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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.75859916
File: 77 KB, 727x727, FYdBF2AWQAQ0fDn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75885669

Birthday aggie
FIVE DAYS LEFT, draw or die

>> No.75860006
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x1800, fatfucktaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros? I think Ina got scammed...

>> No.75860031
File: 884 KB, 1170x851, IMG_3911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catches book in a German pillbox

>> No.75860056
File: 50 KB, 307x173, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is joining in about an hour and I hope Ina talks with her.

>> No.75860065

ikabros... I don't feel so good...

>> No.75860133

The survival instincts (or lack thereof) of MC animals will never get old

>> No.75860250

semi tourist here, why is ina streaming at this hour? she usually streams at about 10-11pm for me but its midday here. she in japan?

>> No.75860288

No, she just want to join the server when people is actually around.

>> No.75860306
File: 1.41 MB, 480x360, READ NIGGA READ[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgt13j1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75860353

>03:34 PM Ninomae Ina'nis Ch. hololive-EN Very late stream today!!! (Subtitle: Ina Wants to Communicate)

>> No.75860348
File: 741 KB, 800x800, 1638132210303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's got big numbers for such a fucked up hour.

>> No.75860353

i saw, but "ina wants to communicate" wasnt very clear kek

>> No.75860442

Oh yeah, she does

>> No.75860539
Quoted by: >>75860591

She had bigger numbers in the stream from Monday.

>> No.75860566

>Actual fun interactions between JPs and Ina
>Almost all my favorite JP members came to say hi
I'm so happy

You were right... I gave up too soon when I just needed to hope for one more day. I kneel...
Now I hope they revive the Holo Minecraft meta or do another big Holo event for other games like rust or gta.

>> No.75860591

Nice, I don't usually pay attention but good to see her break 10k.

>> No.75860633

I didn't expect a Nene+Shuba team up llke that.
All we need now is Polka to pop in.

>> No.75860672

Polka already ended her stream, probably to watch Sora's birthday live

>> No.75860680
Quoted by: >>75860882

I feel like this is building up to another Rust arc or Palworld

>> No.75860681
File: 252 KB, 400x545, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75860882

I thought I could survive with only 3 hours of sleep but I am starting to have a headache...

>> No.75860717

Polka is done for the day sadly they were like 30 blocks away from each other.

>> No.75860879

A tako has joined the game

>> No.75860882

I remember DOI (The guy in charge of the big JP streamer servers) going to the cover studio last year but nothing came out of it yet IIRC.

NA bros showing their true colors Sleep tight Tako

>> No.75860905


>> No.75860909
Quoted by: >>75860958


>> No.75860958


>> No.75860980

I hope all of you JP fags are enjoying these crumbs because it's back to normal after her birthday.

>> No.75861315

I am. Thank you very much.

>> No.75861374

>anya telling Ina to square up

>> No.75861500
Quoted by: >>75861746

Don't get me wrong I like the usual Ina just as much. Getting the same 3 collab partners I don't particularly care about over and over was the frustrating part.

>> No.75861544


>> No.75861548

well you tried Ina, kek

>> No.75861746

I have the same issue, it's always mori or kiara forcing themselves on her because she's too dope to say no or ask anyone else, it gets tiring. This is really refreshing

>> No.75861751

>Luna joining in 30 minutes
hopefully we get some more LunIna

>> No.75861795

Oh shit a creeper

>> No.75861819

She's genuinely fond of mori and kiara whether you like it or not and this cope that they force themselves on her is retarded

>> No.75861824

Protect your kouhai, Ina!

>> No.75861859


>> No.75861864

Ina please you fucking retard

>> No.75861875

what a dope!

>> No.75861889
File: 51 KB, 719x806, Ff6haLTWYAE1-Z4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My streamer

>> No.75861899

Ultra dope like we have never seen before

>> No.75861933


>> No.75861946

extra dopey today it seems

>> No.75861957
File: 132 KB, 1122x651, _1613082456827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75861977

Did the shovel break?

>> No.75861977

Gold tools are shit, yeah

>> No.75862141

And here I thought she was being extra cool and competent today. Ina never change...

>> No.75862234
Quoted by: >>75862303

>My Ina got Mococo and Mumei head

>> No.75862238

>Ina stole mogochan's head...

