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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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74487189 No.74487189 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>74487283

living upside the upside down upon unique streams

>> No.74487241
File: 85 KB, 363x907, 1714026235008996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to love your Mori

>> No.74487278
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>> No.74487283
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Previous thread: >>74452556

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB97voVcgJY
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YedlXuEktjw

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
//// Stream Tide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsjr5jFMHkQ

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) Shirts!

hololive production x DreamHack Melbourne 2024: Down Under
April 27, 2024 @ Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne
guest starring: Mori Calliope, Pavolia Reine, Kureiji Ollie, Houshou Marine, Tokoyami Towa, Hakos Baelz
SPWN page: https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/24042701-endownunder
//// Archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

//// 2024 Birthday Project: /morig/ sings Left For Dead Lullaby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viD9HxzVo9k

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.74487311

I thought eragon was cool. Author lived one valley over

>> No.74487335

Good shit

>> No.74487345
File: 442 KB, 2300x2500, GMDlf6ZbEAAybwH[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74487410

Remember to love your weird cat

>> No.74487351
File: 106 KB, 720x703, 1705705217687370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't afford the good books at the fair so all I got were erasers and the occasional cheat code book

>> No.74487410

weird cat looks like something you would see in roblox

>> No.74487431
Quoted by: >>74487636

The series started off pretty good despite being a clear star wars rip off but in a fantasy setting.
That later ones pretty crap though

>> No.74487436
Quoted by: >>74487636

I thought so as a kid too, but having gone back as a well read adult they are incredibly amateurish and desperately needed a strict editor's pen

>> No.74487494

Why does it feel like Kronii only message Mori to try to impress her with her quirkyness?

>> No.74487569
File: 1.40 MB, 1267x707, Screenshot 2024-04-25 222959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74491680

Actually not a bad imitation of Soejima's artstyle

>> No.74487581
Quoted by: >>74487617

It was really rote, got some good moments in the 3rd book with the Roran, the elf magic explanations, and the dwarves. But that's it. The rest was shit.

>> No.74487617

Alright yeah, Roran Stronghammer was good, but the rest was shit.

>> No.74487636

For sure
I liked the third one, don't think I cared for 4

>> No.74487646

The only fantasy series I read as a kid that sort of holds up as an adult are His Dark Materials and Percy Jackson.

>> No.74487682

This dude garth nix wrote some good ones

>> No.74487834

Emily Rodda's stuff holds up pretty well, Deltora Quest as discussed and Rowan of Rin are the GOAT kids books

>> No.74487865
Quoted by: >>74488078

So who the fuck is gamzey?

>> No.74487927

love how the stream just turned into a podcast

>> No.74487936
Quoted by: >>74487986

>elves are super atheist never eat anything but plants
>next book dwarves gods are shown as completely real
Funniest shit

>> No.74487957
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74487986

The elves didn't think of them as gods, did they?

>> No.74488004

>Gotta write lyrics
>Into a meeting
>Likely gotta do prep work for concert
Mane-chan give my oshi a break, onegai......

>> No.74488048

Between the 6 hour Diary Stream VoD and the 1hr 30 min Food Stream, I've watched a whole work day of Mori with a 30 minute lunch break.

>> No.74488053

And she I'd still trying to think of a game she can stream from her laptop lmao.

>> No.74488064
Quoted by: >>74488109

No wonder she has a headache

>> No.74488078
Quoted by: >>74488193

Homestuck character

>> No.74488094
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Quoted by: >>74488153

Remember to love your Pooh-san

>> No.74488109

That was a brain freeze from the smooth i think

>> No.74488153

I still hear her laugh now

>> No.74488193

I see. All i knew about homestuck is
1. There are trolls
2. The guy warned his friend about stairs, bro

>> No.74488206
Quoted by: >>74488348

She probably could have been writing lyrics in the US but got distracted by Promised Neverland

>> No.74488348

Michael Jackson does have that effect on people

>> No.74488483

I love Mori and her FAT BUTT

>> No.74488640
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>> No.74489012
Quoted by: >>74489197

deadbeats found pururu btw

>> No.74489022
File: 462 KB, 896x620, Screenshot 2024-04-25 230903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74489620

Thinkin' about big Mori sloshers.....

>> No.74489077

I hope she meets Aruran again soon

>> No.74489197

Like in a game she is playing?

>> No.74489353


>> No.74489620
Quoted by: >>74489687

same desu

>> No.74489687
Quoted by: >>74489974


>> No.74489876

>Kronii wondered how long it took for Mori to beat blasphemous, chat called her out for being too competitive
Between that and trying to match Mori while drinking, Kronii seems to really want to impress Mori, Kronini cute!

