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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.18 MB, 3500x4000, yumi @samukzz_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74125147 No.74125147 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>74125491

Feeling the Burn Edition

This thread is made to discuss the streams of Brave Group's US branch, V4Mirai. Globie is welcome too!

The talents of V4Mirai:
>Gen 1: Crystallis
Abi Kadabura:
https://www.youtube.com/@AbiKadabura | https://twitter.com/AbiKadabura
Serina Maiko:
https://www.youtube.com/@SerinaMaiko | https://twitter.com/SerinaMaiko

>Gen 2: Petalight
Kou Mariya:
https://www.youtube.com/@Kou_Mariya | https://www.twitch.tv/mariya | https://twitter.com/KouMariya
Mono Monet:
https://www.youtube.com/@MonoMonet | https://twitter.com/Mono_Monet
Yae Yugiri:
https://www.youtube.com/@YaeYugiri | https://twitter.com/YaeYugiri
https://www.youtube.com/@V4Biscotti | https://twitter.com/V4Biscotti

>Gen 3: Lunalia
Alias Anono:
https://www.youtube.com/@AliasAnono | https://twitter.com/Alias_Anono
Dr. NOVA(e):
https://www.youtube.com/@DrNovae | https://www.twitch.tv/drnovae | https://twitter.com/Dr_NOVAe
REM Kanashibari:
https://www.youtube.com/@REMKanashibari | https://twitter.com/REMKanashibari
Yumi the Witch:
https://www.youtube.com/@YumitheWitch | https://www.twitch.tv/YumiTheWitch | https://twitter.com/YumitheWitch

Sensei's Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeeSensei

Current happenings:
>Mono just had her birthday! If you'd like, pick up some birthday merch! https://shop.bravegroup-us.com/products/complete-set-mono-monet-birthday-merch-2024
>Alicja finished her debut today!
>Rhubarb N. Kustard is making her debut Friday, on the 26th. Show her some love!

Other Brave EN groups:

>Gen 1
Kumanui Miel:
https://www.youtube.com/@KumanuiMiel | https://twitter.com/KumanuiMiel
Reina Ronronea:
https://www.youtube.com/@ReinaRonronea | https://twitter.com/ReinaRonronea
Ibuki Bjorn:
https://www.youtube.com/@IbukiBjorn | https://twitter.com/IbukiBjorn
Taring Hu:
https://www.youtube.com/@TaringHu | https://twitter.com/TaringHu
Obari Luca:
https://www.youtube.com/@ObariLuca | https://twitter.com/ObariLuca
Pippa Pebblesworth:
https://www.youtube.com/@PippaPebblesworth | https://twitter.com/PippaPebble
Sarugaku Leon Jr.:
https://www.youtube.com/@SarugakuLeonJr | https://twitter.com/SarugakuLeon

>Gen 2
Komiyama Ambros:
https://www.youtube.com/@KomiyamaAmbros | https://twitter.com/KomiyamaAmbros
Hyouma Kohaku:
https://www.youtube.com/@HyoumaKohaku | https://twitter.com/HyoumaKohaku
Vance Van Creed:
https://www.youtube.com/@VanceVanCreed | https://twitter.com/VanceVanCreed
Vilhelm Vanderbos:
https://www.youtube.com/@VilhelmVanderbos | https://twitter.com/VilVanderbos
Bonnie Barkswell:
https://www.youtube.com/@BonnieBarkswell | https://twitter.com/BonnieBarkswell
Kiri Kilovolt:
https://www.youtube.com/@KiriKilovolt | https://twitter.com/KiriKilovolt
Rhubarb N. Kustard:
https://www.youtube.com/@RhubarbNKustard | https://twitter.com/RhubarbNKustard
Alicja Da Lontano:
https://www.youtube.com/@AlicjaDaLontano | https://twitter.com/AlicjaDaLontano

Coming Soon™

>Other Useful Links

Previous thread: >>74080348

>> No.74125304

I need to cover Yumi's tits with my cum

>> No.74125358


>> No.74125448

Alias should play bug fables

>> No.74125491
File: 2.20 MB, 1400x1400, mononono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post some thighs

>> No.74125507
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Quoted by: >>74126076

Alias is beyond desperate

>> No.74125597
File: 95 KB, 802x802, 1709739097198258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Mari tonight... at least Yumi will be going for a while.

