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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.71048410

Based OP. They can't handle the truth.

>> No.71048425

love drama, hate boring jrpg slop
simple as

>> No.71048442

This really says a lot about our society.

>> No.71048448
File: 78 KB, 627x719, 1444322740152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71048648

You asked for it and you got it. You have no one else but yourself to blame.

>> No.71048472

People unironically watching Legal Mindset is retarded but most of Sayu's viewers are on Twitch dude. She has over 2.2k viewers total for about 12 hours on a jrpg.

>> No.71048494

I don't know if its just yhat thimbnail but that lawyer guy looks weird

>> No.71048514

she has 1900 viewers on twitch

>> No.71048530


>> No.71048559
Quoted by: >>71048590


>> No.71048590
Quoted by: >>71048805

Take your meds buddy.

>> No.71048595
Quoted by: >>71048611

Those are the consequences of welcoming any grifter who panders to the drama. Those fans watching him couldve watching sayu instead.

>> No.71048611

Sayu's not so interesting.

>> No.71048631

It's been a pretty good stream too.

>> No.71048634
Quoted by: >>71048667

the lawyer stream is a one off special event, of course itl get a lot of views. you should be more worried about depressed nousagi getting 1000+ for every drama video because theres nowhere for anyone to talk about this stuff for people that dont use 4 chan

>> No.71048648
Quoted by: >>71048711

Ron Paul looking kinda sus here.

>> No.71048664

It's Persona, the ultimate debuff game.

>> No.71048667
Quoted by: >>71048840

>4chan drama is a cultural export you can make money off
giving third worlders phones and internet was such a mistake

>> No.71048681

Wait, I miss a niji yab? Man, I'm getting old

>> No.71048699

Neither is Dooki but everyone shoved their noses so far into her fat, sweaty, Chinese ass.

>> No.71048701

Anything interesting like at all or is it all regurgitated information everyone's already read in /here/?

>> No.71048711
File: 191 KB, 2014x1678, Sheev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71049471

You shouldn't have rejected democracy.

>> No.71048721
Quoted by: >>71048996

But i want her to suffocate me with her tighs so i find her very interesting.

>> No.71048722

Her unhinged rants at the start made me feel right at home as a phasefag.

>> No.71048724
Quoted by: >>71048829

Naw, keep the attention & pressure on Anycolor as we approach the earnings call.

>> No.71048738

even gacha streams are better than jrpgs

>> No.71048760
Quoted by: >>71048800

So far nothing new, except an news outlet reaching out to him about the contract.
So expect it could blown up even more.

>> No.71048768

>shoved their noses so far into her fat, sweaty, Chinese ass
stop giving me a boner

>> No.71048771

I'm not sitting through a 80+ hour JRPG even if it is my oshi

>> No.71048800
Quoted by: >>71049241

>except an news outlet reaching out to him about the contract.

But I'm figuring out it's asmall time website trying to ride off the wave.

>> No.71048805
Quoted by: >>71048851


>> No.71048807

We're talking about Sayu's stream, not Legal Mindset's retarded commentary that adds nothing of value to existing problems.

>> No.71048829

gotta wait for next earnings call to see the effect from the nijiyab anon

>> No.71048840

its always been like that, just search 4chan on youtube and those videos get tons of views going back to the 2000s

>> No.71048843
File: 1.16 MB, 990x1400, 1680488804905141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71048849

who cares, why would anyone want to watch fucking P3 part 6

>> No.71048851

Seriously dude, meds.

>> No.71048885

People just don't want to watch Sayu, she is boring, we support her trying to set fire under NijiEN, but beside that she is a mediocre streamer

>> No.71048922

Sayu is annoying and Persona 3 is a boring dating sim.

>> No.71048929

Nearly 3k on fucking persona is pretty good. I think elira was making around 1k on persona?

>> No.71048974

Doesn't Sayu explicitly insist on not riding the drama wave? Or is she just coping for not doing it right the first time like Doki?

>> No.71048994
Quoted by: >>71049126

>Or is she just coping for not doing it right the first time like Doki?
Tell me how you're new without saying you're new.

>> No.71048996

You do, others don't.
Hi, Enna.

>> No.71049050
File: 55 KB, 500x680, fucknijantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71049125
File: 108 KB, 318x294, 1709424143609084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna could be anywhere, in fact she might be in this very room.

>> No.71049126

I hate vagueniggers like you. If you can't articulate your point then don't reply at all.

It's a fact that her damage control over her termination didn't garner any dramatard/saviorfag army for her. Doki on the other hand played it perfectly. If I didn't guess correctly what your tranny ass is trying to say then I don't care enough to guess again, cringe pseud.

>> No.71049134

>People unironically watching Legal Mindset is retarded
Sure reeks of ESL up in here

>> No.71049158

Sayu is just boring, is good when she make sister seethe, but beside that why would I want to watch her?

>> No.71049164
Quoted by: >>71049218

L+Ratio+ur cringe@parasocial fuck

>> No.71049188
File: 140 KB, 850x1200, 1702747267730078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71049870

Don't worry after his stream they will all come to watch Pippa

>> No.71049190

sisters are from shitholes like pakistan yes

>> No.71049191

>Sayu explicitly insist on not riding the drama wave
Is that why she keeps yapping about it over a year later?

>> No.71049218

>btfo so hard he resorted to an ironic shitpost
I accept your concession.

>> No.71049234
File: 374 KB, 451x642, Faggot Bitch .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu's audience is on twitch, retarded faggot fuck.

>> No.71049241
Quoted by: >>71049499

This is the outlet reaching out to him


>> No.71049247

Fuck off Enna

>> No.71049261
Quoted by: >>71050189

Anon... that is a grammatically correct sentence. Both "are" and "is" can used in that sentence, with the former referring to the people watching, and the latter referring to the action of watching.

