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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 703 KB, 950x1500, @karobevy GNS8XZXasAAbU_Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75562075 No.75562075 [Reply] [Original]

baubau Edition
Previous Thread >>75552342

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.75562089
File: 929 KB, 2560x1440, schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75562116
File: 891 KB, 2625x4093, GHS2tW2bIAA-WWf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75562233

so fucking wholesome, i can’t wait to one day, hopefully, meet them myself and tell them directly what i tell them through my twitter posts, replies, and other comments. i know all of this was emotionally overwhelming for them and i couldn’t be happier. their 3D debut will hit even harder. i love my wives!

thanks for the translation
baused if you actually do this

>> No.75562133
Quoted by: >>75562160

this thread will be worse

>> No.75562146
File: 361 KB, 2048x1536, First .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another first that totally doesn't count, Ruffians! Please look forward to it.

>> No.75562149

Do not go menhera beyond this post.

>> No.75562160
Quoted by: >>75562197

I almost hope so, its genuinely entertaining to see some meltdowns here sometimes.

>> No.75562176

Did you see the aurora, ruffians

>> No.75562188

Toddbros we're watching fallout

>> No.75562191

No, I'm not a whore

>> No.75562194
File: 885 KB, 1280x720, pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75562198
Quoted by: >>75563706

Look at my wives having all that fun! They're so happy and are performing like they dreamed about! Amazing.

>> No.75562197
Quoted by: >>75562291

you mean your totally organic meltdowns sister?

>> No.75562204

I'm taking a big step back from everything, they are horrible at taking care of fan's mental health. The therapy dog goal is more unpossible than the 1M sub one. They make my mental health worse each day.

>> No.75562222
Quoted by: >>75565239

This venue looks awesome. How many people does it fit?

>> No.75562224
File: 659 KB, 2048x1365, 20240511_191306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75562328

>virgin muh flower
>chad assortment-of-random-holo-goods-offering
and the best part? no need for credits and shit

>> No.75562232

It was really faint in my area, but I did manage to see it yes, was so faint though, couldn't even take a picture to remember it by

>> No.75562233

I'm the guy who translate that. Can I post translation again so that anon can have easier way to read?


>> No.75562234

>another ShioRaven offcollab
where the heck is Biboo

>> No.75562243
File: 685 KB, 1024x569, 1714825226346338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75562253
File: 95 KB, 870x894, 1712091793413284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toddbros get in here

>> No.75562263
Quoted by: >>75562331

uuuh so zeik was tracing art?

>> No.75562270
Quoted by: >>75562299


>> No.75562272

What yab did niggersanji have today sister?

>> No.75562274


>> No.75562291

Someone in the last thread was genuinely having a whole ass breakdown, though If I'm a sister, I shudder to think what some of you are, goddamn.

>> No.75562299


>> No.75562328
Quoted by: >>75562368

is that iofi dakki right beside iofi

>> No.75562331
Quoted by: >>75562412


>> No.75562334

no i’m watching ange and marine get fucked over in gambling and now talking to a big breasted sexy bunny

>> No.75562342

That game didn't happen

>> No.75562347

roru rumao

>> No.75562359
File: 64 KB, 725x1024, 1713670036477370m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75562385

Did Hololive get perms for Fallout 76? Advent need to jump on this.

>> No.75562368

Yeh kek
Fucking based

>> No.75562385

perms vary between jp and en

>> No.75562413
Quoted by: >>75562449

Fuck it. I will post that again

>> No.75562412

is there any proof?
i usually tune out the paypig shit or leave the thread but people who trace and claim as theirs infuriate me

>> No.75562449
File: 2.32 MB, 854x480, STICKING OUT YOUR GYATT 4 NERIZZLER[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5s2qy9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75562477
File: 460 KB, 2060x1157, 1698614035509892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75562499

We're one step closer to them playing Jack's game

>> No.75562480

He's deleted all his accounts after someone called him out for tracing, I don't have the screenshot on me but his accounts and shit are for sure gone.

>> No.75562482
Quoted by: >>75562528

Not a breakdown, I'm just reminding again that these two 'fans' should not be trusted with positions of power after the birthday book and now this. They do not have your smile in mind, you will be used and discarded.
If you want to support fuwamoco do it directly yourself. It may seem nice and tempting to show community unity in projects but take mind of who is at the helm. I'll be back to grudgepost when they inevitably pull this shit again in the future. They will never change.

>> No.75562497


I only translate the descriptive text and try my best to stay true to the original meaning.

It was quite a fresh experience participating in the fan meet for the first time. Even though I had rehearsed in my mind many times what to say during the meet, when the actual event came, I still got so nervous that I stumbled over my words. I'm very sorry, translator ne-san. I felt so nervous that I couldn't even speak Chinese properly QQ. The venue was even bigger than I had imagined.

There were over five staff members standing around. Before going in, we couldn't bring any personal belongings and had to leave them outside. The staff helped take side profile photos with our phones in camera mode. As soon as I went in, I heard the two mad dogs barking "Nihao! Bau! Bau!" First, I introduced myself by name and talked about how Hololive has impacted me blah blah blah. Fuwawa suddenly asked if there was any song I was looking forward to hearing today. I said actually I was hoping to hear the live ensemble of Advent . So the two of them sang a few lines of Rebellion live, it was super cute!!! Lastly, I said I hope there's a chance to see the 3D performance of Advent at next year's concert. And then taking photo ended.

The staff took photos for almost three minutes, so don't worry about having too few pictures. I originally thought they would only take pictures at the very end, so that was nice. At the end, I said goodbye and the two dogs barked bau bau all the way until I left through the door. It was super cute! I'm so happy!

If you have any questions about translation, you can ask and I will explain.

>> No.75562499
File: 192 KB, 400x300, 1633206384721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any day now

>> No.75562517
Quoted by: >>75562717


>> No.75562528

Nah I meant someone else who was capslocking and freaking the fuck out. Do agree though, I never trusted community projects to begin with.

>> No.75562542
Quoted by: >>75562607

Is this a cuckold report?

>> No.75562548
File: 89 KB, 1125x630, The Great Escape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is already talking about men
let me out

>> No.75562550

>As soon as I went in, I heard the two mad dogs barking "Nihao! Bau! Bau!"
i would’ve shit myself right there

>> No.75562569
File: 62 KB, 807x336, 1715319832487076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75562584

I can feel the kinda shakes I would have, I'd be so fucking nervous.

>> No.75562593
Quoted by: >>75562613

The only man we should be talking about is Todd Howard

>> No.75562597

How about you do archive reps instead of asking to be spoonfed.

>> No.75562601
File: 146 KB, 358x696, Jack_from_Stranger_of_Paradise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with talking about Jack Garland

>> No.75562607

wdym '' cuckold ''? I just saw this post and share it

>> No.75562613
File: 59 KB, 870x894, DfYOl-yUwAAWPCw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75562775

holy based
I miss Skyrim, he should release it again

>> No.75562649

>30 minutes and they're still on the character creation screen

>> No.75562669
Quoted by: >>75562789

I actually liked him and looked up to him as an aspiring art fag. I'm actually pretty hurt by this

>> No.75562705

Do they not know what the word first means?
>first concert
>first asmr
>first meet and greet
>first solo karaoke

>> No.75562707
File: 116 KB, 1024x569, GNTBu_EbMAECuY9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75562717
Quoted by: >>75562808

fucking retard. atleast he wasn't stupid enough to trace other artists. he could've just dogeza'd and posted his sources. with how coddling this fanbase is they would've accepted him fine especially since he was there from the start

>> No.75562746
File: 369 KB, 1581x2048, GNTCYdtaIAAAe-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75562756
Quoted by: >>75562847

>first sex (with me)

>> No.75562769
Quoted by: >>75562821

yeah and what are you gonna do about it besides bitch and moan here?

