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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 270 KB, 1920x537, 1712354496204095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73131313 No.73131313 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>73131489

【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com
【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com/@idol_corp
【 Twitter 】 https://twitter.com/idol_corp
【 Schedules 】 https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp
【 Merch 】 https://shop.idol-company.com
【 Archive 】 E-Sekai + Genesis: https://idol.icebox.moe / Endless: https://idol2.icebox.moe / Former members + Events: https://grad.icebox.moe

idolEN Genesis:

【 Kattarina Qutie 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@kattarina_qutie / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/kattarina_qutie

【 Nikki Rei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NikkiRei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol

idolEN E-Sekai:

【 Yuko Yurei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@yukoyurei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/YureiYuko

【 Juna Unagi 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@JunaUnagi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/JunaUnagi

【 Rin Penrose 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rinpenrose / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RinPenrose

【 Fuyo Cloverfield 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@FuyoCloverfield / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/FuyoCloverfield

idolEN Endless:

【 Roca Rourin 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rourinroca / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RocaRourin

【 Poko Rakun 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@rakunpoko / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/PokoRakun

【 Kai Saikota 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@KaiSaikota / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/KaiSaikota

【 Momo Otako 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@otakomomo / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/MomoOtako

【 Coni Confetti 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@confetticoni / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/coni_confetti

【 idol Friends 】
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
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VReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/
PixelLink >>>/vt//pxl/
V-Dere >>>/vt//vdere/

Previous Thread: >>73114032

>> No.73131387
File: 45 KB, 600x650, 1693685667460897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73131391
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, lolis-are-cute[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fiumpun.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the EN3 lolis.

>> No.73131411
File: 291 KB, 1362x916, 1711256681486501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cherish the cute girls!

>> No.73131420


>> No.73131482
File: 2.65 MB, 3050x4294, 1688893343205959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sniff Coni's feet

>> No.73131489
File: 57 KB, 476x151, 1687992887362814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good numbers

>> No.73131512
File: 1.46 MB, 1248x1231, Poko_Bondage_Fun_Skeb_00_oktnatz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73135915

Sweaty sex with Poko

>> No.73131520
File: 2.02 MB, 1280x720, Rintypebeat[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ff0xcuq.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73131542

>la creatividad
>likes tentacles
Are all Portuguese women like this?

>> No.73131581
File: 1.75 MB, 1129x1079, 1702501508710131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73131674

I love Momo

>> No.73131599


>> No.73131638

Ok I like the crazy one

>> No.73131644

she’s not that bad

>> No.73131663
File: 78 KB, 1800x552, 1712104149044252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73131674
Quoted by: >>73131903


>> No.73131720
File: 20 KB, 1500x1280, pxlconi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coni peut être mon clown pour toujours, et je sourirai pour elle aussi longtemps.
I think I have a thing for purple girls

>> No.73131742
Quoted by: >>73131914

Yuko LOVE!

>> No.73131888


>> No.73131903

Hell yeah!

>> No.73131914

parasocial fuck, she's NOT your girlfriend she's mine

>> No.73131946
File: 954 KB, 594x864, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73131997

>> No.73131997
Quoted by: >>73132074

shes gonna get raped by fuyo...

>> No.73132074
Quoted by: >>73132147

Fuyo is the one getting raped but then again can't rape the willing

>> No.73132147

You underestimate her 3incher

>> No.73132150

>says frick
Guys I really think she's just Fuyo in disguise

>> No.73132156
File: 245 KB, 455x479, fuyo brainfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73132825

>what the frick
holy shit it really is hag fuyo

>> No.73132311
File: 139 KB, 457x463, 1673456906217206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73132825

>likes horror
>had tentacles in her brain

>> No.73132354
File: 305 KB, 537x598, fuyo angryfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73132825

Nice job Fuyo, you killed her like everything you touch

>> No.73132444

Kai did a pretty great watchalong too, good job girl

>> No.73132486

Holy Shit this was fucking fun as fuck

>> No.73132633

I am starting to hate long debuts. 30min should be enough for everyone.

>> No.73132694
File: 269 KB, 977x853, 1689127700385554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73132725

One in jail, another dead, V4M in shambles.

