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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, Loli HunteRyS offering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73238777 No.73238777 [Reply] [Original]

>More Hunter HimeRyS




>Connect the World MV



>HoneyWorks Covers

>Story Time

>Snow Halation Cover

>SodaRyS Cover!




>HoloFES 5 non random merch
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie
>Connect the World Merch Rerun
>Promise Christmas Merch
>3D Acrylic
>KimonoRyS rerun

>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Channel / Twitter


>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, Brazilians, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs

>> No.73238789
File: 2.57 MB, 1920x1080, Loli HunteRySo Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sip* Ah...

>> No.73238878

I hate how Jinwoo looks like a shoujo protagonist in the anime, they toned down the chadness too much

>> No.73238931
File: 216 KB, 1200x500, 1685295069997082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS will NEVER become the Monster Hunter World Iceborne.

>> No.73238933
File: 223 KB, 632x678, 1681194389732673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73238962

I will never understand why you bake breads immediately after witnessing the worst posters in the thread having a field day

>> No.73238985

Baker is the schizo anti

>> No.73238993
Quoted by: >>73239022

Even if he doesn't bake for a few minutes they will still be seething at IRyS as long as mori stays in her shadow

>> No.73239020
File: 67 KB, 768x768, peek_768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73239022

Anon those are falseflaggers pretending to be deadbeats, actual mori posters would either stick to their thread or never make it so obvious

>> No.73239114

I don't think you know how deep their retardation runs. What's the point of trying to get a thread shut down anyway?

>> No.73239120

you're talking to false flagger dumbass

>> No.73239154

previous one looked fine to me

>> No.73239160
File: 136 KB, 391x477, cheeba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! no biting bait weirdos.

>> No.73239164
Quoted by: >>73239195

I wish LoliRyS would look at my meat the way she looks at that meat.

>> No.73239176

wait the good collab is tommorow right

>> No.73239184
File: 535 KB, 1138x710, meganeRyS_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73239195
Quoted by: >>73240649

you gotta put peanut butter on it silly

>> No.73239217


>> No.73239226


>> No.73239311
Quoted by: >>73239407

In 23 hours 57 minutes or so

>> No.73239355

Ok, qrd me on this monhun arc, is she having fun? And more importantly, is she learning or just slamming her head against a wall until it works?

>> No.73239379
Quoted by: >>73239432

she is having fund and yes

>> No.73239383
Quoted by: >>73239432

yes! and maybe...

>> No.73239404

nephilim toot

>> No.73239407
Quoted by: >>73239570

duck I just remembered that, she also said something about not seeing us tommorow because of the long stream today and I was confused, I might've been distracted

>> No.73239432
Quoted by: >>73239570

Aight thanks bros, guess that's something to put on while I suffer through this cold

>> No.73239444

Watch streams retarded tourist

>> No.73239450
File: 270 KB, 480x401, Got your noseRyS!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HiRyS! It's MelonRyS!

>> No.73239541

Ahhh fuck I forgot to comment, like all of her non MV hearts are during her period time...

>> No.73239570

have fun
you are right she did say that

>> No.73239596
Quoted by: >>73239640

I got a heart from Fauna today so I'm content

>> No.73239638
File: 155 KB, 387x205, 1706549876391489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73239640
File: 278 KB, 548x725, 1683810186220074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73239775

Fauna hearts aren't special though, you get them automatically for commenting fast...I want more IRyS ones

>> No.73239647

she only liked people giving actual tips and a random jap so its not like youre missing out really

>> No.73239670
Quoted by: >>73239856

This is all you need.

>> No.73239773
Quoted by: >>73241269

does anyone have the timestamp of her swinging on the tail thinking it was the monster? it made me laugh hard

>> No.73239775
Quoted by: >>73239799

I got a reply from IRyS once, I'm content for life

>> No.73239799
File: 104 KB, 427x427, Cheeb zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On twitter right Because otherwise I know exactly who you are.

>> No.73239856
File: 290 KB, 643x268, 1699159656213980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it was the beginning of today's stream, when she said she hunted a few Anjanaths off-stream before she even got an Assignment for it.
I don't know why she was so afraid of her channel's archives being full of Elden Ring VODs. RadahnRyS was having fun fighting giant ants too. I, myself, would only appreciate a page or two of stream archives like these. It demonstrates her dedication, it's a good thing. And ADHD zoomers who don't have attention span to follow one longer game playthrough are JUST as likely to quit watching Shilla's Arts FOTM variety streams for one reason or another.