>> No.75562775
Quoted by: >>75562853

I can't imagine the kino that would be had if the wives played Skyrim

>> No.75562791
File: 2.75 MB, 2480x3508, GNTFCmcb0AEtwth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75562830

>> No.75562789
Quoted by: >>75562875

Me too, he was pretty nice, not a bad guy despite kinda being in the clique, I said his art was nice one time and he thanked me, It's really a shame.

>> No.75562808

We don't know whether or not he traced other artists. He could have traced some literally whos that nobody has found out about yet.

>> No.75562821

Nothing, I'm just discussing fuwamoco why do I have to 'do something about it'?

>> No.75562830
Quoted by: >>75562891

There's a whore between my two wives, no thanks.

>> No.75562847
Quoted by: >>75562919

that would mean it really isn’t their time having sex before you anon…

>> No.75562853
File: 88 KB, 480x360, Todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rather them play Fallout 3 Fuck New Vegas fags

>> No.75562865

Pretty sure we can confirm he was absolutely tracing at least one. Also his behavior when even slightly confronted really says a lot.

>> No.75562875
Quoted by: >>75562922

>I said his art was nice one time and he thanked me
Sorry this made me laugh out loud. I'm a kissless virgin and this is still too pathetic even for me.
>wow he thanked me once, he was a good guy :)
The fuck? Go hug your sister or something, anon, you're clearly touch starved.

>> No.75562876

Holy shit artfags are fucking insufferable

>> No.75562882

following these two is not good for my mental health. I need a no drama community and streamer. I thought they were but it's been nonstop depression and disappointment since the move to Japan.

>> No.75562891
Quoted by: >>75562961

cope, they’ve been near and had a date with koyori in person which is something you will never be able to do kek

>> No.75562894

true. and thinking about it again, the paypigs would've probably demolished him considering other people have been excommunicated for less

>> No.75562916
Quoted by: >>75563741

Then fucking kill yourself retard so we dont have to read your shitty blog posts, fucking faggot.

>> No.75562917
File: 251 KB, 740x555, 1714872595735796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75563187

Based for the spoiler but still a faggot for asking for Fallout at all, unless it's 2. They should play Oblivion.

>> No.75562919
File: 618 KB, 1920x1080, d1d163de158e9ceaa4dbb78e78931e83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 first sex

>> No.75562922
Quoted by: >>75563028

Sure, maybe a bit, Just saying he seemed like a good guy who was trying to improve with his art lol. Unfortunately the dude was a liar.

>> No.75562934

It explains his hesitancy to take credit for work and why he kept the mythos of doing it all on mouse for why he couldn't stream it.

>> No.75562944
Quoted by: >>75562972

Yep. And that's the thing. Now that we know he stole from one, all his other work is suspect.

>> No.75562961

Doesn't unwhore her anon, I think that's the real cope here.

>> No.75562972
Quoted by: >>75563008

even the 2 chosen and used for their thumbnails

>> No.75562982

unsubscribe from blog

>> No.75563008
Quoted by: >>75563068

Best thing about this is that they'll never play ATM's shitty VN. Hopefully.

>> No.75563028
Quoted by: >>75563085

The biggest scammers you'll ever find are some of the nicest people you'll meet. You really shouldn't be making judgment on people's characters because they thanked you for a compliment once, you know? Let this be a lesson.

>> No.75563030 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>75563687

i need 3d hentai of them spoonfeed me pls

>> No.75563052

>I need a no drama community and streamer.
Biboo I guess

>> No.75563059
Quoted by: >>75563217

thank you for the translation, but what is this website exactly? im curious

>> No.75563068
Quoted by: >>75563130

They didn't use his drawings unfortunately, it was another artist they commissioned. He just submitted a story afaik.

>> No.75563078
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x2300, 118638265_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75563116

>> No.75563085

Very true and fair anon, I never trusted him, I just got the impression he was a decent guy, and I was wrong. Just how it is sometimes.

>> No.75563116


>> No.75563130
Quoted by: >>75563218

Ah well shit, I was fine with them playing it till he sent that cringe aka to bring it up. Feel like ruffians themselves are infinitely looping the same shit.

>> No.75563187
File: 192 KB, 917x973, Literally-Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAUSED. I always found Oblivion to be the better game with the art style and OST compared to Skyrim.

>> No.75563194
File: 278 KB, 1536x1024, GNNeHHjacAAAR2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75563764

>> No.75563217
Quoted by: >>75563581

And he post on C_Chat board which mainly discuss Anime, Manga, Game, and Vtuber

>> No.75563218

I don't think even atm is still thinking about that superchat, anon, let it go. It was bad because it would be putting pressure on them, but luckily they always planned to stream it, as they said themselves. So rather than forcing them to talk about something they didn't want to, it just made them spoil a surprise. Hopefully he learned to trust them a bit more with that experience.

>> No.75563263
Quoted by: >>75563378

Shouldn't have happened in the first place, he wanted attention and wasn't satisfied with the like. The typical Ruffian approach which is to seek direct attention when you can't get it through other means. Doesn't make it less pathetic.

>> No.75563322

They plan on streaming the menhera ruffian vn with Raul in it? I will be skipping that stream for sure.

>> No.75563349


>> No.75563370

Yeah to them though its a sweet project, I can understand why. But man, they don't know the kinda shit that goes on underneath the veneer

>> No.75563378
Quoted by: >>75563490

I agree, but it's done. The time to call him a retard for it was right then.

Not like you've been watching much if you're just learning about this through me instead of directly from them.

>> No.75563403
File: 398 KB, 2237x1595, 1714503761832819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75563434

He's a menhera attention whore who was so desperate to follow them to Japan that he had a menhera breakdown when he found out that he couldn't. Fuck off telling people to "forget and move on" I'll remember all you fucker's mistakes and mask off moments and keep calling you out and reminding people when it's needed.

>> No.75563490

It was brought up in the supa reading during golden week. What I didn't know was them wanting to play it. I guess I missed them saying they wanted to play it.

>> No.75563541

Do it in public where you can make a difference, or at least in the places where the behavior you want to call out is happening. Here you just shit up the only place for FUWAMOCO discussion that isn't one of the walled gardens you claim to despise. We don't have that many users, every regular knows this, you're just being annoying.

>> No.75563547

based schizo

>> No.75563579

I think they'll have a really hard time getting perms from management, unless they have a way or removing the names. As someone who's story/name is included I'd rather them make the name anonymous if they do stream it. They'll play it off screen anyway so they'll see it all.

>> No.75563581

cool, thank you, have a good day
you might want to leave this thread though it can be toxic

>> No.75563583

Kek didn't one of the ruffians in that game talk about killing themselves? Oh lord that's going to be hilarious if fuwamoco get to that part.

>> No.75563597
Quoted by: >>75563656

They said so while answering that very superchat. Not sure how you missed it, but yeah.

