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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 130 KB, 768x1024, Fxi-U4UaQAAmoOK.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75193521 No.75193521 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:











Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>75176812

>> No.75193538
File: 312 KB, 1200x1600, GM0tgR8bIAAr2_1.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with my cute wife
I'm so sleepy I just slept through the entire day

>> No.75193549
File: 158 KB, 640x864, 1696314412075446.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 hours

>> No.75193564
File: 356 KB, 1847x2048, 20350215_234800_IMG_0901 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.75193626
Quoted by: >>75197703

I'mma edit this so it loops him standing back up and falling cause I think it'd look really funny

>> No.75193643
File: 486 KB, 1920x1080, _NijiEN_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.75193886
Quoted by: >>75194277

You can nuke supas?

>> No.75193896
File: 120 KB, 1024x1024, 157654665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you, Milord!

>> No.75193923
Quoted by: >>75194092

The vtuber for this feel award this month is here

>> No.75193942

Are you really a man if you don't cum at the first sight of a girl's armpit?

>> No.75194019

I get hard, I don't cum right away...

>> No.75194092

I think what bothers me the most is that the PC is orientated so that the hot exhaust air is getting blown straight to the girl. Use the case ports in the front or the ports in the monitor.

>> No.75194126

Armpits aren’t a turn on for me

>> No.75194179
File: 215 KB, 499x500, 1693110111493511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75194202
File: 573 KB, 799x564, MyBigSisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75194233 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.39 MB, 2607x1501, __aia_amare_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_kongdebiekanl__77725c6c4f3f4817cdf0a7de09b395ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75194752

Imagine the fragrance.

>> No.75194277

You can delete the message.
WHy? Some monkey trying shit again?

>> No.75194304

Todays ongoing and upcoming streams:
https://youtu.be/nbhipy0NsOE Aia MC
https://youtu.be/n1aoMEEQuOw Uki HSR
https://youtu.be/k4dJi6qwfF0 Vanta P3R
https://youtu.be/sNgqag8VC5U Scarle (what the fuck is a horchata help me out guys)
https://youtu.be/ajdNo9FhHrs Meloco Pokemon

Shorts from this week:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-FVgrPv5GM speeen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HaqSrHom3I 1 min intro to shu

Short clips from this week:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RtU1ivhRyM Vox animated clip
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN9EnbACT2I Uki clip
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFBhuvdBzv4 Vanta kunai rizz
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sayoabHjcE4 smallban
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2H3NyqSx2Pw Alban Ao Oni clip
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_thINgJKd9c Alban clip
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHJ3WHV42bw Weekly Highlights
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRN2h730F6U Alban Clip
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gosCAuV23Fg Alban Buckshot Roulette clip

Longer videos from this week:
https://youtu.be/zHjk20j4EV0?si=HJr5SLCTvFzwK_CT Vivikino

Songs from this week:
https://youtu.be/JebSygojkM4 Desire MV
https://youtu.be/V0m7bsAqWzQ?si=bsCYa_lM947LENXj Elira Maria Moonlight Destiny Cover
https://youtu.be/Eo3n2feBcds EnnaMelo [A]ddiction cover

>> No.75194413
File: 727 KB, 1080x1080, FM3E3PWaQAIDhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuca wuca!

>> No.75194725


>> No.75194746
Quoted by: >>75195339

I'm watching Aia.

>> No.75194752
File: 316 KB, 1536x2048, 1704621680237967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aia sex is underrated

>> No.75194780

im stressing out over tests but im not gonna study and probably gonna go to sleep soon but im gonna watch some random shit on youtube before i do

>> No.75194815
File: 222 KB, 395x660, 1714356008489015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75194930

>Scarle (what the fuck is a horchata help me out guys)
el no sabe

>> No.75194853


>> No.75194878
File: 862 KB, 3157x3157, 1702771735038306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75194962


>> No.75194913
Quoted by: >>75195078

>Aia going out of her way to limit her growth again

Good job goob

>> No.75194930
Quoted by: >>75195062


>> No.75194962
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x678, 1687154047209191[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxrdaqd.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75195448


>> No.75194973
File: 3.82 MB, 310x262, kotoka reaction 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75194987
File: 51 KB, 240x240, luca love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75195091

horchata is a mexican rice drink made with rice an cinnamon, it tastes really good.

>> No.75195047
File: 133 KB, 263x368, 1701818145928010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did she do it bros...

>> No.75195062
Quoted by: >>75195091

It's a rice drink popular in Mexico and other latin countries. It's made with milk, rice, water, and cinnamon.

>> No.75195078
Quoted by: >>75195258

I clicked and it looks like she’s just shitting on some kid for being retarded

>> No.75195091

what would a horchata endurance stream be then........ shes just cooking it?

>> No.75195169

>kids aren't inherently evil

>> No.75195198

There's a particular straining process you do to prepare it, so my guess is that she's going to show that step and how to make it from scratch. She might be making batches of it!

>> No.75195235

probably, it is scarle after all. you also have to let it sit after blending the ingredients together or else it will just taste like water

>> No.75195258

He was talking in a slightly annoying way and she lit him up because she wasn't sure if he was a bot (despite, you know, interacting with her)

>> No.75195262

They arent. Kids have no sense of right and wrong, just feelings, so if they see something different and they haven't been taught that it might be normal, they either fear it or attack it.
Its why improperly raised kids are literal demons, nobody ever taught them shit so they just go with their base impulses and desires.

>> No.75195300

the agony of not knowing when she's coming back is too much

>> No.75195339

Im filling her hole

>> No.75195363

I’m glad my mom isn’t one of the retards that falls for the AI shit on facebook, we make fun of it together

>> No.75195405

A kid's morality is sculpted by their environment. They do things instinctually unless taught otherwise, through parenting or learning from mistakes (touching a hot stove for example). Bad kids are bad because of bad parents unless it's because of mental illness the parents can't cope with

>> No.75195424

im coughing so much the muscle under my boob hurts now

>> No.75195448
File: 125 KB, 336x336, 1684128602622249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss shysemi...

