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File: 188 KB, 974x975, IMG_20240405_175158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73017381 No.73017381 [Reply] [Original]

Getting mog by the runt of the company. How do we save her alouopeeps?

Fucking elira dragging her down on that blackscreen stream.

>> No.73017413


>> No.73017445

Look you're basically talking about a bunch of sub-1k streamers.....these people are insignificant. I'm sorry but if you have less than 1k viewers you are not relevant.
You might as well talk about Phase Connect since their averages are higher than this.

>> No.73017452
File: 27 KB, 601x338, 1704589573376663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karma bitch!

>> No.73017479
Quoted by: >>73017564


>> No.73017481
Quoted by: >>73023013

>phasecucks are beating nijienflops

>> No.73017511

Seems that phase is beating them on ccv. constant drama really pull them down to the gutter

>> No.73017550

You're not an Aloupeep.

>> No.73017564

Blacksanji who else yatch is sinking right now?

>> No.73017622
File: 873 KB, 1164x894, 1691958616626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73036940

i hope she graduates

>> No.73017623

Is there any aloupeep still watching her? I only watch phase so i dunno shit about niji and the constant drama their company is getting really killed their company image

>> No.73017731
Quoted by: >>73017780

I hope they stay in niji forever

>> No.73017780
Quoted by: >>73017985

I don't. I want them all to go down so the fanbase scatters into the wind.

>> No.73017802


>> No.73017936
File: 166 KB, 1080x1224, Kyobitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73024292

>3 finana before raid
>4 1/2 finana after raid
>gets spiritbomb just to pass 1k ccv

>> No.73017985
Quoted by: >>73018022

>scatter to the wind
>try to blend in to other corpo and shit them

Lol no i want them to stay where they are with their fanbase and rot miserably

>> No.73018022
Quoted by: >>73018167

They're only awful in numbers. Without their echo chamber they get hammered back into place.

>> No.73018068
File: 260 KB, 1440x2048, 1709628028854636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing supa where merch is where they excel in regards to profit.

Holobronies really are retarded huh?

>> No.73018104

>selling merch

>> No.73018107
Quoted by: >>73018308

Do you believe that’ll improve anything, anon?

>> No.73018132
Quoted by: >>73018308

since when did enna's merch sell?

>> No.73018167

Their fanbase is a toxic poison that will kill anything they attach to. I dont want to deal with them once their company implode. just have them there and rot with their chuba since they are mentally unstable and should not migrate to other fandoms

>> No.73018224

I'd still rather them scatter. They HAVE alternatives, and it sure as hell won't be holostars. They'll likely go back to kpop where they can't hurt the girls anymore. I don't want to deal with their grudges again, it's exhausting.

>> No.73018308


Fuck off, we dont have numbers regarding how much merch she can move. but again my point is that supa is not the only revenue they have.
No it will not improve as their company image is on the gutter, im jist pointing out that supa is not the only metrics they earn. get your brain fix holobronies and understand what i did point out

>> No.73018371
Quoted by: >>73018449

no, but we can see that of the merch that niji DOES have, selen and pomu was nearly always sold out (very quickly, even), while enna, elira, finana etc. was always in stock. how strange.

>> No.73018395
Quoted by: >>73018507

Take care not to overdose on copium nijisis

>> No.73018401
Quoted by: >>73019234

I will never understand this board's obsession with someone else's money

>> No.73018449
Quoted by: >>73018506

Did i imply on my post that enna is great at moving merch? How fucking retarded are you when i just point out that sc is not the only metrics for them to earn? Seems your iq are just the same as those pagpag eaters

>> No.73018506
Quoted by: >>73018591

no but you seem oddly defensive against the fact that enna's audience doesn't support her monetarily to the same degree that scarle's does.

>> No.73018507
Quoted by: >>73018672

Wheres the copuim? Another retarded anon not understanding the point of my post.

>> No.73018591
Quoted by: >>73018707

>pointing out comparing sc is being defensive

Kek i dont care about enna just pointing out the retardation of this post

>> No.73018672
Quoted by: >>73018765

Sorry sis you're going to need to pay me alot more money for me to read nijisis propaganda

>> No.73018707
Quoted by: >>73018957

>implying that the comparison is dumb
>uses another metric by which we reach the same conclusions
>calls people retarded for pointing that out

>> No.73018765
File: 170 KB, 470x462, 1712303160535375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73018955

>no proper rebut
>nijisis name calling


>> No.73018911

The original 2% comment was about merch. They don't get shit from it.

