hey man
Ririka is eager to help with anything
>>75787924Yep. I just checked, she either changed her mind or something happened afterShe said "Nah Guys, I just want to play the usual hardcore. Ain't got no clue see, what event is going on anyway?"
Oh nice, Watame will join soon too
>>OP>Mr. President, a second lava pool has hit the Nene
>>OPWhat has Pekora done this time?
*shoots you with a "become an Elf" bullet*
I still find it funny that they pick such a resource-free plain to spawn
>>75788224hey gurl
>>OPI choose Pekola, I guess.
>>75788386Wasn't there supposed to be a FlaRyS collab today?
>>75788405There's a chance when she said" hanging out with Fu-tan", IRyS meant an IRL date
Please pick a thread.
>>75788313Cool, thanks for confirming
Ririka is making erotic nosies as she tries to mount this horse
are we ignoring the french thread?
>>75788448>as she tries to mount this horseyeah me
>>75788461The french deserve that
>>75788273This is my main concern for Ririka, she just can't stop latching on to other people. She needs to learn how to do her own thing! Socializing is fine but this is Minecraft, go Mine and Craft or something.
>>75788224hey man
>>75788491Bruh she just posted that sign on the village billboardShe has a goal today: Mining diamonds
>hogolive lobal
>>75788487Inb4 someone thought that it's a naturally generated building and looted the shit out of that house to the ground.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v1ZZAPV1PcWhy do >we bully Towa?
>>75788550For pleasure
Ririka is flattening the scenery
>>75788515Good, thanks for keeping me informed. I hope she can stay doing that for awhile.
[HUGE MIO NEWS]https://twitter.com/ookamimio_sab/status/1790324121840336979https://twitter.com/ookamimio_sab/status/1790324121840336979https://twitter.com/ookamimio_sab/status/1790324121840336979
>>OPPekomama merch when?
>>75788610no... she'll poop it out instantly...
>>75788574Towa is too nice and cute and innocent to be bullied
>>75788610Is she trying to destroy her stomach again?
>>75788610imagine the smell
>>75788623What merch
discord notification sound yab
>>75788623Here if you're fine with unofficial merchs
>>75788646I really hope her and Ayamy are still in contact.
>>75788610[HUGE MIO FOLLOW-UP]https://twitter.com/ookamimio_sab/status/1790325778607161669https://twitter.com/ookamimio_sab/status/1790325778607161669https://twitter.com/ookamimio_sab/status/1790325778607161669
>>75788637She looks like a Barbie doll.
It's so.... flat
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>75788660I don't think anyone is stupid enough to repeat one of the most atrocious yab in hololive history
>>75788689Ganbare, Mio
>>75788728Rushia is the biggest fucking retard on the planet
>>75788702Ririka won't stop until the only non flat thing is her massive chest
Fucking JP fags
>>75788728>>75788761If she had notifs turned off do you think she'd still be here now? Or would she have fucked up some other way
>>75788775it's in their genes kek
This looks kinda silly
>>75787218How's Gura cuckbud? That air bnb put that cunt in her place and now she can't stop popping pills and getting drunk. Seethe
Oh hey, somebody made this farm already
I didn't know Ao had an outfit reveal.
>>75788698HotI want to have sex with a girl while she plays with barbie dolls
>>75788775yu vill flatten ze ass, yu vill eat ze raw fishu
Ririka got tetsu out the ass now
>>75788807rent free crossposting sis
>>75788728If that was say Mori not a single soul would give a shit. It's just because she was part of le cgdct army so paracucks freaked out. Good riddance
>>75788815Aokuyu put on some weight…
>>75788702Does anyone have the flattening video?
>>75788785She would have fucked up some other way, imagine if she had that messy divorce while still in Hololive?
>>75788825is it bad that the only reason I knew what this meant was because of Fairy Tail?
next fauna stream?
Big announcement soonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRQqysNJxc4
>>75788827Just like Gura that entire fiasco lives rent free in her head that she still hasn't recovered
This discord noise is triggering the fuck out of me.
if I play minecraft hardcore and die does the world auto delete or can I like mcedit it to survival or something like that
>>75788854you're supposed to learn this stuff from watching Peko go>rucky tetsu!whenever she comes across iron while stripmining
>>75788441Okay, turns out >>75788313's probably an ironic joke. She's sassing out all the Indonesian comments talking about minecraft btw.Paraphrasing an earlier timestamp at 21m, she's joining, but she's currently aiming to achieve the elusive "work-life balance" that she doesn't believe really exist. So her plan is to limit playing for only 3 hours every night starting at 8PM (GMT+7)Also, discussing with Pemaloes in an earlier waiting room chat she thinks she'll die 2 minecraft days in.
>>75788833Anon, Rushia was in a league of her own.She had engagement ring merch. That's beyond ordinary CGDCT.
hey guys has Bae read the youjo senki LN?