>> No.75563602

Come home, Pebblechad

>> No.75563618

Shitting up the fuwamoco thread with your schizo ramblings about ruffians you hate anonymously while everyone assumes you're an anti, you're a real hero

>> No.75563637
File: 420 KB, 1400x1615, @koahri1-1788322161624485934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added thanks, the mococo one is incredibly oh my GOD

>> No.75563656

Ah, ok. I guess I zoned out when they responded to the superchat.

>> No.75563685
File: 429 KB, 702x703, fuwawhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75563713


>> No.75563687

check op

>> No.75563699

I love them both very much and want them to kiss my penis

>> No.75563706

they're happy, but knowing I cannot participate in any way and that I never had a chance and that they will gush about it and all the moments and I and all EN ruffians will be in the dark while Taiwanese and Japanese ruffians all have something to feel special over isn't a good feeling. Nothing fuwamoco can do about those restrictions and not having online viewing, but its nonetheless just another case of EN ruffians getting pushed aside and ignored.

>> No.75563713
File: 85 KB, 724x1024, 1715008742240412m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75563731

wtf I didn't know ruffians were suicidal

>> No.75563741
File: 402 KB, 668x659, fuwasob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most wholesome vtubers attracting the most toxic shitheads
why are fuwamoco fans like this lmao

>> No.75563760

By Cover, not by FWMC, any idea that they don't love us should be put to fucking bed by now, Fuwawa was gushing over us and saying all that sorta stuff all week, blame cover.

>> No.75563764 [DELETED] 

jelly filled donut, post model 3d nudes ansd ill cum

>> No.75563766

Now you know a mere fraction of how SEAfags feels.
It's no wonder they're all unhinged

>> No.75563779

I don't care because I'm not from the US so any hololive meet that this thread's clique would be celebrating as "a huge W for the real ruffians" would exclude me anyway.

>> No.75563815
File: 612 KB, 642x933, 1714706441591351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting better sleep ever since I imagine them snuggling into me every night, works like a charm anons, you should try it.

>> No.75563848

It was the Brazilian right? What not taking a shower for 20 years does to a mother fucker.

>> No.75563870
File: 401 KB, 1024x1024, Fuwapat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75563877

just say this live event doesn’t count just like the ASMR and you should be good to go

>> No.75563911
Quoted by: >>75564034

I see you anon, and I feel for you, I know I can at least try to make one being from the US. You really got my sympathy.

>> No.75563935
Quoted by: >>75563988

>local dakki booth finally starts making advent dakki
>shiori got one
>nerissa got one
>fucking biboo in pacifier got one
>no fuwamoco
fucking gae

>> No.75563940

count as what?

>> No.75563945

the asmr was a nodoka collab. so its more collab asmr, which is acceptable. They were doing it for Nodoka.

>> No.75563979

fluffy karaoke is when the big fluffy bucks are gonna roll in

>> No.75563984

Well that and again, MCC refused to go too far with it, this shit has been put to bed.

>> No.75563988

>fucking biboo in pacifier got one

>> No.75563993
Quoted by: >>75564168

their first fan meet and greet. gaslight yourself into believing it doesn’t count to spare yourself the menhera episode if it really bothers you this much

>> No.75564034
Quoted by: >>75564123

I genuinely don't care, it's not anyone's fault. I don't feel entitled to anything. I'm happy they're having their hololive meet, they always talked about wanting that, I'm happy they had their karaoke at that huge venue, hopefully their throat health is alright. I hope they get good rest next week.
I just want them to be happy, it's that simple. When I read that Moco-chan got teary when the event was ending, I don't think "SHE SHOULD BE CRYING FOR MEEEEE," I just think "that's really sweet of her."

>> No.75564043

it was still their first asmr which wasn’t exclusively for the ruffians which is the point being made here

oh new tweet

>> No.75564056
File: 292 KB, 506x559, 1712129985335659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75564187

Daki by Icomochi mama when?

>> No.75564093

I don't think this counts as ASMR, countschizo.

>> No.75564123
Quoted by: >>75564449

My process was, if it was anywhere else the reaction would be the same, she'd love it. So I don't care. I'll try to make other events but I can't promise anything. Ultimately it doesn't matter.

>> No.75564147

oh i was just asking, i don't really care. i doubt i'll ever be able to attend stuff like that

>> No.75564168

I've wrapped myself in a coat of mental dissociation, non of the event's or meet and greets matter unless I'm there because I'm the only real person with a human soul in this fandom. Why would I care if they get to meet moveable organic dolls?

>> No.75564172


>> No.75564179
File: 3.46 MB, 2531x3555, GMu_oEgaUAAiIeO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rabu rabu rabu fuwamoco rabu

>> No.75564187

I hope its as lewd as possible.

>> No.75564225
File: 10 KB, 617x324, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75564461

>check twitter
>my account got locked for the 2nd time
what the heck elon I already changed my password last time

>> No.75564246
Quoted by: >>75564298

Jesus Mococo's voice sounds fucking awful. I'm really worrying.

>> No.75564267
File: 354 KB, 1709x1200, 1707929062431492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75564281

Why is Cover so focused on Taiwan recently? Are they planning to open up a branch there?

>> No.75564298

She just went hard for quite a while she's gonna sound rough, nothing that can be done.

>> No.75564303
Quoted by: >>75564374

sure but it was for basically a holo talent. You can't seriously be getting bent out of shape about that, only a sister would take issue with that. Hololive and Fuwamoco fans love cgdct.

>> No.75564337
Quoted by: >>75564380

a new hololive generation, TW1

>> No.75564359
File: 37 KB, 883x742, IMG_2582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75564362

milking them for all they got.

>> No.75564370

Moco-chan sounds awful. She needs another week to rest holy fuck.

>> No.75564374

I don't like it but I accept that it was forced on them suddenly and they did the best they could, It counts in my eyes. But as long as they don't keep putting it off and stringing us on with the hope of better ASMR I don't care.

>> No.75564380

wouldn't be a bad idea desu but idk how ccp would react

>> No.75564406 [DELETED] 

post fuwamoco mmd hentai so i can cum im currently jerking it

>> No.75564412

>Pegasus Fantasy

>> No.75564417

mococo needs time with zero stream, not even fwmc morning

>> No.75564421

LTST bros we won

>> No.75564449
Quoted by: >>75564730

Yeah, I'm with you. I hope one day I can be there, but I'm genuinely happy there's no shortage of people to fill my place if I can't.
That wasn't always their reality. They needed to fight for every half-hearted "you're my number 9 favorite" fan they had before.
Their normal is liking each fan more than they liked them. It's part of why they still have trouble wrapping their head around how loved they are.
I think it's truly sad and maddening in equal measures how self-absorbed this thread can be.

>> No.75564461 [DELETED] 

i got 24 hour banned by a new fag jani who doesnt know i have EXPANDED PRIVILEGE ESPECIALLY ON YOUTUBE i will have HIS FUCKING HEAD

>> No.75564467

The war scream was not a good idea

>> No.75564484

I'm not liking or retweeting any of their Taiwan stuff, not because I'm jealous, but because Mococo was supposed to get at least a week of rest and this week is about to end and she sounds worse than ever. Every time she strains her voice, it sets her back, it's not like she can rest a little bit, strain it a little bit, and then keep on going as long as she rests it more than she strains it. For all intents and purposes, we're going to see her with maybe 1 day of rested voice. Which is not enough, even a week was not enough.

