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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.71695978

Never watched the sanji to begin with.

>> No.71696005

op is a faggot

>> No.71696031


>> No.71696085

None, there are no other agency that support racism

>> No.71696165

Please save Toko & Chima , I pray to all the gods

>> No.71697401

Niji still has the best fujobait chuubas.

>> No.71697475

Obvious that many former fans went to Doki.
All that is left are the ones that enjoy dick-sucking asmrs.

>> No.71697509

You should ask the sisters in their general. They don't leave it except to troll

>> No.71697556


>> No.71697574
File: 684 KB, 1074x717, 1690422444468977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Current fans of Nijisanji, why are you still supporting them?
I support Rosemi

>> No.71697591

i wont leave rose

>> No.71697618

forgot to add that I watch FuwaMoco too

>> No.71697636

Hololive. I made the switch in 2020 though, I can not imagine supporting them in any form nowadays.

>> No.71697861
File: 1.12 MB, 1290x1440, 1709569599107825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indies mostly. I think Grimmi has a similar feel to Pomu if someone's looking for an alternative.

>> No.71699631
Quoted by: >>71727261

I watched Lazusydia as a HoloEN refugee, was disillusioned by how restrictive everything felt there during that time. Unfortunately males and the clique deteriorated NijiEN, all while HoloEN improved post-council. Omegatranny getting the boot, Advent, it's all just gotten way better so of course I'm back home.
Don't expect legitimate answers to your second question, the current fans of Niji are like abused wives who can't imagine life without their oshi (See: that one sad Famelira) or schizophrenic chinese women from the doxxsite who are conducting a holy war no one asked them to engage in.

>> No.71700938

Indie. Watching dokibird, piapi and chibidoki.

>> No.71701296

This looks like an honest response so I just want to say sorry for all you went through and I'm proud of you for breaking away.

>> No.71701535

Can’t wait for her to pull a Petra and seeing you all go “nah she’s being forced”. Whoever is good is leaving.

>> No.71701656

I liked a few Niji livers but never had an allegiance to a company like a retarded consolefag. I watch some holos, phase girls, indies, etc. etc. and always have.

>> No.71701765

at this point i'm just looking up 2view vtubers hoping to find my new oshii

>> No.71701975

I'm sure I speak as a fan of not nijisanji for all fans of not nijisanji, we don't want you, and the fact you list yourselves as fans of the company hut not specific talents means that will never change.

>> No.71702067

>I watch whoever I want and I don't give a shit about their talent agency
>Because I watch whoever I want and I don't give a shit about their talent agency

>> No.71702143

Holo ID.
i was wasting my attention on assholes instead of giving a shot to someone who actually works for it

>> No.71702275

invested all my coins into elephant girl that just debuted in some small no name corpo

>> No.71702312
File: 49 KB, 623x506, xlE2RW2w8K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initially, I was all in on Selen. I loved her streams, her laugh, her crazy projects that seemed to come out of nowhere, but it was difficult to keep watching her as she became more and more depressed every time she had to make an "apology." Like how when she got the OK to play RE4, so she played it for two weeks and had it scheduled for two more before suddenly privating the vods, saying management said there were issues now with perms, but for some reason the japanese version is ok so she'll try to ask about that. Then she said that the japanese version was a no go, and I think she mentioned getting in touch with capcom directly to see if they could figure something out. ...The next post was her saying that not only were the vods not coming back, but that she was effectively banned from RE for the forseeable future, which is awful since this was in september right before horror month and how she'd have to find new games to stream. She kept having more and more issues like that where management would ok something, turn around and say no selen you can't do that anymore because we said so, and then force her to apologize either on twitter or through a community note, and it was getting extremely depressing watching her slowly destroy herself. I swore that if she ever left Niji I'd come right back, though, but I wasn't strong enough to watch her battered wife syndrome.

Anyways, I found this cool new vtuber called Dokibird now who gives me the same vibes at least.

>> No.71702352

Ultimate penis retard attack

>> No.71703381
Quoted by: >>71733115

i switched from elira to fuwamoco. i don't regret it.

>> No.71704004

Bruh i feel so bad for those 2, especially Chima. She is one of the best Vtuber singers left to rot with 0 real support..

>> No.71704096

I watch NijiJP....... I do not care for EN but please god save the Japs

>> No.71704109

I'm a fan of some of the talents. I don't care what happens behind the curtain. No anon is going to tell me I need to justify why I like or support a chuuba. Its not like i'm supporting niji.

>> No.71704205

The vtuber with the biggest set of tits i can find

>> No.71704240
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Quoted by: >>71733158


>> No.71704380

>Initially, I was all in on Selen.
Sure you were Mutahar.