>> No.74489974
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>> No.74490231

Yung goblin mori is smoldering with envy

>> No.74490269
Quoted by: >>74490297

Also, the main reason kronii works out is to be gas station ready

>> No.74490297
Quoted by: >>74490313

What does that even mean?

>> No.74490313
Quoted by: >>74490333

Ready to throw down at a moment's notice

>> No.74490333
Quoted by: >>74490462


>> No.74490462

Used unironically it's a signifier for a very specific american form of machismo

>> No.74490550
Quoted by: >>74491370

Their relationship is so interesting to me, I wish we could see more of it on screen
I'd be so down for like a Deathclock zatsu collab or something

>> No.74490806

>Mori giving Silver a badass Chikorita
she's so cringe I love it

>> No.74490867
Quoted by: >>74490905

Did anyone else think silver's name was ??? because that's what the game called him?

>> No.74490905

I always forgot what I called him

>> No.74490980


okay I know >stars but you'll see why I linked it if you click

>> No.74491024

Ah, pu-chan is moving up in the world

>> No.74491030
Quoted by: >>74491059

I unironically a good line up

>> No.74491059

Who's the great ape chuuba?

>> No.74491104


>> No.74491172

He's just, like, a gorilla vtuber? Interesting

>> No.74491221

another confirmation that mori is indeed still the grim reapers first apprentice in the diary stream, promotionbeats continue to lose.

>> No.74491226

that thumbnail kek

>> No.74491262
Quoted by: >>74491629

>fucking Uyu

>> No.74491285
Quoted by: >>74491550

Kronii does not hate herself. That's straight from the serpent's mouth

>> No.74491299
Quoted by: >>74491374

I realize watching Mori's diary stream that she really is just one of us who just made it big

>> No.74491324

This cover is unironically so good kek

>> No.74491370

Wouldn't surprise me if Mori visited Kronii again in the future, hope they would stream something. Even tho Mori doesn't like to force off-collabs when hanging out with other members.

>> No.74491374
Quoted by: >>74491402

you calling me an incel?

>> No.74491402
Quoted by: >>74491456

he's calling you a femcel, fembeat

>> No.74491456

I was never that kind of bitter or hateful. Just depressed and autistic

>> No.74491505

>Mori and R-Chan took photos of an Ace cosplayer and she got creep shots too

>> No.74491514
Quoted by: >>74491671

He covered Mori's song

>> No.74491550


>> No.74491629

Why do people not like him? He was the first person in holopro I've ever actually seen drop to a 2view for a stream.

>> No.74491642

got where little Mori talked about how no one understood her and her dreams

>> No.74491661
Quoted by: >>74491707

massive fucking tits that need four sports bras to strap down

>> No.74491671


>> No.74491680
Quoted by: >>74491790

Upside-down Mori somehow look bustier

>> No.74491707

50 pounds each

>> No.74491790
File: 1.51 MB, 1264x700, Screenshot 2024-04-25 210715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this but Mori instead

>> No.74491859

Watching kronii play blasphemous, she's pretty miserly

>> No.74491883
Quoted by: >>74491916

>Mori joked about blowing up 6th graders in science class and her teacher was Mr.W

>> No.74491916

How old was Walter junior at the time?

>> No.74491969

Interesting. This is a helpful reference, but I wonder how those would behave in an open top like Mori's.

>> No.74492016

Imagine this but Lemori instead

>> No.74492214
Quoted by: >>74492305

>Mori talking about the duplex she's moving to and this was sometime around the recession
man these things really were a time capsule

>> No.74492240

Korone took over 50 tries to beat the hardest boss in blasphemous 2. Wonder how mori would do

>> No.74492305
Quoted by: >>74492418

Back in 2009 I realized "some day people are gonna be nostalgic for the late 2000s" and that kinda shook me

>> No.74492387
Quoted by: >>74492625

>little Mori's seething over her crush getting together with R-Chan and is mad that he wears all black
I love how jealous she gets lmao

>> No.74492415
Quoted by: >>74492526


>> No.74492418
Quoted by: >>74492496

shit I'm nostalgic for last decade pre 2016

>> No.74492496

It was nice feeling good about America after obama got elected, but the recession sucked ass, and we were still in Iraq

>> No.74492526

Damn, that reaper's caked up

>> No.74492594

little Mori was such a little bitch and a brat lol

>> No.74492625

That stream really gave me a feeling so complicated. Like,
>Damn, I'm not sure I could save her

>> No.74492644

It was an awful context, and she didn't manage to go high. I can't fault her too much

>> No.74492802

>Mori write 3 entries in one day
>one of them is still sneeding over her friend having a new bf
she really didn't like that huh?

>> No.74492811

Could mori have made it as a gaming youtuber? I mean, the kind she wanted to be?

