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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, HOLOX_WINS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71691148 No.71691148 [Reply] [Original]

Make sure to tune in NOW for THE FINAL DAY OF /vt/ League 6!
Thread for all discussion, shitposts and banter related to the /vt/ League.


>what is divegrass
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of threads/generals of /vt/. The players represent facets of each thread/generals culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI.

>when to watch
Days 7-9: March 15th-17th Starting at 1pm EST/10am PST/1700 UTC each day.

>where to watch

>LISTEN UP! The Official ∕vt∕ League Album

Today's Matches:
>/vtwbg/ vs /doog/
>/nasfaqg/ vs /corpo/
>/holoX/ vs /fvr/
>/pyon/ vs /hlgg/
>/vtwbg/ vs /corpo/
>/holoX/ vs /hlgg/
>/corpo/ vs /hlgg/
>/vtwbg/ vs /holoX/

Final boss happening NOW.

>> No.71691193

>no subject

>> No.71691238

>No subject

>> No.71691271

Rate the leagues

VTL1 > VTL3 > VTL5 > VTL6 > VTL4 > VTL2

>> No.71691283
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>> No.71691339
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>no subject

>> No.71691361


>> No.71691375

VTL6 > All the others
My memory is shit

>> No.71691397
File: 115 KB, 850x689, __takane_lui_mococo_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_pokosou__sample-9b8b4d246349fd87dc1bd84bbd916881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now Holox dominate the world and no one can oppose to their demands

>> No.71691442


>> No.71691465
File: 3.67 MB, 1920x1080, jumbojoshu[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F99id4i.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumbo Joshu my beloved.

>> No.71691548


>> No.71691693
File: 1.75 MB, 1917x924, tz3yio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Boss is a BIG FAT FUCK

>> No.71691794

I love stupid shit like this.

>> No.71691942
File: 427 KB, 600x434, 3f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just fucking Pomu

>> No.71692735
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>a new fat fuck may score against the final boss

>> No.71692838
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Now for some numbers for VTL6.What I’m trying to show is which teams either increased or decreased viewership on average.
>How many viewers did a team attract compared to the game before them?
>Did a team add viewers?
>Did a team hold viewers?
>Did a team make people change the channel and close stream?
The point of this is to see who moves the needle and who is a debuff. Who are the big markets really.
The results should come as no shock.

Also, for each day’s opening game, an average of all 9 Opening Games was used in order to gain a starting base line. So if at team did 312, they get credit for a +17 viewer increase because they went +17 above the Opening Game average.
threw the daily peaks and VTL Final trends. Things headed back in the right.

>> No.71692845
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>> No.71692884

will you have chat stats?

>> No.71692941
Quoted by: >>71693274

So the teams at the bottom have fans that also watch the other matches?

>> No.71693009

Based autism. No shockers at the big markets.

>> No.71693021

>don't actually challenge against the final boss like /mayo/
I am greatly disappointed.

>> No.71693071
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good to know there is people that sticks around and not just leaves and seethes

>> No.71693074

>only 1 hololive team in the top 10
>11 hololive teams aren't even in the Top 20 of viewership
cull the hololive bloat they aren't paying their fair share

>> No.71693079
Quoted by: >>71693302

Shouldn't /skynetFC/ be Special Interest instead of Multi-Group though

>> No.71693109
File: 85 KB, 750x750, 1695759017596409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please tell Beebs to never host this fucking shit during fes again? It killed us all.

>> No.71693162

A big part of the chat is hololive fans at all times. They stay around instead of coming and leaving (which is all this chart measures).

>> No.71693181
Quoted by: >>71693686

This only considers viewership changes, though, and not that people could just be fans of multiple fans that are naturally grouped together.
The holo teams, for example, all have overlap and there's enough of them that you'd probably just leave the TV on all day if you're a holofan.

>> No.71693239

Goofy going swimming.

>> No.71693274

This, isn't that a massive flaw in the methodology? Though I guess that's par for the course for numberfagging.

>> No.71693286

>he actually posted it
i kneel at the autism, numbermonkey

>> No.71693302

No, it is not affiliated with any corpo BUT it is grouped up of multiple generals. So I classify it as multi.

>> No.71693395

Wow. I actually thought pcg would be first.

>> No.71693543

b-but muh phase connect biggest market narrative...

>> No.71693646

Are there Garbage Fes VODs?

>> No.71693677

>Phase has 3 teams
>2 in the Top 10
>HoloLive has 16 teams
>1 in the Top 10
Holo board, but Phase league

>> No.71693686

can confirm, i just watch every match because 90% of them have a team i like or care about, but when we get some random shit like /fvr/ vs /corpo/ or whatever i can go cook or take a shit

>> No.71693709

In the bin.

>> No.71693764

Top 10 of tourists who dont watch any other matches

>> No.71693766

>Phase league
>never won anything (nor came close to)

>> No.71693853
Quoted by: >>71694051

Interesting. I do think holo would have better attendance and help the league if they didnt have as many teams. law of diminishing returns

>> No.71693877

Twain stop fucking jobbing every single time REEEEEE

>> No.71693950

>numbers 3rd

>> No.71693951

There are, they were posted in one of the previous VTL6 threads

>> No.71693962
File: 47 KB, 380x428, Who is this mysterious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71694542

Neal nuked me because I dared to play Bloom's cover of Holy Diver, so I have to pass the recordings of the VODs to the implying.fun guy to put up there.

>> No.71694051

Holo fans don't leave and come back because there's so many holo matches. Fans who watch from start to finish are invisible on that chart, it merely rewards leaving and coming back a lot.

>> No.71694432
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>> No.71694542

Oh, apparently I lied, and Neal hasn't killed me YET: https://youtube.com/live/N7u8q2nBwm4?feature=share
I'll still try to get them in the big archive with everything else.

>> No.71694675
Quoted by: >>71731331

Can we get the Chat Stats to show how many flairs were in chat?

>> No.71694760
File: 150 KB, 1200x900, caged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my observations
>/numbers/ and /pcg/ are the most consistent draws. increased viewership by at least 30 every game
>/hfz/ is the Triple H of teams. They wrestle the guy that draws the money. without /pcg/ and /lig/ to carry them, we didn't draw a dime.
>same for /nasfaqg/. the fact their match with /hfz/ neither gained or lost a single viewer says something. they can thank skynet for drawing the house in game 1.
>speaking of, /skynetFC/ deserves more respect as a big market.
>/jidf/ is an underrated big market.
>/lia/ is interesting. she either has a lot of support from phasekeks (that /pcgia/ doesn't get) or her cuckfans actually enjoy this. them doing 400 with small market /vtwbg/ says something
>/doog/ is the 2000s San Antonio Spurs of the league. ratings poison.

>> No.71694913
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Quoted by: >>71695650

>> No.71695189

Can we get the people who bitch about /hfz/ hypes back or something? They were better than THIS shit. I didn't know how good I had it

>> No.71695222


>> No.71695410

/nasfaqg/ is a hololive team...

