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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, Kakumei Dualism -SIDE A&B- [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fy5p9pg.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7580924 [Reply] [Original]

Stream Kaukemi Dualism!

-Side A-

-Side B-

Buy ID2's six month anniversary voice pack Encounter in the City!!


>> No.7581204

Side A sounds better than Side B
Because in side A their voices actually have different feels compared to side B
Reine can't really do TM Revolution's role

>> No.7581253


>> No.7581285

why risu doesn't use deeper voice on streams
it's sound pure sex

>> No.7581320

I forgot to put /mep/ in the name because i'm an idiot

>> No.7581365
Quoted by: >>7581404

yes, you are
it's the subject

>> No.7581404

I honestly forgot there was a name section but I admit I am stupid x2

>> No.7581477

What have you done. Filter users won't be able to find it now and would aimlessly roam the board and end up in some shitty bait thread.

>> No.7581771

Risu has the better voice in both

>> No.7581851

why melfriends are like this?

>> No.7581879

Make a new thread and link it here. We can just scrap this one.

>> No.7581894

why are zomkeks like this?

>> No.7581907

It’s not a competition anon.

>> No.7582010

why're kfp like this?

>> No.7582080

Stream Kakumei Dualism -SIDE A&B

>> No.7582232
Quoted by: >>7582269

Goddamn Risu blows me away every time she actually sings. I really wish she went all in with music and we didn't have to wait 8 months to hear he put out songs like this.

>> No.7582269

Why are melhomos like this?

>> No.7582518
File: 313 KB, 1448x2048, EA7697FD-0295-4E92-9E4A-7F76B6B08E69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7589370

Reine es mi esposa!!!

>> No.7582562

Remember that Villain guy who sent ridiculous streamlabs to Reine and annoyed her? Now he's simping to one of Niji ID. Can you guys please take this faggot back? I don't want any trouble in Niji ID because we already had a small and chill community.

>> No.7582683

My condolences anon but we can’t take him back.

>> No.7582702
Quoted by: >>7582768

oh god, who is he simping this time?

>> No.7582768
File: 40 KB, 247x246, 1610811248188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7583066

NTA but it seems to be Hyona, one of the new NijiDs. Fucking Urazoe seems to have followed him too.
I found this when I checked their twitter accounts. My sides are now gone.

>> No.7582776

Last I saw he was simping Rosemi. He switched to an ID girl now? I guess the timezone is better for him. Thank God Reine basically told people like him to tick off with the donation changes.

>> No.7582825
Quoted by: >>7585988

Goodluck, seems he found a doctor in the newest batch----

Less stress for Reine, this is great!

>> No.7583066

Jesus Christ.
I would never make something for it, but I don save myself something to eat for the brunch streams so I’m not sure if I’m any better than this. I don’t think of it as eating with Reine like it’s done kind of date though

>> No.7583179

I don't think there's anything wrong with it, Reine's brunch streams make me hungry so I sometimes grab myself a snack to eat while watching. The cringy part is taking a picture of it and thinking of it as some sort of date.

>> No.7583262

You can be deranged if you want, eat with chuba and all that. As long as you understand that it's degeneracy, keep it to yourself and not post it where she can see it.

>> No.7583707

>I don’t think of it as eating with Reine like it’s done kind of date though
I’m not sure what you’re worried about then anon. Reine literally asks chat what they’re eating almost every brunch stream, she clearly expects you to be eating at the same time as her. It’s only weird if you make it weird.

>> No.7583893


Waiting Room for YABE tomorrow

>> No.7585335
File: 1.15 MB, 2000x2200, 1607027863205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7585988 >>7586204


>> No.7585988

>it's actually a doctor
Puunyaan is cool. I like the costumes they came up with. I like how he/she draws Reine's ears like Pochi.

>> No.7586204
Quoted by: >>7586874

Risu’s outfit is OK, but Reine looks great as usual.

