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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75364014 No.75364014 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

>> No.75364033
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.75364042


>> No.75364046

Cover flexed their 3D hard tonight

>> No.75364052
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 奏 / Kanade (cover) *new*
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>symmetry *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs

>> No.75364053

kobotards gtfo

>> No.75364054
File: 189 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_2487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The declaration by the Unicorn Council, designating this experience as one of pure enjoyment, is a testament to the intrinsic value and delight inherent in this moment. It underscores the importance of recognizing and cherishing the beauty and happiness found in life's myriad manifestations. Such acknowledgment from the esteemed Unicorn Council reinforces the significance of embracing these moments of pure joy as they enrich our lives with enchantment and wonder.

>> No.75364058
Quoted by: >>75364168

KINO 3D lives 10/10

>> No.75364064

we can all agree the Moona duet was the best performance right?

>> No.75364067

Pure unfilted kino

>> No.75364073
File: 33 KB, 595x246, 1687274354285586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what did we learn from the last thread anons?

>> No.75364074
File: 99 KB, 811x694, 1688917367687260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio lived

>> No.75364086
Quoted by: >>75364380


>> No.75364089

this live would be mid even by the previous studio standards
sound was shit, visuals are 2 years old
at least songs were good

>> No.75364095

Kanataso new peak with kino group performance

>> No.75364092

Is this her highest birthday(?) live?
I know her record is still the 3D debut.

>> No.75364098

Kanata range is so great I think she have changed voice like 6 times this 3D live

>> No.75364101

>No she doesn't. That's now how "profit cuts" work.
Thread died before i could reply, but i am not arguing about this shit anymore in the new thread, i'm pretty sure i understand that this is just one ass mad indo that actually has 0 understanding of money no use of arguing about this

>> No.75364102

When was the last time ID got 3D LIVE?

>> No.75364103

This MV looks great

>> No.75364105

>cum wings

>> No.75364107 [DELETED] 
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>> No.75364126
File: 1.39 MB, 1972x1542, F7sATDtbgAAr-Iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never doubted my wolf wife

>> No.75364125

this word salad is entirely devoid of actual meaning

>> No.75364129
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>> No.75364130

Eurocuck seethe

>> No.75364131


>> No.75364132

5k+ waiting on miko member stream??

>> No.75364147


>> No.75364150
File: 336 KB, 619x439, 1709821608148558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364153


>> No.75364157

They really need to learn to raid their own premiere.

>> No.75364168

2/10 no EN.

>> No.75364170

Kill yourself Nijinigger

>> No.75364175
File: 912 KB, 1792x1536, kanata unicorn queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364176


>> No.75364178
File: 43 KB, 537x328, reanhaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364179

She redirected from her stream and there's a fuck ton of grays camping for gifts

>> No.75364181

I got sent to it

>> No.75364183
File: 695 KB, 1272x711, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the look kanata gives you when she wants to completely drain your balls of cum

>> No.75364186

She got admitted to the Hospital right before GW

>> No.75364190

? is this a bot gone rogue?

>> No.75364191
File: 469 KB, 1078x810, 2 Millions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75364218

MAY 2024 holoID GOLD
>1) 4,785: Kobo (Content Warning)
>2) 3,750: Kobo (Buried)
>3) 2,930: Zeta (MONSTER HUNTER WORLD)
>4) 3,006: Kaela (Lethal Company)
>5) 2,027: Kobo (Free Talk)
>6) 7,147: Kobo (Tekken 8)
>7) 6,240: Kobo (Tekken 8)

5x : Kobo
1x : Zeta, Kaela

>> No.75364193

The guests are boring..... She need to invite other Holos other than Kanaken and Marine's clique....

>> No.75364199
File: 384 KB, 684x403, 1636026315038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Miko is the undisputed god gamer

>> No.75364218
Quoted by: >>75364496

>Did kobo stream today tally

>> No.75364220
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1709815114850988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75364585

They always do

>> No.75364219

Yep need more EN and more ID imo.

>> No.75364221

Kaelatomos time send those SCs

>> No.75364224

waiting room for akupeko looks worse than yesterday

>> No.75364226
Quoted by: >>75367691

i already love this MV

>> No.75364229
Quoted by: >>75367691

Yep this is beating marine kobo song

>> No.75364236
Quoted by: >>75364271

Kill yourself Nijinigger

>> No.75364239


>> No.75364241

i too agree

>> No.75364254

nah guests were great
except ID, not sure what they forgot there

>> No.75364260

I was sent to it with autoplay off, so yea it was redirected.

>> No.75364271


I think Jeremy is throwing a tantrum now because pekora wasn't a duet.

>> No.75364286

No shit, unless it's a personal challenge, I doubt there will be buildup

>> No.75364290

This is kinda lewd. Is it okay for an angel to do this?

>> No.75364291

moona and risu were both great anon

>> No.75364292

Kobokeks... imagine getting mogged by Kanata of all people

>> No.75364306
Quoted by: >>75364323

>tried to hire someone to mix some songs for her birthday event
>he publicly blast her on twitter exposing some of her personal info
>also shits on her for not offering enough money for a client her size
>jp twitter agrees with the guy and makes fun of her again
る can't seem to get a break

>> No.75364308
File: 48 KB, 650x650, 12332132311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji has a collab with an energy drink
>Kuzuha and Kanae has a shill stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Fp4I0azLwqI
>Anycolor staff has the bright idea to mix the caffeinated energy drink with alcohol
>Unconfirmed reports come in of jap teens trying to do the same shit and ended up going to the hospital due to palpitations, severe dizziness and heart arrhythmias
>Japan Ministry of Agriculture issues a warning about mixing caffeinated beverages and alcohol
>The company energy drink company collabing with nijisanji has to issue a damage control statement regarding the alcohol mix

Damn 2024 is not a good year for nijisanji

>> No.75364311
File: 168 KB, 616x957, fuwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364315 [DELETED] 

53pagpags are still this delusional.

>> No.75364319

Will we see more holo orisong MV with dance

>> No.75364320
File: 360 KB, 524x822, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata another original animated song? Let's see her previous attempts... hopefully this one goes better

>> No.75364323
Quoted by: >>75364576

>jp twitter agrees with the guy and makes fun of her again
the fuck are you talking about, most of the replies are bashing him for revaling contract details in public

>> No.75364325
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>> No.75364332

Step 1 UMJ spends money to make a song
Step 2 They got money from the songs
Step 3 UMJ took some percentage (let's say 50%) if profits, and give the rest to Kobo
Step 4 Kobo got 50% of the profit

In which step does Kobo spend money? Can't you even understand basic concept like that? No? Then stop trying to give fincancial advice i ain't going broke with you.

>> No.75364342

greekbros what does it say???

>> No.75364354


>> No.75364367
Quoted by: >>75364449

Yes, the song is not "free", but this does not mean that she's losing money like the 3 examples you mentioned. Kobo is making money from her music career, it's not a money sink, they do contribute to her growth. No, CCV is not the only metric that can measure growth.

>> No.75364371

Why does every MV have signature dance nowadays? Do they really want TikTok audience that badly?

>> No.75364375

Great yes, but also lacking in variety. Just look at the guests for her previous 3D lives.

>> No.75364379

Definitely, it's a free number boost if Tik Tok picked it up

>> No.75364380
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1415, 1698539097573169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75364485


>> No.75364394

Shit like this is why some members said that that making music is just a passion. Meanwhile successful music holos like Suisei, Mori, and Kobo does make money from music (orisong, not cover).

>> No.75364392
File: 127 KB, 1877x479, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf did the limited sold out within a min?

>> No.75364393

so only 2 hrs for akupeko

>> No.75364396

I dont get why they flop desu

>> No.75364399

How does Kanata still have this much power? She seems mediocre in almost everything but she has a few memes, her singing is maybe above average, and seems like a hardworker. Is it really because she's unicorn friendly?

>> No.75364404

It links to her YouTube channel

>> No.75364415
File: 465 KB, 600x600, kanata bday 2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody catch how may limited sets she had? Page loaded a bit slowly for me and it was already sold out after a minute

>> No.75364417
Quoted by: >>75364503

Doesn't work on my phone

>> No.75364429
File: 1.03 MB, 2744x1528, 1709611516630273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364430

it's the only things they want
if they can't get them song isn't going to get numbers

>> No.75364442

Not specifically, but the Tiktok audience does give them a number boost, so why not?