>> No.71704409
Quoted by: >>71715329

same, I was already not a fan of EN when it came out and now I'm just irritated that the mismanagement of the branch may affect livers I actually watch in nijiJP

>> No.71704472
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Quoted by: >>71704612

If I wasn't all in on her, I wouldn't even be talking about RE4, you tourist.

>> No.71704534

I watch Twitter for an idol fan account mainly. Other than that I only watch indies on Twitch, the only corpos I watch occasionally now are Pixel and V4 but they don't fill the hole for me. I still support Rosemi and Sonny my man

>> No.71704535

I support Niji now because people made baseless accusations against the company with no evidence. I am against full retardation.

>> No.71704612
Quoted by: >>71706282

>Dooki fan

>> No.71704918

>Former fans of Nijisanji
>which chuuba/agency did you move to
None yet, but I have been following this short nerdy girl on twitter who's obsessed with idols and metal gear. I'd watch her if she became a vtuber.

>> No.71705275

i was really always a holo guy but became a pomudacchi during gura's absence. so just kinda gone back to them. but when pomu reincarnates i guess ill be a ligger

>> No.71705701

da wose

>> No.71705913

>all the gods
That's not how it works anon, you might as well put a curse on them if you're doing that.

>> No.71705993
File: 246 KB, 1920x1017, 1681803472526968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching a small JP indie that plays a lot of jrpgs and retro games while waiting for Pomu to reincarnate.

>> No.71706063

What about people who started watching niji after the drama? The fact this place hates them makes me like them now.

>> No.71706158

Don't let us stop you. We're anons, not cops. Support who you want, just don't expect us to not call you slurs for it.

>> No.71706176

Still watching Doki and patiently waiting for the nerd's return (I don't have twitter so twitterspaces aren't an option).
I've tried getting back into Holo but I just don't like that style of vtubing anymore.

>> No.71706238
Quoted by: >>71706816

Read the post, Muhammad.

>> No.71706282
Quoted by: >>71706931


>> No.71706405

You should try on a rope necklace and see how well it can handle your weight. Nobody else thinks that's a good idea, so as a contrarian it should be right up your alley.

>> No.71706816
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>Anyways I watch Dookibird now
Learn how to use the toilet Mutahar

>> No.71706931

>Hurr durr kindergarten
>Sister,NDF, nijiseethe,

>> No.71707929

I only watched Pomu and by extension dropped niji when she left.
I don't really care about niji drama, selen having a meltie or the other livers being retards honestly. I never watched any of them.
I didn't "move" to anything, I watch multiple vtubers of different groups and just dropped the one who graduated. I have no loyalty to any one company.

>> No.71708672

Really just watching because my oshi is still in the corp if she goes I'll also leave

>> No.71708779
File: 45 KB, 600x400, 1702714707911023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back to drifting around like a tumbleweed for the most part but I watch some of the ex livers if they're live. Seeing everything I cherished burn down so violently has made me too depressed to watch most streams though.

>> No.71709045

Like a couple Anons above me, mostly watched Pomu so I was already halfway out the door when all the Selen stuff happened.
Been watching some of the newer Phase girls now, and usually catch the tail end of Sayu's streams while eating breakfast.

>> No.71709196

Just follow wherever your oshis go. Unless it's deerskin then good luck. Maybe FuwaMoco because they're also idolfag and not as annoying as Kiara. Or Kiara if you enjoy suffering.

>> No.71710249

Honestly at this point I think most the "niji fans" terminally /here/ are just bored trolls/anti master baiters.

>> No.71713482
Quoted by: >>71713738

Indies, most of them are PL from ex-ID. Also Shiina and Clara from Phase Connect, because they remind me of my oshi (before Nijisanji burned her mental health and dreams). I still support Nijisanji (ex-ID), maybe out of pity, or simply to keep reminding me of just how cruel Nijisanji is.

>> No.71713738
Quoted by: >>71714518

Is there a list of niji reincarnations? I remember seeing one of KR members that left, but not ID.

>> No.71713842

I'm done with vtubers and streamers in general.

>> No.71714518

Don't know about that. At least for ex-IDs, many of them are still friends outside of Nijisanji. Knowing one PL account is enough to know many others. But there are also those who chose to stop vtubing (or maybe because I just don't know their PLs, I'm not bothered to stalk them).

>> No.71715270

Indog here.
As a former fans, I moved to Holo (JP, ID, EN) and a bunch of local corpos. I stopped supporting Niji entirely (both the company and the talents) because I hate what they did to ID.
>Why don't you support the remaining ID talents?
They're a grown men/women, they can support themselves without me pity-supporting them. If they still believe in the sliver of goodwill from the corpo like a kidnapping victims fell into stockholm syndrome, then there's nothing I can do

>> No.71715329


>> No.71715502

Started watching NijiEN about two years ago around Iluna debuted. Got into Niji in general through watching Ex Albio and Ars clips. I was never a tribal fag, back when Gura and Ame streamed I watched them too. Time goes on and I notice that the fan bases between the two companies are insanely different. The Hololive fan base seemed determined to tear down the competition as people like Matsuri and others were getting shit on for collabing outside of Holo. This links to the rrat crafting on VT making Nijisanji into some kind of Vtuber illuminati.