>> No.75564497

>Pegasus Fantasy
Brazilbros... we were there in spirit...

>> No.75564518
File: 596 KB, 2639x3322, F21T3ifbwAAreZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75564538

they’re so happy right now

>> No.75564538

their happiness DOESN'T COUNT

>> No.75564552
Quoted by: >>75564654

Pretty how I feel. I would be really disappointed if we don't get asmr this year. They don't even need to be experts at it either.

>> No.75564558
Quoted by: >>75564713

>worse than ever
Not at all, she sounded WAY worse during Golden Week. Still obviously didn't get nearly enough rest, and I worry she still won't, but the little rest she did get helped.

>> No.75564588

Fair, I think if June is as busy as they say with possibly 3D and little to no rest from Mococo she will actually hurt herself at this point. Next week needs to be just a homework week, seriously. If it helps her I can do a week with no streams.

>> No.75564620
Quoted by: >>75565898


>> No.75564654
Quoted by: >>75564696

It'll be more telling if they keep putting it off and off for me, but I'm not gonna jump the gun.

>> No.75564693
File: 124 KB, 1164x430, IMG_2584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75564696
Quoted by: >>75564804

No, you should get a gun and blow your brains out for being a faggot instead

>> No.75564701

Most people wanted a collab with Noel so they could learn. It was only a handful of people who got the hearts set on some imaginary lovey dovey learning ASMR that got disappointed and went schizo. That was never something that was guaranteed, but people let their imaginations run away

>> No.75564713
Quoted by: >>75564870

That is not how vocal cords work. Every time she got a little rest she would do something stupid like the pup talk and then it's like she got no rest at all. It resets, anything that was healing was instantly injured again by the strain. She needs to let it heal to the point where it's strong enough that she can use it again without fear of reopening old wounds.

>> No.75564722
File: 127 KB, 353x403, 1707975415709798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so happy, bros...

>> No.75564730
File: 85 KB, 305x298, 1690681545202536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Just imagine how happy and overwhelmed they're going to be when they start hitting some of their really big events - 3D debut, 1M, 1 year anniversary, FES debut next year. Future is bright.

>> No.75564804
File: 438 KB, 658x718, fuwamochi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your meds

>> No.75564820

They teased doing it pretty early on so. I know they still wanna try it, but It'll be a tad disappointing if they routinely keep putting it off despite knowing and understanding that we all want it, But again, I don't know that for sure. These are just my feelings.

>> No.75564823
Quoted by: >>75566319

this was still a performance in their live 2Ds, their concert with their 3Ds will be even more grandiose and significant to them and that’s something none of us will miss

>> No.75564846
File: 318 KB, 900x473, 1709732374681257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wives

>> No.75564854

Naked shower ASMR with Marine and Noel.

>> No.75564870

I know, I agree. But this event was not up to debate, if cancelling collabs wasn't on the table, this sure as hell wasn't either. The real issue is the unnecessary retarded shit she keeps doing, as you mentioned. If she actually focused on the things they can't cancel and did NOTHING else, she would be in much better shape. Fuwawa could have handled FWMC Morning for a week. We could have handled not having it for a week. Both better solutions than that battle cry.

>> No.75564920
Quoted by: >>75565045

Yep, If it keeps going I might have to bite the bullet and concernfag on the hashtag and ask them to take a week off, they need it.

>> No.75564931
File: 354 KB, 1440x2002, 1714316200512753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75564963

I can't see a collab happening anytime soon since they already said they want to do asmr in membership (probably because they are nervous)

>> No.75564987

She was screaming a lot during the karaoke with Koyori too. It makes me wonder what she's thinking. Is it a defiant thing where she wants to show that she's not worried about it?

>> No.75565008

very nice crowd

>> No.75565017


>> No.75565045

I wouldn't go that far. I hate people who tell talents not to stream, especially when they like to. Looking at you Listener sans. Also if they "took a week off" they wouldn't rest, they'd just jump to join every fucking voicepack imaginable and record those. THAT is the type of shit they need to stop doing when they are resting their vocals. A 2 hour stream is nothing compared to a recording session for those voicepacks. A 3-5 minute voicepack might take 3-5 hours for the right take and they're doing it in JP and EN.

>> No.75565093

>Is it a defiant thing where she wants to show that she's not worried about it?
it’s probably this and also her poor way of telling us not to worry about it either

>> No.75565103
Quoted by: >>75565167

I assume there's no recording of them singing?

>> No.75565109

Maybe, or she's just dumb and doesn't realize that voices need time to heal, especially as you get older. Not only are they at the point where your body breaks down and doesn't heal as fast or as well, but your voice starts to change gradually too and that's why old people sound like that.

>> No.75565161

I've been busy and haven't been able to catch any Fuwawa solo streams yet. Any of the 3 I should start with first, or just go with stream order. I've heard she enjoyed hitman and it was a longer one.

>> No.75565167

if people took pictures i’m going to naturally assume some took recordings of it too
they just won’t upload them to their main account

>> No.75565239

>How many people does it fit?
I think it was 2500.

>> No.75565240

Hitman was definitely my star of the week so I guess it depends whether you want to save the best for last or watch it first.

>> No.75565251

hitman was peak fuwawa

>> No.75565250

Go with stream order, they're all great.

>> No.75565316

Hitman was fucking kino.

>> No.75565529

So I wonder if Mococo was either singing really softly or just doing back up cheers again, because jesus she sounded bad in that clip

>> No.75565583


>> No.75565826
File: 118 KB, 878x1024, 1713779398465162m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm off to bed. I'll see you niggas tonight for the Fuwawa MJ karaoke.

>> No.75565898 [DELETED] 

make me cum and ill smile

>> No.75566002
File: 334 KB, 1500x1230, 1714140926035788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beleib

>> No.75566064

Letting it out /here/ instead of anywhere else
With how they've been using "you" to refer to the taiwan 'ruffians' all day, makes it feel like this tweet isn't directed at "ruffians" as a whole. They are likely just super happy, but I don't feel included at all. I'm glad most people either don't care or don't feel that way though
well, back to sleep

>> No.75566111
File: 209 KB, 340x764, Mococo Ah, goodnight![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl6aoqh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75566219 [DELETED] 

they noticed the pet schizo donut king was posting here and sent him words of encouragement

>> No.75566291

i mean, yeah? they were pretty upfront about it when they specifically said “taipei ruffians” but the smile tweet was obviously directed towards us all

>> No.75566319
Quoted by: >>75566393

except it will probably be held in fucking Macau or some other chink place where no Ruffian will afford to go.

>> No.75566355

Hope you never wake up

>> No.75566393

their 3D live will be streamed you fucking retard

>> No.75566515

with the way things are going you will probably need to upload a pic of government issued ID before buying tickets to prove that you're japanese or chinese

>> No.75566541

hope so, wasn't myth first 3d at holofes 3?

>> No.75566587

Holy fucking newfag

>> No.75566615

you are fucking stupid beyond belief

>> No.75566662

You can still buy the streaming ticket.

>> No.75566687

regardless holofes is streamed whether you purchase the actual tickets from home or if you use mikoboat

>> No.75566698

Retard chama...

