>>OPLast thread>>76594506 Main linkshttps://www.youtube.com/@usadapekorahttps://twitter.com/usadapekorahttps://twitter.com/uraakapeko (Sub-account) Peko essentials 1st Album [USAGI the MEGAMI]https://cover.lnk.to/USAGItheMEGAMI Sololive [Poorfag edition]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhUrYtAWENI >>Original songShōten chokuzen Love it LIVE [NEW]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJHbamGIOVMSaikyou Megami Usa Pekorahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW2EN6fyftY-https://cover.lnk.to/SaikyoMegamiUsaPekora (on Spotify and others)Pekorandombrain!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTwDH_KQ_g (MV)-https://pekora.streamlink.to/PEKORAMDOMBRAIN (on Spotify and others)Iiwake Bunnyhttps://youtu.be/tlLo7jypqDI (MV)-https://cover.lnk.to/AlibiBunny (on Spotify and others)RaRaRaRabbithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1zMWBU39E (Live translated)-https://cover.lnk.to/RaRaRaRabbit (on Spotify and others)Zen Jinrui Usagi ka Keikaku!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzdie2uH0N4 (MV)-https://cover.lnk.to/ZenjinruiUsagikakeikaku (on Spotify and others) >>Cover songsDiscommunication alienhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAr2lHZLNyUCinderellahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aozNBX2dF6cRenai Nou 「New song」https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75mpgWnhJpo >>Collab songs[LADYBABY] Easter Bunny (w/Mito) [NEW]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0naCPiVuhssSong listhttps://pastebin.com/s29LRHN1 Videos: なぜ?なに?ぺこちゃん!/Why? What? Pekochan!https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9jli3ZqRhJCh7BVMSDlh9S-2LCz53zG8 >>Shortshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1DCedRgGHBdm81E1llLhOQ/shorts >>IMPORTANT STREAMSPekoMomhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW2t52ps27sPekoNoe ASMRhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mr9iteEQqEPekoMoona Offcollabhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihDS4yulSbgPekoMama April's Fool 2024https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RNfOikz3Is >>Pekora's Sololive Letterhttps://pastebin.com/6fHvB2f8 >>Randomhttps://streamable.com/zq1jgfhttps://streamable.com/vembhmhttps://streamable.com/gdg049https://streamable.com/i3w774 >>Thread templatehttps://pastebin.com/cfrBs3Sx
Post Pekora's Pussy
reat day?
>>76736054Might be rest day. Or she'll cram as many streams as she can afford until the end of May because she might need to rest more in June due to work.
https://x.com/usadapekora/status/1795014087769821418Rest day it is
>>76738536sad but understandable
>>76738536ogey peko
i miss pekotyan
Remember when Pekor used to stream? Good times...
>>76742579i'm that 2-in-1 spatula
page 10 pekO~
>no stream>sleep until 3pmno reason to wake up...
>>76744582https://x.com/oozorasubaru/status/1795074442445340794bad end
In 5 years Pekomama will give her the trad wife blackpill.
>>76746019I can almost see it
clap clap
watching luna dbz movie watchalong vods until pekora comes back...
>>76749966watch the watchalong VODs by themselves without the actual DBZ movie
>>76750413is this from H art?
>>76750642no, the artist just didnt finish it yet
>>76750190what would be the point of that?
>>76749966its kinda fun watching luna commenting the superhero movie
>>76751894Luna definitely had friends in school
>>76750964to watch pekotyan in her natural habitat
>>76754675god we're fat
>>76754732I have to eat before she can eat it, I'm preventing the resurrection of debukora
>>76754770>I'm preventing the resurrection of debukoraI hate you
>>76754786come and get me
>>76755063No, I'll just go force feed Pekora
I like sporty, fit Pekora.Remember when she was jogging, swimming and going to the gym?What happened to that, i wonder.
>>76755294she achieved her goal
>>76755294>What happened to that, i wonder.She was exercising in preparation for her sololive
This year she's gonna eat 5 Tsukimi burgers to make up for last year.
youtube has been recommending her previous mario streams
seeing all the DQ posts on my twitter makes me want to see her play another DQ game
>>76760116surely she will when she gets the itch
>>76760116As far as I'm aware, she can play both Heroes games and the III remake, and maybe VII if she can get it for PS3. There's the Yangus Mystery Dungeon for PS2 too.