I tried watching Selen, couldn't get into her stuff. Her voice and especially her laugh was too annoying and her personality was too abrasive. The gaslighting schtick just annoyed me. Wasn't surprised she eventually got fired, wasn't surprised she went scorched Earth. It's a shame the general public started to buy into the holo propaganda. I'm not betraying Ars or Albio though. Niji is innocent

>> No.71717653
File: 61 KB, 500x562, 1708494922328759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71719444

>wasn't surprised she went scorched Earth.
Doki never went scorched earth. Nijisanji went scorched earth and then got caught with their pants down. Keep trying sister.

>> No.71719444

>Gets suspended for refusing to fix her mistake
>Gets out of the hospital
>Instead of fixing her mistake so she can stay in the company, sends lawyers at them to try and scaring them into getting her way with threats
>Sends lawsuit threat to them
>Gets fired
>Does exactly what she Nijisanji said she threatened to do
>Pins multiple suicide attempts on them
>"She didn't go scorched earth"

Like I said, Holobrony propaganda

>> No.71719646

You're a dumb SEAnigger. Learn to lurk more sub-human faggot.

>> No.71719647
Quoted by: >>71720173

>revisionist history that pretends doki ever actually made an offensive statement against Nijisanji beyond "yes that happened. don't harass anyone. This isn't high school."
ok sister. You clearly just want to shill and seethe, not debate. Unless you actually feel like backing up those claims with direct sources, which I know don't exist because I've seen this exact same argument get shut down so many times in the past few weeks.

>> No.71719804

Nice fanfic sis

>> No.71720016

never cared about EN, only cared for some JPs. EN can burn to ground for all i care but i hope they learn something to improve situation on JP side (doubt)

>> No.71720056

Former, am watching some indies currently. Its cozy, but do miss the bigger group cohesion at times. Life goes on.

>> No.71720106

Shinri because I only care about deep voiced male vtubers

>> No.71720136

Good for you anon, I have a similar story, only this one mostly tweets for now. Be good to yourself.

>> No.71720173


Yeah, surely she didn't say anything polarizing. She's just a peaceful mentally unstable girl who dindu nuffin. Anything else that isn't this narrative is revisionism. Also

>They bullied me into two suicide attempts, guys
>Don't harass anyone though though, that'd be so immature kek


>> No.71720205

Wherever you fags go leave my oshi alone.

>> No.71720301

I still watch Rosemi and Petra, other than them I go to smaller corpos like Pixel Link.

>> No.71720608
File: 951 KB, 1000x1288, 1708829504839574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71721577

Ah, so you're just ignoring the termination notice and the black screen video that put all of that information out there without Doki ever saying a word, effectively streisanding the fuck out of themselves. Gotcha.

>> No.71720647
File: 1.62 MB, 1714x1894, FVChN3dakAAFl8x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71721121

I still watch my JP favorites and I still will, since none of this EN stuff involves them and I've known it's a shitty company since the day she debuted and was treated like a third class citizen explicitly. Never wasted a dime since. If the stock tanks and shit hits the fan enough to cause people to leave I'll follow the ones I care about right out the door but otherwise nothing has changed my mind. That a company will never be more than a place for me to find new entertaining streamers to watch and the shit they'll pull is just going to light a fury in me whenever mentions of them stepping on toes comes up. Literally the only good thing I can say about Nijisanji is that there's no Nanashi's, and I used to believe they never really went after people who left but clearly that's wrong now too.

I also think anyone who considers themselves a migrant of some kind for any vtuber group or company is a fucking retard since vtubing is much more than Tribe A and Tribe B, but /vt/ doesn't wanna hear that and I don't wanna argue about it.

>> No.71721067

NijiEN whacked their own face with a shovel after digging Selen's grave and fell into it themselves. Selen didn't push them into anything, they just had to stay silent instead they spazzed, freaked out and jumped in saying 'This is my hole'!

>> No.71721070
File: 242 KB, 852x231, selen_run_rosemi_run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to their PL accounts, subscribed, and donated to the four that still had an mechanism to do so. Just the girls though... And Dopio.

As for who I've been watching, other than Doki, obviously - I was already watching several other agencies tubers, so that didn't change much, though I've found a few small indies I like that I might not have noticed had I not stopped watching NijiEN livers for the sake of the talent's safety. @KiliaKurayami for example.

