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70869259 No.70869259 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is the deal with all these "request" streams? Mori and mumei have both done them, are there others? Are they low on funds or something?

>> No.70869396
Quoted by: >>70875313

>1 person does it
>successful and viewers enjoy it
>more people do it
it's not that deep

>> No.70869413
Quoted by: >>70869741

Taking audience requests to do something is a common and pretty fun concept for a stream. Speaking of streams, you should try watching some for once in your life.

>> No.70869741

I do watch streams but rarely from pink woman. I don't even dislike her, I have a great deal of respect for her. But something about her nowadays feels incredibly forced, like every single tangent she goes into she tries to make it sound "deep". there's also something about her voice nowadays during streams, that feels like she's very slightly trying to sound higher pitched and softer than she actually is. It probably isn't even intentional but something about it makes me irrationally pissed, it's impossible for me to listen to..... I swear I'm not neurodivergent.

>> No.70869762

I'm her vieweroshi, and she wanted to do something special to spice up our relationship.

>> No.70869937

>It probably isn't even intentional but something about it makes me irrationally pissed, it's impossible for me to listen to.
>I swear I'm not neurodivergent.
Anon i...

>> No.70870115
Quoted by: >>70870572

Mumei is funneling money to dokibird and Mori is in crippling debt for her wigger lifestyle.

>> No.70870201

>it's essentially subathon/donothon meta but with 20 times less work and only around half less income
yeah, expect these streams more often by every corpo and probably some indies too. I'm genuinely happy for Idol corp, now they wont be forced to do a donothon every 3 months they can just do one or two of these and call it.

>> No.70870234
Quoted by: >>70872057

You're severely underestimating the difficulty of coming up with hours and hours of content, people are just latching on to the idea of something they can stream

>> No.70870330

they certainly are something

>> No.70870447

the most successful holoEN reduced to begging, it would be pitiful if she didn't deserve it for all the shit she's done

>> No.70870511

it's not even that different from what most of them do everyday with normal SC, just push to a higher level. If they have no problem squeezing their fanbase (or whales specifically) dry that way and the fanbase itself has no problem with being "exploited" then more power to them. (You) don't have to engage with it

>> No.70870572
Quoted by: >>70872114

>Mumei is giving our money to a male collabing Niji
Can we report her to Cover for this?

>> No.70870682

>They realized that its a good way to crowdfund their future projects
>People enjoy playing for something custom
>They actually pay unlike some other fandoms
>Not 2%, Cover does not take all the money

>> No.70870822

I hope Kronii doesn't do one of these, her voice acting sucks. 8/10 voice, -2/10 acting.

>> No.70870882
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Her ccv and sc income took a giant hit when advent debuted and suddenly she's spamming superchat bait. Something tells me she took out loans to buy houses she couldn't afford. We know from her own words she doesn't exactly have a humble lifestyle.

>> No.70871031

Farm easy money

>> No.70871199

>What the fuck is the deal with all these
>Mori and mumei
>are there others?
nice brain retardo

>> No.70871289

I hope she understands that the gravy train ain't forever

>> No.70871315

don't know don't care but I thought that was rosemi for a second and got confused

>> No.70871372

>Mori has been trying to get a VA gig on her RM for months.
>Cover, Conner, Kronii, and AmaLee can't get her past the proverbial VA door is just sad

Maybe she just sucks at voice acting anons?

>> No.70871373
Quoted by: >>70877116

>every single tangent she goes into she tries to make it sound "deep".
Yes it's called talking.
>that feels like she's very slightly trying to sound higher pitched and softer than she actually is
People do it when they're seeing someone that makes them happy, something you wouldn't know

>> No.70871738

>What the fuck is the deal with all these "request" streams?
Management, and HoloEN made some deals while they were renewing their contracts. The same thing happened after Ina and Gura returned from those radio silent health breaks and Cover started releasing Myth merch in 2023 that was delayed from 2022. Japanese business culture loves win-win style deals so if a talent wants something from their company they have to give something in return.

>> No.70871996
Quoted by: >>70873413

I get exactly what you mean. She uses her "I'm talking to a retarded toddler" voice constantly, and it annoys the fuck out of me. Just talk like you used to, enough with all the high pitched, lilting, weirdly accented speech.