>> No.74125737
File: 1.17 MB, 1025x1080, mari tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer breasts

>> No.74125791
File: 4 KB, 359x25, thank you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74125839
Quoted by: >>74126061

I always forget how DUMMY THICC Mono is

>> No.74125968
File: 8 KB, 364x43, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74126041

Alias speaks for the people

>> No.74126014

Alias peer pressuring Yumi into lewd catgirl RP

>> No.74126041
File: 54 KB, 390x579, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It needs the entire wall of messages

>> No.74126054
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>> No.74126061
File: 378 KB, 1500x1500, 1713220476968784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiny thick mexican hag draining me of all my cum

>> No.74126076

She asked Yumi to vomit in a jar and save it for her.

>> No.74126154

She's just like us fr fr

>> No.74126214
File: 20 KB, 637x97, 1713670476801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74126221
File: 49 KB, 388x451, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74126303

>> No.74126230

Damn, Yumi's superchats got pumped

>> No.74126277
Quoted by: >>74126318

Alias is the equivalent of Uncle Sam trying to sell warbonds to support the war effort

>> No.74126303


>> No.74126318


>> No.74126363

Alias is so supportive.

>> No.74126380

>all caps hornyposting
>sorry I got possesed
>keeps doing it

>> No.74126432

I love v4mirai

>> No.74126821
File: 2.46 MB, 1200x1593, 164354314235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74127203

Alias is a super hypeman.
Maybe she wants other people to do the lewd ASMR thing so hers looks less suspicious?
Or she's a really good coworker and friend.

>> No.74127271
File: 51 KB, 391x398, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74127324

I think it's probably a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B

>> No.74127570

Yumi should be lewder

>> No.74127573

Yae was right you just need to objectify yourself

>> No.74127634
File: 304 KB, 1576x2575, 1687991718651716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stream is fucking great.

>> No.74127756

Yumi GFE

>> No.74127802

Alias has always been a good friend. /tsunx/ would've completely lost gen4 if it wasn't for her. Her old gen mates said that she was the only thing keeping them together and pushing for their projects.

>> No.74127905

If I was more of an autist I would have a grudge post ready for the Yumi doomer

>> No.74128229


>> No.74128290
File: 66 KB, 377x494, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74128318

Yumi will have sex with (Me)

>> No.74128453

Alias holy fuck

>> No.74128482

Alias knows what the people want

>> No.74128496

She liked Goth Yumi
But I liked Womb Tattoo.

>> No.74128512
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>> No.74128515
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>> No.74128514

Vtubers don't need to be lewd

>> No.74128548
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>> No.74128594

Nope, but it helps.

>> No.74128652
File: 9 KB, 356x60, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5K for double dicksucking ASMR collab with Alias

>> No.74128738

I genuinely can't get a read on Alias

>> No.74128784

What do you mean

>> No.74128804


>> No.74128835

she's a whore with a heart of gold

>> No.74128865

So, Alias is the actual crazy one of her gen, right?

>> No.74128904

Always has been

>> No.74128914

Crazy for her friends

>> No.74128930

She is my lovable girlfriend

>> No.74128970
Quoted by: >>74129071

How new?

>> No.74129071
Quoted by: >>74129284

>How new?
Anon, they debuted two weeks ago.

>> No.74129180

since globie and v4m share this thread, will vspoEN need their own? JP vspo thread seems to not want anything to do with le EOP

>> No.74129225
Quoted by: >>74129290

bro barely anyone talks about globie here, we can fit vspoEN

>> No.74129284
Quoted by: >>74129574

A lot of people knew her from before

>> No.74129287

jp vspo even hates their own jp vtubers

>> No.74129290

remove globie and add vspoEN

>> No.74129348

given how much anons here love fps, im sure they would fit right in

>> No.74129405
Quoted by: >>74129757

yeah sure
>seems to not want anything to do with le EOP
I know it's unrelated but taking this posture in an english speaking board is maybe the most retarded thing to do in regards to vtubing discussion here

>> No.74129573
File: 76 KB, 382x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Nova

>> No.74129574

Well, I didn't, so I'm that new.