>> No.71049266
Quoted by: >>71049494


>> No.71049277
File: 29 KB, 708x172, twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71050333

Most people watch on the better website

>> No.71049317

Can you blame anyone for not wanting to watch a FOTM JRPG of all things?, Persona in particular is cancer for views, not even Koyo or Subaru could make it shine

>> No.71049333

Your mask is slipping sis.

>> No.71049344
File: 439 KB, 475x482, 1690322536758930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki choking down Enna with her fat butt?! Now we're cooking.

>> No.71049378
Quoted by: >>71049463

>all solo streams mogged by LM
>almost all solo streams mogged by Sayu's VT+Twitch CCV


>> No.71049390
File: 371 KB, 780x620, IMG_4791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71049430


>> No.71049394
Quoted by: >>71049487

Not sure what I'm supposed to be outraged by. Your shitty company impacts the entire vtubing community, sister. You should try telling it to stop being so black even the normies are taking notice. And while Sayu is related, she's just playing some boring JRPG slop.

>> No.71049393
Quoted by: >>71049476

>Actual ESL fag trying too hard to fit in
Lmao. Not surprised it's third world niggers who suck the dick of a grifter from Bangkok and don't have enough of a grasp of the language to notice how fucking obviously this retard is bullshitting you.

>> No.71049430

No, she doesn't.

>> No.71049463

vt maimed my brain

>> No.71049471
Quoted by: >>71049718

I didn't vote to give you emergency powers

>> No.71049476

seething sister spotted

>> No.71049487
Quoted by: >>71050769

>Not sure what I'm supposed to be outraged by
>Post anyway
Fucking Dookitards living up to their name once again.

>> No.71049494

Consistently outperforming her former company with a debuff game seems pretty good to me anon, what's the problem?

>> No.71049499

That's the one I regularly see in 5ch threads.
Seems like they are doing an interview for an article.

>> No.71049515

>Yukari - Pomu
>Kirijo - Sayu
>Fuuka - Dokibird
>Elira - Natsuki
>Me - Protagonist on Sayu route

>> No.71049600

Sayu's game choice is her biggest problem. sorry, I'm not going to watch Honkai Star Rail, Gehsin or any other gachaslop.

>> No.71049636
File: 925 KB, 1325x1494, 41-20-202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71049733

>Hurr I'm no ESL you are ESL
Meanwhile pic related

>> No.71049687

Is that really the extent of your English skills anon? Parroting stale /vt/ memes when you get called out? You'd be better off just not posting for a while because you're way too obvious.

I mean feel free to point out what Legal Mindset added to the controversy or discussion, I'll be right here to laugh at you.
>W-well he reviewed an invalid contract and made a fool of everyone who just copied his bullshit while distracting from genuine issues
Faggots now doubling down on the narrative that Elira, Vox and Ike shouldn't be blamed for slandering their suicidal former colleague because 'w-well look at this contract! If I go full retard and misunderstand the basic concept of law I can pretend it can be used to force them to say things they don't want to!'.

>> No.71049718
File: 309 KB, 492x476, gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you did. You didn't read the fine print in the constitution.

>> No.71049733

Did you take time out of your day to make this? If so get a life sister.

>> No.71049741

I don't watch her to be interesting, I watch her to be cute and comfy, and she's excellent at those.

>> No.71049755

This. She's a pretty entertaining streamer but I care about what they stream more than the person behind it.... which somehow has me end up with Tenma, the fuck does that say about me?

>> No.71049796
Quoted by: >>71049840

>Almost all popular EN chubas are ESLs
>People think ESL is an insult here

>> No.71049815

>started streaming 11 hours ago

>> No.71049830

>Nijisisters proving once again that they're suffering from chronic Doki Derangement Syndrome

>> No.71049836
Quoted by: >>71049913

Elira shouldn't be blamed at all.

>> No.71049840
Quoted by: >>71049908

Name three.

>> No.71049870
Quoted by: >>71052107

>tourists go from grifter to grifter
say it ain't so!

>> No.71049907

>1.7k on twitch
That's like under 500 viewers in youtube

>> No.71049908
Quoted by: >>71049988

nta but


>> No.71049913

Case in point, people are genuinely saying things as retarded as this. Authority is never an excuse, unless they had a literal gun to her head anything else is bullshit.

>> No.71049942

Yeah thanks Nijisanji for fucking up so badly and CONTINUE to yab every week that guys like LM will stay because of all the chum that's in the water.
NijiEN retards, YOU caused all this drama to infest the board.
Why dont you cripple NijiJP too while you're at it.

>> No.71049988

Bae is literally Australian nigger. Bilingual =/= ESL. Same with FWMC, the retarded accent they put on to pander to ruffians is just an act, go watch their PL if you need more confirmation.

>> No.71050008

total nijinigger death

The dramafags will move on once the corpse is picked clean

>> No.71050072
Quoted by: >>71050209

not real english, doesn't count
>coping for fuwamoco butchering the language
Doesn't matter, it's ESL entertainment

>> No.71050092

It is what it is

>> No.71050140

You will see the truth soon enough.

>> No.71050152
Quoted by: >>71050254

Fucking retard

>> No.71050153
Quoted by: >>71050203

she is streaming in two platforms so it's fine twitch fags will cover for her food expenses for the day.

>> No.71050160
File: 94 KB, 307x174, 1708358050258294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71050218

>two more weeks

>> No.71050189

>and the latter referring to the action of watching
That would require it to be written as
>People, unironically watching Legal Mindset is retarded
In this instance you are addressing "The People" and referencing the singular act of watching. The comma is required; to show that you are directly addressing the group and not referring to them. Punctuation can normally be omitted in casual writing, but not when it changes the meaning of a sentence. It's the kind of mistake a mostly-literate ESL would do.

>> No.71050192

Nijisisters cope

>> No.71050193

kurosanji fault.

