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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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73512934 No.73512934 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>73513610

Previous: >>73504792

>> No.73512942


>> No.73512945
File: 1.03 MB, 697x880, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.73512961
Quoted by: >>73515109

A win for Gura is a win for Hololive

>> No.73512974

>only 400 waiting for fauna
this is going to be grim

>> No.73512989

Lets go new Faunrissa stream

>> No.73513019 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 356x399, 1712946629064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73513020
File: 164 KB, 600x409, hey as longa s it works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's most likely for the sake of some networking/notoriety, it cannot be understated just how good Mori is at spinning useful connections from even very minute interactions and at the same time her ongoing stuff isn't very clippable, which did stall her growth - VCR could provide her with opportunities in both of those directions
in the end I doubt it'll impact her other content or that she'll do something particularly controversial with how image-aware she's been recently, so I expect the conversation around these streams to die around the second/third episode

>> No.73513024
Quoted by: >>73513141

What's funnier is that you actually believe it LMAO

>> No.73513032
Quoted by: >>73513710


>> No.73513042
File: 428 KB, 480x478, 1615185979789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e-celeb rust

>> No.73513051
File: 153 KB, 432x492, 1688552726037139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513161

Reminder to ask Fauna to please play GWENT in chat

>> No.73513059
Quoted by: >>73513126

Ennacuck is samefagging again I see.

>> No.73513073

Holy FUCK graduate gokishit already.

>> No.73513079
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x1280, 1708636925857775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sapling vs chumbud at the end there. Very organic

>> No.73513081

>Only channel subscribers of 13 weeks or longer can send messages.
thought it would be like 4 months

>> No.73513087
File: 157 KB, 424x477, 1711665964864458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73514057

>foreigners have muscular horns
>not like japanese donkeys

>> No.73513089

How will Mori make herself even more of a failure next anons?

>> No.73513091

Grimgang rise up

>> No.73513094
Quoted by: >>73513168

Elira CCV predictions? 30k seems likely.

>> No.73513098
File: 436 KB, 1655x2770, 1711990681329221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515809

What is gonna be her endgame class?

>> No.73513101

Do we hate Mori again?

>> No.73513126
File: 722 KB, 1261x674, 1703675496878864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73513138
Quoted by: >>73513184

Cute Cute Cute

>> No.73513139
File: 1.62 MB, 850x1146, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly hope this will end with the most unexpected result

>> No.73513141
Quoted by: >>73513317

yeah, I mean her CCV and merch sales proves it KEK

>> No.73513144
Quoted by: >>73515277

Nah, the amount of downvotes on homo posts haven't changed much. In fact even as far back as a year ago, homo posts used to get a ton of downvotes (and a proportional amount of posts whining about said downvotes).
A lot of them would probably have reported the post too, but they never got nuked.
It's just all of a sudden in the new year that they started getting nuked at a much higher rate that it became noticeable.
Hell posts like that blue fag's 3D would NEVER get nuked before, there were a TON of okbh raided posts and beggar raided posts that got like 3k upvotes on the sub and never got nuked.
This happened right after T-chan announced a change in the mod team as well, meaning it was very likely intentional, to let the community police themselves and leave less work for whoever is currently managing the sub.

>> No.73513153

surely no one ACTUALLY fell for the "Mori feminization" psyop, right?

>> No.73513160

Being completely in jp will kill any en discussion on the first episode

>> No.73513161

Yeah, I also want this to be a one episode flop. We've seen enough of the same Witcher 3 cutscenes over the years.

>> No.73513165

Always have

>> No.73513168
Quoted by: >>73513239

What did the black stream get again?

>> No.73513170

I love fembuds

>> No.73513184
Quoted by: >>73513320

>blatantly copying maria

>> No.73513190

Obviously not, it was always just a matter of time
I hope no one falls for it with Kronii either

>> No.73513195
File: 617 KB, 1200x676, 1709908309371592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513278

I want to see cute little girls but no one is posting them. I guess I'll start. Hopefully someone posts some new ones.

>> No.73513203
File: 83 KB, 1268x713, Fubuki pog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73513215
Quoted by: >>73513263

>>73513101 (me)
Do we love* Mori again?

>> No.73513222
File: 120 KB, 276x489, 16907446773299533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73513239


>> No.73513250

Yeah, here is the thing: as in the joke anon posted from 5ch last thread, this is actually “networking DOWN” for a label signed anime theme singing 2 million subs having vtuber of her caliber.

>> No.73513254
File: 15 KB, 554x314, 1712772349121504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513303


>> No.73513256
File: 1.30 MB, 1216x832, 1703011201856494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, me too.

>> No.73513257

Yeah that behavior is garbage. Shame.

>> No.73513258

nips, stop being racist, pizza wasnt even made by burgers

>> No.73513263

never again

>> No.73513272

I feel there might be some stuff f she decides to interact with Reimu, but aside from that I don't really expect much else, at the end of the day she ain't Matsuri

>> No.73513278
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Quoted by: >>73513325


>> No.73513280
File: 21 KB, 914x186, 1712843020239526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choosing to stream entirely in japanese seems like a strategic move to limit begging

>> No.73513290
Quoted by: >>73513611

Couldn't be me. EN Lyrica though? She's on the up and up baby

>> No.73513299

I see it this way as well, she's pretty desperate for more JP connections so that she can expand here mindshare over there, EN market is pretty much dead in her eyes comparatively.
Interactions with streamers and stuff can lead up to collabs and even radio shows.
But then again, VCR isn't exactly the cream of the crop when it comes to networking.. so who knows. Once she gets what little she can milk off it, she might just stop after the one.

>> No.73513303
File: 1.82 MB, 640x358, Lamy eats you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513321


>> No.73513309
File: 88 KB, 640x360, 169017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good thread is a good thread and a shit thread will forever be shit

>> No.73513314

Okay serious talk did VCR post high res map?other anons said that there's a wealth index and they can buy land, tell holomems to go hard on hemp/seeds crossbreeding, so they need to settle in a quadrant with a small river to pump hydrophonics

>> No.73513317
Quoted by: >>73513477

It only proves that she's a token streamer for retards and ESLfags like you

>> No.73513320


>> No.73513321
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>> No.73513325
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Quoted by: >>73513372


>> No.73513326
File: 316 KB, 850x1893, 1688283400663086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ririka I'm trusting you, please don't disappoint me or that probation will be extended indefinitely

>> No.73513350
File: 616 KB, 2046x2895, D0D6BB84-2D85-4873-A9CE-B9362A3E1F00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHUT UP UNBELIEVERS! She might have woke up this time but next time the potion will be stronger!
>Mori WILL get feminized!

>> No.73513352

So what's the preliminary list of holos to unsub over the new VCR arc (if you haven't already)? Who's all joining?


Ririka said she isn't joining.

>> No.73513357
File: 18 KB, 480x480, 1615027590178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how Ririka isn't joining this year's VCRslop. I guess the hit on her numbers and merch sales was that big huh, which fucking begs the question: why even do it in the first place? I refuse to believe she didn't see it coming (her comment about regrowing unicorns' horns by doing an ASMR stream after).

>> No.73513372
File: 302 KB, 1485x2048, 1707899798407579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513566


>> No.73513382
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Quoted by: >>73513438

I still love her..

>> No.73513391
Quoted by: >>73513741

>Ririka I'm trusting you
why would you do that

>> No.73513399

>kronii shori biboo kaeala content warning
Oh yeah, this is going to be unhinged AND chaotic

>> No.73513407

Please extend my dick indefinitely

>> No.73513414

Networking is another word for sucking music producer cock

>> No.73513423
File: 111 KB, 1000x578, 16980074784258932683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513530

total vcr slop genocide

>> No.73513438
File: 239 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_2531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73513436

Didn't he call quits?

>> No.73513449


Shiori gets the best art

>> No.73513454
File: 364 KB, 937x1118, ec78731f-bd12-4873-a1b3-58d24534de071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513597


>> No.73513477
File: 514 KB, 1241x1137, 564651318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cope right there sapbro. Keep repeating it and maybe another 1k people would believe you that Gura isn't the top EN chuuba. You should be thankful instead, Gura shilling Fauna inclined her a lot

>> No.73513481

the comment about horns is the answer. she thought she could do it and get away with it (probably because her manager told her so), but collab tourists do not watch streams (which her manager didn't mention despite years of data)

>> No.73513483

>EOPs calling VCR "slop" again

>> No.73513485
Quoted by: >>73513604

>Interactions with streamers and stuff can lead up to collabs and even radio shows.
>But then again, VCR isn't exactly the cream of the crop
Yep, see >>73513250, she’ll be hanging out with essentially the old NicoNico crowd (feat Kuzuha), a group that doesn’t have half her connections and networking and one that goes out of their way to sabotage people they dislike or merely feel threatened by.

>> No.73513505


>> No.73513506

Seems like an accurate description.