>> No.73239881
File: 428 KB, 517x674, 45585567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73241295

IRyS replied to me on 3 separate occasions on the same stream. I've never gotten hearts because I don't comment on VODs

>> No.73239964

Are mana shortages supposed to make girls cuter? I swear IRyS is a magical creature that does not abide by the laws of this world

>> No.73239994

Why does MonHun work for IRyS but not Elden Ring? Is it because of the Poogie?

>> No.73240011


>> No.73240053

it's easier at least so far

>> No.73240068

she's actually upgrading her gear instead of just slamming her head into a wall over and over again

>> No.73240146

Poogie is pretty sexo to be fair

>> No.73240175

That poogie? Me.

>> No.73240177

poogie cheeb when

>> No.73240182

I want to become her pig

>> No.73240189

Definitely Flare. But ER was working for her just as well at first. She was just worrying long LPs would scare away the viewers.

>> No.73240255

I want IRyS's toes in my mouth so bad it's unreal.

>> No.73240505

Did they tweak the difficulty at some point? IRyS is doing a little too well

>> No.73240518

No. It's just Low Rank.

>> No.73240559
File: 568 KB, 1620x1620, 1669906527795127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73240590

Monster Hunter has purrsonality.

>> No.73240649

Now I hope Koianon does a pic of LoliRyS licking peanut butter off of a dong.

>> No.73240657
Quoted by: >>73240707

She's always been good at reacting to stuff, she just has trouble watching HP bars and reading text on screen.

>> No.73240664
File: 2.06 MB, 3035x2145, 1697176727684057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's world isn't depressing and dark and gloomy like Elden Rings, It's bright and happy with little dancing cats and poogies!

>> No.73240707

A little too good at hitting the air in front of monsters, though.

>> No.73240739

it would be perfect if only it had the twins and dango loli

>> No.73240741
Quoted by: >>73240802

How did you manage to fuck up the possessive on both it and Elden Ring?

>> No.73240745
Quoted by: >>73240830

I pray wilds combines the best of world and rise and gives us another loli handler

>> No.73240756


>> No.73240781

luckily she is not using great sword

>> No.73240785

dont worry shes just fighting their spirits first

>> No.73240792

is gem farming still cancer

>> No.73240802
File: 390 KB, 615x537, 1679672408384009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I can't be bothered right now, just lemme drink my coffee and pet my Cheeb

>> No.73240830

we will get a talking poogie handler instead

>> No.73240870

*sigh*... a hole is a hole

>> No.73240946

I want her to eat that fucking pig!

>> No.73241034

Just spam AT Great Jaggy

>> No.73241183
Quoted by: >>73241195

At some point I installed a mod or something that made them drop like candy from tempered hunts because I got fed up of lavasioth farming

>> No.73241195


>> No.73241204
File: 257 KB, 2048x2048, anyarys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73241268

IRyS did bring up Elden Ring a lot during the stream maybe there's hope she'll come back for the DLC?

>> No.73241268
Quoted by: >>73241312

She's definitely a trend-chaser, so she would very much like to get onto that Elden Ring DLC hype train. However, that would require her to do the homework and finish the base game first, and she just might be too lazy to do that.
At least we still have Ina, right?

>> No.73241269

dozo, it made me laugh too

>> No.73241295
Quoted by: >>73241441

You should start doing it, it boosts her algorithm too I think

>> No.73241312
Quoted by: >>73241400

Eh, she doesn't chase every trend. She's pretty selective in what she streams.

>> No.73241400

Off the top of my head I can't name any Chilla's Arts or open world crafting survival games she DIDN'T stream.

>> No.73241427

Yes, that's pretty selective.

>> No.73241438

Chillas is legitimately good content though, there's a reason this stuff becomes trends.

>> No.73241441

4+ word long comments or something like that.
Youtube algorithms are ASS though. It only takes clicking ONE fucking random video for all of your front page to be filled with the same topic you've never show interest in before.