>>75788897no idea, sorry
>Nene is doing MC shit off-streamWould be pretty funny if she dies off-stream now
>>75788879If that was irys or Fauna you know damn well the same shit would happen. They are all the same mentally ill freaks
IDfags where is Moona? Isn't she the OG Minecraft autist?
what do you call this livechat?
Flat Minecraft is better because you can build things. Biomes exist to be outside of civilisation
Oh my, Senchouhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Imizyd0xOYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Imizyd0xOYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Imizyd0xOY
>>75788906I don't think Irys or Fauna would kill a cat
>>75788909she's busy
>>75788876well fuck, I got baited by the timestamp guy. Thanks for looking into this.
Raden just turned her guerilla zatsudan to member-only because... she wasn't happy with how talkative she was?https://twitter.com/juufuuteiraden/status/1790323849722286091https://twitter.com/juufuuteiraden/status/1790323849722286091https://twitter.com/juufuuteiraden/status/1790323849722286091
>>75788906No way. First of all, >faunaSecond of all, IRyS and Fauna are nowhere near as insane as Rushia was
>>75788897she is illiterate, sorry
can you stop replying to this guy, its literally the same angle he always tries
How much of EN is in nihon rn?
>>75788928Biome's exist so Watame can flatten it
>>75788956Mentally ill freaks as in fans not the chubba
>>75788995cute boy
>>75788984Advent, IRyS, Bae
Prediction: Nene will die off-stream but visible on other Holos' streams
>>75788937What kind of corpo lets their employees slack off just because their asses have become so massive?
>>75788953maybe she thought better of sharing her first-ever hangover experience with the world
>>75788995FPOV LOVE
BUN BUN CHAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TLL0hImYr8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TLL0hImYr8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TLL0hImYr8
>>75788988IRyS and Fauna aren't insane enough to collect the most insane fans, even though they do have a few crazies.Fanbase reflect the streamer.
>>75788995chinese people.. your males..
Ah, Ririka is still pretty new to MC huh?Chat is teaching her all the stuffs
>>75788995Pull the tights back up. They're hotter on.
https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1790329949758398524I heard you guys like Minecraft
https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1790329949758398524MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MINECRAFT
>>75789061How are you supposed to get the eroticism of pulling the tights up if they're not down first stupid
>>75789003>>75789053Sorry gays, it's a shehttps://twitter.com/broccoli_vcos/status/1789174429567902137
>>75789063>>75789071Kiara never got a reply... It was Ame or Gura
>>75789063>>75789071WTFWAWA IS BACK!?
>>75789063>>75789071i guess she didn't get a reply back?
>>75789077I am utterly disappointed.
>>75789063>>75789071https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1790330272442921139Who does she wants to play with?
>>75789071leeching again
>>75789057She just needs some time so she can learn on her own and this is it, good for her.
>>75789071>JP prime timeshe's gonna speak Japanese the entire time and es ist vorbei
>>75789078Have you never seen a child wearing tights? It's the most erotic thing in general
>>75789063>>75789071That is pretty hardcore Kiara......
>>75788874It stays, it just sticks you in spectator mode forever afterwards. Yeah you can edit the files to change it to survival, you'll have to google how though.
>>75789061>They're hotter on my face
KEKRirika just now realized that her Live2D was fucking tiny >>75788702
>>75789102where is it?
>>75789077broccoli looks very male in this one
>>75789129Kaela is available 24/7, she wouldn't need to stream that early
So what happens when Kiara dies towards the end of her first stream, so Peko wont revive her. What is she doing for the rest of the week then?
[Zombie News]Ollie is peeing
>>75789157Hardcore sex with me
>>75788928this anon has never been to Europe
>>75789077Why would she name herself after the stupid zoomer haircut?
>>75789157Fallout NV
>>75789157someone's gonna collect the 7 DBs to revive her
>>75789157her days off then
Somebody is being very stubborn over at the duplicated OP
>>75789157she's a phoenix she will just revive herself
>>75789063>>75789071Is this what a shit week looks like?
>>75789141in my mouth, retard.
>>75789191probably a Frog
I've been away for a bit and missed this arc so far, has anyone at all died in MC hardcore yet
>>75789180I have, actually. Mostly in Germany, too.