>> No.7586874

Risu looks like she came straight out of Arknights

>> No.7587296
Quoted by: >>7587386 >>7615715

I am here for Reine but Risu’s ayunda voice is seriously good. I hope she gives up the character voice like Suisei did

>> No.7587386

Her Ayunda voice doesn't seem like her natural voice to me, same as her Risu voice. It feels like her natural voice is somewhere in between.

>> No.7587508

Everyone who does a Kaukemi Dualism cover should be forced to actually endure all of Valvrave first.

>> No.7588301

It was covered in Bandori, and since Reine is such a Bandorifag I suspect it's how she learned of it, rather than watching the anime it's from

>> No.7588427

I genuinely did not expect the cover to be this fucking good
Risu's voice, goddamn

>> No.7589370

The covers are fantastic, and so is that classy waifu outfit. Reine, Moona and (to a lesser extent) Risu are definitey SR pulls. I don't watch their content because they don't cater to my particular niche, but they've all got a notable presence in the vtubing fandom.

Anya still needs to work on her eigo accent, pronunciation and personality...or just become someone's sidekick. Iofi needs to find a niche she's passionate about that can be incorporated into her content, or she needs to leech and become someone's sidekick. Ollie can't be saved from herself.

>> No.7589515
Quoted by: >>7603518

B version supremacy. Reine is a great singer, but leave it to Risu to knock it out the park. Great pairing.

>> No.7589859
Quoted by: >>7589887 >>7628605

A small part of me is compelled to do so just so I can learn why it gets called valverape.

>> No.7589887
Quoted by: >>7628605

there's a rape scene

>> No.7593794


>> No.7599506

Subaru also has plumbing problems, these birds.

>> No.7601112
Quoted by: >>7601380

Anyone else excited for back to back VLR? I only hope chat isn't shit this time

>> No.7601380

>back to back VLR?
There's only 1 VLR stream this week though.
But yes I'm happy it's back. It's really nice spending so much time with reine on my Saturday mornings. The game is good too.

>> No.7603518
Quoted by: >>7603877

>Merekyats say B is better
>Risuners say A is better
Well, that's interesting.

>> No.7603877

Nana Mizuki's part is harder to sing than T. M. Revolution's part

>> No.7606088

THIS is /mep/ ? jfc

>> No.7606384
Quoted by: >>7606966

8 minute warning

>> No.7606966


>> No.7607672

>People saying "what" are not cultured. Say that to my face

>> No.7607801
File: 485 KB, 736x900, 1609463744937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am open to eating any kind of food as long as it's appealing enough

>> No.7607861

Having a barbeque every weekend for Reine!
I'm going to make it...

>> No.7608850
Quoted by: >>7609409

>Reine asked Risu
No surprises there.

>> No.7609194

is there any point in time that Reine isn't eating? I swear every stream is her eating brunch for the third time in the same day

>> No.7609368

her YABE last week she didn't eat anything

>> No.7609381

>random korean and taiwanese akasupas with no comment
Now these are chads, take note ARSniggers.

If she has time to stream, she has time to eat.

>> No.7609409

Yeah, Reine definitely put in the heavy work in making this

>> No.7609410
File: 556 KB, 485x822, 1615609795818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a hobbit, please understand.

>> No.7609438

kek, she snacks often but it's not always brunch. She likes this time slot, 9PM? and afternoon so I think it just works out for that.

>> No.7609471
Quoted by: >>7614451

YABE was the start for her to eat during stream, guess she has gathered courage to munch when she does get hungry.
Yet it doesnt sound like she eats a lot --- small portions at best

>> No.7609484
File: 1 KB, 119x31, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grey name saying what >we're all thinking

>> No.7609497

A > B

>> No.7609541

Puunyan is a she

>> No.7609584

Sudden collab

>> No.7609670

I was kinda hoping a wild squirrel would appear.

>> No.7609683

>ID stream w/ Risu

>> No.7609944
File: 676 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2021-08-07 12.55.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7609982

One-piece Reine....

