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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.49 MB, 1280x720, 1689315190790279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76814660 No.76814660 [Reply] [Original]

>a game company in Poland wants a holo member to promote their game
>Hololive be like "hmmmm, who should we ask to travel to Poland..? The member who lives in Austria, just 1 hour away by plane?"
>"NOPE, let's ask the one who lives in FUCKING CANADA"
If that's not favoritism, I don't know what is.

>> No.76814749

Did Kiara play frostpunk?

>> No.76814774
Quoted by: >>76831718

she's the one who actually played the game

>> No.76814819

Sister, the Frostpunk devs specifically reach out to her manager because they liked her streams of their game. they didn't ask for any holo.

>> No.76814847
Quoted by: >>76816182


>> No.76814910

>OP is not watching streams
many such cases

>> No.76814922


>> No.76815034
File: 1.07 MB, 1534x891, 1695936947226185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frostpunk was one of the very first games Kronii played on stream. It's not that difficult to see why they'd invite her.

>> No.76815069

I know free autonomy is such a foreign idea for you. Miload suck many dicks to become Japan's peasant.

>> No.76815195
Quoted by: >>76815754

reaching for straws, just like your failure of a branch.

>> No.76815222


>> No.76815725 [DELETED] 

Kronii pltds all their games, anon. Kiara doesn't.

>> No.76815754
Quoted by: >>76816124

Yeah, because this totally isn't one of the remaining 5 kroniis on /vt/ falsflagging as a sister falsflagging as kfp.

>> No.76815769

Kronii plays all their games, anon. Kiara doesn't.

>> No.76815842

Poland is becoming a video game powerhouse better get used to this. The funny part is they probably won't even invite Kiara despite her living few hours drive from there.

>> No.76815986
Quoted by: >>76817157

They remember what happened last time

>> No.76815999

>5th kronii anti thread up
What happened in nijisanji now?

>> No.76816048

Nobody likes Kiara anon. Take her away and give us any of Canadian ENs, it would be better for them both. EUs are desperate for a Holo streaming in their hours but Kiara is the type of person who's only appreciated by burgers but fucking annoying to Europeans.

>> No.76816051

I lost count and interest. Maybe something about new wave doing worse than fucking Pixel Link.

>> No.76816124

nice going nijinig lmfao

>> No.76816151

>Victoria openly shitting on the company, posting pro-hololive and dokibird stuff on her PL
>New NijiEN wave is a gigantic flop and they're already down to 800 ccv 2 days after debut
>Dokibird event is a massive success. Even got Mint and Matara on
>Concert still not sold out. Barely 20% so far
>Elira meldown

>> No.76816166

back before [The Incidents]
crazy how hard she fell off

>> No.76816182


>> No.76816222

this but nijinegroes
>on her PL
lol anon it's one her main
also this
>thanks her fan and others for support
>apologize to people who got mad on her behalf not mad at her

>> No.76816265

>this but nijinegroes
nigjis have nothing to fall from they are already at the bottom kroni wasnt

>> No.76816287

Based Vivi hopefully she'll be free soon.

>> No.76816291
Quoted by: >>76816404

>Elira meldown
QRD? Did she have melty because of Doki and Mint wrestledate?

>> No.76816303

>kronii wasn't
>some shit happening 2 years ago
>nijinigs certainly were this low a year ago
roru roru
you're terrible at this
she get like 5k reading fucking SC that's like at least worth 30 nijis streaming at once KEK

>> No.76816388
Quoted by: >>76816405

is Poland even a real country?

>> No.76816404
Quoted by: >>76817086

quit streaming

>> No.76816405

Calm down there, Adolf

>> No.76816410

she manages above 5k on the most random and old ass game nobody cares about
goes to 10 when it's anything popular
in all metrics she's comfy in the middle of EN on the ladder and she's satisfied with it
she never cared about numberfagging, never will and will still play her random ass puzzle games

>> No.76816422

Austria is worthless then. Even more worthless than Indonesia because Holo ID had some game sponsorships targeting their local audiences.

>> No.76816490
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1716892753538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Kiara should start playing some Polish games then

>> No.76816556

Kurwa Hime come to Bolan!

