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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.73725095


>> No.73725209

Holostars isn't Hololive

>> No.73725212
Quoted by: >>73737550

This kills the unicorn

>> No.73725272

The homos have been always been part of Hololive except that it's a different (and more isolated) branch of it and that's a good thing

>> No.73725331

10 bucks that none of those words are even spoken

>> No.73725362
Quoted by: >>73727109

tbf astel is an actual faggot so who cares?

>> No.73725411 [DELETED] 
File: 382 KB, 920x900, 1711454480633762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no unicucks our response?

>> No.73725452

Holos themselves say they are though

>> No.73726106

that looks like oboretai

>> No.73727059
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, FaunaHolostars[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3xb75k.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73727078

lol lmao

>> No.73727109
Quoted by: >>73728153

the man who had a kino date with a cute catgirl is a faggot?

>> No.73727110
Quoted by: >>73727145

Holostars isn't Hololive.
Holostars isn't Hololive.

>> No.73727145
Quoted by: >>73727210


>> No.73727148

I swear, I think ENfags deluded themselves into thinking the Japanese extreme unicorn stereotype was normal then decided to become 10x worse than their unicorns because "it's part of the culture"

>> No.73727163

Based ENchads

>> No.73727171

This sidebrancher knows nothing about Hololive

>> No.73727210
File: 13 KB, 302x202, 1707363215996171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73727255


>> No.73727220

they don't seem to realize that the crazy fans in JP are the ones being monitored, that's why they don't pull any moves. This also applies to IRL Idols

>> No.73727229
Quoted by: >>73727236

It's funny as fuck when they thought the Unicorn sarcasm posts in 5ch are genuine

>> No.73727236

Come on boys, you need to organise yourself on discord better.

>> No.73727255
Quoted by: >>73727560

why'd you post dox of yourself?

>> No.73727282

take your own advice

>> No.73727291
Quoted by: >>73727560

Not beating the off board discordvermin allegations

>> No.73727539

You're actually one of the retards aren't you?

>> No.73727560


>> No.73728153

he's a furry shotacon and bisexual, mentioned dating men before

>> No.73728232

No one cares what Aki says, she ruined herself and turned herself into a 100% constant vcr slut and mancollaber

>> No.73728265
Quoted by: >>73728298

It's kinda funny how JP was constantly paraded around as the golden standard for unicorns after what happened with EN in 2022, only for several talents to prove them completely wrong a year later.

>> No.73728298

>EOPs try to emulate a culture that is alien to them and ended up taking it into a radical extreme

>> No.73728310
Quoted by: >>73736851

Aki is one of the most clever and a veteran in Hololive retard, she knows more about the company she's working in than you

>> No.73728458
File: 135 KB, 1024x826, 1712947156142928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did LITERAL Japanese have even noticed they're probably getting annoyed by SEA and EOP fucking it up

>> No.73728533
File: 129 KB, 431x321, 1000005125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about instead of sucking corpo cock and assuming everyone in hololive is exactly the same, unicorns just stick to the girls who avoid males like the plague and keep your peace of mind?
The 2 girls in the OP have always been male accepting, you cant expect every single holo to act like Katana or Noel, just enjoy your GFE and stop seething at the ones who dont do that.

>> No.73728569

You expect Unicorns to follow decorum when they containment break all the time?

>> No.73728679

Is this the unicorn seethe thread? God damn stop crying you weirdos.

>> No.73728842
Quoted by: >>73733361

They're watching us like they watch zoo animals. I feel so fucking degraded

>> No.73728912

Can't believe a fucking chumbud impressed me today, well said

>> No.73728992

what the fuck why are they bringing back souvenir posts from here like a bunch of fucking frea

>> No.73729038 [DELETED] 
File: 2.48 MB, 1649x1649, My 3X3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your are not a Chumbud Homocuck

>> No.73729051

Glorious Nippon moving more like the whores of Babylon.

>> No.73729062

They find it interesting it fucking says right there in there post, it's literally the same as the rest of you spamming "foreigner like to manipulate images like this" w/e

honestly I wish the idiots here would learn from them better and we wouldn't have half the trash threads we normally do

>> No.73729081
Quoted by: >>73729973

>thinking unichads care about what known whores are doing

>> No.73729097
Quoted by: >>73730370

You're not a real unicorn

>> No.73729252
Quoted by: >>73730370

A fairly male-friendly 3x3. Cool.

>> No.73729273
File: 216 KB, 974x945, Screenshot_2024-04-04-16-12-17-04_c2c39eb77ce131054e1b7fd47705651e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73730146

Some of them read /here/ so much they learned /vt/ slangs

>> No.73729308

We can't stop losing unibros...

>> No.73729353

didn't aki's dying career get saved by reddit eops? why would people care about reddit's darling

>> No.73729900

>4chan, the schizo site is now the zoo for 5ch, another schizo site
The state of this fucking board has reached a new low

>> No.73729973

You care enough to post here. That alone speaks volumes.

>> No.73729996
File: 94 KB, 356x399, 1711283282541833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73730130
File: 6 KB, 183x275, images (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay in your lane, gaijin.

>> No.73730146


>> No.73730194

As much as this nigga gets shilled he's probably keeping Yagoo's balls warm waiting for a crumb of positive reinforcement

>> No.73730234

So what you're saying is that EN's are the localized version of a Unicorn?

>> No.73730370
File: 1.06 MB, 1440x900, BrownHomoCuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to kys subhuman Homo monkey

>> No.73730428
File: 157 KB, 402x549, PedoHomoTroon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homo Troons Are the biggest Incels and Losers in Life
Or a Real Man

>> No.73730460

Why did you post dox of yourself

>> No.73730504
Quoted by: >>73731201

you fucking 12 or something? or are you just retarded?

>> No.73730571

nuke SEA

>> No.73730706

>Biboo oshi mark
>Tweets nothing about the stars
>Has posts and replies supporting everyone in Hololive is gay
>Hates straight content
Tried to own, backfired.

>> No.73730784

Where do you think you are? this is an online mental asylum of a board you kind sir you won't find anybody as logical as you are.

>> No.73730985
Quoted by: >>73744998

The reason, jp fans don't lash out as retard here do during streams is because of their Japanese laws when it comes to slander. Remember that guy marine took to court? They're on a very tight leash because manager read comments over there to find slander. Sora reads her own comments after every stream for a reason. It's easier for retards to behave like morons here because they live in many different countries where the Japanese laws can't reach them. If they lived in Japan doing this on 5ch they'd be on some japanese bootcamp prison right now.

>> No.73731201
File: 15 KB, 350x350, 1713014164665977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73731420
Quoted by: >>73731712

look at how those slutty women slaughtered my boy('s innocence)

>> No.73731573
File: 178 KB, 1264x661, callioperustniji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73731642

>calls other people cucks
>when two of his oshis had a day 1 bf yab

>> No.73731712

LOL that’s so wacky and original sister. The girls are actually the ones corrupting the boys! Protect our boys from those slutty whores! Haha! so cursed, unhinged, based, and kino!

>> No.73731950
File: 1.24 MB, 1056x834, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73732064
File: 2.02 MB, 2048x1310, image_2024-04-15_214229116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73732505

Astel thread now.

>> No.73732333
File: 1.06 MB, 1052x597, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73732505


>> No.73732445
File: 612 KB, 1066x367, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73732478
Quoted by: >>73758844

>ruined herself
>has every eceleb under her thumb because of gta
>has entire eceleb audience hostage because of said loyalty
she's playing the long game anon. music doesn't work. coomershit doesn't work. speaking english doesn't work. she'll take what she can get by the balls

>> No.73732505
Quoted by: >>73732721

Why is Astel's voice like that? He's asking to get kicked. Does he like that?

