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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 357 KB, 2048x2048, E78-BN0UcAArjFZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7586460 [Reply] [Original]

Doko(You) and Dokomi

Kiara at Dokomi will be streamed at https://www.twitch.tv/dokomitv
DoKo Me & U Live Podcast with Takanashi Kiara (VTuber)
03:00 PST /06:00 EST/ 12:00 GMT+2/ 19:00 JST

Takanashi Kiara (VTuber) - Karaoke
08:00 PST/11:00 EST/17:00 GMT+2/ 00:00 JST

Art by: https://twitter.com/SoraBananasan/status/1422924274197700614?s=20

Previous thread: >>7529636

>> No.7586485 [SPOILER] 
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1628275704876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7586511

No thoughts.
No tweets.

I miss my chicken wife.

>> No.7586540

Am I legally allowed to like Kiara, cause everyone on this board says I'm supposed to hate her but I don't.

>> No.7586559
File: 274 KB, 363x506, le sad chimkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7586939

I want to watch a vod so I can pretend she isn't gone but don't know which one I should watch thoughts

>> No.7586615

Yes but only in this thread

>> No.7586674

>Am I legally allowed to like Kiara
Who cares if it’s legal, take some advice from Preist

>> No.7586679

They just want you to think Kanon is crazy, but when you read into it things make more sense. Like if orange woman bad, why is she so cute?

>> No.7586880
File: 742 KB, 664x611, 1628100203382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This radio silence is kiling me bros...

>> No.7586939

One of her shill stream.
More views on those will help her get better advertisers in the future. And in shill streams or collabs she doesn't react to chat that much so you won't notice as much that it isn't live.

Or you could use this:

>> No.7586999



>> No.7587064
Quoted by: >>7587179

>Or you could use this:
Thank you for this anon, this will come in handy whenever I'm missing chickenwife.

>> No.7587179
File: 3.12 MB, 1614x1512, chickenwheel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just made an updated version

>> No.7587245

lucky, a classic

>> No.7587269

Is that up to date? I remember being here when anon posted it but I think that was 2 or 3 weeks ago.

>> No.7587295

Fuck, nevermind. Basado.

>> No.7587668
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1606573486037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am board

>> No.7587762

>slither io
Hope it's good

>> No.7587800
Quoted by: >>7587818

Eggs are fucking slacking, nowadays the board isn't nearly orange enough, there's barely 3 or 5 threads at a time.

>> No.7587818

They tried yesterday but slapped quick.

>> No.7587831
Quoted by: >>7587880 >>7588083

I honestly kinda miss when the catalog was literally 30%+ Kiara

>> No.7587848
Quoted by: >>7587927 >>7587950

kek, this was kino

>Comments are turned off. Learn more
Wait what the fuck?

>> No.7587880

I don't. Just the same fucking bait over and over.

>> No.7587927

I think that was the height of the SEAmonkeys taking PekoMoon a bit too seriously. As someone in Global put it, I can’t forgive them for robbing us of a potential frenemies dynamic between Moona and Kiara.

>> No.7587950

There was a time when comments on her channel were turned off by default and she didn't know why.
This stream is long enough ago that it could have been hit by that wave and no one noticed.

>> No.7587963

Only a catalogue reader or a splitfaggot would think /vt/ hates Kiara. /jp/ might but they're irrelevant.

>> No.7588083

I only miss it because it was new back then. Orcschizo was still Orcschizo, the kraut egg was not doxxed yet, Haatonchama just got the divorce papers handed to him, there was genuine anger and effort behind those posts. Nowadays, the only hate threads are either based on dead rrats or it's just numberfagging and none of them are fun.

>> No.7588142

Momo collab doko
Mom collab doko
Pomu collab doko
IRyS collab doko
HoloTori collab doko

>> No.7588168
Quoted by: >>7588241

Which will have the most sexual tension?

>> No.7588241

Pomu is openly interested in women and she called Kiara her oshi. If Pomu watched the Shadowverse thing or at least some clips from it she knows how weak Kiara is to flirting so I hope she pounces on her.

>> No.7588426

It's important to note that antis will participate in splits over and over again to manufacture consensus. This happens with basically every chuuba. Never forget "This user was banned for replying to himself 30 times" kek.
Never let any place, be it /vt/, discord or leddit dictate your opinions. Inform, perhaps, but never dictate.

>> No.7588449

Pomu is currently out due to surgery. Give it a month or so.

>> No.7588513

I miss Kiara...


>> No.7589002

If you care what /vt/ thinks of you, you should probably just end it now. I like Nyanners, I post about liking Nyanners, /vt/ tells me to kill myself because /vt/ are a bunch of teenagers who like to parrot popular opions and act older than they are, and I continue to enjoy life.

>> No.7589526
Quoted by: >>7589643 >>7590011

Here's my reaction to each potential collab
Hype zone:
Enthusiastic zone:
Interesting zone:
Novelty zone:
Marine>AZKi>Matsuri=Most of NijiEN>Mel>Ayame>Choco>Luna>Aqua
Meh zone:
Nah zone:

>> No.7589557

I love this pic. Really reminds me of Harvest Moon.