>> No.75195494

why the hell reimu has the same vod views of enna in her 3D when enna's was a week ago and it hasn't been 24 hours for reimu.

>> No.75195557

isnt the answer obvious?

>> No.75195591

Reimu brought an army of sex and unity with her

>> No.75195604

Yo should know if you have watched them both

>> No.75195664

>Mostly Reimu/Niji fans watched it live
Not that hard to figure out man

>> No.75195735

Reimu worked her ass off to bring friends from 4 different companies. People get curious anon. Simple.

>> No.75195766
File: 263 KB, 1444x2048, 1684906484771552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely by accident found out that one of Ike's biggest clippers is a huge shotacon like her 3x3 is all shotas and her alt account is all uoh worthy so I've been going through that and wondering how did I only found out about this after 3 years but anyway rare clipper w or whatever kids say

>> No.75195816
Quoted by: >>75195851

which clipper? the one that oshis koto too?

>> No.75195851
Quoted by: >>75195885

yep that one

>> No.75195855
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, ikesmilewave.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75195865
Quoted by: >>75196124

Reimu ending her 3d after talk stream with that emotional talk really felt like a cathartic send off for the relays, I keep thinking about how far they’ve made it and feeling really happy

>> No.75195885


>> No.75195886

Reimu's 3d has been the biggest unity sex 3D. But leaving that aside it was actually entertaining. Not saying Enna wasn't but Reimu has probably been one of the best out there with Rosemi's. People enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.75195904
File: 89 KB, 1024x729, 1714930585272170m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna time
Listen to [A]ddiction by Meloco and Enna!!!

>> No.75195921
File: 218 KB, 946x2048, FJ4boD2XMA45TRr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta fight
for your right
to suuuuuuck dick

>> No.75195940
File: 23 KB, 291x291, 1712638535109385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75196144

Always found it funny when people used to say in the past, that Pomu would be the biggest unityfag in Niji.
Her crippling autism always prevented her from doing such things, and that was a huge shame, what could have been.

>> No.75195967
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, 1714876909730431.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75195992

Nijien for this feel?

>> No.75196013

Oh I used to dislike that clipper because of clout chasing they used to do in the past, now it's chill

>> No.75196014
Quoted by: >>75196178

This dude needs his eyes checked real bad, or this is just poor bait.

>> No.75196041
File: 871 KB, 385x475, 1684053690970580.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75196068

based and shotapilled

>> No.75196118


>> No.75196124
File: 116 KB, 768x1024, 1713792514794331m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was having a rough time this year but we keptby her side at all times and that support really helped her out! I'm so happy for Reimu

>> No.75196125
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x1620, 1714953835606.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75196136
File: 893 KB, 376x568, 1695581376517247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75196263

right about now
you are about to be possessed
by the sounds of
MC Rose Lock
and DJ Chris P. Bacon
hit it

>> No.75196144
Quoted by: >>75196257

She can make the connections but she can't stand up as a representative, the pressure is too much for her... Still she did her beat so often. I still cry every time I listen to the Oto no naru hoe e...

>> No.75196157
Quoted by: >>75196272

i appreciate the clips she did on her alt of the shota stream

>> No.75196178
Quoted by: >>75196262

Enna's at 188k 7 days ago
Reimu's 121k 23 hours ago.......

>> No.75196200


>> No.75196212
File: 1.22 MB, 536x311, 1688017433191830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the buttjobs

>> No.75196214 [SPOILER] 
File: 333 KB, 617x844, 1693272226759728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75196257

I feel she cannot make the connections she cares too much about her parasocial fanbase and pissing a side off. If she wants to keep everyone happy she'll limit herself and that's why she didn't end up being a unityfag.

>> No.75196263
File: 885 KB, 319x371, 1713937006969817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75196262
Quoted by: >>75196330

>why the hell reimu has the same vod views of enna
>same vod views

>> No.75196272

i have been going through her alt and saving so much art thank god cute boys exist

>> No.75196308

hot dog

>> No.75196315


>> No.75196330

I think you get the point of what anon wanted to get at.

>> No.75196354
File: 242 KB, 2048x2048, F_lT_pRbUAAcfWq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75196462

cali pentomo stop doing drugs now im sad

>> No.75196375

Every Ike enjoyer is a shotacon whether or not they admit it

>> No.75196462
File: 140 KB, 1200x1200, 546465464646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75196468
Quoted by: >>75196765

imo not only that. She brought other people from other companies plus her game section was genuinely funny and she divided the music pretty decently too. A pretty good 3D overall.

>> No.75196490

>Anonymous 3 minutes ago No.75196212>>751963081688017433191830.webm (1.22 MB, 536x311)File: 1688017433191830.webm (1.22 MB, 536x311) google yandex iqdb wait Imagine the buttjobs

>> No.75196513
File: 284 KB, 1300x1500, 1697663562279885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true and very much real

>> No.75196612

why is hsr a debuff game

>> No.75196627

homestar runner

>> No.75196639
File: 935 KB, 367x312, 1714877667279538.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I workout

>> No.75196671
File: 10 KB, 246x205, prettyelira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gn!! love you guys!!!

>> No.75196706
Quoted by: >>75196965


>> No.75196730 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 941x530, IMG_4592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75196742
File: 163 KB, 306x323, 21565655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75196965

Good night Wiwa! Sweet dreams!

>> No.75196752
File: 45 KB, 643x656, a mimir wuca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75196965


>> No.75196765

it made me want to see them play other games like red light green light in 3D. does anyone remember the ninja game that was really popular... it has to have been 15 years ago at this point? i think that'd be fun to watch in 3D

>> No.75196776

Except everybody in that drawing ignores Doki for good reason LMFAO

>> No.75196789
File: 2.92 MB, 800x900, 1693745628557248.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75196792

it's low effort

>> No.75196838
File: 139 KB, 631x503, 1694269759470969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75196855
File: 473 KB, 832x713, 20350216_080710_IMG_0909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75196965

Goodnight, Weewa! Sweetest dreams!

