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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.24 MB, 1500x2147, GNZq7xFbMAAs-OF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75675531 No.75675531 [Reply] [Original]

silent hours edition

>> No.75675629

toasting in an epic bread

>> No.75675639

wives doko…

>> No.75675675
Quoted by: >>75675914

over $2k for a round trip flight to Sydney... surely the next meet and greet will be on this side of the globe

>> No.75675775
File: 672 KB, 1524x945, 1711254676738917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss them

>> No.75675802

aussiebros we won so fucking hard

>> No.75675886
File: 1.28 MB, 4096x4096, GNZdePjbEAARYFN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75675914
Quoted by: >>75676001

Oh shit is it gonna be another meet n greet, or just a con appearance?

>> No.75675934
Quoted by: >>75676041

Cool. Did they say what exactly they're gonna be doing there? And does this place usually stream? AnimeNYC was really fun even if only through the VR Chat thing. Wish more places did that.

>> No.75675944
Quoted by: >>75676041

does this one count

>> No.75675949

stupid fucking baker

>> No.75676001
Quoted by: >>75676631

doesn’t say anything about it being a meet and greet, just that they’ll be guests and the only chuubas there

>> No.75676013
Quoted by: >>75676096

Itta bros this is a massive W!!

>> No.75676040

Fluffy Deus Ex when

>> No.75676041
Quoted by: >>75676072

It doesn't give any specifics. I imagine they'll do a karaoke and a QnA?
Did AnimeNYC and the Malaysian con count?

>> No.75676072

>Did AnimeNYC and the Malaysian con count?

>> No.75676096

Lux Aeterna and GD are from there too, pretty cool. I like them.

>> No.75676147

time for a road trip down to sydney

>> No.75676157
Quoted by: >>75676197

What if Fuwawa is actually ghosting because Mococo took a turn for the worse and she needs to be there for her?

>> No.75676169


Previous Thread >>75656505

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel
https://twitter.com/fuwamoco_en/status/1786984903554617642 (embed)

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template
https://pastebin.com/bgugZTcD (embed)

>> No.75676197

Dunno, hope not. All we can do is wait.

>> No.75676210

i don’t think this is a meet and greet but if it’s anything like animenyc i’m still fucking excited

>> No.75676457

Mococo died

>> No.75676502
File: 211 KB, 678x552, 1693017134701378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75676511

Would Fuwawa keep streaming? Would you still watch?

>> No.75676514


>> No.75676566

tweet in 15 minutes, 5 for Todd

>> No.75676584

Definitely what happened, for sure.

>> No.75676631

>the only chuubas there
wait, really?
what the fuck
no other vtubers want to be at that con?

>> No.75676672

This will not end well.

>> No.75676679

Not even Australians want to go to Australia

>> No.75676695

Moot is smiling in heaven.

>> No.75676762
File: 394 KB, 1341x676, Screenshot_2024-05-12_184933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they’re the last guests

>> No.75676789

Was checking the guest list right now, seems kinda small compared to AnimeNYC. You guys will get a Q&A and RnR Mini like we did in NYC.

>> No.75676807
File: 255 KB, 1117x595, 3902574838974398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like they're the only vtubers as guests. But it doesn't say what they're going to do there, probably just an interview or karaoke?

>> No.75676848

>author of ancient magus' bride
neat I guess

>> No.75676849

Yet another bit of homework they did instead of streaming or resting.

>> No.75676899

In Munchausen Syndrome by proxy, or factitious disorder imposed on another, a caregiver makes a dependent person appear mentally or physically ill in order to gain attention. To perpetuate the medical relationship, the caregiver systematically misrepresents symptoms, fabricates signs, manipulates laboratory tests, or even purposely harms the dependent (e.g. by poisoning, suffocation, infection, physical injury). It is important to note the caregiver is not performing this behavior for obvious external reward, such as money. Studies have shown a mortality rate of between six and ten percent, making it perhaps the most lethal form of abuse.

Someone needs to investigate Fuwawa, bros...
It's weird that they're twins but only Mococo gets sick and has all these allergies.

>> No.75676907

>all garbage save for fwmc
Jesus christ I know they want to be everywhere but they gotta be more selective.

>> No.75676925
Quoted by: >>75677015

This is what they want to do you stupid motherfucker

>> No.75676960

>Yet another bit of homework they did instead of streaming or resting.
Anon the con isn't for another month. They literally haven't done anything other than day "yeah we'll go" kek

>> No.75676972

>Escaflowne and RahXephon mecha designer
holy kino

>> No.75676987
Quoted by: >>75677087

Cosplayers shouldn't count as guests, it's like saying ring girls count as guests in MMA matches.

>> No.75676995
Quoted by: >>75677179

more like 2 months in late july

>> No.75677015

They want to do everything that's the problem
Do you seriously believe they just show up for these things and no preparations are done? No, for every appearance there are a flurry of meetings and shit that they have to attend and details that need to be worked out.

>> No.75677073

>or even purposely harms the dependent (e.g. by poisoning, suffocation, infection, physical injury).
she's been poisoning all the tea she's been "kindly" sharing with Moco-chan and who knows what else

>> No.75677077
Quoted by: >>75677127

Tweet it on main account, tell them to not go

>> No.75677087
Quoted by: >>75677290

I'm assuming everyone on this list will have a panel or something. Otherwise it doesn't make sense, yeah.
FWMC could have one hell of a panel on 2D X 3D idols.

>> No.75677090
File: 1.05 MB, 3508x2480, @koizumi_arata F2v6kKEWwAAun0P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75677208


>> No.75677104
Quoted by: >>75677205

It's in two months, dumb nigger. Mane-chan handles all that shit for them, they just have to say "yes" and figure out a setlist if they're singing. Even if that isn't the case, it's in two months.
Kill yourself.

>> No.75677127

Are there even any Australian Ruffians?

>> No.75677149
File: 478 KB, 1165x738, moco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have this animation? I can't find it anymore.

>> No.75677168

Halo game night with Ruffians when?

>> No.75677170
Quoted by: >>75677332


>> No.75677176

Decent number. that lux guy, Zannie, uh GB ect. I'm sure there's more that just aren't well known or in the clique.

>> No.75677179
Quoted by: >>75677291

>late july
At this point I'm half expecting it to bite them in the ass since they have their anniversary around that time and they'll ramp up their activities in preparation for it.

