Scrub Scrub Scrub 'Til the Water's Brown EditionWelcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.Zen is LIVE! And stacking fruit. not Froot. Fruit. Geega is also LIVE! And robbing a bank. No joke. Keep things comfy, etc.VShojo is:Froot - - - - - - / - / - - - - -総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion/lig/ for more + and ex-member discussionPrevious Thread: >>74013772
Reminder that Silvervale is on topic. my wolf wifeshe's live just chatting about her GS flavor that just dropped!
How come mochi is getting ton of fan art when they haven't even seen her model yet
fuck off with the begging silvertard
Surely the Janniers will show up and nuke the retard
>>74022566ID scene is frothing for the coming of her return
>>74022566The teaser already gave her looks, people just imagine her face
Can someone clip that squidward part?
>>74022632I sure hope so. This sperging over former members is getting stupid.
>>74022632not if you don't report and send feedback.
>>74022659>people just imagine her faceEven that, they're just imagining her eyes. Female Anime Face is pretty straight forward. I doubt she'll have some freakish nose or something.
>>74022566A. Everyone got thatB. Her identity is obvious so all her old fans are rushing back to get on boardC. She's also shown 99% of the design already so people actually know what they're working withNotably her eyes still haven't been shown and I'm beginning to buy into the guy last thread rrating that it's because she's spider-themed. Having creepy extra eyes would be a genuine surprise to hide under the shadows. It could be nothing at all since not showing the eyes is a common way to maintain anonymity period, but hey it could be a thing.
>>74022632Yeah, we all know that former members are auto+s and on topic.
>>74022632That's why reporting is important
Can't imagine Zen with hag energy.
I wonder how Michi will vibe with other members, especially with those who she never collabed with in her PL. I think her and Henya will be an interesting watch.
Edible or do I spark up?
>>74023110Thanks bro
>>74023010Last night I was watching more random Mika clips and I found out she was actually in a collab with Mouse. It was a big one it was barely a collab but hey they were in the same room together at one point lol. Also it was a good clip. Mika's funny.
>>74023115fuck edibles, take that shit to the face right now boy
>>OPIs it true that the Luna Lovegood cosplayer with security around her was Silvervale? Yeah, she sounded like her and had the same fat tits, but why have security when nobody even knows your face?The one time I was near her, there was a pretty rancid smell. Some old guy said, "Okay, who the fuck farted? It STINKS." Silver turned red and laughed, "This is really embarrassing. I didn't think it would smell so much." But before she could even apologize, a pack of neckbeards started sniffing her like crazy. One got too close to her ass and her body guard snapped his arm. The fucking bone came out.
>>74023197Yeahah boyeeee
>>74022535i dont remember posting this but yes, i do with all my soul. and i am glad the day is going so well for her.
>>74023181Yeah, i remember she had a collab scheduled with Mouse, Kyo and Sykkuno like a week or two before her graduation, but that fell through.
>>74023010I think only ones she has not collabed with is henya,haruka??? And Mel
>>74023244False needs to hear about this. heads will roll
>>74023327She's collabed with Haru
I truly wish for the Silverfag to die in his sleep. I think I hate him more that Silver at this point. And fuck the Jannies that let him spam here everyday for a year now even though she is out of topic
>>74023423take a chillpill sister
>>74023327she collabed with kson?
>>74023354Ok then my bad I just remember a couple
>>74023488I missed kson to rip
>>74023474Please take the whole bottle Silverfag, go back to lig
>>74023327She has definitely not collabed with Henya, Mel, Hime, and ESPECIALLY not Kson because Nijis weren't allowed to interact with kson. Haruka she did collab with though in that weird dinosaur game that was popular for like 2 days.
>>74023244The old guy? Me.
Post this one tomorrow.
>>74023423Fair and kind to let him go peacefully in his sleep. I'd make it brutal, painful and loud.
>>74023645also L4D2
>>74023985lol right after I posted that I remembered that collab but couldn't remember if it was Haruka or Froot in the 4th slot since I knew it was definitely Mika Geega and Zen.
when rooby
>>74023869rude post dayo
>>74024140an hour
>>74024146its justified
>>74024188it's notI'm assuming it's just posters being extremely autistic that causes such rude and violent posts
>>74023869Anyone got that silvervale hammer? I hit him with that.