>> No.73132758

when endless happened I was way too burnout to watch Coni and couldn't even try to watch PixelLink

>> No.73132765

Too short isn't good either, the latest V&U girls were 30 minutes between each other and it was rushed as fuck.

>> No.73132774
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, TA4nTonaoV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73132966

Momo: REM Kanashibari watchalong

Click on Momo's affiliate link to watch the debut.

>> No.73132775

Real. Otherwise I'd like if the girls could decide how long they'd like them to be personally, some girls can fill a full hour while others can't

>> No.73132783

Creative debut, but the weak schedule and strong lesbo energy is filtering me. Maybe if she streams Trauma Center one day I will check her out again.

>> No.73132800
File: 195 KB, 387x370, 1686780145721935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73132966

Momo live

>> No.73132825

thats a lot of fumbo

>> No.73132838
Quoted by: >>73132966


>> No.73132944


>> No.73132966
Quoted by: >>73133086


>> No.73132976

I don't really count this as momo coming back, this is 100% a contractual obligation that not cable/desk/schedule shopping excuse could get her out of

>> No.73133020
File: 203 KB, 512x481, fuyo zoomfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah 30 minutes for the 1.0 and an hour or more for the 2.0s is probably the optimal setup, them all being around an hour is a pretty big commitment for a lot of people in both time and energy

>> No.73133073

>normal schedule for next week

>> No.73133083
Quoted by: >>73133323

what was aviel thinking making Momo's first real stream in like 4 months being a sponsored stream

>> No.73133086

only because it's a sponsored stream kek

>> No.73133088

That's it, I'm cumming to her voice right fucking now

>> No.73133141

I'm paralyzed

>> No.73133175

i aint watching whores from another corpo, aviel, fuck off

>> No.73133214

this is the best one so far

>> No.73133224
File: 484 KB, 430x498, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73135666

man I missed Momo's chinky eyes...

>> No.73133286
File: 673 KB, 2920x4000, 1705946479806633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73133327

Consensual sex with Roca!

>> No.73133319

Since even Momo was forced to stream.
Yuko must be on an alcohol coma, unable to be contacted

>> No.73133323

>first real stream in like 4 months
holy toursim

>> No.73133327


>> No.73133360

MOMO FUCKING NOW! R.I.P my ritualpost. ,ou wont be needed anymore

>> No.73133487

Rem's design is really good, fuck
Top sexycute

>> No.73133510
File: 80 KB, 266x260, 1692057369634526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momo's sweet voice... u-uooghhhhh.....

>> No.73133519

Hearing Momo is a blessing

>> No.73133642

>Yuko takes a short break then comes back
>thread spergs out
>Momo disappears for months with no accountability then comes back just to shill
Fuck you two-faced fags

>> No.73133686

Neck yourself.

>> No.73133739
Quoted by: >>73133936

the gollum is falseflagging again lmao

>> No.73133747

Momo had an actual reason to disappear

>> No.73133816

>"Are you guys watching the stream?"
>Nothing cute is on debut stream

Classic Momo

>> No.73133820

fuck off tourist

>> No.73133826

You are a tourist.
That said
Momo technically hasn't said or done anything she can't take back

>> No.73133837
Quoted by: >>73133935

Yuko's was more legitiment

>> No.73133878

Finally a well adjusted woman, just like Momo!

>> No.73133935

you're bald and you smell like shit, your "friend" at offkai said so.

>> No.73133936
File: 94 KB, 300x300, 1690227058163074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you mean the jewish monster it's golem, gollum is the funny little guy from lord of the rings

>> No.73133972

Im HYPED for Momo and Yuko. And Momo tweets more, i would Love to gere from yuyu, but so far nothing...

>> No.73133974

Aviel we need more giant tits in this corp too.

>> No.73134077

I'm melting from Momo's voice

>> No.73134089

She had a whole compendium of reasons

>> No.73134124
File: 1.91 MB, 2560x1125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MrBeast does streams on pomf but Aviel won't let the girls... he really hates us..................

>> No.73134172

so over

>> No.73134204

is v4mirai a straight upgrade...why are they advertising this

>> No.73134216

The v4mirai girl has the cheesed to meet you meme in her description. Interesting

>> No.73134339

You gay son.

>> No.73134447

[important momo question]
Would you still love Momo if she was british?