>> No.75566812
Quoted by: >>75567286

Their voices sound tough. I'm afraid the 3D and other recordings they're doing this month are going to permanently fuck up their health. They feel bad about delaying even a shitty mk8 practice stream, they will never let themselves be the reason a 3D practice or collab is missed so they're going to push harder than they ever have ignoring any warnings. I'm a concern fag now

>> No.75567018
Quoted by: >>75567286

I don't think I'm going to be able to listen to Moccoo's bridal voice pack this year. Her voice is going to be noticeably in pain during it and it'll keep reminding me and making me sad...

>> No.75567082
File: 217 KB, 850x1700, moc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo should get a microbikini. It would show off her sexy figure so well

>> No.75567160
File: 1.13 MB, 992x1334, 1691350488237877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doomsisters aren't sending their best

>> No.75567183

Once a member hits the big stage like this is usually my exit point. I like the journey, not the destination and epilogue. It was a fun 9 months, I'm stunned they reached it so soon.

>> No.75567277
Quoted by: >>75567411

Stick around until the 3D at least.

>> No.75567283
File: 178 KB, 1500x1150, 1684727646021697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope mococo has been eating plenty while resting

>> No.75567286

so true

>> No.75567290

Fwmc morning being put on hiatus before/ after ep 100 so they can do more homework. Enjoy these final few episodes and pray you get esr before the cancelation

>> No.75567376

What big stage?
Wait until they perform a solo (duo) concert at budokan at least

>> No.75567383
File: 221 KB, 1006x720, 1693364553255577.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doomposting on cooldown sugoi
post your cutest mogogo

>> No.75567399

>pray you get esr before the cancelation
I've been doing that since episode 30 and it hasn't been working

>> No.75567411
Quoted by: >>75567746

I will. That's usually the point for me where everything changes to content I don't enjoy as much (long breaks, lots of offline work). I'll love the 3D debut but it'll be mostly tuning in during big events only afterwards. Normal streams always are the sacrifice for the success, unless you're one of the few ultra workaholics.

>> No.75567453
File: 188 KB, 850x1375, mococo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75567467
File: 1.38 MB, 2503x3468, 1695521031626561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGG love

>> No.75567493

I got ESR from Koyori during the special episode, the rarest ESR of them all

>> No.75567500
File: 101 KB, 768x1024, 1713205880176927m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a very dark place right now, hide my posts if you must.

>> No.75567541
Quoted by: >>75567648

>I'm stunned they reached it so soon.
What? They didnt have their first sololive yet.

>> No.75567552
File: 825 KB, 1522x2200, 1697983676705144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mogogo will come back stronger than ever

>> No.75567559
File: 97 KB, 850x1186, mocococo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo really is the thinking man's sexy girl

>> No.75567610
File: 387 KB, 1168x2048, 1706657616176926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think, I just cum
>but y-
no, get cummed in

>> No.75567637
File: 12 KB, 455x296, 1688847276041696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75567643
File: 414 KB, 2160x3840, mocohime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75567648
Quoted by: >>75567688

A sololive is not happening for over 5 years if ever. In terms of actually realistic goals, we're 90% or more there. After 3D and the showcase there's nothing more than the normal endless grind and idol loop which isn't for me. I know it was always their plan in the end so I'm not mad, just sharing it's my time to depsrt soon because I'm a stream fan first.

>> No.75567688

Well as long as you're aware that you were always getting on a train not quite meant for you and you still managed to enjoy it thus far, fair enough

>> No.75567716
File: 79 KB, 850x898, mococococo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75567727
File: 1.41 MB, 3654x2926, GNOjoupXwAAepqO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75567866


>> No.75567746
Quoted by: >>75567851

ok groomer

>> No.75567753

oh fuck
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
i forgot rnr was in 10 hours
i'm gonna miss eeet

>> No.75567773
File: 262 KB, 1109x1479, IMG_2586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75567960

i would cum on that fuwawa cutout

>> No.75567811

>Another first
Did you miss their last two cons? They had a massive stage during the Malaysian one too, sister

>> No.75567851
Quoted by: >>75567934

I like the intimacy of the early parts of a tubers journey. I don't try to influence them in any manner and leave when my time is up without making a fuss.

>> No.75567866

pretty cute execution but the prompt seems like something that would come from botched ai

>> No.75567934

I guess that's tricky then. If you enjoy 2views and 3views you'll always have a sort of time limit to enjoying them.
Or they just never find success, which is sad too.

>> No.75567941


>> No.75567960

Pictures like this make me wonder why I care as much as I do. I'm in the wrong geographic region to ever be able to experience this. Even if I'm burning twice as hard in passion for them, I won't get to enjoy stuff like this simply because it's region locked. And there's no good consistent EN presence or holo member with events outside maybe Kiara so I'm forever unfulfilled

>> No.75567987

I don't have a good Mogogo so I'll just positive post.
There is so much to look forward to that I'm excited for. This event is one of many. Thinking of how amazing the future can and will be gets me so hyped up for it. I'm so happy to have been in the right circumstance and right place and right time to have learned about Fuwamoco. There could have been a future where I didn't know about vtubers until now or never learned about them.
They're working so hard right now. Thinking of how much they care for ruffians makes me feel warm and fuzzy and fluffy inside. If they ever do a meet and greet in my area I'll make sure to try my best to go. If they never make it to my area my smile is still forever protected by them. FUWAMOCO LOVE

>> No.75568015

welcome to SEAfags experience

>> No.75568020
Quoted by: >>75568120

Couldnt you just fly in for fes?

>> No.75568022
Quoted by: >>75568937

Just suck it up and deal with it. Anyone who's been a weeb and into anything JP related for many years now should be used to that.
Even when it was back then and you just watched anime.

>> No.75568029
File: 54 KB, 800x450, 1708692379260188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75568086
Quoted by: >>75568155

They actually get alot of stuff, especially Singapore.

>> No.75568116

Wasn't their Malaysian Con just as big? I recall the stage being massive there.

>> No.75568120

Yes amd I have and do and I'm grateful for that. But it's a big hassle to even get into that. I still miss all of the many many fun events that are always only in Taiwan or Japan. I'll never be walking down the street and swing by a pop up shop to enjoy a fuwamoco limited item. It feels like shit.

>> No.75568155

Singaporean isn't actually SEAfags because they ain't ESL

>> No.75568182

They get a ton more experiences and cons than the west. The only events in the US are appearances at turbo fucking huge gacha cons. No fun popups

>> No.75568399
File: 398 KB, 1536x2048, GMbepfZXMAA_9l8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chin up we have a r&rp party tonight
>but she’ll bring up taip-
naturally. you should happy for them and not let that ruin the rest of the stream for you

>> No.75568421
Quoted by: >>75568493

I'm going to have to get off twitter and skip the next two streams to forget this happened. Fono will make me say or do something I'll regret.

>> No.75568483

I would never at no point be unhappy at all over them having success and being invited to perform at any venues
I want them to succeed

>> No.75568492
Quoted by: >>75568596

I'm not happy when others get what I cannot. I won't smile and lie to their face, I'll just suffer in silence

>> No.75568493

That fucking bitch Fono I swear to god
Need correction

>> No.75568512

Imagine if all the collabs and pop up stores are concentrated in California. You guys will continue bitching about it still.

