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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.31 MB, 2039x2894, GIs0cNDbsAE-XCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76412220 No.76412220 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>76416431

'We'll do our best!' Edition
Previous Thread >>76396959

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.76412243
File: 297 KB, 1347x2000, GOOtDdmXgAAoYGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76412295 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 1491x2000, 2013 Fuwawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is for kissless virgins ONLY

>> No.76412296

paid dancers

>> No.76412327

I paid your mom to dance on my cock lmao

>> No.76412372

yeah me

>> No.76412380
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, _Pledge_of_Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76412401


>> No.76412416


>> No.76412414


>> No.76412418

It's all Myth and Council's fault. Unless Fuwamoco are your first exposure to Hololive EN, you're used to being betrayed and left out to dry because of the ways Gen 1 and 2 turned out. If Advent was the first gen, people would be willing to cut them more slack. But it's because of shit like Gura dropping off the face of the earth or Fauna becoming lazy after 3D that the battered housewives that are EN fans are nervous now.

>> No.76412422
Quoted by: >>76412480


>> No.76412437
File: 612 KB, 642x933, 1708991033868154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love my wives

>> No.76412452
File: 270 KB, 1200x900, Big Day!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76412470
File: 678 KB, 2458x4096, GIgcH96acAADoIe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76412476

fucking kek

>> No.76412480


>> No.76412532

the fuck is this offmodel fuwawa shit?

>> No.76412536
Quoted by: >>76412594

you forgot the meme replies

>> No.76412551

Those legs are made for putting them over the shoulders

>> No.76412560


>> No.76412570
File: 382 KB, 935x845, 1714751670489295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruffians... help... I'm being drawn in...

>> No.76412579

How many of you are idolfags and if yes, which idol group?

>> No.76412590
File: 3.59 MB, 930x428, nene_uoh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuwt9oz.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76412762


>> No.76412594

Those I actually like though, so I won't put them in my shitposting pic.

>> No.76412628

Mr incredible meme potential, but we'll have to see what happens next

>> No.76412631

yeah her new vid where she draws it in inside her was pretty good

>> No.76412689

i want this to go viral on twitter without context

>> No.76412710
File: 46 KB, 1228x580, faunaprophet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon we will have a Fuwamoco prophet.

>> No.76412747
File: 37 KB, 501x384, 1713999636976218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good morning Ruffians! We'll d-
>Your best today, right?
>Haha, you got it! BAU BAU!

>Ruffians! We-
>Did your best... good jo-
>BAU BAU! Goodnight Ruffians!
>... B-bau bau....

>> No.76412762
Quoted by: >>76412855


>> No.76412807

Their best isn't good enough.

>> No.76412832

Usually the pipeline is vtweeter to vtuber but Fuwamoco have done the reverse.

>> No.76412845

It's sad because I think their 1-liner posts are them earnestly trying to engage with us on Twitter, but their autism makes it hard for them to really make anything fun in tweets like these.
I just don't have the willpower to endlessly type the same shit over and over every day, so I guess I'll just like them every couple of days and reply if I'm really feeling it.

>> No.76412855

holy based

>> No.76412876

Me. Idolmaster. I like the one with blue hair

>> No.76412891

We already had that anon that predicted exactly how last weeks stream was going to be

>> No.76412907
File: 252 KB, 1108x549, 1700692246391046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this shit im going to just watch hime instead

>> No.76412944

I'm sorry Ruffians, we're not getting streams because they specifically hate me.

>> No.76412947
File: 121 KB, 600x515, FuwaMocoChant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to watching that anime about incest. Have a good night Ruffians!

>> No.76412968

3D the only one I followed for a bit was Nogizaka46

>> No.76412990
File: 189 KB, 408x424, 1714015640265470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a live2D tweet to spice things up a bit?

>> No.76412994
File: 281 KB, 487x481, sleeping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look I'm mostly funposting here and I think others are too. I am definitely sad and angry at the way things turned out but nothing can change that right now so I'm using humor to deal with my feelings, like most people do. I am sure there are a couple menheras who will spin out over it as well as sisters egging shit on, but really it's kind of funny that all their posts are the same cookie cutter bullshit and it's not like we have any streams to talk about. Who knows maybe a great meme will be born out of this, like a Fuwamoco bot or something.

>> No.76413017
File: 2.63 MB, 1196x720, 9302857342.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76413019

Yeah I agree. I wish they did some voice tweets...

>> No.76413024
File: 192 KB, 648x862, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76413095


>> No.76413035

Black Pink kek

>> No.76413040

wait a minute

>> No.76413050


>> No.76413085

Giving up 3 months of streams and fan interactions for 2 hours of 3D content. Sooooo worth it

>> No.76413087

>all their posts are the same cookie cutter bullshit
That's cause you left out tweets which are not.

>> No.76413095
File: 1.09 MB, 2870x3006, 1715787986163664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Nice

>> No.76413099

I only really follow love live and idolmaster

>> No.76413113

Yes, unironically

>> No.76413118
Quoted by: >>76413235

At least a fucking voice tweet

>> No.76413138
Quoted by: >>76413250

Good taste Noel is severely underrated somehow. She was the initial star of Gen 3 but after Susan kneecaped all ASMR and lewd stuff, she fell behind. She's extremely cute and her comedic timing is amazing making for kino moments.

>> No.76413139

Those double bananas? Me.

>> No.76413162

Didn't someone predict the Saturday stream and got 70% of it right?

>> No.76413169
Quoted by: >>76413196


>> No.76413196

Can't be him. He hates them.

>> No.76413205

It's more they gave up 3 months of streams and fan interactions for 2 hours of 2 content, a karaoke in Taiwan, a scream in FWMC morning, the scream in Holo Doroeki, and Japanese streams/collabs in Golden Week.

>> No.76413230

I wonder if the regulars will eventually stop replying to them... I'll stop doing it because I don't want to repeat myself in every new tweet they do.

>> No.76413235

I want song tweets

>> No.76413240
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 238598136592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally koyori's never let me down

>> No.76413250
Quoted by: >>76413351

kek. I hope she achieves her goal of 2M subs this year.

>> No.76413249

specifically a close-up of Fuwawa's floofies

>> No.76413253

Yeah, if you dig back like 3-4 threads you can find the guy who crossed off everything they said on his list. It left it with like 4 out of 20.
At the end of the day, it's easy to predict because we already have a pretty good grasp of what's going on on the front end. They like to try and reassure us, but it turns out they aren't great at thinking of new ways of saying the same old thing, which results in that or the tweet collage above.

