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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.18 MB, 3840x2160, 91624947_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7449945 No.7449945 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>7463269 >>7539931

>Unarchived Karaoke Archive



【IRyS】GHOST / 星街すいせい【COVER】
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzEEffCJOjs [Embed]
【IRyS】Palette / 常闇トワ【COVER】
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53rJX52p3G8 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCf4mFiR--w [Embed]

>Original Music
【Caesura of Despair】 AMV
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDyZ3VgjcCE [Embed]
【Caesura of Despair】 full ver.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBNI979XyoE [Embed]
【Caesura of Despair】 attaca ver.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5w1lfb-RMs [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kXR71zGy3o [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGH-6CaG8HI [Embed]

Previous thread

>> No.7450018
File: 827 KB, 1920x1080, 1627846257065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old thread neither dead nor stream up...
cmon bruh

Embrace tan Nephilim supremacy and rest your burdens on Hope incarnate! It is a good week to be an IRyStochad.

>Minecraft recap
Died thrice, smashed desk twice
Planted wheat and berries
Learned about infinite water source
Used shift-click on stacks
Survived most baby zombies
Learned basic fluid mechanics
Confident with shields
Actually found diamonds and carried them to safety!
She's planning to hold weekly karaoke streams, preferably on the weekend
Membership is waiting for mane-chan and art commissions

>Voted best bop by previous thread
Odo 踊 - IRyS

>> No.7450057
Quoted by: >>7450159

>I double embed youtube links
fuck me.

>> No.7450159
Quoted by: >>7450246

Next time just copy from archive

>> No.7450246
File: 2.84 MB, 2835x3614, 91539168_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noted and apologies.

>> No.7450905

>She's planning to hold weekly karaoke streams, preferably on the weekend
God I hope she actually goes through with that, the others basically only doing them monthly at best is annoying

>> No.7450958
Quoted by: >>7450986 >>7451002

That'd be pretty kino. Though I hope that she isn't pushing herself too hard given her schedule so far.

>> No.7450986
Quoted by: >>7451024


>> No.7451002

She adores singing, so don't worry. She is still a bit stiff, she'll get even better with time. Her voice is gorgeous when she goes all out.

>> No.7451024
Quoted by: >>7451071 >>7451077

I kind of wonder what importance live events will have once the coof is over.
The venues that Azki talked about attending don't really make sense for an "EN Vsinger" but there's not really a livehouse equivalent in the west, not to mention her being in japan.

>> No.7451071
Quoted by: >>7451166 >>7457946

ENTAS seems to be the location for live audience and solo talents. Since she sings a lot in JP and is part of Hololive, I'm sure she could fill the place easily. If she is meant to reach the EN audience, then 3D is the only option. Well, that, or they sell a live broadcast like they would've done for Bloom or 2nd fes.

>> No.7451077
Quoted by: >>7451102

I just realised that most of EN's singers are in Japan currently after looking at your post.

>> No.7451102

Not really, it's 2 v 2 for being in Japan or not and releasing music semi-regularly.

>> No.7451166
Quoted by: >>7451468

But if she just performs in ENTAS it kind of becomes the question why bother hire an EN Vsinger.
And she'll need 3D for that anyway

>> No.7451468
Quoted by: >>7451568

>why bother hire an EN Vsinger
Ask management. I can only assume they are testing the waters to see whether there's a market for Vsingers in the west. The EN audience is too spread out to justify a live, I'd think. Conventions make sense. The US conventions that EN is attending, they're doing it remotely. Perhaps IRyS can host a live remotely as well. Still, I doubt they can fill a local venue without some bigger event to draw the crowd.

>And she'll need 3D for that anyway
No shit, I expected her to debut with Home3D instead of L2D, or at least to have 3D ready at debut that she can use for live purpose/stage action. The only upside to her being in Japan is that she's in proximity of the 3D studio. They'd have to pull a fast one on Mori and prio 3D for IRyS though, not sure how that'll go down.

>> No.7451568
Quoted by: >>7451698

There's really no way that Irys gets 3D before first gen.
Both japanese seniority autism and basically guaranteed fan backlash make sure of that.
Fuck ID1 is going to get 3D before EN.
>The US conventions that EN is attending, they're doing it remotely. Perhaps IRyS can host a live remotely as well.
I think that will be limited to the duration of the coof, given that Kiara is already attending a german convention physically this week.

>> No.7451698
Quoted by: >>7451758 >>7451807

The only benefit to attending in person is meet & greet, and even that could be done remotely. Again, given how spread out the EN audience is, I doubt they can afford to not stream an event, or enable participation in some way remotely, regardless of coof. Then it comes down to whether the talent wants to travel or not. Kiara wanted to attend in person, or at least that's what I recall from a recent mengen.

>> No.7451758
Quoted by: >>7451807 >>7451813

Like Calli in Trash Taste physical?

>> No.7451807

There are quite a lot of benefits to attending in person actually, most notably networking and getting to hang out with the others. So I'm pretty sure if they got the offer they'd all fly out to AX for example.
>given how spread out the EN audience is, I doubt they can afford to not stream an event, or enable participation in some way remotely, regardless of coof.
The US cons aren't streamed.
>Kiara wanted to attend in person, or at least that's what I recall from a recent mengen.
Yeah physically attending a con was one of her debut goals, but I recall Ame also wanting to do a meet&greet but getting her discord idea shut down, so she'd probably also go for a con style.
What other way?

