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File: 1.79 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20240424-092418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74385276 No.74385276 [Reply] [Original]

>reads her diary to you
>talks about her previous crushes
>talks about how her parents got together
>talks about how many kids she wants
This is peak GFE

>> No.74386488
Quoted by: >>74389469

how low can mori fall for attention? find out, next week!

>> No.74386629

she's so feminized now..

>> No.74386761
Quoted by: >>74423130

Never fall for brapbeat propaganda.

>> No.74386888
Quoted by: >>74387000

>Talks about how much of a femcel she was/is

>> No.74386893

I don't really want a woman to tell me about her previous crushes

>> No.74387000
Quoted by: >>74388253

femcel = virgin

>> No.74387041

She was like 13 years old and afraid of boys and girls kissing, dude

>> No.74387127
File: 3.06 MB, 853x480, railmori[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpkfxy5.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak GFE

>> No.74387213

>Should I tell my phone number
Calli is ESL now?

>> No.74387873


>> No.74388253

Next you're going to tell me that incels only refer to virgins too

>> No.74388892


>> No.74388931

That's actually super cute. I'll bite your shill. Gonna check out that stream later, OP.

>> No.74388967
File: 447 KB, 750x742, 1696341706871543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74390729


>> No.74389067

I'm a guy so I know that all men think like this. None of them join your community or want to hang out "just to be friendly". Each and every single one of them is hoping for the chance to fuck you. Even the faggots of the community will suddenly announce they are bi if it means the possibility of fucking you. We are all sex pests and there can be no cohabitation without the eventual desire to breed.

>> No.74389097
File: 1.17 MB, 1866x1036, Mori-Kronii-cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74410205

try harder

>> No.74389441
File: 71 KB, 766x720, 1559430068890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard
sure, if you're a desperate retard. The reminder that every woman is 3D and not 2D is enough to keep my dick in my pants.

>> No.74389469

This sounds like you’re seething in jealousy. As if you wouldn’t love to hear your oshi read you her diary

>> No.74389483 [DELETED] 

Kek of course these are the guys Mori chooses to hang out with
She really can't go 10 minutes without e-celeb/nijimale cock

>> No.74389605
Quoted by: >>74390686

An actual gf would kill you and herself before ever letting you see her diary.

>> No.74389643

Genuinely wondering, are you so insecure that you wouldn’t let your gf talk to other guys?

>> No.74389692
Quoted by: >>74394372

I'd want to know the mileage of the car I'm buying. Same thing with woman.

>> No.74389804
Quoted by: >>74389900

Known womanizers and probable rapists?
No, no I would not.

>> No.74389821 [DELETED] 

Ah so the diehard cuckbeats are the ones that have given up and accepted the fact that their family name will end with them. Maybe Mori will let you cheer her on when she announces her pregnancy.

>> No.74389900
Quoted by: >>74389987

So you watch these dude’s streams enough to know that about them? Ok. I don’t even know who they are because I don’t give a fuck, and I’d bet $100 that Mori doesn’t even remember their names either

>> No.74389916
File: 89 KB, 909x1144, disgusting .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like mori you faggot, I'm a watamate.

>> No.74389936

The fuck is with this timelooping. Why can't you just take your Mori who isn't being shit on? Why are you trying to make people pay attention to her so the next time she does something non gfe they attack her?

>> No.74389956

In their defense, and may God forgive me, (you) are a genetic dead end too. We all are here.

>> No.74389980 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 842x477, 734635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your gf sure got some nice male friends to hang out with

>> No.74389987

Don't even know they're names, but that entire server is E-celebs, FGC/FPS groomers, and Nijis
It's an accurate description of any dude in there
Mori (and especially Bae who is going out to dinner with them soon) choosing to associate with them tells everything about what type of girl she is.

>> No.74390107

That dude sounds like me frfr. I also want to rail Mori. We have about the same chances I’d say. I can’t be mad at Mori for being desirable lol

>> No.74390211
Quoted by: >>74391784

So you’re a retard talking out your ass. And I suppose Botan and Ayame are also eceleb groomers then?

>> No.74390308

is this the equivalent of to the "body count talk" for GFEfags? grim.