>> No.73732506
File: 6 KB, 200x250, 1711155123500615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niji deflection thread

>> No.73732582

you don't have to swear anything, that's exactly what happened

>> No.73732721

special grade curse

>> No.73732848
File: 63 KB, 634x356, 1642937268788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73733060

>ENfags deluded themselves into thinking the Japanese extreme unicorn stereotype was normal then decided to become 10x worse than their unicorns
That IS EXACTLY what happened

>> No.73732877

NTA, he never said so. Ever thought he just used a Gura img?

>> No.73732917

what happen with niji this time?

>> No.73733060
Quoted by: >>73733088

I still blame Niji for this in spite of their coed collabs. You know why? One word: Raito. No, that's not a misspell of ratio.

>> No.73733088

sure, that's one explanation. another explanation is that no one in the west wants to watch your homos leeching off the hololive girls and the japanese don't fucking watch them either.

>> No.73733331

This is just Kson's rrant.

>> No.73733361
File: 57 KB, 536x748, 1712710948677552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit tier post

>> No.73733543
Quoted by: >>73733662

Everyone =/ your cabal

>> No.73733545

>no one in the west wants to watch your homos leeching off the hololive girls
public reception says otherwise and it's called co-ed.
>and the japanese don't fucking watch them either
Then Holostars in general wouldn't exist, yet they are.
Your generalization bias smells like smoke and the delusions of grandeur only inflate it.

>> No.73733605

Remember kids, streaming is a sexual activity so even watching jerma makes you gay and if there are 2 people on screen they are having sex.

>> No.73733662
File: 623 KB, 2400x1440, 1697130563885531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sister it's everyone. What did all those collabs do for Aruran's channel? Nothing.
>public reception says otherwise
where?? HoloEN views, superchats, and merch sales all dropped off a fucking cliff after Tempus started clinging to them.

>> No.73733719
Quoted by: >>73733739

>Uh uh uh.. homos homos homos
If you think about men then you're automatically gay.

>> No.73733739
File: 217 KB, 900x1117, 1684318899251207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73733832


>> No.73733818
Quoted by: >>73734360

Spoken like a true Kurosanji exec. Nice try sister

>> No.73733826

Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, Discord, they even have generals /here/
>HoloEN views, superchats, and merch sales all dropped off a fucking cliff after Tempus started clinging to them.
Oh yeah? Says who? You? A random nobody with a chart?

>> No.73733832
File: 68 KB, 762x753, 1 Weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73733893
File: 317 KB, 1548x1008, 1708677511188872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says who? You? A random nobody with a chart

>> No.73733926

good to know you admit your "objective opinion" is as reliable as the dogshit in your backyard just like everyone else

>> No.73733991
Quoted by: >>73734145

Him and his cabal. It may not be on YT directly but on twt, menshis and etc...

>> No.73733993

That's cool and all, beggarsisters, but have considered actually supporting your homos anytime soon in a way that actually matters and not just being loud about it anywhere BUT in their own streams? Maybe also come up with a few new talking points, because the whole
>live and let live
>unicorns are the real evil
is getting dated. You may conveniently memory-holed that entire arc of the EN branch desperately pushing two useless homo gens to the detriment of itself and the holomems to such a spiteful level that it managed to even turn many normalfag fans on you, but everyone else isn't that retarded. Man, must it fucking suck for you to be up against other schizos you can't lull in, all this seethe. Thank fuck unicorns exist.

>> No.73734024

Reminder that /vt/ is a containment board to the rest of 4chan.

>> No.73734069
File: 167 KB, 334x292, 1699756106980329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. How the fuck can you say this shit when these are the homo numbers? Fucking Anya has been mogging every single homo stream today with 2k and one of them was a fucking 3D bday.
One homo is borderline 2views.

>> No.73734098

so where was the public reception you were talking about? why is no one watching the homos? why didn't the girls views go up when they started doing collabs with them? what happened?

>> No.73734131

>Cover says Stars are Hololive
>Staff and managers say Stars are Hololive
>Hololive members say Stars are Hololive
>random anon says Stars are not Hololive
Hmm I wonder why people don't take your opinion seriously.

>> No.73734145

they break containment on Youtube to see any content "owning the homos" even they parade around claiming "homobeggars" do co-ed collabs to "le own the incels", post their "opinions" on Twitter claiming they don't come from /here/ when they do, their "menshis" come in the form of red supas using alt accounts because they're deluded numbskulls who believe they're the silent majority when they aren't and they raid reddit all the time despite shitting on the site /here/, even going as far as to screencap them for bait
If that's not derangement deserving of asylum, I don't know what is.

>> No.73734228
Quoted by: >>73734413

>they break containment on Youtube to see any content "owning the homos"
kek you are so mad fuwamoco didn't say bau bau when your homos were on screen. You've been seething about it since JANUARY.

>> No.73734360
Quoted by: >>73735094

>1.42k watching
That's not nobody
>One homo is borderline 2 views
>>That's not nobody
If Cover cared this much about views they'd be dissolved like how Anycolor dissolved the other branches.
You're really proving this anon >>73733818 real hard.

>so where was the public reception you were talking about?
Read >>73733826
>why is no one watching the homos?
>>>3views and high 4views is not "no one"
>why didn't the girls views go up when they started doing collabs with them?
A fallacy you came up with yourself. This is not a problem with HoloJP and HoloEN has maintained their 4view viewership.
>what happened?
Nothing happened. You just want something to happen to feel vindicated but it won't. You want a niji-tier yab to happen to Cover because of your hate boner for homos that don't even cater to (You). If anything, you faggots are the ones destroying the company.

>> No.73734413

>You've been seething about it since JANUARY.
I don't see threads /here/, posts on Reddit, Discord groups or twitter posting about the incident. Only ones bringing up the incident are you people which only proves why you people get ridiculed like retards.

>> No.73734428

Omg so true sis

>> No.73734485

>and not just being loud about it anywhere
Ironic given how Unicorns are the ones whining like faggots every chance they get lmao

>> No.73734538

The AR Live didn't do as good as expected didn't it?

>> No.73734699
File: 1.32 MB, 2304x4096, 1694767324344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It unironically is and it started on /jp/. There was already a culture of "roleplaying as idolfags" there and when vtubers started to get big in the late 2010s that culture was added to the vtuber threads. This then got turbocharged by young normalfags, ESLs, and crossboarders discovering vtubers and thinking this was normal behavior. /vt/'s creation was the final nail in the coffin, as you now have an entire board for vtubers where the /jp/ culture of being a shitposting retard is considered normal.

>> No.73734713

You are literally seething in a random bait thread about homos, instead of watching your oshi right now.
Nice projection kek.
Males are pretty easy to avoid if your oshi caters to your interests as a unicorn, girls like FuwaMoco and Fauna dont mention them at all. Dame on the JP side with girls like Pekora and Marine.
Just ignore the girls who collab with males and focus on enjoying what you like, whys this so hard?

>> No.73734886

I dunno who's scummier: them or the NDF for pretending to be them to infiltrate the dissenters from their team.

>> No.73735094
Quoted by: >>73735696

>That's not nobody
1.42k on a 3D birthday live is nobody. Care to share his CCV on gaming or zatsu? I know it's a home3D setup, but IRyS pulled 10x that on the exact same content for her anniversary. What is the difference between them? Is she just that much more talented?
>Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, Discord, they even have generals /here/
why doesn't that public reception translate into any perceptible form of support? why can't we see anything but tweets and likes? When a hololive member is well received we can see them getting views, donations, and merch sales, but the same isn't true of the holostars. Why are they different?
>A fallacy you came up with yourself
you said public reception proved that people wanted to watch holostars leeching off hololive. Why are they getting 10% of hololive's CCV even after that? Where are the supporters? Why didn't they replace the girls' viewers who left because the homos attached themselves? People must not have wanted to watch it, because they didn't!
Are all vtubing fans here on /vt/ and being convinced to hate holostars? If not, where are all the other fans who haven't been tricked?