>> No.73513516

>male eceleb cocksuckery left and right
>constant flirting
>literally re-enacting sex on stream
yeah a lot of sloppage going on

>> No.73513515

it's okay when towa does it cause she gets to smash prime pussy

>> No.73513530
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>> No.73513529

hiatus until he moves to Japan, apparently

>> No.73513531

She's probably a fan, nips stalk her league games

>> No.73513532
File: 1.20 MB, 1024x1024, nothingisbeyond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73513535

yes, quite a while ago. beggars do not watch streams.

>> No.73513549
File: 50 KB, 1074x1018, 1703011274536109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513807

Still manually randomizing your filenames I see, default Mori poster.

>> No.73513556
File: 543 KB, 545x900, 1691703693034305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513615

Hello my friends. How goes it in the land of numbers today?
Niji stocks hitting a new low and Mori pulling a Mori. Pretty exciting stuff.
Anything else going on?

>> No.73513557
Quoted by: >>73513630

Wut? You need a consensus to decide with girl you are subscribe and which you’re not?
If you’re into groupthink maybe Twitter or Reddit “current thing” is more of your speed

>> No.73513566
File: 235 KB, 713x1000, F-Jl2p4aAAABfm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513728


>> No.73513568

>Gura shilling Fauna inclined her a lot

>> No.73513597
File: 65 KB, 1024x611, 1712770832731410m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now Kiss

>> No.73513604

I don't think it's in Mori's nature to look down less influential streamers or judge someone for the choices of content, so that line of thinking probably doesn't appear in her mind
plus, all other things aside, she legitimately likes RPing, especially in modern or near-modern settings, she even tried to roleplay in Fauna's little boardgame, so that's a kind of content she's drawn to but cannot really replicate in Holo right now

>> No.73513610
Quoted by: >>73513685

What holo is this?

>> No.73513611

Very funny wise guy

>> No.73513615
Quoted by: >>73514011

Roboco hit 1M subs but anons said
>it was because of a bot
which I doubt

>> No.73513624
Quoted by: >>73513846

bet Ao already trying to rope her in, good luck kek.

>> No.73513627
Quoted by: >>73513913

given how mori's swings at rust/minecraft in the holobox went, I kind of expect it to die in like one or two episodes. she just doesn't really seem to enjoy this sort of game

>> No.73513630
Quoted by: >>73513751

Reddit is more based than this place

>> No.73513636
File: 50 KB, 431x680, 1711078865664270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ririka said she isn't joining.

>> No.73513651

>Gura isn't the top EN chuuba
Oh she is top EN when it comes to CCV and sales etc., The best vtuber tho? far far from it.

>> No.73513654

The usual suspects

>> No.73513685


>> No.73513706

>I don't think it's in Mori's nature to look down less influential streamers
That’s because she’s dumb, and this goes opposite to the “she’s doing that to benefit from networking” (which she isn’t).
>all other things aside, she legitimately likes RPing
Gif forbid! I remember, she unironically made Gura audibly cringe with her peace sheriff antics

>> No.73513708
File: 40 KB, 678x452, 1546663934528100119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will NEVER be Japanese sea urchin-kun

>> No.73513710

>Will lose to NijiEN AR free part or FWMC zatsu

>> No.73513715

Ironmouse and Filian mog her in every single relevant metric.

>> No.73513728
File: 563 KB, 471x1000, 1712671823716336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513782


>> No.73513731

>VCR Slop
>Monhun Kino

>> No.73513734
Quoted by: >>73513882

>She's the top EN in every metric that matters
>Except my personal opinion.

>> No.73513739

Like many women: she didn't think the long term through. Even Noel thought she was rushing asmr on her viewers.

>> No.73513741
File: 435 KB, 1637x2910, 1692359297582309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515132

Because I'm a weak man and was one step away from becoming a gachi

>> No.73513751

Yea anon, of course it is…

>> No.73513757

with mori join vcr it's only a matter of time before shiori collabs with the bois, mark my words it will happen

>> No.73513762

She didnt retweet or quote tweet the announcement

>> No.73513767
Quoted by: >>73513845

>expect to hangout with FPS steamers and e-celebs
>get stuck with pizzafag the entire time
>lose a chunk of your fanbase and income in the process and the tourists left

>> No.73513782
File: 1.27 MB, 3840x2160, 1702013014193551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513957


>> No.73513791

She wants to keep her gachi and unicorn fans.

>> No.73513793
Quoted by: >>73513922

it's weak people who cringe

>> No.73513795
File: 427 KB, 1622x1725, 169980585328321522259026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73513991

Watermelon arc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vcr turds

>> No.73513797

So is she gonna do a Nip sheriff larp. I wanna see that if nothing else, at least

>> No.73513803

> 4chan
> notoriously difficult
how the fuck
I still haven't found the place where these screencaps originate from, the JP sites are fucking labyrinthine compared to 4chan

>> No.73513807

huh? why would I pretend to be a chumbud? Majority of chumbuds are exclusive Gura watchers, including me. I don't know what triggered you saplings, I just said I never watched Fauna and would finally tune in on this Witcher3 stream because it's my favorite game, then you start making fun of my oshi for not streaming. Wouldn't let that go by even if your a sapling and gotta remind you some KEK

>> No.73513833

What's with all the Lebron memes on twitter wtf

>> No.73513836

>How do I find and fight a dragon in minecraft

>> No.73513840
File: 2.77 MB, 1469x1959, guracos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are cosplayers honorary fembuds or just leeches?

>> No.73513846

She already said she's not joining. Ao failed.

>> No.73513845

>get stuck with pizzafag the entire time
honestly that's on her for not sucking enough dick and networking with the right people

>> No.73513856
Quoted by: >>73513961

How will Mori react if or when she gets sexually harassed in VCR.

>> No.73513879
Quoted by: >>73514133

Need to randomize your post style as well, and avoid some often treated keywords

>> No.73513882

>my personal opinion

>> No.73513883
File: 137 KB, 1272x877, 1704089568710385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this the homo discord raiding, parrotfags farming reactions, or brownvtm shitters?

>> No.73513884

Good girl

>> No.73513900
Quoted by: >>73513984

do they get naked?

>> No.73513911

I look forward to her 2 hour long minecraft streams, maybe in 2 years she will be able to kill the enderdragon

>> No.73513913

she's one of the few who still play minecraft these days, though usually as a collab
Rust was a total trainwreck but hopefully "no english" limits the cringe factor this time

>> No.73513919

what metric? watch hours and number of streams?

>> No.73513921

The thing is that anons /here/ don't get Mori
Simple as

>> No.73513922
Quoted by: >>73514092

Gura is the embodiment of embrace the cringe and not even she could handle it because it was in front of their senpai

>> No.73513945
File: 470 KB, 1280x720, 170126389674389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to show signs of being a fan to be a fembud.

>> No.73513946


I fucking detest e-celeb grifters, not to mention it's also filled with nijiniggers

>> No.73513948

it's all of them at the same time eveyday

>> No.73513957
File: 838 KB, 2627x4096, 1622994048700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73514036


>> No.73513961

She will do gfe asmr like ririka

>> No.73513971
File: 153 KB, 1190x810, Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 20.49.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel

>> No.73513980

>why even do it in the first place?
Live and learn. Senpais ain't gonna tell them what to do in that regard, it'd be an awkward discussion. Cover ain't gonna tell them either since they're free to chose their content. It's something they have to figure out by themselves, unless they were long terms fans prior to joining.

>> No.73513983

>That’s because she’s dumb
Okay calm your inner LSF

>> No.73513984

almost all of them show their shimapan
does it count?

>> No.73513991
File: 87 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73514216

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suika

>> No.73513988
Quoted by: >>73514297

The only thing I'm surprised by is that despite twitch's reputation they still haven't tardwrangled enough people to set up something regular like this on their side of the aisle

>> No.73513994

Mori 13.0
this time for sure
I believe

>> No.73514011
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x720, 1684507553981610.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT trust the tin cans! They're trying to replace us!

>> No.73514024

SEA is still asleep so it's going to get worse.

>> No.73514035

Holos seem to enjoy it though, especially the JPs which is a shame. In fact, some of them always jump to VCR shit as soon as they possibly can.

>> No.73514036
File: 217 KB, 1500x2000, GK5aIq7boAE0PN1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73514233


>> No.73514037

EOP please

>> No.73514039

You r/vyt trannies need to stop raiding

>> No.73514057

What lol are they talking about the nips having small cocks

>> No.73514060
File: 352 KB, 2508x1888, 1712947816170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Pekora actually joining VCR or is 5ch making shit up?

>> No.73514064
File: 756 KB, 1170x1356, 1692781559455895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for Miko to be motivated after seeing the succest of VCR Rust and try organizing her own but with holos, only for the management to reject it.

>> No.73514080

> she legitimately likes RPing
In English anon
Her half assed JP is only barely going to be enough for basic communication, she's not gonna do any form of convincing RP with just that.
Especially with a fundamental lack of understanding about Japanese humor.