>> No.71050203
File: 105 KB, 1078x1331, 2ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's method to our madness

>> No.71050209
Quoted by: >>71050303

You know what I'll give you FWMC being ESL pandering but Bae speaks funny English and I'm not accepting that as being the same category as Kiara who is genuinely just a German speaking a second language or FWMC who are genuinely pretending to be retarded.

>> No.71050218
Quoted by: >>71050300


>> No.71050250

>getting spoiled on a single player game
No thank you. Don't know if I'll ever bother playing it, but I sure don't want to watch someone else play it.

>> No.71050254

And like clockwork, a ruffian comes out of the woodwork to drag his ass over the carpet and devour his own sick.

>> No.71050290
File: 533 KB, 1080x1018, sayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71050303
Quoted by: >>71050364

>cantonese chink speaking australian
>not ESL

No i think you're the retard

>> No.71050300

Free rent

>> No.71050318
Quoted by: >>71050497

Holy fuck dude go back to school. Your grasp of English is actually terrible. I fucking hope you're just some Eastern European retard and not someone from an actual English speaking country being this bad at English.

>> No.71050320
File: 157 KB, 677x484, 1705591718362834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad your shitty drama shit is being grifted and raped by normie shitters, suffer dookiefags/drama troons

>> No.71050333
Quoted by: >>71050420

virtual "youtuber"

>> No.71050364
Quoted by: >>71050472

>Heritage determines your native language
Brother what do we say about going full retard again?

>> No.71050380

Elira didn't do anything though. All she said was her address was in the document. You retards assumed everything else after that.

>> No.71050389

Nice false flag sister. Try harder.

>> No.71050420
Quoted by: >>71050499

>Anon doesn't understand how words work

>> No.71050422

WHOS WE? u speaking french?

>> No.71050438

No clue why you think the casual viewer gives a shit about anything more than drama. They never heard of sayu before and don't remember her now. Get over it OP or get an ad.

>> No.71050446

>>71050389 (me)
dookie is a dead giveaway. just say dokifags retard.

>> No.71050459
File: 681 KB, 1280x720, 1694261631415425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry harder faggot, the entire board hates you not just nijifags

>> No.71050472
Quoted by: >>71050598

>literally speaks chink in an early stream
> still considers australian english

sure, retard

>> No.71050473
File: 308 KB, 512x512, 1709986772673677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71050820

Cope faggot. Holo fans are tired of your Dookie spam

>> No.71050477

Anything random anons on here say is 100% the god's honest truth.

>> No.71050488
Quoted by: >>71050596

Don't have to assume anything, her being part of that stream is by itself without anything else already so utterly abhorrent that no more is needed.

Keep coping fag, if your retarded oshi shows her head again it's going to get hammered, and she'll deserve every bit of it.

>> No.71050497
Quoted by: >>71050681

Not only could you not address my point, you saw the need to resort to ad hominem instead. I accept your concession.

>> No.71050499
Quoted by: >>71054665

>Anon doesn't understand why its vtuber not vtwitcher to begin with
sad and pathetic

>> No.71050532

"YOU Writing for Kotaku"
Damn this might become mine favorite phrase to use against NDF

>> No.71050533

This is what happens when shit breaks containment to normie react streamers, they bring in a ton of dramafags that ultimately don't really care about vtubers and are just there for the circus.

>> No.71050534

>Be lawyer
>Still get 3 dollar US army haircuts
Is this what chicks in Thailand dig?

>> No.71050543
Quoted by: >>71050639

Why doesn't she stream then? Where is she? She has nothing to be afraid of, has she?

>> No.71050546

It's always the same sister posting moom reaction images, easy to filter it out, don't respond to it.

>> No.71050553

Yeah, cook that new black screen video, we need a laugh Elira
Enna: stop finding out the truth

>> No.71050569

Fuck off Millie

>> No.71050590

Dude's career is helping jews avoid paying land taxes, he's soulless.

>> No.71050596

>Her existing is proof she bad
That's your argument? Kek. Dookitards proving how retarded they are once more.

>> No.71050598
Quoted by: >>71050675

Already said "bilingual" anon, do you not understand what that term means? ESL much?

>> No.71050608

Which discord do you think these sisters come from?

>> No.71050629
Quoted by: >>71051516

She plays gacha once a week, stop being retarded with this old as dirt complaint

>> No.71050639
File: 338 KB, 1684x1119, 1709676193172718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71050695

>Fags assume she had something to do with bullying with no proof
>Harass her
>Hurr why don't she stream
Dookitards being tards

>> No.71050643

okay faggot like you're not posting this thread on false's discord

>> No.71050675
Quoted by: >>71050734

>origin: chink
>speaks chink
>speaks *australian*, not normal english
>nuh uh she's bilingual not ESL


>> No.71050681
Quoted by: >>71051004

Anon please, your ESL is too obvious and no I'm not going to spoonfeed you, just laughing at your obvious mistakes when you clearly don't even realise is much more entertaining.

Actually I'll give you a small mercy. A "point" is something you have when making an argument, not when you're dissecting or analysing a sentence. The fact that you think you were making a 'point' demonstrates you don't even understand the terms used in basic argumentation and rhetoric, and are mostly just going by internet meme speak terminology.
>Muh ad hominem
Case in point.

>> No.71050691
Quoted by: >>71050713

Cope sister lol
Way to out yourself retard

>> No.71050695
Quoted by: >>71050783

You've been bullying Doki this whole time and she streams nevertheless.

>> No.71050700

didn't Elira say something to the effect that she was in fear for their lives because the document Selen sent had personal information that could lead to "doxing"

>> No.71050713
File: 26 KB, 280x280, 1703775187612113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't deny it

>> No.71050714

niji reaping :)
niji sowing :(

>> No.71050715
File: 399 KB, 826x1080, Fivehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody can have a differing opinion than me

>> No.71050734
Quoted by: >>71050904

Are Americans going to admit to being ESL too then? That'd be the day. Aussie English > Burger English any day mate.