Two girls I watched from Vreverie graduated as well (along with near everyone else there), so I'm watching their revived PL's @BriAtCookiebox and @LidaOriana now. I'm still waiting to hear what nightmares will be revealed about Vreverie, but so far it just looks like a combination of bad contracts and neglect. Hopefully nothing as bad as Nijisanji or Wactor. (Cross fingers)

>> No.71721121

>I also think anyone who considers themselves a migrant of some kind for any vtuber group or company is a fucking retard since vtubing is much more than Tribe A and Tribe B, but /vt/ doesn't wanna hear that and I don't wanna argue about it.
No, you must play this retarded game with them or else they will get angry. Seriously this a good stance to have overall.

>> No.71721206

Take it from someone who worked out the best angles to anti Niji. Those idiots did it to themselves.

>> No.71721577

Termination notice
>Never brings up her suicide
>Never says harassment happened
>Doki only focuses on saying the harassment happened and doesn't refute anything else
Doki's tweet
>Pins a suicide attempt on the company
>Claims she was harassed
>Gives no details or evidence

Black screen video
>Gives evidence
>Divulges even more details
>Is directly said by the people involved
>Is also never refuted by Doki

Neopets stream
>Accuses them of sharing a document that's revealed by her later was actually never shared leading to lawyers " accusing them of breaking the law despite them not knowing anything about the situation except vague comments
>Says they're lying despite not even watching the video as she just became aware of it
>Threatens to release her document online accompanied with evidence, never actually does it

Looks like you're just ignoring everything Niji says and are only blindly listening to one side. You're the easiest people to scam. It's not good to be such an easy target, holobro

>> No.71721643

I wasn't a fan of Nijisanji, I was a fan of Pomu and Selen. Get it right.
I regret i didn't discover Scarle until just before the shitshow began, she's a sweetheart and doesn't deserve this shit

>> No.71721810

If you’re an indie or small corpo right now you should be working your ass off . Time to scoop up some refugees

>> No.71722173

I dropped the whole corpo once the males came. Meaning, I used to watch Rosemi and Petra and was membered to both but since males are my filter the moment they were introduced the entire original culture and feel the girls created was completely dead and replaced with... well, Nijisanji's usual. I also found it extremely jarring to see how the girls were immediately sidelined and devalued, made into mere accessories to the males despite the fact they fought tooth and nail to carve out a NijiEN niche during HoloEN's Myth total dominance. I wasn't a tribalfag and I watched both corpos, but males killed that in an instant.

Now I'm mostly into Phase and Coni (Idol). I don't watch chuubas who collab with males, so I feel that longerterm I'll just drop vtubing as a whole. Somehow as a whole in the West vtubing is morphing into this shitty normalfag "general streamer" garbage rather than sticking to its actual strengths, so I'm not very positive about the overall direction of anyone at this point. Even Hololive is opening an office in California of all places. Bad vibes all around. Nijisanji is garbage in any case.

>> No.71722378
File: 105 KB, 850x850, __frieren_and_low_tier_god_sousou_no_frieren_drawn_by_fikkyun__sample-8a555e86e29c034530eaa3b38387f6bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually embarrassing. neck yourself

>> No.71722491

Don't go to Phase Connect. If you get too many gifted memberships they put you on a gifted membership blocklist. I know because for like the past 6 months or so I can't get any gifted memberships from anyone at Phase Connect yet I can still get gifted memberships from anyone outside of Phase Connect.

>> No.71722523

I watch vtubers, couldn't care less about the company, I still watch some NijiEN vtubers while I still watch hololive vtubers, only a retard would refuse to watch one or the other because he is fanboy of a company

>> No.71722626

There is no "gifted membership blocklist" feature on Youtube.

>> No.71722800 [DELETED] 

I was watching Vtubers from near every agency. I don't think anyone sane has brand loyalty at this point. The best you can do is tolerate the corpo, and Niji made itself into the ultimate intolerable corpo. Only watched Pomu, Selen from Niji, along with anyone they collabed with though, so once they were gone, so was I, even if not for the drama. (Scarle was also nice from time to time, but it's too cruel to watch her until she gets out of there.)

Still watching Doki and following Deer*. Also watching Sayu pretty religiously now.

If you're looking for recommendations of other things to watch:
- Inksie: Mid size terminally cute indi tuber with killer ASMR and clumsy game play.
- Meeta: Expert screamer, funniest in collabs, but I usually have to watch her on someone else's stream because she sometimes uses this awful #shorts format.
- Kilia Kurayami: Kinda like Froot without the baggage. Cute brit, lots of ASMR and singing.
- Zumi Dokumi: Abrasive retro gamer with a thick Bostonian accent.


I also watch the bikini bottoms and friends (Bao, Numi, Yuzu, Shylily, Sinder, etc.) a few other indies, and Melody, because despite being a Selen and Pomu fan, I love me some sluts from time to time.

>> No.71722840

That's... not how gifted memberships work.