>> No.74492901

Some of the notes feel off in this one
Here's a good one though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01hagr05Yx8

>> No.74492999

We love male vtubers now

>> No.74493092
Quoted by: >>74493214

there's something about listening to Mori's diaries as a kid that's so charmingly simple to them

>> No.74493148
Quoted by: >>74493376

It's funny when kronii says stuff in Spanish. Like "day nodda"

>> No.74493181

>little Mori talking about how her mom and dad met and how music is in her blood
how oddly prophetic

>> No.74493214

It reminds me of shiori today. I feel like it's a certain naivete about how to appear poised and knowing that everyone has nowadays. Irony poisoning, some call it

>> No.74493376
Quoted by: >>74493408

Are you lost, Kronie? You are welcome to stay.

>> No.74493408

No, I'm not a kronie. Just a deadbeat watching kronii's blasphemous vod

>> No.74493434

I hope Kronii actually has big titty

>> No.74493466
Quoted by: >>74493600

she did confirm her ribbon is huge

>> No.74493476

I always assumed because she's asian she's flat as fuck, but I've heard rumors to the contrary so there may be hope yet

>> No.74493503
Quoted by: >>74493675

Koreans seem to have bigger chests more often than Chinese and Japanese girls I've seen around here so maybe.

>> No.74493520

she told a story where she was at a nail salon and the women there asked if her tits were real

>> No.74493596

Kronel? Noii?

>> No.74493600
Quoted by: >>74493697

Asian huge or actually huge though?

>> No.74493675
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, Kronii....webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've watched the clock's 3D streams, you'd know that her tits aren't big because her hands keeps phasing through them.
In regards to the nail salon story, it's very likely that they were talking about her piercings

>> No.74493681

They did talk about how they helped cracking each others back, but I suspect that Kronii isn't as large as Mori since everyone always complement Kroniis clothes, and it's hard for well endowed girls to find fashionable outfits.

>> No.74493697

not sure

>> No.74493719

it's funny how when people see Mori for the first time that's the first thing they mention is her massive honkers

>> No.74493778
Quoted by: >>74493870

The tracking is jank enough on the models that I never assume anything about their bodies from them. We've seen Mori's hands clip through her tits before as well, doesn't mean shit

>> No.74493852
Quoted by: >>74494493

Mori was looking for a simple game to play and it is jump king like


>> No.74493870
Quoted by: >>74494026

That is actually a fair argument, but I really doubt Kronii has tits as large as her model.
Maybe medium? I don't know.

>> No.74493885
File: 685 KB, 898x781, 1701937847719737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her nipples are pierced???

>> No.74493976

If the chads corresponded to the triple goddess, which one would be which?

>> No.74493983

She hasn't said anything to hint that, anon is just pulling shit out of his ass.

>> No.74494004
Quoted by: >>74494112

It's just a guess.
What would beauticians normally talk about that's unusual about their customers? Body modifications is one thing. Whether it's plastic surgery or metallic embroidery.

>> No.74494026

I mean definitely not, Kronii's model's tits are comically huge. You could even fit another pair of huge tits inside of the model's tits.
Mori should drag her exact cup size out of her during a drinking offcollab zatsudan that eventually leads to implied sex, like shion/marine

>> No.74494027

mori should pierce her nipnops

>> No.74494047

I kinda doubt it. Most of the holos that's actually busty have complained about their big titty a few times, and I don't think I've heard Kronii ever talked about it.

Imagine if she's flat as fuck though, would be hot

>> No.74494062

That's sluggie behavior

>> No.74494074

Do piercings interfere with one's ability to suck on the nops?

>> No.74494095

I've heard they make them more sensitive.

>> No.74494112

Why would they ask if piercings were natural? You sound stupid.

>> No.74494186

What about natural?

>> No.74494244

bee acoustic live tracks are getting released

>> No.74494246
Quoted by: >>74494434

That's under the assumption if "natural" is taken as an explicit descriptor.
Yeah, looking back at Kronii's story, my theory doesn't make sense. I'm just trying to piece together a story here for a chuuba that's normally not discussed on a fucking Mori thread of all places.

But whatever, if you want to believe that Kronii has tits has large as her head, feel free to call me stupid all you want.

>> No.74494352
Quoted by: >>74494392

Wonder if kronii still has abs

>> No.74494370


>> No.74494392

She has said she doesn't because she can't go back to teh gym yet.

>> No.74494434
Quoted by: >>74494598

I don't think Kronii's tits are as big as two volleyballs, what I believe is that they might have referred to the shape of her tits, rather than size.

>> No.74494484

I think that kronii has a very dry, deadpan style of comedy

>> No.74494493

Damn, this is like a 2009 flash game-tier game lmao

>> No.74494520
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>I never want to grow up

>> No.74494579

When she said that this is what I thought of

>> No.74494598

... How different would the shape of her breasts be if that is the case?
Does she have polygonal tits like OG Lara Croft? I'd love to see that.

