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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 677 KB, 851x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
74059902 No.74059902 [Reply] [Original]

Say hello to Kenji, everyone. He's admitted to being /here/ already.

>> No.74059992
File: 11 KB, 299x168, werready4dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's here like Sayu, you fucking gullible. Btw Hi Sayu!

>> No.74059996
File: 649 KB, 328x324, crinch [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqij740.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally who
(I don't care)

>> No.74060388
File: 92 KB, 475x897, 1693199327948604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, the indie industry supports him
Sayucels, your response?

>> No.74060483

he aight but him reeling when Sayu only told his platform and calling her a pedo and doxxing she has kids was fucked

now he is pretending that shit didnt exist cause he will get cooked trying to go after hololive

>> No.74060491

Why is this a big deal? At all?
No one heard of this guy or his group until this week.

>> No.74060524

I still dont know why he has a white model if he's black and "proud" of it. Is it that hard to find an artist that would make a brown or black model?

>> No.74060539

aint this a response to his doxxing? not his shit with Sayu? some indies have no idea he did that

i dont see any indie support for his sayu shit

>> No.74060592

the weak like to stick together

>> No.74060618
File: 6 KB, 1369x80, firefox_cRH4EO0Iiy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74060688


>> No.74060665

This is prior to him sperging out about Sayu saying doxxing is wrong.

>> No.74060688

i didnt say that

>> No.74060706
File: 255 KB, 317x389, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as i dont like kenji and agree i definitely feel like this is kage and his goon squad trying to make him seem worse. this fag just had his career ruined so i know hes behind some of these threads and posts.

>> No.74060776
Quoted by: >>74060855

an actual nigger faggot

>> No.74060855
Quoted by: >>74061405

though he was a wigger, but hes a sea monkey which is objectively worse.

>> No.74060864

he should have worked as a cotton harvester instead of a vtuber

>> No.74060987

fuck the gayboys dude LOL im sure they are 1 or 2 of the people but damn any one here for revenge from that shit, go commit die

>> No.74061017
Quoted by: >>74066169

I fucking knew it

>> No.74061279
File: 213 KB, 480x480, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Sup, bitch.

>> No.74061339

I guess he's playing into the meta of looking like a generic yaoi boy.

>> No.74061354
File: 92 KB, 233x264, quinn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu's future streams will have chat restrictions now for sure lol, bitch is scared to see that so many people are supporting my brother Kenji over her ass. the Dokibird drama is over sayu, your white knights are your only defense force.

>> No.74061372
File: 2.92 MB, 900x936, 159856833487654.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74061465

>Plays pretend white guy online
>Gets mad that women reject him
>Plays victim after doxing others
>calls others (women who reject him) "diddlers"
>literally jealous of little anime boys
ohhhh noooooooooo!!!! Anyways....

>> No.74061378
Quoted by: >>74075436

>some literally who posting a thread about themselves trying to drum up interest through faux drama
like literally 1/3 of /vt/

>> No.74061391

At this point it probably doesn't matter, all you need is people to set their minds to be on your side, any situations that come after that is irrelevant

>> No.74061405
File: 2.66 MB, 334x298, Nande.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, this fucker is from SEA? Why the hell does he talk like he's from the 'hood?

>> No.74061413

who? I only watch hololive.

>> No.74061423

this guy is the reason why the cotton picker got clout after fucking a chinese pussy
He's from the hood. He did an "immersion break" in 2022 revealing that he's a cotton picker

>> No.74061443

flips do look up to them

>> No.74061461

She's on vacation. By the time she comes back this faggot's career will already be toast

>> No.74061465

>jealous of little anime boys
He's like Roberu but without the charm.

>> No.74061489

It's a SEA thing. They wish they were black for some reason.
I've seen it IRL, quite sad.

>> No.74061520

Buy an ad

>> No.74061540

Most of them wouldn't show up if he made similar post now.

>> No.74061600

It's his branding now. Mostly just laziness at this point though

>> No.74061636
Quoted by: >>74062062

I don't mind. Kenji's whole circle is filled with horrible people. Hope they all drag each other down.

>> No.74061679

Lmao what a faggot imagine crying over some discord nothing drama and getting so ass blasted that you turn into a filthy doxx nigger

>> No.74061813
Quoted by: >>74061888

the indie industry "supports him"

any support he gets is superficial and he owes it to the fact that he's a relatively big content creator. He's surrounded by people who make fun of him behind his back and people who wouldn't actually go to bat for him when they realize he's a faggot clout chaser and all he has is what little twitch clout he can claim

>> No.74061834 [DELETED] 

I'm SEA and I hate nigger
t. Vietnam

>> No.74061888

>i bet he's actually hated by everyone who publicly supports him!
sayucuck cope

>> No.74061916

Sayu's post termination streams didn't even have chat restrictions.

>> No.74061947

Isnt his main drama from his literal open supporting friends hating his guts behind his back how is this a cope if its a fucking fact you retarded faggot

>> No.74061965
Quoted by: >>74062052

Twitch vtubers were a mistake. If they stream to twitch, get out. They're broken.

>> No.74061972

NYS Kenji

>> No.74062014

>the indie industry supports him

>> No.74062021

How's his friend group holding up? That mofumofu boys or whatever.

>> No.74062052

This but unironically

>> No.74062062

The worst that can happen is big indies stop interacting with them. He has an adin ross fanbase that wont care what bad stuff he does.

>> No.74062165

How does this literal who retard have 200k followers? Is it bots?

>> No.74062194

Children. Actual children.

>> No.74062195

he is a dramatuber himself,which is fuckng ironic

>> No.74062240

Vtubing becoming main stream in west was a huge mistake, now niggers and trannies joined and almost every week they try to stir shit

>> No.74062270


>> No.74062299

more like westernized SEAnigs, pure SEA dislikes black people if not hate

>> No.74062321
File: 209 KB, 554x392, Reandown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants the quick Reandown
Haha, guess it's time to not hold back
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but also the men
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a tachi and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in Trails in the Sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred curse that appears at the last second
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
>now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad
>awakens a new inner power to combat this alternate self, giving him heterochromia in the process
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought his franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's games are about him
>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing

>> No.74062342

drama stirring faggot brings up something that happened 2 years ago because he needed the spotlight

>> No.74062355

People stay because he's a buttmonkey and they just want to hate watch. That's his entire shtick to go alongside the dramatuber shit

>> No.74062453
File: 132 KB, 463x453, 1709250590124877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74068011

Why the fuck is every single person defending this guy created with the same template with weird gender shit in their bio, "minors DNI", and a billion reposts of GoFundMes for maimed palestinian children? Did they leak in from the Niji community?

>> No.74062467
File: 374 KB, 2048x1441, f5760d40-fdd5-11ee-b2c5-f35ae1820381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday this dramatuber made a huge bitch post about how 2 years ago his dramatuber dox friends linked his old fleshtuber account to his current vtuber account to like 5 friends on discord. He made a huge stink randomly calling them shitheads and got them cancelled. In a reply, Sayu said "man, doxxing sucks but people don't like to get doxxed. Maybe think about that in the future" since he used to have a gigantic smear video on her calling her a pedophile rape apologist that hit 500k views and he only took down because Selen's shit was exploding and he was afraid he might catch flak if people remembered he existed.
Now he's fucking PISSED that Sayu made that tweet and him and his teenage fans are shitting up the board. It's hilarity.

