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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 179 KB, 849x1200, GIOnKdWa4AAWNvw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70968156 No.70968156 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>70969046

Previous Thread >>70962124

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.70968387
File: 309 KB, 1448x2048, GIOiJMMaQAA1qQY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love fuwawa

>> No.70968393

just thought about it, since they'll probably be streaming from the studio tonight and for LC, doesn't that mean we could possibly get both of them playing since the studio has multiple streaming rooms?

>> No.70968401
File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70968448

but when the ruffians needed him most, he vanished

>> No.70968407

This thread will be better, check this 5

>> No.70968432
File: 373 KB, 1242x2048, GIOSbnKaMAAwd-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70968448

Truly the most hated ruffian

>> No.70968453
Quoted by: >>70968988


>> No.70968478

Sorry, my heart is reserved for women who are honest with their feelings and love. They work to make everyone happy and I am forever under their spell because of it. Their bodies being divine perfection also helps

>> No.70968480
File: 726 KB, 2026x1620, 1690751721964947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70968484
File: 1.08 MB, 955x618, 1709993418623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply to this post with "BAU BAU" if you love FuwaMoco, but hate Itta and his attempt at becoming the official ruffian representative who gets to speak and act on behalf of all ruffians

>> No.70968509

>my heart is reserved for women who are honest with their feelings and love.
fuwawa is honest with her feelings and love

>> No.70968518


>> No.70968532


>> No.70968531

BAU BAU but I disagree with the becoming part because the latest favoritism confirms he's succeeded

>> No.70968549

Baused, I LOVE Mococo and Koahri

>> No.70968560
File: 223 KB, 1308x1038, 1706811780252893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest easy and sweet dreams puppers, BAU BAU

>> No.70968561
File: 184 KB, 781x691, pero congrats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70968562


>> No.70968570

i love my wives

>> No.70968577


>> No.70968580
File: 121 KB, 980x688, Phish Pero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70968585
Quoted by: >>70968644

BAU BAU, I hope the faggot dies in 3 weeks

>> No.70968592

Woke up, saw their tweets and upcoming streams, got super excited and happy. Checks in on /baubau/ and is a den of misery because of some fags. Do the world a favor and just rope yourself.

>> No.70968613
File: 1.98 MB, 1420x1420, 1709289169122903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70968636

My daughters are back

>> No.70968630

your first mistake was coming to an anti thread to express those feelings of excitement and joy in the first place

>> No.70968636

Get that nigger away from my girlfriends

>> No.70968644

It's probably a cosmetic procedure, let's be real. Also it's awful to say things like that, fuck off. Love all Ruffians. Would fuwawa be happy seeing what you wrote here ?

>> No.70968652
File: 1.07 MB, 1677x1108, 1701363744320261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a $4000 bonus at work, my Goddesses will be eating well tonight

>> No.70968658

Fuwamoco aren't able to satisfy my lust anymore. I'm going to have to fuck the ruffians now!

>> No.70968673

>Would fuwawa be happy seeing what you wrote here ?
well it's fuwawa so no i don't think she'd appreciate us insulting her favorites

>> No.70968678

Fuck off Itt*, you deserve a slow and painful death

>> No.70968683

wait until SEA hours are over

>> No.70968687
File: 20 KB, 480x360, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70968691

Good morning, ruffians! Try to focus on the positives of Fuwamoco returning to stream now that they’re a little settled in as opposed to being menhera right now. They’re back, they missed us, and they love us!

>> No.70968704

Mine just hit my account too. I'm going to overwhelm them

>> No.70968705

I will absolutely never love all ruffians and that's not even about this guy. There are so many people I dislike in this world, there's no chance I'll love every single ruffian.
I'm here for them, not to make friends with other people watching them.

>> No.70968713
Quoted by: >>70968854

poorfag menheras, i hope you understand that tonight all of the love with be given to us paypigs and not you

>> No.70968727

Baused. My $100k in RSUs just vested too, so I'm ready to make it rain for them

>> No.70968738
File: 89 KB, 500x325, 1693353026959095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you all getting bonuses and where's mine?

>> No.70968754
Quoted by: >>70968796

>cosmetic procedure
Kek. But I assume it's a genuine health scare and not something over dramatized like that. Cancer is terrible and always lurking, such a shitty fucking disease

>> No.70968775 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 205x312, 1700161460962699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just driven 3 hours and the same timeloop is happening with the same obvious posters. Range ban SEA please.

>> No.70968781
Quoted by: >>70969093

How much is your salary to get a bonus that big?

>> No.70968796
Quoted by: >>70968916

>I assume it's a genuine health scare and not something over dramatized like that
rember the guy that lose his job?

>> No.70968808

it is
>it's awful to say things like that
rope yourself

>> No.70968827
Quoted by: >>70968862

oh shit, megitsune just hit 700k, can we change thread real quick so i can post the 700k view pero

>> No.70968850

i don't get my bonus until august
still going to drop a shit ton though

>> No.70968852

>cosmetic procedure
I hope not, he deserves to have terminal cancer
>it's awful to say things like that, fuck off.
Don't care
>Love all Ruffians.
No. I love FUWAMOCO, my love for them doesn't extend to all the retarded ruffians
>Would fuwawa be happy seeing what you wrote here?
No, she would feel bad, but in the long term It's better for everyone if that faggot dies

>> No.70968854
Quoted by: >>70968951

Fuwawa's panties will be DRENCHED. Stop I can only get so erect.

>> No.70968862

cd ..
mkdir baubau_2
cd baubau_2

>> No.70968885

Nothing can stop me from being happy that they’re back. You’ve failed.

>> No.70968911
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2234083283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do ruffians keep falling for baits bau bau. Is it another raid?

>> No.70968916

The job guy is already on my shitkist. I just expect more from a community leader even if I'm not their biggest fan so I have to trust them at their word. If it's some shit like routine transition therapy then yeah I'll lose all faith. Don't assume the worst until it happens or you'll be forever cynical and toxic

>> No.70968921

When fuwamoco hit 1million im pretty sure that they would cry like little children (i will also cry)

>> No.70968936


>> No.70968951

Unsure if 500 or 1k. Or more. I need to get alts in line

>> No.70968961

>from a community leader
I hate you

>> No.70968970
File: 287 KB, 400x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a ruffian's diet primarily consists of bait

>> No.70968974
File: 184 KB, 557x312, 1694937616553869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from a community leader

>> No.70968978

alms, alms for the poor

>> No.70968988
Quoted by: >>70969130

not koahri but here you go

>> No.70969016
Quoted by: >>70969034

i'll only give them 2k each on my main and alt

>> No.70969023

Samefagging and trolling. Anons have admitted as much in previous threads.

>> No.70969034

youtube has a $500/day limit...

>> No.70969046

Are there koikatsu cards of these two?

>> No.70969045
File: 370 KB, 672x764, she sees your dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>community leader

>> No.70969049

Likable ruffians simply do not exist.

>> No.70969079

i thought it was max sent one week was $2000?

>> No.70969083
File: 2 KB, 92x82, 1708216793832666s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy they're back but why did it have to be today... today is UFC 299

>> No.70969093
Quoted by: >>70969141

300s, fucking taxes and it's on the low end of % but we get some nice stock options too so I tolerate it for now

>> No.70969105
File: 142 KB, 1080x986, 1709107417037685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mom says I'm likable. Checkmate

>> No.70969130


>> No.70969132
Quoted by: >>70969150

Nope, it's a rolling $500/24 hours.

