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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75641479 No.75641479 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:


Ai Wana Be Junky MV

Koisuru Fortune Cookie cover with Rurudo

Lolikami cover

Showa Song Festival Houshou Marine 4th Anniversary Live

Shinkiro MV

Bishoujo Muzai Pirates MV

Sankisei Medley

The Second World Trailer

3rd Anniversary Showa Song Festival


Marine Shukkou MV

Marine Shukkou full version

Umisea MV

I’m Your Treasure Box MV



SKDW Hibiki Radio

Clips and other stuff

>> No.75641854

back to gambling

>> No.75641945
File: 777 KB, 1000x2019, 20240512_090823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75642468

3 days back to back of hag love. Must be my lucky week

>> No.75642048

Ange is artificially extending the playthrough by arguing about gambling.

>> No.75642351

so many tkb moments

>> No.75642468
File: 395 KB, 1194x2048, A6A629A3-46AC-4D6E-8134-D02695EB4C98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redhead hags are the best

>> No.75642642

this is so blatant

I'm amazed the censors didn't hit this game harder

>> No.75642683

wordplay is easier to avoid censor I guess

>> No.75643048
File: 97 KB, 623x484, 2ECC2263-6A09-4588-9BBA-7285FB5AB342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75643112

I hadn't noticed this but seeing those scenes it makes sense why lol.

>> No.75643112
Quoted by: >>75643151

are they trying to prevent people from finding out they exist at all, I wonder, because they know they got away with something

>> No.75643151
Quoted by: >>75643511

I'm inclined to think it's because they want you to buy the game to have the ASMR stuff

>> No.75643205

I hope they cross the line so hard during swimsuit event

>> No.75643511

this, they must want people to experience those scenes as intended.
At least they're not taking the retarded Atlus route of outright prohibiting streaming some scenes from the game including the ending

>> No.75643679

jesas miuka

>> No.75643682

ange going ape...

>> No.75643730
File: 552 KB, 2048x1152, F174F1DA-DA88-43B7-BEDF-94B5DE62230D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senchou getting out of the way so we can see the good stuff

>> No.75644012

damn epic reaction just as I hope

>> No.75644040
File: 420 KB, 2048x1152, 51F97BD9-F967-4EDD-84A1-6B89A855BF7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big ass crack

>> No.75644270
File: 503 KB, 2048x1152, 0F927595-BBDA-4F58-81F1-7EAFEBE28A63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute titties

>> No.75644327

the way you can see Ange's hands miming out spreading the girl's ass cheeks...

>> No.75644417

Ange please, senchou is trying to kick the habit.

>> No.75645023

Ange’s definitely stealing the show with those hand movements.

>> No.75645697

senchou is getting impatient and want to bark into rin's house...

>> No.75646157

Who wouldn’t

>> No.75646655
Quoted by: >>75648742

she's pissed that Rin keeps talking about visiting houses or going on trips together constantly but somehow it keeps not happening

>> No.75647090

damn this game asmr really make it sound as lewd as possible

>> No.75647132

The first one is supposed to be a handjob, what's this one supposed to be? I can't into japanese

>> No.75647407

I just realized that Rin's casual clothes look a lot like Ririka's casual clothes, do gyaru really dress like that?

>> No.75647450

Shrimp VCR when?

>> No.75647886
File: 353 KB, 2048x1152, FA9FBAB7-369F-46C3-BB5D-98B79F404653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Private pantsu

>> No.75648681
Quoted by: >>75649007

holy shit finally

she's been stringing them along forever

>> No.75648742

Well they finally made it

>> No.75648812

Damn, when is Cover gonna get arm movements like that.

>> No.75649007

It's almost like she behaves like a real woman.

>> No.75649074

I think the niji hand tracking must be doing something more than just using the regular camera because of the range of motion they have.

>> No.75649718

When they stop relying on their proprietary software, so never.
They must be using something similar to mocopi but more sophisticated and probably with individual finger sensors.

>> No.75649750

yeah I think she might put on gloves or something

>> No.75650101
Quoted by: >>75650263


>> No.75650263

Marine's ass should be declared a Japanese national monument.

