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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 891 KB, 2411x3658, 1710328938565359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71315513 No.71315513 [Reply] [Original]

>/corpo/ resources:

>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt/jidf
EIEN: >>>/vt/eien
kawaii: >>>/vt/pkg
PixelLink: >>>/vt/pxl
PRISM: >>>/vt/ppg+
V-Dere: >>>/vt/vdere
Phase Connect: >>>/vt/pcg
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt/v4m
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt/indie
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt/vnug
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt/vrex
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt/tsunx

Previous: >>71231437

>> No.71315745

Sign of yume incline!

>> No.71315809
File: 126 KB, 1075x903, IMG_2661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71338228

I don’t get why other femanon’s who apply would get salty if they don’t get in, sure it sucks but that just means you weren’t a right fit for what they’re looking for or just need some more time to develop. At least in my opinion, as long as the company itself isn’t shit it shouldn’t be a big deal,,, just take the loss and work harder

>> No.71315902
Quoted by: >>71316126

I just realized that I have no clue what Pippa is wearing. Is the blue thing supposed to be a hoodie that then turns white when it reaches the sleeves?

>> No.71316097
Quoted by: >>71316165

Is Mero ever debuting? :(

>> No.71316126
File: 430 KB, 433x1007, Screenshot from 2024-03-14 07-15-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a hoodie that then turns white when it reaches the sleeve

>> No.71316165
Quoted by: >>71317302

Sorry anon, yume+ is a black company
its over

>> No.71316185
Quoted by: >>71316425

Seething femanons need to post tits

>> No.71316307
File: 443 KB, 1290x880, 1710346842332557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize Mero is heterochromic

>> No.71316425
File: 3.32 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot from 2024-02-23 03-57-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a femanon. Still seething because /kuro/ sisters fed me disinformation on multiple occasions. Here are my oshi's tits

>> No.71316433
Quoted by: >>71316752

Need to make a flock with this bird

>> No.71316471

Ah, the op art makes it much more confusing to look at

>> No.71316596
Quoted by: >>71316671

Good thing that you now know that bait threads aren't made by a legion of fans mad about other companies, but by failed applicants trying to take each other down.

>> No.71316629

Hmmm... Maybe anon has a point about discord. Nothing is private there. Maybe a better option is... Slack.

>> No.71316671
Quoted by: >>71317501

It can't be helped, the eternal struggle between seething 2views and intern-kun shill.

>> No.71316752

Penguins travel in huddles, not flocks

>> No.71317283
Quoted by: >>71317559

I genuinely can't tell if Lumin is trying to be parasocial with chat or if it's just her weeaboo side coming out.

>> No.71317302
Quoted by: >>71317630

Go back to crying femanon

>> No.71317402
Quoted by: >>71318771

Dunno if I'm a softie for this but I'm actually really rooting for Yume. They're tiny but from how the talents speak also openly about management, they seem like a good corpo. So weird how people are quick to throw the "black company" label around.

>> No.71317501

According to the Yume server, there's only two interns and they're both also community managers. One of them is the kid that doesn't seem to show up at all and used the corpo for their own content, the other one is very proactive with the server. So I'm not too sure this is an anon vs intern-kun debate

>> No.71317559

both. cuz i'm in the chat. my little weeb is just having fun.

>> No.71317630

NTA but the post you're replying seems to be rather sarcastic

>> No.71317849
Quoted by: >>71318461

Hiyori from Ephemira has nearly 400ccv, nice

>> No.71318461

shes in a good timeslot to be the raid target for a lot of her corpmates

>> No.71318771

They look like garbage to me. They raise all of the black company alarm bells but the girls are cute

>> No.71318885
Quoted by: >>71318954

I wonder if the girl seething about TomoPulse auditions is also the one who is seething about Yume, since back when I did auditions for TomoPulse they were nothing but kind to me despite me not passing round 2.

>> No.71318954

Whoops, meant to type seethed in the first half. I'm retarded, gomen.

>> No.71319264

Pippa sexo

>> No.71319332
File: 21 KB, 336x188, hqdefault_live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly is celebrating 40k subscriptions

>> No.71321508


>> No.71322061

Hi it's the actual original femanon poster for Yume+. I am not sure if there was more than me so maybe I am not who this thread was talking about. I am the anon who posted about the female staff member being rude during the audition process.

It's hard to share my story publicly given the NDA but posting here gives me safety legally. I am in another corpo pre-debut now so I don't want to start that drama for my career as well. Despite this, I hope I can give as much public evidence as available to show you. I want you to come to your own conclusions.

I passed through the audition a Yume+ with me and some of my other friends. The staff at least at the time, was bad. It's a red flag to promise artists without even contacting them originally. They have two gens in the works. When asked about funding the second gen, they said they didn't have the money but that gen 1 would fund them. These are the reasons we all dropped out.

The biggest red flag to me personally was their mentions of other agencies. They kept talking bad about other agencies and said how they plan on making our numbers higher. They specifically listed off Idol, Kawaii, Phase Connect and Pixellink. If you dive deep enough on their socials, there are a few clear instances of them heavily referencing Pixellink especially which is quite funny given how they acted.

Quick examples:


Kyuumu herself even mentioned to me they intentionally got the PixelLink character designer so they could get their audience.

Kyuumu (linked here:https://x.com/YumePlusEN/status/1686077332962885642?s=20)) is the one who was a co-founder who was very unprofessional during interviews. You can see on their Discord server her account is now deleted. Her @ on Twitter was also @Kyuumu_Yume but is now just @Kyuumu__.

I think losing a co-founder is a clear sign there is internal troubles but good on them for removing her. I just really wonder how bad it must have been internally to do that.

If you don't believe me that the story is real: https://x.com/Kyuumu__/status/1766234896891080872?s=20 she vague posted about it recently. I don't know if it is just about what I said or about her entire issues with Yume+ but here you go. She is right, I am only one side but it is much harder for me as a VTuber to do anything with an NDA signed and me in another agency. I just hope this maybe gives anyone else some caution with this company.