>> No.73735149
Quoted by: >>73735811

>objective opinion
NTA but there is an objective truth, either homo collabs are a buff or they are a debuff, there is no room for both to be true. The world isn't wide enough for that

>> No.73735250


>> No.73735313

Shut up kson, nobody likes you, you became the zhangs you fought against by opposing unicorns

>> No.73735440
File: 1004 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20240415_200717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73735604

>Ayame reverse harem

>> No.73735604

>Ayame Is with nippleman

>> No.73735659

obsessed chimp

>> No.73735696
Quoted by: >>73736664

>1.42k on a 3D birthday live is nobody
It is not. 0 is nobody. Your standards mean as much as the weeds in your garden.
>Care to share his CCV on gaming or zatsu? I know it's a home3D setup, but IRyS pulled 10x that on the exact same content for her anniversary.
And? What's the deal here?
>What is the difference between them? Is she just that much more talented?
Different fanbases for solo content. Is this the point you want to make? Because that doesn't justify dissolving branch just because (You) don't like them.
>why doesn't that public reception translate into any perceptible form of support?
Tweets and likes are a perceptible form of support. You simply don't count them as such.
>why can't we see anything but tweets and likes?
You refuse to see anything other than the 3view CCV to post here thinking you "le owned them" when nothing really impactful happens. Going as far as to brag about it on Xitter and then get dogpiled.
>When a hololive member is well received we can see them getting views, donations, and merch sales, but the same isn't true of the holostars.
>>but the same isn't true of holostars
Another fallacy. The boys do get views, donations, and merch sales.
>Why are they different?
Different audiences. I will reiterate: Just because (You) don't like them doesn't justify dissolving branch.
>you said public reception proved that people wanted to watch holostars leeching off hololive
incorrect, I said public reception wants to watch holostars collab with hololive because they like to see social interaction
>Why are they getting 10% of hololive's CCV even after that?
Collab buff. Solo content is for different audiences, collabs attract normies and most fans from both fanbases.
>Where are the supporters?
>Why didn't they replace the girls' viewers who left because the homos attached themselves?
You left and you're seething about it. Some remained. That's just how it is.
>People must not have wanted to watch it, because they didn't!
Oh but they did, and it showed.

>> No.73735711


>> No.73735754

Just woke up, what did I miss?

>> No.73735795

Hi, /jp/sie here, we always fucking hated idolfags and it's not some kinda LARP. The idol generals on there have always been treated as not-/jp/ but were protected by meido, which allowed a couple of threads post-chaos of the boards founding to then split off into like 50 over the course of around a decade. On top of that, the vtuber thread was always kind of seen in a similar but not as bad vein of /jp/ outcasts.
As for the relevance to purely vtuber threads unicorns only seriously started popping up when the board blew up from Azur Lane, the Youtube algo, and TheBurgering. In the two-ish years prior to that the thread had always bullied anyone who ever had unicorn tendancies into silent submission, and even then that type of poster would only show up every couple of months at best. Our biggest problem was the Aifags bitching about how 2d/streams/collabs/indies would be the "end of the fad in 2 more years". They got their comeuppance which was great.

>> No.73735811
Quoted by: >>73736089

>NTA but there is an objective truth either homo collabs are a buff or they are a debuff, there is no room for both to be true.
There is. But "homo collabs" are subjective depending on the talent. Unicorn friendlies see this as a debuff, while homosupporters see it as a buff. At the end of the day, collabs bring in a lot of interested normies wanting to see anime people talking.

>> No.73736065
Quoted by: >>73736138

wait so, we love homos now? did r/hololive and vt switch places?

>> No.73736089

If unicorn friendlies see it as a debuff, why did Ririka join VCR? I'm no EOP who thinks her meme line about fixing horns is the only reason people were upset, I remember what she said about unicorns and NTR in her membership stream just weeks before joining.

>> No.73736121

You just described how ALL of 4chan went to shit. At some point ironic memes stopped being ironic because the new people flooding in did not realise that the thing in and of itself was not supposed to be funny.

>> No.73736138

it's just three niggers spamming the board full time, retard

>> No.73736425

>If unicorn friendlies see it as a debuff, why did Ririka join VCR?
I don't know. I'm not a psychiatrist, it surprised me too. Kind of like how IRyS, Chloe, Lui joined HLZNTL because EA was giving away money in an attempt to revive their game.

>> No.73736556

Act like an idiot and soon you'll be surrounded by real idiots.

>> No.73736664

so to sum up:
>the holostars are much less popular
>the hololive fans stop watching when the holostars start interacting with the girls
>holostars get tweets and likes, but they struggle with any form of publicly-perceptible monetization
>holostars and hololive have fundamentally different audiences
>public reception proves they should collab a lot because it attracts normalfags
and just to remind you of reality
the omegay trench starts when your normalfag collab buff does and ends when Advent debuts. The hololive fans weren't "leaving", they were just waiting for hololive content to watch.

>> No.73736851
Quoted by: >>73737377

>Aki is one of the most clever
Now repeat that without chuckling.

>> No.73737014
Quoted by: >>73737139

>unicorn friendly


>> No.73737091

>>the holostars are much less popular
yes but they have their own audience to keep them afloat
>>the hololive fans stop watching when the holostars start interacting with the girls
Fallacy after fallacy. It's not "hololive fans" it's you idiots.
>>holostars get tweets and likes, but they struggle with any form of publicly-perceptible monetization
They get tweets and likes. When did I say they were struggling? They're doing alright with what they've got and persevered for 5 years, going on 6 now.
>>holostars and hololive have fundamentally different audiences
>>>public reception proves they should collab a lot because it attracts normalfags
public reception proves they're more likely to watch collabs, no one is saying to collab a lot, that comes from your own biased views

And just to remind (You) of reality: That doesn't excuse your wants to dissolve them. It's why you're the consumer, not management.

>> No.73737115
File: 172 KB, 541x600, 1651613222831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We doing this agian?

Hololive and Holostars are both Hololive, in that they both belong to Hololive productions.

But putting that aside they are two different branches of the same company, so Holostars isnt Hololive, because its the male branch of Hololive, which is the female branch.

Holostars are not female, so they are not Hololive.

Its just that easy, glad I could help.

Also go use that energy you spent shitposting to support your dudes,thatd be more productive.

>> No.73737139
Quoted by: >>73737337

retarded EOP
Go back in time to find your answer and stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.73737184

We could use more normalfags as long as its not the variety who thinks that fiction and reality the same.

>> No.73737247

careful now, there are woke people within

>> No.73737337

>participate in vcr
>collab with the homo
>somehow unicorn friendly


>> No.73737377
Quoted by: >>73742295

Male collabs unironically made her more popular

>> No.73737398

she's not in the current VCR though

>> No.73737427

Fuck off, we specifically need less of those
My oshi is my girlfriend unironically

>> No.73737501
Quoted by: >>73737607

Are you retarded, I was specifically talking about how she betrayed unicorns initially. jfc

>> No.73737550
File: 788 KB, 640x478, tenor(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73745006

Good. Fuck them

>> No.73737607

Sorry, not eop but esl

>> No.73738148

Gomen, didn't mean to insinuate that all of /jp/ was like the idol threads. It sucks that they're like that because they're one of the few places to that discuss indie idols. Also you reminded me of the days when Ai and Luna were queens, good times.

>> No.73738623

Seems you didn't get the memo that the ones being bullied into submission nowadays are people like (You)

>> No.73738736

>they have their own audience to keep them afloat
that's great for them. they can stay in their corner, then, and not bother hololive.
>Fallacy after fallacy
where's the fallacy? you can see that fewer people were watching holoEN after the collabs started right there in the chart. who cares which hololive fans they were? The point is, enough of them left that there was a huge drop in CCV across the branch and there weren't enough homo-friendly viewers to make up for it, let alone make it beneficial. Fewer people wanted that content and there was less money in it. That makes interacting with the holostars a bad idea.
>When did I say they were struggling?
Don't worry, I said it for you. They've had events cancelled, custom merch privileges revoked, promotional content like homogra abandoned, and they get very few viewers. If they are not personally struggling, it's only because they can rely on hololive to pay their salaries. Do you truly believe the holostars are making enough money to live on, for their managers to live on, and to pay for 3D models and assets and studio time? What about the original songs with MVs Cover funded, do you think they made their money back? Or can you admit there might be some welfare at play?
>no one is saying to collab a lot
>public reception proves they're more likely to watch collabs
These statements contradict each other. If
>the new viewers are more likely to watch collabs with males
>the viewers who liked watching solo content have stopped watching because of the collabs
>collabs will be necessary to make up the viewership deficit.
Are you suggesting they should chase off their original fans and then not do the content their new fans want? That seems like a pretty bad plan to me! Of course you're saying to collab a lot if you're saying they should pivot towards an audience that wants collabs! Why can't you people be honest?