>>75789080>>75789092sasuga ol' reliable Gurame
>>75789116Anime child sure anon
>>75789191>French>being stubbornI'm not surprised
Oh fuckMy earsGod I hate Ollie
>>75789077Camera work is too good to be male
>>75789220Yeah haha that's what I meant
>Ollie showed up>Immediately yelled at the top of her lungsof course she did that
Well, time to swtich to Pekora's stream
ollie fat
Based zoombie
>>75789213Nene found lava and decided to press W
ollie should graduate
>>75789071Kiara should be immune to the permadeath mechanic because she's a phoenix
>>75789275ass on my face
>everyone should pair up with people they haven't talked toSugoi, pekora
>>75789213another 1 week for Miosha
>>75788995chest is too small
Oh hey, diamond rewards for doing questsNice
>>75789023Prediction: Nene will eat an unhealthy snack
>>75789152Thank the heavens that's no longer the case. (hopefully)After a self-funded investigation I discovered that Ela will be cutting down on playing god in minecraft. >>75788876 for more infoI was mortified when I saw her log in prompt in Ina's stream, but now I'm greatly relieved that she might play normally and doesn't break the game balance since day one.
>30 diamonds for a TridentFISHING TIME
Wawa WILL bump into Pekora
>>75789275Still won't get Gura to come back, chumcuck seethe is my favourite. Everyone enjoying the mc server while Gura is off somewhere drunk and doesn't know where she is.
>Minecraft Hardcore>Ancient City>Trident farming>Underwater TempleHoly shit pekora, those are risky as fuck
Will she survive?
erm, what the sigma?
>>75789308I want a meet and fuck with Kiara
>>75789380Ew, homobeggar
>>75789366correct but what does that have to do with ollie being a trash
>>75789368the nether is not open yet, she will be safe
>be jpfag>watch nips who think 'loud = funny' and scream and go EHHHHHHHHHHH???????? on a regular basis>this is fine>ollie shows up and is ollie>wtfff my earsss why is she so loud, graduate this loud bitch reeeeeeeemake it make sense
>>75789366good, she should stay away, this event is better without her.
>>75789063>>75789071>Ina and Kiara MC this weekFinally, the days of Myth Minecraft are back
>>75789368I hope not
>>75789367Yeah building farms and trading halls and afking in your base to get the best great doesn't make for very interesting hardcore Minecraft streams
>>75789344I still remember Gura building a dedicated trident farm and Kiara just luckshits her way into getting one after killing one Drowned
>>75789353she means me
>>75789071>joining after the first event Small small chicken brain.
>>75788958reading is hardo i understand
>>75789366>while Gura is off somewhere drunk and doesn't know where she ismaking Gura sound cooler than she is desurockstar shark
>>75789400Its Cgdct unicorn holofags l, just sit back and laugh. She's like Mori where she gets to ruin the unicucks streams every time she's in a collab.
Anything non JP non minecrafr shit on the telly?
>>75789420>to get the best great
>>75789450TAA IN FEW MINUTEShttps://youtu.be/hNplW4k5VVghttps://youtu.be/hNplW4k5VVghttps://youtu.be/hNplW4k5VVg
>>75789448Go the fuck back homobeggar nigger
>>75789448what are you even doing here squirmfag
>>75788856>miko>"big" announcement
>>75789481Lick that boot some more holofag
>I tested logging into Minecraft but it’s so laggy I’m anxious now I cannot use the 2PC setup due to how the game voice feature works so all I can do is pray now…OWARI DAhttps://twitter.com/YukihanaWamy/status/1790313219174945147https://twitter.com/YukihanaWamy/status/1790313219174945147https://twitter.com/YukihanaWamy/status/1790313219174945147
>>75789071What if she dies for good?
>>75789498/#/ is the other tab, Mikoschizo
mori fat
>>75789380>2945kek based
Lol Sora wtf?
>>75789527Gura drugged
ririka whore
>>75789481don't bother, it's squirmfag, he's a schizo larper that doesn't care about anything other than trying to make people hate Mori by being as annoying as possible
>>75789548Unicorn seethe is the best seethe especially when it's jp unicucks. How's the yen by the way lmao. That entire shitter of a country is in shambles
>>75789513atashi no wamy
SORA SEXjust report the schizo and ignore, jesas
>>75789400SEA loud is on another level because they live near constantly erupting volcanoes that's loud as fuck
>>75789553>>75789545>>75789527>>75789275posts this low effort should be bannable
>>75789513I'M FLIPPING OUT
>>75789611are these creatures impregnatable
>JP vs EN by way of made-up unicornfag vs homobeggarTrying too hard, sisters
Of course Nene is building a road in MC...
Red Gura is based. https://youtu.be/6Sbl6G2-i28?si=JL-HVvxLzjHogtJM
Nene loves building roads too much...
>>75789642>>75789548newfags really don't even know about squirmfag anymore, huh
Oh hey, Wamy has logged in
Do I smell sake in the air?
>>75789513Nene should takes responsibility.
>>75789689>person I don't like is x antiLook anon it's says gullible on the roof
Wamy is bald...
wamy's receeding hairline...
>>75789513How the fuck? The recording PC should only do one job.
>>75789674buy an ad
Lamy...Your beautiful hair...
Lamy is early, Towa isn't finished setting up the underground redstone lag machine
>>75789688I heard yukimin were very impregnatable
bald wamy...
