Ojisan Edition>What is /lig/?/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.>Why /lig/?Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.Numbers for 5/16:1: https://twitch.tv/vei (3,642)2: https://twitch.tv/nihmune (3,190)3: https://twitch.tv/nyanners (2,255)4: https://twitch.tv/Trickywi (2,191) *Virtual Tie4: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,165) *Virtual Tie6: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,158)7: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (1,805)8: https://twitch.tv/camila (1,741)9: https://twitch.tv/Rainhoe (1,608)10: https://twitch.tv/girl_dm_ (1,411) *Virtual Tie10: https://twitch.tv/MurderCrumpet (1,396) *Virtual TieNon-English:1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (3,637) *Japanese2: https://twitch.tv/hennie2001 (2,007) *Chinese3: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (1,873) *Russian>Wait isn't that one a corpo?A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.>Twitch Clips Guidehttps://pastelink.net/34vd5>VOD Archival Guidehttps://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide>/lig/ VOD Archivehttps://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)https://mega.nz/folder/JYtkXJwL#07gAQCQqI_9FsmX9oQJKSA>Tiermakerhttps://tiermaker.com/create/-lig--16586688-3>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)https://www.canva.com/design/DAE-XgWodVg/ofLz4QC1yPPQ4T6TTAE0fw/edit?utm_content=DAE-XgWodVg>Upcoming BirthdaysMay 17th - GrimmiMay 24th - FilianMay 29th - CottontailVA>OC material for the OPhttps://mega.nz/folder/IIVD1IaJ#cfsRhWdJvzneIoG8HZUPuw>Duckshttps://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed)Other useful threads:>>>/vt//wvt/>>>/vt//asp/>>>/vt//corpo/>>>/vt//indie/>>>/vt//vrt/>>>/vt//vsj+/>>>/vt//swarm/Previous Thread: >>76051407
I love my wife
Dumb bat...
>>76057440Hope dinner was good shonbaker
scootch over meatheads
I miss blue
i love grimmi
bnuuy cnuuy
>>76057505It was, I made porkchops. Something about watching Charlotte play Pokemon made me realize I had pork chops in the fridge.
I'm only 32. Does that qualify as ojisan
Bnnuy cnnuy luv
>>76057058reminds me how shondo's art mama ghosted her for like over a year, she even went and got a new mama, and she's still going to commission the old one for a new model now that she's backliggas can't let go
Anny bros is she gonna be ok? >>76056235
>>76057588me in 6 weeks
>>76057621yeah, me
I love my wife! I want to make her smile!
>>OPwho would break first? my bet is Lucy
>>76057473Me too, she should come back
>>76057646bao or lucy really
>>76057545how is she holding up?
>>76057630Anny, are you okay?So, Anny, are you okay?Are you okay, Anny?Anny, are you okay?So, Anny, are you okay?Are you okay, Anny?Anny, are you okay?So, Anny, are you okay?Are you okay, Anny?
>>76057565she's repeatedly bonking that poor sheepie's head
>>76057597I can jerk off to this
Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support good night lig
>>76057721Theyre headpats!
>>76057630>deleted her twitterwow thats crazyanyways
>>76057714that's the stuff
Do all chuubas struggle with dead money?I think mine dropped new vegas
>>76057778built for loving rape
>>76057630Average Anny reaction to the slightest drama
>>76057686I can't imagine anything breaking Bao in a way that she doesn't already want to be broken in.
>>76057630What's the TF stand for?
>>76057638I sexpost about Nina but you always remain so wholesome, I respect that
suko thong status: not a thong, plain black pantsu just like yesterday (totally not the same pair TRUST)
>>76057881the fuck
>>76057695No idea, she hasn't tweeted anything after the announcement note and it's been silent in the cord as well
>>76057881the fart
>>76057911at least anny will have a new loving home after deleting her twitter
>can you get rid of the timer we don't need it anymore
HANDSOME BOY SAVES THE NIGHThttps://www.twitch.tv/marimari_en
>>76057638We've had some fun streams this week, I'm so glad she's back She's been really horny lately and it's making me feral
>>76057966praise the lord
Our Queen.