>> No.74390686

This is ancient history

>> No.74390729
Quoted by: >>74390872

perfect girl except
>p3 > p4
is always wrong. this is a dealbreaker worse than pointy elbows

>> No.74390846

>guy asks for your gf's phone number
>you are completely fine with it
you must be from some west coast shithole where your girlfriends and wives casually have 3 boyfriends on the side.

>> No.74390872

It's fucked up as hell, but I accept mori's awful Persona rankings

>> No.74390907

NTA but I am actually friends with women that I’m not in a relationship with, it’s not a crazy concept

>> No.74390959

It's completely normal for people to have sex.

>> No.74390998
Quoted by: >>74391150

Then how come Yung mori couldn't have any?

>> No.74391002

Only with me, nobody else can have sex

>> No.74391150

She's not normal.

>> No.74391278

If your body count is >1 you're a whore. You can petition if you sincerely believed that person was the one, even then it's not an excuse since you can always wait until marriage.

>> No.74391366

>If your body count is >1 you're a whore.
imagine leaving your 20s without a body count in the double digits. just how ugly and socially retarded are you?

>> No.74391428

no that anon is right. no exceptions even you, your a sex pest who will change his tune the moment you think a women would fuck you.

>> No.74391649

ew the std-being replied to my post

>> No.74391784

Botan is an old lady and Ayame is a young hoe. Any more stupid questions?

>> No.74391875

Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.74391889 [DELETED] 

Ah yes, the clubbing normie that got Gura knocked up. Peak e-girlfriend.

>> No.74391917

there is no world in which i speak to a woman without the intent to fuck her

>> No.74391943 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74391961

That homeless crackhead that knocked up Gura at the party? Me.

>> No.74391961

This post? Written by me.

>> No.74391964 [DELETED] 

Don't let deadbeats see this post from 2022
It comes back to haunt them

>> No.74392085

>clubbing normie
That's her sister.

>> No.74392238
Quoted by: >>74409272

Marine also did this, by the way.

>> No.74392267

FYI, she never talked to them again
Anon is a schizo spamming a narrative

>> No.74392607

did she do a detailed recounting of schlicking to short asian/anime guys with a wicked sense of humor. if not, i'm not interested

>> No.74392614
Quoted by: >>74393023

She didn't hang out with them though. there was a grab total of 15 seconds of interaction in dozens of hours of gameplay. Good idea I guess since that clip makes the dude look like a retard

>> No.74392687

>Still posting this deboonked shit

>> No.74392761

lmao, this was proved fake a long time ago with an internet archive of the post. The photo is real but the comment never happened. Get some new material.

>> No.74392926
Quoted by: >>74393185

are you guys actually falling for an obviously edited clip? you can see the different fonts, how low is this board's iq?

>> No.74393023
File: 598 KB, 1275x656, Screenshot 2024-04-24 141344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74393185

>Good idea I guess since that clip makes the dude look like a retard
What's even funnier that's not even what that dude said
This cuckbrained schizo made fake translation of the same clip he spammed for nearly a week, because it wasn't getting the reaction he wanted, the faggot couldn't even bother to match the original font

>> No.74393101 [DELETED] 
File: 488 KB, 720x850, 1802320f9ad9f9b268be494fe2ced2127270d9ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that deadbeats of all EN fanbases are CONVINCED that Mori of all fucking people is still a virgin will never stop being fucking funny.

>> No.74393185 [DELETED] 

Go ahead and explain how the subs are wrong. It's likely you're an EOP and don't understand what 遅効性の毒 means. Do you even understand the pun of that phrase? It's actually really gross. You probably don't even know what ナンパ means either, which is what his chat was calling it during the number exchange when he conveniently "found" an extra phone to give to Mori. But you didn't pick up on any of that, did you? Or perhaps you really thought that Ibrahim was earnestly saying they should invite Mori to their room to enjoy the scenery out their window and not making an off-pako joke in the third timestamp.
So go ahead, anon. I'll listen to someone with worse Japanese tell me what they were really saying.

>> No.74393443
File: 477 KB, 2048x1024, GLuZSEWboAAyzwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori even commissioned picrel of her with those guys that she chose to hang out with.

