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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70722484 No.70722484 [Reply] [Original]

Legal Mindset received a leaked copy of the contract for Nijisanji livers.

>> No.70722539

kill yourself faggot

>> No.70722558


>> No.70722614

Sisters seething over Nijisanji officially telling their organs they're employees.

>> No.70722622

Am I detecting some NIJISEETHE?

>> No.70722656

Lookout for monke if kill

>> No.70722664
Quoted by: >>70722872

Retard, just watch for the relevant news and fuck off.
Also 50% cut lol.

>> No.70722695

>Nijiniggers on damage control

>> No.70722704
Quoted by: >>70722911

Fuck jannies

>> No.70722710

if this is Sayu's contract, she is fucking lucky she was living in California. The state probably has the best SLAPP laws in America. I wish Anykara was stupid enough to sue her for slander

>> No.70722746

>the debut fund is $1,300

>> No.70722754

Are they paying off the jannies

>> No.70722792

Off-topic. There are no vtubers in this stream jannies.

>> No.70722800

As expected the guy is just taking normal corporate terms and twisting them into entirely new scenarios for outrage, at least so far

>> No.70722802

>if anycolor likes you

>> No.70722806
Quoted by: >>70722922

1,300 currently, if it was around the time of Sayu or Cy Yu it'll be a bit higher.

>> No.70722819

anycolor can simply say "your new equipment is not necessary" and simply not give your money back.

>> No.70722844
Quoted by: >>70722905

They have to deem it necessary too. Doesn't even pay for a new video card

>> No.70722853

It's literally the discussion of a major vtubing company's contract. This is huge

>> No.70722862
Quoted by: >>70723099

are the jannies cleaning threads again?

>> No.70722864

How is this /vt/ related?

>> No.70722872

same cut as production kawaii, prism project(formerly), phase connect, etc so not that interesting or bad

>> No.70722884
Quoted by: >>70723049

It's vtuber related, faggot. The same reason yagoo threads and stock treads are allowed.

>> No.70722892

What money? The talent wouldn’t make any payment

>> No.70722896

>Performing the Social Media Disseminating
Couldn't niji hire lawyers who spoke fucking english? Who the wrote this shit?!

>> No.70722901

I just woke up, how bad is the contract far?

>> No.70722902

Can you really put together a decent set up with 1300k?

>> No.70722905
Quoted by: >>70723289

someone in chat was like "a single good microphone", which i think is a bit of an exaggeration. but only a bit.

>> No.70722909

*anti-SLAPP laws

>> No.70722911

Nijijanny is in a panic please understand

>> No.70722913

This grifter shit is off-topic. This board is for vtubers, not drama baiting normalfags.

>> No.70722922

Zaion paid for her debut stuff herself though

>> No.70722925

/#/ has nothing to do with vtubers either.

>> No.70722932

hololive too, based off what coco said

>> No.70722940

>computer dies
>buy a new one
>"please, $1300 won't even cover half of it but i will accept it"
>elira & co deems it unnecessary

>> No.70722950

This is like the stream #8 from this lawyer, is not offtopic sisters, even if you don't like it.

>> No.70722989

Crazy considering they probably have to pay at least $8000 for a debut package that will be accepted.
It looks like Niji can dictate that you need certain equipment and you are contractually forced to buy it. They can fuck you financially that way if they wanted to

>> No.70722991

Thats funny as shit when something like Idol Corp is giving $6,000 as debut fund to their fucking ES branch.

>> No.70722994

yeah, Vanta's debut practically cost nothingi

>> No.70722996

totally possible for sayu to spend more than the deb(u)t fund and get in debt. she had a lot of custom assets

>> No.70722998
Quoted by: >>70723066

>(4)conducting press conferences for television,radio,newspaper,magazines, etc.
someone go tell daph she was wrong and retarded.

>> No.70723014

>False swore up and down there was no debut fund
>Contract says there is
Ironically this at least shut him up from that regard

>> No.70723020

What's the summary of the video/contract?

>> No.70723025

>I just woke up, how bad is the contract far?
Bad, real bad and is close to confirm many rrats.

>> No.70723036

Why would anyone sign something like this.

>> No.70723039

probably mtl'ed
50% cut
1300usd debut fund
can be forced to do basically anything from blowing riku live on tv to doing black streams defending the company

>> No.70723040

This stream is a public reveal of the contract that Kurosanji livers have to sign. It's very much of and about vtubers. Seethe.

>> No.70723045

still ongoing so wait a bit for summary

>> No.70723050
Quoted by: >>70726734

No wonder many of the livers start out with toaster pcs

>> No.70723049

time to make a connor thread then!

>> No.70723062

Apparently according to the contract they only give you "UP to 1300$" if your streaming set-up isn't good enough

>> No.70723064
File: 172 KB, 564x444, 1709605511748469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not only is the contract a nothingburger
>They get free money for their debuts

>> No.70723066

Where's the screenshot of 39iq saying otherwise lol

>> No.70723071

sloppy and one-sided but not unconscionable. so far.

>> No.70723096

An Indian

>> No.70723099


>> No.70723103

>probably mtl'ed
100% MTL'd. Not even a question about it.

>> No.70723109

Don't forget that Sayu was forced to find and rent a studio on her own to record her debut song.

>> No.70723112

50% cut of the remaining 70%

>> No.70723116

I can but I know about computers.

>> No.70723123

This law fucking slapps, bro.

>> No.70723129

Don't forget they take 50% of AFTER YT cuts.

>> No.70723136

>how is nijisanji /vt/ related?

>> No.70723142
File: 12 KB, 385x1122, F7TtbbtWcAAkV5A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50% after the 30% YT cut and whatever for taxes

>> No.70723146

Then it's entirely possible they refused to give Sayu the money because her streaming equipment was "good enough".

>> No.70723148

I enjoy how quickly he picked up a bunch of vtuber drops.

>> No.70723168
Quoted by: >>70723198


>> No.70723170
Quoted by: >>70723310

some where in here

>> No.70723184

>Niji contract reveal
Actually it's 100% on-topic

>> No.70723192

It's so small it may as well not exist

>> No.70723194

I mean its not like they play any games anyway, $1300 is fine for a computer

>> No.70723198

machine translated

>> No.70723205
Quoted by: >>70723355

that'll be the term where Party A dictates to Party B the place for performing the vtuber activities.

>> No.70723213
File: 13 KB, 564x444, 1647239850809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters really believe a vtuber company giving you a starter package is "being kind"

>> No.70723216
File: 559 KB, 1185x648, Won't you shake the poor sinner's hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70723245

I only stream league of legends, Niji hire me

>> No.70723251

she used the debut fund to pay the alimony

>> No.70723260

If they feel like it, they're not obligated to do it.

>> No.70723262

>YT takes 33%
>Anycolor takes 50% of 66%
So they make 33%
What do other streamers make

>> No.70723265

do nijisisters really?

>> No.70723273

This doubling-up of the present participle is super indicative of Indian English.

>> No.70723276

What makes you think Niji is the party that translated this? Has he shown literally any evidence of that? Genuinely asking here because verifying the authenticity of the document seems like it'd be the very first thing you do and nobody seems to even be mentioning it. Looks just as likely this grifter hired some India gook to cook up a 'translation' of some basic Jap entertainment industry contract and make it look like it's about vtubers.

>> No.70723289

With how big Niji is, it would probably hurt their honor for talents to have audio quality worth less than a $1000 set up (mic and interface)

>> No.70723297
Quoted by: >>70723566

so does every other company that takes 50%, this is industry standard regardless if you think its moral or not

>> No.70723298
Quoted by: >>70723566

this split is industry standard.

>> No.70723299
File: 203 KB, 1365x2048, nazunaCosplayOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70723645

>How is this /vt/ related?
This is just as on topic as vtuber cosplayers or people talking about vtuber CEOS. If you think this thread should be deleted, CEO and cosplay discussion should also get deleted. He's discussing Nijisanji's vtuber employee contract which should make him on topic here.

>> No.70723300

This isn't a debut fund at all.
Its a meeting minimum requirements to begin streaming fund.

>> No.70723304

if you have to pay for the live2D it's basically nothing

>> No.70723310
File: 171 KB, 1785x508, 234623454353425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its here you lazy shits, that took 1 second, just looked up forced

>> No.70723312
Quoted by: >>70723530

Wait do the 1300 is separate from the phone they need to use?

>> No.70723314

It's not technically a "debut" fund. It's just a fund in case the vtuber can't stream for any reason (PC blows up, phone dies, etc). Anyway, the amount is so low it doesn't even matter.

>> No.70723318

So far:
>Vtubers get 50% of the revenue Anycolor gets from youtube
>Vtubers must work at wherever Anycolor designates
>Vtubers can charge Anycolor for buying needed equipment up to 200,000 yen and they'll reimburse them only if they feel like it was necessary
>The contract is actually an employment contract (under us law)
>They can make vtubers work for 3rd parties (like wendy's)
>They can make vtubers work on tv, radio, etc
>They could make them give press conferences (black video)
>Vtuber doesn't refer to the online persona/avatar but the real person

>> No.70723320

so 35% of whatever they make on youtube
fuck that is low

>> No.70723327
Quoted by: >>70723566

The 50% after youtube cut is standard for corpos, how is that a yab

>> No.70723334

Because she was out fucking around in a con
Hololive was said to have a very small debut fund as well, but it did exist. Niji is the same

>> No.70723342

I mean, did you see TTT's debut trailer? Their vocals are fucking terrible

>> No.70723343

They have to pay for all the stream assets out of pocket (layouts, intro and outro, lore assets, music etc). The contract only suggests that they will help reimburse partial funds for equipment (hardware, microphone etc) IF they decide your setup is crappy enough

>> No.70723347
Quoted by: >>70723407


>> No.70723350

That's like half my pc...
Niji are literally poorfags

>> No.70723355

>"Sorry, you gotta record it in a studio"
>"B-But the money"
>"Didn't ask, don't care. You either do it in a studio or you don't do nothing at all"
Now it makes sense Doki used more than 200k for her own projects.

>> No.70723354
Quoted by: >>70723447

Elira might be getting released from all responsibility regarding the black stream with this contract

>> No.70723359

goddammit, he doesn't have the fucking merch consideration addendum

>> No.70723373

is $1300 a lot to you?

>> No.70723376

Damn we were so close to the 2% rrat.

>> No.70723388

YT takes 30, but yes.
I was under the impression that for superchats most corpos had the same 30/35/35 split.