>> No.75677201
Quoted by: >>75677250

so is tomorrow another homework day?

>> No.75677205
Quoted by: >>75677334

It's time away that they could be streaming or sleeping. And Mane-chan handling it is exactly why they need to have meetings retard.

>> No.75677208

Advent should be working on being one of the first Holos to play EDF6 as a collab.

>> No.75677220

It's probably at least two full days of preps, meetings, rehearsals, minimum. These two take 3 hours a day to prep for cookie cutter fwmc episodes

>> No.75677232
Quoted by: >>75677331

Counting both Zannie and Lux Aeterna is like counting Mococo and Pero.

>> No.75677250

Most of next week is a homework week.

>> No.75677270

I thought lux and zannie are decent, then again I also thought Zeik was okay and that didn't end well.

>> No.75677290

yea, from the guest list, I'm guessing it's just a small convention

>> No.75677291

>voice destroyed singing rnr for aussies, 1 year debut stream canceled
>too throat hurt to do a live 3D showcase

>> No.75677299

If they’re appearing at some random Aussie convention then I can have hope that they’ll come to the UK, right?

>> No.75677302
Quoted by: >>75677402

Would be kino, but I don't want to waste money for it to end up not happening, maybe we should try either something free or something everyone already owns.

>> No.75677331

Shh don't tell him, it's funnier this way.

>> No.75677332

t. hypersensitive faggot

>> No.75677334
Quoted by: >>75677510

>wah wah waaaah
You're only crying cause it's in Australia and not whatever shithole country you live in.

>> No.75677352

I don't think they're bad, they just happen to be in clique circles.

>> No.75677353

Flanntastic. There are a few

>> No.75677366
Quoted by: >>75677398

Lux and zannie are the same person anon

>> No.75677378

so why do you think they couldn’t drop the schedule last night before returning back to whatever homework they had to do?

>> No.75677398


>> No.75677401

Yeah. Wastelands usually are EU and most of the Asian countries. Not sure about ID.
>inb4 random EUfag chiming in
You're like the ruffians in Taiwan. A minority.

>> No.75677402

I'll play.

>> No.75677425
File: 1.02 MB, 2769x1885, IMG_2994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75677762

I mean considering they showed up here, I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility.

>> No.75677424

Maybe there is no schedule. Maybe the idea was for it to be Fluffy Week 2 but Fuwawa woke up feeling like trash and they need to make sure she'll be better before announcing it.

>> No.75677429

The holobrony is Australian tok

>> No.75677437

Since they're accepting any kind of event, there's a chance.

>> No.75677484

They're gonna be guests at Capcom Cup, and will announce KAGE for SF 6.

>> No.75677501
File: 56 KB, 940x530, IMG_8657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75677510

Nope, if they had another random con appearance in America, I'd still be upset because right now they need to focus on getting better and 3D. And while I don't support the crunch, if they really want to hit 1 million before debut anniversary, this con is not the way to do it.

>> No.75677527
Quoted by: >>75677669

Time to revive my local con and invite them, they won't say no to any event.

>> No.75677546
File: 334 KB, 997x1828, GNafRBfXgAAMfw6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more mococo love from koahri

>> No.75677553

I'm guessing in case things get worse, I think FWMC mornings are the one thing they don't want to ever cancel so it's better for them to just not schedule them.

>> No.75677558
Quoted by: >>75677682

literally me fr

>> No.75677583

I'll make a con and it'll just be me.

>> No.75677629

Hell yes, I'm so fucking happy she didn't let that faggot influence her, her MCC art is so fucking good.

>> No.75677640
File: 432 KB, 1904x2595, 1000004529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've got a couple years left til this is true.

>> No.75677668

There's a whole anime convention? In your kitchen? With FuwaMoco?
May I see it?

>> No.75677669
Quoted by: >>75677746

They said no to 2 NA meet and greets in May

>> No.75677677
File: 277 KB, 736x729, 1704948199465636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75677827


>> No.75677682

mommy? sorry, mommy? sorry MOMMY?

>> No.75677705

what are you talking about? fwmc are two millennium past 35

>> No.75677713
File: 178 KB, 850x1278, sample_b034e202e524cff9cf422a40b2a6f607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonsense, they can't be single if they have eachother.

>> No.75677723

Cute. I do wish she had a less obvious preference sometimes cause she draws easily the best Fuwawa out there, but I won't complain too much kek

>> No.75677736

I hope no schedule means no gorilla streams and they actually get rest

>> No.75677746
Quoted by: >>75677785

I live in Japan

>> No.75677758
Quoted by: >>75677805

Fuwawa had to take Mococo to the hospital.

>> No.75677762

They're showing up to all the ones they can. Like they said, they're taking every opportunity.
The positive: more chances for them to be at one near you
The negatives: more chances for them to miss the bigger ones because they're too close together, so it's harder to predict. example being Anime Boston with rest of advent and Fuwamoco going to Taipei. Or Offkai to a lesser extent.
Either that or they wanted to do more non-NA events to try and spread out the areas since NA had AnimeNYC. Tough to know what the plan is if there is one.

>> No.75677785

YOOOO it’s fuwamoco!!

>> No.75677805

There's no way they even have health insurance or a dogtor in Japan yet. They don't even have bowls

>> No.75677821
File: 146 KB, 1349x956, hag idol - yoru no kurage wa oyogenai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we love hag idols here

>> No.75677827
File: 3.62 MB, 640x360, baucomfy [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbf2574.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want them to sing this song one day for RnR. Sleep tight Aniki...

>> No.75677836


>> No.75677843


>> No.75677878

i’m fairly certain they don’t even have a schedule for next week since they pinned the “we just want protect your smile” tweet in place of where their schedule would be

>> No.75677886

Just wanna wrap my arms around her and twirl her like the beautiful princess she Is.

>> No.75677931
File: 21 KB, 485x428, be happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think it was an easy lock, but spring is passing, and no RnR Party yet. I'll never stop believing.