I miss bunny
Pekora is a furry
There really hasn't been any Pekora fanart of her in that JK trio
>>76771505pekora doesn't have a group of 3pebot is dead
>>76779577Yeah, I know. Was kinda hoping for maybe Pekora with Marine & Aqua, or with Marine & Noel. They aren't necessarily a trio that hang out (bar Terraria), but I still thought I'd at least see some art with her in it.
pessi tsubasa when?
>>76785830the most beautiful smile
>>76777059Her angry "hrmp" gives me life.
I need bunny
give me pekotyan right now. i need.or later tonight is good too.
>>76792967here pekotyan
>>76795131Lamy is cute but she isn't pekotyan
>>76771505ostracized pekora is the most beautiful pekora
>>76796809that's pekotyan, the ears and carrots are there
give me Pekoraor give me death
>>76797539Shuba too, is cute, but that's not pekotyan
>>76798995Here's the final offer
>>76799559This isn't a negotiation, and even if Moona does look great in pekotyan's outfit I'm only interested in her!
>>76800254you passed the test
>>76800254Fine, another rest day it is then.
>>76802085the cutest
still no frame or tweet... but I believe in Peko-chan, I'll just take a short nap...
And he was never seen again.
summer time
why did she do it?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUYbx52C3F0Mario Party with Aqua Nene Shuba
Aqupeko let's fucking goooo
>In silenceWell fuck. It was funny that one time as a gimmick but i would prefer normal one
>>76812881quiet stream today. So we'll get a lot of cute giggles as background noise.
>>76812881Oho the MC scam group minus Botan
I am very bad at kanji. Is there a way to set up fast acting google lens for browser or something, tech bros?
Surely this isn't the "punishment" she was talking about?
>>76812881>subaru and nene need to stay quiethow cruel
>>76813569too easy for agua...
>>76814783Disgusting I wanted cat pics not this filth
>>76813123Not only that. The OG Meshi Curry group + Nene.
>>76815336Negi U too
>>76816733bune needs rape
>>76816733goofy AI ahh foot
>>76816907Hey so I'm not the only one who thinks this guy's stuff looks AIish
>>76816907>>76817000he's always had a kinda goofy style that just ignores anatomy sometimes
>>76804051I'm here
>>76817785Good morning babe *chu*
>>76818249...did I just See a PekoFuta entering her own mother's womb head first?
>>76818469not in this guy's stuff, I don't know what you got in recommended
nene will be the first one screaming
>>76818774my money on subaru
they already fucking dying lmao
>reaction bombedkek
what the fuck are you doing?shame!shame!
is killing Pekora first also a part of AkuPeko grand plan?
>>76820055( ^)o(^ )b
yeah she's in a bad form todaychoke train, she can't do anything right
kek at nenechi's name
Oh shit, Neneti found the pink Yoshi emote
out fucking played hoooolyyyyylost to npc
you literally don't know how to play why would you push ready?
Not the horses pekotyan...
subaru might win this
agua uses a lot of kaomoji
why are they bullying aqua so much?
>>76821239She's the strongest
>>76821239who ISN'T getting bullied there?
>Nene's discord namesww
bless you nenekino
lol nene
does this mario party have star stealing like the older ones?
>>76822541Yes, but they're too dumb to use it.
lmao again
>>76822566they just love cursed dice too much
Kek, Nene's fuck up allowed Aqua's star
somehow Pekora destroyed them this game
They are literally not talking
>>76823014It's a "silent" stream.
These desperate tactics are just too funny
Peko you coward should have challenged Subaru, now she gets a star anyway
Pekora lost 2 stars because she had horrible rolls.I fucking hate this game.
>>76823574If Pekora was smart, she'd beeline right for King Boo to secure the game.Unfortunately, she's not.
why is Pekora such a choker jesus christ she had it
Oh nice the star's right in front of her
>>76823788nene will fuck it up somehow
>Nobody thinks to use a custom dice to land on the 60+ coin bank.Pain.
the stakes are high
pekotyan let her win...
oh fuck
why would you risk it for no reason at all
>>76824011>instead used the custom dice to land on Subaru and steal all her moneyHOLY BASED
jobber pekora, kino challenge though
>>76824265for the content>Verification not required
If only Shuba had a key...
