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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 78 KB, 922x768, GOJNYuhWkAAzHb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76397071 No.76397071 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>76380734

>> No.76397231

This thread will be better

>> No.76397249
File: 1.46 MB, 836x885, shondoggger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the bread

>> No.76397255

>wifey gets oneguy’d yet again
i love my silly wife
fuck anti’s go shit urselves

>> No.76397306
Quoted by: >>76397415

can shondo show her full uncensored feet now since she showed her nipple

>> No.76397305
File: 575 KB, 705x636, image_2024-05-22_200204848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76397536

>> No.76397347
Quoted by: >>76397660

>baking immediately after that shitshow
nice anti thread

>> No.76397403
Quoted by: >>76398959

I thought you were one of the good one stan
>narcissistic femoid in replies

>> No.76397415
File: 1.61 MB, 1572x865, HMMMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can only goon so much!

>> No.76397437

I hope she is having a good night, I care about her alot!

>> No.76397443
File: 446 KB, 511x549, 1684203671521123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my fute bagel

>> No.76397536
File: 18 KB, 112x112, syadouBrainless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me dum wife, simple as

>> No.76397586

just go all out

>> No.76397592

making her feel awkward is a shitty thing to do, but acting like its a sin to think she’s sexy is retarded
purityfags should hang

>> No.76397660

Every thread since she took a break is an anti thread. Reminder that true shoggas voted against making new threads.

>> No.76397701

based on the upscale, the pink mark looks like a scab she recently picked off. prob a cunny pic then

>> No.76398116

good op, I came here to procrastinate but instead Im gonna keep hustling to make wifey proud

>> No.76398447
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is the cutest most precious woman in the world! i love her so much! i want the world for her!!!! and i will get it for her because i love her so much!!!!! she is the best!!!! i will be there for her forever!!! i love you shondo!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.76398591


>> No.76398606
File: 748 KB, 899x899, GFtfmuVXsAAjW_L (1)(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I got to see my wife's lovely and poorly oxygenated skin.
I will now leave until the next shitstorm. As always I will be praying that many of you drop dead.

>> No.76398758

imagine her soft, pale skin coated with my spunk

>> No.76398794

im not imagining your spunk, Lurk.

>> No.76398870
Quoted by: >>76399136

just finished gooning to the chest pic. how is it going, shoggas?

>> No.76398959
Quoted by: >>76399397

>don't want to be sexualised
this is the guy calling you a coomer whenever you think anything erotic about the girl who makes moaning noises on stream and is a huge femcoomer

>> No.76399136

How was Otis? Helped the experience no doubt?

>> No.76399187
Quoted by: >>76399302

used him as a cumrag

>> No.76399270
Quoted by: >>76399410

if you look at the picture upside down otis looks like a

>> No.76399302

sphinx? more like spunx

>> No.76399353
Quoted by: >>76399583

if you're gonna call people out just name names
simple as

>> No.76399397

is this bait?

>> No.76399410
File: 64 KB, 326x339, 1716226787758315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a what?

>> No.76399435
Quoted by: >>76399459

Looks like a clip-watcher

>> No.76399459


>> No.76399465

doesn't help that she has a little bruise that looks like a blurry bellybutton

this song but replace "friends" with "wife"

>> No.76399481

I'll happily say that luvart liked every single one of the Pippacuck's tweets about how "negging" her is good, including his repost of the pic.

>> No.76399532
File: 2.96 MB, 501x591, 1686059234058215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76399541

no clue who that is
stop stalking men, faggot

>> No.76399546

literally who'mst

>> No.76399567 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 704x467, shonderwowowepstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i missed 3 of them, but i like making you mad.

>> No.76399583

I think that WYATT-copycat NIGGER is a NIGGER

>> No.76399609

stop posting about yourself

>> No.76399636

Woah she's glitching out! Must be listening to some EDM at da klub!

>> No.76399638

I like fallen shadow! I like her a whole lot! I hope she doesn't overthink what happened today! I'm looking forward to her streaming again!

>> No.76399662
Quoted by: >>76399920

I like this. If you made it, please do it for the other chibi gifs.

>> No.76399718


>> No.76399802
Quoted by: >>76399891

that's a funny picture anon thanks for sharing it

>> No.76399850
Quoted by: >>76399987


>> No.76399891
File: 109 KB, 752x468, pipper323233242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made it myself!
feel free to use

>> No.76399896

not clickin ur ip grabber shogger

>> No.76399919
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knowers know ;)

>> No.76399920
File: 1.12 MB, 426x498, 1710641722655954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76399987


>> No.76400002

i know that i love fallenshadow

>> No.76400093

>last seen on otis's birthday

>> No.76400188
Quoted by: >>76400451

just because you want to pretend it didnt happen doesnt mean that people who mention it are baiting you
shondo has on many occasions over multiple years sexualised herself, unprompted

>> No.76400221
File: 337 KB, 848x480, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spare me!