>> No.71695414

it's useful info.
to me, it shows the league is getting healthier. it's an exciting league. with the exception of vshojo, all the top markets have not been uber competitive, so imagine what happens when they are?

>> No.71695476

The teams that get high viewership from your methodology like /numbers/ and /pcg/ are the most hated threads and viewers tune in to see them lose. Next time we rig it so they lose as late as possible to keep people around.

>> No.71695650

rude chinese man

>> No.71695724

Blame the commissioner, that wasn't on Beebs. WE ALSO TOLD HIM THAT FES IS ALWAYS AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME EVERY YEAR.

>> No.71695783

Can someone explain all the dead team logos?

>> No.71695831


>> No.71695901

next muh market shitposters needs to explain the pic to anon here >>71695783
do not engage otherwise

>> No.71695955
Quoted by: >>71696148

>2 in the Top 10
average phase delusion

>> No.71696088
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One last well done to /holox/! Looking forward to what you guys cook up for next league.

>> No.71696113
File: 519 KB, 1200x572, italia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insults aside, we just really like lia and divegrass you faggots are our kind of people

>> No.71696140
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Quoted by: >>71696230


>> No.71696148

It just shows that Phasefags don't care about the league as a whole and only show up to their teams. That, or it's like that other anon said, and people show up just to see those teams lose.

>> No.71696171



>> No.71696230
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Same, anon. See you around in a few months!

>> No.71696352

I am really happy for you guys. You delivered high quality kino this year.

>> No.71696452

>it just shows (insert big market team who mogs hololive) doesnt care about the league
what kind of cope is this
if they didn't care about the league, they wouldn't show up for games like the 21 teams who lost viewers when the played

>> No.71696593
File: 913 KB, 1339x1019, R. RATMAN OHHHHHH - I NEED TO SHIT [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk0jzk3.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hirys, hfz, manstars, 774, jidf, vsj, fig, ybc, 2434, pink - idungeddit

nasfaqg's is pretty straightforward, one of our older memes, and one of our players now as well

mayo - koyori is crying over spilt mayo
uuu - chopping a tree down (trees are "flora" not fauna but ogey)
hag - uoh-ifying botan
doog - do you really need dogs' aversion to soap explained?
ggg - orcas aren't sharks!
wvt - mt fuji? it's in Japan. Japan is not in the west
lig - isn't that one of the vshojo mgmt/ownership? friendly banter
corpo - akioair logo, kek
skynetFC - unplug the computer, avert judgement day
wah - ayame hates koreans
warkop - tsunamis fuck up SEA
lia from phase connect - "INSERT TIGHTLY CROPPED DEFAULT_LIA.PNG WITH WORD VOMIT HERE" is how I understood that one
who - sad moom
hlgg - idk I don't watch homos
rrat - great emu war
nijiEN - idk I don't watch homos
choc - man in burger king crown shouts nigger on an airplane. in Jamaica. on a plane filled with niggers.
vrt - it's a fucking PS5 do you need that explained?
mori - sizzurp/purple drank/stupid bitch juice
fvr - guy fieri (flavortown) with a busted nose
pcg - sad squib
# - murdered by korone
pyon - champyon comforting sad kiki
vtwbg - doves are symbols of peace...y'know...the opposite of war
nepolabo - dead polka
tactical - one of their chubas (whiskey) mortally wounded
pcgia - the joke is he didn't change it, kek, "you trusted?"
awat, baubau - you shouldn't need these explained

>> No.71696597
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>> No.71696718
Quoted by: >>71697007

lia you could have used matpat considering he eliminated us. you already used the faggot va groomer last league so the joke has been done.

>> No.71696960
File: 201 KB, 1256x1016, 1667176692058881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you tell me yourself, coward?

>> No.71697007

I did not make it, otherwise I wouldn't have said "Idungeddit" for a ~dozen of them...

>> No.71697022
File: 33 KB, 255x345, 1705590432303186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71697441

>> No.71697066


>> No.71697328


>> No.71697441


>> No.71697630

/774/ is Kojo Anna, a graduated tuber.
/jidf/ is an image of Rico's rules for her groomer paypigs. She was later fired for the company for breaking every rule.
/fig/ is Akira Toriyama
/vsj+/ is Mikoneko/Nazuna who barley did shit for the company then left
/2434/ looks like Mito getting a bloody nose

I'm not sure what the deal is with hirys, hfz, and manstars though.

>> No.71697675
File: 897 KB, 851x705, 1692621516069746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive Gen6 wins vtl6

>> No.71697754
Quoted by: >>71697899

/fig/ showed up in the turtle school gi kit and had ultimate battle as their anthem. Toriyama died like that weekend too I belive. Truly the spic thread of all time.

>> No.71697778

>hirys, hfz, manstars, 774, jidf, vsj, fig, ybc, 2434, pink - idungeddit

/HiRyS/- That's Redjuice, her designer of many feuds. They have a rocky relationship

/manstars/- it's just an edgy drawing of oga losing his shit

/774/ . most recently graduated chuuba of the company

/jidf/ - It's the infamous members only harem stream from the terminated chuuba that fucked her manager

/vsj+/ - Just Nazuna being menhera

/fig/ - Akira Toriyama, who passed away during the tournament and was a big influence in latino culture through dragonball

/ybc/- BauBau city, a dystopic brutalist urban planning project that has been the butt of jokes recently

/2434/- just Mito bleeding, which is a thing that happens on her streams apparently

/pink/ Don't ask what the Pink Sauce is made of

>> No.71697812
Quoted by: >>71698616

/ybc/ is baubau city. i've seen that drawing of the guy, but i can't pinpoint what it specifically is.

>> No.71697899

>/vsj+/ is Mikoneko/Nazuna who barley did shit for the company then left
wow, her design/fanart really look like generic catgirl #9723 in greyscale, I didn't recognize miguel at all...
>I did not recognize Toriyama
I'll go sudoku
knew of redjuice, had no idea what he looked like
thanks for filling in the gaps anons

>> No.71698039

In fairness, I had no idea what toriyama looked like until he died

>> No.71698177
File: 2.28 MB, 1158x1637, 72f7217607fc25ed8c237920b38fbb30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will be surprised at how pink cat is a very common design in reincarnated chuubas. being a pink cat is like the "living things eventually evolve to crab" equivalent in vtubing.

>> No.71698616
Quoted by: >>71699097

Thanks. I feel like there was a certain massive missed opportunity for one or two of these relating to various current events. On the other hand I love the topical updates like /#/ getting btfo by /doog/ or /advent/'s Biboo being unable to score.