>> No.73134475
Quoted by: >>73134563

Why do mentally ill vtubers sabotage their channels and turn to fleshtubing?
It happens too often to be just a coincidence

>> No.73134525

korean or british
I choose death

>> No.73134563

bro are you ok

>> No.73134578

Of course.

>> No.73134633

Better question is would I still love her if she barely streamed

>> No.73134702

Which type of british? Northern Irish? Welsh? Scottish? or English?

>> No.73134705
File: 373 KB, 481x694, tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we ever getting more of these? Katta's alone aren't enough.

>> No.73134726
Quoted by: >>73134885

British girls really are either the sexiest women on the planet, or complete troll-faced munters, aren't they?

>> No.73134885
Quoted by: >>73134969

rin is both

>> No.73134902

momo doesn't sound sick anymore, is she gunna stream more after this?

>> No.73134969

Acording to everybody she is pretty, and precious

>> No.73135010
File: 209 KB, 445x369, 1698341127494355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73135078
Quoted by: >>73135187

Her PC is only 26.67% ready.
About half of her desk has been installed
And don't get me started on her chair
It will take a bit, she's very busy please understand

>> No.73135101
Quoted by: >>73137294

Not big enough.

>> No.73135151

What happened to yuko? I thought this was supposed to be her big redebut? Her last hoorah. Now she's mia for 12 days? The fuck happened?

>> No.73135187
Quoted by: >>73138277

how's the cable length looking?

>> No.73135451

She needs to be shorter and her tits bigger.

>> No.73135467
File: 278 KB, 1170x1114, 2nugadiwokop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poko live!

>> No.73135500

man I feel bad for this girl having to follow up after the first two.

>> No.73135560

I missed Momo's :D so much bros

>> No.73135565

She needs to be taller with smaller tits.

>> No.73135666
File: 324 KB, 460x714, 1687378270418138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73135773
File: 188 KB, 1024x1024, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in a sarcophagus for the last 3000 years, what the fuck happened to idol corp?????

>> No.73135861

Girls cute and sex. Other than that you haven't missed much.

>> No.73135915
Quoted by: >>73136111

Post full

>> No.73135980
Quoted by: >>73136089

mrbeast more like mrBASED

>> No.73136002
File: 9 KB, 357x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73136023
File: 48 KB, 499x91, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73136890

Aviel don't look

>> No.73136045

This poster is Roca btw

>> No.73136089

aviel wishes he was half as based

>> No.73136111



>> No.73136177
File: 673 KB, 1200x769, 1685506072112756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73136274
Quoted by: >>73136376

thanks momo, I got my new oshi

>> No.73136318
File: 277 KB, 671x547, 1706117948605423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna breastfeed every idol member and change their diapers.

>> No.73136359
Quoted by: >>73136476

>That I'm paid for
There you go, pogo said it.

>> No.73136376
Quoted by: >>73136634

Don't write such cruel posts

>> No.73136476

Poko has said it multiple times and emphasized that everyone should use the affiliate link.

>> No.73136501

Nisha will dont worry

>> No.73136524
File: 798 KB, 913x820, fuyo stachefield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize how fucked up it is how little cunny most corpos have, every time there's debuts and they don't even have a single token loli

>> No.73136551

Pochi turned into the new yuko which then momo turned into the new pochi which was the new yuko

>> No.73136599


>> No.73136630

Is pogo ogey

>> No.73136634

yeah I was just jorkin, though if REM does GFE ASMR (which momo now is no longer doing) then it'll be hard

>> No.73136657
File: 448 KB, 954x1190, m0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True that. Idol is the last vtubing paradise.

>> No.73136725
Quoted by: >>73136844

yeah, very bizarre when the biggest is one, you would think everyone would make their own.

>> No.73136840
File: 383 KB, 522x631, 1696616886390530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said she loves me

>> No.73136844

instead they hire homos and ask them how they'll compete with her
the level of retardation that permeates corpos is truly astounding

>> No.73136850

>Momo kiss
I missed this so much...

>> No.73136890

v4m gets away with coomer ASMR

>> No.73136908
Quoted by: >>73137036

and to be good.

>> No.73136919
Quoted by: >>73137021

i didnt watch the other whore and only paid attention to momo

>> No.73136973
File: 305 KB, 1000x1158, m7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Momo

>> No.73137021

You made her poorer.