>> No.75364448

That shit happens every time for popular members. They shouldn't make it abundant as scarcity also drives sales, but they're clearly understocking it too much.

>> No.75364449

Stop it, apparently that "smart white men" don't even understand how money works. No wonder their country is such a shithole if their people is like that.

>> No.75364457
Quoted by: >>75364562

Yeah, why is that a surprise?

>> No.75364476

No, they don't. Marine has more hits than misses against all of them and she doesn't make money from music.

>> No.75364479
Quoted by: >>75364546

this stream isn't going to get 50k but Miko got 75k somehow?

>> No.75364480
File: 970 KB, 512x512, LmZSyrq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75364577

Ui changed the game

>> No.75364483

>In which step does Kobo spend money?
Step 3

>> No.75364485

VCR queen, I kneel

>> No.75364487

Unicorns, watch your Queen.

>> No.75364494

can't they be sued for this?

>> No.75364495
File: 604 KB, 824x788, 09c7cb8f741a8a7597f67f92fab4b7b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This angel is literally unstoppable

>> No.75364496
Quoted by: >>75364545

But i thought Kaela is the queen now? What went wrong?

>> No.75364502

niji can't stop losing

>> No.75364503

>>75364417 (me)
nvm, I used the MV and it worked, it sends you to her channel

>> No.75364506
File: 35 KB, 592x244, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck still keep bullying her?

>> No.75364514
Quoted by: >>75364790

Because the members that flop in music don't know how to or choose not to make songs with popular appeal.

Marine makes a ton of money, she just chooses to reinvest it back into even more expensive MVs

>> No.75364516

Outside of debut welfare? Never

>> No.75364545

>i thought
See there's your problem right there

>> No.75364546

yes, miko is the most popular holo, pekora just got buffed by dragon ball

>> No.75364551

That's normal for most of JP.

>> No.75364550

>Step 3
Wrong, in step 3 UMJ gives money to Kobo. So in which step Kobo spend money?

>> No.75364554


>> No.75364556

Not the first time it happen, bank precautions.

>> No.75364562
File: 90 KB, 371x371, 1711977648686574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fastest limited sold out that I rmb was sub 2 min, sub 1 minute is ridiculous.

>> No.75364564

My bet is mafumafufags

>> No.75364570
File: 149 KB, 750x687, 1696694955808346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75364845


>> No.75364571
Quoted by: >>75364612

Pekora slightly ahead of her stream from yesterday, but not by much. Miko doesn't slip silver today!

>> No.75364574

>can't they be sued for this?
apparently they cant since it wasnt their fault people fell ill to the drink

>> No.75364575

Poor Michael Cat..

>> No.75364576

eop board pls andastando

>> No.75364577

Can't believe Ui retroactively got Marine to include a tiktok dance routine in Maribako a year and a half before the Lolikami MV came out

>> No.75364579
Quoted by: >>75364711

isn't it up to the member themselves?

>> No.75364580

No one here know JP law to answer, but they should be fine if it follows US law.

>> No.75364582

The fastest/beat way for small singer(compared to the mainstream) to get stream counts.

>> No.75364585
Quoted by: >>75364756

fuck off cover intern, nobody cares about idol shit here

>> No.75364589
File: 352 KB, 772x883, 1709828838693172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364591 [DELETED] 


>> No.75364597

For Tiktok virality
Works well with Marine, hope it also works on other girls

>> No.75364598
File: 177 KB, 797x621, 1788047399203778592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh speaking of mike
she debuts as another vtuber yet again
how many skins does she have at this point?

>> No.75364608

Maybe try no spending millions on your MV if you want profit. Or maybe not because Marine doesn't care about profitting from her songs.

>> No.75364609


>> No.75364612
Quoted by: >>75364746

Be quiet Nijinigger

>> No.75364616

it's the only way to attract the female audience

>> No.75364640

>i sell you a car for 2 billion dollars
>i only take 50% of your wages for the rest of your life
it's a really good deal right? Since like you said repeatedly last thread, it has 0 cost to you, fuck in fact i am even paying you by taking 100% of your wage and then giving you your 50%, imagine if i didn't sell you that car you wouldn't even get the 50%

>> No.75364644

Kanata, the Unicorn queen.

>> No.75364651

>debuting under 910inc aka Wactor

>> No.75364657

This sounds like a Sio reincarnation tier rrat

>> No.75364669
Quoted by: >>75364853

isnt she almost pushing 40? Why does she still act like this

>> No.75364676
File: 35 KB, 623x492, 16993695246325963288367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing new

>> No.75364682

>Nips having to go to the hospital after 1 Vodka-RedBull

>> No.75364687

Man, if i could read nips it would be a goldmine just reading posts on 5ch.

>> No.75364695

>Pekora taunting Aqua for no reason

>> No.75364702
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75364708
Quoted by: >>75364876

but she did reincarnate?

>> No.75364711

I think it's something you negotiate with management. But generally yeah, I think you're right that it's on them. Holos probably just underestimate themselves and don't want to to risk taking a loss by having unsold merch sitting around.

>> No.75364713
File: 2.48 MB, 1649x1649, My 3X3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Win

>> No.75364719
File: 396 KB, 576x1024, gura CHU! 💙💙 [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fw63oyj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364722

her pony canyon collab was a bust so i can see her trying to restart her vtuber career under a secret identity but its grim if its 910

>> No.75364725 [DELETED] 
File: 878 KB, 1832x2085, NousagiCrying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75364799

Akunyan tryharded last night, it's ogre...

>> No.75364737

Aqua pushed back up to Ice off stream... kinda weak. Should have started at the windmills.

>> No.75364739

Ui changed the game in vtuber industry

>> No.75364740


>> No.75364743

>another expensive animated MV from Kanata
I hope this one does well, her last animated mv flopped hard with less than 200k views in months.
Kanata is one of the holos that puts almost everything she gets from hololive back to her activities, sad that she doesn't have any songs that won the youtube algo yet

>> No.75364746

Somebody is angsty today, you haven't been able to sleep for the last couple of weeks have you?

>> No.75364750
Quoted by: >>75364806

Remember, niji staffs are like your collage bros, they only know how to play games and nothing else.

>> No.75364751
File: 295 KB, 900x648, 1714438277958325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75364771


>> No.75364752

Did these nips really go to the hospital from drinking 1 Jaegar Bomb?

>> No.75364753

What if each Holo have a Domain Expansion?

>> No.75364755
File: 694 KB, 1696x2727, 1714795195460585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sure makes some retarded noises

>> No.75364757

mike is crying yet you guys are here enjoying massive numbers...

>> No.75364756
File: 81 KB, 220x157, 16786446743367743782.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourist cope

>> No.75364761

You do realise its the same thing if kobo takes 100% and "spends" 50% paying back umj or if umj takes 100% and then pays her 50% or some shit right?

>> No.75364760

I guess japs are not used to that deadly combo. Still pretty dumb promoting that shit on their company's channel.

>> No.75364771
File: 1.20 MB, 1080x1080, 1695192880280417.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364778


>> No.75364781

Is this true?

>> No.75364784
Quoted by: >>75365057

>anon can't even make an analogy
i don't earned money for the rest of my life from my car. kobo does from the MV. try again

>> No.75364790
Quoted by: >>75364887

>she just chooses to reinvest it back into even more expensive MVs
Suisei and Mori in particular make a shitton more music than Marine, with associated MVs. They all cost money. Marine may dump it all in one project, but they total up to a lot of investment as well. In Suisei's case, she has an entire flopped MGO side project. I really don't think anyone is making too much money with music, if at all.

>> No.75364797

Dont worry, her merch sold out already
She can make another 30MVs if she wants

>> No.75364799 [DELETED] 
File: 542 KB, 757x1350, Pekotyan Alter kneels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364800

Niggersanji just keeps delivering the yabs

>> No.75364806


>> No.75364810

>Ao no sumika
yet another banger, taso has good taste

>> No.75364816
File: 1.17 MB, 1318x1959, 1713681454435029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364818

they don't pander to virgin incels so they don't have the money, it's funny because homos might actually earn more by milking their parasocial sister fanbase.

>> No.75364819
File: 12 KB, 300x168, 169853335677647773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chu Chu chu chu~~~~

>> No.75364824
File: 1.24 MB, 1440x900, 【Original-Anime-MV】おらくる-天音かなた【じん】-YouTube (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorn Deity

>> No.75364825

Turns out, nobody actually cares about the music itself.