Oh, for extra fun, he fucking made his own rape jokes where he screamed and moaned about pretending to be raped on stream and posted it to twitter. But it's okay when HE does it but not for Sayu because

>> No.74062471


>> No.74062510

Man, he really is a pussy kek

>> No.74062522
Quoted by: >>74062675

>male vtubers are bigger drama attention whores than female vtubers
>with non vtubers it's the opposite
Why is it like this? I don't think there's any male vtubers i actually enjoy watching, they're all females.

>> No.74062529

Not true, by the way.

>> No.74062548
Quoted by: >>74075258

Didn't this faggot, admit to be flesh streamer when he started and change to vtubing because of the trend? I vaguely remember him saying "OGs know me, they seen me before"

>> No.74062559

I like how Sayu got dozens of responses from people saying "What are you doing, this doesn't concern you" when apparently it's ok for Kenji to weigh in on something that doesn't concern him when labeling Sayu a real-ass pedophile

>> No.74062575

he is relatively old in this media, a while ago he made a video talking about youtube targeting black models and black creators which was a drama started by one of the biggest black youtubers, he got a bunch of followers from it, i dont think that pushed his viewership it over 200k but it certainly started it.

>> No.74062592
File: 81 KB, 720x460, 1713581646403455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74062619
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x2400, 1713576735427796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replying to this btw

>> No.74062635
File: 562 KB, 716x869, 28282910233282822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74075347

Vox and him should have a bitch-off to see who bitches out the worst.

>> No.74062675

This is what happens when a guy joins any primarily female dominated industry. It's usually complete faggots that do it.

>> No.74062677

Lobe this guy.

>> No.74062691
File: 85 KB, 617x727, 1697918872372008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74075295

>Literally who
>Shitted the basket against Sayu when she was Zaion'd
>Biggest pussy of all Vtubing
jej, and even the schitzos needn't to move a single finger to get dirt of him. Hee did it himself... for free

>> No.74062703

>A loli who doesn't want to be called loli
>A man pretending to be a woman
>A dramafaggot who tried to start shit with shondo because she was so much bigger than her pathetic stream and she got ingored
>Twitch ewhore
>Autistic nepohire
Damn the "indursty" surely is big, go back and kill yourself toursit faggot.

>> No.74062716

>plays an anime character online
>his fans dont even know what anime is
Why are low IQ people attracted to him?

>> No.74062811
File: 63 KB, 599x462, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WWE is real!
Holy shit, his fans are actually retarded

>> No.74062822
Quoted by: >>74062969

"I don't know a single person in that picture"
>A bunch of Hololive, some Nijis even
Hope they were being sarcasting but it does not come off as such, these retards somehow think dismissing those in the pic would invalidate it but in real life "arguments" like that only make whatever you say afterwards hold no value, you're literally discrediting your authority in the topic.

>> No.74062884
Quoted by: >>74063003

Who the fuck else would you consider the be representative of the INDIE industry you retard?

>> No.74062920

Even normal dudes would end up corrupted in a female dominated industry. You need a lifetime experience of navigating social relationships that men just don't get. They don't have the EQ for it and end up looking like piss babies.

>> No.74062932
Quoted by: >>74063010

> the be representative
>INDIE industry

>> No.74062969

I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt since it looks like all JPs at first but there's also Gura so to say he doesn't know her is just lol.

>> No.74063003
Quoted by: >>74063220

>he INDIE industry you retard?
>One fucking """"big"""" indie
>4 literal whos
>One twitch ewhore who had to make a "group" with two other twitch ewhores to stay relevant
>2 retards from a company (not indies)
You're not very smart a huh faggot?

>> No.74063010

You're saying all indies are equally as popular as each other?

>> No.74063038

They all behime like a hivemind so may as well

>> No.74063053

He really is the vtuber version of 2016 Ricegum.

>> No.74063078

Why are people suddenly talking about this guy again?

>> No.74063095
File: 305 KB, 586x558, Screenshot 2024-04-20 021921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to western vtubing, enjoy your stay

>> No.74063101

Can anyone give a QRD on what the issue is? Why is sayu on a drama again

>> No.74063220

Answer the question faggot.

>> No.74063236

I'm saying you're either underaged, ESL, or both and need to remove yourself from the internet

>> No.74063248

I hate nigger speak so much

>> No.74063254


Basically dramafag got butthurt that he only cancelled his former friends off the internet and that sayu made a tweet referencing the time he went through her doxx on stream and made up a bunch of shit about her to put into a viral video.

>> No.74063259

She made a very controversial take by saying doxxing is bad.

>> No.74063260

Because westeners are leeches that will take anything they can get for "clout" even if they have to keep digging already done drama

>> No.74063366

Whose community? Cuz you aint fucking welcome here, cunt.

>> No.74063382
File: 579 KB, 1080x1064, Screenshot_20240420-002900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never heard of him but he's been hanging off of Vox's scrote for a while.

>> No.74063424
File: 336 KB, 365x521, kenji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atleast my brother Kenji is not a beggar like your corposlops begging for subs and superchats, y'all games are so weak that you have to resort to calling him the n word just to insult on my 'G. My man Kenji keeps it real and tight with his friends and fans, y'all are a bunch of simps for big corposlops who don't care about y'all.

>> No.74063446

>literal who can't stand not being relevant, brings up his own drama from two fucking years ago just to pity bait, and deservedly gets called out for it when he's a dramafag who makes shit up about other vtubers and doxxes them on stream for clout
I can only say one thing about this retard.

>> No.74063468
Quoted by: >>74069692

dont mind me, just here to ask why all the big indie males have such fucking shit taste in design

>> No.74063486

yoooo my man Lacari


>> No.74063494

Needs more y'all.
That said I'll probably steal this and use it as a bait thread in a week.

>> No.74063505

yo fucking based

>> No.74063531
Quoted by: >>74063609

It's like I'm watching a human brain decompose in real time. Every fucking niggerfaggot and their fanbase have air in their craniums.
Shit like this makes me glad I never once partook in social media.

>> No.74063557

he and sayu should marry

>> No.74063574

uhhhhh didnt he do some weird shit too? Was he kicked out of the black twitch clique?

>> No.74063609
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, 17003947758294223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you post here. Curious!

>> No.74063665

>My man Kenji keeps it real and tight with his friends and fans
yeah and they they doxx him KEK

>> No.74063671

wow this is literally: "mentally retarded" - the post.

>> No.74063682
Quoted by: >>74069637

This is exactly why gatekeeping is good.

>> No.74063688

Actual tl;dr on this Kenji guy:

Is originally a 2-view nobody facecam streamer.

Goes Vtuber despite not being into anime/Japanese culture. Starts to pick up a bit after latching onto Nijimales.

Sends some girl Dove his irl socials 2 years ago. Dove starts dating his irl homie.

A year later goes hard on Sayu dox, says fucked up things, thinks we should box haters irl.

A week ago, shits his pants over some invented dox by Dove (she just shared some blurry insta pix). Kenji immediately spergs out & starts shitting on all his irl & Discord friends on stream.

You are here.

>> No.74063741
File: 169 KB, 808x751, 1647270258855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual TL;DR on this Kenji guy:
>Is originally a 2-view nobody facecam streamer.
>Goes Vtuber despite not being into anime/Japanese culture. Starts to pick up a bit after latching onto Nijimales.
>Sends some girl Dove his irl socials 2 years ago. Dove starts dating his irl homie.
>A year later goes hard on Sayu dox, says fucked up things, thinks we should box haters irl.
>A week ago, shits his pants over some invented dox by Dove (she just shared some blurry insta pix). Kenji immediately spergs out & starts shitting on all his irl & Discord friends on stream.
>You are here.