>> No.75677973

all dogs go to heaven

>> No.75677987


>> No.75678014

sleep tight, Aniki

>> No.75678045
Quoted by: >>75678235

>implying we're ever getting another RnR

>> No.75678067

>Dog years or Human years

>> No.75678118

(´;ω;`) aniki suki

>> No.75678193

anons what is your read on anirevo?
what are the odds of a FuwaMoco appearance - worth buying tickets for?
to give some details
>is Aug 9-11
>Vancouver CA
>2023 had fauna, ina, risu, moona

>> No.75678230

Is it just me or does this smashcon site have past life shit linked for fuwamcoco?

>> No.75678235
File: 19 KB, 360x344, 1694212649887908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75678269


>> No.75678270
File: 148 KB, 348x359, goodnightfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight, Aniki

>> No.75678301
Quoted by: >>75679835

It was high until this con appearance. I doubt they'd do two so close together

>> No.75678369
Quoted by: >>75678424

Yep, they smash fucked up as they seem to do. Half of the socials linked aren't FuwaMoco's

>> No.75678421


>> No.75678424

Christ. I feel that's a pretty massive fuck up? Especially for a small con...

>> No.75678435
File: 355 KB, 528x528, 1708749232368854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75678438


>> No.75678465


>> No.75678480
Quoted by: >>75679835

I think it's likely they go. I see no reason why they wouldn't, imo

>> No.75678516
Quoted by: >>75678755

no tail

>> No.75678577
Quoted by: >>75678686

I don't see any PL stuff, but half the links are to random FWMC fan accounts.

>> No.75678604
File: 68 KB, 500x374, .....webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75678675
Quoted by: >>75678914

it’s been 5 years…

>> No.75678686

It's the tiktok. The tiktok is some random fan account that uploaded PL clips

>> No.75678703


>> No.75678709
File: 255 KB, 1500x1000, FuwaMoco Aggressive Smile Protection[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv5zu0g.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same. One day we'll see it. I believe.

>> No.75678719

Aussie Ruffians, see if the Suisex artist will be there and get them to draw Fuwamoco.

>> No.75678730

did they think the tiktok is their official account kek

>> No.75678732
File: 2.23 MB, 1041x1200, 1705936529222085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75678755


>> No.75678776

Jesus I hope they fix it quick, that's a massive security fuckup

>> No.75678780
Quoted by: >>75679377

did you enjoy your mother’s day lads?

>> No.75678821

Big bro... I miss your smile.

>> No.75678836

oh, kek what an oversight

>> No.75678843

Why the fuck would you want a shitty "edgy" video that wasn't even funny?

>> No.75678881

Aniki is the one homo I wouldn't mind collabing with any Holo.

>> No.75678914

what the fuck
how long have I been on 4chan

>> No.75678934
Quoted by: >>75678985


>> No.75678969

This silence is a little odd. Anyone else thinking we're getting a full break next week?

>> No.75678985

He lives on in my heart.

>> No.75678987

Hope so.

>> No.75679004
File: 947 KB, 1002x793, WHERE THE DOGS AT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75679088

The one homo thug I'll show love for.

>> No.75679010


>> No.75679039

i would not mind in the slightest but we probably won’t
at best we’ll maybe have 1-3 streams scheduled

>> No.75679042
Quoted by: >>75679119

But where's her tail huh.???.????

>> No.75679055
File: 336 KB, 853x552, 1711243734577048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will tweet something in a few hours.... Right?

>> No.75679088

DMX...Aniki...all the great anime memes of the 2010s are dead...

>> No.75679119

behind the branch anon, use your brain

>> No.75679122

It's expected with 3D coming.

>> No.75679152
Quoted by: >>75679305

>full break next week
That's ideal
Rather no streams and a little rest while working on homework than to squeeze their free time playing a one-off horror slop. Especially if their voices are failing them.
Please for the love of god get some rest this week

>> No.75679164

That's because he was an otaku/JP meme from a different era. I'd feel the same way about Moot or hiromoot tbdesu

>> No.75679186

Smash is 30 mins away, what do? Never been to a con or anything before

>> No.75679229

Fuck no

>> No.75679239

just go my d*de

>> No.75679268

Well if you don't have tickets already they're sold out so find a scalper

>> No.75679276

i’m sure hiromoot would love to meet them again

>> No.75679296

Shower and wear cologne or something before hand

>> No.75679305

It's honestly insane how much they're pushing themselves.
I get that they want to achieve their goal but killing themselves trying to do it is not the way.

>> No.75679357
File: 94 KB, 522x483, 1713759364525466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my wives. I miss Mio.

>> No.75679377

I did. Had dinner with some family. Speaking of which, this is Mama Puppy’s first mother’s day without her daughters…

>> No.75679378


>> No.75679410

I want Fuwamoco to become splendid sexual hags.

>> No.75679428

fuck you, for a second i thought this was a frame for a new collab

>> No.75679435

I think they need it. They've been pushing themselves too hard recently and 3D is too important for them to mess around with

>> No.75679456

>9 months ago

>> No.75679470
File: 2.73 MB, 498x498, 1695948641899622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75679478

kek it got me checking too

>> No.75679490

What the fuck happened to Mococo's voice.

>> No.75679543
Quoted by: >>75679665

do you think fuwamoco also get off to their own porn?

>> No.75679549


>> No.75679665

No, they get off to the sexual fantasies I write about here.

>> No.75679672

>okayu gets off to her fans telling her they spilt seed to her during a stream
if only i was so bold but then again fwmc might find that weird or suzu would just ban me before they would even have a chance to look at it

>> No.75679697
File: 225 KB, 1940x1997, GMs62hsWYAAPMi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last year
okayu... you've been masturbating to us at the thought of us masturbating to you live on stream for over 2 years...

>> No.75679722
Quoted by: >>75679914

Yeah, don’t. Mane-chan timed me for 20 minutes because I told Fuwawa I was so close in chat.

>> No.75679725

Nene also asks for reports.

>> No.75679794

I feel like it's a bad idea to take things other hologirls say, and then assume FWMC will feel the exact same way.

>> No.75679835

hmm so any NA predictions?
So far highest prediction seems like AnimeNYC. Lots of guests, big hololive presence. It's Aug 23-25 though. A lot earlier than 2023's November date. With FuwaMoco going to SMASH at July 20/21 all my predictions are thrown off.
>inb4 rest of advent goes to AnimeNYC and FuwaMoco go to some random convention spaced a little after like the Taipei and Anime Boston situation

The biggest issue at this point is spacing. Who knows how much space they try and keep between events.

