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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, E8NLsCPVgAEeoXa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7628672 [Reply] [Original]

Ring Fit Adventure has entered the building and IRyS has shared ideas for her first ASMR stream. Goslings, wash your penis and start your engine because this cute Nephilim is coming for your deiacrks, and there is nothing you can do to stop her!

The week is starting off with Karaoke!

The last cover of the Hololive Originals series will air on 08/08/21 at 10am JST.

>Unarchived Karaoke Archive




【IRyS】GHOST / 星街すいせい【COVER】
【IRyS】Palette / 常闇トワ【COVER】

>Original Music
【Caesura of Despair】 AMV
【Caesura of Despair】 full ver.
【Caesura of Despair】 attaca ver.

Previous thread

>> No.7628739
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In celebration of RFA

>> No.7628987
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>> No.7629067
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Quoted by: >>7629295 >>7642121


>> No.7629295
Quoted by: >>7629360 >>7629385

Karaoke frame is up, too


>> No.7629360
Quoted by: >>7629385

He probably did it instinctively.

>> No.7629385

Yeah, feed just updated, so I posted

>> No.7629409

So are we gonna get more delicious IRyS sex noises during RFA or do you think it'll just be her being really unhealthy?

>> No.7629502
Quoted by: >>7629524 >>7629552

Sex noises without doubt, just listen when she isn't even trying to make me cum buckets.

>> No.7629519

It'll be entertaining either way.

>> No.7629524


>> No.7629552

I remember the sounds she made when she was struggling to open a bottle of soda.

>> No.7629569
File: 377 KB, 644x618, 1627109362861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7631185 >>7643369

Both? Both. With the amount of soda she drinks, she's probably not the fittest woman under the sun, noises are guaranteed to be superb either way.

>> No.7629578
Quoted by: >>7629609 >>7629621

that's a given, if you don't access a porn site within a week of using the internet you're not human

>> No.7629609

She actually said she goes online to satisfy her otaku urges, listing watching anime.

>> No.7629621
Quoted by: >>7629757

>peak YabaiRyS is just her doing an ASMR recording of her voice while she's fapping to porn

>> No.7629757

don't tell anyone about the tier 3 "RFA" streams

>> No.7630050

Never really had a problem with her model (it's different, but in a unique and interesting way), but I'm glad I stuck around since she's cute and fun to watch, during debut she seemed to boring and vanilla.

>> No.7630118
File: 897 KB, 4096x3545, 1628257539791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she had tiers, and asmr + rfa were to be T3, it'd be a bit obvious, but I'd ofc pay the shit out of it.

Glad you did, though it should be obvious that debuts are not representative of their real stream personality that they settle in long-term.

>> No.7630271
Quoted by: >>7630321

I've missed a couple of her streams recently, any mention of when she's opening membership?

>> No.7630321

>clipniggers are already making Irys/Nami duets
at least wait a few months you fucking leeches

no hard date yet, think she's waiting on emotes

>> No.7631185
File: 162 KB, 1000x1400, E8L-h9QVkAAZ8FW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7631274

>she's probably not the fittest woman
yeah I don't expect her to do as good as Gura, but will she at least be in better shape than Ina?

>> No.7631274
File: 303 KB, 2048x1937, E6abFK4UUAAkyFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7631333

I get the impression that she leaves the house more so likely above Ina, but by how much, I couldn't say.

>> No.7631279

> boring and vanilla.
I think I must be old if I find that sort of personality fun to watch, though she's more than that as you already know.

>> No.7631333
Quoted by: >>7631551

she might actually be in hunter gatherer levels of fitness, mommy doesn't care much if what she eats is alive or not

>> No.7631551

>hunter gatherer levels of fitness
That sounds more attractive to me than it should.

>> No.7631665
File: 140 KB, 1096x605, Screenshot 2021-08-08 053249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7631794

Which one of you dunderheads did this?

>> No.7631794
Quoted by: >>7631897

Did you mean to post in the orange woman thread?

>> No.7631897
Quoted by: >>7632011

Shit, you're right. I won't be able to get the right responses here. Gonna have go through the right Kiara thread because there's so fucking many for some reason.

>> No.7632011
File: 31 KB, 612x408, santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7632058

tell your buddies in discord to stop making them then egg, just go shit up the general like every other anti-fanbase

>> No.7632058

Will do santa bossman.

>> No.7632059

I'm very hyped for the gartic collab.

>> No.7632300

I know there was a thread about predictions already, but how about another round of predictions? I'm thinking Sora though I'm not sure which songs. SPARKS is still on the table.

>> No.7632498

I doubt she will cover any EN member song, Sora is practically inevitable, maybe Watame but i doubt she would pass Sora up.