>> No.7609982
File: 75 KB, 218x169, 1608891686749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7610056 >>7610181

>we almost got leotard Reine

>> No.7610056
File: 220 KB, 600x883, 1626994242839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7610181

We wouldn't be able to handle it

>> No.7610130

Soupaisen love!

>> No.7610181
Quoted by: >>7610224 >>7610297

Weak, If a Reine outfit doesn't have her navel esposed in some way it's not worth my time.

>> No.7610224

I like to imagine that the outfit on the right is a leotard with a mesh segment

>> No.7610297
File: 6 KB, 95x107, 1603570973878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7610361

Tummy is great, but so are love handles

>> No.7610361

The culture zone

>> No.7610546
Quoted by: >>7610574 >>7610608

Gate Open Start on Reine's Birthday

>> No.7610574
Quoted by: >>7610609

Good news, I wish people didn't force it out of her

>> No.7610590
File: 34 KB, 285x285, 1578609551623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you know there's a special place in hell for people who don't wait


>> No.7610608

I really thought that would have been obvious to everyone by now.

>> No.7610609
File: 13 KB, 352x57, 1618029511762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7610636 >>7610706

It was a member too. ARSniggers were a mistake.

>> No.7610611

Become Reine!

>> No.7610636


>> No.7610706

Into the depths of hell known as the fryer they go

>> No.7610882
Quoted by: >>7610964

Reine said fuck r/hololive memes

>> No.7610930
Quoted by: >>7610951

Based Reine, tierlist sucks

>> No.7610945

based and /here/pilled

>> No.7610951
File: 39 KB, 326x400, 1610519709763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7610964

She said fuck tier lists
Most memes are shit, but there's a special place in hell for tier lists

>> No.7610988
File: 2 KB, 112x51, 1598083957210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7611062

>Reine sees new animal
>Asks if it's edible

>> No.7611063
File: 8 KB, 392x47, j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7611094 >>7611160

>> No.7611094


Man I'd love to see more covers of 2hu Arranges. Reine made a joke about Marisa Stole the precious thing during the Gartic stream.

>> No.7611160
File: 108 KB, 357x420, DOKI DOKI WAKU WAKU [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1r5tyv.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Stack, bros.

>> No.7611431
Quoted by: >>7611506


>> No.7611506

I hope she has cute painted toes just like her fingers.

>> No.7611513

Reine driver's seating superchat and chat

>> No.7611535
Quoted by: >>7611750

I hope she has long toes like her fingers

>> No.7611541
File: 141 KB, 299x304, 1603426436392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7611750

>Reine's new outfit has exposed toes
>the nails are painted

>> No.7611605

Villain don't look

>> No.7611618
Quoted by: >>7611657

Holy shit Reine is on fire today.

>> No.7611626

I fucking love Reine and I might send her a whole bunch of paper

>> No.7611657

no, the letters are on fire

>> No.7611750

imagine listening to Kakumei Dualism in 2021. these two did a great job with covering a song that has fking TM Revolution

painted nails make a girl exponentially hotter AAAHHHH SEEEEEXXXX

>> No.7611789
Quoted by: >>7611838

Nobody called you out on that?

>> No.7611807

>More Chilla's art kusoge
let's fucking go

>> No.7611835
File: 360 KB, 372x500, 1599737334208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vulvarape was hilarious. I watched it with /a/ years ago.

>> No.7611838

I didn't bother to read it myself.
I'll receive the Kiara birthday merch like 2 months before Reine's birthday merch, I'd like a deskmat but I don't need two.

>> No.7611859
Quoted by: >>7611879 >>7612243

>Reine can read Korean
What the fuck?

>> No.7611879
File: 193 KB, 1280x720, 1586693168782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He underestimates Ingods

>> No.7611887

>Only know bad words
Did Nabi teach Reine?

>> No.7611909
File: 8 KB, 256x84, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7611949 >>7612043

>earlier sent another SC asking to hear Reine read his name
>sends this shortly after SC reading starts

>> No.7611949
Quoted by: >>7611988 >>7612027

this guy is weird, kinda reminds me of Zoobi (may he rest in peace)

>> No.7611988

I thought he was Zoobi on another account for a second but he's not verbose enough.