>> No.70969136
Quoted by: >>70969150

It is but also 500 per day per account

>> No.70969141
Quoted by: >>70969346

Oh it's basically pesos

>> No.70969149

People make alt accounts and send $500 on each

>> No.70969150
Quoted by: >>70969172


>> No.70969172
Quoted by: >>70969235

rev up those fucking alts anon

>> No.70969235
Quoted by: >>70969289

i've only ever had 2 accounts in my life, jesas i guess i'll bite the bullet

>> No.70969258

How should we celebrate when Itt* dies? Should we organize a project?

>> No.70969259
Quoted by: >>70969326

>Yagoo coming back in morning
>fuwamoco are you still streaming??
>just 200 more sc yagoo-san...

>> No.70969273
Quoted by: >>70969310

Itta, you're a pillar of the community, and you've put in so much effort for FuwaMoco and all the Ruffians that it's inspiring! Thank you for everything you've done so far! (And will continue to do of course!) And thanks for telling us Itta!

Itta, you're a pillar of this community and we're all grateful for you being here. I'm glad you feel you can open up like this and I hope your surgery goes well and that the issue stays gone this time.

You’re incredible, Itta. Very strong and an absolute pillar of the community. Thank you so much for all the work you’ve put into this. Stay strong, and hopefully things will be able to improve somehow along the way. You’re amazing!

I wish you all the best Itta! You are a true pillar of this wonderful community and everyone here is praying for you so that all will be well again. Stay strong!
We will always be there for you if you need us!

Itta you're not only one of the greatest and most dedicated people in this community, but also a wonderful friend.. you've done more for us than we can thank you for.. we're here to share the good and the bad with you!

>> No.70969285

Funny about this post is that deep down I’m sure those who genuinely wish for the Twitter guy demise would be scorned by Fuwamoco if they would post this kinda of opinions for all to see. But since it’s all in anonymity here, it doesn’t really matter. It’s just funny that probably genuine fans of such nice pair, could be so rotten.

>> No.70969287

I've seen a few that are okay and not attention whores. Not gonna name them because then people will think it's me or they'll get shit despite not having done anything.

>> No.70969289

Just keep in mind that google or your bank/CC issuer might block you from SCing, so make sure you can SC before you depend on it.
I got fucked over with this before

>> No.70969310


>> No.70969326

The stream starts at noon for them, so this implies their stream will last more than like 16 hours

>> No.70969333
Quoted by: >>70969405

I guess it's one thing to go "I hope it's really bad", but are you really surprised that people don't like this guy? He's an awful person.

>> No.70969335

Was this revealed to me in a dream last night or did fuwamoco say something "back to home hunting" or something similar recently? Basically that they don't have an apartment yet.

>> No.70969341
Quoted by: >>70969365

Im the only one here that is not a gachikoi???

>> No.70969346
File: 163 KB, 664x1328, Usd king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger bucks baby

>> No.70969365

I am a daughterfag.

>> No.70969371
Quoted by: >>70969439

Itta dying would be incredibly beneficial to all the ruffians AND fuwamoco

>> No.70969404

you are obsessed with Itta

>> No.70969405

Not liking a person is one thing. Wishing death upon him is something else.

>> No.70969433

Happy that I will get to see them again. We made it, Ruffians.
Haven't been in this thread since the beginning of the break too, but it seems like nothing changed. Are there even any genuine Ruffians here, or only baiters and raiders?

>> No.70969439

If it were life threatening it wouldn't be scheduled 4 months out. Sorry to burst your bubble , but also you're weirdo

>> No.70969441
File: 1.06 MB, 800x1920, GIPGBRCawAABtSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70969442

Grow thicker skin nigga this is a site where “kill yourself” gets thrown around all the time.

>> No.70969447
Quoted by: >>70969466


>> No.70969461

Let's meet in the middle, I hope he for whatever reason decides to leave the fan base

>> No.70969466

mogogo to the polls

>> No.70969473

So am I supposed to just tweet every time I experience a hardship in my life and somehow work their name into it? Seems like I'm missing out on receiving love which would really help me

>> No.70969477

Stop moralfagging with trolls and shitposters. Adopt a stoic disposition and learn that nothing in these threads matters.

>> No.70969479
Quoted by: >>70969581

This is a FWMC anti thread, we only dicuss twitter fags here. Please leave

>> No.70969500

>So am I supposed to just tweet every time I experience a hardship in my life and somehow work their name into it?
better yet sc them

>> No.70969501

He deserves a slow and painful death

>> No.70969503

there's a few of us that genuinely love them

>> No.70969506

lol if I did this I would look like 10x the menhera I already look like

>> No.70969514

Only if you are shameless enough to exploit that in hopes of a like or reply
The vast majority of people have some sense of shame so they wouldn't.

>> No.70969535
File: 5 KB, 379x39, Screenshot 2024-03-09 094226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Japs that still type in English even though they can read Japanese

>> No.70969548
File: 1.06 MB, 874x1688, narumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wall-chan is so back!

>> No.70969567

Yes, they want to see your pain. The happy supportive posts are everywhere and hardly get acknowledged so if you want attention and to be truly loved you have to trauma post. Menhera suicide bait like the wall, dreams about them dying, calling them retards making mistakes, a wall of surgery worries, etc . This is the content they want to see most ok their timeline, apparently

>> No.70969581

I love Fuwamoco. I hate Shitta. Simple as.

>> No.70969602 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, KoikatsuSunshine-2024-03-09-21-44-34-Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70969628
Quoted by: >>70969640

I want to impregnate her

>> No.70969634

I'm poor so I'll never make them happy

>> No.70969640
Quoted by: >>70969666

Will that fix her?

>> No.70969666


>> No.70969676

If you're neither rich nor an artist the only other option is to pose as a new guy going "what is this? kinda cool, I might watch more" or whatever. But it's shameless and sad.

>> No.70969677

Is there a working Hololyzer page to show all chat messages from fuwamoco?

>> No.70969684


>> No.70969687
Quoted by: >>70969723


>> No.70969702

use the twitter and search for fuwamoco

>> No.70969707

asuca is neither rich nor an artist?

>> No.70969716

I would never lie to them like that

>> No.70969723
Quoted by: >>70969819

ok thanks

>> No.70969739 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1280x720, KoikatsuSunshine-2024-03-09-21-47-56-Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70969756

He has ittas blessing as the jp successor for projects.

>> No.70969758
Quoted by: >>70969772

wait what the fuck why's the boy ain't shown in the screenshot

>> No.70969767
Quoted by: >>70969850

honestly, i think you might be better off skipping the sc readings because the ones who will receive all of fuwamoco's attentions will be the paypigs. you could stay and show your support through your messages but i'm just looking out for your menhera.

>> No.70969772
Quoted by: >>70969885


>> No.70969786
Quoted by: >>70969864

Okay I guess the fourth option is to be the "official project leader" on either the EN or the JP side.
Hey, I think there isn't one for the ID side yet, you can do that.

>> No.70969811
Quoted by: >>70969823

shitposting aside, they still have a poorfag mentality eh? probably waited till 6pm to get bento boxes from combinis/supermarkets.

>> No.70969819

You're welcome.
Here are the actual links though

>> No.70969823

They're moonlighting as Orthrus after all

>> No.70969836
File: 201 KB, 1300x978, GIPHodIakAAegDk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70969850
Quoted by: >>70969947

I think I might just do that, thanks

>> No.70969864

and what about stickboy? poor seafag who doesnt do projects or art.