>> No.76400250
File: 24 KB, 112x112, syadouSob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before she was even 18

>> No.76400451
Quoted by: >>76400711

and this has what to do with the post?

>> No.76400479

>shadowmama hears her daughter making porn
>goes ahead and makes an OF account for her just in case
what a sweet mum

>> No.76400711
Quoted by: >>76401013

context reps eslchama?
>grrr dont sexualise the girl she doesnt like it
>um she sexualises herself
>is this le bait???
>she has done it repeatedly
>what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.76400960
File: 466 KB, 2865x2118, 1670910099916794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im glad the tourist got all of that out of there system

>> No.76400998


>> No.76401013

Her liking to sexualize herself sometimes doesn't imply that she likes being sexualized by you any time you want.

>> No.76401042
File: 15 KB, 112x112, smugshon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76401609

Chill out Retro, no need to come in /here/ guns blazing.

>> No.76401703
Quoted by: >>76402464

>Post flesh picture of your chest on twitter
>This is somehow not going to invite people to sexpest you
syadouClueless from her and syadouClueless from shoggers

>> No.76401938
Quoted by: >>76402307

Tough shit. Shondo doesn't control how 90% of people perceive her actions.

>> No.76402120
Quoted by: >>76402686

As William Blake said, nudity brings us closer to God as that was His intended condition for man, only the original sin caused the way people look at bodies today. Wife is simply trying to become closer to God and it's not a sexual thing.

>> No.76402307

why can't women just get used to being sexualized? they freely admit to seeing hot guys walking around and immediately start wondering if he might have the Perfect Dick™ for them and picturing themselves sucking it or getting fucked by it. isn't it flattering to know people want to fuck you, even ugly ones? surely that top 10% of men that 90% of women would prefer to share rather than have sole possession of a sub-90th percentile man don't freak out when they realize their gap-toothed methhead crazy cat lady neighbor wants to suck their dick. i mean it might not be exciting but it surely wouldn't be offensive. women are retarded. they're 'just like men', 'just a regular person', 'just want to be equal' until it's inconvenient and then suddenly they require special protections and considerations from the evil men who are sexually attracted to them without their consent

>> No.76402315

cocky want boing boing :)

>> No.76402464

I'm just being honest, Im not going to pretend to be neutered, she should know better at this point (she does).

>> No.76402471

i know you just added a month but feel free to add another to the hiatus, syonsyon. i'll be waiting for you

>> No.76402561
Quoted by: >>76402738

The hell is wrong shondo? Is it a job requirement for internet personalities to be completely psychotic? I don't get it

>> No.76402562

Can we rename the general to /taa/ tourists and antis?

>> No.76402587
Quoted by: >>76403276

derek the responses
pick the 5 worst and 5 best

>> No.76402601
File: 15 KB, 305x319, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically
captcha: 2 months great

>> No.76402686
File: 2.87 MB, 640x456, angel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76408392


>> No.76402738

Being a woman is a crippling condition m8

>> No.76402742

TL;DR women are selfish narcissistic sluts and Shondo's no exception. She wants to metaphorically wank off to how sexy she is but no one else can do it except maybe on a Wednesday if the stars align and you have the right astrological sign. Then and only then she might bestow upon you the privilege of sexualizing her.

>> No.76402882
Quoted by: >>76403030

she should take as long as she needs! I want her to be happy and ready when she returns!

>> No.76403030

She's already taking longer than she needs so she might as well take the year off.

>> No.76403276
Quoted by: >>76403476

I knew better than to reply to any of that.

>> No.76403322
File: 876 KB, 800x1440, 1687826074250127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no way shes not back to streaming levels yet
shes just using this time to get some of her work backlog knocked out

>> No.76403394
Quoted by: >>76404669

She actually started streaming again but kept it a secret from everyone /here/ because you all shit yourselves. Hirosaijo thought she was being a little mean so she decided to give a test on twitter today. Surprise, you all failed.

>> No.76403399

I will not bait post this thread

>> No.76403476


>> No.76403514

shondo will shut off for days in order to guilt trip everyone that had the slightest amount of sexual thoughts towards the chest pic, it's over

>> No.76403604
Quoted by: >>76404023

yeah, the odds of her having a brainworm the size of a graboid right now are 100%. we're all such degenerates for getting excited at a peek of upper chest flesh. we should be ashamed of our naughty penises

>> No.76403609

i am not feeling guilty over silently lusting after my gorgeous and beautiful wife

>> No.76403668

Shondo likely closed twitter thinking oopsie, made the weirdos pop out again. Oughta delete it
And she won't even remember by tomorrow

>> No.76403739

do you think Shondo secretly hates Saali for bringing so many horny NPCs to her community

>> No.76403792
Quoted by: >>76404023

The problem is that she got one guy'd so that means the rest of us have to suffer and not hear from her.