>>74024251dibs on pulling out his nails one by one!
>>74024389Kuro isn't little though....he doesn't fit into a pocket
>Henya has to record something in a studio that requires her to take care of her voice>Mel talks about doing a cover>Mata talks about practicing her singing>recordings happening way too much for a mere lore videoIt's a new concert, isn't it?
>>74024538Still seems too early even for preliminary things. Could be wrong but I'm going to guess it's acting for something and we'll find out by the end of the month.
>>74024538Mata even got sponsored for a song no idea how that works, Could it be like a V4marai thing?
Silver raided Nazuna's #1 fan
>>74024538mata is singing for something sponsored
>>74024621>Vshojo Presents: Cyrano de Bergerac
>>74023689Almost forgot to post this
>>74024637A real concert with V4Mirai would be cool, not just guest appearances like last time. They really need more eyes on them and have the production capabilities so it'd be a win-win.
>>74024538Seems too early for that. We do have Zen birthday and Henya 1st anniversary next month though
>>74024664I hate that I know who you mean kek
>>74024848Oh and also Michi debut
I haven't felt inspired in awhile but I was thinking instead or Rabbit ears it's based off of kuros hoodie
>>74025036That definitely would be done by now if there even is anything there. And honestly I'd bet there could be. One of Mika's very last collabs was with Merry so they definitely like one another and I could see her wanting SOMETHING, even if it's not a full-length video.
>>74024538There's no way. Maybe another group cover though?
>>74025067That Kirby? Me.
>>74025661I know I'm conflicted. I wish to protect moose but also ravage moose.
Would love to see premier2 pete play gta rp with geega
>>74025877who the fuck calls him premiere2?
Geega Heist success!
>>74025985prolly a new fren. >>74025877But yeah Pete would be the Mayor in like 3 seconds flat lol he is too loveable
>>74025661Why did my heart skip a beat?
>>74026244Sedentary lifestyle
>>74023115I'm drunk rn and a bit horny for gay sex
Mochi please have bigger michis than Mata's kans
>>74024664and apparently hes going to get it delivered to him within the hour and try it on stream.
>>74026301>*carries you away*
>>74025716i feel that about moose and ari.
Schoolgirl Zen is back. We are SO fucking back bros
They keep bullying Henya
The stress of the constant crashes the last months really got to ZenGlad everything seems to be fixed now
Did Zen crash or did she fixed i just got home
I must once again propose that I take Mel's hand in marriage
>>74027109shes just switching to 2D
>>74025661Thats just edited Fern porn isnt it
Fuck you geega
the fucking Oogway TTS kek
fuck me geega
Sex is digusting
>>74026740The new meta
Seems Henya is gonna stream todayJust delayed
>>74027475So add Saruei to the list with Henya, Zen, and Mouse. Who else has school uniform outfits or is getting one.
>>74027475is the bear hood meant to be a hat or a whole other hoodie underneath the slipknot one? it looks like its the latter
>>74027475When did Snuffy debut this?
Did Voraisha take our memes of Vore org literally?
>>74027849God I hope so
>>74027579That's Saruei, not Snuffy.
Mel live on twitch. I'm excited to see her reaction to collabing with RWBY.
>>74027450No one who's had sex would say that.
Henya live
Remember to ignore, report, and be excellent to each other.
>Zen just looping Sonic music while stalling>ALL HAIL SHADOW
>>74027963She's gonna be dropping her spaghetti like she's talking to a cute girl at GameStop.
>>74027475Is she like good french or parisian?
>>74028159can you explain the stereotypical difference for a burger
>>74028068Platinum era back on the menu.
>>74028154From that panic yelp she did, you can tell she's already nervous.
>>74028159Well she speaks English
>>74028068fuck yes
>>74027540Silver has oneVei has oneFew 2views I know also have oneschoolgirl is just popular outfit choice for anime girls
Haruka please stream...