>> No.71722979
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, kilia-endless-waifus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching Vtubers from near every agency and a lot of indis to boot. I don't think anyone sane has brand loyalty at this point. The best you can do is tolerate the corpo, and Niji made itself into the ultimate intolerable corpo. Only watched Pomu, Selen from Niji, along with anyone they collabed with though, so once they were gone, so was I, even if not for the drama. (Scarle was also nice from time to time, but it's too cruel to watch her until she gets out of there.)

Still watching Doki and following Deer* through Skypuff's clips. Also watching Sayu pretty religiously now.

If you're looking for recommendations of other things to watch:
- Inksie: Mid size terminally cute indi tuber with killer ASMR and clumsy game play.
- Meeta: Expert screamer, funniest in collabs, but I usually have to watch her on someone else's stream as she sometimes uses this awful #shorts format.
- Kilia Kurayami: Kinda like Froot without the baggage. Cute brit, lots of ASMR and singing.
- Zumi Dokumi: Abrasive retro gamer with a thick Bostonian accent.

https://youtu.be/ySX_wRA2bhM [Embed]

I also watch the bikini bottoms and friends (Bao, Numi, Yuzu, Shylily, Sinder, etc.) a few other indies, and Melody, because despite being a Selen and Pomu fan, I still love me some sluts from time to time. [forgor image]

>> No.71723883

Oliver Evans. I'm obsessed with him. In a somewhat unhealthy way.

>> No.71725701
Quoted by: >>71725857

Wait a minute I think I recognize you. Are you one of the anons fucking up the cbdct thread? No wonder so many people got over your bullshit and left.

>> No.71725857
Quoted by: >>71725877

What the fuck is that?

>> No.71725877
Quoted by: >>71728165

cute boys doing cute things.
same as with girls, just boys.

>> No.71725920
File: 572 KB, 658x840, 1710466810332910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never was a fan of Niji
I just love Rosemi

>> No.71726092

Based, love the chuuba and fuck the haters.

>> No.71726133

She comes home in April.

>> No.71726408

>>Threatens to release her document online accompanied with evidence, never actually does it
She said she had evidence to counter their claims, that's all, not that she was going to make them public. That evidence is only for her lawyer's eyes to see.

>> No.71726434

>Never brings up her suicide
Yeah, if they had let Doki graduate quietly or even put up a polite termination notice we likely never would have found out about the suicide. Think about that - she was willing to let the company that drove her to suicide get away with it, and they turned down the offer. As it was, the attempt was the only new news Doki gave us.

>Never says harassment happened
Actually it says that Selen accused others of harassment, and specifically mentions the other talents being involved, making them all the targets of thousands of angry Dragoons, while before everyone thought all the friction was between Selen and management. Again, the attempt, and the fact that she gave them an out on the 26th, was the only new news that Niji hadn't already volunteered.

>Black screen video
>Gives evidence
>Divulges even more details
The only new evidence it provided is that management left Selen hanging for almost two days after coming up with a last second excuse to block a project that had been scheduled for Christmas for half a year, and that they are willing to leak confidential legal documents in an effort to turn employees against Selen.

>Threatens to release her document online accompanied with evidence, never actually does it
Says she has to release a statement, not the documents. Releasing the documents to the general public would make her liable for defamation. And the black screen video confirmed the suicide attempt itself, never denied it.

>> No.71726577

Grimmi is arousing

>> No.71726628
Quoted by: >>71731465

>Current fans of Nijisanji, why are you still supporting them?
Hate the corpo, support the JP livers. I don't give a shit about EN except for Kotoka who should have been JP in the first place. I can't just abandon my oshis because Anycolor mistreats their workers.

>> No.71726644

Your first point is what made me scratch my head over this whole thing. They made it worse by making a deal out of it after the termination. It was obvious they wanted to run damage control by breaking her down in the public's eye, to save face. And it backfired horribly. Should have kept their fucking mouths shut and kept trucking. Sisters on here seething and false-flagging has not helped the optics of their case either, it has prolonged the contempt the community feels towards them.
This is not the first time a group has hurt itself by having a toxic culture, K-pop fans come to mind.

>> No.71727261
File: 166 KB, 850x1169, elirashiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Elira will rise again. This is the year of the dragon, after all. I'll stand by her no matter what. I believe in her. There's more behind the curtain that people didn't know about. I believe she had a reason to do what she did. She has endured so much already, there's no time to doubt her with my guts.

>> No.71727443

Did you buy their album?

>> No.71727480

There is nothing wrong with nijisanji as a company. You all need to grow up.

>> No.71727528

I hope your oshi stays in Nijisanji forever.

>> No.71727537

>There is something wrong with Nijisanji as a company. You need to stop defending shitty behavior, it shits up the Vtubing scene.

