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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 427 KB, 1510x2048, 290_GASu_cZXEAANiGX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71733376 No.71733376 [Reply] [Original]

For the 290th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

▼ Next stream: TBA
▼ Recent appearances
03/16 Advent -The Road to EXPO 2024- collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QoPUb7BA0Y&t=5719s
03/16 karaoke offcollab with FWMC on FWMC's channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnATI1YAoTU
03/16 Advent "Capture the Moment" watchalong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w740m36qz2o
03/15 Advent "Capture the Moment" watchalong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y69ee5hIW48
03/13 Kiara's Pick up line call-in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyDk7WdXj7U&t=290s
03/13 "Can You Do the hololive?" song segment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNW7yHDYldY&t=140s
03/13 Twitter space with Kiara: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1djGXNZmmlBxZ
03/12 Twitter voice with Kiara: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1767452224651985249
03/12 Twitter voice with FWMC: https://twitter.com/fuwamoco_en/status/1767521725766664632
▼ Last stream (zatsudan in Japan, 03/12)

Jewelbird cover of VIVINOS - OTOMEROID
Cover of Nakashima Mika - Yuki no Hana
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Unarchived pre-Valentine's karaoke (Feb 2024)
Songs & Karaokes rentry
Cover playlist

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01
Previous thread: >>71686001
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.

>> No.71733384
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template

>> No.71733401
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Rissa butt

>> No.71733445

I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world

>> No.71733469

See ya in the Twilight watchalong.

>> No.71733547 [DELETED] 

No schedule… when does it get better?

>> No.71734033
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a distant memory...

>> No.71734055
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Quoted by: >>71756255

nerissa's panty staining balls draining butthole paining braps!!
her gusty gurgly gutteral splutters of slutty sloppy spurting shitstink!!
her farting cheeks parting with each and every brap, only to clap with a wet slap, the sweat flicking from her cheeks, a pungent moist spray that truly reeks

>> No.71734105
File: 36 KB, 500x326, 852429684_aa9fe1ddee_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71735694

>The cats can't piss in a room they can't get into.

>> No.71734250
File: 329 KB, 1414x940, Nerissa Plapencroft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with Nerissa Ravencroft after leaving Japan (I was in Japan for a whole week so I only had enough data to ritual post in a different thread)

>> No.71734296
Quoted by: >>71734548

Welcome back boss, glad you're back

>> No.71734370
Quoted by: >>71734548

DId you go to fes?

>> No.71734548

Wish I could stay in Japan forever but a lot of places won't rent a room to a Korean

>> No.71734964


>> No.71734983

for me

>> No.71735126

that's hot

>> No.71735419

I don't believe you. I need proof, with visible nipples.

>> No.71735686

This is a nipple free zone.

>> No.71735694

Don't make them put you back in the diaper Little Man.

Roaming charges are killer, so that was the smart decision.

>> No.71736616
File: 209 KB, 1638x2048, @Hoshiiii_art-1769726068724727967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71736891

This is a free the nipple zone.

>> No.71737004


>> No.71737091

Nerissa is so out of shape that recording all this 3D stuff is taking twice as long. That's my rrat.

>> No.71737142
Quoted by: >>71737263

I don't think she's doing recording, just fitting?

>> No.71737162
File: 74 KB, 344x287, 1708666547915428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71737181

fat rissa...

>> No.71737181

You don't need to be fat to be out of shape.

>> No.71737263
Quoted by: >>71737402

There's no way she isn't recording.

>> No.71737357

That's Kiara fucking her btw

>> No.71737402

Yeah, our sex tape

>> No.71737434

I know but I want to see fat rissa

>> No.71737616
Quoted by: >>71737694

You already know that there are architects amongst Jailbirds. That she is Midwestern and has a rather high fat, cholesterol, high sugar diet is a matter of course.

>> No.71737694

If we're to believe her, she only eats a meal a day, around 1kcal. And we've heard more or less how that meal is, so I don't think she's fat.

>> No.71738096

Irys about Nerissa

>> No.71738305

Born to watch my oshi, forced to be a clipfag

>> No.71738325
Quoted by: >>71739015

Nerissa is a sexpest IRL also, huh

>> No.71739015

If you mean if she tries to swerve on any cute girl in range that approaches her, then yes. The key point is, if THEY approach.

>> No.71739605

Lol plausible but not probable. She's probably just busy meeting with other Holos and doing a bit of work and wasting lots of time, like we all do

>> No.71739621
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>> No.71739818
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I hope none of you here are cringe enough to have this twitter handle

>> No.71739879
File: 280 KB, 1076x1626, @yomicos0909-1769695233501970814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posts art here sometimes

>> No.71739908
Quoted by: >>71740170

She deserves to see it. She skipped the collab and didn't say shit for so long everyone assumed she flew home.

>> No.71740037

I respect he was brave enough to say it. It's not easy to bring up these kinds of things knowing she could take it as a malicious comment.

>> No.71740069
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 1706558985840618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71740129
Quoted by: >>71740263

Message it's even that bad, grow some thick skin

>> No.71740170

And on top of that we didn't even hear from her she was still in Japan, we had to hear it from Kiara.

>> No.71740263

not that* sorry

>> No.71740290

but also
Like clockwork, kek

>> No.71740434
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>> No.71740496
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>> No.71740502
File: 154 KB, 717x703, wow, accurate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of black magic is this, which knows how I feel.

>> No.71740517
File: 329 KB, 1079x1003, 1695662926742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I win

>> No.71741159
Quoted by: >>71741254

That is fair to say, but the truth is likely a mix of "don't need to say something as boring as "I met IRyS, I met 'x'" as it happens and wanted something silly like "I'll compile all this, in a way it sounds interesting later on" and then forgets. Its not like she doesn't like to talk, its remembering what she wants to talk about. We see that even when she is tangenting, she's mentally getting lost in a thought all the time, bouncing to a thought she thinks is fun to talk about then forgetting the point she made about the other things.