>> No.75364830

those 2
what a kusogakies!

>> No.75364835

Most of her originals just suck honestly

>> No.75364834
File: 111 KB, 327x339, 171312346578876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364837

Another example of a catchy dance in an mv

>> No.75364841
Quoted by: >>75365320

That's not how analogy works

>> No.75364846
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 5675634534534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364845
Quoted by: >>75364884

for context, Mike is comissioning artists to mix some songs for her, but one them got petty and leaked her request DM which broke confidentiality since it mentions an upcoming 3D live that was never meant to be public. this mixer guy just shit on her for no reason and is being flamed by everyone right now for being unprofessional.

>> No.75364847 [DELETED] 

She's a useless hoe, anything is possible with her. https://files.catbox.moe/yit0j8.mp4

>> No.75364852

I still dunno how to do shit like scan qr code on my phone screen.

>> No.75364853

Mental illness

>> No.75364858
File: 3.97 MB, 1280x720, kissukissukissu[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fggwug8.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364868

>kaela got some of her money stolen
jesus. what the fuck did she do for someone to steal her bank info?

>> No.75364874
Quoted by: >>75364993

only has 25mg of caffeine
the shit niji is peddling has around 60mg
its the same retardation as trying to mix jaegers with bang a few years back

>> No.75364876

as far as I'm aware all the rumours of her reincarnation turned out to be bogus

>> No.75364882
Quoted by: >>75365075

No, Kiara typed in her chat and some guy got the idea to instantly edit her comment to be one shitting on her. Just surprised that narrative in particular has survived over 4 years at this point despite the fact that the stream is still there and there's like half a dozen different screenshots and some webms of Kiara's actual comment.

>> No.75364884

That's a great way to make sure that people will never want to work with you again. What the fuck was that Mixer thinking.

>> No.75364887
Quoted by: >>75365029

>she has an entire flopped MGO side project
Is this about how she's bankrupt because the concert sold out?

>> No.75364890
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, 1710430860610055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75364944

Continue to protect the walled garden brothers!

>> No.75364891
File: 725 KB, 1917x1070, 1699138406426144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These hips will bear my child

>> No.75364900 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 600x369, 1709072852206992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364905

Uhh qrd

>> No.75364909
File: 298 KB, 1282x613, pero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75364920
Quoted by: >>75365151

he thought that since public opinion was against mikeneko he could earn some quick clout by joining on the bandwagon, but fatally misjudged just how things like this work, especially in the jp sphere

>> No.75364922
File: 483 KB, 1514x2048, 169393838393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jwu qrd?

>> No.75364930

they tried to market it as a casual drink and apparently people had 4 cans or more

>> No.75364934
File: 644 KB, 2048x1174, 20230926_231511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The evolution of technology has a direct impact on the creation of fans, and at the first live event held in 2020, the number of registrants accelerated due to the reputation of performing 3D live for the first time in front of an audience.

>> No.75364936

Probably some shady restaurant that swiped her info, it's a pretty common scam and very effective if there is no second layer of protection on online transactions.

>> No.75364944
File: 1.51 MB, 1440x900, 【Original-Anime-MV】おらくる-天音かなた【じん】-YouTube (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75365182


>> No.75364953

Is this the same logic with "Cover is selling out concerts so they're in the red"?

>> No.75364955
Quoted by: >>75365024

Japanese livers folded a thousand times

>> No.75364956
File: 431 KB, 1276x572, pero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364962
File: 44 KB, 603x296, 1707449870436517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>75364221
she got hacked or something

>> No.75364967
File: 318 KB, 950x693, my-image 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75364979

Look how flat she is

>> No.75364987
File: 3 KB, 97x125, 1700650451633875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75364993

So it's not 1 Vodka-RedBull but 2? Still laughable low resilience.

>> No.75365000
File: 47 KB, 496x561, FbmlRrnUYAIrgA_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365003

They should fix their audio too

>> No.75365006
File: 234 KB, 1280x575, pero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365011

This girl?

>> No.75365012
Quoted by: >>75365081

kanata sex
Miko won against zeus
AkuPeko kino

>> No.75365015

this is too erotic

>> No.75365022 [DELETED] 

Shouldn't have watched niggers fucking one another on a zhang website girl.

>> No.75365023
File: 182 KB, 1472x828, 20230926_230526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75365024

>Japanese livers folded a thousand times
So Nijisanji?

>> No.75365026

She probably inserted her card on a shady atms

>> No.75365029
Quoted by: >>75365388

No, but those views aren't great. Hoshis will turn out to see Suisei paint a wall. Her concerts are a completely separate thing.

>> No.75365030

kaela posted on twitter saying that her card got blocked and when she checked into it, it had sus transactions that she didn't make on it and she lost half of what she has (or got returned half of what was stolen)

>> No.75365035

That sucks

>> No.75365041

Just set it up so you get notifs every time your card is charged

>> No.75365043

yes, it is.

>> No.75365047

>So it's not 1 Vodka-RedBull but 2?
try 8

>> No.75365051
Quoted by: >>75366188

Who will be the first two holos to cover this song?

>> No.75365057

Funny how fast you replied to this >>75364483
But can't answer to this >>75364640
This shit is so obvious its shameful you can't understand it even after getting it explained to you about a million times

Was what i was going to say, but then you said something even fucking stupider

Alright example #1 million and one (for indos, farming version)
>anon buys a hoe for 5 bucks (spends 5 bucks)
>makes 15 bucks from farming
>total revenue = 15-5 =10 bucks

> umj buys anon a hoe for 5 bucks
> makes 15 bucks from farming
>umj takes 5 bucks from the profit
>total revenue = 15-5=10 bucks

How is this so difficult to understand? Honestly, it's a bit disheartening
>inb4 they don't take that much profit
just spread out over more videos then, if they didn't make money off of this they wouldn't exist
>inb4 she still profits over all and that was the discussion in the first place
We don't know this, the example i provided was one case where that is true, but if the costs that umj had were bigger than what she made from the video, she might get money from that specific video but will have to pay more money than she made from it in the future due to the costs of that 1 video (again no one knows unless you have the data, and kobo has clearly no idea what she's talking about when she says shit like that had no cost to her, ofc it fucking does, do you think they print money out of thin air?)

Honestly read this carefully and i suspect the reason most of you are poor is because of shit financial ideas like this

>> No.75365059

literally my chest

>> No.75365063


>> No.75365067


>> No.75365075

holy shit i cant believe kiara would do that

>> No.75365079
File: 587 KB, 1080x1080, 1713968267761032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365081 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>75365176

>Sissyphus winning against Zeus
What is that garbage game seriously?

>> No.75365083
Quoted by: >>75365175

seems like he thought she's not paying them enough? Even if it's true that's not the professional way to go about it.

>> No.75365094

Boy chest. It's fine.

>> No.75365102

either the guy is a mafu fan or he's clout chasing because egging on mike is the "in" thing right now, but now even mike antis can defend him because he went too far and he only made them look bad.

>> No.75365106

damn Miko is more popular than akupeko combined she's so good that's crazy

>> No.75365116
File: 787 KB, 1063x987, 1789272659027592611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365119
File: 110 KB, 1277x719, 1698417680498169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Living in a third world SEA shithole

>> No.75365125

She got way too much money and not spending nowhere near enough in project for her fans. Honestly deserved, karma is real.

>> No.75365130
File: 3.71 MB, 456x456, wow wtf 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365145

Oh fuck i read it wrong like a retard. That suck.

>> No.75365151

I mean it's just unprofessional regardless of who your client is. This sort of thing gets you put on "DO NOT CONTACT" lists because you're unable to keep your mouth shut.

>> No.75365161
Quoted by: >>75365233

nah thas going to be a non issue in sea due to how common it is which is why all banks operating in sea have a specific insurance and payout for these kinds of things
>t. used to work in a bank

>> No.75365162

Kill yourself Nijinigger

>> No.75365163

Kobo is in the red because she has to pay more money to UMJ because her original song is too successful

>> No.75365165

I don't know how you don't notice money disappearing. She's rolling in way too much money.

>> No.75365175
Quoted by: >>75365634

she didn't name her price yet, but this guy is asking for 2000-3000 yen (12 USD, or 20USD pre-crash) per song based on his profile

>> No.75365176

no, Miko won
Sisyphus will continue pushing the boulder while being puppeteered by another person

>> No.75365182

so what toes the mores code translate into?

