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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 361 KB, 1240x1654, GIeIH6AagAA-wBy[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71221016 No.71221016 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>71233603

A thread for the Musical Maestro from Malebolge, Calliope Mori

>> No.71221072
File: 701 KB, 1920x1080, 1710294455461141[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71223479

Remember to love your CHaD

>> No.71221264
File: 1.82 MB, 1800x1800, 1710221957065922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year's /morig/ birthday project is:
>/morig/ sings Left For Dead Lullaby
Lyrics and other helpful links can be found here: https://pastebin.com/FmmN9y10
(You) can participate in three different ways. Feel free to do one or all of them.
>Submit a recording of you singing Left For Dead Lullaby
Feel free to use any recording software you would like, such as Vocaroo. Please post your finished recording itt as a reply to this post or the anchor or you can find my email on the MMM page.
Karaoke timed lyrics here: https://files.catbox.moe/l2yb84.lrc
>Submit your favorite Mori memory from the past year
This can be drawn picture, a written letter, a finger paint, or all of the above. This will be used in the final MV as a slideshow.
>Submit a redrawing of picrelated
This will be used as the thumbnail and main art of the MV. Please reply to this post with your selected grid section and I will mark off what has been chosen. Feel free to do more than 1 grid section, though I think it would be better to select ones that aren't touching.
Thanks again for all your hard work, and I look forward to seeing your submissions for this year's project

>> No.71221541

>go high enough into Tartarus that Mitsuru's Persona can't communicate well anymore
>they immediately find someone that's perfect for communication soon after
That's incredibly convenient lmao. But Fuuka is big cute. Also Mori role playing that the Fuuka's bully actually liking Fuuka was amusing.

>> No.71221899
Quoted by: >>71221982

remember to love your Mori

>> No.71221918
Quoted by: >>71223102

>Fuuka's bully actually liking Fuuka was amusing.
iirc Fuuka and her Bully actually DO wind up brings friends but it's been a while since I've played so I might be misremember some details

>> No.71221982
File: 443 KB, 2160x3840, 1710221771090357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71222908

forgot image

>> No.71222185
File: 312 KB, 897x482, illust_110420073_20230803_111744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reaper is cool

>> No.71222502

bullshit she's cute

>> No.71222908
File: 654 KB, 1273x661, Screenshot 2024-03-10 010540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71223081
Quoted by: >>71223250

>Mori getting embarrassed by Bebe's Social Link and him praising Japan and saying he wants to become Japanese
Mori was staring into a mirror, before she was fine being a foreigner........

>> No.71223102

I bet that was wish fulfilling for Young mori

>> No.71223159
File: 103 KB, 638x900, GITp4EKbUAAt3d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right she is.

>> No.71223184
File: 139 KB, 915x798, 1631420346809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71223250

that shit was funny you could tell that was totally her

>> No.71223342

That's Migo's wife

>> No.71223456

>Yukari getting suspicious about Mitsuru wanting to save Fuuka wondering if she did it for the right reasons
Jesas before they realized that time might run different in Tartarus, Yukari and Junpei were talking like they were gonna write Fuuka off as dead. I suppose the nature of these long ass RPG's is that there's going to be strange writing like that eventually.

>> No.71223479

I do. C in particular is in my subconcious...

>> No.71223765
Quoted by: >>71224080

>the Gourmet King Social Link saying that when you're dead it doesn't matter if you're handsome or not cause you'll just be a skeleton
>"Hang on, ALL skeletons are handsome,"
Mori loves us and thinks we're handsome

>> No.71223871
Quoted by: >>71235762

Bae 3D live news: they used ope because a 3D death sensei asset doesn't exist and there was no time to make one.

>> No.71223880
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71223889
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1709179117348[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reason why Mori's representative at Bae's B-day was because her actual mascot (death-sensei) hasn't been modeled yet and they didn't have time to make one
Huh, that's neat

>> No.71224080
File: 24 KB, 182x230, Ultra Rare dead beat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

especially me

>> No.71224133

>"It's okay Yuka-tan, you don't need to concern post, she's fine,"
Please tell me someone has made this quote a soundpost already

>> No.71224334
Quoted by: >>71224956

4chan and its consequences have been a disaster for Mori's AP English vocabulary

>> No.71224671
Quoted by: >>71224808

>Bebe's social link where his aunt passes away and Mori picked the correct option asking what's wrong
>"Ahhhh, he liked my concern post,"
Mori please.......

>> No.71224808

That word is such a way to invalidate basic empathy and compassion

>> No.71224881


>> No.71224956
Quoted by: >>71225949

I bet Mori used to post long paragraphs and big words here back in za day thinking it made her look cool and smart to anonymous posters online and then she'd seethe uncontrollably when they called her a faggot in response

>> No.71225235
Quoted by: >>71227107

So...is Ope the Grim Reaper now or the apprentice?