>> No.73738856
Quoted by: >>73740898

If you idiots spent more time actually watching your boiz and buying their merch, instead of just liking Twitter posts and shitting up this place maybe they could afford to do more 3d concerts. And didn't they complain not too long ago that they were only going to get standardized merchandise instead of custom merch?

>> No.73738955
File: 126 KB, 293x312, 1000005005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73751301

>containment board (/vt/ from /jp/) of was already an extremely cancerous containment board filled and made from the ground up on pointless drama (/jp/ from /a/) is... filled with pointless drama
Wow anon however did you crack this impossible code

>> No.73738976

NTA but still won't watch your faggots. Collab are shit, i just watch some faggot imposing his ass on my entertainement. That why they should be dissolved and you should KYS for fucking with what we watch during our free time, you can explain that to your fucking faggot that will never fuck you nigga. Whathever you say i don't care, stop pretending you and you homo aren't a fucking pain in everyone ass. Nobody watch them that the reality because nobody fucking want to watch them, your pitty view barely keep them affloat and they spend most of their time trying to patheticaly leech who is even more anoying, i don't want to have a fucking beggar around when i watch stream, is it that hard for a faggot like you to understand? porbably, you need very low IQ to be entertainement by those thrash, go back to your fucking shithole and never show your face on the catalog ever again, FAGGOT.

>> No.73739186
File: 37 KB, 1600x900, 1000005165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73739396

Somebody hasn't been doing his green bird app reps...

>> No.73739396

>using duolingo

>> No.73739425

>people still responding in this bait thread

>> No.73739444
File: 247 KB, 3330x2246, Hakkito pollo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your extended support of the Holostars anon

>> No.73739533
File: 42 KB, 665x274, 1706875636591976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn the ip count must be low on this 6 hour thread

>> No.73739617
Quoted by: >>73740335

>at some point
Nigga go read 2007 threads, 4chan was always shit.

>> No.73739921

oh nyo

>> No.73740091
File: 56 KB, 467x312, 1711411254255691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73740335

Th eaziest way to tell someone is a newfaggot is by how much they try to glorify the old days
Big spoiler almost nothing has really changed since back then, this imageboard is still just as shit

>> No.73740546
Quoted by: >>73741919

>that's great for them. they can stay in their corner, then, and not bother hololive
Who's to say (You) of all people get to decide what the talents do though?
>where's the fallacy?
Let's see. Your definition of "nobody" is 2views and 3view, your definition of "hololive fans" are any and all unicorns when you've barely made a dent in the girls' viewership and revenue and your definition of "struggling" is that they're making less than the girls even though they've been doing pretty well for themselves from whatever SCs, bought merch and revenues they got on their vods.
>you can see that fewer people were watching holoEN after the collabs started right there in the chart. who cares which hololive fans they were?
Cover seems to care which fans got filtered, if they pissed off the """real hololive fans""" which I assume is you dumbasses, then they have less thorns on their side.
>The point is, enough of them left that there was a huge drop in CCV across the branch and there weren't enough homo-friendly viewers to make up for it, let alone make it beneficial.
It's not that big of a concern though is it since some of them keep doing it anyway. If it was going to be a problem, they'd be apologizing for it like unicorn-friendly JPs.
>Fewer people wanted that content and there was less money in it. That makes interacting with the holostars a bad idea.
(You) think its a bad idea because if the homosupporters thought it was a bad idea, they would, as I've already said, apologized like the unicorn-friendly JPs. A lot of people want to watch that content and since it's common sense not send supas during a collab, the revenue of the VOD views make up for it.
>Don't worry, I said it for you.
I don't need it, thank you very much. That reeks of Kurosanji management.
>They've had events cancelled, custom merch privileges revoked, promotional content like homogra abandoned, and they get very few viewers.
Events postponed, not cancelled. Custom merch privileges are voluntary these days but StarsJP seem to lean on standardized compared to StarsEN who still have custom merch to this day. Their homogra is now relegated to special events, it was a good run but animation is hard, that doesn't mean the entire branch is struggling. Getting few viewers but somehow managing to stay afloat is honestly impressive considering there are smaller corpos with the same viewerbase.
>If they are not personally struggling, it's only because they can rely on hololive to pay their salaries.
Another fallacy that can easily be disproven on the fact that (You) don't work there, so how would you know how things work?
>Do you truly believe the holostars are making enough money to live on, for their managers to live on, and to pay for 3D models and assets and studio time?
Yes, actually. How else did you think the first gen of Tempus homos got 3D?
>What about the original songs with MVs Cover funded, do you think they made their money back? Or can you admit there might be some welfare at play?
Cover doesn't fund MVs, it all comes down to the wallets of the talents and it's up to them to negotiate the costs with their managers. They only get permissions for the song you want to cover and verify if the original song doesn't infringe on existing copyright. If (You) were a real hololive fan, this should be common knowledge. Strange, isn't it? As for if they made their money back, that depends on how much they spent and how much revenue is earned from VOD views. If there's any sort of welfare at play it'd be superchats during celebration of their release.
>If the new viewers are more likely to watch collabs with males and the viewers who liked watching solo content have stopped watching because of the collabs then collabs will be necessary to make up the viewership deficit.
More or less. Collabs rack up a lot of CCV and VOD views.
>Are you suggesting they should chase off their original fans and then not do the content their new fans want?
You keep going with the fallacy of unicorns making up the majority of Hololive fans so strongly that it borders on delusion on ignorance. You were never the original fans bud. You only propagated when HoloFantasy debuted a long time ago. The original fans were Japanese people that want to see anime girls as idols, not EOPs who think idol culture is bordering possessiveness and gatekeeping against their fellow man for collaboration.
>Of course you're saying to collab a lot if you're saying they should pivot towards an audience that wants collabs! Why can't you people be honest?
Deliberately missing the point and putting your own biased views in my words is retarded but I can see why unicorns can't be reasoned with.
>Why can't you people be honest?
I am as honest as I can be. But you? You believe in your misguided saviour complex so badly that you start to think it's real and justified. You hold your disdain for the homos so much that you are waiting for Cover to get a yab so bad just to say "I told you so"

>> No.73740659

That's why EN unicorns won the war against homoshit, maybe the nips should have fought harder.

>> No.73740710
Quoted by: >>73740839

looks like your war wasn't worth shit if there are still ENs collabing with homos

>> No.73740839
Quoted by: >>73740953

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.73740846

10.0 magnitude earthquake right in tokyo onegai

>> No.73740898

And you wonder why you retards get dogpiled everytime you break containment.

>If you idiots spent more time actually watching your boiz and buying their merch, instead of just liking Twitter posts and shitting up this place maybe they could afford to do more 3d concerts.
Thankfully I do both. Merch don't ship where I am but I'm glad to gift menshis and sending SCs. Also, 3D Concerts are booked and last I checked, StarsJP have had no problem using the studio for their 3DLives.
>And didn't they complain not too long ago that they were only going to get standardized merchandise instead of custom merch?
Seems to be a year ago with most of the starmin panicking about it. Of course it ended up being resolved, it's now a choice on whether they want standardized merch or customized ones. The only ones still doing customized ones are StarsEN and only few Stars shill customized merch with some selling Standardized. Though their fans don't seem to care that much and buy them anyway.

