

>> No.76931912
Quoted by: >>76933301

Her sex tape with Doki will leak one day

>> No.76931998

By support they mean giving them likes on twitter, not actually watching streams nor giving them money.

>> No.76932070
Quoted by: >>76932146

Someone tried to Blackmail Mel and Hololive who is related too Kotoka. It wasnt her but she was indirectly the cause of it cause of loose lips. I've said enough.

>> No.76932146
Quoted by: >>76932614

And this came to you in a dream I assume?

>> No.76932215

Twitter support translates to nothing, we saw how supportive they were about Yuko's change of content. They don't donate, they don't watch, they just want to argue on twitter.

>> No.76932230
File: 39 KB, 500x372, Olmec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76941496

For a start, Riku would have to sell Niji to someone who gives a fuck. Then I'd want all the snakes to be purged. They can all tweet vague apologies and graduate without fanfare, keeping their deeds hidden. Or they can get terminated with bulletpoints. Then there would have to be a comprehensive restructuring of how management and livers are handled. Hire qualified adults finished with school as managers and pay them a fair salary. Make sure the managers are fluent in the languages of the livers under them. Don't delegate manager duties to livers. Let the livers have their play buttons. Send the livers their fan mail and gifts. Don't force them to collab with people they don't want to. Don't make the talents do PR for the company. I'll think of more later.

>> No.76932277

She's a cuckquean and the biggest proponent of WMAF.

>> No.76932380

Their own management who perpetuates the favouritism. Making Elira the scapegoat was only because for some deranged reason NDF defended the company instead of the talent and its a manager who is harassing the livers who left. Elira could well have been the reason as well due to her actions since they never let slipped who in JP /EN is the cause.

>> No.76932614
Quoted by: >>76933087

Actually right after a Nijisister told me her mum had cancer. Two days before Kotoka released a tweet she was having the best days of her life.

>> No.76932981

>At "anytime"
If one of you wants to bleed chink fujos for money and have sex voice then this is your chance.
But back to the topic they're very fucking desperate they're throwing shit at the wall hoping it fucking sticks with all of these auditions.

>> No.76933087

So a nijisister told you this and you believed it?

>> No.76933217
Quoted by: >>76933536

If you support any liver at Nijisanji then you support Nijisanji as a company.

>> No.76933301

It would boost their numbers to the stratosphere

>> No.76933536

i owly giwe a daily 13-15 vod viewww to my bf voxxy :3 meow i dont caree abouut the other livers tho :3

>> No.76933804

they only ones I truly watched were Pomu and Selen, now that they're both gone from that shithole I couldn't care less about what happens to niji en.

>> No.76933907

I know right? I just can't help but be his good little kitten. Meow~
Also I don't know why everyone thinks dookie is so innocent. To secretly record your friends like that... Kind of scary to think about. At least m'lord doesn't need to deal with menheras like that anymore. He only has me :3

>> No.76933921

after what they did to pomu ill never forgive them.

>> No.76934117


>> No.76934122

Nijisanji EN would have to be broken off into an autonomous child company from the rest of Niji. Furthermore, the entire staff of Nijisanji would have to be replaced, all contracts redrawn from square one, and the clique entirely dismantled.

>> No.76934379

Fire Elira, Enna, MILLLE, Uki, Vox, Luca, Hex, Kotoka
Public apologies to Doki, Mint and Sayu by Riku himself
Riku resigns
Complete revamp of management with full transparency

>> No.76934887

Public apology to Sayu coupled with reparations. They have to admit they were wrong with that laundry list, they have to admit to wrongfully encouraging harassment of her instead of preventing it, if possible, taking actions against those who participated in the harassment.
Separate public apology to Selen.
More generic apology to other talents who left the company unsatisfied and to the fans.
Firing Enna and Luca for all the yabs in the past that they got away scot free with previously. Maybe Finana, Hex and Wilson too.