I hope Layna learns who she is
>>76057961someone crush this foxy cockaroach
Backlinking because I'm dumb >>76058045
>>76057927is Alice a melon lover
>>76058052the roach alwaaaays comes back glackglackglackglack
>>76057747Sleep well snacker
>>76057966that boy ain't right
>>76057983I noticed that too, since the Japan trip, that long absence really had her yearning
>>76058098She's an NTR lover
>>76057881Télévision Française
>Grape just found out about Ocelot's meows
>>76058093What did she say about the twist and ending?
>>76057630anny's menhera might be on par with shondo's
could someone ask marimari why she stopped going to the gym?
>>76057881ISO 3166-1 country code for French Southern Territories, tf
>>76058214She caught it kind of early (buggy smart) but still loved it enough to wanna read the book and also be upset she never saw it before.
I really cannot understate how badly I want to watch Mint shake her fat ass to worn out old sum 41 songs wearing boyshorts and a tshirt.
>>76057630Isn't this a bi-monthly thing she does for attention?
>>76058240I don't think she did, she said last stream that she goes nearly every day
>>76057881Symbol for terafarad, an SI unit of electrical capacitance equal to 10^12 farads
>>76058163It only seems to be getting more intense, at this rate the next asmr might be incredibly dangerous
Oli had another cardiac event
>>76057927What does this mean?
>>76058308I will not survive
>>76058314Is she on medication for that yet?
>>76058314buy the ramen
>>76057630She's done this one other time around when the war in Ukraine started. There's a grace period to restore your account after deletion, but this is not a good sign
womp womp
>>76058333Anon probably has some degree of anhedonia, a common feature of depression. Alternatively, he's a sub-taster, or is simply wired such that food activates his reward system less strongly than most.
>>76058314fuck I kinda wanna watch
>>76058333HeavenlyFathers love watermelon
>>76058314Poor Oli, she is a trooper
>>76058367The medication is food
Love that Hina joined Mint's stream and it immediately became the Fat Girl Podcast
>awesome>epic>girlboss>totally single guys>epic singer>awesum>totally manly with rippling muscles>waxes her own cunt>kyahahawhat more can you want
No stream on Saturday but Sunday will be more Fallout adventures.
Is your oshi hot enough for married men in vegas to shoot their shot?
>>76058355Personally I'm going to drink pints of water before those streams to try and avoid death by dehydration
>>76057714I'm glad this brat seems to be doing better
>>76057881Team Fortress
>>76058465A beautiful hairy asshole
>>76058314Please be ok Oli
Is KK's stream really low quality for anyone else? I can't tell if it's a filter or just me.
>>76058496The zinc thing wasn't a joke it was a warning
>>76058533look elsewhere bucko
>>76058469>Comfy Sunday fallout adventuresLovely, I'll be there
>>76058314why does she mention it so nonchalantlyis this just going to be something that happens regularly to her from now on? the fuck?
>>76058592what is she supposed to do freak out about it and have another cardiac episode?
>>76058552She has a sound and graphical filter on for her "Radio" effect for the show
>>76058407No I mean the alice watermelon image.
>>76058314Can I be concerned now?
>>76057695probably just resting, she had to arrange some payment plan for the vet bills yesterday and pick out an urn so she hasn't had much time to just ignore the sad things
>>76058572Mhmm I've hear rumors.
>>76058630I like it, really adds to the "denpa" style
>>76058634thank god she said she'll post the full on twitter, really nice artist
>>76058569Why did you have to say that anon
>>76058685nuh uh you haven't
>>76058314please dont die oli
Are we gonna lose Juni to the Eurobros?
>>76057630no because shes fat
>Both KK and Rurumi have in some way consumed leadReally going for that denpa vibe, huh?
>>76058746Yurobros win again.
>>76058746Juni needs to get patriotism pilled
>>76058746Bay leaf?
>>76058469of course this leech made a patchy of her
>>76054887looks like you need to cum harder
>>76058780My Tenshi is a little bit odd
>>76058297i know, that's why it would be funny. it would catch her off guard
>>OPThose numbers are grim. This niche is fucking dead.