>> No.7612027
Quoted by: >>7612087 >>7612212

What happened to Zoobi again? The usual names are dropping off, and the only ones that stayed are the old guard from ID1 and the hyperinflation fag.

>> No.7612043

lol she skipped his first two SC's but read mep mep

>> No.7612087

Some weeks ago, he sent a SC that said "if you don't say the A word I will delete my account". Obviously, she didn't say it. He's been gone since then. I guess he was true to his word.

>> No.7612096
File: 49 KB, 458x314, 1626517933368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7612107 >>7612141

Everyone, GWS

>> No.7612097


>> No.7612107
File: 402 KB, 2505x1409, 1621105307339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse.

>> No.7612114
Quoted by: >>7612188

Man imagine being that dude and nuking your account over something that would happen in a collab like a week or so later.

>> No.7612141

I won't take my meds

>> No.7612154
Quoted by: >>7612175

Reine still hasn't gotten around to making her streamlabs visible?

>> No.7612175


>> No.7612178

the hell ru-rumao

>> No.7612188

It is pretty funny in retrospect. What a fitting ending for the guy, though. He will always remain a mystery to me.

>> No.7612207

>Reine setting boundaries again

>> No.7612212

>the hyperinflation fag
Do you mean ARSfags or /d/fag?

>> No.7612240


>> No.7612243

It's not very hard.
I learned it by keeping a notebook by my toilet and doing writing reps every time I took a shit for a week.
Same way I learned Hiragana and Katakana

>> No.7612255

Finally starting to show her aggressive side with adressing her regulars and LC as well--- awesome

>> No.7612262
Quoted by: >>7612685 >>7614451

Probably the /d/inflationfag that was in chat tonight

>> No.7612322

Kek good one

>> No.7612436

I feel like we're getting extra mileage on the Puunyan template because she's doing art for multiple MV's and that's good

>> No.7612513
File: 402 KB, 4096x1728, E8GwpUBUUAQQXK0.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7612596

Seeing the art for this song makes me think Reine (and Risu?) will be doing a big group cover for Aug 17

>> No.7612596
Quoted by: >>7612754

> Notices Reines outfit being more of a dress
guys, this is a preview for sure

>> No.7612685
Quoted by: >>7614451

I assume you mean Aria Lavinde? Man, the shit you find when you go through some of the Merakyat's twitters. I'm still recovering from that one.

>> No.7612754

If you mean a preview of her actual new L2D outfit, I don't think that's it. It's probably just an artwork, like for her covers.

>> No.7612830
File: 140 KB, 719x559, Inflation theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7613283


>> No.7612891
File: 20 KB, 490x380, 1617818735571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7613525

Delete this immediately.

>> No.7613283
File: 392 KB, 619x522, 7C12DA53-E3FB-4BF5-92FB-EC5F1E367A81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7613525 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 719x559, 1628322585261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7613946

Sorry, I fixed it.

>> No.7613946

Thank you for the spoiler

>> No.7614234
File: 291 KB, 1800x1600, 1628325355043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7614664


>> No.7614451
File: 16 KB, 193x32, sad day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched an old brunch stream of hers recently, and I remember she mentioned eating in small portions, but (very) often. I don't have the exact timestamp, but I think it was somewhen between 00:30:00 and 01:00:00, if you care.

>> No.7614664

Very cute

>> No.7614750
File: 161 KB, 2048x1553, C1FC2C34-C3C3-4657-B5FD-7C361F49317D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t expect this guy to draw such a lewd Reine. Bless you Pochi-mama for the swimsuit.

>> No.7615212

If there were a tier list for hololive with the largest lesbian audience, I bet Reine would be high on the list.

>> No.7615445

>vulva rape OP

>> No.7615484
Quoted by: >>7615697

What A word?

>> No.7615697

Ara ara

>> No.7615715

The ayunda voice changed though from her being tired into an annoying "ara ara" thing

>> No.7616651

Starting. Reine said she'll crash later.

