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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 356 KB, 2139x1881, __houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_maru_ccy__79af309ed6fc22f56ac2e9e268faedae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7342479 No.7342479 [Reply] [Original]

>super funny
>friends with everyone
>very dedicated to her channel
>good artist
>plays touhou games
>plays strategy games
>plays all kinds of retro games
holy shit, this solidifies marine as the best vtuber on the scene right now and she's far above everyone else. her only flaw being how she's too horny.


This video is an eye opener, she's really one of us bros

>> No.7342560
File: 1.76 MB, 850x1200, 1627743273225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7342693 >>7388472

>didn't list her incredibly fat ass
God I've give both my arms to have anal sex with her...

>> No.7342676

>super funny
>friends with everyone
is totally not
>very dedicated to her channel
>good artist
not really
>plays touhou games
>plays strategy games
>plays all kinds of retro games
glorifying that she is old hag doesn't make her any better

>> No.7342693

Her big ass is a detriment.

>> No.7342736

oh shit and she plays fighting games too, that's it she's the fucking best, no one can even get close to her

>> No.7342842
Quoted by: >>7342950 >>7348142

Counter points:
>Her taste in anime, manga and movies is very r*ddit.
>She is a fujoshi
>Her voice is incredibly annoying
>Her utawakus are incredibly repetitive
>She doesn't like JRPG kino

>> No.7342950
Quoted by: >>7343114

>Her taste in anime, manga and movies is very r*ddit.
>She is a fujoshi
>She doesn't like JRPG kino
JRPGs are only good if you're 15.

>> No.7343114

hunterxhunter, chainsawman, subnautica, portal, capeshit
Watch her streams. She often talks about BL.
>JRPGs are only good if you're 15.
And portal and subnautica are only good if you are 10.

>> No.7343186

Don't know about Subnautica, but Portal is a masterpiece.
Also, what kind of movies does she watch? You mentioned they're Reddit.

>> No.7343222
Quoted by: >>7343316

Fuck off

>> No.7343316

Hum, no arguments, figured as much, gues I was expecting too much from an idiot like you.

>> No.7343358

How does it feel to be a faggot?

>> No.7343406

Do your own homework.

>> No.7343415
Quoted by: >>7344642

>Also, what kind of movies does she watch? You mentioned they're Reddit.
I said capeshit. She has done watchalongs of it. She has also talked about interstellar.
Do you actually watch her? How do you not know about her love of capeshit and BL?

>> No.7343450

>Is slutty

>> No.7343548

>plays touhou games
Touhou is garbage.
DDP >>>>>>>>> Trash >>>>>>>> Touhou

>> No.7343623

how does she have the time for all these games?

>> No.7343637

They are larping as a /jp/sie, they haven't even played any touhou so they wouldn't if it is good or not.

>> No.7343898
Quoted by: >>7344045 >>7344536

>hunterxhunter, chainsawman, subnautica, portal
All average/good stuff, low IQ contrarian

>> No.7344038
File: 356 KB, 640x744, marinebikini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love her

>> No.7344045
Quoted by: >>7344471

They all suck. I am sorry you haven't developed good taste.

>> No.7344471
Quoted by: >>7344533


/vt/ everybody.

>> No.7344533

Those being bad has nothing to do with their popularity.

>> No.7344536

I don't like chainsaw man but admittedly it's less shit than most other shonen

>> No.7344642

I don't, that's why I'm asking you fucking retard.

>> No.7344831

What you people fail to understand is that she is a woman. For a woman, watching stuff like HunterXHunter, reading Chainsawman, playing Touhou is already far beyond other worthless women. What exactly did you expect? You wanted her to watch Haibane Renmei, read Fukumoto's mangas, watch Tarlovsky's movies? Good luck finding a woman like that.

>> No.7346618

I want someone who can watch LoGH, fan of Five Star Stories, give a spontaneous review of RoTK, hum the Zambot 3 theme song by heart and is a UC Gundam fan aka Noel

>> No.7346647
Quoted by: >>7347325

There are female vtubers with better taste than Marine. Ryushen from Nijisanji is an example of this (yeah I know her characters gender is unspecified but her roommate is a woman). So Marine's shitty taste doesn't get a pass just because she is a woman

>> No.7347224
Quoted by: >>7351831

Ok marine schizo. We get it

>> No.7347325
Quoted by: >>7347604

Who's Ryushen?