>> No.7451813

For the meet & greet? No, they set up a room, or a sort of booth with a screen and speakers/mic. The talent is operating their L2D like they do on stream and you get a few minutes to interact with them via screen/mic. There are some clips from FBK talking about her experience meeting fans.

Mori in go back was not a public event so she attended physically and they signed NDAs to protect her privacy.

>> No.7451886

Since we're the same 5 retards arguing in a circle, I'll go back to work and check back later.

>> No.7453725
Quoted by: >>7457595

Hope IRyS gets into Minecraft because the EN server really needs more consistent players.

>> No.7455446
File: 870 KB, 2480x3508, E72fyTVUYAEZVok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see hope arrive into the server and she did good, loving this girl a good addition to the team

>> No.7457528
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, E7272ZBVIAs42u5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7457592

IRyS so Tasty!

>> No.7457592

Mmm, raspberries...

>> No.7457595
Quoted by: >>7457805 >>7461681

The one thing I have noticed about Irys is that she gets weirdly competitive about small things. She kept wanting to unlock stages in Baby Simulator because she wants to see what those things are in the title page. She wanted to rank up in Apex which turned to being able to kill atleast 1 person because she was being hard carried which made ranking up really easy. She also pushed hard to get those diamonds today. I can definitely see her getting riled up by chat to do some stupid challenge in any game which would end up turning into some sort of endurance stream. It's fun and all but her setup is shit. She was in pain by the end of the stream. She needs a better chair even if it's not a gaming chair.

>> No.7457805
Quoted by: >>7458076

She'll gladly receive your chair fund supacha at a time of your convenience. I recall that the Kenzoku bought Towa a proper chair recently, not that uncommon.

>> No.7457946
Quoted by: >>7458064 >>7458384

She has explained before that the only reason she can't sing in English is because of permissions. She can't do them during archived. She was stalling on unarchived because she wanted to have memberships on. Probably because she wanted to have her own glowsticks. She's very excited about it. She always brings up memberships whenever someone talks about singing and stuff. You can actually catch her singing EN songs and chat would remind her she doesn't have permissions. Quite funny that chat is more nervous for her. She also has expressed that she does want to have her own English song so this means most if not all of the decision about her songs is decided by management not her. She's not even a big fan of her horns. She described it as a mole that she can't remove because she was born with it. I don't see any malice in her remark btw. I just think it's not really her thing given how simple her previous model was.

>> No.7458064
Quoted by: >>7458500

>Quite funny that chat is more nervous for her.
Chat is always full of concernfagging over DMCA when anyone sings an english song

>> No.7458076

You have to convince her first that a gaming chair is better than her office chair. She is a cheapskate on stuff other than her actual PC

>> No.7458155

>Blinded by hollywood mirror

>> No.7458235

>gaming chair
get a real office chair like a herman miller or a steellcase rather than a meme chair

>> No.7458307

She reminds me of my ex-gf that would suddenly buy stupid shit because they look cute and was cheap >$40 desk

>> No.7458384
Quoted by: >>7458910

I didn't interpret that section to mean that she didn't like her horns. I'll give it another watch.

Hammer chairs are cringe. They got Towa one of those: https://www.hermanmiller.com/products/seating/

>> No.7458500
Quoted by: >>7459659

Can you blame them after the shit the JP side had to go through?

>> No.7458910

Maybe it's just me. I interpreted it as a bothersome feature that she just accepted as part of her design and has learned to accept. She didn't sound annoyed in any way but if you just took her words without tone it definitely sounds like she probably wasn't on board with the idea of it. She wants to have a 2D option where she can remove it.

>> No.7459659
Quoted by: >>7459731

I mean yes, they aren't gonna automatically strike someone for singing some random song acapella while playing a game

>> No.7459731
Quoted by: >>7460074

I still wish that she had sang "hot in here" in her unarchived stream.

>> No.7460074
Quoted by: >>7460395

Is that just a personal favourite of yours or did the songs she sang not make you Gosling hard enough, and you needed another bump?

>> No.7460116

the zombie is gonna talk about caesura of despair

>> No.7460220
File: 86 KB, 563x543, 1626304048759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will now watch the zoombie.

>> No.7460264
Quoted by: >>7460438 >>7460510

Olly is eyeing Irys like a hawk. She was in both of Irys's Apex streams. I don't know how their dynamic will work if they play Apex. I know for sure Irys will be sweet to Ollie since that is her default personality. I fucking hope Ollie doesn't gosling too hard and try to molest Irys live. Irys doesn't really do yuri as far as I can see. She's just sweet with no innuendo.

>> No.7460317

>She's planning to hold weekly karaoke streams, preferably on the weekend
That's good to hear. When I didn't see a singing stream on her schedule for this week, I was a bit concerned she was going to drift even further away from how JP VSingers operate.

>> No.7460395
Quoted by: >>7461680

>Is that just a personal favourite of yours
mayhaps. though it was more so that during one of the older streams where her room got so hot that she acapella'd part of the chorus until she realised that it was too dangerous to continue singing the rest of the lyrics. That moment left me hanging and wanting for more. At least she sang 'Toxic' which was not what I expected but welcomed wholeheartedly.

>> No.7460438
Quoted by: >>7460893

Reine please collab-snipe IRyS from Ollie. PLEASE!