Promise... no, actual roadmap of how they plan to support existing talents with proof that the support will happen.
At least a bit of transparency regarding the process of granting sponsorship opportunities to talents. Compensate talents who were treated unfairly. Strive to eliminate favoritism in the future.
That should be enough.

>> No.76934896

Push Finana to the moon until she manages to beat Gura.

If they can accomplish that then they will have my respect.

>> No.76935031

She already has a major yab, remember the nudes leak? You can look it up, they're really easy to find

>> No.76935217

>It's kind of sad
No it isn't

>> No.76935373

They say that in public and never actually support you. Same thing I see with the homos and Yuko, people praise the idea but don't really support.
>show those haters! anyway I'm going back to watching or doing something else

>> No.76935467
File: 244 KB, 442x515, demonbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76941384

voxxy loves his loyal wittle kittens :3 we will support him even if he gets merged into niji nihongo by wiku :3

>> No.76935474 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 720x771, bomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76939952

never forget

>> No.76936085

No, you don't understand. It was Kotoka because Nijisanji is bad.

>> No.76936326

its not a lie if they only have 400 fans and everyone else is bots/deadsubs

>> No.76937723

Nijiniggers and lying name a more iconic duo

>> No.76939221
Quoted by: >>76940249

sad, twisty is actually funny but such is the fate of those joining a black company

>> No.76939740

Is this the vtubing equivalent of thoughts and prayers?

>> No.76939952

needs a mint version

>> No.76940249
File: 882 KB, 1500x1000, 1715167628939099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

klara seems like an angel too. she's actually experienced in monhun, speaks 4 languages, and has been super polite and cute to her community. such a shame she's stuck in niji

>> No.76940804

I'll support none of the EN talents until they're no longer a part of Nijisanji EN. Unless it's revealed that they had literal guns pointed at their heads, I will never support any of the black screen streamers again, period.

>> No.76940823

still better numbers than 99% of chuubas outside of hololive

>> No.76940872

* no longer a part of Anycolor

>> No.76941024

I mean they don't even watch the people who have been there for a while so I'm not surprised

>> No.76941059

While giving up 98% of your revenue to the glory of Riku's yacht

>> No.76941072

>Nijinigger still thinking they are able to use Hololive as frame of reference
Sister...your numbers are unironically comparable to Idol and the runts of Phase. Even Pixelink is outdoing your black corp. You are in no shape to be able to compare NijiEN numbers to even Vshojo, let alone Hololive

>> No.76941158

cry more bitch. people have a right to defend themselves against baseless slander. Not a single shred of proof was ever provided for grifterbird's claims, anyone would defend themselves, you would have too.

>> No.76941203

>Phase fired that blue girl for scamming her viewers
Yuri did not scam anyone. Theres no official reason other than her not wanting to renew her contract. Allegedly the rats say she was accepting viewer money under the table without Fishman as the middleman but no more than that nor theres any proof of it

>> No.76941227
File: 56 KB, 1014x324, 1715593012629218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still better numbers than 99% of chuubas outside of hololive

>> No.76941239
Quoted by: >>76941648

No shit, thats literally what I said. Those numbers are good anywhere else unless compared to hololive. No one is hololive tier, niji never was either outside of a 5 minute window after Luxiem.

>> No.76941319
Quoted by: >>76941648

can you read? of course there are a handful of indies, phase, idol etc who do good numbers. But the vast sea of endless indies and small corpo WHOs would like to have niji numbers

>> No.76941384

quit larping, retards

>> No.76941451

Show tits for the females, jump off a cliff for the males

>> No.76941456
Quoted by: >>76941652

>try to defend yourself against a scam artist threatening to blackmail you
somehow thats evil, kek. Keep drinking the doki koolaid faggot

>> No.76941471

ohnononnono sisters, even our top dog luxiem is worthless now

>> No.76941496

Best answer in the thread

>> No.76941511
File: 828 KB, 720x1015, 5digitswheree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes because pixel link talents can hit 5 digits vods views regularly right ?