I am asking for this guy next to me seething about the recent trollpost by hololive.

>> No.7347604

Niji who collabed with Suisei the other day. One of the things she is known for is being an anime and manga otaku. I have nothing against Marine but its retarded that she has anywhere near the best taste for a vtuber.

>> No.7347618
Quoted by: >>7347752 >>7347855


>> No.7347752
Quoted by: >>7347855 >>7350290

She went to an all girls Catholic school, but there's nothing to suggest that she is still Catholic.

>> No.7347855


>> No.7348142

>>She is a fujoshi
A fushoji ONLY likes BL. She likes almost every genre.

>> No.7348512
File: 102 KB, 640x502, 14f3a13af9798c2845ec69348a73fa495ceebbb5e5bf3947d5796b189e9822d4_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7350470


>> No.7348603
Quoted by: >>7350325

Think I'm going to switch from Pekora to Marine. Marine just really has everything going for her plus is very friendly unlike Pekora.

>> No.7348701

Shmup tribalists are truly a different kind of faggotry.

>> No.7350290

She tried to convert Subaru on stream to catholicism, but Subacuck insisted she didn't wanna talk about religion. She also knows catholic prayers by heart and is always talking about the Bible and what she learned from it during her time in high school.

>> No.7350325

Pekora is very friendly... to the ones she likes.

>> No.7350470


>> No.7351831

If you don't want marineschizo flocking, don't make about 4 threads to shill her. FFS. She's already massively popular and you shills are starting to look like cult trying to recruit other people.

>> No.7351927

lol wut

>> No.7351994

dumb /v/tard lol

>> No.7352000

shes perfect

>> No.7352218
Quoted by: >>7360037


Oh wow epic, I didn't know other people knew about Haibane Renmei, that's one of my all time favorite animes! You sir have amazing taste, keep it up!!

>> No.7360037
Quoted by: >>7362200

i hope someone shoots you in the head someday

>> No.7362200

I second this

>> No.7369524

You forgot to mention her laugh is able to melt hearts.

>> No.7376134
Quoted by: >>7376360


>> No.7376219

wdym, her being too horny is a plus. in fact, i like how she can scale her horniness appropriately with different holomems

>> No.7376268

Are there any chubas who like tarkovsky movies?

>> No.7376306

Marine schizo yamete kudasai…

>> No.7376315

Marine schizo banzai!

>> No.7376360

I love this one so much.

>> No.7379756


>> No.7380355

Kill yourself.

>> No.7380919


>> No.7381234
Quoted by: >>7381313

>>plays strategy games
did she play AOE C&C EE CIV or any paradox game?
no? then gtfo

>> No.7381313
Quoted by: >>7381397

She did play Civ

>> No.7381397
Quoted by: >>7381524

She never even beat the tutorial though because it was bugged.

>> No.7381524

She played all the way until 2020, she technically beat it but it just didn't register.

>> No.7381612
File: 355 KB, 1420x2048, E0tTlH6VgAUmkQF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her only flaw being how she's too horny

That's what makes her so endearing, is like she tries her best to be "horny" but she emanates the feeling of being super shy behind that facade, that and how she always does her best to get closer to the rest of the girls, her stories with introverts like Aqua or Pekora are always fun to listen to. Outside of that, she really has grown on me, definitely top 5 holo on my list.

>> No.7381765
Quoted by: >>7382244

catholic really? wasn't she joking

>> No.7381996

that explains the horny

>> No.7382244

Yeah. She isn't an observant Christian, she just went to a Christian high school.

>> No.7388472

she doesn't really have one

>> No.7388566
Quoted by: >>7389720

>hunterxhunter, chainsawman, subnautica, portal, capeshit
Faggot, not everything that’s popular is automatically bad. Seethe elsewhere.

>> No.7388691

t. O'Callaghan

>> No.7389720

You're asking a 4channer to stop being a contrarian. It's a fools errand.

>> No.7389780

t. Paddy O’Reilly

>> No.7390125
Quoted by: >>7391340

just because she went to a Catholic school doesn't mean she's an active believer. Marine doesn't seem like the type who ever prays or goes to Church

>> No.7391340

I don't think she does nowadays either, but she talked about feeling comfort in the idea that she was being actively protected by God against all evil. It's kind of cute.

>> No.7391399

Just play factorio senchou

>> No.7391518

I want her to play Crusader Kings III.