>> No.76403800

I hope she tweets a goodnight after all that

>> No.76403853

and that's fine

>> No.76403908

she said she was done with twitter for the day and now it's almost 2 am so it's tomorrow and she should fleshpost her tummy

>> No.76403926

I'm pretty happy knowing that she's happy enough to be a silly goose again, so I'm fine with her not tweeting for a while. A lot of you don't deserve it anyway.

>> No.76403959

Today was literally proof that she isn't back to streaming levels yet. Do you not twitter?

>> No.76404007

>posting chest and getting sexpested is streaming

>> No.76404023
Quoted by: >>76404240

you don't know your wife, dewd
at least i hope you don't if you say that

>> No.76404104

I hope she meant she was done with twitter forever so I stop having a reasoning to use my account. That site sucks, she should just talk to people in offchat or one of the protected discord channels

>> No.76404153

>le wholesome vtuber
>every time Shondo's in a good mood she fleshposts
reminder that if Shondo wouldn't have been a weeb she would've most likely tried to escape her waitress job by selling nudes like Shadowmama initially suspected

>> No.76404188

The good ending...

>> No.76404207
Quoted by: >>76404407

coomer brainrot

>> No.76404236

Yeah, she can't help being a stripper.

>> No.76404240

i dont think that at all you dingus. shes fine and likely just spent time under her desk

>> No.76404281
Quoted by: >>76404531

i figured it was you since you complained about her punishing all of us during the DoA stream

>> No.76404323
Quoted by: >>76405951

can confirm, i was using her computer and had my pants down. she couldn't help but suck my flaccid cock like a pacifier.
she'll be right as rain soon, dont worry guys

>> No.76404335

>so gay he does dewd reps

>> No.76404367
Quoted by: >>76404424

her voice feeds my imagination better than any form of flesh could do.

>> No.76404382
Quoted by: >>76404424

does someone have the shadowchama backrooms vod?

>> No.76404407

She's a woman and every woman's first instinct when anything happens is to take their clothes off. They do it in protest, they do it when they're happy. Sluttiness in their DNA.

>> No.76404423

>reading chat is gay
technically you're right

>> No.76404424

yes, dm orange

>> No.76404531


>> No.76404542

coomer brainrot drivel, didn't read

>> No.76404669


>> No.76404745

i have sexual thoughts about her every day and i am not ashamed of that
i also have nonsexual thoughts about her many more times than that, probably on the order of atleast 60:1 theyre very nise thoughts

>> No.76404756

shondo has that hoe ultra instinct lmao

>> No.76404764

its really grim when a post by a "brainrotted coomer" as you cry is completely right
really says a lot about her and your copium

>> No.76404783

am i the only one who thinks the concert pics are hotter?

>> No.76404825

With the overwhelming flood of only fans whores is it really incorrect to say women resort to it for money? Like cmon

>> No.76404833

she is the best sidehoe after all

>> No.76404919

Same, I'm retarded so I could hardly tell what I was looking at with the pic earlier. Obviously shondo but the angle and where? Couldn't have figured it out.

>> No.76404920

coomer dick rider, don't rly care

>> No.76404947

If she was 10% less schizo she would've sucked dick for money.

>> No.76405009

Shondo isnt my oshi but she's the first one I'd fuck

>> No.76405087


>> No.76405100
Quoted by: >>76405369

How do I get to this timeline

>> No.76405118
Quoted by: >>76405379

no they definitely are
any image/video of her hands > feet pic > concert pics > a bunch of items where the age is questionable > this
I understand Shondo withdrawal driving people crazy, but this pic turning them into Shondopilled commenters was unexpected and a little sad

>> No.76405369
Quoted by: >>76405801

Anime and manga suggests walking out in front of a moving truck might help you shift to the other timeline.

>> No.76405379
Quoted by: >>76405744

You don't get to dictate what I find hot, Shondo. Don't make me masturbate to all your tweets cuz I will do it.

>> No.76405533

>le wholesome vtuber
purityfags need to be gassed

>> No.76405625
Quoted by: >>76406090

anti-kun you're starting to slack and you give me nothing funny to read lately. i think we should start seeing other people...

>> No.76405744
Quoted by: >>76405996

nobody will ever confirm that you came so who cares

>> No.76405801

Alright, wish me luck. I'll let you know if it gets me a shondo blowjob.

>> No.76405811
Quoted by: >>76405950

>horny NPCs
Thats not a nice way to talk about White Ribbons

>> No.76405950

What is this dogshit narrative lmao

>> No.76405951

>she couldn't help but suck my flaccid cock like a pacifier

>> No.76405966


>> No.76405996
Quoted by: >>76406212

Do you want me to email you cum tributes?

>> No.76406019
Quoted by: >>76407111

Yesterday literally an hour after her last tweet I thought “its been so long since she’s tweeted. i miss her” so seeing today’s tweet of her being goofy with Otis was nise. I just wish there had been a little more.
I would genuinely like an alt thats not as well known as ggs, something just for husbands.
>durr no knew alts hurr
The problem with those was they were completely secret and you either had to stalk through twitter to find it or hope it got leaked early, neither of which would be necessary for husbands.