>> No.7589643
Quoted by: >>7589760

That is an... interesting list.
Not a fan of O'riends? Or the potential of a German-only or at least German-heavy Iofi collab?

>> No.7589760

I guess I don't quite get the appeal of Nene for the same reason I don't get the appeal of Gura. No hate of course, but I just get filled with apathy when I hear they're collaborating with Kiara.

>> No.7589947
File: 360 KB, 608x900, E0qQzRTVEAEqInK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7589968 >>7589980

None of you fucking krauts better do something cringy like propose to her at the meet and greet.

Because I plan on doing that.

>> No.7589968
Quoted by: >>7590189

She asked for jewelry after all so I hope you bought her a nice ring.

>> No.7589980
File: 116 KB, 591x735, 1624170135510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7590042

>To my wife
Prepare to be disappointed bud

>> No.7590011

Collab idea: Kiara, Mamatorori and Lofi organizing the EN server Oktoberfest.

>> No.7590042
File: 168 KB, 1160x771, 7684534421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7590123

Pretty weird that she was off twitter for a day but I assume she's trying to give off as little info as possible to avoid stalkers.

>> No.7590189
File: 3.35 MB, 1280x720, kiara meow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7590243

I don't like in Germany or the EU so going to to Dokomi is out of the question but if she ever does a meet and greet at any NA con or does one after a live concert in Japan sometime next year I could probably go. I was going to go next year anyways.

She's probably having fun at the con and hanging out with Enma. Dokomi is pretty big and she'll probably wear a facemask so I doubt she'll stand out.

>> No.7590243

Dokomi opens tomorrow, it's smaller than usual due to coof regulations.
Today was probably tech check

>> No.7590615
Quoted by: >>7591356

Jenma took her phone, chained her to a bed and forced her to relax and get her mind off of things.
Then they had a nice dinner afterwards.

>> No.7590630
Quoted by: >>7590653

Well at present the antis are split between shitposting about Coco's roommate, Gura's rise, and Niji stuff. They'll go back to Kiarashitting eventually once the drama train for those three end. The eternal cycle of living in an anonymous image board.

>> No.7590653
Quoted by: >>7590967

>Gura's rise
Gura's what?

>> No.7590967

Oh I mean her taco ad thing and the Nendos which are exclusive to her as far as EN happenings go.

>> No.7591046


>> No.7591076

Thank God, I was legitimately getting worried since she's always been active on Twitter

>> No.7591172

We are really not getting anything today, at least she seems fine so that's good to know.

>> No.7591212
Quoted by: >>7591329

Could also simply just want a break from social media, which is smart.

>> No.7591329
Quoted by: >>7591396

Kiara taking a break from social media is smart.
But I don't want to take a break from her...

>> No.7591356

This reminds me. This is probably the first con our chicken has gone to where she isn't dirt-poor. For those of you who don't know, there's some really shitty practices in the con community that can make your time there exponentially worse. I'll list just a few that money can fix easily.
>Stuffed rooms with more people than bed-space.
>Garbage food meaning less energy/sluggish and feeling bad later in the day.
>Deal hall/artist alley out of reach.
I really hope she gets a nice meal this weekend and actually gets to treat it like a real vacation instead of a fun time with a bunch of work-arounds.
Had a decent-paying job for years and ever since personally changing my con-friends, we end up going to a nice restaurant and buying a really good meal and have either 1 or 2 to a bed. It's even worse spacial-wise for someone who needs to bring a lot of extra clothing, so I hope she really enjoys the change that money can bring in the con experience.

>> No.7591396

A year ago I didn't even know she existed. It's weird to go a day now without hearing from her...

>> No.7591523

>Guten Abend
What did she mean by this

>> No.7591524

Living without needing to worry about eating on the next month does wonders to anyone, im really happy for her and i hope she enjoys this little break.

>> No.7591527
Quoted by: >>7591674

Never been to a con before. But I've heard both amazing and horrifying stories from friends before. Sounds like the type of deal where you either love it or hate it depending on the experience and accommodations.

>> No.7591532
Quoted by: >>7591705

Reminds me of how they were asked to talk about going to cons at AX and Kiara literally only talked about how much the travel sucks.

I've only attended a single con and even then I was only a guest so I have no idea how the deal is for the people working at a con.
But I can imagine it's similar to what you describe although maybe slightly better in Europe than elsewhere.

>> No.7591567

Kiara with a clear goal >>>>>> Kiara on her own.

>> No.7591597

am owl

>> No.7591605


>> No.7591619


>> No.7591649


>> No.7591674

I've only ever gone in groups. That's generally a pretty good way to enjoy it. Cons are a nice excuse to use my unique bodyshape to cosplay. It's pretty fun, even if most of the events are kinda lame. It's just kind of a general experience thing.
If you have a cosplay, people will take pictures of you and talk to you and that's fun.

>> No.7591705

Depends on the level of the guest. Honestly, number(s) of people that you might draw to the con dictate better options as a VIP. Usually they have one of the floors that will have a range of rooms available, from cheap 2 beds, to single kings with a foyer, but I couldn't see Kiara getting something all too great in the past. Beyond that, food, drinks, etc are all on you as a VIP.

>> No.7591714
Quoted by: >>7591738 >>7593165

kiara likes girls

>> No.7591715
Quoted by: >>7611870

only one schizo hates her

>> No.7591738

What a coincidence - so do I!