>> No.7632512
Quoted by: >>7632690

seems like she's focusing on big JP hits to prove herself to sponsors, if it's an upbeat song it'll probably be Ahoy holding out hope for Red Heart but it's a long shot

>> No.7632690

Actually red heart would be an interesting pick. I'm curious to hear how Hachaama's songs would sound like when sung by an ENVtuber.

>> No.7632778
File: 977 KB, 4096x2305, E8M7gTAVoAokKMh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also expecting a Sora song, I really doubt she will do a cover for an EN song this soon, maybe in a Karaoke but as an official cover I have my doubts

>> No.7632822
File: 521 KB, 225x350, OMjzw51.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7633130

There's no way she's not covering Sora, I am convinced. Would be a shame, I don't really like any originals from Sora other than perhaps Guruguru and Okaeri, but they might feel a little dated.

>> No.7633130
File: 1.72 MB, 546x251, 1604184455493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On 2nd thought, IRyS Okaeri would actually make me Gosling. Ok bros, I've changed my mind. I want an Okaeri cover!

>> No.7633603
File: 105 KB, 584x544, 47193749274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irys is a hag and a whore

>> No.7633642

>not even the sound version
you're a shitty santa, get the other guy back in here

>> No.7633649

IRyS is a seiso virtual idol! She's not a hag yet, unfortunately!

>> No.7633712
Quoted by: >>7633835

She's playing minecraft pretty early. Maybe other ENs can drop by. I know Gura was talking about collab ideas with Irys. A zatsu stream of sorts. I guess they didn't decide on a stream since there aren't any for this week except for the big collab.

>> No.7633717

Hags are less menheras

>> No.7633759

Where did you get that picture of me and my wife?

>> No.7633794
Quoted by: >>7633880

I unironically want a collab with Irys and winning son

>> No.7633823
File: 497 KB, 926x776, 1612711541660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irys ring fit
Uhh sex department? I think we might have an emergency on our hands

>> No.7633835

Would be kino if Gura and IRyS hit it off.

>> No.7633880

> homobeggar
You're not welcome here homofag

>> No.7634254

She's not a hag yet, just over the cake threshold.

>> No.7635206
Quoted by: >>7642035

SSS English ver

>> No.7636001

she's also my wife :D

>> No.7638564
File: 239 KB, 400x400, irysh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7641315


>> No.7641612


>> No.7641645


>> No.7641907


>> No.7642035

so close bros

>> No.7642045
File: 20 KB, 248x258, 20210801_080543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7642121

>schedule ends on Friday

>> No.7642236

Predictions for when she gets a new model? All the fanart, thumbnails and even official music video content show a clear preference for… Not this. Come on Cover, give her a better face and never work with the hack who they paid for this again.

>> No.7642300

Maybe they will give a new model on her birthday

>> No.7642310

Good ol’ SSS

>> No.7642324

The tradition lives on...

>> No.7642332

The Hololive National Anthem

>> No.7642350

Great question anon! So glad we could have a discussion about this rarely talked about topic!
Perhaps you could look at how often other holo's get updates, I believe this will very quickly answer your question!

>> No.7642474
Quoted by: >>7642529

She sang the shit out of it. I kind of wish though that she didn't use that moe voice since I feel she can hit harder if she didn't. I also wished that she sang the English version but to each their own. It's still a great cover.

>> No.7642485
Quoted by: >>7642595

A bit disappointing she didn't cover a Sora song.

>> No.7642529
Quoted by: >>7642579 >>7642595

and repeating Calli's envy baby? nah

>> No.7642579

IRyS sounds pretty good in her Palette cover though.

>> No.7642595
File: 61 KB, 1090x478, Sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably because of permissions since Sora's songs are not part of Hololive technically.
Coco's translations is not that bad. I'm sure she can make it sound good but the OG does sound better in JP

>> No.7642661

I expect Gura-style trope subversion. I would watch that kind of kino.

>> No.7642878
Quoted by: >>7643139

Only historical data we have on Vsinger models is Azki.
She had a unique but polarazing design 2 times in a row.
So I guess the 3rd design of Irys will be the one that will be passable for most people.

>> No.7642935
Quoted by: >>7644375

I think she's a health girl. Wasn't she doing situps the other day. And uh she's not a fatty irl. Very petite girl. She probably has a fast metabolism. She sounds like an active girl

>> No.7643139

Azki is different because her management really had a lot of say on her model and music. I think that if Irys stay silent about the model and if management don't check feedback then they will probably not do anything about it. Only people I know that had changes were historically been vocal about there frustrations thus a change was placed. Flare was vocal. Polka even though was not vocal probably made personal request to update her rigging. Nene for one made a point to say that her costume change is a personal request even though we know it's probably a mutual request from management as well. Other chuubas that got updates were mostly girls like Roboco who is most likely the Alpha for any Home3D

>> No.7643369

her roommate is actually pretty slim. you can still find pics of her if you look hard enough.