>> No.75650525

Mother's day Hologra special

>> No.75650943

I hadn't noticed that III had already passed 2 million views, if it continues at this pace it will surpass Shinkiro in a much shorter time.
Although I like both songs, I think I prefer Shinkiro (both song and MV) and it's a pity that it wasn't as successful as Senchou probably wished it would be.

>> No.75651033

I'm curious how the next solo original will go, Maribako and Bishopai were such big hits that I wonder if the magic is still there for the next one

>> No.75651095

I doubt there will be one. She spent way too much on Shinkiro and III to get another song out so soon.

>> No.75651145

meant for >>75651033

>> No.75651419

I mean presumably there will be one eventually, unless she retires first

>> No.75651629
Quoted by: >>75652115

I wonder if she has to pay the guest Holos to sing or if there is some kind of agreement that the profits from the song are split between the two of them.

>> No.75652115
Quoted by: >>75652649

Seems kind of bullshit to me that Marine pays for all the advertising and then the sales get split just because someone else did a few recordings once.

>> No.75652649

Again, I don't know how this works, we don't even know if Marine (or another Holo for that matter) gets any percentage of the profits since in theory the original songs are owned by Cover since they are created under the use of their IPs.

>> No.75653069
Quoted by: >>75653879

I feel like III and Shinkiro might be entirely covered by Cover based on Kobo's story about how she got invited to do it on the literal first meeting with Marine.

>> No.75653228

You know what would be cooler than another solo MV? if she made a proper anime, something like an ONA, with actual plot, voice acting, opening and ending song, fan service, obviously something short in length so it wouldn't be overly expensive.
in my opinion it would have more impact (I hope) than any other new MV she releases.

>> No.75653344
Quoted by: >>75653645

Looks like you fell for the meme that no one cares about the music and just watch the MV. It's actually the other way around and always has been.

>> No.75653645
Quoted by: >>75655964

I've never believed it but I've seen quite a lot of normalfags ask "what anime is this?" When they see the MV of Maribako or bishopai or gifs or excerpts of these.
You honestly have to be in denial if you think Maribako became super popular just because of the song alone.

>> No.75653879

LOL absolutely not, every other song so far has been entirely out of Marine's pocket
There's no fucking way they'd start ponying up now, Marine has been very clear about where the money comes from

>> No.75654655

She has also stated several times that she prefers to put her money into her own projects precisely so that management places fewer restrictions on them.

>> No.75655351
File: 2.16 MB, 640x474, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now that I think about it, she wouldn't even have to commission new music for the opening and ending, she could comfortably use abridged versions of Ahoy and Marine Shukkou to reduce costs and some scenes could be long shots of backgrounds with little animation like the sea with only the sun shining on it animated, and have the rest of the Sankisei members to be the supporting characters.
God so many possibilities, heck if I had the talent, time and financial resources I would do it myself as a non-profit fan animation, unfortunately I lack all of that, but hey fantasizing is free.

>> No.75655964

Of course it's not the song alone, but the MV is not the main reason why it got all the views. If a flashy MV is all that mattered then Shinkiro would be the most viewed by far.

>> No.75656105

So you really think that Marine herself decided all on her own that she is going to make a song with Kobo before ever having talked to her?

>> No.75656348


>> No.75656729

Yes, she said last year (or was it this year?) that she wanted to collaborate more with Holos with whom she has done little or nothing.
They weren't her literal words but it was something similar.

>> No.75656870
Quoted by: >>75657261

she says that kind of thing a lot in general

>> No.75657139

That was about collab streams. These two collab songs have a clear pattern to them and it isn't that she hasn't collabed with them before.

>> No.75657249

In music you don't need to be friends or even talk to know that another person has potential in a song. So yes.

>> No.75657261

Well looks like III and Shinkiro to some degree were born out of it.

>> No.75657336

They weren't though.

>> No.75657367


>> No.75658592
File: 623 KB, 2036x3200, a412d23fb65aa40d2519b35222208cd5~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy bunny

>> No.75659054

It feels great to hear Senchou laugh like that, after seeing how down she has been lately.