>> No.70723401

That is the standard split for corpo vtubers. If you're an indie you just have the 66%

>> No.70723407
Quoted by: >>70723457

So no answer? He hasn't done anything to confirm the document is what he claims it to be? Are you fucking serious is this what people are yapping about?

>> No.70723417

>Because she was out fucking around in a con
What does that have to do with recording?

>> No.70723420


>> No.70723435

Isn't it 30% YT, 35% Company (AnyColor in this case) and 35% Streamer? That's the typical cut (I assume it's negotiable after a year just like with Cover's contract)

>> No.70723436

>Amount determined upon separate discussion between Party A and Party B.
>Amount determined upon separate discussion between Party A and Party B.
>Amount determined upon separate discussion between Party A and Party B.
>Amount determined upon separate discussion between Party A and Party B.
So most payments are non-standard, so that they can play favorites and/or fuck over people who are bad at negotiating, or have low self-esteem.
I am an employer and I do this as well. I'm not proud of it, but people have no idea what they are actually worth to a business.

>> No.70723447

(me) wait, couldn't social media disseminating be extended to doxx site activities and /here/ activities? Imagine if they were ordered to astroturf all this pro-Niji bs lmao.

>> No.70723457
Quoted by: >>70723506


>> No.70723471

They are really fucking mad this time

>> No.70723476

In Nijisanji, Hololive, Phase, Kawaii, etc
You superchat $10, your oshi gets $3.5

>> No.70723483

This is what (up to) $1300 gets you

>> No.70723504


>> No.70723506

Yes faggot I know you're coping now answer the fucking question, you're not a god-damn pokemon.

>> No.70723505

>Genuinely asking here because verifying the authenticity of the document seems like it'd be the very first thing you do and nobody seems to even be mentioning it.
There is genuinely no way to verify this document besides one of three things.
>it's signed
>a person comes forward and says its theirs
>lawyer-kun wouldn't risk his brand if it wasn't legit
>accidental missing redaction
The first two have already been mentioned at the start as not being the case, but for arguments sake if he didn't make that explicitly clear then they still wouldn't have happened due to being NDA breaking, and the last one is unrealistic.

You are basically banking entirely on the goodwill of a guy in Bangkok who cannot be touched and has nothing to fear. And how funny it is to potentially shit on niji.

>> No.70723509
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>> No.70723523
File: 136 KB, 302x267, 1652963628999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contract keeps getting interrupted by superchats that add fuck all to the stream "DURRR PLAY MY FWMC CLIP"
This is putting me to sleep. Where is the THRVTH NVKE?

>> No.70723530

Yes, the phone is provided by the company because it has a special app on it.

>> No.70723549

>being forced by contract to work like a five cent army on /vt/
that's fucking grim

>> No.70723565

>Separate agreement for live, concert, movies, TV, radio, commercials and merchandising
Like what the actual hell.

>> No.70723566

Its 70/30 for hololive after yt cut

>> No.70723571
Quoted by: >>70723857

The NDF panic is hard proof.

>> No.70723574
Quoted by: >>70724874

That isn't even enough for a decent gaming rig, much less a decent streaming rig

>> No.70723585

>>70723505 (me)
>one of three things
>I write four
I'll blame that on it being past midnight. Point is even if the dudes full of shit, it's about Niji so who cares?

>> No.70723588

Standard business shit, yeah. Wake me up when they actually try to prohibit people from discussing salary or something, that at least is illegal in most developed countries.

>> No.70723591
Quoted by: >>70724150

>do nijisisters really?
Indeed they do. Even if hypothetically speaking there's nothing particularly illegal or amoral in the contract, publicly releasing it is like a Christmas gift to Kurosanji's competitors. This is pretty fucking bad for them in the best case scenario. Nijisisters are understandably upset.

>> No.70723593

This is probably standard for this type of stuff desu.

Also, they probably do fuck over talents and play favorites

>> No.70723598

>Vtubers get 50% of the revenue Anycolor gets from youtube
so youtube and Anycolor split thier earning first and then livers and anycolor? how much youtube takes again?

>> No.70723607

Article 6 screws Luca hard

>> No.70723611
File: 211 KB, 1000x1288, 1709606504935984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox died for this kind of defence. I can't....

>> No.70723617
Quoted by: >>70724002

Hololive does have a small debut fund as well. Bae and Mumei mentioned it on their off collab in Japan last summer. Bae said the debut fund didn't cover her entire debut costs and Mumei said she didn't even use hers. I assume Cover's fund is not too dissimilar from Niji's. Probably a couple K

>> No.70723624
File: 194 KB, 1000x1000, 1707421025270210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70724009

tfw just no notice quit my job and already have 3 interviews at less stress/higher pay

fuck you

>> No.70723638


>> No.70723645

>despite the petite frame, that tummy is showing some pudge due to the force of gravity

>> No.70723655
File: 1.43 MB, 498x281, 1709567992910175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People sell fucking SHOES for a 5% commission, how is a 2% cut for shitty acrylic stands (that sisters buy dozens and dozens of) without having to promote it at all BAD?

>> No.70723654
Quoted by: >>70723849

YT takes 30%

>> No.70723660

>"Social Media Disseminating" means blogging, tweeting, writing, and other dissemination of information as the Character on the Social Media Account
they could argue successfully that if instructed to shill here, that they would be bound by the contract to namefag using their character name.

>> No.70723669

oh shit really? damn, holo winning again

>> No.70723694
Quoted by: >>70723976

Someone needs to get LM to install vtube studio and use one of the default live2d models so he's legally considered a vtuber and therefore on-topic for the board.

>> No.70723696
Quoted by: >>70723779

>the invoice can get rejected even after they spend their money

>> No.70723758
Quoted by: >>70723809

Do you think this doesn’t apply to other contracts

>> No.70723759
Quoted by: >>70723896

my last job had me travel
company paid travel, granted, was shit travel, but never had to invoice them
also had a per diem, shit per diem, but still....

>> No.70723763

...when someone dropped the doxx on the dox site, weren't they larping as "Kyo"?
>New RRAT activated

>> No.70723769

>if anycolor summons you to japan you need to pay FROM YOUR POCKET to go there. Then you have 1 MONTH to issue the reimbursement or you cant ask for your money back.

>> No.70723773

>TIME LIMITED reimbursement
>for a FORCED international travel
what the fuck
i got paid $5k flat in advance to relocate for a job 3 hours away by car
and it's not even a big company

>> No.70723779

>elira and co. deems you unworthy of reimbursement

>> No.70723783

>You need to pay for all your travel expenses

>> No.70723795

Anycolor owns the channels. So when you send a SC, youtube takes their cut off the transaction, Anycolor then gets the payment and then reimburses the chuuba for their % cut

>> No.70723801
Quoted by: >>70724051

Getting 1/3 of SC and other YT money is completely normal. It's the same in Hololive.

But pretty much everything else is hilariously bad.

>> No.70723805
File: 207 KB, 835x213, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nijisanji doesn't lend the talents money for projects or travel
>nijisanji expects you to bill them a timely invoice
>nijisanji can just say no

>> No.70723809

there are many ways you could potentially write that sentence. it's hard to predict whether other agencies use different wording, or similar wording.

>> No.70723820

Shoes are still worth more or less the same without the salesperson, acrylic stands of some random OC would sell fuck all

>> No.70723849

YT 30%
riku 70% (riku 35%,livers 35%)
huh this is standard vtuber corpo tho i thought they gonna takes more than that

>> No.70723852

it's niji so its bad even though the earnings split are standard for jp corpo

>> No.70723850
Quoted by: >>70724839

I'm pleased to see vindication on the reimbursement instead of prepaying claims

>> No.70723857

>lawyer-kun wouldn't risk his brand if it wasn't legit
Nigger what brand? He's a serial grifter that only jumped on the drama and is going to fuck off when this blows over. He's literally on record for backing scams and fraudsters.
>It's signed
Apparently it isn't. So for all we know it's a fabrication.
>A person comes forward and says it's theirs
Yea. Not gonna happen either.

So this seems to just be a case of
>Trust me bro!
And nothing more. Fuck me man this is what has everyone riled up? This is getting retards like >>70723571 sperging about NDF panic because their shitshow is a nothing burger?

>> No.70723880

Two. Hundred. Thousand...

>> No.70723896
Quoted by: >>70724111

man, we used the federal per diem for years, and then a few years ago they changed it to actuals. i ended up hauling a folder of receipts around in my suitcase for weeks.

>> No.70723920

Yeah, everyone knew that. What everyone memes is the merch cut that's said to be as low as 2%, but apparently different people get different cuts.

>> No.70723937

Oh that explains the no refunds

>> No.70723961

>minecraft and signature subcontracting was a violation of article 6

>> No.70723968
Quoted by: >>70724281

>Apparently it isn't. So for all we know it's a fabrication.
Are you capable of reading my post, or are you just this fucking retarded?

>> No.70723976

His stream's already on topic because it's covering the Niji contract. Threads only got deleted because nijijanny had a melty.

>> No.70723985

Someone less lazy than me needs to go back and look at the dates for all these big group trips they took.
Cause if I was a blackcompany and the contract looked like that, I would schedule things so they need to fly out near the end of the month and are still in Japan with limited computer access until after the 4th business day of the new month.

>> No.70724001
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>> No.70724002

They also joked about it during a watchalong of Bijou/Bijoe/Biboo's debut about how she spent her entire budget on the animation and then had a basic powerpoint for her presentation. Worked out because that shit was adorable at least.

>> No.70724004

>What everyone memes is the merch cut that's said to be as low as 2%, but apparently different people get different cuts.
Sadly that part needs a signed contract.

>> No.70724009
Quoted by: >>70724350

>tfw just no notice quit my job and already have 3 interviews at less stress/higher pay
My honest reply is "Congrats dude!"
You learned what you're worth and I hope it keeps getting better for you!
My business is in an at-will employment state, and I have been direct with my employees that they don't have to give any "notice" if they don't need to, and I don't need to give them any notice even if we let them go without cause (as long as it is not because they are members of a protected class, et cetera). I am always prepared for anyone to leave at any time, because that's what the law allows.

>> No.70724008

This is libel!

>> No.70724024

is this a vtuber

>> No.70724033

Seething Nijisister

>> No.70724045

BB? That fucking bitch!

>> No.70724044


>> No.70724050
File: 627 KB, 1253x2820, qBK8i3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70724051

A lot of other stuff lines up with hololive's rumored operations too. I'd be really interested in seeing that contract and comparing it to this one.