>> No.73514092

Gura can't even handle having a regular schedule

>> No.73514128
File: 182 KB, 1440x1440, lmaouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of whiny dicklets ITT

>> No.73514130

aaaaaaaa i'm going wiiiiiiiiillllllld

>> No.73514133
Quoted by: >>73514379

yeah, just ignore my points and call me names. Imagine being triggered because a chumbud said he never watched Fauna before KEK. Just a reminder sapling bro, there's probably a 10k ccv difference between Fauna and Gura, so don't be surprised next time if you come across a chumbud who never watched Fauna before

>> No.73514157

>what triggered you saplings
>you start making fun of my oshi

>> No.73514170
Quoted by: >>73514445

I wonder if management bargains with the girls to do Homo collabs.
>Oh we can do your 3D live on schedule if you do this collab with the boys

>> No.73514172

It's probably some shitposter from here. Pekora never showed interest in joining VCR.

>> No.73514181
Quoted by: >>73514232

She said she isn't joining

>> No.73514182
Quoted by: >>73514407

>Her half assed JP is only barely going to be enough for basic communication, she's not gonna do any form of convincing RP with just that.
she might as well start in a place where all you need it a role and voice, while game handles all of the systems
I would not be surprised her trying to branch out and joining some of FBK's TTRPG sessions in the future if this experiment goes well

>> No.73514197

Other than the whole making money thing
Or the being known around the world thing

>> No.73514203
Quoted by: >>73514349

> I don't think it's in Mori's nature to look down less influential streamers or judge someone for the choices of content
Which is exactly why she'll be swarmed with all the JOP 2view fleshie leeches.
I expect at least one "incident" happening around her, which will be enough for her to call the whole thing off as worthless.
VCR clip numbers and popcornfag mindshare has inflated the importance of the whole thing much higher than the typical streamer circlejerk server it actually is.

>> No.73514216
Quoted by: >>73514273

wait, Only Up is getting a revival? I don't remember the game looking like that.

>> No.73514232
Quoted by: >>73514293

Did she elaborate why?

>> No.73514233
File: 191 KB, 906x1377, 1622584935369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73514247
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, 1703011256437695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too obvious and trying too hard

>> No.73514252

>other holos enjoy watching VCR streams, even unicorn holos like noel
>anons here dont enjoy it
why is it? it's because we are fans?

>> No.73514257

Surprisingly most of the discussion has been relatively calm so I think it's just the usual /#/ anons

>> No.73514267
Quoted by: >>73514354

>huge 4chan explosion
they have some weird perception

>> No.73514273

anon, the game is fucking dead outside of 1 or 2 views streamers streaming it

>> No.73514275

Spamming EOP please every time the eceleb cocksuckers get called out won't change anything.

>> No.73514285
Quoted by: >>73514636

I remember IRyS talking about VCR rust clips. Wonder if she'll join this time, she has been getting real close to JP after all

>> No.73514290
File: 575 KB, 2255x1675, 1703099182194237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73514292


>> No.73514293


>> No.73514297
Quoted by: >>73514464

Theyre lazy. They want someone else to deal with setting it up regularly so they can just show up.

>> No.73514307
Quoted by: >>73514413

grim waiting room numbers for fauna. not that it matters. today is elira's EN gold anyway

>> No.73514320

I will never fucking understand why global seethes at Fauna no matter what she plays and then gets into arguments about said games.

>> No.73514321

>Wouldn't let that go by even if your a sapling and gotta remind you some KEK
What does this even mean?

>> No.73514326

What's there to enjoy about seeing some male eceleb fucks trying to flirt with my favorite holo?
Why would I want this over anything else?

>> No.73514349

The only interesting things that happen in those servers are usually a result of Holos doing something cause VCR is super sanitized to accommodate them. The actual streamer server is more drama focused

>> No.73514354
Quoted by: >>73514513

I mean, the post about her waiting room got a shitton of (You)s, so it really was an explosion

>> No.73514364

So what JLPT level is Mori? Last samurais please enlighten me because whenever she talks japanese it sounds like a she has studied like 6 months of intensive study

>> No.73514368

Ennacuck please...

>> No.73514379

You sound autistic. How are you here all the time and yet never heard of falseflagging before?

>> No.73514407

> joining some of FBK's TTRPG sessions
Fuck man this might give me a reason to actually watch some of them.
Foobs is usually DMing when she has these streams so I can never get invested in all the 2views she plays with.. not to mention I know fuck all about Cthulhu TRPG rules

>> No.73514409

>Male Collab
Deadbeat don't you ever come here again.

>> No.73514413

Watch Mori Rust get it instead

>> No.73514445

we already know Cover has an internal "good girl points" system
Kiara was talking about how she didn't have enough points for some additional accessory for her frogiara outfit
they probably give them out if you participate in specific or special streams/events etc.

>> No.73514447


>> No.73514454
File: 646 KB, 1007x1186, holoenrepeatrecent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina's episode of HoloENRepeat is doing quite well compared to the other recent ones

Also Kiara's episode is the only one to not get over 100k out of all the episodes so far

>> No.73514464

Nigga the west was spamming eceleb rust servers when nijisanji JP was still a contentender against holo

>> No.73514494


>> No.73514499
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x720, source2[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9ngj6y.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> even unicorn holos like noel

>> No.73514511
Quoted by: >>73515744

>Cover ain't gonna tell them either since they're free to chose their content.
Bullshit, warning new talents that the homos are plagued and interacting with them will give your channel number AIDS isn’t interfering with talent freedom. They don’t do that because then no one would make the free choice to interact with the homos which would deprive the males of the only path to success anyone at Cover can imagine.

>> No.73514512
File: 53 KB, 739x415, 171073788849073242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that Vcr server infested with leeches and reclining shitters is about to be graced with an actual highprofile superstar. Take a bow nijikeks.

>> No.73514513
Quoted by: >>73514644

I must have missed it, it seems that anons here have the memory of a goldfish

>> No.73514517
File: 1.05 MB, 2360x1221, 1679934645219795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, just implement Niji's idea of no collab with less popular streamer outside of Hololive circle

>> No.73514524
File: 890 KB, 1280x720, 1684033708237521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Japanese streamer
>Invited to take part in a big Rust server
>Finally, my chance to expand my network by meeting my fellow streamers
>Log in and start bashing trees with a rock
>Suddenly hear a noise getting louder as a car approaches me
>Fear grips me as I hear the engine stop
>Completely engulfed by the humongous shadow of a 5'6" amozoness as she steps out of her car to approach me
>"Yo, wat-ashi no nama-e Sherriff-de-su"
>Can't understand a word she's saying through her thick american accent
>Get on my knees and drop some of my precious wood to appease the strange creature
>"Ara! Aray-gato. Biggu Upsu!"
>She bends over to pick up my offering, massive 50lb boulders swinging from her chest
>One of them knocks me on the back of my head from my dogeza position
>Bleed out from massive head trauma
>"Oops! Gomene-sorry my dude! Oh shit, I forgot about my Japanese only challenge"
>Last thing I hear before my character respawns are strange r rolling noises that can only be uttered by some sort of foreign devil
>I hate this woman

>> No.73514533 [DELETED] 

KEKAROO! Nobody likes Kiara.

>> No.73514552
Quoted by: >>73514636

IRyS was watching those Roberu clips too
I think there's an actual non 0% chance she joins this time too

>> No.73514566
Quoted by: >>73514721

Barely N3 for listening. Not even N5 in kanji.

>> No.73514571

Ina has some weird meme power when it comes to things like this, in contrast to her near complete lack of presence in streaming, she's like the ultimate shrinking violet character

>> No.73514607


>> No.73514608
Quoted by: >>73514694

Kiara literally has one with 159k views right above it too. Are you blind?

>> No.73514625

Who sounds based

>> No.73514636

>i make a sincere post
>bvtcuckfags come to shitpost

>> No.73514644
File: 137 KB, 1498x181, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally last thread >>73505261

>> No.73514645
Quoted by: >>73514803

deadbeat really believe this

>> No.73514654

Really? Who?

>> No.73514667

She has found new dedication in her kaigainiko husbands

>> No.73514671
Quoted by: >>73514803


>> No.73514682


I thought you guys said NijiEN's reputation was ruined?
Seems like they're just fine, headlining at one of the biggest cons in NA

>> No.73514685

Mori's biggest issue is her lack of confidence, for the longest time people claimed Ollie or Ina spoke better Japanese simply cause they were not getting stuck thinking over their word choice
currently she usually sticks to simple phrases when speaking normally, but she's unironically at her best when she's slightly tipsy and doesn't agonize over her phrasing
also, some people will find her strong accent jarring, but that's just natural to her speaking voice in general

>> No.73514694

That one is only getting views because IRyS is in the thumbnail, it would get more if Kiara wasn't in the thumbnail.

>> No.73514693

Suisei is joining the server?

>> No.73514696
Quoted by: >>73518712

Pekora has a non-zero chance of joining this time. Her sololive is far in the past now and this would be an excellent way to farm watch hours.

>> No.73514706
Quoted by: >>73514901

I don't speak nihongo and I don't know or care who Random JP Male Streamer #36,753 is, so I'm not really interested in watching him interact with Matsuri or Aki.

>> No.73514714

Saplings are super sensitive and lash out whenever Fauna gets the same minor shitposting literally every other Holo does

>> No.73514721
Quoted by: >>73516232

Kanji won't matter much if she's talking/listening, but yeah it's going to be a train wreck.