>> No.73740953
Quoted by: >>73745097

to you maybe

>> No.73741144
Quoted by: >>73742696

link the video, I cant find it on either of his channels

>> No.73741205


>> No.73741218
Quoted by: >>73741289

I’m not pretending. Any holo collab makes my stomach churn

>> No.73741289

Homo I should say

>> No.73741301
File: 172 KB, 346x410, Asteru eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What War?

>> No.73741672
File: 1.42 MB, 1166x1121, chuubas laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73749377

>the absolute SEETHE in this thread

>> No.73741919
Quoted by: >>73742452

>Who's to say (You) of all people get to decide what the talents do though?
I didn't, they did. None of Advent interact with your homos at all. Only Mori and Bae still have any contact with them, and it's strictly limited. You are the one begging for that to change.
>Your definition of "nobody" is 2views and 3view
being a 2 or 3view (I can't believe you just called stars 2views kek) in hololive is absolutely being a nobody. No one else under HoloPro gets numbers like that, it's just the holostars. Their fanbase is very small and doesn't like to watch streams. Compared to hololive members, they are nobodies.
>Cover seems to care which fans got filtered
You're right, they reversed course on the HoloPro EN branding, they took the holostars back out of the hololive new years program, they minimized the holostars presence at expo, and they scouted and debuted a new generation of girls who don't interact with holostars. Yes, it sounds like they cared which fans got filtered to me.
>some of them keep doing it anyway
Mori and Bae, and Mori only in Japanese to keep EOP homobeggars away. The biggest leeches threw a tantrum and quit so there are no more squad collabs and no therapy sessions. TTRPGs don't include holostars, there have been no more big HoloPro song covers like Axel planned. It's not 2022 any more. They reversed course, and the numbers went back up.
>if the homosupporters thought it was a bad idea, they would, as I've already said, apologized like the unicorn-friendly JPs
which unicorn-friendly JPs apologized for doing holostars collabs? I don't think you watch streams.
>Yes, actually. How else did you think the first gen of Tempus homos got 3D?
hololive fans paid for it
>Cover doesn't fund MVs
You don't watch hololive or holostars. You are a clipwatcher at best. This conversation ends here. You are free to keep believing in this intangible shadow audience that does not watch streams or spend money but loves homocollabs, but since it can't be observed or measured we likewise can't have a discussion about it.

>> No.73742295

rather than male collabs made her more popular it's more that leaving the walled garden made her more popular. by branching out into the normie-sphere she's tapping into a bigger market, it just so happens that male collabs comes with the territory

>> No.73742408

Beggars are desperate as always I see

>> No.73742452

You shitstomped him holy fuck.

>> No.73742532

Western women can't be trusted to not act like whores, so we have to be extra diligent to keep men away from them if we want anything resembling CGDCT
It's like if 90% of female vtubers were Matsuri in disguise, that's the level of grim we're used to dealing with

>> No.73742696


>> No.73742905

>I didn't, they did. None of Advent interact with your homos at all. Only Mori and Bae still have any contact with them, and it's strictly limited. You are the one begging for that to change.
You misunderstand my "wants" for "begging". I can see you also lack reading comprehension. I don't go around the girls' chats bothering them in a stream but you have no problem going around the boys' chats bothering them in a stream after every mixed collab.
>being a 2 or 3view (I can't believe you just called stars 2views kek) in hololive is absolutely being a nobody.
It isn't. No matter what kind of mental gymnastics you like constructing in your head.
>No one else under HoloPro gets numbers like that, it's just the holostars.
And despite those numbers, they remained.
>Their fanbase is very small and doesn't like to watch streams. Compared to hololive members, they are nobodies.
Incorrect. Their fanbase is small and do watch streams. And again, the definition of nobody means nobody has ever heard of them in general not "nobody" in your unicorn circlejerk.
>You're right, they reversed course on the HoloPro EN branding, they took the holostars back out of the hololive new years program, they minimized the holostars presence at expo, and they scouted and debuted a new generation of girls who don't interact with holostars. Yes, it sounds like they cared which fans got filtered to me.
I'm glad you agree. I can still hear them seething at the current VCR fiasco. It's truly entertaining.
>The biggest leeches threw a tantrum and quit so there are no more squad collabs and no therapy sessions It's not 2022 any more. They reversed course, and the numbers went back up.
Slight revisionism. They just quit, throwing a tantrum was a scenario you deluded fools made up when you have done the very same everytime a co-ed collab happens.
>TTRPGs don't include holostars.
More like TTRPGs barely exist in HoloEN anymore since only StarsEN have been doing those, courtesy of Crimzon Ruze.
>There have been no more big HoloPro song covers like Axel planned.
If you think Mr. Schaudenfreude is the last big song cover then you are sorely mistaken.
>Which unicorn-friendly JPs apologized for doing holostars collabs? I don't think you watch streams.
Kanata and Ririka from what I've seen. IRyS, Lui and Chloe made up excuses. You don't seem to know? Odd.
>You don't watch hololive or holostars. You are a clipwatcher at best.
>>>You don't watch hololive or holostars. You are a clipwatcher at best.
At least try to take your own advice when you don't even know that Cover MVs aren't funded by the company.
>You are free to keep believing in this intangible shadow audience that does not watch streams or spend money but loves homocollabs, but since it can't be observed or measured we likewise can't have a discussion about it.
There's that unicorn delusion working as intended. Just because a bunch of normies want to see collabs doesn't mean they are the "shadow audience", your insistence to put your conspiracies and schizophrenic scenarios make you less and less credible to everyone with half a brain outside of this board. You don't seem to realize that Cover has been catering to normies to grow influence in the west, hence their branch in LA (granted its a stupid decision but what do I know) and hope they get some to fall in the hole deep enough to be fans of solo content whether it's on the girls' side or the boys' side.
>This conversation ends here.
I highly doubt it, knowing how you retards operate. I accept your concession since you backed off of the discussion so early.

>> No.73743209
File: 441 KB, 1941x1064, 02_59_57_1711296254820066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember lads : unicorns aren't real people

>> No.73743239

oh, look, an actual retard
that is literally what happened, sad but true
>actual words of wisdom and factual correct statements from a fucking chumpedo of all people
i... wow
never thought i'd see the day but i 100% agree

>> No.73743268
File: 966 KB, 1160x720, FuwaMoco Homobeggars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73743338


>> No.73743332

>vox sisters
pick 1 you retard

>> No.73743338

I've yet to see homobeggar comments in their VODs that isn't just an account made very recently or an account with no pfp

>> No.73743386

Aren't both insanely similar ?

>> No.73743400

vox sisters are femicorns retard, both you and them share a lot of things in common.

>> No.73743493
File: 228 KB, 680x579, 1694547143926001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73743598
Quoted by: >>73743742

Better. Westerners aren't as weak as the Japanese.

>> No.73743742

and yet you fold too easily for leftist bullshittery

>> No.73743867
Quoted by: >>73744039

>retards actually responded to an ernoul thread
he even uses the same images he uses every time and you faggots cannot resist replying every time
fuck him and fuck the retards who get baited by him too

>> No.73744039

who cares, Ernoul keeps getting BTFO'd on Xitter so he thinks victories matter in this board when they don't

>> No.73744537
Quoted by: >>73744707

Unicornism is a mental illness, Holostars are Hololive when official channels and members say they are. The opinions of delusional shut-ins on the internet is not > than official sources.

>> No.73744653


>> No.73744707

Doesn't stop this board though. Only problem is they like breaking containment and containment breakers need to be dragged to a wall and shot.

>> No.73744856
File: 1006 KB, 1920x1080, pippa homos[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpv196q.mp3].webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73744998
Quoted by: >>73747048

It's not slander to say you don't like something.

>> No.73745006

Heh, new zhang tactic? Kek


An ideology that would NEVER be based.

>> No.73745097

Classic "they dont count" maneuver.