>> No.75196895

>Only one person in this image has collabed with Doki

>> No.75196965
File: 12 KB, 563x322, ewiwasleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn kindred!!!!
goonai lucubbbbb
GN BUD!!!!!!!

>> No.75196969

Aia your conversation topics today are too real kek

>> No.75196973


>> No.75196995
File: 174 KB, 512x512, 1706506765157320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cute wife! i love her! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRR-ceOuEUE

>> No.75197379

I liked your wife's ASMR anon

>> No.75197466

cocks out for anon's wife

>> No.75197703
File: 711 KB, 540x540, ichael eveland[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9yncpm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't say that and then not do it
unless this was your master plan in which case i accept taking the fall

>> No.75197716

Nobody? Then here

>> No.75197722

It still makes me feel warm seeing you and your wife, anon. Can't believe it'll be 6 years if we include /jp/ days for me. She's very cute

>> No.75197780

I just got home like 15 minutes ago so you beat me to the punch!

>> No.75197867
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, 1714885845114168m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75198071

Enna's next outfit is a red white and blue bikini with big breasts and she's holding two machine guns and has holsters filled with beer cans and her hair is hamburger themed

>> No.75198134

Pomu just admitted she's lonely without a wave or group of friends she belongs in.

>> No.75198140

notPomu misses the camaraderie of being with a group... ueue

>> No.75198142


>> No.75198150
File: 1.29 MB, 2706x4096, 1714955881144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny LOVE
Feesh LOVE
Wosemi LOVE
Stream Cendrillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Stream Break Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejo
Stream Ringo Mogire Beam

>> No.75198152


>> No.75198211
Quoted by: >>75198301

but /vt/ told me everyone in nijien hates each other and only pretend to be friends???

>> No.75198287
File: 2.15 MB, 2047x3652, 1699315060937822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75199066


>> No.75198301

I'm pretty sure if not for the corpo no collab clauses, she'd be collabing with some of the Nijis she used to collab with a lot...

>> No.75198305
Quoted by: >>75198375

she can always come back

>> No.75198312
Quoted by: >>75198375

first EN ungraduation when

>> No.75198359

That's it I'll become a vtuber and be her indie friend

>> No.75198371

She graduated peacefully, the door is open for her.

>> No.75198375

Real talk, is that technically possible? Does anyone ever do that in vtubing world?

>> No.75198396

Please... She can ungraduate, we have precedent. Come back Pommers...

>> No.75198437
File: 98 KB, 300x300, lucadokidoki..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ive been wanting to watch that anime, i read a bit of the manga and based some yume commissions off of the manga scenes..

>> No.75198440


>> No.75198497
Quoted by: >>75198837

>Reimu loves a condition called love
>Enna hates it

>> No.75198516

Why would she want to come back and kill all her viewers goodwill. Not to mention the branch has no sub growth anymore.

>> No.75198586

makes me teary eyed to rewatch dcl without her being there...

>> No.75198634

Pomu fans would stay with her forever and she'd have a ton of growth.
Some apes would be mad but who cares about them.

>> No.75198674

Honestly I want EN vtubing in general to get to the point where corpos allow you to basically do whatever you want on your PL, while allowing for more interaction with and appearances by graduated members.

>> No.75198722

Despite having many sidechicks pomies are loyal to her. That's all she needs

>> No.75198801

i am always sad to see long time fans go...

>> No.75198837

does she like that one romance anime about the deaf girl reimu likes

>> No.75198839
Quoted by: >>75199143

Bullypanda did didnt she

>> No.75198940
Quoted by: >>75199552

Isn't that already possible with non JP corpos? The problem is JP isn't it

>> No.75198972
Quoted by: >>75199113

No one here knows anything about Nijisanji anymore huh

>> No.75199044
File: 598 KB, 1069x1502, ab7ad0ff214fb253fd8a2dfc8668b9c0_9f369f8d_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoujo romance never makes sense and that's why i like it

>> No.75199045


>> No.75199066


>> No.75199074

even if it's not 1 for 1 the same case, i don't see why they'd say no.

>> No.75199090

I’m not even a dramafag but Pomu probably left NijiEN with a lot of baggage from the stress she dealt with being under the company. I’m not one of the people who thinks all of her self worth issues came from NijiEN but I definitely think having had to deal with so many rejections and hurdles to the point it was stressing her probably left her with some sort of “trauma” that unless she really desperately misses that camaraderie of being in a group or she gains new prospects with all of the things coming out of NijiEN lately I don’t think she would find worth joining back for especially since she’s kind of getting older

>> No.75199113

Eops wouldn't know. They don't know anything. Majority of them don't even know how much Nijisanji paved the way for what our current vtuber scene is

>> No.75199140

I think japs are autistic with rules

>> No.75199143

Who the heck is banderas

>> No.75199159
Quoted by: >>75199210

this is hotter than sex

>> No.75199167

Enna the most popular girl has 600 viewers. Pomu would be crazy to come back.

>> No.75199207
File: 994 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_5197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75199345

Hehehe same here!

>> No.75199210
File: 1.37 MB, 1600x2278, 31bd61dae5cf9d3db64a2463a211cdd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree

>> No.75199229
Quoted by: >>75199345

God I love Hananoi. His obsession is great, I love it so much. The stunt he pulled with the girl who cut his gf's hair was hilarious.

>> No.75199309
Quoted by: >>75199829

the other company is allowed to do that to some degree, they just aren't allowed to stream as vtubers iirc. I don't know what the rules are for nijisanji, it's possible they just willingly dedicate most of their time to their current lives but they might have an exclusivity contract, I don't know. But a lot of them still post on their old sns and I see them in youtube stream chats sometimes on their old accounts, some people still have memberships open on their old channels, the only actual content I know of that has been put out was when notIke appeared on a song a while back while being in nijisanji

>> No.75199329

Sasaki did really early on before a lot of things were all that established and the precedent giving people reason to try to bargain with graduating vtubers has caused its own problems that she regrets. I at least remember Mayuzumi also acknowledging that it would be possible to return if he wanted but the chances of it were slim. So it is technically possible and even when graduating they were allowed to take it back up until the very end, but they all had their own reasons for leaving so it's not something you should expect to happen again.