>> No.75365190

I wouldn't be suprise if she got atm skimming.

>> No.75365197
Quoted by: >>75365453

once you get past the point where you can comfortably pay off all your bills and buy what you want you don't really pay that much attention to your bank balance.

>> No.75365198
File: 2.69 MB, 1471x2047, 1709244081055142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75365199
Quoted by: >>75365337

Miko talking about antis

>> No.75365201

That is a good way of seeing it

>> No.75365204
File: 582 KB, 640x862, ReformeDemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365215 [DELETED] 
File: 3.12 MB, 300x220, Peko kills the pink whore.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75365264

>Pekora at 15min with a dual pov; 36,4k
>Leeching pink whore at 15min; 28k
What is that retardation?

>> No.75365218

>taking a loan is free money
>no you still have to pay back money to the bank, it isn't literally just free
>that-that's basically the same thing
>selling more product = making less money
these are completely different things indo retard

>> No.75365221

She need a mobile secure transaction. I hope id bank have those feature

>> No.75365224 [DELETED] 
File: 729 KB, 2365x1914, 521cefed-ea9f-4ffb-8354-f854d528a554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total male vtuber/e-celeb death
absolute unicorn queen sex

>> No.75365233
Quoted by: >>75365385

She literally writes in the tweet that her bank will only cover 50% of the loss cause of how long it has been going on for without her noticing.

>> No.75365237
Quoted by: >>75365457

Nta, but aren't her manager or cover involved? This only kinda makes sense if she was handling stuff by herself

>> No.75365240


>> No.75365243
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1715098075273315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you already forget that 7 person collab that got MOGGED

>> No.75365241

more or less

>> No.75365251
File: 1.05 MB, 1242x1689, EC10EAA0-C64B-44E7-8273-4E5CFFED1A8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75365344

Guess who is joining the fun

>> No.75365253

>I don't know how you don't notice money disappearing. She's rolling in way too much money.
its actually very common in poor people who suddenly get a very huge and continuous supply of money

>> No.75365263

>absolute unicorn queen
>post rape
ok bicorn

>> No.75365264

>replying to obvious bait

>> No.75365268

>Aqua beats the geyser stage first try
>Miko took 4 hours or more there
This is why Pekora chose aqua

>> No.75365272
File: 47 KB, 533x503, 1693571082612627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365278
Quoted by: >>75365351

>How does Kanata still have this much power?
What power she has definitely doesn't translate to the ONE area that matter to her

>> No.75365283

he's french, what can you expect?

>> No.75365284
File: 130 KB, 332x363, 1713859640705676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a?

>> No.75365289 [DELETED] 

Wouldn't that hurt her a lot by holding her jaws like this? He should have held her but the throat instead.

>> No.75365302
Quoted by: >>75365390

He replied to himself anon

>> No.75365310
File: 229 KB, 1013x1500, 1709537619571958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75365320

>That's not how analogy works
Literacy is really in the shitter nowadays. Try this then, i made it extra clear so even someone completely retarded can understand it>>75365057

>> No.75365330

Be quiet Nijinigger

>> No.75365334

Post more before you gone at least

>> No.75365336

Thats what she get for taking the unicorn blood money.

>> No.75365337

what's she saying about them?

>> No.75365344 [DELETED] 

Technically it's Korone herself who asked AkuPeko to play that game, she was just having a pause after that horrendous 12h stream where she barely advanced in the game.

>> No.75365347
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, FAQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAQ Zeus

>> No.75365351

Having Gakki notice her?

>> No.75365368

The race is pretty over now with pekora getting fucked by the bounce and falling back to the start of the ice section. Unless Aqua does a major fuck up I don't see pekora catching up at all.

>> No.75365373

so tards forgot how music labels work?

>> No.75365376
Quoted by: >>75365498

Kill yourself Nijinigger

>> No.75365377
Quoted by: >>75365444

having high ccv doesn't pay for her MVs though, she needs more views on those

>> No.75365383

Shes the type of girl who likes it rough

>> No.75365385

thats typical since for long scam transactions the bank usually returns 3/4 or 1/2 of the money initially but if she goes on to continue to process it (especially if its a phishing scam) then she probably will get the rest in a couple of months
shit has been a huge plague in sea starting around 2015-16

>> No.75365388

>Nobody make money from music
>Her concerts are a completely separate thing
Do you know how little Marine's music sold compare to Suisei?

>> No.75365390 [DELETED] 

I would never lower myself to your monkey level, faggotchama.

>> No.75365400
File: 158 KB, 1080x209, Screenshot_20240508_082213_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75365478

Luxiem > NijiJP

>> No.75365407

this guy has been at it for hours because the dozen or so replies calling him out for being retarded triggered him so hard he doubled down on it

>> No.75365414

>gets Miko mengen
>opens her stream
>she keeps talking about philosophy
What's going on here? 35p explain, why is your oshi like this?

>> No.75365416

They never rememberd.

>> No.75365425
File: 333 KB, 411x520, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75365442
File: 14 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


indeed, faq zeus!

>> No.75365444
Quoted by: >>75365532

Having a bunch of views on your music doesn't make money. Mori on her peak made more from playing games then her music

>> No.75365453
Quoted by: >>75365505

This is kinda infuriating, she has a duty to her fans to take better care of her finances. The fact that she didn't even notice for months and it took until the BANK blocking her card on her for her to finally notice really shows how little she appreciates her fans' superchats etc.

only if you're incredibly irresponsible, it's not difficult to keep track of your finances. She should have her money invested anyway, the fact that she had it just sitting in a bank account with someone stealing from it for months is legitimately ridiculous

>> No.75365457
Quoted by: >>75365654

no clue about if they are involved or not they probably are, that isn't the point though
The point is that kobo said that she got 0 costs for her mv because umj paid for everything and anons took that literally, which is completely fucking dumb as they obviously have to give some money back to umj at some stage as a result of this
This is only an argument if you are discussing the semantics of the word "spend" which wasn't what the indos were discussing last thread, they were stating that kobos mv is pure profit because she paid 0 for it, when in the end it's only pure profit if the total mv costs - total mv revenue from views is positive (which might be totally true to be fair, we just don't know about this) because she has to pay for the total mv costs eventually anyway

>> No.75365458

more like sissy puss heh

>> No.75365461 [DELETED] 

Nijinigger style.

>> No.75365472

Where 200k stream holokeks

>> No.75365473

Would you not take philosophical advice from Miko?

>> No.75365478
File: 918 KB, 1079x1315, 17639372938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HomoEN > NijiEN

>> No.75365479


>> No.75365493

Yes, but if you're the kind of bastard to engage in that sort of thing, you probably don't care.

>> No.75365498

Calm down Ulysses

>> No.75365500 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>75365698

Up your faggot's ass, sister, you need do go deep.

>> No.75365505
Quoted by: >>75365601


>> No.75365512 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 970x1643, 91952805_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75365692

>> No.75365525

Aqua dominating right now

>> No.75365527
File: 83 KB, 576x1024, 1714663825931684m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NiggerSanji Advertising Alcohol to Kids

>> No.75365532
Quoted by: >>75365704

Mori on her peak had a lot more ccv than nowadays though

>> No.75365533

Mikopi are children and Miko is a preschool teacher.

>> No.75365536
File: 166 KB, 1242x626, 5D8F302D-3F77-4F57-9EB4-570F88BDCD3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75365584

What the FUCK is he on?

>> No.75365545
File: 495 KB, 589x498, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so excited for this

>> No.75365548

so why did you cut out shu?

>> No.75365553
File: 15 KB, 244x143, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20K dorya

Interesting to see what 3 runts and a 1st army on rbc channel results in

>> No.75365578 [DELETED] 
File: 319 KB, 850x850, 20240508_130933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onyan is way too ahead, it's over...

>> No.75365582
File: 63 KB, 799x106, 1706855803947644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so high

>> No.75365584

he's saying he's going to play a horror game today

>> No.75365591

Ah fuck I can't believe I missed DORYAAAing to Kanatan

>> No.75365593
File: 176 KB, 1527x997, 30d9d0d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75365628

and where are the 300k people?