>> No.71050755

the one where they talk about the same things they stopped talking about in the doxxsite because everyone started going there to laugh at them.

>> No.71050757

god i love when sisters are seething and crying

>> No.71050769
Quoted by: >>71050889

I don't agree with OPs premise but if I post, that means I secretly do. Nijis aren't sending their best.

>> No.71050779

>Doesn't deny that they come from a Discord
Fucken SEAniggers

>> No.71050783

Almost like people are different or something. And Doki didn't stream in December due to "bullying." Please, keep showing your low IQ to everyone.

>> No.71050820

>nijisisters are so pathetic they have to falseflag as holofans to get a "win"
grim, must mean that Vox is getting terminated

>> No.71050827

kill yourself sister, don't use my oshi image for sucking riku cock

>> No.71050836

>Faggots now doubling down on the narrative that Elira, Vox and Ike shouldn't be blamed
literally nobody is defending them aside from sisters and a couple malesisters

>> No.71050876

No, she didn't stream because she was suspended + being in the hospital, retard

>> No.71050889

>Conflating agreeing with not understanding
Who isn't sending their best?

>> No.71050895
Quoted by: >>71051030

>Doki didn't stream in December due to "bullying."
Really now, just bullying? Or do you want to say Elira also had an attempt?

>> No.71050896

>They have to act like Holos to gain a "win"
Nijiniggers man lol

>> No.71050904

>penal colony getting uppity


>> No.71050908
Quoted by: >>71051055

Don't fall for retard-bait faggot, she's obviously baiting with moom for a reason and you're actually letting it work you dumb fuck.

>> No.71050929

Why would I want to watch Tartarus grinding

>> No.71050938
Quoted by: >>71051002

this is what happens when you become mainstream enough in english speaking circles

>> No.71050940


And yes.

>> No.71050945

>>71050876 (me)
On the other hand, Elira isn't streaming because she is a bitch and is afraid of getting rightfully fucked.

>> No.71050943

What makes you think he intended to address people as a whole and not refer to them as a nebulous group?

>> No.71050946
Quoted by: >>71051094

>better L2D model than all nijis
>more viewers than most nijis
>will survive 2024 (unlike niji)
The future is bright. All is right in the world.

>> No.71050950

More lies that have no proof behind them. The original point still stands. Elira did nothing wrong. You're a gullible faggot.

>> No.71050966

There's no such thing as a malesister.

>> No.71050969

Nah, ton's of her fans who left after the stream are now desperately coping that she wasn't actually to blame. Sisters are too busy shitstirring and going on the attack to be making desperate copes.

>> No.71050975

The lawyer had a fanbase prior retardo.
Sayu pissed her momentum away by not getting a vtuber model and not streaming on Youtube

>> No.71050994
Quoted by: >>71051666

That's not how that works. You can literally slice off either part of that sentence and see.
>People are retarded
>Watching Legal Mindset is retarded
So when the sentence is "People unironically watching Legal Mindset", you can literally use either one, without any need for additional punctuation. Not to mention that
>People, unironically watching Legal Mindset is retarded
changes the entire syntax of the sentence, because "People" goes from a direct object (people are the ones doing the watching) to a general referencing noun (people are who you are talking to).

>> No.71051002

>Hololive EN becomes mainstream
>Become high 4-views and low 5-views
>Nijisanji EN becomes mainstream
>Becomes low 4-views and high 3-views

>> No.71051004
Quoted by: >>71051118

The point was implied. The post was addressing a claim that a sentence was grammatically correct. You still haven't addressed the comma. Do so, or kindly fuck off back to Pakistan. Gaslighting is a woman's tactic. Do better. Or just keep writing. It clearly takes you more effort than it does me, so I'm winning either way.

>> No.71051024
File: 153 KB, 1024x1024, 1681573240011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71051094

i love when sisters seethe

>> No.71051027

Did you just fucking out yourself as an NDFag?

>> No.71051030
Quoted by: >>71051141

Oh so Selen didn't try and kill herself due to "bullying" now? Which is it?

>> No.71051044
Quoted by: >>71051152

>Elira did nothing wrong
So you actually mean to say that black stream wasn't wrong? Anon even they understood what they were doing is wrong, or do you think them not using their avatars was an accident?

>> No.71051051

Even the Niji termination statement said that lol.
But you're just a 39IQ sister, do you'll just ignore it to keep seething, so carry on.

>> No.71051055
File: 782 KB, 2300x4093, 1709495214418581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're now reading my post as moom, you want to stop caring about this gay drama and watch all of twilight

>> No.71051052
Quoted by: >>71051152

Dosen't matter. Elira's career is over. Cope faggot

>> No.71051094

Remember when Niji was supposed to be gone in 2021, 2022, 2023?
Your oshi shit herself

>> No.71051100
Quoted by: >>71051119

>There's no such thing as a malesister.

>> No.71051114


>> No.71051117
File: 846 KB, 1440x1080, __vox_akuma_reimu_endou_vox_akuma_and_reimu_endou_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_kisaragi_1go__283f7685c570c0d5568dfd6daa36f9d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71051232


>> No.71051118

>The point was implied
MY FUCKING SIDES, that's what you came up with?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.71051119
Quoted by: >>71051163

yeah they're called drama trannies aka you

>> No.71051124
File: 10 KB, 325x325, 1704017583508297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no such thing as a malesister.

>> No.71051141

Strawman, also not the point, stop deflecting. The point is she didn't stream due to being suspended + being in the hospital. So I accept your concession.

>> No.71051152

They didn't do nothing wrong. I'm not a crybaby, pretend moral faggot. Literally all Elira said was "this hoe put my address in a document" and you fags started shitting your diapers.
Keep telling yourself that faggot.