>> No.70724053

Its afraid

>> No.70724062

In my opinion, it was not a form of harassment.

>> No.70724063

O shit you’re right

>> No.70724076

>more esl typos
they should hire just hire a native

>> No.70724096

Most Niji livers use streamlabs. Everyones paypigs will use streamlabs to donate.

>> No.70724099


>> No.70724106

In my opinion, I do not think it was a form of libel.

>> No.70724107
Quoted by: >>70724481

God damn! There's literally no point

>> No.70724110
File: 354 KB, 754x698, 1696455343217198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BB was behind Niji all along

>> No.70724111
Quoted by: >>70724153

hauling receipts is annoying
glad i don't have to do that

>> No.70724117
Quoted by: >>70724200

>but apparently different people get different cuts.
holy and they never change their merch right? everyone got the same acrylic stand and keychain right? damm thats evil they can and will play favorite

>> No.70724136
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>> No.70724145


>> No.70724150

It's not exactly good for future talents wanting to apply to Hololive either, in the sense that if Nijisanji's rates are now public knowledge, it's also feasible for Hololive to reduce their rates if they already know how much their competitors are paying.

It's just like gas prices in that sense.

>> No.70724153

eventually the expense mobile app got to where i could trust it with photos. eventually.

>> No.70724152
Quoted by: >>70724283

You can't sue someone for slander for releasing a contract


>> No.70724167
Quoted by: >>70724355

So it's the same shit at Holo?

>> No.70724170
Quoted by: >>70724310

>image only still no timestamp/clip

>> No.70724182


>> No.70724194


>> No.70724200
Quoted by: >>70724288

That's just an assumption since this contract doesn't specify a single amount and instead says both parties will reach an agreement on the cut % they'll get from merch, so, technically, they can totally play favorites if they wanted to.

>> No.70724205

>if this is Sayu's contract
>stream literally opened with THIS IS NOT A SIGNED CONTRACT
Go to bed, lil Timmy. The adults are talking about Kurosanji now.

>> No.70724210

No, they can't 'just say no' nigger. These are also pretty terms so that you don't get inept employees filing their entire yearly expenses in November. Have you people genuinely never read a contract in your life?

>> No.70724238

Ohnonono holobronies? Your response?

>> No.70724249

this is industry standard iirc.
>$100 aka
>jewtube steals 30%
>company takes 50% of what's left
>talent gets the rest

>> No.70724254

>the liver must provide niji with "certain information" when asked for it
>The liver cannot stream without providing "certain information"
>The liver must not lie when providing "certain information"

What are your rrars?

>> No.70724262

The rrats... they cannot be contained...

>> No.70724269

She has since said they paid for her trip for the summer concert so obviously they updated the rules but you'll still use that outdated info.

>> No.70724281
Quoted by: >>70724343

Irony. That was an affirmation you clown.

>> No.70724284

The rrats are winning

>> No.70724283

I mean the shit Sayu said last year on her twitlonger and google docs. Niji could've sued her for that

>> No.70724288

Kuzuha talked about 2% and he's the golden child

>> No.70724285


>> No.70724294

if you lack critical information, you're FIRED

>> No.70724299

The Zaion dox...

>> No.70724302
File: 51 KB, 849x833, 1709110897402226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70724304

three sizes

>> No.70724310
Quoted by: >>70724818

the chat box is exactly on topic

>> No.70724315
Quoted by: >>70725729

Cover paid for Kiara's and Gen 3's travel expenses. Clearly it's just Moona (assuming that wasn't clipped out of context or mistranslated)

>> No.70724322

3D cheaper than live2D? really?

>> No.70724342

At bare minimum, this should help indies applying to corpos, so they know what to look for in their contracts before signing them.

>> No.70724343
Quoted by: >>70724432

What irony? I literally said in my post that it wasn't possible. You didn't have to say "it isn't" as if I was asking a question on if it was. Read before you reply.

>> No.70724345
Quoted by: >>70724424

So if I’m getting this right the livers are forced to fly to Japan when needed and have to pay out of their own pockets?
No wonder it mindbroke Shu when the concert was cancelled

>> No.70724350
Quoted by: >>70724591

To be fair to my previous employer I was a complete neet with a blank resume walking in, but they finally drove me off with 24hr scheduling with no compromise or compensation

>> No.70724355

It's the same shit everywhere, because it's basic shit.

>> No.70724357

>"Be a team player!"
He got bamboozled.

>> No.70724388

>he doesnt know the information
If only you knew

>> No.70724401

>You superchat $10, your oshi gets $3.5
That's actually way better than I thought. My oshi could feed herself using a $10 superchat. Fucking nice.

>> No.70724409

Wait, you can not be serious. The shitpost scenarios about NijiEN talents getting called into an online meeting and then being shown 4chan posts and getting interrogated is actually true? What kind of bizzaro world do we live in?

>> No.70724417
File: 120 KB, 1836x323, 1680314277101817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70724473


>> No.70724424

They get reimbursed... next monthly cycle.
So they take a $2k + Accommodation Costs for 2 months at most

>> No.70724432

I repeat; It was an affirmation. The irony is that you're blabbering about reading comprehension while lacking it entirely.

>> No.70724434
Quoted by: >>70725201

I thought phase was better than the norm

>> No.70724442

That Korone reaction is soul

>> No.70724445
File: 1.34 MB, 2132x2008, 1701718778757930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70724453

He got 2% because he was the golden child. Others got 1%

>> No.70724464

updated rules because of fulgur's weight

>> No.70724467

Winrrar's, specifically?
It's a really bad translation of a term I can't even begin to guess at, likely. Possibly status reports? Dunno, MTL garbage is impossible to parse.

>> No.70724469
Quoted by: >>70724617

He's getting 7k people to learn to read their contract instead of going "tldr just gonna sign it". Well, hopefully.

>> No.70724473

fucking Danny D, we know you're /here/

>> No.70724482

And hire a fucking lawyer, Based Mindset said it since the first stream.

>> No.70724481
Quoted by: >>70725309

Mind you, that is BEFORE taxes. This is why you're more likely to see indies make streaming their full time job opposed to corpos that arent Hololive.

>> No.70724493
File: 122 KB, 1016x975, 8945794074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30% Youtube cut
>35% Corpo cut
lmaaaaaooooooooooooo. Indies and Vshojo chads stay winning.

>> No.70724497


>> No.70724517

The Nijileaker (not LK) claimed that "at least" 2 livers got the green light from management to disclose certain information "anonymously, in another website". They've also discussed approved "grassroots" initiatives.

Even if you think the leaker is just a larp, you've got these two facts:
>Nyfco is used to anonymously coordinate NDF activities, Selen/Doki's personal information was discussed to craft smear documents
>Post-blackscreen tweet was very emphatic that livers were legally clear to say what they want about Selen/Doki

>> No.70724519
Quoted by: >>70724857

someone please send it to anykuro
if the fucker doesn't get terminated then we know for sure he's in the clique

>> No.70724531

Moona had some funds for her first original song though.

>> No.70724538

I assumed indies were smart enough to have their own lawyer look at a contract before signing it I hope they would think to do that

>> No.70724558
Quoted by: >>70724641

Does luca have consent from Anycolor? if he does then it's nothingburger

>> No.70724560
Quoted by: >>70724766

If grift, why give attention? Surely since its all fake and gay like yourself, you have nothing to be worried about?

>> No.70724564
Quoted by: >>70725025

For the models alone a good Live2D model would cost more than 3D. It's the same thing as 2D animation vs 3DCG. But 3D requires expensive equipment to operate.

>> No.70724568
File: 553 KB, 795x795, 1707898332085388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70724585

Wow, this is a whole lot of nothing. Don't know what I was expecting.

>> No.70724587

Is this real? WTF how is this clown car still operational? gross man

>> No.70724591
Quoted by: >>70724903

>but they finally drove me off with 24hr scheduling with no compromise or compensation
Oof. That's is some bullshit.
Look, I'm fine admitting that I'm a cutthroat capitalist, but my company has pretty lax vacation policies. I would never fuck with people with last-minute rescheduling. Most of my employees have kids, and I want them to be able to like... go be with their kids at their big life events or whatever.
A lot of states are making last-minute scheduling either illegal, or at least more difficult. They are not the same states as the at-will states, but it is a trend and I'm fine with it.

>> No.70724594

Doesn't Twitch take 50%?

>> No.70724596

You realize this is not for your eyes, right? Even viewing these documents is ILLEGAL

>> No.70724607
Quoted by: >>70724699

>That Korone reaction is soul
Cute hag.

>> No.70724617

If this is meant to teach people how to read contracts then things are dire indeed. This is sensationalist rubbish. Either hire a real lawyer to go over a contract for you or take a course in the relevant area, especially if you go work for a foreign company holy shit.

>> No.70724628
Quoted by: >>70724693

He didn't even give her money to do work for him though right? (kek she did it FOR FREE). Might not even be a subcontract

>> No.70724633

Ain't no fucking way... I am convinced Luca is Riku's adopted son at this point to get away with this much yab.

>> No.70724635

This shit is over 2 years old nijifag. Kiara literally just got business class flight paid for by Cover to go do work with Ina in Canada

>> No.70724641
Quoted by: >>70724775

Raz has stated she never signed an NDA

>> No.70724669

No, they changed it back to 70%.

>> No.70724672

That leaked shit isn’t real. They said Scarle was forced to collab with Aster. If you watched her you would know there’s no way she would even need to be forced into that. She also just said she’s happy there and won’t quit anytime soon

>> No.70724685

>You realize this is not for your eyes
It is now.
>Even viewing these documents is ILLEGAL

>> No.70724692

this was right after COVID lockdown so the implication at that time was that HoloID didn't actually need to travel to Japan to do HoloFes recordings because Cover already had a 3D studio rented elsewhere (probably Singapore)
nowadays, since they have their new studio, they'd want everyone to use it

>> No.70724693
Quoted by: >>70724961

She was paid

>> No.70724694

Keep on crying.

>> No.70724699

I think this guy is walking the line between trend-grifting and providing real value to viewers, but these drops are on point.

>> No.70724716

the only actually smart ones are shylily and filian

>> No.70724732

ngl i'm in this group, but i assume that most people just think
>lawyer too expensive ill just read it and sign it if i dont see anything obviously wrong

not knowing that companies know how to hide their scumminess and you need a lawyer to see the traps

>> No.70724739

What's illegal about viewing an unsigned legal document?

