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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72964413 No.72964413 [Reply] [Original]

Ex-Wactor and spanish-speaking indies general
Previous thread >>72903238

Pastebin pending. (I would appreciate if you could suggest the girls you wanna see in the pasta in this thread)

>> No.72965191
Quoted by: >>72965416


>> No.72965416
File: 435 KB, 1683x2048, 1620910560371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to let go, anon.

>> No.72966489 [DELETED] 


>> No.72966796

Real thread >>72966564

>> No.72966877

What did anon-san meant by this?

>> No.72967607

Fucking clowns, the lot of you. The general is dead and no amount of shitposting is going to bring it back. I often check the catalogue and see you pieces of shit bumping every 30 minutes just to prevent the thread from falling off the board. Same as the guys over at /yamu/ . Only Nishadows and Yamusagis remain and both girls are inactive, there's no reason to keep making threads.

>> No.72967846
Quoted by: >>72973495

Shura hates it when she’s associated with that cyber prostitute, stop.

>> No.72967958

Keep sheeting

>> No.72968685
Quoted by: >>72968934

There's lots of generals with the same characteristic, only big corpo ones don't need bumping.

>> No.72968743
Quoted by: >>72969203

the thing that killed it was the autistic shitters to the point that people got bored of all, actually only Yamufags remain, like 4 or 5 dudes, the rest are casual posters that almost don't post, this shithole is just the giga autist samefagging most of the time, and if you think that anyone will post about his oshi only to get anti'd on the spot by the retarded sperd and the other resident nigger you are very wrong

>> No.72968839
Quoted by: >>72968886


>> No.72968877

Faggot is trying to make a spic general by leeching the wactor name so tourists can find his thread, isn't it obvious?

>> No.72968886

wtf is that guy doing? lmao

>> No.72968934
Quoted by: >>72969264

I remember when /WACTOR/ didn't need to bump.

>> No.72969109

Anons won

>> No.72969203

The antis left out of boredom, you can talk about your oshi freely.

>> No.72969264

We were on life support several times, and not only in the beginning. I remember when the first misopita holocaust happened thread got like 2 posts per hour for months.
We recovered and we will recover.

>> No.72969339
Quoted by: >>72969408

my last post, see you on page 9, sperg.

>> No.72969408

Yet you keep coming back, day after day. Thread lives rent free in your head. Utterly mindbroken.

>> No.72969556
File: 111 KB, 716x1024, 1712107422139960m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Kotori Hikari.

>> No.72969698

>Meica never had a boyfriend

>> No.72969793
Quoted by: >>72969810

Isn't that the animeflv slut? lol miss me with that shit.

>> No.72969810

Better than your slut, she's pure.

>> No.72970014


>> No.72970089
Quoted by: >>72970152

a pure whore you mean

>> No.72970152

Fuck off Eructo

>> No.72970232
Quoted by: >>72970450

>He doesn’t know

>> No.72970450
Quoted by: >>72970552

>He keeps trying
She's a cute talented girl who is growing and thriving.

>> No.72970552

She got more money than Shura at her extensible too

>> No.72970719

Kudalive is the only worthwhile agency in spicland, I'm dead serious.

>> No.72971711
Quoted by: >>72972011

I don't think there is a single worthwhile agency in all the world besides Holojp

>> No.72971880

Buy an ad

>> No.72972011

Kudalive actually gets things for Kotori

>> No.72973495
Quoted by: >>72976741

Don't shit on her, would Shura be proud of you for calling Eru like that?

>> No.72973575


>> No.72974507

I miss Neon...

>> No.72975577


>> No.72975781


>> No.72976246

lets fucking go yamubros

>> No.72976572

i miss Himea

>> No.72976741

I’ll be honest, Shura needs to be meaner sometimes.

>> No.72977521

>Nomás me queda pagarle el trabajo y retirarla con mi papi;w;

>> No.72977916

I am her daddy btw

>> No.72978364

what are you trying to say?