>> No.71698670
File: 205 KB, 1440x2160, joshu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaving this here for everyone who wants to watch /mayo/'s and /holox/'s hypes again https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC8YdWLD0WwZrV63lcXXGPVhujBLNqpia

>> No.71698799

>4: HoloX 2nd
>5: mayo 1st
>6: HoloX 1st
boring and predictable, give us a better script next time

>> No.71698822

that sapling was getting too cocky

>> No.71699036
File: 609 KB, 1156x589, ina smol gura ain't sellin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSR Handegg Copyright ID that didn't get used

>> No.71699097
Quoted by: >>71699343

As far as I know, the guy who make these sometimes gives the caretakers or managers the chance to submit the alive/ded images, or just leave it up to him entirely.
So the rule of thumb is "if it's funny, it was likely chosen by wallpaper anon, if it isn't, it was a caretaker/manager"

>> No.71699343

It's almost entirely up to him, even if he does get a submission for a team. I forgot to send him a new chuba OHHHHHHHHH in time...but he picked appropriately anyways kek

>> No.71699398
Quoted by: >>71700999

nta I'll get em done soon

>> No.71700999


>> No.71702456

Like I posted in 4ccg
>Day 9 higher than Day 8
>VTL6 final higher than VTL5
>10 healthy markets
>plenty of exciting smaller markets

>> No.71702981

VTL3 > The rest

>> No.71704133

Does anyone else get a giddy rush of excitement whenever Beebs reads one of your chat messages? Is this what people who watch vtubers feel like?

>> No.71704204

Welcome to the Beebros!

>> No.71704444


>> No.71704508
File: 511 KB, 644x644, Where do you think we are? [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjn8xuh.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71704814

find a way to make bigger markets more competitive.
they don''t need to win leagues, just make knockouts and see what happens.

most of the big markets are managed. reward managed teams with an extra bronze or something.
right now for managed teams it is like gambling in vegas the house always wins.

>> No.71705107

>Big market bailout

>> No.71705425

i wondered when we would get big market bailout shills here

>> No.71705433

more like manager bailout. make all teams autopilot then, point is the final was once again TMA vs. TMA.

>> No.71705555

the autos aren't doing anything special
they're mostly tactics stolen from other league's teams. That's not hard to do.
The reason managed teams don't do as well is that some are clueless and don't even do as much as copying someone else's tactics, or they way overthink it and do same wacky crap they think is great but jobs. The managers that do neither of those do about as well as autos, as shown by the fact two managed teams got to semi-finals.

>> No.71705601
File: 65 KB, 300x300, leesabrick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/tsunX/ win /vt/ League 3
>/holoX/ win /vt/ League 6
Remember to add X to your general's name to be in with a chance of winning /vt/ League 9

>> No.71705626
File: 480 KB, 2000x2000, LISTEN UP! The Official ∕vt∕ League Album[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb8968z.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>LISTEN UP! The Official ∕vt∕ League Album
I am still seeding this BTW, but not sure for how much longer. Get it while you can.

>> No.71705631

I don't really think the league needs any major changes. I, the most important person involved in the league as someone who just shows up and spams emotes in chats or asks for chants to be slammed, think that things were good and if you fuck with it too much or take it seriously it will be less good.

>> No.71705807

not even half the league is managed and it is mostly autopilots. Rewarding managers would encourage others to step up and manage too. I personally don't see why anybody would manage in this league vs. being an autopilot. "The house always wins" line is very appropriate.

>> No.71705871

Somebody convince /VReX/ to get a team together

>> No.71707090
Quoted by: >>71707241

where are the chat stats

>> No.71707142
File: 757 KB, 960x1080, __yuzuki_choco_hololive_drawn_by_anbasa_amaneyuz13__ba6fcc2ff4bc5771a32f3421ca16f007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a gleam from the blue, it's time for the Gambling Carnage Review.
It's the final day! It's all over. How're you feeling about your team's placement?
We've got a lot of numbers to cover, so let's get down to it.

Winnings from today's matches totaled to $128,023,479,460. Total winnings for the entire league were $676,734,857,638.
30 unique gamblers participated today, of which 5 bet for the first time today. Ballsy, huh?
The match with the highest pot today was /vtwbg/ vs /holoX/, at $35,719,175,324. As expected of the finals.
The match with the highest number of gamblers today was /hlgg/ vs /pyon/, at 26 unique gamblers.
6 gamblers did not win a single bet the entire league.

Top 3 matches today (by betting odds):
>/holoX/ vs /fvr/ - 2.6:1
>/vtwbg/ vs /doog/ - 2.3:1
>/hlgg/ vs /pyon/ - 1.4:1

Top 3 matches today (by Profit Rate):
>/hlgg/ vs /pyon/ - 65.4%
>/vtwbg/ vs /corpo/ - 64.7%
>/holoX/ vs /hlgg/ - 63.2%

Top 5 Money Matches (all days):
>Day 9, Match 8 - /vtwbg/ vs /holoX/ :: $35,719,175,324
>Day 8, Match 3 - /hfz/ vs /nasfaqg/ :: $30,297,329,696
>Day 6, Match 8 - /nepolabo/ vs /nasfaqg/ :: $30,254,326,670
>Day 6, Match 5 - /awat/ vs /HiRyS/ :: $21,662,200,710
>Day 9, Match 2 - /nasfaqg/ vs /corpo/ :: $20,502,226,500

More to come, just gotta compile it.

>> No.71707241

trying something new and it's taking a bit to work out

>> No.71707259

>Top 5 Money Matches (all days):
>>Day 9, Match 8 - /vtwbg/ vs /holoX/ :: $35,719,175,324
>>Day 8, Match 3 - /hfz/ vs /nasfaqg/ :: $30,297,329,696
>>Day 6, Match 8 - /nepolabo/ vs /nasfaqg/ :: $30,254,326,670
that's what I like to see, biggest market at the bookies other than the grand final itself. numberkeks BTFO. bettingchads and the house sitting fat and happy

>> No.71708104

/morigX/ has the next cup already won!

>> No.71708638
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>> No.71709619

What teams do you hope to see in vtl7?

>> No.71709815
File: 2.32 MB, 1024x1536, 00027-521734652-best quality, ookami mio, adidas, houshou marine, yellow eyes, black hair, wolf ears, pirate hat, smug, skin fang, hoodie, art b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the teams with mio!

>> No.71709873

I want more of the small corpo threads to sign up

>> No.71709895
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>> No.71709910


>> No.71710155
Quoted by: >>71710567

I hope to see at least 8 from this league culled so new non redundant teams can join.

>> No.71710471
File: 97 KB, 480x480, 1699370155553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71710567
Quoted by: >>71710983

Interesting. I'm not disagreeing with you, but I would be interested in seeing your list. Which teams are redundant?

>> No.71710983

cut /advent/ and give shiori her own team for starters.
cut warkop
cut fig
cut pink
cut pcgia

>> No.71711472

>cut /advent/ and give shiori her own team for starters.
this 100% needs to happen
/baubau/ has 2 teams. on their own as /baubau/ and in advent as /baubau/. how this was allowed? no clue.