The mind is mentally willing but physically its falling, im sorry grimmi ill finish the the rest as a vod... good night liggermans
Hope oli can recover. Can't love all 4 3am women without her DWSYW
>>76058895>Not staying up until 5am (her time) with herWeak
>>76058592It's not as scary when you know what it is, she's probably putting on a brave face too
>>76058746dumb bitch lives in alaska of course anywhere else is better
Mari said "get jigs outta here!" lmao
>>76058903What is this face mean to convey? Also really funny having a cute chibi in the corner while actively using one that looks like it wants to stab you repeatedly.
>>76058895Sleep well Grimmibro
>>76058957Profound retardation
skittish women
Did we already make a well wishes card for oli after her first SVT?
>>76058986I've seen retardeder
>>76058746>like I FUCK with it but I felt like I was on a different planetWhat is she even trying to say here
>>76058957conniving bunny
>>76057630Wasn't she getting better? Did she mention anything bad happening in yesterday's alt stream?
>>76058746I really hate when American women do this.
>>76059027thing, Poland
>>76058746She's overflowing with dopamine from all the gangbangs.
Good morning saru! I got out of bed before 6am! See you at noon! Good morning lig.
>>76058746this is pretty accurate
I love ripping these silly edits people make in Vesper's discord.
>>76059075where's your image?
>>76059125Strawbuggies are pretty funny
>>76059134Image upload still won't work
>>76059012iirc her mods were trying to arrange something in the discord but I don't think it ever materialised. Maybe it's about time we think about picking up the slack and making one for her
>>76059125why does jerma hate vesper...
Thanks guys, since yesterday every ad I get is about how to start an LLC in america
>>76059194is there an image you want me to post as proxy?
>>76059263Any pookie image will work, thanks.
>>76059216Maybe they should stop jerkin off and do something
>>76058746what an annoying bitch
Bros check annys twitter
>>76059260At least you're better informed than Seth
Liggers I love watching weirdo women be weird
what you're oshi needed to blow a stranger every day on stream or a device implanted in her head by the CIA would explode?
>>76059027>Haha Poland McDonald's has funi items like waffles
>>76059310Are any liggermen in the olicord, did the card happen or not?
why are the unironic pedophiles from /swarm/ even listed as useful?
>>76058746>trying to feel cultured while you're at fucking mcdonalds>white women
>>76059445>the unironic pedophilesNeuro isn't real, anon
>>76059023When is Bat going to mutually massage ears with Para?
>>76058592She says she likes being transparent with her chat. It's a parasocial thing (You wouldn't get it)
>>76059372no thanks
>>76059485the pedophiles are
>>76059432poland mcdonalds menu what you ordering fellas? https://mcdonalds.pl/nasze-menu/
miia stinky
>>76059508Well, good news then! I guess.
>>76059573I don't trust this website, McDonald's always makes the menu items look better than they really are
hope my chuuba has fun tonight, too depressed to watch her stream. have a good one lig
>>76059573no way their patty is that thick
>>76059372what is she upset about? the japan shit? the fat jokes?
Any chuubas without a internal monologue?
>>76059657hop in when you are feeling better
>>76059669She finally looked at a mirror
>>76059372her twitter is gone
>>76057966I love this fish so much
I must take crazy bitch's fertile 21 year old womb
>>76059727Why does every European language look so silly?
Just got back from the pub, did I miss the bit with the card?
>>76059728im not I wanted to know what caused her to seemingly quit vtubing
>>76059780English is a European language
mari is so stupid
I think this is a good screenshot but I have no interesting text to go with it at the moment.
>>76059848She's just fishing for attention, again...
>>76059836I don't think she's gonna go over art on stream but she'll probably respond to it on Twitter when she eventually goes through her tag
>>76059869Good morning mate how's your morning tea
>>76059878Is this a vei?
>>76059523Treating people gooning to Neuro compassionately is a testament to the belief that everyone deserves respect and understanding. These habits, often a result of complex life experiences or emotional challenges, should be met with empathy rather than judgment. Offering support and a listening ear can be the first step in helping someone feel seen and valued, which is crucial for their journey towards positive change. It’s important to remember that behind every habit is a human being with their own story, and kindness can be a powerful catalyst for transformation. By fostering an environment of care and acceptance, we encourage not only personal growth but also contribute to a more compassionate society.
>>76059372Professional help
>>76059878she should go live
>>76059878Mel's streams are in a weird middle area between funny and boring, I never know what to post about her but I also like watching her
>>76059869That's hot.