>> No.71051163

Factual and true post.

>> No.71051172
Quoted by: >>71051215

Cope, cope, cope

>> No.71051184

Legitimately, I don't understand how these sisters can be rallied by their Discord mods to raid this thread. They are like ducks following blindly. there is no way they do it for free, right?

>> No.71051194
Quoted by: >>71051425

>They didn't do nothing wrong
Yes, we know, the did do something wrong, and didn't do nothing wrong, because they did something wrong. Now you're getting there.

>> No.71051212
Quoted by: >>71051425

How did she get access to the document only the lawyers were supposed to see?

>> No.71051214
Quoted by: >>71051425

>Literally all Elira said was "this hoe put my address in a document"
A legal confidential document she wasn't supposed to read, breaching NDA and canadian law, so yes, they did do something wrong, it has nothing to do with morality.

>> No.71051215

Face it, you got destroyed.

>> No.71051221
File: 324 KB, 960x960, 1625931365633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Pomu wouAPDT2ld never leave Niji?

>> No.71051224
File: 280 KB, 539x455, Whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjqd1GZIhjU&t=90s
Elira is a corporate whore. This bitch is so desperate for fame that she sucked and fucked her way to the top of Nijisanji EN, offering her body to gain favor with and manipulate management. This explains why she is the Queen of the Clique ordering Millie and Enna to bully those she does not like and to fuck the management that she doesn’t want to. It also explains why she gets away with bullying inside the company. Your Oshi is an evil slut. COPE

>> No.71051232

Kinda hot. More?

>> No.71051235
File: 388 KB, 392x362, 1623439244213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares about some literally who?
Who the fuck cares about Dookiebird?
I only care for total destruction of Nijiniggers.

>> No.71051249

they do it for giftcards, im completely serious.

>> No.71051252

Of course they're raiding these threads anon, it's not like they could be watching Elira after all so they have plenty of time :^)

>> No.71051268
Quoted by: >>71051425

>they didn't do anything wrong
>this hoe put my address in a document
retard, your own post is contradicting your own rotten vag sister, so illiterate and uneducated a true subhuman.

>> No.71051270
File: 379 KB, 620x420, 1462955777178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the mentally retarded ritual poster.

>> No.71051274
File: 101 KB, 463x453, 1625922507061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71051388

Did I have a fucking stroke?

>> No.71051278
File: 165 KB, 564x444, 1709368784162241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.71051277

How cute, the sister is getting support from their discord >>71051215

>> No.71051297

Please understand those mean a lot to pakis.

>> No.71051301

that's Moom? that art looks like someone gave Shondo boobs and fucked with the eye color.

>> No.71051305

I actually kind of want for Elira to return if it means they will fuck off from this board.

>> No.71051318
Quoted by: >>71051369


>> No.71051319

Fuck off Enna

>> No.71051320
Quoted by: >>71051424

Elira is getting dicked on the daily by Niji
cope faggot

>> No.71051348
Quoted by: >>71051424

elira, you know you're going to prison for all this, right?

>> No.71051355

>playing some autism game 9 hours every day
you realize how uninteresting this is to most people?
she als streams while im sleeping making it even worse

>> No.71051369
File: 1.05 MB, 125x120, 1675118209015685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71051394

Missclicked back out of the stupid fucking box

>> No.71051388

looks as if you typed captcha there

>> No.71051389
File: 148 KB, 265x332, 1689007830492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71051450

>Mind breaks late 20s-30 year old men
how does she do it

>> No.71051394

Too busy shaking in rage to post properly.

>> No.71051425

Retarded post
>Hurr legal document that can't be seen
Says who Doki?
>Hurr no Legal Mindset said so
How? I thought the document was confidential?
Nice ESL cuck.

>> No.71051424 [DELETED] 

You fucking faggots you don't get anything, do you? Go outside. Touch grass. Elira did nothing wrong, she was cleared by Nijisanji and everything in the black screen stream was legal, I had a right to debunk lies. You're just jealous it fucked over Dookie.

>> No.71051434

Sayu is boring as shit

>> No.71051450
File: 192 KB, 339x419, 1689568547485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71051491

Enna posters are the most powerful race.

>> No.71051451

Nah, even if she comes back it just means they'll come here to cope when they get BTFO by numberfags over the fact that she's now a complete 2view. Most of NijiEN's audience is now nonEN just based off of their numbershit. Doubt they even know what the fuck is going on beyond '2d girl with fuckable tits is bouncing around while making the funny English noises'

>> No.71051458

>I had a right to debunk lies

>> No.71051489

Cry more for Mr. Give me (You)s faggot.

>> No.71051491
File: 121 KB, 294x258, 1689008375343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's only fair digusting trannies hate perfection like our little angel

>> No.71051494

>She got cleared
>By Niji
Lol. Aight buddy good job, but come on you can stop pretending now.

>> No.71051497
File: 65 KB, 633x633, 1709131177619171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr nobody can have genuine options it all manufactured
Again, we're tired of you faggots posting this old retarded Dooki drama

>> No.71051502
File: 378 KB, 344x408, 3ead9d7d9db818988647cff01111aee3b581796642f7ebd2435d6b5eebe4bd7e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, you stole my idea. I was going to do this same thing and put an "I" in there so retards think Elira posted this.

>> No.71051503
File: 224 KB, 625x290, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong sayu? You leak the contract but at what cost

>> No.71051506


>> No.71051507
Quoted by: >>71051560

>Your oshi shit herself
after laughing so much at you and your nijigroomers lmao

>> No.71051508
File: 506 KB, 1580x889, 1702997813266634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71051645

>*I* had a right to debunk lies.

>> No.71051516

true, she also plays FOTM garbage and jarpigs too

>> No.71051543

Where did the money come from? Please don't tell me it's from Kuro Company?