>> No.76413261

i'm gunna SCREEEEEEAAAM!!!!!

>> No.76413351
Quoted by: >>76413502

...Why does she have a Matsuko Deluxe outfit? WTF LOL

>> No.76413360

KEK it was more like 95% if I remember correctly.

>> No.76413368

I don't reply to every tweet, I don't even watch or comment on every stream. It's like they said, forcing yourself to be there all the time is no good. That said I've caught about 95% of the streams live and commented on them.

>> No.76413465
Quoted by: >>76413642

That's really my reason for screenshotting all those. I'll honestly keep track at the likes and replies because I'm curious how long it takes for most fans to just not care about seeing a very similarly worded tweet every day. Again, it's sad because I think this really is their attempt at giving us anything when they can't or won't through streams or twitter spaces, but who honestly knows other than them themselves. I'd like to believe it's Bautism, but I have no way to prove it.

>> No.76413471
File: 448 KB, 1490x878, 1703428763602317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76413565

We are only 2 weeks into the break with some already being mean about their tweets because of no streams. This is going to be a long 3 months.

>> No.76413502

Yeah is pretty funny

>> No.76413509

I'm just sad missing out on all the Advent kino we could have had. The first Advent offcollab should have been a joyous and big deal, instead it hasn't happened and we got a muted Shiori, Biboo, Rissa. Today too, they would have loved telling them about their favorite Japanese snacks and the history of them and laughed at their reactions. It's such a waste.

>> No.76413539
File: 118 KB, 1173x556, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were almost close

>> No.76413554
Quoted by: >>76413595

Their goal is solo live, and 3D is the first step.

>> No.76413565

>We are only 2 weeks into the break
Barely a week and a half

>> No.76413595

3d was a guarantee by being in Hololive.

>> No.76413612


>> No.76413642
Quoted by: >>76413878

What do you want? They're working their asses off to meet deadlines. Just hearing that they're ok is enough for me, the silent week made me worried.

>> No.76413651 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 693x744, 1690845622970638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case you're wondering what the schedule of someone who's been doing this for years looks like.

>> No.76413660
File: 1.89 MB, 2293x3407, GM4-PD2awAAZrr6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bad, they're too sexy. I listen to their voice or look at them and instinctively reach for my penis. I'm gonna die.

>> No.76413661

The wanting to care their health more seriously should be crossed out too
They mentioned how they really have to starting thinking about their health, even if it was just like a passing sentence from Mococo I think

>> No.76413665

There's a bitter irony in that they moved to Japan to be more accessible and make it easier on themselves to do things. Now all of Advent is in Japan and due to their own actions, the ones that should be doing the most collabs and streams with the most ease are sidelined.

>> No.76413671
Quoted by: >>76413741

>stream ends
holy shit nostradamus

>> No.76413687
Quoted by: >>76413823

Oh... The only things that weren't right were the nice predictions...

>> No.76413724
Quoted by: >>76413832

They already have off collabs with Koyori and Marine. Those were fucking kino.

>> No.76413728

Why doesn't Cover just have their managers shoot the girls with tranquilizer darts every night to knock them out for a good 8 hours guaranteed? Are they stupid?

>> No.76413741


>> No.76413742
Quoted by: >>76413899

where is breakfast?

>> No.76413769
File: 90 KB, 693x744, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case you're wondering what the schedule of someone who's been doing this for years looks like. Things seem to take a lot of time.

>> No.76413784
File: 306 KB, 1280x1440, new project! ah there is no korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advent collab
>no fwmc
I'm used to it


>> No.76413823

I've said it before, but I think that's what really gets me all up in arms and negative. Every weekend for the last month and a half has been bad news for someone who enjoys streams from them. Battle Plan into cancellations into no Fuzzy into cancellations into silence into this.

>> No.76413832

They were but honestly they should have rescheduled those and rested instead. Even Koyori and Marine were asking if they were okay during the collab and we know Marine at least gave them a stern talking to offscreen.

>> No.76413838

Holy fuck kek

>> No.76413840

>mane-chan notices they act weird all the time
>takes them to autism assessment
>autism detected
>tells them to pause streaming for the time being

>> No.76413857

So many holos have this schedule where they sleep til lunch time and it seems femc adopted it too.

>> No.76413878

NTA but I want something more personal. I want them to talk about their day, about something funny that happened to them. I want some regular voice tweets if they really arent going to do consistent streams for the next months...

>> No.76413899

>wakes up at 9am

>> No.76413912

>I've said it before
only about 38 times

>> No.76413913


>> No.76413946
File: 178 KB, 814x750, 1713922816529208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we missed you, we really missed you!
This one gets me laughing because this was posted BEFORE they put the frame up where the title was LITERALLY "WE MISSED YOU, WE MISSED YOU, WE MISSED YOU"

>> No.76414028
Quoted by: >>76414065

>the amount of people who wouldn't pass their "ideal partner" checklist in this thread alone

>> No.76414037
Quoted by: >>76414568

Wait... if they always have lessons or work in the morning, doesn't that mean that they'll never be able to do streams in the NA timezone?

>> No.76414064

wow someone really had it out for me today after going through the archives

>> No.76414065

don't give ruffians lessons in basic etiquette, is less competitive that way

>> No.76414104

Jesus christ, some of you are cynical bastards. Your oshis are passionate about stuff and you all just shitpost them. Now you know why they don't want to talk about stuff with you faggots.

>> No.76414172


>> No.76414173

Yeah... Really bad luck lately...

>> No.76414196

Not cynical, just experienced. Pattern recognition.

>> No.76414213
Quoted by: >>76414418

They are choosing homework over even one stream with their fans. Are we supposed to just be happy about that? This is how we end up with gura 2

>> No.76414237
Quoted by: >>76414445


>> No.76414282

I want to believe.

>> No.76414311

Everyone criticized Papa Puppy for being too harsh but he knows his daughters and he was right. They're too retarded to make their own decisions.

>> No.76414323
File: 175 KB, 473x449, ゴズリング237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they loved us.

>> No.76414328
Quoted by: >>76414418

I know they're busy and that's fine. All I'm asking is one stream a week.

>> No.76414338

Stop being such a BITCH Ryan

>> No.76414344

they still do, BELIEBE

>> No.76414382

I'm not shitposting, I'm sad and dissapointed that we won't get regular streams until September at best.
Is it that difficult to understand that I want to spend time with them?