It is a quality control issue. Simple enough to fix.

>> No.71712245

Wouldn't getting rid of /advent/ just punish the non-/baubau/ threads that make up /advent/? It doesn't seem right to deny them just because /baubau/ is big enough to have its own team as well.

>> No.71712378

Isn't the same for teams like mayo? Anyway I don't see the problem.

>> No.71712412
Quoted by: >>71713271

What's your rationale? You can spare me whatever explanation you have for /warkop/ since I can see they're "at the bottom of the chart"
Did Shiori's spli...I mean GENERAL sign up? Express any interest? Advent signed up.
Me neither.

>> No.71712645
File: 393 KB, 2134x1200, 1668903919327820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing from >>71707142

Here's the teams, ranked by betting confidence. This rating reflects the amount of money wagered on a team over the whole league, averaged by how many matches that thread had.
>1 - /nasfaqg/ - $12,218,136,219
>2 - /morig/ - $7,245,199,140
>3 - /holoX/ - $5,583,424,533
>4 - /hfz/ - $5,381,579,344
>5 - /vtwbg/ - $5,134,052,807
>6 - /corpo/ - $4,801,067,360
>7 - /fvr/ - $4,776,506,758
>8 - /uuu/ - $4,713,067,476
>9 - /doog/ - $4,499,628,567
>10 - /pcg/ - $4,272,237,588
>11 - /warkop/ - $4,194,435,978
>12 - /vrt/ - $4,190,412,055
>13 - /jidf/ - $4,006,071,870
>14 - /lia/ - $3,800,117,824
>15 - /HiRyS/ - $3,643,740,507
>16 - /ybc/ - $3,598,653,271
>17 - /#/ - $3,522,480,186
>18 - /pyon/ - $3,477,837,740
>19 - /hlgg/ - $3,365,266,290
>20 - /skynetFC/ - $3,264,427,921
>21 - /nepolabo/ - $3,211,128,874
>22 - /GGG/ - $3,168,554,429
>23 - /rrat/ - $3,119,575,266
>24 - /choc/ - $3,022,071,315
>25 - /wah/ - $2,988,129,402
>26 - /774/ - $2,937,343,336
>27 - /manstars/ - $2,931,775,438
>28 - /awat/ - $2,909,495,102
>29 - /advent/ - $2,800,233,873
>30 - /baubau/ - $2,730,326,465
>31 - /tactical/ - $2,687,613,452
>32 - /pcgia/ - $2,006,453,040
>33 - /who/ - $1,547,893,688
>34 - /hag/ - $1,529,042,444
>35 - /lig/ - $1,435,208,603
>36 - /vsj+/ - $1,333,282,173
>37 - /nijiEN/ - $1,297,707,417
>38 - /fig/ - $1,292,508,941
>39 - /2434/ - $1,203,596,231
>40 - /wvt/ - $1,152,694,378
>41 - /mayo/ - $1,112,462,595
>42 - /pink/ - $1,048,188,914

Thanks for coming out! Keep an eye on /nasfaqg/; we run bets on a variety of board and holo events.

>> No.71712983 [DELETED] 
File: 426 KB, 1465x1438, 1698003618751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71720130

>>OP - /nasfaqg/ - $12,218,136,219
All me.

>> No.71713227
File: 426 KB, 1465x1438, 1688457166115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 - /nasfaqg/ - $12,218,136,219
All me.

>> No.71713271

>/advent/ - i think the remaining 3 could all pull off individual teams
>/pcgia/ - they kind of exist just to exist and were met with a lot of indifference during their debut. were not very fun or memorable, which says a lot consider it's phase connect you're supposed to either love or despise them.
>/pink/ or /choc/ - both are stragglers, BUT /choc/ has captured something it feels like. They click with the league. Nobody cares about /pink/ they are redundant. sorry, you're out few will miss them.
>/warkop/ - not a very interesting team and poor support. not fun to hype against.
>/fig/ - same vibe as /hfz/ but whatever. feel tacked on

>/shiori/ - take /advent/'s place
>/haha/ - easy
>/tsunX/ - should have never been culled to begin with
>/asp/ - should have been in VTL6
>/yah/ - i can hope

that's all right now. the other 2 /advent/ solos if they get poi sure why not.

I would cut either or between /mayo/ or /holoX/....but you know they both won consecutive leagues you kinda can't. might be able to cut /mayo/ the further away from VTL5 we get and if they have poor support like they did this cup.

>> No.71713408

>Wants to kick out teams with established communities like /warkop/ and /pcgia/
>Wants /yah/ in
Dads remain THE MOST cringe and retarded cringe retards on the fucking board, years after their oshi graduates.

>> No.71713498

/ag/, /mion/, /news/, /mogu/'s comeback and /oji/ so /hag/ can have its clasico

>> No.71713737

Fuck off.

>> No.71714065

replace /ASP/ (sorry, I don't like their all caps ASP) with /wawa/ and /yah/ with /news/ and I think it would be fine with it

>> No.71714432
File: 70 KB, 751x795, leaderboard v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The count is in!

Top 3 on Total Goals
1. Super Hyper Ultra Ultimate Deluxe Perfect Amazing Nenechi & Yubi Yubi (31)
2. Losing Mommy & YabIRyS (27)
3. Oozora "The Jaw" Subaru & R. Ratman (26)

Top 3 on Goals Per Match
1. Koyote Kissing Machine (16/10=1.6)
2. Belly Erotic (14/9=1.556)
3. Autistic Savant (6/4=1.5)

DISCLAIMER: I haven't checked every player, just anybody who scored more than five goals in a league. Will get around to filling out the spreadsheet when I feel like it.

>> No.71714534
Quoted by: >>71715078


>> No.71714999
File: 204 KB, 1190x460, worst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont let /holoX/ winning distract you from the fact that /pcg/ had the worst team goalkeeper performance of all time

>> No.71715006
Quoted by: >>71715078

I need more stats...

>> No.71715078

kek I'm trying to do some deeper analysis this time just be patient

>> No.71715233


>> No.71715275
Quoted by: >>71715321

I told them Tenma needed to go.

>> No.71715307

Rie will turn it around next league

>> No.71715321

Hime was in net for 2 of the 3 games, including the game where /pcg/ got bludgeoned 5-3

>> No.71715335
File: 205 KB, 1013x1751, 1698463221641199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71715385

>drop tenma as goalie
>worst performance in history

>> No.71715385
Quoted by: >>71715455

I wonder who was the keeper during the first game.