>> No.70724742
Quoted by: >>70724787


>> No.70724755

I respect the attempt but it's too obvious to even call it bait

>> No.70724758

Twitch pays a 70/30 cut for their partners
Twitch subhumans never win

>> No.70724759
Quoted by: >>70724873


>> No.70724766

Nah. I'm hoping we get some actual shit on Niji and not this faggot ass LARP. I'm here because I was told there'd be some real shit happening and there's just this farce instead, coupled with some desperate drama tourists shouting anyone who questions it as though they're some psyop.

>> No.70724769

For Vshojo talents, Twitch takes 30%
And direct donations they take things like streamelements which goes entirely to the talents give or take transfer fees based on where the money goes.

>> No.70724774
File: 94 KB, 800x1000, 1697381434820358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is just sensationalist garbage

>> No.70724775


>> No.70724779
Quoted by: >>70724868

Anon she cried in a members stream immediately following that collab

>> No.70724785
Quoted by: >>70725273

>they can force you into conferences(appeasing "investors") in person in a conference room(casting couch)

>> No.70724787
Quoted by: >>70724850

I watch streams

>> No.70724789
Quoted by: >>70724868

Are you gonna claim the screenshots were fake too?

>> No.70724795
File: 53 KB, 1725x313, 16415414198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 70/30 with partner plus.
>but that would be hard isn't it?

>> No.70724796


>> No.70724806

I am going to pretend this is sarcasm anon, to help you save face.

>> No.70724808

monkeys haven't seen an actual contract are you guys actually jobless?

>> No.70724818

yeah but it mean jackshit if we don't know when she said this

>> No.70724817
Quoted by: >>70725056

anyone else sick of hearing about this fat bitch

>> No.70724824
File: 331 KB, 701x534, FOBC8BHXoAApeoW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time if you're going to bother releasing an expose at least make sure it has some fucked up shit in it. We just discovered their flights are paid for and they all get a generous 1300 dollar budget to cover streaming expenses. Everything else is business as usual. Keep losing, dramashits. NijiEN will rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

>> No.70724839

I'm excited to see the part of the contract that covers how personal projects are paid. My rrat is that the organ informs Niji of the cost and they take it out of the paycheck to pay the commissions from the Niji account. Since Selen's artists weren't getting paid, that money was being withheld from her paycheck and THEN she paid out of pocket so she paid double for some of her projects. A 15k MV would then become a 30k MV and it would explain how she paid 200k for projects

>> No.70724842

Which would be worse:
A.) Luca "subcontracting" his ghostwriter/Minecrafter in breach of contract.

B.) Luca getting approval from Nijisanji to have an assistant while Selen and Nina get blocked from doing so.

>> No.70724843
File: 10 KB, 185x273, 1709183192345664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70725059


>> No.70724850

No you don't

>> No.70724856

so riku can force them
but i still believe elira and vox did it voluntarily

>> No.70724857

he's definitely getting fired, but it's not gonna happen this month because they are propping up and putting make up on the company for the investors. Expect a bloodbath starting april.

>> No.70724868

Were you there? Do you know why she cried?
I don’t think that

>> No.70724870
Quoted by: >>70725408


>> No.70724873

Was that ever actually posted? I remember checking for like a day after but found nothing.

>> No.70724874
Quoted by: >>70725114

Do you think these funds are for you to buy a pc?

>> No.70724880

didn't scarle say something like " im glad thats over" in her member stream?
I forgot what it was word for word.

>> No.70724894

where do you think you are? it's their first time seeing that people are expected to act a certain way if they are in a corpo

>> No.70724897
File: 124 KB, 1066x157, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70724969

fucking ESl

>> No.70724904

>denies your $3500 forced travel invoice

>> No.70724903
File: 313 KB, 676x375, 1705366645146237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well that was one issue I think the schedule was only ever available 48hrs in advance, but they wanted me to work 8AM-4,4PM-12, 12AM-8AM all in one week lmao. Was a real clown operation I was trying to get to 2 years to round out the resume but just gave them a resignation letter and dipped.

>> No.70724910


>> No.70724911

it's not too late

>> No.70724933

Niji's contracts impact vtubers

>> No.70724931
Quoted by: >>70725225

the best case is that the translation of that section is horrible. the worst case is that it's actually invalid, specifically for the reason he notes (Party A requesting information that's prohibited from disclosure by another contract or statute). the way it's written is extremely sinister and is by far the worst thing in this contract so far.

>> No.70724961

Oh shit, hope he's in the termination queue then KEK

>> No.70724965

holy guacamole

>> No.70724969

This nigger was actually taking notes from a comedy show for retards, damn.

>> No.70724975

>Not Towa Baby
Anonymous, I am disappointed.

>> No.70724980


>> No.70724983

Fuck you for getting my hopes up.

>> No.70724987

If they got the "green light", this contract implies that they have no choice but to do exactly what they were told. I think Kyo was seriously ordered to dox Zaion. He had to use his name because the name makes it so it's now part of his Vtuber Activities

>> No.70724993


>> No.70724994


>> No.70725008
File: 54 KB, 463x453, peko-crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a second, if the gurrat is true, Elira (as management, on behalf of nijisanji) can literally force talents to stream

>> No.70725025

Oh I see, didn't know that, quite interesting.

>> No.70725035

Uuuh bros?

>> No.70725044


>> No.70725043


>> No.70725054
Quoted by: >>70725161

Am I missing something? It says he'll be there.

>> No.70725056

Yes, Elira really is starting to gross me out. We should have a campaign to have her amicably attempt to graduate.

>> No.70725059
File: 180 KB, 1119x1119, 1633660129835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70725443

>send diary snippets that weren't notarized or made legally binding by anything
>it gets read by third parties that weren't barred by anything from reading it
>"pls no look, legal document for realzies XD"
Selen's lawayer as well be the guy from the Simpsons lmao

>> No.70725066

nah riku takes 68% liver takes 2%

>> No.70725086
File: 563 KB, 674x901, 1698905315771689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70725230

>Very thoroughly reads through your contract

>> No.70725098
Quoted by: >>70725236

Didn't say it was "how to read" I just said it would get people to pay more attention to their contract instead of just skipping to the line and signing it. Which happens quite a bit.
This dude is emphasizing a lot of stuff while speaking because its how he entertains I guess, but the content of what he's been saying is pretty normal. Unfortunately, I think the chat blows what he says out of proportion because he says everything in a gotcha! sorta tone.

>> No.70725114

They are for "equipments". New streaming PCs definitely fall into that category. What else are they for? Switch or Ring Fit?

>> No.70725129

>waits 6 months to reimburse your request

>> No.70725161

It's a common joke on 4chan.org to post a link to a tweet and claim that the tweet says something unrelated to its actual content. Many people will not open the link and assume that what you're saying is true and backed up by the tweet.

>> No.70725162

wow... nijisanji is so poor

>> No.70725178

Article 10 is fucking grim. Organ foots the bill. Article 10 says the moment they use it in the course of vtuber activities they can't use it for any other purposes.
My rrat that Niji uses organ personal funds to purchase assets for Niji ISREAL

>> No.70725184

It also probably has to cover the cost of the phone you use for the Live2d tracking/

>> No.70725183
Quoted by: >>70725241

how did the sisters take this?

>> No.70725201

Might be, Pippa just mentioned that she gets a good cut today.

>> No.70725210

Is this guy an actual lawyer? “Andrew Esquire” is unlikely to be his real name, can’t find any further info at a glance.

>> No.70725214
Quoted by: >>70725276

>procure the materials
sounds like being a teacher in america

>> No.70725223 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1065x800, 1698896348023975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70725386

In my opinion, that was not a necessary expense. I'll be taking that 1300 dollar budget back thank you

>> No.70725225
Quoted by: >>70725333

Anon. There's a reason these contracts will typically mention that in case of irregularities the Original (Japanese) Document prevails. Translation errors don't typically invalidate a contract.

LM is also just randomly speculating that they could or would request prohibited information which simply isn't the case. That's not even how contracts work.

>> No.70725230
File: 902 KB, 1000x1288, Le_Retard_De_Vox_Akoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too old.

>> No.70725236
Quoted by: >>70725892

It's a shit contract that would only be considered normal in bullshit idol industries.

>> No.70725240
File: 132 KB, 1100x1100, 1680028748688988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nijisisters desperately trying to downplay an exploitative contract

>> No.70725241

"My merch is the one he personally signed."

>> No.70725243

>Indies and Vshojo
indies=most cant even come close to what corpo SC number after cut
vshojo= lol,lmao even,u can get vshojo money because u cant join them to begin with retardchama KEK

>> No.70725249
File: 1.18 MB, 874x1095, 1708102048572658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that the dust has settled and there's absolutely nothing suspicious or shady in the contract whatsoever, don't you think it's about time to apologize to the staff and livers? They literally did nothing wrong.

>> No.70725253

Funny how sisters keep regurgitating "Confirmation Bias! Confirmation Bias!" but suddenly you forgot about it when it might apply to you negatively.

>> No.70725261
File: 109 KB, 600x600, 2%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell livers they have to fund their own projects
>Fully own the projects for all time

>> No.70725273

Enough with Hololive. This is nijisanji thread.

>> No.70725276

teachers just outsourced that shit to kids for extra credit

>> No.70725281

>You realize this is not for your eyes, right?
>Even viewing these documents is ILLEGAL

>> No.70725286

no :)

>> No.70725291


>> No.70725309

Being a 3 view indie you can make a living but as a corpo you're fucked lmao

>> No.70725327

>rise like a phoenix from the ashes
get kicked from con right away KEK

>> No.70725333
Quoted by: >>70725455

yes, but then... this one hasn't actually said that so far. i keep expecting to see that, but where is it?

>> No.70725334

>Article 10 says the moment they use it in the course of vtuber activities they can't use it for any other purposes.
In terms of equipment? That's just strictly not true, Doki's still using the PC she streamed with.

>> No.70725336
Quoted by: >>70725930

you trying to doxx him, nijisis?

>> No.70725353
File: 671 KB, 539x624, smug shion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70725361

>denies your past achievement and terminates you for being uncooperative and ruins your reputation along with it
remember this what they did, not the drama tourist, not the dramatubers, not anybody else kurosanji did this first

>> No.70725368
File: 369 KB, 532x518, 5959884455263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister, it is only 5/30. Please be patient.

>> No.70725371

Streaming asset commissions, things you need for your new persona.
When you get hired as a contractor, you are generally expected to already be capable of doing the job.