>> No.76941604

>us fans will be supporting you
So is every fan going to personally monetarily support every nijien past, present, and future?
"Support" is useless without getting paid just like "exposure" is useless in other creative fields

>> No.76941648

NijiEN literally used to be considered the number 2 corp right behind Hololive and up until Illuna used to have alot of 4views even outside Luxiem. Now you are trying to cope with them getting mogged by Vshojo, Phase, Idol, by going "w-w-well they still mog the sea of 2view indies and these literal who corpos!"

>> No.76941652

But they didn't defend themselves at all. It's more like
>Doki: Nijisanji scammed me
>Elira, Vox, and Ike: Yeah we scammed Selen, but why isn't anyone talking about the fact we bullied her into suicide too? Checkmate Cuckgoons
The stream made them look infinitely worse than if they had done nothing.

>> No.76941933
Quoted by: >>76942094

That's CP. Don't do that dumbass. She was like 16 or some shit when those leaked.


She's also boring and there's a million other's like her. What does she or twisty actually bring to the table?

>> No.76941975
File: 179 KB, 1024x949, 1717041449316803m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76942032

She choose to join nijisanji, she deserves no sympathy

>> No.76942057

Why are the sisters so obsessed with VOD views now?

>> No.76942094

>She's also boring and there's a million other's like her. What does she or twisty actually bring to the table?
I personally think Klara is very entertaining. She's good at talking and has a very calming and pleasant voice. Being one of the few EN vtubers who actually plays real games instead of chillas art kusoge is also a plus.
Twisty is just the bratty loli experience. There's a million of them out there and you can take your pick of your favorite but it's a shame that this one is stuck under the Niji umbrella.

>> No.76942268
Quoted by: >>76942335

Oh, yeah, there's also the fact that every single person who has graduated has had nothing but horror stories. Every single person. There was no "It was an amazing time. I miss everyone". It was "Oh my god the nightmare is finally over. I'm finally free".

>> No.76942335

That's not true. Matara and Mint both said they had a lot of happy memories and that their coworkers were wonderful. They of course do have horror stories but things aren't black and white.

>> No.76942520
File: 308 KB, 1200x600, luxiem37kyippie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luxiem stil win at the end against pippa and tenmah :3 i wuv voxxy and ikey meow meow :3

>> No.76943289


>> No.76943412

Kek no wonder Whorosanji sisters were fighting for their life in that deflection thread earlier

>> No.76943482

>It's kind of sad
Lol no

>> No.76944263

Wasn't it Finana who mistyped it?

>> No.76944568

She's into chickens
Kiara specifically

>> No.76944644

Because they've shifted goalposts so much they're now off of the playing field

>> No.76946801

Graduate Luca
Graduate Hex
Graduate Enna
Graduate Vox
Graduate Kotoka

Put Millie, Finana, Elira, Uki, Claude, Shu, Wilson, Vanta, and Ike on indefinate suspension.

Release a public apology to Selen, Yugo, and Zaion.

>> No.76946875
Quoted by: >>76948263

I'd add termination of Uki with a public statement that company doesn't tolerate any type of racism.

>> No.76947713

i agree in so far that its sad for the talents stuck in there that had nothing to do with any of this shit

>> No.76947765

we timeskipped, right? this isn't still the fucking debut week is it?

>> No.76948198

Live Aster beheading
Elira becomes public use

>> No.76948263

The problem is, by keeping Uki around for so long, they are already telling the public the opposite

>> No.76948655
Quoted by: >>76949335

The maid and the brat actually have been fun so far. No idea about the man, that's just disgusting.

>> No.76948723

They joined Niji after february. They're worthless and stupid for doing so.

>> No.76949335
Quoted by: >>76951588

Aster is going to rape the brat live on air, so it's really just a cuckchair channel.