>> No.71715411

>/advent/ - i think the remaining 3 could all pull off individual teams
I don't...
>/pcgia/ - they kind of exist just to exist and were met with a lot of indifference during their debut. were not very fun or memorable, which says a lot consider it's phase connect you're supposed to either love or despise them.
But muh phase is the biggest market! They are not
>/pink/ or /choc/ - both are stragglers, BUT /choc/ has captured something it feels like. They click with the league. Nobody cares about /pink/ they are redundant. sorry, you're out few will miss them.
/pink/ gives me another team to hate on because Mori is on it :D
>/warkop/ - not a very interesting team and poor support. not fun to hype against.
Why would you kill the SEA containment team?
>/shiori/ - take /advent/'s place
/shiori/ didn't sign up. /advent/ did.
>/haha/ - easy
A broken clock is still right twice a day, this is the only new team I'd be hyped to see.
>/tsunX/ - should have never been culled to begin with
...isn't tsunderia dead?
>/asp/ - should have been in VTL6
They would've been...mane-san...
>/yah/ - i can hope
She's gone anon, get over it. and I say that as a non-Dad that came out for every single one of her games - the only time I ever bothered watching two streams at once for footy sorry /choc/whos
>cut /mayo/
the absolute state...
>/mogu/'s comeback
mogu mogu!

>> No.71715455

Nobody, going by the stats

>> No.71715613

Mogu definitely. They are a pretty fun team and I was surprised they got culled this year.

>> No.71715667
Quoted by: >>71716048

>isn't tsunderia dead?
It is. The spirit and the the curse it bears still haunts the world to this day

>> No.71715671
Quoted by: >>71717223

because they don't have their own general.

>> No.71715849
Quoted by: >>71716048

>...isn't tsunderia dead?
Yes, but the thread is still active since so many of them just kept going as indies or reincarnated

>> No.71715934

>had to wait 6 months just to watch /mayo+/ win another league

don't think i'm going to bother watching /pink/ win the vtl7

>> No.71715984
File: 367 KB, 1200x1200, NeverBetter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71716048

>...isn't tsunderia dead?

>> No.71716048
Quoted by: >>71716596

ah. they were fun to watch too, would be nice to see a champ return

>> No.71716596
Quoted by: >>71719883

They got a new caretaker so they should be back next league

>> No.71717047

if shit like lia from phase connect can have a team, then every advent girl should have their own team

>> No.71717223

they didnt sign up because the caretaker was busy with real life and no one stepped in

>> No.71717633

>then every advent girl should have their own team
Then start working. Each person can caretake two teams. Go and make them real if they have their own thread.

>> No.71717846

Is there a rentry or something like that on how to make a team?

>> No.71717893

check the wiki and join the dick sword if you're serious but the league won't be back for another 6 months

>> No.71717953
Quoted by: >>71718499

it's not about should. you have to want it. i don't know much about them, but I do know /lia/ wants it. I see them in chat all the time spamming and they show out.

>> No.71718001

if the thread wants it then you have to make it. Simple as

>> No.71718055

I am not a phasefag but Lia earned it with their performance and the support they show.

>> No.71718090
Quoted by: >>71718840

check this page https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vt/_League_7
you can join and start working on a team, /tactical/ did after last league and were well ahead of any other new team in terms of aesthetics and knowing how to be a caretaker, doesn't hurt to start early unless your team fails poi when league time rolls around, that'd probably hurt a lot

>> No.71718093
File: 2.46 MB, 1652x880, Screenshot 2024-03-18 013158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also don't let /holoX/ winning distract you from the fact that during GarbageFES, hime became the only keeper in extended VTL history (both official and unofficial matches) to get carded while serving as a GK.
She also gave up the fucking penalty kick that resulted from that foul.
The WORST keeper in the league by MILES.

>> No.71718244
File: 468 KB, 4096x3466, 1700241510344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Tenma, very cool.

>> No.71718499

i love teams like /lia/ and /pyon/ because these 2 fanbases carry the weight of being smaller chuuba fanbases (compared to the other solo girl teams that are all holos), and it's like it makes them louder and more passionate. Almost as if they feed off of it. When it is their game the chat always feels like it is 80-20 their fans.

>> No.71718515
Quoted by: >>71719958

>She also gave up the fucking penalty kick that resulted from that foul
and she gave it up to the other team's keeper. Not a striker or anyone with shooting cards, a fucking keeper.

>> No.71718840
Quoted by: >>71723163

POI needing to be done so quickly that teams got dropped due is a shame.

>> No.71719326
Quoted by: >>71719406

we arent getting the chat data are we

>> No.71719406
File: 632 KB, 500x500, shutup[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc1vex8.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actively working on it

>> No.71719423

I want more newcomers
/haha/ /meat/freaks/ /uoh/ /ag/ /aus/ /shon/

>> No.71719883

I will throw tomatoes if they change their anthem to something that is less catchy than their old one, but I will spam :duane: and cheer if it is better

>> No.71719958

woman tears nice

>> No.71720130
File: 505 KB, 655x580, luciashotgunthatdeletedpostanonfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71720189


>> No.71720189

ahhhhhhhhh nostalgic

>> No.71720561


>> No.71722270
Quoted by: >>71722852

I died waiting for chat stats

>> No.71722734

>/advent/ - i think the remaining 3 could all pull off individual teams
Just what we need, more bland as fuck single girl holo teams that just run auto tactics and have 70% players as a slightly different variation of one player model! I’m sure that will really get everyone hype

>> No.71722852

just finished with some stuff, here's a zip of some CSVs
and the text report
still working on a big screenshot of tables like I've done before but uhh, a lot more data this time so idk how I'll do it

>> No.71723163

in /chama/'s case, their manager submitted too late, and since then he graduated from managing the team unless someone steps in.

>> No.71723200

>>71722852 (Me)
oh yeah I guess I should explain, the thing that took me so long was that I took feedback from the previous time I did this and added consideration for how people change flairs when a team gets eliminated, so I had to factor in when a team gets eliminated relative to the chat timestamps so I just used the >fun timestamps linked below each video as reference, the "flairs while playing" are stats for messages sent with a specific flair while its team was playing (for the league draw all teams were playing, for the ro16 draw all KO teams were playing), the "main flairs before elimination" section is where I compute everyone's main flairs (flair they've sent the most messages with) up to the point whenever a team gets eliminated and if their main flair was that team it gets added to the data, each team's data is relevant to when that team specifically got eliminated (I determined this to the best of my ability based on what's listed on the wiki and things got complicated when considering the third place teams so it might not be completely accurate)

>> No.71723888
File: 639 KB, 1500x1217, __sakamata_chloe_la_darknesss_hakui_koyori_kazama_iroha_takane_lui_and_1_more_hololive_drawn_by_kimura_shuuichi__15247638545c82fd1092abd4c3f287be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you all enjoyed /vt/ League 6 everyone; we worked hard to improve on last league! And congratulations to the amazing /holoX/ on their star! See you all in 6 months!

>> No.71726199


>> No.71727183
File: 21 KB, 667x100, hagOnFvrVsHoloX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fvr/ vs /holoX/
>minute 10
He didn't know what was about to happen

>> No.71727200
Quoted by: >>71727469

We're called Beeblings. On that topic,

>> No.71727341

Who gets in is based purely on the sign-up process. Anyone deciding who "deserves" to get in would set a dangerous precedent.
The threads that are diligent and show good interest should get in, that's it.