>> No.76816584
Quoted by: >>76821350

Fauna played Manor Lords maybe she'll get an invite.

>> No.76816599

Theres probably still a few Pol's that would rather not hear their country been promoted in a German accent

>> No.76816658
Quoted by: >>76817584

Nah young people don't give a fuck and Vtubers are not for 60y olds. The problem is Kiara is just not very popular.

>> No.76816996 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.00 MB, 1295x959, mozuzuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76838479


>> No.76817079

Kiara already said she plans on playing Witcher, she has other games in backlog for now but perhaps after her Fallout arc is over, Witcher could jump on weekend's long stream spot

>> No.76817086

>tries to overlap Dokibord
>fails both times
Get fucked

>> No.76817132
File: 1.10 MB, 900x1500, fauna milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76817490


>> No.76817157

from Austria to Polan in 1 trip, no refill needed for the panzers

>> No.76817460
Quoted by: >>76823866

I do find it a little bit strange that Kronii is the only Holomem that played Frostpunk.

>> No.76817490


>> No.76817517

I dropped her after superhot.
It was like watching someone tell a story or a supposedly funny joke, and everyone around you is rapt because this is supposedly some good shit but then fucking nothing happened in the story or the joke had no punchline. She was just incredibly dull.
Nothing I've seen in the years since has changed my mind.

>> No.76817584

Only zoomers don't give a fuck but zoomers are irrelevant because they don't have money.

Yes. Most people realize Germany is good and all that stuff as a richer country who supports us through UE funds and has some living standards we should learn from (like the culture of drivers) but we do have innate enmity toward anything German-like.

>> No.76817601

Why are all good western games coming from Poland these days? It's like video game industry is Asia+ Poland and then nothing.

>> No.76817688
Quoted by: >>76821561

Because we aren't consumed by woke stuff yet. We simply focus on making good games. Meanwhile American companies focus onDEI first and foremost and try to release playable product to market DEI values.
Everything to the West of Poland is mentally rotten, everything to the East of Poland is too poor and uneducated to achieve something of value. Ruskies can do some cool indie stuff and have great community projects but it's hard to get proper high tier game going there nowadays.
The world is fucked up. Bring me back to 90s and early 00s.

>> No.76817748
Quoted by: >>76817841

highly qualified employees
low production cost
good market

>> No.76817841
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>> No.76818330
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 1716896676165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76818550

All the nerds there who grew up playing PC games in the 90s are now old enough to make their own games.

>> No.76818394

i was quite entertained by the superhot VR stream when she realised she'd had the game audio muted for like an hour
but her everyday content is too low-energy

>> No.76818550
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, some of my games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76818744

my precious

>> No.76818583
File: 553 KB, 782x790, 1698612364170898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76818671
Quoted by: >>76819486

>Helldivers 2
>Deeprock Galactic
>A way out/It Takes Two
and more from Sweden

>> No.76818744


>> No.76818811
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x720, 1697892419097334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my honest reaction

>> No.76818840
File: 1.63 MB, 1504x2125, 1694272703376748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76819057

Let's be honest. Nobody wants to collab with Kiara. Not even her fellow Myths want to collab with Kiara. Not even Pekora, her oshi and idol, wants to collab with Kiara.

>> No.76819005
Quoted by: >>76820190

Do I have to explain to you why pols don't like Austrians?

>> No.76819057

Kronii played the game and is an actual fan of it, stop talking about things you know nothing about
>Nobody wants to collab with Kiara. Not even her fellow Myths
except Kiara is literally doing an upcoming collab with Myth soon, also she literally just did a collab with some of the other birds in holo just the other day:
stop talking about things you know nothing about

>> No.76819162
Quoted by: >>76819255

>anon responding to TWO bait posts
bro, you ok?

>> No.76819198

Czech games are pretty good too, hell Europe as a whole minus France is doing pretty well in making cool games

>> No.76819204
Quoted by: >>76819612

They took pity on her.
Most of Kiara's collabs happen because she keeps begging people to join for weeks and sometimes they can't find a decent excuse to refuse.
Remember all the situations where Kiara complained it's impossible to organize a Myth collab? Usually it's followed by two or three non-Kiara Myth members collabing.