>> No.73241512
File: 1015 KB, 4096x2274, 1681861260040588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73241611

>more Lethal Company with Flare, Luna, and Anya
I am so glad I have tomorrow off

>> No.73241554
File: 1.53 MB, 1393x777, 1682735475057953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73241574

>> No.73241574

I love the way she kept fucking saying tzi tzi's name

>> No.73241611

I get home from work just in time for it

>> No.73241615

kek thanks

>> No.73241660

All this MH is really making me want to play too but then I remember I'd just be soloing everything and that's no fun

>> No.73241664

plap plap plap the IRyS

>> No.73241683
Quoted by: >>73241732

>I'd just be soloing everything and that's no fun
That's the best part.

>> No.73241701

But we can hunt together, anon.

>> No.73241703

MH would be way better if every monster had 1/2 its current HP.
Every fight taking half an hour of the same attacks over and over just makes it feel so tedious.

>> No.73241730

t. zoomer

>> No.73241732
Quoted by: >>73241861

When you just have to kill them once sure but when you start grinding for materials it gets really annoying having to solo

>> No.73241749

Monster HP is not an issue. You just should hit it twice as often, instead of running away and chugging pots.

>> No.73241861

>when you start grinding for materials
That's what SOS flares are for. The feature got a lot of unwarranted hate back when the game first came out. But it's really the best online matchmaking mode for when you need to farm one specific monster. Which is most of your hunts. No need to find a lobby and then persuade people there to do your quest, taking turns, only for them to leave after they're done with their quests, leaving you alone in the room when your turn is up.

>> No.73241973

This will get clipped for sure lol kek

>> No.73242267
Quoted by: >>73242318

Rise fights last way less time, but the world looks like shit compared to World

>> No.73242318
Quoted by: >>73242404

Yomogi, Chichae and Komitsu are the only upsides of Rise

>> No.73242357

IRyS got smashed by a bat rat...

>> No.73242404

and the twins and the wirebugs and the dog

>> No.73242433
Quoted by: >>73242454


>> No.73242453
Quoted by: >>73242717

IRyS and Rouge the bat should have wing interlocking sex.

>> No.73242454


>> No.73242462

IRyS was so dorky and cute this stream. i hope she keeps up the streak lol

>> No.73242517
Quoted by: >>73242566

she skipped at least 3 recent chilla's art games
She plays fotm because she doesn't follow game news (even before Hololive) so she doesn't know what's out there aside from Splatoon. Her entire game knowledge is from seeing what other people are playing, what chat recommend to her and occasionally looking at the perm list to see whatever catch her eyes. Do that and you'll inevitably play a lot of the hot new thing. Nothing wrong with being trend-chaser desu, it becomes a trend because people want to see it and it's her job to entertain

>> No.73242566

I didn't mean it in a negative way. Just an observation. In fact, I want her to come back to ER. But I don't think it's likely to happen, unfortunately.

>> No.73242717
File: 195 KB, 297x388, 1686567705948718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73242813

IRyS should wear Rouge The Bat's unlockable secret outfit from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and make out with Amy Rose.

>> No.73242751

the last time IRyS joined a big EN collab, she didn't have fun. i hope she reconsiders joining any big EN collab

>> No.73242804

God that was a fucking disaster

>> No.73242813

>IRyS should wear Rouge The Bat's unlockable secret outfit from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
>and make out with Amy Rose
You mean Vanilla the rabbit

>> No.73242833
Quoted by: >>73242869

she will and you'll cry about it

>> No.73242848

I skipped that stream back when since I really can't stand Ollie, was it really that bad?

>> No.73242853

I don't like any big collabs but I hope you choke in your own farts

>> No.73242869

the only thing she will get is a headache as Bae screams in her ears

>> No.73242887

that's when I learned that Kaela is the only good id

>> No.73242912

She said she prefers collabs at most around 4-5 people and this was a good example of why. I don’t remember Ollie or any one person being a problem at all but there were simply too many other voices and not enough IRyS

>> No.73242955
Quoted by: >>73242990

It's the kind of game where half the participants get knocked out in the first round and then have to sit there and quietly watch the next 10-15 minutes.

>> No.73242956

I’m still upset with Lien for not making a “happy happy happy” cheeb gif.

>> No.73242990
Quoted by: >>73243032

at least that shut them up so i can hear IRyS

>> No.73243008

from her talk about 6-8 people collab, she probably didn't like it either. But if they invite she'll most likely accept because she's an angel

>> No.73243010

It's not-Squid Game.
She kept getting knocked out early and then had to listen to the other girls screaming over each other for like 80% of the stream.