>> No.7617522
Quoted by: >>7617536

Reine you /u/ is showing…

>> No.7617536
Quoted by: >>7617855

Was it in indonesian? I didn't pick it up.

>> No.7617855
Quoted by: >>7617926 >>7617968

Yeah, I don’t speak Indonesian either but I could tell she was being halu.

>> No.7617926

>I don’t speak Indonesian either but I could tell she was being halu
The irony

>> No.7617968

we know her too well...

>> No.7618104

Reine.. kindly GWS

>> No.7618554

If we don't take our meds I don't see why Reine should.

>> No.7618792


>> No.7618965
Quoted by: >>7619095

I feel like I should have skimmed through the last VOD again because I kinda forgot where exactly we left off.

>> No.7619095

recommended to look at the timestamps left in the comments,
helps getting back into the mindset of this game

>> No.7619431

Can't wait for the gray names to shit up chat.

>> No.7619467

>Reine retweeted it

>> No.7619792


>> No.7619839
File: 185 KB, 1181x1181, E7SPtWHUUAMCYyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already tell that this stream will be incredibly halu.

>> No.7620206
Quoted by: >>7620467

VLR is my oshi but your girl's pretty cute too.

>> No.7620467
File: 101 KB, 883x883, 1612326336285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon. She's the best!

>> No.7620510 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 768x511, 1628342683099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck why has Reine been ignoring me lately!?

>> No.7621132

>Reine leaning towards Clover to make it look like Clover is whispering into her ear
Cute dork

>> No.7621361
Quoted by: >>7621373 >>7621456


>> No.7621373


>> No.7621456
File: 2.17 MB, 1760x2800, 1626027395627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love how Clover just manages to get personal 4th wall breaking jabs at Reine

>> No.7621644

Love how Clovers end is always the most gorey, also love how its her first ending.

>> No.7621744

I'm actually surprised that the Neostigmine bit wasn't for Sigma's BP going -1

>> No.7621788


>> No.7621817

Reine fucking killed Dio holy shit

>> No.7621928


>> No.7622074

>Now Clover isn't the only cosplayer in this house

>> No.7622167
Quoted by: >>7622372

I hope Reine tries to wangy wangy Clovers suit after she completes the puzzle

>> No.7622206
Quoted by: >>7622245 >>7622259

>mashes through instructions
Reine pls

>> No.7622245

Every time.

>> No.7622259


>> No.7622372
Quoted by: >>7627824

someone needs to tell Reine that there's an official "click Clover's tiddies" game

>> No.7622463
File: 46 KB, 332x163, 1628231710880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based but also GWS.

>> No.7622468

Tho he said the truth, begging for fanarts in LC is pretty cringe

>> No.7622593

She can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.7622598

Should be using that to commission it instead of SC, but whatever, better for Reine

>> No.7622774

GWS Sigma

>> No.7622779

Based Sigma.

>> No.7622796
File: 291 KB, 1477x2048, 97D3DEE06B22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7622916

>Searching for thread on catalog
>Ctrl+F "mep", 0 results found
>Ctrl+F "kakumei", 0 results found

>> No.7622916
Quoted by: >>7623003

Just search "reine" that's what I always do.

>> No.7623003
Quoted by: >>7623344

>Thread can be found with the search
>It is not moved to the top with the filter

>> No.7623344
Quoted by: >>7623428

What's the filter to put it on top?

>> No.7623373

so why is Tenmyouji acting like he doesn't know exactly went down that day

>> No.7623412

because he is literally acting together with Zero

>> No.7623428
Quoted by: >>7623541

[Filters] button in the catalog

>> No.7623459

Why doesn't he recognize Phi and Kyle

>> No.7623517
Quoted by: >>7623551 >>7623716

after being spoiled on ZTD myself, it doesn't make sense that the recording of Diana spreading Rad-6 exists in a timeline where Junpei and Akane survive

>> No.7623541
File: 51 KB, 374x382, 1606306167845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7623592 >>7623731

I only know how to hide, I don't see how to highlight....