>> No.73018955
File: 79 KB, 828x731, 1711614299518157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73018957

>me points out sc comparison is dumb
>you post enna is not a merch mover
>lay down the point of my post
>you said im being defensive
>reiterate the point of my post again

I might be dumb but you are much dumber than me

>> No.73019016

>merch is where they excel in regards to profit.
Yeah, excelling at a factor of 1.5:1 if Covers report is anything to go by, not by a factor of fucking 8:1
Schizos who downplay SC forget that this point is relevant in clone-ish match-ups, when one person makes literally TEN TIMES the amount in SC, they're clearly the one making more money

>> No.73019194
Quoted by: >>73019463

Anon, I hope you are larping as a retard.

>> No.73019234

Sisters were the original "But look at the suprchats" cope when Vox numbers were going down.

>> No.73019300
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole company now getting mog by small corpo. oh how the mighty have fallen

>> No.73019359
File: 256 KB, 1024x575, 1707939177116848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73019570

Riku sama puris deploy the ndf. We need backup to damage control our company image!

>> No.73019463
Quoted by: >>73019615

>Still believes the two percent meme post contract leak

>> No.73019497

Don't lie to me. Everyone knows Holofags are the original numberfags

>> No.73019522

...Do you not remember the /vyt/ threads from 2019?

>> No.73019567
Quoted by: >>73021097

And hopefully EVERYONE in the vtuber space - indies and corpos alike - have learned that drama is bad and will try their hardest to avoid it.

>> No.73019570
Quoted by: >>73019637

GOMENASAI RIKU SAMA, we need all hands on deck to protect the JP side because of that Pokemon retard!

>> No.73019615
Quoted by: >>73019724

merch cuts weren't even part of the contract. What are you on?

>> No.73019637

Nah amamiya is already trying to put it under a rag

>> No.73019724
Quoted by: >>73019826

It was and it says that merch cuts are agreed upon between Niji and the members.

>> No.73019826

Yeah, choose between 1-3%

>> No.73019936

>merch is where they excel in regards to profit.
>nijisanjiEN with shit standardized merch
>awful cuts
Bet my Oshi got enough spare money to buy your dying organs and make them fight to the death in a pit you dumb negro lol

>> No.73019947

Why choose when management will force it to 2% only. Kek

>> No.73019965

you sad fucking retard

>> No.73020108
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, 1711805881934962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijinigger can't even use their liver organs images anymore. cuz their oshits just too much of a shitter

>> No.73020235
File: 21 KB, 112x112, 1707912038118146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holofags gathering to a nijisanji post

>> No.73020306

This is a holoboard.

>> No.73020313

As I thought, being proven wrong immediately leads to coping. Holofags basically just exposed themselves for making these threads so it's not a surprise

>> No.73020536
File: 1.22 MB, 800x598, 1659753196788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73020590

Welp that's it for Scarle then, can't have any niji female surpassing the queen bee especially now that she's gotten rid of her 2 biggest obstacles.

>> No.73020604
File: 3.18 MB, 600x771, 1699069508501475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown lady in da number bait thread!

>> No.73020632

You're comparing her to Scarle. Scarle pulls in mad cash.

>> No.73020675

They can renegotiate at any time. All they have to do is ask...

>> No.73020792
Quoted by: >>73020880

>>comparing supa where merch is where they excel
ah i remember when nijinig bragging about luxiem supa,wheres that going? KEK
now you nijinigger talk about merch? dont talk about merch when you are not close to gura

>> No.73020828

>defending niji
like clockwork

>> No.73020880

>dont talk about merch when you are not close to gura
lol Gura doesn't even stream, retard

>> No.73021032

>133k yen
Holy fuck, that's honestly really impressive

>> No.73021058


>> No.73021097
Quoted by: >>73021174

This was obvious like 2-3 years ago, I have no clue how vtubers just kept falling down the drama and shitposting on their private twitter account rabbit hole. It's really weird that we're talking about individuals with an average age of about 30~ but most of them act like seething 13 year olds. Right down to the ones who get mad at their parents for 'not understanding them' or whatever.

>> No.73021174

>people who pretend to be anime girls on the internet are emotionally stunted
Why are you surprised by this?