>> No.7460510
Quoted by: >>7460893

Given Ollie's current brand of autism I wouldn't expect a collab unless Irys reaches out for it.
She's been pretty afraid of reaching out to others, but maybe that's different for kouhai vs senpai

>> No.7460893
Quoted by: >>7460978

Why is she afraid? She doesn't look scared asking Irys about Apex on Twitter. She was also supportive of her kouhai on chat. Mori has visited Irys again on chat during this last MC stream.
I hope they have a Super Mario Party collab with Ollie and Mori. This way Reine can have leash on Ollie.

>> No.7460978
Quoted by: >>7461112

>Why is she afraid? She doesn't look scared asking Irys about Apex on Twitter.
Don't ask me to mindread the zoombie, but she literally has said before that she's scared of approaching Kiara or Ina. And that she hasn't reached out for collabs in a long time for *Some Reason*

>> No.7461112
Quoted by: >>7461704

That is disappointing. Kiara should be the natural choice for her as a collab partner. I understand how Ina can be a tough choice since their personalities are different but there should be some charm to it. Much like how Marine and Ayame clicked. I hope she collabs more with other holos.

>> No.7461520
Quoted by: >>7461599 >>7461939

Actually, the Zoombie is streaming an hour after IRyS starts streaming, I doubt /our/ girl will keep it to an hour. Oh well, VOD.

Also, stream frame is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKzMm8K8L6Q

>> No.7461599

What an absolute mommy thumbnail. Zoomers are going to rush in and see how much reference she understands. "HA HA HA get it? get it?"

>> No.7461680
File: 26 KB, 570x1355, streams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7463568

Would you happen to remember whether that was in any of those?

>> No.7461681
File: 245 KB, 1280x1300, irysuperchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7477891

that's my girl

>> No.7461704
Quoted by: >>7461889

It's somewhat sad since Ina and especially Kiara are known to be extremely easy to approach for collabs.

>> No.7461889
Quoted by: >>7462826

speaking of, it's more surprising kiara hasn't snuck into minecraft during a stream to slip irys food or something. thought she'd lean into the useless gift meme like ame with the boat

>> No.7461939

What did she mean by this?

>> No.7462826
Quoted by: >>7464602

Irys Minecraft is kind of at Fuck off a clock for her.
She also probably thinks that giving Irys a full set of enchanted diamond armor tools would kind of defeat the point of her streams at the moment.

>> No.7463269
Quoted by: >>7463428

Didn't like irys' goblina model so I avoided watching until now. clicked on karaoke archive and my heart sank as a i realized who i was watching. happy for her but kinda sad. was a big fan.

>> No.7463428
Quoted by: >>7463568 >>7463704

I've got mixed feelings about it as well, but I think it's possible she'll eventually come back and stream a bit on the side. In the meantime, she seems to be acclimating well to Hololive, which is nice.

Really, I just wish IRyS' model/design was a bit cuter, and/or suited her personality better.

>> No.7463568
Quoted by: >>7463724 >>7465850

Anyone who know her roommate knows that she's not serious like her character suggests. The hawaii motif was perfect for her...no reason why they couldn't have done something similar? Or did cover already had songs/videos lined up and she had to fill the role. Just can't imagine that she had any creative input whatsoever. The comments on her roommate debut are all funny, "I like this model better!!"

Hopefully she comes out of "hiatus" when things settle down.

Do you happen to have "irys" singing any pornograffitti songs? i don't have all of her archives :(

>> No.7463704
File: 12 KB, 604x164, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7463760

Gotta pay to play it seems

>> No.7463724
Quoted by: >>7463760 >>7463942

I don't think there's precedent for a roommate streaming as a vtuber, and I highly doubt would let that pass because that really screams "I'm only here to funnel viewers and money to my personal channel"
Even the most active roommates on the EN site produce their content in very different fields.
Also you have to jump through more hoops to give them money without Cover their cut

>> No.7463760
Quoted by: >>7463819 >>7463833

I suppose you are new here if u really think Cover has a blanket ban on that
Given the content is for the most part identical I see your point but >>7463704 shows otherwise

>> No.7463819

I thought she'd deactivate the Patreon to be honest, since I remember Kiara doing the same after she got her first payment

>> No.7463833
Quoted by: >>7463936 >>7463942

NTA but I'm pretty sure cover got that covered. Streaming and posting as your roommate is fine, most holos do that, but I don't remember them streaming on their old account/model.

>> No.7463936
Quoted by: >>7464036

It's really the streaming as a vtuber while also being part of Hololive that I don't think has happened before.

>> No.7463942
Quoted by: >>7464036

I think Cover doesn't mind as long as their personal business doesn't interfere with their workload (and/or breaks NDAs or what have you).

AZKi comes to mind as someone who's done recent streams on her old account, off the top of my head.

>> No.7464036
Quoted by: >>7464284

So Cover more than likely doesn't care given she's only doing private streams rn

Go check her old channel description for a smile :) we should be happy for her

>> No.7464284

I'm watching her previous live2d debut and maybe I'm imagining things, but she sounds more relaxed, more playful, more happy. IRyS feels a more stiff somehow.

>> No.7464329

most holos are like that when they start. much bigger audience and a lot of expecations. you're not imagining anything.

>> No.7464474

She was a bundle of nerves from her debut, 90k people is a hella lot more than what she was used to, and then she PON'd the debut.
She's definitely started to relax more though, which is nice.

>> No.7464602

That's why you pull an Ame and give her a "gift" like horse armor

>> No.7464718

That previous debut had an audience with a lot of old fans that she was comfortable with, and it was way smaller (even if it was good by most indie standards). She'd also had 10+ years to get accustomed to presenting her persona.