>> No.7643771
File: 3.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1626571199310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7645254

I like it, she did a really good job, can't wait for her Karaoke

>> No.7644238

Does IRyS already have Goslings?

>> No.7644292

I'm a full-grown goose.

>> No.7644375

She also said she only did them on a whim, and in the Mori collab she said she doesn't like treadmills and therefore doesn't excersise. Then again, women are known to downplay their powerlevels just so they can rugpull you. Like when Ina pretends to be an idiot despite being more educated than half her chat.

>> No.7644551

and also dedicated antis! our cute Nephilim is growing fast

>> No.7645254

still waiting uma to shika by Yonezu Kenshi
pls IRyS

>> No.7645404
Quoted by: >>7645460

I think it's hilarious that a portion of her fans are calling themselves as CFAA. They have it part of their usernames. It's the only thing she tagged as useless. Why must you hurt yourself like that irystocrats.

>> No.7645460

ikr, some even has kfp tags, wtf is kfp?

>> No.7646036

Nice first song, loving it

>> No.7646073

I'm so glad she decided to sing more of Aimer's songs bros.

>> No.7646136

>t. Balladeer

>> No.7646393

She is absolutely killing this karaoke. Her best one so far.

>> No.7646675
Quoted by: >>7646744


>> No.7646694
Quoted by: >>7646744

Goslings....The RFA.....

>> No.7646734


>> No.7646744

She's just edging us.

>> No.7646758

hey her switch did come early at least

>> No.7646780
File: 11 KB, 752x527, 1602606757437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RFA onegai

>> No.7646786
Quoted by: >>7646843 >>7646875

So where is IRyS gonna fit on the scale of HoloEN fitness? How does HoloEN stack up in terms of fitness actually?

>> No.7646841
File: 170 KB, 615x644, 1626031020583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, this song

>> No.7646843

With the way she described herself it's probably gonna be on par with Ina

>> No.7646859
File: 315 KB, 2500x1850, 1626162926055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7646970

>sitting in my chair all day surfing the web
>how unfit I am
AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH He can't keep getting away with it

>> No.7646875
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>> No.7646893
File: 27 KB, 386x379, ExhrU-hVgAU4fn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7646957

>the way she says "hey baby"

>> No.7646957
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>> No.7646970
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>> No.7647023

>wanna make love?

>> No.7647045

haachama and irys shouldn't be allowed to stream at the same time, i'm not gonna make it goslings....

>> No.7647054

>love with IRyS

My heart can't take it

>> No.7647291
Quoted by: >>7647327

IRyS seems to really like romance stuff huh?

>> No.7647327

she might get along with Ame with that

>> No.7647338
File: 156 KB, 574x329, 1626611544871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7647420

>otome gamer
That's probably a good thing

>> No.7647420

She self-inserts 100%

>> No.7647460
File: 309 KB, 730x997, 1627963923872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7647539

She's ok I guess. I wouldn't put her in the top 5 though. The stream just doesn't have enough soul like Ame's karaoke streams.

>> No.7647533
File: 1.50 MB, 218x218, 1628112552540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7647539

Please don’t use Soda in your shitposts.

>> No.7647608
Quoted by: >>7647755

Is IRyS the most traditionally "idol"-like in EN? She still has a fair amount of "horny weeaboo" in her though.

>> No.7647611
Quoted by: >>7647686 >>7647776

I like how she speaks a little Japanese and the chat explodes with Japanese.

>> No.7647686

IHGP, the Inverse “Hey Guys” Phenomenon

>> No.7647755
Quoted by: >>7647979

She unironically sings well to be called an idol.

>> No.7647776
Quoted by: >>7647809 >>7647868

So this is what it feels like to be a JOP when Korone speaks broken English.

>> No.7647809

HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7647814

サウダージ, based. Where's that anon that asked about Porno Graffitti few threads back...?

>> No.7647868

>Korone speaks broken English.
Nice try troll actually bother watching her before you shitpost so you don't expose yourself

>> No.7647915
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, 86138084_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7647989 >>7648076

Ah shit I missed it what did dagger say?

>> No.7647979
Quoted by: >>7648100

Meh, her singing is nothing special. Her level is roughly idol-level.

>> No.7647989
File: 2 KB, 473x38, dagger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7648076
Quoted by: >>7648271

Have we gotten any official Cover/Anya clarification on the fatness of her tiddies?

>> No.7648100
Quoted by: >>7648331

You clearly have never heard what live Kpop singing sounds like when the autotune comes off.