>> No.70969885 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x720, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's supposed to be a male body here (KS MC even) but it's not shown in my screenshot for some reason

>> No.70969890
Quoted by: >>70969967

what if all the work they've been doing has been trying to wrangle cover's streaming setup into working for them?

>> No.70969892
File: 2.18 MB, 720x1080, 1706873567594663.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright i'm taking a cat nap. let's see how many fwmc pictures can get posted before i wake up

>> No.70969911
File: 260 KB, 1754x1240, GIPGC5waEAARwpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70969932

>> No.70969932
Quoted by: >>70970014

but it's BAU not BOW...

>> No.70969947

If seeing preferential makes you upset at all I agree that you should stick to main stream content only and skip SC readings. Not even twitter is safe anymore. I made the change and love them even more now. They can't have any flaws if I stop looking for them

>> No.70969963
File: 213 KB, 2048x1152, GIPIvUwaUAA3tYg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70969967

we will know at 6pm PT.

>> No.70969992


>> No.70970009
Quoted by: >>70970104

where's koyo...?

>> No.70970014

fucking clipnigger nips

>> No.70970020

It just hurts seeing them get all giddy from the paypigs and even if I were to chat my messages would get drowned out by the rainbow, pink, yellow and aka spam so I’m not even going to bother
Might take a break from here as well since it’ll just be paypigs patting themselves on the backs overt it

>> No.70970024

I want them to play Lobotomy Corp or Library of Ruina but I don't think they have enough autism to be able to play it...

>> No.70970053

>If seeing preferential makes you upset at all I agree that you should stick to main stream content only and skip SC readings.
Until you notice whose chats they read most often

>> No.70970055
Quoted by: >>70970090

Do I watch the Lethal Company collab and EN post in friends chat or do I just memoryhole it ever happening . I only love English speaking fuwamoco

>> No.70970088
Quoted by: >>70970150

For what it's worth, people usually stopped sending supa by the time we got deep into supa reading
And then you can just stole their time easily then

>> No.70970090

skip the collab then.

>> No.70970091

If it makes you feel better, despite the fact that I donate large sums of money to them I'm almost never read and never receive much if any attention on Twitter. My interactions are almost restricted to the supas I send.

>> No.70970104 [SPOILER] 
File: 376 KB, 768x800, 1687160550711503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70970193

pictured off screen

>> No.70970109

you still awoke rat?

>> No.70970118

I'm sorry I just have more money then things to spend it on so I have to give it to them... I wish it didn't hurt others but I love them too much not to support if I can.

>> No.70970149

Other schizo menheras here should aspire to me more like The Wall. She doesn't shit up threads, doesn't hate other ruffians or talk or complain endlessly about likes or replies. She just posts her ALT novels and loves Fuwamoco in peace. Be more like her

>> No.70970150

I might check the stream periodically
That does actually make me feel a bit better thanks

>> No.70970184
Quoted by: >>70970255

I miss the time when we all chant at THE WALL

>> No.70970193

Why is she like this?

>> No.70970202
Quoted by: >>70970296

It's the way it should be. We're just not menheras so they know we love them and will never leave. The ones they interact with more they're (rightfully) worried about leaving because they're mentally unwell and in it for personal gratification then supporting two beautiful women.
Chin up, king.

>> No.70970226

SC reading is just thanking for money, it's paid interaction. Giving attention to biggest paypigs on demand is an extension to that.

>> No.70970252

She firefly posted when she couldn't SC and missed streams because of work...

>> No.70970255

>last year we already got pushback from even shouting THE WALL every time she supa
>fastforward a few month and we got endless post about paypigs, namedropped and all
it's all so tiring
can we go back to the time we all cheer at THE WALL instead

>> No.70970271

Then where's my attention

>> No.70970296

nta but eh... i think they also read nonpaypigs a lot just so they don't have to feel excluded. they were poorfags themselves so i'm sure they give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they don't have that same liberty to send supas, which is considerate of them.

>> No.70970295
Quoted by: >>70970319

Demand it then

>> No.70970303
Quoted by: >>70970346

Who the hell are you

>> No.70970304
Quoted by: >>70970369

By that logic what Rushia did was ok because it was just thanking fans for donating. Let's not go down that path please .

>> No.70970306
File: 339 KB, 2000x2000, 1691548048292489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/rad shiba/i

>> No.70970314

maybe you didn't bow down low enough?

>> No.70970318

same, I was on the top SC list and I hardly ever use Twitter
I don't think they even know who I am and that's okay

>> No.70970319


>> No.70970346
File: 847 KB, 790x446, vets legacy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70970355

Whats wrong with bravo? Isnt he just an artfag?

>> No.70970369
Quoted by: >>70970428

secret DMs is completely different from public interaction and not ok

>> No.70970377

You can just remove wall, she ain't here no more

>> No.70970393
File: 160 KB, 354x347, 1705940410496108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70970474

>yfw your name will never mindbreak others and have it get added to a filter list

>> No.70970409

the fuck, why is bravo there

>> No.70970416

where's S and H

>> No.70970428

I'd rather that because at least we'd never see or know and the fags here would stop melting over every twitter reply

>> No.70970435

bau bau

>> No.70970474

Top 10 SCer, invisible to the schizos. This is the way it should be.

>> No.70970481

melting is ok because a couple xitter will actually get baited and posted it in public and bring back the balance

>> No.70970485
Quoted by: >>70970586

good morning
are you guys still looping this

>> No.70970487

>Secret DMs
That's a catfish lol

>> No.70970502

are you retarded?

>> No.70970507

rat what the fuck do you do for a living

>> No.70970517
File: 2.30 MB, 840x594, fuwawa i'm worried about the ruffians a little bit [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5qezz4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70970586


>> No.70970595

he possibly lives in the East Coast and might be in the finance industry

>> No.70970601

I just want them to love me a fraction of how much they love THEM

>> No.70970612
File: 687 KB, 1366x768, 1687724222514043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RAFFIAN! it's time for your daily walk! Get off the computer and get some fresh air! Come on, you'll feel much better afterwards!

>> No.70970682
File: 247 KB, 944x806, 1704098678049643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah brother. I get enough attention when they read my supachats Im happy with that. In a way I think they appreciate people like us more.

>> No.70970687
Quoted by: >>70970808

I think some of you guys will really go mad if they ever reach marine/pekora status and only read akas selectively.

>> No.70970695

they're almost at 777k subs

>> No.70970765
File: 137 KB, 321x262, 1679575577137100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys watching right?
>Chat is disabled for this live stream.
They even turned off the chat for all you menheras.

>> No.70970778


>> No.70970785

You wouldn't have thought it possible, but this thread is about to get even worse.

Fuck sake

>> No.70970787


>> No.70970792

are you ok cst bro

>> No.70970808

after today's 10 hour stream mane-chan will make the change

>> No.70970854
File: 168 KB, 781x691, pero congrats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70970868

I'm ready

>> No.70970864
Quoted by: >>70970907

is no one impressed that they gained like 4-5k subs passively by doing fucking nothing
what the flip

>> No.70970868
Quoted by: >>70970963


>> No.70970887
File: 168 KB, 1024x768, GHJ8_sia8AAMMAq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw some of the ruffians talking about the fate of free chat in the chat itself, what do you think they'll do? keep this one up but turn the option to supas off so they can read the ones already sent to them on stream or will they get rid of it entirely? i'm thinking it might be more like the former since it's another way of them to watch the ruffians interact with each other while chiming in themselves from time to time.

