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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76387917 No.76387917 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

WAR edition

Previously: >>75885058

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:




>survive the dead hours
>write and anchor some new lore
>drum up interest from new nations

>> No.76387963
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.

>> No.76389150
Quoted by: >>76392892

please tell me about the dodos

>> No.76390630


>> No.76392535
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>> No.76392892
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Quoted by: >>76393197

They're a flightless bird endemic to Lorelei island. They can't run very fast either, but the lack of land predators on the island has allowed the population to maintain itself despite the limited food sources. Most of their subsistence comes from breaking open the coconuts found of the rocks palms grown on the isle's cliffs; their hooked, stripped beak is surprisingly strong and tough, so that it can accomplish this task. If the coconuts are lacking, they will not shy away from preying on oysters, snails, mussels and other seafoods that may be found in the tidal pools of the stony beaches.
Since this is where most of their food is found, Dodos are seen more frequently on the coasts, but they are known to scale up the cliffs onto the island's plateaus by using their hooked beaks as a climbing implement. There, they may forage for the seeds of the meager vegetation, but mostly this is done to get away from predators encountered seaside, such as the snapping turtles, or to build nests farther inland.

>> No.76393197
Quoted by: >>76393963

besides snapping turtles, who else eats them?

>> No.76393963
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Quoted by: >>76394564

Some large raptor birds from the continent to the North may occasionally glide to the island, but this is a rarity, and a particularly distracted dodo wading through the shallows for some molluscs can sometimes have a sea bear crawl out of the water and sneak up them, but pinnipeds are far from stealthy on land, so this is uncommon as well. Eggs and nestlings are very vulnerable, and so some smaller flying birds may sneak into the nests and make a meal out of those, although the dodo parents tend to guard the nests carefully, so this mainly happens when both parents are drawn away from the brooding grounds for one reason or another.
Their main predator is obviously the human, which is a relatively recent development in natural terms, though the intermittent settlement of Lorelei by humans dates back to the lost eons of history. It's a testament to the self-control of Loreleians that the Dodo hasn't been hunted to extinction, or mayhaps it is evidence the settlers weren't in large enough numbers to extinguish the species.

>> No.76394564
Quoted by: >>76397495

What are some good dodo recipes?

>> No.76396225
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Uuuuu anchor
Reply here in case of bump emergencies

>> No.76397321
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>> No.76397495
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Despite its plump appearance, the dodo has a relatively lean meat, most of his bulk comes from his fluffy plumage. Once plucked, the dodo can best be compared to a stocky chicken with a particularly muscular neck, owing to their climbing activities. This neck meat is known to be the most succulent part of the bird; though it isn't the fattiest or most tender, it is very flavorful. Due to the leanness of the meat, dodo is most suited to high heat, short cooking methods, such as grilling and searing, to avoid drying out the flesh further. It can have a slight fishy aftertaste due to the seafood in its diet, so most preparations make heavy use of spices and herbs to cover it; a local species of thyme grows easily all over the island, and is seen most often, alongside the long pepper gathered in the grove found in the lower plateau.
Salt and dried algae are two other common ingredients. Some imported fruits are grown in the greenhouses of the settlement, so the more well-to-do residents usually accompany the meat with mango, tomato, or pepper-based salsas, to bring acidity and freshness to the potentially dry cuts. Quickly simmering the meat (deboned and thinly sliced against the grain) in the rock palm's coconut milk is also a popular method. Slices of dwarf onion, dried seaweed and some pods of pepper are usually added to the milk beforehand to infuse it with flavor, and the dodo slices are cooked in the preparation right before serving to avoid overcooking it.

>> No.76398172

>lean meant
so like a whole ass chicken breast then essentially
It actually sounds like it can be prepared very nicely. Maybe like a jerk chicken, perhaps even deep fried

>> No.76399496
Quoted by: >>76400390

Yeah, deep frying would work nicely to cook the meat uniformly but without going too far. Many families keep a jar of coconut cooking oil they reuse to preserve resources, this would be a good option for those who have enough of it.