>> No.75199345
Quoted by: >>75199451

i just like reading two people obsessed with each other
he's a great mc compared to most in shoujo romance mangas because his obsession is so genuine kek

>> No.75199376

Time will pass anyway no matter what is her choice

>> No.75199418

she's going to be so disappointed because that's not what happens

>> No.75199451
File: 124 KB, 253x369, 151616561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of my favorite things too! I'm still sad Coffee + Vanilla ended recently, but I'm following a few other titles to keep my inspo alive!

>> No.75199497
File: 288 KB, 640x919, 1714957171135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75199582

it's not a shoujo but kirishima being an actual psycho is why i love raise wa tanin ga ii

>> No.75199550

She’s just gonna join vshojo she’s just prepping her fans to the idea

>> No.75199552

Yeah, one of the more popular examples of EN corpos being lax about PL is GX Aura who's very active on both of her personalities. One small corpo I follow has let some of their current girls collab with some of their graduated members' PLs. And another one has been pretty jovial about their only graduate, still releasing info and assets about her, and she's been in regular contact with her former genmates.

>> No.75199582
File: 175 KB, 682x1024, EVGAr_MXQAMMiab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee + vanilla.. i don't think i ever finished that series kek
i haven't read any new ones in a while other than a condition called love, i miss the obssesiveness some older ones had without the mc being a total tsundere or doormat.
oooh im putting this on my list

>> No.75199598

>while allowing for more interaction with and appearances by graduated members.
The whole reason they graduate is to move past that character though. The entire point is to distance themselves from everything and move forward. People just need to learn to let go.

>> No.75199671

>People just need to learn to let go.

>> No.75199707
Quoted by: >>75199918

have you read cheese in the trap because whatever those two leads have going on is driving me insane years after finishing it

>> No.75199717

Enna hates it lol

>> No.75199730
Quoted by: >>75199781

guess i'll windwaker myself..

>> No.75199781

I can't even begin to puzzle together what that might mean

>> No.75199829

Enna's been in a song too. If there is an exclusivity contract, it probably only bans livestreaming as a different vtuber.

>> No.75199837
File: 245 KB, 600x862, 1714957344768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75199918

if you haven't read it go read it right now!!! seeing regular people do crazy things for love is one thing, but seeing crazy people slowly and painstakingly learn to be almost normal, almost human for love is so enjoyable.

>> No.75199859

she's dumb, she left because management didn't let her do all the "crazy projects" she wanted but now that she's free and indie again I don't see her doing anything special, she just keep playing games, doing zatsus, some random drawing streams and occasionally doing karaoke

>> No.75199867
File: 320 KB, 505x554, 16561651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75199918

Ahh it ended recently! Makes me sad because both that and Teito Hatsukoi Shinjuu were my faves for many years through game design school. I'm currently enjoying Kiss in the Flower Bloom, Bungo ni Sasageru Otome, and Majo Maid wa Joou no Himitsu wo Shitte iru, along with some older shoujo I managed to win from an auction.

>> No.75199918

i haven't but i've been meaning to, i know there's a kdrama out there too
oh god.. yeah im reading this kek
oh so many.. but knowing your job, it is expected kek

>> No.75199946

I don't think she really knows what she wants in general.

>> No.75199984

vanta is mr. worldwide like reimu already

>> No.75199999
Quoted by: >>75200401

I only agree to half of your opinion but at least some exniji en doesnt suffer from that like yugo

>> No.75200020
File: 312 KB, 1400x1820, 1000001035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my bird wife Enna!

>> No.75200022
Quoted by: >>75200111

highly recommend reading it before watching the drama because it changes things a lot

>> No.75200034

being an indie can be a lonely experience. that's one of the main reasons some of them go corpo; for that camaraderie

>> No.75200062

I miss her little rp in collabs or being a menhera schizo krilling finana in her sleep..

>> No.75200100
Quoted by: >>75200175

YESSSS go read it so we can freak out about the recent chapters together. it has an anime in the works iirc but i like the manga art a lot, i don't know if the anime will do it justice...

>> No.75200111
Quoted by: >>75200219

oh okay! the original manga and not the manwha right?

>> No.75200175
Quoted by: >>75200468

animes usually break or make a series especially with what they choose to omit sometimes

>> No.75200219
Quoted by: >>75200302

the manhwa that has 4 seasons, never heard of a manga for it before...

>> No.75200227
File: 316 KB, 567x531, 365464646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75200302

I tend to enjoy reading manga a lot more than watching anime, and there's a lot of shoujo that goes unadapted, or when it is, it's not done particularly well. Same with otome, since they'll just adapt a route.

>> No.75200280

She's only been back for a month, takes time to build up projects and such.

>> No.75200302
Quoted by: >>75200840

i used to hear that they were working on a manga but maybe it was just the manwha..or a webtoon
>not adapted well
yeah... nijiiro days was just an okay adaption

>> No.75200310
File: 184 KB, 403x354, 1708696601326846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75200363

Maybe NijiEN can achieve these numbers again if Elira apologizes.

>> No.75200326
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, GMkZUvTbcAAhfed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na. She left because she's an easily manipulated idiot, even her graduation was done super fast instead of just sticking around for awhile.
Fucking Mika spent more dragging ass on her graduation than Pomu did, and now, I don't understand her decisions, 2 bucks for membership? Not charging for being at Offkai? What money is she making exactly?
>B-but le 2%
Yea 2% that let her buy a metric ton of shit, quit her job, take off for japan for months, adopt a cat, clearly she was making a LOT of money.
You're not working under the sun with a pick and shovel, you're a fucking vtuber, you're playing games, singing, recording voice packs, occasional 3D shit, that's it.