>> No.7591776
File: 41 KB, 739x415, With cheese, Ms Kiara. With cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her first con where she isn't dirt poor
Better take advantage and become a merchant catering to her wants and needs.

>> No.7591832
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>> No.7591871

Does YT still fucks you if you break your rate of upload? Didnt they change that a while ago?

>> No.7591893
Quoted by: >>7591963

Rank the "am ___" videos while we wait
For me it's frog > cat > crow > shark >>> dog > sheep

>> No.7591963
Quoted by: >>7592060

Frog made me laugh so much when it first came out and actually made me give her a chance. Before that, it was just occasional clip-watching and making fun of vtuber fans.

>> No.7592013
Quoted by: >>7592248

Can't fucking believe this, all day waiting and she choosed an Afroaves?

Australaves encompasses Cariamiformes and Passeriformes. But we get a Strigiforme? Good job

Card canceled
Internet cut

>> No.7592060
File: 221 KB, 400x442, 1614973425325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone was actually won over by am frog
Damn. Well, if it works, it works.

>> No.7592188

wait that wasn't an owl, that's kiara

>> No.7592248

ornithologyanon calm down

>> No.7592331

Why doesn't she just do other short videos like "OK BUT" and hot chocolate? Turning the "am __" thing into a series is boring.

>> No.7592527
Quoted by: >>7597474

It's just an excuse to show off her animal impersonation, and she's been on an owl kick lately.
I'm sure she'll do a meme video or a cover on sunday or something. I doubt it will be a cover but Goodbye Sengen has me hoping for more

>> No.7592534

It's a dumb, easy meme that with a theme that lets her do it with literally anything literally whenever, for several hundred dollars for no work or thought.

>> No.7592718
Quoted by: >>7592920 >>7592981

She sucks at making meme shit and doesn't know what people find funny and what they don't. She talked about this before.
"am frog" was actually her giving an example of something she'd find funny but wouldn't think anyone else would like.

But KFP pushed her to try it out and it got a lot of views which flooded her numbernigger brain with dopamine so now she knows at least that works but still doesn't want to experiment more.

>> No.7592732

I think the only problem i have with the short videos is that they arent low quality enough, the least effort made the better it is.

>> No.7592796

You're boring.

>> No.7592884
File: 561 KB, 828x1080, Kiara getting big and plumpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much oreo shakes she gets from 100k views?

>> No.7592910
Quoted by: >>7592960 >>7593277


>> No.7592920

numbers numbers rrrrrrrrrrrat

am egg

>> No.7592960

>all of it will be in german this time yeah
I'm ngmi...

>> No.7592981
Quoted by: >>7593268 >>7593402

The irony is that Kiara makes better "shorts" on Twitter that could be described as memes. She's definitely capable of more, she just chooses not to for some reason.
Like this thing about her being locked up, only that it turned out those weren't her actual hands (which could've been a video):
Or the cute phoenix revival thing:
Or this "STREAM SPARKS" pop-up:
She can do it, but she likes her running gags even if they're long past their expiration date.

>> No.7593165

Wow ame. Your investigative skills are unmatched

>> No.7593268

She's just like most of her fanbase then.

>> No.7593277

Oh no...

>> No.7593380
File: 289 KB, 480x401, 1625906443510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the Am ___ videos combined without counting the owl one have a total of 2,921,000 views. God the face of any who that see this shit.

>> No.7593402

I'm pretty sure am zoo is more cute than funny to her.

>> No.7593425

Did you just have a stroke

>> No.7593470

I agree but I also don't understand

>> No.7594353
File: 971 KB, 3000x1688, IMG_20210531_073538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7594576

>> No.7594427

I don't understand your words but I like your imahe, funny png man.

>> No.7594576
File: 329 KB, 1600x1600, Kiara (261).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck crow Kiara

>> No.7594624
Quoted by: >>7594746

she confirmed she will sound different at dokomi because the setup is different and she doesnt understands it
hopefully she sounds like in her off collabs in japan, thats what im guessing. or even better

>> No.7594746

If she does, her return would be the perfect time for us to swarm with chats like "You sounded really cute at Dokomi! Any chance you'll look into changing your mic settings a little?"

>> No.7594927

takanashinashitanika kiariakia

>> No.7594956


>> No.7595468
File: 488 KB, 2731x4096, IMG_20210806_150440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7596113

>> No.7595658
Quoted by: >>7595813 >>7598462

Phoenixton is starting to get overpopulated and the high population density will only lead to squalor and disease. The only solution is to have Kiara ask Mamatori to expand the village.

>> No.7595680

>47 hours until Penis Inspection Day

>> No.7595757
Quoted by: >>7595870 >>7596054

What are her fetishes?

>> No.7595813
File: 27 KB, 420x444, 1622469470724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine all the mamatori art

>> No.7595870

Scat, fo sure.

>> No.7595879
Quoted by: >>7617398

It will take a great deal of self-restraint on my part to not act like this if I catch a glimpse of her:

>> No.7596054

The safe bets are cosplay and pantyhose/lingerie, she's might be into femdom or submissive play. Cant see she being into weird ones.