>> No.76400390

Can confirm. The neck makes excellent stock for soups and stews.

Sauté and steaming are also excellent options. Dodo thighs sautéed with curry sauce and served on white rice is a delicacy. Searing is a great option for breasts due to how gamey the meat is. The meat is more like steak than chicken. That said the most meat on the dodo would be the legs and thighs.

>> No.76400926
Quoted by: >>76401118

So some more dodo lore. The imported chickens seem to get along with the dodos well. Though chickens tend to stick in the Caldera orchards due to abundance of fruits and seeds. Dodos don't really see chickens as a threat. However if we're not careful an over population of chickens can hurt the local ecology by eating all the limited grass. Also if dodos are hungry enough maybe they'll eat chicken eggs in a famine?

>> No.76401118
Quoted by: >>76409811

are the chickens just roaming free on the island?

>> No.76401565
Quoted by: >>76401946

Hey, sorry if this is weird question but is there a particular reason why you guys are doing worldbuilding on a planetary/nation wide scale vs. something on a smaller scale?

>> No.76401946
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Quoted by: >>76402259

None in particular, besides that it was the initial prompt. We've had people write a bunch about a single city, and I guess you could make an argument something like a diary is worldbuilding an individual lol. I guess most stuff gravitating toward the nation scale is just preference? Though there's a also a sentiment that you need to build a foundation to start building smaller stuff on, IE to make a school you need a city, to make a city you need a country etc. Not saying that is actually necessary, but I can see why people would want to do that.

>> No.76402259
Quoted by: >>76402517

>I guess most stuff gravitating toward the nation scale is just preference?
>but I can see why people would want to do that
To be honest, I was sorta interested in the previous iteration of this and that lack is foundation is exactly why I gave up on participating. I was wondering if that was a conscious tradeoff being made, or if it was decided by fiat or something.

>> No.76402517
Quoted by: >>76404726

The content has always just been whatever people felt like writing/making desu. What kind of foundation do you feel is lacking? On the country scale, or the world scale?
The previous iteration always had a bit of a push and pull between wanting to establish "facts of the world" to give writers something to work off from, and not wanting those established facts because they constrain what the writers can do. There's pros and cons either way I guess.

>> No.76404321
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>> No.76404605
Quoted by: >>76405299

im waiting for my thread to make a new one but it looks like we're taking a spot soon

>> No.76404726

>What kind of foundation do you feel is lacking?
The way I see it, as a newcomer into the thread, I have a lot of freedom in deciding things about my nascent thread nation. That's a lot of pressure, deciding things that may constrain (or at least influence) any future collaborators for that thread. You may argue that it's not supposed to be a set-in-stone decision that I make myself, but in practice, this thread doesn't have enough traffic for it to be anything but a unilateral decision. So either I make the foundation myself, or I write in a vague enough way as to not define the foundation. There isn't a lower stakes, lower effort way for me to participate, so I don't.

>> No.76405229
Quoted by: >>76407234

Just write, nigger

>> No.76405299
Quoted by: >>76407234

Yeah, the barrier to entry to participate has always been quite high. Do you think it would be better if there was the option to like, just ask /vtwbg/ to decide a bunch of stuff for the nation, and then you can start participating in a more comfortable way? I mean, that's always been an option but I guess it would be awkward for a newcomer to ask that out of nowhere. I think the lurking autists would be happy to help, though.

>> No.76405301
File: 348 KB, 500x500, 9g72ZKfWK_GB_9EPhZeziAs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76405557


>Last time they were headed to the big magic tree
>Night time occurs and they decide to take watch
>I roll stupidly high for encounters so I tell the guy about big footsteps
>He literally shrugs it off until he sees....the Risuner WOOLY MAMMOTH (my players do be having the autism and some of them
may or may not be actually retarded)
>Runs like a bitch and has half their food supply eaten
>They fall back to the big road and decide "LETS DO IT AGAIN AND GO BACK"
>They go fucking back the way they came, now scavenging for food along the way
>Night time again and encounter is super low so only a little scorpion
>Me trying not to laugh my fucking ass off when the sorcerer wastes an ice knife on a thing with only 1hp
>They keep going forward the same path until night time hits again
>Now they finally encounter native Risuners
>My ass goes to google translate and starts talking to them in Indonesian for shits and giggles
>They look at me like im a fucking alien while the staff who actually run this shit start laughing
>I finally convince them to use sign language/writing in the dirt to try to communicate
>Risuners basically tell them to fuck off
>They fuck off and go back down the path they made
>Now they decide to go RIGHT BACK THE SAME FUCKING PATH just trying to be stealthy