>> No.76819255

>bro, you ok?
He HAS to convince everyone that his oshi isn't a loud obnoxious whore
How, you ask? Shilling her and being smug and condescending when called out for it

>> No.76819264

there's still 2 months until axpo, holokeks
stop talking about shit you don't know

>> No.76819276


>> No.76819412
Quoted by: >>76819500

Kill yourself OP, your bait thread could never stand on it's own so you try to rope in orange woman when the only thing sje ever cared about was "do I fly over to see Kronii? Nah she's probably too busy with that". You're a shitposter and a shit poster

>> No.76819486
File: 103 KB, 1200x1306, Paradox_Interactive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76820641

Sweden is based, I agree

>> No.76819500

KFP once again proving they're the most toxic of all Holo fanbases. Blight on Cover's name.

>> No.76819506

>the nijinigger cries in pain as he strikes you

>> No.76819597
Quoted by: >>76819655

Get my cock out of your mouth anon, you don't get to play that shit

>> No.76819612

>provide proof to counter claim
>d-doesn't count
ok retard
the claim was that nobody wants to collab with Kiara, you can't discredit proof to the contrary with made up fanfictions in your head, that just reveals how weak your claim is
nice goalpost shift retard, you lost on the 'nobody collabs wit hher' point so now you have to make it about this unrelated 'she's loud and annoying' point to deflect from the fact that you were plainly factually incorrect
>How, you ask? Shilling her and being smug and condescending when called out for it
pre-emptively making some strawman shit up like this doesn't make your argument look any better, it just makes you look like an irrational retard

>> No.76819655

>KFP are flaming homos
i see

>> No.76819693

You're not very good at comebacks, are you?

>> No.76819705 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>76820467

brown seething egg

>> No.76819751

>nice goalpost shift retard
I'm not even who you were originally replying to, retard

>> No.76819760
File: 643 KB, 1000x568, Obra Din SEAmonkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking retard

>> No.76819759

Yes, the claim was that nobody wants to collab with Kiara. It's a true claim and we have yet to see proof suggesting otherwise.
What you disproved is that nobody collabs with Kiara but nobody made such claim. You must be confused. Probably overdosed on copium from watching her too much.

I see you called your KFP discord friends to create an echo chamber though, I don't feel like entertaining you trolls anymore.

>> No.76819762
Quoted by: >>76820035

>muh toxicity
if it's against retards like you that are clearly just shitposting then it's completely justified
I don't even like KFP much myself but their enemies are so much more retarded and annoying that I'd side with the chickens every time against absolute dumbfucks like you
you can't even criticize KFP/Kiara or shitpost about them effectively, the way you post makes you sound like some twitterfag gaylord

>> No.76819776

The last time an Austrian went to Poland, he made a mess of things.

>> No.76819797


>> No.76819809

Nobody likes kiara not even kiara likes kiara op

>> No.76819844

>no you didn't refute my point!
>more than 1 person called me a retard so I'm leaving now

>> No.76819852
Quoted by: >>76820069

>bait thread but barely anyone cares
>instead anons are having fun talking about cool games
>suddenly seething KFP raid shits up the thread and kills any discussion
You're like nijiniggers.

>> No.76819958

Oh, I understand now
because the claim was specifically worded as 'nobody WANTS to collab with Kiara' this means that no matter how much evidence of people collabing with her is provided you'll just go
>oh well you see, I'm a telepathic empath mindreader who can see the secret intentions of everyone, clearly even though they keep collabing with her they actually did so begrudgingly and secretly didn't want to the whole time!
nice logic retard
I know you know you're just saying shit to make it where you're correct with your fanfiction no matter what and don't care about the truth i.e. an irrational seething midwit mongoloid suffering from Orange Woman Derangement Syndrome.
>I don't feel like entertaining you trolls anymore
yeah, that's what I thought, run away faggot. You lost.