>> No.71741254

Yeah I thought about that as well. She might think "Oh I'll just tell it all next stream" but little does she know she'll forget 90% of it and spend the stream yawning and saying I'm eepy to fill airtime instead

>> No.71741641
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>> No.71741659
Quoted by: >>71743547

...I guess this is the most posivite outlook we can have. In truth, she's saving up all these little stories to make a zatsu and not run out of topics. It still doesn't explain her absence and radio silence in the watchalong, but I think we'll never get a good reason for that one.

>> No.71741675
Quoted by: >>71742946

She actually needs a recorder for notes. Because its obvious she hates reading things off, but audio learning works better.

>> No.71742929
Quoted by: >>71743774

people say more cringe thing on here

>> No.71742946

A recorder isn't enough she needs a full-time scribe (Me).

>> No.71743051
File: 105 KB, 541x541, Captura de pantalla 2024-03-18 132534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71743235

me waiting for nerissa updates

>> No.71743235

I'm good. I've pretty much heard from everyone else about them meeting her and she's never going to tell us why she skipped the collab so there's nothing else to learn.

>> No.71743268

Trick question. None of them have the mole therefore none of them are Nerissa.

>> No.71743547
Quoted by: >>71743966

Well at the very least, it's safe to say its personality quirks rather than malicious intent. She is just an anxious weird girl with ten million traumas running simultaneously in one body after all.

>> No.71743774

Mostly just talking about the name.

>> No.71743966
Quoted by: >>71744189

I wouldn't say that it's safe to assume, I'm saying that's what you get if you interpret her actions in a positive light. We still lack info to say if she's just scatter-brained, self-centered, or just a malicious person.

>> No.71744189
Quoted by: >>71744309

It can't be malicious, there's no harm in not talking and sharing much. I'm convinced she's both scatter-brained and self-centered when it comes to us.

>> No.71744309
Quoted by: >>71746433

I was talking about her in her entirety instead of this specific case. I don't actually think she's malicious, but you never know.

>> No.71744522

Renge anon or whoever, do you have the mega of the last Twilight movie? Let's get this over with.

>> No.71744574

What if the watchalong gets rescheduled?

>> No.71744675

With what Biboo and Shiori said I'm embracing for the worst this week. Although it won't be Rissa's fault about this week specifically, it will be on her for fucking everything up the past 2 weeks

>> No.71744721

idgaf I'll just keep the movie ready on my drive whenever Rissa watches it

>> No.71744873
Quoted by: >>71745045

I can't believe my joke post about this being a 2 week trip may actually come true...

>> No.71744880
File: 78 KB, 850x1741, 1709747600943286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71745096


>> No.71744971
File: 674 KB, 1186x1726, @Sayanestia-1760004708436193735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rissa's armpits
Can't believe I forgot

>> No.71745045

This is all on you, you jinxed us.

>> No.71745096

god i want to lick rissas sweat

>> No.71745406

Nerissa schedule, Advent schedule, how about I'm posting none of them

>> No.71745638
File: 693 KB, 2048x1536, GIyNBZGbYAAcRfA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71761589

>> No.71745702
File: 472 KB, 1542x2048, GIxdv7Ca0AAhzJY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71761589

>> No.71745736

I take a break from /ope/ and you guys are still doomposting? All I want is to hear that she met Marine and they had fun together

>> No.71745768


>> No.71745788

Gotta watch all of Marine's streams if you want to find out

>> No.71746200
File: 69 KB, 813x781, CA4F9840-D324-41B0-B4DD-DF29858618C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71746433

Intentionally malicious seems like a ridiculous rrat to me. I think she does love us, but we’re also a source of stress for her. She has streamed for a long time, but the stakes of that streaming have always been very low. If you did something to upset and lose 200 viewers, how big of a deal is that really? Now there is a lot of pressure and expectations that she hasn’t had before and she’s not coping well with it

>> No.71746763
Quoted by: >>71747099

The thing is, hiding away from something you did or didn't just damages her reputation. If she knew she wasn't gonna make it to the last watchalong, don't say you will be there. If it was something that came uplast minute, you have to know people are gonna be disappointed after you said you love hololive. If it was work, people will understand. But if she goes radio silent and hoping no one percieves her, then she has to accept that people think the worst, cause normally people only hide facts if they know they did bad.

>> No.71747033

I think this is probably correct and I think she's maybe having some imposter syndrome issues going on too. She got to see all these amazing talent in the same company as her last week and may be wondering if she belongs.

>> No.71747099
Quoted by: >>71748072

I agree. She clearly lacks any intuition for Public Relations and keeps blundering in that regard.

>> No.71748072
Quoted by: >>71748381

Well, its not like she changed all of a sudden, look at what she said, she says she is the type that needs a week in advance of notice or she wants to hole up in the house. I never expected she had some project spreadsheets running or something like that. And Cover with her colleagues always running by the seat of their pants has to be alarming as hell for her brain.

>> No.71748381

The watchalong wasn't something that came out of nowhere, she doesn't have that excuse in this case. And even if she did, she's not a 12 years old kid, she's a grown adult who decided to join the big leagues on her own accord.

>> No.71748659

I want to become her manager not even for grooming reasons (won't say no to that tho) but solely to unfuck her career and turn her into a proper Holo.

>> No.71748835

Someone had to tell her "you should xost more" last month and she took that as "do an AMA for an hour at night."

>> No.71748864

And to bring back Lilium and finally release her orisong, right?

>> No.71748971

Ha I’ve had the same exact thought. I was going to post a short form essay arguing why o should be her husband and all jailbirds should support that because it would be in the best interests of jailbirdom as a whole.

>> No.71748991
Quoted by: >>71749098

I want to give Nerissa a hug because I think she really needs it right now...

>> No.71749098

If she's still in Japan, she's sleeping and when she wake up, she has all her friends to give it to her. I bet the dogs or Kiara will gladly give her one.

>> No.71749482
File: 1.96 MB, 1204x692, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess Nerissa will still be able to collab with the latina

>> No.71749537
Quoted by: >>71749743

Why won’t Nerissa collab with me in bed? I’m a Latina too.

>> No.71749715

Anything to keep her happy at this point.

>> No.71749743
Quoted by: >>71749785

get in line

>> No.71749785


>> No.71750015
Quoted by: >>71750149

The shitposting next time would be gargantuan compared to first one though

>> No.71750149

Meh the past collabs weren't particularly remarkable even before all the Niji drama. When was the last time they had a one on one, October? There was one with Zen too but the TTS is unwatchable.