>>75789733Read the fucking thread, retardShe's in already
Lamy is loveLamy is life!
BIG NEWS!Lamy contracted cancer
TOWA SING NOW:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNplW4k5VVghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNplW4k5VVghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNplW4k5VVg
>>75789766Lamy is bald!
I honestly thought that Squirmbeat gave up, not seen him rear his bony head for a while
>>75789071>>75789063I miss New Vegas but kinda based
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRQqysNJxc4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRQqysNJxc4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRQqysNJxc4what do you call this group?
This looks indecent somehow
>>75789755That's Lamy.
>>75789804Good question. That's the original HoloBaby group + Kanata + Chloe. I got nothing.
>>75789816Sora twerking for bald Wamy-oji....
>>75789728you can tell it's squirmfag from the way he types e.g going on about 'holocucks' 'unicucks' 'corpocucks' etc. and having near to no punctuation in his posts and always going on about how much Mori makes people seethe/is successfulhe doesn't even try to hide that's him unlike a lot of shitposters here
>>75789063>>75789071Hell yeah love me some minecraft interactions
We are watching>Lamy>Sora>Ririka
What a combo
>>75789740Seethe sister
Kiara should drop schedules altogether to remain flexible in case she dies in Minecraft
>>75789837Legs too fat to be wamy
>>75789804HOPPA (Hime Orca Pirate Priestess Angel)
See, this type of animation is really cute. But the song itself is so obnoxious.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufunirpaCLw
Wamy's hair keeps flickering...
>>75789919>in case
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNplW4k5VVghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNplW4k5VVghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNplW4k5VVgWhy isn't Towa collabing?
>>75789080>>75789092It could be she was waiting on when that certain someone would be playing minecraft or could also be related to Kronii and when she can go visit her.
>thank you Super Chat
>>75789903>>75789918sluts on the right virgins on the left
>2:40 Pekora: The Nether wont be open until the 16th. please enjoy life on the normal worldAh I didn't know that
>>75789071>>75789063Kiara loves streaming too much
>>75789902genuinely baffling post
>>75789989>femcels on the leftftfy
>Kaela limits her playtime up to 3 hours>plays off stream anyway
>opened Miko's stream>BAKU BAKU BAKU>kept the stream open
>>75789989Joking or mixing up the sides?
>>75789080Or she was asking one of the girls when they plan to play MC Hardcore.
>Wamy x Polak x SoraHuh, neat
>take free GohanSo close.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kaa-8y_X30>Ollie rn
>10:11 Lamy: I thought minecraft would be laggy but it turned out to be fineAh she solved that PC issue
>>75789903just started and Kanata is already being called ecchi
>>75790130stupid troubleome woman
I just noticed>No Premiere placeholderHuh, I guess the announcement won't be a song
Towa sing into Aqua mc the hour after, nice.
Why isn't Towa playing Minecraft with her friends?
>>75790087>PolakIs that why Kronii is traveling?
>11:42 Lamy: it's been a year since I played.Oh wow, has it been that long?
Ok what's the sponsor/annunce thing for the holobabies + orca ?
>>75790167nobody really wants to sing with miko
>>75790181Gotta sing and announce shit first
>>75790167Chloe was teasing it was something no one would expect
Guys, twap is streaming too...
>>75790192probably game or store/restaurant sponsor
>>75790181Towa needs to solo stream if she wants to be let out of the basement
why not make a 2x2?
Time to fish for that Trident, Lamy
Miko bebber...
Lamy's liver...
just jerked off to Raden for the first time
>>75790249>13:37 Lamy: I wanna fish though..>13:56 Polka: it's not related to the mission but please make a fishing spot>14:09 Polka: I want a fishing spot! Lamy: Guess I'll make oneThere you go
><amy will be fishing for the TridentDamn, anons here do know that snow elf woman, huh?
Girls' Frontline is collabing with Kaela
Kek, Pekora is stealing from Ina
>>75790321she got a new fanart of her getting fucked sideways and it looked hot she was shaved in it though
>>75790353HOLY SEXO
I feel schizophrenic listening to so many frames.
>>75790293waste of a fap, should have fapped to Kanata isntead
>>75790353Nice>that outfitNIIIIIIICE
>>75790353that game hasn't shutdown yet?
>18:27 Lamy: yesterday on Twitter/X I said I was setting stuff up, what I did>18:35 Lamy: this PC didn't even have Minecraft on it! that's how long it's been>18:59 Lamy: so I had to install minecraft. I put it in the main PC and then realized the 2PC results in the voice addon not workingnaruhodone
>>75790413What's wrong?
>>75790167This group already released a song for valentines day
>>75790408>The Last GuardianBASEDRYS
Why does Nene keep building roads everywhere? Is she Roman?
>>75790446My dick can only be so hard
Lamy is taking in Ina's scent.