It's honestly understandable that, as IRyS, she'd need some time to find her footing. Corporate vtubers (especially Hololive, and even moreso for HoloEN) tend to distort people's sense of scale around here when it comes to subs or viewercounts, but there's vastly more pressure when you're debuting or just streaming in general for tens of thousands of people. And it's only gotten harder when it comes to Hololive, because of increasing expectations for each wave of talents.

>> No.7465850
Quoted by: >>7468783 >>7487866

I posted the torrent in the previous thread, still seeding, if you wanna grab it. I'm slowly watching the archives from oldest to newest. Haven't come across any Pornograffitti.

>> No.7468783

she sang agehachou here thanks!

>> No.7475325
File: 370 KB, 1779x1194, E6mz5SxVIAATep9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7475832

3 hours to go!

>> No.7475832
Quoted by: >>7476471

flashh gamess

>> No.7476471

>flash/h/ game/ss/

>> No.7477031
File: 46 KB, 720x245, 20210804_071517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7477182 >>7477473

Remember to do your rep IRyStochads

>> No.7477182
Quoted by: >>7477405

RFA stream when?

>> No.7477405
File: 875 KB, 960x1200, E6zZJ60UcAkIICs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"soon" we can hope, once she gets her switch hopefully fanartist will deliver

>> No.7477473
Quoted by: >>7477842

Isn't a six pack just a low body fat percentage and nothing really to do with exercise?

>> No.7477842

Yeah pretty much.

>> No.7477891
Quoted by: >>7478482

Dios mío santísimo madre de Dios escucha nuestros ruegos y protegenos de la abominación, de lo más oscuro y siniestro que ha pisado Japón después de Mori Calliope. Aquella que desciende la luz, que hace los niños llorar, la aberración genética, la esperanza extinguida, el ogro nipónico, la cosa horrorosa. La creatura el Goblina Grande

>> No.7478482

Wow cartel bros

>> No.7481679

Despite playing Irys never did anything like sightseeing the EN minecraft server, right?

>> No.7482287
Quoted by: >>7482859


>> No.7482304
Quoted by: >>7482356

I hope someone gives her a tour soon but it was fine having the first 2 streams just IRyS learning on her own.

>> No.7482322

On stream, i think only Ame and ID's statue, dunno if she sightseeing off stream

>> No.7482356

Enter Kiara

>> No.7482859

I just wished Mori or Ame gave her a proper tour of the server on the first stream before they resumed their digging. Still a fun stream nonetheless

Irys said on stream that she wants to learn the basics on her own and I thinks its good for her and its also fun to watch her success and struggles.

>> No.7482915
File: 15 KB, 329x145, super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is youtube objectively worse then twitch with the fucking simps who do this shit?
Whats the point of donating 15 minutes before she's even live and she'll never even read/see it.

>> No.7483018

>Never read it
She reads superchat anon

>> No.7483072

AFAIK she reads them all except the ones she missed in the 1st superchat stream which is a lot

>> No.7483074

for a spic, that's not even a bad SC

>> No.7484034

I wonder how old IRyS is, she speaks like she knows about a lot of old internet culture and grew with it. Makes this stream quite enjoyable.

>> No.7484099

Shes been making youtube videos since at least 2011.

>> No.7485709
Quoted by: >>7485921 >>7486587

How can someone be so attractive from just their voice alone? Like literal fun girlfriend material voice

>> No.7485906

~27-28, plus minus a year or so

>> No.7485921
File: 26 KB, 640x360, gos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know anon, i know

>> No.7486587

No idea. Initially I would've skipped the stream because
>henry stickmin
but irys made me stay.

>> No.7486606
File: 272 KB, 720x720, IRySoCool.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this Dork

>> No.7486654

Towa is cute. So I will forgive the bait

>> No.7486772

>dick in a box reference
at least she kept up with youtube culture at the time

>> No.7486938
File: 465 KB, 542x750, coccymilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7486977
File: 754 KB, 1366x768, mpc-hc64_Lu5Uw4Exvu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7487123

This girl will get bullied and not even notice it

>> No.7487162

>she hasn’t had carrot cake
>despite loving sweets

>> No.7487329
Quoted by: >>7487396

IRyS is a lesbian?

>> No.7487396
Quoted by: >>7487418


>> No.7487410

>Seafood eating ASMR ending....

>> No.7487418

Rate the stream, bros

I wouldn't make that joke personally, but hey.

>> No.7487449

Made me watch stickmin for the nth time and actually enjoy it/10

>> No.7487519

She's 26.

>> No.7487524

She got so many references wrong its cute

>> No.7487529
Quoted by: >>7487724

It feels like showing your confused otaku girlfriend what made you chuckle when you were 14yrs old. Sweet. Her small chuckles and all. She was so fucking patient to an overly demanding boyfriend. I bet she gives amazing blowjobs

>> No.7487724
File: 405 KB, 828x817, 1626329479588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she gives amazing blowjobs
Happy to confirm that for you!

>> No.7487845

This is pretty good.

>> No.7487866

Thanks for this. I need more IRyS!

>> No.7488143
Quoted by: >>7488267

Catching up on the Zoombie VOD....
>interprets part of the music as tongue clicking
Sasuga, that's how rrats are made!

>> No.7488267
Quoted by: >>7490628

She's talking about the expression Irys has at 0:07

>> No.7488893
Quoted by: >>7490985 >>7491262

akihabara posters!!

>> No.7490628

A tongue click is a sound, not an expression.