>> No.76414391

Not now Anan/Gabe

>> No.76414390
Quoted by: >>76415158

Just a regular day in this thread, kek
Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, anon

>> No.76414394

kys gabe

>> No.76414406


>> No.76414418
Quoted by: >>76414474

Then pour your feelings out and tag them on #helpFWMC. Shitposting them is just lame.

>> No.76414445
Quoted by: >>76414633

better watch out. i'll groom you too

>> No.76414465

Well, this is the right place for shitpost, better than doing it where they might see. Ruffians are just frustrated and bored.

>> No.76414463
File: 463 KB, 599x900, 1709428654013018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76414697

They love me only, sorry. I tried to warn you guys.

>> No.76414474

>Shitposting them is lame
Nah, it relieves stress and makes me laugh. Then when I see a cute post like yesterday I am happy and smile.

>> No.76414479

Going to start menhera posting on their tag each day with a day x of missing fuwamoco until they stream again ritual post

>> No.76414484
Quoted by: >>76414599

If you're going to larp as Gabe you have to spoiler tag your text everytime

>> No.76414506

I think it's extremely naive to connect Anya to them just because she announced a 2 month break where she only streams on weekends. No one else has announced breaks like this. It's clearly not connected to a concert or else more members would be doing the same.
Is Anya even currently in Japan?

>> No.76414537

Do it, we support you

>> No.76414539

Thread theme:

>> No.76414567

Kill yourself

>> No.76414568

Advent clearly has lessons during the evening so their schedule isnt exactly the same.

>> No.76414566

She isn't, it's just cope. She didn't even say what she was taking a break for.

>> No.76414579
Quoted by: >>76414799

Ollie did, that's why Anya's announcement even caught my eye. I assumed Ollie's was completely unrelated, even if she said "just came out of a meeting, my homework just multiplied" I assumed it was completely unrelated.
Then Anya says someting similar to what FWMC did right after, that sounded the alarm.

>> No.76414599
Quoted by: >>76414877

Gabe did not spoiler text his shit all the time and you're just Gabe trying to still push this sad rrat that someone is larping as you.

>> No.76414601

>No one else has announced breaks like this.
I saw someone saying ollie announced something similar but I don't want to even check her twitter

>> No.76414634

Is because Ollie said something similar.

>> No.76414633

my fur is getting out of hand…

>> No.76414695
File: 210 KB, 492x427, 1716125107850759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76415033

>simply posted that tweet, retweeted one fanart, and fucked off from twitter
>no likes or anything beyond that aforementioned fanart
Can't wait to hear from them again the following morning telling us they did their best before retweeting some more art, liking a couple more posts, and then going to bed. I guess it'd be too naive of me to expect everyday to be like this morning where they at least gave out a couple of replies

>> No.76414697

pink poop looking ass haircut

>> No.76414713

kys madness, vagueposting is just as bad.

>> No.76414737
Quoted by: >>76414751

Fuwamoco are doing 3D recordings in IN with ollie and Anya. Even more content their EN fans don't get to fully enjoy

>> No.76414751
Quoted by: >>76414812

so true, tranny

>> No.76414756

I was going to make a thread venting about how I'm feeling rn, but I don't think I will as I don't want to be selfish and a drag. I just wish I could be as amazing and strong as all of you. I think I need to get some sleep, hit the reset button, hope it helps. Goodnight Ruffians.

>> No.76414763
File: 180 KB, 1156x670, oily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could just be an ID thing. We will know eventually.

>> No.76414794

who is this from

>> No.76414799
File: 50 KB, 602x482, firefox_piKStfgc60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76414936

Just for you. Unrelated to Hololive.

>> No.76414812

It's one of their debut goals. Kill yourself fake fan

>> No.76414844

>now they're tired of shitting on their "oshi", and will start looping men instead
of course it's the same people.

>> No.76414849

>chumbuds were better fans
You say that, but look how we were rewarded. It isn't worth it. She'll only betray you in the end.
Gura is a Rushia-level liar.

>> No.76414867

They don't love you faggot, now go away

>> No.76414877

He spoiler tagged his text all the time a year ago in /eien/. Back in the /infinity/ days he didn't though.

>> No.76414919
Quoted by: >>76414980

Why do you people go schizo over everything

>> No.76414933

strong? I keep face like a good japanese man, I do it for fags like you, weak faggot man up already and join me.

>> No.76414936

>unrelated to hololive
She tweeted this hours before the first tweet in your screenshot:
It's possible things unrelated to hololive + the now multiplied homework means no time to stream, but it's not like she's excusing herself from Hololive to deal with her own stuff.

>> No.76414954
File: 214 KB, 357x506, 1713805882553391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they do this...?

>> No.76414980

Because we finally thought we were saved from the flood of whorish and lazy girls in EN but now our saviors are being kept away from us and we get no streams anyways.

>> No.76415015
Quoted by: >>76415179

Rawr n Responses...

>> No.76415018
Quoted by: >>76415180

>1.6k replies
>only replying to blue checkmarks
yeah I'm sure ruffians would love that

>> No.76415024

They got everything they could have dreamed from the fans and paypigs in record time. They have literally no need for us anymore. No need to pretend

>> No.76415029
File: 3.00 MB, 1600x1600, we love you [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz0hf9x.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A distant memory, maybe someday we'll return to moments like this.

>> No.76415033

They are growing distant from us. It's over.

>> No.76415041

The Rawr and Responses...

>> No.76415044

So you want a Rawr N' Response?

>> No.76415052
Quoted by: >>76415213

They're in hiding due to obsessive EN ruffians stalking them in Japan.

>> No.76415053
Quoted by: >>76415118

>There's a bitter irony in that they moved to Japan to be more accessible and make it easier on themselves to do things.
Have you ever considered that maybe a big part of them wanting to move there is to make it easier to do things, but those things have nothing to do with hololive and they don't want you knowing about them?

>> No.76415072
File: 62 KB, 1528x800, LoveMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76415169

>They love me!
>They love me not...
>They love me!
>They love me not...

>> No.76415094

>nothing will change
>literally everything changed

>> No.76415118
Quoted by: >>76415265

wow you're so good at blending in, Concerned Ruffian!

>> No.76415132
Quoted by: >>76415350

>one guy replied at least 5 times

>> No.76415153
Quoted by: >>76415242

They didn't say that. They said change CAN BE SCARY, but it can be worth it.

>> No.76415158

i barely get mentioned anymore so it was surprising lmao

>> No.76415162
File: 3.83 MB, 3840x2160, CG_Christmas2023_FUWAMOCO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the simpler days...