>> No.71750227
Quoted by: >>71751474

What exactly is a "proper" Holo? The most I see is an audience that adapts to the quirks of their streamer, and streamers to the audience. That said, I don't think management shows her the resources she could use and her mind probably doesn't know what resources she actually needs. This is supposed to be a tech company turned entertainment agency, but they've allowed talents to languish on their own for a good deal of things including tech setup. Maybe mental care to handle her own issues.

We can say blahblah she should be an adult, but having proper resources is how you make successful talents. Which is what management should be doing, but let's be frank some of them seem like just buddies to the talent rather than management.

>> No.71750412
Quoted by: >>71750508

If she knows what's good for her (she doesn't) she won't. It's not like they had stellar collab anyways

>> No.71750502

I need EN4 to debut ASAP so Advent collab with them instead

>> No.71750508

Just accept that Nerissa has some shitty friends and she doesn't seem to care how it makes her look.

>> No.71750698
Quoted by: >>71751352

I need EN4 so I can oshi the fembird that will hopefully get accepted from her

>> No.71750720

Even her friends seem more interested in vtubing than herself at this point.

>> No.71750724

Next yer? It's all rumor and speculation at this point isn't it

>> No.71750788

at least reimu is not the worst of them all, I can live with that

>> No.71751188
Quoted by: >>71751338

I wouldn't say they make her look bad or anything. Her collab with the whale chick was even better than the last Advent collab.
And anyways, she doesn't need to anyone to make her look back, she seems to have that covered already.

>> No.71751320
Quoted by: >>71752444

while you needy retards keep yapping here Rissa is enjoying mori's orgy

>> No.71751338
Quoted by: >>71751425

I hate to break it to you but the last Advent collab sucked because of Rissa. Biboo and Shiori were having fun and vibing while Rissa was running off doing her own thing like usual and even forgot to share her screen in her killer round.

>> No.71751352

EN4 won’t happen. We are almost a year since EN3 and I haven’t really been able to change my situation. Shit sucks right now.

>> No.71751425

It was on Shiori's killer round, but fair anyways.

>> No.71751474
Quoted by: >>71751636

>What exactly is a "proper" Holo?
I feel like any EN example I'll give will be taken as shitposting so I'll just say Marine is the goal.

>> No.71751636

So a whore?

>> No.71751862

Yeah, mine

>> No.71751976

Yes, whore (good) instead of whore (bad)

>> No.71752444

Shitposting aside, that story seems to have said that whatever undisclosed space they were going to got screwed over anyway. At least put some effort in anon.

>> No.71753407
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>> No.71753861
Quoted by: >>71753911

And don't forget to tell her family to always refer to you as a woman when they are on stream.

>> No.71753911

She'll forget and call him a "he" anyway

>> No.71753942

My wife and our maso slave

>> No.71753986
File: 3.48 MB, 4076x6960, IMG_8418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71754287

>> No.71754002

Our maso slave and my wife

>> No.71754132
File: 330 KB, 1860x2631, @Myth1cArts-1769559395879555542-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aradia's armpits

>> No.71754287

>aged up wawa
Omega yuck

>> No.71754320

Ill post it when I get to my pc, but looks like the watchalong may not happen? I watched these shit movies for Rissa. If she ghosts this next one I'll be so pissed

>> No.71755335
File: 104 KB, 1400x1400, @NofuuKee-1769662585870413977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71755449

Yea, I think it's gonna start picking up steam outside here soon...

>> No.71755485

That double peace sign? I made her do it. Good job photoshopping some clothes on her to post it on a blue board.

>> No.71755490
File: 175 KB, 1000x1000, 1709960140557516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it up for week 34, what a life!

>> No.71755515

If anything, it'd have to be critically important important for her to miss the watchalong for Twilight with her girls. At absolute worst she'd reschedule.

>> No.71755633
Quoted by: >>71755679

It's 5am in tokyo right now. If she doesn't say anything by 10am I'm gonna start concernfagging.

>> No.71755679
Quoted by: >>71755725

5 am is sleepy hours, wtf are you talking about. Wait until 9.

>> No.71755725
Quoted by: >>71755778

NTA but he literally said till 10am

>> No.71755778

And give her a 1 hr range? If she doesn't say anything until lunch time, I'd be concerned in this case.

>> No.71755839

If she stays silent for 8760 hours I'll start to get worried

>> No.71756034

sex with nerissa at

>> No.71756046

Her shipping her brother with Iofi is creepy and disrespectful to Iofi and her fans.

>> No.71756085

idk who that faggot above me is

>> No.71756196

the nudist beach

>> No.71756255


>> No.71756322

our private sexdungeon.

>> No.71756572


>> No.71756833
Quoted by: >>71757544

She was trying a little too hard when she dropped that one on Kiara

>> No.71757203
File: 192 KB, 1280x720, 1698886885551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchalong still a go.

>> No.71757296

What does this have to do with risser?

>> No.71757304


>> No.71757380
Quoted by: >>71758469

Anon, in case you didn't notice, we only get info from Rissa secondhand lately.

>> No.71757385

>of the ringS

>> No.71757413
Quoted by: >>71758386

We will get our Rissa on the 20 and 21 you ungrateful retard bird

>> No.71757423

...Assuming she doesn't drop it.

>> No.71757432

Don't care, she's on pace to have 4 solo streams 30 days. Notice how once again Shiori is doing something extra on collab day?

>> No.71757500
Quoted by: >>71757570

Sisters are nervous, unsure, out of bait
Pathetic creatures

>> No.71757544
Quoted by: >>71757695

I mean, it is the truth. Rissa just is more genuinely flirty overall and free when it comes to her bod, which is kind of ironic in that she is not confident with her singing talent at all despite near universal praise. But with no shame at all with her bod, that just makes her and Marine seem like such a match made in heaven its baffling how its not a lock at this point.

>> No.71757570

What tf are you talking abour. We're just disillusioned jailbirds.

>> No.71757624

Only sisters want solo Nerissa streams. They're scared.