And thats it. Also Meeta is pure sex and I enjoyed cumming to her latest stream.

>> No.76405557

They do say third time's the charm. Gambare, adventurers.
>ice knife
this sorcerer is now a deadbeat in my headcanon

>> No.76406918
File: 77 KB, 443x280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think /awat/ might be taking this area since it looks like a gator head. Do I need to come up with L O R E now or later

>> No.76407186
File: 1000 KB, 800x534, 1703019826145838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76409187

holy kino, it really does. The island even kinda looks like an eye crying into the river below. something something crocodile tears Nah, there's no rush.

>> No.76407234

Idk the best thing to do. I would write more if things were more defined because I did try writing a short "day in the life of an average city dweller" bit and got frustrated because even for something as zoomed in and mundane as that, you end up thinking about things like technological level, job market, the status of immigration between nations and racial? tensions that might be present, level of chuuba/goddess interaction, the way the religion would be structured, important cultural symbolism, etc. It turned into something more shitposty and jokey than I intended.

>> No.76407449

Yea, you started small scale and got overwhelmed because there was nothing large scale written yet. Do the opposite.

>> No.76407938
Quoted by: >>76409046

Kek, yeah that's the rabbithole right there. That's why generic fantasy kitchensink settings are so popular in writing, it's extremely useful to just know your world follows a set of tropes that you know and that you know your audience knows as well. If you don't have something like that to fall back on, any tiny little thing or event can butterfly into an ever growing chain of "but why? how did it end up this way? why do they do things like that? is that how this would be done in those circumstances?"
That happens to me too, but honestly I kinda like it, though it's kind of a killer for actual productivity. If it frustrates you, I'll go the opposite way of the other anon and say you could try to answer the questions that come up, genuinely, but try to repress that urge to walk down the trail. If you answers end up coming across one another further down the line, worldbuild an explanation to the interaction. In writer terms, more a gardener than an architect approach. It might have its own issues, but it could end up leading to interesting stuff.
Or you could ask us for help/ideas with those underlying realities. We can probably come up with the main gist for all those things, and if we get anything wrong, that's your cue to make it correct.
also post the thing I wanna read it.

>> No.76409046

Don't expect much. I'm not confident in my writing and I halfway gave up.

>> No.76409187

I do wonder if I wanna make teammates more trible or modern. Have some sort of way showing they worship a singular being

>> No.76409459
Quoted by: >>76409721

I don't think it's so binary, you could have a technologically advanced society that is also zealously religious, those aspects are basically not on the same axis. You could even make technology itself somewhat religious, since it's a field related to the goddess, some kind of Adeptus Mechanicus idea.

>> No.76409721

if teamates don't have the technology to build a gloriously scuffed Watson railway then can they really call themselves teamates

>> No.76409797

Yes, yes they can

>> No.76409811

I think the orchard is fenced off. If it wasn't then the chickens wouldn't roam too far off the farm because there's no food. Farm animals are pretty good at roaming close to the farms because the pastures have more food than the wilderness. The frontiers got fenced in Amarica when sheep farmers were competing with cattle farmers to the point sheep destroyed grazing land in the late 1800's.

>> No.76409950
Quoted by: >>76413416

That was lovely. I really like the way the sunshower is being used, strong "show, don't tell" energy, and it's also visually evocative. And you allude to all sorts of interesting dynamics as a teamate in the cosmopolitan /hlgg/ without needing too much exposition, it's efficient storytelling.
>gluten free
kek'd. I think you should anchor it to the archive, unless you think it's particularly misrepresentative.

