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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73564130 No.73564130 [Reply] [Original]


RxRxR: https://youtu.be/7WXVFl-N6-o
PAKU PAKU SEIBAI: https://youtu.be/zAFA8SCKpXk
Colour MV: https://youtu.be/u9alGJE9ZXA
SUKICHUUNO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRYAPM5wcQQ



>Previous Stream
Yakuza Kiwami: https://youtu.be/mR6Mo65rfi0
>Next stream
Rust: https://youtu.be/1OYCE5nZoek
>Free chat/current schedule:

>Merch (Limited)
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
Promise swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter

>Art Tags
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png

Previous: >>73467726

>> No.73564218

I want to take Bae to a rave.

>> No.73564250

Thanks for za bread!

>> No.73564258
Quoted by: >>73564298

i hate this shit man..

>> No.73564277

Thanks for the bread!
Was this what Anya meant when she mentioned Bae?
Not what I was expecting certainly

>> No.73564283

Thanks for the bread
Didn’t expect Rust of all things

>> No.73564298

It's the first time in my entire time watching her where I've just felt.... disappointed?. I still love her but goddammit man
I guess they are gonna group up together to start with

>> No.73564315

Thanks for the bread
Ah well. It's whatever. I hope she gets filtered

>> No.73564323

Elephant in the room, What do you think of VCR Rust?

>> No.73564335

I errr I don't like it

>> No.73564338

At the least I hope we get some rare interactions out of this, Bae/Anya and Botan or something

>> No.73564359

I think Rust itself is boring
I don't think about VCR at all usually but it can have some good moments (and awful ones), just comes down to the people

>> No.73564375

who asked for this lmao

>> No.73564391

I personally never liked Rust anyways. This VCR shit is a bit too much out of my comfort zone as the type of content I want so I'm just slightly bummed out but I'll watch it and see how it goes

>> No.73564401
Quoted by: >>73564735

Pretty lame that PVP is disabled/banned
Rust itself was pretty shit outside of season 2 as well
VCR is actually alright despite its reputation /here/, there’s been some funny stuff

>> No.73564402
File: 615 KB, 2508x3541, 1709066704699321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just not gonna watch it. imma go play something in the mean time i guess.

>> No.73564441

Eh, looks like it’ll be at night so as long as it doesn’t take up other games I don’t really care
Will just be a miss for me

>> No.73564467
Quoted by: >>73564543

I just want her to understand that the only reason I'm tolerating this is because of my undying love for her and because I trust her to handle it fine. VCR shit can be pure cancer but for a silver lining, I've heard that the Rust VCR is pretty neutered compared to the GTA one. I hope she finds a group of familiar people to stock with

>> No.73564511

She better ask our opinion on this during the member’s watchalong

>> No.73564533
File: 65 KB, 300x300, :(.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dun like it....

>> No.73564543

No PVP and PvE focus with some occasional events apparently
Would be nice if she just does basebuilding/raids with the girls like in Season 2

>> No.73564556

I just hope this shit is a one off. Even better if she loses interest early

>> No.73564571
Quoted by: >>73564734

Considering she said she had a collab with Anya and this is most likely it. I hope they stick together

>> No.73564734
Quoted by: >>73564769

When was the last time they interacted anyway
A totsu?

>> No.73564735

>PVP is disabled
That's lame as fuck. That's like the biggest component of the game

>> No.73564769

One on one interaction? yeah
Otherwise it was in that fall guys clone collab I forgot the name of the game

>> No.73564783
Quoted by: >>73564871

haha nice tweet bae...

>> No.73564850

Being invited to VCR is something of a mark of pride in the JP streamer space since it’s “exclusive”
Doesn’t mean I like it or anything though, and Rust is particularly meh
Ultimately I have full faith in Bae

>> No.73564871

Isn't it just a trailer

>> No.73564907

Maybe an extremely rare Ayame interaction would be neat
Or Botan/Towa if they’re in it as usual

>> No.73564931

Towa is not joining

>> No.73564937
Quoted by: >>73564998

Oh fuck I forgot Ayame was in this, that's like a UR encounter

>> No.73564985

Rust with no pvp on a server full of horny male ecelebs. I'm not doing good...