>> No.7596113

me in her arms btw

>> No.7596220
Quoted by: >>7596324 >>7597250

She schlicked to that one takamori porno

>> No.7596324
Quoted by: >>7596354 >>7598572

Imagine schlicking to Mori Jawliope when you've already been with the genuine article

>> No.7596348

No way femdom, she's very clearly a sub

>> No.7596354

Maybe she wants it in character too?

>> No.7596992
File: 2.08 MB, 3541x2508, 85495895_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7597160

>> No.7597160
File: 371 KB, 1600x1600, 357251239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7597331

Post more cute tiny Kiara

>> No.7597250
Quoted by: >>7597356 >>7597549


There’s a takamori porno?

>> No.7597331
File: 221 KB, 813x813, kawaiiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7597356

Yes but it's very poorly shot

>> No.7597422
Quoted by: >>7597554

Femdom would stress her out lol. She'd rather be the one being told what to do.

>> No.7597474

I find it funny how she literally didn't know how an owl sound til recently, which is why uhu in the ttrpg sounded like a baby chick lol.

>> No.7597549
Quoted by: >>7597580

Here if you want, its pretty cringe but morichin is a blessing to this world.

>> No.7597554
Quoted by: >>7597709 >>7597724

But... Kiara is in control

>> No.7597580


Bless you anon

>> No.7597709

Literally a meme to gain self-confidence. She's absolutely M and has shown it on stream many times.
Her songs literally ask others to tell her what to do because she's lost

>> No.7597724
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 463314735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the day, sure. But at night, I'll be assuming control.

>> No.7597739
Quoted by: >>7597899 >>7597978

>Her songs literally ask others to tell her what to do because she's lost
Anon please reread sparks' lyrics

>> No.7597899

Sparks is still about being lost. Hinotori literally says
If I go wrong, what awaits me in the dark
Could you tell me please, where I need to go?

>> No.7597978

The character arc:
>Debut Kiara: quick to tears, unsure of herself, considers her fans her investors (ie her bosses), feels inadequate, Hinotori says "Could you tell me please where I need to go?"
>Birthday Kiara: Confident, Kiara Is In Control is a meme, considers her fans her employees and jokes about torturing them if they don't do what she says, SPARKS says "Don't stop, just go your own way! Choose the future you design!"

>> No.7598013


>> No.7598212
Quoted by: >>7598491 >>7598966

Has Kiara ever shown interest in doing a watchalong of The Lion King 1+2? I'm pretty sure she said she didn't even know there was a second movie, but I think she'd think it's cute that the protagonist has her name

>> No.7598462

Why not just cull the weak?

>> No.7598491

am lion
1 would be cool but Disney sequels should stay forgotten, even if it means skipping out on this Kiara character.

>> No.7598572
Quoted by: >>7598650

The genuine article is known to be ugly though. Possibly worse than the cosplayer.

>> No.7598650
Quoted by: >>7598830

Where have you fuckers been coming from lately?

>> No.7598663
File: 40 KB, 500x527, 1612211582320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7599612

Imagine believing this

>> No.7598830
Quoted by: >>7599057

Faggot I GUARANTEE I've been here since before you were in every sense of the sentence, to the point I'm fucking ashamed of it.

>> No.7598966

Knowing Kiara, she'll still think the 2019 Lion King is better than the original

>> No.7599034

Even if she doesn't, she'll say it is anyways.

>> No.7599043
Quoted by: >>7599156 >>7599234

>I know the original is a classic and all, but the new one was just SO realistic!

>> No.7599057

I miss /l/...

>> No.7599156
File: 40 KB, 480x330, 4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I really don't wanna do a watchalong of it. I can feel myself raging if she actually prefers the reboot version.

>> No.7599234
Quoted by: >>7599599

She's all I imagine from having a normie girlfriend

>> No.7599254 [SPOILER] 
File: 169 KB, 718x1276, 1628298882647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just searched Takanashi Kiara using a anon browser too see what happens and this is the result, funny to see how much her name is binded to Mori.

>> No.7599324


>> No.7599366

But Mori is ya boi…

>> No.7599571
Quoted by: >>7599601

>Does Kiara have cancer
That just reminds me, we haven’t had a “go to the doctor” time loop in a while.

>> No.7599599

I find it fascinating that she manages to be both a turboweeb idolfag and a based basic bitch at the same time

>> No.7599601

Writing her a love letter atm, AMA

we had a mini loop in a zelda stream and she said she will go after Dokomi when chat told her she needs a follow up

>> No.7599612

are you quoting

>> No.7599632
Quoted by: >>7599957

Will you post the final product here before you send it to her?

>> No.7599661

>Is Kiara fried phoenix real?
Are you real KFP?

>> No.7599663

shes YA boi, not A boy googlechama

>> No.7599711

Eh, my results in incognito are pretty different. Theres as many Ironmouse mentions as Mori.

>> No.7599727
Quoted by: >>7599957

Please don't make it... TOO weird.