That's not the only clip of that moment.

>> No.74393471

>Mori of all fucking people
I don’t see how it’s that far fetched her diary stream revealed how much of a seething loser she was who at least up to 2015 was still kissless

>> No.74393579
File: 58 KB, 475x480, 1683589380378437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM yes. The feminization process is working as planned fellow ojisans. This tomboy is slowly becoming the perfect ojisan sex slave.

>> No.74393616

I don’t get why unicorns even linger in these fanbases, like I get why someone might wanna unicorn fauna or something but why would any deadbeat care if shes fucked anyone?

>> No.74393656
Quoted by: >>74395065

Ok I'm curious, what does that phrase mean?

>> No.74393693

when is nyfco coming back so mori threads can go back to a healthy dose of 3 a day instead of just shitting up the catalog

>> No.74393841 [DELETED] 

>unikeks actually think like this

>> No.74393936

I can tell you from experience anon. I don't want to fuck anyone 3d. They were out of my league too.

>> No.74394078
Quoted by: >>74394407

Get a new script N1-chama
They mention the room having a nice view and jokingly mention wanting to show her the view and having a respect for her and that's it
Everything else is just you suffering from NTR-brainrot

>> No.74394372

Mileage is kinda important in cars anon.

>> No.74394407
Quoted by: >>74395297

>EOP deadbeats now defending nijimales because their shit oshi hangs out with them

>> No.74394494
File: 386 KB, 629x629, 1612172030637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she have to censor the gamer word?

>> No.74394582 [DELETED] 

Deadbeat janny found the thread

>> No.74394727

A lot in the final diary, yes.

>> No.74395037

There were gamer words, but they were censored.

>> No.74395065

Delayed effect poison, which maybe he thinks is a joke because it has the character for anatomical sex/nature in it, but it wouldn't even make sense in context of that clip.

>> No.74395297
File: 326 KB, 1024x1024, 1698538792649[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74395453

>>EOP deadbeats now defending nijimales
Nigga that's an entirely different sentence
How the FUCK do you me """defending""" him by pointing out that your gay little edit is a laughably bad mistranslation??
>oshi hangs out with them
This nijinig MUST be your oshi or something, that's the only rational explanation for your obsession with him
Of the 30~ hours Mori streamed RUST, that 90 second from day 1 encompassed all of their interactions, she even only used the phone again once ever and that was to get crank-called by Bae
The way keep you posting about him, you'd think Mori and him were attracted the hip but they literally never came in contact again after day 1 of 10
You must want to suck his cock and are projecting your homolust desires onto her, cause this shit just baffling

>> No.74395453
Quoted by: >>74395560

My oshi doesn't talk to nijimales.

>> No.74395490

Kek this is so fake

>> No.74395560

Your oshi is /vt/ and that whore get rammed by nijimales, holomales, nijifeamles, holofemales, indiesshitters and anons all day long

>> No.74395562 [DELETED] 

>never happened
>the post is the original link, with the whole ass thread reacting to it
They didn't send the smartest today have they?

>> No.74395671 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74395891

Nta but I was there when it happened, and you can see everyone in the thread reacting to it
Mods even banned the link
Theres no point in trying to bury it

>> No.74395741

>They didn't send the smartest today have they?
Unfortunately, that is in fact their smartest

>> No.74395891

Copesisters....it's fake >>54678416

>> No.74395962 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74396018

Easy to claim it's fake when your fucking cuckbeat jannie put a block on the fucking archive.org snapshot url of the Instagram post.
Imagine being this petty.

>> No.74396018

Lmao seething so hard cause your ebin yab is faker than your whore mother's silicon tits

>> No.74396112 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 339x52, 1707546537888043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish, the snapshot is from the day it was posted, april 2022, after her mom deleted what she wrote there and the post after

>> No.74396199 [DELETED] 

If anything, this proves its real.
The snapshot is from the same day people found out and posted here
The original post has the link + image + people reacting to it
You can't run away from it

>> No.74396243

I wish my oshi would do this, instead she is just slowly getting further and further away...

>> No.74396418

It is but if you're a hoe I'm not dating ya.