>> No.71728076
Quoted by: >>71738881

The rushed de-graduation when the Selen shit came out was hilarious

>> No.71728165
Quoted by: >>71728206

Jesus Christ. How does the thought of grown ass men pretending to be uwu anime boys not immediately make you want to projectile vomit?

>> No.71728194

Advent and Phase connect
No particular reason

>> No.71728199

If and maybes don't matter. We don't know what would have happened so there's no point in talking about what didn't happen. She did not want to be terminated at all considering she said she wanted to leave on good terms. She also didn't want to silently graduate because she said she wanted to say goodbye to her fans one last time. You shouldn't be holding pining a suicide attempt onto other people as leverage in negotiations like a highschool drama show.
>Actually it says that Selen accused others of harassment
It also says they investigated her claims and determined there was no wrong doings from the other members
>everyone thought all the friction was between Selen and management
Wrong. All the schizos were already building up the clique rrat and Doki's tweet in it's own implicated the other members since they're also part of the company
>The only new evidence it provided is that management left Selen hanging for almost two days after coming up with a last second excuse to block a project
Prove that the manager is lying in that they never got the video before Christmas. Prove that the manager purposely left her hanging on perms and never checked them. Prove the manager purposely didn't respond for a day instead of them not working on Christmas
>they are willing to leak confidential legal documents in an effort to turn employees against Selen.
Why would the employees not be involved with situation? They already said they held an investigation so they obviously already knew about what she was saying unless you're going to say they should have been secretly investigated.
>Says she has to release a statement, not the documents.
Wrong. She says she would release evidence, receipts and the document. No one is claiming the suicide attempt didn't happen because Nijisanji never refuted so for the sake of fairness, because Selen never refuted anything in the termination notice as being false and what she says later backs up the story, we have to also assume everything in the notice is the truth. With the only uncertain thing being whether or not bullying happened and the one example ever given of bullying was a couple of members questioning Selen's actions. Which legally isn't harassment

>> No.71728206
Quoted by: >>71728524

Dunno. Not my taste, but also not something I'd knock. You could ask the same thing about 40 year old women portending to be dogs on the internet with a slurry accent. We all have our preferences in entertainment.

>> No.71728220

I saw male niji fan jumped to VSPO a lot.

>> No.71728283
Quoted by: >>71729102

Sister you don't understand. The ball is in Nijisanji's court. Doki's doing great. Her career is looking bright and rosy, and she has the support of everybody. Nijisanji is the one now who has to prove that they're willing to take the steps to not fuck up this royally anymore.
Doki's job is done. She has nothing left to prove to you or us. She did plenty as Selen, and they completely trashed her for it, exposing themselves for the black company they are. It's entirely up to Nijisanji now to convince the public that they're not this evil organization completely shitting on the talent they're supposed to be cultivating and protecting.
...Yeah, fat chance of that.

>> No.71728524

Yes, but desperate hags trying to reclaim their lost youth by clinging to an anime avatar makes sense. A man sissifying himself to be more like a genshin femboy just raises a mountain of red flags

>> No.71728587
Quoted by: >>71728813

A job's a job, anon. In the end, it's all kayfabe anyways. Some girls really want to dote on a young man or something, I don't know.

>> No.71728813
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Everyone wants to stay young, anon. Nobody wants to look ugly and old and stinkie.

>> No.71728848

>hags dedicating their lives to pretending to be extremely retarded and autistic anime girls isn't a red flag

>> No.71728920

Male vtubers make sense if you look at it from this perspective:
They're either a burgeoning mtf transformer who can't afford irl surgery because they're living on welfare or they're into grooming 12 yr olds like Vox

>> No.71728967
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>he thought being autistic is a pretender
Oh no no no anon. No sane people would become a vtuber. You must have autism to be successful.

>> No.71729012

>Former fans of Nijisanji, which chuuba/agency did you move to
I used to watch Shirayuki Tomoe especially during the days of Crossick. This was before the creation of /vt/, HoloEN Myth, etc. I now watch Nerissa Ravencroft.

>> No.71729102
Quoted by: >>71729296

>Her career is looking bright and rosy,
>Numbers already were cut in half

>> No.71729198

It's either that or fucking up her face with plastic surgery. I'm just glad my oshi went the vtubing route

>> No.71729296
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I think she's doing fine, sis.

>> No.71730155
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After Pomu left and Selen got negligible'd, I didn't have much reason to stick around. Maybe I would watch a few clips or something but I didn't want to watch them live anymore.

A part of me really hopes that the other livers weren't involved and it was purely managerial incompetence and managerial favoritism, because I really love Diamond City Lights, and it just feels totally sucky listening to it now.

>> No.71730402

Used to be a Rosemi fan, but got a bit put off by her general declining enthusiasm and the rest of the NijiEN culture becoming progressively more unpleasant. When I learned she used to be a Tsunderia member, I started following some of those girls, and now I hope Rosemi can join up with them again someday, they're doing pretty well for themselves these days.