>> No.75862274

Ina getting head from everyone

>> No.75862303
Quoted by: >>75862511

Stop it, Kid Makina.

>> No.75862495

I kinda want corndogs now

>> No.75862511

I WILL draw Ina with a massive veiny schlong and there's nothing you can do about it.
Jokes aside, I hate you for making me remember that cursed shit

>> No.75862857

You don't think too highly of Ina if you think she is being forced to collab with those two.

>> No.75862912

she did it!

>> No.75862913

so lucky...

>> No.75862977

B-but how!?

>> No.75862995

>leaving right when luna is about to join
lunaito bros...

>> No.75863002

TOTK today, the voices told me

>> No.75863022
Quoted by: >>75863068

>another stream at tako time(official)
what the heck

>> No.75863036

>Ina streams during my workhours
what a nice surprise, usually her streams are at late afternoon CET
t. yuropoor

>> No.75863068

She said no stream at normal takotime in a roundabout way

>> No.75863087

Ina’s stamina doesn’t last? Imagine sex with an unmoving straight faced low stamina Ina. I’d cum buckets

>> No.75863105
Quoted by: >>75863176

The pros of not having a job is I can watch her at this time.
The con is that I don't have a job.

>> No.75863128

it's over... the server is owari da...

>> No.75863151
Quoted by: >>75863194

What's the chinchilla?

>> No.75863176
Quoted by: >>75863220

not a con if you just get neetbux

>> No.75863194
File: 142 KB, 350x217, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sand rat

>> No.75863220

Gotta buy that limited Ina BD merch tho

>> No.75863425

I might get the Marine bear plushie with Ina's birthday merch

>> No.75863579
Quoted by: >>75863762

Minecraft streams are such content farms.

>> No.75863650
Quoted by: >>75863764

There's your interaction, Lunaito tako.

>> No.75863725
File: 597 KB, 1006x982, I can't WAH the shit out of you without getting closer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was your chance to behead her, Ina.

>> No.75863731
Quoted by: >>75863796


>> No.75863744

lots of good interactions today

>> No.75863745
File: 17 KB, 318x323, Fbfxm4GUcAIcJL3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We even get Luna interactions... Today is a good day.

>> No.75863761

I die happy

>> No.75863762

They are great and actually I'm glad is a limited time event it creates FOMO on the Holos and they participate more.

>> No.75863764
Quoted by: >>75863796

Someone should check if he's still alive after that, it was cute.

>> No.75863796


>> No.75863799
File: 295 KB, 1226x1286, 1662034358503218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious crumbs.

>> No.75863804
Quoted by: >>75863847

Ina has been showing off with her full bling armor all night and I'm loving it.

>> No.75863834

>high level player flexing armor in lumbridge

>> No.75863847

>everyone is impressed
she probably feels so cool, kek

>> No.75863916
File: 12 KB, 1500x1500, 1705023016126580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Ina should kill as many players as she can right now. Why you may ask? no particular reason.

>> No.75864079

Confirmed more Bocchi than Aqua

>> No.75864142
Quoted by: >>75864215

Really takes me back to my university days.

>> No.75864215

Fuck, I have no grounds to criticize my Ina either...

>> No.75864250
File: 847 KB, 500x704, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75864326
File: 271 KB, 498x505, dope ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninomae Ina'nis is one of the dumbest girls in hololive that I’ve had the “pleasure” to watch. A sullen, dull and quiet girl, she added nothing to holoEN except, “Gee, let's blow up KFP.” Also, illegally released many classified Chickens. A real dope!

>> No.75864329

Shes so happy just being around.

>> No.75864564


>> No.75864847

My Ina is all talked out, but she sure likes being around

>> No.75864930

eventful day, been a while since we had vanilla minecraft jp interactions (not counting cops and robbers)

>> No.75865003

ina is really good at those emojis, I wish she would text me those...

>> No.75865111

>actually writing a light novel

>> No.75865380

kanata's schizo ramblings

>> No.75865385

Truly an eldritch horror.

>> No.75865473

I bet her ears get red whenever they say she's nice

>> No.75865497

>two lispers chilling together

>> No.75865550
File: 170 KB, 272x322, it's over....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75865620

>2 stream tomorrow
we DO be eating good

>> No.75865621

Man, today was a good day.