>> No.73243032

problem is, she was one of the first to die because the game is a buggy mess with RNG slaps on top of it

>> No.73243131

she wanted to do a normal stream that day too…

>> No.73243172
Quoted by: >>73243259

Hantako better send her a superchat about the EN collab problem

>> No.73243259

no such thing as long as mori and bae aren’t raping everyones ears

>> No.73243276

I wanna watch IRyS plays MonHun with Furea.

>> No.73243317
Quoted by: >>73243388

Flare is well into Iceborn and plays a lot off-stream too, if they do collab IRyS would just get carried...

>> No.73243319

how far is Flare in the story? they could do some of the seasonal events together

>> No.73243339

perfectly understandable

>> No.73243372

Why do we hate Ollie again?

>> No.73243388

She could always try out a new weapon and equip some low level armor and join something low HR that IRyS is doing.

>> No.73243423

she should go hunting horn and play the horny hypnosis song for IRyS

>> No.73243630

you think IRyS takes birth control pills

>> No.73243678

Flare should try a bow.

>> No.73244007

With how violent her periods seem almost definitely not.
Her body is desperate, screaming, aching, to be impregnated before it's too late.

>> No.73244037

she's got the most chill periods I've ever seen

>> No.73244083

Cover should do a Collab with Monhun.

>> No.73244111

yeah by me

>> No.73244258

She barely complained during stream, that's the softest a period can be
Mumei talked on one of the Girl's Talk collabs about how she used to have to go to the hospital during her teenage years because her periods were really painful for her

>> No.73244262

If she does, she would be complaining how big her boobs are and how they are cumbersome to walk around

>> No.73244351
Quoted by: >>73244426

What do you think was the "mana replenisher"?

>> No.73244426

obviously pain killers, she even almost said it but cut herself off

>> No.73244592
Quoted by: >>73244667

We love tylenol here

>> No.73244667

I am more of a ibuprofen guy.

>> No.73244736
File: 57 KB, 510x287, house-md_22691_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73244861
File: 229 KB, 900x900, 1377723481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73244880

I should have heeded the warning of all my farts last night...
I've crapped 3 times today...

>> No.73244880

That's what you get for not taking your lactaid.

>> No.73244904

When will Cheebs play MHW? I want to watch her main a Hunting Horn.

>> No.73244957
File: 82 KB, 922x819, 2846348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73245028

I love HimeRyS, she's a cute dork

>> No.73245015
File: 14 KB, 153x129, IRyStoRaider [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnidqce.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS fighting all of these giant reptiles is basically a Dinosaur game. I look forward to her continued quest

>> No.73245028
Quoted by: >>73245152

Wasn't this artist a teamate

>> No.73245066
File: 179 KB, 1300x1521, GKk76C8aIAAEl9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73245152

i think so iirc but i don't really pay attention to that

>> No.73245177
File: 225 KB, 731x681, 1689289589851030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very pretty

>> No.73245219

big cheebs is so cutw

>> No.73245265 [DELETED] 

I will continue to shit on this thread and all you in catalog and /HIRyS/ till you make this this during off stream hours.
I have already successfully completed this rumor that IRyStocrats are pajeet.
t.Ultimate Schizo

>> No.73245288

i still like this artstyle way more than cheebs desu

>> No.73245378

hey I was just laughing at him in his catalog threads lol

>> No.73245391
File: 1.01 MB, 1126x1500, 1.5++free+standing+yellow+slide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73245433

I love IRyS, she's a chute dork

>> No.73245433
Quoted by: >>73245661

I love IRyS, I want to stick my tongue down her poopchute

>> No.73245576

Why isn't IRyS using the Mr X skin for the Handler?

>> No.73245612

Mr X blowjobs aren't as good

>> No.73245615
File: 293 KB, 659x433, 2048184929099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking discord weirdos.

>> No.73245661
File: 134 KB, 600x450, Poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I love IRyS, she's a Poop Deck.

>> No.73245670

she's using something more fear inducing

>> No.73245697
File: 415 KB, 1920x1080, 1686391141747448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73245820

This is the only Handler outfit worth using.