>> No.70872037

>why are vtubers trying to make money????

>> No.70872057

Play literally any game>profit
It's really not hard to make content.

>> No.70872114

If anyone finds proof I will spam Cover's inboxes 24/7 to shut it down. Grifterbird is rolling in blood money as it is, she doesn't need to steal from holo fans too

>> No.70872127
Quoted by: >>70876161

" hololive girls make more money then anyone else because they are from a good agency " Also Hololive talents " come work for my for a cheaper pricetag then a pro voicer "

>> No.70872259

to be fair, I doubt Kronii has any pull with anything. I've seen some of her RMs "voice acting" in some shitty indie game. I don't think there's ever been someone with a bigger gap between a naturally amazing voice and a complete and utter lack of skill and effort. If she even half-assed this shit she'd be amazing, but she doesn't even bother trying even that hard.

>> No.70873057

They only succeeded by accident thanks to the Twitch bubble in 2019, and joining their circle in 2024 won't benefit at all.

>> No.70873247
Quoted by: >>70873890

Calli specifically has said that she's raising money for an extremely expensive music video.

>> No.70873413

She's an awkward in-between. She can't just be herself, because herself is a fat white weeb English teacher who isn't interesting. And she can't play a character, because her character is based on heavily prepared rap MVs. It veers back and forth in a weird way.

>> No.70873418
Quoted by: >>70874013

Allegedly their funding situation has changed and they have to raise money for their projects on their own. The girls probably intentionally renegotiated their contracts for this. Kronii is doing one of these streams on Saturday.

>> No.70873555

She's doing one on Saturday.

>> No.70873679

As a shy person, I'm happy to be able to attend in such an idol autograph session without uttering a single word.

>> No.70873685

Anon her "Kronii voice" is kayfabe, it's not her normal voice.

>> No.70873772
File: 641 KB, 1476x1080, FC45F4C6-E1D0-4709-A97A-273B55772443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga. She’s paying double the amount of taxes because she wants to live in Japan. Grow and brain and move back to the states. Women. Never ever.

>> No.70873890

Yeah, it's not like she can't afford it out of pocket, she literally just bought a house so she must be making decent money. At the same time it is still a a lot of money and there isn't anything wrong with offsetting it with a fun thing like this.

>> No.70874013
Quoted by: >>70874104

Naw, Mori had to actually convince UMJ to let her put her own money into this project. Apparently both Cover and UMJ are also pitching in on top of what Mori is for this MV.

>> No.70874104
Quoted by: >>70874494

UMJ I understand, but not Cover.

>> No.70874494

Apparently Cover thinks it's a worthy enough project to dump some of their own cash on it and not in the way Okayu did where she got a large pay advance from Cover, thi nis Covers own actual money. She mentioned it a few streams ago.

>> No.70875257
Quoted by: >>70876644

Did mumei ever get back to her commissions or has she said anything about them?

>> No.70875313

No, there has to be some deeper meaning behind it. It came to me in a dream, but I just forgot

>> No.70875863

I'd laugh so fucking hard if that were true.

>> No.70875950

she gets money, makes viewers happy, I don't see the problem

>> No.70876161

It's literally just Mori and Mumei doing these quasi begging streams. And Mori has a proven track record of doing retarded shit.

>> No.70876644
Quoted by: >>70876825


>> No.70876825

Ah, cool, I liked the ones she did already, they were cute.

>> No.70876956

Rosemori Deathlock

>> No.70877116 [DELETED] 

actual retard cope of a cuckbeat

>> No.70878656

Listen to her demo reel, it's good

>> No.70879222
Quoted by: >>70879617

She is trying to become more "feminized" like the shills keep shilling on slash vee tee slash, in order to incline and mesh better with holomems.
It doesn't come naturally to her, so it feels forced.

>> No.70879617

Trips checked and agreed. It feels very forced indeed.

>> No.70879874

Calli has always, since the beginning of her vtuber career, done an airy/light type of voice. Especially with collabs. And it's 100% forced and annoying as shit. When she stops the crappy airy voice and just talks, like in collabs with Kronii, Bae, or Irys mainly, she sounds way better.

>> No.70880884
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so give her a role where she starts out bored and then get confused and disgusted