>> No.75865619

tomorrow there will be blood

>> No.75865671

Ina during work is comfy

>> No.75865711
File: 390 KB, 1440x1920, GLoeqYJagAEzhGl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a fun stream, lots of interactions. She streaming at this hour is worth it.

>> No.75865761

hope she gets to sleep

>> No.75865765
File: 327 KB, 2104x1817, 1693086365655595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it, tako.

>> No.75865792
File: 881 KB, 2894x4093, 1693662285831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will wake up for my Ina at whatever time she needs me, especially when the streams are this good

>> No.75865811

Hard labor turned into light work when I have Ina in my ear. This was kinda nice. I don’t mind Tako time being at 4:00 am for me tomorrow again. The usual 4:00 pm time is still better though.

>> No.75865838

Surprised we got such a long stream. Glad that Ina is having fun with the rest of the holos this week.

>> No.75865961
Quoted by: >>75866118

so when she said, this timeslot and takotime, does she mean: in 20 hours +the takotime following that, or takotime tomorrow + this jp slot in 44 hours

>> No.75866018
Quoted by: >>75867552

Minecraft in ~20hours and Takotime following that

>> No.75866118
Quoted by: >>75867552

>in 20 hours +the takotime following that
This one, she mentioned today's takotime (~8 hours from now) most probably won't happen since she has stuffs to do outside

>> No.75866168


Favorite moment from today, that synchronized dopey laugh gets me

>> No.75866287
File: 29 KB, 391x246, takodrunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to an interview, wish me luck Takobros.

>> No.75866303


>> No.75866379

good luck

>> No.75866384

>annoo, jobbu kudasai shimasu

>> No.75866452

good luck bro, just be cool like Ina

>> No.75867091
File: 608 KB, 3840x2160, 1690342896350876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75894036

>> No.75867552

yeah, that what I feared. Guess next jp slot stream will be a vod for me

>> No.75868084
Quoted by: >>75870212

Ina is perfect

>> No.75870069
File: 202 KB, 1000x1000, Ina_colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75870212

She has her flaws, but they're part of her charm and the reason why I love her so much. She's the best...

>> No.75871413
File: 128 KB, 499x480, GNnyV-kXIAAPi7H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75871940


>> No.75873631


>> No.75873957

Ninomae Mywife'is

>> No.75875557
Quoted by: >>75876972

I woke up for the stream but watched from bed so I ended up falling asleep and now I don't know how many interactions actually happened and how many I dreamt

>> No.75876972

What are you talking about anon...? There was nothing yesterday, Ina has been on break for over 3 weeks. Are you ok?

>> No.75878875
File: 380 KB, 1461x2048, MyBride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is it
i will retain semen until i marry my Priestess.

>> No.75880213
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your new outfit for Ina fanart has arrived, sir

>> No.75880352
File: 675 KB, 4054x3955, 1693456313315411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's clearly an outfit for Dr. Oopsie.

>> No.75880388
Quoted by: >>75881337


>> No.75881337

Now that's what I call a chest

>> No.75882327

Ina today?

>> No.75883411

I like to imagine these characters as members of Ina's family.

>> No.75883985
File: 50 KB, 454x679, 1709984865199140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so, hear me out.

>> No.75884419
File: 480 KB, 1149x1196, 1711815792295036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are acting again

>> No.75884934
File: 167 KB, 813x1200, @acedia_09-1787895377477107869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell ina to stop being so SEXY

>> No.75885074
Quoted by: >>75887081

Is BA fun to play? I know the designs are good

>> No.75885136
File: 539 KB, 863x1200, 1690923302301779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75885289

Not my fault...

>> No.75885289
Quoted by: >>75885491


>> No.75885491
File: 653 KB, 864x1200, 1715693511691714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one does it as well as Num.

>> No.75885669
File: 216 KB, 1535x1920, 1702591627739148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to do your reps today

>> No.75885802

Strike me down, and I will become more horni than you can possibly imagine

>> No.75887081
File: 275 KB, 1300x1624, 109259267_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75887225

About as fun as any other gacha, really. The only part of the gameplay that's actually engaging is the raids that happen every 2 weeks, IMO. Everything else is faceroll busywork or PvP autobattle RNGfest.
You could probably just find the stories to read on youtube or something and not really miss out on much.