Fixed, newfag

>> No.74063760

At least his nigga moment was autistic flailing and not actual crime. For now.

>> No.74063797

>lying on the internet
why do people do this

>> No.74063806

Thank you, Anonchama. I'm too drunk rn lol

>> No.74063892
Quoted by: >>74066890

Lacari just wants to play gacha and tekken, he's the most harmless nog out there. Leave him be.

>> No.74064512

Nobody actually cares about the thing itself.
They're turning him into a lolcow

>> No.74065832

based nigga

>> No.74066095
Quoted by: >>74066494

Glad to see this. By far the largest account supporting her yet and he's Black too so that'll help in the weird race equations that twitter discourse runs on.

She's actually gained net followers since yesterday, despite dipping under 68K briefly, so maybe this won't actually be the end of her. Hope so.

>> No.74066117
File: 115 KB, 1394x1394, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Kenji is the most nigger sub human ever. With how much niggers would take a person's black card for being into anything that is deem white. Black people should just do the same when a nigger in black face is acting like a shit flinging monkey.

>> No.74066130

NTA but I like my friends here

>> No.74066169

Sayu dodged a meteor back in 2021. yes, despite what happened to her in niji afterwards.

>> No.74066320

FWIW, this was before Kenji called out Sayu directly and posted about vt.

>> No.74066494

She's been through worse than a shitty dramafag trying to cancel her AGAIN.
She'll be fine. If she survived it the first time, she'll be fine now that she has some real support.

>> No.74066797

>Twitch ewhore
literally the sloppy seconds of the twitch CEO btw

>> No.74066890

sometimes he also pops in to a Sayu stream to thirstpost, he's a cool dude kek

>> No.74066956
Quoted by: >>74066974

is he black? he sounds black

>> No.74066974
Quoted by: >>74067001

He's half Black half SEA

>> No.74067001

that's a rare breed indeed

>> No.74067231

Nta, but maybe the biggest and most popular indies? (filian, vedal and shylily). Why would literal whos and corpo vtubers be representative of the indie scene? Thats like saying ollie represents hololive or raito represents nijitrash

>> No.74067467
Quoted by: >>74067647

Is there anything worse than being both a nigger and a pagpag eater?

>> No.74067622

Lacari's a good dude, from what I've seen
a while back I used to watch a guy that was friends with him and he was always cool when he came around

>> No.74067647

if you someone got some Indian in there

>> No.74067725

why doesn't someone just swat him. There's like a 99% he'd be shot and be out of your guys' hair forever

>> No.74067837

They are not the face of indies retard, Filian and Vedal are, stay mad faggot.

>> No.74067988

I'd like to think we're better than them and civilized enough to have lines we won't cross.
Thenagain some fucker the other day called my oshi a brand carried bitch and some dark thoughts definitely crossed my mind.

>> No.74068011

Kenji is essentially a Kurosanji proxy, he did a lot of collabs with Vox in the past.

>> No.74068059

holy fucking based, i might want to follow him now.

>> No.74068070
Quoted by: >>74068231

who? i mean literally who?
i never heard this faggot until today
wtf did he do?

>> No.74068127
Quoted by: >>74068552

Men should have never been allowed to be vtubers

>> No.74068231
Quoted by: >>74068277

black guy pretending to be a vtuber who is actually a drama whore and doxes people and then cried about getting doxed himself. Calls other vtubers "diddlers" and doesnt like anime.
Basically scum and a leech.

>> No.74068277

damm what a missive nigger faggot he is

>> No.74068484

Can you retards do the most basic of research? He's black and from LA

>> No.74068552
Quoted by: >>74068610

why every single one of them with exception of couple Holostars turned out to be a massive menhera and narcissistic sex pest faggots?

>> No.74068610
Quoted by: >>74068646

Because that's how all men are.

>> No.74068646

I'm not desu

>> No.74069247

lmao what a bitch

>> No.74069296
Quoted by: >>74070902

so many seething femcels at sayu's comment

>> No.74069519

he's actually subhuman

>> No.74069637

it's not just good, it's necessary for the survival of a hobby

>> No.74069641

He already got their support which means he can use them to continue bitching about Sayu

>> No.74069692

False seems to have the better design out of all them, thematically fitting too as a drama/newstuber

>> No.74069772
Quoted by: >>74069976

Isnt that the cunt that was just recently exposed for harassing vtubers?

>> No.74069896

Are we sure this nigga's a dude?

>> No.74069976
Quoted by: >>74070139

No, Buffpup and her were just named by someone else who was talking shit to FeFe, if that's the event you're thinking of.

>> No.74070139
File: 151 KB, 1284x1333, 1713428691868935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was already known for being a giant cunt and a grifter
No surprise she hangs out with people that harass vtubers

>> No.74070396
Quoted by: >>74089285

Sayu made some very strong claims against Kenji from an unaware onlooker's point of view.
They all may very well be true, but she needs to provide context as well as sufficient proof of the damages she's suffered.
A followup response is needed especially when he's inciting the mob onto her again, just like a year ago.

>> No.74070596

I didn't notice anyone else saying it but my gut tells me it's Rosedoodle.

>> No.74070665

Stay classic, Nijiwhorejo

>> No.74070715

wasn't the dox 2 years ago? why is he baseding out now

>> No.74070887
File: 1.44 MB, 500x585, 1688337461735636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquid nicotine is highly toxic, odorless and tasteless. You can kill a dog by dousing some jerky in it and giving it to them.

>> No.74070902

Like she said, she still has people shitting on her. Obviously diving head first into drama doesn't help, but I think she's at the point of not really caring about what bitter femcels think anymore. She's got a good thing going on. Her only problem isn't that she wants what she can't have.

>> No.74070967

>Mooooom le 4chan is being mean to mee
What a bitch

>> No.74071023
File: 82 KB, 536x633, 1704980758480200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74086717

Holofans noticed him. It's over.

>> No.74071220

He is friends with all the OTK group and the Ludwig side of twitch who are quite known for abandoning any creator who gets in to shit

>> No.74071311

Those tweets have nothing to do with Sayu or picking a side.

>> No.74071348

Hi kenji karma sure hits like a bitch huh?

>> No.74071373
Quoted by: >>74071478

stupid dramanigger opened the pandora's box of "loli/shota = pedo" and now he is gonna find himself getting dunked on by the whole community, Good job idiiot. Even the peeps that stood up for him in vshitshow all have loli toggles on their whore models. He had the EASY lay up for free clout and he ruined it with his Wokeoid shit cause he couldn't stand sayu calling him out

>> No.74071478

If normies cover it they'll either take his side cause "loli gross" OR call him a hypocrite when they see his roblox clip, either way he kicked a massive hornets nest and considering how fragile his ego is for crybaby bitching over a 2 year old dox, he is probably just gonna spiral and self destruct himself out of the community (we can only hope)

>> No.74071520

>defending a literal lying whore who purposely poorly censored those names to get them harassed
She's currently riding her little popularity boost by making tweets like this btw https://twitter.com/CovfefeChan/status/1781420662684254248

>> No.74071560

I'm shitting on both of them

>> No.74071572

shh let the sisters enjoy their fake narrative

>> No.74071725

In the future, she'll insult her own fanbase as losers and oppressing her to not say she's in a relationship. Bonus point if she'll shit on vtubing being the cause of her concerns.

>> No.74072062

4chan is antisocial media

>> No.74072295

>disgusting subhuman enters an unknown community
>claims as its own
>thinks it can simply remove who created said community
>by saying it would do the community a FAVOR

We didn't gatekeep hard enough

>> No.74072302

Who's Feef? is that Fefe? Damn so my gut not liking Chibidoki was right holy fuck, thank god.