>> No.73245820 [SPOILER] 
File: 548 KB, 1920x1080, 1697789669790874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait this shit is paid DLC? You are telling me Flare spent 3 dollaridoos on this Mr. X meme bullshit?
Also Festive Samba a best

>> No.73245848
File: 4 KB, 394x313, poogiestocrat_114857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure but she loves me the most

>> No.73245861
File: 8 KB, 153x129, 1691500681744463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fed Cheeb some scatter nuts I found and she farted poison all over the place

>> No.73245866
Quoted by: >>73245902

When did IRyS start hating the handler

>> No.73245902
Quoted by: >>73246106

When she realized that all the Handler does is eat food all day and go on obnoxious long explanations about stuff nobody cares about

>> No.73245987
File: 352 KB, 1188x1783, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in muh belleh!

>> No.73246106

I care

>> No.73246403

Who does IRyS love and cherish more, her Poogie or us?

>> No.73246425

her poogie(me)

>> No.73246455
Quoted by: >>73246621

Me, I'm pork >>73245848

>> No.73246621
File: 163 KB, 1276x719, Cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I love IRyS, she's a cube pork.

>> No.73246653

Where did the World resurgence come from?

>> No.73246682


>> No.73246713

Wilds hype + Rise being turboshit

>> No.73246855
File: 513 KB, 1492x342, 1710764274742099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I may call it a day after one more quest
I guess, the emphasis is on "may" here.

>> No.73246952
Quoted by: >>73247474

Capcom was doing a big #ReturnToWorld social media campaign and a bunch of streamers got good numbers playing it so more and more Holos jumped on the bandwagon

>> No.73246962

If you could reborn a girl and become top 1% Vtuber, would you do it?

>> No.73246988

Me. I did it.

>> No.73247015
Quoted by: >>73251898

I went to sleep right there knowing that I was going to wake up to 3 more hours of stream to watch the next day

>> No.73247038

There's so many vTubers "top 1%" doesn't really mean any success at all.
Becoming a cute girl though, sure, why not

>> No.73247100

sure, I have nothing to lose

>> No.73247114
Quoted by: >>73247196

>no downsides
in a heartbeat

>> No.73247196
Quoted by: >>73247583

Be a woman has no downside?

>> No.73247213
File: 429 KB, 2122x1187, 1702085870392654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are IRyS' friends like this?

>> No.73247258

That poor cat looks so miserable wearing that...

>> No.73247263

what the fuck is that

>> No.73247311

IRyS is going to use that goth lolita outfit the second she unlocks it.

>> No.73247474

Thank you.

>> No.73247495

IRyS doesn't care about armor skills is a bad sign. It means she doesn't care on the long term of the game and may drop Monhun after a short while.

>> No.73247583

Without question.

>> No.73247597

IRyS is still in low rank. There's no good armor skills yet, they make virtually no difference at that point.
She's going to focus on them a lot more once she gets further into the game and gets access to better gear.

>> No.73247605

based, I'm using that one too

>> No.73247686

No it doesn't. She can like the gameplay just fine without caring about the soulless farming and crafting autism. Worst aspect of MH by far.

>> No.73247768
File: 927 KB, 3500x2800, Onsen MelonRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS should sing more Eurobeat.

>> No.73247777
Quoted by: >>73247831

Yeah why not, I get to play vidya and act cutesy and all the people in chat loves me.

>> No.73247831

you should take advantage of those numbers and reincarnate right now

>> No.73247860
File: 694 KB, 1700x2200, 1689717716434406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73248017

IRyS should play Bayonetta.

>> No.73247887

IRyS is never having fun or learning but streams for 7 hours and then complains she has to leave RIGHT NOW for the doctor and that her throat hurts.

>> No.73247987

She is clearly having a good time with it. Question is more whether she thinks it makes for a good stream, it's a very long game and requires some big investment to get to the later parts.

>> No.73248017

IRyS should play DEE EM CEE TOO

>> No.73248046

IRyS should Run DMC?

>> No.73248049

I think she'd like Bayonetta more, at least the first one.

>> No.73248229
File: 323 KB, 1388x2048, 1710186839651831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMC2 is one of Flare's favorite childhood games, it's only a matter of time until she convinced IRyS to give the series a shot.