>> No.7623551
Quoted by: >>7623602

They only exist in that timeline because they alien Fax Machine themselves into that timeline - they did end up dying originally though

>> No.7623592
Quoted by: >>7624035

"Top" checkbox, anonchama

>> No.7623602
File: 56 KB, 1024x954, 1615237306327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fucking remind me about the AFM

>> No.7623604

Sigma needs to GWS already

>> No.7623692

>Clover would never seduce sigma
>proceeds to seduce sigma
Even funnier if you know the spoiler.

>> No.7623716

ZTD was such a disappointment that I wish I could erase my memories of playing it

>> No.7623731
Quoted by: >>7624035

Under Subject:

This would do it automatically if OP remembers to label it right. Or click the top checkbox once you see the thread like the other anon said

>> No.7623852

I liked Side A more

>> No.7624035
File: 68 KB, 263x405, 1612917735158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7624146

I tried to check it out before remembering this one has no subject....

I don't see it

>> No.7624146
File: 22 KB, 1214x253, Capture5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7624292


>> No.7624292
Quoted by: >>7624933

How do I do it on 4chanX?

>> No.7624933

In the settings (wrench in the top right) there's a filter tab. In there, click on 'Guide' and select one of the other options (I don't think it matters which one, but I did it with 'Subject' to be sure). Paste /mep/i;boards:vt;op:only;highlight; in the text field. This should work if OP remembers the subject next time

>> No.7625228

Oh boy here we go.

>> No.7625794
Quoted by: >>7625823

Man this bitch is retarded.
Don't care though I still enjoy her

>> No.7625823
File: 77 KB, 410x482, CUTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, that's the best part

>> No.7625980
Quoted by: >>7626061

i hope she doesnt do the shape puzzle

>> No.7626061

too late, send HELP

>> No.7626184
File: 17 KB, 317x96, 1606120246280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7626771

>schizo checks in after leaving for other chuubas
>"haha you're still dumb"
>fucks off again
Why are they like this

>> No.7626492

if she used it all the time it might ruin part of the charm

>> No.7626689
File: 173 KB, 1200x1028, 1610921162472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this mental image of baby Reine playing around with shapes and it's making this sequence a dozen times better.

>> No.7626771
Quoted by: >>7627116

I think Villain is genuinely autistic. Best thing to do is just ignore him, we don't want a Vtuber Chris chan.

>> No.7626805

Can't decide which is worse, this puzzle or its controls.

>> No.7626818

Don't give up Reine.

>> No.7626827

>getting motion sick from a puzzle

>> No.7627085


>> No.7627086


>> No.7627104


>> No.7627116

If you look at his Twitter you can see he's quite genuinely mentally ill

>> No.7627279
File: 44 KB, 322x156, 1626498100549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7627396

The termites are accessing the morphogenetic fields.

>> No.7627439

>Architect mention
>Hear Reine going though her chip bag

>> No.7627541


>> No.7627824

Uhh can someone tell me?

>> No.7627897

you need flash tho

>> No.7627941


>> No.7627980

They were really desperate to make the game sell in Japan. There's a video showing the minigame in the article.

>> No.7628073
Quoted by: >>7628776

I forgot but is the reason why they betrayed Sigma because they found the hologram?

>> No.7628074


>> No.7628120
Quoted by: >>7628154 >>7628200

Why is Tenmyouji much older looking than other person compared to Clover?

>> No.7628154
Quoted by: >>7628198

Based off of that question, you haven't played the game. The answer is spoiler stuff

>> No.7628198

I have not

>> No.7628200
Quoted by: >>7628260

The answer is spoilers, but honestly all the evidence to your answer has been presented by the point Reine's at

>> No.7628260

I've been listening (only) while working so I'm a little unspoiled while still enjoying Reine. Thanks for not spoiling it guys.

>> No.7628412


>> No.7628449

It's totally Chilla's art new game, isn't it? She even brought it up in her yabe stream.