>> No.76410172
Quoted by: >>76410843

oh wait another teamate is here huh? Convient, since I was just getting around with finding a spot for /awat/

>> No.76410299
Quoted by: >>76410567

Did we have gas or coal powered underground railways before? I thought those would be a bad idea underground because of carbon monoxide poisoning. I know modern rails and trolleys are electric now.

This is an ass-pull but you can have gator pulled carts on rails over water tunnels. Rail tunnels don't have to be machine powered. They can be animal powered.

>> No.76410465

Even if they don't have the tech, they'll build it anyway, that's the Ameway.

>> No.76410567
Quoted by: >>76410832

>I thought those would be a bad idea underground because of carbon monoxide poisoning.
This isn't all that bad if you don't mind giving your workers chronic injuries and occasionally having them die, just gotta have a bit of airflow (see mines during the industrializtion).

>> No.76410832
Quoted by: >>76412841

But I was thinking of animals pulling carts. Railway tunnels are bigger than mine tunnels. So oxen pulling carts in the tunnels wouldn't be as risky as ponies in the mines.

>> No.76410843
Quoted by: >>76411316

Here's some of what /awat/ has said before about worldbuilding.

>> No.76411316

wow I actually vaguely remember reading this post, it's been 2 years huh

>> No.76412308


>> No.76412495

Beautiful. That must be the map they put on the wall in the /awat/ congress.

>> No.76412841

Right, those are definitely less prone to asphyxiating people, though it's always a risk.

>> No.76412955

Welcome new bro, ill be getting some sleep so try not to die you fucks. Cant wait for friday where I literally get to teach a college class full of people with worse autism then me about dnd. If someone finds out about this thread by me using /risu/ as a setting then I consider it a fucking victory

>> No.76413007

gnight and godspeed, DMman.

>> No.76413013

amazing work while I was gone, perfect for a flag

>> No.76413416

>I think you should anchor it to the archive, unless you think it's particularly misrepresentative.
Ehhh...I'll defer. Some of the stuff in there is just hackneyed jokes about thread stuff. The thing about being yelled at for wearing a kilt was originally this whole tangent about how he tried to explain that it's not actually a skirt and he's not actually a part of the infamous fringe religious denomination that does homoerotic rituals to try and summon Ame. aka gayposters

>> No.76413782


>> No.76413954
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kek, fair 'nuff. That sounds hilarious though, you should definitely work that in.

>> No.76414876

>try not to die
boards kind of fast still I think. Perhaps we could enlist the help of outside threads?

>> No.76415913


>> No.76416738
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>> No.76417361
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>> No.76417982
Quoted by: >>76418225

Good news to teamates. The flying bakery has various baked goods and breads that are 100% gluten free. We can even make Keto breads with the right ingredients. I hope you like buckwheat pancakes. I fucking love buckwheat pancakes. Buckwheat is gluten free.

>> No.76418225
Quoted by: >>76418554

perhaps teamates can out source the bread from there and then sell in their cafes

>> No.76418554
Quoted by: >>76418955

The flying bakery is just one airship. I think it'd be better to research farming buckwheat. I know buckwheat is an essential flour in Japan next to rice. Which the flying bakery also has rice and mochi goods as well.

>> No.76418955

oh I see
Not sure what the other anon could be thinking but corn should be an expert of ours for obvious reasons

>> No.76419215


>> No.76419579

I'd look into your climate first. Corn is only viable in the midwest US because we irrigate from the Ogallala Aquifer. Traditionally maize is a river crop. So if you have clean running rivers and good soil you should be able to grow maize easily.

Also you're going to need lime (the stone, not the fruit) to create a safe caustic solution to bleach maize into hominy. Hominy is then ground into corn meal which is how you make tortillas and corn bread. If you got some peppers there's a lot of South American dishes you can make with hominy like tamalles.