>> No.76406090
Quoted by: >>76406206

Please don't leave me, I can improve! I can be the only anti you'll ever need.
Look, shondo should be pandering to coomers its all she's good for. See? I can make original content

>> No.76406206
File: 11 KB, 640x639, 1713855974917975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76406212

I don't rly care what you do. I don't rly even have a reason to think you're a real person. go nuts

>> No.76406449


>> No.76406534

i really didn’t notice how many fags and troons are regulars of her. i do a little dereking (as a treat) and its here a fag, there a troon. i guess thats good as its less people to worry about upsetting when I win

lord this lil semen demon needs to be stopped

>> No.76406613

>i do a little dereking (as a treat)
gayest post of the week, congrats

>> No.76406665

Without question. Chat was not nearly at the levels of degen horny back then as they are now thanks to his levels of clickbait.

>> No.76406671

What if shondo joined vailure

>> No.76406719

>all week
i’m assuming you’re excluding last thread from that being as it is its own category

>> No.76406736
Quoted by: >>76407560

What if ESL tourists didn't shit up the thread

>> No.76406813

After last thread I think we should be renamed to /zoo/
It would steer tourists away slightly if its less convenient to search for

>> No.76406829

what if americans werent fat

>> No.76406856

uuuuuuuuu i want to kiss her wrists better uuuuuuuuuuuu i get sad seeing the scars and knowing i cant make her happier uuuuuuuu

>> No.76406890
Quoted by: >>76406951

>posted hymen again
wait shondo posted cooch pics before???

>> No.76406901

last thread was boring and filled with "horny NPCs" like another anon said, I didn't read after the first loop

>> No.76406951

Yes in my dms no you cannot see

>> No.76407092

sometimes I think about her siblings accidentally coming across places like this or shondopilled's videos and grimace
how likely is it that FE and shadowmama have already read through shondopilled comments with the whole family?

>> No.76407111
Quoted by: >>76407332

>something just for husbands
*something just for groomers

>> No.76407224
Quoted by: >>76407314

Very likely, they obviously don't want to make her feel too uncomfortable. FE in particular knew that her fans will fuck the shumo, meanwhile I'm not degenerate enough to imagine anyone popping a boner over a plushie.

>> No.76407238

The best solution is a separate discord channel but she won't do that again because she's rightfully terrified of the main ones

>> No.76407244

Keep the thread warm
Gonna stroke my cock while thinking about my wife

>> No.76407276

FE was in the thread the other day defending her refusing to sort out issues with the house.

>> No.76407314

>meanwhile I'm not degenerate enough to imagine anyone popping a boner over a plushie.

you should leave this place so you can continue having a pure view of the community

>> No.76407332
Quoted by: >>76407430

>Tourist makes her feel weird and deletes a fleshpost
>Willingly replies to a known groomer with a fleshpost during the concert arc
I think we forgot who runs this shit and today we let tourism win. We need to do better /shon/ SadCat WetCat

>> No.76407360

Shadowmama here
If you want to fuck my daughter so badly you better plan on helping out with the mortgage

>> No.76407388

>his reading comprehension is still this poor several days later
Shondo was right about /vt/ being all ESL and women

>> No.76407430

>Tourist makes her feel weird
It should've been Mouz... oh how the mighty have fallen.

>> No.76407516

FT here
Done and done

>> No.76407560

This would be the most patrician thread on /vt/ if that didn't happen.

>> No.76407622

who the FUCK is Patricia?

>> No.76407634

I've avoided doing rrk reps because I am squeamish about gore and saw something last thread that made me feel bad. Not brain worms bad, more like I have let Shondo down bad. We should make this thread a better place guys, for her.

>> No.76407686

If you put the floor-shitting critter up for adoption.

>> No.76407687
Quoted by: >>76407768

she just knew threads were getting boring and wanted to spice things up a little

>> No.76407768

Why is coping preferable to improving things for the person you love?

>> No.76408032
Quoted by: >>76408158

so is she upset because of tourists or is she a coomer baiter for tourists
make this make sense

>> No.76408067
File: 1.71 MB, 498x466, 1692134497412515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76408578

new Emperor just dropped, he got the first GGS reply in months :D
getting comfortable in my chair rn

>> No.76408115

Are you going to cry about her betraying you like you did with Pippa?

>> No.76408158
Quoted by: >>76408435

>or is she a coomer baiter for tourists
Shondo ONLY coomer baits for tourists, it's weird that she did it off-stream. Usually she waits until there's 4-5k live viewers before she gets sexual.

>> No.76408213
Quoted by: >>76408313


>> No.76408313
Quoted by: >>76408467

>wife doesn't fuck you but fucks another guy
>"omg y r you so obsessed with males???"
Shondo... please have some empathy.