>> No.70725377
Quoted by: >>70725512

She's not employed anymore so isn't the contract void?

>> No.70725386

Anon. That'd be fraud if it turns out to be a legitimate expense. It's a retarded take to assume it's the norm without some form of proof. Yes, expenses can be refused if they turn out to not be valid, that's utterly and entirely normal in employment contracts. Cut the crap with these weird fictions because you're just making valid criticism look bad by association.

>> No.70725387

article 10 is only about materials lent to Party B.

>> No.70725390
Quoted by: >>70725669

Enna more people are watching this than your bday, the dust is in your eyes it seems.

>> No.70725399

what's niji gonna do? sue her?

>> No.70725408
Quoted by: >>70725453

why did i read this in millies voice

>> No.70725414

I will now proceed to thoroughly read the documents

>> No.70725427

The contract specifically mentions equipment, not assets etc.

>> No.70725429

Except they aren't contractors. They're employees.

>> No.70725443
File: 170 KB, 800x1363, 1709535719875381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go work on your next stream Enna.

>> No.70725453

And then Elira throws her a treat.

>> No.70725455

Would be pretty incredible if they left that out, but that shit is usually at the end.

>> No.70725458
File: 355 KB, 1080x1110, 1709704587684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total nijinigger death

>> No.70725459

need new bread soon.

>> No.70725460
Quoted by: >>70725605

>dramafags are retarded monkeys who've never seen a contract in their lives
Not surprised

>> No.70725467

>Party A may use the Account for the purpose of the management of the Program.
>Party B may use the Account within the scope approved by Party A.

>> No.70725499
File: 237 KB, 424x410, 1708272311363567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70726071

Seriously lol the random retard "critics" that sprung up out of the Selen drama are doing a better job at mending Niji's image (through being retarded apes and blowing everything out of proportion to the point the public is growing numb and tired) than Niji ever did

>> No.70725502

We do a little crime~

>> No.70725508


>> No.70725512

I mean what the fuck are they going to do, send Yakuza to her house to seize her PC? Demand she mail it to them? Lmao.

>> No.70725534

Streaming assets aren't equipment, are they?

>> No.70725545
File: 224 KB, 887x171, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinwalking is real

>> No.70725547

>Party A not responsible for any damages for insufficient management

>> No.70725556

bruh what so they can basically use the liver's account for management duties

>> No.70725560
Quoted by: >>70725737

our paper has it on the top half of the first page. i do think it'll be there eventually (right?), but then they also failed to specify which "Civil Code" to defer to for things not in the defined terms.

>> No.70725567
Quoted by: >>70725804

Why make a gay post humble bragging about how cool you are on an anonymous image board? Nobody is gonna think that you are some genius for making an obnoxious post like that.

>> No.70725572


>> No.70725577
File: 417 KB, 1915x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70725585

Sue me bitch.

>> No.70725599


>> No.70725605

is this working sisters?

>> No.70725614

At least we now have official confirmation to something we already knew

>> No.70725613

Fine fine I was shitposting at 1AM. I deleted it. Happy?

>> No.70725615

Ok so basically:
>Selen could NOT hire any assistant
>All expenses are not covered by Niji
>2k was a lie, it’s even lower
>They are contractually obligated to do any PR, so they can legitimately claim they were forced to black video

Shit I don’t want to shill for these livers because there is still much they have to explain, but if costs are not reinbursed:
>Be Elira
>go to Japan when this explodes
>you are on Visa
>The company basically tells you “do a video immolating you for us”
>If you say no you don’t get the trip and setup expenses back, end up probably without money
>Also remain indebted and blacklisted in Japan for contract breach, stuck there. Basically illegal immigrant level.
Fuck it, I truly wish for liquidation now, these people need their contracts burned.

>> No.70725622
File: 129 KB, 318x294, heheh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen are now relying to a low tier lawyer

>> No.70725625

skinwalker mod but real

>> No.70725627

That was surely never actually in doubt? There was never a genuine question whether or not they could, but rather that it'd be a really scummy thing to actually do. They make the accounts anon, of course they will use them when it suits them, how the fuck is this new information to you?

>> No.70725642
File: 280 KB, 606x604, 1709593698266953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His last name is Mindset, first name is Legal. Middle Name is none of your business, doxxsister. You gonna make a new entry about his past life too?

>> No.70725645

selens a fat whiny bitch who leeched off everyone.

>> No.70725655
File: 251 KB, 1650x1401, laughing hit the desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70725656
Quoted by: >>70725761

oh god, no. that's how it was supposed to be written, but with this phrasing it actually covers the personal property of Party B. what a fucking mess.

>> No.70725669

I doubt it's gonna happen but it would be funny if he got more in superchats here compared to Enna's bday

>> No.70725674

No, that's just the title of the section. The definition of the Materials is everything used in the course of their activities. The section header is irrelevant.

>> No.70725684
Quoted by: >>70725774

About social media
>Niji can post the livers account for management purpose
>The livers takes responsibility for the posts on their account
>Niji is not liable.
>The liver must follow the instructions given by management.

>> No.70725685

So they own it all, and costs of operation are on the liver? cool

>> No.70725689
Quoted by: >>70725732

That makes sense.

>> No.70725686

Wait, does that clause mean if management somehow leaks your password and your account gets hijacked, that's your problem?

>> No.70725709

>$1300 is generous
man, must be nice living in a mud hut.

>> No.70725710

>>2k was a lie, it’s even lower
2k was real at some point, the value given was in yen, and yen now is in the shithole, therefore, lower

>> No.70725717

>luca broke contract but is still kicking
no favoritism btw

>> No.70725726

VShojo wins again.

>> No.70725729

Moona one is 3 years ago while Kiara and Gen.3 just happened recently.
Even Kronii one from last year said her travel expense are covered by Hololive.

>> No.70725733
File: 183 KB, 602x720, 1691056519411879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you being for real or making a funny jab at the news media's take on wikileak's Hillary dirt from 2016?

>> No.70725732

it would. it should be rewritten to say that. i was mistaken to read it that way.

>> No.70725735

See >>70725577

>> No.70725737

If it's translated from a Jap contract then it's just going to refer to the Japanese Civil Code. Not really much of a question there. The lack of specification is otherwise due to the fact that it is a template contract and not tailored to a specific individual, and AnyColor would then adapt it to apply to where the person they're hiring actually lives.

>> No.70725746
Quoted by: >>70725803

It referse only on information of the account, but basically means “we can lie while we skinwalk you and you can’t sue us for it”.

>> No.70725748

Read it again anon

>> No.70725752

Even on the translated Anycolor document for investors it was posted at the very top. I've never seen it at the end.
>This document has been translated from the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any
discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail

>> No.70725759

What happens if you have no money to go to japan because you work for nijiEN?

>> No.70725761

Reminder that Sayu, in her infinite wisdom used her Epic games account while in nijisanji and they kept it once she left (she tried to get it back but couldn't) So it covers any materials used for the activities

>> No.70725768

>All this nothingburger

>> No.70725769

Even Runkle, who you sisters claim "owned" him, has stated that he has checked his background and that he is indeed a lawyer.

>> No.70725774

So the NijiFamily(TM) skinwalking isreal?

>> No.70725800
Quoted by: >>70726120

I don't see wrong in here
This is a truly corpo contracts
Capitalism as its finest

>> No.70725803

No shit, my reaction is to the implied "you can’t sue us for it" bullshit.

>> No.70725804

Irony. The fuck do you think you're doing posting shit like this then?

>> No.70725830

sis, we're only at 5/35 of the contract lmao

>> No.70725834

Yep skinwalking 100% isreal. And apparently legal to even lie as someone.

>> No.70725843

nijisanji family but we are hivemind

>> No.70725846

>Party A not responsible for any damages for insufficient management
the clique ISRAEL

>> No.70725847

Oh no not the free games

>> No.70725852
Quoted by: >>70726226

i didn't recall that detail, but only all the bizarre arguing about her genshin account. it's bad enough that it's written like that, but it's insane for them to have actually used it.

>> No.70725875

3D iholo uses s around 10k-12k

>> No.70725883

>not a new IP
Niji you lost

>> No.70725889
File: 3.74 MB, 466x378, ironmouse wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do better.
I believe in you.

>> No.70725892

Yeah that's Japan for you

>> No.70725920


>> No.70725930

You know that in most places the list of people who are authorized to practice law is deliberately made easy to access, right? Omw to go through the list of members of some random bar association, oooh scary

>> No.70725937
Quoted by: >>70726004

>Riku: *Teleports your oshi into a dumpster, but keeps her shit for himself*

>> No.70725942

Everyone was asking what the "gun to the organ's head" was. Now we know; it's literally all of their personal property that is in close enough range for niggersanji to steal.

>> No.70725947

>2k was a lie
It was ¥200,000. That was ~2,000CAD, but the yen has plummeted.

>> No.70725994
Quoted by: >>70726072

Some please tell drama vtubers to cover this Elira needs to be saved.

>> No.70725997


>> No.70726004

>Riku be coming out of the alleyway dressed as your oshi walking like a Jojo character

>> No.70726008
Quoted by: >>70726165

>Buy a Switch to stream Pokémon
>Niji deems it unnecessary, doesn't reimburse you
>You graduate
>Niji demands you "return" the Switch and game cuz you used it under Niji
>Have to buy another Switch and copy of the game to stream it in your new life

Holy kek

>> No.70726041

>Anycolor : Do the black screen stream!
>Elira, Vox, Ike : No, I won't do it it isn't safe for our livers image!
>Anycolor : Livers first! Always! That's our motto for 6 years that's how long this company has run is that longer than yours Elira?
>Elira : Yes...
>Anycolor : Is it much longer?
>Elira : Yes...
>Anycolor : And you with your mother's tits out of your mouth, Vox, Ike?
>Vox, Ike : ....
>Anycolor : See if we say it's safe, it's safe. And if the three of you disagree you won't have to work here anymore. But not just here you won't go to Hololive, or VSPO!, or NeoPorte, or VShojo, or Prism Project, you won't work anywhere ever again, we'll see to it. I think you know WE WILL see to it. Do the black black screen stream!
How possible is this scenario?

>> No.70726062

imagine how the telephone game collab is going
i wonder what the livers are thinking

>> No.70726071
File: 382 KB, 2185x2892, my wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please use Luca or Vox reaction images instead of my wife Wosemi when you're posting, sister.

>> No.70726072

False said he had a bomb planned for March. I'm pretty sure he knows.