>> No.7648238


>> No.7648248

We won. I'm eating my Chocolate Cornet upside down.

>> No.7648271

Well see on her new outfit.

>> No.7648331
Quoted by: >>7648405

And you clearly never hear a true singer sing during karaoke

>> No.7648405
Quoted by: >>7648502

so Gura?

>> No.7648409

wtf, IRyS is based?!

>> No.7648438
File: 290 KB, 1026x408, 1626916578289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go shit up global

>> No.7648500
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>> No.7648502

No, Yogiri. I consider her to be the best in Hololive.


>> No.7648503
Quoted by: >>7648573 >>7648657

>lucky star
okay she has to be atleast 30

>> No.7648527

to the people asking for 恋愛サーキュレーション, no she's not singing it again

>> No.7648569
File: 8 KB, 505x69, 97463316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7648615 >>7648647


>> No.7648573


>> No.7648615


>> No.7648647

This girl probably pays more attention to Irys than her assigned yuribait

>> No.7648657

Nah 30's would be cardcaptor sakura, sailormoon, etc.
Kyoani arc is for late 20s

>> No.7648685
Quoted by: >>7648734 >>7648825

Mori must be so happy to have someone normal in her holo circle she can hang out with that's not a demented yuri shipper. I'm looking forward to offcollab karaoke they'll inevitably do.

>> No.7648734
Quoted by: >>7648816

>not demented
she's safe from the yuri bait but don't get between irys and her food

>> No.7648816

What is with IRyS and food? I'm scared there's gonna be a lot of weird fetish art of her eating things in the future.

>> No.7648825

Her choices are pretty bad.
>Alcoholic slob
>Obsessed cosplayer
>Workaholic artist
>Salty Gremlin
IRyS must seem like an angel to her.

>> No.7648890
File: 276 KB, 1140x798, E268O8CXIAA19Uc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll drink to that!

>> No.7648941
File: 476 KB, 854x480, Interesting.Horsechestnutleafminer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you irys!!

>> No.7648946

it's the spirit of haachama coming out, i swear they combined the best parts of every holo into the perfect vtubing specimen and gave her a shitty model

>> No.7648991
File: 867 KB, 1344x2000, 1627322612984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7649034

What's the problem with her talking about food?

>> No.7649034
Quoted by: >>7649092 >>7661772

She also mentions cannibalism a lot.

>> No.7649092
Quoted by: >>7649161

Is she eating angels or demons?

>> No.7649161

Yes. I don't think she's too picky about what meat she eats. Alive, dead, raw, cooked.

>> No.7649266
Quoted by: >>7649358

Good numbers for irys today

>> No.7649279
Quoted by: >>7649426

Fuck, I should've went with my gut feeling and predicted that an SSS cover is possible.

>> No.7649358
File: 29 KB, 249x244, 3-19-193-23018-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7649426
File: 317 KB, 333x452, 1626249602431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSS was one of my guesses a few threads back, hako song makes sense to cap it off, but I discounted the chances of a group song since it's not really a Holo original in the sense that Inochi, Palette or Ghost are Holo originals.

>> No.7649451
Quoted by: >>7649505

"I do drink a lot of Soda"

>> No.7649469

>I eat anything

>> No.7649476
File: 97 KB, 277x292, 1609512250307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7649505

Drink me, IRyS

>> No.7649505

Based Sofa posters.

>> No.7649644
File: 191 KB, 703x709, 1626336376943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starts EVA on the 3rd rebuild movie to see Kaworu
It's for all the wrong reasons but at least she got into it, I guess?

>> No.7649704
File: 20 KB, 299x272, カヲルくん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7649919

I respect this cake for being so unapologetic about her diet.

>> No.7650049
File: 62 KB, 828x828, 1626391814704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7650100

>comments on the raw fags and the x fags
Raise your chat better, IRyS, onegai

>> No.7650100
Quoted by: >>7650204

this dork has no experience controlling an audience anywhere near as big as a hololive chat, it might be months before they move on or get put in their place

>> No.7650192

Architects, is IRyS our girl?

>> No.7650204

hopefully member streams become a little more calm

>> No.7650255

you would think so, but Irys doesn't play along with feeders, she'll just eat your arm if it's in front of her

>> No.7650265

She's cute when she messes up in the middle of a song. Doesn't happen very often.

>> No.7650266

Unlikely, she's not eaten on stream and corrected the rrat that she drinks nothing but soda.