>> No.7628467
File: 193 KB, 1400x1575, 1616228248301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7628536 >>7628539

Man I love her so much. I can't wait for the drawing stream tonight!

>> No.7628536
File: 117 KB, 810x1080, 1614957598298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, and same. I love her drawing streams, they're so comfy. I wonder who she's going to draw. Irys would be nice.

>> No.7628539

Is she still doing to pixel art? I kind of hope she does something different than what gen 4 did. Her drawings are really cute and map art of a doodle would be amazing

>> No.7628605

It was consensual rape

>> No.7628776


>> No.7629132
File: 98 KB, 750x735, 1601587302537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reine will never greet you home like this after a long day of work

>> No.7629369
File: 1.08 MB, 2867x1206, 1615531755068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7638493

Don't do this to me anon.

>> No.7633392

Why live

>> No.7633418
File: 441 KB, 1390x2048, 1601653146626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7633681

I want more duets from them

>> No.7637895
File: 171 KB, 293x297, 1618631883181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7638493

We don't do that here

>> No.7641126
File: 488 KB, 2386x2652, 1619547670168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7642103

I'm watching Ame play Minecraft and seeing the RFA hut made me think. No one has ever "officially" joined the RFA in either server have they?

>> No.7642103

I think the closest ones are Ina for building the hut and Mori for learning to fish with Reine. I don't think she invited either to join. Kiara has said she doesn't like fishing but I feel she'd like it. IRyS said she likes fishing and wants to do a chatting stream. And maybe I'm imagining Sora liking fishing

>> No.7647202
Quoted by: >>7647308

Stream reservation isn't up

>> No.7647308
File: 391 KB, 564x564, 1615242057893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7647430


>> No.7647430
File: 152 KB, 708x467, 1625022544312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine baby is probably dreaming about the membership stream right now then

>> No.7647687
Quoted by: >>7647718

She does seem to struggle streaming at this time outside of YABE. I think the last few times she tried this time slot it ended up getting pushed back a bit.

>> No.7647718

It probably wasn't a good idea to schedule a morning stream right after VLR, which tends to run late.

>> No.7647780
File: 64 KB, 970x545, 1628259298315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7647902

Sleep well Reine...
That feeling when you aren't there beside her

>> No.7647902

Stop bringing me down like that, I can't resist the spoilers.

>> No.7648095
Quoted by: >>7648181 >>7648223


>> No.7648181
File: 53 KB, 720x720, E6PSX54VIAEurnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7648223
Quoted by: >>7648727

What's the right hour then?
please don't be 3AM EDT

>> No.7648727

Please tell us soon so I can take a nap and not at like 2AM

>> No.7648939
Quoted by: >>7648966


>> No.7648966

Alright I'll try to get a quick nap in before it starts.

>> No.7649260

Small shift in schedule-- a blessing in disguise for me, got time enough to actually have some breakfast

15 more minutes before for her morning voice--- hope she doesnt feel bad about missing her own scheduled timeslot

>> No.7649442

It feels like it won't be in 10 minutes

>> No.7649502
Quoted by: >>7649658 >>7649873

Reine likes bandori right? Do you guys know who her favorite character is?

>> No.7649608

Pushed back 30 more minutes---

>> No.7649650

>I could have slept almost 2 more hours
T-Thanks, Reine

>> No.7649658
Quoted by: >>7649873

Got the feeling it was Aimoto Rinku ? -- but i can be wrong, been a while since she last had a Bandori moment

>> No.7649663
Quoted by: >>7649740 >>7649789

Hang in there NA bros

>> No.7649740
File: 23 KB, 128x128, 55DDE23A-21A8-4DCB-8D20-E064A225569F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m trying. It’s only half an hour difference, it’s not too bad.

>> No.7649789
File: 290 KB, 1000x1002, 1552705236653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EDT, staying strong.

>> No.7649873
Quoted by: >>7650297 >>7650486

I'm fairly sure she's a Yukinafag considering she was going nuts over trying to get a specific guaranteed 4 star Yukina in one of her bang dream streams, not to mention she has Roselia thumbnails as well for em. I think second would be Ran, but who knows. I'd probably have to dive into a ton of random zatsus to find a proper answer.
That's D4DJ...