>> No.73137036
File: 41 KB, 227x214, 1692133341307517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't make any promises about that

>> No.73137058

Shilling other corpos because they are dying

>> No.73137121

She kissed me!

>> No.73137146

holy shit it's Tutancarmun, lets go sell him to the br*tish

>> No.73137158

Do the Girls Talk about their debuts?

>> No.73137285

why is poko dying?

>> No.73137294
Quoted by: >>73137422

How do you find the new girls tits?

>> No.73137300

wtf is this real? If so that's huge promo for POMF.
More vtubers should stream lewd shit there.

>> No.73137325
File: 187 KB, 310x367, 1707599221374667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73137752

Poko smokes fat blunts

>> No.73137362

I think the problem is that most vtubers don't actually like loli. And then we have the problem of some pretty awful people being loli vtubers too. It's so fucked up.
By the way, if you liked Alias she had some fucked up stuff with notMuyu that turned me off of her

>> No.73137417

>more giant jiggling tits
Aviel, please... I need more cunny... only cunny can cure me of this lustful feeling I'm getting for big breasts...

>> No.73137422

Now it's great, we need to mog Katta.

>> No.73137514
Quoted by: >>73137582

>already male on stream
Oh no no no

>> No.73137582

it's dead, so it's ok

>> No.73137620

holy shit they have dizzy at home

>> No.73137680

>vtubers don't actually like loli
You mean the normies, right? Otaku girls like lolis too. Like IRyS, she wanted to be a loli, but couldn't be.

>> No.73137716
Quoted by: >>73137784

But at the same time you look at Idol where the talents had full control of their designs and nearly everyone chose to be a loli.
I asked /tsunX/ about that and apparently it wasn't as bad as I thought.

>> No.73137752
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, quieres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73137765

who's notAlias? mailgirl?

>> No.73137784

I'll inform myself further

>> No.73137822

Not a failure, yet.

>> No.73137841

>show feet and giant tits already
I hope she does coomer ASMR too

>> No.73138178

>good vork

>> No.73138271

She doesn't like a desperate hag yet

>> No.73138277
File: 261 KB, 2124x550, Momomomomomomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long enough

>> No.73138395

Poko don't die.

>> No.73138563
Quoted by: >>73139046

dizzy but better in every way it seems

>> No.73138760
Quoted by: >>73139057

I like her voice more than Dizzy's

>> No.73139046

That depends on how her future creative streams with go. Dizzy is on a tier of her own for thise.

>> No.73139057

I can't tell if I do yet... she's just got this whole 'forced' thing going on during this whole mystery solver bit.

>> No.73139300
Quoted by: >>73139466

Weird how my dick works. For me it's either flat lolis or hags with big tits. I really just want oyakodon.

>> No.73139315
File: 425 KB, 636x1200, 1709233380031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tanned loli for en3 please

>> No.73139466

I like anything as long as the skin tone is lighter than a certain shade of brown

>> No.73139549

is it just me or does it almost sound like poko is seething at this girl during this watchalong kek

>> No.73139641
Quoted by: >>73140470

>Poko spying on fandits in Yumi's chat

>> No.73139823
Quoted by: >>73140470

poko always sounds like that towards other women

>> No.73140386

How can a flatie even compete?

>> No.73140470

A large portion of fandits are just refugees, by nature they are quick to jump ship

>> No.73140885

Had the Feeling she was only there for the bag kek

>> No.73141010

Is it true the ghost will go back to working at starbucks?

>> No.73141188

wrong corpo bro, the ghost is part of v4m

>> No.73141190

She sounded brattier than the usual all day at least

>> No.73141207

yeah, between bouts of servicing /k/ larpers deep in the woods

>> No.73141306

I'm tired of vtubers being sick. It's like I will get sick myself.

>> No.73141493

wait which ghost? There's like 4 and like 3 dozen witches.

>> No.73141627

Poko is actually extremely horny for Yumi

>> No.73141747
Quoted by: >>73143042

if they will even hire her these days
i have no faith in her to ever be able to hold a "real" job again

>> No.73141931
Quoted by: >>73142584

I think I'll check tiddie witch and the doctor out, as long as they don't overlap with our girls

>> No.73141952
Quoted by: >>73142158

Yeah. Since she scared away all her simps, going back to Starbucks is the only option she has.