>> No.75887225

llots of sex with this ina

>> No.75887700

>she in japan?
Thanks Kiara

>> No.75888341
File: 1.17 MB, 3936x1960, combined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty proud of the card I made for Ina's bday. It'll be late, but I figure it will probably make it to the Cover mailroom in time to be sent to her with the others.

>> No.75888440

Very cute

>> No.75888593
File: 125 KB, 949x894, arrow in my heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75889890
Quoted by: >>75891706

Cute anon with the handwriting of a child...

>> No.75891111

Your mother and I are very proud

>> No.75891264

If she ever reads this one, she'll defnitely be happy.

>> No.75891706
File: 1.81 MB, 1500x1902, 96e264a309327338ec3ccb230e5eef39d6c36e5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I really need to improve on that. It's hard to keep it from atrophying when you almost never need to write by hand these days. I usually type my letters and just mail them in the card, but I couldn't really think of anything new to say since my last letter, so I decided to go for a short message with a personal touch.
My favorite part is the cap. Due to envelope size, I have to fold it into the card, so she won't see the propeller until she opens it, surprise! I'm also glad I was able to utilize the space added by the back of it for my party tako drawing on the inside.

>> No.75893549


>> No.75894036

I NEED that toaster... I... want to stick my... genitalia in it...

>> No.75894225
File: 148 KB, 469x441, 1390888534711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75897066

Calm down Door-kun

>> No.75895410
Quoted by: >>75897939

Did Ina say there would be regular takotime tomorrow?

>> No.75896025

Adeptus Mechanicus bro...

>> No.75897066

so this is what the answer was about

>> No.75897939

one stream the same time as the most recent stream, and another one at normal takotime

>> No.75898073 [DELETED] 


>> No.75898153 [DELETED] 

I fear for her safety going by herself...

>> No.75898232
File: 446 KB, 4000x3000, 1700012720428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75898273

Wrong tab, dunpass

>> No.75898273

lol whoops

>> No.75898311
File: 89 KB, 468x406, 1678377069053724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute kek
im also watching

>> No.75898341
File: 695 KB, 1350x1080, 1690937029748175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dope moment.

>> No.75899301


>> No.75901553


>> No.75902565

miss inya

>> No.75906021
File: 39 KB, 360x179, 1662857881773163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75908751

>> No.75908190
File: 32 KB, 517x529, 1714792683560760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75908751


>> No.75910948
File: 529 KB, 1377x574, 1713681601762824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75914965

>> No.75912528
File: 136 KB, 715x1200, 1695354363743801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75914124
File: 2.18 MB, 1211x3424, 110119241_p0_crop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75914965
Quoted by: >>75916068

why did they draw the child like this

>> No.75916068
File: 1.20 MB, 790x842, 1713681202541830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean?

>> No.75917041

Stream in 5 hours right?

>> No.75918949
File: 1.03 MB, 2117x4096, GNppcIDa0AIMU71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75919675


>> No.75920056

Damn, that's a cool Ina.

>> No.75920694

Oh fuck I'm glad I stayed up I didn't expect a stream tonight

>> No.75920774
Quoted by: >>75920877

Haven't been able to catch up on the minecraft vods yet I hope my Ina is having fun...

>> No.75920877

She's had a blast.

>> No.75922690

hoping everything goes well in the nether

>> No.75923931

thumbnail game has been pretty good lately

>> No.75925465
File: 1.26 MB, 815x749, 1713517005026132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75926140

Ina, I'll see you in my dreams

VOD gang out

>> No.75929119
File: 1.16 MB, 1676x2484, 1698302181791757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75929124

My Ina soon

>> No.75929386
Quoted by: >>75929667

Starting at the same time
Starting in an hour
Starting in an hour and a half
Starting in 2 hours

Inner will not be short on people to interact with today

>> No.75929459

Almost time! I'm gonna WAH!

>> No.75929482

Man that thumbnail is making me feel things

>> No.75929654

>Kiara on the same day as Suisei
>Suisei in a Team already
>Barely any one else for an hour
Please no babysitting, that's all I ask chicken.

>> No.75929667

I hope she doesn't stay with Kiara all the time

>> No.75929677

I hope Kiara gets struck by lightning

>> No.75929729

Ina is going to die in the nether....

>> No.75929745
File: 5 KB, 93x62, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the things I do for this tako

>> No.75929758

she's dying...

>> No.75929778
File: 3 KB, 76x63, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit blessed this early


>> No.75929807

ina you fucking retard

>> No.75929819

No... My Ina...