>>75790193Slurp shit and die nutsacki
>>75790383don't worry, I have plenty of semen to spare just for her, plus Kanata is on my top 5 most fapped to holos
>everyone saying rrrrraden in unison as she joins
Are /we/ team pink or team blue?
>20:27 Lamy:there's one in here.. "Ina's!?" this is Inas house>20:35 Lamy: Let's live here, let's see what Ina has>20:49 Lamy: she was playing in morning, I wanted to play with her>20:55 Lamy: she even has diamonds!SNOW ELF VS FIRE ELF LET'S GOOOOO
>>75789481>>75789559>>75789493lmfao unicorns have lost their bite
>Miko: big asskek
>Saw Raden log in>Everyone: WHAT?>Lamy: I wanna go talk to her. I haven't talked to her yetRaden is so popular
>>75790532In MC? RadenTori is possibly back on the menu later??
>RadenWhat a surprise
Where is the Towa thread? I was going to post TowaTowa mention there but its gone...
Both Wamy and Pekora are heading to see Raden-chan
>Lamy: Oh hai, Pekora-senapi>Pekora: You're going to see Radne?>Lamy: Yep>Pekora: Me tooKek
Pekora is taking Lamy to Raden.
Noel is more than just a pair of boobs...
Tiny Towa.....
>>75789071I feel sorry for kfp. rip
>>75790599just don't worry about it
>>75789071I feel happy for kfp. ikz
KEK, even Sora went to see Radne in MC
>>75790650Wawa cute, 6 days of Wawa good
Lmao, they all went ouf their way to say hello to Raden in MC
Umm, is it a dogwhistle if I said terms like 'stuffs' or 'cheebs' outside of /here/?
Ririka has promised to play Inazuma 11 with Ollie.
Raden's outfit looks so funny in MC
>>75790711is Anya /here/ for saying stuffs?
Raden is loved!
The alcoholics of hololive
>>75789071KFP really do have the best oshi, lucky chickens.
ina should do a gooning stream
>Raden, to Lamy: wanna drink? I always wanted to drink with youThat was fast
Ririka inviting Ollie to dinner the next time she's in Japan. Girldinner, cooked by Ririka
>>75790739Anya IS /vt/
Where's the Miko bibideba poster?
>Lamy: I heard you can't stream now since you're hungover>Raden: I couldn't beat the hangoverRaden...
>>75790739I know it's from her I just don't really see anyone outside of /vt/ or /hlgg/ using it..
Ollie gaming
Wamy...Your frames...
>>75790778bibibibibbeda BOO WA
Lamy is at Ina's house again
>>75789063>>75789071she is desperate for numbers now?
>movies that represent japan>Luna: Dragon BallKek
>a movie that represent Japan>Everyone: Godzilla>Hime: Dragon Balloh Luna...
>>75790803It can happen to ESLs who get confused with plurals
New Towa Loading screen
Cool but calling this an "announcement" is a bit much, Towa...
Can somebody post that soundpost of Kaela where her head is being kicked by that girl and she is saying "ouch owwuch" I think it's funny
Is it mandatory for holos to build floating highways out of the ugliest blocks at the optimal height to pollute everybody's landscape?
Ollie is too cute bros
>>75790921>>75790939Towa is a girl...
>5 different answersKek, this will never end
>>75790947No, but it is for NeneNene loves roads
>>75790430They’re celebrating their 6th anniversary, actually.t. Shikikan
Polka is feeding the newbloods to Sora. horrifying
>>75790880>>75790900She's crazy and she needs to be taken donw
>>75790956This one is rigged. All women are picky about how they sleep.
Towa is so cute.
>33:06 Lamy: I'm so curious about Raden, I never talk with Regloss since they debut...so I want to chat with themCute
Has the flattening already begun?
>>75790939It was お知らせ rather than 重大発表. If you don't know the difference that's on you.
dude imagine if towa was actually real
>>75788322when is this?same time as yesterday?
Is your meido/janny around?
>Lamy was sick during the HoloX Minecraft gameAh welll
Towa forgot to announce that she is currently suffocating me with her butt
This is relevant again.
>>75791035less than 30m
ALERT:big Towa
>>75791026Yeah, I also thought that 9/11 was fake.
Subaru getting stray shots...
>>75791004>Polka says she wishes to talk more to regloss>Lamy says she wishes to talk more to reglossTHEY ARE
>watching t*w*
Shuba is being bullied again...And she isn't even there right now
>>75791108>no delivery
>>757910897/11 was a part time job
the ame
Wamy has forgotten almost everything Minecraft, kek
Towa + Towa = ???
Raden please don't leave us..