>> No.7599845
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, 1613344319678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7599957

Based, but don't fly too close to the sun or Jenma will confiscate your letter. Keep it low-key

>> No.7599957
Quoted by: >>7600015 >>7601953

of course not. It's not just a confession, it also talks a lot about other shit
actually telling her I genuinely love her may make her more receptive to the other shit I'm writing about
I'm weird and schizo but I keep it to myself
I'll be as direct as possible because she won't understand or try to play around it otherwise, but without being weird so Jenma doesn't confiscate it

>> No.7600015
Quoted by: >>7600069

You should post it here either way
Doing otherwise would be faggotry

>> No.7600069

making public a private communication between her and me is a red flag that I dont deserve her
so im a faggot and I like to be pegged sure

>> No.7600204

You literally can't deserve her any less than you do know anyways.
Take a pic so you can post it later when you come around or when she publicly denounces you.

>> No.7600323
File: 393 KB, 746x401, Pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7600512

It's going to be weird isn't it? if you are afraid of opsec or something like that is definetly going to be weird.

>> No.7600512
Quoted by: >>7601751

how about you tell me what strikes you as weird

>> No.7600885
Quoted by: >>7601413

If real, it won't be received very well. No matter how cool or sweet or caring you think you are, it won't work.
I know it doesn't feel good, but use the guy sending a legitimate love letter over supa's to her about wanting not just to listen to her, but to touch her and love her. She skipped over half of the supa instead of reading the whole thing because she was both embarrassed by it and slightly weirded out. That's why most of the goslings use jokes to convey it, like a love letter not being really descript and then ending with "I can't wait to be with you Jenma". Write it and post it here so we can commiserate together.

>> No.7601413

I would never go that far deep in gosling territory to tell her I want to touch her. it would be more of a cute type of confession

>> No.7601681

>She's absolutely M
She fucking hates pain Anon.

>> No.7601751
Quoted by: >>7601910 >>7601947

If the fan letter goes too deep like that Mori pastebin, trying to establish a intimate contact with the person, share private info, analyze her behavior, worshiping, thoughts of being saved by said person or her being mental support to a overbearing extent, acting as a close friend who knows a lot about said person, too much flirty and romantic are some things that usually you can see famous people talking about creepy fan interactions with letters/texts are mentioned. Even the size of the letter can creep the person, keeping it simple and sweet are the best option in these cases.

>> No.7601910

>If the fan letter goes too deep like that Mori pastebin
lol no
>trying to establish a intimate contact with the person
>share private info
>analyze her behavior
I do a little bit of that
>thoughts of being saved by said person or her being mental support to a overbearing extent
literally the opposite of that
>acting as a close friend who knows a lot about said person
>too much flirty and romantic
I dont know how to be flirty anyways

>> No.7601947


>> No.7601953

>I'm weird and schizo but I keep it to myself
>writing an actual love letter to Kiara
Anon you're doing a bad job of keeping it to yourself.

>> No.7602241
File: 220 KB, 2000x1375, E8JGTZHWEAEJ6h_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7602341

I hope they finish Goose Game someday.

>> No.7602341
Quoted by: >>7602481

I hope they make an original song together. Or maybe a full Holotori original song.
I'd also settle for regular covers, but original would be kino.

>> No.7602481
Quoted by: >>7602638 >>7602909

Kiara... more music onegai...
don't give up on your dreams...

>> No.7602638
Quoted by: >>7603953

I think it's reasonable to expect she's always got some musical project in the works at any given moment, be it a cover or original. She learned not to hype them too early, but instead forgot to promote them sufficiently shortly before release.

>> No.7602909
Quoted by: >>7603078

Imagine a Babymetal cover mixing German and Finnish influences. How good would it be?
Lumi: https://twitter.com/Lumituber/status/1418644094323134466?s=20
Kiara: https://youtu.be/EKysDFzSDQM

>> No.7603078
Quoted by: >>7613282

Probably dogshit.
Why finnish

>> No.7603953
Quoted by: >>7604313

I'm sure she still wants to do covers with Ina and Ame as soon as its feasible. After all, it's original music that has her discouraged, right? But aside from covers with her genmates, there's quite a few other people who it would be great to see her with, like Nene or Watame.

>> No.7604313
Quoted by: >>7611004

I thought it was cover's approach to music in general, and her own numbers, that had her down.

>> No.7609772
File: 175 KB, 1400x912, 1626270719338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7610033

Wow so she's going to actually cosplay as herself but with even more skin tight clothing and a shorter skirt

>> No.7611004

>sets alarm for 3 AM
The things I do for this chimkin...

She specifically said it wasn't the numbers. She only said it was behind the scenes stuff that she couldn't go into detail about, anything else is speculation.

>> No.7611394
Quoted by: >>7611456 >>7611469

how the fuck does one even send fan letters to kiara

where do you send them to??

>> No.7611402
File: 297 KB, 1500x1640, E8KDWNzVUAQUwdn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7611456
Quoted by: >>7611564

You send them to Cover in Japan and they will eventually send them to the member you address it to. I think they have all that info on their website.

>> No.7611469
File: 177 KB, 348x600, E0xXCH-UcAEBzDp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7611564

It's on the website I think. Basically you send it to Hololive and they would then send it to the chuuba.

I have no idea how the payment/shipping works though. I think you'd have a better chance if you sent her a small tweet or something.

>> No.7611564
Quoted by: >>7611656

bros i wish i could just get to the meet n greet

>> No.7611656
File: 72 KB, 1200x675, kstare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but I like in NA and I'm not fully vaxxed so I can't travel anyways even if I could.