>> No.73514731

She regrets it probably. It wasn't that fun and brought her nothing but some upset fans.

>> No.73514749

>one of the biggest cons in NA

>> No.73514751

Go back thread shitter

>> No.73514762

Calli go to sleep

>> No.73514792

Where is the shitpost? IRyS was watching those clips and enjoyed them.

>> No.73514799

They also anti post other EN girls and hide behind the excuse of it being sisters.

>> No.73514803
File: 42 KB, 415x738, 17123562795473804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handwritten letter from THE MANGAKA of ONE PIECE DA-SENSEI doko? checkmate kekfags.

>> No.73514824

Says a lot about the clientele of a con where the only groups they invited are NijiEN and HolostarsEN lmao

>> No.73514834

This is gonna be one of the biggest grifters known in history.

>> No.73514838 [DELETED] 

bvtnegros are mad that ppl called out their whores yesterday

>> No.73514853

They really are pathetic

>> No.73514856

So what's so bad about vcr? We don't even know if the homos are going to be there, you guys are stupid

>> No.73514871
File: 177 KB, 1053x472, 346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73514878

Anon she mentioned watching and loving the clips several times
Of course that ups the odds of her joining, she's never been unicorn friendly anyway

>> No.73514888

This is the Gay Homo Con

>> No.73514892

3/10 bait, made me reply

>> No.73514897

NTA, but there is kinda a notable difference between enjoying some clips / streams and joining the server herself (plus mingling with males outside of professional works)

>> No.73514901

>first decent reply
understandable i too dont care about those fleshies

>> No.73514905
File: 750 KB, 1208x658, 1709767792093609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys BVTMcuck

>> No.73514911

>p-please bit my shit Mori baits

>> No.73514922
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1712948621881631.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515098


>> No.73514923
Quoted by: >>73515050

>anime impulse
the fuck? we were just shitposting months ago about NijiEN getting replaced by the muscle vtuber right?

>> No.73514925

It is inherently not CGDCT

>> No.73514926

kill yourself

>> No.73514931
File: 813 KB, 3456x2368, 1709001693747859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it not? That kind of streamer severs are always garbage compared to more close-knit group servers.
Any streamer worth a damn would think so as well.

>> No.73514957

>Networking JP e celeb
>Instead hanging out with 3 views homos:)

>> No.73514961

VHS tapes, used in VCRs, suffer from lower video and audio quality, less durability, and cumbersome usability compared to DVDs. VHS requires rewinding or forwarding to navigate, whereas DVDs offer quick, direct access through menus and support additional features like multiple languages and bonus content. Moreover, DVDs are more compact, providing easier storage and better longevity as they are less prone to environmental damage.

>> No.73514964

Who tf is Rima
I see her a lot now and I feel like she just spawned out of nowhere and is now a big drama channel

>> No.73514974
File: 68 KB, 1024x784, 1712711771180608m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515268

>vcr bots
Twitcher numbers will never be relevant here btw

>> No.73514996
Quoted by: >>73515119

So Anime Impulse supports bullying and harassment?

>> No.73515007

It's not wrong, just mention the friend thing in passing and they go nuclear

>> No.73515015
File: 1.42 MB, 2408x2365, 1699320678361506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nap before Fauna starts

>> No.73515016

>literally every other Holo does
No one, absolutely no one gets shit on consistently as much as Fauna whenever their frame is up. I've actually never seen a Fauna frame where half the replies weren't seethe.

>> No.73515039

Was a pretty massive yab for a girl like her so it makes sense to be a bit sensitive about that

>> No.73515050

That was Offkai

>> No.73515054

4 cancerous pieces of shit

>> No.73515055

Ecelebs are far worse then Homos
Holostars are much more professional than ecelebs. Ecelebs are way bigger sexpest than Holostars. Holostars don't leech nearly as hard as ecelebs. Collabs with ecelebs are more likely to fundamental change a Holo members content when compared to Holostars collabs.
With that being said, Holostars is full unprofessional, sexpest, leeches who fundamental change a Holo members content when they start collabing. Ecelebs are all that but 100 times worst.

>> No.73515073

no one cares about the friend thing samefag, it's just bot spam

>> No.73515080

>massive yab for a girl like her
how? why?

>> No.73515079

Fuck off dramafag

>> No.73515092

Still haven't learned any synonyms for sensitive yet?

>> No.73515098
File: 2.02 MB, 1200x900, __ninomae_ina_nis_and_ceres_fauna_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_koahri__3a360446106c43d83919fe2a220642b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515217

Squishy Ina was super-duper cute, that definitely helped the repeat to spread.

>> No.73515100
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73515109

Then Hololive havnt been having many wins lately LOL

>> No.73515119

Nijisanji been sponsoring the convention for the past few years and the yabe effects faded so their safe to invite

>> No.73515124
File: 183 KB, 720x540, 1692673655770501.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73515127

>never watched a Witcher stream
(no need to say I’m a newfag)
What am I in for? All that I know about Witcher is that cutscene “so you’re finally awake” meme after death

>> No.73515132
File: 175 KB, 1024x1024, 1709584660424393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ririka is for english unicock only

>> No.73515139

>Depressed Nousagi donathon while reacting to /vt/
Post the goals
Please tell me no one is donating

>> No.73515158
File: 703 KB, 1238x1725, 1703011201856427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73515164

Honestly I'm glad in a way
Because now we can compare the sell out (if they can even manage that) times to Tempus

>> No.73515178

great bait

>> No.73515186
File: 1.24 MB, 600x369, 1709072852206992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515233


>> No.73515188
File: 4 KB, 209x241, 1626542395886666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515264

>Meltdown cover - Kanata

>> No.73515217

Fucking hate how coomers started making edit of her cropped face, some fags cant go a minute without thinking of sex

>> No.73515223
File: 1.28 MB, 2072x1088, vspo towa dead by daylight collab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VSPO chat speeds vs Towa on Dead By Daylight collab
man Brave is absolutely fucking shameless about the botting

>> No.73515233
File: 89 KB, 1719x1083, 1696620395005851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73515238

The redhead is the best girl as always

>> No.73515257
File: 100 KB, 267x258, 1703292533056060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73515262
File: 417 KB, 1824x1248, 20240411_121719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73515264
File: 604 KB, 824x788, 09c7cb8f741a8a7597f67f92fab4b7b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the link fag

>> No.73515267
File: 119 KB, 1024x1024, 1711748915612061m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515393

It was very entertaining reading the past 2 threads is there any other notable news other than mori

>> No.73515268

He literally owns a rival streaming platform whose top streams have 10k botted views each

>> No.73515275

She collabs a ton with the usual dramafags

>> No.73515277

the incels won...no...

>> No.73515289
File: 98 KB, 720x543, 1712949203326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73515303 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 1699521368500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only reason people want the holos to play the Witcher 3 is for this scene
The rest of the game is just a western JRPG

>> No.73515308
Quoted by: >>73515398

should I sell my stock of Moricoins or hold?

>> No.73515330

vsbots are real, wonder if theyll try the same for vsbot en

>> No.73515331
Quoted by: >>73515396

Geralt of Riverwood is a mutant dragonborn. He emerges from the vault to find his daughter, Sophie.
It's later revealed that the entire world is actually Tokyo, which got turned into a crazy demonic world because of a cult ritual. Geralt has to pick whether to side with Deus and kill Lucifer, or the other way around. Or to seize power for himself and become the Dark Lord.

>> No.73515337
Quoted by: >>73515418

This dude is 100% gonna be the first one to find Mori somehow I can feel it

>> No.73515345
Quoted by: >>73515438

Much more
song spam that you might believe because that's combat music

>> No.73515356

Actual literal dramatuber. As in she has no other content unlike False or DN, she covers /vt/ style drama.

>> No.73515370

it's kino content. 10/10 would watch clips of it again once it's over.

>> No.73515369
File: 260 KB, 1401x2048, 20240411_224354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread theme

>> No.73515378
File: 185 KB, 821x456, 1710565420411199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My queen chu

>> No.73515387

Old Fauna would have just covered the screen and UUU'd during that
New Fauna is gonna be absolutely frothing and gushing her pussy around during it

>> No.73515393

TW3 PC perms are in

>> No.73515396

Geralt is the demifiend

>> No.73515398
File: 246 KB, 2048x998, E13A90BA-E6C2-409E-8B65-A414768FB84E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll take them all from your hand!
Calliope 2.0 will be TWICE AS FEMININE and fully repentant!

>> No.73515410
File: 331 KB, 1037x552, Carl G merch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normie Hit singer Karol G Official merch is $3k+ for just a normal $100 jersey

>> No.73515418

Then what would happen. What would happen if Mori put her foot down and said those comments made her uncomfortable

>> No.73515422
File: 156 KB, 480x480, 1687305356061706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73515438

banana taiga, banana taiga. BANANA TAIGA, BANANA TAIGA (more insistently)

>> No.73515456

Mori would play along, she's just that kind of girl

>> No.73515476

Mori really is going to shoot herself in the head with this kek

>> No.73515504 [DELETED] 

She should have done that four years ago

>> No.73515511

>Mori not being a doormat for e-celebs
Yeah sure.