>> No.75660534

Pekora is the only bunny for Marine

>> No.75661513
File: 2.45 MB, 498x380, 1714549814510051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75663735

I bet Marine is happy that Togashi is back (again)

>> No.75663441
File: 464 KB, 800x739, 1715224334619256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75667515

>> No.75663735

I dunno, Marine seems to have dropped off a lot of her old favourites. I don't think she's played the new Touhou, or the new Tales, or the new Tokimemo. She isn't really keeping up with anything, as much as she was a big fan when she was a lot younger.

>> No.75664252

She was pretty excited when new chapters were released two years ago, I don't know if she actually read them though

>> No.75665705

One more day of bunnies

I want her to collab with ange in a different context one day, too

>> No.75667515


>> No.75670510
Quoted by: >>75670789


Not a member what was this about?

>> No.75670789
Quoted by: >>75671092

You mean the last time she talks about? Nothing different from the usual depressed tone.
Additionally she was stopped from doing membership stream that day by management because they wanted her to pretend that she's preparing for the Australia live.

>> No.75671092

Was that not live? Didn't Calli react to the takamori guy in the audience?

>> No.75671183

Anon you should know by now that only MC are live. Did you actually think that Marine went to Australia?

>> No.75671667

The MC segments were live so Calli and Bae were there live, but the songs were all pre-recorded so the JP/ID girls just had to pretend they were there.

>> No.75674202

Fucking like rabbits with Senchou!

>> No.75675006

Marine's bits weren't live
She didn't go to Australia either

>> No.75677856
File: 404 KB, 849x1200, 812149CD-4868-4D4A-813C-4320AF78F928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute bunny tail

>> No.75677966
Quoted by: >>75680399

I think its called getting older

>> No.75680399
Quoted by: >>75682221

Sure, but you'd think she'd have some interest in mining her old interests' new releases for her job. That's what she did for basically everything else she's done as a holo. Almost everything she's streamed that wasn't a newly released game was something she had already streamed before on Nico back in the day. Like if you look, every single game she streamed on Nico she's revisited as a holo. It's interesting the extent to which she's been re-running through the same grooves she's been in for more than a decade.

>> No.75682221

Don't forget that she is also depressed and that also affects her willingness to talk about what she likes.

>> No.75683309
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>> No.75683375
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>ctrl f + webm

>> No.75683905

I haven't been making new ones lately. This board still doesn't let you posts webms with sound right? Kinda kills the motivation to

>> No.75684573 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.87 MB, 372x480, 1691696642083276.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75686336
File: 952 KB, 2176x3673, GMUmNt2WMAArLpv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75686493

I wonder when we'll see Marine next after today's stream

>> No.75687055

She said Next week

>> No.75689639
File: 1.83 MB, 2892x4096, GGsi2a_b0AAkV1z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75692285
File: 310 KB, 1717x2048, GNWb1JvaoAAnnfJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75695660

>> No.75695660


>> No.75699168
Quoted by: >>75701960

3 streams of more than 3 hours in a row, this must have been one of the best weekends in a long time.
I love Senchou so much

>> No.75701632
File: 2.85 MB, 2694x2188, 20240512_222735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75707298

I wanna be Rin so bad now

>> No.75701960

I rarely appreciate someone but thanks ange for the good manzai
but fuck pekora for obligatory minecraft

>> No.75703418
Quoted by: >>75714958

Marine wants to recreate Pekomari

>> No.75705962
File: 238 KB, 1382x2048, GMun8xVaAAA41Po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75706479

Hardcore is fun enough.

>> No.75707127

Thanks pekora for obligatory minecraft

>> No.75707298

Ange should defect to Hololive.

>> No.75711852
File: 363 KB, 800x955, GMp5ad_bUAAo0Gd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75712703
Quoted by: >>75728122

Does this imply HoushouAne is a teddybear lover too?

>> No.75714115
File: 332 KB, 1448x2048, GFUP9LkasAA6_zN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75714714

My wife and my sister in law

>> No.75714958

I think it's very cute that she wants to participate in the events that her business wife does.

>> No.75715755
Quoted by: >>75716438

Why don't she talk about her sister anymore?