>>76059836Grimmi is too big to acknowledge us now
>>76059573>McDonald's FarmerskiPetition to make it named this globally
>>76059780We're proud owners of one of the hardest languages to learn for non-natives, you wouldn't get it
>>76059878There's some guy in her chat with an absurd watch streak and I wonder if he sits at his computer all day waiting for her to go live
>>76059862English is, and always will be, American
Whoever made the naked edit of Miwa I worship you and I beg you to make more
>>76059836Grimmi graduated from us, the thing that's streaming now is not the Grimmi I fell in love with.
>>76059222But anon, Jerma IS Vesper. Have you ever seen them stream at the same time?
>>76059930I've only started watching her very recently because she usually plays games that scare me off. I haven't formed a specific opinion on her yet.>>76060020I mean that would be me with naiyo but she's also extremely consistent about her starting hours and days.
Maybe I should just become a Bat watcher. Her taste in games is peculiar, but at least it's not FOTM or sponsor slop. She's unlikely to get an ugly model update with balloon boobs just because everyone else does. She does not seem to get involved in corpo drama. I don't understand half the things she says on stream, but maybe I'll get used to it?
>Eros can't go outside in public without her mother or siblingsjesus tf is wrong with her
>>76059836She's currently lost in the MSG3 sauce
>>76059836Seth told her to ignore it.
hello mario
I want to hold eros' hand and take her outside
>>76060126hello bitches
mari glazing asmon rn
>>76058333oh i accudebtakky posted the watermelon version
>>76060127I can't tell if this is an elaborate "uwu I'm so weird just like you chat" or if shes actually retarded
Sell me on women
>>76059934how come Filian did
>>76059898>>76060105Ah well, I'll be happy with a full MGS3 stream either way.Thanks, cheers!
>>76060180Filian is kind and truly appreciates all her fans no matter where they congregate
>>76060077>Eros walks out without an escort>immediately found breeding behind a building with a strange man
>>76060192hina bobina lactate in my mouth
God, Bat's voice is gorgeous, has she ever done ASMR?
>>76060077zoomer women are just like that
>>76060180because filian is based
>>76060077social anxiety forma de living with parents
Grimmi just casually mentioning the Wuhan Bat theory.
>>76060077how normalfag are you that youre baffled by social phobia
>>76060293BUILD THAT WALL!
>>76060253yeah, me
does zuma have a chat mascot?
>>76060292I don't understand, how is a picture of the world's least interesting chuuba relevant?
>>76060327Yeah. Me
>>76060316sorry amigo, dudes aren't allowed to be autistic cripples in the west
>>76060336no one posted any images of filian though?
>>76060020People can see your watch streak?
Every time marimari plays this foodguessr game I'm surprised by how weirdly knowledgeable about the cuisine of small shitty countries in africa
>>76060395only if you announce it when twitch prompts you
>>76060398shes played it enough to recognize ingredients equals certain place
>>76060415Lead with that next time. I was about to freak out.
>>76060398she knows a lot about african culture
>>76060367If you're going to moffpost, at least choose one of the good ones
Is Juniper aware of the allegations
>>76060476seethe harder
cheesy bacon lover beef double or a bacon king?
hey big_ugly_finger thanks for the 28 months
>>76060469Streamers can see everyone who is in chat even if they're lurking. Even if she is not streaming.
>>76060545hell yea
>>76060545both are overpriced, fry up your own patties
>>76059878What is her name?
>>76060545Bacon, King.
>>76060593jabroni mike
>Parasocial relationships are naturalBased Denpa girls
>>76060517nice glutes. achievable natty?
what if it was your sisters wedding and you were carrying the wedding cake to the table but then your oshi non-alcoholically slipped on the tiles in front of you and was falling backwards into the food table, just in reach for you to save, but not without ruining the cake. what would you do?
>>76060568What counts as "in chat" even, I think it requires the chat window to be open right? It definitely doesn't count people watching a vod or something.
RJ alt
>>76060645probably wake up
>>76060568I'm fine with her knowing I'm pathetic. I don't need others to know my shame, too.