>> No.76408336
Quoted by: >>76408412

if she had been more specific about what upset her, i could better work to fix it. but as of right now i can only assume she got oneguy’d and that’s it
needs to be more comfortable speaking her mind without caring if it hurts feelings

>> No.76408349

I will provide a home for your family in a respectable cottage close to the home that your daughter and I will move into

>> No.76408392

a reminder that shondo willingly, deliberately, purposefully, chose to strip herself naked and only wear her shawl for this stream. because silly I guess

>> No.76408399
Quoted by: >>76408544

There is not much we can do. The most motivated posters are insecure people with severe paranoia and trust issues and obnoxious self-righteous infighters. Weirdly hostile tourists are part of it too.

>> No.76408412

Her business model depends on not hurting anyone's feelings.

>> No.76408435

nah she coomerbaits for ryonagods as well

>> No.76408467
Quoted by: >>76408558

it's not possible to empathize with you, you are alone. I am sorry, I can't save you.

>> No.76408489

Shon said that shadowmama has read the comments on clip channels and thought they were really silly.

>> No.76408544
File: 1.85 MB, 498x454, sotrue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>severe paranoia
>trust issues
>Weirdly hostile
all me

>> No.76408558


>> No.76408578
File: 23 KB, 112x112, 1695226149168994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure love it when I do absolutely nothing and then suddenly I can't talk to or interact with someone who is supposed to be my wife because of literally One Guy.
What a fun marriage, Shondo!

>> No.76408640

The Shompy

>> No.76408644

move on fleece

>> No.76408695
Quoted by: >>76408766

remember the time shondo used a newfag to gaslight everyone into believing her moaning into the mic for the stretch redeem wasn't supposed to be a sexual thing?
I remember

>> No.76408707
Quoted by: >>76411273

third rates will never stop seething that fleece was a first rate

>> No.76408736

if you aren't having fun you've effectively been divorced, you're just slow to realize

>> No.76408766

She loves doing that, doesn't she? Shondo's like a third wave feminist in that sense. Being lewd is not lewd. Woman logic.

>> No.76408805

I miss my schizo punching bag...

>> No.76408833
Quoted by: >>76408881

You are bad at changing your typing style.

>> No.76408836

>people still think that there is a rat race to be won
>they still think that she is a vtuber to find someone to get involved with and settle down
>they think this is anything other than a bit of playful fun
>they think they aren't just a viewer and she is anything other than just the streamer

>> No.76408881

you are bad at taking your meds

>> No.76408889
Quoted by: >>76411405

>>they think this is anything other than a bit of playful fun
>>they think they aren't just a viewer and she is anything other than just the streamer
why do you have to hurt me every tiem :(

>> No.76408967
Quoted by: >>76410478

shondos small boobies

>> No.76408977
Quoted by: >>76411405

>>they think this is anything other than a bit of playful fun
>>they think they aren't just a viewer and she is anything other than just the streamer
what did he mean by this

>> No.76409045

>antis so insecure they snitch on themselves

>> No.76409409

anyone not lusting and fapping to the picture is is giga faggot retard who should be harrased and sent to the anti gay camps.
write down which shoggers didn't reply with lust. they are also the ones shitting this thread

>> No.76409488
File: 324 KB, 553x488, 1684199694872379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happened to like the fleshposting. Sure it made a few people too horny but that's the problem with being so attractive. Show a bit of skin and guys go crazy.

No need to take offense to it Shondo. Just relax for the rest of the day and let the schizos (she gave me the pass I can say it) here tire themselves out.

>> No.76409631

Short people don't understand how tiring it can be to have a good trait that's normal to you constantly brought up again and again. I hope she's not still under the desk.

>> No.76409661

So basically every marriage ever

>> No.76409689
File: 982 KB, 860x1200, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my fix

>> No.76409867
Quoted by: >>76409965

I fapped but came to her babymetal concert attire instead to rebel against the thread and shondo

>> No.76409964

Was it really love or just a game.

>> No.76409965
File: 285 KB, 467x542, 1688065837576921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76410476

>cooming to an older photo of her
you sure showed her

>> No.76410052

D is probably smiling down at us knowing that he's immortalized in a meme with her

>> No.76410268

You keep your thoughts like that inside. If you approach a women and immediately sexualize her she's most likely going to feel threatened or disgusted. Souce, I'm a girl with friends who are girls.

>> No.76410273
File: 217 KB, 888x1066, 1702855233549825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Shondo. Where was the yandere loli today when you let an outsider intrude on this relationship and sully a good thing you know we love seeing from you? Last I checked, Yanderes don't usually let that happen to their significant other. What happened to all that lore about eating bad people, yet we seem endlessly surrounded by them? I get you might still need time, but today showed you're still far from ready to come back to us.
Maybe you didn't intend for it to be some test, but it showed that things have not gotten all that better for the past 3 months. Arguably, there's aspects that are better and worse, but today was a step back if this was all it took. Your husbands will still be waiting for you, but it's clear that not enough time has passed. We miss our yandere loli.