>Lethal Companyoh
>>74027982I've had sex and it 100% is disgusting. But you don't think about it and just plow baby AYYYY
No one asked. Don't look.
hyena dayo
>>74027982Everyone who's had sex recently would say that.
>>74028567No, I would say "I have to piss, I'll be right back."
>>74028475shouldve used a gecko
>>74028523>zero collabsWhy does Mochi hate the rest of Vshojo so much?
>>74028523HOLY SHIT based
>>74028523Mel has done a one on one collab with Froot. They did a drawing stream.
>>74028068Suicide cancelled
>>74028523Mochi HATES them
>>74027982It's sweaty and there's fluids involved. You're disgusting if you don't see how someone would consider it disgusting.
>Mel is so excited and nervous she's shakingHang in there Mel!
can i ask if it's the real VA or is that doxing?
>>74028523>no 1-on-1 between Haruka & Zen I don't believe this at all
>>74028523>Mochi hasn't collabed with anyonebaka
>>74028523Is Mochi depressed?Wtf
>>74028757>>74028674I'm using you all to find ones I missed.
>>74028523Mata and Haruka had 1 on 1 sponsored Nikke stream
>>74028757Me too but I'm having a hard time thinking of a one on one collab between the two. Unless that anon is not counting off handed discord calls, I'm not sure.
I've never seen Mel's model look like this
>>74028523mouse-sama, I kneel...
>>74028523Mochifags will defend this
Vshoji is getting a new member? I'm guessing popular theory is Kamii?
>>74028902She just needs that goddamn Froot one on one.
>>74028948No, take your meds
>VShojo + RWBY collab>Ari joinsSHE'S /IN/
>>74028990Same way that Geega "snuck" in to the minecraft server.
oh Ari is here, collab just got 80% more gay. Gonna be a good stream
mels already spillin all her spaghetti
>>74028851For the sake of honesty, here's the Mel/Froot drawing stream. also found another stream I forgot about where they played Grounded.
Mel is being cute already
The pasta has been ruined
so whats the real story behind rwby? never watched the rooster teeth show, is this like a gx aura thing? also I thought rwby was murdered by warner brothers
>>74029045Mel took over as Executive Spaghetti Spiller once Nyan left
>>74029066Another day ending in Y.
>>74028948There is no way that it is Kami
>>74029045>>74029066Yep, this is what I expected lol. It's so cute.
>>74028990>>74029037I would love to see Ari /in/ Also looking at Mel's schedule it seems shes subbing in for mouse queue a mouse sperg to reply to this Also Mel fangirling is cute lol
aparently zen set this collab up with mel in mind knowing that she'd lose her mind
>>74028523>Mata only needs 3 more solo collabs to run the tableC'MON! YOU CAN DO IT!
>>74029077She was the voice actress afaik
>>74029045She's such a dork... and that's why we love her.
>>74029077Bunch of fairy tale characters chasing shadows on a coffee stain
>>74029121>Mouse ditchingThat fucking bitch, I bet she's taking a well deserved rest and is at least mildly annoyed that she wasn't able to make it.
>>74029045>Mel can't even hold a conversationkino
>>74029077Like Aura yes except for a show instead of a company where Ruby herself is a character in the show. I'm assuming the streamer behind Ruby is also the same actress but I genuinely don't know so maybe they just have a disconnect and nobody acknowledges it.>>74029121Yeah start of the stream Zen said that Mouse wouldn't be able to make it and needed to find someone to replace her.
>>74029138Sorry but the latina queen and the italian mob boss guard the throne
>>74029125unity queen
>>74029125That's legit really nice of Zen. Based toaster.
Who is this ruby that is making Mel spill her spaghetti
Why is Mel's streams always scuffed?
>>74029362Mel is the queen of scuff. She will not let anyone else take her title.
>>74029243not according to >>74028523
>>74029358The red one
>>74029358The very cute protagonist to a very bad "anime"
>>74029447It's pretty close, with the updates.
>>74029037Haruka is also here, 800% Gay
>>74029358The main character for one of RT's series. She became a vtuber some time ago. Funny enough its technically now the only thing left of that property still around unless another company buys the IP.