>> No.76415169

I used to play this minigame on Mario 64 DS all the time when I had a crush on a girl in middle school

>> No.76415180
Quoted by: >>76415308

>only replying to blue checkmarks

>> No.76415179

Another fun thing that was canceled.

>> No.76415203

I told everyone that was a promise they couldn't keep and everyone accused me of not trusting them. It's not a lying thing, it's a realism thing. They may have meant it but there was no capacity to see it out.

>> No.76415213

I blame Ngao for reporting it to Cover even the minimal joke

>> No.76415216
Quoted by: >>76415817

Gonna be honest the battle plan was the worst breakup stream ever. Especially since they gave us hope again for a little with golden week before tearing the bandage completely off. My heart is in pieces and neither of them are with fuwamoco....

>> No.76415228

Did you forget the meltdown every time we have a Rawr N' Response?

>> No.76415242
Quoted by: >>76415293

Hags had no fucking clue what they were talking about. It was just platitudes.

>> No.76415250
Quoted by: >>76416514

Sup Moustache

>> No.76415264
File: 425 KB, 2304x1296, It's Christmas, wake up![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frfpv0v.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the good version with the content we haven't gotten in a long while that they put on hiatus indefinitely because they 'don't want anyone to miss out'.

>> No.76415265

I know right. Now I ask him what he's talking about and he leads into doxxshit. Sad tired play.

>> No.76415293

Or more like you are shitposting. kys fag.

>> No.76415308
Quoted by: >>76415693

It's not even any ill intentions, just too many replies, she's not gonna keep scrolling down the evergrowing sea of replies to get to F2P users. But do you really think our resident menheras would find that acceptable? The people pretending they wish we had what other fanbases do would be the first to throw a tantrum if we did.

>> No.76415326

Ruffians are going to need a lot of comforting if/when they ever come back. I'm talking Valentines and Christmas level lovebombs or even more.

>> No.76415341
Quoted by: >>76415511

Please don't mention the holidays or I might hurt myself I'm already depressed. I don't want to think about how all future holidays are going to have so much less magic with the timezone and false pretending. Half expecting them to just do HW over streaming to us outside of a paypig SC milking chat stream. I don't even know if they need or want our money anymore

>> No.76415350

JP fans take their twitter more seriously than any ruffian ever does. Marine even asked someone who uses a nickname for her whether he was ok with that since she wouldn't find his tweets during her egosearches.

>> No.76415356

>we won't be able to celebrate Christmas morning and night with them like last year
It hurts

>> No.76415367

Not happening

>> No.76415383
Quoted by: >>76415434

we need a sloppy BJ ASMR to make up for it

>> No.76415406
Quoted by: >>76415464

Literally not happening, they have too much HW to put effort into streams anymore. We'll get a Christmas superchat reading that gets cut short at 2 hours

>> No.76415412
File: 452 KB, 1342x2048, GKsLnzAbEAAJwv8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys will be fine when the bridal voice packs drops in 2 weeks

>> No.76415410

Do you guys think they'll ever finish Sakura Wars and White Album or should I just download them and play them myself?

>> No.76415418

what we need is FWMC to start munching on snacks while they play games

>> No.76415434

This but unironically. I want to hear Mococo choke on my cock with tears in her eyes, not because of the pain, but because she's so happy she can finally swallow my seed.

>> No.76415456
Quoted by: >>76416244

white album probably, sakura wars no

>> No.76415460

I wish it was at least sincere and all of the Disappointed Fans would fuck off, that would make reading your whining worth it. But you won't, you'll keep shitting thread after thread until the end of times, and patting yourself on the back for sharing your "unfiltered thoughts"
baby ass nigga

>> No.76415464

Please, I'm begging whatever god is out there listening, don't let next stream be 45 minutes of chatting followed by a 2 hour SC reading.

>> No.76415475

They're never finishing them. Better to play it yourself if you want to see how it plays out. At best it'll be 3 years.

>> No.76415492

Do your best learning English

>> No.76415497

Until they come back and start streaming consistently, I'm not buying a single piece of Fuwamoco merch.

>> No.76415511
File: 1.75 MB, 1414x2000, GEsekcHb0AAmlzn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to keep in mind that because of the differing timezones we might never have another moment like sleepy Mococo ever again if we DO have another all-nighter watchalong with them. This magic is gone

>> No.76415516

Having fun shitting your diaper in anger over there?

>> No.76415531

I don't even think I'm buying it. Why would I reward or want to marry someone that doesn't even give a second thought to abandoning me for 3 months?

>> No.76415553

ESL post, do not respond.

>> No.76415561

heck yeah I will

>> No.76415581

>opinions differing from mine upset me greatly

>> No.76415586
Quoted by: >>76415694

You don't have to remind me, I already gave up on experiencing all of that. I'm clinging to the 7 months we did have because we're never hitting those highs again.

>> No.76415597
File: 3.96 MB, 732x968, SleepyMoco.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76415893

I stole the last one and I'll steal this one too.

>> No.76415674

struck a few nerves, good.

>> No.76415693

It'd be the same as RnR though, so they'd make people use a hashtag. Also Marine just replied to 2 f2p guys

>> No.76415694

Peak FWMC was the Friday the 13th stream.

>> No.76415760

Wasn't it like 7PM by the time she started to check out? If we watch something as boring as Kanon I'm sure she can sleep at 11AM too.
The NoteGODS will confirm that they were not at all sleepy during NoteKINO.

>> No.76415789

it'd have no effect at this point

>> No.76415803
Quoted by: >>76416025

idk if you're here but I'm reading through Neko no Otera no Chion-san after it got rec'd and it's really cute. I also didn't know Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia ended so I read the last volume. pretty abrupt like you said.

>> No.76415817

Things haven't been the same since the battle plan stream. We were getting voiced tweets and silly tweets from them before that stream.

>> No.76415829
Quoted by: >>76415877

They have a two hour cap on streams now is the bigger hurdle

>> No.76415877
Quoted by: >>76415948

>two hour cap
i fucking hate this

>> No.76415886

Yeah. They must have known they already made the decision of projects over us which is why they cried so much. I don't think the Japanese stuff had anything to do with their tears

>> No.76415893
Quoted by: >>76416331

No you fucking dingus, it was at like 10:30-11pm. Just look at the ep number here >>76415597 .
They started at 6 pm and had a few breaks for chatting.

>> No.76415902

I haven't watched anime in 10 years, what's the big deal with Frieren? Is it really an all time great or are people memeing? I read a summary and it sounds like an iyasheki maybe like YKK?