Here's hoping they make it to next year's AX.

On the bright-side, 4 more hours till the Dokomi panel.

>> No.7611833
File: 499 KB, 1335x2048, 1628316901474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7612898

>> No.7611870


>> No.7612898

Surely wing zero would make more sense, through G-Arcane has the right colour scheme

>> No.7613282

NTA but probably because Lumi is Finnish and he wants Lumi and Kiara to work together.

>> No.7614158
File: 247 KB, 1200x1600, 1628325056657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7616102

>> No.7615289
File: 79 KB, 1021x970, ErLKiPfXcAAOK2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7615352

5 minutes till podcast start.

>> No.7615306


>> No.7615352

>sponsored by noblechairs

>> No.7615380

Where can i watch it?

>> No.7615406


>> No.7615413


>> No.7615418

starting soon

>> No.7615666

>Mods put the chat in slow mode so translators are nerfed

>> No.7615694
File: 399 KB, 658x537, 1603435259807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is exquisite cringe. Loved the wide angle shot with severe lack of audience, too. And OMG is that a MAN audible through HER mic?

>> No.7615774

"if it wasn't for conventions I didn't have friends" Chimkin...

>> No.7616030
Quoted by: >>7616121

>Kiara actually went to Brazil
Is that a first for chuubas?

>> No.7616102
File: 1.60 MB, 1200x1600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7616121


>> No.7616312
File: 11 KB, 900x450, 1609417007174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to laugh at the German convention cringe but this thread is fucking dead.

>> No.7616351

I'm unironically eating beans and I don't understand what the fuck they're saying lol

>> No.7616352

Too busy reading the translators in chat

>> No.7616385

The HLG thread is more lively. I'm not a native Kraut and only recognize every other word so I'm concentrating on the stream

>> No.7616616

If the meeting is with the giant tv Kiara shit will get surreally gosling

>> No.7616664
File: 176 KB, 2480x1881, 6th6ed140uf71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kiara!

>> No.7616710

Kiara’s got a pretty nice ass irl

>> No.7616730

If you want to keep doing that you'll need to show your Kiara loving licence, KFP work place card and have your happy worker chip scanned.

>> No.7616786

Catboy need to do his /fit/ reps, he aint getting any hot man with that shape.

>> No.7616855
File: 439 KB, 4096x2896, 1627357210278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her more

>> No.7616887

Kiara roommate is at dokimi in person?

>> No.7616897
Quoted by: >>7616952

She practiced for the karaoke, right...?

>> No.7616952

Ha ha... funny

>> No.7616954

Lads you're making it way too obvious. Try be more subtle next time k?

>> No.7616982

Yes and since that cosplay is new, then she might be hanging out there in-between events

>> No.7617041
Quoted by: >>7617073

I missed the Kiara panel, does anyone know if it's going to be archived anywhere?

>> No.7617073

It will be on twitch for month.

>> No.7617106
File: 607 KB, 2048x1450, Kiara (408).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much...

>> No.7617388

If you see her at the convention wandering around, how would you react?
Asking for a friend

>> No.7617398


>> No.7617420

if she doesn't look annoyed go up to her and say hi?

>> No.7617469

I think I would say I'm a fan but not mention Hololive
She'd probably be busy talking to someone else and I wouldn't approach because of that though

>> No.7617692

If she's there openly saying I'm Kiara, I think it'd be fine to go up and say hi.
Otherwise leave her be. I think part of the reason she and other girls decided to be vtubers specifically is the relative anonymity it provides, so she probably wouldn't appreciate people going up and outing her as Kiara if she herself isn't inviting it.

>> No.7617732

I would go and say hi to her if possible, but I would not bring up her holo persona

>> No.7617805
Quoted by: >>7618291

>Meet and greet starting now

>> No.7618031

>Kiara in chat
Kiar... focus on the guests...

>> No.7618291
Quoted by: >>7618319 >>7618347

Is it broadcasted?

>> No.7618319

No, why the fuck would they do that?

>> No.7618347

Of course not. It's a private meeting.
Your perfect chance to tell her you want to fertilize her eggs

>> No.7618589

Well there's the first selfie of the meet and greet on twitter, both a laptop and TV screen.

>> No.7618616
File: 429 KB, 2048x1536, E8MAysuXoAQZP2V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet and greet pic

>> No.7618670
Quoted by: >>7618923


>> No.7618701


>> No.7618702

Are you Yagoo's son? Yagoo Jr.?

>> No.7618801

Extremely based

>> No.7618858

I definitely would've spilled my spaghetti if I were in that situation

>> No.7618910
Quoted by: >>7618971 >>7618993

Do krauts only cosplay league?

>> No.7618923

Das raycis.

>> No.7618971

"Summoner Sewcase: LoL Cosplay Contest"
It's only LoL cosplays on the main stage right now.

>> No.7618993
Quoted by: >>7619135

You can't cosplay farming simulator so its all they have

>> No.7619030


>> No.7619135
File: 181 KB, 960x720, 304804324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7619183

>You can't cosplay farming simulator

>> No.7619183

Dude don't spoil my cosplay for Kiara like that

>> No.7619295
Quoted by: >>7619345 >>7619400

This guy's just some random dude from Düsseldorf, not even KFP

>> No.7619345

He will be KFP now.