>> No.75568571

to be fair, those guys ain't people

>> No.75568593
File: 459 KB, 1266x2048, honkivampy-1789279510292034044-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still some time til RnR later so JP and drawing reps it is.

>> No.75568596


>> No.75568645
File: 2 KB, 235x100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JP and drawing reps it is.
and I ain't got no time today too

>> No.75568654

>I'm such a fan, I HATE when my oshi finds success in places where I cannot attend live, I'll anti her over it!

>> No.75568657

I don't have to imagine because they already confirmed it will be west coast exclusive. But I live there so I'm fine with it

>> No.75568678


>> No.75568701
File: 1.07 MB, 1299x1080, 1709270720201948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75568748
File: 42 KB, 728x455, 1686448404759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwamoco multiplayer buckshot roulette with a thumbnail like this would be kino

>> No.75568770

I'm a fan of my own happiness first, this is their job to make us happy and protect our smiles. And they've done a shit job of it since moving to Japan and changing everything

>> No.75568822
Quoted by: >>75568918

At least you admit you're not an actual ruffian
One step at a time

>> No.75568826

stop giving him attention. no matter what happens this "ruffian" will complain

>> No.75568848

Is gonna get worse for you. If they really gain favor with management, I can imagine them getting a huge push in Taiwan and Japan.

>> No.75568871
Quoted by: >>75568989

>this is their job to make us happy
their job is just to protect your smile
can't protect shit if you don't bring it

>> No.75568902

I've been neglecting my reps for a week like a retard. I'm thinking about canceling all "new" cards for a couple days to refresh my memory on everything first...

>> No.75568918

Not true, I'm a ruffian as much as you are. There's no such thing as an actual ruffian, we all are equally ruffians. Just some are loved and given more chances to be appreciated and some are constantly neglected and excluded.

>> No.75568937

This. Grow up and shut the fuck up with this sadboy blog shit

>> No.75568949

>he didn't know

>> No.75568959
Quoted by: >>75569081

Then go find an oshi who isn't an idol, but be warned those girls will more than likely have boyfriends so don't get attached.

>> No.75568973

Nah, you're not. An actual fan cheers for their oshi and wants their success. You don't. You'll never ever be an actual fan.

>> No.75568981

>he lacks critical information

>> No.75568989

They actively make me stop smiling with their actions. I bring it each day and then I'm met with shit like locked asmr and mococo destroying her voice for no goddamn reason for the 3rd time this week.

>> No.75569008
Quoted by: >>75569132

sis, your info's stale now
23761 already happened

>> No.75569026

The fact that you absolute retards keep replying to that shitpost it's just insane, it has been posted multiple times already and you faggots keep biting

>> No.75569039

not their jo

>> No.75569068


>> No.75569081

That's the reason I don't. Biboo is maybe the closest I've got now. The idol part keeps them pure but inevitably means there's a risk they will be pulled away by work eventually. Without it, yes I'd just watch a twitch whore 2view but that's not whay I want either.

>> No.75569098


>> No.75569099

see? you don't even bring it to them to protect

>> No.75569102

>fuwamoco make their love for performing and striving as idols while always being hungry for more exposure and success from the start
>fuwamoco make it clear that they will make decisions that some might not agree with but that they’ll ultimately go for them anyways BECAUSE they’re hungry

>> No.75569130

Newfag thread, please andastand

>> No.75569132
Quoted by: >>75569207

What the hell is that? I'm speaking of their tweet stating we're all Ruffians. Don't tell me they broke thay promise too

>> No.75569140
Quoted by: >>75569161

Have you considered just ending your life as nothing will make you happy and no one would miss you anyway?

>> No.75569161

heh, confirmed sisters

>> No.75569207

see? confirmed sisters that don't watch stream

>> No.75569213
Quoted by: >>75569245

are you new to /baubau/ or something? either regards will respond to him or he’ll just samefag his own posts on cooldown, either way this is common here and should come as no surprise to anyone who’s spent even 24 hours here

>> No.75569234
Quoted by: >>75569338

>Biboo is maybe the closest I've got now.
I remember you retards keep asking ruffians to switch over to biboo, and now she isnt streaming.

>> No.75569245

>either regards will respond

>> No.75569255

It is exactly their job. Or it should be if they're true to their words at debut. No duh, it's a way to make money and fame in the end but they're not supposed to be so blatant about that. I expected them out if everyone to pretend to care for longer than this

>> No.75569290

holy fucking watch streams

>> No.75569320

they just literally said it again
they just want to protect your smile

>> No.75569338
Quoted by: >>75569685

Yeah, bad example. I still trust with her she'll return back to normal. Fwmc have made it clear this is their new normal

>> No.75569344

no icomochi i will not watch your new daughter

>> No.75569357
Quoted by: >>75569505

something something they arent doing it though because he personally isn't being catered to by them appearing in far away places

>> No.75569370
File: 1.62 MB, 1018x1273, sleepy mococo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75569405

And I'm saying they're doing a shit job of it recently. Both of us can be true. They want to protect smiles and I am not feeling the protection. Saying they want ro do something doesn't mean they're doing it. Actions matter more.

>> No.75569431
Quoted by: >>75569578

you don't bring up your smile so of course they can't protect it, dumdum

>> No.75569478
Quoted by: >>75569557

any ugandan ruffians?

>> No.75569505

This but unironically.

I can be upset, not understanding a world where me being sad is better or worse than people who fake a smile constantly and eat shit while bitching about them in private chats.

>> No.75569549

neither bring up smiles to protect, so they're all worse

>> No.75569557

so who's going to marry dikkosan?

>> No.75569574

I'm actually smiling though. I'm on the other side of the world and I'm still unironically earnestly happy about them having such events and appearances.
But that's because I'm an actual fan who cares about them. You are not and you don't.
We are not the same.

>> No.75569578

You're right I'm smiling here in Europe waiting for protection that's never coming. And they're not even streaming enough and killed their EU friendly Sunday time so yes I think they have gotten worse at protecting my smile. Nothing has changed in my life, it's all their decisions and actions making my life worse.

>> No.75569621
Quoted by: >>75569749

How are they supposed to protect the smile of a whiny menhera who can't feel happiness

>> No.75569631

>I'm smiling here in Europe
no you don't

>> No.75569663

you didn't smile in the first place

>> No.75569685
Quoted by: >>75569851

>I still trust with her she'll return back to normal.
If it turns out she likes the idol side too and cut down her streaming activities, what are you gonna do? Cry and bitch in /gem/?

>> No.75569693

You seriously need to get out more. They're just vtubers

>> No.75569729

Any idea yet what a 'Fuwawa-centric' RNR will contain? She said it was gonna be stuff she liked but Moco-chan wasn't a fan of or was just neutral to.

>> No.75569749

They made me like this. Do I have to keep cleaning up the mess they make in my life just so I can smile for a second until they disappoint me again? This week was great with streams, then they go and rub this exclusive bullshit in our faces and sour the entire thing. It's not all their fault but you're lying if you don't wish you could be there.

>> No.75569751

Made in Abyss OP confirmed at least

>> No.75569779
Quoted by: >>75570006

>They made me like this
no they don't

>> No.75569781

A lot of erotic sex songs.