>> No.76950436

most sisters are already move on to shxtou&kuro's community

>> No.76950479

Finana mistyped it predebut on youtube and people turned it into a joke on twitter, and they just rolled with it.

>> No.76950482
Quoted by: >>76952578

Fuck off already

>> No.76950539

>What, in your eyes, and if you had a personal stake in all of this, would need to happen at Nijisanji or within NijiEN to make you want to more actively support the EN talents?
Full apology to Doki and Sayu, as well as a separate one to all of the graduated talents who got brainfucked by the company to the point of self destruction, followed by a transparent plan to actively support their talents from then on.
AKA not gonna fucking happen. Burn it all down. We can sort the ashes to find out who the "good ones" were.

>> No.76950548

The heck did Vanta do? I don't remember any yab from him?

>> No.76950640
Quoted by: >>76950832

She's so vanilla that there's nothing really to say. She avoids drama like the plague and actively does her best to stay on the fence on most shit so neither side attacks her. I'm pretty sure her joining wrestletuber and that one little cardboard wings comment are the hardest stance on anything she's ever taken.

She's not necessarily exceptional at anything, but she's very good at pretty much everything required for an online or offline entertainer, from content creation to avoiding yabs.

>> No.76950651

What do you mean?
All of the 380 remaining Nijisanji fans are supporting them

>> No.76950832
Quoted by: >>76950941

>that one little cardboard wings comment
Context please?

>> No.76950875

anon...my knees...they are dropping on their own...

>> No.76950939
Quoted by: >>76951507

Their support=watch streams for 30s

>> No.76950941
Quoted by: >>76951042

When Mint first graduated, as a ghost, she said she was going to heaven.
When she came back, she said it was fun but not what was advertised and they gave her cardboard wings.
This was a jab at how her wings on her 3D model never fucking worked, and they refused to give her home 3D until they were fixed. (they never were. She never got it.)

>> No.76951042
Quoted by: >>76953478

Thank you, that's funny

>> No.76951047

That's your response when I ask you for proof that Kotoka did that.

>> No.76951094

It's not kind of sad. It's 100% deserved.

>> No.76951507
File: 771 KB, 720x1001, oknumbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vod views is what matters at the end of the day and ryoma is doing ok, but uh, six levels below luxiem.

>> No.76951558

Public executions of EN management
Castrate the sexpest
Gouge out the eyes of Uki
Graduate or Indefinite suspensions for the clique
Have a competent staff and promote the talents commonly thought of as one of the good ones
Distribute play buttons from Riku's dragon hoard
Riku bows then commits seppuku live on stream

>> No.76951588

That's okay. I'll just watch someone else when it happens.

>> No.76952578


>> No.76952853
Quoted by: >>76953402

Fuck off sister

>> No.76952978

I see Niji drones follow the Discipline of the Homobeggar

>> No.76953072

yeah fuck off!! let them stay on that shithole

>> No.76953122
Quoted by: >>76954261

they couldve been so good man
what went wrong

>> No.76953402

ryoma's eating good food, now seethe and eat your indomie.

>> No.76953478

Slight correction to that other anon: She did get her home home 3D 2 weeks before she graduated. Probably only because she was leaving the company, but she still had it for a few weeks.

>> No.76953643

>It's kind of sad how everyone just collectively dumped nijiEN,
A lot of people worked (or still do) for shit companies, i bet they absolutely do not want to see this in their free time
I've got a pretty high tolerance to shitty corpos myself, but I've never seen such an unholy combo of fuckups as nijien

>> No.76954261


>> No.76954293

They nearly killed their best girl and made their other best girl cry.
They get no sympathy from me.

>> No.76956123


>> No.76956929

found the sayutard

>> No.76958333

sorry when they mean support what they actually mean is shitposting on this mongolian throat singing forum like>>76951507

>> No.76959460

Are you... retarded? You do understand that NDAs are signed on a project by project basis, correct? Why would Kotoka be under a blanket perpetual NDA for Cover when she works(ed at this point? Who knows if she ever returns...) for AnyColor. Do they not teach basic problem solving in schools in SEA or something?