>> No.71225411

Stop thinking about paizuri

>> No.71225949
Quoted by: >>71228445

God, imagine if fuuka grew up to have mori's personality

>> No.71226045
Quoted by: >>71226300


>> No.71226300

Reject paizuri, return to pazuzu

>> No.71226312
File: 27 KB, 181x160, 1707538636195607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71226398

The anticipation is killing me bros I'm gonna explode

>> No.71226319

now that you said that I'm going to fap to my Mori paizuri collection

>> No.71226398

same tbdesu

>> No.71226554
File: 369 KB, 206x176, 1645957747204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71226692
File: 45 KB, 827x1713, 1690405504852497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is better this way

>> No.71226790

Ope boin boin

>> No.71227107

Neither. Ope went rogue and is trying to take Mori down.

>> No.71227740
Quoted by: >>71228831

Ope > Death sensei

>> No.71228445
File: 101 KB, 832x1216, GHnCYqmXoAALJVm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71229424

Imagine if Fuuka grew up to have Mori's huge ass tiddies....

>> No.71228831

Don't expose your ope to death sensei

>> No.71229424
Quoted by: >>71230019

I think fuuka's fuuka's are about as big as they're going to get in p3

>> No.71230019
File: 261 KB, 518x841, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love a pettanko queen

>> No.71230959
File: 714 KB, 2757x4096, GIderxxbIAAQmvt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71231757
File: 236 KB, 1539x2048, GIUq33saQAAzl9o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird crossover

>> No.71232204
Quoted by: >>71232465

what if Mori is the lead for the new Nier game?

>> No.71232212

I think I actually remember Kiara comparing 2B to Mori way back when she was doing Nier playthrough (when she was still doing her tsundere persona)

>> No.71232445

Not so weird, Mori mentioned that she wanted her next 3D outfit to draw inspiration from 2B/Nier Automata.

>> No.71232465

Mori should sing Weight of the World in a karaoke

>> No.71232568

Not that weird
I want Mori to crush me between her thighs
I want 2B to crush me between her thighs

>> No.71232963

They should remake the original drakengard while still keeping it gloriously retarded

>> No.71233603
File: 129 KB, 702x993, FrDuNfTagAE6Qeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>71159844

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ-fiSbqz9c
Upcoming stream: youtube.com/watch?v=n7ZpcOSkisU

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
//// Stream Overkill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7tp_0lFI0I

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/
(NEW!) Shirts!

OUT FOR THE SEASON!—Coming soon to a venue near (You)!
//// Archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

//// 2024 Birthday Project: /morig/ sings Left For Dead Lullaby
Info here: >>66707771
Reply to this anchor and/or the above post with your submissions!

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.71233830


>> No.71233831
File: 71 KB, 569x451, 1707518155620803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big announcement is that Mori is heading a new branch of Hololive EN that will be a girls rock band. Overkill was actually foreshadowing it.

>> No.71234062
File: 1.43 MB, 3060x3060, B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71234095

Oh my God, I'm drooling already

>> No.71234221
File: 28 KB, 1280x960, 1648271065507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71234233


>> No.71234266
File: 1.17 MB, 1800x1800, 20240312_221001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71239337

Very nice. You're all set

>> No.71234755


>> No.71235011

Nice fingies

>> No.71235172
Quoted by: >>71235479

UMJ is forming a group with her and a well known band and they are going to release an album and go on a tour.

>> No.71235479

Mori getting her own version MGO sounds cool as fuck tbqh

>> No.71235564

>spent my whole day off watching the entirety of a 8+ hour Persona VoD
Normally it's a multi day task for a VoD that size lmao, but it beats going outside and somehow spending 40 dollars on random shit. Even though early P3 VoDs weren't too long ago, it is interesting hearing Mori hint and try to hype stuff up in the future that has already happened like the Charity stream.

>> No.71235580

Why is Tutu such a footfag anyway?

>> No.71235617

This on my face

>> No.71235762

Ah, nahone

>> No.71235769

I bet she made the mistake of using her foot as a toy when it was a kitten and now attacks them.

>> No.71235852
Quoted by: >>71236052

I hope she's not moving to a management position. That'd fit the lifechanging bill, but I think it's a little too soon, at least judging by what she had previously said

>> No.71236045
Quoted by: >>71236178

>31 hours until the big announcement
On one hand I hope she just plays the trailer at the start of the stream to show what it is, but on the other hand, it'd be best to wait a bit so more people could file in before playing it. The thought of waiting that extra bit is driving me insane though AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.71236052

She wouldn't of been talking about it a year ago if it was that.

>> No.71236178

>The thought of waiting that extra bit is driving me insane though
The entire next 24 hours is gonna feel so fucking slow lmao

>> No.71236308

Keep an eye out in the usual places. An intern may fuck something up.

>> No.71236551
Quoted by: >>71236806

Well, at least I can watch the clock's 3d which takes Mori's usual slot tomorrow jst.