>> No.72978476

>replying to himself

>> No.72978527

Kotori is Shura approved

>> No.72978607

More like Shura is Kotori approved

>> No.72979737

Kotori was in Shura’s birthday, apparently they know each other from before she was a vtuber

>> No.72980051

Shura's penis pero pero pero
Who is the other one next to her ? looks like neon

>> No.72980129
Quoted by: >>72981497

Kotori is an OG her Twitter account dates from 2020

>> No.72980551

I find it interesting how every chubas somehow knows or is associated with Shura

>> No.72980902

Both are/were or did voice acting

>> No.72981497

I meant when Shura wasn’t a vtuber

>> No.72982101

She’s a PR powerhouse

>> No.72982127
File: 211 KB, 1152x1728, 1712272173840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72982771

>Yukine's membership post
Just cummed buckets

>> No.72982771

I hadn’t seen Yukine in a long while until the ring fit collab with Shura and I must say I’m kind of sad at how much she’s spiraled into coomer bait

>> No.72983593
Quoted by: >>72983923

She only does it with Shura but it was funny Shura had better condition

>> No.72983923
Quoted by: >>72984042

Those pics are coombait still

>> No.72984042

They are pretty tame, just cosplay even Shura has her maid pics

>> No.72984718
Quoted by: >>72984975

Shura never did that stream because she was getting shit on a lot by that time

>> No.72984975
Quoted by: >>72985109

I never got who was anting her, she got shat on even before the Misora drama

>> No.72985109

She said it was some manager at Sedai, and later Chewy told her how they prohibited her from interacting with Shura calling her a slut and shit like that.

>> No.72985400
Quoted by: >>72986139

She knows what she's doing, she's lowkey provocative.

>> No.72985477 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>72986303

No before that, when Akira announced the Es girls some fag came and full doxxed her

>> No.72986139
File: 263 KB, 2048x1536, 1712275360141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukine wants to solve China's population crisis and I am going to help her

>> No.72986303

That's her old schizo, he/she also published screenshots from years old posts that were taken near the time of said posts publication.

>> No.72986495

You know very well who inside of Sedai has a track of being a bully and that is a Mexican too.

>> No.72986614
Quoted by: >>73003818

No, Shura specifically said Manager, also they talk often apparently

>> No.72987177


>> No.72987269

Ok which one of you did it

>> No.72988223
File: 1.62 MB, 850x1200, Reion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72988576

Reion is cute

>> No.72988576
Quoted by: >>72989207

Looks like walmart brand Karma

>> No.72989207

Apparently she straight up opened an onlyfans, also what happened to all the Owuzu drama?
Last I heard they were using bots to annoy

>> No.72989863 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>72990071

es triste pero ella se lo buscó

>> No.72990071

At least the previous newfags used google translate

>> No.72992574
File: 2.46 MB, 3840x2160, 1712280782884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72993300

What's wrong with her arm?

>> No.72993300
File: 187 KB, 1442x928, mieca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72995034


>> No.72995034

What's that a type of food?

>> No.72995164

>No veo ningún hombre vtuber

>> No.72995532
File: 1.02 MB, 873x873, unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72995662
Quoted by: >>72997375

What rrat?
Again fighting imaginary enemies?

>> No.72996559

>Hates SAO

>> No.72996868

theyre so fucking hott

>> No.72997238

The Rrat is only about Eru

>> No.72997375
Quoted by: >>72997975

A couple of threads ago, some idiot was saying Nisha and Meica were no longer friends and shit like that. Just a regular shitter rrat. I wonder why Nisha feels the need to have a pajama party, though. Maybe she's feeling really nervous about her upcoming debut and needs to distract herself by spending time with her friends.

>> No.72997975

Do you keep in your head every single shitpost? Why did you remember that?

>> No.72998052
Quoted by: >>72998165

>this Anon can't archive information in his subconscious

>> No.72998165
Quoted by: >>72998561

>Implying I don't have more important things to keep in my head
Admit it, you're mind broken by shitposters

>> No.72998345
File: 8 KB, 201x251, niccage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am cursed with remembering everything.