>> No.73142082

My personal list
Dr Nova > Sleep British > gap > Tits Witch
Didn't watch the other one

>> No.73142158


>> No.73142232
File: 250 KB, 495x721, f9eba60121c451085aed346b9aaf5773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chubby loli for en3 please

>> No.73142349

anuncio mañana

>> No.73142372
File: 1.16 MB, 1024x1024, 1710958792254209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73142443


>> No.73142454

For me, it's
Nova > Alias > REM > Yumi
How much I want to fuck them:
REM > Yumi > Alias > Nova

>> No.73142464

I don't believe you anymore >>73004643

>> No.73142501

si, de mi pene

>> No.73142584

titty witch is streaming at 1:30AM EST, Doctor is going to butt against Roca's streams because her schedule had 3-4pm EST as start times

>> No.73142661

>Doctor is going to butt against Roca's streams because her schedule had 3-4pm EST as start times

>> No.73142685
Quoted by: >>73142758

that was me and...

>> No.73142758

that's not an announcement, that's foreplay.

>> No.73142800

I await her return, hopefully with a new vlog to release..

>> No.73142799

In terms of debut quality:
In terms of who I will watch:
In terms of who I want to have sex with:

>> No.73142924

God damnit...

>> No.73143042

Starbucks is known for having hiring standards lower than mcdonalds

>> No.73143133
Quoted by: >>73143240

I will just watch the ones doing ASMR. Hopefully at least one of them is as horny as Mono is.

>> No.73143135

the bald loser is still going kek

>> No.73143136
Quoted by: >>73143173

That fucker didn't even have the ñ key
un tremendo ñoño

>> No.73143173
Quoted by: >>73143294

>usar ñoño como insulto
kek what country is this from

>> No.73143240
Quoted by: >>73143845

thanks for reminding me, I got a gifted membership to her last night and need to check out the asmr streams

>> No.73143294 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 990x557, X6IQ23K3CFGSZI7YN2F4U2INLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only insult with ñ that i could think of

>> No.73143457 [DELETED] 

Been on the sengoku Rance grind
Unfortunately i am an individual touched by the 'tism
And feel an incredible urge to just delete my save and start over with better troops and decisions
Should i do that? Or to just keep rolling untill game2

>> No.73143549
Quoted by: >>73143646

Apparently vreverie are debuting girls as well??
Wtf Aviel, where are my new lolis you jew!!

>> No.73143646
Quoted by: >>73144038

debuts? you don't mean more graduations? kek
live with your decisions, keep going

>> No.73143845
Quoted by: >>73143957

She quickly became one of my favorite ASMRs vtubers and I've barely watched her normal streams yet. I just love how horny she gets in those member streams, getting close to masturbating all the time.

>> No.73143957

>getting close to masturbating
Not listening hard enough

>> No.73144038
File: 403 KB, 1596x899, GKc99pRb0AA97q1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually found 5 more girls just in time to not close the corp

>> No.73144084 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 939x156, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit she's literally me

>> No.73144091


>> No.73144318
Quoted by: >>73145208

Excellent b8

>> No.73144327
Quoted by: >>73144939

just keep going, that game is meant to be replayed and you're not meant to have a perfect run the first time.

>> No.73144903
Quoted by: >>73145148

I'm surprised they didn't give up when all those girls mass graduated. Also why would they debut on the same day as other small corpo debuts...

>> No.73144939

kek, very smooth

>> No.73145148

if vrev goes under there's a chance of a nice new model for free, I would stay just for that reason if I was in their place

>> No.73145208

Truth hurts

>> No.73145293

Endless general

>> No.73145545

Yuko needs a hug :(

>> No.73145637

Gollum needs a comb :(

>> No.73145650

That's parasocial, and not what she wants.
Just give her money and a nice message, and don't mention anything about vlogs or dono rewards

>> No.73145812

Is this banned vt memes?

>> No.73145870
Quoted by: >>73146152

>closest to decent it's been in a while is discussing another corps debuts
>shitposting starting up again shortly after it's over
>two fucking catalog threads
Aviel debut ES already holy shit, EN3, something.