>> No.74072376

Nigga thinks he's Luxiem kek

>> No.74072390

>does their platform start with T?
It's this easy. You don't need any guts feeling.

>> No.74072414

see >>74071520

>> No.74072550
Quoted by: >>74072900

What that asshole do, boy?

>> No.74072585

>from LA
No wonder. Nigga is bitch-made.

>> No.74072900
Quoted by: >>74075146

>Watched a video of the Sayu drama, called her a pedophile along with some other shit and "dont harass her guise *wink* *wink*"
>video had over half a million views
>Selen gets terminated
>He panics and realizes that he could be linked to Sayu harassment so he deletes the video
>Some shit happens between him and his group and he finds out that they have been talking shit about him, and did a full dox on him (Legal name, phone numbers, face, address) behind his back
>He goes full pussy mode and cries on stream for 3 hours, tries to talk shit about 4chan
>Sayu goes "lol karma" and goes on with her day

>> No.74073393

I'm 100% positive this faggot must be a far far away LTG cousin by the way he talks and acts.

>Kenji if you have chicken legs then you're def an LTG familar lol

>> No.74073682
File: 48 KB, 620x592, 1687359370660374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pathetic little shit stirring bitch

>> No.74075049

Goddamnit, Rean.

>> No.74075146

Average Sayu W

>> No.74075159

If his oshi mark is a monkey is it fine to call him one?

>> No.74075218
Quoted by: >>74075524

>it's usually complete faggots
Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure this dude hates homo shit.

>> No.74075258

Nothing more than another trendhopper.

>> No.74075295

Guy literally seethes for free.

>> No.74075347

I'd still bet on Vox to be the biggest bitch between them.

>> No.74075393

>LA wannabe nigga

>> No.74075432

This is what happens when a person becomes a vtuber just because it's popular and has no idea about the actual vtubing community

>> No.74075436

Hey, no need to out Nijis like that...

>> No.74075488

Very, very dumb children.

>> No.74075524

Nah nigs have a lot of gay shit in their culture but you only ever hear about it when a famous one decides to "do it for the homies". Kiss A Homie is a classic hoodhole meme that twitter and Tumblr adopted for some reason. They have fucking prison culture shit around how it's not gay to be someone's cumdump ffs. Americanized blacks will eagerly suck a dick if it means getting something they want.

>> No.74075717

I've noticed that a lot of people taking Kenji's side have some or more of the following traits:
>Locked replies
>Talk hood speak
>Think loli/shotacon = pedo
>Don't even know Holo members
>Pronouns and flags
Also note how many of these people are NijiEN fans, its no coincidence they're trying to harass Sayu yet again
It is obvious to me that they're bloodthirsty tourists who are just looking for someone to shit on. Kenji has brought a bunch of low IQ SJWs who don't have any original thoughts and basically act as zombies following his orders targeting whoever he feels like targeting that day. We should have gatekept this hobby harder.

>> No.74076305

They're just kids anon. The same kids who want Vtubing to have its own Sneako, and Adin Ross because they're just like them frfr. They're ironic weebs at best and mentally toddlers at worst. The perfect cattle to fish mommies credit card info out of considering how many of them are desperate for a friend they think likes their unfunny memes

>> No.74076680

Retarded minors from the third world. Gen alphas nowadays love to flock around the worst people online and form a tribe based on weird cult of personalities around a faggot

>> No.74076778
Quoted by: >>74080743

I can understand why he would have a white model, but why the fuck did he choose to be a monkey?
Is like he wants people to be racist towards him.

>> No.74076789

We have to bring back bullying and beatdowns in the school hallways

>> No.74076874

Welp he's no longer trending, got kicked out by Mother 3 and Suisei making curry

>> No.74076899
File: 165 KB, 297x357, 1676830632542483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised no one posted this yet where they Kenji and Toledo slander Fillian, Pippa, amd MariMari. This happens at 7.30

Have fun clipping

>> No.74076970

Literally the worst kind of fanbase. Sound exactly like nijisisters minus the niji part. Bunch of underage pronouns monkey

>> No.74077073

Why do we hate him again? He is based

>> No.74077134

Honestly it's only a matter of time before one of the vexed now-ex-friends just dumps a twitlonger of googledoc of all the weird shit Kenji has said or done behind the scenes. There's no way a sperg like this doesn't have some bleached skeletons in the closet and under the bed poking out.

>> No.74077158

So he's Doxx Akuma 2.0?

>> No.74077244

Still a retard, being based doesn’t cancel out the retardation

>> No.74077253

He only hates them because they rejected his attempt at flirting. He's a no rizz gigaincel lol

>> No.74077288
Quoted by: >>74077923

>sayu is a victim
>sayu is a victim
>sayu is a victim

>> No.74077290

Nigga won't attack anyone with an actual fanbase for a reason.

>> No.74077436
File: 544 KB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_20240420-034930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the intellect of the average Kenji fan

>> No.74077494

I fucking hate minors like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.74077520

Black twitter finding out about 4chan for the first time is hilarious

>> No.74077678
File: 185 KB, 420x420, 1629935826057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74077703

Someone should take note of them and then see how many turn on him when the narrative reverses

>> No.74077760
File: 92 KB, 651x586, smugRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they still think nijisister is a slur

>> No.74077820
File: 190 KB, 578x516, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuckin christ, this is a Hex fanbase

>> No.74077923

All true

>> No.74078168
File: 76 KB, 512x512, 1711720191776145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the actual fuck? i said 3 years ago that drama channels and clip baiters would bring stupidity into the v-tubing media, and yet people decided to promote them to do anti threads, shitty ironic shitposting and now you're posting with fucking underage alpha-gen retards who probably are here just to be a troll without the soul and creativity of what 4chan or even early /vt/ was.

And the fact they're all Niji followers reinforce my theory that Nijifags are drama poisoned people, who also post here and will defend their failed brand by trying to blow up anyone, and the amount of females seething with sayu mean that we're seeing women posting on 4chan to defend a fucking half-nigga half-sea because Niji good and Sayu was a traitor, holy fucking shit.

>> No.74078326

The only positive thing about that is that those stupid kids will finally know what an opposing opinion looks like and how it's like when they can't bitch about it to their "oomfies".

>> No.74078354
Quoted by: >>74078740

>indie industry
Because said "indid industry" is just as incestuous and full of cliqueism as corpos, if not more toxic and volatile. I guess thus Kenji guy has a lot of connections whoever he is.

>> No.74078513
File: 14 KB, 468x468, 1695569513248062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74078677

>14 minutes
Can you just clip the part where the monkey insults Plappa?

>> No.74078740
Quoted by: >>74079152

>Indie Industry
is the most retarded shit i've read today, remember when Indie Rock was indie instead of being a trend for commercialization for products and big corpos?

>> No.74078864

>We should have gatekept this hobby harder.
With the amount of containment breakers parroting the same point as you do, I don't think the gatekeeping effort would make any difference.

>> No.74078898

>drama hater
>get karma
>act like a drama tuber
>below average mental
>crying unsightly

>> No.74079152
Quoted by: >>74079749

Everything tends together corpertized after it gets popular. Which is why you're right, i wouldnt compare this to indie rock; vtubing started out corportized and an indie scene formed, now said scene is realizing they don't have as much power to shape the landscape as they thought they did. So they're trying to say they're an "industry" just as big as Hololive or Ninjisanji, because they're really big and you should take them seriously, instead of staying in their lane and trying to do their own thing.