>>76060545bacon king
sex with dragons
>>76060648thast not a lice...
thank you i_am_a_rapist_i_will_rape_who_i_donate_to_you_will_be_raped_soon thanks for the 12 months
>>76060716It's a very long lice.
>>76060645Anon, the only reason I'd ever be at my sister's Xth wedding would be to shoot the place up. I'd be more concerned why my oshi was there.
>>76060705Veener's JO crystal...
I struggle to think of a better model/voice match than Mari Mari underscore en
>>76060734>soon>12 monthshmm
>>76060593Melparty. I've most often seen her stream around these hours I think.
>>76060774he does it once per month
western vtubing is over
>>76060648I don't know the specifics of that, but a few streamers have brought up that they know who is lurking even if you have never sent a chat message.>>76060672Tell me Anon, Has your oshi shown an interest in spreadsheets?
I cant believe Naiyo had a finished 3D model ready to go for a while
All rise and swear fealty to the Queen of /lig/
went with both and some onion rings
>>76060856boobs too big, please revise
>>76060856Queen? I didnt vote for her!
>>76060645guess my oshi is eating shit, sorry. i love her but if i were entrusted with my only sister's wedding cake's safety i would prioritize that.
>>76060856Not fat enough
>>76060823>a few streamers have brought up that they know who is lurking even if you have never sent a chat messageI mean yeah. If you can read the chat it means you are connected to the chat session and therefore are also technically a chatter. I think anyone can see the list actually, it's just a toggle on the chatbox. I'm just wondering what exactly starts the chat session connection and I think it's having the window open, either during stream or after the stream ends and you stay on the tab for example.
>>76060856boobs too small and also missing dicknipples
>>76060883A queen doesn't ask, anon. A queen commands. And Veibae commands to be Queen of /lig/
>>76060856nice thighs
>>76060823A few... One has recently been responding more to my messages so thanks for feeding into that delusion.
>I hope you find where you belongdamn that kinda hit me. real eros hours
>>76060568Pillow found my Twitter and I've literally never posted in chat or her Discord, some of these women scare me
hina and mint have atrocious taste in comedians
>>76060947i belong in your dads ass lol
>>76060952brad neely was the shit in 2010 ligga
>>76060738what if centipedes evolved fragmentation?
>>76060846When is she gonna debut it?
>>76060947>I hope you find where you belong [but it isn't here]honestly not sure how anyone ever takes that line positively
>>OPLucy is built and ready for heavy pounding in mating press by massive UB cock while begging for daddy's cum
>>76060978good he needs some company up there
>>76060952>fat white womendoes their taste matter
>>76060999after her move early next month
>>76061004she followed it up with that she belongs here and so does her chat. I'm new to her still so I dont feel that way
>>76060948If a chuuba messaged me directly on twitter or discord I wouldn't even know what to do at that point.Should I be happy? Should I check my locks, windows, and grab a weapon? What the fuck are you suppose to do?
>>76060993I imagine the eater of worlds from terraria mostly but there's also some kind of defrag joke to be made here.
>>76060868What the fuck. I also had onion rings. Are your legs still fucked
>>76061060I've had multiple chuubas follow me and every time I start panicking
>>76060952>>76061052says the one watching vtubers
>>76061061fair enough, i'm a schizo so salt, but i've always read it as a sugary way of saying "please fuck off"
>>76060925I would say "you need to be 18 to post here" but you're just an idiot. Go migrate you unlaiden swallow.
Tenshi kinda sounds like Koopa
>>76061060I would probably stop watching them desu, I do not wish to be perceived
>>76061052It does to me
>>76060753>wedding would be to shoot the place upHi Brandon
>>76061118thats a fair conclusion when its presented that way. its underhanded. I've seen social situations where thats been the case
>>76061161This. I dont exist. Do not perceive me.
she's not answering
Is vei isn't the queen of /lig/, who is?
>>76061161I just don't want to be given false hope. I've had enough.
Hey hey liggers, Seth here.