>> No.70970907

tiktok anon putting in work

>> No.70970956
Quoted by: >>70971074

They better remove it or I will AC asking them to remove it. If they keep it that's another promise they went back on

>> No.70970963

>Sk.B.D., To.Lt

>> No.70970991

I honestly don' think they gonna go back to having actual schedule yet, so it's prolly gonna stay up for a little more

>> No.70971010

Oh... I'm gonna leave. Hope everything's fine when I get back...

>> No.70971017

Menherabros, they thanked the paypigs just now.

>> No.70971032
Quoted by: >>70971067

Uh oh

>> No.70971055

If they continue playing favoritism with Ruffians then I don't think I can continue supporting them

>> No.70971067

What where?

>> No.70971069

it's just an update stream where they'll tell us that it will still take another 2 weeks for them to find a place and set everything up permanently

>> No.70971071

Okay yeah there’s favoritism.

>> No.70971074

kinda overdramatic but yeah they'll probably private it once they have an actual schedule

>> No.70971098

This god damn thread will be fucking unusable now. FUCK.

>> No.70971103
File: 138 KB, 356x458, 1706111617296880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.70971123

fuck my life

>> No.70971147
Quoted by: >>70971207

what the hell is everyone talking about, the itta thing or another new one?

>> No.70971203

>It’s all thanks to those who have supported us!
They are talking about the ones who are subscribed to their pateron btw, aka the paypigs you see in their chat.

>> No.70971207

Thread forgot that they keep chat disabled until 30 minutes before stream and sisters are spinning it as a new YAB

>> No.70971230
File: 330 KB, 645x699, 1709278566302580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess i'm evacuating today

>> No.70971276
Quoted by: >>70971301

Just killed my whole fucking mood

>> No.70971301

So true sis

>> No.70971324


>> No.70971330
Quoted by: >>70971599

Yeah, it's clear which fans they love the most. But also that was obvious to anyone. My fucking timeline is just flooding with doxx shit now and they are encouraging it apparently.
Hope they stay safe and I wish I could just focus on FUWAMOCO but it seems to be hopeless... fuck me

>> No.70971378

So what was that about no favoritism? They’re taking in all they can get from their Ruffian paypigs and thanking them for it.

>> No.70971396

where's the /trash/ thread

>> No.70971413

From the bottom of my heart, I hope they get raped and murdered by a stalker in Japan.

>> No.70971425
Quoted by: >>70971549

This is fucked up

>> No.70971439

EOP I am staying strong but I am getting cloudy feelings now. I thought they would at least pretend to keep it the same for the rest of the year. Not change so suddenly.. JP please walk them home gently and leave some crumbs for me when I wake up

>> No.70971462
File: 390 KB, 1451x2048, 1701283535509697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daaaaaamn dude the thread nooooooo the thread quality ahhhhhhh nooooooooo think about the thread quality duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude nooooooooooooo

>> No.70971463
Quoted by: >>70971503

i hate all of you

>> No.70971503

It’s fine FWMC couldn’t care less about me either honestly

>> No.70971533
Quoted by: >>70971586

>antis in confusion as they got no context what's happening at all
my fucking sides

>> No.70971547
File: 40 KB, 215x204, 1685750908291470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70971549

Kiara and Mori got to them...
we had a good 7 months of purity but the wall is gone

>> No.70971560
File: 340 KB, 1448x2048, 1690360636702852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuuuuuuuuuuuck what are we gonna do about the thread quality it's so over damn sucks about the thread quality shiiiiiiiiiiiit man

>> No.70971562
File: 174 KB, 720x572, Screenshot_20240309_080059_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whew i slept good, didn't even realize but i fell asleep while watching okayunyans kiwami stream
im not finished kiwami 2 yet but i like seeing other holos play through the games so far cause they're damn awesome
and I see the wives are back, hell yeah brothers - looks like I couldn't complete y2 before they returned tho... dang it!

>> No.70971564

ah, it's happening, huh

>> No.70971585

Oh shit, I can't believe they did this...

>> No.70971586

Don’t worry about it, I’m sure someone will inform them so they can shit up the thread better

>> No.70971599

Theyre being really direct about it too. The only ones who are even watching stream as themselves are their patrons. So they are the only ones who they could be referring to. And those patrons just so happen to be all the paypigs from the FWMC channel. They’re basically using them to further themselves apart from hololive.

>> No.70971604


>> No.70971620
File: 675 KB, 1140x1140, FuwaMoco Sisyphus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Antis make something up
>I check Twitter
>I check YT

>> No.70971618
File: 229 KB, 1760x1150, 1680129182136293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros the thread quality.... there's nothing we can do about the thread fuck man...

>> No.70971629

why did they do that now

>> No.70971647

I hate to say I told you so but…

>> No.70971655


>> No.70971660

what the fuck are you tards shitting your pants over

>> No.70971663
Quoted by: >>70971708

Yeah, I'm no longer surprised at them having DMs open, kek. It makes sense.

As long as it doesn't impact fuwamoco (the topic of this thread btw), it's whatever. I wish I didn't know but the retards are just openly RTing it on ruffian accounts so I couldn't miss it

>> No.70971681

oh shit, thread gonna be worse now
ciao bitches

>> No.70971700
Quoted by: >>70971822

I don't get it, it's just messages thanking everybody? no direct replies or anything

>> No.70971702

It's a sealander with 5 phones posting off cool down about literally (as in literally) nothing

>> No.70971708

How long are you gonna talk to yourself for

>> No.70971709

aaa, my thread quality
it's gonna be wooooorse

>> No.70971725
File: 3.19 MB, 996x1431, 1706120970319413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70971777

check out this thread quality

>> No.70971732
Quoted by: >>70971818

check the likes/replies of any "notable ruffian". Hell, some are retweeting it. It's the reason all paypig talk is killing this thread. stop thinking keep jamming and ONLY FUWAMOCO

>> No.70971737

Oh no no no no
It's happening again

>> No.70971761

even itta got the decency to use alts
tho his alt ain't got no blue kek

>> No.70971766
File: 408 KB, 2196x3200, 1684202237348606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70971777

me in the bottom

>> No.70971793

Why did they pull this right now?
Let me be happy for once, goddamnit.

>> No.70971801
Quoted by: >>70971815

I'm digging through the trash but can't find anything

>> No.70971815

You got trolled, nigga

>> No.70971818

Nah I don’t care about any of you guys dramafagging. Just kys

>> No.70971822

See >>70971599

The paypigs are the ones supporting them. They are the ones who gave them the money to make their dream possible. Unless you are one of them, you don’t matter to fuwamoco

>> No.70971842
File: 271 KB, 1500x1061, 1694924670868598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70971876

>literally grasping at straws

>> No.70971849

I saw it… It hurts a bit since I’m a poor ruffian watcher but I’m happy for them. I’ll survive…

>> No.70971851

9pm est...
they're gonna start overlapping irys and ill be forced to pick one...

>> No.70971853

Thread is like 98% one guy now
Any requests for extremely shitty Pero edits?

>> No.70971857

sea is going to sleep soon
stay strong bros

>> No.70971868


>> No.70971874
File: 75 KB, 724x562, GIOfUzMaEAAUsM7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70972051

nipbro.... welcome is one word

>> No.70971876

It’s the truth? Keep being in denial. That really took you far. I was just proven right about them.