>> No.7650268
File: 143 KB, 692x1154, Kaworu_nagisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7650341

> Make your oshi wet instantly

>> No.7650341

he cute, i would definitely have sex with him

>> No.7650412
File: 3 KB, 208x51, Fuzzy.Argentineruddyduck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ultimate gfe experience

>> No.7650422
File: 113 KB, 450x400, E79QUeXUcAEJ92v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good Karaoke, cant wait for more IRyS

>> No.7650425
File: 2.93 MB, 960x960, architechtlatte.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7650473 >>7650515

Can the Goslings and Architects coexist in these threads?

>> No.7650473
File: 881 KB, 915x798, 1603569243757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But of course

>> No.7650515

>implying we aren't the same people to begin with

>> No.7650844

>RFA reschedule
Didn't expect to get blueballed so early, but you can't stop me, you little tease. I WILL nut to your noises. Genuine GFE

>> No.7650994

I like IRyS she's nice

>> No.7651197
Quoted by: >>7651211

I dont watch irys and don't go into threads where she's talked about. Did she decide what her fanbase is called? Just trying to get information.

>> No.7651211


>> No.7651250

Eh, alright.

>> No.7651312
Quoted by: >>7654474

could have been better. could have been a lot worse.

>> No.7651408

Her Kimi o Nosete was really nice.

>> No.7652117
Quoted by: >>7652433

She or management was pretty deadset on having it be something with "irys" in the name, that was the best possible option considering

>> No.7652433
Quoted by: >>7652521

Most likely her idea judging from her general naming sense.

>> No.7652460

Smuggling IRyS into words is her thing, and she encourages it. It's fucking adorable.

>> No.7652521
Quoted by: >>7658681


>> No.7654434

Finally got time to listening her SSS cover. It's okay. Though I'll never have that same level of excitement after listening to it for the nth time. It's literally corporate jingle to me at this point and not the good kind. Now to catch up on the exciting part that was her karaoke stream.

>> No.7654474
Quoted by: >>7654501

At least it's not "Taxpayers", and good thing she never even acknowledged it. Otherwise it would become her own Kiara's "bottom left" that will stick with her forever.

>> No.7654501

When she completely ignored the taxpayer / IRS meme, I had a feeling that she would be really good at tardwrangling.

>> No.7654679

Not gonna lie, but i was kinda disappointed that she covered SSS, still liked it even though the song itself is kind of a drag nowadays.

>> No.7655082
Quoted by: >>7655552

I still can't determine if she really came up with this herself or SHE'S HERE.

>> No.7655409
Quoted by: >>7655552 >>7655673

The only problem I got is with her model, I never liked overly fancy designs, looking at her almost gives me headache. Something simpler like Gura's would've looked better imho. At this rate she'll forever stay the "literally who" of HoloEN until someone else with a worse design debuts. Wasted talent.

>> No.7655414

I love this absolute PON.

>> No.7655552
File: 1.07 MB, 3589x2166, a2f3f9eb44ac41ddf394176e318d13bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used to browse /a/, her generation would've been the one to satisfy weeb urges that way. If I knew she browses /here/, I'd feel bad about the shit I type in /HiRyS/ sometimes...

As for the name, >>6425806 is a fucking legend, the man deserves more credit. Still waiting for >>6425887 to come through!

If a model stops you from watching an otherwise entertaining chuuba, then perhaps the issue isn't IRyS, but you? Either way, get filtered, santa.

>> No.7655658
Quoted by: >>7655677 >>7655693

Watching karaoke vod now. Damn, she's good.
And good song song selection too. I don't remember hearing most of those songs before in other holo karaoke.

>> No.7655673

There were 15k people watching her sing today. I don't know how you define a who but that's far from what who is.

>> No.7655677

Porunogra was fucking kino. I love this nephilim very much

>> No.7655693
Quoted by: >>7655904

She's an ultra weeb that has learned most of the anime songs by heart.

>> No.7655904

She is such a weeb that she went "no dubs allowed" in regards to her info about hololive.

>> No.7655990
Quoted by: >>7656109

I hope she do more Unarchive Karaoke in the future

>> No.7656109

That is practically guaranteed with her focus and the languages she speaks.

>> No.7656746

Kino karaoke stream. Always a good stream to start the week.

>> No.7656907

Imo this was her best karaoke stream yet

>> No.7658681
Quoted by: >>7659258

You just know that she saw a bottle of superglue in her room when she made that name.

>> No.7659258

I just know that this girl is incredibly adorable.

>> No.7659355
File: 337 KB, 1500x1000, _methode_times_prod_web_bin_6c86a974-caab-11e5-ae3d-e5a689a71f1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7661116
File: 2.22 MB, 1400x2046, c6c4925a0e9faafc1ac828deb5ab92e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7661262 >>7662067

Calling all goslings! Share with the class how you're preparing for RFA.

>> No.7661262
Quoted by: >>7661418

Anon, I...