>> No.73145914 [SPOILER] 
File: 146 KB, 388x402, 1683710199496171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73146057

Her vaginal walls can hug my penis

>> No.73146152
Quoted by: >>73146218

Its called threadshitting tourist-chama

>> No.73146190
Quoted by: >>73148344

>Literally ripping the second image from these threads
Really goes to show the average drama niggers quite literally ONLY knows what they read in these threads. You could assert anything and as long as you say it a few times, it is gospel to these retards

>> No.73146218

I'll call it whatever I want, nigger-chama.

>> No.73146323

saw that shit in my fyp earlier, it's really funny how the entire post from the OP to replies is your average catalog thread

>> No.73146374

Damn, didn't know she got that much attention from it
Sucks to suck

>> No.73146400


>> No.73147169
Quoted by: >>73147368

I don't care what Riro, Yuko or Pochi are doing, I'll still support my oshi.

>> No.73147224

Worse, that seems to be a copycat, who also made another thread about it to farm more replies. There are now two threads about Yuko on the catalog despite literally fucking nothing happening regarding her case in a while, funny how that works huh.

>> No.73147368

they are doing nothing

>> No.73147586
Quoted by: >>73147767

Is Yumi good? Didn't see the debuts.

>> No.73147611
Quoted by: >>73149062

yeah they're exceptionally butthurt today, maybe they ran out of vaseline in their private homo discord.

>> No.73147767

Poko liked her

>> No.73147799

Momo streaming normally now?

>> No.73147841
Quoted by: >>73149507

>vtubers that barely stream get posted in the catalog
more common than you think

>> No.73147931
Quoted by: >>73147989

don't worry she's getting hugged very tight right now by some fat bearded jobless retard wearing camo in a forest

>> No.73147989
Quoted by: >>73148625

it could have been worse.. he could have been BALD

>> No.73148131
Quoted by: >>73148218

that SEAmonkey phaseshill is still getting banned and recreating accounts yeah

>> No.73148218
Quoted by: >>73148386

nice try, we all know who they are.

>> No.73148344

what else can you expect from SEAs, they're literally lipdrooling retards

>> No.73148386

wtf are you talking about everyone knows BVTMs is a phaseshill.

>> No.73148458

nice try again buddy

>> No.73148625

I would genuinely rather be that kind of bald than have guardbros beard, it's so unflattering that I can only assume the chin it hides is way worse.

>> No.73148852
Quoted by: >>73148933

hes being retarded on purpose

>> No.73148933

I like how you reply to yourself, it makes me laugh.

>> No.73148990

don't reply to the breadcuck

>> No.73149023

no wonder there's catalog threads kek, phasenig SEAs saw they're shitty containment breaking faggots and needed to jump on the drama like monkeys in heat

>> No.73149062
Quoted by: >>73149122

should ask yuko where she got the massive tub she took to nugget fest

>> No.73149122

should i ask you where all that hair went? wear a hat buddy you look ridiculous

>> No.73149292

Nice thread we have

>> No.73149378
File: 598 KB, 800x800, poko love d4KcZITLE4Gbv_IPgYOxgAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73149495
File: 571 KB, 640x743, 1675276259695760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73149926

double portuguese naizuri with Fuyo and the new V4M doctor, thoughts?

>> No.73149507

tbf she is active, just not as yuko

>> No.73149573

Wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

>> No.73149702
File: 192 KB, 422x529, 1685301646694305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73149920

theres a new big three, sorry

>> No.73149926

im interested!

>> No.73149964

this reminds me of the riro debut watchalong.. twas better times..

>> No.73150372

what happened.

>> No.73150406
Quoted by: >>73151259

I shit my pants

>> No.73150413

bald guy got angry

>> No.73150501

yuko's groomer is having another meltdown

>> No.73150579
File: 25 KB, 1016x965, 1702068447668374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tripped down the stairs :(

>> No.73150615

i can't believe you lost to Down D. Stairs

>> No.73150640
File: 353 KB, 1105x834, F0JkM_GXgAAndhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to lie carnie, we know she beats the shit out of you.

>> No.73150712

I miss riro...

>> No.73150765
File: 65 KB, 479x512, 1706112518524084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she loves me... she said she loves me

>> No.73150814

>all the phase fans in the comments making shit up

>> No.73150960
Quoted by: >>73151035

Can anyone put this man out of his misery?

>> No.73151035

Idol Corporation?