>> No.71727434

This tournament is about threads, not chuubas. The thread and its representative have to do the work, no matter what the thread is about.

>> No.71727469

>not Beeblephiles so it sounds like Bibliophiles
missed opportunity.

>> No.71727609

I loved it! There was more hyp, very tense groups and garbage fes for the two thirds of teams that got eliminated early. The League is really on the rise quality-wise.

>> No.71727631
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x720, fvr-pokofail[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsqlc9t.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no friction mode

>> No.71727673
File: 162 KB, 768x1152, Mixie If Only You Knew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really didn't know what was about happen. What a shit way to go out

>> No.71728768
File: 470 KB, 1280x720, 1710651534282069.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much to everyone involved! It was good to see /nepolabo/ again even though we crashed out, their matches were fun to watch, and I stuck around to watch the rest. That Nene seems to have become the league's goalscoring totem is also kinda funny. Hope to see you for more shithousery in League VII.

>> No.71728946

last two matches were exactly the same but there i really thought it was over

>> No.71730444

it was good o7

>> No.71730557

where can i enter my parlay?

>> No.71731331

Ok so I was gonna make a big fuckhuge image at first but then I decided to make this instead, it's interactable and you can sort the data however you want by clicking the headers, have fun https://codepen.io/MF-Good/full/KKYNjPw

>> No.71731757

/lig/ being so high is surprising

>> No.71731860

/lig/ was founded on divegrass

>> No.71732019

that's pretty cool, props to /lig/

>> No.71732314


>> No.71732428

>pcgia with that many flairs, but so few messages sent
did they literally just make accounts, post 2 messages, and never again? it's not even like their games did great attendance.

>> No.71732504

could be, guest accounts are pretty easy to make, but also it might be that some threads are more prone to talk about the games in their thread than the chat

>> No.71732545
Quoted by: >>71733025

>more prone to talk about the games in their thread than the chat
pcg and lia were far more active in both chat and their threads than pcgia during gamedays

>> No.71732913

>>71731331 (Me)
after looking at the numbers, some things seem off with them, like how could /vtwbg/ have 4.7k messages pre-elimination but then have 71k post-elimination? idk, I might take a look at it later to see what's going on, but for now maybe take the new metrics with a grain of salt

>> No.71733025
Quoted by: >>71733882

/pcgia/‘s thread was actually considerably more active during matches than the Lia thread.

>> No.71733031

Are there any teams that made it past groups in every league?

>> No.71733125
File: 312 KB, 952x1560, Screen Shot 2024-03-18 at 8.27.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phase fans dont stick around and care about the cup they only watch their own game they don't actually love the sport
Top 8 in messages post elimination

>> No.71733412
Quoted by: >>71733882

>8th. 3,032 lia
>21st.1,160 pcg
>39th. 512 pcgia
phasekek this isn't the slam you think it is.

>> No.71733414


>> No.71733637

>62k messages
All me. I haven't change my badge since /hag/ debuted

>> No.71733690
File: 6 KB, 538x91, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71736774

>> No.71733882

I would sure hope so at least. Lia is a thread for 1 girl. pcgia is a thread for 10.

in terms of individual fanbases in Phase, divegrass has always meant the most to Lia Likers. They love it.

>> No.71734606
Quoted by: >>71735926

Question for Non VTL staff.
After VTL6 are you interested in caretaking or managing a team?

>> No.71734673

phase teams by flairs.
#1. 103 - /pcg/
#5. 39 - /pcgia/
#14. 25 - /lia/

phase teams by message sent
#2. 125,000 - /pcg/
#9. 79,000 - /lia/
#28. 21,100 - /pcgia/

phase teams by message per user
#9. 3,160 - /lia/
#26. 1,190 - /pcg/
#39. 540 - /pcgia/

Yeah nah they're not escaping the "phase doesnt stick around" allegations. /pcgia/ is abysmal. Top 5 in flairs, but terrible engagement.

>> No.71734804

as opposed to big bad hololive?

>> No.71734990
File: 511 KB, 1154x1152, FtRyDmOaUAEc6qJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71735073

They obviously have a lot of people interested in divegrass but since none of their teams ever make it out of groups and probably never will I feel like they’ll continue to never stick around.

>> No.71735523
Quoted by: >>71743963

tbf it looks like /pcgia/ doesn't even stick around for their own games, so why would you expect them to stick around for others?

>> No.71735814
Quoted by: >>71736045

The VTL would be better non-Holo teams were banned

>> No.71735926

I'm interested but it looks like work for someone that isn't very tech savvy

>> No.71736045

Set up your own Holo league then

>> No.71736081

It isn't that much work really, it looks intimidating at first but you don't even need to know PES. and you can always ask

>> No.71736774

im not trusting any of this data.
there are clearly errors because some of the data is impossible. Maybe you can trust the "Flairs" and "Main Flairs" boxes, but the other tables are out of line.

also in the pre elimination box, only 37 teams are accounted for. Are you telling me 5 teams literally had no fans in chat?

>> No.71736850

>>71736774 (me)
then it dawns on me /holoX/ was never eliminated, so that explains 1.

>> No.71736910
File: 143 KB, 288x380, the numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71738670

>It's a "numberfags start arguing over the most inane shit like chat statistics after the league ends" episode

>> No.71736993
Quoted by: >>71749350

>>71736774 (me) (again)
the 5 teams with no data
>/holoX/ (never eliminated)

>> No.71738341


>> No.71738659
File: 715 KB, 1134x638, 1687000011320772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 users
>almost 80 000 messages (more than /lia/, /hag/ and /uuu/)
>one of the most active threads in the chat
We may be eternal losers in divegrass, and in disappointing fashion that is, but the passion is here. I belieb that our dreams will come true one day.

>> No.71738670
File: 2.51 MB, 460x337, 1709347464471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like looking at the numbers of times each emote was used.

>> No.71738859

we live post the game itt so even though people are watching, they might not be using chat as much

>> No.71739390

>phase bots their gen2 streams
>phase bots their gen2 team too
jesus. 39 flairs but only 21k messages seems legit bro

>> No.71739775
Quoted by: >>71749350


>> No.71740832

Everyone involved in the league is really knowledgeable and willing to help. It can be tough doing a new team, but a lot of it depends on what resources are out there already versus what will need to be made custom. Just look at all the teams that have been involved and remember that at one point they all started with someone just like (You) thinking that it looks hard, but wanting to take part anyway. That's how every team starts.

>> No.71741451
File: 562 KB, 2763x2036, vtlnoombers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are the messages sent and emotes used so inflated as opposed to last league? i think you fucked up somehow

>> No.71741580
Quoted by: >>71749350

yeah something is seriously off with the chat stats from this league, the guy clearly fucked up somewhere

>> No.71741732

I'd much rather livepost in the thread or respond to threads than talk in the actual cytube chat. Doesn't mean I won't at least flair up.