>> No.71051551
Quoted by: >>71051627

>Holo false flagging didn't work
Back to being retards

>> No.71051560
File: 355 KB, 1100x1080, Fuxkdooki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71051762

No when she tried necking herself

>> No.71051561
Quoted by: >>71051681

do you get paid extra in giftcards? theres always one mass replying gigaseething sister

>> No.71051565
File: 73 KB, 754x521, 1706136474322185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71051681

Holy fucking shit Millie are you sure you should be posting /here/? Shouldn't you be updating the Black List?

>> No.71051570

even if faked self-report since we got a lot recently
This is hilarious head canon

And how would sisters or the talents prove otherwise? No one would ever know kek

>> No.71051583

I aspire to like you one day be able to write retarded shit with absolute confidence about topics I know nothing about.

>> No.71051586
Quoted by: >>71051769

Your dumb rrat of elira going rogue is not true, with the contract leak its obvious everything has to be approved by Niji first. It could even be that Niji called for the black stream.

>> No.71051592

Then leave?

>> No.71051614

Probably just left over from doing sponsorship deals where they get a bunch of free garbage

>> No.71051627
File: 182 KB, 400x400, 1709046739728991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr nobody has genuine opinions
>Hurr if you don't agree with my dooki spam you are false flag
You realize those are schizo symptoms, right?

>> No.71051641

Holy fuck what did I miss!?

>> No.71051645

Did someone screenshot it? Even if false it's gonna be fucking funny to use it tl shit on sisters.

>> No.71051652

who knows? they coordinate on some discord server

>> No.71051660

Why do sisters out themselves so easily? Are they that retarded?

>> No.71051666
Quoted by: >>71053572

>People are retarded
This is grammatically correct.
>Watching Legal Mindset is retarded
So is this.
>So when the sentence is "People unironically watching Legal Mindset", you can literally use either one, without any need for additional punctuation
No. You don't get to add random words to a sentence without making them fit into a coherent thought.
As you said, the thought is either:
>People (doing X) are retarded.
This one requires are. We agree.
>Watching x is retarded.
This one requires is. We agree. But "People" has no business in this sentence unless they are the entity being addressed. Directly addressing someone requires a comma.

>> No.71051681
File: 512 KB, 855x948, 1709447833688527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Dookitards do when they get called out for their retardation.

>> No.71051710
Quoted by: >>71051898

Stop using my oshi to falseflag you dumb sister, you don't even watch her.

>> No.71051713 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 1080x613, IMG_20240311_012432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71051721
Quoted by: >>71051865

>what is an archive
fucking newniggers

>> No.71051730
Quoted by: >>71051898

Name six holo streams and songs you have watched and liked. I'm waiting.

>> No.71051735


Yes. Yes, they are.

>> No.71051742
File: 16 KB, 1380x202, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71051744

yeah, like my favorite saying goes: two are company, three are a crowd

>> No.71051762
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1689043723788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71054201

but she didn't and we get to see you retards seething about it

>> No.71051769
Quoted by: >>71051849

>Your dumb rrat that is just the basic facts of the matter is not true, now let me list multiple genuinely dumb rrats that just prove I don't know how to read a contract!
While not knowing how to read a contract isn't anything particularly uncommon, acting like you know what a contract says when you very obviously can't is pretty fucking retarded anon.
>It could be...
Doesn't matter. She could have said no, and if she wanted to be blameless she should have. It doesn't matter if she got orders, it doesn't matter if they had leverage. She should have said no.
>B-but then she'd lose her job!
And if Niji succeeded with what they attempted to do her former coworker could have lost her life, the fact that she was okay with that is unforgivable, simple as. This is basic moral shit in the western world faggot, so you can keep your bugman morality in chinkland where it can rot.

>> No.71051780
Quoted by: >>71051811

It's not fair, it should have been me! I've hatched this plan and someone else carried it through.

>> No.71051790

Probably fake but given that Finana, Enna and Millie have self-reported already I will believe it for the funny.

>> No.71051793


>> No.71051798
File: 137 KB, 463x453, 1625921324504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71051898

>Being an NDF
>Trying to holopost
Fuck off Enna, keep your greasy fucking zhang hands off my Oshi's company.

>> No.71051811

Go complain on your Discord.

>> No.71051819

another one into the sisters hall of shame

>> No.71051838

>implying those were real too
Fuck, I have to move onto pretending to be Vox now. I think I'm going to be sick.

>> No.71051837

its always funny regardless if its true or not. fuck nijisanji.

>> No.71051849
Quoted by: >>71051930

I don't know if you're commenting against Elira or for Elira, so I'll just call you a retard. Fuck Elira and fuck Niji.

>> No.71051865

Screenshots are better imo

>> No.71051895
File: 107 KB, 1306x1170, 20240120_174501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71052009

look at this femanon

>> No.71051898
File: 1.25 MB, 2048x1536, 1710008557361187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My oshi
>Defending Dooki
Nice falseflag
You can wait all day faggot. I have nothing to prove to schizos.
Cope harder faggot. Real Holos don't defend Dooki this hard

>> No.71051903

Have you seen this board? It's been nothing but tourists using the niji shit as an opportunity to shitpost for a month straight

>> No.71051909

The Regime Rrat manifests
But yeah this one is probably fake because there's another thread up now talking about the Enna self report with a similar sequence.

>> No.71051930

Against, and you're retarded for not noticing.

>> No.71051942
Quoted by: >>71052138

Rrat magic can make everything true.

Also the Millie self-report was so fucking pityful and pathetic I don't believe any anon /here/ could have written it.

>> No.71051948
Quoted by: >>71052001

I no longer care from now on if self-reports are real or not. The initial few are enough for me

the fact that we'll eventually normalize using their names as slurs against nijisisters is great, and the narrative behind it is hilarious.