>>76061060I purposefully keep my distance with the only low 3view i watch just in case she tries to get possessive or yandere over my +1 to the viewcount
>>76061110how is poland Juni
>>76061197It means you're a virgin, loser
Thinking of Rainhoe's heavy hangers, thick thighs, and huge shits
>>76061298have never had a chuuba I watch go yandere, I may actually arm up if that were to ever happen
>>76059042She mentioned that she's only desperately alt streaming as an immediate distraction for suicide. She went 12 hours that one time because if she didn't, she was going to do it. She's likely told anyone that's her friend she's wanted to do it many times over the past years. It's not a new problem. She once disappeared for 5 years. It's the story of how she started. Account deletion and no PFP is broke up with BF tier.
why is that tododile so fucking small
when will marimari_en and kokonuts finally hatefuck each other?
>>76061444you dropped this, king
>>76058314There is no cardiac situation. It's to cover up that she's pregnant. Third trimester by my math. She'll be graduating just prior to giving birth.
>>76061572I'm glad we have lig's brightest mathematicians on the case already.
A bugless night, maybe I'll go watch that part of the Vesper's last fallout stream I missed.
Good morning /lig/. I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
>>76061603why so smug
>>76061703She won't continue without you
>>76061603she could be the next black heavenlyfather
>>76061469Does japan not have sucide watch?
>>76061403>>76061603never been to one of those, is it normal to toss powders into the heater or is that the joke?
>>76061710It's 2 AM bro, that's not morning
>>76061710your sex fox is hanging on to this world by a thread :(
>>76061799>Does japan not have sucide watch?Japan is just barely acknowledging mental health being an actual issue, you have to remember this is the country that has a forest that people go to to kill themselves to not burden their loved ones.
>>76061864Is she ogey?What happened now?
>>76061799>Ritual suicide is encouraged to restore honor
>>76061799Depression is not a thing in Japan. It does not exist. It never existed. Ignore the forest and don't go anywhere near it.
>>76061469>make it as a streamer and have a luxury life in Japan with basically infinite money from simps>still complain and want to kysUnreal
>>76061923Vesper is the Princess of /lig/
>>76061799They do but it's just a bunch of trees, Snuffy went there once
>Tenshi has a harapan redeem>Left it on for the woomy collabHoly based
>>76061909Kinda want to visit that forest
>>76061808no, in kbbq's sometimes the meat is marinated and they give you dipping sauces
>>76061926>infinite money from simpsThe infinite monny is going to a Ukrainian bank, because she can't open a Japanese bank account, where her assets are held, frozen, or delayed, and capped on how much she can withdraw. She is not a high asset individual by any means, not even close.
>>76061864I know...
I like grimmi, coqui, and I started watching oliviamonroe. I realized I like stupid girls.
>>76062061She should just move but that's not gonna happen
>>76061926money doesn't heal menherai wouldn't go on a spending spree blowing through all my money before killing myself either, that's fundamentally not how it works
>>76062061Why won't she move to Europe then? Why is she so hellbent on staying in Japan if it's not a welcoming place for her?
>>76061926Slowly but surely you should come to the understanding, that depression doesn't work like that. You don't just go "waaaiiit a minute! My life is actually good. I am no longer depressed."
>>76061895maybe the ukranian government is using popular accounts to track ukranian men abroad
>>76062147Money can buy therapy, which CAN heal menhera
https://www.twitch.tv/lovelymontananew ligger who autistically only plays RE, RE2, and MGS no damage speedruns
>>76062150sunk cost?
>>76061864she also deleted her nsfw alt
>>76062218maybei wouldn't try again after they told me to fuck around to get over being raped tho
>>76062150NTA but it's the idea that Japan "has it all" mentality or think it's the only place they can make their dreams come true like being a manga or anime artist or game developer - never gonna happen because the culture won't allow it there.Wait for all the chuubas that moved over there to only insulate themselves with the other foreigners. They only like the idea of Japan, not the reality of it.
>>76062219hey wait a second this is just british catgirl Aris
I liked when Mari asked Filian to show hole
>anons trying to earnestly argue with dramafagging touristsah, the classic
>>76062263The issue is finding the right therapist.
>>76062243It's so over
>>76062243hopefully she's just taking a break from it like bao did, would do wonders for her mental if she stopped ego searching here too.
>>76062218>therapy>in japanShe is trying to get therapy btw, but these things take time. Even more so when your severely depressed
>>76062295is this a bot?