>> No.73151068
Quoted by: >>73151169

see >>73145914

>> No.73151169

rent free i guess?

>> No.73151181

What is Yuko thinking right now?

>> No.73151182
Quoted by: >>73151346

that account's follows too lmao, the subhumans aren't exactly subtle about it

>> No.73151220

How do I prevent this from happening to me?

>> No.73151250

you'll have to be manly

>> No.73151259

i made this post

>> No.73151340

I over slept and was late for work

>> No.73151346

>the boobros ruined a small indie i watch and her content is changing because of them
>follows phase, drama niggers, doxniggers
>hasnt even interacted or liked a single post of anyone the boo bros have been watching
>the vtubers the are watching had literally zero viewers before they started watching
well i guess we found one of the rampant thread shitters

>> No.73151505

phasenigs are subhuman drama seekers (when they aren't TVA /pol/tards)

>> No.73151595
Quoted by: >>73151658

take finasteride.
if you're already balding then get a hair transplant

>> No.73151658

>take finasteride.
anon he already does gay rp in discord if he takes that he's going to transition.

>> No.73151879
File: 705 KB, 1920x1080, 1690459881912711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what's gonna happen with Yuko. The damage is done.

>> No.73152026

As far as phaseniggery goes, nothing. Don't forget her raiding Pippa shortly after coming back, she's 'in'. Only ones who're gonna get hounded are boobros.

>> No.73152044


>> No.73152179

Didn't think many Rirocons went to Coni

>> No.73152738 [DELETED] 

Remember when Kirakirasame got banned from everything Idol related and now he swapped to his third alt twitter just so he can keep anti posting about Yuko? Remember when even Gura banned him from her chat? How terrible of a human being do you have to be to get banned in one of the busiest chats ever.

>> No.73152801

detestful creature

>> No.73152829

is... is BVTM actually deflecting with made up shit about Kira?
That is kind of impressive actually.

>> No.73152883
Quoted by: >>73152977

I hear kira was kicking puppies!

>> No.73152887

suck his dick

>> No.73152891

he no longer posts about katta though, wonder what happened.

>> No.73152977

i hope that some day i can mindbreak someone this badly
like look at this dude just lying out of his ass at something easily disprovable lmao

>> No.73153007 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 596x192, 16847984984951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73153048

he's busy using that account to lie about Yuko because he's a pathetic incel who only posts about women he hates

>> No.73153021
Quoted by: >>73153164

He doesn't like 2views, looks like he bet on the wrong horse.

>> No.73153048

that isnt Kira you mind broken phase nigger

>> No.73153105
Quoted by: >>73153179

He is literally talking with Katta in Katta's alt account all the time. Next one.

>> No.73153142
File: 382 KB, 1405x2048, GKCTAJKXYAAjWEm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smooching Rin's 4head

>> No.73153151

Kira was the one who was telling people that epigeios smelled like BO at offkai, the dude is no good.

>> No.73153164 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah I forgot he was trying to groom that twitch indie and ended up ruining her life and making her have a breakdown about GFE. That's two women that you've literally given anxiety attacks to. And it's literally 100% your fault Kira. Disgusting human.

>> No.73153179

funny how desperate they are to cry about "le discord" constantly

>> No.73153244

Not really, I have no reason to think about him anymore.

>> No.73153360
Quoted by: >>73153950

kira is just as cringe as those children who make "virus" accounts on twitter

>> No.73153388

The threads will be better the day anyone ever associated with Boocord is no longer mentioned or posts here.

>> No.73153451

You haven't been around in a while, have you? It's been like this for a minute or two.

>> No.73153472

Funny thing is they barely post here anymore, but get mentioned all the time.

>> No.73153513

>Funny thing is they barely post here anymore
AAHAHAH that was really funny, you're a funny guy.

>> No.73153526
File: 228 KB, 379x509, Screenshot 2024-03-26 at 16-22-18 Rin Penrose Ch. idol-EN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the sky there is no bickering
All the posters, smaller than ants
From up here you can see how insignificantly small their problems were
Only a beautiful wide spread of blue, and the memories you choose to hold on to

>> No.73153536

funny thing is that it's pretty funny

>> No.73153563
Quoted by: >>73153660

Good luck with that, we haven't had any reason to think about Yuko for a while now but then dramafags and BVTM started making bait threads about her out of nowhere

>> No.73153603


>> No.73153660

we know its you and your faggot friends and not phaseshills, your strategies will always fail.