>> No.76410344

>Souce, I'm a girl with friends who are girls.
did you say this on purpose so they would commit to doing the opposite of your post
that is cruel.

>> No.76410348
Quoted by: >>76410402

fleece is there too.

>> No.76410385
Quoted by: >>76410515

how big are your tits? post them or get out

>> No.76410402


>> No.76410456


>> No.76410476


>> No.76410478
Quoted by: >>76411255

the shoobies

>> No.76410515

If you're here then you probably like them small so I can't help you.

>> No.76410718

i'm bichestsual, i enjoy small and large titties

>> No.76410724
Quoted by: >>76410789

im in a pretty popular meme of shondo but obviously im not going to tell you who i am

>> No.76410789
Quoted by: >>76410860

Even if this were true do you really think anyone cares other than you

>> No.76410799

hey thats cool man, I respect you trying to match the status of a dead guy like you're still competing with him

>> No.76410860

do you need to care? im just happy i see myself besides her whenever you guys post it

>> No.76411136

people would treat me much more differently here if everyone had usernames here

>> No.76411180

shut up fleece

>> No.76411216

Hi darkkal!!

>> No.76411246

wyatt is King
sit in the chair, husbands

>> No.76411255
File: 217 KB, 480x356, shoobies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76411273

i'm a seething first rate actually

>> No.76411385
File: 10 KB, 658x819, 1714173750624481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76411536

that would clear my name up dramatically but that is also less fun

>> No.76411405
Quoted by: >>76411687

i meant what i said

>> No.76411505
Quoted by: >>76412783

By posting it here you must be assuming other people care. Unless you treat this place like your own personal blog or diary.

>> No.76411520

Stinky femcel.

>> No.76411536
Quoted by: >>76412300

your name still has dirt on it from the things you do with your username attached

>> No.76411687

then I feel bad for you
you're saner than the people who believe the first two but also emptier

>> No.76411708
Quoted by: >>76411857

fallen shadow asmr to relax and fall asleep to… that’s the stuff. that’s the good stuff.

>> No.76411832

it's amazing how shondo is impossible to gain tingle immunity towards
her body and voice are 100% built for full throttle asmr and relaxation

>> No.76411837

There IS a rat race, and I am going to win it. The winner will worm his way into her heart, which is the entire fundamental purpose of this rebound turned career turned search for soulmate.

>> No.76411857

This except not her at all

>> No.76411940

ive only ever gotten tingles from her speaking normally or in a slight whisper when she does ASMR, not the forced extreme whisper kayfabe voice she does either, just a regular whisper only
ASMR sucks

>> No.76412000

the rat race started and closed off new participants long ago
the only way to win is through a barbie, and most likely nina or vivi
if you aren't already good friends with them it's shover
I guess there is the FE route

>> No.76412054
Quoted by: >>76412445

until she confirms the race i wont participate
but if she did i will win

>> No.76412300
File: 41 KB, 506x443, 1716151411053402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said dramatically, not completely shiggie

>> No.76412445
Quoted by: >>76412959

you already lost

>> No.76412472

It's over for me then, those are the only ones I absolutely despise. All of the other barbies have a lot of good qualities and uniqueness to them. Those two are bottom of the barrel.

>> No.76412783
Quoted by: >>76412903

anon, pray tell, who do you yourself think cares about your feelings about that post when you first replied?

>> No.76412903
Quoted by: >>76412993

Your post makes zero sense esl. Me telling someone that no one cares about their made up story doesn't equal whatever you're trying to say it does.

>> No.76412920
Quoted by: >>76413555

you're forgetting a lot of other candidates too, all of the critters and shadowmama are still up for grabs

>> No.76412959
Quoted by: >>76413150


>> No.76412993
Quoted by: >>76413334

nobody cares about your feelings about posts here bro.

>> No.76413063
File: 313 KB, 647x457, 1710307695870107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76413270

>> No.76413150
Quoted by: >>76413428

based anti

>> No.76413270

What is she thinking right now?

>> No.76413334
Quoted by: >>76413363

Yeah that's my point retard. The thread is about shondo. People should be making threads to talk about shondo. People should care about shondo not about the person behind the posts.
>Uhhh I was totally in a meme but you guys would absolutely care about me so I won't tell you about it
What was the point in a post like that. Get a diary.

>> No.76413363

ain't reading that
don't care

>> No.76413428


>> No.76413535
File: 57 KB, 640x725, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76413645

so tight uooooooooooooh

>> No.76413555

dude wtf the critters are like 16,15, 7. I meant having FE as a wingwoman instead of Nina or Vivi

>> No.76413622

I can wait

>> No.76413629

we like those numbers here

>> No.76413644

just make sure you live in a mansion or country estate before the next merch drop and FE/shadowmama will comment on your address

>> No.76413645

>playing troon simulator

>> No.76413808
Quoted by: >>76414146

everything will be okie dokie. Shondo will return and it will be glorious.