>> No.71236571

>Mori said a song is tied to it
Holy shit there's probably gonna be a leak somewhere like it usually does

>> No.71236806

Oh yeeaaah, I forgot her B-day is on pi day

>> No.71236958
Quoted by: >>71237164

Give me D1, I'm going to try to draw the hair as hands.

>> No.71237164
File: 1.70 MB, 1800x1800, 1682934253718710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to seeing those hair hands

>> No.71237596
Quoted by: >>71237725

I have (maybe false lol) hope that, that won't happen this time since Mori said she has the announcement video herself

>> No.71237725

That wouldn't stop the song or twitter annoucment from being early though

>> No.71237998

I kinda expect it to really be an announcement of an announcement. The big MV isn't going to come out right after the stream at 2am Japan time and morning US. The Big MV will come out on Friday or something, perhaps right before or after FES. She'll get to reveal what the collab is herself on stream.

>> No.71238020

does anyone have that gif or webm of a debbie live 2D someone made a few years back?

>> No.71238055

more than likely it's that knowing how the Japanese do announcements

>> No.71238534

The big news is

>> No.71238589
Quoted by: >>71239259

Announcement of an announcement of an announcement of an announcement of an announcement of ______a new hat._____

>> No.71238591

This is fine, at least I'll know what it is then, not knowing is killing me

>> No.71238819
Quoted by: >>71241865

Calli's on year 4 and sadly I think it's a farewell tour.

>> No.71239096


>> No.71239259

Only for rappers?

>> No.71239337
Quoted by: >>71239417

Is it fine to do a gray box if another artbeat might be working on it?

>Captcha: XRRR
>X-rated, triple hard R

>> No.71239417
Quoted by: >>71239710

Which one were you thinking?

>> No.71239688
Quoted by: >>71240048

Milky cute

>> No.71239710
Quoted by: >>71239911

A6 and B6. I just thought of something funny.
I could use my graphics designs skill for something other than drawing porn of the MV flytrap girls

>> No.71239911
File: 501 KB, 820x831, 1689108744638448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say go for it. Best to act on any inspiration rather than let it sit.
Those tiles were claimed 2 weeks ago, but we're getting closer to the deadline so any new submissions are better than none

>> No.71240048

Cute Milkster

>> No.71240339

chimenko’s jiggy costume is coming along really nice

>> No.71240475

>that paper mockup of the Ollieskin leotard

>> No.71240510

It kinda makes me laugh that there is a good chance she will have another costume to make tomorrow.

>> No.71240799

I wonder if she'll cosplay jiggy at Fes

>> No.71240942
Quoted by: >>71241466

Apparently more voice parks

>> No.71241138

Pets resemble their owners

>> No.71241466

My crackship.....

>> No.71241484
File: 48 KB, 644x430, Hackerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet. Tell me if I should stop now though.

>> No.71241642

Just thinking about it, do you think the "company-side" thing that blind-sided her out of nowhere a few weeks ago was this USA branch being created?

>> No.71241865

2 more weeks anti

>> No.71241897

Maybe? that was in reference to having to fly out right?
I'd think it be kinda weird for them to send her there considering at the current moment the US HQ basically just a shipping hub for now

>> No.71242030
Quoted by: >>71245076

It was likely related, but Kiara and Ina went at least. We still don't know what for.

>> No.71242101


>> No.71242103
Quoted by: >>71242217

Completely silent on twitter today. I wonder if she is worried she will like something that would reveal it kek.

>> No.71242217

I think she's just busy huffing her cats

>> No.71242295
Quoted by: >>71242327

>REOL's next MV is by a Fake Type artist
It'd be funny if the "big announcment" was just another collab song with REOL and then like, tagging along on a tour or something.

>> No.71242327
Quoted by: >>71242378

that's not life changing. Why would that require possibly the most expensive MV that Hololive has ever done?

>> No.71242378

The MV isn't the big thing

>> No.71242400

Post Ci

>> No.71242402

No, but the big thing required an MV that might be the most expensive in Hololive's history. Certainly similar cost to Marine's crazy one.

>> No.71242419
Quoted by: >>71242451

No I mean you're thinking of two different things

>> No.71242451
Quoted by: >>71242499

No, I'm not. Learn English. The Big Thing is still requiring, earning respect enough to require, her super expensive MV.

>> No.71242499
Quoted by: >>71242523

I'm not sure you're wrong, but I genuinely can't remember Mori ever connecting the "big thing" and the expensive MV.

>> No.71242523

You're a genuine idiot.

>> No.71242540
Quoted by: >>71242561

Can you just either confirm that you're speculating or give a source instead of being rude.

>> No.71242561
Quoted by: >>71242615

Watch streams, she's confirmed it.

>> No.71242584

You have mental issues

>> No.71242602

I'll be glad in 30 hours when we have definitive names for this shit, instead of referring all these things with nebulous titles like "big thing" and "bigger thing"

>> No.71242611
File: 750 KB, 1266x992, illust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71243619


>> No.71242615
File: 200 KB, 290x355, 445445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71242651

Post timestamp then

>> No.71242648
File: 169 KB, 1278x1278, F1cz3eZaMAE5oiF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71242651
Quoted by: >>71242765

Put forth your own effort clipwatcher.