>> No.73745255

The devil's biggest trick is convincing people he dont exist.

>> No.73745559
Quoted by: >>73746671

>overseas is full of authentic muscular corn, not like japanese donkey

>> No.73746671
File: 439 KB, 512x512, 1705808599110794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73754234

I have nothing but respect for my Japanese brothers

>> No.73747048
Quoted by: >>73747282

Tell that to a judge in Japan let's see what he has to say about that. You could tell someone who stinks like shit that he smells like shit and if that damages that person reputation you could be imprisoned for it if you can't settle out of court or pay for damages of the person reputation. Japan is the easiest country in the world to be placed under arrest at.

>> No.73747282
Quoted by: >>73755612

NTA but that also applies to actual facts, no? Like say you say rushia cheated on her fanbase, her ex, etc. Despite it being factual truth, she can still file a court complaint on that person that will end not in their favor and only due to the "reputation damage" it causes.

>> No.73747500
File: 873 KB, 967x942, 1694902280008969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73748067

Imagine feeling threatened by fucking Astel of all people lmao

>> No.73747780

akirose is a clout chaser, we all knew that if we watch streams. girl will do anything just to get popularity and subs, even lewd asmr videos that almost got her channel nuked, she removed them once she got a warning from youtube though. now she is the biggest vcr gta/ark/rust vtuber addict in hololive, alongside matsuri maybe. must get that vod views money, i cant even blame her for choosing this route, its easy money.

>> No.73748067

Astel is the Vesper of JP

>> No.73748201

After losing Koyori there really aren't any safe girls anymore. Even Gura could be compromised now. It's clear this is being pushed by Cover from the very top so saying "stick to the safe girls" is just denying the inevitable.

>> No.73749377
Quoted by: >>73749897

>Posting that traitor and promiscuous slut La+.


>> No.73749703 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>73750008

Even Sora isn't "safe"


>> No.73749897
File: 173 KB, 1040x1080, lapu happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73750308

>more seethe

>> No.73749956

You can argue for either since "Hololive Production" includes homos but "Hololive" doesn't. Pointless bickering about words, really.
Just watch the talents that make content you like and communicate that you like this kind of content to them.

>> No.73750008
Quoted by: >>73750233

Sora was always a whore and never sold herself otherwise. Koyori was the worst because she actively cultivated an audience of unicorns just to cuck them out of nowhere one day. Sadly I can already see this future for FWMC too.

>> No.73750211

The amount of cope responding kek.

>> No.73750233
Quoted by: >>73750732

More seriously, I don't think the twins would actually ever interact with dudes, they seem too gung-ho on actual idol behavior and shit, even much moreso than Kiara who starts to be more open to chat with dudes (like the fat Boricua)

The twins, I for now also have difficulties picturing Biboo and Fauna starting to interact with guys.

It'll come one day or another with the rest, especially with the most socially retarded ones, if someone as inept as Ayame managed it, the rest will certainly do at some point

>> No.73750308
Quoted by: >>73751254

Hey not my problem if a cuck like you wants to watch that JPs jizz rag.

>> No.73750605
File: 384 KB, 640x605, 1704748293447600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty crazy that eceleb/esports cancer is an overwhelmingly JP problem barely touching EN. /jp/ predicted holoEN would be full of eceleb orbiting twitch types and now look at the two branches, It must sting a little.

>> No.73750732
Quoted by: >>73751019

Like I said, before I would think like that about the dogs but after Koyori? Nobody is off the table. Specially since the dogs are so bought in the whole idol idea, what happens if they off them a concert but they have to perform with a bunch of homos? I can see them taking the chance. Of course ruffians will say the old reliable cope of
>it doesn't count! It was professional!

>> No.73750737
Quoted by: >>73750925

>Go on an e celeb board
>Complain about e celebs

>> No.73750822

Damn this really did numbers

>> No.73750925
Quoted by: >>73751194

this is a vtuber board and yes the distinction between that and valorant eceleb nip #9001 does matter despite main branch efforts to mix it all together into homogenized slop
maybe you will get /incel/ one day

>> No.73751001

ID too. Kobo basically just streams with ID youtubers and tiktokers lol. Anyway, the closest we ever got with EN was Mori sucking off some ecelebs at the start but seems she's chilled out and doing that shit in her non holo account.

>> No.73751012

Yes, they are Hololive Production
No, they aren't Hololive
Now stop arguing both homos and unicorn

>> No.73751019


Aren't members performing with the homos actually doing that willingly ?

I might think weird on that point, but where the twins appear to me as completely on their idol shtick (to the point of misjudging the atmosphere, CF the stream when they went silent), Koyori appears to me as much more clever and business oriented, actually building relationships left and right to be able to do projects and shit

(Well I don't understand the point of being an unicorn and the whole GFE thing, so I might rationalize the situation a bit too much)

>> No.73751144

Wow, so many words to say pretty much nothing. But hey, whatever gets you to sleep.

>> No.73751194
Quoted by: >>73751606

They're all e celebs

>> No.73751254

>mental illness seethe
keep em coming
pick up livestreaming and you might become the next Chris Chan

>> No.73751301

The problem is when underages and retards break containment and spread it to Twitter, chat, and comment sections

>> No.73751594
File: 2.48 MB, 1649x1649, My 3X3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only watch good vtubers

>> No.73751606

semantics, still doesn't mean people who want to watch anime girl streamers have any interest in seeing them mingling with the esports crowd or would ever go on to watch them as a result of being exposed to them. Vice versa too, that dead as fuck crowd at the riot show was demoralizing for the talents.
Management have got no idea what they are doing trying to capture this broader audience and trying to do it by "stealth" with VCR after hlzntl fell flat on it's face is just more incompetence.

>> No.73751635
Quoted by: >>73752018

Stop ban evading

>> No.73751719

Didn't you hear what Akirose said?

>> No.73751759

and thats the reason EN is better

>> No.73751816
File: 100 KB, 674x333, vspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't mean people who want to watch anime girl streamers have any interest in seeing them mingling with the esports crowd
*blocks your path*

>> No.73751867
File: 7 KB, 460x109, dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73751955

>Still no VSPO EN despite being announced ages ago
>Meanwhile V4Mirai, also owned by Brave, already pumped out another gen
There might unironically be no market for that kind of esports content in the west.

>> No.73752018
Quoted by: >>73752235

Eat a bullet tranny

>> No.73752038
Quoted by: >>73752898

All you managed to say is that there are no real gamers in hololive

>> No.73752181

point taken, I should have been more specific to hololive viewers, lets see how vspo EN does first though before imagining the same demand is there. My gut says western esports viewers are going to be more hostile to chuubas than JP ones.

>> No.73752235
Quoted by: >>73752685

You are literally one of the worst posters on this board. You reply to the dumbest, most obvious bait, like "Regloss > Advent." You anti girls blatantly which then leads to other people attacking the girls you profess to like. You are a net negative on the board and in the community. Sincerely, kys.

>> No.73752685
File: 67 KB, 1051x384, 111320451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more cuck
You type like a Faggot
This is 4chan
Go back to Led*it/Twatter

>> No.73752898
Quoted by: >>73753200

>gamer of EN, JP
stuff is fun and all but why the fuck would I want an actual sweaty gamer in my idol company, that's all the more reason to keep them doing their own thing with singing dancing and being cute retards. If they were actually thinking ahead and determined to capture this audience maybe regloss should have been entirely that type of talent instead of just hololive with different branding because.. ????

>> No.73752992
Quoted by: >>73753322

This is one of those examples of looking at something, and seeing what you want to see. I've seen this stupid rethoric again and again... Unicorns desperate to pretentend that every temporary decline or issue under the sun in Hololive, has to do with Holostars and Hololive members disappointing unicorns... and then you look at the facts, and suddenly is all bullshit. Like, literally nobody gives a shit. Look at ex-Rushia, it turned out she was married and cheating on her husband, and a total menhera, and she is still getting thousands of dollars in SC's per stream. You guys are deluded.