Radn should’ve been a knife ear…
>>75791197They were talking TsukkomiAnd imitating her voice
>>75790971towa stream
this hardcore server got me hyped to play minecraft and I played for 5 minutes before alt f4ing, cant believe I played this garbage for like 8 hours every single day during high school
>>75791209The Twin Towa
Kanata is so fucking weak
>>75789071i told you so, ahahahahawelcome to 2024
>Holomem who eats a lot of curryKek
>>75791272Its not the game fault, you are just being depressed when you realize you are playing it all alone.
many high quality streamers
Wamy was doing garden work for Ina's house
oh shit new Towa outfitI feel like she has like 20 at this point lol
>>75789071Minecraft... home...
>>75791205This is why elves are only good for sex.
>>757913441000% stinky sleepwear
[Mio News]Miosha wants to eat sashimi and curry, but she's hospitalized...
>>75791344that's so fucking girly, wtf
>>75791330??? what the fuck are you talking about
So has anyone died fr fr on the Hardcore server yet?
Kiara in Ollie's DMs
>>75791360And they just keep getting girlier
>>75791360she's gotten one per year just like everyone else...
>>75791382Towa is a girl.
>>75791396It's a huge surprise thoHer last new one was like 10 months ago
>>75791344Towa is a girl...
Did they alter the hardcore server's nightskipping mechanic?
Marine and Miko both referenced a 5ch meme with their answers kek
Ollie Kiara minecraft sex confirmed
Kek, Sora is being a stalker in MC again
>>75791344A boy can't be this cute
>>75791405She should get 5 per year since she does the job of 5 holomems all by herself
Kanata...Kinda embarrassing
>>75791440is it the equivalent of an en referencing ogey or an en referencing selenfag
>>75791440EN should reference 4ch memes too
>>75791440Was the last MikoMari 1-on-1 collab really the offcollab from like 3 years ago that they got in trouble for?
Tiny Twap
Kek, stinky orca
>>75791495this is from Twitter
>>75788224my beloved
JWU did pekora read Ina's diary on stream?
>>75791511A twap small enough for me to eat
Wamy...Your weak-ass PC...
>>75791531is this ai, I tried ascii, yandex, and iqdb and none of them found anything
>>75791475One did.
>>75791436I think Pekora said that from day 2 onwards she didn't want people to leave the server to skip the night.
>49:32 Pekora: why are you making a forest, even Sora senpai is making oneKEK
>who is the pervert of hololive>let's do the one that's not Marine
>>75790016Fucking summer mosquitos
>20:50>THEY DID IT>right on timeRIGGED
>>75791474yeah, it's something similar to ogey but with Subaru's meme phrases
>>75791585Seiso representative of Hololive...
Sora just tried to do the long torch...
>day 1Iroha and friends build an iron farm>day 2Peko is using a stone pickaxe to cut a tree
>Towa said that this is her 2023 outfit, she should be receiving another outfit this yearHuh...
>>75791638They're doing this intentionally just to diss you in particular.
Holos for this feel?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5kT1t9VJbs
>>75791653Impregnating Migo
>>75791653Nice hole.
>>75791653You're stuck in 2023 loser
>>75791614RIRIKA SLUT
>>75790556>SNOW ELF VS FIRE ELFpeak cinema
>53:01 Lamy: I wanted to play with everyone but today nene seems to have a feverAaaaahhh so that's why
Chloe, Pewdiepie is semi-retired...
Tokyo tower incoming
>Mr. Beast vs PewdiepieThis fucking collab, man
>>75791709She didn't account for the other 4 being Japanese women, unfortunately
I wake up and post the Ina!
>>75791722We’re all pewdietomos here
Tokyo Tower...
>Chloe: Pewdiepie is the most popular>Miko: Mr. Beast is the most popular>Kanata: Who?
Tokyo tower...
>famous tourist attraction with "tokyo" in its name>Luna: Disneyland>Kanata: tokyo station
kanata you dumbass...
>>75791709Based Sakamata let's goooo
Cute Sheep Plays Hardcore Minecraft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlnG6FQ7Bfghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlnG6FQ7Bfghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlnG6FQ7Bfg
>>75791771I'll never accept Mr. Beast for the throne. Just let the Pajeets take it even.
>>75791829how come the ens have never played this game, i dont speak moon but it seems interesting
>>75791829it is pretty cool to be fair
Ao-kuyu...If you want to seduce Lamy, don't bring up the fact that she is bald right now
My daughter!
>58:26 Lamy: ao-kun is so funnyAo won
>>75791870I don't think there's an English version, although that could probably be fixed by just feeding the database English questions.
Have any JPs commented on my Ina's trees that she grew?
>>75791776wdym? Pewds is a japanese youtuber
>>75791896Ao is very funny. She's right.