>> No.73564998

Bae is vaguely on speaking terms with Aqua now so I’d kinda like to see if Bae can complete Exodia
(I’m counting the Riot games thing for Shion)

>> No.73565018


>> No.73565048

Bae has always been very good when it comes to this shit
Not sure what you’re worried about

>> No.73565170

I can't watch this. If someone's watching, keep us updated thanks

>> No.73565209
File: 950 KB, 320x234, Kevin Sorbo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Bae but this is real stinker of a content arc.

>> No.73565378

any bets on how fast bae will get flirted on?

>> No.73565389

For those who are watching, what do you think is going to be her RP plan? she can't be a primitive hitman like last time since there's no PVP
I hope she finds Kyalli and Anya soon and sticks them them for starters

>> No.73565419

She didn't get incredibly far into the POI raiding (PvE) stuff last time so that might be a good angle this time
Oil rig raids were fun

>> No.73565420

im honestly dissapointed its in jp only but im going to still watch it i guess

>> No.73565442

Sous chef in Botan's sushi stand

>> No.73565456

Anya did a lot of monument raiding iirc remember going last time so that’d be good
Not sure if Mori is going to do her autistic peace party stuff again though especially since no pvp

>> No.73565522

What's the best course of action here to stop this kind of content?

>> No.73565587

supa her about i guess. theres not much else i can think of that doesnt make you a schizo

>> No.73565590

Just relay your critique (politely) regarding content direction to her in the upcoming members stream via chat message via an SC

>> No.73565613


>> No.73565642

It's the kind of situation where if you complain before something happens then you come across as a schizo, and if you complain after (god forbid) something happens you just look like a dramafag adding fuel to a hypothetical fire.

>> No.73565671

i still don't think this is a good idea

>> No.73565823
Quoted by: >>73565855

Oh god the rat alzhiemers

>> No.73565855
Quoted by: >>73565994

Was it always this bad early on
I swear it's gotten worse

>> No.73565862

>male voices
im out see you guys for blue lock

>> No.73565903

At least she's speaking Eigo

>> No.73565923

Default Rust Rock my beloved

>> No.73565946

It's not a Bae stream if she doesn't spend time in the settings fixing stuff

>> No.73565994
Quoted by: >>73567216

It's definitely gotten worser as time goes on, you can attribute that to her sleeping habits

>> No.73566008

I kinda hate this stream already and it's only a few minutes in
Really don't like this direction for her

>> No.73566015

Bae.... it's been 5 minutes

>> No.73566056
Quoted by: >>73566081

I thought I heard Mori mumbling

>> No.73566081

This is autist behavior
I did too

>> No.73566087
File: 67 KB, 500x449, 1677585091469567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73566117

Oh no she's dumb...

>> No.73566117
Quoted by: >>73566791

>forgot controls from last time
>lost immediately
>dies in the first 10 minutes
I dread the day Bae does a proper open world game

>> No.73566198
Quoted by: >>73566215

So the goal is to just get rich?

>> No.73566215
Quoted by: >>73566259

Yeah also apparently there is plot buying this time

>> No.73566259

Bae should play Stardew or Harvest Moon
She should play Reccetear

>> No.73566412

I'm feeling the tism through the screen very strongly right now

>> No.73566460
Quoted by: >>73566503

That was very very autistic

>> No.73566481

it would probably help if she spent the afternoon figuring out the controls and mic stuff in preparation for this stream

>> No.73566482
Quoted by: >>73566546

Eh even if I had the time to watch the stream, I'd still give it a skip.
Rust isn't my cup of tea.

>> No.73566503

It was very cute but it reminded me of Aqua a lot

>> No.73566546

yeah honestly rust with kiddy gloves is a hard sell itself but the fact that it's destined to be mostly japanese with a bunch of literal whos I could not care less about really makes it not for me

>> No.73566639

I wonder what the cause behind poor depth perception is
It's not like Bae is missing an eye right

>> No.73566677
Quoted by: >>73566829

Her two X chromosomes

>> No.73566718

Some people just have poor depth perception
She could also be on some sort of medication that affects it

>> No.73566729

professional streamer btw

>> No.73566791
File: 595 KB, 1700x2200, 1703216161272675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, she is cute, so it comes out about even.