Zoombie video is good overall though. Not very in depth in regard to lyrics, but the symbolism and references to culture and mythology were neat. Wonder why she wasn't able to show the video or play any of the music. It'd seem that there are 3rd party rights holders involved. Oh well.

>> No.7490985

The wakipai is great. It's truly the zettai ryouiki of the chest. And that pinch... Hnnnng

>> No.7491018
File: 455 KB, 635x512, 1620187836314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12k viewers
>only made $507 in SC from the recent stream

>> No.7491149
Quoted by: >>7492072

I don’t think I can make $507 in two hours at a desk playing games, so I’m not going to critique her income.

>> No.7491209

I'm glad Friend cares about her new EN kohai and wants her to do well!

>> No.7491251
Quoted by: >>7492010

numberwangchama... your containment reps...

>> No.7491262

IRyS and Reine has reawakened my love for armpits

>> No.7491710
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, BIGFACE_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7492055 >>7499382

The cloudy sheep is a traveling bard by lore, and she's consistently done a Night Fever utawaku every weekend. She says it takes a lot out of her and she doesn't know how long she can keep doing it but she will keep doing them for as long as she can. Catch em while they're hot.

>> No.7492010

That's numberwang!

>> No.7492034
Quoted by: >>7492072

507 bucks is more than most wagies get paid in a week

>> No.7492055

I hope she and Irys do a song together. She's done one with AzKi so it's only a matter of time.

>> No.7492072
Quoted by: >>7494804

Can you two please stop reminding me that my wife makes more money than me?

>> No.7494440
Quoted by: >>7494629

Predictions for the next karaoke?

>> No.7494629
Quoted by: >>7510949

Some goslings will drop sc for melt to no avail

>> No.7494804

I don't know why I would post that. I love that my wife is making more money than me.

>> No.7494841
Quoted by: >>7499570

Alright, time to watch the Minecraft VOD.

>> No.7494879
Quoted by: >>7495275 >>7495333

it was henry stickman, which attracts a higher than average number of underage/broke young zoomer viewers on top of being a middle of the week stream. I don't follow the numberfagging shit but I see a lot more SCs fly during karaokes

>> No.7495275

I will watch a Henry Stickmin stream, but I won't pay for one.

>> No.7495333

Both Gura and Mori had above average SC for their Stickmin streams.
(Above average for gaming streams)

>> No.7496301
Quoted by: >>7496644

Don't shit post my favorite EN using my oshi

>> No.7496644

NTA but Friend is for everyone!

>> No.7497031
File: 190 KB, 1126x867, E77ieG7UUAIXxEy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7498814

Cute Dork

>> No.7497447

she's done this before in her roommate channel. she also did it consistently prior to L2D

>> No.7497742
Quoted by: >>7498814

If she does that, I can see at least one of the others feeling threatened enough to increase their karaoke reps. Can't be lazy if someone else is producing similar/better quality at a more frequent rate.

>> No.7498814
Quoted by: >>7499142


>Risu might actually do more karaoke as a result
That’d be odd if it somehow made them commit to more karaoke, but I’d welcome it.

>> No.7499142
Quoted by: >>7499292

did she ever do her promised holofightz victory karaoke?

>> No.7499292

>not jobbing
It only ever happened once, and she didn’t...

>> No.7499382

Watame works too hard, and her fans are taking her for granted. She should take a break.

>> No.7499570
Quoted by: >>7500430

I'm liking this so far. Running it in the background while hearing her making random noises is the best.

>> No.7500430
Quoted by: >>7501105

IRyS’ streams help me a lot during writing. I’m wondering if she really will commit to doing ASMR streams, or if it’ll just be a secret ending exclusive. I’m fine with either; she’s already relaxing enough already.

>> No.7501105
Quoted by: >>7501475

Prime membership bait. You heard it here first.

>> No.7501475

Most likely, kek. Can’t really say I’d blame her if she did, considering how it’s worked for other holos.

>> No.7503091
Quoted by: >>7504078 >>7505797

I just hope, ney, pray, that it doesn't make me cringe. I want to enjoy her ASMR, and I can listen to JP ASMR because I only understand 5%. Tried EN ASMR once, and it makes me want to kill myself. Please, please, please, please be bearable! I want to Gosling!

>> No.7504078
File: 191 KB, 850x825, sample_5a576df7d778dcdc77832c4f76885a15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7505797
Quoted by: >>7505858

She just needs to stop the bg music and come close to her mic. Like 3 inches away. And then talk like normal. That would be peak ASMR already. Her normal talking voice is so pleasant. It is never grating even whem she yelps or accidentally moans stuff. She can whisper puns to me and I would be rock hard in an instant

>> No.7505858

This. Every time she speaks, it's sex.

>> No.7506102
File: 3.52 MB, 2600x1730, 1626420702238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7506445 >>7512431

God damn it, why is she so fucking cute, bros? My dick is so confused... She's like the big sister I never had, but so god damn attractive at the same time. Do I want to hang out with her, chat and just shoot the shit or do I want to fuck her brains out and start a family? I don't even know anymore.Her voice should be illegal.

>> No.7506445
Quoted by: >>7512835

It's the neighborhly big sis. You get confused because big sis treats you special and you feel warmth from it but you are also going through puberty and can't stop thinking of fucking her.

>> No.7509004
File: 1.07 MB, 3589x2166, E78yxq1VIAUEi0z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7515966

IRyS so Cool!