>> No.76820035

>I don't even like KFP much myself
bro thought hes sleek

>> No.76820069
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 1700045497389551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76820161


>> No.76820082

It's like homobeggars.
>I don't even watch da bois but I think they should be able to show up on same stage as girls!

>> No.76820094
Quoted by: >>76820125

What if this thread was made by Kiara herself?

>> No.76820117

That's a lot of words to deflect from the fact you can't read English, same as your oshi.

>> No.76820125
Quoted by: >>76820252

What if you made this thread

>> No.76820161


>> No.76820170

>unironically trying to have an argument
are you underage?

>> No.76820190
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1716899710207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Poles don't hate Austrians. Germans, now that's a whole different story...

>> No.76820212
Quoted by: >>76820275

What happened to leaving?

>> No.76820252
File: 110 KB, 933x889, o33ei-LCPilOzvvjbOZT98pxHZuyjIAQLos-dH-rycw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76820394


>> No.76820275
Quoted by: >>76820320

>he thinks only one person can reply to him
Truly schizo.

>> No.76820320


>> No.76820326

very ironic post

>> No.76820382

stop talking about my country and let it die and fall into obscrunity and i hope no one ever comes here again

>> No.76820394
Quoted by: >>76820472


>> No.76820467
File: 184 KB, 400x215, 1707318592586871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76820628


>> No.76820472

it's me, my thirst for semen is unquenchable

>> No.76820505

Her Parasocial stream was entertaining. Scared Kronii = good Kronii. My favorite part was when she was trying to sneak up on and stab the home invader.

>> No.76820532

>only appreciated by burgers but fucking annoying to Europeans
huh, i always assumed the Europeans would be more accustomed to her abrasiveness

>> No.76820581 [DELETED] 

Kronii, you gook whore, keep your Kpoop ass out of my country

>> No.76820628
Quoted by: >>76820710

racism and porn, the only things they seem to care about here

>> No.76820637

Due to games I play I have friends all over the world and every European I know who's into vtubers dislikes Kiara to varying degrees. Usually Ina and Gura are their favorites. Kiara's fans are solely US and Australian in my experience. I don't know many Germans though, maybe it's different for them.

>> No.76820641

But eu is now made in Spain.

>> No.76820683

>bro thought hes sleek
ESLchama, the correct phrase that you meant to say is "bro thought he's slick"
sleek is a synonym for words like smooth or silky, like a cat's fur, or velvet material

also the reason why I said 'I don't like KFP much myself' is because it's true:
I don't like that KFP have a lot of overlap with Nijifags (or that they are currently being chummy with phasecucks as of Kiara's recent interactions with Panko).
I also don't like their clearly discord co-ordinated behavior on this site (and the way they post is very discordfag-esque). I also don't like several things about Kiara herself and am critical of some of her decisions.

It's just that I hate Kiara/KFP antis that much more because they're so annoying in their stupidity.

>> No.76820702

>Europeans would be more accustomed to her abrasiveness
did you actually fall for the "she's loud and annoying because she's Austrian" thing you absolute mouthbreather?

>> No.76820710

The funnier part of it is that it implies they're genuinely insulted by it. lmao

>> No.76820732

Think of Asuka vs Rei. Americans are strongly in favor of Asuka. In other parts of the world it's not so clear and Rei can be winning.

>> No.76820817

There's multiple germans I know into her, so they do exist. You'll find Gura fans everywhere, she's just that big

>> No.76820843
Quoted by: >>76820918

Relax. He was probably confused by people excusing her weird phrasings over the years due to being ESL. It is true that many Europeans can relate to Kiara in this regard. That said, they don't like her attitude overall.

>> No.76820918
Quoted by: >>76821075

Being ESL doesn't make you self-centered and inconsiderate

>> No.76820965
Quoted by: >>76821102

Why would devs from Poland want a fucking vtuber to travel there anyway? It's not like she's gonna show herself in public and will just do a stream with her model that she might as well do from Canada?

>> No.76821025
Quoted by: >>76821073

not german, but germanic euro. I really like her.

>> No.76821033
Quoted by: >>76821587

Thanks for the blog Raj. Next time I want your mothers curry recipe or how big the shit you took on the street was I'll ask, ok?