>> No.75679862

/here/ is the place to report. I've been documenting and fuwawa absolutely browses the archives.
By the way, sorry it was a light day but I still hit 3 for you, fluffy princess. I hope you are feeling better.

>> No.75679864
Quoted by: >>75679926

Gotta time Mane-chan's piss break and go full gorilla on main in chat one of these days.

>> No.75679914

kek i think even debord was once timed when chat was fucking up during the korone box game and i guess he was saying some outrageous shit suzu caught

>> No.75679926

Gotta send it as a last minute superchat. If you're A regular she reads those with no mane chan filter

>> No.75679932

I mean there's being horny for them in private and then there's breaking containment and saying that shit in their actual chats. Despite what you hear I doubt Fuwawa wants to read someone screaming about how they're nutting to her in the chat lmao

>> No.75679961

Go look at some of their early streams near debut. It's honestly crazy how much Mococo's voice has changed since then

>> No.75679998

And it'll change even more now that she's damaging it.

>> No.75680002

You’re right. Something like that would best be saved for fan letters.

>> No.75680007
Quoted by: >>75680069

She did really like the gorilla superchat, but be respectful not a disgusting horndog

>> No.75680015
Quoted by: >>75680064

She was speaking more naturally back then, she's shifted up the pitch of her voice as time has gone on.

>> No.75680043

She's speaking more naturally now. She was too nervous and holding back

>> No.75680064

Which one is it?

>> No.75680069

Yeah, If you gotta gorilla out, be at least kinda subtle about it, she'll get it.

>> No.75680096
Quoted by: >>75680172

no way, her natural voice is more closer to what it sounded like during the first few weeks

>> No.75680099


>> No.75680107

You realize management filters those too right?

>> No.75680115
File: 258 KB, 478x482, 101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75680171

>Fuwawa, keep giggling. I'm close!

>> No.75680139

I've been putting the running count both since the last letter and total as two numbers in the bottom right corner. I wonder if they'll figure it out by visiting my logs here and matching up. If they ask me in a SC response or at a meet and greet not sure how I tell them the truth. I might just say it's my silly counter

>> No.75680172

Nah, she sounded like she was trying too hard. She sounds relaxed now, its ESPECIALLY evident in twitter spaces.

>> No.75680171
Quoted by: >>75680420

That’s the message that got me times during the Dorokei. But I think I said, “keep whispering, I’m almost there…” or something to that effect.

>> No.75680178
File: 159 KB, 1092x1642, 1714128194568289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75680637

What would it take for you to forgive us?

>> No.75680184

does your voice change from common pitch when you make an important phone call? in what way? thats your answer

>> No.75680211

I can't masturbate to just a single image. I need either video or a manga.

>> No.75680246


>> No.75680277

sad, i can get off with no visuals or audio

>> No.75680292
Quoted by: >>75680416

i wouldn’t say “trying too hard”, she was just much more reserved back then. i remember posts all the time asking why mococo didn’t speak as much as fuwawa. listen to their debut stream and then listen to their other account’s stream and mococo sounds the same

>> No.75680307

Pathetic, I can get off without anything just thinking about them. You're weak.

>> No.75680355

>can't create detailed erotic encounters based off an image
Are you even trying?

>> No.75680403

why do ruffians put the oshi mark in their name
no other fanbase does it
and if they do, it's because they're 12 years old

>> No.75680407
Quoted by: >>75680470

embarrassing. just last night i got off to the mere thought of plapping fuwawa

>> No.75680416

That's a vetter word for it lol Yeah I agree.
>their other accounts streams
She sounds exactly the same in both places to me

>> No.75680420

kek I wonder if Fuwawa saw it before you got sniped

>> No.75680438

I'm rock hard right now on a walk because fuwawa entered my mind. If she isn't the main thing on your mind you don't even love her.

>> No.75680461

>Natto doubters so desperate as to rattle out filth like this
You should be ashamed

>> No.75680470

True gorillas need no material, just the thought of Fuwawa arching her back and panting is enough.

>> No.75680522
Quoted by: >>75680624

Imagine an apple. What do you see?

>> No.75680535

well it’s been past 24 hours


>> No.75680611
Quoted by: >>75680713

It shows my commitment to FWMC when I type in other chuubas chat

>> No.75680624


>> No.75680637

not sure what you’re talking about but i’d love to drag my tongue across every surface and crevice of those bodies

>> No.75680698

It's a badge of honor and devotion for me, never taken a single oshi mark other than their's. To me it represents all my feelings about them.

>> No.75680713

There's a random 2view that I watch occasionally and she calls me 'Ruffian' because she noticed the oshi mark. It's cute.

>> No.75680739

Kill yourself.

>> No.75680770

I hate being a ruffian

>> No.75680815
File: 142 KB, 341x329, deviousfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just seeing her face is enough to send me into a frenzy at this point

>> No.75680847
File: 767 KB, 862x1080, 1714988386934577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75680873
File: 98 KB, 1024x669, 1715067051795472m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do it with just their faces

>> No.75680898
File: 19 KB, 958x340, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting fixed

>> No.75680904
File: 168 KB, 1080x1532, 1715245948113336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75680911
Quoted by: >>75680960

>no other fanbase does it
??? You must lurk before posting, retard

>> No.75680925

I don't even need her face anymore. Her giggles alone make me diamonds. The Hitman stream was a test of endurance.

>> No.75680960

name one fanbase

>> No.75680992

Please Mococo no more.

>> No.75681016
File: 1.71 MB, 2688x1146, 939393948494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep already fixed on their end

>> No.75681053
Quoted by: >>75681073

i see them in the replies to other vtubers all the time? you might be watching vtubers that only attract casual tourists

>> No.75681058

And? It's not my problem you faggot

>> No.75681073

name one

>> No.75681110

CUTE please name in mario64

>> No.75681111
Quoted by: >>75681167


>> No.75681122
Quoted by: >>75681167


>> No.75681136
Quoted by: >>75681167

marine, nene, haachama, literally any holo JP

>> No.75681167


>> No.75681224
Quoted by: >>75681439

They strained their voices because they aren't using their natural voices

>> No.75681284

pekomama might be sexier than fuwawa

>> No.75681289

Go to Marine's twitter. Click her first tweet and read the replies. How fucking retarded are you? Every single response has her oshi mark.