>> No.73515522
File: 530 KB, 561x542, 1549039345281023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Falling in love with Goombie chu anon
I have won the Gachikoi lottery. I feel like a blessed person.

>> No.73515528

Looking forward to part 10 in six months where Fauna finally gets to Skellige game is too damn long

>> No.73515527

this going to be botan gta vrc all over again, huh

>> No.73515530

more and more i think that Brave is running some kind of money laundrying scheme, especially after the 100k keyboards sold bullshit the retarded intern tried to push on this very thread

>> No.73515541

Was this the one who did ERP with Matsuri?

>> No.73515542
Quoted by: >>73515822

Explain. I don't think it's a big deal but I don't watch mori

>> No.73515574
Quoted by: >>73515814

>861 roguelike deck builders on steam
where's the holo indie one?

>> No.73515627

Which makes it surprising that Botan is doing it again I guess
Especially since I thought she didn't like RUST, but I guess that was only true for the Holo arc of it apparently.

>> No.73515650
Quoted by: >>73515971

ye but also you can buy the one for 100

>> No.73515656
File: 96 KB, 768x1024, 16265423958852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically having parasocial relationships with anon
the Absolute state of /#/

>> No.73515674
File: 540 KB, 757x736, ibrahim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515979


>> No.73515680

She doesn't even speak Japanese LOL

>> No.73515683

yet no "good boy points". Because they simply deserve it. What a charade

>> No.73515690

Doubtful, she ejected any gachi or unicorns she mightve had a long time ago. Any cgdct(who watch mori of all people???) Just wont watch her when she streams with homos

>> No.73515706


>> No.73515710
Quoted by: >>73515971

Doesn't it say right there that that jersey is signed by two entire teams or something?

>> No.73515730
File: 148 KB, 862x1179, 20220810_052255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73515744

it's against the contract to criticize stars. Anti-homo sentiment is grounds for termination.

>> No.73515791

she was alone most of the time

>> No.73515797

What are you talking about

>> No.73515800

not after dumb and dumber

>> No.73515809

This is building up into a hololive remake of The Craft featuring FauMei and one other girl.

>> No.73515814

I don't want this because if it happens Fauna will never put it down if it turns out good

>> No.73515820
Quoted by: >>73515877

stupid nigger, the pool of points is same for every Holo, that way they can decide what to prioritize in their outfit updates but without any girl feeling like she's getting less options
this was specifically introduced since some girls with more cooperative artists/riggers were getting fucking showered with options while some lacked basic-ass swaps or even limb mobility

>> No.73515822

Ecelebs aside since the thread explained all that already.
She's going to be speaking all jap, her EOP audience is going to get filtered so hard it's going to be hilarious. Same thing happened with the Axel homo, he spammed it because it was a huge (temporary) buff but filtered his audience so hard that once it was all said and done he was worse off than he'd started. Mori is known to be impressively retarded, I can see her doing the same thing in her constant desperation for numbers.

>> No.73515839

didn't know anyone on the server and spent most the time by herself

>> No.73515840
File: 582 KB, 640x862, ReformeDemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515901

ohayou Gozaimasu /#/ no anon-tachi. Looking forward to another fruitful day of number analysis and graph charting. I'll be in your care. Yoroshiku tanomu!

>> No.73515854

>Real Madrid

>> No.73515877

This fucking reminds me
V3 for EN fucking when?

>> No.73515888

heh nice catch

>> No.73515892
File: 89 KB, 1023x1163, 1691729059106646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73515939

I kiss anons through my monitor

>> No.73515893

Not about that. She's going to filter her general audience. She could avoid it if she doesn't go hard at it but somehow I doubt she's that smart.

>> No.73515902
Quoted by: >>73515939

sniffing the moombutt

>> No.73515901
File: 372 KB, 2048x1921, 1711114129982586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73515916
File: 1.33 MB, 2247x1596, 1685514970359722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Mumei will do a drawing stream today, will make today perfect alongside the IRyS reveal later as well

>> No.73515930

it's great, very story driven, streamers could easily find themselves being hours deep on side quests because they are just as good as the main one. My only problem with it is its combat, as it leans a bit on the smash button side especially in lower difficulty, so it's boring to watch

>> No.73515938
Quoted by: >>73516175

>ejecting gachi
retarded statement, her approach is closer to Iofi's than it is to Suisei's

>> No.73515939


>> No.73515944

The biggest thing I'm curious about is how is it a "challenge" for Mori to speak Japanese? Really sounds like an excuse to keep it separate from her English streams.

>> No.73515947
Quoted by: >>73516029

Does her general audience watch her during jp hours? She might sour some jpniki if anything

>> No.73515971
File: 379 KB, 326x823, print.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a shitty ass print and more than doubles the price

>> No.73515977

For the talents? They just need to ignore them, as 90% of them already does.

>> No.73515979

All natural, it has horses.

>> No.73515986
Quoted by: >>73516020

theres an irys reveal?

>> No.73515990
File: 38 KB, 495x619, 1698533356776477723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73516019


>> No.73515993

My rrat is that Gura's base rigging is so bad that 3.0 breaks it completely and they're trying to figure out a way around it

>> No.73516011

Fuck Barca. Whiny, entitled fanbase and management. Paid off refs for years. I love to see them lose.
I love Real Madrid because they've knocked out Liverpool 3 years in a row in CL. Just wish they could beat City consistently too

>> No.73516019


>> No.73516020
File: 506 KB, 1544x2048, 1700138578723404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73516062


>> No.73516022

Barca, more whites

>> No.73516029

why are you acting like this is even gonna replace her regular streaming, it's basiclly the equivalent of IRyS' Splatoon/JP collabs which filtered nobody but the most retarded schizos from here (and 90% were anti-IRyS falseflaggers in the first place)

>> No.73516034

I want to see Myth’s 3D touched up or redone, the models are just bad compared to what holoX got

>> No.73516036

Gura's getting her new base model soon but has to get that locked in before they can do V3s

>> No.73516062
Quoted by: >>73516097

Nigga that is tomorrow.

>> No.73516072

She said she was probably doing drawing, but the IRyS reveal also isn't today.

>> No.73516069
Quoted by: >>73516142

no one cares since Messi and Ronaldo left

>> No.73516087
File: 71 KB, 680x680, IMG_20211025_100037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needed the extra push. Anyways. Hoes mad.

>> No.73516097

The weekend is a single day

>> No.73516142
File: 90 KB, 246x206, peko ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English league tard mad all his teams suck in European Competitions except the one they hate

>> No.73516146
Quoted by: >>73516685

Noel never talked about VCR.
Only clipfags and dramafags like it anyway, I tried watching some of it waaay back and it was just the usual streamer server bullshit.
Lapu and her gf selling Yuri voicepacks was funny, but it's the kind of funny only has like 30s of comedy.
The server just can't pull in longer storylines like what Pekora did or the type of trolling done by Suisei without devolving into a funless drama filled shitfest.
Like some non holo chuubas, it's only tolerable in small doses. And even if I don't watch any of it I don't really feel like I've missed anything.

>> No.73516166

>IRyS' Splatoon/JP collabs which filtered nobody
Haha yeah

>> No.73516175

Your thoughts on Suisei?

>> No.73516190
Quoted by: >>73516216

source you double nigger, Irys ever talked about VCR

>> No.73516193

So what do we predict Mori's CCV is gonna be? I feel like even 5k is alot

>> No.73516194
File: 39 KB, 530x579, 1698533356776477726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73516212

Never lose. Always winning.

>> No.73516207

Noel and EN audience teach ririka how to be lover first

>> No.73516212
File: 839 KB, 4096x3211, 1702613790796677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73516216
Quoted by: >>73516285

How new?

>> No.73516224
File: 331 KB, 1536x1536, 1710061168970565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73516227

Back to your geriatric whore retirement home, kekson.

>> No.73516232

it'll matter for stuff like signs

>> No.73516254

First day 7k to 8k next stream 4k ~ 5k

>> No.73516259

At first it'll get decently, but it'll fall off very quickly
All subsequent streams of it will fail to get 4k, some might not even hit 3k

>> No.73516276

i'll bite. here's your (You)
ecelebs can be distanced from. Homos go to the same office, the same studio, share the holopro pie, and cannot be rid of.

>> No.73516280
Quoted by: >>73516449

She's what Deadbeats wish Mori was, being big enough that she can be "based" doing whatever she wants instead of doing some weird halfway house shenanigans in a failed attempt to please everyone.

>> No.73516285

> 11 months ago
yeah she's surely going to join any minute now

>> No.73516291

she's probably the most accomplished and nearest to mainstream Holo at the moment, and she's doing that while remaining very loyal to the type of person she wants to be and content she wants to make which is both impressive and worth of respect

>> No.73516299
File: 1.31 MB, 720x720, koahri.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73516418

I decided to look up if they're were any good Mori animations.