>> No.76821073
Quoted by: >>76821175

Ok Flanders.

>> No.76821075

She's neither either

>> No.76821101
Quoted by: >>76823521

Czech have always been capable at a shockingly wide range of things.
Still waiting on poking at potentially getting Reforger or might just wait until ARMA4. Just hope the new engine's not as much of a RAM snob as the old ARMA engine is.

>> No.76821102

Why not? It's much easier to discuss things face to face than over text. We like directly meeting each other to talk business in Poland.

>> No.76821108

yea I did
I only know one other Austrian streamer and he's loud and forceful, though not as whiny or pessimistic
The only other Austrians I know are Arnold and the doctor that went schizo after telling people to wash their hands after delivering babies

>> No.76821175
Quoted by: >>76821282

Ietsjes hoger, kneus.

>> No.76821179

oh my bad, that guy was hungarian

>> No.76821195
Quoted by: >>76821228

Poland has a complicated history with Austrians

>> No.76821202 [SPOILER] 
File: 430 KB, 780x997, Klimt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76821271

>he doesn't know that Austrian painter
Anon, I...

>> No.76821228

Well at least it's not the Russians this time.

>> No.76821271

the failed painter? yea, i know but i assumed he was an outlier

>> No.76821273

You just answer op retarded question.

>> No.76821282

Thought so, but couldn't come up with a better pun

>> No.76821331

I'm just expecting merging atp since both the new hire are abandoned nijien and their culture for jp.

>> No.76821350

and playing Witcher right now

>> No.76821487

When is concert ticket sale end?

>> No.76821526

almost all of Europe (except france) makes much better games than NA

>> No.76821561

>Because we aren't consumed by woke stuff yet
And you reason is invalidated. Give us a real reason without being a douche to other groups of people.

>> No.76821587

>everyone i disagree with is a poojeet
Projection is pajeet's first law isn't it?

>> No.76821627

Go back to twitter troon.

>> No.76821667

go back

>> No.76822162

Did the Power Wash crew also send her some love? I remember how absolutely jazzed she was about that game.

>> No.76823521

I liked Arma 3 a lot when I played it back in the day, first regular servers then RP. Good times

>> No.76823866

Chloe also played it

>> No.76824185

That's not a Myth collab that's holotori

>> No.76824640

She organized the last Myth one too

>> No.76824706

learn to read you lazy fuck
>except Kiara is literally doing an upcoming collab with Myth soon, also she literally just did a collab with some of the other birds in holo just the other day
nobody said it was a Myth collab and the original claim was that no one at all wants to collab with her, not even just Myth

>> No.76826079

Imagine Luna trying to pronounce "kielbasa krakowska"

>> No.76826443
Quoted by: >>76827474

Yeah, the hatred for Austrians runs deep in the Polish people

>> No.76826906

>Let's ask the person who is known to be a big fan of our studio to help hype up our two big games coming out in the future
Gee, it's almost like that makes sense on some level.

>> No.76827072
File: 129 KB, 849x1200, 1711350648382230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polan mentioned
>over 50 posts saying iterations of "haha Hitler was Austrian"
Absolute state of reddit 2.0. I wish I could fucking shoot people with my Czarnoprochowiec through the internet

>> No.76827474

No, it is not. We don't give a shit about them. Poles in Austrian annexation were treated okay, so there are no strong opinions.
German was bad, but they are basically our sugar daddy now, so it is okay now.
But ruskies were, are and will be snowniggers that are against civilized world and should be burned in live fire. From poorfag crocodil junkies to rich narcissistic depraved oligarchs, their failed excuse of horde should be removed from this globe

>> No.76827704
Quoted by: >>76827909

spierdalaj, kurwo, to nigdy nie przestanie być śmieszne

>> No.76827831

Why'd you single out France?>>76827072

France is where Ubisoft comes from. Sure they suck now but they had a rise before the fall. The Rayman games were awesome and they're all French-made.

>> No.76827909

twoja opinia ma takie znaczenie jak Finana gdy nawet kurwa interpunkcji nie umiesz cwelu

>> No.76828116
Quoted by: >>76831109

Sending someone to Poland is considered a crime against humanity in most of Europe Burger-kun.