>> No.70971905 [DELETED] 

Fuck, favoritismschizo is actually right

>> No.70971930

I’m about to fucking cry

>> No.70971933

>replied to HIM

>> No.70971937

im subbed to their patreon and i've never superchatted a penny

>> No.70971948


>> No.70971960

>Unless you are one of them, you don’t matter to fuwamoco
my chat, Twitter, and vod comments didn't mean anything at all? why I did even bother sending anything at all

>> No.70971964

>IP count didn't increase

>> No.70971974
Quoted by: >>70972938

>DM confirmed
wait what

>> No.70971986

>why I did even bother sending anything at all
great question. hopefully it makes you happy to send it into the void because they sure as fuck don't care

>> No.70971997
Quoted by: >>70972938

hol up itta what are you doing

>> No.70972013
Quoted by: >>70972348

I’m sorry you had to find out this way, ruffian. I tried to warn you.

>> No.70972022

I see that window itta
what the fuck are you doing

>> No.70972036
File: 285 KB, 3840x3840, 1697084789197296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70972044

>DMschizos is right all along

>> No.70972051

Is this real kek why the fuck is there a new project everyday

>> No.70972066

>thanked the paypigs TWICE
fucking whores

>> No.70972077

What worldline do I need to be on to see the drama?

>> No.70972084

Why is everyone having a schizo meltdown (again)

>> No.70972112

fuck bros i'm gonna cry
they actually did it
fucking itta tried to hide it too

>> No.70972119
Quoted by: >>70972157

sisters that have no idea what's going on and shitposters that decided to join in for some reason

>> No.70972128
Quoted by: >>70972176

>DM window was real

>> No.70972141
Quoted by: >>70972172

can a please get a qrd on who the fuck is itta and why I should care?

>> No.70972153

It's like 5 guys off cool down making shit up. You should be smarter than this

>> No.70972156
File: 197 KB, 348x403, 1704516123987300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70972157

Ah so the usual.

>> No.70972161

I think I'm gonna throw up

>> No.70972172
Quoted by: >>70972217

paypig project manager highest tier ruffian that has been officially endorsed by fwmc as the go to for projects in the fanbase.
he menhera posted about a "surgery" happening in 3 weeks and ... I'll let others fill in the rest

>> No.70972176
Quoted by: >>70972265

is he livestreaming his screen or something?

>> No.70972200


>> No.70972204


>> No.70972208
File: 3.79 MB, 1080x1620, 1709702177694436.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check this out

>> No.70972211

he's actually legit retarded kek

>> No.70972217

Is it true?

>> No.70972233

Guys. Fuwamoco are actually… Honestly I don’t fucking know them. I only know their streamer persona. But not their house persona, not their friend persona. But you know what I still like them cause they are fun! And you should do that too. Forget about love, devotion, just do it for fun! Fun is best, fun is the truth.

>> No.70972234


>> No.70972256

Itta needs to come clean about what happened in 92

>> No.70972261
File: 1.96 MB, 400x400, 1695209709522731.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70972319


>> No.70972265
Quoted by: >>70972537

was, deleted now. i'm not schizo enough to record every single post and second of ruffians. maybe someone is.
I'm memoryholing it and praying I imagined it

>> No.70972267

Itta streams???

>> No.70972285

That was fake. I didn't see what I saw.

>> No.70972302

holy nice one fuwawa. Can you do this again today on stream please? I missed them

>> No.70972319
File: 3.96 MB, 732x968, 1699485813919.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check THIS out

>> No.70972343

I'm just.. tired
go away

>> No.70972348

I honestly wish I never said anything about DMs in the one thread. Don't know what to think anymore

>> No.70972353


>> No.70972370

Why do you guys have shit up this place. Are the 3 other chats you have not enough. I’m already on fucking 4chan because I have no other place to talk about my hobbies. Please stop

>> No.70972389

>falls asleep
>wakes up 8 hours later

>> No.70972391
Quoted by: >>70972427

Since you were gone their has been ruffians acting like sluts because a femruffian appeared. We had a cutter carve fuwawa's name on themselves. Eren posting about them possibly doing more JP stream and becoming like Irys. Bait started today.

>> No.70972405

It just goes to show 7 months aren’t really enough to trust someone.

>> No.70972414
File: 513 KB, 960x779, 1709314220332478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sleepy wife

>> No.70972420

I love you

>> No.70972423

When are we getting the sleeping stream?

>> No.70972427

>a femruffian appeared. We had a cutter carve fuwawa's name on themselves
these are the same two people.
also we had lots of sex with koahri who is now my fourth oshi

>> No.70972441

This falseflagging is why I stopped coming to this thread. It's been 7-8 months and they're still doing this.
Does it not get boring after a while?

>> No.70972442

>it's literally nothing

>> No.70972444
File: 8 KB, 216x193, 1707003640160563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70972507

i'm sad now

>> No.70972462
Quoted by: >>70972545

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.70972474


>> No.70972483

why the hell is there another 'project' with a hashtag welcoming them to japan. didn't we just do that? I'm starting to worry this JP project bro is just as bad as our EN one

>> No.70972491

>Does it not get boring after a while?
How old is 4chan? 20 years?

>> No.70972503
File: 234 KB, 488x456, mococo_sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to breed my princess

>> No.70972507
Quoted by: >>70972566

I’m sad because i opened this thread again even after the shit show from last thread

>> No.70972508

Sorry but I'm not gonna believe anything from a 5-man turbo raid without receipts

>> No.70972517

>he doesn't possess information that is relevant to the discussion at hand
I wish

>> No.70972523

i missed the first one so it's fine

>> No.70972526
Quoted by: >>70972692

not only that but people also did the whole 3/9 thank you tweets lol he's sort of combing both now

>> No.70972537

So you just made it up then

>> No.70972542

it actually is fucking nothing. so this is how an anti raid looks like

>> No.70972545

fuckers accidentally switched window and shows that
fuck. now I can't sleep

>> No.70972561
Quoted by: >>70972675

Literally nothing has happened, I’m pretty sure this is just the pigs shitting up the thread because they think it’s funny

>> No.70972566

Ignorance is really bliss.

>> No.70972589
File: 186 KB, 1140x1800, 1698101515776308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my little toaster strudel

>> No.70972600

Who did where?

>> No.70972608
Quoted by: >>70972978

pics or didn't happen!

>> No.70972610


>> No.70972616

It's like a bad trip except everyone else is freaking out and I'm the calm one. Also, sucks that FuwaMoco are in JP and can't smoke the good stuff anymore.

>> No.70972631

anon there are schizos here who would die without their daily quota of shitting up threads.

>> No.70972646

when's the good night tweet

>> No.70972657
File: 3.94 MB, 1240x930, mococo on ratking tea.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70972764


>> No.70972660

Itta's cool though. I don't mind him.

>> No.70972675

>pigs shitting up the thread because they think it’s funny
Seem more like the same "people" who have been shitting up the thread for the last few hours to me

>> No.70972692
Quoted by: >>70972741

what the fuck even is #WCHTYFWMC supposed to mean?

>> No.70972729

Fuwawa’s special tea… japan has been dabbling with “hemp derivatives” recently. coke has some relaxation drink they’re testing over there

>> No.70972737 [DELETED] 

how do you screenshot something that lasts 2 seconds? am I supposed to always be recording all of my desktops on every single paypig's account on all platforms at all times?
get real

>> No.70972741
Quoted by: >>70972817

they made Wel Come two words for some reason

>> No.70972760
Quoted by: >>70972938

well boys it was nice be a ruffian while it lasted. fuck these whores and their favoritism. sending private dms to their paypigs just bs. glad the dm leaked. it shows their true nature. manipulative cunts.