>> No.76415917

Yeah, it's gonna be so worth losing so many streams to get a 5 minute voice pack!

>> No.76415948

not entirely true, once a week we might get 3-4 hours of it's a superchat reading
fucking end my life

>> No.76415972

any good doujin recommendations?

>> No.76415983
Quoted by: >>76416022

Can you blame them? That fag sent that stupid ASMR SC, and there were retards who spammed anti JP stuff on their channels and even the main channel. They will forever be cautious of ruffians now.

>> No.76416022
Quoted by: >>76416182

What does that have to do with what that anon said you fucking retard

>> No.76416021

Things haven't been the same since they moved to Japan, the battle plan stream was a symptom, not the cause.

>> No.76416025

Yeah, it was a little rough, but I'm glad it at least had an end. It's better for it. Chion is very cute too. Glad you're enjoying it. Should read her other one about the short kid and the tall girl in early highschool too if you end up really liking it.
My blood boiled seeing the imagination of Gen seeing Chion and that bald-headed fuck with kids at about the half-way point.

>> No.76416045

It works well as a manga, but I found the anime mediocre.

>> No.76416076

Have you watched Kino's Journey? It's a different (and in my opinion worse) flavor of that. It's a real comfy watch, but you have to be open to slow pacing.

>> No.76416105

its a slower paced anime, if you like to see journeys and their hurdles instead of simply timeskipping to the destination then you might enjoy it

>> No.76416164

To those of you who were in love with them, be honest, have you fallen out of love? Has your love waned?

>> No.76416182

he's just trying to bait people

>> No.76416203

Mine hasn't but theirs clearly has.

>> No.76416235

My emotions wouldn't be so chaotic right now if it wasn't lust/love. There's no way I can ever love them in the truest sense of the word, but I got as close as you can with someone you'll never meet irl.

>> No.76416244
Quoted by: >>76417719

NTA, why probably for White Album?

>> No.76416331
File: 495 KB, 1920x1080, kanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76416450

And who said that webm was the first time?

>> No.76416344
File: 119 KB, 500x500, where did you goeh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjco7mz.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76416502

Never forget...

>> No.76416349
File: 1.00 MB, 1275x1800, GLnn89-asAAbaK5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in the slightest

>> No.76416369

I haven't lost it, although it's tough to keep it at the highest levels like I had been when it's not reciprocated at all. I'll be ready to return to that when they're back but this summer is going to be a bit lonely without them around.

>> No.76416415

No you stupid faggot, if anything, It has only gotten stronger. Go oshihen already or just kys

>> No.76416425
File: 2.16 MB, 1700x1359, Fluffy&Fuzzy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6jhg2d.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll leave you Ruffians with this.
I'm off to bed for the night. Bau Bau!

>> No.76416431
File: 428 KB, 475x667, 1698531548232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you bros doing tonight?

>> No.76416450
Quoted by: >>76416635

That's still not 7pm. They started at 6pm. By the time they hit episode 5, is around 9.

>> No.76416476

good watchin vods

>> No.76416478
File: 270 KB, 1279x1800, F6zMGd_bcAAzIFw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her floofies are the one thing keeping me thinking about them during this long break. I'm not sure how long that will last though.

>> No.76416502

We didn't go anywhere...meanwhile this loving and playful Fuwamoco have gone, as well as Twitter spaces. Instead we have the same nothing tweets that may as well be management composed.

>> No.76416514

despite the break this place is as fun as ever.

>> No.76416559

They hate me

>> No.76416575
File: 476 KB, 592x720, 1710875317803.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I haven't, but I'm using their break from streaming to purposfully disassociating a bit cause I started to realize I was getting attached to an almost unhealthy degree.

>> No.76416602
File: 1011 KB, 1156x812, femruffian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76416618

>new voice packs drop

>> No.76416626

Seething playing Halo ranked games

>> No.76416635

Fair. Still far from an "all nighter." She was sleeping because she was tired and the anime was boring. Scrolling twitter can keep her up until 4am, Kanon will take her down at 9.

>> No.76416663

Playing Fallout 2 and watching Red Letter Media videos.

>> No.76416670
Quoted by: >>76416766

>new voice packs
>FWMC aren't on there
would be sad

>> No.76416696

>Mocofrog asked whether you will cherish her in sickness and in health.

>> No.76416695

fuck i'm going in. if fuwamoco won't meet my needs at least a cute femruffian can have a shoulder to cry on

>> No.76416761

>i love how watching fuwamoco got me into eroge games and cute girls, never would i have guessed i’d be into this stuff before they debuted

boys this is the one

>> No.76416766

That will actually be pretty drastic if they stop doing voicepacks. That's when you know shit is real.

>> No.76416865
File: 240 KB, 560x539, be still.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had fun with the advent collab, gonna cum to fuwawa one more time and sleep

>> No.76416907
Quoted by: >>76417181

>i can’t believe i used tk be anti cute/nsfw stuff like?!?! now im out ere playing eroge games and obsessed with women


>> No.76416924
File: 1.31 MB, 600x338, 1619071218534.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76417151


>> No.76416930

>eroge games

>> No.76416951

stop shilling 3d sluts

>> No.76416968
File: 517 KB, 1540x2048, GON30iZbQAEX9iJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help i woke up and this cat was in my bed. I don't own a cat.

>> No.76417038
Quoted by: >>76417095

isn't that the condom woman?

>> No.76417057
File: 161 KB, 485x900, 1716351928853397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76417095

Yes. Most of the femruffians I know of actually have boyfriends. Cant say is true for the other way around. kek.

>> No.76417098
Quoted by: >>76417163

we got a new target to groom cliquebros

>> No.76417151

same reaction, pick me trending suffer dick rider common horse face

>> No.76417163

I already see 3 groomer mutuals. I will judge if I see a 4th appear and I will DM her to warn her you're a sicko.

>> No.76417181


>> No.76417196

Need more exhibitionism FWMC art.

>> No.76417198
Quoted by: >>76417313


>just had a boy around my age grab my hand and interlink our fingers, then proceed to smell my hands and caress them AND THEN LICK THE BACK OF MY HAND… now he won’t stop following me around

what the fuck? shes tainted already gg

>> No.76417236

I miss my bf so much

Its been almost two years we started living together and we never were apart for this long i feel so lonely and bored dnmsnfns.

life is ruff even for femruffians... stay strong everyone

>> No.76417286

fuck Chloe got a really good figure https://x.com/GoodSmile_US/status/1793479994653491327
praying FUWAMOCO get one too

>> No.76417309


>> No.76417313

It was a special needs kids

>> No.76417315
File: 46 KB, 570x564, il_570xN.2916561994_t3ig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76417333
Quoted by: >>76417358

Women are like parking spots. They're whores and liars.