The girls seem great! I hope they are genuinely happy there. I just have my doubts a company can change THAT much in the past 6 months. Mero not debuting with her gen to me shows unpreparedness. Please support the girls there anyways. They are under tight contract for now and I am sure like me just want to pursue their activities! :)

>> No.71322431

holy mother of sisters. why are women like this?

>> No.71322732

>there are a few clear instances of them heavily referencing Pixellink especially which is quite funny given how they acted.
Those examples are completely different, schizo

>> No.71322775
Quoted by: >>71323278

I am not sure how much I believe you femanon but the fact she vague posted about what you said proves they are here. Hey intern-kun where are your shilling posts now?

>> No.71322789
File: 574 KB, 1080x1360, 1704649230401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the better noah

>> No.71322930

>They have two gens in the works. When asked about funding the second gen, they said they didn't have the money but that gen 1 would fund them
Did they recruit people for gen 2 already? This is pretty bold for a startup agency

>> No.71322979

>bigger than Phase, Idol, PixelLink
Why do all the black companies have so much beef with these three specifically lmao. This is what, the third time?

>> No.71323021


>> No.71323076

Given how small this corpo is there is no way they can fund a gen 2 so I hope not. 100 viewers at debut is quite sad. That's NexStage size.

>> No.71323106

Bold? more like retarded if true

>> No.71323215

I thought the actual corp looked like shit branding wise so I'll just stay un-invested in them as a brand and support my wife Rhea

>> No.71323239
Quoted by: >>71323480

You know what? I usually call people schizo for this but the Pixellink referencing is pretty blatant actually
Some of their other posts look awfully similar to posts that Pixel made too

>> No.71323278

Instead of the vague posting that isn't confirmation of anything, how about just that they took direct advice from here on how to change channel name branding? Also why are you Implying that they wouldn't shill now? A schizo like this isn't a reason to stop

>> No.71323393

I was fucking around but I didn't know about the channel branding too kek. That's hilarious.

>> No.71323446
Quoted by: >>71323797

>posting here gives me safety legally
So post screenshots retard. I don't care about walls of text

>> No.71323480
Quoted by: >>71324220

Reminds me of when Cyberlive got accused copying other corpos social media like this early on
t. oldfag

>> No.71323583
Quoted by: >>71323629

Does nobody here actually read the threads they're posting in?

>> No.71323629

I just got home from work gomen

>> No.71323682
File: 212 KB, 421x387, Screenshot 2024-01-31 193946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired

>> No.71323716

What is it about my comfy drama free small corpo that makes other agencies seethe? First AkioAir now this.

>> No.71323768

mero, stop leaking shit and just debut, people want the cunny

>> No.71323773

Only 2 of them "took the advice" though

>> No.71323797
Quoted by: >>71324098

To be fair this thread still called the AkioAir girl schizo until it all came out

>> No.71323858

>posting here gives me safety legally
What makes you think this? Why are femanons so dumb

>> No.71323968

we are all anonymoose here on the 4chans

>> No.71324015
Quoted by: >>71324369

Anon auditioned with group so I assume they can't tell which girl posted it and therefore wouldn't bother

>> No.71324098
Quoted by: >>71324216

You say this but the Akio girls all posted mountains of screenshots to back up what they were claiming

>> No.71324216

No I am talking about the initial Akioair girl who posted on 4chan saying all of the shit Jason was doing that this thread laughed off like a month before it all came out.

>> No.71324220

Everything I hear about that long dead corpo makes it sound absolutely rotten.

>> No.71324369

I highly doubt that they couldn't recognize the writing style, especially with how much material she just posted for them to compare to

>> No.71324458
Quoted by: >>71324583

You'd be surprised at how often corpo chuubas post on here

>> No.71324519

I get the impression that they might not be abusing their talents in typical black company fashion, but just incompetent and will never make it far with a lack of funding. Mero not debuting with her gen is rookie behavior. Imagine if another bigger agency let that happen. Oh wait Nijisanji did with Finana and look how they turned out.

>> No.71324562

>No I'm talking about one of the girls that posted a ton of screenshots
Yes anon, Azuri too

>> No.71324583

And here's your daily reminder that you might have called your oshi a schizo

>> No.71324725
File: 580 KB, 1711x902, 1709063913258061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a partial archive of Menace's vods: Sept 15 - Nov 7 2022. I know its a longshot, but I'm putting it out there just in case someone has them. Unfortunately these vods aren't on her YouTube channel. I'm not posting in /jidf/ because it'd be off topic.

>> No.71325067

A little weird that they said they were going to debut in October but it got moved back all the way to March. It's one thing if it's a short delay but 5 months? Incompetency or retardation?

>> No.71325513

you better put this much effort for your portfolio when applying to a corpo, femanons

>> No.71325567
Quoted by: >>71325902

goddamnit you beat me to it anon, the femanon made me go digging and i just saw this. i wonder if it is related to that female ceo getting fired.

>> No.71325902
Quoted by: >>71326401

The question:
>2. Will you provide an animated promotional PV or Orginial debut song?
The answer:
>2. Animated PV is something we are still looking into but we want to finalize everything around debut in October when we have our signed talents too.
I'm ESL so interpreting the "finalize everything around debut in October" part is on you
That could explain a lot

>> No.71326193
File: 98 KB, 960x765, yumesisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71326253
Quoted by: >>71326650


>> No.71326401

>finalize everything around debut in October
Kek, they even copied the PixelLink lie of "things are finalized 6 months before they even debut"

>> No.71326583
Quoted by: >>71326869

Free to apply doesn't mean the company will hire them.

>> No.71326650

So does every corpo. How new?

>> No.71326702

i like the design. didn't realize before how the jacket with the sleeves makes a penguin silhouette

>> No.71326791
Quoted by: >>71327027


>> No.71326869
File: 271 KB, 960x1008, yumesistersnumero2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also said they are opening auditions to males and in another tweet express making literal male models. Will post if requested I just don't want to spam with all of their confirmations of males gen 2. First audition was female online but gen 2 won't be according to them.