>> No.75929889

As a VOD tako, I am good with her current schedule and future JP schedule. That said, I hope she doesn't overdo it.

>> No.75929928

Please be in Houston.

>> No.75929990

Ina... it's not exciting if everyone that dies can just get revived becuase yes...

>> No.75929998

What did she say? I missed the beginning and now she sounds super serious...

>> No.75930042
Quoted by: >>75931209

She's going to Japan for several months, was just talking about possible options

>> No.75930051

>another Japan arc
no, please.. close Japan again..

>> No.75930057

Post the drawing I missed it

>> No.75930081
Quoted by: >>75931209

Going to Japan soon for several months expect little to no stream.

>> No.75930109
Quoted by: >>75931209

Going to get more busy as the year goes on instead of less, will be in Japan for several months, Takotime is dead (okay, she said she "didn't know" before listing off reasons she won't be able to stream at normal hours in Japan).

>> No.75930114
Quoted by: >>75930192

At my request Japan arcs will continue until she gets to make friends with more JP girls.

>> No.75930115

For a time reference, I believe Kiara previously said that Myth's 4th anniversary live will be recorded in August.

>> No.75930188

She going to stay in Japan a couple of months. She isn't sure if she will be able to keep the usual Takotime slot, Spoiler, its obvious she wont thats 6 am over there. Plus with recording and dance classes I don't expect she will do that much streams. Also I guess this will be a yearly thing now

>> No.75930192

You know that's not going to happen anon. She'll just sit in her apartment like she does now.

>> No.75930246
Quoted by: >>75930298

We prepare for a break next week right? She kinda alluded to that.

>> No.75930276
File: 232 KB, 515x474, forgetii_beam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely don't care about 3d shit, or interactions with the jaypees.
I just want her to not be a fucking zombie because she is too retarded to say no to the subhuman management

>> No.75930298

Yeah, that's what I'm sensing.

>> No.75930444
Quoted by: >>75930477

So who died in minecraft?

>> No.75930475

I kinda hope she stream as mostly normal but at jp hours. Been hard to catch her streams live since then

>> No.75930477

Ririka and Aqua

>> No.75930527
Quoted by: >>75930674

I'll manage if she can stream at 6 or 7 here, 4 is brutal.

>> No.75930541
Quoted by: >>75930652

If she changes timeslot I hope she streams close to the time IRyS and Mori streams, ~8/9pm pst.

>> No.75930569

The onion is a menace.

>> No.75930588

let me guess, they are going to get revived because of popular demand?

>> No.75930625

If they have to revive the two dummies how many diamonds do they have to sacrifice each, more or less?

I think they said you can revive if other members sacrifice a number of diamond blocks for you.

>> No.75930652

That would be preferable but I don't see her getting up before noon jst.

>> No.75930672

yeah I remember that ugly ass capybara keyboard

>> No.75930674

since I moved there*
Regular takotime is 6am for me right now and I manage for big streams or member streams but for like, fate/samurai stuff and the like it's just too brutal...

>> No.75930701

Everyone can be revived once.

>> No.75930715
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, 1696168486448362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75930755

Posting a Koyo.

>> No.75930755
Quoted by: >>75930991

>Denied an Ina chu chu
I hater her now

>> No.75930761

Ina you dope... You escaped that kiss...

>> No.75930784


>> No.75930789
Quoted by: >>75930864

>I got the jew

>> No.75930819

Why is Kiara such a bitch?

>> No.75930821

don't invite leeches to your house, Ina

>> No.75930864
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>> No.75930991

From what I heard, Koyo miss heard chu first and asked for it, Ina didn't catch it and misunderstood, then Koyo went along with the no chu bit. Koyo isn't the type to refuse cute girls advances kek.

>> No.75931091

Kaela's going to fucking die

>> No.75931102

kaela is autistic, isn't she

>> No.75931152

We're all going to die

>> No.75931169

Kaela is not autistic, she's autism defined

>> No.75931205

She's adorable but yeah, I would be concernfagging like crazy if she was my Oshi.

>> No.75931209

Is this an Ina only thing? I saw in a different thread it was all of Myth.

>> No.75931215

Holy shit Kaela you goddamn autist.