>> No.7619400
Quoted by: >>7619414

Didn't you need to have purchased all of her birthday merch to be allowed into the meet and greet?

>> No.7619414

Maybe he's staff dunno

>> No.7619534
File: 174 KB, 1083x720, 1357313187447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had to order tickets online to attend Dokomi because of Corona
Maybe next year.

>> No.7619595
File: 20 KB, 242x265, e0sr4h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7619644

>going away

>> No.7619638
Quoted by: >>7619718

I can't even imagine what's going on in the meet and great. Hope for some cool stories from Kiara.

>> No.7619644
Quoted by: >>7619837

Not what I´m saying. I noticed to late and tickets were already sold out for like 3-4 months.

>> No.7619677

Which one of you fuckers cloned Yagoo

>> No.7619680

Blame the Burgers they won't do anything to prevent the spread because muh freedum. Orange Man say is fake so is fake

>> No.7619718
Quoted by: >>7620161

Crazed schizos trying to dry hump the laptop while being restrained by security I reckon

>> No.7619739
Quoted by: >>7619808

Wait a sec, her hats are mirrored. Is that a mirrored photo?

>> No.7619742
Quoted by: >>7619929 >>7619940

Will it even be the same a year from now? I have a feeling that HoloEN in particular will feel the burnout by then

>> No.7619808

Yeah, I mean look at the laptop keys

>> No.7619837

Ah I see.

>> No.7619924
Quoted by: >>7620221

German dub sounds quite good

>> No.7619929

HoloEN and vtubers in general already got a burnout. I remember when 3-4k subs a day was condisered a normal amount and now it's only 1-2k.
Also, chimken got her core audience by the balls, I'm pretty sure.

>> No.7619940
File: 47 KB, 400x400, 1358086023351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows. She still has a 2nd channel. She obviously will go back to it if HoloEN dies somehow. So might be their as her real self then. I also wanted to visit the GunPla workshop and the DnD stuff they do there.

It also was pretty comfy to hear Eri Sasaki and Megumi Nakajima live a few years ago.

>> No.7620082
File: 200 KB, 2048x1538, E8MKKYmWUAEh-e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7620135
Quoted by: >>7620172 >>7620189

Wait I got banned for this harmless fucking comment seriously?

>> No.7620161

Legit being one and one and having other people in the room should put a damper on the worst schizos. Hopefully

>> No.7620170
File: 38 KB, 680x679, gosling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7620172
Quoted by: >>7620337

I wonder why >>OP

>> No.7620189
File: 131 KB, 459x386, 1613122466198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what they say about the jannies.

>> No.7620221
Quoted by: >>7622581

Only if German isn't your mother tongue. Their intonation is just off enough to feel fake but not off enough to be so good it's bad.
Although it has gotten a lot better in the last decade. It used to be truely horrible.

He talks about HoloTalk speed quiz so he watches Kiara. You only want people with a KFP in their name and/or profile pic to be let in?

>> No.7620243

How would you even tell?

>> No.7620261

>Winking on the top screen
>Both eyes open in the laptop

>> No.7620281


>> No.7620327
File: 549 KB, 1000x1200, 1606815869299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 2 Kiaras at any time.

>> No.7620337

Fuck off. Not even a warning but a 24 hour ban? Absolute niggertry. What can I expect from German jannys tho.

>> No.7620386
Quoted by: >>7620438 >>7620461

He bought at least some of her Birthday merch.
There are a lot of fans that don't put KFP or oshi marks on their twitter

>> No.7620418
File: 140 KB, 1194x1200, E7fkmQ6XsBEpcLp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cable to the top monitor is longer so it has a delay.

>> No.7620438

Well, I don't see any Kiara art or post that he liked either.

>> No.7620453

Anon wouldn't people in the meet and greet be KFP by default? They would have bought her merch to even be entered into the event.

>> No.7620461

Not having a orange twitter with chicken oshi mark is kinda lame bro, being a obnoxious chicken fan with KFP everywhere is pure SOUL and she loves to seeing it.

>> No.7620464
File: 344 KB, 1080x1918, scrambled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, that one egg that made an imposter Kiara twitter posting dox in the twitter tags is back if you want to do your reporting reps.

>> No.7620482
Quoted by: >>7620608

This is how NTR feels like

>> No.7620508

>Some Twitter retard
Who the fuck cares, fuck off.

>> No.7620569

Don't care it's not even in the art tags do it yourself

>> No.7620608
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>> No.7620709
File: 85 KB, 1074x1362, 20210806_211554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7620863 >>7620880

She's doing a return stream like with her vacation right? Gonna be some good tangents from Dokomi

>> No.7620724

I sent reports yesterday and I see there're new tweets so I'll just do it again

>> No.7620755
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>> No.7620839
File: 837 KB, 1604x1801, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7621158

>going over some random guys tweets and likes because he got lucky in a random drawing for the meet and greet

Fellas. You're acting like a bitter ex boyfriend. Don't do this to yourselves.

>> No.7620863

Monday. We might get the start time for the return stream either later today or tommorow.