>> No.74079701

Just sad. Hope Sayu survives this and doesn't get outcast again

>> No.74079749

Which it's stupid, because at the end, all indies thrives for the same thing, being popular, have money and get promotions, in less or more percentages but all wish the same, they all want to be Niji or Holo (Now days Holo, V-Shoujo or PC) but even that means no one does this because "i love v-tubing", isn't like music where people doing music at least do it because they want to make an artistic statement about their own creative projects, v-tubing is more easy, it has no philosophical or anything grand more just being fun to a bunch of retards in the internet, no need for all these drama, doxxing and woman-type of slanders.

This is my opinion but the fact we allowed fags like vt memes, parrot, the bunny fucker and people like Kenji to leech out of v-tubing will make people to leave v-tubing out of fear of these motherfuckers, they have the power, they have people, this retard had 200K people out of drama-fagging alone and yet nice v-tubers barely scratch 2K or 20K now fear to be involved and getting slandered, meaning that v-tubing quality is getting same-y as fuck, you can check out v-tubing tags on twitch or youtube and you realized how "bland" they're when they play the same fucking games, sing the same fucking songs, speak the same fucking topics, and no one dare to do something different because Corpo do that for them, except in AV-tubing, that shit is going to kill this "Indie Industry" of v-tubing, you either whore yourself or start doing something extra to gain people for you.

>> No.74079785

Do each one of those "scars" count as one suicide attemp in studies? Fucking paper cuts?

>> No.74079913

Wow that Drawn Together episode about education was right.
The country is actively making black people to be as retarded as possible

>> No.74079968
Quoted by: >>74080145

Wasn't this guy doing facecam streams before he became a vtuber? Why is he crying about getting doxxed?

>> No.74079989

It honestly looked like armhair from the thumbnail. I thought it was a tranny(probably still is) then I had a second lol when I realized it was an attention whore retard(also probably a tranny)

>> No.74080145

Attention. Because he hasn't been able to stir up any kind of drama til now. He does this whenever he sees a dip in income as people unsub since he's just playing rape RP roblox or other zoomer fotm shit. Notice that he started this shit up right after taxes.

>> No.74080162
Quoted by: >>74080423

>the fact we allowed
"we" didn't allow anything or had any say in the thing. Get real.

>people like Kenji to leech out of v-tubing
He's just a retard with avatar and underage audience farming drama. There were and always will be bunch of grifters like that everywhere. His existence will annoy lot of people but will not cause "indie industry to be killed". It's called indie because it's self sustaining, independent of single trend or marketing strategy. You have very misguided idea what's actually going on.

>> No.74080164
Quoted by: >>74080536

Eh... she literally showed up on Airi's stream today, and managed to keep her 69k twitter follows despite the doomposting yesterday (Heck I think she's still inclining)

>> No.74080169

I have been in a lot of mental care households and have seen my fair share of cutting scars. They are always ugly welts covering the forearm. That's the kind of cutting that gets you put in the system, not this attention-seeking bullshit.

>> No.74080289

Shit would be funny if it turns out he had tried several times to and failed.

>> No.74080393

98% of those scars and on non-lethal spots no matter how deep you cut, in fact, so many of them are in such cumbersome angles it couldn't be more obvious she just wanted it to look full, even the most retarded of normies can tell it's just attention whoring and that she never never put herself in any danger.

>> No.74080423

Not really, we DID allowed this faggotry stupid motherfucker, all i see in my facebook feed without wanting it (Algor magic) is v-tubing group taking /vt/ pics to create drama, both in spanish and english, even ph groups with /vt/ pics, same in twitter and shit leak into reddit. Why do you think we're full of bait thread in the catalog, kids doing ironic shitposting for le epic giggles and being in the fucking parrot video? you might did nothing to encourege but that's the point, nobody gatekeep this board, we allowed people to take over the catalog and now we're facing the consequences of v-tubers getting, somehow, less views than the drama channels, those who can and have power over them if you get into their punching bag list.

You retards never fails to don't get the situation, not the first time.

>> No.74080536

Her YouTube sub count is up too. Yesterday it was 98.1k and it's now at 98.2

>> No.74080743

If you give him benefit of doubt, and that's IF you give him the benefit of the doubt, its probably because he thought Goku/Monkey King was cool and used that as his inspiration.
I still have my doubts about him using a white model, there's no way he couldn't find a single artist that could've done a brown/tanned character design.

>> No.74080813
Quoted by: >>74083098

She should start orbiting Phase harder since their fanbases are actually compatible

>> No.74080832
Quoted by: >>74080878

The more I hear about this guy the more I think he's Kyo but indie

>> No.74080878

That nigger is everything Kyo wishes he was.

>> No.74080915

>facebook feed
You're the kind who should be removed from this board. You can't even use past tense properly.

>> No.74080939
Quoted by: >>74081129

What the fuck you expect me to do, personally go to their house and slap their hands away from the keyboard? When bitches arrive, THEN call them bitches, which anon already fucking does. If you wanna do more, that is completely your problem.

>> No.74080945
Quoted by: >>74081277

>that shit is going to kill this "Indie Industry"
It was doomed from the start; it's easier to corporatize/sanitize an indie scene than it is to create a indie scene from something already heavily corporatized, and vtubing is very corpo focused. The main chunk of the paying audience (keyword there is paying) of vtubers aren't interested in what a lot of these indie vtubers are advertising, as the standard isn't AV or other niche themes/subjects, and trying to push this shit as the mainstream is an uphill battle since it will constantly get pushback. Trying to portray a niche of a niche as the majority will wind up isolating you as the real movers and shakers veiw you as destabilizing to their bottom line and will act accordingly. There's a reason Rushia got shit canned fast and Ninjisanji isn't on the rise anymore; acting like that isn't going to grow yourself here, it's going to shrink it over the long term, and the people of the "indie industry" needs to realize that if they don't want to wind up known as the weirdos you don't act like if ypu want to succeed in vtubing.

>> No.74081129

It's already too late, the best >we can do is change the narrative of being "the board of drama" to hate drama, but that could mean killing the rrat meme.

>> No.74081277
Quoted by: >>74081766

Never doubt Horny people, i've more indies trying to be AV-tubers since they fail to be v-tubers, anything to put food in the table and get a easy life. There's a reason why OF make banks for themselves and the women inside, even if it mean it's the ultimate degradation of women in the world.

>> No.74081411

The caucasity of this fucking faggot, who lives 24 hours of his days
on his knees looking for the closest cock shaped object to furiously deepthroat and gargle for the smallest amount of clout "he" can, to speak or even mention vtubers in general is an active assault to my eyes and ears. You can't even call him a nigger because he is brown, not black.

>> No.74081766

Oh, I don't doubt AV-tubing will work. In fact I'd put money that that's one thing that will happen to the indie scene as they keep failing to compete with corpos directly on an individual level like theyve been trying. The other thing I can see happening is "indie groups" forming like what happened with all those lets players, which will just be all these indie cliques but with offical branding and some infrastructure to compete with the smaller corpos.

>> No.74082008
Quoted by: >>74082260


At this time I am calling for total zoomer genocide

>> No.74082024
File: 171 KB, 1926x1926, 1684507314365173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74086858

Oh, so he's a reactnigger too? I shouldn't be surprised. Even in the digital world all he can do is steal.

>> No.74082109

Gatekeep niggers if you want to save this hobby.