>> No.76417358

park spots never lied to me

>> No.76417375


>> No.76417390

parks with wuffians!

>> No.76417398

>that face
>that head

>> No.76417409
File: 1.36 MB, 960x1199, 17028394982942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

parks with wuffians!!

>> No.76417423


>> No.76417451


>> No.76417461
File: 190 KB, 850x1360, 172038492343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bad but
>tits way too small
>that face

>> No.76417478

Is there a reason why FWMC and Rissa seems to get along so well?

>> No.76417510
File: 2.41 MB, 2377x3573, 118974273_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76417595

>> No.76417545
Quoted by: >>76417626

>I was going to make a thread venting about how I'm feeling rn, but I don't think I will as I don't want to be selfish and a drag. I just wish I could be as amazing and strong as all of you. I think I need to get some sleep, hit the reset button, hope it helps. Goodnight Ruffians.

We're starting to lose multiple ruffians a day to menhera now. If FWMC don't do something soon they will have no one but me left when they return.

>> No.76417558

>It's a fucking Nijiwhorebeggar too

>> No.76417564

Orca got nerfed.

>> No.76417573

Rissa gets along with everyone, it's the rest of Advent that are awkward

>> No.76417595

Mogotyan... holy...

>> No.76417604

any recommendations for non fuwamoco girls to fuck tonight? I'm rock hard and they aren't anywhere in sight to take care of this before I sleep. No whores please.

>> No.76417615

Many similar interests. Retro anime, idols, being a mother, autistic siblings, etc.

>> No.76417626

Anon, the ones who post menhera shit do so even when FWMC were streaming.

>> No.76417633

They both understand how it feels to exude raw sexual energy 24/7

>> No.76417634
Quoted by: >>76417711

not sharing my two view

>> No.76417638


>> No.76417711
Quoted by: >>76418189

odds you have to share

evens I kill myself instead of doing this

>> No.76417719

NTA but it usually frowned upon/against the rules to fully finish a VN. Same reason they didn't fully finish planetarian.

>> No.76417749
Quoted by: >>76418092

Shut the fuck up

>> No.76417785
Quoted by: >>76417852

Is more of a perm issues. I don't think they have perm issues with Sakura Wars. At least they didn't mention it.

>> No.76417832

not now, Moona

>> No.76417852

nta but some VNs games have things saying you cant stream the ending.

>> No.76417881
File: 3.92 MB, 1108x800, 1713582063343363.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76417951


>> No.76417914
Quoted by: >>76418042

I'm watching IRyS fail at Elden Ring.

>> No.76417951

To think Fuwawa is recording something like this as we speak... Maybe the 3 month break will be worth it if the next VN is with 3D models

>> No.76417969
Quoted by: >>76418037

Big one being Danganronpa. Even games like Persona post announcements saying they can only stream up to certain days when their games first come out.

>> No.76417968
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, IRyS Ch. hololive-EN_ 【Elden Ring】The Great Return_ 【Elden Ring】The Great Return-2024-5-23-0136.316-1080p-streamshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76418042


>> No.76417974

I came for noel after that tweet was posted here.

>> No.76417985

Yeah, I know planetarian is one of those since they mentioned it on stream. But they didn't mention anything about SW V so I assume is safe.

>> No.76418026

Days go by so slowly without streams... I miss them so much

>> No.76418037

I think some of the Resident Evil games you can't show the ending either.

>> No.76418042
Quoted by: >>76418529

she is pretty cute, it's been a while since I watched. I'll tune in thank you.

>> No.76418062

Kek, sometimes you don't realize what you had until you don't have it.

>> No.76418092
Quoted by: >>76418101


>> No.76418097 [DELETED] 

kill yourself daniel stop posting things you know will be at the top of their feed it's really not cool. You were one of the biggest fags crying they should take a break and now they listened to you and take one and you bitch and moan anyways?

>> No.76418101
Quoted by: >>76418152


>> No.76418119
Quoted by: >>76418186

Man, watching IRyS at this hour while she's playing elden ring brings some memories of when she was my oshi lol

>> No.76418152
Quoted by: >>76418215


>> No.76418186
Quoted by: >>76418693

I have to be careful watching my old oshis or I might fall back in love with them. I already felt guilty showing up less for them since fuwamoco debuted so I know if I watch them alot I will probably not come back

>> No.76418189

get fucked

>> No.76418215
File: 575 KB, 787x760, Happy4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76418332


>> No.76418244

Remember when /baubau/ hated Nerissa during that first Phasmophobia Advent collab in August because she kept doing a laugh everytime FWMC were freaking out?

>> No.76418294
Quoted by: >>76418521

/ope/ hated FWMC for their kayfabe until the soundhound off-collab. Shit is weird.

>> No.76418298

I could have sworn it was because Nerissa sounded as though she wanted it to end. Or maybe I'm thinking of the Fuwawa Apex solo stream

>> No.76418332 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 1138x865, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76418345

I think it also had to do with people getting baited by sisters about the hot mic where nerissa said fwmc had complained to her about a joke going too far.

>> No.76418354
Quoted by: >>76418473


>> No.76418412 [DELETED] 


>> No.76418473
Quoted by: >>76418570

I miss Nerissa's villain arc now she's just a generic party member

>> No.76418484 [DELETED] 

delete this, she is mine and also shes a massive sweetheart i feel bad anytime shes brought up in vt

>> No.76418521

Those were both just the threadwar schizo.

>> No.76418529
File: 530 KB, 2160x3840, GOLrSdmawAAPf-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76418547

I meant what made that anon think that they'll actually finish White Album?

>> No.76418549
Quoted by: >>76419347

is that the one someone posted before where she was commenting thinking she upset a fan and couldn't sleep? she seems really sweet

>> No.76418570

she still does the same shit is just that baubau doesn't go schizo over it anymore (half the fun was telling menhera to fuck off)

>> No.76418598

We are watching promise collab tomorrow

>> No.76418628

nty lol

>> No.76418639

Fuck no we arent. Kronii, Bae, puddle Fauna. Fuck no we arent.