>> No.72998428

is she on arg?

>> No.72998474
File: 358 KB, 1000x437, wtfff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72998964

what the fuck is this shit?

>> No.72998550
Quoted by: >>72998642

im talking about nisha btw

>> No.72998561

No you don't

>> No.72998642
Quoted by: >>72998750

She's in my bed

>> No.72998649
Quoted by: >>73000706

They're in JP
HoloES announcement soon

>> No.72998750

fuck off argie scum

>> No.72998964

Still it was fun

>> No.72999692
File: 132 KB, 314x410, 20240404210105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73000099

So anon?

>> No.73000099
Quoted by: >>73003832


>> No.73000105

Brotekeks? Explain yourselves

>> No.73000385
File: 90 KB, 841x541, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I saw this it came to mind when Wactor destroyed the Honduran's account with over 30 strikes kek!!!!
It's also proof that Miu had nothing to do with the decline of the agency and that Akira "the delicious" was the culprit.
I hope Miu can have some rapprochement with the exWactors.

>> No.73000462

>It's also proof that Miu had nothing to do with the decline of the agency

>> No.73000668

I have proof that at least the takedown of Horos was Sopa's idea.

>> No.73000706
Quoted by: >>73002101

This level of cope is beyond anything I've seen on this website
It's time to accept it anon, Idol is on its way

>> No.73000791

I want Sagi to sing like in the old days as Himari.

>> No.73001159
Quoted by: >>73001409

>acc locked
she does not lose habits.this is 4th time done it.

>> No.73001278

Another one that's almost certain

>> No.73001409


>> No.73002101
Quoted by: >>73002877

Everybody gave up on them, only the paid shills talk about them

>> No.73002166
File: 536 KB, 857x591, meicaclip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73002764

>> No.73002326
Quoted by: >>73002351

I have no idea who this girl is

>> No.73002351
Quoted by: >>73002441

Shura's sister

>> No.73002441
Quoted by: >>73002699

No, I mean. Was she on Wactor or something? she surely had to stream at some point

>> No.73002659

So apparently Shura and Lunaria are close enough to casually call each other during stream, how did she conquer the spic scene so fast?

>> No.73002699

No, just some random indie never related to wactor that happens to have the same mama as Shura

>> No.73002764


>> No.73002877

I'm excited about idol, cadenitas and nisha on the same gen already seems like a good base for making something interesting

>> No.73002980
File: 62 KB, 800x442, nateyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73003023

Check DMs fag

>> No.73003638

You faggot were the one who said you wanted to fuck Lia and swore by showing this picture with her legs and her belly years ago?
You are Nateyo !!

>> No.73003818
File: 87 KB, 680x929, 3dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that manager also tried to groom several girls within and outside Sedai and failed, and is currently grooming an indie trying to pass himself as a good guy lol shura has the right to shit on him but is afraid of mentioning him because he will activate a discord army to harrass her (source: I was on that discord but got tired of him trying to rally everyone to pump a new groomed girl every few weeks)

I think she has already grown out of that phase and has become a good friend/ally to a lot of exw and adjacent - pic related though

>> No.73003832
File: 774 KB, 1268x673, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73005899


>> No.73003982
Quoted by: >>73004130

Do you know why he hated Shura so much? From our perspective it makes no sense.

>> No.73004130
File: 520 KB, 669x588, 1617418722407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that manager also tried to groom several girls within and outside Sedai and failed

I thought I was clear enough. Real talk, I think it was a failed poaching attempt + failed flirting

>> No.73004277

Yamusagis got all the blame for the hate Shura received as Shura when we didn't even watch her to even know when she talked about Yamu, I think we deserve an apology.

>> No.73004528

We always knew it was twitter/discord trannies.

>> No.73004567
Quoted by: >>73004856

stop talking on plural nigger, that you don't did that it not means that other fags not did it, in fact that you are on posting on this thread contradicts that statement..