>> No.76828473

>debil nie wie, czym jest wołacz
Wygląda na to, że to ty nie masz żadnego pojęcia o interpunkcji

>> No.76828526

Man just accept that you chose to oshi someone who is abrasive and generally unpleasant to be within shouting distance of.

>> No.76828880

Oh, that's just her normal speaking voice

>> No.76828884

Are you fucking retarded? Kronii is the one that played Frostpunk, she even got her stream retweeted by the company back then, they invited her exclusively not Holo EN.

>> No.76829021

that wasn't the original claim being made
Kiara is loud and obnoxious and abrasive, sure, but the claim being made was that no one wanted to collab with her which is factually untrue

>> No.76829251

Kiara is a nobody. It's been years and kfp and Kiara haven't realized that.

>> No.76830167

>twoja opinia ma takie znaczenie jak Finana gdy nawet kurwa interpunkcji nie umiesz cwelu
>wypomina złe użycie interpunkcji
>sam nie korzysta z interpunkcji
Klasyka gatunku.

>> No.76830456

Poland still have PTSD from austrians

>> No.76831109

Sad cope. Poland is literally a better place to live than western Europe or US now. Everybody who goes there can't shut up about how great it was how clean cities are and how good food is.

>> No.76831176

>Sure they suck now but they had a rise before the fall

Asscreed always sucked. Origins or Odyssey had good open world that's it.

>> No.76831411
Quoted by: >>76832683

The real question is, did they invite her to an orgy party to celebrate or something?

>> No.76831554
File: 711 KB, 2383x2039, GOar9PwbEAAHiyZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76831623

it's amazing how even 2 words in you can tell when a thumbnail is ESL

>> No.76831665

I'm sorry but Kiara is only able to play the shittiest jrps known to man.

>> No.76831718

Rent free

>> No.76832137

Maybe you should Polish deez nuts

>> No.76832303


>> No.76832683

Yes, I was there.

>> No.76833265

You got to understand the last time an Austrian visit Poland, it didn't end well.

>> No.76833280

*rapes and beheads you *

>> No.76833412

I assure you, she's fucking annoying to burgers too.

>> No.76834016

t. human.

>> No.76834861

Damn, now I want HololiveRU to piss you off more.

>> No.76836805


>> No.76837264

Yes. Kiara is a bronze medal you take when you can't get anyone else. Since they had Kronii who is both extroverted enough to walk past her doorstep and an actual fan of your games there was no reason to look through the bargain bin.

>> No.76838479
Quoted by: >>76839187

Can I get the full image friend?

>> No.76839187
File: 55 KB, 616x478, manofintegrity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go king

>> No.76839589

isn't it kind of dangerous for a vtuber to attend events in person? dont they need to verify your identity in order to let you in?

>> No.76839922

She's used to living in a frozen wasteland

>> No.76840099

anyone below the managers who talked about the deal most likely has no idea. you just get anonymous guest card and that's that. doesn't mean people present at the event can't make the connection but your details are not on full display. there is always some opsec risk with irl events.

>> No.76840190

Pretty sure she mentioned that the people who setup the event are not the same department as the actual game devs and for press events like this not everyone is going around with badges saying who they are on them so she was probably fine, granted if she and her manager were the only Asian women there you could argue that would be a little iffy then.

>> No.76840926

You just need a VIP badge and anything can be written on it.

>> No.76841776

Arkane is french btw

>> No.76842282

>being a dick to other groups of people is when you don't want them to turn everything you love into a vehicle for their grifting and activism
I am a proud dick.

>> No.76844964

Poland still hasn't gotten over the whole Austrian participation in the partition thing, blacklisting Kiara

>> No.76844986

Kiara's the one always getting sponsored to play games. Others should get opportunities too.

>> No.76845056

Her Frostpunk streams were kino btw

>> No.76846356
File: 376 KB, 678x678, 1716895976708325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii bait thread turns into a Kiara bait thread.
The chokehold this woman has on this board is phenomenal.