>> No.75365600

She beat the game

>> No.75365601


>> No.75365607

she finished it

>> No.75365611


>> No.75365615
File: 265 KB, 657x1000, 132135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of tits invigorating her

>> No.75365621


>> No.75365618 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>75365673


>> No.75365628

buying merch

>> No.75365634

Wait really? No wonder there no ounce of professionalism from that shitter mixer.

>> No.75365644
File: 237 KB, 1242x221, C9604E64-1790-4CF6-BBEE-9D3B6631A39A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No 200k, best Niji can do is 26k

>> No.75365654
Quoted by: >>75365797

From Kobo's POV, it makes sense if cover is handling the paperwork. You also don't know the details of the contract and are assuming things

>> No.75365655


>> No.75365659

>indos only understood it when the farming reference came out

>> No.75365665
Quoted by: >>75365894


>> No.75365673

that's the answer i wanna see

>> No.75365684


>> No.75365692
File: 336 KB, 2315x2265, 1721654526194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365698
File: 84 KB, 843x686, TOWEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75365805

>Up your faggot's ass, sister, you need do go deep.
jokes on you holokek I like to pleasure my ass regularly for Milord

>> No.75365703

>Leeching off Holo and Vshojo

>> No.75365704

She also had a shit ton of music views, made her own music and no label to share with

>> No.75365707

gonna be less ccv than the Vshojo haul

>> No.75365711


>> No.75365713
File: 588 KB, 1663x2048, C619EB14-F8BB-42F6-97D0-6B3128CE6460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75365792

What is the point of these retarded questions? If you are going to shitpost, at least ask good question

>> No.75365729
File: 604 KB, 1051x884, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365742

Yikes. Not a good look.

>> No.75365751


>> No.75365758

>smuggling the leech in

>> No.75365763
File: 1.40 MB, 4000x6000, 1704612351515766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365792

>t. nousakek already mad that miko beat her oshi with the same game

>> No.75365797

... you are missing the point again
This statement is only true if cover is "covering" for the costs that the mv had. Record labels still charge you for the cost of the mv (sometimes even several times more), they just pay it in advance and then take part of your profits until they get all their money + profit back
Then how the fuck do you think they make money?
Because it's still worth it, because if your projects make money you still can be in the positive, and you can bankroll projects that you wouldn't be otherwise capable of doing because you lack the initial funds (and contacts) that the record label can give you
You still have to pay for the costs of it though

>> No.75365805
File: 2.60 MB, 728x728, eww .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75365811

Yeah, for NijiEN

>> No.75365818

jeremy you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.75365829
Quoted by: >>75365864

>peko vs miko startingu

>> No.75365831
Quoted by: >>75365866

Pippa x ironmouse when?

>> No.75365836

Pippas still got it

>> No.75365847

Wrong conversation?

>> No.75365864 [DELETED] 

There is no reason to start this, AkuPeko dual POV BTFO'd the leeching pink whore already, 53piss are just coping right now.

>> No.75365866
Quoted by: >>75366050

Ironmouse twitterfag audience hates Pippas political shit, and playing Hogwarts

>> No.75365868
Quoted by: >>75366754

Just wanted to quickly laugh at the absolute retardation of these morons, that despite being explained an incredibly simple concept 10 times, still only understood it when I explained it using farming terms >>75365057

>> No.75365873

>Aqua suddenly lost 9k viewers

>> No.75365884

>sub 10k off-collab
now that's grim

>> No.75365894
Quoted by: >>75365944

>collab partner had to do damage control

>> No.75365902
File: 132 KB, 725x669, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75366004


>> No.75365912

ball started rolling down

>> No.75365913
File: 207 KB, 971x773, Screenshot (877).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably another version of what that anon is saying

>> No.75365914
File: 1.34 MB, 1356x846, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom one doesn't have her in the thumbnail, so no one is gonna click it, and the first one is barely her as well. You can look at Hachi's channel for a case study in this, with 夜迷い言 being her lowest original by a massive amount. Turns out people won't just randomly click something that appears on their feed if they don't know who it's from, and no one is gonna bother to mouse over to see the channel.

>> No.75365917
Quoted by: >>75365937

>Miko suddenly got 25k viewers

>> No.75365937
Quoted by: >>75365968

You should KILL YOURSELF now

>> No.75365940
Quoted by: >>75366489

How the fuck people get scammed in this day and age? Just set up notifications on your phone so you know if it's being used somewhere. Also, it must be shitty bank if it can't recognized fraudulent transactions.

>> No.75365942
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x615, 1693463264058305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that's been bothering me a bit about the 3D lives
The simulated audience hasn't improved at all over the years, and when they do make a tailored change for a talent, it usually looks somewhat half-assed like this
So I have to wonder
Is Cover running into rendering issues trying to simulate more and better models?
Is this just to save on bit rate?
Or is Cover just cheaping out in this regards?

>> No.75365944
Quoted by: >>75366135

The collab wasn't cancelled. This won't hurt future collabs?

>> No.75365952
File: 26 KB, 683x680, 018382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the reason why marine chose kobo?

>> No.75365957
Quoted by: >>75366146

>The new im@s is just Love Live but with a producer and bikini photoshots with the jk idols
>No cunny so far...just like Love Live
Oh how the turned have tables

>> No.75365968

no u

>> No.75365969

Happened to me once, my mother in law got duped into buying one of those Android virtual keyboards with cute emojis
>it was a weekly subscription of 3.99 USD
That shit got debiting for about a year until my wife noticed and asked what the fuck I had subscribed (onlyfans?!?).

>> No.75365982
File: 185 KB, 500x500, 1707507355098742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75366082


>> No.75365983
Quoted by: >>75366326


>> No.75366004 [DELETED] 
File: 3.86 MB, 1203x2048, PekoCraft beautiful forma de festival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75366027
File: 213 KB, 463x453, 38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just keeps happening

>> No.75366029
Quoted by: >>75366266

I wish kanade got in JP7 instead of this nijilite branch. I swear she would be as big as sui or at least close if she didn't have this branch debuff

>> No.75366028

Honeslty, should've just searched for this and posted this shit instead of wasting time typing that up
It's just such a simple concept that it boggles my mind they actually believe that umj just gave away free money to kobo
Ah sorry can't say free money, they'll say they didn't say that, let's say 0 costs instead which is totally different somehow

>> No.75366039
File: 1.31 MB, 1242x1608, 0B2FD21E-6156-4EC3-9F80-991A3F2E4DFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75366121

Right so it’s clear at this point that ReGloss manager wanted their own Chronoir channel, but what’s the point? No seriously can anyone tell me why?

>> No.75366050

But pippafag said pippa love trans

>> No.75366052
File: 210 KB, 608x597, 1708228325149215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anycolor staff has the bright idea to mix the caffeinated energy drink with alcohol
>Anycoloe staff

>> No.75366058

You missed the point as well. Kobo said something that could correct from her perseption you don't know how much she was involved, who owns the rights or made the MV. UMJ gets their cut from sharing rev and probably get a decent cut out of it.

>> No.75366063

Of course no
It's because power of friendship

>> No.75366082
File: 4 KB, 280x121, wao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75366084


>> No.75366101

>Back to the windmill area
Peko is fucked

>> No.75366106

Starting to think that this guy is just making shit up about how music labels work

>> No.75366109
Quoted by: >>75366362

I think she is just a lolicon

>> No.75366112

Miko is asking for Naruto Ultimate Ninja permissions

>> No.75366121
Quoted by: >>75366150

To not flood the main channel with Regloss-only content

>> No.75366123
File: 561 KB, 1554x2505, 0CE81351-5E34-4BBB-9EEA-C99DE81AB99A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a take on it
>Courtney Love does the math

Long story short: anything you get from the label is docked from your future earnings (at an inflated price)

>> No.75366125

>watching fuwawa stream
>19min in
>"I wish i could cut off this dog's head"
uh, what the fuck fuwawa?

>> No.75366135

They literally cant cancel the collab since they have tons of the stuff in the warehouse
>This won't hurt future collabs?
Thats if they would want to collab with them in the future
iirc that company that got their shill collab stream with niji cancelled due to gwelu's retardation stopped collabing with nijsanji

>> No.75366146

The other day I saw some people discussing how hard IM@S fumbled their own popularity. Miko x Reimu is real now, while IM@S is nowhere to be seen

>> No.75366150
Quoted by: >>75366200

male device unit next

>> No.75366155

I believe it

>> No.75366180
Quoted by: >>75366217

it's pekover...