>> No.7661418
File: 147 KB, 337x327, 1625968298620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7661457 >>7661575

y-yes? I know it was rescheduled, trying to make conversation about it to hype myself over the kino delay...

>> No.7661457

Ok, I guess this is one way to cope with this.

>> No.7661575
Quoted by: >>7661995

>IRyS' face when she opens your refrigerator

>> No.7661772
File: 252 KB, 756x644, nikochin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what? I dont watch a lot of Irys

>> No.7661995

>...is waiting to catch my headpats

>> No.7662067
File: 3.19 MB, 456x360, giphy (14).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, what wouldn't I do during an RFA stream?

>> No.7663994
File: 359 KB, 598x596, 1628392875987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it on, anon!

>> No.7664027


>> No.7664696

Can I at least take a piss before we do this?

>> No.7665761
File: 602 KB, 1447x2048, c68123c6576d4733b7d18049cc533ecd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so it begins. Architects can't stop winning

>> No.7666471
Quoted by: >>7666953

I'm so fucking tired of every irys thread being a santa thread, JESAS. What did this poor nephilim do to deserve this treatment? All she does is being a dork, make cute noises and occasionally sing songs. How does she even have santas at this point?

>> No.7666953
Quoted by: >>7667024

Shitposters ran out of material on Mori and Kiara.
And her "declining" from her massive debut buff gives them very easy material to work with while the fanbase for her is very small and not used to how to deal with antis.

>> No.7667024
Quoted by: >>7667095

I don't know how people are still unironically hung up on the model, do people actually stare at her instead of watching the game? Also the rigger did a good job because unless she's directly focused on the camera the wide face problem goes away

>> No.7667095
Quoted by: >>7667170

>I don't know how people are still unironically hung up on the model
Ah you're new, you should have been around in September/October/November. Because I don't think bitching about Kiara's outfit died down until December and only stopped when she got her alternative outfit.

>> No.7667170
Quoted by: >>7667180

not "new", but only seaniggers and redditors use /jp/ so I didn't even know there was a place vtubers were on topic until; /vt/ was made

>> No.7667180

Fucking newfags.
t. /ona/ regular

>> No.7667851
File: 334 KB, 2000x2000, 1626416576076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7667892

that 1am micra stream will mess my sleep schedule up for the rest of the week, god damn it. If only she wasn't so god damn cute...

>> No.7667892

predictions for this one? going with another 5 hour stream where she's fully kitted in enchanted diamond by the end, but her house is still dirt

>> No.7668381
File: 1.05 MB, 740x1024, 1602520902643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only hope. She did pretty well last time, seems to be a fast learner. There'll be mechanics that will mess with her but the basics already look pretty solid.

>> No.7668421
Quoted by: >>7668521 >>7668780

The stream frame says she is going to hunt for axolotls.

>> No.7668521

oh no, she's got the upa rupa fever, kanata don't look

>> No.7668716

I very much doubt that she'll use the iron farm or the trading village

>> No.7668780
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1605661404544.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7668905

Hmm weird priority but I suppose a 2nd mining stream isn't great advertising. She'll get sidelined looking for caves, I reckon.

>> No.7668787
Quoted by: >>7669027 >>7669048

With the 4 covers now all out, I guess we won't be getting any music outside of karaoke for a while
But I am curious about when we can expect more original music, has she mentioned anything about it in streams?

>> No.7668905
Quoted by: >>7669027

probably just bait
>"we're gonna hunt axolotls, they're underground right?"
>find a random off color one in a ravine
>"ok now I can mine hahaha"
>6 hours of block breaking

>> No.7669027
File: 669 KB, 3128x3035, 1626418726399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's unfortunately not spoken about original music. For covers, she said she'll continue them but the frequency won't be the same.

Big braInRyS

>> No.7669048
Quoted by: >>7669106

>has she mentioned anything about it in streams?
Nope. Probably she's working on producing them with the Project Hope team behind the scene. Guess we'll just have to wait until she feels like announcing it.

>> No.7669106
Quoted by: >>7669578

i think the timecube lore is leading up to her second album, also she may have to go into the studio on the day she was supposed to do RFA

>> No.7669139


>> No.7669578

If the cubeshit is actually just to hype up her next EP i don't think this board will live down the shitposting

>> No.7669640
Quoted by: >>7669884

it's gotta be, Irys loves cubes and all cube-based activities

>> No.7669783
Quoted by: >>7669812

man, the amount of seethe will be so high you'd have 5 times the amount of santaposters making threads every hour about it.

>> No.7669812

Why are people so invested in that retarded Cover gimmick in the first place? It's just some fucking cube shit...

