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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.72240115

her delicious flat chest

>> No.72240201

i don't watch her she's boring but when i'm hogging off to art of her i'm mostly focusing on her flat chest yeah

>> No.72240370

Slender body, great legs, kuudere

>> No.72240396
Quoted by: >>72294760


>> No.72240476
File: 54 KB, 220x206, boondocks-booty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72244003

That she's a prude the more she says no the more i want her and my penis hardens and at that point I just want to rape her by pinning her to the floor with my 6'3 240 lb frame and cum all over inside her pussy so I can deposit my worthless seed in her spermbank of a womb.

>> No.72240895
File: 105 KB, 315x313, 1688275516066595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her forehead shouldn't of been so kissable.

>> No.72240951
Quoted by: >>72241024

Nothing, Ina isn't erotic.

>> No.72240969

Her long, looong legs

>> No.72241024 [DELETED] 

You're a circumcised faggot the jews robbed you of your innocence at birth is why you can't find Ina erotic.

>> No.72241090
File: 768 KB, 900x900, 1710317424179409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72241173


>> No.72241173

>T. Jew
I knew it

>> No.72241304

Her "No 4th WAH" stand makes her hotter. Something about "Pick me" members is off-putting.
> make my 3d ass bigger
> others have more subs is because they blue
> others only clip me when I complain

>> No.72241388
Quoted by: >>72241648

Cute, flat chest, nerdy

>> No.72241427

her gigantic ass

>> No.72241563
File: 868 KB, 944x1158, inaup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72330156

her long long long legs

>> No.72241615

Don't care about her prudes. In my fantasies she's a full blown dick addicted whore.

>> No.72241648

Big dumpy.. that you can just bury your face in

>> No.72241711
Quoted by: >>72242183

Why do you hate Kiara so much?

>> No.72241845

her tight small mouth

>> No.72242183
Quoted by: >>72242867

She's a treasonous whore that deserves to be expelled from hololive after her fucking latest stunt of hanging with documented pieces of shits like enna reimu and millie. She's already poisoning the well, and will influence other talents to accept pieces of shit like those 3.

>> No.72242693

Honnestly the fact that she can't stand being a fucking sex symbol make is what make it hot.

>> No.72242789
File: 462 KB, 1031x980, 1707881967219641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her dumptruck ass

>> No.72242867
Quoted by: >>72243119

It's already over for EN. Myth and Promise have turned into lazy whores who complain all the time. Advent is new and full of potential but Nerrisa who is Kiara's pet has already collabed with Niji and Twitch whores multiple times. Now Nerissa is importing that culture in Advent.

>> No.72243032 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>72243165

My preference is big boobs and non-black hair.
Im an uncircumcised anti-semite who considers himself a National Socialist.
Marine is my oshi and i liked her in your oshis outfit a lot.

So, tentacles?

>> No.72243114
Quoted by: >>72244003

plain is hot
the gap of being sex symbol and also sounding awkward and unexperienced is also very ero and cute

>> No.72243119
Quoted by: >>72243485

Nerissa better keep her nijifriends away from diamond dogs. Even shiori who everyone predicted would do something like this was not as dumb and stupid as nerissa.

>> No.72243152

Her futa stuffs are top tier

>> No.72243165

Imagine Ina give you a blow job while she jerks your dick with the tentacles. Find it erotic now?

>> No.72243485
Quoted by: >>72243552

I have bad news for you Anon...

>> No.72243552
Quoted by: >>72244043

Pomu is ex niji plus fwmc and her been friends for years that's doesn't concern me. Is pieces of shits like enna millie and reimu that do.

>> No.72243595
File: 384 KB, 1745x2048, 1697158197250023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72243873

The combination of flat chest + armpits brings fire to my loins.

>> No.72243823


>> No.72243845

Her dorkiness and prudeness combined with her SEXO model = my dick doesn't stand a chance

>> No.72243873


>> No.72243889
File: 226 KB, 850x1337, sample_a0fb73230d642b0c9d785a50da5ca3e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72350097

Her fuckable feet

>> No.72243894

her phat dumptruck ass

>> No.72243982
File: 2.84 MB, 2079x3000, 1711140738621377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72350097

Her long sock in combo with her original outfit. The tight body is a plus too. Speaking as a chumbud too.

>> No.72244003
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72244043

>He still doesn't know

>> No.72245692

She is a prudish plain girl. So yes, I would like to breed her relentlessly until she learns to love my cock.