>> No.75200330
Quoted by: >>75200382

I don't understand why pomu feels lonely. She has a lot of friends from small company and vhosjo, she just doesn't hang out with niji friends on discord.

>> No.75200340
Quoted by: >>75200414

did anyone itt enjoyed yubisaki to renren

>> No.75200363

Why the fuck should Elira apologize

>> No.75200382

you should say that to her by superchat

>> No.75200394

We don't know what she really wanted, and it could have been stuff she couldn't even talk about. Maybe whatever she thought was terrible gets fixed in 6 months or so and she does consider coming back? Other than making her own group, I don't know what else would work out for her.

>> No.75200401

Yugo's main interest was always music and dj-ing/night club life, everyone else just want to be a streamer or at least living off youtube (Ren and Sonny)

>> No.75200414

i didn't like it after a few episodes.. i just didn't like how fast she fell in love with him when she didn't know his name

>> No.75200427

She destroyed the branch by trying to character assassinate Doki for no fucking reason. It backfired massively and she owes everyone an apology for ruining their livelihoods with her dumb impulsive actions.

>> No.75200434
Quoted by: >>75200840

I loved Coffee and Vanilla until I didn't. It just got super repetitive and I feel it overstayed it's welcome. Risa didn't develop much for it to last as long as it did.

>> No.75200442
File: 3.76 MB, 500x888, ギャルが POKÉDANCE 踊ってみた! shorts ぶいすぽ vtuber ポケダンス.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.75200468
Quoted by: >>75200631

i suddenly remembered act-age's anime announcement...... it's too painful to even imagine an alternative timeline where the writer kept his grabby hands to himself

>> No.75200522
File: 2.06 MB, 720x1280, 1705937357586620.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75200562
Quoted by: >>75200704

bruh they can hangout irl with her in japan, it's just they will never collab with her again

>> No.75200568

im being disowned because i dont like sasunaru..

>> No.75200578
File: 185 KB, 1496x2048, 1702681762630753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75200631
Quoted by: >>75201062

your suffering..

>> No.75200640
File: 430 KB, 522x659, 17056981334443225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75200653

Elira graduating and collabing with Pomu every week is the move.

>> No.75200682

I miss pomulira uuuueeeee

>> No.75200692
Quoted by: >>75201107

Pomu would not want to collab with her after what she did.

>> No.75200704

we all know that including her but for chronically online people not being able to do shit on discord or stream with your friends feels like the end of the world

>> No.75200710

The monkeys will shit on Pomu if she interacts with anyone that "bullied" fatlen.

>> No.75200714
Quoted by: >>75200759


>> No.75200732

>implying elira will choose pomu over enna, petra and millie

>> No.75200744

Stop fucking replying for once in your goddamn life, anon

>> No.75200759
Quoted by: >>75200805


>> No.75200778
File: 318 KB, 2048x2048, GEgKd7haAAAyZCS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vanta wake up

>> No.75200805


>> No.75200840
File: 375 KB, 550x632, 21231156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhh yeah. I also feel sad when I think about Code Realize. I was happy it got an adaptation but it's so watered down. I just hope it got people into playing the game. ToT
Ahhh yeah, I love it but still agree with that it's pretty repetitive, especially since it rushed a lot at the beginning. I think for me personally, I just write a lot romance daily, so it was my comfort series without expecting much from it before gearing up for more robust shoujo stories.

>> No.75200867
Quoted by: >>75201005

I feel like Ike himself is a shota enjoyer too

>> No.75200907

Sonny graduating and collabing with Pomu every week is the move.

>> No.75200949

Sonny schedule today probably yippee I wonder what he’ll do this week
willl he ever actually play that fan game

>> No.75201005
Quoted by: >>75201344

He is absolutely a lolicon but he prefers his boys more shounen age

>> No.75201008

The fact she was so good with so many people in Niji will always make me wonder why they didn't bend over backwards to get her to stay.

>> No.75201045

She got her to shut up about her "receipts", so it ended up working in their favor. Also why bend over backwards for someone who was manipulative and couldn't listen to reason?

>> No.75201062
Quoted by: >>75201919

i really fucking liked act-age man, i was shilling it to all my moderately weeb-adjacent friends

>> No.75201078

My penis erecting and collabing with Pomu every week is the move.

>> No.75201106
Quoted by: >>75201313

she was worse and more damaging than Zaion

>> No.75201107

That's why she's still reminiscing her last trip with Elira on twitter?

>> No.75201112 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.52 MB, 2048x1767, broken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75201309

Pomu would not want to collab with him after what he did.

>> No.75201167

They respect her ideas and support her chosen path.

>> No.75201187
File: 1007 KB, 1280x1080, 1686381775271121.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75201202
File: 459 KB, 3222x2940, 1714678894139534 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu will rejoin and bring about the 2nd Psalm.

>> No.75201210
File: 768 KB, 1080x1080, 1706324113772250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75201214

Serious question to those of you who keep spamming this shit against Selen, do you actually believe it or is it just some psyop to make Niji fans look retarded? Her and Pomu built this branch, you aren't gonna convince anyone who watches NijiEN to hate Selen. Just makes you seem like a tourist trying to instigate drama.

>> No.75201254

Is Krisis the most unity wave?

>> No.75201256

What is it with Vanta and flips? Millie whores herself to him and this week he's on a collab with Octavio

>> No.75201309 [SPOILER] 
File: 976 KB, 1080x989, 1661138218059146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I can't believe he did it

>> No.75201313

It was her fault that you schizos couldn't listen and had to lash out violently at them bc they dared to defend themselves?

>> No.75201336
Quoted by: >>75201368

i never hated selen until she threw my oshi under the bus

>> No.75201344

True I remember hearing somewhere his oshi is gura idk if I was dreaming or something though but he definitely is he’s just subtle about it

>> No.75201349
File: 35 KB, 800x450, 1714539455428459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo throwing melty again

>> No.75201350

>two medicrow collabs in a week

>> No.75201368

She never did that, it was Elira/Vox/Ike who threw everyone under the bus.