>> No.75931224
File: 248 KB, 264x288, kaela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shit
She's a machine

>> No.75931228
File: 474 KB, 1536x2048, questionmarks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, that girl must be some kinda of cringe no life loser to have all this when the server is like 3 days old

>> No.75931248

Myth is all going at some point for an Anni live (and probably various other stuff they need recorded), Ina may or may not be staying longer than the others for stuff she's in

>> No.75931264

I want to be her neglected and forgotten husband

>> No.75931292
Quoted by: >>75931344

I mean the speculation is that she is going to record both the Myth 3D live for anniversary and her own 3D live. The other members have to go but won't stay that long. Only Kiara I think will record her own 3D too.

>> No.75931329

It turns out when you don't sleep you have a lot more time to play videogames every day!

>> No.75931344
File: 132 KB, 850x1189, GurIna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, thank you takobuds. I hope we can at least get some kind of off collabs if they're together.

>> No.75931382

>Myth is all going at some point for an Anni live
damn I hope it's not that, literally every fanbase would prefer if each member recorded a live of their own instead

>> No.75931414

Ina will hopefully be recording a 3D live for her anniversary, as her '1 3D live per year'. It's probably better than doing a birthday live because it doesn't happen so close to FES

>> No.75931430
File: 2.40 MB, 776x666, segs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myth 3D lives have been real kino so far.

>> No.75931432

You know that Cover only offers 1 Solo and 1 Gen concert per year right? obviously they will take it

>> No.75931447

Group lives don't take their yearly solo slot, Ina is doing her own this year too

>> No.75931486
Quoted by: >>75931796

Blue Comet is making contact in less than 2. Brace yourselves for impact Takos. Chances are low but some of us may die from the dope levels if they do meet.

>> No.75931488
Quoted by: >>75931553

>1 hour passed already
how in the fuck

>> No.75931553

the power of the ancient ones in which she bathes radiates onto us

>> No.75931592
File: 32 KB, 288x264, er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ching chong? yeah ching chongs is that way

>> No.75931733

Ina's translation over the trial makes me unable to actually understand what's happening. I shouldn't have done my JP reps...

>> No.75931796

Never mind they seem to have pushed their stream back

>> No.75931914
Quoted by: >>75932013

It made for good content when the trials are funny, but I really wish they made an actual HC server where dying meant more than getting laughed at in a court.

>> No.75931922

I mean, will they ever say no to reviving someone? Like "no lmao you can't stream about this hot new server anymore go back to arc"

>> No.75931943
Quoted by: >>75931969

No, but there's no more trials after today anyway

>> No.75931966

this >>75931922 this is some clipbait tier shit like when Krilin dies. Literally everyone knows he is going to revive bro

>> No.75931969

What about the diamond cost?

>> No.75931976

It's just a way for Peko to impose amusing punishments.

>> No.75931979

Basically only on the last day when they go to fight the bosses, if you die there you're out

>> No.75932013
Quoted by: >>75932084

Perma death just isnt conducive to having a good time or streaming an event type thing. Because when you die you would have to stop doing those things.
So they really had to find some other way to punish dying

>> No.75932084

Then don't advertise it as "If you die it's over", fixed the whole event right there

>> No.75932113

Anon, nobody cares. Content is the only priority.

>> No.75932146

Pego wasnt expecting it to be a big thing

>> No.75932180
Quoted by: >>75932768

the thing is if they do that then the beggar fans are going to spam other talents for their oshi's revival
this is basically just a social lobby at this point

>> No.75932278
Quoted by: >>75932419

something I love about ina is that in groups she basically just acts as a cameraman and it turns into a watchalong with us

>> No.75932419

nice desu ne.png

>> No.75932556
File: 19 KB, 450x167, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a deal!

>> No.75932768

"Beggar fans" are always going to be a problem if they know there's a way to get their girl back into the game.
Also I'm not saying this event isn't enjoyable. I like it a lot. I just wished Peko would have explained the trials at the beginning so we knew it never was going to be actual perma death. Anyway I'll stop there

>> No.75933207

Ina should hang out with Takane Lui's hips more.

>> No.75933231

all of Ina's interactions are so fucking awkward man

>> No.75933437

HOLY I was ready to type "NYAGGER" in chat to go along with the joke song. Thank god I realized before pressing enter

>> No.75933543

Shes a little...

>> No.75933574
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>> No.75933596
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Don't trust them nyaggers over there.