>> No.72246214

Her money

>> No.72246479

Would Ina do anal?

>> No.72247105

ninanal anal'nis

>> No.72247201

It's not so much what I find erotic about her, but that whatever it is she'd be disgusted by it. That's the most erotic part.

>> No.72247355
Quoted by: >>72247412

she'd be hesitant and awkward about it but you just manhandle her and she'll love it

>> No.72247412

Every woman has a hidden slut sleeping inside of them

>> No.72247635
File: 474 KB, 2150x3035, 1601411595521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personality wise, there's nothing that really says "Absolute fucking sex bomb" because she's a very calm, relaxed kind of person. She talks about silly, simple things and I don't think that's EXCLUSIVELY where the urge to fuck her brains out really comes from.

I think it mostly comes from the fact that her chill personality is combined with her fucking insanely sex design. Ina's design has legs on full view, her skirt is tiny as all hell to allow for easy access, her little stupid flaps on her chest could be easily removed if someone wanted to, and she has very pretty, long hair on top of it all. If you really like armpits, she has those in full view too. And you also have to realize that she's incredibly short (much like a lot of other Hololive girls), so the idea of manhandling her would be very easy. Her outfit is erotic, she's showing a lot of skin in it, and she's a very timid, cute dork.

It also lends itself to the imagination when you think about what would even make a person like her reveal her super horny side. If we're talking Myth alone, Ina's sex appeal vastly outweighs everyone else in her gen, both in design and the way she acts. Those two things work tandem with each other to make a girl that everyone on this board wants to face fuck.

>> No.72247695
File: 636 KB, 1718x678, vc5fe77upr891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72247752
File: 508 KB, 3000x3000, 1610914991918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is rape.

>> No.72247857


This pic sums up her appeal

>> No.72248015
Quoted by: >>72294092

That she is proud of her own tastes, an unashamed nerd, a prude (never liked coomer-tubers), and that she is a petite piece of drywall. Perfect.

>> No.72252987
Quoted by: >>72254834

the eyes

>> No.72254834
Quoted by: >>72258396

Lmao she ain't gonna fuck you bruh

>> No.72258391
Quoted by: >>72258562

I want to put her gooey hair things in my mouth

>> No.72258396

you don't know that

>> No.72258562
Quoted by: >>72258744

why are you gay
sucking a girl's hair tentacles is no different than sucking a cock

>> No.72258744

yeah, hers

>> No.72259305

Her big hard imagination

>> No.72262101


>> No.72264202
File: 267 KB, 787x787, 1684374234981094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That she's a loli who tricked a whole bunch of normalfags into thinking she's somehow not a loli while they lust over her petite, smooth, incredibly flat, baby-faced, lewdly dressed little body.

>> No.72264289


>> No.72265158
Quoted by: >>72265211

Does this look like a loli to you?

>> No.72265211
Quoted by: >>72265282

No it looks like retarded off-model unofficial AI slop. The pic I posted is official art from her papa.

>> No.72265282

It is a retarded off-model unofficial AI slop i didnt even change the prompt and its canon now

>> No.72267130

The perfectly flat chest. Holy fuck, it's beautiful. It's the most beautiful thing in the universe.

>> No.72267343
File: 548 KB, 866x1200, 99647806_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72268760

So flat, so slender

>> No.72268908

Her thighs.

>> No.72268947
Quoted by: >>72269777

We will never have Ina jerk us off with her tentacles while she sucks on our dicks.

>> No.72269777

why live?

>> No.72270384
File: 533 KB, 348x1077, stick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72270477
Quoted by: >>72309477

are takos secret lolicons?

>> No.72270815
Quoted by: >>72274564

Call me gay but the idea of Ina massaging my prostate with her tentacles while she gives me a blowjob is mind blowing ahhhhhh my dick.

>> No.72274564

she's the french girl from pulp fiction

>> No.72274869
Quoted by: >>72274996

Ina's sex appeal comes from her perceived obtainability due to being a girlfailure

>> No.72274996
Quoted by: >>72276356

rapist take

>> No.72276356

aka the best take

>> No.72276794

dead fish sex

>> No.72279663

The fleshfang.

>> No.72279838

Why do you assume she'd have a choice?

>> No.72279946
File: 543 KB, 1293x1427, 1710900029143155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An indescribable need to pin her and fuck her senseless, yet, simultaneously being aware that she does not like to be sexualized.

>> No.72280600
Quoted by: >>72280713

Anon: she secretly likes it.