>> No.76419863
Quoted by: >>76420377

I'll keep this in mind when thinking of how the area is played out. The thought of tortillas is making me hungry myself

>> No.76420002
Quoted by: >>76420377

Corn was also grown up in the mountains by the incas, their trick was to use terrasses to create arable and irrigated soil even on the hills. So it's probably fairly flexible in where you grow it provided you give it enough water.

>> No.76420377
Quoted by: >>76420486

Corn is a very popular crop in Hokkaido.

>> No.76420486
Quoted by: >>76420677

Huh, really? I wonder when it was introduced. Fun fact, China imports something like 20 million tons of corn from the US per year, mostly to feed animals. They could probably grow corn over there, but I guess most of the farmland is occupied by other crops.

>> No.76420677
Quoted by: >>76420782

Corn was introduced in Japan in the 1600's by the Portugese.

>> No.76420782

I should have guessed, everything that gets introduced to Japan it was the god damn Portuguese, fuck. Tempura, guns and jesus wasn't enough, gotta bring corn in too.

>> No.76421184
Quoted by: >>76421682

doesn't help that south America has a decently high japanese immigration in Brazil

>> No.76421682
Quoted by: >>76421916

Huh, really? Like more than other places? Why Brazil, of all places?

>> No.76421831
File: 501 KB, 499x573, 1663128603481253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I ever mention that my dad is essentially a Portuguese supremacist and thinks that everything from Portugal is better than everything else. Man will go anywhere on vacation and never eat anywhere except their restaurants. Fun fact.

>> No.76421916

not exactly sure but they even have a city(?) or town that is basically little japan. Also think peru has a decent japanese ancestry

>> No.76421920

Sardines are pretty good, but I don't know that that's worth going supremacist over.

>> No.76422853

I honestly don't know what the Portuguese have made besides brazilians

>> No.76423380

Glad to see you guys still live. Tadaima ya

>> No.76423492

Uhh... Hmm... Shit, they haven't really gotten anything done, huh. They probably helped spread the pox in America a bunch.

>> No.76423627
Quoted by: >>76425135

half the shit i found on wikipedia listed as portuguese inventions was just shit that already existed in some form, but they DID invent the lobotomy, lmao.

>> No.76424591
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>> No.76425135

>invented lobotomy
this doesn't seem surprising

>> No.76425782
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>> No.76426637

you will live

>> No.76427507

is there usually someone here at night by the way
I usually sleep at like 4 am which is now

>> No.76427523


>> No.76427870
Quoted by: >>76428278

There isn't fairly often, unfortunately. Not a lot of asians in here.

>> No.76428278

well lets hope the thread survives

>> No.76428811

I will retire as well

>> No.76429567

So how wealthy are Loreli's archive contributors? Assuming they're not criminals stealing national secrets and treasures.

Also please save me from insomnia.

>> No.76430571
Quoted by: >>76430658

Finna kwab?

>> No.76430658
Quoted by: >>76431470

Kwab this!
*unzips dick*

>> No.76431454
Quoted by: >>76440628

That probably is afternoon where I am. Yes I come from that region everyone likes to blame.

>> No.76431470

That's not how we do it in the business, brother

>> No.76432389

Not yet

>> No.76434538
File: 6 KB, 320x180, triach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a bump

>> No.76435612

Take another bump

>> No.76436541
File: 209 KB, 968x846, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/freak/ here. Here's our claim on the map! we pick thiss region because it's the closest topography to /meat/ on the old map. >>76429872

>> No.76436789
File: 5 KB, 106x70, map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bordered area supposed to be the territory of /vtai/ and /wAIfu/?

>> No.76437309
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Quoted by: >>76451249


>> No.76438105
Quoted by: >>76439448

someone did make a territory map last thread I believe. Could check that

>> No.76439448
Quoted by: >>76443940

Thought the interactive map would have that info. Alright, I'll check it out

>> No.76440628


>> No.76440960


>> No.76441779

Good morning everyone, lots of claims flying around, that's nice.

>> No.76443050


>> No.76443940
File: 10 KB, 289x154, 1696586154786569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76450312

The color setting of the interactive map gets that kind of info across I think, or at least that's the intention.