>> No.75366188


>> No.75366194
Quoted by: >>75366264

Based, 100k playthrough incoming
But who would play One Piece?

>> No.75366197
Quoted by: >>75366324

Holy shit is this real or just an exaggeration

>> No.75366198
File: 2.28 MB, 370x424, 1714304627510129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek the price of impatience.

>> No.75366199


>> No.75366200
Quoted by: >>75366405

how can male vtuber be device? they are useless

>> No.75366217

Aqua isnt much far ahead

>> No.75366225

is Naruto popular in spic speaking countries?

>> No.75366243
Quoted by: >>75366440

She asked for these last year, don't know if she never got around to it or if Cover couldn't get the perms

>> No.75366244
Quoted by: >>75366297


>> No.75366246


>> No.75366258
Quoted by: >>75366297

anon, Pekora just fucking dropped a quarter of the map

>> No.75366264


>> No.75366266

she is KR though

>> No.75366270

thats a 200k stream

>> No.75366297

Losing is just a mindset and winning is the pekomindset so pekora is winning

>> No.75366307

Ah but anons you see, because the bands don't pay out of pocket to the record labels the costs are 0 to the band! its really easy, never mind the fact that they only got a fraction of the potential total profit of the album!
Can't believe i spent 1 hour arguing about this

>> No.75366324

yes and no, scummy music labels will suck you dry while some good music labels will have 50- 50. That's why high profile artist will have their own music label or agency

>> No.75366326

anonchama, time to learn how to use google lens...

>> No.75366336

It’s popular in SEA, I think

>> No.75366342
Quoted by: >>75366425

> Naruto anime as the world’s most popular kids TV show in over 83 countries.
Naruto is literally this generations Dragon ball

>> No.75366362

No holomems are lolicons save for most of gen 1, Flare, and Watame.

>> No.75366372
Quoted by: >>75366510

Anyone unaware of how labels work didn’t live through the “payola era” when labels had nijisanji-tier black company reputation

>> No.75366375

You are assuming what cuts they get.

>> No.75366397

Cover's running their 3D lives on a PC with only GTX 1050Ti, pls understand.

>> No.75366403
File: 1.13 MB, 1242x1715, DB018701-2687-46A4-9695-9E29593AAEEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75366405

the lesser gender is even more so
also there's only so many times Cover can say
>hololive production earned millions combined
at least with this play, they can say
>hololive device branch made millions combined

>> No.75366409


>> No.75366425
Quoted by: >>75366604

>this generation's Dragonball

>> No.75366429
Quoted by: >>75366494

99.999% to the talent and 0.001% to the record label is still a fraction, indo wetwipe

>> No.75366440
Quoted by: >>75366486

Cover just ignored her requests

>> No.75366439

Do you think Pekora's gonna give up after Aqua wins this? Or will she push for the end?

>> No.75366442

Her and I made love in that field

>> No.75366450

N-chan rrats?

>> No.75366454


>> No.75366457

birthday yesterday

>> No.75366466
Quoted by: >>75366598

It's okay to admit that your original analogy is retarded, no need to act all high and call it stupid yet you can't explain why and decided to make a different (actually better) analogy instead.

Anyway, that's a better analogy, but
1. I need to work everytime to get money from farming, while Kobo only needs to work once and will get the profit of the MV for the rest of her holo life.
2. You need to spend considerably more to make an MV, which is why "a loan" from label still worth it

The scale is massively different here. Your analogy looks right on the surface only because it's only 5$, you're spending little to get little. Nobody needs an agency for something like that, that's why it doesn't exist.

Also, you forgot to consider something
>You need money to make a music
If say, Kobo barely get any profit from her song, then she has to use money from her own wallet for her next song. She might not even have enough money yet to make the song so she needs to wait (this is exactly what happen to here before she joined a label). Meanwhile, with UMJ even if it barely has any profit for both of them, she can still make a song since UMJ will still make her a song as long as she's still with UMJ. She doesn't need to collect the budget first.

>We don't know if she got a profit
We do, she said it. No reasons to assume she's lying

>if the costs that umj had were bigger than what she made from the video, she might get money from that specific video but will have to pay more money than she made from it in the future due to the costs of that 1 video
No??? Wtf is this. If the revenue isn't enough to cover the cost, then UMJ just simply eat the loss. Maybe they will gave her less budget next time. Maybe they will not extend her contract. But they won't asked her to pay for the loss. Where the fuck do you get this from??

Let's assume UMJ took 75% of profit

Scenario 1
>UMJ spends 1M yen
>The songs generate 2M yen
>UMJ takes 1.5M and gives 500k to Kobo
Kobo spend: 0, receive: 500k (profit)
UMJ profits 500k

Scenario 2
>UMJ spends 1M yen
>The song generate 1M yen
>UMJ takes 750k and gives 250k to Kobo
Kobo profits 250k, UMJ loss 250k

See? If Kobo doesn't bring enough profit (or even worse, it's a loss) they'll just not extend he contract. It's profit sharing, UMJ is the one that has the copyright, they're the one that selling the song, etc. They're the one that get the initial revenue and then gives cuts to Kobo.

Why the fuck do you think it's Kobo that got the money and need to pay UMJ for the cost? Do you even have any source for your insanely warped perception of reality or are you just so mindbroken you said this retarded shit out of your ass?

>> No.75366476
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>> No.75366480
Quoted by: >>75366575

She didn’t give up in Only Up, why would she give up now?

>> No.75366486

Yeah that sounds about right. Hopefully they're not retarded this time.

>> No.75366488 [DELETED] 

That’ll be a moot point with concerts like Yamato Phantasia happening on Holoearth.
Instead of simulated audience they’ll have 130 triangle nigger per room zooming around and positioning themselves right by the stage to take the best upskirt shots.
If anons are organized enough they can block the stage area in a giant swastika formation and declare the pool closed

>> No.75366489

scammers up their game nowadays by pretending to be bank agents or telemarketers who dupe victims by making them verify sus purchases through OTP verification. in philippines, we call this "budol", or "confidence trick"

>> No.75366494
Quoted by: >>75366534

You really assume everyone is indo. You should see a professional

>> No.75366495
File: 4 KB, 287x37, wao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75366534

today is just class for indos i guess

>> No.75366499

She meant axel, right?

>> No.75366502
File: 141 KB, 898x691, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75366510
Quoted by: >>75366606

>when labels had nijisanji-tier black company reputation
that anology is kinda funny especially when nijisanjis music contract is actually a lot worse than regular music label contracts since you get paid a minimum flat rate instead of a percentage according to notakane, notmelissa and kaede

>> No.75366520

Easy 200k streams, not singular but multiple.

>> No.75366534


>> No.75366539
Quoted by: >>75366582

you're making shit up

>> No.75366547

>they just pay it in advance and then take part of your profits until they get all their money + profit back
well, if this is true then the label will still eat the loss. also again, kobo has said the she got a lot of money last month, so it's definitely a profit then

>> No.75366558

push for the end. it will still give her numbers and satisfactio

>> No.75366557
File: 2.40 MB, 454x498, 1701829132413887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75366632

>So far no clarification from NijiJp regarding the energy drink collab and the VOD is still up
so it's nothing burger huh

>> No.75366561 [DELETED] 

Retarded tourist didn't even watch her 28h playthrough of Jump King within a weekend lmao, that much is both.

>> No.75366575

Difference is she beat only up before she had the race against aqua. But yea, she'll propbably preserver.

>> No.75366582

She's talking about games she wants to play in her mengen, she's wanted to play Ninja Storm for a while

>> No.75366585

this is why hololivers should only get 2%
Cover needs to have awareness as a business

>> No.75366592

Don't the vast majority of musicians and bands make most of their profit from live gigs and concerts and other such performances?
I suppose the equivalent for chuubas would being paid to go to conventions and the merch sales from events including 3D lives

>> No.75366598

>No??? Wtf is this. If the revenue isn't enough to cover the cost, then UMJ just simply eat the loss. Maybe they will gave her less budget next time. Maybe they will not extend her contract. But they won't asked her to pay for the loss. Where the fuck do you get this from??
If it is a loss, they'll take more from future songs to make up for it
Didn't read anything else, just read this instead, i'm not spending any more time making more simple analogies just for you to say they aren't perfect (because they are fucking simpler, of course they aren't exactly the same literaly situation you mong)

This shit really isn't complicated anon, they WILL AND DO make their money back + some profit and that IS a cost to talents

>> No.75366601
File: 40 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naruto Ultimate Ninja
that slop wont get anywhere near the dbz kakarot kino

>> No.75366604
File: 750 KB, 1280x720, 1714755564232115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers are Bluey Narutofags

>> No.75366606

>since you get paid a minimum flat rate instead of a percentage according to notakane, notmelissa and kaede
That part baffled me, they’re treating their talent as “work for hire” similar to a backing vocal for an ad jingle instead of the main talent in the song.
I would 100% tell them to shove it, anyone good enough to make money in those conditions is good enough to make money on their own.
>which Niji prohibits as well, no?