>> No.73516307

myth bro's it over isn't it? mori was the last hope and she to has fallen

>> No.73516315

VCR operates on a yearly rotation retard
She couldn't have joined VCR Rust if she wanted to until now

>> No.73516323
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 16832452794122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73516401

20k. VCR tourism is no joke I tell you. Shaka will appear on stream and she'll instantly get 80k ccv. trust the process retard. Calli undisputed FIRST ARMY.

>> No.73516327

she can hang w mori now

>> No.73516339

The type of woman that would join a server like that is the type of woman that unironically does not give a shit about her audience.

>> No.73516344

Depends how entertaining she is, the streams can honestly go anywhere from 20k to 3k, most likely 3k but who knows

>> No.73516355

It's boring when nijiEN gets serious

>> No.73516365
File: 3.93 MB, 5950x3850, 1686516938796421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73516371
File: 18 KB, 692x604, ccryupixel calli.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73516377

ahhh.. so all holoEN?

>> No.73516378
Quoted by: >>73516416

Sorry crat, but she was cooming over Axel's shota RP and she'll do it again

>> No.73516388
File: 571 KB, 416x676, uuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73516461

>> No.73516401
File: 112 KB, 463x662, images - 2023-08-20T163316.899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73516405
Quoted by: >>73516608

It's funny because a lot of the Japanese "idols" have either joined already or have signalled that they want to join.

>> No.73516411

Very organic posts here right now

>> No.73516416

keep your seethe contained to one device ennakek

>> No.73516418
Quoted by: >>73516486

are there any that aren't just motion tweening

>> No.73516449
File: 1.89 MB, 1200x1697, Stellar Stellar[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6ka7gz.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is very deeply aware she's not the same kind of person even while respecting Suzy's accomplishments and personality a lot

>> No.73516451
File: 82 KB, 800x800, 1692127357503546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Numberpagpag threads

>> No.73516454

Perfect for a fleshtuber

>> No.73516458

Is it true that mori doesnt worship unicorns? Why would cover hire someone like this?

>> No.73516459 [DELETED] 

>both Fauna and Irys streaming today
Who will he bot? He has a lot of potential targets, but I expect him to bot the VCR stream for maximum seethe

>> No.73516461
Quoted by: >>73516490

The Butcher of Bae, the White Wolf Girl Fauna

>> No.73516486
Quoted by: >>73516735

Ginhaha made a whole pack but I don't think I can post even one without getting b&

>> No.73516490

She will go cat school and spam fast attacks

>> No.73516497
File: 1.12 MB, 1216x832, 1711582250730152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73516522

stop referring to yourself in the third person

>> No.73516525

Elira will get 30k+. There won't be any bots.

>> No.73516526

Mori 50k

>> No.73516538


>> No.73516553


>"Lumi oh I am so ungroomable, I wish I could be groomed." Also lumi, has a history of some of the biggest groomer mods in vtubing like Smug & Sei. You look like a fool when you say this stuff Lumi.

>*Laugh* oooooooooooh OOOOOOOOOOH. Ohh man. Ohh I see-. I see /where/ you come from buddy~. *Chuckle* Ohh, you're so funny-. You're so funny~. Oh my God. Ohh. "Lumi never got groomed by them." Ohh man. *Stifled laugh* Here's me, here's me wishing for smug to GET A FUCKING LIFE. It's fine, it's fine, it's okay. You're not allowed to have male friends. You're not allowed to have male friends in vtubing. *Squeek* You're not allowed. to, you're not allowed to wish for the best for people. IT'S FINE. Hey man. Hey. Hey Walterbullhauser, how you doing? OHH, You want to tell me more lore about myself that you made up in your head~? Oh my gosh tell me all the things I gotta know about Kaneko Lumi-. I bet she's a WHORE~ too. WOAH! *Laugh* "Male on stream!" Oh God! *laugh* "If only I could be painfully schizophrenic." "He's a loremaster." Tell me more~.

What did she mean by this?

>> No.73516566
File: 20 KB, 350x350, images - 2023-08-20T163233.649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73516587

It's tomorrow.
And stop giving the retard attention you fucking subuman.

>> No.73516597
File: 59 KB, 272x203, 1697149991062217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are saplings looking forward to witcher 3? I'm gonna watch for Fauna but that game is so slow and boring to watch

>> No.73516608
File: 144 KB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> no Peko
> no Miko
> no Suisei
> no Korone
> no Subaru
> no Fuwamoco
> no Ayame
> no Aqua
> no Azki
> no Sora
> no Marine
> no Gozaru
> no Banchou
No reason for me to care

>> No.73516618
File: 1.90 MB, 1918x1080, 1712862975443643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73516622
File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, GK-z7SDaUAA_KBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always look forward to Fauna. It can be slow all she wants, that just means she can talk more.

>> No.73516648

Minimum : 5k
Expected : 7-10k
Kneel Territory : 15k+

>> No.73516650
File: 438 KB, 914x520, morisip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you really going too considering you now know you gonna have to watch it a second time

>> No.73516668

>for maximum seethe
No one actually gives a shit but keep wasting your money dumbass

>> No.73516684
Quoted by: >>73516798

Ars sure is cute....

>> No.73516685

>the usual streamer server bullshit
I've never watched those so VCR GTA clips were actually new content for me

>> No.73516691
File: 769 KB, 1260x1080, 1692192630485784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73516701
Quoted by: >>73516768

Chimera ends its first week at 475k
honestly, it's an overperformance, best release of the year for HoloEN numbers wise

>> No.73516703
Quoted by: >>73516892

She already had her "foot in mouth" moment during the lean arc.
All the people she filtered around that time are never coming back.

>> No.73516712
Quoted by: >>73516770

VCR is time limited, Mori is number desperate, and Mori is fucking dumb. She's going to try to "capitalize" on it and fuck her already pathetically bad position up further.

>> No.73516719
Quoted by: >>73517072

well, that doesn't really check out for Mori, so I think all's good

>> No.73516735
File: 46 KB, 915x179, 1694832332982606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these ones? thanks anon

>> No.73516738

Wasn't this Lia?

>> No.73516768

I mean what is even the completion this year for EN orisongs? Overkill? Fire and Ice? I guess the new songs from Bae's album but most of them don't even have MVs yet.

>> No.73516769

Lumi. Lia had her own groomer stream

>> No.73516770
Quoted by: >>73516953

for sure anon

yeah, good shit

>> No.73516790
Quoted by: >>73516899

hololive is fake and cringe. She just learned to shut up instead of keepin' it real ever since holofans shit on her real friends.

>> No.73516795

No. Lia is the one who got cucked by a 30-year-old hag pretending to be Luca

>> No.73516798
File: 373 KB, 636x676, 1692415517902003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2434 is several blocks down. Go back.

>> No.73516811
File: 50 KB, 220x210, zurikitty Calli.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73516837

covers included

>> No.73516845
Quoted by: >>73516865

What site is this? F95zone?

>> No.73516849

Overkill, yeah, which performed about as expected, the MV is good and the song is quality but... it's just not loopable, nor poppy enough
it's performing decently on Spotify tho

>> No.73516865


>> No.73516867

I forgive her

>> No.73516877

God moom so cute

>> No.73516892
Quoted by: >>73517150

She can always dig the whole deeper anon, it's literally the only thing she's ever been successful at.

>> No.73516899

squirmbeat, I don't think even this place falls for your shit anymore outside of the "Mori x.0" dude
and he's like legitimately mentally impaired

>> No.73516925

Mitti is gonna be one lucky guy tonight

>> No.73516953
Quoted by: >>73517311

>for sure
You sound very confident lmao

>> No.73516977
File: 53 KB, 1024x666, 15490393452810061109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73517072

mori is the type that wants to have her cake and eat it to

>> No.73517097

wtf i love mori now?

>> No.73517112
File: 639 KB, 1869x2048, 20240411_225622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73517126

It depends on if JP views decide to watch her instead of all the JP people streaming it.

>> No.73517146

VCR cocksleeve

>> No.73517150
Quoted by: >>73517946

Deadbeats are like KFP now anon, except Mori never had a /here/ schizo and her yabs were far more retarded so she doesn't really have protection from the greater holobox.
There's a reason KFP are still REEEing at any criticism of Kiara while deadbeats are just chilling in their thread.
The lean arc started off because she was defending her supposed "friend" who called the hololive girls as talentless. Because she lied to her audience about his "apology". Essentially she did everything she could to shit on her audience in order to try and maintain her connection with him.
She's learned a lot since then, so she's never going to go to those depths again.
But at the same time, that means that anyone that STAYED after that will never leave for something as small as a JP e-celeb server.