>> No.7510245
Quoted by: >>7510790

>used to be a skater
I think that's one of the biggest things that got me into her. She was actively involved in that early 2000s punk culture and probably dressed like Avril Lavigne. Hope she streams Tony Hawk Pro Skater one day.

>> No.7510790
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1626420745170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd be a nostalgia trip. Permissions, onegai...

>> No.7510949
File: 172 KB, 704x488, 1510761321667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7520556

>Some goslings will drop sc for melt to no avail
You chose the words that would hurt me most, didn't you?

>> No.7512431
File: 14 KB, 725x423, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512835

This is the best way to describe it, I guess.

>> No.7515966
File: 167 KB, 848x1199, 1626207541599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist really knows how to capture her mischievous essence, there isn't a single one I don't like tho the kidRyS ones with the yagoo milk box are... well, I won't think too hard about it

Picture related, also a great artist.

>> No.7516726
File: 18 KB, 335x216, onlyirys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7517349 >>7517545


>> No.7516842

>she speaks like she knows about a lot of old internet culture and grew with it
idk where you got that.
She had half of the stickmin references (especially old ones) explained you her by chat.

>> No.7517349

God I hope so

>> No.7517545

>God, I wish that were me

>> No.7517567
File: 45 KB, 175x175, 1626060990008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7518516 >>7522297

Glad to see that someone in /hlg/ is self-aware.

>> No.7518516
Quoted by: >>7518601

I haven't watch ina's mv yet. Is it a Japanese song?

>> No.7518601


>> No.7520556

nice done desu~~~

>> No.7522297

meh is mostly false flaggers and troll, is better to simply ignore them anyway even if IRyS made an entire single in English they would simply lash to something else

>> No.7522423
File: 113 KB, 450x400, E79QUeXUcAEJ92v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS is Cute!

>> No.7524520

bros... she’s so nice and lovely. her voice is so warm and comforting.

>> No.7525660
Quoted by: >>7525701 >>7525940

What timezone is she in I wonder. You'd expect her schedules to be similar to Ame and Gura but she streams almost at similar times Mori does and I don't think she lives in Japan.

>> No.7525701
Quoted by: >>7526438


>> No.7525940
Quoted by: >>7526438

She live in japan, anon

>> No.7526332
File: 239 KB, 400x400, irysh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7526438

Admittedly, I haven't been doing my reps. . . That's great that Mori has another EN to hang with in Japan now though.

>> No.7528972

Will we have an IRyS Ending Anthem from her future streams?

>> No.7531233
File: 1.48 MB, 3967x4096, E7jM0CzUcAYBUno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7533841 >>7535024

IRyS is awake! and she liked Violet!

>> No.7533841

nice, hoping another collab with Ina. I like that bomb game collab!!

>> No.7534046
File: 2.27 MB, 3070x2947, 4bae2a8c9278d8d3a929d879d37ebc10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7534057 >>7535189

Another 6.5h until we get to hear her voice again...

>> No.7534057

Agony until then..

>> No.7534793
File: 26 KB, 728x249, unknown-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7534860
Quoted by: >>7534896

Spoonfeed pls?

>> No.7534896

Ina and Irys

>> No.7534917

That's like AZKi following IRyS on roommates. Where's the yab?

>> No.7534951

you wouldn't even see this unless you knew who they both were already, the only time it's really yab is if they cross the barrier

>> No.7535024
File: 289 KB, 720x787, IMG_20210805_151443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7535087 >>7535168

Question about Towa. Is she aware that Irys made a cover for Pallete? She should be right? Because Azki and Suisei reacted to the covers that Irys made. I just find it weird that she hasn't reacted to it. Has she reacted to it already?

>> No.7535087
Quoted by: >>7535125

Yes, in a member stream. All positive.

>> No.7535125
Quoted by: >>7535173 >>7535409

Member stream? Is she shy to talk about it in public? That's odd. Some people think Towa hates her.

>> No.7535168
Quoted by: >>7535513


>> No.7535173
Quoted by: >>7535513

greys shouldn't be considered people when talking about a particular chuuba. Also open membership for mommy already cover, I need the tier 3 videos where she wakes me up for work

>> No.7535189
Quoted by: >>7535513

I legit thought that I missed today's stream as expected. I hate 12pm JST timeslots.

>> No.7535409
Quoted by: >>7535612

She doesn't want to retweet hololive covers of hololive originals to avoid people comparing the versions and picking sides. Also anyone who thinks a talent hates another talent simply because of a lack of twitter activity is a fucking schizo.

>> No.7535462
File: 398 KB, 766x520, 1626659893381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7535594

Can't wait to hear her voice again

>> No.7535513
File: 1 KB, 139x74, TMT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, I was worried, too.



>> No.7535594
File: 79 KB, 1280x529, 1628141448602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just few more hours stay strong goslingbros

>> No.7535612
Quoted by: >>7535732 >>7535791

The infighting on JP side is similar to the EN holo sphere, they have leech sites that monetise holo drama, and they get anti threads that look for opportunities to damage the hako by highlighting perceived sleights. It's do or die, the lack of a retweet is enough for them, can't win.

>> No.7535732

Damn, no wonder Hololive gets the most retarded antis and constant controversies while groups like Niji or Vshojo get glossed over and ignored.

>> No.7535791
Quoted by: >>7535865

enter Hero Hei

>> No.7535865
File: 29 KB, 1000x600, 1603378509822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mention this retard. bless the don't recommend channel feature.