>> No.71741898

Respond to friends*, that is. cytube really is just there for emote spamming for the most part, and I can see /pcg/ and /pcgia/ being quite different in that regard.

>> No.71741962

Why though? Don’t you like seeing people with your team flair spamming the chat when your team scores? Being active in the chat enhances the whole experience tenfold.

>> No.71742034

their chat stats + >>71692838 show how they didn't really grow any viewership during the cup shows /pcgia/ are just a tertiary team which is fine but I think people just expected "slap phase connect on a team and the people will come out"

>> No.71742134

I fully understand why others do it, but I've never been that much of a fan and I know a few others who feel the same way. I wouldn't be surprised if you were to see the same kind of difference in the main cup between, say, /sp/ and other teams.

>> No.71742248
Quoted by: >>71744425

you still get the experience doing it itt, the main difference is the wider choice of images rather than just the emotes in the cytube. /pcgia/ also has a large collection of jelly fans and the lack of emote with her gave them less reason to spam
/pcg/ and /pcgia/ are at best indiffent to each other and at worse actively hostile, parts of /pcg/ was actively hoping for their downfall in the league

>> No.71742287
Quoted by: >>71759725

in vtl, Phase Connect is the reverse holo effect IE people will always look as /pcg/ as the primary team.
where as global is looked at as a secondary team for the 15 other holo teams.

Phase is already reaching law of diminishing returns the more teams they have the more filler there will be because /pcg/ won't show up to support them.

>> No.71742345

/wvt/ is a reference to the mori lyric about going up to her level.

>> No.71742424

Don't worry about viewership, worry about what you can contribute. 10 contributors are worth more than 100 viewers.

>> No.71742609
File: 104 KB, 850x978, 1686468974879215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71742667
Quoted by: >>71742756

I just like watching divegrass I don’t know why anybody cares about numbershit.
The only numbers that matter are how many saves the keepers get because goddamn do I get hype seeing crazy saves compared to a boring scoring fest.

>> No.71742707

Numberfags really can't help themselves when it comes to Phase, no matter what, no matter where

>> No.71742756

"muh large markets" is the gist of it. You're bound to see it in the cup too. Quite a few people, especially those who are fans of real divegrass, get very tribal about this shit for basically no reason.

>> No.71742901
File: 4 KB, 540x95, thecullzone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These teams could be culled and no one would care

>> No.71742971

i enjoyed working on hype and assets for my team even though i could only catch 1/3 of the games

>> No.71743963

they were watching, just not posting in the cytube >>71052885 I'm not linking every message so you're just going to have to scroll down from that point

>> No.71744425

>/pcgia/ also has a large collection of jelly fans and the lack of emote with her gave them less reason to spam
Entirely on you guys BTW, the emotes for Airi weren't even sent in by anyone from your thread, the faggot managing emotes just really likes her.

>> No.71744738

I don't even understand /pcgia/'s team if I'm honest. They all already exist on /pcg/. the team's identity is "we're /pcg/, but minus the personality and soul of /pcg/"

god sakes /tsunX/ had more messages per user sent than /pcgia/ and they are a dead team. They didn't really do well in viewership either. They had the benefit of having /numbers/ in their group and facing them + following them.

>> No.71745914

What's the point in divegrass when it's just an inconsistent video game? Real football has a longer history, better atmosphere, and a larger viewership. All the divegrass teams are just stolen models of vtubers, nothing real soulful or creative

>> No.71746298
File: 20 KB, 323x372, 1710225209822553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fully honest lads, I don't think that there is a worse way to end the league's final thread than with numberfagging and shitposts. Just fockin' talk about great goals and moments from the league, doesn't matter if your team was shite, it's over anyway.

>> No.71746377

Phase Connect now has more talents than roster spots. In VTL7 some talents will not have representation on /pcg/s team and it’s easy to see Gen 2 and Invaders losing some of those team spots due to Gen 3s popularity and Gen 2 being the middle child of the company.
It will be nice to have /pcgia/ be a team that still showcases the girls that don’t get as much discussion in /pcg/ and may not even make the team.

I really don’t understand your problem with /pcgia/ to be completely honest.
If you visit the thread they are clearly enthusiastic and excited about having a team. They fill their thread with liveposts during matches, they made hyp despite being a brand new team that signed up last second, and they regularly discuss what can be done to improve the team for future leagues, all of which is much more than a good amount of threads can claim.
If you wanna be a numbernigger their viewership numbers are middle of the pack and their lower chat activity despite having the 5th highest amount of flaired individuals can be attributed to them liveposting during matches considerably more than other threads.
I guess I’m just confused why so many people in this thread are obsessed with Phase team’s numbers and trying to discredit this new Phase team’s existence in the first place.
Also it’s fucking memeball. It’s a shitposty community event for fun. Numbers are quite possibly the last thing that should matter.

>> No.71746450

HFZ participated in every league and made it out of the groups in all of them except the 4th.

>> No.71746607

I don’t think I’ll ever forget the ass block

>> No.71746782

Right. Post about your favorite moments. We had a league of hypes. We had cool goals. Badass aes. Fun moments with kapows, ass blocks, fat fucks fucking up, murderball, goal festivals...
Tell me what you liked!

>> No.71747072
Quoted by: >>71747860

That overhead kick in /advent/'s last game was really fucking good, and it made it even funnier that they completely bottled it in the end. Also got to mention Nene's pure masterclass against /rrat/, one of the best ones I've seen in a long time.

>> No.71747860
Quoted by: >>71747943

Highlights of that match are up now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERQI-Vynu0A

>> No.71747943

Sankyu! Already excited for the next league.

>> No.71749350

Yeah ok I found the problem, basically I was collecting all the individual chat logs for each vod into one txt file and it would check if that txt file already existed it and if it did it would skip that step, but I mistyped the filename so instead it was appending the chatlogs over and over again every time I ran the script kek. Well, that's what I get for coding while sleep deprived. Anyway, should be fixed now.
In regards to this, yeah I just missed marking when they got eliminated, should've probably gotten a nap and looked it over again before I pushed it. All teams are now accounted for in pre-elimination stats (except holoX), but in post-elimination stats nijiEN is missing because they never chatted again after being eliminated

TLDR I'M RETARDED, FIXED STATS HERE (same link): https://codepen.io/MF-Good/full/KKYNjPw

>> No.71749464

The golden ASS of Reboot, what a moment in such a clutch match

>> No.71749526

The Golden Ass
Beebs spilling coffee on his controller and trying to pull off the rigging of the century
/uuu/ doing /uuu/ things and scoring a last second goal to win 1-0 over /lia/
Garbage Fes + /pcg/'s keeper being historically bad and being the only keeper to ever get carded