>>75791914Peko and Wamy
>>75791777KEKYT rrats are too strong
ITS AQUA TIME!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vetp5qBD6gghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vetp5qBD6gghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vetp5qBD6gg
>>75791870Yeah, I've been yearning for an EN group to play this "keep drawing until everyone matches" game, especially now that Mikochi made a "hololive-themed" version of it
>>75790942I made it but I'm not home right now, if nobody post it you'll find it here in an hour .. also that girl lol, that's Miko
>sensitive (i.e sexo) HolomemOkayu?
>>75789063>>75789071Holy shit no one, and I mean absolutely no one predicted this schedule. Well lets get it
>Who is the "acting" type in hololive?hmmmm Polka
Don't translate this one. It'll bring out the shitposters.
>>75791929Nice, I hope they think she's cool now...
>>75790917She speaks like seven languages so it's just cute
>>75789063>>75789071Kiara should stop playing shitty games like and focus on all time classics like Fallout 76
SorAo my beloved.
>who is hololive's kusogakithis is easy as fuck
>>75792047chill out Todd, she will soon
>>75789071Huh didn't know they could play stardew as a members only game
>>75791768KIARA SOON>>75791777What the hecku
>>75792047I want more DD2 kino
>WHY IS THAT THING SO HIGH UP?!!Wamy is being troublesome again
>>757917774chan needs this feature
>Miko spelled Shion as "tsu" onkek
>Laplus is more kusogaki than ShionKANATA HATE
>>75792102There's no need half the things you fucks post on here already feel AI generated.
>>75792159she's right
>Luxury Watch rbands>Everyone: Rolex and Omega>Kanata: SEIKOoooooohhh
>>75792110nnatan also did
>>75792119Valorant is okay as long as Ayame enjoys it...
>luxury watch brands>SeikoPEE-PEE-TEE...You had a hard life...
>>75791585the only time luna will mention Matsuri.
Kanata still has such a proofag-mindset
>speaking of Minato Aqua?sex
Lamy is having a lot of fun... cutting trees
>>75791808this is why I love Kanata
>>75792245What's wrong with requiring proof?
>>75792276Why do all the elfs in Hololive hate the forest so much
Aqua said she will make a TTT-esque mob farm
Lamy is making Lamy noises.
>>75792245she literally ate grass as a kid what do you expect?
>>75792299Oh boyKino is coming
Kek been a while since Aqua encountered Ollie in mc.....
miko getting bullied
>Aqua spawned bsack into MC>headbutted into Oliie>after some greeting, immediately went into Settings and lower Ollie's voiceMY FUCKING SIDES
we need to do something about all these Yukimin, way too many fat fucks in these parts
wrong, watame eats potechi
Lamy is still at Ina's backyard...
>everybody think Miko is weak as hellkek
whatever happened to ppp?
Lamy is pretty good at doing an Aqua voice
OMGCHLOEStop fucking it up
What if Lamy and Ina move in together and have a minecraft wedding
>Sora?>Holo: 3x>Hololive's Founder: 2xSo easy it's hard
Watame LATE
>Marine: Migo doesn't know what that "shiso" word [so there's no way that's the answer]Kek
>>75792464Flare will rape IRyS after a night of depressive drinking
>>75792470That clearly says idol you fucking mongoloid.
>which games are currently popular in hololiveMINECRAFT HARDCORE
>>75792464That'd be cool, they should stream the sex too
>>75792503Ah yeah, mistyped
>>75792477Minecraft wouldn't start.
>speaking of holoblondes?
My Ina's gonna be really happy that her trees are getting a lot of use
>>75792494oh no that'd be awful
Valo tanoshii
>holo that does long streams
Akupeko is so real
krofau is the pekomiko of en
>>75792566I miss Gura's sweaty feet on my face.
There's login bonuses?!
>AquaBlackWTF Aqua
Very Lamy of her to borrow Ina's trees
>Akutan BlackWat
Iroha isn't streaming? Is she resting her voice?
>Aqua>Watame>Pekoragod I love these events
>everyone is muted on streamSchizomelon...
Why do they allow retards on the server?
>Omaru Polka and Polka???????????????????????
>>75790353Does Kaela even drink?
>Omaru Polka's Polkas???
>jgh>check Aqua's stream>she already has a goddamn horseWHAT
>>75791768>auto win?
>>75792676You're not allowed on the server though?
>speaking of Omaru Polka?>everyone: low atmospheric pressureholy kek
Pekora is ridng Aqua btw
>>75789071oh boi, Kiara is joining the Hardcore Event?
>>75792726lol, they know it's bullshit
Aqua and Pekora have the cutest interactions in hololive bar none
>>75792712she fished up a saddle yesterday
It's prety funny that this thread is already dying and the OTHER one is still seething at us for not postingthere, kek
>>75792770havent a few other holos used that excuse as well
>Lamy: if I play with too many people my PC might not handle it and Ill dieWamy...
>>75792788let them seethe just a bit more lol
lmao Aolmao Iroha
>>75789071What will she do if she dies on the first day?