>> No.71242765
File: 2.12 MB, 480x368, 1686525021126748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember her indicating that the MV is for something separate that's coming later. I don't remember what stream she talked about it. If you also can't remember what stream, then we're equally lost. On an unrelated note, you're an immature asshole, so if you can't even back it up, then you should shut up.

>> No.71242798
File: 129 KB, 743x685, ci176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71242821


>> No.71242821
File: 239 KB, 1800x1800, 1697673691327278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71242883

There's not 176 images of Ci that even exist

>> No.71242883
File: 802 KB, 634x598, ci146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71243164

Haven't been on vt in awhile, what was the general debbies' consensus on Overkill? Personally I love that Mori's doing more rock but hoping for catchier hooks

>> No.71243362
Quoted by: >>71246436

Arguably one of her best songs yet

>> No.71243484
File: 118 KB, 726x752, D-chan flytraps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71246436

I love rock music so I'm biased to say that it's one of my favorites so far.
The visual and lyrical metaphor for what's happening in the entertainment industry is amazing. Here's an analysis that a debbie made from an old post:
>It's for sure about the actual people in charge of resources that pump and dump women like cheap hookers in the industry
>Same with the "Parasite" imagery that's with the song. The double-imagery of the fly (Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub, you all know that much) and cat on one end, and the TV-heads and the girls on the other end, also give that away. A situation where a parasite latches onto a girl and sucks her success dry, then jumps to the next one to do the same to her, and on the other end, the same events play out in the virtual world. With the Venus Flytraps coming out of the heads of the women to tie both metaphors together, and show that eventually, the people exploiting these women (much like the fly who exploits the hosts they suck blood from) will, through their own parasitic nature, cause the organisms they harvest to evolve from prey to predator, and turn the tables against them.

The flytrap girls are also hot.

>> No.71243597

Really really fucking good
The only bad part about it, is that it probably released too late for her to perform it at Fes this year

>> No.71243619
Quoted by: >>71244160

>last one

>> No.71243800

>KEI hasn't posted any teasers for anything
The "big life changing announcement" could be anything, but it's safe to say it doesn't involve Gachiakuta.

>> No.71244032

Mori met Nerissa

>> No.71244074
Quoted by: >>71257189

I wonder who was bigger...

>> No.71244135
Quoted by: >>71244357

>general consensus
>hoping for catchier hooks
Agreed absolutely.

>> No.71244160

big ups to /vt/'s local drawfags for sure

>> No.71244189

Did Neri tweet about it?
She mentioned meeting EN senpai in her stream but didn't name any names

>> No.71244297

Life changing thing is marriage

>> No.71244357
Quoted by: >>71244559

I did my reps and got a job so I don't really spend much time here anymore. And I'm too lazy to do my archive reps so please spoonfeed me

>> No.71244500

I've always had this slight feeling that rissa actually loves mori but is reserved about it on screen. Maybe she admires her for being supportive of the indie scene. It seems strange that all of her sisters and her mother recognized mori and said she was cool. It's not that crazy to think lesbian prime likes takamori, right?

>> No.71244559
Quoted by: >>71246262

>And I'm too lazy to do my archive reps so please spoonfeed me
About like what? Morp in general?
Thinks have been pretty for her lately but she two massive projects in that have been works for awhile and we're about learn about one of them in around 27~ hours

>> No.71244783
Quoted by: >>71245058

>Life Changing thing
>She's death
Well, she's graduating. /sarcasm
The 2nd Sololive is on American Soil, right?

>> No.71245058

Cover corp USA pretty much confirmed the announcement. I think she was told to say it before holofes because they are going to shill the fuck out of the sololive during the event, probably as a first advertisement of cover's first big overseas venture.

>> No.71245076

No Kiara was just staying at Ina’s because she was in the area and confirmed they were separate things.

>> No.71245114

>Mori's gonna be spending more time at Cover USA
>right across the street from Skid Row
I pray for my reaper.

>> No.71245144

Kek I love imagining random homeless niggas strolling into hololive headquarters and bumping into the talents

>> No.71245321

I know you're joking, but did they give a city or just the state?

>> No.71245568
File: 130 KB, 781x1169, GIcDnOobUAAUxNS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71245747
File: 3.05 MB, 191x289, 1659670892574734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71245807
File: 265 KB, 462x412, 1700688135487302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71245891 [DELETED] 
File: 908 KB, 1137x715, Resting Power Soft[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3mdjv3.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71245982

I actually didn't think of this, it all somewhat lines up. Cover gets a US section that lets them operate in US, Mori gets her surgery which probably would let her be a lot more active on stage, so after she recovers, she can have a US-sololive with proper support from Cover. I like this theory so I'll stick with it for now.