>> No.75569799
Quoted by: >>75569904

you’re fucking pathetic lol

>> No.75569815

Look at the songs she picked for her birthday I guess

>> No.75569838
Quoted by: >>75569926

marine setlist

>> No.75569840
Quoted by: >>75569926

80s music.

>> No.75569851
Quoted by: >>75569964

She's honest about liking the idol side a bit so I'm dreading but prepared for that. 3D time away was inevitable in holo, I can't fault her for it. She's been honest about that and actually shares her projects and struggles with members and pebbles. Fwmc just vaguepost and whip around last minute decisions and announcements with no care recently.

>> No.75569869

is it mococo that likes denpa or was it fuwawa

>> No.75569888


>> No.75569901
File: 181 KB, 569x716, 1705955190114772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75570074


>Careless Whisper
>Take my Breath Away
>Without You
>Total Eclipse of the Heart
>Wicked Game
>I Want to Know What Love is
>With or Without You
>Eternal Flame

>> No.75569904

Real accepting community huh? Guess fake assholes are everywhere but I expected better from fans of such sweet women

>> No.75569926

80's Japanese? If so I'M FUCKING READY
That would be pretty funny. Another 'bid' for Oshi love.
I think it was Moco-chan, but I might be misremembering. I feel like she was the one who brought it up during the New Years outfit reveal.

>> No.75569964

Anon, FWMC has been the most honest about their idol dreams. Is literally written right in their debut goal:
You have to be a retard to miss that.

>> No.75569971
Quoted by: >>75570344

No we don't accept retards like you, in case you weren't able to tell the last 834 times we told you to end your life or at least fuck off with your incessant anti spam already

>> No.75569989


>> No.75570006

Yea, yes they did. They pulled me in by being amazing at debut and followed through with countless good times. Then they abruptly pulled the rug with the move, assured me it would be okay and nothing would change and slowly have been changing everything. There's still some times to like, just a lot less than before and we don't even have any cool bonuses to show for everything we've lost.

>> No.75570014

you are on 4chan retard. Go to twitter or Discord if you want a hugbox.

>> No.75570021

mocochan although fuwawa liked them too

>> No.75570073
Quoted by: >>75570159

I seriously wonder when the orisongs and covers are gonna start rolling out. There's no way they don't have a few currently in some stage of progress at this point.

>> No.75570074

she’s so beautiful

>> No.75570133

see? you're already a little bitch before meeting them

>> No.75570138

Honest about their goals, yes. Honestly about their current activities? Not even close. Every other advent member keeps their fans in the loop and chats a ton. Fuwamoco, we're lucky if we get a tweet a day before at best. They aren't even doing prestrean tweets until an hour before, with chats locked until then. We are clearly the lower priority and an obligation to then rather than something they value

>> No.75570151

Speak for yourself, I consider the JP offcollabs and them getting closer and making friends with great senpai alone to already be worth everything else that even your schizo ass would try to cite as a negative

>> No.75570159

They still have time. Bae only went all in for that in her second year. I prefer they get proper vocal training and make more connections with good producers first.

>> No.75570233

my ass is so fucking hairy

>> No.75570238
Quoted by: >>75570400

I just assume with all the homework, it's buried in there somewhere for sure.
You can't tell me that VA'ing some lines takes THAT long/that much time.

>> No.75570255

Unfortunately they're already damaging their voices without proper training and rest, so we might have to wait even longer.

>> No.75570259

>Every other advent member keeps their fans in the loop and chats a ton.
biboo unknown hiatus...
nerissa schedule...

>> No.75570267

SEA and EU deserve nothing. In fact SEA have thousands of chuubas to choose from, all of them speaking their own disgusting languages. Fuck off. EU, that's a bit rough but that's just tough shit. EU isn't a large market, it's a bunch of small markets cobbled together and sadly it's hard to gain any traction there. EU bros don't even watch Kiara.

>> No.75570276

Get a bidet, it helps

>> No.75570304

fuzzy butt...

>> No.75570319
Quoted by: >>75570383

>SEA have thousands of chuubas to choose from
you're saying that as if US doesn't have at least dozens of times of that

>> No.75570327

LMAO All of Advent are going dark right now and we're all just assuming they're in Japan, nobody's actually said as much. I mean they clearly are, but it's not like they told us.

>> No.75570331
Quoted by: >>75570492

>Every other advent member keeps their fans in the loop
You dont watch the other advent members for sure. lol. Rissa gets shit from jailbirds because they feel she is not communicating enough even though she is probably one of the busiest with how many recordings and covers she wants to do.

>> No.75570337
Quoted by: >>75570429

I don't watch fuwamoco. I think Fuwawa is cute

>> No.75570340
Quoted by: >>75570477

>Like the only thing we offer you or die

>> No.75570344
Quoted by: >>75570393

This is the first time I've posted negative thoughts. It's the end of the road for me and I'm sad and clinging to hope they'll not forget about fans like me

>> No.75570383
Quoted by: >>75570465

Yes but we're not watching SEA chuubas. Why do you want English chuubas when you can barely speak English anyways?

>> No.75570393
Quoted by: >>75570541

>This is the first time I've posted negative thoughts
Oh please, now you're just making me laugh. As if we can't tell how it's always you doing this shit. Same phrases, same wording, same everything.

>> No.75570400

Based on what other holomems have said, yes it does take that long.

>> No.75570429
File: 1.05 MB, 898x1080, 1707975887659682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75570737

you are correct

>> No.75570458
Quoted by: >>75570719

>Honestly about their current activities? Not even close.
Ok then. Tell me what is biboo doing right now.

>> No.75570465
Quoted by: >>75570602

same reason you want this specific EN chuubas that also speaks other language to speak exclusively in EN

>> No.75570477
Quoted by: >>75570517

You can watch EN chuubas but then turning around and bitching that they don't do events in your part of the world is a bit weird. Of course they aren't going to cater to you. EN it's expected caters to EN regions and JP to JP and etc. That's where some of the friction comes in because historically EN has catered to JP because Cover is lazy and EN fans are battered housewives who will put up with anything.

>> No.75570492

Are you kidding me? Every day biboo and shiori have open communications with fans in freechat. This is an unusually quiet time because of the 3D secret but the norm is them updating on every little thing happening. They have a ton of comfy zatsu and behind the scene project stuff. Fuwmaoco have never done anything close to that, save for a few nice moments in freecat during the move. They're secretive about everything except when they want praise, money or validation.

>> No.75570509

And somehow my oshi can release 2 voicepacks every month.

>> No.75570517

I'm not that guy, anon.
I'm just calling your "watch Kiara or shut up" out.

>> No.75570536

I guess I just refuse to believe they don't have anything at all song related going on right now. I feel like they've even had a few wink wink moments about it, although the most recent was probably about the 3d stuff with every other advent member obviously going over to Japan.

>> No.75570541

Fucking anti chatbots

>> No.75570578
Quoted by: >>75570670

Notice you write biboo and shiori. What happened to Rissa?

>> No.75570601
Quoted by: >>75570785

>Every day biboo and shiori have open communications with fans in freechat
lmao even
just because it happens literally once doesn't mean it happens every day faggot, you got baited

>> No.75570602
Quoted by: >>75570636

>ESL post
Proving my point. Why are you even here?