>> No.7537249
Quoted by: >>7537282

If AZKi collab is real, what'll it be, bros? Karaoke is the obvious choice, via offline/studio, but Japan went into another lockdown recently. SyncRoom is an option but has less tete potential. I guess Minecraft is an option?

>> No.7537282

If it is a mimecraft tour then I hope Sora and another one like Watame or Flare shows up to guide them. Azki is clueless in MC. Bless the hags but they don't know shit.

>> No.7537769

Since it wasn't mentioned here yet, next week there's going to be a full EN + Irys Gartic Phone collab according to Kiara, after Wednesday considering Ina's break

>> No.7537814

Sounds great, although I am concerned about the potentially fatal level of puns that will come from that.

>> No.7538152
Quoted by: >>7538988 >>7539073

>suffer orange woman
>be blessed by IRyS

I guess there's a chance that her train derails on the way back from Düsseldorf. Positive outlook.

>> No.7538330


>> No.7538988

keep boiling

>> No.7539073

Hopefully whoever is hosting adjusts Kiara's volume down so it's tolerable.

>> No.7539780
File: 384 KB, 684x612, 1628111974986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, now.

>> No.7539904


>> No.7539931
Quoted by: >>7542943


>> No.7539989
File: 68 KB, 807x712, 1599308705039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irys your internet reps....

>> No.7540140
File: 3 KB, 430x73, tribalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture related

Take notes, Goslings. She's talking about herself.

>> No.7540220

>she was hanging around with Jay
Uhh that's Gura's boyfriend? Yab?

>> No.7540344
File: 59 KB, 651x557, 1626235566573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plug it in, plug it in
Don't mind if I do

>> No.7540411


>> No.7540585

>IRyS is the one doing the hurting

>> No.7540675
File: 155 KB, 360x344, 1626420195880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A vicious cycle of rejection. Sound bite gold though.

>> No.7540731

Irys uses plugs confirmed!

>> No.7540842

"No, don't cum, Bob! "
What did she mean by this?

>> No.7540873
Quoted by: >>7540912 >>7540971

Irys has the problem I see a lot of girls with where stuff doesn't land more often than not. I like her, but a lot of her improvisational gift of gab is lacking. She flounders sometimes. I only say this because I've seen this before.

>> No.7540875

Tf are you talking about Irys. I'm crying right now. This girl has a way with words

>> No.7540912

She's fine. This shit is hilarious. The girl is now concerned about their asses.

>> No.7540926

Irys is an ass girl

>> No.7540936
File: 59 KB, 225x275, 1626415410565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7541053

>is put off by blatant display of sodomy
>rejects scat
>promotes monogamy
>doesn't want me to cum
She's perfect, bros.

>> No.7540971

Her flounders are part of the charm.

>> No.7541014

I never understood this "game", even the "be considerate" whatever the fuck is better

>> No.7541053

>innocently rubs the hard fleshy thing and paws at it like a cat
hooo boy

>> No.7541059
Quoted by: >>7541163

it's a dumb kusoge and got popularised by pure chance. It has no artistic merit, other than what people ascribe to it.

>> No.7541088
Quoted by: >>7541163

I always had the impression that it's designed to make people act like art snobs trying to figure it out until they realize that they are just flicking a dick.

>> No.7541114

That realisation at the end. I need to SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX her.

>> No.7541126

To quote Kiara's playthrough "GERMANS MADE THIS GAME"

>> No.7541163

Ye I figured it's some retarded 2deep4u bullshit about personal relationships, love and what yhe fuck not, it's still fucking stupid and retarded.
I fucking hate these pretentious bullshit art games that are all oh so deep and metaphorical.
IRyS is still a qt, she's at least trying to make this shit entertaining

>> No.7541183

No it's a funny about sex

>> No.7541212
Quoted by: >>7541229

Who's Bob ?

>> No.7541221

Her reactions are realistic. It's so funny when she started tagging them with names because I know how she's going to react afterwards

>> No.7541229


>> No.7541301
Quoted by: >>7541324

>name is "Plug and Play"
>5 stages of "dude so deep artistic buildup"
>all of this build up is actually in service of a dick joke

>> No.7541324
Quoted by: >>7541341

It's literally "dick goes into vagina/ass" jokes all the way through

>> No.7541341

Based and anti-tranny

>> No.7541426

Irys is really a mixed bag. Out of the internet meme loop but also in the know. Half zoomer half millennial in references. Sheltered but still knows some stuff.

>> No.7541456
Quoted by: >>7541479 >>7541563


>> No.7541464

She bought Ring Fit!

>> No.7541479
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1627133027479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7541563
Quoted by: >>7541619

Ah yes, where no matter what you do, i will pleasure myself to your voice.

>> No.7541619

Only way for them to win is not to play. Amelia bought a goddamn rowing machine to pre-game ringfit and then didn't even ever stream it.

>> No.7541680

>Irys, my state just got put back on lockdown!
>Oh, uh, *giggles under her breath* I... really hope *giggles more* things... on your side everything works out. Thank you [heh].
I didn't know Irys was so based and jabpilled.

>> No.7541761

>reads my name
>reads the next name
>starts riffing off of my comment

>> No.7541787

Irys has some really sexy moans

>> No.7541851

>Just confirmed Ringfit
>Also confirmed mono ASMR

>> No.7541887

Short but kino stream.

>> No.7541896


>> No.7541903

IRyS is kinda uhh... Based and Redpilled?