>> No.75681316
File: 35 KB, 475x321, koyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75681354


>> No.75681331 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 625x626, Apply Yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you fuckers actually bit that bait
It was barely even bait

>> No.75681334
Quoted by: >>75681669

They don't use their oshi mark on YouTube chat though

>> No.75681354
Quoted by: >>75681390

Anons, you realize he's shitposting right?

>> No.75681390

so what, wives are gone
i have time to kill and it only took under 2 minutes to get that screenshot since i was watching koyo anyways

>> No.75681404
File: 174 KB, 366x361, concernedmogogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hid it immediately and now I can't see half the thread

>> No.75681429
Quoted by: >>75681459

Ruffians gotta bite at anything that moves for entertainment now. I miss my wives...

>> No.75681439
Quoted by: >>75681475

No, it's cause they sing and scream all the time like retards

>> No.75681451

i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.75681459
Quoted by: >>75681516

watch EDF

>> No.75681475

they scream even louder when i’m fucking them off-stream

>> No.75681516

global warming is a myth

>> No.75681599

no tweet since cancelation...

>> No.75681644

they just liked the smash tweet

>> No.75681657

I'm taking a nap, enjoy the tweet

>> No.75681665
Quoted by: >>75681957

Go look at Koyoris chat

>> No.75681669


>> No.75681672
Quoted by: >>75681706

>to me

>> No.75681706

yeah me

>> No.75681719
Quoted by: >>75681874


>> No.75681776
Quoted by: >>75681874


>> No.75681845

Are we going schizo already?

>> No.75681857

>Mococo finds the lock-on button
>still misses every shot

>> No.75681872

Would you guys say you're the most menhera holoEN fanbase? Previously I believed chumbuds held that title.

>> No.75681874
File: 2.52 MB, 1000x1000, Mococo is gonna get you [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3dhhor.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75681883
File: 549 KB, 910x944, Fuwawa Ruffians...Wuffians![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftfskm5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75681902
Quoted by: >>75681939

>Twitter spaces
You mean the things that we haven't gotten in, uh, 6 months?

>> No.75681903

I literally cannot see the like, someone is bullshitting

>> No.75681939
Quoted by: >>75682148

they did one like a month ago

>> No.75681957

Name one VTuber that isn't Koyori
Koyori is just JP FWMC

>> No.75682047

False, Koyori streams more and rests more.

>> No.75682055
Quoted by: >>75682087

Jackie Chan

>> No.75682082
Quoted by: >>75682102

i just farted

>> No.75682087

what's jackie chan's oshi mark

>> No.75682102

hey thats my thing

>> No.75682099


>> No.75682148
File: 23 KB, 1165x274, firefox_e0OIcHxaLK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try retard.

>> No.75682184
Quoted by: >>75682332

Why are we becoming chumbuds?

>> No.75682187

2 months ago then

>> No.75682229

One of these days I'm gonna beg them for more Twitter spaces. Maybe once they finally get settled in their house to the level they were in the NW passage.

>> No.75682324

We got so many amazing moments with these
>I stole you
>spilling Rat King Tea on us
>getting sneezed on by Fuwawa
>Seaweed trail
>towel suffocation
>Mococo's bare feet slapping the ground

>> No.75682325

prediction with absolutely no decent basis at all:
>week break apart from fuwamoco morning
>will say possible guerilla streams too out of hope because they really want to do them but realistically won't have time for any
>they'll come back to post something later tonight about how the day was busy, thank ruffians for the supportive messages, and like bomb everyone except for you, the one anon reading this now
>radio silence was in part due to finding it awkward to break the news that the break is upcoming. also partially due to a date with advent. They tend to avoid negative things maybe more than some so posting a sudden break is hard for them.
>break is partially for rest but also 3d stuff in the works
I feel like they'd try and keep FWMC morning, considering even Mococo joined those when she was on rest. They seem to place a lot of importance in maintaining those. Since they're also aiming for 1 mil hard, I doubt they'd want a week long break again.

>> No.75682332

I used to be one until the second ghosting arc, sorry

>> No.75682389
Quoted by: >>75682509

They talk a little bit about themselves on streams, but those are the real peeks into their personal life.

>> No.75682416

I sharted

>> No.75682509
Quoted by: >>75682719

Mhm, honestly I find them more intimate than what we'd get in an ASMR, felt like getting to know them without the kayfabe barrier, not that they're actually much different. Was just really nice.

>> No.75682529

Nah, if they're taking a break they shouldn't half-ass it.
Get a complete rest.

>> No.75682564
Quoted by: >>75682592

I honestly hate 99% of all ruffians

>> No.75682568
File: 84 KB, 296x167, 1715457372280260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75682592

that 1%? me

>> No.75682593

don't post this

>> No.75682653

it takes under a minute to send a tweet

>> No.75682665

You know of what we should do? We should have farting contests. Whoever can record themselves ripping the biggest fart wins. It's what fermented beans eater Fuwawa would want.

>> No.75682687
File: 109 KB, 216x379, random yt rec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75682765

do your fit reps, ruffian

>> No.75682704
Quoted by: >>75682778

You know FWMC are to blame for everything, right? They suck at setting boundaries

>> No.75682719
Quoted by: >>75682933

Oh well, we can hope for more little stuff once they get settled in.
I kinda wish they would just post "Hey Ruffians, this next week is gonna be busy so we aren't gonna have a set schedule. We'll try to stream when we can! Please give us headpats for the challenges coming up this week, it might be a little ruff (⋟﹏⋞)"

>> No.75682720

Mococo is getting flanderized in real time.

>> No.75682735

they have perished

>> No.75682749
Quoted by: >>75682914

AI posts

>> No.75682765
Quoted by: >>75682801

wtf how is he doing that

>> No.75682778

Yeah I know, but that's ok. They are cute.
Cute > all possible flaws

>> No.75682801
Quoted by: >>75682972

he did not browse /baubau/ for a day.

>> No.75682814

should we report them missing?

>> No.75682860

im forgetting their faces

>> No.75682903

They can't even bother to send a tweet and they claim they miss us more than we miss them? Pathetic.