>> No.73566799

Apparently that was Kyalli who got eaten by a wolf right near her

>> No.73566829

Huh, didn't know that was a thing
Truly sisters, dying to wolves this early

>> No.73566835

She was watching Bae running around, yelling out loud from a ledge right above her

>> No.73566841

it was, someone was yelling wolf trying to warn her too kek.

>> No.73566918
Quoted by: >>73567015

Oh that's Ratna
Bae... your technology reps...

>> No.73566959

Bae kek

>> No.73566980

lmfao Bae

>> No.73567015

She's very patient lmao

>> No.73567121

>shows up
>introduces self
>mutes you and beats you to death
>dies to a boar

>> No.73567166
Quoted by: >>73567266


>> No.73567170
Quoted by: >>73567266


>> No.73567216

I'll cure her sleep paralysis demons with my cock

>> No.73567221

Is this the most words they've ever exchanged
Bae has completed Exodia!

>> No.73567266
Quoted by: >>73567295

But bros I thought Oujo was a hyper racist who hates non Japanese Asians. Are you telling me someone went on the Internet and lied?

>> No.73567287
File: 984 KB, 2480x3308, GLA2w-PbAAAqkxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73567295

pretty sure that's just a long running meme kek

>> No.73567361

>Just giving her random irrelevant advice changing things she's not having problems with

>> No.73567367
Quoted by: >>73567447

Sarabada is so chuuni when used in conversation

>> No.73567388

>says hello
>fucks off

>> No.73567394


Reminder that rat did this stream

>> No.73567413
Quoted by: >>73567606

Well don’t forget how that ended

>> No.73567435
Quoted by: >>73567606

>OHHHHHHHHHHHH- *stream dies*

>> No.73567447
Quoted by: >>73567483

Now that you mention it, i only ever hear JPs say it when they wanna sound dramatic.

>> No.73567483

I'm pretty sure that's EXACTLY why Bae chose it as her outro
Looks like Bae's quest to find Ratna is underfoot

>> No.73567484

It seems like her current objective is befriending Ratna

>> No.73567503
Quoted by: >>73567529

>Bae is a rat
>Her first friend is Ratna Petit
You cant make this shit up

>> No.73567529

It was meant to be

>> No.73567606
Quoted by: >>73567736

yeah.... but still, she's been streaming for like 70 years and she doesn't know about steam settings being used for mics for like 99% of games, cause they all use fucking discord

>> No.73567736

A streaming camp for new members would be a good idea
Just like 2 days over the weekend to learn how to use OBS and shit

>> No.73567855

Almost got brained there kek

>> No.73567882
File: 210 KB, 720x720, CHU_CHU_CHU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignoring VCR trannies that will forever hate it and atribute all the evils of the world on it: god i hope she never comes back to this server
>no PVP

What's the fucking point of this shit? RP servers should get you doxxed and killed because they are just so fucking cringe and cancer

>> No.73567906

Minami Tete apparently

>> No.73567917

>What's the fucking point of this shit
rat wants to make jp friends, which she said

>> No.73567960

Friend get!

>> No.73567967
Quoted by: >>73568029

Is there a list of participants? this guessing game is weird
yeah and she could make them in a less boring way

>> No.73567990

there are better ways

>> No.73568029

Not sure if there is
She's definitely みなみてって though

>> No.73568045
Quoted by: >>73568203

It's literally just an excuse for a selection of e-celebs to rub elbows and nothing else

>> No.73568073

I dont think ill ever get what's supposed to be fun about RP in this and games like GTA
>You can shoot, steal, drive and kill in this game
>that's so boring, let me pretend im a low income worker for hours

>> No.73568077

Okay so she made her first friend which is nice
I don't like it either, I'm enjoying the deluge of cute rat sounds and autism but that's where my entertainment ends.

>> No.73568079 [SPOILER] 
File: 958 KB, 2894x4093, GAgtP5-WkAArF4n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73568203

I think this is the one

>> No.73568132

>gets a spear
>stabs a fucking tree with it
Bae's brain is... it's something else

>> No.73568203

well that's a missmatch of a model and face huh.
and unironic NOOOOOMBERRRRRS. Bae is hovering 7K just for booting this server up

>> No.73568246

Randoseru? like the kid's backpack? lmao

>> No.73568249
Quoted by: >>73568263

This person reminds me a lot of Rio

>> No.73568263
Quoted by: >>73568322

THAT’S who her voice reminded me of

>> No.73568322

well...rio is a girl too yknow...