>> No.73248248


>> No.73248257


>> No.73248344

why is the board so fucking fast against

>> No.73248524
Quoted by: >>73248602


>> No.73248602
Quoted by: >>73248695

can't believe she's even more of a dork than IRyS

>> No.73248659 [DELETED] 

my bait thread about shitting on Irys and the other one about shitting on pajeets got deleted :(
Does anyone wanna help me in recommending me a way to spread this narrative

>> No.73248672
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>> No.73248695
Quoted by: >>73248767

Have you never watched any of their Splatoon streams? They are both huge dorks with similar interests, that's why they play off of each other so well.

>> No.73248767

I do but I never notice Flare being so dorky in them

>> No.73248777
Quoted by: >>73248919

It has a fuck ton of DLCs. I was looking at its Steam page earlier to see how much it costs. If I do buy it I'll probably just get the standard edition.

>> No.73248809

you can bruteforce everything until you fight the apexes

>> No.73248919

isn't it all cosmetics

>> No.73249082

that swimsuit looks tempting, if you could paint it blue it would be perfect

>> No.73249216
File: 1000 KB, 1920x1708, Cheeb bathtime [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0ici0b.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scrubba dub dub, get that Cheeb in the tub

>> No.73249253

I think so. There's a lot of them

>> No.73249296


>> No.73249382

the only one that really matters is gesture bundle 1. and the second best part about it is it's free

>> No.73249464

I love my nephilim!

>> No.73249556
Quoted by: >>73257821

I've been rewatching Initial D and I finally got up to Stage 4 so now I'm watching with IRyS and it improved the experience 100%. I wish she did more anime watchalongs.

>> No.73249895

Alright folk, I watched the first episode of Fate/Zero, didn't understand shit as it was an episode filled with exposition.
So i decided to watch Fate UBW first on Netflix (it's starts with Rin and she summons a dude called Archer).
Overall, that was a pretty decent epsiode. I love every second of it. Gonna watch UBW first it seems as some anons told me to.
Will probably be very busy for following weeks as I want to get into Fate.
Love you all silly Billy's

>> No.73249909
Quoted by: >>73250135


>> No.73250135


>> No.73250508
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You're going to be gone a while

>> No.73250863
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Quoted by: >>73251243

You could draw a line from most of those entries straight to FGO with how much it pulls from the other games via multiverse timetravel fuckery, it's kind of absurd how fucking complicated shit gets when you look at the bigger picture.

>> No.73251243
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Well for the most part it's just references and not really important
Cases like BB and the Sakura Five where they are straight up the same characters with all their memories and experiences from Extra&co intact are a very small minority

>> No.73251898

same, glad i got something to watch today

>> No.73252936


>> No.73253046
File: 1.36 MB, 756x1070, 1711486301633942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does IRyS know Cheebs (forma del goth la foot fetish) is in FGO?

>> No.73253704
Quoted by: >>73253782

>not watching in release order
even if you do it and just being an anime only will gloss oveer a fuck ton of info given its a compressed 90+ hr VN. but still, enjoy

>> No.73253782
Quoted by: >>73253853

These people are hopeless, only the VN is worth reading

>> No.73253853

well that's already a no brainer. the animee is just bonus content

>> No.73253988
File: 9 KB, 153x106, 16915006817444631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73254332

I wish I had a big strong mommy knight warrior who was secretly in love with me and I get to have sex with her if I take that route in the story and she battles for me and eats food cutely and stuff

>> No.73254123

>She means the VN

>> No.73254131

I love IRyS

>> No.73254332
Quoted by: >>73257595

You need to be groomed by mommy FemCrats

>> No.73254390

Is Fate this threads favourite anime?

>> No.73254443


>> No.73254543

IRyS will belong to the Caster class if she was in Fate.
Bae will probably be a Berserker.
Kronii will be a Saber with a clock sword(Kiara can also be a saber)
Gura will be the Rider.
Nerissa will be Lancer
Who will be Archer?

>> No.73254580
Quoted by: >>73254623

Fuck off

>> No.73254623
Quoted by: >>73254642

IRyS is a magic user, so she will havet o be caster

>> No.73254642
Quoted by: >>73254807

This isn't the fucking Fate thread

>> No.73254786

IRyS would be Archer since she doesn't have any weapon other than black holes
Gura would be lancer, she literally has a trident
Mumei would be assassin
Fauna would be caster

>> No.73254807

Ohhh, I mean, it's an interesting convo to have to think about which class will they belong to.
I was about to say rider because IRyS rides me, but.....
Yeah, i decided not to>>73254642

>> No.73254958
File: 107 KB, 768x768, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit the eclipse was so cool

>> No.73255320
Quoted by: >>73255575

IRyS according to her lore would be something gimmicky like a Foreigner.