>>74029358Ruby is a character from a show called RWBY which Mel is a super fan of. She's also a vtuber so for Mel to be able to collab with her is a big deal for Mel.
Its a bit cringe that Ruby just kinda begged for this collab to happen isnt it? And weirder that it worked. Did Zen know her PL or something?
>>74029552>unless another company buys the IP.I thought there was someone who did
>>74029236>Mata only has to rope in a Kson and Hime collab>Going to japanToo easy.
>>74029498Remember, all the 91% were 100% until Mochi was added.
>>74029232It's the same VA
I just busted a fat nut to Froot's instagram
>>74029677Those feet pics are worth it
Mel should be nutted into
Its a bit cringe that Mel just kinda begged for this collab to happen isnt it?
>>74029552so does she own the character then? Everything I know about corporate America tells me this shouldn't exist
>>74029620It's gotta be two separate streams, one for Kson, one for Hime. I will accept Hime's grandma, just like I did for the Maid Cafe video.
Is she really 19 or is it just her vtuber age?
>>74029591ruby has been looking to branch out and collab with people in general, shes collabing with katie tomorrow and snuffy some time next week i think. I dont know about katie but snuffy is a pretty big rwby fan so shes probably also shooting to collab with people familiar with her
>>74029750Careful, champ.
zen going up to mel and encouraging her to ask ruby questions is so sweet
>>74029750Ruby? If you haven't noticed yet, she is "in character".
>>74029750vtuber age if you paid attention she said the real age idk if it's against the board rules if I can say
>>74029820Zen is determined to be Mel's wingman.
>>74029750you might note she talked about her 'good friend' just after that
>>74029750She's 2 years older than Marine and 3 years younger than kson.
>>74029750She said her real age like 10 seconds later anon. The actress is 34 years old and "Ruby" is 19.>posted 7 months ago
>>74029591She's on the classic graduation collab tour because rooster teeth is shutting down next month
>>74029896Hag for the hag org.
Ruby sounds like she does NSFW VA on the side
mousespergs in shambles rn
Surprise Mouse
>Mouse made it somehowI wasn't even mad because there was plenty of warning but nice glad she could make it
Henya joining too
Have Ruby and Sun collabed on stream yet? He should join
this collab just keeps getting better and better
post Ironmouse pornograpghy so I can jerk off
>>74029729yeah it's all very unusualnever watched rwby but i'd imagine it'd be weird as fuck if, say, h jon benjamin started vtubing as sterling archer
>>74029969>What're they gonna do? Fire me?
This collab is turning massive lol.
>>74030107Well Warner is keeping the RWBY IP so they might still wanna do stuff with it, probably not vtubing though
>casually glance at Skeb>Geega getting spitroasted on the front page
This is Ruby's try out for Vshojo. Mel will vouch for her and she'll reincarnate to join, since RT is dead.
Zen said Arielle's name is too generic. She should change it to Areola
>ruby's dad is watching these streams so she cant swear
>>74029729No she doesn't. I think Warner is just letting her still operate as a vtuber until the IP is sold off and then her new company will decide what to do next.
>>74030183I could see Lindsay actually wanting to join but who knows
Mel lmao
>>74030183maybe if she reincarnates its okay but this in character stuff is more cringe than when mouse does it
>>74030179Hot but that nigga is dead
>>74030238Arielle should change her name to Analielle
Ruby doesn't know what she's getting into with allowing Mel to send her fanfics.
I can't believe Zen is in love with Aegis Elbow
>>74030179nice art, shame about the author RIP
>>74030246>I think Warner is just letting her still operate as a vtuber until the IP is sold offThis collab might put a stop to that goodwill
>>74030276Nah. Mouse still wins that cringe battle.
henya had to record something and THATS why she couldn't beat zens time last night holy copege
>>74030246that seems very out of character for them, but I guess its the only thing that makes sense
Henya is HIGH on copium lmao
>>74030474Rooster Teeth hasn't shut down yet, it's shutting down next month on the 15th, that's why she can still do this stuff
>>74030179SEX!!! Who had the balls to actually do that?