>> No.73568419

After lethal company i've come to realize how terrible these games are with voicechat

>> No.73568459

So far in this stream, Bae has been jumpscared by a tree, and a house

>> No.73568463

VCR was always terrible, even more now with the preschool rules.

>> No.73568536

This person is like the best you could have hoped for so far when it comes to someone interacting with Bae, she's pretty cute so far

>> No.73568555

The cut in/out when push to talk/voice detection activates is really sharp yeah, super noticeable
Friend in game get!

>> No.73568642
Quoted by: >>73568773

Real talk. it seems like people are splitting into unironic cliques, with the vtubers kind of keeping to themselves

>> No.73568648

Yeah they seem to be getting along nicely

>> No.73568671

She’s very friendly, it’s nice

>> No.73568773

Thats usually how VCR servers go, they find a group and stick with it

>> No.73568793
File: 184 KB, 520x520, 1696754441497476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got here qrd?

>> No.73568830
File: 172 KB, 428x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl here became her first friend

>> No.73568829

And now that peaceful time with a new friend has been replaced by 20 man literal who ear rape...

>> No.73568842
Quoted by: >>73568955

Usual settings issues for quite a bit
Bae has been autistically trying to make friends, first time failed, second time she muted the other girl and bashed her head in, third time seems to have done the trick
They're running around as cavemen now

>> No.73568883

who is this

>> No.73568892
Quoted by: >>73568926

>Kinoko Nakama
This is her gang name now.

>> No.73568901
Quoted by: >>73568962

random twitch e-thot

>> No.73568906
Quoted by: >>73568955

Bae died a lot
Killed another girl by accident
Made a new friend

>> No.73568926

Mushroom friends, honestly cute

>> No.73568931
Quoted by: >>73569207

Her name is Minami Tette (or Tete?)

>> No.73568930

Bae had audio issues for a bit and accidentally brained a nijiJP who was helping her
met up with Ojou and said hello
Ran into this Minami Tette girl and they've formed a group.

>> No.73568955
File: 854 KB, 1920x1080, 1713007483564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73569071

I wish I had friends

>> No.73568962
Quoted by: >>73568994

but enough about your mom

>> No.73568965
File: 474 KB, 800x1080, blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's cute enough

>> No.73568994

check her twitter.

>> No.73569071
Quoted by: >>73569200

hey you have us
well I don't speak for anyone else

>> No.73569077

The Horse POV in this game is so weird

>> No.73569092
Quoted by: >>73569367

Is this someone else’s horse kek

>> No.73569121
Quoted by: >>73569167

You know what, ill engage with you
>Normal ass vtuber twitter profile
Doing Fanbase wars over a platform is so funny.

>> No.73569167
Quoted by: >>73569186

Think you might have replyed to the wrong guy anon

>> No.73569185
Quoted by: >>73569205

What's the objective now?

>> No.73569186

u right.
but then again he doesnt even deserve a (you)

>> No.73569200

No he doesn't
I HATE the moomposter and think he SMELLS

>> No.73569205

They've been wandering around so I assume they're looting

>> No.73569207
File: 56 KB, 621x197, image_2024-04-13_073200529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73569257

I think I heard Rio

>> No.73569258
Quoted by: >>73569294

It seems they were admiring the Chicken mount

>> No.73569294

Mori has one too

>> No.73569300


>> No.73569305


>> No.73569307


>> No.73569348

Mori got herself a harem of chuubas and meanwhile Bae is getting led around by a hag

>> No.73569359
Quoted by: >>73569400

man this gets immensely less enjoyable as soon as she wanders into a crowd

>> No.73569366

Even in Rust Bae cannot stop adopting hags...

>> No.73569367

Owners are back lmao
Hagneto for a reason

>> No.73569393
Quoted by: >>73569415

For some reason JPs think Mori is really cool.