>> No.75570636
Quoted by: >>75570720

same reason you want them to be EOP

>> No.75570670
Quoted by: >>75570776

Not him but Rissa's communication can be a bit spotty. It's odd because you'd assume she'd be great since she sees everything on Twitter, but basically she's actually a very anxious person and cannot improvise on the fly at all. She will only say things that are set in stone and if something goes wrong she has zero backup prepared.

>> No.75570719
Quoted by: >>75570823

She's literally barred from telling us. She announced the date. Apologized and said she'd update us when she can. Specifically saying she doesn't want to give a false date to give hope or mislead. I wish fuwamoco would have that mindset instead of being hopelessly optimistic and misleading with nearly everything.

>> No.75570720
Quoted by: >>75570750

You really aren't even grasping this conversation. Last (You) you get from me, shitskin, go to some other board in your language cause you clearly have no idea what the fuck people are even saying. This isn't even an argument, I'd have better luck talking to a fucking wall.

>> No.75570737
Quoted by: >>75570846

Thanks for that image kind ruffian, Fuwawa is cute. I hope you have a lot of fun in their next streams!

>> No.75570750

I accept your concession

>> No.75570753

so there is apparently seethe over 2 fans buying a flower stand for fwmc and not attributing it to ruffians? I'm not seeing the issue, they spent their own money to do this right? If ruffians want to do so why not start a fan project for it?

>> No.75570776
Quoted by: >>75570892

Thats what I am trying to get at. FWMC is no different from rissa in this regard. He is making it sound like is a them issue.

>> No.75570785

Are you retarded? Nearly everyday they send messages and communicate in their chats. If there's any minor updates for their day, they post it. If it's major it also goes on Twitter.

>> No.75570801

>Nearly everyday they send messages and communicate in their chats

>> No.75570823

>She announced the date. Apologized and said she'd update us when she can. Specifically saying she doesn't want to give a false date to give hope or mislead.
Thats exactly the same with FWMC when they announced their move to Japan you fucking retard.

>> No.75570829

yeah, now tell me where biboo is right now

>> No.75570839
Quoted by: >>75570943

rumao at people pretending FWMC don't communicate

I've been membered to over ten different holos and still am membered to some and I can tell you that they are up there with the best communication all around
I fucking WISH a lot of other holos had been communicating half as much

>> No.75570846
File: 236 KB, 1146x2048, GLLGFh3a8AAS7NR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!

>> No.75570859

Who? I thought it was cute and the dude obviously makes it sound like 'Ruffians' sent it with the line 'we'.

>> No.75570869

Because those faggots advertised it as a gift from all of the Ruffians and even solicited help from others that did all the work to organize the purchase and delivery. Another case of them making a spreadsheet, letting everyone else do the work, then stalling only their names front and center to claim all the glory. Did it for all Ruffians my ass.

>> No.75570884
Quoted by: >>75571001

Lemon angel today, I'm feeling it

>> No.75570892
Quoted by: >>75570957

As someone who watches both, I'd say Fuwamoco are a bit more flexible in this regard, and not just because they are two of them. Fuwamoco have done more Twitter spaces than Rissa when streams were lacking/unavailable. The Japan move didn't look great, but Rissa wouldn't have done any either. Also Rissa hard caps streams at 2 hours because she doesn't think she can talk longer than that, with some exceptions. Whereas Fuwamoco can be entertaining for hours.

>> No.75570901
File: 301 KB, 674x1384, Screenshot 2024-05-11 at 8.22.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nearly everyday they send messages and communicate in their chats
Anon, why lie? I have access to biboo's free chat log. It says there 0.

>> No.75570904

kiara sucks and i tried watching her several times but she
>have a horrible voice
>talk endlessly about mundane shit i can hear from any other woman on the planet
won't watch what i don't like, simple as

>> No.75570911
File: 37 KB, 212x216, sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they spent their own money to do this right

>> No.75570926

Baused. I gave up on joining any projects after the first big community project scam by shitta when he excluded people.
Now I hope they all burn and eat up each other alive. Never gonna join another project.

>> No.75570932

I mean if you can prove they mislead other Ruffians and took money from them and only put their names on it, that would be pretty damning. But you'd need receipts not just he said they said.

>> No.75570943

You're right, the mengen battle plan definitely cleared up any misunderstandings and let members know future plans.
Meanwhile the rest of Advent actually share details and future schedules with their members. Hell, shiori works on future thumbnails and discusses covers and recordings as they're being worked on. Fuwamoco would never, it's always ultra vague teasing. They're happy to leak stuff that other members are doing but never their own work.

>> No.75570952

oh if they had other ruffians doing work then yea that is kinda bs. I thought they did everything themselves. Well a lesson learned for ruffians. If its not learned then kek ruffians are fools.

>> No.75570955
Quoted by: >>75571225

uhhhhhhhh sisters? what the fuck?

>> No.75570957
Quoted by: >>75571053

I dont watch rissa but I will give her a bit of a slack since she seems to be more heavily focused on her music career and does have a higher output compared to them in this regard.

>> No.75570971
Quoted by: >>75571225

Based receipts Ruffian.

>> No.75571001
Quoted by: >>75571114

This is the first thing I found and I'd be ecstatic if it were stuff like this.

>> No.75571013
Quoted by: >>75571233

She talks in stream prechats, not the schedule one. Obviously not this week she's on hiatus.

>> No.75571035

>Meanwhile the rest of Advent actually share details and future schedules with their members

>> No.75571053

Nerissa has exactly 1 more cover than Fuwamoco and 1 more orisong, or 0 if you count LTST as an orisong.

>> No.75571090

this sister is all over the place kek

>> No.75571097

meanwhile, nerissa

>> No.75571114
Quoted by: >>75571190

Yeah their stuff is a bit hard to come by but Fuwawa has specifically mentioned she likes them so I've been hoping since

>> No.75571163

Post the proof. If he did, I will join in the witch hunt. If not, STFU.

>> No.75571190

Listening to it, I love the 80's synth and orchestral bangs that were really popular at the time and the singing is a bit goofy but endearing. Seems perfect for her.

>> No.75571222
File: 1.38 MB, 1377x1331, BlueRuffian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed something about the demographics of the Fuwamoco fans, Fuwawa has more ojisans watching her and Mococo has more young people because she does a lot of things that young people find attractive, this is also shown by how the fuzzians are actually more hostile towards fuwawa than the fluffians are towards mococo, that's why there isn't a fluffian raul.

>> No.75571225

Stream prechats, faggot looked at freechat log which she doesn't use because she has stream frames open always. Some days have only a few messages but it's always am open spot where she can comment and chat with fans on minor things. Even in Japan freecat days it always felt like an afterthought for fuwamoco, like an obligation where they could use it for attention without really updating fans in it. The voice pack and dogfy pack post messages were maybe the few genuine updates. Shiori and biboo make that kind of chat all the time.

>> No.75571233
File: 366 KB, 1016x1300, Screenshot 2024-05-11 at 8.28.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She talks in stream prechats
Exactly the same number of messages FWMC leave in their streams. So whats your point?

>> No.75571265

uhhhhh sisters, what the FUCK?

>> No.75571287

Read the messages. Fuwamocos are generic post stream thanks, biboos are updates on the stream or projects or her daily life. Do I have to literally spell it out for you? I'm saying I'd like it if they were more willing to share silly stuff like that with us.

>> No.75571294

You can't just blow out the sisters like this tracker Ruffian, it hurts their feelings.