>> No.71245985
File: 628 KB, 326x326, 1681160192433842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71246262
Quoted by: >>71246436

Oh no I was talking about the debbies' thoughts on Overkill, but what's the other project? I know about the one being revealed soon

>> No.71246429

Which karaoke is this? I love this version

>> No.71246436

You got some responses here

>> No.71246480
File: 2.52 MB, 1488x2088, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have AMAZING news

>> No.71246484
Quoted by: >>71247148

>is that it probably released too late for her to perform it at Fes this year
Some songs (by Mori and others) got a live performance before they were even released.

>> No.71246949

>d*mo tummy

>> No.71247091

Hey, don't forget someone drew A1. I saw it in a previous thread.

>> No.71247148

The only thing we know about the BEEEG announcement is that it involves a song as part of it, so im wondering if it will be that, with the debut at Holofes

>> No.71247217

Looks so soft and squishy~ <3

>> No.71247760
Quoted by: >>71265533

how would she feel about this

>> No.71247973

So because there's a new mori voice pack, i went through the hololive site to check all the packs currently available. Its a lot.

2nd Anniversary Situation Voice - "Beginner's course in Scythe Swinging"

3rd Anniversary Situation Voice - "An Incident on a Photo Shoot"

Starting Voice

"The End of the World" Voice

2023 Valentine Voice

2024 Valentine Voice

Hololive Island Voice Pack
2023 Hololive Summer Swimsuit Date Voice
No longer available

>> No.71248345
File: 23 KB, 122x76, 1710329709620502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori with her korean women

>> No.71249022

Does Korea have ants?

>> No.71249149
File: 518 KB, 3840x2160, 1704031342048238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71249404


>> No.71249218
Quoted by: >>71249447

An off-collab with these three would be something, Mori getting relentlessly teased and bullied until Ina and Kronii feels bad, so they start fondling each other instead.

>> No.71249404

we're entering anew era of Mori lewds
now can we convince set or Lucitan to jump on the bus

>> No.71249447

Kronii molested Ina's fat ass on stream already

>> No.71250554
File: 261 KB, 1280x720, 1187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71250886
Quoted by: >>71251024

>FBK gets two mentions

>> No.71250952 [DELETED] 

Imagine liking this chubby racist.

>> No.71251024

FWMC actually got to do their entire intro because of how iconic it is.

>> No.71251116

>Bleach is having a big announcement the same week mori is a coincidence maybe?
>Tweets in JP about the announcement so it will be JP base(rules USA sololive out)
>Life changing announcement doing a op for one of the big three would put her in the mainstream spotlight and would be lifechanging.
>Bleach op are typically jrock theme what music genre mori been moving towards.
> Mori is a shinigami and bleach characters are shinigami. It all coming together.
Final Prediction Mori is doing a op for Bleach.

>> No.71251215

>no greetings

>> No.71251248

God I love this chubby racist

>> No.71251329

honestly, I was kinda thinking it could be for TYBW
which is a mixed feeling because on one hand, that is a nice spotlight, on the other hand - the ending of TYBW is pure asswater

>> No.71251464

So apparently you can buy tickets to watch the TakaMori Bangkok event online


>> No.71252037

Bros, do >we love hololive here?

>> No.71252135
File: 336 KB, 1912x1080, 474728958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this girl like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.71252351 [DELETED] 

here piggy piggy, let me lick your anus

>> No.71252428

epic status?

>> No.71252583

wow not doing all the intros really removes the fun outta the song huh
they should have bit the bullet and make it like 10 minutes long

>> No.71252878
File: 13 KB, 183x38, 1697979156280536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's so cool...

>> No.71252937
File: 1.32 MB, 2667x4000, 20240313_085436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've joked about her getting a Bleach OP but I somehow missed that both her mystery announcement and the Bleach mystery announcement were this week. I'd pop off if it happened.

>> No.71253290 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>71254081

Don’t know how goslingbeats do it with how much she hangs out with you know who.

>> No.71253370
Quoted by: >>71253706

on topic of quality Mori lewds

>> No.71253397

Mori is a Death Eater!?

>> No.71253706

>No Mori today
>4+ hours Suzy stream
Godbeat blessed me by giving me someone I love to watch anyway.
Damn, that's a good one

>> No.71254013
Quoted by: >>71254040

Myth-Goob offcollab tomorrow

>> No.71254040


>> No.71254081 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>71254349

you saw the upload?

>> No.71254349

if he did I don't know how he's still calling her fat

>> No.71254390
Quoted by: >>71255072

Mori Calliope

>> No.71254830

Would another sololive really be life changing? It's hard to predict when she was signed to UMJ and it tops even that.

>> No.71255072


I don't think that's it, unless she has some big venue(s) and name(s) attached to it.
On her checklist of goals, the one that still stands out is anime OP/ED. But i guess we will see how she defines "life changing."