>> No.71749709
Quoted by: >>71750125

>>71749350 (Me)
Also new text report (new link because I didn't save the edit code): https://rentry.org/os9q27i7

>> No.71749962
File: 131 KB, 295x295, 1248324323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beebs spilling coffee on his controller and trying to pull off the rigging of the century
That shit was hilarious, I had never "Beebs..."ed so hard before in my life

>> No.71750125
Quoted by: >>71750259

you seem to have deleted /holoX/ from pre elemination

>> No.71750193

Might be biased because I'm a spic but I loved /fig/'s hypes and just their overall run despite being eliminated in the first round, imo they had one of the best matches in the league against /nepolabo/
Speaking of great matches, /HiRyS/ vs /vrt/, /uuu/ vs /morig/ and /corpo/ vs /vtwbg/ were my favorites of this league alongside /fig/ vs /nepolabo/

>> No.71750226
File: 262 KB, 910x1562, stayed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71750805

"phase connect doesn't support the cup only show up why they are in it" anti's don't look

>> No.71750259

they're in pre-elimination since the logic there guarantees it (notice the presence of 4cc flairs), but they won't be in main flairs pre-elimination since that's only calculated at the time of elimination

>> No.71750557
Quoted by: >>71750690

>being the only keeper to ever get carded
Shows how little you watch.

>> No.71750602

Would it be possible to get stats of pre/post elimination and playing/not playing averages based on the number of applicable games?

>> No.71750690
Quoted by: >>71750774

Which other keeper got carded?

>> No.71750740

not a bad idea, I'll give it a go

>> No.71750774

nta but there have been a few gk yellow cards iirc

>> No.71750805
Quoted by: >>71751402

I believe Phase Connect is owed an apology by people accusing them of ditching the cup.
>67 Phase icons total stayed and they have 3 teams.
>72 Holo icons total stayed and they have like 15 team.

>> No.71750867
Quoted by: >>71750909

I changed my name every league day so I don't know what you think this demonstrates.

>> No.71750909

fuck it's over...the whole data set has been invalidated

>> No.71750922

skynetfc vs fig won the crowd between scuff and kino
>kino entrance
>skynetfc keeper throwing the ball at catboxhate giving fig a free goal

>> No.71750930

I liked the nepolabo fig game and the holox vshojo revenge game.

>> No.71751145

/doog/ is my favorite part of every league

>> No.71751313
File: 1.92 MB, 316x316, dirty hands.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked when Lia from Phase Connect gave /choc/ the worst brown beating since Rodney King

>> No.71751402

>67 Phase icons total stayed and they have 3 teams
Pretty sure a lot of them consider /fvr/ a Phase team too (at least when it's convenient for them)

>> No.71751736
File: 1.07 MB, 1355x765, 1700882454061164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71751955

friendly reminder that all negative numberfagging is done by tourists from 4cc.

>> No.71751866
File: 218 KB, 716x346, Luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71757316

BIG FAT DIVIDENDS absolutely bonkers goal vs nepolabo. clownhime completely shit the bed and it was hilarious

>> No.71751955

this board has its own filthy population of numberniggers, they’re not all tourists

>> No.71752716
File: 1.39 MB, 1485x825, 1690678011912095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most memorable moment of them all.

>> No.71753023

/vtwbg/ vs /doog/ was probably the best match all league, absolute adrenaline till the end

>> No.71753319
File: 3 KB, 242x38, 654654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is how you come back after faking your own death

>> No.71754044
File: 50 KB, 812x265, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the most violent league so far?
I feel like every game had at least one yellow card but surprisingly no red cards.
There were also several injuries and suspension.

>> No.71754122

It was the most violent final weekend for sure.

>> No.71754193

That /doog/ game was pretty brutal. So far I don't remember another match with so much murderball

>> No.71754211

definitely the most violent final weekend, but it might've had something to do with those particular teams' exports. /myteam/ hasn't been carded since vtl2

>> No.71754345
File: 2.90 MB, 720x480, hate crime.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli gang affiliated

>> No.71754520

>the personality and soul of /pcg/
Jesus, if that's what people want these days then there's no point in even arguing.

>> No.71754591


>> No.71754640

damn she hates brown people

>> No.71755560
Quoted by: >>71755667

/pcgia/ should go all-in on their reputation as a thread filled with homosexuals and make being the gayest team in the league the core of their identity

>> No.71755667

they aren’t even the gayest team in Phase Connect

>> No.71755929
Quoted by: >>71757377

Man, I'd love to see more clips of past vt leagues of things like this

>> No.71757316

Brilliant play

>> No.71757352

what's the reason for downgrading to PES 16?

>> No.71757377

>archives are up
be the change you want to see in this world anon

>> No.71757537
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, RIGGED[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fumha0l.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71757579

this amount of refball hasn't been topped yet

>> No.71758167

Okay but seriously, what did the ref mean by this?

>> No.71758179

Mixup in the gameplay. Keep teams on their toes and avoid getting ingrained in one playstyle.

>> No.71758273

to make life worse for managers and to incentivize the use of auto tactics

>> No.71758853
File: 3.77 MB, 1280x720, manstars-holox-2-0[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fli59z6.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71759709


>> No.71759010

I've never wanted anything more than for that ball to roll in

>> No.71759709

That heel pass after all she's been through. Truly the strongest being!

>> No.71759725
Quoted by: >>71760589

This post is missing context. The existence of /pcgia/ itself as a general is tainted because it was born as a split forced by a Pippa anti. It's /pchex/ 2.0. Because of it /pcg/ wants nothing to do with /pcgia/, and that includes even people who oshi gen 2s and invaders.

>> No.71760123

>page 10
See you next time!

>> No.71760229
File: 3.56 MB, 1497x2081, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this
/fig/ will return

>> No.71760250
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Closing time~

>> No.71760489
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, braces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beebs just in case Lia from Phase Connect gets killed between now and VTL7, I wanted to tell you, you have the biggest dick I've ever seen on a man.

>> No.71760545
File: 78 KB, 638x638, 1682041843345684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a good league.
Remember, war never changes.

>> No.71760589
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>> No.71760657
File: 45 KB, 396x491, 1646431439158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71760746

We'll be back to finish the story

>> No.71760746
File: 804 KB, 1018x422, 1679811159181362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah!

>> No.71760836
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>> No.71760858
File: 627 KB, 958x733, 1706097393414060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp I made an update but the only real accurate things for the matches are the number of them and the average users per match, the rest are kinda fudged (marked with an asterisk) and I'll have to do it properly next time, just click "per match" to toggle the per match stats. Also uhh, I guess we're signing off. Seeya next league. Maybe I'll finally have that thing the commissioner wants me to do ready.

>> No.71760908
File: 2.58 MB, 1500x450, HoloXChibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to thank everyone that stopped by to congratulate us in the bread, those who couldn't and those that were too shy to do it! Let's see each other again on the field and may the best team win in VTL7! GLORY TO /holoX/!