>> No.73569400

its honestly Rust's garbage voicechat.
The guys she came across either give a funny remark and leave or are just doing their own thing and talking to themselves

>> No.73569415

She's kakkoi you know
It becomes ear-rape SUPER quick sadly

>> No.73569457
Quoted by: >>73569484

[Aussie news]
The second Bae and Tette got a spear they turned into warboys and are now triying to kill people

>> No.73569484

Reminds me of Discord during sports fes and stuff when they all speak and it becomes hell
Must be a difficult problem to solve I guess
Hey, it's free meat

>> No.73569551

If these streams become "these two roam the land and get themselves killed by fucking around while acting like caveman because they dont know how to do stuff" this might be fun

>> No.73569596

Bae being a loot gremlin is always fun
I love hijinks

>> No.73569649
File: 28 KB, 600x393, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using my prophetic powers i can sense a third goober joining them and that being this entire series

>> No.73569682
Quoted by: >>73569769

I can't wait for the mid-series reunion with Ratna

>> No.73569743
File: 1.24 MB, 832x1216, 117031853_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73569815

I'm glad she met Tette this early

>> No.73569759

These two goobers are responsible for most of the damage to themselves so far

>> No.73569769
Quoted by: >>73569815

they'll need someone competent to occasionally feed them and shelter them

>> No.73569815
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She literally turned around and she was standing like this
>Bae and Tette become weird forest druids that live on mushrooms

>> No.73569844

Tete almost nailed her in the head with a rock too, it was meant to be

>> No.73569870
Quoted by: >>73569956

This is just them running around the island like retards and occasionally greeting people and Tete spends too long talking to said people so Bae finds a new way every time to get her to detach and follow her again and repeat

>> No.73569885

I don’t think Bae has failed to be scared by the tree falling sound this far

>> No.73569939

The stream so far

>> No.73569956
File: 394 KB, 516x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repeat x30
Hagneto....your neutral...

>> No.73569970
Quoted by: >>73570073

It's been them scavenging/hunting for various forms of food
>almost horse
Bear now, truly a tribal existence

>> No.73570041

Bae really resonates with the ungabunga doesn’t she

>> No.73570073

>Liver King out

>> No.73570141
File: 36 KB, 599x423, ooga booga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are literal sidecharacters that show up for one chapter, do their shtick and then leave

>> No.73570167

Unironically lmao

>> No.73570178
Quoted by: >>73570254

Guess the goal now is to hunt a bear and NOT get their faces mauled
They're those characters that make a cameo in every one of an author's works but never do anything of importance

>> No.73570235
File: 22 KB, 357x279, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73570254

Bae is buggy the clown off doing adventures on the covers of One Piece

>> No.73570292

Did Bae mention what time the watchalong will be? I'm going out and I'm kinda worried it'll start earlier than expected like she does with members streams sometimes

>> No.73570302
File: 47 KB, 800x800, angry-wild-rat-forest-295516537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay away from my rat, Hag!
I only gave Towa permission to groom her!

>> No.73570304

Bae needs her emotional support Tete, cute

>> No.73570325

It should be usual time no? if she doesn't elaborate then it's always her usual time

>> No.73570342

That’s a good question, don’t think so
Would be the usual 2 hour earlier slot then maybe

>> No.73570358


>> No.73570416
File: 14 KB, 237x265, happy mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna lie this was pretty ass early on but now that they are ignoring 99% of the server rules and RP and just running around like retards its kinda fun.

>> No.73570475

What have these two stumbled on kek
I love these two just running into random shit

>> No.73570541
File: 220 KB, 1668x1079, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73570573


>> No.73570573

Tete's reaction was so good, I could feel it on her characters face

>> No.73570694

These two are ABSOLUTELY going to gank someone at some point and probably horribly pay for it

>> No.73570711
Quoted by: >>73570783

>They unlocked telepathy
Wildmagic ass barbarians

>> No.73570783
Quoted by: >>73571041

Imagine you're playing Rust, you've got guns and proper gear, walking through the woods
Two barbarians emerge from the bushes wielding spears like it's 6000BC, share a look, and fucking stab you

>> No.73570839

New to Bae's streams, what's she watchin'?

>> No.73570870
Quoted by: >>73571253

Blue Lock for members

>> No.73570882

>walk in
>"hello im ishi"
>Builds a fireplace
>comes back
>Ishi nai wa
Blue lock. She's gonna chug the entire season

>> No.73570899

I'd assume 9am jst just because IRyS has an outfit reveal later.

She's watching Blue Lock with members

>> No.73571004

What a MESS oh what a mess

>> No.73571041

and dont forget one of their goals is to gamble.

Like, for no reason

>> No.73571067

Are you telling me Grognar wouldn't love slots if they existed back then?