>> No.73021193

The new queen of NijiEN, I kneel
Elira clique BTFO

>> No.73021352

FWMC are always top 5 in the supa charts and their merch is the first one to sell out in group releases. Sure, it's true that superchat isn't everything they make, but what makes you think the ones making a shitload more superchat aren't also selling a shitload more merch? There is zero indication that more supa means less merch.

>> No.73021944
File: 292 KB, 1200x1747, FiqpohdaEAAZi1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disgusted by my oshi's image being used by such a retarded post, so here's a better one.
I hope Scarle is happy with her relative success in NijiEN, and if she wants to graduate for any reason, I hope she's not stuck in the queue for too long.
Scarle love!

>> No.73023013
Quoted by: >>73023071

Phase has been bigger than NijiEN for a while

>> No.73023071

There were unironically just 2 Niji EN girls who had any pull at all; Pomu and Selen.

>> No.73024029
Quoted by: >>73024439

When you look at it from a neutral perspective with no additional background information it's baffling the chink with nasally voice and horrible personality that also hates her own viewers still gets similar numbers to the smoking hot choco girl with a sexy personality.
I find it sad that she's basically wasted on that black company.

>> No.73024292
Quoted by: >>73032204

>3 finana before raid
You can clearly see in the graph she was only 2.5 finanas at most before the raid spiked her to 4.3 then dropped down to 3.1 pretty much instantly as people saw her mug.

>> No.73024439

>the chink with nasally voice and horrible personality that also hates her own viewers
But enough about Dokibird

>> No.73024652
Quoted by: >>73025210

Isn't their merch all the same low quality crap? Nijisanji I mean to be clear.

>> No.73025210

Yes for maximum profit

>> No.73025324
Quoted by: >>73025996

Surely you need to go to the otolaryngologist, but assuming you were right about the horrible personality bit, why is it that everybody loves working with her and has nothing but positive references about her? This even stemming from her time she was Selen

>> No.73025358

Too bad that clique will take Scarle's money and divide among themselves, and Scarle won't say shit because of her avoidant personality

>> No.73025996
Quoted by: >>73031912

Its been well established that things are far more complicated behind the scenes. Elira, Vox, and Ike all came forward and told their story, as well as Anycolor themselves. They made it pretty clear that Selen was hard to work with

>> No.73026051
File: 69 KB, 560x416, 1711980619124377.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares which irrelevant nijishitter is the least shitter.
Get off my face your disgusting niji organs, they are cheap, low quality, pump-for-profit shitters.
I pray for the day that corpo, their "talents" and their venomous fans face complete destruction and disappear from the public consciousness. They are a shitstain in the history of vtubing. The fact this disgusting corpo is the 2nd biggest makes me want to puke my intestines out.

>> No.73026164

>they are cheap, low quality, pump-for-profit shitters.
>I pray for the day that corpo, their "talents" and their venomous fans face complete destruction and disappear from the public consciousness. They are a shitstain in the history of vtubing.
but enough about hololive.

>> No.73026256

I'm glad Scarle has been growing steadily despite being stuck in a dumpster fire of a company. Is ViVi still trending up? A lot of people seemed to be on board supporting her despite all the yabs.

>> No.73026302
Quoted by: >>73026553

People enjoy Hololive. Niji feels like people passively praise it because 'muh number 2 success story'. When was the last good event a Niji chuuba held?

>> No.73026319


>> No.73026380
Quoted by: >>73026553

Nijisister and their delusion. ill be laughing hard once nijiEN gets folded to the main branch

>> No.73026455


>> No.73026460
File: 148 KB, 1024x1019, ennabestbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not too late for enna to revamp her content style, she obviously got the tools to be a virtual singer. plus she can always play more mainstream games in the future, sorry enna antis but my birb is still going to be here on the vtubing scene for atleast a good more couple of years, she is still a very important asset for niji en branch. plus you are comparing her to scarle who has rich paying customers that buy gifted members and send akasupas every stream, even reimu and aia earns more than enna. but enna is still more talented than them, her personality is the only real downside for some, but normies loves that considering how positive her comment section has been recently.

>> No.73026541

The bitch runs out of breath during Karaoke streams she prob smokes and drinks her lungs away.