>> No.71731218

I actually went from niiisanji(mostly watching the girls), to trying stars to give male vtubers a real shot and now I watch holo girls only. Don't have infinite time to spend on vtubers so I feel satisfied just sticking to one "ecosystem" so to speak.

>> No.71731411

Yeah so that means Doki's shadow Selen will eternally mog her.

>> No.71731465
Quoted by: >>71732230

Cheering for thr girl eho back stabbed a Hologitl. Typical Nijisister EN behaviour if we could turn back time and tell Holo JP EN is a fucking plague she would still be there. What's worst wqs manipulating someone who was grieving.

>> No.71731874

not this time

>> No.71732204
Quoted by: >>71732265

Hello r*dditor, your tourism is showing.
Dokibird, btw.

>> No.71732230

>thr girl eho back stabbed a Hologitl.
Are you okay? Are you having a stroke? Seek help.

>> No.71732265

>Redditbird fan
>calling others reddit

>> No.71733115

fuck off nijinigger, you are not welcome here, go back to your lgbtq friendly trannies

>> No.71733158

good, I hope vshojo gets all of you sisters, and act as a containment field , we don't want your kind in hololive

>> No.71733205

good to hear, no want wants your kind anywhere, you did good anon

>> No.71733217

I watch what I want. I dont care what people say easy.

>> No.71734609

All my favourite Nijis moved into indie or vshojo (Mata is my oshi). Like is good and their content is more sincere now

>> No.71734629


>> No.71734640

Based Grimbo enjoyer

>> No.71734670

Based self-aware chad.

>> No.71735461
File: 2.75 MB, 1200x590, 1705506477409165.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Current fans of Nijisanji, why are you still supporting them?
I like blueberry.

>> No.71737337

I'm loyal to no company and watch vtubers from all over rumao

>> No.71738533

Former, stopped watching corpo's, watch my oshi's reincarnation now.
They are happier, and that is what matters to me.

>> No.71738881

It had nothing to do with Nijisanji.

>> No.71739154
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I left early last year, I watch several small corpos now. v4mirai, Idol, phase, ex-tsuns... I'm all over the place.
Looking forward to that fairy coming back though, as long as she doesn't end up mingling with the same people that made me leave

>> No.71739166


I don't care for EN but JP has a suspension of disbelief because I don't understand Japanese. I like funny men, not homos who make fun of their audience and shit where they eat.

>> No.71739290

I unironically kneelt to Hololive, they are way better in all ways...

>> No.71739322
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>> No.71741334

>0 real support..
Nigga they got a record deal and performed at the shibuya scramble and got their own 3D live and have events all the time, they're basically the only people in the company who DO get support

>> No.71741764
File: 245 KB, 680x680, selen_mental_gymnastics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove that the manager is lying in that they never got the video before Christmas.
Nijisanji got perms directly from the author and producer back in '22. Selen and several Dragoons reportedly worked with mane-san months prior to the release, the date of which Selen announced on stream months prior to that. Oh, which was another piece of evidence that we got from the black screen video that no one expected: There was no copyright issue! The only permission they needed, was their own, and no, they weren't going to go crawling to notNina and notMysta for a poorly drawn two second use of their own IP. Certainly not worth ruining the Dragoons Christmas over - let alone everything else that ensued. Wasn't even worth harassing Selen's emergency contact for a statement while she was in the hospital so much that she lawyered up, given that, if she told the truth, it would have looked worse for them than her not giving the reason why and leaving everyone to assume it was legal copyright issues.

>It also says they investigated her claims and determined there was no wrong doings from the other members
No it doesn't. Not that we should just take AnyColor's word that they investigated themselves with no third party HR service if it did. They merely state that they "firmly believe" that "we and the other Livers under our affiliation have not engaged in unjust practices."

This is the same company that "firmly believed" it was a good idea to attack a popular suicide victim, twice, after seeing the results the first time, and that pointing the finger at their talents was a good idea, both times. So I don't think they are capable of believing they've done anything wrong, let alone unjust.

>Wrong. All the schizos were already building up the clique rrat and Doki's tweet in it's own implicated the other members since they're also part of the company
Not even /here/, let alone elsewhere. The clique didn't start rrating until after the termination notice, and the GURRAT didn't start until after the black stream. Most people thought it was a copyright issue, and management was protecting itself from a potential lawsuit - which again, turned out not even to be the case, but a last second policy change regarding use of their own IP.

>Why would the employees not be involved with situation?
Confidential legal documents get summarized by legal and sent privately to HR at best, not to individual employees - that's illegal in most places for damn good reasons, and certainly immoral. It doesn't involve the talents unless she is suing them individually, in which case the documents would go through their individual lawyers, especially given that the contract states that Nijisanji doesn't intervein in disputes between talents. (And again, no investigation, just "we believe".)