>> No.71757695
Quoted by: >>71757888

Disagree, talk is cheap. Easy for her to say when she doesn't leave her own house most days.

>> No.71757706

Members got shafted both January and March it seems

>> No.71757807
Quoted by: >>71758821

All collabs? No communication? Guess you're on edge because your bait won't work any more sis. Jailbirds live for this. Back to the drawing board for you.

>> No.71757888

If only there was a very recent instance of her being naked without shame around strangers with a witness…

>> No.71758351

I just want a one on one Shioraven collab again. I miss their banter and dynamic. It always gets drowned out in advent collabs because diamond dogs are mega retards that need constant babysitting.

>> No.71758386

It does not say collab watchalong. Fat shiori.

>> No.71758434

That male masseur...

>> No.71758435

Let’s be honest here, Rissa only does that with certain girls because she knows they won’t do anything serious. It’s safe. She’d crumble in embarrassment if the right man came along and behaved that way with her.

>> No.71758469

Isn't this what y'all wanted? Rissa cucking you with vtubers.

>> No.71758821

Praise to this Jailbird. Their faith is unshakeable.

>> No.71759265
File: 564 KB, 946x758, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71759590

>Actually cried watching holofes and it really inspired me to finally put it on my schedule this week.
Have faith jailbirds, HoloFES made Rissa excited again

>> No.71759590

>The among us version of vampire survivor
Do I even want to know

>> No.71759930
File: 86 KB, 1485x1487, 1703557122484679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ER shift during the Twilight watchalong LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

>> No.71760258
Quoted by: >>71760655

Is Shiori taking advice from Jailbirds about how to be better? Holy F if Rissa put out a schedule like this we would be dancing in the streets. I swear if Shiori had a better fanbase I would seriously consider becoming a shigger

>> No.71760304

Too obvious.

>> No.71760554
File: 42 KB, 723x707, vx29817bb4p81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN US Prime Time streams.... THEY DO EXIST!!

>> No.71760568
File: 181 KB, 1280x960, 1708656073270712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, an excuse to watch lotr

>> No.71760655

Shiori is generally better at communicating from what I've seen. She even watched the honeyworks stage and reacted to it in prechat

>> No.71760715
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, 879789uioiujkljkjhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71760949

Piping hot Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 hot out of the oven:

we're almost free

>> No.71760845

So "shiggers" get LoTR and we get Twilight. My loyalty is seriously being tested this week

>> No.71760903
Quoted by: >>71761031

You can't complain honestly, we've known Rissa is a white woman since the very beginning and that's what we like about her

>> No.71760949


>> No.71761031

you're right, maybe I'm just not cut out for white women after all and need to branch out more

>> No.71761397

No way she is watching that alone. Her normie tier mind wont appreciate it and she'll get bored within an hour. Imagine being shigger scum.

>> No.71761589

why is her handwriting so ass, bros?

>> No.71761734

She was using her good hand to jerk me off.

>> No.71761747
Quoted by: >>71761853

Never reads, never writes

>> No.71761762

It's good enough considering I was railing her while she was signing those.

>> No.71761845

>Just Fellowship
Stop being a wuss and marathon all 6 LOTR movies.

>> No.71761853
Quoted by: >>71763240

This makes no sense. You can write as much as you want, but if you don't have good motor skills, your handwriting would suck. You can obviously do calligraphy and make it better, but honestly, no one does that.

>> No.71762673
File: 281 KB, 1080x1440, @OgumaShiro-1769847715964268774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight /ope/.
I'll say it again and hopefully I don't wake up to another shit storm, hope we get a schedule tonight

>> No.71762804

To be fair, Rissa is hot for Legolas and Aragorn. ESPECIALLY Aragorn. There is hope for Advent Return of the King watchalongs.

>> No.71763214

Almost every holo that actually participated in fes has streamed or made a twitter space about it already.

>> No.71763240

I want Rissa to star all songs in FF7 Rebirth with the new piano minigame.
My handwriting sucks yet I was a Stepmania guru back in the day, I bet she was too.

>> No.71763407
Quoted by: >>71763718


>> No.71763590

what is nerissa doing that she is so busy

>> No.71763666
Quoted by: >>71763914

There's no answer that's good enough to explain why she couldn't even tweet about skipping the collab or what she was up to so why does it matter.

>> No.71763718
Quoted by: >>71763778

Her resting heart rate is already high she should remedy it by smoking cigarettes and drinking several cups of coffee daily

>> No.71763778
Quoted by: >>71763904

too many words for "She should just kill herself"

>> No.71763815

no one knows

>> No.71763904

Not so pessimistic I would say half as long twice as bright

>> No.71763914

I want to believe there is a good excuse, like she has an awesome project or something

>> No.71764018
Quoted by: >>71764347

Evem if it was like that, no holo project would require of her to skip the fes watchalong.

>> No.71764086
Quoted by: >>71764347

There's no way they had her working on some other project while Hololives Superbowl was going on, and anyone that even believes there's a chance of that is deluisonal.

>> No.71764194

Visiting every onsen that is nearby wherever she is.

>> No.71764327
Quoted by: >>71764607

She finally met her manager and is having sex all day with him.
That manager? me

>> No.71764347
File: 100 KB, 463x453, 1709428998324175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71764607
Quoted by: >>71765074

>That manager? me
You should be fired then. She had to cut the stream early because of a "meeting" all those times and she has nothing to show for it. In fact I'm almost sure she was lying about a meeting many times and making up an excuse to quit early at this point

>> No.71764716

Alright guys, seriously. Enough. We laid into for far too long now for this current absence stint. Let's chill.

>> No.71764797

give me a distraction

>> No.71764998

It's just how we cope. We'll be back to normal when she comes back and tell us some sweet nothings, we'll decide to repress the memory and try to stay positive once again. Then shit will hit the fan again, we'll once again be angry from all the times we've been having to endure, and some will drop. New people will join in the good times and things will stay balanced forever.

>> No.71765074

Nah, most of the time if she isn't feeling something its called off upfront and has been for awhile. We know for a fact with many people commenting like with FWMC's Let Me Be With You, that if someone asks her to do something she drops whatever.

>> No.71767203

No, the suffering must continue!

>> No.71768160

Can somebody explain, calmly and rationally what you all have been freaking the fuck out about?