>> No.71051953
Quoted by: >>71052009

You fucking menhera whore

>> No.71051969

unlike before when...

>> No.71051995
Quoted by: >>71052062

>I have nothing to prove
You are proving that you are a retarded SEAnigger sister.

>> No.71051998
Quoted by: >>71052062

you still dont understand dumb pakisis. most people dont care about doki, they dont watch her. people just want to see nijien do another fanni because watching scumbags selfdestruct is extremely amusing.

>> No.71052001
Quoted by: >>71052127

watch vtubers

>> No.71052009
File: 38 KB, 185x155, 1709987443342123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this femanon

>> No.71052017

>Have you seen this board? It's been nothing but tourists using the niji shit as an opportunity to shitpost for a month straight
>Have you seen this board? It's been nothing but tourists using the holo shit as an opportunity to shitpost for a month straight
>Have you seen this board? It's been nothing but tourists using the vshojo shit as an opportunity to shitpost for a month straight
Life of /vt/

>> No.71052027
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1705024965102825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know it's fucking you, you fucking zhang whore, just give up the falseflagging already

>> No.71052036

that's been a thing since the dawn of time

>> No.71052056

She says she doesn’t like to get involved in the drama because people keep asking her about it. And whenever Sayu does talk about it, it gets clipped mercilessly until everyone /here/ says she’s a dramawhore.
There are people who think Sayu only bitches and moans about how badly she was mistreated, when in reality it’s that clips of her talking about NijiEN are the only ones most anons /here/ pay attention to.

>> No.71052062
File: 3.64 MB, 189x336, 1709986297527237.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I SEA or am I Paki? Or am I Enna? Or am I Millis? Or am I you?

>> No.71052097
Quoted by: >>71052191

You're a fucking zhang

>> No.71052106
Quoted by: >>71052191

you're a mistake

>> No.71052107

I can’t tell what’s worse. A tourist who watches Pippa or a genuine, straight-up cappipalist.

>> No.71052110


>> No.71052127

I'm watching 3 right now while shitposting, Enna.
You could be earning your 33$ right now if you were streaming rather than seething in this thread

>> No.71052130
Quoted by: >>71052191

You are malding.

>> No.71052138

Where was it?

>> No.71052140

all of them combined. you are a sister, a subhuman.

>> No.71052175

Which discord is it sisters?

>> No.71052184
Quoted by: >>71052313

33 is a lot. Imagine 1000 people and then you take 33 of them. that's a lot.

>> No.71052191
File: 64 KB, 400x400, 1710023110348764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're seething.

>> No.71052218

you only hate it because you are a nijinigger.

>> No.71052221
Quoted by: >>71052300

you should had been stillborn in your mom womb, mindbroken paki brown sister

>> No.71052232

One of these days someone will find that discord sister.

>> No.71052236

>replying to multiple people
No, U.

>> No.71052274
File: 94 KB, 373x297, 1709175647890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, we're laughing at you

>> No.71052278

You should post with Nene it'd be more funny

>> No.71052291

Who ever does better post fucking screenshots here.

>> No.71052300
File: 159 KB, 2048x1507, 1710032749188864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Keep feeding your schizo delusions. Pakis speak English now. The only people who disagree with you are Pakis. Good job Mutahar.

>> No.71052310


>> No.71052313

I already accounted for the 100$ total in supas and the cuts from YT and niji KEK

>> No.71052336
Quoted by: >>71052569

curious, who are you watching anon

>> No.71052362
File: 132 KB, 463x453, 1625921436980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71052535

>Fuckin' NDF literally exposing themselves in real time
How fucking retarded are these subhumans...

>> No.71052370

We know it's you larper since youve mentioned an incoming Elira larp.
Vox doesn't come on /here/ so nobody will be able to differentiate him from the average chuuni anon.
Stick with the bottle cruncher.

>> No.71052373
File: 241 KB, 1448x2048, 1709991304734958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71052459

>Tourist get sent here from Mutahar and seethe about Pakistan
>Hurr imaginary discord raid my secret club

>> No.71052374


>> No.71052379

Someone will get it eventually.

>> No.71052395
Quoted by: >>71052535

>its the sister thats seething about pajeets specifically

>> No.71052419
File: 112 KB, 392x366, 1709114089624689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71052550

>one by one everyone is graduating
>kurosanji literally addresses solved nothing sweeping everything under the rug
>sisters too busy being NDF instead of protest to the company make their oshi workplace better
it just keeps getting worse every month after sayu and mysta left, when will you sisters learn? as long anykara is not acknowledging its issue its doomed to repeat in the future

>> No.71052459
Quoted by: >>71052535

you really are not doing a good job fitting in with the locals sis

>> No.71052535
File: 80 KB, 531x867, 1710007321288915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exposing themselves
How was somebody exposed? Sounds like cope.
Tourist saying I don't fit in. Kek. No, you're just schizo and your delusions won't let you see objective reality.

>> No.71052543

>Giving Niji talents an excuse for their bullshit with a legal fiction is fine!
Fuck off Nijigger.

>> No.71052550

Their oshi is the company. Riku can execute all the livers on camera and they won't give a shit.

>> No.71052568
Quoted by: >>71052657

ive been here most likely longer than you were alive

>> No.71052569
Quoted by: >>71052677


LM is my new oshi

>> No.71052625
Quoted by: >>71052657

Kill yourself

>> No.71052657
File: 481 KB, 882x1200, 1709377377751927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure kid. I'm obviously older than one month old.
If I did I wouldn't fail like your oshi

>> No.71052677
Quoted by: >>71052756

Who is the 2view?

>> No.71052684
Quoted by: >>71052738

>your oshi
lmao ok retard

>> No.71052713 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x1280, 00010-2952994284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot twist

>> No.71052716
Quoted by: >>71053054

He lost me with his bs exaggerations. “They’re actually employees not contractors!” And people believe this now. Hard to tell if he’s a scammer, retarded, or both since he hangs out with fucking gator.