>> No.76413936
Quoted by: >>76414146

Thinking about the day when I'm seeing her smiling face again makes me Smile

>> No.76414036

She fucked up. The hiatus is too long, I've lost interest completely.

>> No.76414092

fuck off and dont come back

>> No.76414105
Quoted by: >>76414340

She won't notice you being gone.

>> No.76414129

>lost interest completely
>still posting in a shondo thread

>> No.76414146

Are you a bot?

>> No.76414166

I hope the attention you get from this bait makes up for Shondo never reading your messages

>> No.76414340

of course she won't. we know she doesn't gives a shit about her husbands no matter how much she lies about it

>> No.76414355

This reminds me of the roar of the spark.

>> No.76414426

>so fat he uses plural pronouns

>> No.76414582

The best part of her asmr for me is her giggling, laughing, breathing, kissing, mouth noises. It's relaxing.

>> No.76414668

The best part is when she finally shuts up and stops reading chat, redeems, donations, gifts, subs and resubs.

>> No.76414714

she cares about me :)

>> No.76414739

The best part is when she slowly strokes my ears and counts down from 10

>> No.76414776

the quiet breathing and talking in my ear

>> No.76414804

Shondo is currently listening to death grips and wet leg.

>> No.76414829

i hope she likes exmilitary :)

>> No.76414923

i want to take shondo to a sauna or onsen and watch her turn into a shlobster

>> No.76414984
File: 9 KB, 128x128, squibbyshondo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76415032


>> No.76415038

peeling off the shonskin flakes after she cooks herself in the bath

>> No.76415079

Good taste. I think my brain is somehow wired to find any sound she makes appealing so it's hard to choose any favorites, but her breathing and heartbeat make me very emotional at times. Like "Wow, this beautiful person actually exists! She's actually alive in the same narrow stretch of time as me. How did I end up so lucky?"
Her giggles get to me too, really any sign of her being in a good mood. It makes me feel like the universe is a just and fair place for a moment.
I also really love when she whispers certain words or vowels, especially the ones that make her accent come out. The way she makes those sounds is so pretty that I swear my brain shuts off other functions to focus harder on processing it. I love wifey induced shtrokes!

>> No.76415110

this won't be the first time I stick my dick in a bagel

>> No.76415157
Quoted by: >>76416600

it won't be the first time it doesn't make it out the other side either

>> No.76415525


>> No.76416410

lol shondo you horny ugly little slut
why dont you post about your hymen again and piss off another artist you thought cared about you

>> No.76416494

move on fleece

>> No.76416600

are you calling shondo a fat bagel

>> No.76416615

now in her mind this is going to be an "incident" that reinforces her trauma when it doesn't need to be

>> No.76416687

the incident where she meets me will be big

>> No.76416702

wouldn't be the first time otis cucked husbands

>> No.76416714

sure she's a horny little slut (for me) but she isn't ugly

>> No.76416888
File: 188 KB, 960x1786, 1713723593131599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76416895

shonshon :(

>> No.76416944
File: 139 KB, 850x1057, 1707977722448948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76416997
File: 236 KB, 800x1440, 1699578835868131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76417018
Quoted by: >>76417756

Shondo just post your shunt and get it over with. It's clear you want to

>> No.76417044

my princess is so cute even when she's upset

>> No.76417061
File: 1.34 MB, 896x1152, 1691416642257495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76420315

>> No.76417104
Quoted by: >>76417228

shobbit lookin ahh wife

>> No.76417127
File: 1.30 MB, 896x1152, 1697808268720454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76420315

>> No.76417192
File: 939 KB, 3132x4096, 1709108628335607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76417404

>> No.76417228
File: 7 KB, 320x460, shobbit wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76417322
Quoted by: >>76417408

why was she such a hypocrite today
it is a fact she wants us to lust after her body

>> No.76417404

would 24k for

>> No.76417408

yes us as in husbands, at an appropriate time in an appropriate place
none of these conditions were met

>> No.76417472

It is always appropriate to lust after her sexy body

>> No.76417484
Quoted by: >>76417918

it was a nice gesture. must've taken a lot just to work up the courage to post that for her starving husbands

>> No.76417530

would marry and have many shobbit babbies with

>> No.76417725

>none of these conditions were met
I can't even name a single regular aside from Khaal that said anything bad. This is the DOA stream all over again with letting some random fuckhead ruin shit for the rest of us.

>> No.76417756

in DMs to me

>> No.76417794

>>76417725 me
And even then, what Khaal said was just about Otis and it wasn't even related to her body.