>> No.75201370

Why give any support to Pomu when they can give even more support to Elira instead?

>> No.75201377
Quoted by: >>75201579

How come people kept making fun of Sonny for not having his 3.0 yet but not Zali
Actually Sonny said he doesn’t know when he’ll stream it so it makes me wonder if it’s still being worked on or he still just doesn’t know what to do with it

>> No.75201392

>Her and Pomu built this branch
Everything you say is out the window. Not reading any further.

>> No.75201402
Quoted by: >>75201689

>zali release his 3.0 before sonny. elira, kunai and etc

>> No.75201425
File: 31 KB, 321x321, IMG_5692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it’s geniunely sad some anons with no irl friends only like to gossip about bts relationships

>> No.75201426
File: 2.01 MB, 200x177, 1714872927183443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her and Pomu built this branch

>> No.75201468
Quoted by: >>75201522

we got army here?

>> No.75201472

>Her and Pomu built this branch
yeah totally that's why she had no friends and thought she was being bullied

>> No.75201488

>2 collabs with zali
>2 collabs with holostar boys
>mario party collab
i already know half his schedule before he's posted it

>> No.75201522
Quoted by: >>75201589

“Behind the scene”

>> No.75201557
Quoted by: >>75201746

stop posting this ugly outfit atlest post his new outfit

>> No.75201579

>No 3.0
>No 3000

>> No.75201589
Quoted by: >>75201618

im going to bed

>> No.75201604

isn't his holo oshi mori?

>> No.75201605

I think Selen is a stupid stubborn bitch but I also think anycolor's management is dog shit, both did irreparable damage to EN with their retarded decisions

>> No.75201618

nta but i got your joke

>> No.75201643

His oshi is mori but I'm pretty sure he has gura's nendroid, I could be wrong though because he never said who it was, just that he wasn't sure if he could talk about it. This was a while back though so I don't remember perfectly

>> No.75201657


>> No.75201663

Most actual Vtubers staying the fuck away or drifting away from Doki is pretty much all you need to see

>> No.75201672

this is the correct opinion
no malice on any side, just a lot of morons who don't even speak each other's language

>> No.75201689

Kunai has 3.0 she just hasn't showed yet, elira doesn't really need 3.0

>> No.75201696

people argue it's Noctyx but I think krisis is a solid contender

>> No.75201698

Thanks for the laugh, have one more (You)

>> No.75201730

>spaceghost wins in the end

>> No.75201746

what about his second outfit

>> No.75201748

>True I remember hearing somewhere his oshi is gura
that alban.....

>> No.75201769

vanta you dummy...

>> No.75201770

vanta you dumbass kek

>> No.75201773
File: 144 KB, 229x278, yuyuwhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. Monday. Good morming..

>> No.75201803

I don't think Selen did any direct damage to EN. They could've just let her graduate and this all would've been swept under the rug. Or they could've just not privated her song cover that was celebrating NijiEN over dumb bureaucratic bullshit. It's really hard to demonize her when there's nothing to stick to her. She is mentally ill but never acted maliciously or threw anyone under the bus. Even despite her claims about being bullied she never exposed anyone, it was Elira and her group who started throwing out names like Enna and Millie and initiated the mass-unsubbing. Selen just wanted to move on with her life.

>> No.75201809
Quoted by: >>75202063

Good morning YuQtie! Did you have a nice sleep?

>> No.75201835
File: 425 KB, 300x300, 1677940402379448320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75202063

good morming!

>> No.75201854
File: 96 KB, 214x267, 5464984463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75202063

Good morning YuQtie! Ganba to the week! I hope your Monday will be alright!

>> No.75201861

vanta collabs

>> No.75201878

I think that's the schizo
95% sure

>> No.75201916

I don't Pomu to come back because she is in girls collabs every week as an indie which is impossible to do in Niji for some reason.

>> No.75201919
Quoted by: >>75202046

>act age
Do you love bicycle??

>> No.75201996

luxiem is pretty unity but they can't collab with eachother because one collab already already killed helldivers......

>> No.75202046


>> No.75202061

I have geniune fond memories of Selen, even when I see old clips where she's involved in collabs, I enjoy them and her presence fully in spite of everything afterwards. But I will never watch Dokibird.

Not only have I not been very interested in the reincarnations (even the fairy), I don't believe she was bullied or harassed other than being pestered about the uploaded cover.

>> No.75202063
File: 36 KB, 229x278, yuyuwhaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I slept well.. Your own bed is the best bed....
Mhm mhm are you watching vanta? I want to watch streams...
Mhm! I'm still not in the mood to work but I hope I get hyped soon!!!? DoryAAAAAA

>> No.75202064
File: 57 KB, 1000x662, 1631068147037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75202094

jesus how could sonny do this in public... how scandalous!

>> No.75202100

Then why mysta graduated

>> No.75202110

everytime they've collabed, the outcome is they all start a chain reaction of getting sick one after the other or something goes wrong so they can't stream.

>> No.75202115

It would have been nice if the lawyers had told them to shut the fuck up earlier, since the drip of information made everyone assume a million things that could be true but had no way to be verified. Instead everyone looks bad.

>> No.75202136
Quoted by: >>75202262

>they didn't move luxiem collab to na time or jp time

>> No.75202146

noctyx is more of a behind the scenes kind of unity, krisis unity is very visible

>> No.75202167

>MH collab with Ruze.

>> No.75202185
File: 962 KB, 768x1024, 1706369141463582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for him to start stream actually but i will be! ganba..

>> No.75202219
Quoted by: >>75203158

That's good to hear, must be because I slept with you! Also you never said if your trip was fun, it was such a short one though.