>> No.73255575
Quoted by: >>73255662

Foreigner because of the outer space shenanigans or Ruler because of the Hope bullshit desu
Which Old God would mindrape ForeigneRyS? Maybe Thog for the lust angle?

>> No.73255662
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My wife Origin

>> No.73255818 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.08 MB, 3988x1690, 1696220698695563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of wank is exactly what Omega would have wanted.
You are better than that...

>> No.73255939
File: 1.20 MB, 4000x4000, 1687968848730533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair it's probably exactly what Redjuice would have wanted too

>> No.73256138

>Omegay bad so you can't like chuuni the shit redjuice loves to do
Fuck off

>> No.73256210

no, I am not
IRyS is stronger than Goku, Jiren, Artoria and Shiro (forma de nigger)
Cheebs is still stronger tho

>> No.73256236

Can IRyS defeat Demonbane?

>> No.73256359

IRyS doesn't stand a chance against Rance.

>> No.73256363
File: 1.93 MB, 3508x2480, 1700340082527700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS has full dominion over the concept of Hope and can defeat anyone without outer-verse level resistance to conceptual attacks by making them lose Hope - their will to fight.

>> No.73256403

Speaking of which IRyS is going to open the thread soon
IRyS please do a Gurren Lagan watchalong

>> No.73256447

I think Hyper Sonic can beat IRyS cause he can attack her faster than she can activate her power

>> No.73256771
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>> No.73256956

I'm just glad IRyS's final form get a strong Wi-Fi signal.

>> No.73257117
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1200, 1703850429141827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73259090

Is /HiRyS/ ready for MHW viewer participation streams?

>> No.73257332

IRyS is an equation, what we see are the values she feels like inputting that day

>> No.73257595

Femcrats are smelly gross things that like to laugh at farts

>> No.73257602

After checking the VOD more closely, I can say with more certainty say that the App she used after her Iphone caught on fire was the App that has the model with jigglier boobs
I am pretty sure she stopped using that app because it is heavier on the PC

>> No.73257821
Quoted by: >>73257874

You can thank the le BL spammers for her stopping those for over a year.

>> No.73257865

Fate fucking sucks as an anime

>> No.73257874
Quoted by: >>73257912

>le BL spammers
you mean IRyS?

>> No.73257912
Quoted by: >>73257961

Go back

>> No.73257961

haha i love kaoru lololol :)

>> No.73258220
Quoted by: >>73258459


>> No.73258296
Quoted by: >>73258459

did i mention ishida akira, i love when shinji and kaworu hold hands in the bath and ishida akira does that voice line

btw did you know ishida akira also voiced gaara of the desert from naruto and jack from titanic

>> No.73258441

and sadly she cant talk about anything else because those same clippers will cry about spoilers

>> No.73258459
Quoted by: >>73259409

Yeah that's pretty much exactly what I meant, they don't know when to stop. She gets annoyed by it a lot when she's just trying to talk about any anime or show.

>> No.73258645

oh my god shes spoiling an anime that came out 15 years ago that i was never going to watch!!!


>> No.73258940
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>> No.73259090
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I unironically could actually participate because I've beaten the game but I cba to compete with all of the regular snipers

>> No.73259409

>. She gets annoyed by it a lot
its her fault

>> No.73260229

outfit reveal but it's those other three

>> No.73260834
Quoted by: >>73260959

did i miss an appearance or something

>> No.73260959

you did she was cute too

>> No.73261805

If you had the power to decide, which one would you rather get made first?
Frame Arms Girl-Megami Device mecha musume IRyS

>> No.73261945

Figure of one of her casual outfits is first. Probably won't ever happen because of Cover's branding autism forcing the default look for these things.
A nendo with the default outfit would be 2nd probably.

>> No.73261955

Scale>Nendo>relax time>PUP>FAG>figma

>> No.73262004
File: 365 KB, 1920x1080, 1683078043907173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figma balls

>> No.73262049


>> No.73262114

I don't like figma at all. Anything else I'd order instantly

>> No.73262388

nendo and PUP first since they’re already expected, then a 1/7 scale by alter and a 1/4 freeing bunny (mainly only because I don’t expect her to get an official bunny girl outfit)
I don’t care for figmas or FAGs so they can come later I guess

>> No.73262509

A 92 foot statue of IRyS to replace Christ the Redeemer. (I swear I'm not the Brazilian. I just think IRyS is more important than god.)