>> No.71768809

No, let us rest.

>> No.71768858

Basically comes down to an uncharacteristic lack of communication from her. I really don't want to timeloop anymore.

>> No.71769038

saplings cope just fine when fauna is absent despite being the neediest fanbase, I don't see why jailbirds are sperging out over this downtime.

>> No.71769095

Nerissa went on a long spa weekend a month ago, less than one month after her Maldives trip (generally fine). She followed up the long spa weekend with almost nothing but collabs (2 solo streams in 2 weeks). She then whisked off to Japan, did a stream, and said there would be twitter spaces and streams. This was mostly true, but they were pretty much all things she was prodded into doing by other Holos (Kiara and Fuwamoco). She did a day one watchalong of Fes at Fuwamocos place, and at the end said it would continute tomorrow. She then skipped out on the second day watchalongs without tweeting anything about it, and went dead silent until the next day. Everyone assumed it meant she was flying home, until Kiara tweeted about eating breakfast with Nerissa, meaning she was still in Japan. Still not tweet from Nerissa explaining why she skipped the collab or what she's been doing. In the end we got one solo stream, a couple collabs, and a single twitter space that Kiara basically made her do.

In the end it was just a completely shitty month she put together despite knowing she was off to Japan, and she acted much worse than her genmates as far as streams/communication goes.

As I type this we still haven't heard any updates from Nerissa herself in days, only what we got from Kiara.

>> No.71769102

because we're not used to it. There are a lot of hololive fans that came in with Advent.

>> No.71769231
Quoted by: >>71769338

The difference is Fauna doesn't say she's going to show up for collabs and then not show up and go completely silent

>> No.71769338

and fauna isnt a well known twitter addict

>> No.71769375
Quoted by: >>71769538

>saplings cope just fine when fauna is absent despite being the neediest fanbase
Some of them really don't lmao. Also Fauna has always been bad with Twitter communication so it's a matter of different expectations set. Different fanbases and all that.

>> No.71769538

There's a pretty big difference going from no twitter activity to no twitter activity with Fauna and Nerissa, who is retweeting and liking shit 20 hours a day skipping a collab and then not touching twitter for like 16 hours.

>> No.71769674

Yes, that was my point. But I feel like if this uncharacteristic of her then there's a good reason for it.

>> No.71769696

Well she's liking things on the Astarion (though it hasn't been that lately) fan account right now

>> No.71769764

sorry we haven't taken our meds

>> No.71769858

This is generally a good summary. I'd add that even the streams she has been doing are mostly phoned in, which was I was okay with the collab week: better than what we were getting, which wasn't great. Members content has been lacking as well. The last one was 3-4 weeks ago. Basically, we aren't feeling great about the direction things are going

>> No.71769890

so why do you guys actually think she's not communicating?

>> No.71769965


>> No.71769991

even her roomate account is inactive...

>> No.71770095

I have no clue what is consuming so much of her time, unless she is burntout which I think it is too soon for that

>> No.71770188

Not worth speculating about. It could be 100 different things.
There could be a fucking stalker that's scared her for all we know.

>> No.71770214

Being charitable, I'd say she's probably overwhelmed by being in JP and having trouble being organized, which she has trouble with even when she's home seemingly

More realistic: She's hanging out with her friends, Holo or otherwise, while doing some occasional work and isn't giving much thought to anything else

>> No.71770302

>what no BWC does to a mf

>> No.71770736

>more realistic
yeah, exactly this. she'll be just messing about with the holo and much less savory niji friends while she has the chance. i guess she doesnt want to tweet and say "lol fuck you guys im busy having fun" but it'll pass, and we'll survive.
no need for all the drama.

>> No.71770746

You guys don't get to cry about missing your oshi until you have to wait months to even get a word from her like chumbuds repeatedly do.

>> No.71770876
Quoted by: >>71771235

Anon you are talking about someone who makes the effort to do content like Let's play videos for when she is on vacation, makes solo streams even when she will be in a collab later and is able to do a zatsu + SC reading and play games (without the need to plan it as an endurance stream) for more than 2 hours, obviously the saplings will be satisfied even if she won't stream for a few days.

>> No.71770935
Quoted by: >>71771235

The realistic one isn't entirely realistic because even with parties out with sis she tweets. Given her low social battery for more than a few hours, whether that be friends weddings or other stuff that ends up being true.

Plus vtuber friends would announce running into her because content. So more realistically it'd be her just chilling enjoying Nippon , clearing her head, head empty, no thoughts, enjoying Fes as a spectator. Those type of things.

>> No.71771076

Not sure why you're comparing Gura's behavior after 2 years when Nerissa has only been in Hololive 7 months. Also shit behavior is shit behavior.

>> No.71771143
Quoted by: >>71771353

I don't want Nerissa to take the fauna pill or god forbid the gura pill 8 fucking months in.

>> No.71771166


>> No.71771209

>you can't complain about being stabbed in the arm if you haven't had your dick shot off
What's this retarded argument?

>> No.71771235

Yeah, Fauna has a proven track record where Nerissa doesn't yet

I think low social battery wouldn't be an issue when she's hanging with people she actually likes and wants to be around. Not the case for some random party and wedding. If I'm not mistaken, Calli, Irys, and Kaela have talked about meeting Rissa at this point and Calli even talked about a get together with several people, so I don't think your thinking holds up there

>> No.71771274

>a bad thing happened to a person once so nobody else is allowed to feel emotion
this is such a low IQ take im surprised you can even post without having a carer do it for you.

>> No.71771304

maybe she has a counter and for every post people make complaining she moves back the schedule tweet by 15 minutes

>> No.71771353
Quoted by: >>71772145

>fauna pill
fauna streamed more in a week than nerissa did the entire month for us excluding the shitty collabs.

>> No.71771568

Yeah I just feel like hungry kids in Africa have no right to complain unless they've experienced Auschwitz in 1942.

>> No.71771888
File: 3.39 MB, 960x540, Nerissa&#039;s business for being in Japan[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0cgnjl.mp3][sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0cgnjl.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71772227

It wasn't a joke bros

>> No.71772145

It's actually really sad that this is true and she's basically fresh in hololive. It's a real worrying sign of what she'll be when she makes it to 2+ years and burnout is a factor.