>> No.71255154

I think the life changing announcement has to do with the Cover office being opened in america. Maybe she plans to finally move back to the US? It's possible that the new office will have all the recording spaces and resources like in Japan, plus she would be paid a salary in dollars instead of the worthless yen.

>> No.71255313

Wouldn't she still be paid in yen even if she works in the states? The reason I ask is because the NHL pays everyone in USD because they're actually American and an argument you always hear about trying to get players to come North is that oh their pay will be worth so much more because they are using USD to buy CAD products

>> No.71255355
Quoted by: >>71256250

Ain't no way she's moving back, sounds like she wants to stay in Japan

>> No.71255408 [DELETED] 

im pretty sure that anyone that identified as a goslingbeats has move on long before that happen

>> No.71255494


>> No.71255756
File: 415 KB, 550x456, 46464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71257082

Weird uptick in retards recently

>> No.71255774

would be really funny if it was bleach since it'd have her work with 2/3 out of the Big Three

>> No.71255839
Quoted by: >>71256250

She's asserted multiple times that she intends to stay in Japan

>> No.71255980
File: 435 KB, 1889x3245, GIjhr39bEAA03_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71257514


>> No.71256101

I trying to rack my brain about what the announcement is. It’s her most important announcement of her life. Bigger than One Piece or Metal Gear. Yet I believe that she is just going to announce a concert. I can’t think of anything else.

>> No.71256154
File: 218 KB, 1920x1079, 1679229887593248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71264981

Just stop thinking

>> No.71256188

Coachella 2024

>> No.71256250
Quoted by: >>71257315

props to anyone that wants to live in jp, but with things popping off in the world the way they are. I would not want to live on a island that is within missile striking range of both north korea and china.

>> No.71256338

Bae has to take the last one, it is her destiny

>> No.71256681

CEO of Cover USA

>> No.71257082
Quoted by: >>71257169

Not really unexpected. They're all ESL, IP count was removed, and they were always going to ramp up their threadshitting as we got closer to the big announcement. Same thing happened with the UMJ signing

>> No.71257169

And the One Piece collab, and the MGS collab, and Jigoku 6's release, and Mori24, and I could go on...

>> No.71257189

no one in EN comes anywhere close to Mori

>> No.71257315

They are within land invasion distance. There will be a revenge-rape of Nanjing.

>> No.71257393

>you will live to see Taiwanese fembeats stand atop a mountain of invader skulls as Mori songs blare through loudspeakers

>> No.71257507
Quoted by: >>71257548

I just realized that the voice pack art is all the "Daisenpai" of each branch (I think Ririka debuted first in ReGloss?)

>> No.71257514
Quoted by: >>71257567

Damn, she sews quick.

>> No.71257548

Ao debuted first.

>> No.71257552

Gura came over and Tutu got hooked.

>> No.71257567
Quoted by: >>71257727

Jigoku 6 has been out for awhile now

>> No.71257727

Ye, but she started five days ago.

>> No.71257753

>Kiara and Nerissa went to an onsen
>but without the onsen queen Mori

>> No.71257851
File: 3.68 MB, 1388x2760, A6 B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only wanted to do the logo so I didn't put much effort into the background.
So if the original takers show up, maybe you can replace this shitpost I made with what they have.

>> No.71258341

The guy who nabbed the middle section right away never delivered so I have half a mind to do the shitpost idea I had

>> No.71258542
Quoted by: >>71259381

The whole point of these are to be kinda shitposty anyways and be in a bunch of clashing styles that still make something resembling the full picture.
>>71257851 had the right idea, but people have kinda just been redrawing it normally mostly.

>> No.71259367

I was thinking of doing the same in case he never delivers, but you go for it deadbeat

>> No.71259381
Quoted by: >>71259510

maybe to play it safe. I was tempted to draw a large cock

>> No.71259510

Putting in the "I recognize that bulge!" edit on D3 would probally make her laugh her ass off honestly.

>> No.71259544

Lol, based

>> No.71260162
Quoted by: >>71260260

I'm almost done with it what do you mean never delivered It's not final date yet

>> No.71260260
Quoted by: >>71260425

you forgot to post WIP updates on your fanbox

>> No.71260425
File: 43 KB, 163x200, 1704600489081293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually do work with drawing art which is why I got caught up and I'm late delivering everything... I'm doing the middle section and a few other pieces for the MV slideshow at the same time as work, I'm just coloring them now and planned on finishing it all this weekend

>> No.71260572
File: 43 KB, 442x595, Proof this stream?[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvlw6ih.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71260622

ganbare anon, don't take it personal but I'm not the anon and I also thought you dipped kek.

>> No.71260694
File: 257 KB, 1000x1000, A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resubmitting A1 in case you missed it before.

>> No.71261836

I jwu any Mori news?

>> No.71262177

She just posted this

>> No.71262194

Not yet but in 20 hours or so...