>> No.73517153
Quoted by: >>73517245

Fatty had to fucking much already

>> No.73517156
File: 974 KB, 2484x3550, 1682681087191946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73517214

I would eat Mori's cake, if you catch my drift

>> No.73517214

That's mitti possession cuckbeat

>> No.73517222

Shouldn't Elira have a better waiting room
It's less than half of Fauna's while only being one hour after

>> No.73517245

I don't know why but this made me laugh, thanks anon

>> No.73517257
Quoted by: >>73517405

so she's gonna do her networking while also making her audience appreciated??? or that she wants to be perceived as someone who doesn't give a shit while observably doing the opposite with her content output and audience interaction?
I feel like you were trying to imply something opposite but used the dumbest possible phrasing in reply

>> No.73517311

I'm not the one who's been edging for an omega giga yab that'll certainly get her this time for over two years now
but you do you

>> No.73517322
File: 299 KB, 1471x2048, 20240411_223004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73517359

fauna has had one (1) sub-five-figgy gameplay stream this year, a hitman 3 episode. I think she's going to crack 10k on witcher 3.

>> No.73517380
File: 3.94 MB, 1280x720, mori_on_homobeggars[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fe2a4al.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73517541

>Let's face it guys, I'm already beyond saving

>> No.73517405

see >>73516175 she wants what suzy has and thinks she can achive it but doesn't understand the fundamental difference why suzy got to this point and she didn't

>> No.73517420
Quoted by: >>73517638

This is why I refuse to watch chuubas outside of HoloEN, probably why also they were never hired by Cover as their roommate's background is disgusting as fuck

>> No.73517444

And what's that?

>> No.73517456

get off your high horse

>> No.73517522


I literally said yesterday that this con is a Niji kisser, Niji is not only appearing but they are the headliner of the event.

Last con they had Hologirls and they did absolutely minimum to advertise them and spent the time posting about Niji meetups

>> No.73517532
File: 1.78 MB, 440x690, Twisting the Words of Mori Calliope[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fo6eobd.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73517694

see >>73516449, seems you tried to ignore it the first time it contradicted you

>> No.73517541
Quoted by: >>73517681

that wasn't true and she knew it, she almost crawl her way back into the holobox but this vcr shit just fuck it for her, sad really

>> No.73517595 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 1970x1172, 20240409_102738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73517691

>> No.73517633

I'm fucking confused. I checked out the v4mirai girls and they are retweeting globie homo debuts? Are they the same corpo?

>> No.73517638

>probably why also they were never hired by Cover as their roommate's background is disgusting as fuck
wdym when your biggest EN liver literally collabed with a porn star before hololive???

>> No.73517646

Lyrica did nothing wrong. Ao can fuck herself though.

>> No.73517681

>that wasn't true
>source: it came to me in a dream

>> No.73517691

What, a new celeb DLC?

>> No.73517694
Quoted by: >>73518073

I know you've never been with a woman so let me share a secret about them. Never trust what they say/feel in the moment always watch what they do

>> No.73517704
File: 875 KB, 2075x4096, 20240407_085806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73517755

hando slip

>> No.73517755

Saori really is a Kronii gacha copy-and-paste

>> No.73517791

yes, brave group

>> No.73517797
File: 154 KB, 768x666, 1707437993654735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73517868


>> No.73517800

>1k waiting 2 hours out
Yeah easy 10k, probably won't be higher than 12 though.

>> No.73517804
File: 2.64 MB, 1791x1012, ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


biboo added to the official pawn list

>> No.73517862

Did anyone take a screenshot of how Luna's looked

>> No.73517868
File: 24 KB, 430x444, 16265423958868187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73517873

>Biboo x Jurard
Collab when

>> No.73517872

>ps5 only
Its over.......

>> No.73517901

VWhorejo status?

>> No.73517925

free slot for 2h easy 12k

>> No.73517926
File: 786 KB, 1007x543, cyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73517946

>She's learned a lot since then
Mori does not learn anon

>> No.73517947
File: 854 KB, 1056x880, IMG_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73518095

Gear up gentlemen, the wall is in danger again.

>> No.73517955

Anon... I know recognizing homo is hard, but you have his name literally on the pic.

>> No.73517983
File: 248 KB, 1069x539, Screenshot_20240412_131612_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73518003


>> No.73518003


>> No.73518040

>baiting the baiter
you're good

>> No.73518073

>always watch what they do

what Mori been doing since then:
>increased her content output in Holo
>consciously avoided controversies
>apologized multiple times for the lean stunt
>been a very actively helpful senpai for Advent
>moved her music in less generally popular and viral direction but one preferred by her fanbase
which weirdly enough matches a lot of what she's been talking about

>> No.73518095

Nah, Mori's outside the wall thrashing around in the gutter like usual

>> No.73518122
Quoted by: >>73518438

>consciously avoided controversies
that doesn't really match up with willingly joining the yabfest that is VCR but okay

>> No.73518138
Quoted by: >>73518183

>1k waiting 2 hours beforehand
Everyone is excited for this huh

>> No.73518156

Brave selfdestructing yet another group!

>> No.73518183

Gonna be really good numbers for the first stream of it for sure
Long term I think it'll probably sink to a 7-8k type stream though, which is still good

>> No.73518205

>joined VCR to hang out with homos and male fleshtuber sex pests
Wow you're right Mori 27.0 is based

>> No.73518229
Quoted by: >>73519449

Where? I wanna see

>> No.73518233

Honestly I'm thankful for it
Nothing they've put out has been anything but shit so far, glad they're killing themselves

>> No.73518234

The poor globie girls...

>> No.73518266

The boys deserve help from their super successful Globie girl senpais.

>> No.73518306
Quoted by: >>73518448

Looking forward to Mori's NTR voice pack arc
Think of the scraps bros

>> No.73518321

If you all could only see the beggarcords right now
Literally fantasizing about Mori making voice packs with Axel and I'm not even kidding

>> No.73518343

The globie girls aren't all that successful. But part of that you can put towards the fact they had males from the beginning.

>> No.73518348
File: 15 KB, 536x520, zurikitty marine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73518349
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 1689487212104549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jwu, can someone give me a tldr on what's happening with Mori and apparently some eceleb server? Didn't deadbeats tell us that Mori changed?

>> No.73518356



>> No.73518376
File: 1.42 MB, 3000x3000, 20220421_072812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73518381

Same parent company. Also owns VSPO and like 15 other JP vtuber groups

>> No.73518383

Deadbeats tell us Mori has changed every month anon
Anyone believing it is a child

>> No.73518387
File: 547 KB, 1200x910, Screenshot_2024-04-13-04-22-21-690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, do you guys think this is cripple tally winner?

>> No.73518430

>Ojou image
Who's gonna tell him...

>> No.73518437

global tally at least bronze honestly

>> No.73518438

the only actual "yabs" to come out of the multiple VCR instances Holos took part in had been the Matsuri thing and (if we stretch it very much) Ririka's unicorn comment, which both came directly through the action of involved talent
if you expect Mori to behave like Matsuri then I don't know what to tell you

>> No.73518446
Quoted by: >>73518474

Shut the fuck up holokeks we small corpo enjoyer love ze bois here

>> No.73518448

They wouldn't buy them

>> No.73518450 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1866x1036, 1693296733609288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73518474
Quoted by: >>73518539


>> No.73518485

>global tally

>> No.73518499
Quoted by: >>73518535

7 am??????

>> No.73518524
Quoted by: >>73518700

Can't believe the people posting this image were actually right.

>> No.73518534

Globie tally you mean

>> No.73518535
Quoted by: >>73518616

Timezones, he s flip or indog

>> No.73518537
Quoted by: >>73518649

Elira will get 30k+. Who cares?

>> No.73518539

Don't make me post that flaygon image

>> No.73518548

Kronii and Ame are reformed

>> No.73518566

I'm very angry holokeks

>> No.73518596

I heard there's an indie chuuba that pissed herself in debut qrd?

>> No.73518605
File: 301 KB, 548x538, 1692087484154523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I've learned my lesson already. They never change, and never will.

>> No.73518616

Gross. Disguisting.

>> No.73518638

pray for ame she back with her hardcore leeching family

>> No.73518639
Quoted by: >>73518710

When was the last time ame homo collabed

>> No.73518649
File: 81 KB, 365x647, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kunai raided Elira's Waiting Room just now, by the way. Couldn't screenshot before the notice went away
>Elira will get 30k+. Who cares?
She only has 530 waiting after the raid

>> No.73518665


>> No.73518700
Quoted by: >>73518794

lmao, did you buy a pass just to stroke yourself

>> No.73518710
Quoted by: >>73518824

Kronii and Ame haven't touched males since Dracula and Mr. Hands were terminated.

>> No.73518712

You tried chinkbro

>> No.73518753
File: 88 KB, 720x676, 1712953888547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

V4MIRAI shill you lie to me, they're not unicorn friendly

>> No.73518787
File: 111 KB, 1170x1665, E_Tmjg8VkAAGRd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elira's chat set to 13 week subscribers only
>13 is the number of death in japanese and there's lots of superstition around it

>> No.73518794 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>73518827

>It's all the same person!!
No amount of deflection will change what's happening.

>> No.73518792
File: 6 KB, 735x80, Azusa noooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73518824

Anon kronii appeared on the homos halloween cover and watson retweeted the flip armpiss debut announcement

>> No.73518827
Quoted by: >>73518920

yeah, your spam image doesn't change the fact that Mori been putting out great work as a Holo

>> No.73518831

Mono is so cute bros...