>> No.75366624

jesas, even the 2hu fightans look better

>> No.75366628

Nene too. I don't think there are others. Aqua like hebes.

>> No.75366632

>Niji gone into hiding

>> No.75366640

Yeah, music doesn't make much money label or no label. The real money has always been in merchandising.

>> No.75366648
File: 76 KB, 1167x388, Screenshot (878).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75367441

yes, that's why they go on tours

>> No.75366656

A lot of QTE in this game but it's fun

>> No.75366677

>cost to talents
*Cover this is a project by cover, nit the talents.

>> No.75366688 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 724x936, PekoUooooohhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75366689
Quoted by: >>75366769

unrelated but I've been jamming to this fucking song for the past couple of days

>> No.75366712
Quoted by: >>75366838

Akua is lucky as fuck

>> No.75366734 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>75366790

Come watch my 3DPD wife anontachi.

>> No.75366736

I hope she's giving up her life

>> No.75366750
File: 688 KB, 828x1538, 9D220753-BB5E-44A9-9DBB-EF0980158097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it is a loss, they'll take more from future songs to make up for it
To strengthen your point, it’s worse than that.
The person locked into a label contract has a set number of years / songs / albums he had to make to fulfill his contract so he can’t just take the dive and not release anything and run their contract out.
And when they do it, anything they produced under the label is off limits for them if the label chooses so, and they closed the “re record” loophole Taylor Swift opened.

>> No.75366753 [SPOILER] 
File: 523 KB, 1080x1143, otsukacollab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice recommendation I got here

>> No.75366754

>anon let a fucking randos on /vt/ lives rent free inside his head

>> No.75366769

For me it's this

>> No.75366775

Go get some sleeps Jeremy. This is your only chance.

>> No.75366780

Tenri my beloved

>> No.75366790

>clicked expecting that buxom gundam chick
>left disappointed
She cute but I need some meet to please my eyes

>> No.75366796 [DELETED] 

Oh shit they got kanata in naruto?

>> No.75366831

now this is sad

>> No.75366838


>> No.75366848
Quoted by: >>75367478

Ame sold out as fast. Anons couldn't catch the numbers also.

>> No.75366890
Quoted by: >>75366924

I don't drink but I assume a Japanese teenager who might weight like 125 lbs and doesn't drink at all might have issues if they drink that much alcohol and caffeine. Remember they're not burger teens already breaking 150lbs by the time they're 13.

>> No.75366894
File: 109 KB, 552x500, 1692697195468051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75366927

Pekora should stop being weak! she already play DBZ and should get the message.

>> No.75366900

>haachama, mel, FUBUKI and MATSURI
>not lolicons

>> No.75366918
Quoted by: >>75367044

>It took anons two hours to realise that he's shit at explaining

>> No.75366924
Quoted by: >>75367038

Asians also have a lower tolerance for alcohol.

>> No.75366927
File: 85 KB, 1294x280, Screenshot (879).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75366932

Two of the thread's favorite indies are collabing? Did we do this?

>> No.75366956


>> No.75366959

>to strengthen your point
stop samefagging

>> No.75366972
Quoted by: >>75367030

Ah yeah yesterday anon said Aqua should be hitting 2 million sub today, how it's looking?

>> No.75366981

Can we just agree that Kobo is just retarded and her saying that she spends zero money just means that the song is running at a net profit

>> No.75366985 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 543x680, PekoPray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will reach her peak power at midnight, I BELIB

>> No.75366987

There a small part of me that wishes Akutan slips up and uses migo to talk shit to pekora.

>> No.75366990

anyone who is actually decent and has singing talent wont apply to nijisanji anon

>> No.75366997
Quoted by: >>75367043

Pekochan, release a cover of a Dragoball song

>> No.75367002
File: 560 KB, 891x891, 1715176918430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for supporting my cause mchan

>> No.75367020

Miko pondering deeply why she has trouble with elementary school questions when she felt that she does decently at school

>> No.75367023
Quoted by: >>75367205

>Don't the vast majority of musicians and bands make most of their profit from live gigs and concerts and other such performances?
yes because the real money has always been in merch

>> No.75367026

is pekotyan shadowbanned?

>> No.75367030
File: 1.42 MB, 2048x2304, 1692151804341010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75367230


>> No.75367034


>> No.75367038
Quoted by: >>75367179

Nah, you’re talking nonsense. I’m the designated drinker of the company and the only crowd that can get me fucked up in company events are the koreans.
Those little yellow niggers can drink a lumberjack under the table without breaking a sweat

>> No.75367041

Why did you use advanced english to monkey

>> No.75367043

>Asking Pekora to release song
That would just kill it, she should roleplaying Goku instead

>> No.75367044

>ofc mv isn't free record labels have to profit somehow
>well do you consider a car free if you have to pay installments on a loan?
>SHIT ANALOGY because i don't make money with a car
>well what about a tractor or hoe? If you take a loan out do you consider it free?
This shit isn't new or fucking difficult at all, idc what you say, this shit is on retards being brainlets

>> No.75367046
Quoted by: >>75367233

It would be Cover's money, she didn't pay for anything

>> No.75367073 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 1435x1014, 116632243_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75367173

>> No.75367094

god, youtube hate, the vod of akupeko really got stuck at 944k and 895k for a whole day and its still stuck

>> No.75367095

>pekora losing against aqua in ccv
I guess this would be the last akupeko streams in a long while

>> No.75367104

Lately I am addicted to Terraria and neglected watching streams (Still make sure to catch Pekora tho)
Feeling like shit, but Terraria with mods are so cool, there's even Hololive references

>> No.75367108
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 54weq897123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75367133

>Two kekkaroos fighting is so hilarious

>> No.75367120
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>> No.75367127

Is this argument about Kobo potentially losing money?
From what I understood, holo-n participants were basically contractors. They got paid money, either in a fixed rate or by percentage of sales, after t
Basically, saying that holo-n participants can lose money is like saying an employee can lose money if the company gets bankrupt because they have to bail it out.

>> No.75367129
Quoted by: >>75367181

Cull is real

>> No.75367133
File: 58 KB, 747x566, 8E3E07E7-ED77-4985-A200-1338ABFD2C02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75367140

For doing story mode? Should've pick ninja storm trilogy

>> No.75367143
Quoted by: >>75367247

>another version of what that anon is saying
>to strengthen your point
Anon, if you're confident that your right, just say it. No need to samefag and act as if there are another person supporting you. Do (you) afraid that you're actually wrong because everyone was against you?

No need to afraid, just be confident. You only look like a retard now by obviously samefagging when it's extremely obvious you're the same person.

>> No.75367150

Anon? Korone beat her too until the end, in stream like these, it's natural for the winner to get more viewer no? It's not an indication of anything

>> No.75367159 [DELETED] 

>Pekora finally found someone that could rival her numbers in the future
Don't be such a retarded monkey, collabs like these between the two will instead happen way more frequently.

>> No.75367173

Nice one

>> No.75367179

It's a gene 30-50% of east Asians have. It gives them lowered alcohol tolerance and it's what gives them that red flush

>> No.75367181
Quoted by: >>75367234

It's gotten worse lately.

>> No.75367188

supplier, I mean.

>> No.75367196

happened with akupeko minecraft too, wait for a few days, and they'll properly cut the low quality views eventually

>> No.75367203


>> No.75367205
Quoted by: >>75367382

which, btw
> Music is a massive money and time sink
was the fucking original point of the post, so if the angle now is "well it doesnt matter if they make no money off of mv" then that was the literal starting position, it has to be worth in other ways that should be measureable like ccv, merch sales increase, outside collabs, or views on the rest of the content

>> No.75367208

No, can we just agree that you're retarded instead?