>> No.71262304

pregnancy is pretty big news

>> No.71262480
Quoted by: >>71262950

If it’s Bleach, I NEED a Bleach karaoke stream
Especially the screaming part in Ichirin no Hana

>> No.71262717

>one of my dreams
So, it's a game/anniemay OP. The rest of the dreams listed in her debut stream are pretty much fulfilled.

>> No.71262893

She answered my post personally….she loves me

>> No.71262913

She’s acquiring UMG

>> No.71262935
Quoted by: >>71264790

If she has no more dreams to fulfill, should we be afraid about coming close to the end?

>> No.71262950

this is still the most kino bleach op

>> No.71263232
Quoted by: >>71263371

She WILL announce the Gachiakuta anime and she WILL be making the OP

>> No.71263371
File: 1.01 MB, 1061x1500, F4VWgYdaMAAKqvw BabygWong99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the rrat I'm running in this race.

>> No.71263442
Quoted by: >>71264078

Can you leak the rest of this girl's morbis pls

>> No.71263963

I'm still going with my unpopular prediction that she's hyperbolizing and it's a second sololive.

>> No.71264023

I’m just going with my crackpot guess of ReZero s3 OP

>> No.71264078

I leak them regularly, just don't be slow

>> No.71264099

featuring her favorite band of course since it's so life changing

>> No.71264157

MCR collab O.o

>> No.71264187

The Wheezer, the singers of Creep?

>> No.71264291

She's VAing something lewd with Amalee and Juby.

>> No.71264354

She has a bad habit of overhyping things that are not really that hype.

>> No.71264737
File: 54 KB, 568x583, 1672894310828923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71264760
Quoted by: >>71266687

People have different perspectives. For example something with FT is a big deal to her while I really don’t care.

>> No.71264790
Quoted by: >>71265052

There's technically a couple more goals there like becoming more proficient at nihongo and track mixing, but I didn't count them as life-changing, at least not overnight.

>> No.71264918

The US office is just for shipping and logistics at the moment, no plans to expand just yet
But it's a start

>> No.71264981

Ogey Karsbeat

>> No.71265052
Quoted by: >>71265219

There's the relatively new goals associated with voice acting too

>> No.71265119

i'm about to meep

>> No.71265219
Quoted by: >>71265454

a VA role in an anime dub?

>> No.71265369
Quoted by: >>71265422

She's gonna do one of the themes for the Persona 3 Remake DLC.

>> No.71265422

as if people don't hate on the answer enough already

>> No.71265454
Quoted by: >>71265987

Maybe initially but she recently talked about practicing Japanese voice acting. She could definitely pass as a "gaijin" archetype character

>> No.71265533


>> No.71265671
Quoted by: >>71267019

One thing that makes me lean toward anime opening is that she mentioned that it involves a song, that theres a video announcement that she's been watching over and over (which might be a PV that features said song), and that "they've been asking for comments and promo material" (for press release/official website). She has mentioned wanting to do an anime op since the beginning so I could definitely see this being the "biggest announcement of her life" because doing an anime op is such a big deal to her

>> No.71265987

JPs seem to like her brand of american accented japanese too.

>> No.71266034
Quoted by: >>71266060

Examples of this that wasn't the wavy thing that was obviously pushed by UMJ?

>> No.71266060
Quoted by: >>71266115

Magnum opus

>> No.71266115
Quoted by: >>71266301

Yes and? that's a personal opinion thing not something for others to decide.

>> No.71266301
Quoted by: >>71266525

So is “biggest announcement of my life”

>> No.71266525
Quoted by: >>71266596

You are applying one compleatly diffrent thing to another.

>> No.71266536
File: 376 KB, 503x521, ArmyMori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71266623

With multiple bait threads and the announcement still hours away, I am hereby raising the alert level to SHITCON 2. prepare accordingly.

>> No.71266596

>This song is my greatest work
>This is the biggest announcement of my life
Are pretty comparable statements.

>> No.71266623

yeah I wonder why it's pink time again

>> No.71266661
File: 239 KB, 481x356, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait this is a hour before the announcement. I guess they will all be with Mori for the announcement.

>> No.71266687
Quoted by: >>71266811

Maybe it’s just me but I could never understand how people glorify or idolize bands or artist to such a level

>> No.71266710

If they're all there to celebrate with her, that would be super cute.

>> No.71266811
Quoted by: >>71267440

I think a lot of people have that one thing, be it music, series, game, book, etc. that means a lot to them. Something that came into their life at the right place and right time to make a lasting impact. Even if everyone else thinks that thing is mediocre.

>> No.71266825

It *could* be but keep in mind that the person who put that frame up just heard Kiara say "Myth, except Gura, will be doing a karaoke stream tomorrow" and picked the time that made the most sense to them.

>> No.71266927
Quoted by: >>71267129

It would be really cute if they are all there for her announcement.

>> No.71267019
Quoted by: >>71267138

I do think its an anime OP, and it is not only a big deal for her, a song can make an artist and having a song featured in a anime will reach a lot of people and put a lot of eyes on her and her work, especially if its a popular one

>> No.71267129

Mori becomes EN manager

>> No.71267138

Also if well received it will almost certainly lead to being asked to make OPs for other animes.