>> No.74396624

maybe but this guy has a point

>> No.74396694 [DELETED] 

>Wakes up
>Deletes and bans even milquetoast jabs at Mori
>Leaves this up despite being blatant rule breaking because it defends Mori
>Not biased btw
This board is a joke. There's more freedom on the fucking Holo subreddit kek.

>> No.74396710 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74396958

>You wish, the snapshot is from the day it was posted, april 2022
>The snapshot is from the same day people found out and posted here
The snap shot happened five hours earlier than when it was posted here retardchamas.....
>+ people reacting to it
There's literally an anon calling him a retard lol >>23160447

>> No.74396830 [DELETED] 

Why did.this get deleted. What the fuck is happening in this thread.

>> No.74396958 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74397274

No amount of cope and mod intervention will save you from this when multiple thread were there when it happened

>> No.74397146 [DELETED] 


>> No.74397274 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74397430

>when multiple thread were there
Your getting so flustered by this that you're forgetting how speak english lmao
And as usual there's anons there that same day calling you for being a retard >>23167917 >>23168116

>> No.74397430 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74397790

>your getting
>talks about speaking english

See all the reactions here >>23187285
You tried your best anon, but you can't run away anymore

>> No.74397596

And the others are any different? Because they squeeze their vocal chords to make high pitched voices? Come on, you guys can't be that stupid.

>> No.74397661
Quoted by: >>74398923

We love Mori here

>> No.74397790 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74397918

>Get exposed as fake because the time difference between when the archive happened vs when it was first posted here
>Try to counter this by referencing a post that has an even LARGER time differential
You're retarded lol

>> No.74397918 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74398385

You can't even fool yourself anon, much less others
History revisionism won't work when people where in the thread, clicked the link and saw the message
But believe what you want to believe I guess

>> No.74398039

actually yes, also a swastika. it wasn't drawn by her

>> No.74398385 [DELETED] 

>clicked the link and saw the message
The link didn't work because her profile was privated anonchama.....They're reacting to image that was posted on 4chan, many of which correctly sussed it out as fake
>But believe what you want to believe I guess

>> No.74398923


>> No.74400079
Quoted by: >>74401244

Mori has improved and is more feminized now. She used to be my most hated now shes my most watched.

>> No.74400866

>Shits all over Hololive and fans constantly
>Every observable metric goes down steadily
>Income goes down steadily
>Suddenly "GFE" and coomerbait
You guys deserve it if you actually fall for this lol

>> No.74400906

Mori is the ultimate GFE

>> No.74401244

She my most watched BECAUSE she's my most hated.

>> No.74401348

She still collabs with males

>> No.74401409
Quoted by: >>74401805

>pink woman does anything
attention whore

>> No.74401621
File: 92 KB, 432x155, 6ad6d68dd51e56390a543efc0505f3f62242635c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately nobody is falling for it anymore. VCR might have truly killed her ccv.

>> No.74401766
Quoted by: >>74401982

>>Shits all over Hololive and fans constantly
>>Every observable metric goes down steadily
>>Income goes down steadily
Brother she was the #2 most subbed holo and most SC'd EN back when she was still disliked a lot of aspects of Idolshit
By logic her "income going down steadily" happened BECASUE she softed up her opinions on that stuff lmao (which wouldn't be true because she's probably doing better now than then)

>> No.74401805

>anyone does anything on the internet
attention whore

>> No.74401850

I don't understand why people watch Kiara at all. She's just not entertaining or interesting to me at all.
I feel like her presence in collabs makes the quality worse.

>> No.74401982
Quoted by: >>74402535

>Shits all over Hololive and fans constantly
Can I have a single example of this happening? I feel like I've heard this for years and I still have no idea what people are talking about.

>> No.74402167
File: 440 KB, 1041x869, Screenshot 2024-04-24 170351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74402584

>Post Kiara CCV after Mori raided her
>Post Mori's CCV during SC reading segment

>> No.74402468

I want to breed Mori and give her a soccer team’s worth of children.

