>> | No.70546818 File: 232 KB, 800x446, 1677995360587503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >comfort pippa >lopsided wonky looking tits >one areola has a long hair on it >the other a large boil >the pippits are covered in dark pink wiry tangled hair >slightly alarmed by the strange stench coming from her underwear but force yourself to take them off anyway knowing this may be your only chance to get laid >the gates to hell open revealing mounds of pubic hair with flecks of her own fluids in it >the hair is so unkempt it has started climbing into knots >the smell is that of sour milk and fish >takes everything in your power just to get hard, even with her tugging at it roughly >which is only made worse by her trying to shove her tongue down your throat >you can taste her rotted teeth and empty sockets as she maintains eye contact watching you with that wall eyed stare of hers >the only thing that gets you hard is thinking about sleepy in her swimsuit >finally Pippa mounts you >her vag is dry and emitting a foul stench that gets worse with every thrust of her hips >"lie back and think of Hina..." you say to yourself >imagining how well kempt she is compared to the rabbit who moans like a dying animal >try and force your orgasm but it doesn't work the entire experience is awful and you feel something against your dick >Pippa lies out and let's out a bellowing moan that causes her body to convulse >she slowly dismounts you as pink cum trickles out of this hairy axe wound >"haha I think you popped that vaginal cyst I had anon" >you just know you're going to wake up tomorrow with some strange disease >"oh shit you didn't pop yet huh...hold on I can do this" >does her best to bob her head on your cock >for once all those missing teeth come in handy as it's more like a gumjob than blowjob >you cum in seconds with possibly the best orgasm of your life >but pippa can't swallow it all down despite her best efforts >the disgusting noises this creature makes trying to swallow it all down before choking and puking >a mixture of mountain dew, semen, and potato chips coat your member "sorry anon... I'll work on my swallowing" >she reaches up and gives you a peck on the cheek before disappearing into the bathroom to clean herself up >try to see the bright side in this, you're no longer a virgin >but there's blood, semen, and vomit on you and your bed >hear the shower turn on and get up to join her, maybe some shower fun will make up for this >then hear the toilet seat lift followed by the splashing of her pee >wait until she's done >"HNNNNNN *plop* oh that's awful hope he doesn't come in here..." you hear her say in a hushed voice >just wipe yourself off on the covers and go to put them in the wash