>> No.74494861
Quoted by: >>74494883

She wanted to have big tits while still being a small middle schooler

>> No.74494883

Half of those things happened

>> No.74494976

I think Mori should play Celeste unironicalli

>> No.74495035
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>> No.74495060
File: 163 KB, 1200x675, PxJSu3-Y_BQ4ABeA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're in the topic of boobs, does anyone know if Ai's avatar has any?
The MV art made it look like that she's flat, but the artist never uploaded any reference sheets to confirm it.

>> No.74495105
Quoted by: >>74495467

She looks pettan from that perspective

>> No.74495112
Quoted by: >>74495467

you could just find actual pictures of her and assume from there.

>> No.74495256
File: 132 KB, 850x1063, __mori_calliope_and_ouro_kronii_hololive_and_3_more_drawn_by_moral_cacoethes__sample-e3800c33813146cf9daed802ea2d663d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori and Kronii's massive tits, and I would love if they rubbed my dick with them.

>> No.74495408

Looks like Kowalski is gonna play the magma game

>> No.74495467
File: 72 KB, 473x612, Does this look like a loli to you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually found a side shot in the mV that shows she has breasts, so nvm.

I don't want to draw porn of the actual person. Just the avatar.

>> No.74495512

Do you guys know when the results of the meet and greet raffle are sent out?

>> No.74495540

oh I was just saying to use it as a breast size reference if there was no clear picture in the MV, but you seemed to find one.

>> No.74495631
Quoted by: >>74495913

Are you sure she has booba?

>> No.74495812
Quoted by: >>74495848

So did mori ever play the Gen 2 pokemons?

>> No.74495830
Quoted by: >>74495861


Mori's cultural influence...

>> No.74495848
Quoted by: >>74495866

Just the remakes. She was too young for that.

>> No.74495861

lmao ollies response


>> No.74495866

So how did she know about silver before the remakes came out?

>> No.74495891
Quoted by: >>74496443

advertisements or other people talking about it?

>> No.74495912


>> No.74495913
File: 143 KB, 1101x619, Ai Side view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74495951

Looks like it's cell time, peko!

>> No.74495964

can't wait to see more

>> No.74496066
Quoted by: >>74496109

I am in love with Mori and want to marry her I also want to give her all the kids she wants

>> No.74496109
Quoted by: >>74496197

i wrote this btw

>> No.74496197


>> No.74496443
File: 845 KB, 750x1334, tumblr_15a2eb018712042b1c0cd1cbd070b19d_94051b68_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon fan here. The DS games actually got leaked really early before their international releases, so a lot of Western fans knew about them beforehand.
One of the biggest contentions is that they confirmed that Silver is Giovanni's son in HGSS, so it was a pretty big deal.

Don't tell Mori about Pokemon Masters EX. That gacha game actually expands on all of the characters, including Silver.
You can even invite him in the Trainer Lodge and "date" him.

>> No.74496558
Quoted by: >>74496948

I have literally never heard of this pokemon game until now

>> No.74496635

Global ended with a DBZA quote

>> No.74496809
Quoted by: >>74496948

It would have been truly over for little Mori if character AI was a thing back then.

>> No.74496948 [SPOILER] 
File: 115 KB, 780x439, medium-6f92e521d617f87d62458f5c83bcf77c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74504085

It's under the TPC so all the story events are semi-canon.
What that means is that none of the events conflict with the mainline games, so it's treated like side-stories that happen off-screen.
Silver catches Ho-Oh in one of the Legendary events btw. He also has a Feraligator, a Weavile and a Tyranitar with Mega Evolution when he finally becomes a Champion. I bet Mori would be glad to know that Silver finally achieved his dreams, even if he can't beat his father yet.

I mean, none of us are here using the character AI for Mori. I hope.

>> No.74497031
File: 284 KB, 1280x720, 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74497341
Quoted by: >>74497421

romeo and juliet made mori have a femcel meltdown

>> No.74497393

Holy based

>> No.74497421

do all women want to be dicked at 15?

>> No.74497674

How many 15 year old boys wanna get their peens wet?

>> No.74497746

I don't like the taste of iron, or metal clanking against my teeth desu

>> No.74497989
File: 3.05 MB, 191x289, 1659670892574734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74498079

Why has the algorithm fucked over every Mori song recently?

>> No.74498153


free preview

>> No.74498185

Western vtubers have been supressed by the algorithm since like early 2022 at least.

>> No.74498336

there's no dance songs which are at the forefront now
and well, she's simply not as popular anymore, sometimes regularity can turn you into a background noise

>> No.74498344

Why only western?