>> No.76418651
File: 9 KB, 119x140, 1715953908935692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76418801

Thanks for the Recommendation

>> No.76418693
Quoted by: >>76418751

my "old oshis" are still my oshi even if i dont watch them as much
if anything, when i watch them again i get a surge of emotions like i fell in love with them for the first time again, im reminded of all the good times with them and how much they've grown and i always just smile

>> No.76418751

>>76418693 (me)
im not sure why im using plural
i only had one oshi until fuwamoco

>> No.76418774
File: 1.31 MB, 960x720, 1716251293832199.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first oshi is still in the hospital.

>> No.76418795

https://youtu.be/ogg2TyfVUNY they will show up

>> No.76418801

Why was that deleted?

>> No.76418837
Quoted by: >>76419038

I hope you have a back-up oshi...

>> No.76418874


>> No.76418895
File: 128 KB, 592x680, E7zEi42UcAEpCj5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first oshi is still shining bright

>> No.76418969
File: 81 KB, 796x1024, 1714282593264182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I hope you buy her hoodie if you haven't. Time might be running out. I'm so sorry.

>> No.76419038
File: 132 KB, 828x1792, 20240506_081747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio and FuwaMoco are my only oshis...

>> No.76419049

Did you know cover and talents now have access to username and ip here? Be more thoughtful about what you post please. You could be hurting fuwamoco

>> No.76419066

I'm so sorry.

>> No.76419082

i never say anything bad about them

>> No.76419105

This is going to be a grim summer. Praying for your strength

>> No.76419117

Do you have access to a forum in your own shitty language?

>> No.76419122
File: 177 KB, 352x349, distraughtfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My condolences

>> No.76419131
Quoted by: >>76419174

kek make it more believable, call me out

>> No.76419135

I've done nothing wrong. Pero deserves it.

>> No.76419162
File: 162 KB, 729x306, Screenshot 2024-05-22 213501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't menhera'd in a long time here, I'm just a gorilla with a fragile heart that sincereposts. They might not like me for what I say to sisters and antis...

>> No.76419163

Fuwawa, Mococo I love you! You know where to find me!

>> No.76419174
Quoted by: >>76419253


>> No.76419187

>Mococo complains about shitposts on /baubau/
>Yagoo reaches out to Hiroshimoot and puts out a trace
>it's Fuwawa

>> No.76419204

Buy Mio's hoodie before... uh.. you know.

>> No.76419211
File: 759 KB, 2250x3632, __yukihana_lamy_hololive_drawn_by_yumemori_jabara__5154a220b8ca969ff5fa70799b8bba76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76419635

my oshi has huge tits but also health issues but shes doing better and is okay
but im honestly a bit on edge anytime i think about her, i hope she'll continue to be healthy and well, i'd shutdown if anything happened to her

>> No.76419240


>> No.76419253


>> No.76419347

>she was commenting thinking she upset a fan and couldn't sleep?
I've seen this enough times not to be able to tell who you're talking about.

>> No.76419354
File: 112 KB, 1024x576, 1716060273232658m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76419436


>> No.76419449

Love live (YYY and Guilty Kiss mostly) and iLife a bit as of now

>> No.76419464
Quoted by: >>76419573

Hi FUWAMOCO how was your day

>> No.76419494


>> No.76419535
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>> No.76419543
Quoted by: >>76419631

Can we drop the frequency of these a bit

>> No.76419573

I sometimes ask questions in twitter replies knowing full well they're not actually going to reply

>> No.76419631

sorry (。•́︿•̀。)

>> No.76419635

>Tfw Korone came back after her soft break saying she might get surgery if her throat issues continue to flare up
Hagbros we have to stay strong...

>> No.76419673

Stream or I'm done with you

>> No.76419684
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Quoted by: >>76419736

You're not supposed to respond

>> No.76419709
Quoted by: >>76419765

Maybe the young ones aren't so bad...

>> No.76419729

That's the risk with hags, the fireflies are undefeated in the end. We may never get the full hag off collab at this rate

>> No.76419736
Quoted by: >>76419788

i can't help it, i'm lonely (。︵。)

>> No.76419742
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>> No.76419754

(d ̄▽ ̄)大丈夫

>> No.76419765

The young ones will never satisfy us Ojisans

>> No.76419788

Post your floofies or get the fuck out of here

>> No.76419792 [DELETED] 

>RMs do one stream a month
The Gura arc was always inevitable.

>> No.76419822
File: 153 KB, 800x1382, Fuwawa-Abyssgard_pr-img_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>76419957

>> No.76419828

Didn't they cancel this months?

>> No.76419872

Why are you even replying you dumb retard

>> No.76419878
Quoted by: >>76421012

Ha. Yeah, a stream this month would’ve been nice

>> No.76419886
File: 114 KB, 300x300, 1709438882822047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was crying for no reason but it turns out a skunk sprayed near a vent and the fumes were making my eyes water. Anyway, how have your days been, Ruffians?

>> No.76419924

I didn't kill myself today yet so that's nice

>> No.76419930

all day watching isekai

>> No.76419948

don't post robocop

>> No.76419957


>> No.76419980

Watched anime, played games and I'm going to sleep so it was good

>> No.76420011

>skunk sprayed near a vent
Someone's smoking weed in your house, ruffian

>> No.76420048

That's a pretty bastard skunk move. I spent a bulk of today just organizing shit in my room, and now I should probably organize stuff on my computer too before it gets too out of hand again

>> No.76420110

I didn't even get hard watching marshmallow mania just now. I'll take that as a sign I need to take a complete break.

>> No.76420121

I am sad, nobody name dropped me today

>> No.76420171

I got you Itta

>> No.76420175

shut the fuck up anonymous you fat piece of shit

>> No.76420177

Sorry, Ultra-Fag. I almost forgot.

>> No.76420184
Quoted by: >>76420227

Go fuck yourself starlight

>> No.76420187

Did you get read today bros?

>> No.76420227

not me but thank you

>> No.76420235
Quoted by: >>76420313

Yes I got a reply.

>> No.76420308

They didn't even stream today

>> No.76420313

No you didn’t

>> No.76420356

>I stuck around passionately for the move, and was even excited
>I was with them when they went out on that late night combini run
>I hugged them when they needed it
>I've spent every day for months thinking about things and wondering what I can do to make them happy

Honestly the move, the GW and now this is really starting to stretch my limits, Its not me speaking against them, but I just can't be bothered to wait and to reply to every single cookie cutter tweet anymore. If it's gonna be this for 3 months even if they release a 3D stream, I'm devoted but I'm not devoted enough. Think I'm gonna take an actual long break and try to refocus myself on other stuff. And all I can do is pray to fucking god this isn't the new norm when all is said and done. But I don't know. Its clear some promises even though they wanna keep them, they can't.