>> No.73753200
Quoted by: >>73753893

The idol branches failed

>> No.73753233

>You may conveniently memory-holed that entire arc of the EN branch desperately pushing two useless homo gens to the detriment of itself and the holomems to such a spiteful level that it managed to even turn many normalfag fans on you, but everyone else isn't that retarded.
How exactly was in their detriment? And no, it wasn't normalfags who turned against anyone. The heat from Tempus, was a coordinated effort from the doxx site and discord, by nijisisters, who got cold sweat when they saw that Cover debuted a male gen on the EN market and got scared that will take bread from Luxiem's mouth.

>> No.73753322
Quoted by: >>73753473

>still getting thousands of dollars in SC's per stream

Nah stockholm syndrome and sunken cost fallacy. She actually GFE so hard those guys have nothing else. She soul drained them.

>> No.73753473
File: 1.41 MB, 1590x894, oni big choco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its true
nakirium addiction is no joke

>> No.73753791
Quoted by: >>73761380

those are not 'homo' numbers they are Rika numbers. And I don't get it? What's the problem with those numbers? A couple of years ago he was streaming for 200 peoples. Over 1000 viewers is more than enough to make a living. Funny how groups like V4Mirai or Phase are doing amazing when they have those numbers, but for Holostars for some reason those numbers are nothing, and they should be dissolved... almost as if there is a bias against them, and everyone holds them at a different standard. I can bet that if tomorrow they would start to average 5000 ccv, they would still be a failure who is not worth existing because they are not doing 10k.

>> No.73753800
File: 46 KB, 834x421, 1713109990015798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice story sis
But the the Homostars are Nijiniggers

>> No.73753885

Who told you that nobody watches them?

>> No.73753893
File: 2.53 MB, 2880x2160, 1692246620679386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73754360


>> No.73754234

next holofes go there and teach them our ways

>> No.73754360
Quoted by: >>73754430

Those arent idol branches

>> No.73754430
File: 1.81 MB, 4096x2306, 1709828430468628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say sis, idol is the lifeblood of hololive. seethe about it

>> No.73754487
Quoted by: >>73756022

Why are you guys scared of Astel of all people. He's retarded and a menhera.

>> No.73754635
Quoted by: >>73755189

Aki and Ayame aren't Hololive members.

>> No.73754696

>>the hololive fans stop watching when the holostars start interacting with the girls
Really... this is like the Nijisanji coffee shop that had double the audience of Holofes... things that exist just in the Unicorns heads. You guys need to get out of the internet and do something with your lives. Such levels of delusions are not good for your mental health. That literally never happens. Like totally never... I've seen Hololive girls collab with men, the CCV is literally the same or more. The CCV after those collabs is also not changed in any way. You guys just live your own delusion. If someone who collabed with a Holostar or male goes in a decline at some point, is because they collabed with Homo's. But if someone collabs numerous times with males and has zero negative impact on their CCV, like Aki or Fubuki, then 'well is Aki and Fubuki, they always collab with homo's so they don't count' ... is fucking pathetic.

>> No.73754892
File: 701 KB, 4096x4006, E9EaGdDUUAgCsP_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73755361

nta but Now you're making me think of a scenario where if Cover didn't start making StarsEN around that time, All Out War as we know it may not have existed.
What would that leaked discord image look like instead?

>> No.73755189
File: 772 KB, 1349x1141, hololive members.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73755657

you should immediately report that to cover corporation, they seem to have a grave mistake on their website then
in the screenshot provided, both ayame and aki (marked by the red circle) are listed as hololive members on the official website

>> No.73755228

They objectively and unequivocally aren't, since they're Holostars. Unless Cover decides to merge the branches and keep the Hololive name, they will never be.

>> No.73755354
File: 600 KB, 2400x1441, GFBvabdWkAAy8Sy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where's the fallacy? you can see that fewer people were watching holoEN after the collabs started right there in the chart. who cares which hololive fans they were? The point is, enough of them left that there was a huge drop in CCV across the branch and there weren't enough homo-friendly viewers to make up for it, let alone make it beneficial. Fewer people wanted that content and there was less money in it. That makes interacting with the holostars a bad idea.
Talking about making your own narrative... Let's look at the whole chart... Hmmm... Did NijiEN and NijiJP decline in the same way as HoloEN, due to HoloEN's collabs with Homo's? Kinda weird if it did... as almost as if the graph is showing a decline of all vtubing outside of HoloJP, over the summer... is as if, Western people go on Holidays and go out more often during that period, instead of staying home and watching vtubers. Truly mysterious...

>> No.73755361

all out war was in like march 2022 tempus wasn't even announced then so I imagine it would have been exactly the same

>> No.73755612

Yes. That's accurate. As I understand it the truth is not a defense to slander according to Japanese law.

>> No.73755657
File: 158 KB, 463x453, 1658692446733778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73755744

Why aren't the bois under the Hololive tab? The official site is full of mistakes, wtf?

>> No.73755744

cover get it together

>> No.73755801
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My seiso died.
Now, I just want sex with Japanese e-celebs.

>> No.73755837
Quoted by: >>73756535

Another funny thing about this full graph, is that another reason for HoloEN decline after stars debuted, is that StarsEN, actually got a portion of their audience. In the first 3-4 months, they where averaging anywhere between 3k and +9k CCV depending on the member. So HoloEN, basically lost the viewers that became StarsEN viewers.

>> No.73756022
File: 469 KB, 702x787, jubutsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73756083

No one here watches Astel, they just look at clip thumbnails.

>> No.73756033

Yes, we call this larping.
Youve discovered unicorns are just larpers. It's fun for them to fight against something and circlejerk eachother, they don't really about it on a deeper level than that, though you'll never see them admit it lol

>> No.73756066
File: 3.26 MB, 2400x1441, 1708015374971028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73757905

>NijiEN and NijiJP decline in the same way as HoloEN
yes. Believe it or not, it's due to two different events occcuring at basically the same time. In hololive, Tempiss debuts and is welcomed into the holoEN family. And in Nijisanji, Vox called Sonny's mom a whore. These two yabs nearly killed western vtubing. I've marked the dates on your chart.

>> No.73756083

Qchan LMAO

>> No.73756164

she doesn’t really have the authority to decide that, that’s really just an opinion from her. The official website says hololive is an all girls group, I personally trust the official website more then one of the talents who would have no say in this

>> No.73756458

She knows more then anyone who collabd with the homos

>> No.73756535

now this is cope, they got checked out by holoEN viewers until the collab arc and vesper was the only one who held onto any significant solo viewership and it wasn't 9k ccv at 4 months in kek
How long did he even last? not even a year? He was riding the 1000 viewer line months before he left.
To the extent that holoEN "lost" any viewers to become stars only fans, they themselves lost them in record time.

>> No.73756792
File: 73 KB, 720x282, 1713217489652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73757456


>> No.73757017
File: 132 KB, 1600x957, hololive_infographic_pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive (production)

>> No.73757224

NTA but
>Just because a bunch of normies want to see collabs doesn't mean they are the "shadow audience"
They are because they won't
>buy merch
>go to holofes
>buy sponsored shit
>buy voicepacks
It doesn't matter if they get, let's say 40k ccv from a let's say ''date RP with Gura and Flayon'', the result will be that from that people not even the 2% will buy shit that cover makes and that's why they are called ''shadow audience''

>> No.73757456

This years numbers will be worse thanks to the JP whores, sad.

>> No.73757863
Quoted by: >>73758018

"fans" are nothing, only customers matter

>> No.73757905
File: 2.17 MB, 2400x1441, yutyiuyiu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the decline has nothing to do with Holostars or anything, is a pattern. HoloEN goes in decline mid summer to fall, and then ascend through spring and early summer. So basically, the chart shows, that HoloEN is going to decline in viewership again starting July.