>> No.73518834

>13 is the number of death in japanese and there's lots of superstition around it
Objectively false

>> No.73518904
Quoted by: >>73518981

I hope the unhinged collabs generate a lot of really chaotic clips. i won't watch them or even watch the clips, however I will derive satisfaction (unknowingly, and subconsciously) because they exist in the universe.

>> No.73518913

Who is what in this picture. Where is vampire pomu?

>> No.73518920
Quoted by: >>73519001

Not my image, dumbass. I know it's hard for your homobeggar brain to grasp such concept.

>> No.73518943
File: 22 KB, 596x459, #.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got back from work. qrd?

>> No.73518961

Isn't it 4

>> No.73518967

VCR confirmed Holo
Ao, Aki, Mori and Botan

>> No.73518971
Quoted by: >>73519106

Ririka isn't joining VCR

>> No.73518981

Based homo enjoyer

>> No.73518985

Man, I just wish Fauna would play Elden Ring one day, especially since she is the "gamer" of EN. Because besides Ame, Ina, Calli, & Biboo, no one else will be playing ER DLC in HoloEN. Unless we get EN4 June-July. I just want more HoloEN ER kino...

>> No.73518989

Teto my beloved

>> No.73519000

Towa and Lap are soft confirmed

>> No.73519001
Quoted by: >>73519116

>abloo abloo homobeggar
you're like a parody of a /pol/shitter transplanted to another world

>> No.73519006

No matsuri?

>> No.73519014

I don't like the rean down ritual post

>> No.73519054
Quoted by: >>73519194

We can only hope biboo pushes her towards it

>> No.73519059

i was unironically following mono... shouldn't have believed brave

>> No.73519064

She would not like it

>> No.73519074


>> No.73519081
File: 1.33 MB, 1261x811, Traitor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the traitors is back

>> No.73519089

Matsuri wasn't invited because of her behavior in the last server

>> No.73519098

fauna is playing debuff games again

>> No.73519099
Quoted by: >>73519832

2views and low 3views don't have the luxury to be unicorn friendly.

>> No.73519106
File: 73 KB, 823x924, 17514152802974701746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never learn, do they?

>> No.73519112
Quoted by: >>73519365

It's not her type of game and she would be miserable dying to bosses over and over.

>> No.73519116 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>73519214

Based. We love homo collabs here, can't wait to see Mori interact with da boyz, it's gonna be unhinged af

>> No.73519126

She has other things she is busy with... also it will be totally understandable if after what happened with GTA they didnt send her the invite

>> No.73519151

We are all watching this in 20 minutes btw

>> No.73519164
Quoted by: >>73519260

Witcher 3 is peak you mongoloid

>> No.73519194
Quoted by: >>73519383

Yea hopefully, the only EN likely to pickup ER was Bae, but she already said she doesn't plan to since it's too long.

>> No.73519214

I can't wait to own those incel unicorns.

>> No.73519213

Board Meltdown in 20m >>73519151

>> No.73519224
Quoted by: >>73519273

why hide the numbers, holokek
afraid to lose your EN gold?

>> No.73519260

Hey newfaggot you missed the memo. We hate The Witcher series now

>> No.73519272
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, ENgold240412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>04/12 TALLY:
9,288: Mori (Hololive) | Monster Hunter World
7,577: Mumei (Hololive) | DOOM 2016
7,146: Mint (Indie) | Facade
6,323: Nerissa (Hololive) | Holo X Break w/ Kiara
6,082: Dokibird (Indie) | Content Warning Collab
5,130: Baelz (Hololive) | Yakuza Kiwami

1) Kiara (Hololive) - 17,995 - Easter Collab Special
2) Shiori (Hololive) - 17,536 - Biboo Is Missing (Overcooked 2 Collab w/ Advent)
3) Mori (Hololive) - 19,506 - Birthday Countdown + Totsu + Announcement
4) Mori (Hololive) - 46,665 - 3D Birthday Live
5) Mint (Indie) - 25,197 - Return Karaoke
6) Sonny (Nijisanji) - 10,444 - Birthday Karaoke (Duets)
7) Mumei (Hololive) - 17,280 - Unarchived Karaoke
8) Nerissa (Hololive) - 13,792 - Unarchived Karaoke
9) Fauna (Hololive) - 12,977 - Minecraft
10) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 13,057 - Shinkansen 0
11) Bijou (Hololive) - 41,782 - Wolfquest w/ Iofi, Mumei, Nerissa, Shiori
12) Mori (Hololive) - 9,288 - Monster Hunter World

10x: Hololive
1x: Indie, Nijisanji

3x: Mori
1x: Bijou, Fauna, FuwaMoco, Kiara, Mint, Mumei, Nerissa, Shiori, Sonny

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
19p: Mori
15p: Bijou
12p: Mumei
10p: FuwaMoco
9p: Fauna
8p: IRyS
6p: Mint
5p: Kiara, Nerissa, Shiori, Sonny
4p: FuwaMoco
3p: Ina, Nijisanji
1p: Amelia, Baelz, Matara

>> No.73519273
File: 17 KB, 245x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did you a favor you faggot. This is pathetic. She got raided and they fucking left

>> No.73519282

>AR LIVE is tomorrow
wtf??? Where's the hype then?

>> No.73519296

Fauna will not play ER you should know it by now.

>> No.73519322

There's plenty of hype outside this holo echo chamber.

>> No.73519365
Quoted by: >>73519526

If she goes magic it wouldn't be very hard

>> No.73519369

Where? Nina's doxxpage?

>> No.73519378

Polka morning stream at 6am jst.

>> No.73519383
Quoted by: >>73519612

>Bae drop ER but play life of pi
Brats why the fuck your oshi always pick the worst option numberwise

>> No.73519387

This IS the hype.

>> No.73519402
Quoted by: >>73519643

Lyrica successfully glued on horns.

>> No.73519414

are you sure? even the organs themselves seem quiet about it

>> No.73519437
File: 370 KB, 863x1250, Screenshot_20240412-164620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chekis of the guys are selling well on the JP shop

>> No.73519449
File: 666 KB, 596x904, 2252eaedaf405794724c480cf17fb757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was checking out this girl

>> No.73519468

If Fauna gets sub 10k then kek kek kekeroo reclining kirin holobronie seethe lemao
If she gets over 10k it's a buff game, why is she such a numberfag

>> No.73519499

SEAsters spamming on xitter isn't hype. Not even r/vyt, the nijinig den, cares about that shit.

>> No.73519519
File: 52 KB, 618x1024, 1712896497291727m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sensei, mite mite!

>> No.73519526
Quoted by: >>73519548

Then what's the point?

>> No.73519537

These niggas actually fucking called her 3rd time playing Slice and Dice a buff, there is literally no winning and it's best to just ignore them

>> No.73519548

The games are fun to explore even if they're not hard

>> No.73519575
File: 613 KB, 585x757, 5d520a365281c55327270532650598c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73519602
File: 108 KB, 982x769, 1688343385370948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now show panties

>> No.73519611

Love me some Tavern Master / Landlord's Super gigemegakirinspecialbuff.

>> No.73519612

She finds lies of P gun. But anyways it doesn't matter, Bae is extremely susceptible to the brats demand. It's only a matter of time until she gives in and plays ER

>> No.73519615

>dollar store niggersanji

>> No.73519618
File: 620 KB, 446x683, 46e89dde32bafdc6f212799d0c3bffd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73519666

My vtuber wife is so cute.

>> No.73519635
File: 704 KB, 1158x940, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Is the AR live actually happening this weekend? Holy shit, I had to check but it's true.
Damn. There's no way they actually sold a decent amount of tickets to this

>> No.73519636
File: 192 KB, 484x482, 1702536472916598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think gura and arona should rub cunnies

>> No.73519643

lyrica found out kagainikis have a big and fat horn than nipcorns

>> No.73519645

Jesus Christ

>> No.73519648
Quoted by: >>73519819

Then why not tell her to stop interacting with the homos? Donte tell me youre enjoying that?

>> No.73519660


>> No.73519666
Quoted by: >>73519714


>> No.73519674
File: 20 KB, 560x548, 1711670688639729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She got raided and they fucking left

>> No.73519714
Quoted by: >>73519732


>> No.73519715
Quoted by: >>73519752

>491k waiting

>> No.73519732


>> No.73519746

Kek, I did that all the time back when I was in elementary school. It's the first time I've seen it portrayed in any way, shape or form.

>> No.73519752

darn you dramaniggers!

>> No.73519757


>> No.73519762
File: 67 KB, 266x266, 1712951612453293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73519790

>490 now

>> No.73519819

No I'm not enjoying it but I don't want to literally control her and make her sad. It's not like she betrayed me or anything so I can tank infrequent homo interactions as long as she continues to spoil me

>> No.73519832

>2views and low 3views don't have the luxury to be unicorn friendly.
>They collab with males
>Their numbers drop
>2views and low 3views don't have the luxury to be unicorn friendly.

>> No.73519841

>who was the closest "Gura killer" we ever got?
I'm a newfag, so who is the correct answer here numberbros?