>> No.76420405

Live long and prosper

>> No.76420409
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Rock me mama like a wagon wheel

>> No.76420425

yeah you should chill out, you dont have anything to prove
nobody cares except yourself

>> No.76420482
File: 63 KB, 241x235, 1693551432682848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna be horny anymore, I just want to be happy.

>> No.76420491

the move definitely took its toll and i dont feel like we had any time to recover

>> No.76420528

I think it's okay to take a break. You can leave for a little while until something substantial happens, and then come back. It's not like you're really going to miss much, and you'll probably feel less exhausted when they're back in a more regular capacity

>> No.76420530

>I'm devoted but I'm not devoted enough.
Only yesmen and trolls will accuse people of not being devoted enough. Relationships have two sides and both need to work to maintain it. Since the move they have become notably more distant, I get that there are some things out of their control, but some of it is definitely their fault.

>> No.76420538

Fuwawa mommy milk please dear OK

>> No.76420578

It completely blunted their considerable momentum.

>> No.76420588

I feel this way too. It's been nonstop bad news and setbacks. And it's beginning to feel like the new normal.

>> No.76420600
File: 211 KB, 822x702, 1691524096572268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some good news for some ruffians but if I say it I'll be outing myself to a couple people and that'd be annoying

>> No.76420598


>> No.76420614

>Only yesmen and trolls will accuse people of not being devoted enough
I don't judge others I simply agree with FUWAMOCO

>> No.76420630

Don't you have lives?

>> No.76420652
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>> No.76420658
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Goodnight Ruffian!

>> No.76420666

Look where you are.

>> No.76420675

I'm a gamer I have many lives.

>> No.76420686
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>> No.76420717

Yes it's watching fuwamoco

>> No.76420732

Nothing in me has the heart to blame them, but depending on how things go, if this turns more into a business relationship kinda deal with the curt 'Hey I'm streaming. Hello. Goodbye' like other EN's I'm gonna be devastated, FWMC's entire brand is their comfy interaction and their unique personalities, the moment they become all business, they lose the very thing that made them popular.

>> No.76420781
Quoted by: >>76420864

I don't think that will happen, I hope it won't, but the busier schedules will make it so that the interactions will become more rare, especially if they don't learn how to take care of themselves.

>> No.76420864

Kinda already happening, and the 3D opens the door to tons of new types of 'homework' I don't have confidence in them that they'll ever stop taking that option over us. They want us to be excited and don't get me wrong, I am for their 3D and the events they can do. But if it comes at the cost of going the typical EN route, its' not worth it.

>> No.76420874

so maybe my brane dont work good but how come people that traveled half way across the world can stream but not people that live there

>> No.76420924

Don't know, they won't tell us. So we gotta just guess.

>> No.76420931
Quoted by: >>76420970

Those people didn't fucking destroy their throats for no reason.

>> No.76420962


>> No.76420970

they sounded fine in the last stream

>> No.76421012

It would look bad if they stream but not as FWMC

>> No.76421017
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I will never forgive the cedar trees

>> No.76421018

They sounded better, they did not sound fine.

>> No.76421027

I guess the best way I can sum it up is I'm very disillusioned, I can trust, but I can only trust what they say so much when their actions speak for them. I really hope this is just a situation where they have little to no control, because if it isn't. Or if they keep paying lip service to 'wanting to do so much with us' and not. People are gonna catch on.

>> No.76421035

I will continue to have faith until something happens to make me lose faith, that's all there is to it. The current situation isn't nearly enough to shake me so I don't have any problem waiting for things to resume. I'm always sad when they're gone, but I'll be more worried for the day that I'm not

>> No.76421041
Quoted by: >>76421092

Not near the end of the supas, they were sounding a bit rough

>> No.76421092
Quoted by: >>76421248

Not to mention "sounding better" or even "sounding fine" is not the same as "fully healed". Marine came back a week earlier then she should have, sounded 100% and ended up doing permanent damage to her throat.

>> No.76421157
Quoted by: >>76421244

Same. I already put my membership on pause until they start streaming again.

>> No.76421244

I might do the same, I will reiterate I refuse to Oshihen, just not in my blood, but I need to wait and see how things go now.

>> No.76421248
Quoted by: >>76421311

>ended up doing permanent damage to her throat.
this is untrue

>> No.76421276

Imagine of they dropped superchat readings. All we would get is
>hello bau bau
>2 hour game stream
>bye bau bau

>> No.76421311

She literally had to change her voice (again) and ever since hasn't been a consistent streamer.

>> No.76421339

press the thumbs up button and say nice in the comments

>> No.76421370

I dont even supa and this would make me incredibly sad. Its as close as we can get to quality time where they just relax and talk about nothing in particular.

>> No.76421427

Same, I wish they would learn to zatsu properly but until they do, SC readings are the closest we get. I don't even SC but I've gotten some great content from readings, just by asking the right question or saying the right thing.

>> No.76421433
Quoted by: >>76421486

Frustrates me because sometimes the interaction feels plastic, like they have nothing to say so they HAVE to use other people's messages to step off and talk.

>> No.76421486
Quoted by: >>76421547

But seriously, a lot of vtubers have the same problem. I know they aren't exactly new to the game, but they still do have things to work on and that's one of them.

>> No.76421522

This would upset me greatly.

>> No.76421545
Quoted by: >>76421603

I really wish they would get comfortable and just zatsu on their own. This is usually why I SC in the first place because I want them to share things, or have conversations since they can't seem to do it very often without some kind of bridge point

>> No.76421547

I can't hear that song anymore without thinking of their version. And all the current shit that comes with it.

>> No.76421564

$50 is too expensive for SCs

>> No.76421603

Like they don't really even ask us questions unless its SC related, if they wanna know so much about us. Wouldn't they? Feels like a brick wall sometimes.

>> No.76421628

Just vpn to the 2nd or 3rd cheapest meme currency
As long as it's not ars they'll read it

>> No.76421648

It is and I'm still mad about the orange purge.

>> No.76421683
Quoted by: >>76421723

Frankly that was the fault of the people who abused it, not them.

>> No.76421712
Quoted by: >>76421734

You fags brought it on yourself by spamming that shit.

>> No.76421723

Yeah I know, I don't blame FWMC for it.

>> No.76421734

"spamming money"
oh the horror of success