>> No.7650297

Okay, thanks anon

>> No.7650486
Quoted by: >>7650611

I believe she also highlighted a Yukina figure in a room review. I can't remember, but I think she said something along the lines of, "Good taste."

>> No.7650611

I found it. Not necessarily saying, "Good Taste." but she was able to easily identify a Yukina figure in a low quality image.

>> No.7650616
File: 492 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2021-08-08 1.37.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7650749

Bahasa class in disguise

>> No.7650643
File: 30 KB, 228x170, 1594438198311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7650705

Jam Carrot

>> No.7650704
File: 88 KB, 1056x339, Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated to stream but how can someone be this fucking mentally ill. He should be locked away in a schizo ward.

>> No.7650705
Quoted by: >>7650728

I'd a carrot to jam into Pekor, but not now I'm busy watching my daughter

>> No.7650708
Quoted by: >>7650749

Reine basically explained colored time.

>> No.7650728

Pochi what the fuck?!

>> No.7650749
Quoted by: >>7650822

Sorry, I was late. What did she say?
It's a miracle he hasn't been banned yet. Is the place still uptight?

>> No.7650796
File: 1.19 MB, 2741x4093, 1615079452971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /mep/, not /schizo/
Stop talking about people that are not doing anything related to the stream
Also saying halu stuff like that is part of the server's culture, good try

>> No.7650822

She was just explaining the term they use when they stretch past the agreed time, like how she started at 12:30 instead of 12

>> No.7650861
File: 96 KB, 400x400, 1624904147652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7650908

Tell draxix that anon says hi.

>> No.7650908

Draxis and Bogaloo are here. Just post in the thread.

>> No.7650915

GWS af, he is not a MERAK take that away

>> No.7650919
File: 392 KB, 619x522, 139D74D5-5FD6-4013-80F0-38110B3F9065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7650947

>actual discordfaggotry in the thread
Jesus Christ, stay there if you like it so much.

>> No.7650947
File: 346 KB, 1000x773, 1606307989967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7651021 >>7651139

Not me. I got banned multiple times for arbitrary reasons. One of them is posting this.

>> No.7651021
Quoted by: >>7651051


>> No.7651051
Quoted by: >>7651069

Loosen up a little.

>> No.7651069
Quoted by: >>7651124

Grow up a lot

>> No.7651124

Those things are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.7651139
Quoted by: >>7651156 >>7651266

>Banning containment breachers

>> No.7651156
Quoted by: >>7651174 >>7651266

None of that indicates it's sourced from here, anon.

>> No.7651174
Quoted by: >>7651193 >>7651266


>> No.7651193
Quoted by: >>7651266

It's Miko singing therefore it's 4chan?

>> No.7651258
File: 370 KB, 615x900, ReineWhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like literally everyone isn't aware of /vt/ anyway. Doing this in the threads isn't necessary...

>> No.7651266
File: 502 KB, 1390x2048, 1623024718822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7651314

He must have got banned for the fact it's based on memri TV and the dick comment, their policy is to play always safe, especially yab topics and nsfw. Also stop talking about discord here

>> No.7651314

It IS very offensive in so many layers.

>> No.7651405
Quoted by: >>7651565

This is so comfy

>> No.7651565

I love seeing Reine draw, her drawings are so cute, and so is she.

>> No.7651812

Stoopid MC!

>> No.7651889
Quoted by: >>7651985

Is the HoloID teamup dead?

>> No.7651985
Quoted by: >>7652030

Seems like it, you can use KFP’s schedule instead, they’re always on point.

>> No.7652021
Quoted by: >>7652066

Reine's cat is a dumb and a bit of cunt.

>> No.7652030

Gotcha, thanks. I didn't know they covered HoloID.

>> No.7652066
Quoted by: >>7652072

>is a dumb and a bit of cunt.
So, just cat in general?

>> No.7652072