What a choke.
who has otamatone?
>>76824491Sounds like a recorder
damn Pekora is good at jumping (on my cock)
cute frustrated nenechi sounds
damn Nene just can't win...
only pekora can beat nenechi
Subaru deserved to win this to be honest, can't even be mad.
only won due to the challenge against pekora.. stop jobbing bune..
Pekora would have won this if she didn't challenge Subaru for no reason at all.>but this was fun!nuh uh
yes it was fun I don't care who won
otsupeko. Well, I'm going to go to sleep for now. the stream was fun it gave me a headache
>>76825923rest well
>>76825944it was really fun
We got this and we still get to look forward to the hell project, since Peko confirmed this wasn't it. I love this fucking rabbit
captcha: atshh
>>76831034whats nenes suppose to be? a fox?
>>76831113A heaty fox
>>76831113Shiba Inu
would a bear fit her more? hairstyle mimics ears she even has bear motiffs in her clothes
>>76831612I mean, Subaru is wearing a chicken mask, it's not that important
>>76831682well yeah it's not a big deal just wondering
>>76831034This better not awaken something in me
>>76836852that's up to youmasked blowjob Peko could be really hot though...
page 10 peko
I miss Pekochan
>>76851031i don't i've seen her just a few hours agodistance is important in the relationships
>>76851031understandable>>76851139I might as well not exist to her so let me be greedy in my delusion
>>76856502extremely cute
Page 10 peko...
>>76862523Wrong! This peko is deceased.
Today she shall eat.
>>76870243she's definitely gonna try this
>depressed nousagi now has a model with his knockoff nousagi thingWish Cover'd go after him to make him remove all associations with Pekora/nousagi but that'd probably just give him more attention
>>76873991Well you can tryhttps://cover-corp.com/report/en
Page 10 peko
>>76884952fuck indeed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCGGVnhScz8Frame up for Dragon Ball watchalong tomorrow though, 21 JSTThe World's Strongest and The Return of Cooler
>>76884952guess yesterdays quiet stream wasnt just pulled out on a whim then
>>76885036Google says it's Cooler's Revenge and Return of CoolerI guess she's saving Broly for the last DBZ movies before moving on to Beerus
>>76885036she should watch 3 movies the cooler movies aren't even 50 min long
>>76885036https://nyaa.si/view/1690330https://nyaa.si/view/1690325these two?
>>76885318>Cooler's Revenge and Return of CoolerBoth of these titles sound like what should be sequels to a first Cooler movie
>>76885318Yeah I'm retarded, went to copy paste it when I saw they were the Cooler movies and they weren't in order.
>>76885647It's just a Star Wars reference
>>76887100no pekora stay away from him
Do you reckon the Pecock is barbed?
miss her already
>>76887766dont worry its only a day....
>>76887208i don't know much about a bunnys anatomy
I haven't heard Peko-chan since sunday...
>>76889729im hearing her right now
>>76889998It's not the same...
>>76890030its better than nothing
>>76890101It is but vods always make me nostalgic
>>76891976ask her for a date, akwa
>>76891976they should do a cooking competition stream together with shion and nene
>>76892302pecooking with aqua only. so pekotyan could show her her pussies and monke
>>76892838jiru is on a business trip to north korea recently
>>76893449What the fuck is he doing there?
>>76893613Escorting Kanade home
>>76893675but Kanade is entering japan legally. that sly monkey
>>76893613he's a temporary pm there, shit hits the unlucky soul quickly
>>76895886>busy until next weekhate cover
>>76895886I really need to start leaving her stream open so I can see her chats or checking hololyzer, she sent this like 5 hours ago.
>>76896133yeah I saw on twitter, I usually leave it open once the frame goes up but I was sleeping when she put it up
>>76895886>might still fit in a stream every daygodsend. even a short/uninspired stream is good. gotta get my daily dose.
>>76896407I'm good with short kusoge + part cI have been missing her part c a lot lately, maybe we got too spoiled last year having one almost every day...
>>76895886i just hope her being busy is worth her time. im still kinda upset we got no pekochan for 1 week because the trip and then 1 week off because she was sick.
>>76898156me on the drink
>>76898156pekora has no nose
>>76900869how does she smell?
>>76901137OY VEY
>>76901298don't remove the amogus
>>76895886sigh.. cover going to over work her again.