>> No.7620880

I don't know if she has time for that between three Gartic Phone streams, the lofi and bossanova karaoke, her next convention appearence in the US and maybe even HoloTalk.
Next week will be full again.

>> No.7620966

Is Kiara actually meeting people or is she just in another room talking on a tv monitor to people with her avatar up? Why did she physically want to go to this con when she likely wasn't ever allowed to walk the floor or interact with anything? Just for a small vacation maybe?

>> No.7621001

She's in the same building, she's not physically meeting them in person.
>why did she physically want to go to this con when she likely wasn't ever allowed to walk the floor or interact with anything? Just for a small vacation maybe?
Because being a guest at a convention has been her goal since debut?

>> No.7621069
Quoted by: >>7621161 >>7622689

To meet people, probably. During the podcast segment she talked about meeting friends at cons and let it slip that she talked to the organiser and hosts in private already.
Lumi is also there for example; even if Kiara should not be allowed to walk the floor by the EN management there would still be plenty for her to do.

But if she simply puts on a mask it should be fine for her to walk around.

>> No.7621095

In another room talking. Before covid, the JP mems did this all the time and often accepted gifts and even signed stuff for people, just not in the same room.
She's allowed to walk around the con but not as "Kiara". It is vacation of sorts but not really, I think she just really wanted to be invited to a con since it's probably what got her into cosplay and eventually idol culture. She even mentioned in the podcast earlier today that she volunteered often in austrian cons.

>> No.7621152
Quoted by: >>7621324

As much as she's found fulfilment through vtubing in Hololive, I think physical events still give her a more grounded sense of satisfaction. I can understand why she distinguishs Hololive from her past Idol dreams, since it no longer involves actual stage performances nor facing a live crowd. Being at Dokomi in person at least gets her closer to that sensation.

>> No.7621158

Part of the GFE

>> No.7621161

>let it slip that she talked to the organiser and hosts in private already.
It's not exactly a secret that she'd talk to organizer beforehand unless the con is as incompetent as AX online

>> No.7621324
Quoted by: >>7621416 >>7621597

She's pushing really hard to get 3D concerts most likely because she can't still get over get idol dreams
she's the most willing but also the least popular girl in her generation so I dont know how willing management is going to be

>> No.7621416

Aki, Roboco and the Stars get 3D. The "least popular" in the insanity that is HoloMyth is still far above many holos and most chubbas.
Not to mention she is their best bet at capturing the EU market which is as of now still pretty new to vTubers.

>> No.7621481

Apparently she also gives autographed items to the participants and she’s already said she’s met people at the con she knew.

>> No.7621597
Quoted by: >>7621894

Honest opinion but I think cover doesn't want to show blatant favoritism to the EN branch.

They let ID collab with whoever they want but they're all relatively small compared to the behemoth that is EN. Even if Kiara is the lowest in EN she's still insanely huge compared not only to other holomembers but all vtubers, corporate or indie. They're going to get more stuff after the one year mark, I can feel the amount of money being poured into EN2 would be just as little because the EN speaking market is so much bigger and they would have the absolute hype in terms of numbers just based of their brand alone, just look at IRyS.

Even if Ame never participates in a proper 3D concert, they'd still make one for all of them just based on how much money they could generate.

>> No.7621894
Quoted by: >>7622048

>I think cover doesn't want to show blatant favoritism to the EN branch
Safe assumption since hierarchy and respect is to be expected in both Japanese society and corpo structure.
>They'd still make one for all of them
If you mean 3D model I'd even wager they're already being made, with EN Holo's knowledge and input.

>> No.7621966

Just woke up, anywhere I can watch Kiara's shit from Dokomi?
Doesn't look like any faggots took videos of their meet and greets. I wonder if the anon from yesterday really gave her a love letter, I hope she cringed and laughed at him.

>> No.7622000

If no one else uploaded it already Kiara's stuff should be on the DoKomi YT channel in a few days.

>> No.7622006

You have to wait until they finish today broadcast, doesn't seem to be any streamable around.

>> No.7622048

She wouldn't do that unless the person confessing was trying to fuck with her. She's ready super cringe superchats and has asked chat not to mock the SChatter. She's also had a past with being an idol+not being anyone's favorite so she would honestly be a bit stoked that people would love her that much.

Yeah I wouldn't doubt it. But the Covid situation in JP is still fucked so I don't see them doing a proper 3d Debut, especially a group one like Calli/Kiara have mentioned anytime soon.

>> No.7622065

Only the podcast was broadcasted. You can watch it from the "videos" tab. People in the chat were translating it.
Kiara's at ~1h mark.

>> No.7622581
Quoted by: >>7622630

>Only if German isn't your mother tongue
Every German dub I heard was pretty good.
I have no doubt there are some not so good ones, but either I just got lucky all the time or you guys are blowing it up way out of proportion with "ITS HORRIBLE".

>> No.7622630

The way he worded it sounds very close to the regurgitated knowledge that someone without firsthand experience (not a kraut) would have.

>> No.7622689
Quoted by: >>7622912

Funny thing is, even if Kiara wore a mask, put sunglasses and put on a hat, she would still be easy to spot.

>> No.7622912

She could use a medieval armor or big outfit like what Adam Savage did on some anime cons.