Ruby led Mel into a trap. I can't believe it.
>>74030574Never meet your heroes...
>>74030522well i guess i cant really blame her for wanting to hang out with all the cool vtubers so badly before she is sent to the shadow realm forever
why no one said that Henya is on her SEX form
>>74030709You've alerted the FBI.
>>74030574Mel has seen all the feminine dicks in the world, she can't be led into traps
What is a Holo Sorceress?
>Elyse in a series of teaser shorts for new member>Colab with RubyWhat is El Hefe cooking?
>>74030886She makes shit Holographic. She is the patron deity of the card collector community
>Ruby smells like friendship and broken dreamsWell that's kind of bitter sweet.
>>74029552>they pulled a fag relationship out of their ass and still crashed and burned
walk in room, see this, wat do?
>>74029552GunRun. Do it. You've wasted money on worse.
>>74031111I'll tell you if you give me the source.
>>74031063Very in character
>>74031133>You now remember the Darkest Dungeon Mod
>>74031193Fuck you for opening old wounds.
>>74030090That would be unbelievably based
>>74030179Never thought i'd see the day
>>74031111I would ask her to call Zen
>>74031065I like Yang and Blake's chemistry way more than Blake and Sun's chemistry desu
>>74030945I dont know but Code Blue is from nu college humor so add that to the equation
Why is zen a kiwi?
>>74031443the Gigachad that needs no Collabs
shut up or Froot is gonna sit on your face!
>>74031280Geega commissioned it, just so she could kill the artist.
>>74030945>>74031410Crankplaysgames was also in the skits, he's not part of either RT or CH.
>>74031453She thought it was funny for some reason.
>>74030179I'm going to commission POV artwork of Geega providing the viewer with comfort, warmth and love.
So if Mouse is playing LC now she's either not going to stream for 5 hours until they finish with lc or she's just going to start stream in the middle of playing
>>74031133>buying an entire IP just to debut one 3view vtuber
>>74031193to be fair, that was all on Vei
>>74028955has she really not had one? I could have sworn they hung out for a bit together awhile ago, and talked about how they need to hang out more just the two of them thought they talked about music too. there's a chance this never happened or I'm confusing it for Mel
>>74031576Mouse said yesterday she has like 2 meetings today. So likely she'll be afk on and off or have to leave at some point. Probably won't start stream until after all of that.
>>74028523This should be done by each year.Hows unity doing for 2024?
I always thought RWBY is something only rebellious teenage girls watch and get indoctrinated into thinking they are gay until they graduate from college
>>74031676I'm not breaking it down year by year, man. You can do that yourself.
>>74031717Just for 2024 then
>>74031759Multiple large Hime collabs. That's all you need to know.
It feels good brosIt feels good
They should make a freak monster in LC that dicks down your character and then make it target Henya
>>74031679It's just like any other shonen slop but with girls instead
>>74031899It's no surprise, this has actually been a pretty funny LC collab so far.
>>74031944That monster? Me.
>SPAAAAAAAAACEI almost choked
>>74031679That's incidental. Originally it was just Monty Oum's paper thin premise for anime girl fight scenes.
>>74031899This anon is getting raped by Froots huge cock
why is rubyretard incapable of telling henya and mouse apart?
>>74031666She said she wanted to do stellarblade and videos today right?
>>74032097Anime girl fight scenes made in a program that absolutely was not made for it.
>>74031666I'm surprised noone posted this yet, but mouse said this on discord 39 mins ago
>>74032120one of them is stupid with a squeaky voice, the other one is more stupid with a squeaky voice
>>74032203might = no stream
>>74031133> Gunrun buys rwby> After some convincing, ruby guest stars on one of mel's CB streams wearing the workout clothes> This draws attention to ruby herself, and the franchise as a whole> Because of the new attention, it's now financially viable to produce rwby againImagine it
>>74032190To be fair, the fights worked. Everything else however...
>>74032120kill yourself
>>74032280I'd be fine with RWBY dying so long as Ruby continues to stream honestly. RWBY has sucked for years.