>> No.76444880
File: 232 KB, 862x815, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76445165

I do wonder how I can make this more presentable as a flag of some sort

>> No.76445165
Quoted by: >>76446140

Desu, trace over it in vector software (or just with clean linework), highlight the head of the gator somehow, and slap that in the middle of a flag mexico style, baby you got a stew going.

>> No.76446013
File: 178 KB, 220x107, 1710408659117985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76446140
Quoted by: >>76447841

I do want to keep the sovl of the mspaint pixels
it just fits you know

>> No.76446992
Quoted by: >>76447854

Are the dodos being kept as normal wild birds or do they get raised to keep a stable population but also for food

>> No.76447747
File: 1.56 MB, 4456x2894, 1704846523792320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76447841

True, maybe you can take the pixel linework and process it a bit to make a symbol out of it then.

>> No.76447854

Majority of dodos are wild but currently there's a domestication project going by Library-chan longer than the island was re-settled. Nobody knows how old Library-chan is despite her looking like an 18 year old Homura.

>> No.76448723


>> No.76449640

Oh, that's good info, I was envisioning Library-chan as being in her thirties.

>> No.76450312
File: 1.35 MB, 2480x3508, 1672887878310771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Viti, Anon! I'll throw this up on the interactive map when I get the chance. Just keep in mind that /pink/'s claimed that little top section on the left. Might be some interesting history or conflict to write about there. I'll be looking forward to reading more about life in /awat/!
And now /freak/ has returned! We are truly back. It's good to see you guys here once again. Hopefully getting lore from some new nations will help inject some life back into this thread.
Yep, it might be a bit easier to see on the color map like >>76443940 said, but the AI duo is on both parts of that strait.

>> No.76450529
Quoted by: >>76451205

Summer is close so I may have more time to write!

>> No.76451205
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>> No.76451249

Good to see you once more...

>> No.76451353
Quoted by: >>76457982

I'm not sure how good I can write but I know at least another teamate is here to throw ideas at the wall if he wants to help develop /awat/
I'm wondering right now if we want to make the teamates land similar to peru's so we can have the corn fields Ame likes to use corn as a replacement for porn sometimes

>> No.76452875
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>> No.76453355
Quoted by: >>76453620

Reminder to fluff breadogs before using them as pillows for naps.

>> No.76453620
Quoted by: >>76455531

are bread dogs edible

>> No.76454740


>> No.76455531
Quoted by: >>76455675

Yeah, the bread part actually regrows around a frame part, so they're perfect for snacking on.

>> No.76455675

do the bread dogs not feel anything? Are there bread dog specific recipes or just normal bread things?

>> No.76456022

I hope the bread is kinda like their nails and doesn't have nerves, otherwise that would really suck for them...

>> No.76456352
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ill say it again. If me teaching d&d to college kids with the tism somehow gets one of them to discover this thread, then thats a win to me

>> No.76457402

They do, but during harvesting the programs that simulate pain for them get deactivated. They also quite enjoy the whole process

>> No.76457982
File: 152 KB, 798x590, awat biome map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good to me. Looking at the biome map, /awat/ seems to be mostly forest, with patches of wetlands along the western and northern border. I think it was mentioned that /awat/ is close to the equator, so it makes sense for those areas to be alligator infested, right? Also a quick labelled map because I'm color blind or something and I got tired of squinting trying to distinguish between different greens.

>> No.76458308

ah I see. The land is high in moisture meaning its probably humid most of the time I hate humid weather personally but it does fit for the teamates

>> No.76458391

Yeah, the wetlands especially are prime gator areas.

>> No.76458581
Quoted by: >>76458755

Actually, you'd be at about the same longitude as the Sahara, so those biomes make little sense but eh whatever, enjoy your swamps

>> No.76458755
Quoted by: >>76458884

Longitude doesn't really determine anything about climate, latitude is what's a factor (alongside nearby oceans and their currents and other things).

>> No.76458884
Quoted by: >>76458967

Gomen gomen, I guess I'll waste my weekly retard pass on this

>> No.76458967

Dw, there are infinite retard passes here, nothing wrong with learning something.