>> No.70726073

>you pay we own it on ownership of rights
holy shit actually seeing this on a contract is so disgusting

>> No.70726078

Sisters should just jump ship and act like Niji doesn't exist at this point but sunk cost is gonna sunk cost

>> No.70726084

did he just call nijisanji stupid? kek

>> No.70726088

Imaigne being too dumb to find a lawyer's info. Even the other women who hated him before the Selen/Doki shenanigans was capable of finding info on him.

>> No.70726087
Quoted by: >>70726167

Who leaked that thing for them? Zaion?

>> No.70726090
Quoted by: >>70726184

And elira had just transfered to Japan eith a visa, so basically everything. Damn if she’s not in the collab she’s literally kept prisoner.

>> No.70726093

>Selen could not hire any assistant
We know this. They already confirmed it themselves.
>All expenses are not covered by Niji
Nothing specific to say here, it's pretty standard in vtubing to have livers pay for their own equipment out of pocket. It's what I'd expect.
>They are contractually obligated to do any PR, so they can legitimately claim they were forced to black video
That's also pretty damn standard in entertainment. Actors and such get similar clauses in their contracts. It was well established that management could pressure them into doing that stream but that doesn't mean they couldn't refuse. They still own their own actions in that regard and it was still scummy as fuck.

>Be Elira
>All that shit happens
>Call Canadian Embassy
>Get rescued
Or you could be a corporate whore and try and push your suicidal former coworker over the edge. Their choice.

>> No.70726097
Quoted by: >>70726247

We now have confirmation that nijisis are full of shit regarding the PL organ appearence permissions. Party A owns literally everything, they don't need to even let past organs know they're using the IP.

>> No.70726104

iirc she decided to tie it to her corpo email.

>> No.70726120

>muh capitalism bad
You can't make this shit up

>> No.70726133

What if Niji forced Elira to act as management? And she wasn't evil just very incompetent?

>> No.70726157
Quoted by: >>70726222


>> No.70726159
Quoted by: >>70726297

yeah but do you think the games she bought under Selen was reimbursed?

>> No.70726167

The dude that quit before debut from the newest 3 man wave that actually planned to be 4

>> No.70726165

More likely outcome:
>LOLNO and keep using your own switch

>> No.70726174




>> No.70726184

WAIT. Her apartment was used for an off-collab, right? They can seize her fucking house!

>> No.70726187
Quoted by: >>70726291


>> No.70726192

What if she actually purchased real estate in Japan? Wouldn't that actually make her situation worse?

>> No.70726194

>But not just here you won't go to Hololive, or VSPO!, or NeoPorte, or VShojo, or Prism Project, you won't work anywhere ever again, we'll see to it. I think you know WE WILL see to it.
this one is pretty overkill and kinda farfetch

>> No.70726205

110% with a 10% margin of error

>> No.70726222

She got Dyatlov'd

>> No.70726226
Quoted by: >>70726358

Just by the way, Steam accounts and the like often have a non-transferability clause, which supercedes anything Niji would like to enforce.
Not sure about Epic specifically, but might be worth looking into.

>> No.70726231

why are they struggling to get to 10k with this many streamers?

>> No.70726244

>The black screen stream really was a hand up those threes assess
Poisoned their own company.

>> No.70726247

for the livers to have any form of discretion to exercise over anycolor's use of anycolor's IP would have been shocking and unprecedented in the industry. it was always obvious that it was a slam dunk for anycolor under copyright law. but remember that "permission" doesn't just mean rights acquisition. it also means gaining the good graces of Party A in Party A's sole discretion.

>> No.70726252

Yeah because you're brainded.

>> No.70726257

She's both. If she was competently evil this wouldn't have blown up so badly.

>> No.70726285

What's their ccv?

>> No.70726291

I ain’t clicking that shit, nigga

>> No.70726297
File: 57 KB, 780x853, F0eGBkUaUAIlvvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the answer to your question. Hope it helped!

>> No.70726303
Quoted by: >>70726483

>Phone taken away and skinwalked
>locked behind somewhere out of connections to outside world

>> No.70726306
Quoted by: >>70726530

So do the "VTuber Activities" not actually include a clause about shilling merch? It doesn't fit in any of those categories and the catch-all clause doesn't apply since nothing in the above clauses is about sales/merch.
Could talents just refuse to shill unless they get a bigger cut?

>> No.70726317

Hi Selen hows your charity for your lawsuits.

>> No.70726334

wtf is a ccv

>> No.70726333

the contract itself is very shit and lazy and there's definitely some bad clauses, but it's still funny seeing people act aghast/surprised over shit like them owning the rights to self funded content like covers, like no shit retards

>> No.70726342

That'd be monumentally stupid on Elira's part and you're still fucked if that's enough reason for you to try and basically kill someone.

>> No.70726347

Doubt it, it's very hard for gaijin to buy property in Japan

>> No.70726350

>make shit up
>hololive does it
>but what about hating the other group
>mental illness
>this would never have happened if dookie just died
>where is gura
>fan vs fan
>streamer vs stream
>this person is a whore
>why does anyone like this
>me, a unicorn chad

>> No.70726358
Quoted by: >>70726621

Their steam accounts are made for them by management.
Nina was the only one who had the smart workaround to just rename her old account and use that one instead.

>> No.70726371

where the fuck do you come from?

>> No.70726374

Hi Enna, how's your ego doing after you lost to a piece of paper?

>> No.70726388

Literally tame. The truth
>Do stream
>Ok, we can seize all your personal accounts and not pay you a dime, which for you Elira means we can literally take everything since you just moved to Japan. And once fired you will find no job for three months and have to live in the street. We literally own you.
I’m starting to rrat that even Vox may not be referring to the Sis, he was literally screaming “let me out of here, keep maling sure Niji does not get away with it”.

>> No.70726390
Quoted by: >>70726675

>Niji's contract includes a clause where they don't have to pay third party artists yet have 100% control of that work
oh no no nononononono

>> No.70726400

Tell me its your first day on /vt/ without saying its your first day on /vt/.

>> No.70726413

>Riku needs a new kidney
>Takes your Oshi's as it is equipment nessesary to perform vtuber activities

>> No.70726429

2%? This contract makes it look like the cut is actually 0%. 12.7

>> No.70726435
File: 251 KB, 772x883, 1709471647581268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70726641


>> No.70726440

kek tourist

>> No.70726456
Quoted by: >>70726507

Less than Doki playing fucking supermarket sim. She averaged 10.5k

>> No.70726475

Shit guys, do the board count as “social media”? Are the managers actually skinwalking and dictating this too?

>> No.70726477

That seems correct anon, but they only had 2 hours to sign the emergency NDA first, get your facts straight

>> No.70726478
Quoted by: >>70726536

No one knew just how bad nip corpos were until now, looks like the only good corpos in the industry are Phase and VShojo.

>> No.70726483
Quoted by: >>70726722

Frankly if you let a corpo control your life to that degree you're still accountable for that choice. Literal cultist behaviour and you get very little sympathy from me especially when you go along with harassing a suicidal person.

>> No.70726507

>Doki canonically mogged the entire branch

>> No.70726506

Why the fuck is that thread full of “Yippee”s? Am I missing something?

>> No.70726513
Quoted by: >>70726572

constant cock vacuuming

>> No.70726530

>Could talents just refuse to shill unless they get a bigger cut?
yeah probably because i know petra is infamous for almost never shilling any of the merchandise she gets

>> No.70726536
Quoted by: >>70727145

don't reply to me, phasefaggot

>> No.70726548

>me knowing Elira uses her PL Steam account for Niji


>> No.70726556

ConCurrent Viewers (CCV)
It refers to the number of people watching the stream, touristchama

>> No.70726569
File: 224 KB, 625x290, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What paper? Can you fill me in cause I don't follow the drama. Im busy bullying the weak Selen.

>> No.70726572

>t. vox

>> No.70726575


>> No.70726594

Chastity Cage Violation

>> No.70726601

literally the same contract with cover down to the t.

>> No.70726606
File: 170 KB, 647x647, 1709178345884572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70726904


>> No.70726611

This stream overlapping the giant niji collab is very amusing.

>> No.70726617

Concurrent is one word you retards.

>> No.70726621

Oh, clever. Just mentioning it in the case of Sayu's Epic account, which Sayu may have legal claim to.

>> No.70726641

Begone faggot that obsessed to Riku LMAOO

>> No.70726645

So they keep prize money if the vtuber wins a tournament?

>> No.70726656
Quoted by: >>70726767

Proof next thread?

>> No.70726675
File: 11 KB, 839x204, Yaoi Copium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70726758

All hail the emperor, employees shouldn't talk back

>> No.70726677


>> No.70726679


>> No.70726680
File: 146 KB, 900x1200, 1709463071907812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70726730

>play button confirmed

>> No.70726712

>Elira goes to JP court, AnyColor gets massively fined
Yeah I find it hard to believe AnyColor would do something so thoroughly criminal just to harass an ex-employee they barely know anything about since they left NijiEN to their own devices.

There's still no real motive for NijiJP to really be involved in that shitshow, and they'd be doing some incredibly illegal shit if they tried to force people to do that under such threats. Japan takes their employee protections very seriously.

>> No.70726714
Quoted by: >>70726840

i'm not surprised. cover's track record with negotiating game license agreements in a timely fashion suggests a... ah, less-than-stellar in-house counsel.

>> No.70726716
Quoted by: >>70726862

>the play button clause
can these motherfukers get any blacker?

>> No.70726722
Quoted by: >>70726974

I believe the black screen video should have told you something. They wanted them to be scapegoat. Most of Selen's problems came from management. They just tried to redirected the anger of the public to the livers so they could get tf away from it.

>> No.70726730


>> No.70726734

"Seems like your setup can do a perfectly fine black stream, no need for funding."

>> No.70726736
File: 3.60 MB, 600x338, 1709031563930041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70726811


>> No.70726741
File: 1010 KB, 1500x1064, nijiExMembers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is if people call this contract evil, they're indirectly calling Cover evil as well.

>> No.70726758

Queen of projection right here

>> No.70726770
File: 87 KB, 941x127, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its written into the contract that the company shall keep all your rewards....
play button bros

>> No.70726767

it doesn't matter. Nijisanji's entire problem is not within their contract, but with their management.

>> No.70726788

Riku MUST have his cut peasants, pweasa undastahn, trustfund kid hardmode

>> No.70726793


>> No.70726798
Quoted by: >>70726878


>> No.70726805

Article 13: you can't support organs on their PL accounts. Niggersanji reserves the right to steal it all.