>> No.71772227
File: 1.41 MB, 3962x4096, 1704997031864282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think the summer vacation will take them

>> No.71772319

My sex dungeon.

>> No.71772324

>Nerissa takes a month long vacation every 3-4 months
I could see this happening

>> No.71772379

to my bedroom

>> No.71772395
Quoted by: >>71772492

And she'll say 'I deserve it' after doing the bare minimum.

>> No.71772466

We'll probably get some Nerissa stories here.

>> No.71772492

Please stop, I fucking hate how I can hear her saying it too

>> No.71772541

my last cope is that she saw this >>71739818
and realized how much she screwed up with the festival and not saying anything about the stage 3 watchalong, now she's probably scared and doesn't know how to deal with the whole thing other than to say "sorry I was too busy and forgot to announce about the watchalong oopsie tee hee"

>> No.71772571

Hey it's only been two months since the last one. I know girls have terrible spending habits but come on you can't be making THAT much.

>> No.71772577

Depending on how she responds to the last couple weeks I doubt I'll stick around for that.

>> No.71772630

i can see it being sooner than every 3-4 months at this rate.
don't forget to mix in actual work related breaks too like recording when they get their 3D and concerts and we'll be lucky to get a solo stream a month
fuck i actually hate this im going menhera

>> No.71772680
Quoted by: >>71772935

She already fucked up, there's nothing she can say to make it better except to lie.

>> No.71772774

there's literally no excuse, she was given the benefit of the doubt by people assuming she was probably traveling back home. That obviously wasn't true. All she can say is she fucked up and move on.

>> No.71772799

What's crazy is the last update on her actual plans was 60 hours ago when she said at the end of the karaoke that the sleepover (watchalong) would continue the next day. After that all we got is her tweeting out the expo stream and Kiara eating breakfast with her.

>> No.71772935

No one will care once she actually streams a bunch again. Same thing happened before and no one brought it up until the stream of streams started dwindling again. The only question is when will she get back to it and how many might leave before that.

>> No.71772954
File: 116 KB, 500x500, 1709165569107595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did everything went so wrong...

>> No.71773006

Kinda feels like she's hiding at this point, being active on her other twitter.

>> No.71773058

It may be awful of me, but I sincerely hope she loses viewers and members. Maybe that'll finally be the kick in the head she needs to tell her she fucked up and should do better

>> No.71773086

July 30 2023

>> No.71773147

I think she probably doesn't think she did anything wrong, she was a casual vtuber and a casual viewer before. However I bet if she laid this scenario out to Kiara, Kiara would smack her upside the head and set her straight.

>> No.71773150
Quoted by: >>71773586

November 27th 2023. Literally the day it started going downhill.

>> No.71773192

Not really awful, she should learn that bad decisions have bad consequences.

>> No.71773227
Quoted by: >>71773333

if she cared about viewers and members she wouldn't keep deliberately sabotaging herself collabing with her literal who friends.
retard take. she won't learn because she has what she wants, her golden ticket to hololive and kiara. its fucking sad, i feel like im just along for the ride as she lives her dream.

>> No.71773261

Fuwamoco are talking about Rissa.

>> No.71773299

I'm not really in the mood to hear about her from a third party anymore.

>> No.71773333
Quoted by: >>71773411

Does she actually even give a shit about us at this point or was it all just pretend?

>> No.71773411

She likes us a yesman and take us for granted.

>> No.71773410

It's now last 10am in Japan.

>> No.71773482

Cashier: irasshaimase!
Nerissa: irasshaimase!
lol, why couldn't it have been Nerissa telling us about this...

>> No.71773586

That bigfoot collab was pretty spooky. Not sure what happened there they were all in a good mood with Fauna just a few hours before then she was practically silent compared to Shiori and Bijou. Just weird behavior. I'm sure there are more similar examples but my memory is crap.
What was wrong with that member's stream in particular?
Houngry stories

>> No.71773636

man, please dont. i cant even watch it im that mad. i dont wanna read about it either

>> No.71773649
Quoted by: >>71773836

That was the SC incident stream.

>> No.71773669

>Nerissa: irasshaimase!
I deserve a soapland visit with a Nerissa hostess as compensation for the distress she caused me.

>> No.71773679

I'm patiently waiting for the shit storm that'll happen when she finally tweets her schedule and it's half empty at best

>> No.71773722
Quoted by: >>71773861

Bro it's all collabs, we already know

>> No.71773780

i think we wont even get a schedule at this point

>> No.71773836

Wrong, that was next one.
>What was wrong with that member's stream in particular?
It was the first time when a member zatsu felt less enjoyable than a public zatsu. Every single problem that continues to this day started after that point.

>> No.71773846

shut up and listen to the dogs. All they've talked about it Nerissa so far.

>> No.71773861

Things she could do to improve the week: zatsu stream when she arrives, two streams per day if there's a collab, a members' stream that's worth our money, and a karaoke.

>> No.71773919
File: 1.82 MB, 1198x1074, DjcqAGDRnN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had goodwill with me before, that's why I came back. I no longer feel the same way and feel the quality of all her work isn't as good and see no signs of improvement. If she comes back with plans and starts showing results I'll change my mind, but as things stand I suppose I should cancel my membership...damn it

>> No.71773961
Quoted by: >>71774109

Now, I can't wait to get more Nerissa from the dogs! Maybe I should just change to ruffian, since they seem to get more content about her!

>> No.71774102

Nerissa isn't big on donuts

>> No.71774109

If you take the kfp pill or become a Ruffian you get them plus more Rissa content......

>> No.71774167

yeah, i love learning about nerissa from constant second hand sources, oh boy!
maybe if i watch kiara tomorrow i'll get to hear a story that FWMC told them about nerissa, it'll be third hand!

>> No.71774242
File: 654 KB, 1000x1000, 1700259961543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we getting railed?

>> No.71774263
Quoted by: >>71774380

I'm watching a FWMC stream for nerissa

>> No.71774291

who did the art for her mom and do they take to comms omg

>> No.71774295

Yes but we're upset enough that we're enjoying it.