>> No.7541942
File: 881 KB, 915x798, 1603569243757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7541989 >>7542042

I will never stop being a Gosling for this woman.

>> No.7541958
File: 21 KB, 552x462, 1628173180935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7541990

I want to marry this haggggg

>> No.7541975
File: 303 KB, 2048x1937, 1626536997744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just plain love this cute dork

>> No.7541979

I wonder if she is aware of how dangerously good she is at creating goslings, myself included.

>> No.7541989

yuor a based ass little bitch for this one

>> No.7541990

Is she the oldest HoloEN?

>> No.7542021

Choco is the oldest IIRC

>> No.7542042
Quoted by: >>7542060 >>7542201

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. You're going to learn forbidden knowledge and then you're going to suffer.

>> No.7542046

I'm blind nvm

>> No.7542051


>> No.7542060
Quoted by: >>7542166

>You're going to learn forbidden knowledge and then you're going to suffer.
Just don't be a faggot and this will not happen.

>> No.7542068

It's her or Ina, but I haven't done reps on Ina and I have no intention to.

>> No.7542092

Pretty sure same age as Kiara but 3 days older
So Ina is still the oldest

>> No.7542111
Quoted by: >>7543405

>the oldest one happens to be one that gives out the most sex vibe


>> No.7542166

>Just don't be a faggot and this will not happen.
I'll be sure to do my faggot reps on your behalf and spread them far and wide so you can suffer like G did.

>> No.7542201
File: 84 KB, 828x828, 1626810823218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how ominous

>> No.7542404
File: 967 KB, 245x250, 1623798519359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her go full demon side on ASMR stream

>> No.7542642

Now she's done it, teasing both RFA and ASMR like that. Hands will stay above the blanket until either of those streams come around.

>> No.7542687
Quoted by: >>7543571

>IRyS is old she's a hag!
She's literally 26 you retarded zoomers.
If you want to jerk off to an actual hag go watch Botan.

>> No.7542723

Making IRyS a single mother!

>> No.7542943

>t. Two second attention span nigger

>> No.7543121
File: 691 KB, 1151x1372, E6TXa4tXEAM3Dxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7545663

Pre Chat is up
In case someone wants spoilers in hope of learning what is this game, Anya played it before

>> No.7543405

Based and hagpilled.

>> No.7543465

Why do I keep reading Dragon's Dogma and getting excited? Why am I like this?

>> No.7543571
Quoted by: >>7544221

i want a korone mommy ........

>> No.7544221


>> No.7545365
File: 287 KB, 462x360, 1628145265369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7545663
Quoted by: >>7548026

>Anya played it before
/hlgg/ is always a fun time.

>> No.7545709
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1617944956642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7545932 >>7546622

It's gonna be 1 POV on Kiara's channel

>> No.7545932

Most Gartic Phone collabs outside of the first have been single PoV ones unless I'm mistaken.
Significantly more likely to be on Irys' channel if they go with 1 PoV.

>> No.7546089
Quoted by: >>7546259


>> No.7546259
File: 77 KB, 679x521, 1602389549390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7546304

Is this what despair feels like?

>> No.7546546
Quoted by: >>7546635

I really really like the noises she makes

>> No.7546622
Quoted by: >>7547232

Where does that narrative even come from when Kiara literally organized the fullgen drawing collab on Ina's channel as well as the ID collabs on Reine's channel?

>> No.7546635
File: 171 KB, 1455x1080, E78wWgdVcAEfmi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7546719

can't wait for her Ring Fit stream

>> No.7546719

I'd fit a ring on her if you know what I mean

>> No.7546729

I do know what you mean, me.

>> No.7546804
File: 651 KB, 1920x800, 1627860072403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already has husband, me

>> No.7546888

Of course I do know what I mean. Silly me.

>> No.7547232

don't argue with the eggs, I don't know who keeps letting them in here

>> No.7547350
File: 307 KB, 853x480, Occasional.Flicker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wants a hug!!

>> No.7547457
File: 299 KB, 853x481, Perky.Gorilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7547480

this game is weird

>> No.7547480

wait till you see her reach the end of the game.

>> No.7548026

If IRyS can make me sit through a Henry Stickmin gameplay, I think I can survive Penguin Dogma if she's playing it.

>> No.7548093
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching the plug and play VOD now, it's unexpectedly great so far. Garbage game but she's goofing around and generally seems relaxed. This is good, love to see her like that.
Or maybe x2 is the way she's meant to be watched.

>> No.7548163
File: 285 KB, 854x479, Mintcream.Limpet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7548256

i love her

>> No.7548256
Quoted by: >>7552383

It's even better when she knew what it was implying.

>> No.7548286
Quoted by: >>7548336

Just watching the VOD right now, is this the beginning of a yandere/NTR arc?
>ywn be her Bryan

>> No.7548336
Quoted by: >>7548669

the lore got more complicated when other guys got in. But Bryan/Brian got the most character development.

>> No.7548669
File: 296 KB, 1365x1500, E8DHjilVgAEQFyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7548752 >>7548849

IMO she did a really good job making this weird game entertaining with that story of hers

>> No.7548752

can't say that I disagree there.

>> No.7548849

I think this was her best solo stream yet.

>> No.7550381
File: 2.22 MB, 1400x2046, 917512320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS is Cool, Cute and Sexy!

>> No.7550404

She likes traps? Tamaki-kun collab when? I need an hour of trap gushing. Holy fuck I love IRyS now.

>> No.7552383
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, E7V65zzUUAAlWc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a really good moment it was