>> No.71326914
Quoted by: >>71327027

It's over
Actual unironic intern

>> No.71327027
Quoted by: >>71327137


>> No.71327031

Double dropped

>> No.71327137

All corpos do lie you're right but as I said here >>71326869
They definitely are wanting to do men gen 2 given they are changing the audition wording for gen 2 to "any gender" rather than female only for gen 1.

>> No.71327221

So did Vallure

>> No.71327265

With Remedy being low 2views and Yume+ having no money for said Gen 2,
I doubt they will consider male vtubers.

>> No.71327308
Quoted by: >>71328101

Actually run by retards. Males killed PRSIM. The smart corpos know males are bad news.

>> No.71327369
Quoted by: >>71327656

can you imagine if they said no? they'd get nuked from orbit by every blue-haired ham-planet from here to tuscaloosa

>> No.71327409
File: 85 KB, 456x600, frfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71338996


>> No.71327494

i doubt they have money for a gen 2. agencies bigger than them aren't profitable so there is no way low2view can fund another gen if they don't already have the capital

>> No.71327649
File: 28 KB, 720x196, 1710405798580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They definitely are wanting to do men gen 2 given they are changing the audition wording for gen 2 to "any gender" rather than female only for gen 1.
Uh oh... PixelLinkbros...

>> No.71327656

thats why you ignore the question intern-kun

>> No.71327758

They always say any gender

>> No.71327896

PixelLink always had that is my point. Them switching from female only to any gender is a clear sign they are willing. They themselves said they are doing this. They could've just stuck to female only like they did for gen 1.

>> No.71327972
Quoted by: >>71328267

They didn't switch anything. It always said any gender

>> No.71327985
File: 76 KB, 960x523, poorbrazilians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71346675

they don't even have the money to buy PCs kek

>> No.71327993

Or they just wanted to copy PixelLink even more. Pretty simple

>> No.71327998

Do retards here genuinely know nothing about chuubas and corpos??? Hololive and Niji have had things in their signups saying theyd be fine with males females whatever, obviously everyone knows who theyd hire and who they wouldnt for certain things but they have that clause in there for LEGAL reasons. So they dont get SUED for discrimination and have to deal with going to court even if theyd win. Of course theyd say yes you fucking tards holy shit

>> No.71328101

Not defending males, but PRISM was already in the red before Gen 5. The final nail to the coffin is not being profitable enough and getting layed off by Sony. I hear Vee is also having bad rumors, too.

>> No.71328186
Quoted by: >>71328656

Phase Connect has done that too. Why is everyone pretending to be retarded?

>> No.71328267
File: 304 KB, 960x1191, gen2males.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They themselves say they are making the gen 2 audition open to any gender compared to the first one that was female only. I know corps do this bulltshit language and I agree. I think this might be different though.

>> No.71328311

It's legitimate newfags or it could just be the seething femanon again idk

>> No.71328425


>> No.71328484
Quoted by: >>71328756

interns working overtime tonight kek

>> No.71328508

What if someone told them to change the language to avoid a lawsuit? Remember that they are inexperienced

>> No.71328527
Quoted by: >>71328637

idol has that same guideline even when they announced that they only hire female vtubers. They are avoiding possible "transphobic" accusations by stating any gender can apply.

>> No.71328621

This "open to all genders" thing has been on every vtuber application form since 2020 and you people STILL dont get it

>> No.71328637
Quoted by: >>71328671

It's one thing to state it somewhere on a website or on the audition form but to go out of their way and reply to people asking and saying they do is an extra step
I think anon is onto something

>> No.71328656

they're not pretending, anon

>> No.71328671

It's literally industry standard

>> No.71328756

>Retards realize that they're being retarded so they resort to calling everyone interns

>> No.71328761
Quoted by: >>71328972

Remember that Mimosa got rejected by many corpos because they thought she was a liability. Despite that Yume+ thought she was a better candidate than the seething femanon. Looking at this thread we can assume that they dodged a bullet

>> No.71328795
File: 327 KB, 1192x569, 1.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to defend the anon since they might be retarded but I do think they are right about Yume willing to hire males in the future or at least could be. They specifically explain themselves here that literal male model designing is on the table.

>> No.71328894

the best you can do anyone shittalking your corpo is "seething femanon that is upset she didn't get in to enjoy 20 viewers" kek

>> No.71328914

yume this
yume that
literally who i say

>> No.71328924

>SEA hours
>a shoddy corpo takedown attempt
Go into the catalog and join the nijispam if you want something with actual teeth.

>> No.71328972
Quoted by: >>71329029

Has there ever been an example where a black company was exposed from a rejected applicant? All the black corpos I remember got exposed by the talents that are already in the company

>> No.71329029
Quoted by: >>71329361

There was an anon who mentioned the akioair audition server and that whole ordeal before it all came out. There was also a Cyberlive incident way back in the day. Might be more idk.

>> No.71329073


>> No.71329134

I am taking everything with a grain of salt but I would like to remind you retards we laughed at the girl who said Akioair was bad news here six months ago. Just don't take this thread as actual confirmed fact and you'll be ok.

>> No.71329133

This but seething femanons
Hope the waging is paying off, yumenigger

>> No.71329156

>enjoy 20 viewers kek
I don't know if you realize this, but the talents applying to these micro corpos are always low 1 views. So, yeah, I do think most of them would enjoy that. The company might be black for all we know, but this isn't it

>> No.71329203

>thread ignores this

>> No.71329285
Quoted by: >>71329357

Does anyone here think four girls with 2views audience, with one who hasn't debuted yet will be able to fund those male vtubers? Idol Corp was once open to male vtubers debuting imitially but after the failure of HE and the success of Esekai, they quickly refused male vtubers during the Gen 2 auditions last year.

Not being a male hater here, but it's a fact that guys are just not as profitable as girls in vtubing. If Yume+ wants to support Remedy and continue debuting new gens, they will reconsider.

>> No.71329357

Considering the fact they thought they could fund an entire gen at this size no. I don't think they realized themselves knew. They probably won't touch it if they are smart when they see this thread.

>> No.71329361

The discord server thing wasn't that big of a leak since it mostly just said that femanons were being bitchy towards eachother. The big leak was the one with a picture of Azuri, which meant that it was most definitely one of the talents that posted it

>> No.71329422
File: 17 KB, 313x368, shetheyhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join Discord during this to check them out
>"oh look a staff member let's see who they are-"
well shit. who gives a fuck about males what is this.