>> No.75202231
Quoted by: >>75202323

krisis is shonen unity meanwhile noctyx is seinen unity

>> No.75202238
File: 461 KB, 692x546, 21254553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75203158

Ahhh I feel that, and it's Sunday evening for me while working. I hope today goes well, and that you had a great trip!!!

>> No.75202262

Anon nobody in luxiem has posted their new schedule yet

>> No.75202261
File: 277 KB, 900x900, 1693501008945140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75203158

Good morning, Willdottir!

>> No.75202271
Quoted by: >>75202400

with the homestuck guy, naisu

>> No.75202276
Quoted by: >>75202562

Genuine and sincere question.
Do you truly believe Doki wouldn't have tweeted I WILL NOT BE SILENCED out, if the termination statement had been neutral?

>> No.75202287
Quoted by: >>75202385

he couldn't handle all 4 at once

>> No.75202323

>suicide wave
makes sense

>> No.75202380

shu said it during apex stream that luxiem collab is saturday 5 AM JST

>> No.75202385
Quoted by: >>75202560


>> No.75202388
Quoted by: >>75202847

I wanted to watch her, but god damn the chat was so drama heavy that I had to stop after a couple of weeks. Hopefully I can go back eventually, since it does look like the drama vultures do drop off over time and the regular dragoons in chat were always fine.

>> No.75202393

He wanted to be a face cam faggot.

>> No.75202400

can't believe they got a homestuck guy before we did. the one tumblr dude we got just had to be a zoomer

>> No.75202438

anon she was about to unintentionally doxx some of her colleagues if those documents she used as proof went public. maybe she didn't with malice but her stupid irresponsible acts could do damage to others

>> No.75202450

Shu mentioned it on his stream, someone liveposted it

>> No.75202487

mysta hate bfe, fujo, 2D model, jp autism rule and etc

>> No.75202514

You're delusional.

>> No.75202518

Dont forget the voice recording of Vox that she was unable to justify.
If she recorded him, who else did she record

>> No.75202560
Quoted by: >>75202582

i don't remember gomen

>> No.75202562

I don't watch her either, because I don't like her style of content. It's too immature and repetitive. But that doesn't change the fact I respect her for taking the high road when she could've easily gotten into a pissing contest with Niji's retarded managers. I have no idea how anons characterize her as a dramafag when she's apparently the opposite.

She was the one who requested to graduate, and while waiting for her graduation confirmation Niji decided to put out the termination notice without any negotiation or communication with her side. She first heard about it on Twitter according to her. You don't have to believe her side of the story but if it's true then she's justified in being upset.

>anon she was about to unintentionally doxx some of her colleagues if those documents she used as proof went public.
According to both her and Niji those documents were legal documents meant for Anycolor's lawyers only. It was Elira's group who jumped to conclusions about them being "released to the public" which made no fucking sense.

>> No.75202582
Quoted by: >>75202762


>> No.75202616
Quoted by: >>75202685

NijiEN for this feel?

>> No.75202645

what if you get shuca's mario 3D world collab today?

>> No.75202685
File: 3.93 MB, 1600x1148, 1713822589607531.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally and ironically Petra Gurin

>> No.75202719


>> No.75202762

it was from an artist's poipiku so even reverse searching it won't help me..

>> No.75202777

All with me

>> No.75202782
Quoted by: >>75202905

>I have no idea how anons characterize her as a dramafag when she's apparently the opposite.
Explain that collab with the bunny then

>> No.75202824

you had zuttomo but anons didnt like those

>> No.75202828
File: 33 KB, 604x340, 1714361470581517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75202944

The girls are to autistic to make connections outside of Reimu, and best we'll get is a bunch of indies and other corpos like Phase, Idol etc since the EN holo girls are insular as fuck and don't interact with anyone outside of their bubble.
Nerissa's been a HUGE exception to that rule.

>> No.75202847

Right when I thought her community was starting to improve she went and collabed with Pippa. I think I'm good, personally.

>> No.75202879
File: 141 KB, 1855x2009, GLWUQz5agAAJARE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

molesting vantacrow bringer! my oshi is live playing persona 3 reload, come ball

>> No.75202895

I like zuttomo

>> No.75202905

I don't think that has anything to do with drama? Pippa and Lumi are disgusting but they have zero relation to any current drama. She has awful choice in collab partners but that isn't really evidence of anything nefarious.

>> No.75202908
File: 78 KB, 300x300, LUCAinJAIL..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75203022


>> No.75202944
Quoted by: >>75203469

if my reps don't fail me is n, shi, no, so and tsu?

>> No.75202996

rosemi sama
rosemi sama

>> No.75203022
File: 29 KB, 112x112, wucawuca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75203184

I was reading the chat and noticed pretty fast this time kek

>> No.75203031

seffyna's streaming suika game in an hour...

>> No.75203124
File: 132 KB, 250x337, 165616616121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh yay!

>> No.75203158
File: 433 KB, 383x515, happihappihappi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching him now!!!!
I had fun with my trip! It was very hot but I managed to cool down by swimming hehe (my muscles are sore)
I did have a great trip hehe thank you for asking! Uwa.. Working on a Sunday night is a mood.. I'm kinda glad someone else is as busy and I don't feel alone..
Good morming bud!!! Wosemi sama got her home 3D!!!

>> No.75203164
Quoted by: >>75203207

funny rose lady please save me

>> No.75203177
File: 1.43 MB, 960x540, aohayougozaimasu[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbx114x.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75203184
File: 26 KB, 112x112, 7b1adac1-0163-4f91-9da4-d0f7f0e21c04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75203203


>> No.75203207

Guerrilla stream in 2 hours
Believe it

>> No.75203233
File: 90 KB, 268x274, 1689300673811435520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75204295

yeah!!! watching vanta together!!

>> No.75203288
File: 2.64 MB, 1056x988, 212312212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75204295

Ahhh glad the trip went well! Hehe, I feel the same way! Let's work hard together!
Good morning Pentomo! Hope your Monday is starting off well!