>> No.70726806

Ok, but proof next thread?

>> No.70726811
Quoted by: >>70726899

Yeah suck his dick. Why you even save his image LMAOOOO

>> No.70726815

Difference being Cover treats their talent as employees and pays them salary.

>> No.70726830
Quoted by: >>70726919

>The first actual fucked up thing of note and he just skims over it

>> No.70726840

>>it doesn’t matter
the absolute state of sisters

>> No.70726859
File: 1.60 MB, 1416x1451, Its Alouver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70727000


>> No.70726862

I wonder if they took any of Selen's tournament winnings...

>> No.70726878

Nahh im not gonna watch that try harder

>> No.70726881

>demand and receive from third parties
Is this why it's such a bitch to collab with Niji? They could potentially take YOUR earnings too?

>> No.70726883

this section reads to me like it just settles the question of who's responsible for invoicing third parties and receiving payment. my opinion is that this is pretty normal.

>> No.70726892
Quoted by: >>70727087

>employee protections
Are you joking? Tell me this is a joke, anon?

>> No.70726899
File: 3.60 MB, 600x338, 1707972930935362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep giving me your (You)s, monkey. It's so easy.

>> No.70726904

Shit, mans, imagine if that was all code talking, he did reveal Selen was bullied but quickly added “not a form of harrasment” to stick to the script.
Told “leaving is always an option” and “I would have left in solidarity” literally saying he wants out so badly.

No wonder Doki never made oivers names even after the black screen. No wonder she still screamed to not attack livers even after that video. It’s not taking the high road, she can’t say “I know they were puppeted” because it may literally land them in trouble.

>> No.70726919
Quoted by: >>70727004

Legally it's not even fucked up
The majority of jobs don't let you make money under the table without it going through the company while you're working

>> No.70726925

well, they WERE from third parties...

>> No.70726928


>> No.70726932

They're gonna sue her for keeping the stuffed animal EA sent her

>> No.70726945
File: 69 KB, 670x901, 1709705826337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COVER lets Holos keep their rewards
>Ichikara explicitly stated in their contract that the talents can't get their hard-earned trophies
nijiniggers will still defend this

>> No.70726973
File: 687 KB, 1279x597, 1701130730334746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Prohibited actions"
>Do it anyway
All of the livers are on grounds for termination at anytime kek

>> No.70726974

Doubt NijiEN has that much power in AnyColor, and I doubt NijiJP cares enough. That shit was very obviously personal too and wasn't just random corporate shitflinging.

I still firmly hold that this was probably Elira/Vox that came up with this shit and convinced management to let them do it.

>> No.70727000
Quoted by: >>70727149

Why does the modified Enna look better than the original?

>> No.70727003

>anykuro can TECHNICALLY seize charity donations

>> No.70727004
Quoted by: >>70727174

How are you making money out of getting a goddamn button? It's extremely petty. Not to mention they had to pay out of pocket their ticket to Japan to take the shitty pic of the button.

>> No.70727031


>> No.70727033

Yes look at Mel's termination.

>> No.70727041

You know they took all of it, and made it difficult for her to assert any control. It makes sense now, she made shit happen, and then they skimmed off her projects. Like they do with all of their livers.

>> No.70727042
Quoted by: >>70727101

>No CP

>> No.70727044

>Other Images, Etc. that Party A deems inappropriate
i.e. literally anything anycolor doesn't like lmao

>> No.70727049


>> No.70727070
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, UKIDONTLOOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70727075

Guess Vox is safe since he earned all that begging money for the yacht fund.

>> No.70727074
File: 232 KB, 640x320, who else but uki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70727083

>no cp
Enna termination when?

>> No.70727079

>No bullying
>No hate speech

>> No.70727087
Quoted by: >>70727465

If Elira was in JP on a work visa that changes things anon. Surely you understand at least that much.

>> No.70727096

We already got two violations here, Uki termination when?

>> No.70727101

It's over...

>> No.70727102

What (you) did you think I gave you? You said
>literally the same contract with cover down to the t.

>> No.70727108
Quoted by: >>70727362


>> No.70727115

I am sure anykara can also pay their talents $10 every month

>> No.70727119

>for the purpose of sexual intercourse, dating
So half of Vox's career?

>> No.70727122

>No bullying
Elira... Enna... Reimu... Millie...

>> No.70727125
File: 34 KB, 649x28, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70727289

Oh boy, Uki. You're in deep shit.

>> No.70727127

>no bullying

>> No.70727144
Quoted by: >>70727529

>JP court laughs back at Elira because it’s in the contract, and JP court will side with corpo if it’s in the contract.
You don’t know mich about JP courts but let me tell you, there is a reason why bug zaibatsu have that status there. Unless is explicitly illegal by law (like sexual stuff), you don’t win.

>> No.70727145
Quoted by: >>70727747

You can't stop me.

>> No.70727149

Because Riku forgot to pay the artists?

>> No.70727174
Quoted by: >>70727464

>It's extremely petty
Yes. But not illegal or even LEGALLY problematic. It's just morally bankrupt, but we knew that already.

>> No.70727177

So images about Sexual intercourse are against the contract, but Vic doing a number of sex ASMR is ok?

>> No.70727182

Holy kek. What kind of pitch black company demands to keep everything awarded to their employees?

>> No.70727187
File: 367 KB, 644x394, ccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khyo and Falseyed really pay this faggot for legal insights KSKKSKSK need views I guess.

>> No.70727205

>rules for thee, not for me
elira and clique, probably

>> No.70727211
Quoted by: >>70727320


>> No.70727227

>Images that may cause trouble or discomfort to a third party
Enna sending dead penguins to Petra????

>> No.70727231


>> No.70727259
File: 1.07 MB, 680x848, 1706867632049510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70727274

you people don't actually think riku's stealing charity's money right

>> No.70727289

It's ok he has a different contract that let him be racist.

>> No.70727296

>Ah yes AnyColor committed charity fraud because an employment contract said that they could hold on to the money
Look I get that you're (rightly) looking for shit to besmirch AnyKuro, but this ain't it chief.

>> No.70727310

I can't believe I totally forgot that was a fucking thing, holy shit that was so early too.

I should've seen the signs!

>> No.70727313
Quoted by: >>70727427

>falling for the lie by getting baited into defending it

>> No.70727320

>Vapor rub

>> No.70727328


>> No.70727330


>> No.70727332
Quoted by: >>70727401

Vox's voice isn't a jpg or png.

>> No.70727334

enna being a suicidal nutcase???

>> No.70727344
Quoted by: >>70727436

>No drugs or alchohol

>> No.70727362

That is the bigger crime for sure. AnyGreed strikes again...

>> No.70727397
File: 56 KB, 859x1002, 1680730241970440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen, where's my cut of the paper funds?

>> No.70727401

What about hex holding a dildo?

>> No.70727403


>> No.70727421

List of infractions if you piss off Anycolor

>> No.70727428
Quoted by: >>70727714

No, because when you use Youtube's Fundraiser function, Youtube keeps the money and gives it to the charity. It doesn't pay it out to the channel owner at all. There's no way around it.

>> No.70727427

Proof next thread?

>> No.70727430


>> No.70727436

okay thats how I know this contract is fake, every other person at niji is an alcoholic wonder why?

>> No.70727446

Holy shit the play buttons isreal. Fucking scum of the earth. This giy is milling the drama but this contract should make the rounds so people literally know their livers are basically enslaved.

>> No.70727457

see: >>70727162

>> No.70727465
Quoted by: >>70727733

You are saying that as if you are blind to the fact that workers in Japan got overworked to dead and nobody said a fucking thing over it. Come to Japan and work for these kind of black companies and you'll understand why instead of "my protection".

>> No.70727464
Quoted by: >>70727601

You had no idea what you were talking about up there and are now just pretending. I can sense it.

>> No.70727500

Those were gay so it's okay

>> No.70727506

Sisters are trying to push an apologia that vox, elira, and ike are suddenly innocent.
I don’t believe that because current trends and their winds are blowing in other ways.
The clique being not real and all livers being good goes against the flow of nature and against the natural order of enfolding events. Will they say management forced livers to respond to stupid tweets to? Or maybe Elira and Millie’s responses to Selen were also something management made up when instead bad people act like bad people.

>> No.70727508
File: 83 KB, 1000x750, 1709467487243878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters in shambles.

>> No.70727510

The fact that it's an open possibility is hilarious and fucked up

>> No.70727529

>Anon pretends to know about JP law
Yeah, ok. Funny and all but it's obvious you're just speaking in memes and hearsay. Even big zaibatsu have this whole concept of corporate exile because it's incredibly hard to actually fire people.

You're also making the extremely basic mistake of confusing criminal court with civil court, and this would be a civil case first and foremost.

>> No.70727565

Document written by an unpaid intern, Nijisanji owns everything, Nijisanji can take your shit if you used it for streaming (even if you bought it), Nijisanji can and will skinwalk the livers, Nijisanji has the right to control where you work from, Nijisanji takes all the money before you see it (even from charities), full of strange rules to grant them extreme control.

Sisters have been coping and defending all of it, the entire stream. Its been kino af.

>> No.70727601

"up there"? I made one post nigger what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.70727610

If the organ doesn't let the charity collect money themselves then it goes to anycolor, so absolutely, the man needs another yacht

>> No.70727613

So they can keep any price money won in a tourney. That's worse than esports players contract.

>> No.70727627
Quoted by: >>70727797


>> No.70727653
Quoted by: >>70727739

I find it weird that people assume only men don't like nijisanji? Guess I don't exist...

>> No.70727710

skinwalking is part of the contract
nijisanji is not liable for mismanagement
all revenue percetages outside of youtube are not part of the contract (private agreement with each talent)

>> No.70727714

i didnt got to watch the streams but did they do a double method one where third party dono such as streamlabs donation and the normal youtube method

>> No.70727726
Quoted by: >>70727889

I've known this for awhile, but I just don't understand how it makes sense for these people to fully pay for a project they don't own whatsoever. I know the entertainment industry is exploitative, but that just seems insane. I don't understand what the point even is of signing with niji if they offer basically nothing besides exposure.

>> No.70727733

Anon. Please do some basic research into what black companies are actually about. The whole point is that they do illegal shit and get away with it because they prey on people that don't know better or don't have other options, not because the law is on their side.
>workers in Japan got overworked to dead
That's a social issue, not a legal issue. Not sure why you're mixing the two.