>> No.74082166
Quoted by: >>74082497

can I get a link to a thread or somewhere from his doxx ? I frankly don't care about all of this I just want to see how ugly this flip is.
Also he's not a vtuber, he's a subhuman dramafag, not a single rule applies you can suck my cock.

>> No.74082260

This reminds me that zoomers have apparently found out about PINGAS and unironically think it's some kind of hidden Sonic character.

>> No.74082497
Quoted by: >>74082909

>I get a link to a thread or somewhere from his doxx
There isn't one, he was doxxed in a private discord group between like 6 friends, he blasted it himself across twitter

>> No.74082579
File: 295 KB, 622x697, 1694267953847824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so let me get this straight. This man:
>is a blockgame content creator with a large underage audience
>makes rape jokes involving that underage audience
>calls people who like loli and shota pedophiles
>is a male vtuber
FBI please, for the love of god, stop fucking around with your psyops for one minute and seize this man's computer. You will be saving multiple children.

>> No.74082599
File: 1.72 MB, 816x1129, wir sind die jäger[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpydmcu.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74082687

Moids shouldn't be allowed to be vtubers. This stuff fries their brains and turn them into highschool girls.

>> No.74082700

Something about Khyo's design rubs me the wrong way. Like has the aura of bring into scat or cubs or something. Or something I've never even heard of.

>> No.74082909

wtf ? I'm genuinely concerned about the average zoomer's IQ this can't be real.
I wish I was japanese just because I could have negative english level and I never would have come across to read these retards opinion.

>> No.74083057

No one supports Kenji anymore. The only defence he has are his brainrotted normie minors that don't even know what 4chan is

>> No.74083098
Quoted by: >>74083380

I do wish she'd try to be more with the people who actually like her, instead of constantly pursuing the people who hate her

>> No.74083249

Minors and normies. He's a breacher. He shouldn't be considered a VTuber at all. His fandom doesn't know jack shit about the industry or the community. He's just a faggot surviving on drama like a parasite

>> No.74083310

>"Being a black vtuber feels embarassing"
>Kenji is in the video

My guy whitewashed himself just so he wouldn't be a black vtuber, he's naturally a pussy.

>> No.74083380

that's the main issue with Sayu. She wants to go after the big leagues but the people there want nothing to do with her. She was never part of their inner circle but thinks she can be.

>> No.74084180
File: 17 KB, 601x195, NijiSisSighted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, wasn't this Millie's alt or something?

>> No.74084241

post sayu feet

>> No.74084440
Quoted by: >>74085436

It's all repeating, at the end women trying to crave for attention literally stopped doing proper content and went full whoring with selling shit while streaming the basic content of the internet with MC, Valorant, or god save us all, LoL, while promoting her nudes on Fansly or OF. You can see mostly of the girls entering v-tubing now are not the autistic otakus, most of them already went away, moved on or are in a small or big corpos. Just yesterday i got into a literally 1 view v-tuber but her power level are whatever is mainstream in crunchyroll and not watching anime at all.

There's a lot more to dig in because of the social shit happening in the world, but the rise of AV-tubing will be a slaughter for indies, and since many indies are menhara, i wonder how many nudes they will be leaked everyday.

>> No.74084707

>entire vtuber community
Girl lives in an alternate universe. Not surprised since she's a subhuman Nijisister

>> No.74084794

they really hate Sayu for exposing Niji EN huh? desu this will lead to more Sayu support

>> No.74084990

>entire vtuber community

>> No.74085226

That's Millie? Heh once a menhera always a menhera I guess

>> No.74085293
Quoted by: >>74085410

She became the worst 3D debut of Niji in all terms, so i guess sending her minions at sayu is better than anything

>> No.74085410

>She became the worst 3D debut of Niji
the worst 3D debut of Niji so far*

>> No.74085428

the wishful thinking is so incredible

>> No.74085436
Quoted by: >>74085631

>AV-tubing will be a slaughter for indies
It'll be what happened to twitch gaming streams, but for indie vtubing. All the indies who don't want to do that kind of stuff will either group up like what Vshojo did or join small corpos so they don't get overrun by the cancer.

>> No.74085438
File: 4 KB, 78x140, chocolate[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgosl10.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.74085447
Quoted by: >>74085835

As a Japanese, I want to convey this message to uncultured Westerners on Twitter.
>Big eyes like an alien
>No nose
>Big head
>Completely unrealistic humanoid characters that do not exist in the real world
>"OMG, anyone who lusts after this is a pedophile!"

>A game like GTA in which people commit robberies, murders, and all kinds of crimes in a realistic human world
>"This is virtual & a game, no one is hurt. It's okay to enjoy it as long as you can distinguish it from reality."

They don't understand anything.
I have no sexual desire for real women. To me it's like having sex with a disgusting looking animal.
I think that because "normies" lust after real people, they are more likely to touch real children.
I know that there are stories overseas of lolicon eradication activists being arrested for touching children.

>> No.74085565

>Entire vtuber community
Sisters being delusional as usual

>> No.74085631
Quoted by: >>74086030

i wonder what they will do when the next recession happens lmao

>> No.74085835

Fictional violence has been more accepted and prevalent in fiction longer in the west than fictional sexual stuff. So it's a touchier subject when it comes up and gets a lot more people jumping to conclusions, especially if it crosses over with the legal aspect of the subject.

>> No.74085948

he doesn't insult her or even directly talk about any of them, he just starts seething and pretending to be a tough guy and saying he wants to beat white women up for george floyd jokes
probably the closest he's ever been to being actually black

>> No.74086030

There's a reason the oldest profession in the world survived even during depressions; it's why AV-tubing would become more prevalent and corpos would grow; there's no more glut so you can't survive on your own with just talent and no infrastructure to support it.

>> No.74086150

>"indie groups" forming, which will just be all these indie cliques but with offical branding
That's essentially vshojo already

>> No.74086177

I really wish they would just leave Sayu alone already. They don't even like Kenji because he shat on Niji.

>> No.74086296

since nobody watched the clip,
all he does in this is start shadow boxing about wanting to beat dem anime fans up mah nigga and nothing else, he implies that he'd like to beat some Huwite women but he's too much of a pussy to call anybody out directly and then goes DAS RITE,
this is probably the most pussy callout I've ever seen, I felt his pinoy blood take over as he was getting worked up

>> No.74086376

I'm not sure, that's why I'm asking
I recall back in February people were saying she was Millie's alt

>> No.74086594

They never will because she made Niji look bad. They won't stop until she's dead and even then they'll attack her.

>> No.74086717

My favorite part is that without all the big corpo vtubers their shitty twitch "indie" vtubing wouldn't exist in any form.
>the big vtubers become so popular that this new concept gets noticed by the twitch fags
>everyone goes on full defense mode with how "fake" and "parasocial" it is (because that is suddenly a huge issue for these fake fucks) and how "the idol culture is problematic" hoping it is just a weird eastern passing fad they can virtue signal all over
>it doesn't, it just keeps getting more popular
>twitch ewhores and ironic weebs with anime avatars draped over try to get on the bandwagon
>caught in their eternal twitchfag bubble start to think they are the be all end all of vtubing when they are really just that cheap "we have vtubers at home" knockoff

>> No.74086742

No retard, but this account is such a bootlicker it's fun to pretend it is.

>> No.74086838
Quoted by: >>74089904

Sayu is literally Jesus and Niji is Pontius Pilate. Doesn't matter the reasoning, it will always look bad.

>> No.74086840

Did something new happen since Sayu doubled down or it's just sisters and dramafags doing endless bait threads?