>> No.74498364

The fucking al gore rhythm

>> No.74498537

Vtuber orginal music has been fucked since around 2022 when they messed with what count as a view cause K-POP fans would basically run viewing farms
You basically need to have an catchy/flashy animation to hard carry music
>and well, she's simply not as popular anymore
This isn't true, her numbers on literally every other platform EXCEPT Youtube
And we know that's artificially kneecaped cause YT has a bunch of obtuse rules on what count as a "view" (Limited to 5 views a day, Clicking the reply button doesn't count, viewing a playlist doesn't count, etc)

>> No.74498563

>This isn't true, her numbers on literally every other platform EXCEPT Youtube
her numbers *are up*
typo lmao

>> No.74498602

It's affecting everyone, and it's all because of the K-Poop stans.

Those ravenous mongoloids set up PC farms to constantly refresh and view the MVs of their favorite plastic mannequins.
YouTube decided to curb views and engagement from embeds and the likes that come from these methods, so the only way the algorithm would accept that you "viewed" a video is if you watched it directly from the site from start to end.

If you want to know if your views counted, check your history and see if the bar on the thumbnail is complete.
If it's only half-way through and has a saved time code, then that means it didn't count.

Also this >>74498336
Dance segments are favored by social media influencers because they can use it on their TikTok or whatever is the alternative once it shuts down.
The song and dance gets popular, then others start copying them, thus, feeding into the algorithm.

>> No.74498653

>her numbers on literally every other platform EXCEPT Youtube
are still strongly concentrated around her older tracks, yes, they new tracks aren't grabbing as much of a newer audience
her Spotify is a good example, going through slow and steady growth in followers but the monthly listeners being rather static, not passing past peaks even on new release dates

Mori is aware of this, talked about this and there's no point in going against the facts - the most important thing is that it isn't sapping the winds out of her sails, but motivates her to try harder and better, for us and for herself

>> No.74498770

It's such a pain in the ass to give youtube a view now. Fucking kpop stans

>> No.74498781

oh, and a small but important bit I forgot to remark on - while UMG heavily buffs her presence in old media (TV, radio), it also notably hampers her in new media space
Holos avoid doing karaoke of her new songs, Holo adjacent fleshstreamers and reactors think twice before including them in fear of getting their VoDs muted or claimed, her new music had to be completely ripped out of TikTok while people like Suzy, Marine and Kobo can thrive there - all of those are important venue for streamed music being popularized, especially with younger people

>> No.74498955


>> No.74499053
Quoted by: >>74499396

Seemed to me like little Mori was a lot more focused on the relationship, and being loved aspect of it all. I mean she wrote down in an entry that she found “blowtorches,” and “doing it” gross

>> No.74499396
Quoted by: >>74499441

hearing her talking about having a family and children as something desirable is such a mood
especially surprising for a kid from a broken family

>> No.74499441

a lot of the divorce family kids I knew were like "I'm gonna do it right when I get married I'll show them" maybe something similar was going on

>> No.74499845

The kakarot game skips too much of the cell saga. Perhaps it isn't the perfect introduction for mori

>> No.74499914
File: 68 KB, 827x337, Screenshot 2024-04-26 045404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74499962

>are still strongly concentrated around her older tracks
Anon that's simply just not true you can literally see her some of her newer stuff creeping into her most frequently listened to tracks
Sure the newer stuff has less total listens than the older stuff, but the older stuff has had years to accumulate
That's not factoring stuff like her more recent projecting selling more than her past projects, or J6 actually being popular enough to get make a billboard chart
>Suzy, Marine and Kobo
See the thing with those 3 is they've been really lucky (or smart depending on your perspective) to have eye-catching MVs on their music to help propel it.
Another example this would something like Loligod where the song existed without the MV and didn't really do that well, but MV (especially the animation that plays during the chorus) pushed it to the stratosphere. A more recent example of this would probably be Chimera where it's on-pace to outperform every song from Kiara's album and that shot of her ass in the MV becoming a meme no doubt helped it achieved that
I don't think Mori has had a really visually captivating MV for one of her songs since maybe Q, it's unfortunate that she hasn't really been to strike gold yet
UMG having a laissez-faire attitude in regard to the quality of MVs couldn't have happened at a worse time because due the algo-change because they matter now more than they ever did in the past
It's fucking dumb but it is what it is I guess, there's no need to be upset though cause Mori has a steadily growing listener-base which is why she's doing better on these various alternative platforms now than she did in 2020-2021

>> No.74499962
File: 109 KB, 1347x605, Screenshot 2024-04-26 045553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up this screenshot, I wanted to show how Carousel has also pushed it's way into the top 10, surpassing Red of all songs

>> No.74500426

Overkill was also Top 2 until just this week

>> No.74500433
File: 1.35 MB, 4000x1900, GLq7-MVbkAADWR9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74500957

Am I the only one who prefers small tits

>> No.74501140

i like tits of all kinds but morp's just send me feral

>> No.74501145
File: 58 KB, 364x560, standin in rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74506198

>The value of money compared to breast sizes.txt
I prefer both, but that's only because Mori and Gura are my favorite chuubas.