>> No.74129624

Alias knows exactly how to drain our balls and she wants to teach Yumi her ways

>> No.74129728
File: 1.30 MB, 195x195, Ishould.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nova womb tattoo

>> No.74129757

The JP focused threads for other companies tend to be isolated from external drama, and have more mod attention. There's a reason why they strive to keep the segregation.

>> No.74130077
Quoted by: >>74130185

How many squats has she done?

>> No.74130185

a lot

>> No.74130234

god the Lunalia ring-fit streams are going to be great

>> No.74130498
Quoted by: >>74130829

I thought 5k sounded a little optimistic when Alias mentioned it, but Yumi could actually get there if she keeps going another hour.

>> No.74130829

pretty sure she planned this to last 9 hours.... whether she gets there is another thing.

>> No.74131638

The last time we had this discussion, consensus was wait and see if they generate enough posts to warrant their own thread. If they do, wish them well! And maybe they take globie with them? If not, include them here. Should still be some room in the OP. Depending on how many members they drop, could also trim the "Edition" and Current Happenings.

>> No.74131744

Globie ain't going anywhere, bud.

>> No.74131896
Quoted by: >>74131967

filling your dress with gunpowder before getting burned at the stake is pretty metal

>> No.74131967

unless you wrapped yourself in shrapnel, wouldn't that just make you burn faster with fuck load of smoke?

>> No.74132856
File: 502 KB, 888x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74133275
Quoted by: >>74133462

So at 5k Alias is gonna fly over and fuck Yumi if I'm understanding this correctly

>> No.74133462

Yes, but I will also be there and they will do double blowjob asmr with my head acting as the microphone

>> No.74134136

VSPO EN is taking from the same pool of chuubas as v4m and globie. They will be nothing like their JP counterparts at all, especially if they try to remain in the vtuber sphere only.
Likely they're sharing this thread until they're big enough to get their own.

>> No.74135349

bros where did you go

>> No.74135576
Quoted by: >>74136684

I'm not watching. Did anything lewd happen in this Yumi stream?

>> No.74136684
Quoted by: >>74138157

Yumi was corrupted into a whore

>> No.74136840
File: 678 KB, 854x480, 1687714363287211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74138157

Yeah my whore

>> No.74138542
File: 4 KB, 376x32, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in peace, Yumi The Witch.

>> No.74138633
Quoted by: >>74140538

Should I drunkenly relisten to the Alias ASMR form yesterdat?

>> No.74139369

i take it that VSPO EN will be the place where they'll place their game-focused Vtubers since V4Mirai has a different focus.

>> No.74140538
Quoted by: >>74140870

Yes, but keep your wallet out of reach if you're emotionally vulnerable right now

>> No.74140561

Will they have fighting game chubbas or just fps?

>> No.74140846

as long as it's competitive game.

>> No.74140847
Quoted by: >>74142004

Nobody cares about fighting games

>> No.74140870

I need the validation of getting a thank you if I donate so I'm safe there at least.

>> No.74140940
File: 107 KB, 261x303, combolimit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fightans, and even I am fully willing to admit how nobody cares about fightans besides fighting game players

>> No.74142004
Quoted by: >>74142275

Fighting games are the original esport

>> No.74142157

I'd watch SC2 or Brood Wars chuuba.

>> No.74142275

Define "esport"

>> No.74143348
Quoted by: >>74143570

listening to monos membership asmrs and i want to kill myself

>> No.74143570

Think about how sad Mono would be if you killed yourself

>> No.74144311
File: 294 KB, 470x530, Sensei Batsu[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5a1oce.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74144347
Quoted by: >>74144547

Holy fuck, I haven't watched this vod yet. I can't believe I missed this

>> No.74144547

It's a good watch.
What Sensei said there wasn't directed at chat, she was instructing the girls on the batsu.

>> No.74145030

I just had my first dream about mono, and she basically boromird herself fighting hobos in a forest while i shot arrows at the hobos trying to save her. She ended up surviving but her hands got damaged and couldnt art anymore and she ended up with trauma because she couldnt draw her chibos anymore. You beautiful brave bastard...