>No one is claiming the suicide attempt didn't happen
Maybe you haven't been paying attention to the other sister's posts on /here/ and twitter.

>Wrong. She says she would release evidence, receipts and the document.
The fuck she does, from the goddamn transcript: https://youtu.be/A1YCUbQOJB0 "because of this I will have to I will have to um respond with um with a document that my lawyer has WR and I have written up just in case something like this did happen" ("a document" not "the documents"), followed by, "I really want to keep everything private. I really want to move on from here."

>we have to also assume everything in the notice is the truth
11 of the 12 bullet points in Zaion's termination notice turned out to be either extreme exaggerations or outright lies, despite how willing she was to take so much blame. Why in the hell would we assume anything in the document was the truth, especially now that other people involved have come forward to contest it, with no counter response from Niji? All external evidence suggest that most of it was lies, yet again, and what little new "evidence" Niji did release works more towards that than against, especially regarding the one specific claim those three pages contains.

I hope to hell you're one of the paid ones.

>> No.71741878

I appreciate that you personally showed up to stand as an example of what I was talking about. Thanks.
Her career in online media is pretty much over btw and Nijisanji is all she has left.

>> No.71742249

>Current fans of Nijisanji, why are you still supporting them?
I'm supporting them by not watching them through anything but clippers and archives external to Youtube, while subscribing to their alts, in addition to supporting Sayu and Doki to show them that escape is possible. That place is putting all their lives in danger, and if they don't get out, eventually, one of them is going to die, be it by suicide or murder.

>> No.71742454

>11 of the 12 bullet points in Zaion's termination notice turned out to be either extreme exaggerations or outright lies
And the remaining one is "and various other crimes", so make that 12 out of 12. If you're already listing 11 why not go ahead and list them all?

>> No.71742830
File: 324 KB, 1920x1080, 1686885964743428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for my oshi and if she doesn't come back I will quit vtubers for good

>> No.71743427

but phase connect has pippa?

>> No.71743487


>> No.71744815
Quoted by: >>71746054

>they weren't going to go crawling to notNina and notMysta for a poorly drawn two second use of their own IP.
Well it's not only their IP as Nijisanji said notMysta and Nina owned it and the contract even talks about Nijisanji needing permission from third parties regarding IP. There's no proof she or her contact was ever harassed in the hospital because that'd be retarded and you have no proof past rrat building.
>DURR but emergency contact
Emergency contacts can be requested for mental health reasons. Rinse and repeated argument so I'll just end that there
>Nijisanji should have hired an entirely different company to investigate harassment instead of leaving it to the department they hired for these exact issues. Also if someone attempted suicide and they punch you, don't fight back
You lack a brain
>The clique didn't start rrating until after the termination notice, and the GURRAT didn't start until after the black stream.
Least obvious tourist dramafag
>Legal documents get sent to HR or else it's illegal
And you have proven yourself to be retarded since why the fuck would HR be in charge of a lawsuit?
>Semantics between a document and the document
It'd be the only document that has evidence/receipts in it. Obviously being the one she wrote and later spoke about in her tweet that was the subject of the black stream
>Zaion admits fault to breaking the rules but I'm not okay with it so it's an exaggeration or a lie.
Kek. You're a fucking retard.

The artists know nothing about the inner workings of Nijisanji if they don't even know that talents pay for their own projects and not the company. Making them an unreliable source. External evidence given from people who don't know what they're talking about isn't evidence at all. Typical propagandist

>> No.71746054

>Well it's not only their IP
It is their IP, period. Livers have no rights to their Character's IP, even in the contract. With OTHER media, yes, there can be third party IP's involved, but not here.

>Emergency contacts can be requested for mental health reasons.
And they harassed her emergency contact so much she had to lawyer up.

>Nijisanji should have hired an entirely different company to investigate harassment
Most large companies keep such a service on retainer with HR specifically for that purpose.

>Least obvious tourist dramafag
GURRAT was literally created the night after the black stream. Good luck finding much on the clique before the termination notice, especially anywhere but /here/.

>And you have proven yourself to be retarded since why the fuck would HR be in charge of a lawsuit?
It was an HR complaint.

>It'd be the only document that has evidence/receipts in it.
A document written up by her lawyer for just this situation, not "the documents they shared". Again, sharing those documents with the general public would make her liable. In most countries, even sharing them with the employees would make them liable.

>The artists know nothing about the inner workings of Nijisanji if they don't even know that talents pay for their own projects and not the company.
This is not always the case, which is why Nijisanji sent them NDA's and accepted invoices.

>> No.71746390

Elira got back to streaming or stfu

>> No.71748225

Koseki Bijou/Hololive.