>> No.74501452

I fucking love flat girls like Suzy but Mori's tits are special to me.

>> No.74501824

Last night I had a dream that Calli was streaming an FPS game but somehow accidentally didn't have the game capture on OBS so it was just audio. Then The Onion made a joke news tweet that Vtuber Calliope Mori shot and killed 8 people, wounded 40 others in an ongoing mass shooting. Their tweet got super viral with normies who thought it was real. Then Calli got wind of what was going on and started laughing.

>> No.74501975
Quoted by: >>74502134

Kobo's music is also under Universal though through Holo-N, or at least her new song that's popping off is

>> No.74502134

Universal doesn't control distribution on Holo-N; that's under the jurisdiction of Cover.

>> No.74502880
Quoted by: >>74503177

Holy cope. Suisei is just that good!

>> No.74503004

>Music industry's copyright wank is hurting itself.
Sad for Mori but fuck the music industry titans.

>> No.74503177

Deadbeats need to stop with the algorithm excuses.

>> No.74503521
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, 1696294658934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are worrying about dumb things like numbers, but what I'm worrying about is how to get Mori to make those happy eating sounds with my cooking

>> No.74503608
File: 236 KB, 1000x1257, 1703539522935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74503679

Sad news guys, pekora's collab with goku turned out to be his graduation stream

>> No.74504007

I'm not really worrying about them, I do find it silly how people find some things harder to admit than Mori, for whom said numbers are most important

>> No.74504085
Quoted by: >>74504822

pokemon master sex

>> No.74504119

The only number I'm worried about is gohan's power level in the buu saga. It's way too low

>> No.74504531
File: 211 KB, 712x877, 1709490309737265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've spent his time training for 7 years instead of in his books
Theres no reason he couldnt have done both honestly

>> No.74504822
File: 1.09 MB, 1560x669, 3some with N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone already made that joke when Nintendo fucked up by making the hashtag #pokemonmastersex without any capitalization.

Besides, the game kinda does deserve it with cutscenes like this.

>> No.74504955

Maybe he got into vtubers and that ate up the rest of his time

>> No.74504980

Who is the hottest pokegirl?

>> No.74505070
Quoted by: >>74505148

I had a thing for Whitney

>> No.74505148

Were you there for "WE HAVE TO MILK WHITNEY'

>> No.74505195

it's ok he became Gohan Blanco later

>> No.74505260
Quoted by: >>74522741


>> No.74505298

He doesn’t enjoy fighting. Goku does nothing but train because it’s his favourite thing to do, Gohan trained because the world was going to end.

>> No.74505676

of the new games I really liked bea or bae however it is I never played the game but she was hot

>> No.74505713
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>> No.74505783

I thought Hilda was cute

>> No.74505848


>> No.74505908

She's so cool...

>> No.74506045
File: 133 KB, 942x1489, 06745637992350015f29b0ae6bfdc5af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This slut and her girlfriend.

>> No.74506103


>> No.74506198


>> No.74506202
Quoted by: >>74506382


>> No.74506237

>Balut mention
>cursed memes from Kronii
>eating sounds
>grubs mention
Dang, the first 40 minutes that I slept through were good.

>> No.74506282
File: 184 KB, 1080x2280, Frw5K9SWcBI63z6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74506814

This dork, istg

Elesa and her daughter

>> No.74506382
Quoted by: >>74506443

She had big femme fatale energy, but she was a really nice lady. I dig it

>> No.74506443
Quoted by: >>74506490

just wish they kept her old fashion in HGSS, the jean pants were pretty sexy but the black mini dress was killer

>> No.74506480

I'm always split between Hilda or Marnie.

>> No.74506490
File: 651 KB, 816x1400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>74506443 (me)
picture proof

>> No.74506625

I kinda liked Nemona.

>> No.74506731

Morbi flips

>> No.74506814

goood taste. but i love Erika more

>> No.74507379

Middle school me would say Green/Lass
High School me would say Flannery
College me would say Misty from G/S
Post school me would say Marnie
Late 20s me would say Irida or Akari
Currently I'd probably say Sonia is the hottest

>> No.74507559

Nerissa is doing a big stream with an annoucment later.
My RRAT is first original song.

>> No.74507705

Considering she was talking to Rookie about writing lyrics not too long ago; I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.74508773
Quoted by: >>74509059

Welp, that's the new angle the schizos will have.