I want a Aethel, RPR, Bettel Gavis, Nyanners, Froot, Doki, Snuffy, Vei, Zen, Pippa, Mori, Geega, Henya, Tenma, Filian and mint(not pomu) collab for Arma 3
domestic violence
>>74032350Honestly same. Rwby has sucked for a long time. But the vtuber is pretty tight
>>74028955>>74031660Does this not count:
>>74029121sounds like ari is doing better. i was a little worried about the stuff that came out between her stream last night and now.
>74032427Don't respond to Blackjack
>>74032280>Because of the new attention, it's now financially viable to produce rwby againI would be fine with this on the condition that they fire the entire current writing staff
This entire collab is stimming to hell's weird to think we might get a mouse cosplay by pokimane sometime soon.
>>74032350>>74032445RWBY always sucked. It just used to suck in a more fun, endearing way.
>>74032512Poki better start padding if she wants to pretend to be Mouse.
>>74032512please no, i dont have a problem with poki but she has some insane haters, please keep them far far away from mouse
>>74032512Ba->pokimaneMOUSE YOU FUCKING BITCH
>>74032497No, absolutely, the entire writing staff needs to be AENIMA'D if it's to be successful
>>74032512I just jerked off to my queen Poki because of this post did they link Mouse's channel she's not even live
>>74032617I still remember the hate Monke and them got for having her on their podcast. I found it funny that afterword he basically told them he doesn't give af what they thought.
>>74032203has she taking a day off yet?
>>74032512>Pokimane is technically a vtuberShe's /in/
Wait a second.>Ruby is in RWBY>Ruby is in character >Ruby is in a collab in characterMel and Vshojo are now RWBY canon
>>74031377I’m sorry you’re mentally challenged
>>74032617And vtubers have inane haters, too. Maybe the haters will meet, fall in love, and breed and their semi incestuous offspring will be like mathematically multiplying two negative values together to produce a generation of Poki and Vtuber lovers which means we'll get Pokituber back
>>74032656i cant remember the last time I was able to jerk it to a woman wearing clothes
>>74032512>pokimane is a ladywhat
>>74032702>PewDiePie is technically a vtuberHe's /in/
>>74032703Someone point this out to Mel so that she can melt into a puddle
Lethal Company isn't the same without Froot gremlin noises.Also why is Zen a kiwi?
RWBY was great until it started to become woke like Vshojo.
>>74032512mouse get away from this ugly drama fly trap creature!
>>74032703>Mel's CB streams are now RWBY canonLet's go!
Do you think the girls still talk to Nazuna-chan
>>74032512Mouse's connections are far and wide
>>74032806Only the ever loyal and beautiful Silvervale.
Mom says>Double Ds and triple Threatbut what does she mean with "triple Threat"?
>>74032806Doubt it
>>74032703vshojo is part of the DC universe as well beacuse of rwby
>>74032806>stillThey never did. They didn't even talk to eachother back then.
>>74032752Unironically imo there are plenty of women who look more attractive with clothes on than naked especially if it's revealing clothing that still leaves something to the imagination
>>74032806Silver was like the only one that actually talked to herlater before she left I think Zen also tried to contact her but it was too late
>>74032845Prostate fingering + ball fondling + tip kisses
>>74032677I forever hope Mouse takes advice from him when it comes to these things. Just ignore the shit that doesn't matter or tell them to fuck off. Anyone who leaves because of stupid drama like this were never your fans to begin with.
>>74032851Start the map of canon.
>Mel: No one die!>immediately dieslmao
I still have no idea why RWBY is prounced as RUBYit's not the correct spelling wtf
>>74032677>Call his fanbase idiots>Call his podcasts fanbase idiots>Uses his poor third world fanbase as monetized content>Makes fun of his poor third world fanbases living conditionsI don't know guys, he might be kinda based
>>74032991VGH,RWBY is pure soul
>>74032991I mean it is a double u
>>74032918Agreed stupid drama should not stop her interacting with people and fuck the people who give a shit. I still want the Hasan sotd
>>74032991Buddy, you don't know the half of it.