>> No.74145464


>> No.74148038
File: 3.30 MB, 600x600, 1712860112284112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74148137
Quoted by: >>74148235

Who was Alias Anono before?
She might have the best ASMR in corpo chuubas now

>> No.74148235
Quoted by: >>74148389

Her PL is by far the easiest to find, don't be a lazy nigger.

>> No.74148297
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74148389

The soundpost with her PL has been posted so many times in this thread

>> No.74148395

>that drool in the thumbnail

>> No.74148432

thank god its been too long since yae member asmr

>> No.74148513
Quoted by: >>74148715

yae is going to win the membership ASMR arms race by having a streamlabs controlled vibrator inside her

>> No.74148715

Good thing she updated her OBS and that fixed the random disconnection issues that she was having.

>> No.74149146

Yae has custody of my semen for the week

>> No.74150167

Since getting into Petalight, i've started to feel like I should get a spreadsheet to plan out my faps.....

>> No.74150259 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 850x1155, d40dde0f537e357fd8e6d7aa66eadc6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutted to this while listening to Mono's. It's cool I'm taking the holiday.

>> No.74150275
File: 168 KB, 482x377, 1712448825687779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74150313
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>> No.74150533
File: 494 KB, 524x756, Screenshot 2024-04-17 192958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74150764
File: 142 KB, 288x449, 1712827230152444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes got her titties out and everything

>> No.74150996


>> No.74152153

p10 mirai
no mono or REM so i probably wont bump more until alias time

>> No.74152386
File: 815 KB, 1500x1500, 1713238786967557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74152652

Lovey dovey handholding and biting sex with Mari
Rough animalistic breeding sex with Mono
Stealthy ninja public blowjobs with Yae
Tear-jerking-oscar-winning emotional childhood friend confession sex with Alias
Desperate embarrassed naizuri with Nova
Sleepy morning blowjobs with REM
Sternum cracking paizuri with Yumi
Scolding handjobs from Vee Sensei she gives you a little kiss after

>> No.74152652

All else were cracks, but that breaks the dam

>> No.74152997

pet play section with mono
i am crawling on the floor because she asked

>> No.74153102
File: 1.19 MB, 974x1080, love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74153468

I am too weak to praising and caring ASMR

>> No.74153468

i really cant get into Alias, i know this is my brainworms but her voice sounds so ingenuine all the time which makes no sense. i just have a faulty brain and will never be able to partake in her ASMRs

>> No.74153595

Oh jesas

>> No.74153839
File: 348 KB, 1196x1472, bondage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that globies debuted on friday and still havent streamed, instead they are getting groomed by the bondage niji dude, what a shit show that company is

>> No.74153905

That's cool

>> No.74153920


>> No.74154868

Understandable, then post about the girls that you do like watching instead being a retarded cunt.

>> No.74155041

Are they competing or something? How did they find so many temptresses? I'm just a pure anon. Why are they trying to corrupt me?

>> No.74155176

Anon, you have to give them all of your seed.

>> No.74155252
Quoted by: >>74155286

After I bust this one, I'm storing my seed until the stream.

>> No.74155286


>> No.74155377

I will be strong and keep the next one for Yae! with how many times I fapped to Mono's recently I don't think I'd be able to hold it...

>> No.74155521
File: 1.13 MB, 895x964, yae wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74156008

Yae is just making sure her Yaemen stay drained so they don't stray.

>> No.74155531


>> No.74155949
File: 2.89 MB, 3265x3425, GLf-ynVa4AAJtUb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74176322


>> No.74156008
Quoted by: >>74156062

I am a serial cheater, but I always dedicate at least one fap a week to neesan...

>> No.74156062


>> No.74156124
Quoted by: >>74156469

i want to bring mono to orgasm just by playing with her nipples

>> No.74156469

That's one of my top fetishes so that part of the asmr was absolute gold for me. God I love Mono so much...

>> No.74156735

Mono nursing handjob while she calls me a good boy

>> No.74156853

Being cute, playing games or having some music stuff them do some fanservice like this is a really smart way to keep their anons. Weird how some corpos don't get it.