>> No.73571110
Quoted by: >>73571135

When did Bae become Aris

>> No.73571133
File: 31 KB, 400x400, pvOUHI9B_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, mine and I have enough for both of them

>> No.73571135

Hey alright

>> No.73571161
Quoted by: >>73571228

She wants to scam someone with a horse trade too
I bet Bae would sell shitty copper

>> No.73571228

>Tette's stone tablet

>> No.73571237

I'm actually enjoying this ungabunga caveman adventure quite a bit
My only complaint is the lack of Bae/Anya
Wonder if they actually had another game collab planned

>> No.73571253
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>> No.73571293

>I love my wife Tette
>Take meds
>Where is Tette

>> No.73571354

She's real to me...
There she is

>> No.73571389
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>I love my wife Tette

>> No.73571420
Quoted by: >>73571516

>Ride wife, life good.
>Wife fight back! Kill wife!
>Wife gone. Think about wife. Regret…

>> No.73571422

cheebs rape

>> No.73571435

Bae is a good muslim and therefore is able to have multiple wives

>> No.73571470

who the fuck is this?

>> No.73571493

>From Osaka
Well that explains the accent kek

>> No.73571516

kek, havent seen this one in awhile.

>> No.73571520


>> No.73571540
File: 482 KB, 574x515, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>runs up to them
>shows them a fucking hamster
This is definitely a goober contender

>> No.73571654
Quoted by: >>73571702

Genuinely how does Bae manage to attract hags and autists like its nobody's business

>> No.73571702

It's something about her energy man
Who introduces themselves with a pocket hamster kek

>> No.73571704
Quoted by: >>73571855

apparently its ANOTHER hag

>> No.73571718


>> No.73571756


>> No.73571779

Bear has some massive tits damn...

>> No.73571837

>runs up with a hamster in her hands
>bashes in the other ones head
She's perfect

>> No.73571840
Quoted by: >>73571919

>make one friend by turning around and just talking to it
>see a person, it comes close and pulls out a hamster. This is now your friend
damn...its like im back in highschool all over again

>> No.73571855
Quoted by: >>73571907

She already has a group, so no go i guess.

>> No.73571907

no... at least they can be friends

>> No.73571919
Quoted by: >>73572043

You showed each other your hamster?

>> No.73571985

Bae is barely holding back the intrusive thoughts

>> No.73572043

not really.
My friend saw me checking out her tote bag, went "hey wanna see something cool?" and pulled a hamster keychain that squeaked.

>> No.73572069
Quoted by: >>73572109


>> No.73572109

Tete, she lives!
Absolute power move

>> No.73572120

she back!

>> No.73572139
Quoted by: >>73572163

She’s way too smug for 3 scrap kek

>> No.73572141
Quoted by: >>73572163


>> No.73572163

>Tete likes gambling too
It's about to be 0

>> No.73572259
Quoted by: >>73572305

Bae really does love kansaiben

>> No.73572305
Quoted by: >>73572323

I am starting to suspect the only reason she oshi Roberu its because of his kansaiben.

>> No.73572323

She loves Majima's accent too, and Tete's apparently
So it's definitely a factor

>> No.73572385

I never made the connection but Bae is probably an anime character for them
>Yo what if this cute foreigner from a completely alien culture fucking loved your culture to death and pretty much made herself japanese

>> No.73572396


>> No.73572437
File: 3.13 MB, 820x613, 194a83b96c2c1070c1feaf144ecfc1a8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a second...
>Blue Lock

>> No.73572558

oh shit reenter Ojou!

>> No.73572562
Quoted by: >>73572615

this is just aids now

>> No.73572585
Quoted by: >>73572641

>Hakos Berry
That's a new one

>> No.73572615

im pretty sure its still rust

>> No.73572641

BaeRi ship still alive!

>> No.73572656

The loot and scoot, love to see it

>> No.73572693

>She just robbed Roberu

>> No.73572696

Is it weird I want Bae to play MGS just to see how she reacts to Snake's real name?