>> No.73004856

>in fact that you are on posting on this thread contradicts that statement
I'm now a lurker who felt the need to speak up.
>stop talking on plural nigger, that you don't did that it not means that other fags not did it
I know other yamuanons who didn't like Sezia/Shura but it was always an agreement that we wouldn't harass her in any way.

>> No.73004922
Quoted by: >>73004979



kneel mortals

>> No.73004979
Quoted by: >>73005060

>Spic hours

>> No.73005055
Quoted by: >>73007485

He will harass anyone who turns him down. I feel sorry for Shura having to go through that.

>> No.73005060

You will go back to being a stepping stone and you will like it! Ha ha ha!

>> No.73005209
Quoted by: >>73005353

Purin Seishin or Ayaka Zaphyr

>> No.73005259

How do you get a fanart uploaded to rule34?
mine got deleted presuming "low quality" but it has more resolution and soul than some sketches on the main page >:(

>> No.73005276

They wanted to isolate her, in fact she said they were trying to create a group without her somehow
>Creí que éramos amigos

>> No.73005353

Purin by the mere fact that Ayaka became an NTR chuuba

>> No.73005684
Quoted by: >>73006343

Yuu should have applied to idolES

>> No.73005899

which one of you fags will snitch on her

>> No.73006303
Quoted by: >>73006379

>but is afraid of mentioning him because he will activate a discord army to harrass her
Why are women like this?
Why they always shut up when this kind of shit happens?
If they would talk they would see a lot of other girls who experienced the same think than them tell ther story too.
Specially with someone as big as Shura, she's untouchable now.

>> No.73006343


>> No.73006379

Literal ugly bastard anime plot having girls blackmailed.

>> No.73006407

Shura doesn’t mention him because she doesn’t want drama to taint her career, I’m sure if she started a funa all chuubas would be on her side.
Siding with Magnus is for insecure girls like Aivy, Gata and Eru.

>> No.73006547
Quoted by: >>73007035

Worst thing is by letting the groomer get away with it she's lowkey letting him continue his shit with other small vulnerable chuubas,

>> No.73006604

Magnus... was not that guy trying to act like he was a saint when Sedai collapsed? Now it all makes sense, fucking groomer

>> No.73006980
Quoted by: >>73007021

Really makes you think the state of this community when retards are talking more often about men than the girls streaming

>> No.73007021

ok magnus

>> No.73007035

She’s saying more than she should to keep a professional image already, other girls who probably went through the same like Lily have never said a thing

>> No.73007185

>Other girls who probably went through the same like Lily have never said a thing
And that's fucking retarded.
Again, why are women like this?

>> No.73007187

yeah having the drama addicted faggots on you screaming FUNA at everything you do would be an undesirable outcome, and it attracts the worst audience of the community

>> No.73007485
File: 175 KB, 1244x659, groomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73008756

This made me remember some old posts /here/

>> No.73008165
Quoted by: >>73008229

So that’s why stopped whining about wanting a manager and she started the discord calls

>> No.73008229

>>73008165 (me)
Meant eru sorry

>> No.73008756
Quoted by: >>73009118

That femanon sounds like Papas

>> No.73009118
Quoted by: >>73009151

What agency is """she"" talking about there? It could also be Lily. We know everyone is /here/ anyway.

>> No.73009151

The conversation was about Sedai, when Lily announced her graduation.

>> No.73009184
Quoted by: >>73009281

I see, then it's clearly not Lily.

>> No.73009281

Wait, it was when Enya debuted.

>> No.73010242
Quoted by: >>73012760

Does Shura upload her VODs anywhere?

>> No.73012109
Quoted by: >>73012183


>> No.73012183
File: 18 KB, 803x107, 015338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>73012316


>> No.73012316


>> No.73012405
Quoted by: >>73012527


>> No.73012527

>en cuatro
>como me pusieron aquella noche

>> No.73012646

When will she react to Jugosa05?

>> No.73012760


>> No.73015670
File: 249 KB, 1337x839, 1703197503153077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