>> No.75716438
Quoted by: >>75718689

Marine was upset when people in the chat started criticising her sister when she demanded that Marine move into a bigger flat than the one she lives in in the Tokyo metropolitan area as a condition of living with her.
In a stream with Flare she made it clear that she would not mention her sister again because she did not want her to be attacked.

>> No.75718689
Quoted by: >>75720963

She doesn't trust ichimi at all anymore.

>> No.75720501


>> No.75720963

She hates us

>> No.75721107
Quoted by: >>75731524

Senchou riding lioness cock

>> No.75722258

I hope she’s not the first to encounter a creeper

>> No.75723511
Quoted by: >>75723802

So what is this, it's just 1 week of Hardcore Minecraft? Why all of a sudden?

>> No.75723647
Quoted by: >>75723855

rip nenechi

>> No.75723699

Marine's zombie impression is pretty spot on

>> No.75723802

I'm starting to think it's a sneakily sponsored event from Microsoft, since I've seen Minecraft being promoted a lot elsewhere lately
I wouldn't be surprised since MS loves working with Hololive And Cover loves MS money

>> No.75723855
Quoted by: >>75723916

How she died?

>> No.75723916
Quoted by: >>75724142

She went to go get lava, fell into it, and the burned to death.

>> No.75724142


>> No.75724322

Love NoeMari interactions

>> No.75724694

Marine showing off her "impressive sword" *boron* to extort food from Azki and Iroha...

I wonder if that pissed off the other holomembers' chats, actually

>> No.75725162

Houshou Bearine.

>> No.75725472

She almost died in the most stupid way

>> No.75725664

NGL Kanade's screams are irritating

>> No.75725805
Quoted by: >>75727343

Ao is going to ruin it now

>> No.75727279
Quoted by: >>75727450

wait are we going to get minecraft every day this week then, until marine dies twice?

ange delayed until afterwards?

>> No.75727343
Quoted by: >>75727549

She was on screen so little for you to start whining over her.

>> No.75727450
Quoted by: >>75727606

I think Marine was confident that they would finish the game in the 3rd stream, the final part apparently won't be until next week, in what day? who knows

>> No.75727549
Quoted by: >>75727668

I'll keep doing it just to piss you off.

>> No.75727606

Pretty sure the plan was to do it this sunday.

>> No.75727668
Quoted by: >>75727774

>Bu..bu..but i’m not a schizo...

>> No.75727774

Yeah you're the schizo. You cannot handle seeing negative opinions and piss your pants anytime a post you don't like pops up.

>> No.75728122

Didn't Marine say she likes rilakkuma partly because of her sister? I don't remember desu

>> No.75730328

Gaki aqua setting everyone on fire

>> No.75730756

Holy shit noel saved Marine's life

>> No.75730834


>> No.75731046


>> No.75731111
Quoted by: >>75731465

KanaMari on Miko's channel tomorrow.

>> No.75731161

ichimi bros, we're eating good this week

>> No.75731465

Suisei will be there too.

>> No.75731524
File: 250 KB, 1014x1200, AFD51565-C1AA-4AC9-A8B8-FF01F04372FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek yeah

>> No.75731573

What a fast retweet after ending.

>> No.75731887

lol perfect

>> No.75732110


Do you guys know literally anyone who talks about wanting to die as often as marine does?

>> No.75732603


>> No.75733623
Quoted by: >>75734492

I think we were too mean to Ao

>> No.75734492

Speak for yourself, I never shittalked her

>> No.75735692

My sister, but i know for a fact that she actually doesn’t want to do an hero

>> No.75737066
File: 560 KB, 1377x2283, 852F0E4F-369B-43B4-839A-F275BF1C36CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden bikinis are the best

>> No.75739082
File: 449 KB, 1398x1984, IMG_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks ange for the good manzai
Yeah she’s great

>> No.75740590


>> No.75741820
Quoted by: >>75748409

man I can't believe we're going to get like 11 days of Marine streams in a row

when was the last time that even happened? Feels good to be an ichimi rn

>> No.75743178
File: 1.49 MB, 1971x3021, IMG_6492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75743922

They are one for another

>> No.75743922

it was pretty cute yeah

>> No.75746124

is botan only this yab around Marine?

>> No.75748409

Dunno but it feels great

>> No.75751710