X should make deletion of accounts permanently
>>76062295Argue with THIS
>>76060952a lot of the stuff Mint finds hilarious leaves me stone-faced but she loves Norm so her taste isn't that bad
>>76057686Lucy would beg for daddy's thick cock in his living embrace from the getgo because daddy issues, and Bao would ask him to put on the fursuit before banging her like an animal in heat.
>>76062274>or game developerI don't get this one, do people even do this? Maybe some niche fanbases give a buff for japan, like VNs or something but I don't think people care when it comes to 90% of genres and corpa studios are corpa studios no matter where you go.
>>76062389does she like fat jokes
how many polish game executives did Juni service at the Warsaw Porta Potty
Why is banana cat live at 3am?https://www.twitch.tv/nyanabanyanavt
Banana cat karaoke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRSnEtB-YzQ
buttslut soon
>>76062538nice, i'm lubing up already
>>76062431some sort of weeb magical thinking dunno it's not understandable to the sane
>>76062551shut the fuck up whore
>>76062492none, they turned her away at the door and say "no thanks ballooniper"
>undertale hat
>>76062551this gif is a visual shepards tone it looks like its getting faster and faster and it's gonna expode
>>76062593You can't silence me
fat bitch love
Can't we have one nice thread about Anny please? Look what you did, words have power you know, they can hurt people. Think about that next time you say something mean, ERM! Stop saying mean things about Anny! Leave Anny alone, ERM!
>>76062431Some people can get really weird about it.Know one Russian chuuba that's like this. She refuses to work in game development anywhere else unless it's in Japan. Probably because she grew up in a broken home and Japanese games were her comfort and shielding her from the reality of living in Russia with no father.
>>76062538at this time? isn't she normally live in like 3 hours?
>>76062526>>76062535>no checkmark>30 ccv on twitch>50 ccv on YT???
>>76062331i got lucky with over the counter tryptophanliterally went from constantly thinking about jumping off cliffs on holiday (probably would have done it if i wasn't afraid of heights) to not wanting to die at all in less than a week
>>76062147mental illness is less prevalent in wealthy individuals and families
>>76062599I mean, a 8/10 girl in us is probably just a 5/10 in eastern eu
>>76062668Fuck off with your larp
bros i jwu what does this coqui tweet mean
>>76062668You're just asking for it at this point
>>76062693Youtube equivalent, also she literally just went live though I swear last time I checked she had a checkmark too
>>76062715calling it a larp implies anyone is getting fooled by it
Whore live
>>76062218it's not even about therapy access as much as having wealth raises your entire quality of life and living conditions in a way that's not as conducive to causing mental illness as a stress poverty environment
>>76062752which one
>>76062741>50 ccv>Youtube equivalentare you retarded?
>>76062796>literally just went liveAre you blind?
>>76062752This isn't vei's usual timeslot
>>76062813fuck off retard
>>76062844Or what? You'll hall monitor harder while refusing to read? lol.
>>76062670I mean, I wouldn't read that far into that, I think a lot of people have a huge amount of nostalgia for japanese games. Actually, maybe they want to specifically work on their favourite franchises in the studio they grew up with or something. I think I'm too blackpilled about how studios change over time to get that mindset personally.
>>76062864>while refusing to read?quite ironic for you to say this when you can't even read the OP of the thread you're posting in
What is she laughing about?
>>76062644She's the Energy Kyouka of vtubersExtremely charming but also a slut
>>76062897my tiny penis
>>76062931thank you shonbaker
>>76061215She’s mourning anon
>>76059437We made a thread in the general chat where everyone sent in get well letters. She was happy.
>>76062693she'll be a 3 view within the next 2 years
>>76062937That's hot.
>>76062865She stated a few things herself and i just connected the dots. But yeah, people just get weird with it. I'm also blackpilled in my specific field and man I have to be careful unless I want to be a marked man.
>>76063029I'm not even sure if anything is my field, I think I've accepted that I'm ngmi long ago but I still keep track of gamedev for whatever reason.
>>76062668>ERMEnterprise Risk Management?Exchange Rate Mechanism?Estrogen Receptor Methylation?École Royale Militaire?Erotic Roleplay Mistress?Extended Range Munition?
>>76063168Pirate: ERM! (slow_clap)
>>76063168I need to fucking impregnate squchan right now.I can reach the top shelf for her.