>> No.75933604
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those who skipped the FGO streams won't get it...

>> No.75934141

takos, please tell me ina's keyboard specs

>> No.75934147

Do you think her ""grass"" is cut or uncut?

>> No.75934195

Either wild and overrun or completely uprooted, barren and bare.

>> No.75934376

Polka interaction finally

>> No.75934411
File: 284 KB, 1437x2048, 1715791430825506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She likes it untrimmed, so that she can run her fingers in it.

>> No.75934471
File: 588 KB, 2773x4096, __houshou_marine_usada_pekora_and_ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mentally_deficient__c163275c51e5cf29fd864fe8ee3d7411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who can tell what way he autism swung on it.
Its either all the way one way or all the way the other

>> No.75934615
File: 58 KB, 850x747, 1687782922178536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75935157

Stop being horny!

>> No.75934909

Oh shit

>> No.75934952

don't be awkward Ina, play it cool

>> No.75934959

She's too nice and scared of being rude sadly. She'd make friends really fast in these servers if she could banter properly instead of always answering with blind kindness, which is harder to play around with for the others that don't know her well. Unless you're Subaru or Polka

>> No.75934969

ina will forever be followed by the ghost of ina ina ina...
my head canon is bare

>> No.75935023

>Closing in 3 hours
>Haven't even enter the Nether
We going for longer bois

>> No.75935047
File: 1.40 MB, 1448x2048, 1709646640087132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's ignoring her...

>> No.75935157

I will save this naked ina

>> No.75935283
File: 861 KB, 1273x2264, 1690500599844574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ina is so cute.

>> No.75935288

><Water Flows>
><Magma Drip>

>> No.75935533
File: 161 KB, 2048x1149, 1622108149485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75935600

>Nja.. Matane!
>M-matane senpai!
>Rinse and repeat
No matter what I'm proud of her for trying to reach out instead of fully isolating herself. The upcoming JP arc should help her a lot with her social anxiety/awkwardness if she gets to meet and go out with more members. I'm rooting for her.

>> No.75935600
Quoted by: >>75935714

She is trying and thats pretty based

>> No.75935689

Simple attack plan:

>> No.75935702

what would sex between Suisei and Ina look like

>> No.75935714

Even Sui is trying to get through her shell. She succeded with Aqua so maybe she'll try with Ina as well.

>> No.75935738

tags: cool, smell, fire hazard

>> No.75935824
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>> No.75935886
Quoted by: >>75936013

i fell asleep, did someone die in the raid?

>> No.75935895

Imagine sex with Ina while she moans like a villager

>> No.75935956
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>> No.75936013

Polka died

>> No.75936025
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>> No.75936046
Quoted by: >>75936222

Every time I try to imagine it all of the blood rushes away from my brain.

>> No.75936222


Dreamlike Comet & Priestess when

>> No.75936228
File: 1.86 MB, 1280x720, 1608550360572.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dope

>> No.75936310

I would not survive.

>> No.75936329

jwu, what have I missed?

>> No.75936444

Polka gave Ina a poltato and died.

>> No.75936489
Quoted by: >>75937305

Suisei stole Ina's bed.

>> No.75936533

Nightmarelike Comet

>> No.75936574

Subaru is LOUD

>> No.75936606

Holobirds are loud yappers, this is known.

>> No.75936632

She has uncontainable genki energy

>> No.75937096

She is literally bocchi fr fr

>> No.75937147


>> No.75937207

>going with Miko

>> No.75937218
File: 922 KB, 1248x1824, 1697357277128811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75937346

Anya saving Ina's shy ass.

>> No.75937254

>Ina has joined a party for Nether
Anya is a lifesaver sometimes.

>> No.75937256

what a dope

>> No.75937291

She tried her best already, a bit of babysitting is fine now. Thank you Anya.

>> No.75937305
Quoted by: >>75937371

Suisei joined?

>> No.75937346

Anya has changed so much

>> No.75937371
Quoted by: >>75937419


>> No.75937419

>hag squad

>> No.75937466

how much interaction has she had with Miko?

>> No.75937533

Miko just got on.
So none yet

>> No.75937547

She gave her a little tour of the EN server once without VC.

>> No.75937571

I hope she remembers not to sleep in the nether

>> No.75937646

Aqua isn't bocchi

>> No.75937658

why are they... cutting their hair?