>> No.74402535
Quoted by: >>74403846

>>Shits all over Hololive and fans constantly
>Can I have a single example of this happening?
I'm >74401766 and I just kinda went along with the bullshit the other guy was saying for the sake of making a joke
The worst you can say about her is that she initially wasn't very keen on idol when first joining, but that's SUPER outdated 2020-tier talking point since her opinion since being friends with people like Kiara, Watame, Suisei etc softened her views. But she's never shit on Holo or it's fans

>> No.74402555 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>74403983

>talks about her previous crushes
Perfect for cuckbeats.

>> No.74402584
File: 25 KB, 439x149, 1b0d39c6edd6367689933c13d062049e7a170502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fake screenshot dude. You can check Kiara's stream right now. Deadbeats are shameless.

>> No.74402877
File: 733 KB, 1035x580, Screenshot 2024-04-24 171347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74403056

Vrabi is free retardchama
You can literally see the bump that get her from 2.8k to 5.6k came from Mori redirecting to her
And then someone started botting her for some reason

>> No.74403056
File: 79 KB, 900x593, E__8aMyXoAAwXCj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignored fwmc raiding Mori
Deadbeats and their cope are hilarious. Your shit oshi fell off. A fucking ID passed her subs, deal with it.

>> No.74403676
File: 672 KB, 1000x565, Screenshot 2024-04-24 172619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ignored fwmc raiding Mori
Who cares? That irrelevant when she had already had double the viewers than Kiara had BEFORE the raid
Yes retard-kun, that Sine wave on a CCV chart is a tell-tale sign of a stream getting botted, pic related
>A fucking ID passed her subs
That "fucking ID" has passed everyone expect Peko, Marine, and Gura in subs, so good job inadvertently shitting on 98% of the company dumbfuck kek

>> No.74403805
Quoted by: >>74404262

>Nooo Bijou can't beat my Nijimale collabing oshi
Cope: the post

>> No.74403846

I realized you didn't seem to believe it, but it seemed like you were sick of hearing it so I figured you might know what the hell people mean by it.
>The worst you can say about her is that she initially wasn't very keen on idol when first joining
I assumed it was something like that.

>> No.74403983

I remember the one where she got him a CD he always wanted or something, and he went and made out with some other chick while she cried in the car.
Don't remember hearing about any other crush?

>> No.74404133

She is so feminized and improved

>> No.74404262
File: 126 KB, 405x197, Screenshot 2024-04-24 173434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's very normal and not all at sus for her to be getting double the peak viewership of her last 2 MH streams COMINDED lmao

>> No.74404273
Quoted by: >>74421380

>gets BTFO
>switches to numberfagging
still the most viewed EN btw, no matter how many times you do this you always lose

>> No.74407563

>This is peak GFE
It isnt.

>> No.74409121

I'm interested now

>> No.74409272

I'm pretty sure she didn't

>> No.74409425

Anon, they are unicorns, what do you think?

>> No.74410205

so true sister

>> No.74412770
File: 127 KB, 827x1167, FPTlposVUAECKxg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori anting being higher than normal on the Bhutan Bulletin Board
>Twitter trying to cancel Mori (again)

Its like 2022 never left.

>> No.74414682


>> No.74417484

Those Nijidudes sound like total incles.

>> No.74419387
File: 343 KB, 1055x937, 7da57c24b55e6988010bc875444353553612137c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets boted
>Barely hits 3k
The runt of EN. Not even deadbeats botting her can save her.

>> No.74419438

It's kind of embarassing seeing her act like this. I miss the old Mori. the dad Mori. This new Mori somehow feels even more fake and offputting than her "cool" persona.

>> No.74420220

she didn't get botted dumbass, her austrailian internet was shitting the bed

>> No.74421380


>> No.74423130


>> No.74423203

the diary stream was very fun and relatable
i think she learned to censor herself in those situations properly, two-three years ago it felt like she was sometimes oversharing then regretting it
the song is pretty good
t. watches mori once a month

>> No.74424062

lol exactly. Deadbeats are the most desperate fandom on this board.

>> No.74424116

if your body count is > 0, you're a whore. Whore.

>> No.74424121

There is no lie that Deadbeats won't tell to make their oshi (and by extention themselves) look popular.