>> No.7669884
File: 18 KB, 219x190, 1626417581393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I firmly believe that EN management wouldn't be retarded enough to premier it on HoloEN meta channel if it was entirely IRyS-focused. It has to be EN2 lore.... Please tell me it's EN2 lore, bros.

>> No.7669899
File: 265 KB, 1280x765, time cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they, don't think i've seen anyone reference it after that first week, even holomembers were mocking it while the reveal was still live

the lore goes deeper than cover

>> No.7669922

No one is invested, which is a problem
I will never doubt cover's incompetence

>> No.7669945
File: 45 KB, 175x175, 1626060990008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7670011

Because EN2 expectation. Sure, they'll quietly announce an entire gen when they did an 8h premiere countdown for IRyS. Retards.

t. Cubic

>> No.7670011
Quoted by: >>7670061

I mean it was a premiere with 6 or 7 hours of lead in.
I'd personally hope they do that to announce EN2 rather than a retarded countdown and a link to a different video posted in chat

>> No.7670061
Quoted by: >>7670357

I hope EN2 just starts streaming one day, i'm tired of the spergouts on every announcement and hype buildup video

>> No.7670357

Won't happen, but I agree. And they better have a good reason for hanging out IRyS alone to get mangled by the combined bored indogs.

>> No.7670513
Quoted by: >>7670842 >>7671067

That's the thing. Before Project Hope, lore was nonexistent for any gens. It's just that this whole time, each gen was released with a specific theme without needing to hamfist some sort of lore in. The girls can deal with that shit for themselves if it helps their channels grow. One thing I can think of currently about a lore-like stream from JP side was Marine's stream where she roleplayed as herself many years in the future, telling stories about what had happened to her and her genmates throughout the years. Pekora's time in jail was also lore-related as funny as it seems. But these streams, even if they might not be mentioned ever again, were interesting lore made by sankisei.

Holomyth however was Cover's direct first attempt at creating a lore out of EN1 but man did that derail instantly. I feel that the moment they try to play their role to fit that whole mystery lore, most of the EN members died internally from cringe (personal rrat). So they pretty much put aside those things and do things their own way. They do still play their characters, but no longer do they care about that whole mystery schtick which was what EN1 was promoted for. The TTRPG streams however did provide some entertainment and they made their own lore together which was enjoyable.

Though of course with the HoloAlt project underway, they're slowly establishing the lore behind a lot of the JP girls. I think they intend to do the same too for EN with this cube thing...if it even goes in that direction. Though we'll see within the next few weeks or months to find out where this whole manufactured hype from EN management leads us to.

>> No.7670842

Not a bad take, thanks. I suppose we will see if they keep pushing the lore thing a month or two after EN2 is estabilished.

>> No.7671067
File: 17 KB, 842x109, season2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably part of the story there trying to push for hololive en that the producer mention,

>> No.7671134

If it's about HoloEN as a whole they should have either have everyone voice a section of it, or at the least mention the other ENs.
Like this it seems like pure Irys lore, which is already taking itself way too serious compared to the others

>> No.7671156

>a lore extended to a whole nother year
man I hope they can pull this off.

>> No.7671368

That's some Nomura-tier shit. I don't mind RP in a chuuba, but RP has to flow naturally into it and should originate from the voice actor. Perhaps a very light thematic suggestion in the design, and that's it. The forced lore shit can work, or it can backfire. Shouldn't risk a career because someone has a grand vision in mgmt.

>> No.7672387
Quoted by: >>7672452

EU irystochads, stay up or sleep?

>> No.7672452

go sleep, this is gonna be an endurance stream

>> No.7672493

Hi Guys, Newfag here. After listening to the Irys/Ina Collab, I'm really digging Irys' speaking voice so I wanna give her a chance. What streams would you recommend? I'm primarily interested in gaming streams as singing streams aren't my thing.

>> No.7672585

mother simulator and minecraft are mandatory, one hand clapping is pretty good too

>> No.7672622

Plug & Play

>> No.7672668
Quoted by: >>7673174

Hello, Friend. You like Minecraft? Watch Minecraft. You like Apex? Watch Apex. You don't mind kusoge? Watch Penguin's Dogma.
Subnautica was comfy af, if that's what you want, but Penguin's Dogma showed her driven nature off better.

>> No.7673174

I'd like to avoid Minecraft or any game that causes the streamer to be too chill/comfy as I'll be actually watching instead of listening. I'm not looking for Pekora/Polka level of energy as that's too high but I definitely don't want Ina level energy.
>Penguin's Dogma, Plug and Play
I'll give these a shot.

>> No.7673210
Quoted by: >>7674917

>IRyS likes the taste of c** but hates when it drips on her clothes

>> No.7673302

Where is that screencap from? Some sort of interview?

>> No.7673722

What would you say IRyS's appeal as a streamer is, /HiRyS/?