>> No.75682914

AI thread

>> No.75682917

>>they'll come back to post something later tonight about how the day was busy, thank ruffians for the supportive messages, and like bomb everyone except for you, the one anon reading this now
I refuse to concernfag on their tags, I like to keep that to either fun things or stream related stuff

>> No.75682930

fuck you I checked

>> No.75682933

Whatever reason they have, I'm sure its a good one, even if they're just scared of disappointing us. And If and when they come out with the schedule or lack thereof, I'm gonna give them praise and support them.

>> No.75682966
Quoted by: >>75683033

I farted for real https://files.catbox.moe/dwrldg.m4a

>> No.75682972

you can reach lvl 3 from just one day?!

>> No.75683016

They are most likely at the studio with the rest of Advent, practicing and working on their 3D
None of the other members are streaming today, as well

>> No.75683033

nice one, 7/10

>> No.75683045

reminder that we will never see mama puppy on stream

>> No.75683160
Quoted by: >>75683280

I just feel bad if it really is a fear of people spazzing out about them not having a schedule, so a post like what I put would instantly get rid of that bad feeling.

>> No.75683280
Quoted by: >>75683493

Most messages to them were of support and several people saying they wouldn't mind if they took a break, it'll be fine, and people who freak out didn't really care about them anyway.

>> No.75683352

/ggg/ stays normal even when she's gone for over a month so why can't we?

>> No.75683392

co dependency

>> No.75683396

anon that’s because chumbuds are used to gura not caring about them

>> No.75683400

I'm so fucking tired of the chumbuds here

>> No.75683429

bros i removed my oshi mark a while ago cause i felt like a retard any time i typed in a regular streamers chat with one notably seeing the only emoji in a name in chat being a paw print and asking if i was a furry...
i doubt fuwawa or mococo have noticed, mostly because they have been insanely busy the last few months and the fact that i've only supachatted once or twice and barely type during streams. but the thought of them somehow recognizing me and knowing my oshi mark is gone hurts... so i don't know if i should put it back and just cringe at myself any time i type in other chats or leave it as it is and not think too much about it since i've seen other ruffians that regularly get read and they don't have oshi marks. idk if this is coherent im drunk from mothers day party

>> No.75683445

Because fuwamoco claim to care about us more than we do them. Gura doesn't sugarcoat it. She's unironically more honest than fuwamoco in that regard. She ghosts but never has claimed chumbuds are her priority like fwmc do with ruffians. They've gotta stop claiming that or start proving it again.

>> No.75683493
Quoted by: >>75683798

Yeah, I was one of those people. I still do hope if they do that they at least pop in on twitter/youtube community to make a post every day or two with cute little updates.

>> No.75683498

>fuwamoco gone for ONE day
>ruffians become menhera to the point they record themselves farting
Is this the power of women in their 30s pretending to be anime dog girls for other men in their 30s and 40s?

>> No.75683508
Quoted by: >>75683909

could've just made another account like i did

>> No.75683588

I can't believe that that isn't the same person who shits up the thread on a daily basis and replies to himself over and over.

>> No.75683595

>they're just scared of disappointing us
I feel like they're concerned over something like the mengen blowback again which hit them hard. it was pretty much their first legitimate mixed response, but that was such a one off case with a perfect storm of bad factors building for awhile. apart from the occasional troll the messages have been all but supportive on their other 'negative'- if you can call it that - announcements. in 95% of cases their fear is going to be overblown but maybe that's something they'll get experience with in time

>> No.75683608
Quoted by: >>75683829


>> No.75683741


>> No.75683761
Quoted by: >>75683873

I've thought that too, well when and If they do announce It I'll just have to lovebomb them and respect the choices they made. The mengen was just as you said a perfect storm of miscommunication.

>> No.75683798
Quoted by: >>75683862

>I still do hope if they do that they at least pop in on twitter/youtube community to make a post every day or two with cute little updates.
They're absolutely terrible at keeping up with anything like that
We got 2(two) whole travel diary entries on their 2 month long break

>> No.75683819

mixed/negative responses are always louder than supportive ones

>> No.75683828
File: 1.10 MB, 1159x573, ojisans fans of band-maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75683989

ruffians meet up to go to fwmc concert would be something like this

>> No.75683829

zeik and happy pupper too...

>> No.75683862

Yeah I know, but I can still hope...

>> No.75683873

they communicated well proof enough is that fags like who bothered to go back and watch the stream instead of thread reading even said they were sorry, fucking autistic ruffian

>> No.75683909

You make a good point anon, i'll just put the oshi mark back and make a separate account for normal shit

>> No.75683985
Quoted by: >>75684175

is it me or does this post not make any sense

>> No.75683986

Too much arguing, here's a massive fart I just ripped. https://files.catbox.moe/ha91pw.m4a

>> No.75683989

me and my ruffbros

>> No.75684013

It was a miscommunication not because of what they said, but how they acted when saying it, you can't blame someone for seeing that for the first time and being confused and distressed at them sobbing and getting super sad. That was the miscommunication

>> No.75684046
Quoted by: >>75684275

They communicated well enough but I can see how difficult it would be to focus on the words when they cried for so long.

>> No.75684080

Breaking down on stream while barely giving any information and vagueposting is not good communication

>> No.75684093

The words were fine it's the fact they instantly broke into tears over a nothingburger. People were so distracted by them crying like it was a b2t0dreak up that of course subtle details were missed. They weren't very clear.

>> No.75684126

>they communicated well
no the fuck they didn’t

>> No.75684154

/ggg/ here
you guys doing okay?

>> No.75684175
Quoted by: >>75684425

it's missing punctuation and a few words, so it's annoying to read.

>> No.75684181
Quoted by: >>75684585

fuck off faggot, stop larping

>> No.75684182

How about I communicate my foot up your asses?

>> No.75684184

Jesus I regret mentioning mengen as an example. We've discussed the mengen to death at this point. No use shitting up a thread even more than it is already

>> No.75684232
Quoted by: >>75684585

i’d feel even better if you dropped fucking dead chumbud

>> No.75684245

Yeah seriously, I just wanna let it go, just reminds me of being a dumbass and not listening very well.

>> No.75684275
Quoted by: >>75684434

This. It was the crying and almost immediately going to their BRB screen that made things really weird and made things seem like they'd be way worse than they actually ended up being. In hindsight it was just kind of a a woman moment, very silly. The whole thing could have been a tweet and it would've been fine.