>> No.73262545

don't like joints

>> No.73262652

2.0 Daki

>> No.73263646
Quoted by: >>73264903

cheeb nendo

>> No.73263968 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.73264098
Quoted by: >>73264903

Cheeb nandos

>> No.73264589
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>> No.73264903

If I get a Cheebs anything it better be a plushie with a voice box hidden inside so every time I drop kick her across the room she screams.

>> No.73265166
File: 246 KB, 900x900, 132848834813824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73265616

Nendos are Funko Pops for weebs.
I'd still buy one, but almost any other figure would be better.

>> No.73265826

big retard take

>> No.73265888
Quoted by: >>73266142

Now type it without clutching your funko pop

>> No.73265922
Quoted by: >>73266142

This guy owns a 'Fat Thor' Funko Pop for sure.

>> No.73265946
Quoted by: >>73266142

t. krokek

>> No.73266018
Quoted by: >>73266133

I think he was defending the Nendos not the Funkos

>> No.73266133
Quoted by: >>73268039

obviously, some people just have below room temp IQ

>> No.73266142

>lack of reading comprehension or disingenuous replies
Yep, it's brown hours.

>> No.73266446
File: 413 KB, 817x823, 1707452110334256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheeb vs Bin Laden?

>> No.73266467
Quoted by: >>73266608

it's always brown hours as long as morikeks and krokeks are camping the thread

>> No.73266540


>> No.73266608
Quoted by: >>73266710

>deflecting to other groups
Definitely brown.

>> No.73266710

You must be new here if you missed moricucks raiding the thread after IRyS raided mori out of her borderline 3view stream yesterday

>> No.73266850

>moricucks raiding the thread
it was you and your friend

>> No.73267000

Your browness is unrivaled.

>> No.73267213
File: 35 KB, 627x530, Forbidden Cheeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73267717

>You're black
>No you're black
>no you're black
>no you're black
awwww shieeeet

>> No.73267232

no EN comes close to 3view status unlike your livers on a daily basis

>> No.73267323
Quoted by: >>73267565

I accidentally whipped out my dick and jerked off against my will when IRyS raided Mori and I saw her tits. Mori needs to bear my half brown children

>> No.73267565
Quoted by: >>73267867

she already has to take care of her horse babies, I don't think she needs more children

>> No.73267717


>> No.73267867
Quoted by: >>73268199

I've seen rule 34 like that once

>> No.73268039
Quoted by: >>73268540

"Nendos are like Funko Pops"
"This guy likes Funko Pops"
How ironic that your posts refer to yourselves rather than what you are replying to.

>> No.73268199
File: 231 KB, 2048x1589, cg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only once? I wish I were that lucky.

>> No.73268540


>> No.73269431

Adult version?

>> No.73269450


>> No.73269560

Thigh? Boob?

>> No.73269622
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>> No.73270508

Any idea if anyone clued the JPs in on how to opt in to the v.50 update for Lethal Company? Be nice if they could do the new stuff

>> No.73270712

Isn't that update why this collab is happening in the first place?
I thought someone said so but now I'm not sure if it was actually mentioned by the girls or just assumed on here...

>> No.73270930
Quoted by: >>73271052

IRyS specifically mentioned wanting to see the new stuff, and even spoiled herself reading and looking at the new monsters and their behavior.

I'm just excited for what the OTHER LC collab she mentioned is going to be.

>> No.73271052

I'm dreading the possibility of the other LC collab being an EN one, we were having a good streak

>> No.73271160
Quoted by: >>73271388

you don't even watch streams

>> No.73271384
Quoted by: >>73271452

She hasn't had a Collab with Mori in a while.......
Mori, Shiori, and either Kiara or Nerissa.

>> No.73271388
Quoted by: >>73271437

EOPs are gold medalists at olympic projection I swear

>> No.73271437

you mean beggars
you would know these 3 things if you watched

>> No.73271452

>avoiding all the worst ENs
Hopefully it stays that way, Mumei having a high chance of being part of an EN LC collab gives me hope though