>> No.74086858

Not a "reactnigga too"
He's a reactnigga ONLY. He doesn't do anything else. Like sometimes he plays games that are popular atm but other than that. Reaction content ONLY. If you think some Twitch people are bad with how much they react to shit you haven't seen nothing. This guy is the equivalent of VTuber Pokimane with a dick

>> No.74086900

Kenji and his community found 4chan posts but that's it

>> No.74086973


>> No.74087032
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 1690045024245792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74087296

Good, I hope they get busy fighting with the hacker known as 4chan and they leave Sayu alone.

>> No.74087073

>wow look at this racist person
>he's offending me
>if he's not on my side, he must be a sayu fan
>if he's a racist sayu fan, then all sayu fans are racists

3rd grade logic there, which represents his fanbase

>> No.74087173

Their reactions are amusing to say the least
Hi Kenji

>> No.74087197
Quoted by: >>74087616

Well his community are people who know nothing about vtubers at all so I'm not surprised

>> No.74087296
File: 60 KB, 300x300, 1703301963887641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray that Sayu is the one leaving them alone when she gets back from hawaii

>> No.74087519
File: 118 KB, 581x463, fuck_every_single_one_of_these_bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Kenji's community reacting to parrot's bait

>> No.74087616

Good so tourists then. We should have gatekept harder
Unironically this. Twitch side should be fine but the YT kids need to watch out

>> No.74087671
Quoted by: >>74088092

>their audiences would actually send pipe bombs to peoples houses
So he's a bully and he only goes after people he can easily harass. Got it.

>> No.74087696

>Good so tourists then
Basically they didn't even know who Marine or Suisei were

>> No.74087750

No one is gonna say shit this dramas already over

>> No.74087788

It's one dedicated schizo spamming threads about him

>> No.74087836
File: 77 KB, 570x269, tourist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pretty fucking funny not gonna lie

>> No.74087952

fuck off glowie

>> No.74087981
Quoted by: >>74089264

Why does literally every single one of these people have that exact same obnoxious typing style?

>> No.74087999

>I'm not the tourist, YOU'RE the tourist
Top lel, they're argument is literally "NO U". Glad to see them get a reality check at how little clout the actually have.

>> No.74088055

Is this retard even speaking English at this point?

>> No.74088092

The irony when the nigger himself thretened to beat up white women, it's not like black people aren't notorious for being overly prone to violence amirite

>> No.74088100
Quoted by: >>74088564

>didn't know Marine of Suisex
Unforgivable. These online brats need some correction, by me.

>> No.74088101

English. Do they speak it?

>> No.74088111

Sounds like an oversensitive little bitch trying to come off as cool

>> No.74088112
Quoted by: >>74088232

>Been here for 4 years
Been where exactly?

>> No.74088210
Quoted by: >>74088388

I see the SDF aren't taking the ass beating very well. Female vtubers continue to be a plague

>> No.74088232
Quoted by: >>74089753

Probably thinks it's about twitter and not the community

>> No.74088248

The vtubing hobby is for asian people and white people only. Please just let us have something.

>> No.74088388

It's not opposite day

>> No.74088564
File: 100 KB, 586x417, hehe_shotacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably don't know any popular vtubers...

>> No.74088729
Quoted by: >>74088944

They probably don't know anyone who wasn't a fleshstreamer first

>> No.74088807
Quoted by: >>74089088

I tried saying this shit about some of the homostars too, I personally don’t hate the branch or anything but some of them will say dumb shit that will 100% bring the Nijisister audience in as “fans”

Certain fans are already Nijisister-tier levels of cancer where they HAVE to defend and refuse to see the overarching problem with their boy(s) saying dumb virtue signaling shit

>> No.74088918

That post is exposing so many tourists

>> No.74088936
File: 68 KB, 680x680, 1413240456538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74089058

It took over a year, but it feels so good that this bastard is getting outed as a touristfag making content for other tourists. If you look at his content on youtube, you'd find that it's just zoomer brainrot algorithm slop with sóyface thumbnails.

>> No.74088944

They probably don't know any popular Vtubers on YOUTUBE
Meaning these people have never seen a Hololive Vtuber at all

>> No.74089023
Quoted by: >>74089289

I really, really hope Sayu just completely drops this. I am cautiously optimistic that things haven't gone to shit yet but living in constant anxiety of what'll happen next

>> No.74089058
File: 295 KB, 570x884, we wuz vtubers n shieettttttt[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjh6mvg.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been enjoying the ebonics tongue clicking

>> No.74089088
Quoted by: >>74090771

>Certain fans are already Nijisister-tier levels of cancer where they HAVE to defend and refuse to see the overarching problem with their boy(s) saying dumb virtue signaling shit
Like "if you earnestly believe you're a girl, than you're a girl"?

>> No.74089250
File: 468 KB, 847x671, 1707768840409736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you don't take this the wrong way.
Holy fuck imagine writing that under all that shit

>> No.74089264

Cuz theyre gen alphafags. The dude literally plays roblox, of course his audience is actual children.

>> No.74089285

>but she needs to provide context as well as sufficient proof of the damages she's suffered.
if she sues the fag, she will, in court.

>> No.74089289
Quoted by: >>74089455

Sayu only doubled down to clarify her original tweet because retards kept trying to twist her words, so I'm pretty sure she will just drop the topic for a while

>> No.74089455
Quoted by: >>74089737

I fucking hope so. Hate that this is still ongoing and trending and if bigge names get involved could explode in her face. Ugh. Just fucking hope it blows over and she can get back to gradually continuing to build herself up again. Don't want her to lose out on her playbutton when she's so fucking close and doing so much better even then a lot of the Nijisanji crowd now, not to mention mogging fucking Quinn the bastard. She was doing good, don't want that all to suddenly go to waste.

>> No.74089473
File: 730 KB, 1000x1000, 1700815929222018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading all about this shit, all I can say is that Sayu is a dumb fucking retard, all she had to do was not comment in a situation that was unrelated to her, but no, she had to make a comment like a high school teen seeking attention.

Now we have Sayu discord raiding this place trying to spin the narrative about this Kenji guy being a bad guy and being a bitch(?), and how I know this like the 5-6 thread made since the drama started, and all the response are a fucking script.

Fact 1:
>Kenji outed Sayu as a shotacon and lolicon, and showing proof were Sayu herself says that she have lolicon and shotacon saved on her hardrive

Sayudiscord is trying to spin this by saying that this guy doxxed her, while she was already doxxed by nijifan and Vtwitters

Fact 2:
>Kenji make Sayu look like a bad person for exposing Sayu using rape jokes about children

Sayudiscord is trying to spin this by saying that this guys made a rape joke on roblox, while playing with a friend, trying to equal what Sayu said about raping little kids with Kenji making a rape joke about dropping the soap in jail.

Now for anyone with a brain can see that this guy Kenji isn't morally perfect and is just another vtuber with a SJW complex, like many others, personally is don't like this type of vtuber and I'm sure most of the people that visist /vt/ would agree. But trying to spin this shit showing Sayu as a victim is fucking stupid, this only affect her negatively for some clout or for her need to say "Karma is a bitch".

>TL;DR Sayu is a retard that was seeking clout from this unrelated drama and now is backfiring to her, and now we have her discord raiding /vt/ again

>> No.74089562
Quoted by: >>74089635

stfu nigger

>> No.74089568
Quoted by: >>74089911

Imagine going out to bat for some yellow whore who doesn't know or care you exist.

>> No.74089618

You can always tell it is a sister because they will say something like "Now, I am no fan of X, but it is clearly all Sayu's fault," like clockwork.