>> No.75684324 [SPOILER] 
File: 759 KB, 1248x1824, d5430e61e3ff4a9329479fac9d58038fb447e41d40687227a6e2fec7a738c250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75684337
File: 218 KB, 1280x1846, 1691696545204410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone up for some granblue tonight

>> No.75684350


>> No.75684356
File: 372 KB, 862x760, 1715544597494704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75684388

fucking kek
>they're furries?
>That's different that's different!

>> No.75684388

shiorin is so cute i want to fuck her in the ass

>> No.75684421

Wtf are chumbuds and novelites doing here

>> No.75684425
Quoted by: >>75684543

my bad this topic gets me heated

>> No.75684434
Quoted by: >>75684950

At the end of the day, it happened because they cared, maybe a little too much. So I can see it as an expression of love and worry. Even if at the time It felt like some kind of breakup, I'm glad I rewatched it though. Hard as it was.

>> No.75684502
Quoted by: >>75684542

You will not tempt me cat, I am for my wives only.

>> No.75684503
File: 47 KB, 408x408, 1694869362467106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moco-chaaan, i cant see the ruffians comments
>I wanna- I wanna see the wuffians...
>I wanna talk with the wuffians though
>Fuwawa humming
>I miss you, over

I didnt make the other ones, someone post them

>> No.75684542

I'll clip the countdown just to test you

>> No.75684543

no worries

>> No.75684585

you guys suck

>> No.75684596

God I need a little more of this.

>> No.75684609

I love them so much, I know that gets said a lot here, but I mean it. I love both of them so so so so much. I think I'll make that fact clear when or If I send a letter.

>> No.75684650

>Mococo's bare feet slapping the ground
I think I have that one somewhere, I hope I can find it

>> No.75684659

Nobody tell me ruffians aren't homos ever again

>> No.75684672

it should be a no go topic. Nothing good ever comes from bringing it up

>> No.75684679

Gura's done lovey dovey ASMR twice while FWMC haven't even done it once
so much for being the most "loved" fanbase

>> No.75684680

I'm so fucking horny

>> No.75684689
Quoted by: >>75686268

I'm stronger than numbers said in reverse order, not happening.

>> No.75684716

i think it was the 1st twitter space

>> No.75684736

The Ruffian fanbase is the whore of all fanbases. It's where there is the most crossover between fans.

>> No.75684759
Quoted by: >>75684977

Yep and she got really embarassed and put on some socks, it was fucking adorable.

>> No.75684830

former ruffian here
I predicted this months ago
the value money above all else
ruffians aren't making them enough money

>> No.75684869

Sure thing sis

>> No.75684887

Stay former and fuck off, I don't care and I don't need you stinking up the place.

>> No.75684890

look at this sister trying her best

>> No.75684897


>> No.75684943

You say this while there's also a literal okayufag here. Ruffians are a melting pot

>> No.75684947

I love FuwaMoco

>> No.75684950
Quoted by: >>75685099

They are extremely sincere, it's definitely a big part of why I got invested into them in the first place and one of their best qualities but it can certainly work against them at times as well.

Gomen, I dropped /baubau/ like a rock immediately after that stream for like a week and a half so I didn't know it was so contentious. Honestly I think more people should just step away from /vt/ for a bit, I think it poisons posters into caring more about the weird meta aspects of vtubers than actually watching them. I miss when the thread was mostly silly soundposts and Pero-posting.

>> No.75684977

>Moco-chan's bare feet
>I want to put my warm socks then the ruffians wont hear me walk

I also have this now that I checked again. I was thinking about the second space.

>> No.75684989
Quoted by: >>75685048

will there be a stream tomorrow?

>> No.75685003
Quoted by: >>75685105

If FWMC aren't streaming regularly they aren't worth oshing
I'm going back to Mumei

>> No.75685049

You tell em sis!

>> No.75685048

it's possible for an Advent collab tomorrow but I'm thinking they're going to just take the week off

>> No.75685051
File: 200 KB, 482x392, 1702570409079124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWMC Morning 1 million ruffian goal
>it's not about the journey it's about the-

>> No.75685078

god i love them and miss them

>> No.75685099
File: 295 KB, 900x648, 1714481656098036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw I love you too Rufferan, I knew you couldn't get enough of me after that special night we shared, come give me some sugar~

>> No.75685105

i roflmao'd

>> No.75685131

I love Fuwawa but that was some Freudian slip just like "I am stuck with you"

>> No.75685139

I just wanna know if I should set my alarm for FWMC morning...

>> No.75685147

mococo’s “wait can the ruffians hear me walk?” was just straight up her natural voice

>> No.75685157

I'm honestly not loving them as much anymore. I keep taking more and more breaks. Drama keeps happening.

>> No.75685160

*unzips your panties*

>> No.75685171

>Cold toes
>Doesn't like socks
My sweet Bautistic Mococo...

>> No.75685182

Fuwamoco can't be trusted anymore

>> No.75685200
Quoted by: >>75685268

Why are shitposters raiding a dying thread? Are they stupid?

>> No.75685252


>> No.75685254
Quoted by: >>75685358

I suppose this means episode 100 won't be on the 20th

>> No.75685268

Yes, they barely speak english, what do you expect?

>> No.75685280

Starting the timer now, if they don't male a post in 24h I'm removing the paw mark. I'll still follow them closely just not as fervently as before.

>> No.75685324

So true my brown sis

>> No.75685343

If they don't make a post in 24hr I'm removing my pants because it's gonna be hot tomorrow

>> No.75685358

If I don't esr or a submission by 100 I'm done watching that show. They might be wrapping it up anyways

>> No.75685398

fucking ruffians liking my tweets and giving me desktop notifications

>> No.75685427

stop being so cute then

>> No.75685455

Yes Fuwawa, I don't mind more vertical #shorts

>> No.75685479

I know who is bookmarking, they just liked my tweet then took it off. Cute ruffian

>> No.75685484

Maybe no schedule this week? Didn’t they said that having a schedule is important to them?

>> No.75685518

It hasn't been the same since they moved....and history is repeating itself. Things went the exact same way when Gura was "house hunting" and so was Ame.

>> No.75685558
Quoted by: >>75685629

We don't care about your traumas over here bro

>> No.75685568

all things considered, has it really been the year of fuwamoco thus far?