>> No.76458990
File: 157 KB, 769x430, 1672732614269055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we have swamps or deserts I'm so confused

>> No.76459055
Quoted by: >>76459691

Irl that latitude mostly has deserts, but if you want swamps, you have swamps
We'll just magic it away

>> No.76459691

It's more analogous to florida than the Sahara, because that's around its latitude, and since Viti spins in the opposite direction the ocean currents bring moisture to the west coasts of the continents instead of the east coasts in the North hemisphere.
Maybe it should mention somewhere that the planet spins the other way, besides being shown by the biome map.

>> No.76460925
Quoted by: >>76461450

Do you like Mardi Gras? You're like Louisianna and Florida like other anons say. You'll have to farm further away from the wetlands. However you're also in prime fishing and hunting territory. Swamps and wetlands are also great natural defenses.

>> No.76461450

I see. I would have to look into multiple ecosystems then to get the best one for the gators

>> No.76462492
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>> No.76464094


>> No.76465102
Quoted by: >>76465540

Good evening. Today's menu is beef and barley stew with corn bread.

>> No.76465540
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Quoted by: >>76467568

Just some cornbread please, thanks

>> No.76465699
File: 196 KB, 480x480, 1693321177742944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76466481

Welcome! We live south of you!

>> No.76466481
Quoted by: >>76466775

/vrex/ or /vnug/?

>> No.76466775
Quoted by: >>76466845


>> No.76466845

whats /vnug/ exactly?

>> No.76467332

A dead thread

>> No.76467568

I do have bean soup as a vegan option. For low carb I just have deli lettuce wraps.

>> No.76468790

General for VNU, the nominally korean (but basically mostly EN) small corpo. They've got some nice talent, cozy vibes.

>> No.76469121
File: 203 KB, 480x480, 1703532783166585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote some lore about us!

>> No.76469843
Quoted by: >>76470030

Im pretty sure Ive mentioned it before, but I feel like I need to say it again.
That formatting is Crisp, nice job nugget anon

>> No.76470030
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>> No.76471568

I'll check it out soon enough

>> No.76473829
Quoted by: >>76474880

oh there is a lot here
it also sounds like this place is a sauna

>> No.76474880
File: 3.53 MB, 2272x1704, 1700308642034677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a nice place!

>> No.76476479
File: 795 KB, 2894x4093, GEl-YkNasAAMCDe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76477942

>> No.76477942
Quoted by: >>76478686

This Ollie looks unusually bouncy...

>> No.76478686

must be your imagination

>> No.76480458
Quoted by: >>76481557

I'm thinking there might be some blood-drinking finches on the deserted rocky islands around Loreli. Or at least in the ravine between continents.

>> No.76481557

>look it up
are they fucking with the dodos

>> No.76481917
Quoted by: >>76483417

Well, if their blood-drinking habits are similar to those of vampire bats, the good news is that their interactions with the dodos are probably more parasitic than predatory, I think the dodos are big enough to not get sucked dry.
They'll probably be the primary vector for /vt/ AIDS though.

>> No.76482287

There's fresh water on the island thanks to the reservoirs built around the Caldera of the mountain to prevent the library ruins from flooding. I don't think finches would resort to drinking blood even if the water's a bit sandy and rusty.

>> No.76483417
File: 307 KB, 2048x1365, 08TB-VAMPIREBIRD1-superJumbo-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how so
wait what does the water have to do with it

>> No.76483713
Quoted by: >>76484779

>blood-drinking finches
>I don't think finches would resort to drinking blood

>> No.76483734

>how so
Blood suckers of all sorts tend to be involved with spreading diseases around, mainly because they tend to lack the good sense to disinfect their suckers before going off and sucking off someone else. That's why moskito's have the top human kill count, if they feed on one person with a blood-transmissible disease, everyone they suck on for a while after might get infected. Same goes for vampire bats, and I imagine blood-sucking finches.