>> No.74508926


>> No.74509059
Quoted by: >>74509683

how did the thought of schizos even enter your mind from that

>> No.74509366
File: 1.94 MB, 2320x4472, 06 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This YOUNG woman, Cynthia Valentine

>> No.74509567
Quoted by: >>74511022

we know what it is since our hackerleakerman also leaked the thumbnail for her thing

>> No.74509683

I think we have one guy that's unironically mentally broken by all the shit from catalog and /#/ and working on his autistic FE conversion mod
just ignore, he lives in his own head by now

>> No.74509905
File: 49 KB, 1200x1000, GMEtN2VbAAAY0JX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74510602

Where does Mori go on the chart

>> No.74509941
File: 190 KB, 849x1200, GMExvKja8AAWsf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori will never glomp you

>> No.74510263

I think she’s got a few glomps left in her

>> No.74510418
Quoted by: >>74510831

Didn't this guy end up in jail in the original Silver/Gold?

>> No.74510519

>Dawn's outfit instead of Crystal's
This artist did not do their Pokemon lore research

>> No.74510602
File: 328 KB, 1200x1000, GMEtN2VbAAAY0JX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74510755


>> No.74510755

You gotta flip it upside down debbie

>> No.74510831
Quoted by: >>74511314

silver? Not that I recall. He showed up every other day at indigo plateau for a rival right

>> No.74510871
Quoted by: >>74510995

One Piece was excellent this week.

>> No.74510995

Is the endgame becoming clearer?

>> No.74511022
Quoted by: >>74511271

May I see it?

>> No.74511043
File: 1.26 MB, 736x981, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74511248


>> No.74511248

She's what Ao wanted us to think she was

>> No.74511271
Quoted by: >>74511492


>> No.74511314

I might be thinking of Giovanni after you beat him in Gen2 epilogue

>> No.74511492

It's Nerissaberg

>> No.74511584
Quoted by: >>74511887


>> No.74511853

When determining how “big” tits are, you have to compare cup size vs band size. Cup size is how big the actual boobs are, band size is the size of the rib cage. Something I’ve learned spending a little too much time looking at girls with big tits online, is that it isn’t unusual for them to have broader shoulders or torso (ie large band size) to accommodate their huge tits. The “Dorito” body type Mori complained about generally happens when the girl doesn’t work out her legs and becomes very proportionally top heavy. Kronii’s case to me sounds like someone with a respectable cup size with a smaller band size, making her look rather busty despite not having comically large tits. Would explain why didn’t realize until someone pointed it out to her, on paper her sizes don’t lend itself to what is normally considered big, but proportionally she is.

>> No.74511887

Milky fingies...

>> No.74512137

Man, tits are fascinating.

>> No.74512225
Quoted by: >>74512304

I think the general rule of thumb would be to trust the two connoisseurs of chest in ID, Ollie and Kobo. The only two sets of breasts that made them lose their minds were Noel's and Mori's, so it's safe to say they're on a different level

>> No.74512304
Quoted by: >>74512396

Kobo loves booba?

>> No.74512351

I just realized that the concert is past midnight for me 1:30 am, to be precise... I don't think I will make it bros...

>> No.74512396

Everyone does

>> No.74512399

So from your point of view, mori will Dance Past Midnight?

>> No.74512646

Eh I didn't get a ticket, I realized pretty early on that I would probably end up missing it unless I fuck up my sleep schedule. And I didn't feel like paying for a 1 hour concert.

>> No.74512685
File: 196 KB, 1000x1414, GMGn5R0WUAAOT2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74512804
Quoted by: >>74512920

What time is it JST? Can't see it on their website for some reason, and Mori hasn't tweeted anything yet.

>> No.74512920
Quoted by: >>74513079

go to the hololive channel for the stream reservation of the free part

>> No.74512923
File: 2.06 MB, 2894x4093, 1714150027104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74513079

Oh, neat, it's on the english channel

>> No.74513250

good taste

>> No.74513302

Mori has a clear advantage in band size just because she's big all around

>> No.74513414

Nerissa sang part of "deadbeats" in the advent school labyrinth collab

>> No.74513473
File: 79 KB, 680x680, GMGxQBmbEAEOK8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74513968

It's cute that these two are still getting art together.

>> No.74513968


>> No.74515971


>> No.74517258
File: 42 KB, 150x332, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The porn for S&M was fucking great

>> No.74518678

Yeah, another reason it's really simple to tell something fucky is on youtube is that spotify used to never beat out songs with MVs. Now the only time it happens is if there is something to pull it out of whatever hole youtube decided to put her channel in like the One Piece song. It's real fucking confusing, but whatever it doesn't seem to affect Mori herself since CD sales are still crazy good, her songs still do really well on every other streaming platform, big name people keep wanting to work with her and she keeps getting other crazy opportunities. Best to just ignore it like Mori seems to now.