>> No.70972764

MTyo aLsittetrl eStrudel

>> No.70972817
Quoted by: >>70972857

I'll be sure to include a tribute pic

>> No.70972822
Quoted by: >>70972849

even fuwawa
odd mococo

>> No.70972849

Dubs. Both at the same time

>> No.70972857

i was just going to slap the tags on my post stream tweet and call it a day

>> No.70972881

are these paypigs shooting the shit, antis having a fucking schizofest or what?
They're finally returning to stream for us and people are chasing windmills? the fuck is wrong with you retards

>> No.70972892

yes obviously. we're being raided

>> No.70972904

any number and I cum to Mococo
any other number and I cum to Fuwawa

>> No.70972906

Was it a tweet or what?

>> No.70972928
File: 314 KB, 1390x1667, GH3PmS9akAAIaJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70972959


>> No.70972938
Quoted by: >>70973116

0 evidence.

>> No.70972959
File: 1018 KB, 973x427, 1704641235333738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah

I'm gonna find you then get a gun a put bullets in it

>> No.70972969
Quoted by: >>70973090

I know it's not real because schizos here would screenshot anything like that in a nanosecond

>> No.70972972
Quoted by: >>70973090

use Nvidia instant replay shadowplay to go back
it's probably too late now and honestly i still think this is a shitpost because
>why are you even watching him share his screen, why was he sharing his screen anyways
>your first thought is to post about it on 4chan instead of confront him or tell him not to do it

>> No.70972977

it's antis going apeshit since they're returning today. they literally ran through EVERY SINGLE timeloop and rrat over the last 3 hours. since those failed, now they're making stuff up.
It'll be like this all day, so it's best to leave

>> No.70972978 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 204x51, 1699541440442999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only got this
like, who the fuck expect that

>> No.70972985

i'm excited for the stream
these threads are always bad so it never bothers me

>> No.70972987

what the fuck is going on, I am so confused? what are people freaking out about?

>> No.70973017

turn on CNN

>> No.70973025

it's the paypigs because they can't help but feel smug and superior to the mindless ruffian masses

>> No.70973049

so you have 0 evidence?

>> No.70973051
Quoted by: >>70973080

wait is their pfp fucking clocklady this whole time?

>> No.70973058

Samefag brigade faking outrage over a non-existent source. It's like a glitch in the matrix. A stand alone complex. Some third thing.

>> No.70973066


>> No.70973080
Quoted by: >>70973148

is it kronii? i thought it was an original character donut steal

>> No.70973090

sorry I'm joking. but I don't know what the other retard is going on about and hope he stops soon.
I love all ruffians and wanted to laugh a little at how insecure we are

>> No.70973099


>> No.70973116
Quoted by: >>70973137

a lot of people are saying it so it must be true

>> No.70973137


>> No.70973141

you could also explain what even happened, you sound like an out of breath schoolgirl just panicking about nothing, nobody knows what you're talking about how any context

>> No.70973148

oh, I checked closer and you're right. that would have been too on the nose even for this script, kek.

>> No.70973166

What server?

>> No.70973190
File: 415 KB, 2048x1448, GHzXMQMbwAABI3O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ, my for you page is fucking filled with that shit. to all you ruffians who follow both accounts, how about you try using alts for the people who only choose to follow fwmc only?

>> No.70973217

never changing. they convinced themselves that it's "what the girls want". we're stuck on this track now.

>> No.70973292
Quoted by: >>70973364

bro you could have created anti's that might might break containment and attack fwmc. just like how people reacted to mori.

>> No.70973297

just mute the ruffians
or better yet just use the following page instead of for you, ive muted their rm and any ruffians that rt their stuff, nothing personal it's just cultivating what you want to see, no harm in that

>> No.70973298

>I am very happy to work with Ruffians in this way. I also have a lot of respect for him because I see ITTA.

>If I could understand English, I could connect a little more planning, that and both EN and JP. And I can't even make a huge project like ITTA.

JP bro please don't be corrupted. Your projects are cute and it was nice having a JP alternative that brought smiles to their faces

>> No.70973311

I'm still 50/50 on it. I've been doing it since a little after debut, so if you're still following me and haven't muted me, that's on you.

>> No.70973319


>> No.70973334

I was thinking about doing that, actually. Kind of weird to see my page that is 99.9% FWMC with a bit of their RM in the replies. Kind of screams “YEAH THESE TWO ARE THEM BTW!”. Although, to be fair, FuwaMoco aren’t really hiding it either.

>> No.70973341

>The IP number has barely changed since the raid started

>> No.70973364
File: 309 KB, 1764x2048, 1708803553653678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70973464

i fucked up, i'm drunk. i don't want that. sorry

>> No.70973405

so it was itta all along...

>> No.70973435


>> No.70973464
Quoted by: >>70973574

wait so are you saying you're the one who posted the "DM" rrat kek?

>> No.70973470
Quoted by: >>70973574

don't blame yourself up I was also bringing up hypothetical situations about dms to paypigs being leaked, and asking how would people react.

>> No.70973497
File: 11 KB, 601x133, Newissa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70973571

>> No.70973528

i want to believe these are sisters shitposting but i'm not a part of the clique on discord or twitter so i can't really confirm anything and my cloudy feelings persist...

>> No.70973552

there is something I have been meaning to tell you but I just
couldn't... I think you should know, though. On Saturday morning last week I
saw a guy leaving Fuwawa's room... How should I put it, it was like they
were ... "intimate." I'm sorry. Sorry to bring this up during the thread,

>> No.70973571
Quoted by: >>70973652

You cant really trust screenshots nowadays. https://twitter.com/nerissa_en/status/1766316092916433137

>> No.70973574

I didn't start it, I was actually curious if something happened because people were freaking out and in turn I seem to have bitten and spread horrible bait. I have no idea where that shit came from but it's unequivocally false. Rest assured ruffians because the silver claw is always watching and can confirm there were no validated signals on any channel.

>> No.70973573


>> No.70973599

I am everywhere in the clique and I see nothing like these schizos are saying. No stream, no screenshots, no posts, no replies.

>> No.70973639

You are retarded. If something really happened, you will see people spamming the thread with evidence.

>> No.70973652
File: 16 KB, 579x153, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shieeet

>> No.70973694

okay, I made the trash thread
now fuck off

>> No.70973708
File: 73 KB, 811x573, 1720834939483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70973714
File: 84 KB, 238x370, 1683310372474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70973735

Can confirm also. These are just sisters sistering once again.

>> No.70973768

cliquespy #23 here. Reporting all clear too.

>> No.70973830
Quoted by: >>70973933

got you biatch
time for a purge

>> No.70973892
Quoted by: >>70974082

>banned from server
what the fuck
who the fuck

>> No.70973897
Quoted by: >>70973966

You know is a shitpost or a bait because in the last thread there was a anon talking about how fuwawa was sending dmq to itta (after the twitter replie) and when pudding was here he also accused him of that

>> No.70973933


>> No.70973948
Quoted by: >>70973967

Another thread... ruined...

>> No.70973952

wait shit, I made sure he's asleep who the fuck

>> No.70973967

5 threads from now will be better

>> No.70973966

no one cares, lizo

>> No.70973991 [DELETED] 

Odds are the dms rrat are fake, at least without any proof. However, they seem hungry for success and money (with how much they shilled their merch) so the possibility that they do them in order to use them in marketing projects and thankful for how much money they donated, would not be surprising and I would dare say highly probable. I do believe in their PL they had donor tiers where at a certain point they would thank privately or some sort of interaction? I don't remember, and I could be wrong. But, if they did, then it would give you an idea that they probably would pull a Rushia and dm their paypigs.