>> No.71329503

>They have a male staff member
The horror

>> No.71329536
Quoted by: >>71329575


>> No.71329551

Kek 10 bucks it comes out that they were grooming the talents

>> No.71329575
Quoted by: >>71329608

Now read what I said again

>> No.71329591

I am pretty sure that wasn't the point

>> No.71329608
Quoted by: >>71329715

mentally ill male yes
on staff even

>> No.71329638

The "every company does this" intern got real quiet when this was posted

>> No.71329715

I think anyone with mental illness shouldn't be in this industry but maybe that is a hot take

>> No.71329750

gender goblin, you hate to see xe

>> No.71329760

>anyone with mental illness shouldn't be in this industry but maybe that is a hot take
First time using /vt/?

>> No.71329794

Ok now I'm concerned

>> No.71329825
Quoted by: >>71329897

>Seething femanon
>First time using /vt/
Kill yourself tranny

>> No.71329841
Quoted by: >>71330274

im going to dm them my cock since they are a faggot is that a good idea?

>> No.71329876
Quoted by: >>71329910

I unironically agree. Imagine a mentally unstable man handling emotional women.

>> No.71329897

All of that does seem to apply

>> No.71329910

I have a feeling this is an actual woman which makes it even worse in my opinion

>> No.71329967

tranny interns...

>> No.71329990
Quoted by: >>71330036

every company does this, and you need to go back. In the entertainent industry you are more likely to have people like this, Cover will be having plenty soon when they open their california office

>> No.71330012
Quoted by: >>71330036

There were at least 5 anons calling you retarded. So singular doesn't make sense

>> No.71330036

ywnbaw KEK

>> No.71330089

Thread is awfully defensive for a literal who startup

>> No.71330156

Is it? Has there been any corpo in the past year that hasn't made the thread defensive?

>> No.71330184

I think anons here are used to supporting shitter agencies

>> No.71330215

The stuff posted on here paint them in a pretty bad light idk I'm already put off from them and I'm surprised it has so many loyalfags already just a week into debuts

>> No.71330272
Quoted by: >>71330335

I have been saying the corpo looked amateur since they fucking first were mentioned, It's not defending them to say that those application policies apply to every fucking corpo because they do

>> No.71330274

go for it i believe in you

>> No.71330273

Pretty typical for this general I think. I didn't pickup anyone from their debuts so far since one hasn't even debuted. I don't think they as a company look great though but I wish the talents luck.

>> No.71330290

you mean interns shillposting?

>> No.71330335
Quoted by: >>71330369

I agree with you anon but I think this wording >>71328795
especially seems to at least say they were at some point willing to consider men. That might not be the case now.

>> No.71330342

Get that bag I say

>> No.71330347
Quoted by: >>71330484

What stuff? Accusations of them hating other corpos and hiring males? The only thing that is actually worrying is the tranny mod

>> No.71330348
Quoted by: >>71330425

You sound schizophrenic at this point

>> No.71330354
File: 493 KB, 1668x1668, GH3jm5KXkAAkkdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, /corpo/, are we still supporting Yume+? I really like all the girls, but even though Yume is not a black company, it has a high chance of getting blacked.

Most anons in /corpo/ are saviorfags. Please understand.

>> No.71330369

They probably still are with a she/they/he on staff ignoring their financial situation

>> No.71330425

It's one anon shitting this up that keeps posting about both the intern-kun and seething femanon stuff don't mind them

>> No.71330472

You never know how bad a company is until it's too late typically but I highly doubt this one will make it. I am a savior at heart so I hope they find success regardless.

>> No.71330484

It's this >>71322061 for the most part. They probably figured out males is a retarded idea if they were even ever planning on it at some point but I'm leaning on believing what they said to be honest. The cofounder leaving is especially weird and not a good look for an agency just getting off the ground. What does a cofounder leaving even mean? Did they own a portion of the company? Did they ever sell it back off to the owner or are they holding onto it still? What are the implications of that if that is true?

>> No.71330514

They look like shit as a company even if their talents are cute and this thread isn't giving me confidence in them whether the stuff is confirmed or not.

>> No.71330540
Quoted by: >>71330655

I'm going to keep subscribed, and while I don't trust the seething femanon I'll keep in mind the staff members that we know

>> No.71330574

im dropping them
troon on staff is not inspiring

>> No.71330583

That's the big thing this thread is ignoring. Everything else is nothing we can solidly confirm but the co-founder being kicked out is very troubling. Especially given it happened before debut.

>> No.71330617
Quoted by: >>71330747

based and same
sorry rhea

>> No.71330640

I'm going to do what I normally do and ignore most of the stuff posted here and just follow who I like

>> No.71330655

No reason to unsubscribe to the talents even if it is since none of this is their fault. If it is true we'll likely see the agency collapse anyways.

>> No.71330695
Quoted by: >>71330772

Yep, I feel like everyone is missing the bigger picture here. There's also the concern of one of their talents not debuting which does kind of show a lack of prep or maybe a sign of internal drama or internal issues

>> No.71330696

my copium rrat is that the co-founder was kicked for being a tranny/male sympathizer and current owner is trying to steer the yacht back

>> No.71330719
Quoted by: >>71330785

There is at least one confirmed tranny still there

>> No.71330737
Quoted by: >>71330785

why not kick out the literal troon still on staff

>> No.71330746

Not the femanon from earlier, but glad I failed their auditions. I wish I could’ve gotten Mimosa’s model though.