>> No.73026549
File: 5 KB, 243x208, gotadickbutgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holobrony making thread about Niji vs Niji
Just watch some faggot

>> No.73026553
Quoted by: >>73026620

>pigs enjoy eating shit and continue to eat shit
example a. >>73026380 lmao

>> No.73026620

Enna fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch with her face

>> No.73026786

i'm not a nijinigger, if that's what you think. it's just funny how holotrannies just love making fun of the number 2 despite being the same exact slop as the number 1

>> No.73028138


>> No.73028401

>she obviously got the tools to be a virtual singer
She clearly doesn't give a shit about that though, I would love for her to do more karaoke but she only did 6 karaoke streams in the entirety of 2023

>> No.73031032


>> No.73031313


>> No.73031448

She made her bed, she can die in it.

>> No.73031560

Try again without using Google translate, you falseflagging insect.

>> No.73031659

You don't need elira and her black screen message to place one and one together. Even before this black screen message happened people speculated enna and elira to be part of the drama and when it comes to enna people have suspected her of being a cunt for a while now. It ain't no new news just suspicions being proved.

>> No.73031763
Quoted by: >>73032052

Scarle is the only bitch left in that black company I respect and I hope she gets out soon

>> No.73031912

In fairness, if I was being treated like shit and having my opportunities swiped by some conniving bitch and her e-boyfriends I would definitely be 'hard to work with'

>> No.73032052

She ain't getting out. She loves it there. And unironically this whole selen drama has benefited her. Since both her and her manager who could've skinwalked her account to retweet the black screen video were smart enough to stay the fuck away from the bullshit.

>> No.73032122

Ennaschizo and aloucucks are getting BTFO in 4 different threads lmao, they are getting raped just as their oshi

>> No.73032204

i love that that anons are unironically using the finana measurement system

>> No.73033030

Yeah it was totally all elira. This board definitely never had any other threads before about Enna with mountains of evidence of her being a vindictive, pedo bitch. People totally never hated her til the black stream.

>> No.73034854


>> No.73035129

so do you guys have jobs or

>> No.73035205

Most of their fanbase is paid shills or worse Ch*nese who can be chased away simply by saying 'Taiwan'

>> No.73035219

>2% merch
Lol. Use a liver image next time sis

>> No.73035490

I thought it was just Pippa, but on checking Tenma is mogging her as well. Holy crap.
How long until the lower tier Phase girls mog her?

>> No.73035680
Quoted by: >>73037976

I mean is she still the runt? Scarle's pretty much the only one with an unscathed reputation, so it's not unlikely she'll be amongst the top earners for them off that alone. Everyone else dying while Scarle stonks stay stronk

>> No.73035864

Merch is where vtuber companies make their money but how does that help the livers? I doubt even Hololive talents get that much of a cut from generic merch but it's well known that Nijisanji livers make almost nothing.

>> No.73036746
File: 155 KB, 384x240, timber[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9y6co0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73038777

>> No.73036899

Is this supposed to be an insult or something?

>> No.73036940

I hope she goes back to retail.

>> No.73037262
File: 247 KB, 1080x1120, Screenshot_20240406_012514_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her meet and greet still not sold out yet.
go help her sisters instead of shitposting

>> No.73037976

Scarle was always among the top in superchats and among the bottom in CCV because of her content. She doesn't collab very often and tends to do her own stuff, which is based in a lot of fanservice. Her having huge supas isn't notable at all.
The only surprise here is her getting 4view status and almost catching up to Enna in CCV, which tells you how much reputation matters now.

>> No.73038093

damn thats alot, i rather spend my money on enna's dakimakura. atleast i can hug her when im sleeping.

>> No.73038623


>> No.73038777
Quoted by: >>73038971

Who's that on the right?

>> No.73038926

Somewhere in Dubai is a young prince who wasn't like the other princes. He never drives his Lamborghini and only has a serval, not even a full grown Tiger. He sits in his room and watches Scarle everyday. Should we write a children's book?

>> No.73038971
File: 321 KB, 489x525, lidia - let it go[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fho3umt.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lidia nekozawa. the lovely gyaru catgirl news anchor, bringing you the newzy news in a bikini.

>> No.73039228

Why do Nijifags use Holo images so much anyway? Is it because they already spend most of their time avatarfagging as Hololive "fans" to create fanbase wars? I wonder how much time this poster has spent pretending to be a sapling in the catalog or in /hlgg/

>> No.73041229


>> No.73041721

>hates her viewers
>constantly bends over backwards for them by making projects, even lowering lofty stretch goals in the charity stream to encourage more participation and give back more rewards.
>constantly uses her own money and resources to work with the fanbase directly as well as to compensate them for their work via contests, commissions, projects, etc.
>was literally fired over a community project.