That being said, he can still be useful and if riles the sisters up. Just remember, he exaggerates to put on a show but is technically right in most things

>> No.71052738
Quoted by: >>71052816

>On a dookie defense thread
>Defending dooki with every fiber of his being
>Hurr she not my oshi
Ok retard.

>> No.71052747
Quoted by: >>71052820

>Trying this hard
>Can't even psyop properly
Were you born retarded? Are you unironically Millie or Enna?

>> No.71052756

was onolumi. she ended a few minutes ago

>> No.71052757
Quoted by: >>71052816

You're using my Oshi sister. I don't care about non-holos. Kill yourself.

>> No.71052795

thank you anon i will make dookie troons seethe with this now

>> No.71052816
Quoted by: >>71052894


>> No.71052820
File: 67 KB, 234x234, 1708917344487971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr durr u r duh psyop
Yes, and the Jews have space lasers too.

>> No.71052889

Kill yourself

>> No.71052894

i know that you are a whore from /nijien/

>> No.71052913

Vox's gay, but Doki can anal rape him with a strap-on, I guess.

>> No.71052991
File: 543 KB, 2953x3508, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_akiteru_akiteru98__37b67af57e75d42a6bc8650c9c10145f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You unironically write like this

>> No.71053036

Nice reference but you kinda gave yourself away with that one

>> No.71053054

>Have to sign an exclusivity contract
>Not an employee
So true sister

>> No.71053137

>debunk lies
Timing the bullying debunk stream at the same time as her neopets stream.

>> No.71053139
Quoted by: >>71053435

Tell that faggot to learn Japanese if he wants to do any damage to Niji.

>> No.71053149
File: 309 KB, 1447x2047, 1709050998204627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You write like this
>Links to a video of words being SPOKEN
>Not written
>Says I WRITE like this
It's called typing. I thought I was the one who was ESL?

>> No.71053237
Quoted by: >>71053398

The absolute irony of posting a noose in a Dooki Defense Force thread.

>> No.71053291

Not that anon but typing is the means through which you are writing, much as you can draw with both pen and paper and a stick on sand. You could be using a stylus on a tablet with character recognition for all we know and that'd be the same

>> No.71053319

woman moment

>> No.71053398

>Dooki Defense Force thread

>> No.71053435
Quoted by: >>71053481

No need, he got asked an interview by a jp news agency.

>> No.71053481
Quoted by: >>71053546

Send me the information about that "big" jp news agency

>> No.71053484
File: 3.99 MB, 463x453, 1625924053507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit. You unironically are Millie. You're actually /here/. Who the fuck else could be this autistic about technical definitions?

>> No.71053546
Quoted by: >>71053647

jp still does a lot of print news iirc so even 'smaller' outlets have an outsized reach

>> No.71053572
Quoted by: >>71053824

Anon. You can keep trying to filllibuster your way out of the fact that you exposed yourself as ESL, but it really isn't working.
>*concept* are retarded
Lmao. It was a description of an action taken by a group, not addressing the group itself you dumb fuck. You can stop pretending now. The correct interpretation there is "anyone fishing with a spoon is retarded" not "specifically these people are retarded". Hope that makes it easier for you ESL-kun.

>> No.71053647

Kek,Already enough to know that it's some "news" page with under 1000 views and barely over 10 likes on Twitter.

>> No.71053762

It's JP, what do you expect? These retards find it impossible to do things as simple as creating social media pages

>> No.71053822

>Sorry, Sayu, but I have to close your stream to support and watch that lawyer guy who helped you last time. t.Big fan.

>> No.71053824
Quoted by: >>71053988

"People" isn't being used as a collective singular noun in that sentence. Try again. Or rephrase it to "The group watching Legal Mindset is retarded." Because that's grammatically correct. And objectively correct.

>> No.71053988
Quoted by: >>71054271

nta but looking at the whole sentence
>People unironically watching Legal Mindset is retarded but most of Sayu's viewers are on Twitch dude.
i conclude that you are full of shit

>> No.71054018
Quoted by: >>71054156

Okay, but why is Millie so fat?

>> No.71054097
File: 23 KB, 904x187, website numberfagging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>71054553

big enough for a niche like vtubing that there's a chance it will spread.

>> No.71054153

Got it sis.

>> No.71054156

Because they quartered Elira and split her between Vox, Enna, Ike and Mille.

>> No.71054201
Quoted by: >>71054326

Her fat ass broke the gummy nerds rope she was using. Shouldn't have taken some bites beforehand.

>> No.71054271
Quoted by: >>71054398

>People unironically watching Legal Mindset are retarded, but most of Sayu's viewers are on Twitch dude.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.71054326

selen is so fat that anycolor bounced back and hurt itself when it tried to punch her

>> No.71054398
Quoted by: >>71054489

you didnt fix that for me because i quoted what they were arguing about and you seem to be agreeing with me?

>> No.71054457
File: 975 KB, 850x971, 1686396500026975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.71054489

I fully agree with their point, but not with their grammar.

>> No.71054553

>rank 11k
A fucking junk site on the internet. Why don't you send me the actual link to that website? Scared?

>> No.71054558
File: 3.83 MB, 640x360, kaela-kaela-kovalskia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont even watch any of these people

>> No.71054640
File: 2.34 MB, 400x467, 1691049224966428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even watch any of these people

>> No.71054655

More of a literal real-life "it hurt itself in its confusion" but still fun to imagine.

>> No.71054665

wipe your gay baby tears with a kleenex

>> No.71054687
Quoted by: >>71055008

Literally /vt/'s fault for shilling this retarded grifter

>> No.71055008

Fuck off Millie

>> No.71055180

Is it really that hard to not reply to bait ?