>> No.71330747

Samefag... 1min apart, all lowercase and the bizarre new line start after every sentence

>> No.71330772

Yeah thank you anon. We know for a fact that:
1. A talent delayed debut which is a very bad look for how organized the agency is
2. One of the CEOs left or was kicked out before debut
Still support the talents you like but don't expect good things out of this agency I think

>> No.71330785

For all we know could be a female attention whore

>> No.71330789
Quoted by: >>71330971

This and
>When asked about funding the second gen, they said they didn't have the money but that gen 1 would fund them
is way more concerning than some tranny discord mod or copying Fatcat's homework

>> No.71330804
File: 7 KB, 578x95, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71330817
File: 104 KB, 1226x194, tism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71330871

I am autistic and mirror people I am sorry anon

>> No.71330871
Quoted by: >>71330928

>yotsuba b
i am disappointed in you

>> No.71330884

Surely there's some fucking /corpo/ chuubas that are live right now to post about instead of turning this thread into /kuro/ over some micro corpo that debuted less than a week ago. What a bunch of faggots

>> No.71330928


>> No.71330971

Fatcat can't stop winning

>> No.71330977


>> No.71330988

I wonder how Stellar will turn out. They should be sorting through auditions now, right?

>> No.71331008

People samefagged even when we did have it. It wouldn't prevent anything though I do wish we had it still

>> No.71331017
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1710303658345027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71331063

My answer is simple, I like a girl, I support her. I want the girls to learn and grow despite all this shit and they can't do that without an audience. I am still hoping that Yume+ will get better.

Girls, in case the worst happens, share your PLs here. We will groom- I mean, support you.

>> No.71331063

fair but im not donating as long as some of my money goes to the tranny

>> No.71331072

Uh that would encourage off topic discussion or something

>> No.71331125

Time to dig for PLs and hope they have open dono links

>> No.71331135

other than Cyon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2uGEHywi8s and Jelly who was already posted earlier my subscriptions page is pretty barren right now. The current state of this tread is the reason I usually avoid opening /vt/ until around 3PM yuropoor time

>> No.71331142


>> No.71331178

Literally wtf is wrong with Cyon's sleep schedule

>> No.71331241

I wonder of there is another group of friends that dropped because I know of another group of friends who left the audition process for the same reasons and I don't think you're them

>> No.71331335
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, GIh3XqpacAAuh1M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be posting my usual /micro/ chuubas later. It's ESL time, baby!

>> No.71331447
Quoted by: >>71331592

I truly don't want to shit up the thread again but I just noticed that the >promising artists without contacting them might hold some weight

They announced this artist here and they illustrated none of the debuted girls models so something definitely happened: https://x.com/YumePlusEN/status/1692953358024269948?s=20

>> No.71331529
File: 63 KB, 540x675, 20240110_152804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seggs with dog wife

>> No.71331546
File: 123 KB, 1151x659, taxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71331605

whipped up a useful infographic for you all

>> No.71331592


>> No.71331605

you forgot gen 2 funds

>> No.71331617
File: 319 KB, 2048x1228, GIWe9t4XIAAcYCl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71331707

I enjoy the joat and she gets to keep the model if she graduates cause it turned out to be a shit corpo
can't put too much stock into 4chan back and forths

>> No.71331707
Quoted by: >>71331741

Good point. Yume+ might pull a Project F and just give them their models.

>> No.71331741

God. Project F. Take me back
So many shit corpos nowadays

>> No.71331769

*Takes me back

>> No.71331850
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, GIna54VbYAAAF4q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch my Aussie dragon maid wife!

>> No.71332039

They were always out there, I believe, but no one really talked about them. Besides it's not unheard of for like 20% of new businesses of any kind to fail within their first year and almost 50% within 5 years (without taking into consideration entertainment industry-specific risks)

>> No.71332783
File: 3.87 MB, 2338x2339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71334553

ExOwl somehting cooking

>> No.71333144
Quoted by: >>71334553

Twitterspace Unity with GX Aura, Poko Rakun, and Elia Stellaria

>> No.71333803
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault - 2024-03-14T191441.565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71334450

Spica singing and piano with requests

>> No.71334450
File: 8 KB, 386x91, dasc_1647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71341555

Love me Lumi

>> No.71334553


>> No.71334884

I can’t believe the seething femanon that posted all that is in predebut stages for another corpo. Why are companies hiring such catty and immature girls?

>> No.71334907
Quoted by: >>71334959

you want them to hire males?

>> No.71334959

nigga what

>> No.71335786
Quoted by: >>71336690

first Spica improv of the day, Woman in Love by Barbra Streisand

>> No.71335931
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, GImheMFX0AAIa2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /micro/

Andi Identity V

Cadence Nine

>> No.71335938

>Spica and Raki overlap

>> No.71336144
Quoted by: >>71337113

I'm pretty sure we've all come around to vreverie being not so much a black company as an invisible company. I don't think anyone has defended them for months

>> No.71336690
Quoted by: >>71337871

second improv, Live to Rise by Soundgarden

>> No.71337113

No they're pretty black

>> No.71337732

Loli Spica is back

>> No.71337871

man I forgot soundgarden even did that song

>> No.71338228

Because they know other femanons are going to molest Raki and Miuna and they'v been beaten to the punhc.

>> No.71338558

Spica rickrolling us (loop station version)

>> No.71338581

That's a lot of speculation for a literal /micro/ lmao

>> No.71338840

Roro art stream

if you're a madman who watches vertical

>> No.71338921

The other anon was right about her being a shit petty person huh

>> No.71338994
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, GInJ1DLW4AA9gDY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71339281

Angy Catto A Plague Tale: Requiem

Arashi Nebula Phasmo

>> No.71338996

No. Mommeh was clear about what she wants and who should not apply.

>> No.71339197

sigh... women..
> i'm pre-debut for another corpo and dont want to start drama
> proceeds to start drama

you know your past corpos could probably tell who you are and where you end up right? 4chan anonymity is not your safety net. and any other retard that eats this up is just as dumb lmao

and from all im reading, one of them hasnt even debuted yet? how is a micro corpo getting all these panties knotted this early

>> No.71339216
File: 829 KB, 890x522, GIoJUr9bgAAO2V6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full DAYBREAK Don't Starve Together Collab

>> No.71339281
Quoted by: >>71340313

Man Nebula's really been falling off lately, this ccv ratio is sad

>> No.71339726
Quoted by: >>71339957

/vt/ loves gossip

>> No.71339957

majority of /vt/ have no lives, what else can we do about it. shame a micro has to catch all this shit when they just started. bitter femanons really ruin everything

>> No.71340313
Quoted by: >>71340469

Was Arashi Nebula a big deal? And just to be clear, we are not talking about Nebi Nebu, right?