>> No.71267341

It's at 4pm JST

source: wawa twitter

>> No.71267440

Mori Calliope

>> No.71267562
File: 605 KB, 1149x841, 1707813899054999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Screams in American]

>> No.71267701

so 6 hours before I guess?

>> No.71267851
Quoted by: >>71268268

That doesn't relate at all to a expensive MV.
And a 2nd sololive isn't lifechanging. How many has Suisei had now? Watame has had 3.

>> No.71268091

Mori did say the announcement stream would be from the studio

>> No.71268268
Quoted by: >>71268501

>That doesn't relate at all to a expensive MV.
This is true. However, I'm pretty sure Mori said this thing is followed by another big thing in the future so that might be it. Regardless, I'd like to think having Hololive represented in US would make it easier to have a Sololive in US - even if not this time.
>How many has Suisei had now?
2+MGO one. Watame also had 2 unless I forgot something.
>And a 2nd sololive isn't lifechanging.
VERY heavily depends on the place. Would you say a Budoukan Sololive isn't lifechanging? Or whatever US equivalent would be - Madison Square garden or something?

>> No.71268501

>would you say a budoukan sololive isn’t life changing
Yeah, a sololive is a sololive, it only really panders to people who are already fans and I don’t see how getting more money would change Mori’s life right now

>> No.71268707
File: 593 KB, 1080x1819, 1695303768411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71268801

>it only really panders to people who are already fans
I think the chuubasphere is the only place I've seen that argument that concerts are only for diehard fans. By that logic, 3D lives shouldn't have significantly higher viewership than any other livestream

>> No.71268801

I've literally only seen it said here.

>> No.71268912
File: 195 KB, 595x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71269043

banger cover, albeit offtopic

>> No.71269005

Big 3 is only the big 3 in America

>> No.71269043

He showed up in Mori's chat before right?

>> No.71269152
Quoted by: >>71269188

damn, the Myth karaoke may overlap my medical checkup
kinda sucks

>> No.71269188
Quoted by: >>71269431

The healthcare system HATES HOLOLIVE

>> No.71269431

more like my body hates my habits ever since I passed the 30 year mark

>> No.71269573
Quoted by: >>71269618

my prediction is that Mori is getting an ICBM and making her own country

>> No.71269618

Outer Heaven

>> No.71269707

Then I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. A sololive in certain "status" places would absolutely be deserving of the word "lifechanging". And if it happened in US, it would also mean a recognition both of her own craft and vtubers as a whole on a new level.

>> No.71269732

Mori is finally going to lead us into a holy war like the prophecy said

>> No.71269845

would you meep?

>> No.71269916

nice pits

>> No.71269930

Holy shitto

>> No.71270717

someone asked to leak the set so here's kamiyamaneki's art

>> No.71270794
Quoted by: >>71270945

These are the first lewds by them right?

>> No.71270945
Quoted by: >>71271036

first Mori* lewds by him, yes

>> No.71271036

Yeah that's what I meant.

>> No.71271396

mori fura cock

>> No.71271672
File: 358 KB, 577x577, IMG_8153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God… everytime Mori doesn’t stream my mental health just spirals downward increasingly day after day. I don’t know if I’ll survive the surgery break

>> No.71271715
File: 188 KB, 440x320, 1676229233589789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anatomy needs work.

>> No.71271835

She took a week off not too long ago. I think she mentioned doing a watch along or 2 while on break too. You can also save some of the P3R vods we are sure to get in the next few weeks.

>> No.71272016

Her cutting it down to 10 days from a month and a half is good news

>> No.71272108

Yeah, a month and a half would of been brutal.

>> No.71272291

I always thought month and a half is weird because that's a pretty long recovery period to resume streaming, job that has pretty much 0 physical activity. Not to mention, she'd be going insane from boredom without streaming or doing anything useful for so long.

>> No.71272374

I definitely understand getting mental burnout though. Need time to go live life, get more stories, and generate more creative ideas

>> No.71272586

She may fo thought she was going to be stuck in bed or something for that long. setting up the iPhone for tracking is kinda hard from a bed. If I remember right this was a big reason for Sana disappearing for so long since they wouldn't let her PNG stream from bed so she just had to take a full on break from streaming.

>> No.71273569

She literally said it was 2 weeks of no streams and a month and a half of max every other day

>> No.71273635

I got my credit card statement and was very confused about why it was so high
I forgot I donated a shitload of money to make a dumb joke kek

>> No.71274073 [DELETED] 

I don't understand why debbies is whining about her 2 weeks or so of vacation.
She is in a much better situation than she was just a year ago.

>> No.71275164

That was the estimate she gave before her last trip back for surgery consultation. She's a bit of a hypochondriac and probably WebMD'd the surgery for the "month and a half". The actual doctor probably told her to take it easy for 10 days and she'd be fine