>> No.76484779
Quoted by: >>76500358

I'm just trying to think of an evolutionary reason for blood drinking finches on Loreli. Perhaps they're an invasive species from other islands. And if you see them then kill them and burn the finch in a hot fire.

Vampire bats are notorious for spreading rabies in Mexico and Texas. Speaking of diseases blood sucking finches would absolutely go after the imported chickens and spread diseases from them to dodos and other birds.

>> No.76484786
Quoted by: >>76485663

but would it be aids or just general disease that cause infections? I guess I would just need to look up how mosquitos kill humans

>> No.76485663

I think AIDS, more specifically HIV, was chosen because HIV spreads through blood contact. Which is why it spreads faster in homosexuals because rectums bleed after anal sex.

>> No.76486564
File: 343 KB, 4096x2048, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/awat/ and /freak/ added to the interactive map.

>> No.76486590
Quoted by: >>76487702

I had a dream about Fauna holding a tame rock dodo in her lap once. The dodo's name is Playboy. And he likes to meet human women on the island. He's got a lovely pink peach stripe on the side of his beak and lots of fluffy roan feathers.

>> No.76487702
Quoted by: >>76489504

does it act like a peacock? Does it do anything for human women to get it noticed

>> No.76488660


>> No.76488678
File: 590 KB, 1024x1024, 1708556981095488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76489017

Some deep Joltjunkie/Ohmie lore got dropped today, turns out we're blue and we have horns. Good thing that got revealed before I got too deep into morphology. The maid stream a few days back also represented us a little bunny guys, so I think I'll go for a hybrid of both concepts.

>> No.76489017
Quoted by: >>76489171

so are you guys fat fucks

>> No.76489171
File: 286 KB, 665x424, 1701058795865222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76490283

I think the emote is meant to be just the head of a greater whole, but I'm not sure... Our rabbit form is pretty stocky, though, so maybe we are another fat fuck for the fat fuck pantheon.

>> No.76489504

I think Playboy is Librarian-chan's pet. Anyway it was just a dream. The only dodos that interact with humans would be pets. Most dodos tend to stay away from civilization.

>> No.76490283

marketable plush lookin ass

>> No.76490560
Quoted by: >>76490684

Yoooo is /meat/ back?!

>> No.76490684

they never left
waiting on the watching hoomans now

>> No.76490964

I wonder how much Sanallite lore I can re-use. The government I think will just be military heirarchy. Speaking of that I guess I should figure out Baker-chan's position and rank.

>> No.76491803
Quoted by: >>76492155

tell me about the lore

>> No.76492155

New world. New history. New colony. I just need to write a draft and catbox it. Don't feel like formatting a rentry right now.

>> No.76493144
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>> No.76493707
File: 1.34 MB, 2012x1136, 1696353423582118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76493774

Lot of Ollie love recently.

>> No.76494626

Sanalite be lore be like
>argues between each other for no reason and then fucks off

>> No.76494644

quintessential aussie lore desu

>> No.76494807

Just like the good old days.

>> No.76495421
File: 651 KB, 2304x4096, GNYgGuua0AA_Hlc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need more

>> No.76495695
Quoted by: >>76496060

>A young woman has recently been revived.
>She suffered a horrible murder by having her arms and legs cut off.
>Then she was raped just before she was decapitated.
>Now thanks to the magic her body has been mostly restored.
>Her head, arms, and legs are still bound to her by stitches.
>Currently she lives as a nun praying for Ollie who's given her new life once more.
>Without her faith in Ollie she would return to death and her body would rot into dust.
>She still doesn't know what happened to her murderer.
>Perhaps when he dies he will find new life in Ollie's as she did.

Anyway bedtime.

>> No.76496060
Quoted by: >>76496330

thank you goddess Ollie for your blessings

>> No.76496330

>tfw no zombie gf who can detach her arms, legs, and head.

>> No.76496560

I too will sleep
lets survive the night

>> No.76497470
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>> No.76498106
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>> No.76498788

Not enough

>> No.76498986
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>> No.76499558
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>> No.76500358

>And if you see them then kill them and burn the finch in a hot fire.
What in the fuck is wrong with you?