>> No.73572731

robe-san really cant catch a break huh. he's just perma scammed by girls he knows

>> No.73572737
Quoted by: >>73572774

>Loots everything when they turn away and hauls ass
This loot goblin...
MGS is one of the top games I want Bae to play

>> No.73572739

... This kind of stream had retards """" worried""

Nice job having faith in the girl huh

>> No.73572749

It's in his name

>> No.73572752
Quoted by: >>73572798

You want to lose another woman to the clap of his ass cheeks

>> No.73572774

>Rat and Bear go through your trash and bolt the second they see you.

>> No.73572791

Guess what I saw in Tete's played game vods...
Tete, please convince my rat to play Metal Gear

>> No.73572798

Look she's already got the high ass standards of Kiryu and 0 Majima, at least I can grow facial hair in Snake's case

>> No.73572800
Quoted by: >>73572837

I always had faith in her, I still don't like this content, the only thing that's keeping me invested is Bae and Tete's dynamic but I can see this getting boring past 1 stream

>> No.73572837

With some luck they'll rope in one or two other girls and do some adventuring for real, like the monuments

>> No.73572883


>> No.73572890
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>> No.73572930

also you forgot your spoiler

>> No.73572940

Bad Quan chi

>> No.73572943
Quoted by: >>73572976

Bro it took her 50 minutes to kill that boar

>> No.73572948

I let down my guard because we aren’t normally on at this time…

>> No.73572956
Quoted by: >>73573056

fucking dumbass

>> No.73572976

And she IMMEDIATELY gets another one straight away
When it rains it pours

>> No.73572987

I think that guy was alright.

>> No.73572996

The reason i was and still am in the no faith gang is because it can turn to shit if you meet up with the wrong person even once
You can't approach these streams the same as normal ones
You have to go in expecting nothing and be pleased if you come out with something

>> No.73573010

fuck you made me smirk

>> No.73573056

Quanchi posts from the netherrealm, there's a different timezone there

>> No.73573096
Quoted by: >>73573160

Mori is playing Roulette too btw so if they rush there, they will happen upon her

>> No.73573099

Every iteration of this type of shit except GTA where theres actual pve incentive all the vtubers just hang out together. These servers are more cliquey than you think

>> No.73573102

100 scrap get!

>> No.73573132

This song was sponsored by...

>> No.73573160
Quoted by: >>73573253

Mori, Anya and Botan are all there

>> No.73573167

>le meet the wrong person.
Oh piss off catalog scum, Matsuri has a very different brand of humor and she does her thing alone.
Did anyone else do anything like that? did ao? did aruran? what about botan?

Kill yourself because you sure are not watching streams

>> No.73573253

Sadly they seem to be hunting 3 deer first

>> No.73573267
Quoted by: >>73573308


This is baes best friend currently if you wanted to give a courtesy follow, she streams on twitch not youtube
Shes a bear vtuber who speaks in Kansai

>> No.73573300

relax you sperg

>> No.73573308

I'll give her a look sometime I guess, her game choices are pretty decent

>> No.73573346

its weird how the first hour was eternal and i just checked to see 2 hours flew past

>> No.73573406

Their energy together is very brain-rotty so time flies by

>> No.73573426

Once she met Tete it's become a whirlwind of hunting

>> No.73573479
Quoted by: >>73573554

kinda funny how all the guys they met are either the lowain gang (3-4 guys hanging around and fucking around) or a loner weirdo that escapes from them for being girls

>> No.73573509

Looks like they need to buy a house or something to place stuff

>> No.73573554

The occasional
As someone just runs past is pretty funny

>> No.73573572

When did i mention matsuri you fucking spastic
People are idiots and when you put this many together there is always going to be a fuckwit
I didn't say they can't be fun i just said im not going to faith in something Bae can't control
Pull your head out of your ass

>> No.73573629 [SPOILER] 
File: 261 KB, 1729x852, 13413438138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stole some rrats.

>> No.73573640

This is nice
I just pray these streams dont turn into 6 hours of wheel gambling because comraderie like this is really great and wholesome, wheel streams are just boring despair while you listen to sound effects on loop

>> No.73573682

cute rrats

>> No.73573700

There have been some kino gambling moments though

>> No.73573707

I’m waiting for them to finally murder some random

>> No.73573992

How many hours of gameplay before this game accelerates into gunplay and warfare as people exit the caveman phase

>> No.73574075
Quoted by: >>73574140

there's no PVP so they might just hang around the gambling dens.
not like that will stop "accidental" kills

>> No.73574100

Already seeing some people with firearms here and there
I think there's house rules to generally avoid PVP though