>> No.71340353
File: 73 KB, 898x501, mozzu xitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more over than ever before.

>> No.71340469
Quoted by: >>71341517

Her debut was pretty welcomed and she gained those subs kind of quickly. But they just have no actual audience atp

And yes, we're not talking about Nebi

>> No.71340631

how long has she been gone at this point

>> No.71340875

last non-members stream was on valentine's

>> No.71340926
Quoted by: >>71342837


Holy shit I'm late, SEA timezone sucks. So I dug a little deeper and it does seem like a lot of these things revolve around management from Kyuumu, their previous co-CEO who is now apparently out of the picture. Not to be that anon but this is what happens when you give some overly ambitious woman some power - shit gets disorganized.

If a previous ceo was vagueposting on twitter (I saw it all but didn't think much of it until today) then they shouldn't have been a ceo in the first place. Kyuumu seems like an actual bitch to be honest, and this is regardless of my /vt/ shitposting. But she's out of the company and the girls have been very open about their love for management. So whether things could really change or not so quickly, it's nothing you know of. Horrible that you're stirring shit for the girls you probably would have debuted with.

>> No.71340938

officially since February 21st

>> No.71341103
Quoted by: >>71341361

isnt she coming back soon though?

>> No.71341361

I mean she just said another 2 weeks so end of march now

>> No.71341517
File: 158 KB, 1205x677, GGjX5eeaQAAHAYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's odd. What the hell happened indeed.I have been watching her genmate Sorachi Skye. ESL yet cute.

>> No.71341555

Spica finished and raided Alpha Betta and Onolumi >>71334450

>> No.71342481

Mai gacha stream

>> No.71342573
Quoted by: >>71342769

Sasuga lying lazy whore

>> No.71342769
Quoted by: >>71344698

Family should coordinate with vtubers before dying?

>> No.71342837
Quoted by: >>71344893

I would pin that on the company for hiring her if she was just staff but shes the cofounder so that's an extra oof
>>71330484 brought up some really good points earlier. Does she still own the company?

>> No.71343016
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, 1700630859754007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carnelia white day karaoke

>> No.71343045
File: 327 KB, 1920x1080, GIoTFonbQAEpMWh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71343922

Lilliana Vampaia Poppy Playtime Chapter 3

Kumanui Miel White Day stream

Aria Synth Valorant

Silvery Shore Persona 3 Reload

>> No.71343161
File: 58 KB, 982x245, socks eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your socks vtuber update of the day

>> No.71343632
Quoted by: >>71344574

Yume+ is indeed Cyberlive 2.0...

>> No.71343854
Quoted by: >>71343946

I didn imagine that some dumb sock would speak to my heart as candidly as he did. Runny mascara, extreme menhera, bitter hags, and coomer fags. Im believing

>> No.71343922

>Aria Synth Valorant

>> No.71343946

holy shit, we've got a fucking poet here

>> No.71344224
File: 1 KB, 232x195, 1688143074330243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71344343

She's gonna leave V-dere and join Kawaii...

>> No.71344574

Let's hope the girls go on to be just as sucessful as (most) Cyberlive girls then once Yume+ blows up.

>> No.71344587

Valentine's stream is the most recent stream, member or no. You're not missing anything newer.

>> No.71344698
Quoted by: >>71345129

It's not like it's one of her parents as far as I know. Most people can't take off for over a month when someone in their extended family passes away.

>> No.71344699

Nene killed her family

>> No.71344718

>once yume+ blows up
>100 debut ccv
well they're definitely playing the long game aren't they?dx8wt

>> No.71344781
Quoted by: >>71344806

how the fuck did my captcha show up on here when I only typed it once? whatever i might be retarded

>> No.71344806

The power of DirectX 8

>> No.71344887
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, miya helldivers 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an angel shark is playing helldivers 2

>> No.71344893
Quoted by: >>71344988

She seems to have zero connection to yume now. company seems to now be owned solely by the dombra guy, who the girls praise for good management and care. Since the femanon left way back, there's probably more to the story than she knows. It's been months after all. I'm pinning this on that kyuumu bitch instead and will continue to lust over my goat.

>> No.71344988

>company seems to now be owned solely by the dombra guy
Do we know that's the case for sure though?
>who the girls praise for good management and care
I've heard Akio girls doing the same thing I'm not really sure if that means much

>> No.71345129
Quoted by: >>71345343

She's half the globe away from home and helping with a family business.

>> No.71345343

fortunate for them her job can be skipped out on at the drop of a hat
Nordbvll Deux

>> No.71345522

Isn't Elia going to Japan to meet up with the girls? I thought that was one of her donothon things.

>> No.71345636

But cyberlive died because there literally was no management. And then everyone gave up. Also they decided to name their company cyber.

>> No.71345746
Quoted by: >>71345820

the donothon offcollab is later later this year

>> No.71345820
Quoted by: >>71346636

Damn, so she's going to Japan twice? Must be nice.

>> No.71345983
Quoted by: >>71350158

Elia is in Japan on a trip that was planned some time ago (she and Pandora talked about it on streams) to reunite ELP. Poko also joined them and there was a Twitter space karaoke earlier today. Given the timing, I imagine they might visit Holofes.
V-Dere trip will be later and they are pin the planning phase.

>> No.71346114

Even cyber had 500 ccv at debut and this was when views were lower across the board. Thats rough
I hope everyone but mimosa leaves for somewhere better soon

>> No.71346179

back here after my corpo thread dies and wtf is all this, looks like one of those niji vs selen threads

>> No.71346320

heres a summary for you: yume is an incompetent company with no money that is ran by some tranny

>> No.71346368
Quoted by: >>71346465

When the yume girls debuted, they talked about the CEO doing a live Q&A about the company and the first gen and stuff like that. I'll reserve my speculations for the day that happens and see how they address this shit. According to their contract, the girls keep their models and assets if they decide to leave the company anyways. If you wont support the corpo then at least support the girls.