>> No.75203342

man i love vanta

>> No.75203384
File: 363 KB, 850x1203, 1707466499399383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75204295

New Hampshire! Hope your day grows great, Pentomo! =w=

>> No.75203397

ive realized that the more I try and learn how JP works, the more I realize I don't understand how i learned english at all despite being a native speaker

>> No.75203445

>She was the one who requested to graduate, and while waiting for her graduation confirmation Niji decided to put out the termination notice without any negotiation or communication with her side.
>She first heard about it on Twitter according to her.
She pretty much cut off all communication with niji by that point. For all we know, that termination email was probably sitting in the inbox hours before the tweet got out.

>> No.75203469
Quoted by: >>75203559


>> No.75203480

You don't purposely/actively learn, you mostly absorb your native language.

>> No.75203493


>> No.75203559


>> No.75203563
File: 553 KB, 1080x950, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reminds me of yams

>> No.75203594

That's nice to hear! Well besides the weather.... It's so hot I've been dying while outside. Swimming sounds fun!

>> No.75203614
File: 2.89 MB, 490x292, 1714268613723321.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75204295

I'm watching Ennaur and getting sleepy

>> No.75203650
File: 284 KB, 1777x1000, FcmbKEgWQAEdC_G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EDF.... that group will never go back to finish that game

>> No.75203657
Quoted by: >>75204981

If you're just grinding reps you're ngmi realistically. You need to immerse yourself Watch/Listen to media including more "boring" stuff like JP radio news like you would learning the languages you learned growing up. Which is why the next step is conversation. Studying only matters if you use it, otherwise you don't get real conversation flow practice. My friend who's finishing his course in Japanese and is N2 told me he practiced by meeting people through tutoring them online at first then just adding them on social media and talking with them till he got to go to Japan as part of his curriculum and live there for for half a year.

>> No.75203678

That's why if you're monolingual, learning another language helps you get better at your main one.

>> No.75203693

wait that is adorable.. now i miss my sorcerer more

>> No.75203699
File: 802 KB, 1500x921, IMG_5496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luca rabu!!
i might as well say gm for how long i napped...

>> No.75203739
File: 77 KB, 300x300, luca caress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75203955

good morning SLEEPYHEAD

>> No.75203760
File: 3.18 MB, 1196x1026, 2121225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75203955

Ahhh hope it was a good nap!

>> No.75203794
File: 2.02 MB, 560x776, 1674635966283.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75203827

buds twerking

>> No.75203867
Quoted by: >>75203966

According to Elira it doesn't matter if her numbers were cut in half. She's still making above the average salary of canada, that's all that matters.

>> No.75203936
File: 229 KB, 1420x662, 6ud21t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna's pee face for today

>> No.75203944
File: 81 KB, 957x540, IMG_4713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you are correct

>> No.75203955
File: 108 KB, 300x300, IMG_5245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uee it was but now my sleep schedule is cooked, i hope he streams so i can have something to watch in the meantime (other than vanta)

>> No.75203966

i definitely believe you that these are words she said without citation, yeah

>> No.75203976

Babies unironically learn their first language through magic. It helps a lot that they're able to babble like retards all day and repeat whatever words anyone says to them though, if you do that in real life as an adult people will assume you are mentally disabled.

>> No.75204023
File: 29 KB, 128x128, lucub clowns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75204197

>i hope he streams

>> No.75204147


>> No.75204171
File: 58 KB, 464x794, 1714763968156616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75204206

>> No.75204197
File: 78 KB, 300x300, IMG_4562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75204301


>> No.75204201
File: 3.04 MB, 1378x1839, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny that even though it's technically a dead ship, hoerubros still get more fanarts than any other shu's ships with the exception of luca

>> No.75204206
Quoted by: >>75204285

Where'd you get that picture of me?

>> No.75204285

i'm right behind you.

>> No.75204295

OHAYOU LUCUUUB! hope you've had a nice day so far
good morning kindred! thank you! its started with a coffee with honey so its already a good day
minnesota! i hope it goes well too. got lots of study ahead
hope you sleep well! she's playing as herself?! i didn't know that was possible. petra was talking about playing this too! its lots of fun

>> No.75204301
File: 126 KB, 340x340, maidlucaclumsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75204318
File: 751 KB, 1170x1218, IMG_6025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime i see something rat related i think of nakarats now

>> No.75204360
File: 3.83 MB, 1920x1080, vibing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75204374

Brothers that is just too powerful
Also helps that they are polar opposites yet complimentary as well

>> No.75204424

it's been an okay day! hope you slept well

>> No.75204454

I hate looking through Ike's likes it just makes me horny for Hatsune Miku

>> No.75204491
File: 316 KB, 352x423, -o-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morming grape kun pentomo!!!!

>> No.75204691

youre laughing when thats exactly how our pandemic started kek

>> No.75204692
File: 354 KB, 3222x2940, 1662713320906306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>75204789

how are you, what are you doing?

>> No.75204708
File: 487 KB, 1000x1000, 64565456465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh I hope he does!
Ooh that's a tasty way to start the day! Good luck with the rest of today!

>> No.75204751

Why is the algorithm like this?! It just put Scarle's face and account on my timeline

>> No.75204772

I unironically miss them together so much it hurts

>> No.75204789
File: 145 KB, 1722x1722, GKpmgmSaMAAfQmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching vanta! sus.. why do you and the other pentomo always post at the same time

>> No.75204791
File: 414 KB, 1536x2048, 20240424_154206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75204794

enna both graduation baiting and espousing the virtues of being single

>> No.75204831

i went on /an/ to look for animal pictures to post, and i see that there is a cat schizo, somehow.

>> No.75204912

i can't believe ike called himself a baby boy i will make him suck on a pacifier

>> No.75204942

every hoerubrosfag remembers where they were during their until dawn impromptu collab. to me that was the true origin of shupport

>> No.75204981

I don't think I'm grinding mine, at least not completely. I've been listening to the weather and some of the jp nijis to help with immersing while I'm doing other things.