>> No.74156903


>> No.74156926

Don't forget dick sucking asmr

>> No.74157017
File: 606 KB, 2686x4096, 1691936190557043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that not all the globies have debuted yet

>> No.74157464
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot2024482284940849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with diving too hard into fanservice is that it borders on the lines of most sites TOS and risks losing money from ad revenue, meaning you're even more inclined to get money directly from donations which isn't stable business wise so management usually advices against it.
Secondly there's the issue of women being women. They either get uncomfortable with being degenerate, or cant stand their fans that only see them for their fanservice, or worse cause is that they embrace the fanservice too hard and just dive into greedy whore territory where they use fanservice as an excuse to be lazy in other departments.

>> No.74157572

and then there's the issue...they get a BF and he finds their channel...

>> No.74157707

I'd file that under the long list of Women being women as "doing fanservice knowing full well you already have a boyfriend". Shits disgusting to no end. I could give 2 shits if a vtuber has a relationship, but doing intentionally parasocial fanservice when you already have someone is a fucking sin.

>> No.74157710

I'm not even talking about being super lewd but giving fanservice for people that support you like every week or two weeks is a really good way to keep them interested. Not picking favorites also helps them to not stagnate and get new people.

>> No.74157713
File: 1009 KB, 1920x1080, 1700941015543385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? I'm Mariya's boyfriend and I already know about her channel.

>> No.74157782
Quoted by: >>74157955

Yumi was really cute last night. It seems people finally remembered she exists. I'm happy for her. I joined her membership and made her do 10 squats. I can only imagine how sore her legs are today...

>> No.74157836

that one anon is right, what does she look like under the shirt...

>> No.74157955

I liked when she moaned

>> No.74158122
Quoted by: >>74159396

I would have loved to have seen Bisco in yesterday's collab...

>> No.74159169

I hope Serina one day graduates from zoomer into nubian queen hag

>> No.74159396

She really was a great personality type a group needs

>> No.74161597
Quoted by: >>74161807


>> No.74161807
File: 368 KB, 1080x2264, 20240411_203053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74164778

10 seconds is how long I'd last getting paizuri from Yae.

>> No.74162001

I was too tired this last week and fell asleep during Mono and Mari's asmrs, but I will make damn sure I am at full attention for Yae.

>> No.74162305
File: 310 KB, 465x458, 1700223026778762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good mononing!
Looks like the collab left an impression on her

>> No.74162664

My expectations for globie were extremely low and somehow they still let me down. I have no clue how pippa is able to be the only likeable person in that branch.

>> No.74162871
Quoted by: >>74163120

I like Reina and Miel and Pippa and I still need to watch Bonnie and Kiri's debuts. I should do that instead of shopping for a breadmaker.

>> No.74163120

Kiri is planning to do some racing content which is at least different from the usual, I'll at least give her a try.

>> No.74163370

Pippa is doing the most british collab of the season.

>> No.74164778
File: 1.41 MB, 1055x1080, rabbit sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yae post orgasm torture until you're ready to go for round 2

>> No.74164828
Quoted by: >>74164878

Looks like Alias is delaying the ASMR release again but this time it's not because she accidentally wrote softcore porn

>> No.74164878
Quoted by: >>74165011

This time the softcore porn was intentional
I assume she just has some autistically small things to fix in mixing?

>> No.74165011

Just too busy and didn't get a chance to finish everything yesterday apparently. Also confirmed non-lewd

>> No.74165134
Quoted by: >>74165238

I love my girlfriend Alias

>> No.74165238

Same because I made this post

>> No.74165256

Looking at Yae's thumbnail for her upcoming ASMR, I'm guessing she's in breeding mode. and by sin she means our semen

>> No.74165393


>> No.74165405
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, mari love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excited for the totally unspoiled announcement that we will be hearing about for the first time tonight.

>> No.74165432

She was ovulating at the end of the month which is around the same time frame as with Mono.

>> No.74165497
Quoted by: >>74165567

Dear Brave Group managers,
Give me more flat chests.
Thank you in advance.

>> No.74165567
File: 1.26 MB, 1647x1080, 1713392752745201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please brave group, just ONE cunny

>> No.74165641


>> No.74165706
File: 395 KB, 666x431, ghost milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74165948

Brave Group, please continue with titty monsters with a sprinkle of medium premiums and only a sparing pinch of flat chests once in a blue moon.

>> No.74165948

I find enjoyment in current talents despite their disgusting cow tits.