>> No.75685579

ive also removed my oshimark, i keep it on twitter
i do understand how you feel though and i do feel a little iffy but i rationalize it by they will see i still have the oshimark on twitter so they wont think much of it.
my reason for removing it was cause i felt a guilt when i used my 30 month milestone message on my JP oshi and felt conflicted how i have an oshimark for someone in 8 months but not my first/long-time oshi. ofc i could just add both oshimarks but i feel i'd rather go back no mark.

>> No.75685616

I fucking can blame them. I watched it and understood exactly what they meant, and didn't menhera even once. That's because I actually understand the most important, central Fuwamoco fact that they show every day: They have extremely high standards for themselves. Everything else they do branches off from there, and I'm surprised there's people who have been here since the start and don't understand that.

>> No.75685629
Quoted by: >>75685915

I'm just saying watch yourself. If they don't turn things around soon I can see them going the same way those two did.

>> No.75685652
Quoted by: >>75685818

I know you are shitposting. But they really need to take a break, furnish the house and get cooking stuff and dishes. Right now they are getting used to this situation where all time is going to work and they aren't even cooking or walking. They gotta stop before it's a year later and they still aren't settled.

>> No.75685779
Quoted by: >>75686369

Sure that's how you took it, but other people are different, react to crying, sobbing and distress of people they care about differently, not everyone takes this kinda shit the same. The people who at least went back, watched the fucking vod and changed their opinion when actually listening at least better than many who didn't even bother.

>> No.75685792

not really. they ruined their own momentum

>> No.75685818
Quoted by: >>75685896

I'm not shitposting. It really is the same series of events for me. Right down to not cooking. Ame never cooked and always ordered fast food. Gura started showing up less and less when she started looking for homes. I understand it sounds like I'm shitposting but I'm not. I can and probably will be wrong I'm just noticing things.

>> No.75685823
Quoted by: >>75686021

ina bau bau'd a few minutes ago btw

>> No.75685855

Well, they moved to Japan…

>> No.75685860

No and I regret saying that. If this is the year of fuwamoco I don't want another like it. I want year 1 back.

>> No.75685867

want a pat on the back or something

>> No.75685896

Notice this cock in your mouth

>> No.75685915

I don't need to do such thing, I trust FuwaMoco

>> No.75686021
Quoted by: >>75686515

did she see a dog in hades 2

>> No.75686065
Quoted by: >>75686224

How many times do you think they cried yesterday

>> No.75686070

i think so, they achieved a dream which they had given up on
there have been some unlucky happenings but that's actually normal. they were extremely lucky on their debut months

>> No.75686161

hell no and i bet you they regret saying that and that it haunts them

>> No.75686209

>tell them to rest
>they rest not even touching twitter
>menhera about it
why are you guys like this? what the fuck you girls want? you all worse than my ex, everything they do, even what you asked, is wrong somehow, wtf?

>> No.75686218

femruffian, make an asmr vocaroo

>> No.75686224

How long is the cooldown period before it counts as multiple cries instead of one sustained cry? This changes my answer. I think they both cried for a few hours after sending the smile tweet. And then cried themselves to sleep again from stress last night knowing they are risking thr advent off collab and 3D with their reckless health decisions.

>> No.75686268


>> No.75686270

Always scares the shit out of me. Wish I could specifically enable push notifications for them to avoid those jump scares.

>> No.75686314
File: 7 KB, 881x680, GIYYm3Ga4AAg2ny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75686356


>> No.75686329

Ruffians are the new chumbuds

>> No.75686356
File: 333 KB, 556x623, 1715144130578841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night Ruffian!

>> No.75686369

If their reaction is to doompost about how FWMC are leaving us, instead of getting that they're overreacting because they love us and are afraid of disappointing us in even small ways, then I think they're faithless mutts. It goes back to the standards thing. Cancelling a stream or pushing it back due to sickness is common for vtubers, it's not a big deal. But over 9 months, you can count the amount of times they've done it on one hand. They streamed every single day for the first 100 days to show us they were committed. They do a tri-weekly show. They come five minutes early to every stream and enable chat 1 hour before start time, on the dot, even taking note when they fail to meet these exact deadlines. They stalk Ruffians and see posts that don't even have their names mentioned. They started out with 100 goals to do, showing long-term plans for the future. I genuinely cannot understand how a person would see all of this stuff in tandem and NOT come to the conclusion that they're just like this because they want to be the best they can be.

>> No.75686371
File: 38 KB, 163x161, fuwawasideeye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75686375

smile status: not protected

>> No.75686397
Quoted by: >>75686560

Rest = No streaming to save vocal cords
No communication ever = Sadness
One of these things requires using your fingers for 5 minutes and asking your sister if the tweet looks good. The other is spending hours doing a part of your job and worrying about a bunch of shit before and after the stream.

>> No.75686400

kek youre not wrong. everyone told them to rest and now are panicking

>> No.75686491

Last year was better. Things were great up until the Japan move.

>> No.75686501

post THAT

>> No.75686515


>> No.75686553
File: 693 KB, 1000x518, mocofuwa nightmare [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F41kysw.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75686560

Rest = Less homework so they can sleep more
No communication = Sadness
You = Faggot sister falseflagging hoping to get them to stream less.

>> No.75686561

Absolutely. People are too affected by recency bias. The new outfits, their birthdays, Valentine's, and ability to move to Japan were all amazingly happy occurrences for them.

>> No.75686628
File: 95 KB, 870x894, 1713636917198644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75686647
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>> No.75686666

I agree with everything except the last part. Japan has been a mixed bag at best.

>> No.75686675
File: 179 KB, 850x1312, 6a30f1be31238d5cda77f98ee35ee679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75686685

sure but when most people think of “year of fuwamoco” they think of something really groundbreaking

>> No.75686705
File: 452 KB, 1000x999, 1700454595205014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75686749
File: 389 KB, 1378x2047, 1714993071461393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75686769

We're also getting 3D, 1M subs, asmr, an original song, bridal voice packs. This is the year of FUWAMOCO easily

>> No.75686775
File: 381 KB, 450x618, Fuwawa giggles[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdppv8z.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75686830
File: 1.07 MB, 2327x4096, 1715001774661239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