>> No.70974038

High odds that you are a shitposter.

>> No.70974049 [DELETED] 

mad dog tier for weekly discord
tho there's "manager" present so it's more like online meet n greet

>> No.70974051
Quoted by: >>70974448

it was 1:1 discord calls and no they will never and would never do that anymore. Get real, they are professionals and this is their big shot. Take that shit to the garbage bin please

>> No.70974082

even with >>70972978
there's the possibility that someone just took his pfp and streamed themselves and then screenshotted it
or it could have been a very short moment he streamed and the anon caught it
either way let's be real it'd be a nothingburger
there is a trash thread. if you guys want to continue your talk about discord shit just go to trash where there's no filter and you can yap all you want

>> No.70974083

evens and I love FUWAMOCO

>> No.70974096
Quoted by: >>70974132

anon, no....

>> No.70974098
Quoted by: >>70974132

wow anon...

>> No.70974112

I see, so you are the anti...

>> No.70974123

owari da....

>> No.70974132
File: 105 KB, 262x322, Its over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's officially over
I will go quietly

>> No.70974144 [DELETED] 

is janny finally here

>> No.70974166
Quoted by: >>70974213

numerals and I love pero

>> No.70974213


>> No.70974231
File: 464 KB, 2047x1555, GGTwkrQa4AAbUQM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cute fuwamoco sex

>> No.70974250

I sometimes wonder if it doesn't leave a bad taste in their (or any other Holos) mouth to so blatantly use the Holoclout for RM shit.
Let's be honest, nobody cares. There, I said it. 95% of the RM "fans" are cliquefag Ruffians on the hunt for more attention, interaction and personal affection. It's not about underground Idols. It's not about A&S and it's not about some "journey". Not RM fans payed for their emigration, Ruffians did.
You know it. I know it. They know it.
So I wonder: isn't it enough? To have received the golden ticket? To be loved as Fuwamoco? Aren't the Ruffians enough, no matter how big and small their contribution?
Is it really necessary to reward extra autistic and mentally ill "fans" with even more close-and-personal content? Because they have "le sekrit knowledge"? Just to pursue a dream that would be dead in the ditch without Holobux?
I don't know... it just feels kinda selfish and disingenuous to me.

>> No.70974251
File: 58 KB, 1080x328, Screenshot_20240309_132650_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70974393

Here in the last thread there was a shitposter or anti using that strategy

>> No.70974312

That'd only make sense if the other one doesn't predate holos

>> No.70974351

Take it to the trash thread, please.

>> No.70974393

yeah I noticed. it was happening long before that, too. these sisters are too blatant

>> No.70974396
File: 3.99 MB, 3213x1561, cwv0qc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said post cute fuwamoco sex.
do you even love them anymore?

>> No.70974404

I’m a part of the 5% that’s genuinely in love with them as themselves and not only for their avatars since there is real no difference between the two beyond the small kayfabe of being demon guard dogs. I love their singing and want to see where they go from here.

>> No.70974407

janny here, don't want to get vacation yet

>> No.70974445
Quoted by: >>70974625

If you truly love them, you won't plaster your name everywhere

>> No.70974448

So they did have private interactions before. Then odds are they would reach out to paypig. I wouldn't be surprised if this is common practice in the industry. I don't know them personally, but just looking at the way the shill merch and how motivated they. There is a possibility.

>> No.70974461

Are you retarded? They spent more time on holo activities than most holo.

>> No.70974474

I agree, but please take it to the other fucking thread please

>> No.70974475
Quoted by: >>70974711

it's not private dumdum, eisu sensei is there too

>> No.70974488

I’m not sure if I see your point. They love the Ruffians who are willing to support them for all of their ventures and not just one.

>> No.70974546

>but just looking at the way the shill merch
Do you not watch other JPs like koyori and suisei? They are pretty much similar in terms of shilling.

>> No.70974551

As a top paypig, if they reached out to me, I'd tell them to stop, but I wouldn't post it to but hurt their reputation.

>> No.70974563

Anon they were about as private as fucking meet & greets are

>> No.70974568

Then why are you seeking their love?

>> No.70974575
File: 1.59 MB, 1800x900, 1701948297768154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70974796


>> No.70974592
Quoted by: >>70974613


>> No.70974613
Quoted by: >>70974654

ah rite, need to change the OP for the first time since forever...

>> No.70974624

You do know their former mane-chan was there right?

>> No.70974625

>If you truly love them, you won't plaster your name everywhere
nta and this is the only time I'm gonna engage in this, but this just isn't true. The only reason I, and many others, are even on twitter or commenting in the first place is BECAUSE they explicitly said they want us interacting with them and to take part in their submission stuff

>> No.70974626

They should shill merch and their music and ask people to subscribe and join membership more.
I don't know if it's funny or otherwise entertaining, but any time they do it, I get a super wide stupid smile on my face.

>> No.70974654
Quoted by: >>70974761

i liked just copy and pasting without having to worry about changing links...

>> No.70974665

>they want us interacting with them and to take part in their submission stuff
where in this part they said they want you to be the same everywhere

>> No.70974690
Quoted by: >>70974752

>they explicitly said they want us interacting with them and to take part in their submission stuff
and how did you understand this as in plastering your name everywhere

>> No.70974711

The point is they are willing to go the extra mile for their paypigs. Which is obvious with how much attention they are given in their streams. There was a meltdown because of their q&a member stream they answered paypigs questions, or did you forget that?

>> No.70974728

Idk is it ok or not dont talk about rm stuff here

>> No.70974752
Quoted by: >>70974835

The only ones who have a problem with it are you. Not them. Go over there and they’ll interact with you just the same because they understand that you are genuinely interested in them as people.

>> No.70974758
Quoted by: >>70974808

So you're saying I should have one account for doggy of the day, one for replying to their tweets, one for holiday submissions, and one for menhera posting?? And I should change my name on YT so it doesn't match?

>> No.70974761
Quoted by: >>70974803

Maybe we should go to a format that doesn't include next/current/previous streams

>> No.70974776

it's listed in the fucking tiers, dumbass, everyone knows what they're getting
nowhere in the fuwamoco tier did it says "you get extra attention for being in this tier"

>> No.70974791

>There was a meltdown because
You mean a raid started by you sister?

>> No.70974796
File: 35 KB, 1300x692, 1070395828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70974918

thank you, at least there is one other ruffian here. I was worried everyone here was antis...

>> No.70974803
File: 624 KB, 1000x1000, mocoslap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70974928

stop being lazy

>> No.70974808

you don't?

>> No.70974820

You can go to /trash/ or /jp/ not /here/.

>> No.70974834

>There was a meltdown because of their q&a member stream
Yes a completely manufactured meltdown by raiders since the IP count was around 200+ for a fucking mengen stream

>> No.70974835

and how's that related to you plastering your name everywhere

>> No.70974858
File: 670 KB, 1353x960, 4421346374568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70974859

sister you can't keep living in the past. you got us good with that 1500 reply thread but that was months ago. fuck off already

>> No.70974895
Quoted by: >>70974941

Why do you care if they don’t? I don’t feel like making another account.

>> No.70974918
File: 361 KB, 427x618, 10729395932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70974928

But I don't want to give misleading information...

>> No.70974941

and yet you choose that exact username
you're consciously making a patreon account with that exact name
not because you love them
but because you love yourself

>> No.70974961

It never make sense to call everyone a paypig.