>> No.70727739

Do you need a headpat or something?

>> No.70727747

*rapes u 2 death*

>> No.70727773
File: 102 KB, 1125x633, 20240306_012605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70727855

>Images etc. that are obscene or harmful to youth
>Images etc. for the purpose of sexual intercourse

>> No.70727797

she living happily in her 3view world anon

>> No.70727855


>> No.70727854

So that’s the infamous clause, but it’s the shittiest catch-all I’ve ever seen. You can basically be firsd on grounds of streaming out of a designed hour. It’s literally “If we don’t like it, it’s wrong, even if we said it’s right before” shit.

>> No.70727872

yeah which is more fucked up because its a social thing not an obligation due to contract
they are basically brainwashed to work to death

>> No.70727889
Quoted by: >>70728085

that exposure is worth a lot, or at least it was

>> No.70727900

That's normal? Why do you think that's somehow odd? If you work for a company and do a project for that company the proceeds will go to the company who then distributes payment. How are you fucks not taught this basic shit in highschool economics at least? I first learned about this shit when I was 13 for fucks sake.

>> No.70727911
Quoted by: >>70728002


>> No.70727941

With cover even if it's sketchy as fuck, it makes sense since getting in means you become rich after a few years... Presumably. You have to stay relevant and the only way to do so is to keep making content for them.

>> No.70727953

Go. Kill. Yourself. No, seriously. You don't have no fucking clue how fucked up it is working in most companies in Japan. Stop fucking defending these shitty corpo refused to even pay their workers. You have no moral. Kill yourself.

>> No.70727989

It's incredibly fucked up, the amount of social pressure in most Asian countries is obscene and Japan is probably only behind South Korea in how bad it gets.

>> No.70727993
File: 51 KB, 354x414, 1709547618418189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70727995

All those memes about how extreme Japan is aren't actually real. The average American works more hours than the average Nip.
The average Belgian kills himself more often than the average Nip. If Japan was a state in the US they wouldn't be the state with the lowest birthrate.

>> No.70728002

She both got her money stolen, and had to pay out of her own pocket, to make them content they own forever. The ultimate cucks are Nijisanji livers.

>> No.70728010
File: 33 KB, 200x162, 1701486642966415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70728131

Nijikeks are as they say.. "Unhinged"

>> No.70728076


>> No.70728081

>Kill yourself
>You have no moral
Lmao my guy is going full schitzo. Take your meds and read up on the actual facts of the matter instead of repeating instagram dramafag nonsense.

>> No.70728085
File: 411 KB, 799x448, image_2024-03-06_143211961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm nijisanji is a vocational school for streaming

>> No.70728096

>this is why Pomu, Nina, and Mysta had to wait 6 months to return to vtubing

>> No.70728131

This is what happens when you pander to chinese sisters. You should kneel every day to coco.

>> No.70728140

She is learning Japanese too meanwhile, and imo, she has the chops for something like that

>> No.70728171

i guess you are been out of the loop then

>> No.70728242
Quoted by: >>70728313

go back sister

>> No.70728246

Are we still pretending Hololive is going to somehow debut a whole gen just for Pomu and within a year of the last gen? It'd be nice for her I guess but there's not a chance they'd have a new gen any time in the next 15 months.

>> No.70728252

isn that why kyo returned on his flesh ch to avoid that bullshit?

>> No.70728260

Hmmm, Pomu joining Hololive would be a pretty problematic thing. I'm sure that everyone at Holo is willing to get her, but I'd be giving an image of "Holo is poaching other company's talents", and I doubt Holo wants that. Things need to calm down first, maybe in 2-3 years.

>> No.70728266

Yeah that's what's weird.
...Or did he just pay the fee?

>> No.70728302
Quoted by: >>70728452

>Hololive can't debut one person in their own wave

>> No.70728313
Quoted by: >>70728383

You can just stay quiet if you have nothing to say kid. You don't have to sperg out you know?

>> No.70728327

who the fuck uses instagram?

>> No.70728340

>Luna exists

>> No.70728383

That is a convoluted way to let me know you are upset, but okay.

>> No.70728416
Quoted by: >>70728587

...Irys you moron.

>> No.70728426

The only problematic thing about Pomu joining Hololive is nijiniggers is going to spread /b/omu everywhere

>> No.70728443
Quoted by: >>70728692

>muh dramafag
You should be killing yourself first. My friend literally killed himself because a fucking corpo refused to pay him salaries for 3 months and basically went bankrupted and fucking pulled out. Fuck you. Fuck you. FUCK YOU. Do you fucking know how hard it is to live in Japan cities without working daily to fucking dead and if you do not obey they'll fucking boot you and you can't fucking sue them because you have no fucking money and they have fucking mobs. Fuck you go out to see Japan and understand how it's got so low birth rate because you don't have fucking time to even have sex working until midnight and don't even have a cut. Like seriously kill yourself

>> No.70728452

Considering how bad their experiences with project hope were, I doubt they're looking for a repeat of that. Pomu is fun and all, but they don't need Pomu, and chucking her in the midst of things just because she became available is rather unlikely and wouldn't be good for either party without some real meme magic.

>> No.70728513

Weird thing to fantasise about but you do you buddy.

>> No.70728587
Quoted by: >>70728649

Yea you tell me they're looking for a repeat of that shitshow anon, she's doing alright now but her start was terrible.

>> No.70728591
Quoted by: >>70728675

NTA but that's pretty hilarious considering how butthurt you are here >>70727953
I could almost hear the crying through my screen.

>> No.70728606

3-4months more dachibros

>> No.70728649
Quoted by: >>70728798

It's fucking Pomu.

>> No.70728675
File: 116 KB, 894x153, Sister missed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Sister

>> No.70728692
Quoted by: >>70728812

>Oh nyoooo muh shitty anecdote!
Sucks for the guy but your rabid sperging isn't selling your bullshit. Try again. And remember you're trying to sell the premise that Elira couldn't say no because she just HAD to stay in Japan which is apparently simultaneously hell on earth. Get the fuck outta here with your nonsense.

>> No.70728798
Quoted by: >>70728942

Yes. And? She's about as big as the smaller side of advent, why the fuck would they get out of their way for that? I'd sooner see them debut UI-mama.

>> No.70728812

>let me keep defending nishitshow company
How much did they pay you?

>> No.70728855

They do it for free, the taste of boot is their favorite tea.

>> No.70728875
File: 2.39 MB, 498x498, amebee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't sign this

>> No.70728930
Quoted by: >>70729064

>Shutting down retard-kun's pathetic attempt to absolve Elira of her responsibility is somehow defending Niji
That's some impressive mental gymnastics anon, but you'll need to do better if you want a podium finish among the sisters.

>> No.70728942
Quoted by: >>70729019

But my libido would not recover from the overdrive...

>> No.70729019

I have some small hope at least, they're doing quite a few collabs and she even showed up in Miko's 3D.

>> No.70729064
Quoted by: >>70729088

You point became shit when you mentioned "Employee protection" which doesn't even apply to most gaijin, legal or not.

>> No.70729088
Quoted by: >>70729386

>Source; my anus

>> No.70729122

Bao got scammed by anycolor?

>> No.70729216
Quoted by: >>70729388

Wouldn't surprise me, at this point who hasn't had a turn scamming Bao
>Bao wants to get fucked
>Gets fucked over instead

>> No.70729341
Quoted by: >>70729500

no, she got scammed while trying to make merch and another incident I don't remember

>> No.70729386
Quoted by: >>70729502

You have never worked in Japan. You have never lived in Japan. You never gone to school in Japan. You lived in fucking apartment, scrolling this shit show, like me. You learned the law but ever fucking understood it. You have never seen the condition of peopld working in most places in Japan. At least I have real life experience. What do you have? Theory assessting?

>> No.70729388

She could’ve just asked me, I’d do it for free.

>> No.70729491

That actually means they knew, for ages. This is some top shelf corporate abuse. They ran a toxic workplace and made them foot the bill for the bad practices. ScamSanji is real.

>> No.70729500
Quoted by: >>70729609

An animation studio that was working on a MV, they went under and kept her $20k+

>> No.70729502
Quoted by: >>70729647

Anon if you hire a foreign employee you still have to follow the laws of their jurisdiction. Toyota cannot open slave plantations on foreign soil.

>> No.70729609

Bao paid a guy who used to work at the animation studio as a manager who ran off with her money.

>> No.70729647

You compare Toyota to a shorthand black company. Are you retarded?

>> No.70729682
Quoted by: >>70729809

Oh look it's a retard who thinks 'example = comparison'. Hooo boy.

>> No.70729709

No shit, Niji has violated the law and would lose if sued, but its just because of their small size its unlikely it is taken to court.

>> No.70729809

In my experience, bootlickers and the religious struggle with hypothetical examples. They always go straight for the literary / orthodox reading.

>> No.70730114
File: 47 KB, 597x517, 1709627616748024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>70730270

Jesus fucking christ. That bit before the termination sections explains everything with Moruru, Roa, Zaion and Selen. It even supports the GURRAT.

>> No.70730270
File: 139 KB, 888x499, Nijisanji Cuck Reservation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a filthy NCR all along

>> No.70730298
Quoted by: >>70730615

Highly unlikely.
The black screen stream undercut literally everything that Riku was talking about in his corporate apology.
No matter if it was just words or not, the CEO did bow his head and apologize to foreigners in a language he's not familiar with.
But all of those points ran counter to the narrative pushed by Elira's stream.
If it was the ESL middle management pushing it, their heads would already be on the floor, and they would know it. So I think it was just Elira pushing for this. And management just gave it the go because they trusted her so far with all the translation of documents and shit.

>> No.70730319

Remember when sayu have to book a recording studio because they NEED a crisp studio level mixer and not just her own home recording. How much was that cost?

>> No.70730615
Quoted by: >>70731047

That is what is so crazy to me. They should have made it a short termination letter, and then left it there. Instead they resorted to what they had done for years, which was sabotaging and destroying former employees to have control over the fallout. Grim shit

>> No.70730910
Quoted by: >>70731072

>free money
Read again sister, if you a bumfuck poorfag who never own a pc they might, MIGHT give you UP to 1300$

>> No.70731047

In my head the situation always happened somewhere along the lines of
>shit hits the fan
>Riku is pissed, doesn't really understand the situation
>"this is your messu, address it now before I dogeza"
>enter black box

>> No.70731072

wew my graphics card alone cost that much

>> No.70731115

Do they at least get paid more than wolf warrior?