>> No.74165991

Alias stole my heart...

>> No.74166082

Alias stole approximately 9 mililitres of my semen...

>> No.74166279

I need to save up my seed for this

>> No.74166330

Competition breeds excellence

>> No.74166346

Alias is a slut

>> No.74166363

with a heart of gold

>> No.74166399


>> No.74166403

Sensei if you're here please we need a summer 3d swimsuit extravaganza

>> No.74166570

I'm still overwhelmed from Mono/Mari on back to back days...

I would like Petalight to be more considerate & do member ASMR every 3 weeks, with each girl alternating. Every 2 weeks is too often & will lead to burnout, once a month is not enough. Every 3 weeks seems just right. And they would have plenty of room for normal member streams as well.

When Alias gets in on this, it will truly be over for me

>> No.74166610

I came so much to Mari's Asmr that for the first time in months I actually got a full nights rest. Hell when I woke up today at around 7 ,filled with head fog and groggy, I opened up her Asmr, jerked off to it as if driven by a primal instinctual need and woke up again around 10. Thank god I start work again tomorrow because holy shit I'm not currently functioning well and this might be the closest I've ever come to feeling like I'm losing control of my self-restraint...

>> No.74166643

Yeah for (Me) exclusively
I love her

>> No.74166655
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, likevampires[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdjox0a.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74166663

Has V4Mirai hit the big time?

>> No.74166694

Oh fuck I'm really out of it, that was not meant as a reply to Yae's Asmr, I think I did that though because Nun's are my weakness and I'm being extremely tempted to sin again from the amount of sex radiating from that thumbnail...

>> No.74166766

I love GFE
I am so lonely.

>> No.74166804
File: 622 KB, 674x592, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this post

>> No.74166823
Quoted by: >>74167127


>> No.74166831
File: 1.24 MB, 1173x1174, 1453232342323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74167127

I made these posts. I know this corpo will be the death of me but I can't look away

>> No.74166955

Alias can fix you

>> No.74167111

Sunflower Lecithin

Now stop complaining about a lack of semen

>> No.74167127
File: 578 KB, 700x955, 1713138167288215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74167378

brothers none of the girls would like you to be sad and feel like a deadend, we all can have a better life, please don't feel bad because of this stuff and work on improving yourselves, WAGMI

>> No.74167378
File: 155 KB, 1277x713, 1712524864942897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74167520

>I will never have a weird foreign gf with a cute accent who is incredibly weak to compliments and romantic gestures
it's so over

>> No.74167520
File: 185 KB, 383x375, 1713386229801232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can't have all we want but it is what it is, I'm sure you'll find someone you'll love anon
Just don't fumble it

>> No.74167686

Based. I'm not lonely though, I have a vampire girlfriend already.

>> No.74167729
File: 468 KB, 1400x2142, 1654354654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. It's one of the few things that gets me out of bed in the morning.

>> No.74167887

Same but I have a harem of cute hags to love me
Love painter wife
Love ninja wife
Love vampire wife
Love ghost girlfriend with big tits

>> No.74168029

It's funny seeing the contrast between Spectra's tea autism and Pippa's taste

>> No.74169315
File: 133 KB, 960x926, 1698773679465172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74169727

I recognize that poster, its me

>> No.74169629
File: 606 KB, 673x705, mari smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to draw Mari tonight.

>> No.74169727

At least we're all lonely together

>> No.74169731
File: 88 KB, 1386x775, 1713655865658754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74170244

What kind of drawing?

>> No.74170244

a seiso one

>> No.74170565

Alias doing a voice acting collab this time tomorrow. Anyone familiar with the other 2?

>> No.74170656

Pam is cute, I have no idea who the other one is.

>> No.74170675
File: 40 KB, 440x369, 1709728746435584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know PAM

>> No.74170706
File: 105 KB, 295x211, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not familiar with veena, but pam is a super /unity/ girl,a central pillar in the /corpo/ sphere of influence

>> No.74170722

I like PAM, she's pretty cute. No idea who Veena is

>> No.74171417
File: 1007 KB, 1038x1500, 1697749400334150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74171424

I'm going to do something else with Mari tonight

>> No.74172364

Time for the Doctor

>> No.74172377

Dr. Sex is invincible

>> No.74172486

her intro screen kind of makes her look like a loli

>> No.74173458

[Nova News] She's some flavour of mentally ill

>> No.74173525

I don't think that qualifies as news.