>> No.76960044

Name and shame the en management staff to make sure they never get a job again in the industry.

>> No.76961912

most of the pandering always is

>> No.76962327

? What are you complaining about? They're pulling in more viewers than the Nijisanji EN debut gen member, Finana Ryugyu. And with less than 1/15th the subs.

>> No.76963028
File: 840 KB, 912x644, ANOOOTHER_WAVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76967842

Public apology to Selen, Pomu, Doki and U-san, complete sacking of all NijiEN 'management', no talents are allowed to serve in management roles, black screen stream and all tweets related to it deleted, fully paid and proper management hired with assurances that nothing like the last few years will be allowed to happen again

Oh and fire Luca and Uki

>> No.76968483
Quoted by: >>76968630

If I were put in charge of NijiEN I'd probably jump out the window. The damage is so bad it can't be fixed. I think all of the talents could actually feasibly get their image repaired, but it would require scapegoating the entire organisation itself.
I think the only way to pull it off would be to publicly phoenix the entire company. Make a showing of scapegoating Riku and all the execs with proof it was their poor decision making that led to this, then remove them from the company and start visibly restructuring the whole back end from the ground up, terminating all talent contracts and drafting new ones, letting anyone who wants out go in the process.

>> No.76968630

>>76968483 (me)
So basically the only way that Nijisanji is getting out of this hole is a very ambitious hostile corporate takeover. Which is definitely on the table once the stock crashes.

>> No.76968640

I feel bad for the maid, she doesnt deserve getting into niji.

>> No.76968793

>Stop, build with the talent we have

Its so funny how they're night and day

>> No.76969003

I have a seething vengeance for nijiniggers for what they did to Aloe and Mel's death is on their hands as well.
Nothing other than complete destruction will be satisfactory.

>> No.76969087

>posting someone who oshis enna
>i like--
Fuck off.

>> No.76970309

Actions and consequences, anon.

>> No.76971204

It's supposed to be 2434. Because nijisanji is ni - 2, ji(shi) - 4, san - 3, ji - 4.

>> No.76971255

Okay, so there isn’t anything that they would do, but there are things that they could do, starting with a complete reorganization of the EN branch, including hiring managers that aren’t terrible, instant termination of everybody involved with the bullying and the entirety of the current “management” team, public apologies to all of the ex-organs and Scarle (for the *sigh* incident), further terminations for Aster, Luca, and Uki, completely rewriting the organs’ contracts, deletion of all material related to the terminations of Doki and Sayu, and Riku, as well as the rest of the highest level of management within Anycolor, stepping down in disgrace. Nothing impossible, but there’s no chance that Anycolor will do any of these things.

>> No.76971778
File: 863 KB, 720x997, nijienclosestrival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that shibuya hal's neo-porte is apparently niji en's closest rivals and his numbers arent that good either.

>> No.76972830

Preasu undelstandu, it is all they have left.

>> No.76973472
File: 1018 KB, 800x1194, 0j6ce70hbi3d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full snipper for all ze anons

>> No.76973611


>> No.76973819
File: 3 KB, 422x86, skillissue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76977039
Quoted by: >>76977966

Apparently all his big stuff is events. I heard out of the top 10 vtuber streams last year, like 3 of them were from that guy specifically.

Doki's trying to be the EN equivalent.

>> No.76977966
File: 128 KB, 717x1059, IMG_HAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the koshien event with shiina and koyowho didnt worked out well for hal, as hes subs gets culled over and over again kek.

>> No.76978091

Sister forgot to say on twatter, support them only on twatter.

>> No.76978107

>aster getting 400 views
Is that a new record?

>> No.76978178

>sister really talking about the better shibuya brother
He's got more connections than everyone in EN combined. Dude could straight up ruin the FPS players in JP in a second if he so chose.

>> No.76981294