Honestly Ruby should've gotten a unique Vtuber design for the future but this works too I suppose
Ruby sounds like a hag
>>74032512Poki my queen ThankEgg
>>74032714Sun is creepy. It's weird to stalk someone across continents.
>>74032991It's the name of the team made up of the first letter of each member (Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang). By convention, the team names are colors and naturally there's some leeway with the pronunciation.Or to put it simply, Monty was autistic.
>GAMING WITH RUBY FROM RWBYdidn't that company go broke?
I dropped RWBY until shippers like there are plenty of them here forced their yang X blake ship, instead of hooking them up with Mercury and Sun. Glad it did not continue or they would have made a gay ship with mercury and sun who were suppose to fuck yang and blake endgame
>>74033198Meaning it is ripe for acquisition.
>>74032656>>74033163Fuck off
Thank you Vel.
>>74033166>what is character assassination Fags infested rwby after S2 and tried super hard to push a shitty ship and look where that got them. Fucking tanked
>>74033198The company is shutting down on May 15th
>>74033166Kinda, but he legit had good intentions. And it didn't really take a mind reader to see she was in a bad place and needed help.
>>74032970Grrr, Wö-men of Vshöjö
>>74033288and what is that vtuber going to do?
>>74033105Like this?
>>74033327>that vtuberEither go where the IP goes, or vanish.
>>74033209If Vshojo somehow acquires RWBY, or even rwby_vt, I hope they rip it from MKEK's decrepit hands.
RWBY was hard carried by its cute main cast and the fight choreographies. Once Monty Oum passed they kinda lost the later part, and then the shitty story and missed potential killed it for me.
>/vsj/ is filled with shipfags>rwby general on /co/ was filled with shipfags.>/vsj/ knows alot about rwbyhuh?
kek everyone is getting a turn to troll by leaving early.
>>74033327Either reincarnate as an indie or move on. Either way, Ruby as a vtuber won't continue to exist.
The Doom song... home...
>>74033327Probably die with it unless this is her Vshojo audition.
Ruby confirmed evil the whole time.
>>74033209>instead of hooking them up with Mercury and Sun>mercuryExcuse me, yang belongs to the twins from the yellow trailer
>>74033349>>74033512New emote, forgot to post it correctly. I need coffee.
>>74033346Yeah, or go "legally distinct"
>>74032675mouse's popular
>>74033327I remember her saying that "she has no intentions of going anywhere" so who knows, maybe she persists, but i can't see how
What made me drop rwby hard was not just the lesbo ship but jaune's sister was a lesbo. Like Christ bring Monty back to write the series.
Ari and Moose have similar laughs, cute
>>74033643>bring Monty back to write the seriesHard to do honestly
>>74033420The connection is simpler than you think. /pmg/ and /rwby/ outright share a board.
Is it in-character for Ruby to admire Zen's leadership skills even though Zen's also a complete lunatic
>>74033681Easier than bringing nyan back.
Is Ruby the vtuber as homophobic as Ruby the character?
>>74033643>bring Monty backAnon...
where is Mom?
>>74033643>Like Christ bring Monty back to write the seriesNecromancy is forbidden magic, but I'd make an exception in this case.
>>74033744Do you watch streams?
>>74033316i need to replay this game with a different build
>>74033643So if Jaune's sister was straight you think the writing would be better...?
>>74033744Gone till Monday my Momo
>>74033728WAIT. WE HAVE A LICH.
>>74033702Yes, Ruby is a bigot and schizophrenic.
>>74033744Ma momoron...
>>74033027mouse during Christmas decor stream laughs at poor people no wonder their best friends
>>74033643>but jaune's sister was a lesboI mean by mere statistical probabilities there are likely to be two.
new thread>>74033940>>74033940>>74033940
>>74033778It's more so that they lesbos in the show are a symptom of the writers being hacks.
>>74034007>How do I get people interested in a character? Good writing? Engaging story? No.. no... That's it! Lesbian.
>>74034324i always assumed he was a guy who likes pokemon
>>74034378Its a pun on her name i think