>> No.71346374

or excuse me ran by multiple people and some tranny

>> No.71346457
Quoted by: >>71346675

probably the worst summary ever

tldr shit woman ran company into bs, other shit woman cried about it /here/, no one actually knows wtf is going on for sure

>> No.71346465

>According to their contract, the girls keep their models and assets if they decide to leave the company anyways
Holy fuck it really is just cyber 2.0

>> No.71346533
Quoted by: >>71346771

> favorable contract for talents
> holy shit its cyberlive
love that /corpo/ has half a functioning braincell

>> No.71346636
Quoted by: >>71346696

She really wants that Ropppongi bbc

>> No.71346675

>probably the worst summary ever
fine ill substantiate everything then faggot

>incompetent company

>no money

>troon staff

also to top it all off possible males for gen 2

>> No.71346696

Elibro just wasn't enough for her I guess.

>> No.71346765
Quoted by: >>71346882

Were there public statements on Cyberlives business model? They took on at least one member with an existing model and had a low cut, so I expect the talents might have had to buy models themselves.

>> No.71346771

>favorable contract for talents
You mean retarded contract?

>> No.71346803

so true sis

>> No.71346872

if theyre doing a live q&a soon then just air out your retardation there. im also willing to bet that the idea for male gens was because of the previous female ceo

also people throw that title around too easily. register a business and bam you got it

>> No.71346882

Lumi mentioned the company paid for all their models

>> No.71346983

uh... trust?

>> No.71347015
Quoted by: >>71347254

how is it retarded if it literally means the girls get to keep their work? if they decide to leave the company then rip for the corpo but not for the girls. can see why anon says favorable

so female ceo starts a company just to get closer to male talents. glad she got booted then, slut

>> No.71347036

>register a business and bam you got it
But again, does she own part of it still? Assuming she is retarded, wouldn't it also be retarded to co-found a company with a retard? And now that dombra or whatever the CEO's name is did that, what will this lead to? Does she still own part of the company despite being out?

>> No.71347079

I guess they bought out Dora's model or gave her a different deal. Giving the talents models after just a year with a low cut is a really strange business model. I guess it might have really been just a vehicle for the CEO to groom Misaki.

>> No.71347092

i plan on asking that on their live q&a as many times as it takes to get answers. dont want retarded women to ruin my girls

>> No.71347254
Quoted by: >>71347528

Listen I'm glad for the talents but at the end of the day it's retarded for the corpo to do that because they'll probably have a cyberlive moment the second things go south and women turn into emotional retards. Things are already looking pretty south
To me it just shows a lack of knowledge or experience from their management

>> No.71347411
Quoted by: >>71348737

After leaving CL/it imloded, Yuri and Menace talked on separate streams about their experience in corpo and one of them said (don't remember which but Yuri makes more sense) that management lied about them keeping models, but gave in after girls bitched long enough

>> No.71347528
Quoted by: >>71347925

> things are already looking pretty south

If I'm gathering all this info right, it seems shit went south when an audition reject decided to talk shit over a company that kicked her for breaking contract, and because of an old female ceo that couldnt do shit right

Then there's the matter of one of their talents not debuting at the same time as the others. I can't find the post but someone speculated that her model might be broken or something - from a corpo's perspective, this is solely on the artist and management probably cant do anything about it. Things are looking south because /corpo/ will eat anything up to spit it out as soon as they can. Theyre as micro as micro can get, its weird how riled up people are

>> No.71347727

>Assuming she is retarded, wouldn't it also be retarded to co-found a company with a retard?
why would someone start a company without vetting the person they are founding it with? if she really is some weirdo bitch then how is some of the blame not put on the current ceo for not doing his rounds on making sure the person hes working with isnt some psycho?

>> No.71347746

lads, consider, bipolar bitches

>> No.71347831


>> No.71347888

Dunno man my woman switched up on me after two months too

>> No.71347925
Quoted by: >>71348245

>decided to talk shit over a company that kicked her for breaking contract
This was never confirmed. A lot of the other stuff the other side said wasn't confirmed either so I'm not sure why you're speaking as if it's all facts
>I can't find the post but someone speculated that her model might be broken or something
Why such a tight timeframe? They could've played it safe and yet they chose not to and to debut so soon after receiving the rig without giving any extra time for corrections
>Things are looking south because /corpo/ will eat anything up to spit it out as soon as they can
Things are looking south because they debuted to 100 ccv and the literal coowner is gone

>> No.71348240

>If you dive deep enough on their socials, there are a few clear instances of them heavily referencing Pixellink especially which is quite funny given how they acted.
They want to be PixelLink sooo bad, also if there are any /pxl/ bros here, connect this whole comment with the corpo Ayu was talking about yesterday, I'll be damned if she wasn't vague talking about Yume+

>> No.71348245

is ccv a big deal for new corpos? sorry im new to /corpo/ but i thought the assumption was new corpos just debut their girls anyways then build ccv later

>> No.71348298

I went to work before your post so I didn't get to see it but looks like I was right on the money >>71314650.
Some anon coming in /here/ attempting to claim it was only seething chuuba who failed auditions, basically confirmed to me it was likely intern-kun, chuuba-chan or staff-san running damage control, even if your leaks are fake.

I'm not sure if they acted independently but trying to paint you as hysterical and arguing with me for casting doubt by taking your words into consideration, is definitely not a good look for them or whoever was representing them.

I agree with your assessment not much has likely changed in 6 months, because culture issues persist for the lifetime of a company and I stand by my statement that a corpo's actions speak much louder than words.

>> No.71348322

>Kyuumu herself even mentioned to me they intentionally got the PixelLink character designer so they could get their audience.
>PixelLink fancord fell for it

>> No.71348365
Quoted by: >>71348465

thats fair but if you're starting out that low it's not a good sign because even other startup corpos have 5x-7x the ccv that they got. no other corpos debuting around the same time as yume either so just very poor marketing i assume

>> No.71348465
Quoted by: >>71348603

then is it not about the same as some regular indie group then? they just happened to be a registered company. from my perspective, a no name corpo with 100ccv is still pretty good? or are standards here for corpo like mandatorily up to par with bigger and better funded companies?