>> No.74173631
File: 1.79 MB, 1326x1155, 1698817267561070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74173927

Same. Vtubers are keeping me going until I go out to get an actual gf.

>> No.74173964
Quoted by: >>74174056

Mentally healthy people don't become vtubers

>> No.74174056

Fauna is mentally healthy though.

>> No.74174182

No she's vegan.

>> No.74174185
Quoted by: >>74174302

and nerissa, and fuwamoco

>> No.74174302
File: 56 KB, 200x200, 1713570527032995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and fuwamoco
different flavor of mental illness, they're terminally weeb brained

>> No.74174309

Look at how cute the doctor is

>> No.74174389
Quoted by: >>74174560

>until I go out to get an actual gf.
how's that working out

>> No.74174455

yay a spammer

>> No.74174483

>he still has hope
I remember that feel

>> No.74174540

I'm too in love with my waifu to get into GFE

>> No.74174560
Quoted by: >>74176228

I mean my last gf was three years ago. Then I got into vtubers. I also lost my job so I have to get a new one, since no bitches will be with me if I am poor.

>> No.74174982

Nova shower stream next Sunday

>> No.74175570
File: 548 KB, 1806x2444, 1683172420681888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As very briefly mentioned in a past thread, as we got a racing chuuba, I'm planning on /v4m/ joining VGTC (which will be a AI racing tourney on assetto corsa) with Kiri. This is an initial version of the livery, if you have any suggestions to improve it, please do share.

>> No.74175800
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74175995

Seri RnB on point, as always

>> No.74176136

[Nova News] She is such a top

>> No.74176228
File: 277 KB, 576x459, 1712449420406947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you me?

>> No.74176322

one of these posts has to be Alias herself with her wrasslin autism

>> No.74176351

bullying Serina

>> No.74176431
File: 12 KB, 579x92, 1682247774524741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74176432

looks good

>> No.74177012

Damn nova is so cute

>> No.74177105

Serina should sing R Kelly songs

>> No.74177561

What would sex with Serina be like?

>> No.74177641

Loud I bet

>> No.74177652

she would amazon press you

>> No.74177707

It would never end with her stamina, good luck.

>> No.74177751

I bet she's really shy until you break through and she goes wild.

>> No.74177772

I honestly don't think most people would survive and the ones that do would never be able to walk again.

>> No.74177794

I think Serina would be the only V4M girl that I'd be intimidated to actually talk to

>> No.74177836

she truly is the alpha female of v4mirai

>> No.74177937
File: 3.07 MB, 1936x2366, serina maiko dega1028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74177957

wht about abi?

>> No.74178083


>> No.74178225

Abi would be intimidated to talk to (you).

>> No.74178319
File: 910 KB, 1422x670, naizuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74180836

I like Nova

>> No.74178347

Is the Brazilian one seiso? I thought every vtuber from this shithole would be the most unhinged horny ones.

>> No.74178444
Quoted by: >>74178729

the collage of brave groups is pretty cool. I'm used to seeing a big anime girl on the hood of itashas but those vents are tricky.
maybe there's a higher contrast color than lime on white? I was thinking some shade of brown since kiri has that peanut butter chocolate thing going on, but I'll leave it to your judgement. nice work anon

>> No.74178457

She doesn't do much in the way of fanservice, but seiso is not a good word to describe her.

>> No.74178466

abi is not seiso, but she's not horny either. if anything, she'd be unhinged

>> No.74178468

Seiso isn't the word I'd use but Crystalis aren't horny all the time like Petalight and half of Lunalia.

>> No.74178494
Quoted by: >>74178657

Um...I think Nova and V4Mirai should secure permissions and do a cover of this song.

>> No.74178657

Send her a maro if you can't superchat

>> No.74178729

Yeah, I've noticed the contrast issue, especially on bright sunlight, I'll probably go for her design's darker shade of orange instead of lime, but I'll still try to add lime somewhere as it's also very prominent on her design.

>> No.74178732

Wrong company.