>> No.75367213
Quoted by: >>75367373

>All the replies not knowing it's a PS2 game
Thread quality going way down

>> No.75367217

I miss only up…

>> No.75367221


>> No.75367230

My take was that Aqua had one foot out the door but Pekora giving her the attention Aqua always wanted from Pekora made her stay. She feels gratitude and love towards Pekora despite the abuse.

>> No.75367233
Quoted by: >>75367423

Are you the guy that said Kobo is not signed under a music label

>> No.75367234
Quoted by: >>75367302

small dog syndrome youTube curator faggots

>> No.75367247
File: 26 KB, 1228x146, wao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75367503

How are you this fucking stupid?
>obviously samefagging when it's extremely obvious you're the same person.
well I'm not so...

>> No.75367262

Lol Pekora not fucking winning this

>> No.75367282
File: 668 KB, 945x658, Screenshot (880).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh news, the lineup for sf6 cr cup, weakest lineup they have. also more women. team 3 basically has 2 male and the rest is female

>> No.75367294
Quoted by: >>75367629

How is Aqua so bad at the lava floor part, not even Miko struggled with it

>> No.75367296

Why can't holostars play shonen game? They're brotuber right

>> No.75367299

It's akuover

>> No.75367302


>> No.75367304

>Good morning in chat
It's morning in which timezone rn?

>> No.75367306 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 940x2433, PekoBum sniffing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She still has 47 minutes, BELIB IN HER ANONTACHI!!!

>> No.75367321


>> No.75367324
Quoted by: >>75367386

It has been 4 months since Entah. If what you're saying is true she should already feels the damage now since Entah was a massive flop (remember 80% of its views was from ad) and UMJ spent tons of money from marketing.

But no, somehow last month she got "a lot of salary", the month where she took a break and only streams like 4 times. I wonder where the money comes from? Oh yeah, you're right, she must be lying!! Hehehehe stupid brat think we won't notice huh?

>> No.75367328

what the fuck my 5view ear licking wife doing here?

>> No.75367345
File: 28 KB, 115x84, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Jurard?

>> No.75367357

no homos?

>> No.75367364
Quoted by: >>75367448


>> No.75367373

The newest ones are called "Naruto Ultimate Ninja storm" and it's on steam

>> No.75367376

Aqua's failure is going to secure her bronze

>> No.75367382

>Music is a massive money and time sink
Yeah, it's such a money sink. You can clealy see how there are no rich musicians in this world. Even Taylor Swift only looks rich because UMG paid her to cover the truth when in reality she's in massive debt.

>> No.75367385

No the argument is about mv having 0 costs for talents
If you only get part of the profit of a project that you did, those are still costs to you, unless you think renting a machine or software isn't a cost because you (potentially, i dont really know the exact details of holon) get more out of it than you spend every month

>> No.75367386

>But no, somehow last month she got "a lot of salary"
considering its indonesia $300 is "a lot of salary" for them

>> No.75367387
Quoted by: >>75367448

>can't stop thinking about homos

>> No.75367402

They are occupied with the StarsJP concert no?

>> No.75367414

lol, they don't have the connection and fame. even the management beg for 1 homo slot to be included in botan's tourney

>> No.75367413

I see. I might be wrong.
Here's the biggest question. If the artist cannot recoup the investment, will the artist take the loss or the record label itself?

>> No.75367417

Why would the name be written in Japanese?

>> No.75367415

How about you anon, are on seapagpag or yurofag timezone?

>> No.75367423


>> No.75367436
Quoted by: >>75367576

>All the way back to the ice ramp

>> No.75367441


>> No.75367447

>Peko wishing Aqua to cry
why is she like this?

>> No.75367448

I was joking...

>> No.75367454
Quoted by: >>75367610

why do you have homo cock on yor mind so much?

>> No.75367463

They just kick the artist out if it gets too bad

>> No.75367465

yep, i forgot that holos were taylor swift my bad
OOps sorry i dropped these accidentally
>inb4 not musician holos, inb4 marine spends millions on mvs inb4 suisei inb4 whataboutism
If you pay for something in installments that is still a cost, i really dont care about whatever semantics you want to discuss now

>> No.75367478

with ame there's always the chance she decided she hated numbers/money that day and set the limited to like 200 items

>> No.75367482


>> No.75367483
Quoted by: >>75367553

We saw Kobos youtube payout dashboard, if I remember right it was about 12k. Split 50/50 with cover thats 6k. For ad rev memberships and sc. Not streamlabs or merch. So no $300 is not a lot for her

>> No.75367484

Funniest homobeggar

>> No.75367486

All overseas talents have an official Japanese spelling.

>> No.75367493

don't kink shame her

>> No.75367503

Even my 10 years old lil brother knows how to inspect element anon, like that ss can prove anything kek. It's okay it's a good point, why pretend it's from somebody else?

>> No.75367504
File: 337 KB, 940x2433, PekoBum sniffing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

43min left, believe in her anontachi!!!
Amerilards region. It's 16:16 in France.

>> No.75367517

It would be funny

>> No.75367518

>If the artist cannot recoup the investment, will the artist take the loss or the record label itself?
the record label eats the loss but the artist might not get the same support as last time or worse get kicked out

>> No.75367526

The graph showing exactly where Aqua took a major fall

>> No.75367535

That's a pretty solid lineup, it's just mostly core FPS box fags without the bigger names like Kuzuha, Shaka, Korone, etc that they had in previous cups

>> No.75367545
File: 137 KB, 463x453, 93849034820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75367553

pretty sure it was 2.5m yen

>> No.75367569
Quoted by: >>75367602


>> No.75367572
File: 106 KB, 439x686, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75367617

>>75367526 (me)
the graph in question

>> No.75367576


>> No.75367578
File: 922 KB, 1920x1080, 1712135524596459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna throw up.

>> No.75367595
Quoted by: >>75367663

that's literally the minimum wages retard, literal factory slave got paid that per month. maybe do a research first before exposing your retardation. oh wait you can't, you can only said everything from you ass oops i forgot

>> No.75367601

The timezones that actually spend money

>> No.75367602
Quoted by: >>75367672

Astel may still be suffering a menhera moment

>> No.75367610

Well to shit on them of course, my good man.

>> No.75367617

Peculiar, because this is exactly the opposite of Miko graph, where falling cause a rise in viewers instead of losing

>> No.75367621

It fell flat

>> No.75367629

miko is used to dealing with maga

>> No.75367643

They switch POVs

>> No.75367650

Miko is planning to play Sisyphus again, 3h time limit from bottom to top

>> No.75367651

It makes sense. In Miko's case she's trying to win, a fall is only a net negative. In this case, a fall helps the other person, so people are tabbing over to see how bad it is.

>> No.75367655

People want to see these two suffer for the banter while Miko just wanted to beat the game

>> No.75367663

>that's literally the minimum wages retard
according to google thats actually double the minimum wage in majority of indonesia

>> No.75367672

If there was such a betting side I would bet on Astel being the next to graduate across any branch of Hololive and Holostars, and that’s based on his own statement last year
>if I had gone into a hiatus right now I would definitely not return
when talking about his own audience giving him grief about his “sexpest arc” with Niu

>> No.75367684
File: 1.17 MB, 2277x2617, Azu-chan crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora loves watching and hearing girls cry, she said it herself plenty of times already.

>> No.75367685

>no daigo
>no botan

>> No.75367690

so speedrun mode

>> No.75367691

>/#/ loves it
yeah it'll 100% flop

>> No.75367707

I mean on a similar note that's also true on the VP front and why those illegal packs from that nijijp male, allegedly AI, but when challenged everything got buried off-court.
Niji system is built on devaluing talents self-esteem and worth.

>> No.75367705
File: 33 KB, 740x337, 363456345636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has options for that

>> No.75367713

WHAT was that? Do the boulder just randomly jump like that?

>> No.75367800

The geyser maybe? I was farming at the casino in dq11 so I didn't watch.

>> No.75367801

The boulder is a 53piss

>> No.75367811

wasn't watching, but there are geysers(?) that launch the boulder up

>> No.75367820
File: 48 KB, 596x628, 1694659803582035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anycolor staff has the bright idea

>> No.75367825

I hope Miko will do more solo streams

>> No.75367890
File: 102 KB, 960x1024, 1715166889868604m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One less cunny in the world...