>> No.75937661

This makes me so happy.

>> No.75937785

shame Ao is here

>> No.75937834

I was really scared Kiara would ruin it but thankfully I can barely hear her

>> No.75937854

Bless Anya

>> No.75937877
File: 1.15 MB, 1039x829, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ao's great.

>> No.75937883
Quoted by: >>75937925

Wait, why are they letting Miko lead?

>> No.75937892

Don't put the clockwhore next to Ina, thanks

>> No.75937925

the one at the front will always be the first to die so...

>> No.75937941
File: 550 KB, 500x500, Lw_Goombang-1503007373417320448-20220313_085737-gif1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75937950

wrong thread cuck

>> No.75938041

So why aren't you crying about Subaru and Aqua too?

>> No.75938053
Quoted by: >>75938078

>crying on cooldown

>> No.75938057
Quoted by: >>75938078

don't talk with the mentally ill

>> No.75938078


>> No.75938079
Quoted by: >>75938102

Why? They're cute

>> No.75938091

someone is going to fucking die

>> No.75938102
Quoted by: >>75938175

They have interacted and even collabed with the scary males.

>> No.75938114
Quoted by: >>75938196

Girls, girls, we've been through this. Ignore the schizo.

>> No.75938175

Ina has too but there is a big difference in how

>> No.75938196
Quoted by: >>75938235

They'll just reply to eachother anyway

>> No.75938235

the globohomos can always fuck off and go back

>> No.75938282

lmao fucking Miko

>> No.75938286


>> No.75938334

how many hearts left?

>> No.75938358
Quoted by: >>75938392

Ina will be the hero of this squad

>> No.75938392

she's basically legolas

>> No.75938396

Ina respond pls, you make me anxious.

>> No.75938437

Someone tried to kill my Ina!

>> No.75938438

who was that? behead that person

>> No.75938471

Never trust the Onion again

>> No.75938515

Akutan deserves some correction from Ina

>> No.75938549


>> No.75938556
File: 416 KB, 556x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75938575

>Was it really the lag~ <3 ?
Aqua triggered the kusogaki in her. Good.
I'm still convinced being a teasing Kusogaki is Ina's end game as an entertainer

>> No.75938593
Quoted by: >>75938761

Aqua was jealous there was another shy girl in the group

>> No.75938625
Quoted by: >>75938982

She's really good at it when she tries

>> No.75938656
Quoted by: >>75938696

where are the ghasts and the other mobs? this nether is empty af

>> No.75938696

I don't thing ghasts show up in the red forest.

>> No.75938716

nah, there are too many of those already

>> No.75938761

she's jealous that Ina is more bocchi

>> No.75938902

>Ina, Kiara, Miko, Shuba, and Ao
strange group

>> No.75938967

Anya anya anya...

>> No.75938982

Yeah, she only lacks the confidence. But the foundation is already there.

>> No.75938985


>> No.75939176


>> No.75939239

Ina's so cooooool~

>> No.75939259

Ina basking in all the praise

>> No.75939305

>Polka's Ghost is also hanging around them

>> No.75939330

Ina is the cool silent protagonist

>> No.75939491

What did they ask her?

>> No.75939506

I guess she's fine in big groups surprisingly. Getting there was the problem.

>> No.75939569
Quoted by: >>75939636

she's a good listener/support
just like me

>> No.75939603
Quoted by: >>75939740

In a big group you don't have to worry about carrying the conversation.

>> No.75939636

oh damn
just like me too

>> No.75939678


>> No.75939698

>another girl in her harem
She can't keep getting away with it...

>> No.75939740

I expected her to shutdown and let everyone else take the lead but she's being VERY proactive right now. Even her speech got much better and clearer since she's no longer slurring her words out of shyness.
Fuck I'm being a proud dad again..

>> No.75939757
Quoted by: >>75939835

Miko is going to dye Ina blonde just to go after her

>> No.75939812
Quoted by: >>75939898

Ina is going to die of exhaustion. I don't think she knew what she was getting into.

>> No.75939835

My drawing will finally be canon...

>> No.75939865

Where the fuck ARE they going?

>> No.75939898

She should be fine as long as she takes the rest of her day to rest

>> No.75940021

Why did they put Kiara in minecraft as a mob

>> No.75940304

>Miko calling out for Ina to save her