>> No.71348495

They do, or at least that's the way they've all done it but debut is a good time for exposure and right now they're the most literal who company in the game

>> No.71348527

This entire thread has been very strangely defensive for such a new corpo that not only flopped at debuts but has also shown many signs of inexperience yet there are so many posts defending them. Just doesn't make logical sense in my eyes

>> No.71348603

>from my perspective, a no name corpo with 100ccv is still pretty good?
PixelLink was a literal who and still got way better numbers at debut and have grown a lot, most of the talents were actual mid to high 2 views for a while and now they've grown so much.
Of course networking and so on helps a lot

>> No.71348628
Quoted by: >>71348792

> a corpo's actions speak much louder than words
Should be the same sentiment for most people here. Like jesus fuck they just debuted. It's hard to take anyone's statements on here seriously but people do anyways.

There isn't much wrong in defending some underdogs if they're trying. I think some people on here have the right sense to (1) not jump to conclusions based off of potentially fake info (2) just support the girls they like (3) not let retards run their mouth

>> No.71348646
Quoted by: >>71349056

Indeed, from the looks of it, the fact they are still running damage control is very concerning.

I just hope the girls are alright.

>> No.71348689

Pixel got around 1.5k peak CCV right at debut. A lot of it was from a Pippa raid to be fair but they averaged 700-800 before that anyways
100 is piss poor nowadays

>> No.71348701
Quoted by: >>71348767

>muh noombers
>in fucking /corpo/

>> No.71348737

Hylo was the first to leave, wasn't she? I figured she would have been the one to talk the most about it.

>> No.71348767

I mean I agree numberfagging is usually annoying but it's important when talking about how well a corpo is marketed and managed like we are right now

>> No.71348791

i guess that makes sense then. i remember when pixellink started, there was a lot of hype because of one of their artists having previously worked on niji models before. networking and funding is probably a big deal then, it makes sense to me that some corpos probably have about as big of a budget as any regular indie. thanks for explaining though anon

>> No.71348792

>Should be the same sentiment for most people here.
No, because nobody /here/ (aside from the company themselves) has a stake in the fate of the company. If the company wants to prove the "redflag" allegations are false, and that's literally all they are, then they need to step up to the plate and prove it by supporting their girls.

>> No.71348804 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 577x577, 1707857938375934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71348927

It's true, I'll be eternally grateful to the pink yabbit for supporting my pink oshi

>> No.71348841
Quoted by: >>71348994

this isn't /#/. Corpo regularly cheers for underdogs, anon. "Flopped" isn't really ever used here.

>> No.71348872
Quoted by: >>71348904

>15x debut ccv
holy mogging

>> No.71348904

sorry but what does mogging mean

>> No.71348927


>> No.71348936

yep, totally no raid shilling going on here

>> No.71348944


>> No.71348994

Look I'm just saying it how it is. I'm glad that they're having the talents own their models because I can't really see the company surviving for that long. I like their talents and I hope they eventually do well but I don't think they can reach their full potential while in Yume

>> No.71349056

im not sure about damage control, i think some of the girls have garnered tight fans already and the community server has been up for a while now. could also be some loyalfag, if in case, i get the sentiment

regardless, the girls will continue to stream and do their thing, and i personally am looking out for that other girl to debut

>> No.71349080

Mariya morning voice ASMR

>> No.71349099
File: 2.91 MB, 422x520, 1706221664006829.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71349163

Hu (live!) https://youtu.be/fMG1Zs9K308
Mariya (live!) https://youtu.be/lb7OWLWddUs
Reina (in 42m) https://youtu.be/1ffNR-kqMa8
Yae (in 1h) https://youtu.be/Zv4_gaTTNRI
Pippa (in 2h) https://youtu.be/fEh7KclJtyE
Obake PAM (in 2h) https://youtu.be/WA-4vFhmuRs
Kaya (in 2h) https://youtu.be/MESG4P4LfNU
Lottie (in 3h) https://youtu.be/5p52japlbLc
Serina (in 4h) https://youtu.be/KEeE7Ol-wIk
Roca (in 4h) https://youtu.be/38he7DDLhUU
Ami (in 4h) https://youtu.be/XjRlZImdDfA

>> No.71349103

It's a /vt/ specific term for someone surpassing someone else in someway, be it talent or success.

>> No.71349134
Quoted by: >>71349691

please don't feed the newfag staff sans

>> No.71349163


>> No.71349216

Please sisters. Go elsewhere

>> No.71349218
Quoted by: >>71349691

>/vt/ specific term
Mogging isn't /vt/ specific, pretty sure it came from /fa/

>> No.71349383

newfags...it's not specific to /vt/, it originated in /fit/ the original meaning was surpassing someone in looks, as in for example "Henry Cavill mogs you".
It later of course came to be mean surpassing someone in any other type of thing

>> No.71349407

Airi guerilla 3DIO

>> No.71349691
Quoted by: >>71350262

I take pity on staff-san, hopefully it's not used on them

Words always have interesting origins. I won't pretend to know where it originated, but I didn't mean it in that way, more that /vt/ almost exclusively uses the word to deride whoever has lower quality. Anyway, thanks for correcting me.

>> No.71349823

thank you for explaining o7 i see it all over the clock app and have seen literally no explanation

>> No.71349931
File: 224 KB, 1240x1240, GInl7P_bkAAy1Ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op for new thread?
Raein art from her designer

>> No.71349958
Quoted by: >>71350041

If you read the context you can make an educated guess retardsama

>> No.71350041
Quoted by: >>71350150


>> No.71350150

Do better.

>> No.71350158

Pandora confirmed in a Twitter space she isn’t going. Seems she’s having a rough time in Japan though.

>> No.71350262

You both are cute and nice :3

>> No.71351161
File: 41 KB, 672x201, va.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we would like to have boundaries in place to prevent harmful and parasocial behavior!
kek it really is over isn't it

>> No.71351214

Intern-kuns please make it less obvious you're here

>> No.71351280

Shes had like 3 streams, its polite to wait at least a week before calling your audience fucked up

>> No.71351423