>> No.71774307
Quoted by: >>71774603

it doesnt seem like it today. im pretty menhera so it might seem like it but its not the usual anti bullshit.

>> No.71774341

I'm all lubed up

>> No.71774344

I think it's just people venting.

>> No.71774374
Quoted by: >>71774479

They made nerissa eat a lot so they wouldn't feel fat

>> No.71774380

Are their voices less annoying today or is that just me?

>> No.71774406

They're tired

>> No.71774405

I wish

>> No.71774429

they haven't said Bau bau like at all. That's the difference

>> No.71774479

Nerissa ate 1800 kkal and she's been in the ICU fighting for her life the past 2 days.
Have you no shame?!

>> No.71774485

I'm still having a hard time understanding what they say

>> No.71774521

Jailbirds are already in the acceptance phase and will oshihen soon

>> No.71774568
Quoted by: >>71774640

If they're not letting us know why Nerissa skipped the collab and went into hiding I don't care

>> No.71774603

ok, i take it back, that was definitely a railed post.
fucking cunt.

>> No.71774640
Quoted by: >>71774691

I think they're trying to do some damage control on her behalf.

>> No.71774691

Pretty nice of them. They should give me head too, the one Nerissa skipped on

>> No.71774699

I’ve said this before, but stressing over her lack of communication won’t do any good. Whatever her reasons I’m sure they’re not as malicious as some might assume. I sincerely hope she’s not having self doubt about her job as a vtuber; however, based on several things she’s said previously it wouldn’t surprise me.

And to the anon who tweeted her complaining, come on. There’s no need to be an asshole to her.

>> No.71774753
Quoted by: >>71775422

Your goodwill is borderline malicious

>> No.71774817
Quoted by: >>71774846

it actually might. she's changed before after complaints, she does listen.
being a yes-man here wont help, itll just make her think this is acceptable.

>> No.71774836

It doesn't need to be malice for it to feel like shit.
Twitter dude did nothing wrong.

>> No.71774841

>no need to be an asshole to her.
Come on, that was the nicest way to put how much she's been fucking up things. If I had to write it, I don't think I would've been able to pull my punches.
She's not malicious, she's just irresposible on her work and a coward who cannot face us.

>> No.71774846

Being anything here won't change anything. Take it to twitter, she'll 100% see it

>> No.71774896
Quoted by: >>71775019

I normally don't mind but it is the Fes!!!! even ayame is tweeting

>> No.71774928

this is my venting space man, ill do it tomorrow with a clear head. ill just come across as an anti atm.

>> No.71774958
Quoted by: >>71775422

After these past few months, she has every reason to doubt herself. And should use that self-soubt to improve, not to keep fucking things up.

>> No.71775018

Nerissa hugged fwmc(me)

>> No.71775019
Quoted by: >>71775122

Even fucking fauna...FAUNA! tweeted. It's ridiculous.

>> No.71775022

I don't think she will see any of us complaining, or I hope so because I treat vt as my place to vent with no remorse

>> No.71775041

Her lack of communication this week is merely the cherry on top of the shit sundae she has been serving us. Again, one week of ghosting we can get over, it's the pattern of degrading quality she's been showing for a while that has people riled up. It doesn't help that the week she chooses to do this is Fes week

>> No.71775122
Quoted by: >>71775209

Gura did a Space. We're scraping the bottom of the barrel of standards here

>> No.71775167

It serves it's purpose like this >>71774841 seeing other people write their complaints helps put my thoughts in order

>> No.71775209
Quoted by: >>71775362

owari da...
wonder if the excuse will be "phone got locked out jailbirds teehee~" or she didn't take her charger or some shit. she isnt going to be honest.

>> No.71775286
Quoted by: >>71775390

I just hope we can look back at this month and laugh saying it was rough but we're okay now

>> No.71775362
Quoted by: >>71775760

>"phone got locked out jailbirds teehee~"
I mean she QRT'd Kiara's snot related tweet 15 hours ago so that's an awful excuse

>> No.71775377

Just so you guys know, everyone on this board knows we're melting down right now. No one thinks this is as big a deal. Let's gain a little perspective from that.

>> No.71775390

Dare I ask
Will there be an Easter break

>> No.71775422

Na, I just know to chill rather than getting pissed off cause my oshi is preoccupied with other things in her life.

There are nicer ways to ask her what’s going on than coming across as super needy and not taking her feelings into consideration.

I’m not going to pretend I know everything about what she’s done that is perceived as bad etiquette for a vtuber let alone a HoloLive member. What I will say is that negativity won’t get her to improve. She needs to be encouraged to do the things you guys ask for. And yeah, she won’t cater to each and every suggestion, but incessantly bitching isn’t going to work on her long term.

>> No.71775469

I don't care.

>> No.71775514

because it's not their oshi. Like I don't care about gura or mumei when they barely stream

>> No.71775519

Because Rissa isn't their oshi, and it's pretty uncommon for ANY Holo to say they're joining a stream, not join, and then not say a word for over two days.

>> No.71775649

because nerrissa is not their oshi!!! when gura doesn't stream I honestly think they are insane for complaining so much

>> No.71775760

why nerissa
just fucking say something

>> No.71775799

That tweet is very considerate already. And we always take her feelings into consideration. Has she ever taken our feelings into consideration? Maybe thought that we look forward to her streams? That if she says she's gonna be there, we get our hopes up? That we really want a twitter space and will be checking out her twitter like she told us? We go and watch her streams with her friends. Some of us just don't really care, but if it makes her happy, we'll support her. But what about her? She takes us for granted, she thinks it's ok to not take our suggstions in consideration. Why did she ask for a list of horror games, if she wasn't gonna play any? Why didn't she do shit until Biboo told her to level up, even tho we begged her? Stop defending her when she treats us like shit, when we do and try yet she doesn't do the same.

>> No.71775856

What if Nerissa got terminated and they're waiting for the high of Holofes to die down before announcing it?

>> No.71775872

I don't think it's right when other Holos ghost their fans and I don't think shitty behavior by one Holo excuses it for others.

>> No.71775894
Quoted by: >>71776035

I sincerely hope this wasn't typed by raven claws.

To be fair, she picked Faith out of the horror suggestions and it was a good pick.