>> No.70974963

I know you're baiting, but I do agree we'd be a less shit fanbase if they stopped including usernames on stream

>> No.70974974
Quoted by: >>70975035

it's not, but clique faggots have to spam it here anyway to prove they are "real fans."

>> No.70974991
Quoted by: >>70975039

>/baubau/ always talks about clique members snapping and turning anti
>/baubau/ snaps and turns anti several times a week
Really makes you think, huh

>> No.70975002

Only that their other "venture" will be funded by ALL Ruffians while only being able to be enjoyed by the selected few in the know.

>> No.70975006

Yes. Because that’s who they know me as. What’s the issue?

>> No.70975022
Quoted by: >>70975066

>Because that’s who they know me as
don't you see what's wrong with this?

>> No.70975028
Quoted by: >>70975081

You should tell Pomu to stop tweeting at them then.

>> No.70975035

You're the one spamming it, sister.

>> No.70975039
Quoted by: >>70975069

almost like 90% of cliquefags are here

>> No.70975042

I use the same name everywhere by default. I'd have to have a good reason to not, and I'm not self conscious about it looking weird to have the same name everywhere

>> No.70975048

oh sorry, the ME ME ME syndrome is too strong in you

>> No.70975066

Yes. The Ruffians who care enough to follow and support them on their RM.
No. They don’t either.

>> No.70975069
Quoted by: >>70975124

That's your takeaway? Not that it's all projection?

>> No.70975081

Pomu is dead

>> No.70975086

FUWAMOCO are members of hololive english Advent. They are 100% committed to this job.

Fuwawa Abyssgardフワワ・アビスガード

"How about we get you all nice and fluffy~?"

The fluffy older twin sister of The Demonic Guard Dogs, who were sealed away in The Cell for being a pain in the godly behind, Fuwawa Abyssgard is "The Fluffy One."
Her duty is to calmly look after her younger twin sister Mococo and their pet Pero, but that calmness can be short-lived. Ultimately, she is a bouncy and boisterous girl who loves to chat and play.

"Ehehe, it's play time, whether you're ready or not!"

The fuzzy younger twin sister of The Demonic Guard Dogs, who were sealed away in The Cell for being a pain in the godly behind, Mococo Abyssgard is "The Fuzzy One."
The rambunctious Mococo spent all her time imprisoned watching anime and playing games, often roping her older twin sister Fuwawa and their pet Pero in for more chaotic antics. It's rumored that she took part in the prison break just for the heck of it.

>> No.70975105
Quoted by: >>70975153

I can't help you, narcissus

>> No.70975112

so is everyone in their periods today or something?

>> No.70975115
Quoted by: >>70975158

I'm not making new accounts. I'll use the same ones I always use, and that's final. No one cares except you. unfollow, mute, or block me.

>> No.70975124
Quoted by: >>70975156

no, because they are retards and constantly break containment so we know they are here.

>> No.70975153

I don’t need your help, you’re the only one seething over FWMC/A&S getting more fans from people who want to support them on their journey. Sad.

>> No.70975156
Quoted by: >>70975183

people were livechatting in precat about the fucking /vt/ football matches. containment is ruined and people have no fucking shame. what happened to the game I love?

>> No.70975158

Sure buddy
Even itta made a new account.
You don't
You won't
Because you don't actually love them
You love yourself

>> No.70975178
Quoted by: >>70975198

I'm not seething or anything, I'm pointing out your hypocrisy

>> No.70975183
Quoted by: >>70975221

>people were livechatting in precat about the fucking /vt/ football matches.
It was one person. And he got shat on.

>> No.70975199
Quoted by: >>70975226

I do not care. No one cares. Stop whining.

>> No.70975198
Quoted by: >>70975262

If only you knew what this meant.

>> No.70975204
Quoted by: >>70975253


>> No.70975221
Quoted by: >>70975251

yes but not before a flood of /here/ ruffians flooded the chat with fuwahm

>> No.70975226

Yet you say you love them the most

>> No.70975239

This doesnt make sense. As long as they do their part in Hololive as FWMC, the extra money is theirs to keep. What they used it for, I seriously dont give a fuck.

>> No.70975251
File: 599 KB, 800x800, Fuwawa doge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70975253

>no u
Yup, yup. I’ll continue to use the same name I’ve been using for years to support them and you’ll continue to dilate over it.

>> No.70975262

Ok narcissus

>> No.70975269

Guys I just had tuna with palta. What are you guys having?

>> No.70975279

Yeah I'm fucking done here. I'm a freecat/YT exclusion wuffian now. Congrats sisters and schizos you ruined a nice place

>> No.70975291

>he doesn't know projecting

>> No.70975307


>> No.70975322
Quoted by: >>70975383

And I'll keep pointing out your bullshit everytime you try to pull it off, thank you very much

>> No.70975330

no shit. they couldn't be a success on their own without holo, just like many others; but it's their dream. if they want to use their money in order to fulfill their dream, fuck it. they should go for it.

>> No.70975349
Quoted by: >>70975410

>Even itta made a new account

>> No.70975372
Quoted by: >>70975418

wcdonalds big mac shareables pack. 50% off coupon hit just right. 3500 calories incoming for a nice healthy breakfast

>> No.70975383
Quoted by: >>70975440

>actual seethe
Keky! You wouldn’t ever do it in public though. You’re restrained to here because you’re too much of a pussy to bring it out in the open.

>> No.70975395

baused and so will I. Fun timeloop, though. I wasn't expecting this one to come back. You guys are really digging for timeloops, huh?!

>> No.70975410
Quoted by: >>70975574

The one that posted the birthday comms with the ruffians name is on different account

>> No.70975418
Quoted by: >>70975599

how big are your dinners?

>> No.70975440
Quoted by: >>70975526

>he lacks critical information
Projection bud?

>> No.70975453

Chilean or argentinian?

>> No.70975465
Quoted by: >>70975562

>Ruffians who care enough to follow
that was the point, fag. You don't care about the side gig, you care about the opportunity digging through their past gave you in your quest for personal attention. I'm sure you'd be thrilled if every other Ruffian turned into a RM fan as well. The more the merrier, right? All the success to them! Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.70975470

>same name I’ve been using for years
is it really tho

>> No.70975474
File: 1.18 MB, 2208x3320, GIPlCWgWkAA5lye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70975507


>> No.70975526
Quoted by: >>70975554

I’ll be waiting for your meltdown on Twitter. But that’ll never happen so you’ll scream into the void /here/. Bitch nigga.

>> No.70975554

>he doesn't know
lmao nigga

>> No.70975562
Quoted by: >>70975618

Tell that to pomu.

>> No.70975572

I don’t remember my hand looking like that

>> No.70975574
Quoted by: >>70975591

I distinctly remember that not being the case

>> No.70975591
Quoted by: >>70975634

check it again, it's a different account

>> No.70975599

depends on the day and if I walk. If I have to leave the house or something usually I treat myself with a double XL calzone from the local pizza shop when i come home. I never have calculated those calories though.

>> No.70975607
File: 168 KB, 512x512, 1708396219434207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70975653

I lack critical information to make sense of what actually transpired in this trainwreck of a thread

>> No.70975618

Pomu is dead

>> No.70975634
Quoted by: >>70975657

I can't find it

>> No.70975653
Quoted by: >>70975715

Don't mind it.
Certain people are just panicking now that it's starting to hit home that they really did move to Japan.

>> No.70975657

Exactly my point.
I rest my case.

>> No.70975682

>country poll

>> No.70975715

they lost their one reason for being tier 5 so they're trying to schizo post and justify it as purely innocent support still. it's funny but sad
