>> | No.71156357 File: 12 KB, 385x1122, F7TtbbtWcAAkV5A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] hey fellow ojisans, i encountered the weirdest specimen over the weekend >high school friend group wants to meet up for the weekend >eh why not, haven't seen them in almost five years >friend brought her fwb with her, some weird motherfucker still dressed like it's 2003 >he sees the Pero decal on my car >"heh, you like vt tubers?" (he literally pronounced it veetee tubers) >"yeah man, i watch their stream sometimes" >everyone eventually spreads out into multiple conversation groups >weirdo goes between groups talking about how i have a weird sticker on my car >everyone just nods and ignores him >he gets drunk and starts bragging about how he's "making bank" 90k/year at his job and flipping Cisco routers on Facebook Marketplace >someone puts on Cowboy Bebop on TV >he spergs out about "the evil cuckolds in Crunchyroll funding pro-baby anime in Japan" (?????) >corners one girl and goes full spergsplaining mode when she asks what Crunchyroll is he really ruined the vibe for everyone anyways i got a bag of edibles on the way home and watched Heavy Metal while high as fuck