>> No.71775896

God I wish. It would set me free

>> No.71775932

what if you drank bleach tourist
fuck off and leave me to my sorrow

>> No.71775957

bro stop, you are taking it too far

>> No.71775965
Quoted by: >>71776015

I also thought about this, or maybe graduation. If it's like that, she did her last weeks like shit.

>> No.71775981

Don't joke about that

>> No.71776015
Quoted by: >>71776146

go the fuck away tourists

>> No.71776035

Ok, fair. I'll give her credit for that.

>> No.71776046

This the anti thread?

>> No.71776074

>most obvious raid ive ever seen
yeah, its dogshit hours again. cant even be menhera without these cunts ruining it.
at least i can distract myself by abusing them.

>> No.71776094
Quoted by: >>71776135

bump limit

>> No.71776119

This made me lol, not because I want her to get terminated but because we can only take doomposting so far. You jumped the shark anon

>> No.71776135

that was like 40 posts ago

>> No.71776146

Don't get too angry. I honestly don't think they'll terminate her, there's no reason. Graduation is also impossible, she's making good money and there's no reason for it.

>> No.71776162
File: 67 KB, 484x462, 1710813147050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight jailbirds, I don't have any hope for tomorrow but I'll try to wake up

>> No.71776254

You better, we need you here.

>> No.71776456
Quoted by: >>71776681

Will you be there for the eventual end of the univ- I mean the thread, baker dono?

>> No.71776492

look man even though im depressed as fuck you can make it to tomorrow. ill still be here just because i need to see the outcome of this tragedy.

>> No.71776604

Do you actually pay attention to the things she talks about? People are in here complaining she didn’t reply to Kiara publicly on twitter and had no activity for like 15 hours. Did anyone consider that maybe she decided to take a mental health break from it for the day? Or the fact that the amount we saw of Rissa this week wasn’t too out of the norm for her, at least as of late. Those watchalong streams amounted to several hours each. As for the other shit, I don’t have an explanation. Could she mature a little, and keep her promises? Yeah maybe, but some of the people in this thread need to mature a bit too.

>> No.71776615
Quoted by: >>71776742

I'm just curious if anyone actually thinks that the people who are upset she skipped the collab and hasn't said anything since Saturday morning are antis

>> No.71776681


>> No.71776685

heh yeah stage 2 was really fun to watch with them

>> No.71776735

She needs a mental health break so bad she can't send out a single tweet saying whats up? That she has to hide on her other account? She's active over there by the way.

>> No.71776742

I'm pretty sure she made it clear it wasn't set in stone so yes. But I'm disappointed in her generally so I'm fine with it

>> No.71776918
Quoted by: >>71776977

If she's still in Japan, it's about time for her to be up and about

>> No.71776977

She's been up and about for a while now. Just on the Astarion fan account

>> No.71777036

People are tired of so much more than just that. And even if the watchalongs were long enough for her not wanting to be part of them, why say at the end she's gonna participate in the next ones? Come on, why are you trying to defend something that cannot be defended.

>> No.71777110

Man I am not that desperate, I like Nerissa Ravencroft I cannot pretend to care about a normal girl it's banal & mundane.

>> No.71777153
File: 142 KB, 550x550, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lesson from sempai: trust your oshi

>> No.71777162

For the record, her bailing from the watchalong is the bit I care about the least.

>> No.71777212
Quoted by: >>71777639

I think we should refrain from mentioning her rm acc for the time being. I'm mad and hurt, yeah, but she deserves that as her space.

>> No.71777241

I wouldn't care if it wasn't 2 and a half days since we heard anything from her, and not another Holo.

>> No.71777262

yeah, it's the straw that broke my back

>> No.71777350
Quoted by: >>71777594

Mococo sneezed in front of nerissa but politely turining into fuwawa's arm to avoid sneezing over nerissas face

>> No.71777533
Quoted by: >>71777583

She's going to return and tell us to fuck off like she did to that guy that bashed Astarion huh

>> No.71777545

The week was starting out good man...

>> No.71777583
Quoted by: >>71777679

If her response to the people upset at her all collab week didn't tip you off to her not giving a fuck I don't know what will.

>> No.71777594

didnt ask
dont care

>> No.71777639

>I'm mad and hurt
I'm neither of those things, just dispirited.
I want to love her but she's not helping me much.

>> No.71777679
File: 617 KB, 691x708, 1710117097375616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71777744

This was probably just stupidity, not malice

>> No.71777744

This was to the Aradia fags specifically.

>> No.71778018

Biboo released a schedule normally with 2 days marked as ??? Friday and Saturday

>> No.71778068

Supposedly there's something special that will happen for her specifically.

>> No.71778070
Quoted by: >>71778212

Sponsored DD2 is the popular guess

>> No.71778212

If this is true, it looks like I know what I'm watching Fri/Sat. Biboo stocks just keep going up

>> No.71778220

I should not have had the dog stream on this entire time. Voices aside, the contrast is jarring and not in Rissa's favor.

>> No.71778280

Baking new.

>> No.71778310
Quoted by: >>71778497

Rissa is the worst streamer in Advent and it's not even a contest. Most of us just accept it because we like her and hope she can improve.

>> No.71778330

If not for their kayfabe and voices they would honestly be one of the best ENs, not that that's hard ig since half don't stream

>> No.71778366
Quoted by: >>71778430

Keep it dead, nothings happening

>> No.71778430

Gotta contain the melties somewhere

>> No.71778497

Tbf Advent is slayers row as far as streamers go. They prob brought her in mostly for music and someone who can at least be mediocre in the stream dept

>> No.71778569
Quoted by: >>71778599

It's here.


>> No.71778599

thanks chef

>> No.71778691
Quoted by: >>71778866

You know, I was leading the charge for the "where the fuck is Nerissa" gang but it's snowballed into something so ridiculous now that my contrarian side is kicking in and I want to defend her at all costs.

>> No.71778758

I'm surprised there's been no catalog thread,considering our meltdown

>> No.71778866

Alright lets hear your opening statement for why the last plans we heard from her was almost 60 hours ago but she has been unable to even tweet something like "super busy, see you soon" despite being active on both accounts.
