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76756577 No.76756577[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's that?
Holokeks lose the perms for Wuthering Waves?

>> No.76756612
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>> No.76756652

>chink shit
nobody cares

>> No.76756664

That's not the win you think it is, sister.

>> No.76756705

>homobeggars brag about getting them (why lol)
>lose it in a couple days

>> No.76756706
Quoted by: >>76756775

Is it based on that Emily Dickinson book?

>> No.76756741
File: 264 KB, 1024x494, 1715615170633617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters now use Dokibird to shit on holo

>> No.76756775

No. It's such a blatant copy of Genshin Impact you need to launch Genshin in the background so Wuttering can even perform decently.

>> No.76756828

kindly don't use my oshi for ur niji agenda, thank you

>> No.76756966

Ain't nobody watching that garbage lol
Also the one planning to stream it is an ID & homos

>> No.76757031

I am unimaginably happy if it's true. I don't want my oshi anywhere near this chink gachaslop shit. Shit got so bad with Genshin and Starrail I had to block the fucking metatags just to be rid of it.

>> No.76757069

Naurr not the gachaslop that the girls will play for 1 or 2 times then fuck off forever because it's fucking boring if you're not pulling/whaling a character. 99% the game btw, grinding 3 digit artifact is so fucking dogshit with these 2 seperate elements shit

>> No.76757159
File: 249 KB, 888x888, 1707138168498768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76761221


>> No.76757163

How come nijisisters still claim doki while crying about sayu? Doki did way more damage to your favorite brand.

>> No.76757264
Quoted by: >>76757297

>holo anti
>using nijisanji's greatest failure to shitpost

>> No.76757297

>nijisanji's greatest failure
that's still losing lulu imo tho

>> No.76760113


>> No.76760394

Oh no! Anyways

>> No.76760622

>no garbage chink gacha shit
so another holo W? LMAO

>> No.76760701

>missing out on genshinlike gachashit #9

>> No.76760713

0 sources of the news, 5 members already played the game on stream. Good bait chincosister

>> No.76761024
Quoted by: >>76761368

Why do mods allow such garbage threads?
OP is trying so hard to force spam every bait in the book and then samefagging right after.
This board should just be generals only what are they thinking

>> No.76761104
Quoted by: >>76761368

also kys for making a catalog thread to highlight a random /#/ rrat

>> No.76761221
File: 4 KB, 293x80, G0 2WAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76761368

>that thread gets deleted
>this one is allowed to stay up

>> No.76761368
File: 698 KB, 733x561, 1710893209136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want this board to be generals only so we can't air blackysanji dirty laundry right?
reading comprehension doko?
that thread was archived 3 days ago dumb tourist

>> No.76762864
Quoted by: >>76762953

>people calling it genshin killer and gacha of the year when holotrannies have it
>have it taken away
I love laughing at corposloppers

>> No.76762893

Why are dookiefags having a melty and seething at Hololive recently? Is it because Gura mogged dookie's homo stream?

>> No.76762953
Quoted by: >>76763013

gachashit sucks no matter what it is. There’s no gameplay.

>> No.76763013
File: 917 KB, 1080x1555, 1688980171874460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76763459

did you have to pay cover for that opinion slopper?

>> No.76763459
Quoted by: >>76763565

No gacha “game” will ever be anything but a paltry illusions of a real game. Whether perms are allowed or not, it’s still just midway shit for casuals.

>> No.76763504

Kek corpocucks lose again, must be a day ending in y

>> No.76763547

KYS falseflagger

>> No.76763565
Quoted by: >>76763887

>w-w-w-w-we're playing REAL GAMES
kek what a corposlopper

>> No.76763887

>real games
I don’t know one single chuuba that’s cracked open UT2004 or GoW2, but that doesn’t matter, since anything is real in comparison to gacha. Any game, even a board game, is more engaging than a slot machine masquerading as a video game.