>> No.74179024

which vod do I check for a hint on mari's announcement? I'm a bad kouhai and was probably multitasking
seeing just "announcement" is too stressful for me

>> No.74179123

apparently was vee sensei the one who leaked it first, but i wasnt paying too much attention as to give a timestamp

>> No.74179177
File: 792 KB, 2637x4096, 1713627065380195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74180814

The announcement is that Mari is pregnant with our daughter

>> No.74179190
Quoted by: >>74181267

Zatsu after the Content Warning stream.

>> No.74179240

The announcement is that she's getting married to me. Sorry for leaking, KouHais. The people deserve to know.

>> No.74179317


>> No.74179541

announcement is that she is in fact my child

>> No.74179792

Still one week until abi is back??

>> No.74180623
Quoted by: >>74180696

[Nova News] Chocolate cake makes her happy

>> No.74180696


>> No.74180756

Besides her pregnancy with my child, its probably a new outfit. Her current cleavage demonitizes all her vods so she wanted to fast track a new outfit

>> No.74180814
Quoted by: >>74180873

they should have sex with each other

>> No.74180817
Quoted by: >>74180901

Wait really? When/where did she mention that her outfit was getting her demonetized?

>> No.74180836


>> No.74180860
Quoted by: >>74180892

nobody in this corpo is "seiso"

>> No.74180873

Jesus they should definitely not...Without me being there to watch

>> No.74180892


>> No.74180901

She's said it a few times. YouTube really doesn't like anime cleavage.
It's not an outfit, that's at 25k.

>> No.74180928
Quoted by: >>74181073

based and same (kinda, I go on dates still)

>> No.74180984

>YouTube really doesn't like anime cleavage
does the same happen to flesh thots?

>> No.74181073

Ew, what are you doing here, you're gonna get cooties on me

>> No.74181213

i haven't touched a girl in five years. please save me.

>> No.74181267
File: 424 KB, 928x514, 1690867609959449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you...!
apparently I was around and took screenshots but missed the scoop. also thought those two were confirmed already; maybe I just saw sensei's thing. official announcement hype!

>> No.74181328
File: 806 KB, 1264x648, 1346254645334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't save you but she can

>> No.74181393
File: 89 KB, 276x294, 1713652919842963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ever having touched a girl

>> No.74181475
File: 2.76 MB, 1920x1080, 1683403442837466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74181528
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, 1686463190956833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74181627
File: 701 KB, 599x845, 1686855421574403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74181728
File: 722 KB, 496x723, 1690607916555564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74181737

Wow that's fucking dumb even by youtube standards... I've only been here since after the Valentines karaoke relay so maybe that's why I'm just learning this?

>> No.74181783

Man, Serina goes hard

>> No.74181838
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1691541749543861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74181882

>> No.74181882
Quoted by: >>74182216

Alias had no right being that sexy while giving me all those positive affirmations

>> No.74181886
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1700875150716445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74181927
File: 61 KB, 139x191, 1686448024083404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74182216

And that was just Nurse Alias. The walls around my heart are going to crumble when Girlfriend Alias praises me tonight.

>> No.74182493

I love Mono's morning voice posts

>> No.74183147
Quoted by: >>74183164

Anyone else getting some static on Novas stream?

>> No.74183164


>> No.74184221

Seri karaoke in case it goes down

>> No.74184266
Quoted by: >>74184348

Nova is not thinking with portals

>> No.74184348

I was about to make that post lmao

>> No.74184747

Very excited to have Alias tell me not to kill myself

>> No.74184872

Can't wait for the inevitable LTG edit where she does the opposite

>> No.74185034
Quoted by: >>74185213

idk guys, tonight im really feeling my crippling depression

>> No.74185054

I'm anticipating a 9-day work week coming up so I really need whatever motivation she can give

>> No.74185213

Are you sure it's not just a sunday?

>> No.74185684
File: 5 KB, 352x41, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74185760

>> No.74185760
Quoted by: >>74185874

>both portuguese
>both stinky
is Portugal the country of stinky girls?

>> No.74185874
Quoted by: >>74187900

It's the country of hairy girls.

>> No.74186099
File: 157 KB, 606x314, thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74187900

I prefer my girls neatly trimmed.