>> No.73574140
Quoted by: >>73574168

the fuck is the point

>> No.73574168

eating mushrooms with your hag bear friend

>> No.73574172

Bless the rrat poster

>> No.73574220

Holy shit is that a bear rat

>> No.73574227
Quoted by: >>73574262

>bae does literally anything
>Tette goes "Kawaii"

>> No.73574262

Blessed hag laughs too
I’m glad they’re getting along well

>> No.73574298


>> No.73574307


>> No.73574393

>A vtuber
>Something cute (a bear)
This woman was forged in the depths of Osaka hell just for Bae

>> No.73574406
Quoted by: >>73574447

who's the other two in their group
The green names in the bottom left

>> No.73574447
Quoted by: >>73574643

the other temporary hag's group

>> No.73574538

Bae WILL take this cute hag to Monja

>> No.73574631

Shed acquired!

>> No.73574643
Quoted by: >>73574703

temporary hag?
Sorry i stepped out for 20min early on and have only seen her traveling with tette

>> No.73574656
File: 159 KB, 557x560, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73574680

>"Tette we finally got our apartment!"

>> No.73574668
Quoted by: >>73574708

Bae and her emotional support hag best friend now have a shed

>> No.73574680

It’s even got a bear rug!

>> No.73574703
Quoted by: >>73574825

Another girl rocked up with a hamster and was hanging around for a bit. She had another group so Bae and Tete ended up linking up with her group.

>> No.73574708

With a bear rug and her friend is a bear vtuber..

>> No.73574749

Girlfailure my beloved

>> No.73574775
File: 13 KB, 594x182, dril hajime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73574812

All of Regloss is so fucking funnny

>> No.73574798
Quoted by: >>73574859


>> No.73574812

Regloss is proof that Yagoo gave up on his idol dream and hired comedians instead.

>> No.73574825
File: 462 KB, 736x552, image_2024-04-13_233518588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73575310

Allies to fall back on?
smart rat and bear

>> No.73574859

Rrat pack 6 going dark

>> No.73574925
File: 36 KB, 394x373, Criying Mococo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73574945

>Tete seduces Ao while Bae empties her entire vault and makes her swift escape

>> No.73574953

This is the good shit

>> No.73574985
File: 120 KB, 1157x844, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tensu Tensu already drawing

>> No.73574996

Bae knew Ao couldn’t resist a chance to seduce a woman

>> No.73575014

Cute, i hope tette gets some new stuff in her art tag

>> No.73575067

Based tensu

>> No.73575157

This is the dynamic duo I never knew I needed

>> No.73575241
Quoted by: >>73575315

I hope Tette sticks after this. She has a subaru-like energy and seems to be down for toomfoolery

>> No.73575310
File: 486 KB, 3840x2160, FDE4RpLVgAY1Hmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae Tette edit

>> No.73575315

She seems very happy go lucky and willing to go along with Bae’s shenanigans
She’s had some great tsukkomi moments

>> No.73575443
Quoted by: >>73575504

I see Bae has learnt nothing from the Neko Neko Kaiji arc kek

>> No.73575475

Luck shit rat is back

>> No.73575504

>Gamble your life savings away
>have a hag bail you out
she already has this figured out

>> No.73575594

Oh fuck, I didn’t factor in the hag power

>> No.73575630
Quoted by: >>73575698

>and the hag just bail her out

>> No.73575698
File: 61 KB, 1079x614, bae butthole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just that easy baby

>> No.73575720
Quoted by: >>73576020

>rob others and your kouhai blind
>lose it all at the roulette
This is just like one of my sidestories!

>> No.73576020

Also most of it couldn’t even be sold
Real karma at work here

>> No.73576048
Quoted by: >>73576107

>no recycling
What is this logic

>> No.73576107

Probably designed to limit scrap
That or Bae’s wrong

>> No.73576178
Quoted by: >>73576267

Bae has upgraded to a sign tied to a stick and Tete to diving flippers
They’re moving up in the world

>> No.73576267
Quoted by: >>73576337

AK47 soon

>> No.73576313

Deer hunt quest...

>> No.73576337

They’ll be insurgents soon
Bae you dumbass…

>> No.73576403

Bae please end it. i have to go...

>> No.73576474

New bread!