Just look at her tweet about her song. You have three quote retweets using the EXACT same 'the call is coming from inside the house' line about it, these people work off a script or something.

>> No.74089635

I'm sorry your oshi is retarded, I truly do, you should know that she will be always close to drama because she loves that shit, and she is permanently here.

>> No.74089663
Quoted by: >>74089945


>> No.74089680
Quoted by: >>74089945

I dunno what hood niggas do in their glorified shacks, but please do literally anything else, kenji. Fucking shoplifting is more productive than this.

>> No.74089737
Quoted by: >>74089945

Sure, I'm sure the sayufags are the ones making the endless bait threads. The same sayufags like >>74089455 who just want this shit to blow over. Retard.

>> No.74089747

I've noticed sisters have also dropped avatarfagging with Elira and other Nijis and have started using random holo emotes

>> No.74089753

Please be true, it would be so fucking funny

>> No.74089770
File: 52 KB, 1024x576, 1693122080063687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't agree with me you are a sister

>> No.74089790
Quoted by: >>74089945

Male vtuber hands typed this post

>> No.74089835
Quoted by: >>74089945

>Victim blaming

>> No.74089858

They generalized her whole fanbase as racist because of one thread meanwhile you can find behaviour like that in every single agency vtuber's fanbase. You don't see them calling all Hololive or Nijisanji fans racist because they say slurs on 4chan yet somehow its different with Sayu.

>> No.74089904

Pontius Pilate was a great man put in an politically impossible situation. A better comparison would be Niji is Barabbas.

>> No.74089911

What did you think Vtubing was?

>> No.74089921
Quoted by: >>74090053

This but unironically. That's the level of IQ sisters operate at. Down Syndrome patients have more neurons than sisters.

>> No.74089945
File: 638 KB, 750x750, 1701676313446251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't handle being exposed and can't even argue about anything I said.

I'm sorry your oshi is a drama clout chaser and that you have to defend her in a imageboard.

>> No.74089946
File: 32 KB, 271x403, ESLchama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74089989
Quoted by: >>74090053

When there is an abundance of evidence, yeah.

>> No.74089994

Because Sayu has a smaller fanbase and was also terminated by a Niji that didn't have its black company practices exposed yet, which means he can pick on her for content

>> No.74090022
Quoted by: >>74090053

You are a retard that doesn't understand logic fallacies

>> No.74090053
File: 476 KB, 2500x2500, 1695826428695513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.74090057

Is this Kenji? Are you still here?

>> No.74090083

she really needs to learn not to bite the bait.

>> No.74090099

That is what you do, yes, thank you for providing a guide sister

>> No.74090107

Nah, Kenji is just cringe and everyone needs to know it.

>> No.74090160

Kenji don't you have friends to cancel? Also, why haven't you got Sayu run off twitter yet? What's going on? Hurry it up already

>> No.74090174

No matter what the Sayu haters say, she's still on track to 100K and there will be nothing they can do but seethe while they let her live rent free in their minds lmao

>> No.74090181

Hi Kenji

>> No.74090222

Kenji why is Sayu still alive? Why haven't you killed her yet?

>> No.74090258
File: 24 KB, 424x424, 1698609261523179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I broke Sayu discord so bad that all they can say is
>Hi Kenji!
>Shut up niji sister


>> No.74090321
File: 66 KB, 250x231, 1692229449344889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still posting random holo pics

>> No.74090354

>They're broken because they call me out for what I am

>> No.74090404

Why haven't you killed Sayu yet Kenji?

>> No.74090412

You are brown

>> No.74090448

No wonder her cucks are so livid KEK
Pretty odd people will side with someone that's genuinely a good person and entertaining while leaving some insufferable bitch who can only be """relevant""" leeching off people more popular than her to rot

>> No.74090453

Get a job nigger.

>> No.74090460

So, this is just you transparently then admitting to being a sister? Couldn't even hold on to your weakass cover. Typical Nijiseethe

>> No.74090488

That's SINCROknights to you, don't forget it.

>> No.74090542

Nah it is fine. She still has Rennie and Rennie alone is worth more than the entire rest of the English speaking Vtubing community.

>> No.74090560
Quoted by: >>74091610

>Genuinely a good person and entertaining
Imagine saying this about a dramafag

>> No.74090604
Quoted by: >>74090661

I actually genuinely wonder if they will. Like, I was expecting a massive collapse of her followers on Twitter and Youtube, but she's net gained so far, so I'm a bit surprised. I wonder if this will be true or just wishful thinking by sisters

>> No.74090627
File: 45 KB, 600x424, 1701432878165990.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>74090724

Thank you Sayu discord for the (You)s, it is always so easy to make you guys seethe, after all your oshi is literally always in some drama for being a retard, a shotacon, or just a general bad person. You guys should seek a better oshi.

Try to show some self-control and don't reply to this post, lmao.


>> No.74090638

>Just got his career ruined
didn't the doxx happen 2 years ago?

>> No.74090661

I highly doubt there is any overlap in the fanbases at all

>> No.74090702

Logic fallacies don't mean the conclusion is wrong, just that the means used don't necessarily result in the conclusion. The conclusion could still be right and it's on you to show that you're not a sister. Also you cited the wrong fallacy. Like I said, you're a retard that doesn't understand logic fallacies.

>> No.74090724

Try to show some self-control and don't reply to this post.


>> No.74090771

It hasn’t gotten that bad (yet) to my knowledge, I was primarily talking about the sisters that would circlejerk each other in defense of Ruze when the catalog was trying to shit on him. There’s plenty of catalog shitposting about Altare’s “support the cause” quote but you don’t see the same level of kneejerk reaction.

>> No.74090787

How can Kenji still be here? Is he that obsessed with Sayu?

>> No.74090868

>good person
Kenji is many things and good is not one of them

>> No.74090901

he's trying to go all out before ppl dig up his shit

>> No.74091030
Quoted by: >>74091391

I just hope Sayu will be okay. I don't care about fucking discussions over who was right or wrong, I just don't want her to lose everything now right as she looks like things were going her way

>> No.74091126

There's a wigger named Quinn eager to join you, he could use a drama lift, hit him up

>> No.74091139

When niggers hold something very personal against someone they will proceed to seethe at them for an entire day.

>> No.74091330

>kenji is responsible for his viewers posting her doxx in his chat
>b-but sayu-chan isn't responsible for her viewers being racist!!!
If you guys get to generalize, they get to as well. If sayu doesn't have to tell off her racist viewers, kenji doesn't have to tell off his doxxfag viewers.

>> No.74091391

She will be fine, Anon. Sayu's been through much worse than this, and she's much stronger mentally than she was a year ago. Kenji and his gaggle of Twitter subhumans won't bring her down.

>> No.74091475

>kenji is responsible for his viewers posting her doxx in his chat
he didn't ban them on sight, so unironically yes, he is responsible. he was doxxing by proxy if you will.

>> No.74091520

Kenji read the doxx out loud on stream, a stream made purely to benefit from her pain, and did not block ban or even discourage the individuals, joked with them in a manner which chat explicitly took as light hearted.

Has Sayu, on stream, read racist comments about Kenji?

>> No.74091574

Twitchchat =/= 4chan/twitter threads you unironic mouth breather

>> No.74091610

>Imagine saying this about a dramafag
No one said that about sayu though

>> No.74091652

4chan isn't her chat she's literally interacting and talking with. She can't ban someone saying something racist on 4chan. He can ban people spreading out doxxed info on his chat.

Are you really this stupid?