>> No.73153679

that dude is terminally on 4chan, especially /vt/
he definitely makes at least half of the yuko threads

>> No.73153819
Quoted by: >>73153882

lmao bvtm shill spotted

>> No.73153845
File: 249 KB, 423x499, 1711995292944502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rinako's bussy for breakfast lunch and dinner everyday

>> No.73153882

also you're barking up the wrong tree when you skinwalk me because yuko knows who I am, again and again you fail.

>> No.73153917


>> No.73153935


>> No.73153942
Quoted by: >>73153969

If you want to be a schizo I'm not going to stop you either, have fun.
Try not to be so obvious to spot next time though.

>> No.73153950

some of those are really hot tho

>> No.73153969

have fun failing everytime kira :)

>> No.73153986
File: 455 KB, 713x754, 1711848947431487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73154068

>thread infested with trannies and browns
This place has fallen hard.

>> No.73154012 [SPOILER] 
File: 196 KB, 379x509, Snebbydid911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73154211


>> No.73154068

2 catalog threads and the whole BVTM discord got obsessed with us out of nowhere, I recommend just leaving for the day

>> No.73154211
File: 574 KB, 1500x1500, pokouoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A noble sacrifice

>> No.73154273
File: 933 KB, 1461x837, 1690167089818278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73154570

thread was better when we were watching the v4m debuts

>> No.73154323

ur oshi sucks me good and hard thru my jorts

>> No.73154570

I'm gonna watch the second half of the interview Coni had on twitch

>> No.73154668
Quoted by: >>73154979

I dont care about Yuko but the fact that retarded trannies take threads from here to farm Likes in twitter bothers me. And because of those faggots we will never know exactly when girls are /here/ since they can just see threads in that website anyway.

>> No.73154902
Quoted by: >>73154924

Why does the tweet have so many likes though? Wtf

>> No.73154924


>> No.73154979
Quoted by: >>73156114

I'm in a good mood so i'll help you out
Your problem starts with caring about what faggots on twitter are doing.
Litterally irrelevant, subhuman spergs that were just waiting for a chance to sperg to whatever popped up first.
Do yourself a favour and discard them from your thoughts
You can enjoy chubas, or even drama, but don't let it get to you, and prolly stay away from xitter if you can't help but care about what nobodies with shit takes say or do

>> No.73155255
File: 294 KB, 426x417, Rinakosad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Rinako
I was hoping that we get Rinako asmr
where the setting is a sleepover with your clingy homie, on a cold winter night
He's cold and gets under your blanket and starts snuggling you for your warmth.

>> No.73155391

sucking rinako's cock!

>> No.73155589

>You will never wake up to feel Rinako's morning wood as he sleeps next to you

>> No.73155686

Are there any straight Rincels?

>> No.73155857
File: 79 KB, 192x169, 1684262999563907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Shit fanbase with shit people.

>> No.73155880

Im Rinsexual

>> No.73156060

depends if you consider cucks "straight"

>> No.73156114
Quoted by: >>73156182

faggots on twitter matter when the corp is catering to them, like with their recent contract announcement

>> No.73156182

yeah idol is accomplice in the harrassment

>> No.73156771

ironically, fans of rinako are straight. it takes a college course to explain though so...

>> No.73156829
Quoted by: >>73157181

Hello, I just took a shit so big it made my cry and almost vomit so I had to lay down
sure is Phase hours in here

>> No.73157181
Quoted by: >>73157378

So true. Every time I get reminded that my corpo has a whore who got stretched on big brother I get so emotional that I need to go take a 10 minute break from shitting up other threads

>> No.73157378


>> No.73157717

It's over

>> No.73158011

Im drunk
I love vtubers
I love idol
I love sex
I love Roca (love first, lust seond
I love sex with Poko (lust, no emotion)
Momo is my comfort woman
There will be at least TWO members of ES who will fill the role of Roca and/ord Poko
if you cant relate to anything I wrote then you should probably gtfo of this general, homo

>> No.73158091
File: 68 KB, 1000x1104, 1698981690659374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73158199

drink some water

>> No.73158179
Quoted by: >>73158199

drink roca's urine

>> No.73158199

I wish