>> No.76417798

>he cant sense his wife's presence

>> No.76417856


>> No.76417918

she probably just did it without thinking as usual
you wont retcon the DOA shit no matter how hard you try, literally everyone was clowning on her and most of the super regulars were even at it pretty harshly
the one random guy didnt even bring up her family out of nowhere he responded to something she said

>> No.76418011

>most of
>using super regulars unironically
Opinion discarded. :)

>> No.76418049
File: 148 KB, 1018x1080, 1713067006101861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love my wife, shondo

>> No.76418064
Quoted by: >>76418253

if she can't ever do things without thinking and getting anxiety over the outcome then she won't ever do anything

>> No.76418078

i doubt she was being unironic

>> No.76418253

that's what trauma does, it physically mind breaks your brain and it seeps into other aspects of your life unrelated to it

>> No.76418371

luv me wife
goodnight shoggas
hate you shoggers

>> No.76418524

shondo uses the term multiple times
you cant retcon history, just check the images posted or check the chatlog in the vod

>> No.76418664

of course you will discard her opinions, dumbass anti

>> No.76418785

id just want her to know i don't think any less of her because of that picture

>> No.76418827

>samefagging responses when ignored

>> No.76418956

point out the samefag

>> No.76419000


>> No.76419079

thats what i thought

>> No.76419228

>you probably like them small so I can't help you
Male preferences are a meme, men like women and women like women. As long as you're not morbidly obese or a burn victim you theoretically have a chance with any man on Earth, if you were stuck on an island with a billionaire it wouldn't take him more than a day to find you desirable.

>> No.76419363
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.76419368

is she the cutest because she's shondo suzimiya
or is she shondo suzimiya because she's the cutest

>> No.76419401
Quoted by: >>76419467

wtf is she yapping about? shes such a schizo

>> No.76419467
Quoted by: >>76419537


>> No.76419526

ive intentionally not been watching shondo stuff because I know it'd make me miss her and this made me miss her

>> No.76419537
Quoted by: >>76419626

i know what the words mean individually but combined it's meaningless mush, just baby talk

>> No.76419541

how bushy do you think her eyebrows actually are?

>> No.76419626
Quoted by: >>76419710

Yes that tends to happen when you don't practice a language enough.

>> No.76419710

you sound 100x more coherent than your schizo oshi

>> No.76419723
Quoted by: >>76419895

Not much less than that image. They're probably extremely cute. I get the feeling she would obscure them with bangs though.

>> No.76419783

That's because reading a language and understanding it when spoken are different skills ESLchama. Please stop skipping class...

>> No.76419795
Quoted by: >>76420043

what would you like explained
ill be nice

>> No.76419833
Quoted by: >>76420013

>would obscure
are you being clueless on purpose, shoggachama
acting like a tourist isnt funny ya know

>> No.76419895

I disagree. Bushy eyebrows are caused by high testosterone which she doesn't have, Shondo's eyebrows even unplucked have to be 30-40% thinner than those of an average man.

>> No.76420013

idk what you're talking about. Smile.

>> No.76420043

she thinks shes fucking cute like a bagel??? wtf even... why would a bagel be fucking cute?

>> No.76420082

it's a woman thing you wouldn't get it

>> No.76420120
Quoted by: >>76420217

>hes so clueless he doesn’t know women use ‘cute’ to describe 99% of things
>he doesnt know it’s a riff on “would you still live me if i was a ____”

>> No.76420188

>live me
Its shover
Now I am become ESL-kun, destroyer of language.

>> No.76420217
Quoted by: >>76420283

>he doesn't know that women talk like babies
sorry my oshi isn't a schizo

>> No.76420283
File: 663 KB, 1920x1080, 1715525958115730.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76420332

Then leave. Our oshi is a schizo.

>> No.76420315


>> No.76420332

whatever you weirdos

>> No.76420336

it started with her saying the word melancholy
she got self conscious about how she said that word because of what chat said
then she thought of another funny word to say like rutabaga
she was enjoying how it sounds and making jokes about the word with chat
it sounds similar to futebagel, fute meaning funny & cute
she played off of this and asked if you'd still love me if I was a bagel

>> No.76420345
File: 931 KB, 717x646, 1695317391887814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76420373

She’s my fute bagel <3

>> No.76420396
File: 335 KB, 1024x768, ROUND 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76420506


>> No.76420413

holy schizo batman! what level of mental illness would I need to be a shondo fan? lol

>> No.76420415
File: 370 KB, 575x672, blep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how her zoomer brainrot always resorts in totally different conversations from where they start.

>> No.76420467

k youre shitposting nevermind

>> No.76420475
Quoted by: >>76420592

ADHD is pretty common especially with vtubers.

Have you ever watched an episode of the Simpsons?

>> No.76420506


>> No.76420518

Right? Same with the Super Regular™ bit that she said ironically making fun of the idea of Muh Favorites. But apparently that is not an ironic term. :)

>> No.76420541

last for loving my wife

>> No.76420566
File: 120 KB, 980x1080, 1688037806925969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these cute retarded faces she makes. I don't know how to describe it other than retarded, she seems slow but in a cute way? Retarded girls are the best, they always have pinchable cheeks.

>> No.76420572

first for my loveable wife

>> No.76420592

>Have you ever watched an episode of the Simpsons?
Not recently. Is there an episode where Lisa calls herself a fute bagel?