>> No.74519249
Quoted by: >>74519633

Mori isn't ignoring it and the insistence that she does is weirdly disrespectful, as if she doesn't treat her music releases seriously
I know some of you guys have a kneejerk reaction towards allowing a potential anti a single in, but I think the fact she sees that she might not be popping off as explosively as others on her level of popularity or even herself in the past and instead of dooming over it, she chooses to grind it out, is really fucking cool and inspiring

>> No.74519633
Quoted by: >>74522887

Was more going off literally anytime a viewer asks where in her opinion is the best place to stream her music she says spotify every time even though youtube pays a good chunk more per view than spotify. There must be a good reason for that.

>> No.74519636
Quoted by: >>74519717

I think streaming on the VCR server for a week fucked her channel. Having a lot of her EOP regulars not watch many of her streams is not good for the algorithm

>> No.74519717

You are a VCR schizo who never watched her in the first place.

>> No.74521019

What type of memes do you think Kronii sends to Mori?

>> No.74521414

She sends mori Ukraine/Russia combat footage while calling it a meme.

>> No.74521585 [SPOILER] 
File: 902 KB, 1290x1217, IMG_8523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74522394
File: 192 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_3837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74522473

Everything was comfy until they left their cage and invaded here for some reason

>> No.74522473
Quoted by: >>74522601

go back to your FE mod

>> No.74522569
Quoted by: >>74522780


>> No.74522601
Quoted by: >>74522699

Not only are you wrong, you're also defending numberfags...

>> No.74522699

people had a polite and reasonable discussion (which also ended quite a while ago) until you ran in screeching like a monkey from your picture

>> No.74522741
File: 366 KB, 1880x3288, __hex_maniac_pokemon_and_1_more_drawn_by_nia_nia4294__7129d9e547306493dc10c3e01bbc89d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74522912


>> No.74522780

Anon, she has the dreamhack thing today. I really doubt she will have time for a stream.

>> No.74522887

did youtube change how it does its payouts for music? spotify has always been ~$.003 per play as far as I know, Google Play Music which got turned into Youtube Music was higher but watching an MV on Youtube itself used to be substantially lower. Good sources on this are hard to find, though.

>> No.74522912

too bad nearly all of her fanart is completely off-model, internet was just in its "big titty goth girl" phase of the waifu cycle

>> No.74522984

Stop spoonfeeding

>> No.74523062
File: 316 KB, 1519x936, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, not sure how she went from this official art to the big titty chubby girl all fanart makes her.

>> No.74523103
Quoted by: >>74523150

What's a "dreamhack"?

>> No.74523150
Quoted by: >>74524400

Remember The Matrix?

>> No.74523160

>its "big titty goth girl"
That's the best part.

>> No.74523553

In Gen 6 they made her the vendor for Moo Moo Milk, so people came up with the fantasy of it coming from her (giving her huge tits). This evolved into making her thicc, and the EXTRA THICC for good measure.

>> No.74523568
File: 2.11 MB, 336x720, 1664944926581.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A single Hex Maniac sold milk and it ruined everything.

>> No.74523592

Ash CDing

>> No.74523904

I love the internet sometimes

>> No.74524400
Quoted by: >>74525309

I don't watch boomer movies.

>> No.74524471


>> No.74525187

oh that's where it came from! I thought people were just horny lol

>> No.74525309
File: 200 KB, 330x318, 1604333029447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74525725
File: 1.96 MB, 1600x3000, 20240426_224708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74525918


>> No.74525918
Quoted by: >>74526132

holy Morp

>> No.74526132
File: 284 KB, 1448x2048, 1635730872945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74526428

Be Just Or Be Deadbeat

>> No.74526388

mori should sugma

>> No.74526428
File: 142 KB, 944x1206, FO5P_eoXwAQgCtf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG+R open lobby stream, when Morp?

>> No.74527307
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 1698468662951565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74527455

Are any of you bogans go to the concert IRL?

>> No.74527455

im still considering it, are there any fan meetups happening?

>> No.74527553

Become the meetup

>> No.74527585

I'm not sure lol
I'm actually burger but I was just asking out of curiosity since it so many aussiebeat showed up last night

>> No.74527620


>> No.74527635


>> No.74527665

Cute sheep

>> No.74527756


>> No.74528571
File: 153 KB, 415x438, 1697511911061581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74528665

I always imagined her to sound like IRyS after that one anon made a comment about them years ago

>> No.74528665

Hex is IRyS, and I refuse any evidence that would convince me otherwise.

>> No.74528940
Quoted by: >>74530176


>> No.74528951
Quoted by: >>74530176

Fujos are scary...........

>> No.74529029
File: 2.30 MB, 1912x1079, Captura de pantalla 2024-04-26 174802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I knew exactly where I saw this flip before.

>> No.74530176

Satashi fics have provided many a fap. Even some of the futa ones.