Who died except Nene yesterday?
Oh godThey will never get this last win
>>75792832Beg to get revived
Based Kanata coercing pekomiko
/ggg/ is melting down
>>75792849no one
>>75792773AkuPeko teetee
俺のイナ mention!
Iroha's voice is kinda nice and soft today
>>75792832Use a phoenix down
>Aqua and Watame togetherYab...Abadango incident...
>>75792913I wish I looked like that
LMAO i love aqua
>>75792893Nothing wrong with being a little honry
>>75791582Today it only takes one person to sleep to skip the night. Before that everybody has to sleep
>>75792893why? what happened
>>75792893/who/ is making tuna melts if anyone wants some
>>75792946>>75792943what happened there?
>pekora can be heard numberrapping in the distance
That was the most cowardly STARBURST STREAM moment from Aqua ever
>Kanata: RoletasKEK
>>75792980Sex with sharks.
>>75788352much easier for them to commence the FLATTENING if the area is relatively devoid of trees.
>>75792930>Aqua Watame yabthen I want a giant dose of yabadabadoo
>>75789071>Joins the day Nether opensIsnt a bit late by that point?
>Everyone: Rolex>PPT: RolettasI'm gonna pop a vein
>>75788591ahhh yes, the specialty of JP Holos when it comes to Minecraft: FLATTENING THE WHOLE LAND
>>75793053nah by that time Kaela would have farm enough mats to immediately equip Kiara with full diamond gear with virtually 0 effort from her
>>75793049They were one stroke away from victory
>>75793090Bruh you're 2h out of dateGet with the time
Oh, Shion was suppoed to be there too
>>75789071>first day is thursday at noonI have a dentist appointment at 11:50 on thursday
>>75792299Industrious easterners optimizing the fun out of a survival challenge...
>>75793128Are you stupid or just retarded?
>holowitchesHuh? What is this?
I always thought Koyori and Iroha have the sweetest voices in Holo, don't know how to explain
Is Pekora just doing this as a test for hardcore Rust server?
What's Peko's HC minecraft thing about? What's the competition?
>witch Holo misses the HoloWitches announcementShion yo...
>>75793144watch streams
>>75793173They have to beat the Ender Dragon and Wither
>mahou shoujo>2 members are over 30
>holoWitcheswhat the fuck?
>>75793191Management can do what it wants, Shion is not giving the time of day to Suisei's puppet
>animated PV>MangaWhoa
>They will also have a 52p mangaI really hope there's an English translation
>52-page mangaDamn
>>75793144>>75793208Ah, just the Mikoschizo
they even have an official twitter account for the unit
>>75793222alternative doko?
>>75793261dead on arrival
>Marine>Luna>Mahou ShoujoAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
When are they adding rice farming to Minecraft?
>>75793144>>75793208Pitiful schizo
they want to replicated shiraken?
>>75793286this rebranding cannot save it
>>75793192Oh, it's more of a challange run than a competition?
>>75793245From the bio>magical girl-themed media mix project"Will there be video games?
God, i love it when new Hololive projects keep riling up the schizos
Why is Lamy decorating Ina's house?
>>75793286>>75793332>1 minute apartlol, this schizo
When the fucking can Holotori get on the Unit manga trend?
>>75793346Yes, but if you die then you can't come back unless you're Nene
>>75793350Less of a Hololive project and more of a HoloAlt project in this case but yeah same
>>75793353She's moving in
>>75793346the boss fights are only for the last day, in the meantime Pekora has set up various "missions" for holomen to complete
>>75793353She loves Ina
>>75789077you have no idea how disappointed I am by this bit of information
>>75792893when are they not
>>75793396She's just like me...
>>75793372When someone pressures management into this. recently Lui got into projects mode, so maybe her.
>>75792979Sure, I'll stop by for one.
[RANDOM WAMY INFO]>1:39:29 Lamy: recently I keep saying "eviDENCE" and then I saw a CM with the proper way of pronouncing it>1:39:43 Lamy: yeah my intonation is wrong, it's "EVidence
>>75789080qrd? what reply? was she asking someone to play with her or something??
>>75793372The fuck has Kiara done for Cover?
>>75793435Well, Kiara has at least pressured mamgement for another holotori original song at least.
Shion is on hiatus because she thinks she was wasting her youth. And by that she meant she wants to enjoy her young body and have boyfriends and sex as much as she can before growing too old. Like when a girl tells her boyfriend she wants some time because she thinks she became a girlfriend too young and knows he's the one but wants to experiment sex with multiple other men before settling down. That's what Shion is doing, so whenever she comes back she will stay in Holo for a long time
>>75793396which Ina?
>>75793472Flare's Ina
>>75789071whens fallout? waiting for mori? booba trinity fallout 76 (lie to me and say yes even if you dont believe it)