>> No.72280713
File: 10 KB, 338x338, GGYIJVAW8AAnw1t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72280856

Fuck, that makes it even better

>> No.72280769

I refuse to believe she 100% hates it. There's just no way, she just doesn't want porn muddying up her normal tag on Twitter for obvious reasons. She's an artist with a lewd design, she knows people want to fuck her.

>> No.72280856

You must have forgot her behavior during her debut. She was a straight sex demon.
>"Yes mistress, please step on me."

>> No.72281307
File: 232 KB, 874x559, image_2024-03-25_214805626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time she says she has "priestess duties" I imagine it's euphemism now

>> No.72283425

>nerdy and low energy (compatible)
>cute voice that gives you comfy vibes

>> No.72284121

her apparent alluring ass irl that made Kronii get aggressively dyke over someone post it

>> No.72284269

>Her "No 4th WAH" stand
Ina just never liked having lewd artwork in her official tags. Her problem was just being dumb and basically telling takos to figure out their own lewd tag early on, which made them tone down most art instead of actually making one since Ina implied she'd choose a tag after investigating if the tag was used or not. Ina even specifically stated that takos could continue drawing lewds anyway, just underneath the dedicated tag for it.
Also she hasn't even changed her stance once since then, and even said she appreciates it
You shitters are some of the most retarded clipfags on this board since not only does your "prude" label rely on Ina hating lewd art, she didn't even say she hated it. You just got baited by some shitposter and went "yeah that sounds about right" without ever bothering to look into what was said.

>> No.72285088
File: 175 KB, 799x1203, __ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_orinte__056c7fffc359128519e5bcb2e6d97022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smooth voice
>architect feeder who enjoys watching you eat cookies
If you met her irl she would enjoy awkwardly trying to stuff cookies into your mouth.

>> No.72289217

Her personality

>> No.72290595


>> No.72291477

nothing, i dislike her

>> No.72291582

marine had sex with her tentacles and i'm jealous

>> No.72291889

Wait isn't that how kronii behave too?

>> No.72294092


>> No.72294434

her fertility

>> No.72294760
File: 1.95 MB, 1232x1360, 1709610459726160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72306065


>> No.72297301
Quoted by: >>72303063

I just wanna know if she browses her own lewd tags.
I wonder what her reaction would be when she sees art like this get tens of thousands of likes.

>> No.72297333

Her sweaty, hikki feet

>> No.72300028

>What do you find most erotic of Ina?
that she almost looks like a-chan - that most thrillingly erotic member in all of hololive.

>> No.72300307

this increase in ina sex threads has been alarming because these past 2 weeks I've slowly been getting aroused more by her and I don't really even watch her

something about her small lithe frame, the small-flat chest, and especially the hikki outfit with the oversized shirt
i don't know.... i need you guys to post more ina sex thank you, I have to start a collection

>> No.72303015

>page 10
It's over... Ina lost her sex appeal...

>> No.72303063

doubtful, if you remember her reaction to people talking about the back and butt of her 3d model

>> No.72303204

Her dopeness

>> No.72306065
Quoted by: >>72306236

Thanks anon, I had been looking for this

Cant for the life of me find the artist though

>> No.72306236

anon...the artist is a fucking machine

>> No.72306273

you understand she hates you, right?

>> No.72306404
Quoted by: >>72306429


>> No.72306429

happens to the best of us

>> No.72306441

damn you beat me to it!

>> No.72306481


>> No.72307147


>> No.72308921

I need more forehead bukkake art of my fivehead tako.

>> No.72309133
Quoted by: >>72310759

I want to be shrunken down and want her to use my body as a personal buttplug.

>> No.72309477


>> No.72310759
Quoted by: >>72316588

Ina spends most of her time sitting on her fat ass and drawing. Her butthole would be incredibly sweaty...

>> No.72311970

her smelly bush

>> No.72314177
File: 68 KB, 848x1200, 1708661077425988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely a prude. You must not have seen her meltdowns.

>> No.72315173

must rape

>> No.72316469


>> No.72316588
Quoted by: >>72318239

A nice source of hydration is just what the body needs

>> No.72318239

Pissing in her butt?

>> No.72321656

My God.. what would Ina think if she saw the perversion in this thread

>> No.72321909

She wouldn't have time to form a though before getting plapped.