>> No.7674090

she's interested, comfy, seems a little bit unfamiliar with things sometimes but she's bright and a fast learner. she's not vulgar but she says some pinpoint weird stuff. she comes across as very proper (found it very endearing when she wanted to drink and actually asked chat "can I take a sip?")

>> No.7674322

She's /one of us/
She resonates with me on a spiritual level, she feels like someone I totally could have hung out with in high school. It's nice watching a streamer who is on the same wavelength and understands all the "weird" stuff you do.

>> No.7674864
File: 59 KB, 651x557, 1626235566573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS feels like a sister that shares many of my weeb interests and is happy to talk nonstop about them. She's not afraid to look like a complete pon and verbalises random thoughts out loud that most would keep contained for fear of looking stupid or weird out normies in earshot. She seems settled on what she wants and doesn't shy away from going after what she set her mind to. She has great manners, like she was brought up right and proper in a loving family, and that is reflected in how the talks to her audience. She's the right amount of sensual without being lewd. And she waits until it's just her and me le left on the stream, then whispers sweet nothings into my ear.

>> No.7674917

Whoa dude, why are you telling everyone about her cup habit?!?

>> No.7675725
Quoted by: >>7677561

She gives off that "childhood friend" energy.

>> No.7675962
File: 3.29 MB, 3500x2500, IMG_20210809_054740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7676192 >>7677055

I hope someone login during her Minecraft today and play with her...

>> No.7676192

Ame's doing a medley stream right now, she might be on.

>> No.7677024
File: 3.99 MB, 2880x1620, E8S7uLdVcAISXgS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS Minecraft in 30 minutes

>> No.7677055

I just like watching her play the game it's giving me complicated feelings :<

>> No.7677561

You hit the nail on the head.

>> No.7678205

What's the deal with her name being superglue?

>> No.7678332

random name she came up with

>> No.7678374
Quoted by: >>7678488

That's how usernames used to be back in the good ol days.

>> No.7678424

>She doesn't get that Ame is joking
Does IRyS have brain problems?

>> No.7678429

Starts with an S and is loosely connected to building things.

>> No.7678434

I like the lace between her her neck and chest, it's sensual, but classy.

>> No.7678435
Quoted by: >>7678632

she has good manners, has a cheeky sense of humour and a great voice. Being pants on head retarded also helps

>> No.7678488
File: 10 KB, 224x225, TheSmartest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sad

>> No.7678632
Quoted by: >>7678686 >>7678869

Also has a husband, there's no way she was managing her old channel by herself, being that bad with tech

>> No.7678686


>> No.7678722


>> No.7678869

thanks, but no, i wasn't managing her old channel

>> No.7679284
Quoted by: >>7679336

>rabbit appears on screen

>> No.7679302

Go touch a bed, Anon

>> No.7679336
File: 14 KB, 400x400, x97XpXtU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7679687
File: 1.85 MB, 3000x2000, E7X6QClVEAE5Kss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7679750 >>7679986

will she kill the horse? I wonder

>> No.7679750


>> No.7679986

A ruthless killer...I kneel.

>> No.7680019
File: 1.45 MB, 1281x720, irys look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that horse is going to be there for months

>> No.7680257
Quoted by: >>7680474

What did that dolphin ever do to her?

>> No.7680474

Don't question it. She must devour.

>> No.7680477

>Can I google it? How to make a saddle?
I'm losing it bros she's cute

>> No.7680492

shes kinda psychotic

thats pretty hot

>> No.7680501

irys stealing 3k from Ame. en2 will leave Kiara with anya numbers

>> No.7680511
Quoted by: >>7680600

>I love turtles to d- to bits
Mass genocide incoming.

>> No.7680539

turtle bros we made it

>> No.7680600

turtles are delicious or so i've heard

>> No.7680707

She just threatened that horse and it had no other choice but to accept holy shit

>> No.7680715

based irys threatening the horse into submission

>> No.7681234
File: 28 KB, 472x650, Irysuperglue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irys model suddenly looks cute to me. am i getting used to it or redhack is secretly updating her little by little?

>> No.7681281
Quoted by: >>7681295

Hating Santa is so retarded. It's such an obvious ploy for jokes. And who the fuck hates Santa? Fucker gives gifts and still has antis somehow. Stay mad that you got coal faggots

>> No.7681295
File: 2.35 MB, 720x404, Santachads Cant Stop Winning [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8mkh8r.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to global nerd

>> No.7681367

Skin looks slight different

>> No.7681375

She's brainwashing you.

>> No.7681376

>Irys model suddenly looks cute to me.
You're developing a brain tumor Anon. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.7681706

I don't know what makes her look so much better in this fanart