>> No.73758018
Quoted by: >>73758154

Mhm... cuz the thousands uppon thousands of dollars they make each month from add revenue, is nothing. Or the sponsorships, and licensing deals they get due to her viewerbase.

>> No.73758139
Quoted by: >>73758413

>They are because they won't
>>buy merch
>>go to holofes
>>buy sponsored shit
>>buy voicepacks
>It doesn't matter if they get, let's say 40k ccv from a let's say ''date RP with Gura and Flayon'', the result will be that from that people not even the 2% will buy shit that cover makes and that's why they are called ''shadow audience''
And who exactly told you they don't? Did you really convince yourself that the industry is prospering on the backs of a couple of incels on 4chan and 2chan? My god, you people are out of your bloody minds, for real now... You really think too much of yourselves.

>> No.73758154
Quoted by: >>73758623

>cuz the thousands uppon thousands of dollars they make each month from add revenue, is nothing.
Anon since long ago the ad revenue from youtube is SHIT
>Or the sponsorships, and licensing deals they get due to her viewerbase.
D-did you just self-own? anon are you alright?

>> No.73758296
File: 17 KB, 480x466, 1693972790833222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, did you know? The Coca Cola company actually owns Sprite too, but if someone gave you two dollars and asked you to get them a Sprite while you're at the vending machine and you come back with a Coke, they're going to call you a fucking idiot and ask for their money back.
I'm glad I could explain this incredibly basic and trivial concept to you.
Holostars isn't Hololive.

>> No.73758413
Quoted by: >>73758814

Anon, if really the 2chan and 4chan incels were POWERLESS, then they wouldn't shitcan stuff like HLZNTL
>I-it's because they screeched!!!
They don't give a shit, they don't gave a shit when Rushia had a boyfriend yab and won't give a shit until their financials are hit with a heavy blow and before you try to memoryhole it, Rushia was terminated when she snitched to krkr which there is video evidence of, yes she was that retarded.
You want your so called collabs to be norm? you want HLZNTL? then FUCKING SPEND MONEY AND OUTSPEND THE UNICORNS.

>> No.73758623
Quoted by: >>73758827

>>cuz the thousands uppon thousands of dollars they make each month from add revenue, is nothing.
>Anon since long ago the ad revenue from youtube is SHIT
Sure Anon. When it doesn't fit the narrative, the ad revenue is shit. But the moment we need it for... I don't know, flexing on sisters, suddenly the ad revenue is great.
>>Or the sponsorships, and licensing deals they get due to her viewerbase.
>D-did you just self-own? anon are you alright?
No, is just that your reading comprehension skills are really poor.

>> No.73758628

basado nora

>> No.73758753

>Homostar are now working with Nijisisters to tear down the walled garden using Holo vs Holo
This is why (You) will never be accepted

>> No.73758814

>Anon, if really the 2chan and 4chan incels were POWERLESS, then they wouldn't shitcan stuff like HLZNTL
Sure Anon... HLZNTL is shitcaned... until the next tournament under the umbrella, and then we are going back to seething.

>You want your so called collabs to be norm? you want HLZNTL? then FUCKING SPEND MONEY AND OUTSPEND THE UNICORNS.
Hololive fans are already over spending the unicorns. The unicorns are the backbone of the industry's financials only in their own heads.

>> No.73758827
Quoted by: >>73758974

>Mentions sisters out of the blue
Holy fuck I was arguing with a sister
>No, is just that your reading comprehension skills are really poor.
Sorry sister, I don't speak with illiterates, have a nice day rewatching your botched AR Live
concession accepted

>> No.73758844

sure but she shouldn't fucking project her shit to the whole hololive
even during her worst moments she wasn't as low as holostars

>> No.73758900

For EN they're the same thing. The Niji sisters infested the EN homos instantly and without hesitation, after all their fuckups and chasing off what Holo fans they did have it was only them left. From what I've seen the JPs are still mostly the same though, mostly.

>> No.73758974

Not only that you comprehesion skills are poor as fuck, but now you are pretending that you are talking with a Nijifan... truly pitiful... Like - in whatever country you live - just don't vote man... do your nation a service and don't vote.

>> No.73759155


>> No.73759244

Ruined herself? This level of coping is ridiculous... She's been getting the best numbers of her whole career ever since the first VCR she took part in. She basically got herself from the very bottom to the upper echelon, just because she made smart decisions... kinda goes against the unicorn narrative that collapsing with males is career suicide, doesn't it? A streamer has two ways it can grow and get to the top - exceptional talent (which is rare, and still requires some luck) and networking.

>> No.73759323
Quoted by: >>73759668

Please tell me how much you like the homocollabers since you're so against this "holo vs holo" thing.

>> No.73759370

Huh now if any of that amounted to ticket/merch sales or CCV or superchats then it would matter. We live in the real world though where nobodies opinion matters unless they put their money where there mouth is.

>> No.73759492

Yup the majority is clearly with the homos. That's why their entire combined viewership is less than a random biboo stream.

>> No.73759668
Quoted by: >>73760222

I love Mori vibe and energy. I love Bae singing, she’s probably my top 3 EN singer with Psycho probably being my favorite HoloEN song. I don’t watch Ame but I do acknowledge all that she have done for HoloEN. Kronii is kinda meh tho.
Why don’t you go back to listening to Vox rape ASMR in your discord server.

>> No.73759768

>food analogy

>> No.73759799

You can't blame them, when they see the word star, they think it is live

They are too poor to go to school and learn proper english

>> No.73759804

>food analogy

>> No.73759844

Grim thread. Bait vs bait. It's so over.
NTA but is he wrong? What does it matter anyway? They're not Hololive and yet they're still a part of Hololive Productions and this fully supported by Cover.

>> No.73759854

>simple analogy for braindead homofujos

>> No.73759934
Quoted by: >>73760234

I see your discord server took a little while to formulate a response

>> No.73759988

>Ayame is fine with males
>Would sooner torch Seoul to the ground with napalm, than let Ina breathe the same air she used to fart in a decade ago
I don't get her brainwaves

>> No.73760191
File: 1.37 MB, 1882x1371, 1684091118098637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got to dumb it down for you people, clearly. Figured you've at least managed to feed yourselves up until now, right? Or has someone else been doing that for you too?

>> No.73760203

>Hololive collabs with e-celebs

really now?

>> No.73760222

>nothing about JP
You are still holo vs holo

>> No.73760234


>> No.73760304
Quoted by: >>73760685

Are you guys seriously going to max a thread arguing over a joke? They are branded as holostars. Unless you want to start comparing their metrics with the girls as "official hololive members" and embarrass them more.

>> No.73760567
File: 461 KB, 1200x848, 1612425090057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look can we all just agree that Matsuri and La+ are slut?

>> No.73760675


>> No.73760685

Even worse anon. The OP already made a second thread and everyone is continuing there

>> No.73761141

Any holo that collabs with males on a regular is.

>> No.73761380

>those are not 'homo' numbers they are Rika numbers
It's not like the other homos were doing much better, everyone of them on Rust got mogged by fucking Anya, with one of the dudes bordering on 2views
>and everyone holds them at a different standard
It's because they are part of the biggest Vtuber company in the world. They had all the resources and shilling a talent could ask for and they are still flopping. It's clear there is a huge gap between homos and female talents.

>> No.73761971
Quoted by: >>73762540

Thats 1/3 of your list anon, are you sure you watch them?

>> No.73761979
Quoted by: >>73762294


>> No.73762294

Based Uyu fucking with Aki upon realizing she doesn't recognize him.

>> No.73762540

That's a serial shitposter and ban-evading schizo. If you reverse search his image you'll find he spams it.

>> No.73762832

Bad faith is fun and all but if you think Aki is Hololive, then Hololive is a meaningless word. She's well aware she doesn't belong, it's literally her entire thing. She's one of the few people who can't actually look down on the Stars at all.

>> No.73763040
Quoted by: >>73763576

Koyori was never safe.

>> No.73763576

Since when?