>> No.72322691

She would write a very angry comment with one hand because her other hand would furiously flick her bean

>> No.72322769

>She talks about silly, simple things and I don't think that's EXCLUSIVELY where the urge to fuck her brains out really comes from
For me it's this and her voice
I want to see her and hear what she sounds like when in absolute ecstasy

>> No.72324621
File: 289 KB, 1920x1440, FgqZvnBaUAAjZES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72350097

>> No.72327284

the boob hair

>> No.72329416
Quoted by: >>72329776

her butt

>> No.72329776

It smells like kimchi

>> No.72330156

Ina's long legs mqde me understand why some people have giantess fetishes.

>> No.72332178
File: 431 KB, 1920x1440, __ninomae_ina_nis_and_takodachi_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tallgeese_lgeesel__ae024739c20a2edfeb08429ab0ae6b91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72333263

Long legs and cute small chest make me want to have lesbian sex with her

>> No.72335091
File: 633 KB, 1920x1440, FbRSJhvaQAA4rTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72335150
File: 2.66 MB, 1336x1456, __renge_bishoujo_mangekyou_drawn_by_zoneky__b6aaba665a1214d5fc89d348ba1cdc26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72369516

She's literally Renge from Bishoujo Mangekyou, except she's an otaku and there's no stupid japanese mumbo jumbo and eroge bullshit obscuring her natural personality which is incredibly soothing.
plus she's actually a real person and encounters the same problems everybody has

>> No.72338858


>> No.72338871

ina hot

>> No.72342121
File: 516 KB, 1920x1920, FZlC8yKaMAIxxSf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72345740
Quoted by: >>72346202


>> No.72346202
File: 675 KB, 1440x2160, FPhf__maIAAYv4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72349350

Her actually streaming

>> No.72350097

these guys get it, even if some of them don't know it yet

>> No.72351221

Ina is Asian, so no doubt her pussy is very hairy. Gross

>> No.72353474

Wait until this guy finds out all women have pussy hair

>> No.72353569
Quoted by: >>72353605

you say that as if ina's hairy pussy it isn't a big part of the appeal

>> No.72353605


>> No.72354439
File: 1.31 MB, 1717x3180, 98924970_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72355195
File: 330 KB, 1018x1428, 1707324645996196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina lewds thread?

>> No.72355459
File: 3.62 MB, 4031x2876, tako-hole-#inART-GJoPkTeWQAEuCS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72369970

>> No.72355676
File: 614 KB, 875x1140, 1684074048460649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72356137
File: 820 KB, 924x1253, inalove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72356693

stop posting cringe

>> No.72356904
File: 3.86 MB, 827x1169, 1711142341215235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72357552

I will pluck all of her pube with my teeth

>> No.72359374

that underwear is not covering much

>> No.72360809

These guys don't get it, she only doesn't want lewd on her normal art tag, she actually thought it was funny when 4th way was trending.

There was no meltdown. She got annoyed that chat kept going "Ina's back/4th wah" for every little thing. She just wants chat to respect time and place for lewdness.

>> No.72362012

I made this post

>> No.72362320


>> No.72365276
Quoted by: >>72376438

The fact that she can ghost her entire fanbase for 90 days and no one bats an eye, especially when she makes it seem like she's on Death's Door only to just say "lol I took a long nap for the first day then forgot my phone". If I don't put up with that from Gura, why would I put up with it from anyone else?

>> No.72369516
File: 39 KB, 353x917, Xal'atath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's literally a copy of a western character since she's for the western audience.

>> No.72369726

Took a bit to notice the booba squish

>> No.72369970
File: 249 KB, 1441x2047, Ina Rabbit Hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Ina Rabbit Hole(s)

>> No.72373177
File: 659 KB, 1309x1150, chibi-tfwtictactoe(kukie-nyan).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her tic-tac-toable forehead

>> No.72375336
File: 739 KB, 3004x4096, 1687178752812430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72375982
File: 582 KB, 3000x4000, 1418fe410c9eac211551902ca5757285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>72378864

>> No.72376438

Because people who know understand her other job was piling up and she had to do it before deadline.

>> No.72378864

built for bukkake

>> No.72379230

Were takos always this horni?

>> No.72383283


>> No.72384596
File: 649 KB, 2560x1440, FCO7N7tVIAk5goO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72384929


>> No.72385147

We usually rein it in, but when it comes out it's all at once.

>> No.72387026
File: 797 KB, 1440x1920, Frg1OuSXgAE-ooU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72388518
File: 1.49 MB, 973x1623, 1710984112126267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72388628

I love her thick and bushy pucci

>> No.72388689

